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Arsen's name What means Greek. Origin and character named Arsen. Name Arsen. Value. Autumn Arsen

Name of Arsen: The name for the boy means "mature", "courageous." This affects the character and fate of Arsen.

The origin of the Arsen: Ancient Greek, this is the Western European form name of Arseny.

Reduce form name: Arsenyushka, Arsenya, Senya, Arsic.

What does Arsen mean: The name of Arsen comes from the ancient Greek "Arsen". It translates as "mature". Another meaning of Arsen is "courageous." Historians say that the Word has Greek roots, and it was formed from Greek Arsenios. Very popular among Armenians, Bashkir, Tatars. In Christianity, a patron of seafarers is known - Holy Arseny Konevsky. Good, popular and modern European name Arsen. Arsen is movable not only in youth, but in maturity. However, he has his own glands since childhood, it is able to draw conclusions and looks not developed by year.

Angel Day and Saint Patrons named: Arsen notes a name day several times a year:

  • 1st of February
  • February 19.
  • 28th of February
  • March 13
  • March 15th
  • 12 May
  • May 21st
  • June 25.
  • July 15
  • July 25.
  • August 13
  • 6 September
  • 10 September
  • 12-th of September
  • 10th of November
  • November 19.
  • December 3
  • December 26.

Name name for boy

The Arsen value can be decrypted according to numerology. In this science, the number 5, indicating a spiritually free and independent person who accumulated and acquired experience values \u200b\u200bmore than tips from the part.

The child called Arsen is distinguished by a fitful character, is very shy. Usually possessing the name Arsen grows with a good-natured, soft-hearted person, although not devoid of internal energy. It attaches great importance to communication, but in real friends only determines the elected - those whom he can trust.

Character name to Arsen

Positive features: A man with the name Arsen is quite clear, boasts a philosophical mindset and, perhaps, for this reason, it is easily able to absorb some new knowledge, acquire skills and skills, adapt to a sharp change of circumstances.

Negative features: The name of Arsen brings permanent peaceful anxiety. It constantly pushes a guy to find adventure. A man with this name is binded to risky events, constantly puts all new and new goals - so his life becomes more diverse.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: Arsen - Nature, made by enthusiasm with a kind of energy, and very good when the latter is directed to certain goals and objectives (for example, to work). Even of the most difficult situations, the guy, nameable by Arsen, managed to leave the winner, which is clearly promoted by luck, as well as his cheerfulness and resourcefulness.

Business and Career: For Arsen, have a special value of ambition. Unfortunately, the main problem is that he constantly looks solely into the future and does not take into account what happens to him in the present. Arsen is difficult to assess the real prospects. A man is always asked forward that does not allow to see what is very close.

Talismans Arsena

  • Zodiac Arsena - Taurus, Scales
  • Planet - Venus
  • Green colour
  • Testament Plant Arsen - Barwin
  • Patron - dove, bull
  • Stone Talisman - Emerald

Fate named Arsen

  1. Arsen Meshchersky is an artist who worked in the genre of landscape painting. Known by its works dedicated to Northern and Southern Russia, Caucasus, Crimea
  2. Arseny Greek - Translator, Hieromona. He worked on the translations of Latin and Greek books, was a teacher of the Greek-Latin school
  3. Arseniush Romanovich - Architect of Polish origin
  4. Arsen Vvedensky - Russian Bibliographer, Literary Critic, Literature Histor
  5. Arsen Tarkovsky - Father of the film director Andrei Tarkovsky, Russian translator and poet
  6. Arsen Abrahamov (Krasnokutsky) - composer, musical critic and folkloride
  7. Arseny Golovko - Commander of the Northern Sea Fleet during World War II
  8. Hieromona Arseny - diplomat, Russian writer, church leader, scribe. Known by making several travels to the countries of the East
  9. Arsen d'Asonval - French physicist and physiologist, creator of the method of electro
  10. Arsen Petrosyan - (Row.1991) Armenian footballer, goalkeeper. Armenian national team player.
  11. Arsen is not - (Ry.1981) Ivorian footballer, defender.
  12. Arsen Khubulov - (Ry.1990) Russian footballer, midfielder.
  13. Arsen Mekokishvili - (1912 - 1972) Soviet Wilshnaya Fighter, Olympic Champion, Honored Master of Sport of the USSR (1951).
  14. Arsen Cammaev - (1953 - 2001) Deputy Chairman of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan (1999-2001). Former head of the Novolaksky district of Dagestan.
  15. Arsen Starkov - (1874 - 1927) Russian and Ukrainian biologist, researcher of anatomy and medicine, teacher, founder of the Ukrainian Anatomical School, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Translation name

Translation in different languages, as well as many names, has a little different meaning and sounds a little different. In English translates as Arsen, in Spanish: ARSENIO (ARSENIO), in German: Arsenius (Arsenius), in Polish: Arseniusz (Arseniusch), in Ukrainian: Arseniy.


Value: According to the main version, the name Arsen is pure Greek. It could happen from the Greek word "Arsenios" or "Arsen", which is translated as a "man", "male", "courageous" or "mature". By the way, in Greek, it is considered synonymous with the male name Andrei.

The man's name Arsen appeared in Orthodox and Catholic names for many decades ago, as many names. But being educated many years ago, it still retains its popularity at a high level and even today is often found in the territory of all republics of the disintegration of the USSR ...

Popularity: The name Arsen is not popular among Russian men and is basically popular with representatives of the Armenian diaspora. It takes one of the last positions in the ranking and have only 2-4 boys from 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Arzen, Arseny

Modern English analogs: Arsik, ARS, Arzik

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The boys who patronize the meaning of Arsen, characteristic of such features as impulsiveness, arrogance and narcissism, sociability and aggressiveness. At the same time, in most of the arsen, these are leaders, thirsty of power and respect. They often put themselves above others, argue a lot and often come into conflicts with peers.

It is useless to argue with such. They are uncompromising and principled, never inferior to anyone and until the latter adhere to the personal point of view. But these are crushed with men with a capital letter, unshakable, decisive, but also hot-tempered. And what is equally important is usually successful and talented men, family mans and good fathers.

Advantages and Positive features: Clearance, hard work, perseverance, determination, self-confidence and self-sufficiency, honesty and justice, the ability to solve complex tasks and overcome insurmountable obstacles.

Arsenins do not relate to Traders, lazy people, people with understated self-esteem, insecure in themselves and too compliant men who do not have the birth to women and rudeness.

Interesting about Arsen's name: the name of Arsen is a differential derivative and is usually used as a synonym for such male names as Arseny and Arsente. And what is equally important is the Russian Orthodox male name.

Character name to Arsen

The character of a man who was decided to give a male beautiful name Arsen, too complicated, and precisely because of his Arsen himself and will arise incredible problems in the course of life, moreover, in all aspects without exception.

So, in professional activities, the character of Arsen will interfere with it to advance through the career ladder - the reason is that there is little boss to let the "tops" of such a narcissistic, selfish, pompous and principal person. In relations with women, the character will not allow him to become happy only because of the desire to dominate the lady, who is in love with him. Well, with friends Arsen and at all, it will not be given to believing, as it should be, only because of the presence of such quality as a principle, although arrogance, and the incredulusity and with other shortcomings will also be affected. Arsen is folded as a man and as a man, he will have to be very difficult. Only in one case he can have everything else - if he can overcome himself and its ego, and become a softer, unprincipled, attentive and compliant.

And another character named after Arsen promises the carrier of difficult fate in terms of relationships with parents, and especially with his father. If all the arsen's attitude with the mother can be tolerant, then with the father, on the contrary, for the father always wants to teach his son to something good, while the character of Arsen simply will not allow him to be a real son and blindly believe his father, acting so How he advises.

Early childhood

In early childhood, a boy who patronizes the meaning of the Men's name Arsen, there may be great problems with communication. But not because he is not communal. On the contrary, it is very sociable and friendly. The reason is that Arsen is too arrogant and uncompromising, everything tries to prove and demonstrate their leadership, and never agree with anyone. To prove to Arsen, no one will succeed, he defends his opinion to the last. That is why this boy can have problems with communication - few people will endure his principle, assertiveness, and perseverance. And plus to everything, the boy, who patronizes the meaning of this haul, can also be an excessive desire to be the first in everything that generates mercy, and this is also a big minus.

Value, or rather the energy of the nominal form of Arsen, so strong that it is difficult to get along with it difficult to surround people. Arsen is too hot-tempered, assertive, proper, principled, touchy and capricious. Parents will have to be very difficult. With Arsen will have to constantly be alert. Each word, which is said in his direction, each remark, each action, must be carefully suspended.

Nevertheless, in comparison with the person who will grow from Arsen in the future, all of the above can be called "flowers". In the future, the value can also be addressed by other, more powerful features. Although there may be an exception ...


In adolescence, Arseno becomes an unbearable character at all. The value and energy of this nominal variation is promoting such features as arrogance, arrogance, assertiveness and perseverance, principle and uncompromising, aggressiveness and quick temper, emotionality and implacability in actions, spraying and incredulusity and secrecy. This boy has an exorbitant thrust for power, in childhood he can start to demonstrate all around his superiority and leadership features. At the same time, this boy also has a traction for dominance - he loves to dominate people. But this may not like all, because of what Arsen can be regrettable little friends.

But the value of the rare name of Arsen can also give a huge plus. So, in Arsen, the teenager will certainly dominate such features as good nature, respectfulness, justice, willingness to help others, and honesty. For the sake of demonstrating their own superiority, he can donate many, even with personal interests - defending someone, hung in a difficult matter, he will thus conquer respect and confidence that in turn will affect his personal formation and relationships with that person.

The value is, or rather the energy of this haul, the complex nature is stolen, and this is a fact. But the most difficult of all Arsen will have to school where everyone should follow the rules. Arsen is not like that, and the rules will never be able to follow, which will lead to conflicts with the teaching staff, to failure of school, and to the permanent challenges of the parents.

Adult man

Having matured Arsen, it is at all a unique person. There can be a value of the dominance of such qualities as a recklessness, principle, calcality and mercy, incredible power and hardworking, which few people are endowed in the modern world. If the boy is an arsen just a complex nature, then in an adult it becomes more moderate. And perhaps, so that Arsen, reaching maturity, will be reasonable, calm and measured. With such an almost everyone will be able to blame. True, there is a problem - from their desire to be the leader, the first in the whole, dominant person, Arsen will never refuse. His friends and to his trust, people will have to constantly please him, obey him, obey him.

Important - Adult Arsen will never throw a friend in trouble, will definitely help with advice or affair, in no case will betray. These are rare features, in particular, for such a self-loved man, but he is. So, to the one who will be ready to endure his superiority and leadership is incomprehensible lucky - this is not found anywhere else.

In professional activities, Arsen can achieve incredible success. The meaning of the name he is patronized can endorse its success, successfulness, and a strong purposefulness of such a goal will always achieve the goal and achieve the desired. It is these features and turn Arsen into a leader who can become a leader, and simply by the excellent boss. And the value can be given an adult arsen with a sense of responsibility that will never allow him to deceive or betray subordinates.

Interaction of the character of Arsen with the time of year

Spring is a boy who received a nominal variation of Arsen and born under the auspices of the spring time of the year, this is a practical, but a very selfish guy, thirsty and care, love and tenderness. Throw and touching, but restrained, I will never throw a negative on the surrounding people, even deserving it. With such a can be friends and build relationships, it is positive, but sometimes too unpredictable.

Summer - a summer boy, this is often an aggressive, susceptible, quick-tempered, a capricious person, always looking for all the trick and not trying to put up with the lack of people. But cheerful and communicated, easily finds a common language with new people, with pleasure going to contact. We have all the data in order to become a respected boss or leader.

Autumn - may seem impulsive and aggressive, but in fact it is not so. Inside, in the shower, it is soft and wounded, polite and delicate, and wishes peace and positive. You can easily make friends with such. He will surely support and help if he can. Executive and responsible, disciplined, comes strictly in accordance with generally accepted rules, disinterested.

Winter - And a man born in one of three months, who received the name Arsen, is a fan to be the first, egoist, but moderate and discreet. Exterminated, hardworking, always reaches the goals. Single in kind, prefers lonely pastime and calm, instead of fun and large noisy companies. This does not need fun and adrenaline for happiness.

Fate named Arsen

The fate of the name is not entirely correct, but by many specialists the wording. As for our particular case, so everything is very difficult. Nevertheless, if you focus on the characteristic of the name itself, you can say for sure, the fate of Arsen in relations with the representatives of the opposite sex should be very difficult.

High view about yourself, self-love and egoism, principled and disadvantage, unpretentiousness to obey and the desire to subjugate the soul mate - all these qualities can lead to the fact that the fate of Arsen will be very difficult. There is no every woman to endure this, and the options at the Arsen himself will remain a bit - either it will change and then his fate will change, or he will remain the same, but then the relationship, at least truly strong and durable, he does not see. Although fate, the factor is too unpredictable, and to predict one hundred percent how it works. Quite difficult, especially, focusing solely on the characteristics of the names-forming.

On the other hand, fate depends not only on the characteristics and energy of the name given to man. It all also depends on the nature of its carrier, and from education, and naturally, from compatibility.

Love and marriage

Marriage for Arseny is a very important and responsible step. That is why he will have a long time to choose a soul mate. Moreover, choose and thinking it will not be a heart, but an exceptionally reason. He first need an honest, sincere, fair woman, with a pure soul and heart. If we talk about appearance, then most likely Arsen will pay attention to such a woman, because of which he would have envied. This is the leader in kind, and he likes when they envy him when they admire (in this case, his choice and taste).

In marriage Arsen can be a good husband: caring, responsible, mandatory and punctual, kind and generous. But attentiveness he may not be enough. Most likely, the wife will often offer him due to the fact that he will give her too little attention. But this does not fix it - this is, Arsen.

But Arsen is unlikely to go to betray, deception or betrayal. Yes, and the marriage, he will take care of the Zenitsa Oka, even when the relationship will give a crack. Of course, conflicts and Rugan in marriage Arsen will not be rare, but from this marriage will not be less strong - he will save him, whatever it cost him.

Arsen as father

It is difficult to say what should be the father of the man named Arsen. But with confidence of one hundred percent, it can be said that this dad will experience such father's love for her children, which many and did not dream. Another question will, whether he will show it, will not be hidden?

But Arsen is attentive and caring for children, even more, rather than in his wife. He will pay enough attention, and the upbringing of kids, and their development, and their provision to everything necessary. He will not regret money for them, save or buy, will not be divided. And moreover, it will never allow such that his children did not have something that there are others. For him, this is worse than personal shame.

True, if you focus on prejudice and statistics, the boy Arsen will have to pay much more attention than the girl. Boy, this is the heir, the chance to correct your own mistakes ...

Horoscope named after Arsen


Aries - a boy named Arsen, this zodiac sign can give such features as arrogance, the demandingness to people, intolerance, infractiveness and arrogance. Such often make rapid acts and quarrel, conflict and argue. Friends are regretted little.


Taurus - practical and planned, always acts strictly according to plan and never makes thoughtless actions. It may be hot-tempered and too sensitive, but will never heat the person without a case. With such an easy to be friends and communicate, but it's not worth deceiving and betraying him.


Gemini - boys who are born under the auspices of this sign. Yes, also receiving the name Arsen, it is basically vulnerable and unbalanced guys who prefer loneliness. They are erudite and communicable, but try not to climb anyone - such very fear of infidelity.


Cancer - And this is already a sign of aggressive and demanding arsen, conflict, uncompromising, negative, ever seating around panic and poor mood. If he finds himself a worthy afternoon, it will change to the edge, will become a more tolerant and optimistic person.

a lion

Lev -Eenergic and hardworking, purposeful and solar. Always achieves the goals and does not give up the face of difficulties. Straight and honest, disinterested. Respects only strong people capable of talented, the same as himself.


Virgo - And this is an amateur party and adventure, a positive and optimistic person, thirsting fun to spend time and enjoy life. Non-permanent and unstable, always guides instincts and mood, not created for serious affairs. Demanding to people.


Scales - usually under this sign on the light, Arsen is polite and delicate, balanced, but very demanding and obsessive. With such a can be friends and build relationships, but it should be remembered that it is extremely difficult to please it, and that he will hide their discontent.


Scorpio - impulsive and unpredictable, independent and self-confident, narcissistic egoist. This will be every Arsen, which appeared under the auspices of the sign of Scorpio. A single, leader, a man with an overpriced self-esteem - that's what he is in kind and character.


Sagittarius - executive, mandatory, diligent and hardworking, responsible and friendly, reliable and devoted. This can be a leader and a good leader, a successful careerist, but not too happy man in his personal life. Not a family man, not created for paternity.


Capricorn - and this is already in most cases depressive and melancholic Arsen. This is always something wrong, he is dissatisfied with everyone and sow chaos everywhere. He likes order, clean, harmony. The idealist, thirsting for every person to see perfect. He tries to change everyone, as a result, when it does not work, it goes into my senses.


Aquarius - stubborn and hardworking, always reaches the desired goal and the desired result, capable and talented workaholic. It does not seek power and wealth, and he does not have leadership. It is important for him to feel necessary, important, the best, than the people around him.


Fish - A Arsen born under the sign is usually crushed by a restrained and kind person who need care and attention. It may seem to seem to see that this is a goodness that is not capable of anger, but no - maybe and glance, and his heat is capable of frightening everyone. Does not forgive misconduct, also cruel.

Compatibility with female names

According to experts, the most stable and happy marriage from the Arsen boy can only be built with women called such names as Hell, Tatiana, Larisa and Anastasia. In case of creating such a couple, Arsen will have the opportunity to acquire a real, strong family. Well, if there is a mutual understanding, then Arsen will do everything at all for happiness members of their family, including his wife, and children.

With such as agate, Valery and Inna, Arseny can also have warm trusting relationships, love and romance, but the durability here, as they say, will not even smell. " The reason in the incompatibility of characters and natures, in jealousy, which may arise from the most Arseno, and in the hot spirits of its morals.

But with Alexandra, Angela and Nonaya Arsen, and not even try to build relationships and love. This is a complete incompatibility of both values \u200b\u200band characters, and so energy. Although again, all this is not exactly and is only the theory.

Brief form names of Arsen. Arsik, Arsik.
Synonyms named after Arsen. Arzen, Arseny.
The origin of Arsen. The name of Arsen Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian.

The name of Arsen was formed on behalf of Arsenii and was originally a brief form, which in the future began to be used independently. It is in this form that the name has become widely consumed among Armenians, Tatars and Bashkir. Also, the name of Arsen is used by the French and Czechs.

The name Arsen is interpreted as "courageous", "man", "man", as well as "fearless" and "strong". Steam female name - Arsena. Single analogues will be such names as Andrei and Alexander.

Name Day for the name Arsen is identical to the names for arms. Catholic names - July 19 and December 14, the remaining dates are Orthodox names.

The owner of Arsen's name at first glance seems to be a gentle, quiet and restrained young man, it has an excellent self-control. Nevertheless, it is a strong, decisive and reliable man who seemed to be only created in order to take responsibility. Arsen attracts simple and natural behavior, although he may feel the need to admire them.

Arsen is a hardworking man, to some extent even a perfectionist, an extremely conscientious thing that transfers everything to everything in life - both personal relationships and professional activities. This man is able to lead people, has large organizational skills and is very easy to use them. It is an energetic, inventive, ambitious man, but will move in life slowly, which will mostly be due to its devotional attitude, discipline and perseverance, and not at the expense of its abilities and good luck.

Arsena can be compared with the runner on long distances: he knows that the journey hundreds of miles begins from the first step. This is an honest, noble and conscientious man who can be proud of. However, as it is neither paradoxically, it is capable of treating important things with great patience, especially in the professional sphere, and, on the contrary, it can be completely unstained, sharp in relation to small or household items.

As soon as Arsen decided to deal with the case, he would not be easily handed over. It can not be called the experimenter, it is more inclined to conservatism in approaches and lifestyle.

As a child, Arsen gives little problems to their parents, he is always ready to help and is responsible for his actions. He shows himself an extremely disciplined student, does not seek to fight and defend his rights to fists. He is ready to make big conciliatory efforts to maintain a pleasant relationship with friends, although he may not share their point of view.

In personal relations, Arsen is a particularly demanding partner, he must sincerely admire the chosen passion, and it must fully celebrate all his advantages and merit, which is not always possible, so Arsen is experiencing difficulties, choosing a companion of life, which may be distant from his ideas about The ideal of perfection. Nevertheless, Arsen finds such a girl who shares his family values, because to have children - one of the most nagged things in the life, which he must do in his own life. Arsen becomes a good father, attentive husband.

Arsen's environment can affect the choice of its future profession. He can choose the sphere of medicine, jurisprudence, cultural area (art, design, decoration). He can also take a guiding position related to personal responsibility, for example, in real estate, sports, or cooking.

Name Day Arsena

Arsen celebrates the name of February 1, February 19, February 28, March 13, March 15, May 12, May 21, June 25, July 15, July 19, July 13, August 6, September 10, November 10, November 10, November 10, November 10, November 10, November 10, November 10 November 19, December 3, December 14, December 26th.

Famous people with the name Arsen

  • Arsen Steadzaev ((Row.1962) The Russian wrestler (completed his career), a multiple winner of the championships, the Olympic Games, did not lose any fight for seven years. Currently, the Russian State and Public Affairs.)
  • Arsen Julfalakian ((Row.1987) Armenian wrestler (Greco-Roman wrestling), owner of silver of the 2012 Olympic Games, repeated winner of European and world championships)
  • Arsen Mekokishvili ((1912-1972) Soviet athlete, became the Olympic champion of 1952 to combat free-style style)
  • Arsen D'Asonval ((1851-1940) Full name - Jacques Arsen; French biophysicist, developed the methods of electromotive, developed its experiments a new biology area - biophysics. Patented a galvanometer that does not react to magnets and iron objects.)
  • Arsen Oganesyan ((Row.1990) Russian football player)
  • Arsen KoCow ((1872 - 1944) Soviet Ossetian writer, all his works are full of tragedy)
  • Arsen Avetisyan ((1971 - 2004) Russian and Armenian sculptor, his sculptures are located in St. Petersburg, Zelenogorsk. The most famous - "Circus arrived", "Taxa", "Reflection on a small prince.")
  • Arsen Titov ((Ry.1948) Soviet artist, also a writer)
  • Arsen Gottlieb ((Row.1967) Russian film generator animation and game movies, which were repeatedly awarded awards at various world and Russian film festivals)
  • Arsen Kanokov ((Row.1957) Russian State Avestigator))
  • Arsen Starkov ((1874 - 1927) Russian and Ukrainian biologist, studied the central nervous system, the author of the first biology textbook in the Ukrainian language, began to form an anatomy school at the Institute, where he taught)
  • Arsen Egyazaryan ((Ry.1970) Armenian chess player, Grandmaster 2001, trains the women's national team of Armenia)
  • Arsen Darmsteter ((1846-1888) French philologist, engaged in the restoration of medieval French, also a specialist in Judaism)
  • Arsen Eraliev ((Row.1990) Kyrgyz Forersky Greco-Roman style, participant of the Olympic Games, multiple winner of the youth championships of the world)
  • Arsen Ter-Pogosyan (1875-1938) Armenian military leader)
  • Arsen Ussa (USA, GUSSE, GUSSE) ((1815-1896) French writer, literary critic, poet, author of several books of memoirs that are important for studying policies and literature in the history of the XIX century)
  • Arsen Dedich ((Row.1938) Yugoslavsky, and later the Croatian poet songwriter, the performer of his own songs, chanson. He wrote music to films, musicals, ballet, as well as for performing in the theater and on television. He spoke with concerts not only in Europe, But in North and South America.)
  • Arsen Balabekyan ((Row.1986) Armenian football player)
  • Arsen Khubulov ((Row.1990) Russian football player)
  • Arsen Savadov ((Row.1962) Ukrainian artist (conceptualism, Ukrainian trans isavangard, Nearroco), participant in the Venetian Biennale. Also worked with a photo and video.)
  • Arsenko (Arsen) Arsenko ((1903-1945) Real Surname - Popsuisha; Soviet Belarusian singer (baritone), was the soloist of the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater and Ballet of the BSSR, also a chamber singer)
  • Arsen Bahuk ((Row.1973) Croatian politician)
  • Arsen Tlehugov ((Ry.1976) Russian and Kazakh footballer, Amplua - striker)
  • Arsen Avagyan ((Ry.1961) Armenian statesman)
  • Arsen Malladze ((Row.1955) Georgian politician)

In childhood Arsen is a movable and active child with expressly pronounced stubbornness. It is worth noting a good fantasy of Arsen and his creative thinking. Often Arsen stands out against the background of other boys competently set by speech and it often cuts out the child. The boy then sleeps badly, he falls his appetite and vital tone. The same influences have strong experiences on an adult arsen.

These boys want to do only what they like. Autumn "Arsena repeat the fate of their parents. Winter "- resourceful, bold, but very stubborn, and it complicates their lives. Engage in sports, but without visible results. We hope that our interpretation of the mystery of the Men's name Arsen will help you better understand your character or character of your acquaintances. We suggest you plunge into a sea of \u200b\u200bsecret knowledge and find out what is not only the name of Arsen, but also your zodiac sign, an animal on the Eastern calendar and much more.

Arsen's name in English

Arsen's name for church (in the Orthodox faith) - Arseny.

Drinking, a person is capable of stupid risk and sometimes too dogmatized in his judgments. E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the inclination to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Catisfy is possible. N is a protest sign, the inner force does not take everything, without parsing, a sharp critical mind, interest in health.

The name of Arseny, translated from Greek, means "courage", "man".

The origin of the name of Arseny:

Arseny - the male Russian name of Greek origin.

Four deserve confidence in everything, especially for relations with people close to them. For them, knowledge of the device mechanisms is important, they love science. As the four do not like to fantasize, their ideas are always realistic.

Believes his friends, although they are a bit, and when his friends are next to him, optimism and vigor wake up in the arsenia. Arseny women treat very greatest respect. However, Arseny, if he marries the second time, then more prudently suitable for this issue. For him, marriage is a friendly union of a kind. A wonderful parent, loves his children, especially daughters.

Whoever does not know how and can not do anything, he first climbs to criticize and does it unceremoniously. Well, a wonderful site, places white threads sews, somewhere, where the links died - even if so. No one forbids saying this ...

As a child, Arseny differs in clarity, usually does not create trouble to parents. He is hardly experiencing deception, betrayal from friends, closes in himself, becomes irritable and locked in his own Mirka illusions. Arseny grows with a soft, good-natured person. If the arsenia comes to becoming a boss, then his subordinates are most likely to sit on his neck. The ideal option for arsion will be such professions as a doctor, artist, cook, architect, coach.

By nature, they are not leaders.

Pros and Cons name Arsen

Very kind, he is sorry for all, everyone tries to help. Arsen relates to a woman with great respect. The stability of the marriage is more dependent on it. Arsen must fully trust the spouse, have general attachments with it: to animals, music, books, poems. Materials and information provided on the site in one form or another is information and advisory and cannot be replaced by a full-time consultation with a specialist.

Even if the Arseny does it, the likelihood is high, that in her eyes it will seem clumsy, not able to support the conversation. Arseny is beautifully cautious and sincerely falls in love.

Arsen's name is the Western European form of an Arseny name more familiar to us. The name of Arsen, as well as the name of Arseny, takes in Greece. It turns out that the most likely value of the name of Arseny is "courageous", but some experts do not agree with it.

Reductantly mascara names

The origin of the Arsen originates from the ancient Greek word ἀρσενικός - "Male". However, if the name of Arseny is more common in Christians, then Arsen - Muslims.

This name will suit the boy born under the zodiac sign of twins or scales. Gemini (May 21 - 21) are similar to Arsenne inconsistency, some nervous energy and selfishness. Under the auspices of this sign, Arsen will be a cute and funny person who are not deprived of such qualities of their inner world of qualities as impermanence, audacity, dislike for routine. In family relations, Arsen is often not lucky, because not all women can withstand his failure and desire to hang all their concerns on others.

Arsen's name, origin and meaning of Arsen, fate

Etimalogia.Arsen is the name of Armenian, meaning the sun-generated. Arsen is the connection of two Armenian, individual words - Ageg + Tsnund.

In this case, the meaning of Arsen is "courageous", "mature". Subsequently, on behalf of Arsen, the female name of the arsenia was formed. It is also known that the name of the Arsen name was a brief form of the Arseniya, after which it began to be used independently. The character of the Arsen name: The Arsen name can be decrypted according to numerology. Arsen's name in other countries: the translation of Arsen's name in different languages \u200b\u200bhas a little different meaning and sounds a little differently.

This name is ideal for boys who were born in the first half of summer. So people manage to combine the power of character with kindness and mentality. Summer Arsenines are affectionate sons, and as a result - caring husbands and fathers. Could be expected to be a friendship, but betrayal will not forgive under any circumstances. In childhood, such boys have many friends, as the arsen adults are perfectly understood with whom you should not support communication. Arsen, who was born in the fall, is a hot-tempered narcissistic egoist. If parents are able to direct such a child in the right direction, then it is possible that he will find himself in creativity - recognition of his success is for the autumn Arsena incentive to self-improvement.

The male name Arsen has a richest history. The naming of Arseny, in turn, came to the system of world imaginary from ancient Greece and translated into Russian it is interpreted as "mature, courageous." In France, Armenia, Bulgaria and Serbia "People's" option of this name became the name of Arsen, in addition, it was in this form that the name settled in some Muslim states. It is believed that the owner of the naming of Arsen copes together with the media names of Arseny.

Spring "is often not limited to one marriage or repeat the fate of their parents. Despite the natural love of music, Arseny will barely make it his profession. This trait of the character is inherent in all of all creative personalities, even if their genius did not have time to reveal. In communion, you should not make fun over the arsion, it is so easier to destroy the relationship. If a derivative of Arsen chooses, it will become solid and decisive, but there is a danger to be degenerated.

Congenital Arseny - Music. Nevertheless, Arseny can turn their lives and confirm the meaning of his name! At the same time, he will not take revenge for those who knock him down from the road, because it is huge to the generosity. He is injured and sensitive, in nature, is not even a leader. Successes reaches more often in his imagination, which is so violently developed that sometimes replaces reality to him. This is generally the property of all people with creative imagination, even the farewell creators. People whose name begins on "a", quite hard work.

This male name bestows its owner by force and courage. The meaning of Arsen for the boy in the early years has a special effect on the kid. The meaning of Arsen for the child in adolescence is balance, deepening in their own interests. Student at school, he finds a passion for himself, with whom his future is subsequently connected.

In love and heavyhood is what Arsen is firstly manifested. The meaning of the name, the nature of this man is such that he chooses the girls who embody the woman's entire archetype. The name of Arsen, the value of which is incomparably great personal life, naturally imposes an imprint and on the family. As a rule, Arsen early comes into marriage. And usually quickly divorces. As for children, Arsen simply adores them. Does not show Arsen also special interest in his beloved parents.

Arsen's name is quite popular in many countries. The history of origin and, accordingly, the meaning of the Arsen, has several versions. It is possible, it is Greek, and the value of αρσένιος - "Mature, courageous". Perhaps it has Armenian roots, and translated from this language means "stork" or "noble warrior" - here opinions are also diverged. But the fact that the name is unusually popular among the eastern peoples is a fact.

Whose nationality actually belongs to the name Arsen - the question remains open, because so the boys are called with Tatars, and Bashkir, and Georgians, which there is a foundation - is unknown. But the value in these cases is interpreted somewhat differently - strong, fearless, there is still one opinion - the accumulator. In English, the name is written ARSEN. It is consonant with him, but these are separate independent names.

Little sequence almost with a diaper manifests his male character. Iron not know how to control your feelings and desires, the boy demonstrates the inconsistency and explicit desire is always and in all of being the first. He is friendly and friendly, but only until there is a disagreement for any reason, and for any occasion. The child does not compromise, persistently demanding anything or defending his point of view. In addition, he is incredibly touching, and in such a state of peaks.

The name of Arsen means that his owner at school age will give a quick-tempered, unnecessarily an emotional boy who is very highly appreciated by his own person, reading himself better than others, is trying to become a leader - formal and informal. However, the boy will never refuse to peers in help, and he respect him for it, although his friends have a little.

Senya is oppressed by school rules, he considers himself above all this, which is why conflicts with teachers periodically arise with teachers, parents in this sad question are quite often called to school.

The complexity of the adolescent period will quickly rise. Adult ARS, learned to cope with his emotions, will be much tolerated to relate to people, it will not prove it commemorate And to be offended by the difference in opinions. But the desire for leadership will remain. A man will be a reliable friend, the faithful companion to the one who understands and tolerates him is quite complex.

Arsen does not want to sentimental, often manifests the arrogance, and it looks rude - not every girl will endure it

If everything is clearly clear with men's friends, then with the beautiful floor of the Azera, problems may arise. He does not want to sentimental, often manifested, and it looks rude - not every girl will endure it. Moreover, being quite in love, Senya and will be happy to show tenderness and attention, but it is difficult for him to turn his own nature.

The relationships with parents will be quite complex, or, most likely, with the Father, who will try to instill the Son flexibility, a softer attitude towards people, especially close.

The effect of year of birth

  • If the boy named Arsen Born in winterThis means that he has pronounced the desire for leadership. He is incredibly hardworking, the systematic sets the goals and is just as planned. By nature is a single.
  • "Spring" Senya is quite practical, but loves attention to others. Very touchy, but knows how to show his true feelings. Different unpredictability of mood and actions.

  • Owner of this name, born in summer, unnecessarily hot and even aggressive. But he gets well with people, knows how to support workers and friendships. Does not trust anyone, except for himself.
  • Senya, born in autumnIf it looks unnecessary impulsive, in fact, quite a soft man. Good friend, very responsible and punctual.

Name name for health

Physical health and a small sense, and in an adult, strong enough, which cannot be said about his nervous system. Emotional overloads may adversely affect his mental state.. Arsu must be playing sports, not professionally, but for myself.

Arsen Eraliev - Kyrgyz Wrestler

Name of name for marriage and family

The name Arsen denotes that the marriages will have more than one. And not because the man has a complex character, but because the severity of feelings is passed, and Senya, despite the fact that his wife is associated with his wife and even children, without special remorse, the conscience is divorced to marry soon again.

If you are lucky, and the man will meet that in which he fell in love with the hell and forever, he will make it unconditionally happy.

A man refers to his children with love and attention, even if he does not live with their mother. Senya loves at home to be cozy and calmFor him it is a resting place, only here he can relax, forget about problems at work.

Singer Arsen Mirzoyan with his second wife Tona Matvienko

Name Name for Career and Hobbies

Such traits of nature as calculating, perseverance, the ability to make decisions in critical situations, a man will be very useful to build a career. His suitable profession of a lawyer, doctor, designer, very successful career of the military and in the field of economy. The possibility of successful business is not excluded.

The most desired holiday for Seni is a trip to nature with family and friends. Collecting icons, coins, vintage books are welcome from hobbies.

Name Day: 1, February 19; 13, March 15; May 21st; June 25; July 19; August 13; 6, 12 September; 10th of November; December 26th.

Famous media names

  • Arsen Mekokishvili - Soviet wrestler;
  • Arsen Gotlib - Russian film generator;

Arsen Gotlib

  • Arsen Egyazaryan - Armenian chess player;
  • Arsen Darmsteter - French philologist;
  • Arsen Eraliev - Kyrgyz fighter;

Arsen Egyazaryan

  • Arsen Usse - French writer;
  • Arsen Dedic - Yugoslav, Croatian poet songwriter;
  • Arsen Mirzoyan - Ukrainian singer.