Repairs Design Furniture

How to clear the chimney from the soot by people and chemical means without disassembling: an overview of methods and means for cleaning. How to clear the chimney with your own hands: Choose, the better to clean the chimney and a suitable way to clean the chimney from the soot by folk remedies

There is no smoke without fire, as well as without soot and other products of incomplete combustion, which settle on the walls of the chimney. Chimney heating is not one millennium and during this time people have accumulated more than a dozen ways to clean chimneys. Once there was a belief that the meeting with a carby system brings good luck. This profession was honored and in demand. Nowadays, a lot of funds have been created for mechanical and chemical removal of soot. Using them, the owner of the household can perform all work independently.

Why the chimney clogs

The combustion is a complex physico-chemical process, during which a rapid reaction of oxidation of combustible substances occurs with the release of a large amount of heat. The initial substance that served as a fuel, as a result of the combustion disintegrates on the fraction. Most enters the split gaseous state and rushes along the chimney, creating cravings. Together with gases in the smoke pipe, particles of unburned substances are stripped, which are deposited in the form of soot and the raid.

Incomplete combustion occurs for two reasons:

  • not all substances are flammable;
  • due to lack of oxygen, without which the burning is impossible.

Soot is a carbon in amorphous state. In the chimney of the soot mixes with oils and resins contained in the wood, and it becomes a touch of oily. This mixture is fuel itself. When fireing the soot, its flame reaches temperatures above 1000 o C. Only this reason is enough to regularly clean the entire chimney path.

From a flame in a pipe to a fire in the house one step

In addition, soot clogs the lumen, which is why the thrust decreases. For this reason, burning is worse and heat generation in the furnace falls. Worse, a narrow clearance can create a feedback effect when incomplete combustion products begin to go inside the heated room. This is fraught not only by fire, but also the danger of people poisoning carbon monoxide.

The first signs that the chimney requires cleaning, appear long before obvious negative consequences. It should be alert if:

  • there is a change in the color of smoke from the pipe with transparent or white to dark;
  • it is noticed that instead of a net fire with merry crackling of coals appear dark languages \u200b\u200bof the flame with a smoke of the furnace;
  • people with developed hearing will feel a change in the tonality of the buzz in the chimney.

Often in the design of the chimney there are inspection windows with plugs, they are called revisions, through them you can check the state of the chimney. In the absence of revisions, the old Dedovsky way is suitable: the brick descend on the rope into the chimney. With a strong zode, the brick will start staring. By how the rope weakens and again stretches with jerks, you can feel the state of the chimney. Modern advanced homeowners use a camcorder on a flexible cable.

The scoring chimney is the risk factor and the threat of fire safety. Such a furnace cannot be operated until the chimney will pass complete cleaning.

How to clean the chimney pipe in a private house

Any method is good when the lumen in the chimney is restored, after which the burning in the furnace or in the fireplace occurs with the maximum heat transfer.

You can adjust professional chickens, but the work itself does not represent difficulties. In the presence of free time and simple inventory, self-cleaning will save the family budget, give the skill and understanding how the furnace heating is functioning.

Chemical methods cleaning

Industrial chemistry comes to help. Homeowner's efforts are reduced to buying a product and refueling it into the furnace according to the instructions.

Typically, chemical reagents are added directly during the burning of firewood. Combining pleasant with useful. The chemical helper under the influence of high temperature decomposes with the separation of active components that convert the amorphous carbon black in solid fractions, losing the grip with the chimney walls and sprinkled in the furnace. They are then removed with the ashes.

The following chimproducts use popularity:

  1. An antipagaric chemical composition (PCC) is produced in the form of a powder and is strictly dosed. When packing into paper bags, the packaging does not open. One bag laid along with firewood. There are options for plastic containers to which spoons of dispensers are applied. Usually 200 Gy powder is calculated on 1 ton of fuel. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions.
  2. The Czech chimney system "comrinics" is also failed in sachet-sachet at 14 gr each. One bag is enough for a fireplace or oven, two - for a central heating boiler. Layout every two weeks.
  3. Called is a briquette of coal dust and sawdust, mixed with active chemicals. Released by many manufacturers and differ in size, weighing and shape. You can lay together with firewood or separately.

Chemical cleaning is effective as prophylaxis and at a layer of soot to 2 mm. It cannot be completely replaced by mechanical cleaning.

Photo Gallery: Chemicals Chimney Cleaning

Inside the package 20 gram packages 80 g in one package The powder comes with a spoon-dispenser effective remedy against the deposits of creosote

Video: Poultry

Mechanical cleaning

There are traditional sets of professional tubes - weights, brushes, scrapers and rams on chains and flexible cables. They do not belong to the goods of mass demand, so they are acquired in specialized stores or order directly from manufacturers. The modern industry also offers complex devices for large volumes of work: vacuum cleaners, vacuum installations, flue and ventilation channels, sharp steam generators.

The chipper is captured on a coin in 1 lat

The technique of work is easy, the main thing is to remove the accumulated soot and other layers of incomplete combustion products. A pipeline rises to the roof, where with the help of cables (chains), she sharply lowers in the chimney of girches with the hero. Yersh is knocked out soot, it crepts into the furnace. Additionally, scrapers and brushes on long flexible poles are used. If in the chimney there are holes for revision, which are in normal condition closed with dampers, they are also used for cleaning and inspection. In the fireplaces and in some types of furnaces or boilers, there is the possibility of partial penetration into the chimney from the side of the furnace.

In the absence of special tools in the household, you can do with appliant means. The chain will suit anyone, it will easily be replaced by a sanitary cable, a hose or a solid rope. Instead of weights, ties old barn castle, dumbbell, plastic sand bottle, stone in a stocking. Metallic Yursh will not quickly do, but the same bottle of plastic will help.

Video: Cleaning of a plastic bottle

If you create a powerful traction in the chimney, then the soot will rush up the pipe naturally. Folk masters use vacuum cleaners, fans, chainsaws and grinders. True, this method is not always practical, as black smoke clubs rushed into the atmosphere, and the soot falls on the household plot and to the neighbors. In this case, reasonable caution and coordination is required.

Devices capable of creating a sharp shake inside the chimney give a good effect on the collapse of soot. They even go to the pen.

Video: Cleaning the chimney with Petardians

Having soaked with fire

For chimneys from refractory bricks, dry firewood from alder and aspen are used. They quickly burn with a flame temperature up to 1100 per C. At such a temperature, there is a complete burnout of the soot. The method is old, but in our time it is rarely practiced due to restrictions on the rules of fire safety.

Procedure Next:

  1. Collect aspen and ohlhovy firewood and they are well dried.
  2. Clean the furnace from coal and ash, fully loaded with prepared wood and produce ignition.
  3. The fire fights are ready.
  4. During the combustion, an invariating from the chimney is controlled and a random roof fire or nearby buildings occur with the sparks.
  5. If necessary, get the firebox again and repeat the ignition.
  6. Work is considered to be completed if white flakes fly out of the pipe and the characteristic buzz from burning soot will cease.

This method found its development using other means of burning soot. Gasoline, diesel fuel, naphthalene was used. But it is better not to risk and not experiment. Such combustible substances are not safe, their pairs are capable of a volume explosion. He will demolish not only soot, but also the whole chimney.

Folk remedies

Who's first applied potato cleaning, it is unknown, the method is truly popular and appeared as a side effect of burning in the furnace of household garbage.

It was noted that after the combustion of potato cleaning, the soot rolled out of the chimney into the firebox, from where it is removed along with the ash. The case, of course, is not in cleaning, but the starch contained in potatoes. It was the starch so goodly binds and shares South.

Optional to use precisely. The potatoes itself will come true if it is in excess and requires disposal. As well as other products rich in starch, which must be soaked before use. These are legumes - peas, soybeans, beans, lentils and cereals - corn, buckwheat, rice. Or directly clean starch.

From a practical point of view, potato cleaning is the most profitable material. All the same they are thrown out. It is enough to accumulate about the bucket and pour out into the exhausted oven to get a wonderful result.

In addition to starch, from what is always at hand, you can use a table salt and food soda. They also affect South, helping her to fall.

Folk remedies belong to prophylactic, allowing to reduce chimney blockage. The most qualitative result gives the same old good mechanical cleaning.

Gilm in chimney

It has long been noticed that the best thrust gives pipes of oval shape, and the soot is less deposited on smooth glossy surfaces.

Brick masonry, which is most often used for the construction of chimneys, is deprived of such advantages. From here, the idea of \u200b\u200bpipes in the pipe appeared, especially when the industry began to offer in a tube set and elements of a galvanized tin, stainless steel and ceramics. In the future, the appearance of pipes from heat-resistant plastic, not decomposing at high temperatures.

The gylvan chimney is a design in which the outer part is made of brick or concrete as an architectural element for decor and protect the inner chimney - sleeves.

Gilled chimney - smoke trumpet in a closed mine

The advantage of the guilt is obvious:

  • improvement of thrust and reduction of sazhenaculation;
  • heat saving;
  • condensate discharge, excluding the formation inside the chimney of an aggressive acid or alkaline medium;
  • reducing heat load on brickwork;
  • simplification of cleaning and revision of the chimney.

Since the sleeve consists of collecting-collapsible elements, its installation, maintenance, replacement of defective parts do not require attracting qualified repairmen.

Stainless steel is considered the most chassis for the guilllection. Ceramics in itself is good, but only for an individual project. Material and work will be very expensive. You can use galvanized tin, it is cheaper than "stainless steel", however, the service life will be less and there is always a risk that tin will not stand and prohibit.

An even greater effect can be obtained from pipes and elements of the compound made in the form of a sandwich, that is, two-layer with an insulating non-combustible material inside, for example, mineral wool.

Video: Pipe Citizens

When erecting a new chimney, the pipe sleeve is done simultaneously with the masonry. More difficult when the chimney has already been built and was in operation. But this is not an insurmountable obstacle, because individual parts of the system are manufactured just for installation inside the brick or concrete mines. The guilllection is performed as follows:

  1. The mechanical cleaning of chimneys and its revision is performed.
  2. The possibility of passing the sleeve from the peak of the chimney to the furnace is determined.
  3. When there are no bends that prevent the free pushing of the sleeve in the chimney, it is collected, with the elements, and gradually lowered into the chimney to the furnace.
  4. During work, caution is recommended to accidentally do not drop the insufficient sleeve. This can significantly impede further assembly.
  5. The sleeve has flexibility that allows you to pass uncomplicated bends. In the event of a jo, you can try to approach the bend from the side of the furnace. Movement of elements and gradual pushing upstairs.
  6. If you do not manage to go bend, then a partial disassembly of the chimney is produced in a problem place. You can knock out several bricks or make a process cutout that provides access to the connection.
  7. In the bends of the pipe, the compound is performed by such elements as the knee or removal.

The sleeve is fixed with clamps, an apron and fungus protect the chimney and a sleeve from atmospheric precipitation are installed on top. Installation from the furnace should ensure the removal of combustion products through the system of index, excluding their chimney entering the mine.

The elements of the challenges are made in such a way that they are tightly included in the other and firmly hold the form. Dimensions are standard, it makes it easier to replace individual parts or modifying if necessary to rebuild chimney.

The focus in the form of a fireplace or an oven is not only a means of heating the room, but also creates a unique comfort in the house. However, the use of fire inevitably generates the need for a chimney maintenance. There are chemical and mechanical cleaning facilities. And besides them, there are folk remedies tested by centuries. Each method is good in its own way, but with certain restrictions. The use of them in the complex allows you to exploit the stove heating system with the greatest return.

Self removing a blockage in pipes at home - the task is not so complicated, as it seems at first glance. To do this, you can try to take advantage of both folk methods and specialized chemicals.

On the most effective ways to get rid of blockages and will be discussed in our material.

Vomor in the pipe is a fairly common problem, encountered with which you should not panic and look for a plumbing phone number. Very often you can cope with it on your own, saving time and money.

Before cleaning the pipes, it is important to understand exactly where the plug was formed. This directly affects the choice of a way to solve the problem.

To determine the approximate location of the cloud, open the water and see how it will "leave":

  • Water decreases very slowly - Most likely, the plug is at a distance of more than a meter from the drain. With such a problem, the most optimal method will be the use of a special metal cable.
  • Water decreases to a certain levelAnd then everything remains unchanged - the plot is located on the site from the siphon to the first turn. In this case, it will be enough to use either folk methods or chemicals.
  • Liquid does not leave at all - In 90% of cases, a siphon is covered with fatty sediments. The optimal option to cope with pollution will be manual cleaning of the pipeline.

These are the most common ways to identify the place where the problem was formed.

After you find out exactly where the blockage was formed, you can proceed to eliminate it.

Popular folk ways

Method No. 6 - Salt and Soda

To dissolve the fat traffic jam, use Soda and Salt. Take each component of 300 g, mix and dissolve in hot water - it is necessary to obtain a strongly concentrated solution. It is important to achieve the complete dissolution of the components.

Pour the mixture into the drain and wait 15 minutes and turn the water briefly. If the first time is not able to cope with the problem, make the procedure again. Only this time, in the finished composition additionally add 15-20 ml of vinegar.

Method No. 7 - Tablets "Alka-Zeltzer"

Instead of soda and salt, you can use the epipherable tablets "Alka-Zeltzer". They have repeatedly proved their effectiveness.

To remove the traffic jam, you will need to take 2 tablets and put in the drain. Pour the tablets with a glass of vinegar and 50 ml of water. Leave everything for a couple of minutes, and then rinse with hot water.

Please note that Alka-Seltzer tablets are sold in conventional pharmacies. They are available at the price and are released without a recipe.

Method number 8 - washing powder

In the struggle with weak pollution and the prevention of lobes of mistress use washing powder. Agree, he will definitely be in every home.

It is important to use granular, not liquid, washing powder to combat clouds. Only the first option will help effectively solve the problem.

It takes the number of 2 dimensional spoons and falling asleep in stock. Next turns on hot running water for 5 minutes. After this time, the cork must disappear.

Turn to chemicals

If there is no time for experiments with folk remedies, you can use specialized mixtures that are sold in any supermarket in the department of household chemicals. They are available at a price and are characterized by high efficiency.

Radical solution solutions

When the blockage fails to eliminate with the help of folk remedies and chemicals, it is worth trying to cope with it using mechanical methods.

Option number 1 - Vacuum cleaner

You can use the vacuum cleaner to combat a blockage. However, the device must have a blowback function. If you are the owner of this technique, then first wrap the end of the device's hose with a loose cloth. It is very important to fix it perfectly.

Tightly lean the hose to the drain hole and turn on the vacuum cleaner to the maximum. Powerful air flow pouches the cork formed in the pipe.

The use of a vacuum cleaner is effectively when the problem is at a distance of no more than 1 meter from the drain hole.

Option number 2 - Vanutuz

For pumping drain drain, use vanatus, which can be manual or mechanical. This device is probably found in every home. It helps to create a strong pressure inside the pipe, due to which the blockage is broken or pumping deeper.

During pumping, move the tubes back and forth, without taking the cup from the drain. Make a few approaches, and then remove the baths and appreciate the performance. If the liquid comes slowly, you will have to repeat everything first.

Before working with vehicles, it is advisable to lubricate its edges with solidol or vaseline. Then there will be more dense contact with the sink.

Option number 3 - Sanitary cable

When the plug was formed on pipe bends or far in communications, a plumbing cable is used. With it, you can hook and pull the blockage or clear it.

The process of cleaning pipes with a cable begins with a siphon dismantling. Do not attempt to work with a straight line through the plumbing plumbing hole. Only removing the siphon, you will get free access to sewage.

By installing the cable into the pipe, start screwing it clockwise, trying to slowly push forward. Act smoothly and gradually, avoiding sharp movements.

Having met resistance, turn the device until it continues to move. After that, you can put the siphon in place and rinse the system.

Not everyone has a plumbing cable, but if desired, it can be bought at any plumbing store.

In addition, you can build this device with your own hands from a plastic bottle and girlfriend.

The instruction is as follows:

  1. Plust from top to bottom bottle with scotch strips so that it turns out a spiral.
  2. Draw along the border of the sticky ribbon line with a color marker.
  3. Cut the bottle marks made.
  4. Leave the donyshko necessarily - it will act as a handle.
  5. According to the resulting spirals, make small insane.
  6. Insert the homemade cable into the drain and push it slowly keeping the "handle". Due to the inspections, the garbage will be cling to it, thus it will be possible to overcome the plug.

This device is suitable only for traffic jams that are not too far from the siphon.

For blocks at high depth, steel wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm is used. One of her end is cocked.

Option number 4 - disassembly and cleaning of the siphon

As mentioned, at the beginning of the article, in 90% of cases, water does not pass further the sinks due to clogging of the siphon.

The cleaning procedure passes as follows:

  • Estate an unnecessary rag on the floor, well absorbing water. It must be straightforward under the siphon.
  • Put the pelvis under the sink, in which the liquid will continue to merge.
  • Remove the shutter nut fixing the siphon tube.
  • Remove the siphon. Remove all pollution from it (it is convenient to do with the heroic), and then rinse well under running water.
  • Fill into the pipe connected to the sewer, the solution based on soda and vinegar. When the reaction is completed, additionally pour another 150 ml of vinegar. Repeat this procedure several times.
  • After 15-20 minutes, pour a few liters of hot water into the pipe and wait 5 minutes.
  • Install the siphon in place and tighten the shutter nut.

As a rule, if you adhere to the given instructions, it will be possible to cope with the blocking from the first time.

Prevention of blockage

The most frequent cause of the sewage zero is fat. It gradually accumulates on the walls of the pipes after washing the dishes, especially if you wash it in cold water or use not too high-quality detergent.

The best prevention is the installation. It is a small design with two sections, which is attached to the washing. The principle of his work is that at first water with particles of pollution and fat falls into the first department of the device, where the liquid is cleaned of garbage.

In the second section of the construction, water is cleaned of fat and only after that enters the sewer pipes, which ensures the trouble-free operation of the water supply.

Once a week, use a solution of vinegar and soda as prevention. This simple way will not only save your stool tubes, but also prevents the emergence of unpleasant odors.

Pump prevention also implies a number of other measures. Before washing, remove the particles of nagwed food from the dishes. It is important to avoid the fall of food residues into the sewer. Naply on the pipes, they are in the future become the cause of all problems with sewage.

Also, do not pour into the sewer fat left after cooking - it must be disposed of separately, otherwise there are no problems with the clouds.

Get yourself for the rule, do not throw hair into the toilet hair with combs, paper, various items. Additionally, install a special protective grid on the drain.

Once every 2 weeks, turn on the hot water with full pressure for 1-2 hours. Also, regularly use vests.

At least 1 time per month, use one of the specialized funds that are sold in household chemical departments. This simple prevention will help forget about traffic jams.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Modern ways to cope with clouds in the pipes:

The main types of sewage sewers at home:

Elimination of the break with your own hands is possible with the help of different ways - it all depends on what exactly caused such a problem, at what distance from the drain is a plug.

In any case, to cope with the blockage yourself, for everyone. In the future, it should be resorted to preventive measures to avoid re-emergence of such a problem.

Perhaps you know other effective ways to eliminate blocks in the pipes? Please tell our readers about them. Leave your comments below the block below.

Overestimate the value of the chimney for optimal operation of the thermal unit is difficult. The main task of this device is the withdrawal of combustion products from the furnace to the atmosphere. At the same time, the following tasks should be solved;

  1. Getting uniform during the day of the thermal regime in the house.
  2. The optimal mode of combustion of fuel taking into account its economical spending.
  3. High-quality removal of combustion products from the furnace and the prevention of their getting into the residential zone of the building.

The solution of this trice problem is ensured by the right constructive solution of the thermal unit itself and its quality maintenance during operation.

An important role is given to the chimney. The effectiveness of this device is determined by several important factors:

  1. The correct selection of sections and the size of the chimney. With a square or rectangular shape of the pipe, the flue gases, which rises up the helix, forms stagnant zones in the corners. They are formed by plaque Say in the first place. The channel size should be one and a half times larger in the furnace, the minimum dimensions of the square smoke channel are 140x140 millimeters, and the round sequence area should be at least than square in the specified sizes. The total length of the chimney is needed more than 5 meters. The length of the horizontal site is allowed not more than one meter.

To improve the thrust in the smoke channel of a square or rectangular section, inserts are often installed, which to some extent reduces the formation of soot.

  1. The material from which the chimney is arranged. In this case, two factors have a value - the quality of the inner surface of the smoke channel and the thermal conductivity of the material from which it is manufactured. In the first case, the effect of irregularities, in addition to the reduction of the flow rate, affects the ability to precipitate soot. The high thermal conductivity of the pipe material contributes to the rapid cooling of the furnace gases, and consequently to increased condensation and sedimentation of the soot on the wall.

  1. The level of thermal loss during operation. The insufficiency of thrust in the chimney adversely affects the degree of combustion of fuel, which leads to enhanced planting of the smoke channel. And sunbathing soot in the pipe is often tantamount to natural disaster.

The aggregate and interaction of the above factors and determines the success of the smoke system.

We intentionally omit a number of rules and important factors of the chimney device, concentrating the reader's attention precisely for the causes and consequences of the formation of the particulate aircraft.

What is soot and how it is formed

Saya is a fuel combustion product. It is contained in flue gases in the form of fine unburned particles. In addition, it contains water vapor from moisture contained in fuel, carbon monoxide (CO2) and other fuel oxidation products. At high temperatures, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which there are already a pair of hydrogen and coal acids.

Hot smoke condenses on the inner surface, in the form of an oily bad smelling fluid. It includes solid not burnt substances, in consequence of which condensate condensate over time turns into a resilnese precipitate. In case of non-compliance with a number of rules for using the thermal unit, this precipitate accumulates rather quickly, reducing the cross-section of the chimney until its complete closure.

It should be noted that certain conditions are needed for condensation. One of them is the temperature at which it starts. There is even a term for this - "dew point". Obviously, when having heated the chimney, it will spread above in the chimney channel.

There may be such a situation when the "dew point" will be outside the chimney, and condensation occurs already in the open space. It suggests that the conclusion is suggested that it is impossible to avoid the formation of soot on the walls of the chimney. But the correctly arranged furnace gas removal system significantly increases the frequency of cleaning.

About the prevention of the chimney pipe

In the process of development, the heating systems became increasingly perfect. Some techniques have been developed experimentally, allowing to significantly reduce soot formation, such as:

  1. Hearth chimney. This is performed in the following ways: plastering the surface of brick pipes; The shelter of the outer surface with various rolled or slave insulation with the subsequent installation of protection from a foil film, metal sheet and other materials; Use for a smoke-free device of special insulated blocks with ceramic pipes; Protective devices for sheltering the outlet of the chimney from garbage and nesting birds; The use of two-layer "sandwich pipes" from metal with a layer of insulation.

The goal of all these activities is to create conditions for the rapid warm-up of the smoke channel, as a result of which the dew point in the process rises above, up to the surrounding environment.

  1. The greatest amount of soot is formed on the bends of the chimney, so in the design you need to use no more than one knee with an extreme need to change its direction.
  2. When the chimney device is mandatory, the internal surface shall be made in order to reduce the number of irregularities that contribute to the deposition of soot.
  3. Use with the furnace of chemical or biological methods for cleaning the inner surface of chimneys.

Chemical methods cleaning

What to protrude the oven to clean the chimney? These substances can be attributed as follows:

  1. Naphthalene. It is made on the surface of fuel well preheated oven. At the same time, naphthalene evaporates, and its pairs destroy the holistic layer of the scene. It is made in the form of flakes into the atmosphere. The disadvantage of the method is the unpleasant smell of this drug remaining indoors. Therefore, it is not used to clean pipes where an open source of ignition is used (for example, a fireplace).

  1. Made with its own hands from simple and affordable ingredients a mixture of blue. Read the composition:
    • 1/5 copper vigor;
    • 1/7 Selitras;
    • 1/2 Coke of the middle fraction.

The mixture is brought into a well-warmed firebox. Evaporation products as well as in the first case are destroyed by a layer of soot leaving with smoke gases outside. The amount of mixture introduced for one cleaners is about 20 grams, the periodicity of use is 1-2 times a month. The furnace door after making the mixture you need to cover tightly.

  1. To combat soot deposits, firewood is used from aspen, which are entered into the maximum preheated furnace in the amount of 1-2 lanes of the medium size. The combustion temperature of such firewood is higher than that of the usually used fuel, and minor sediments are burned right during the firebox. With significant deposits, this method does not apply to not provoke a fire. It is recommended to produce regularly with a couple of times in 7 days.

  1. Shell from walnut. Its combustion also occurs at a large temperature and the principle of operation is the same in the previous case. One-time dose of the shell must be no more than three liters.

  1. Salt stone. It is brought into the furnace when the furnace is ignited in the amount of 1-2 spoors. The evaporation from it softens the layer of soot in the pipe, which peels off the walls and falls into the drive.
  2. Potato peelings. They are used by entering into the furnace in an amount of up to 5 kilograms in a dry form. Couples starch effectively softening soot, and it falls off from the walls of the pipe literally to pieces. The means is used as accumulated.

It can also be used to clean the chimney starch in the amount of one spoon on the furnace.

  1. Chemical substance to protect chimneys. They are manufactured in the industry purposefully for the protection of flue pipes from Nagara and Soota. Forms of release are different from imitation of wood or briquettes to powder or liquid compositions. We indicate some of them most popular:
    • "Pulling is a pipeline." It is performed as a small size of briquettes. It consists of ammonium sulfate, phosphorus oxide, coal wax, and other chemically active components may also be present. For the heating season, it is enough to use 1-2 full, to maintain the chimney in good condition. The tool eliminates the formation of soot in the furnace, and the old nagar is breaking and removed from the walls. Release form - briquettes for chimney cleaning. Not to be confused with a facility-clean-rubbing agent, which is also an effective tool - cleaner.

    • "Comineek" - powder substance, contains 5 bags of 15 grams in one package. The basis is copper chloride, which contributes to the flameless combustion of Gary and Sopot at a small temperature without flame. It is recommended to use at a thickness of a nagar layer no more than 2 millimeters. When applying, it is necessary to carefully air the room.

    • Anti-barbecue chemical composition - (PCC). The tool is burned directly in the bags in the furnace. You need about 200 grams. by 1 tons of fire.

Facilities for removing Nagar are presented in stores in a wide range, and you can always choose the appropriate option for any situation.

When using purchased tools from planting smoke pipes, it is necessary to fully implement the manufacturer's recommendations, especially in terms of safety requirements.

Mechanical methods of cleaning from soot

This is usually cardinal intervention and it is produced at least once a year at the beginning of the heating season. This is caused by the need not only to remove the soot layer, but also a garbage caused by the wind. And sometimes you have to get the bird nests that appeared during the downtime of the thermal unit.

Cleaning mechanically produced on top of pipes using various tools and devices, both manually and using drives from electric drills or chainsaws.

If the lumen of the pipe is strongly clogged with soot, the initial breakdown needs to be produced by a clean core to collapse in Nagar, and then continue with brushes and brushes to pure walls.

Before starting work, it is desirable to protrude the furnace with potato cleaning or starch for softening soot. After cooling the furnace, its surface must be covered with a wet web to eliminate the seas in the room when it is collapsed if it happens - the cleaning of the room will take more than one month. You also need to close the windshield tightly and pissed, and the Sewber open completely.

Works need to be done using roofing staircase, if necessary, to establish a fencing. Before lifting to height, it is impossible to take potent drugs. Alcohol intake is eliminated categorically. Otherwise, the pipeline risks his health.

All work needs to be performed with dry windless weather in the bright time of the day.

Watch video - Easy cleaning method

During the production of chimney cleaning, the following materials and tools are used:

  1. ERS for cleaning the lumen of the chimney. It can be made of plastic or metal with a size of 1.5-2 times larger channel size.
  2. A flexible cable with a handle for rotation (similar to the sanitary), as well as a sufficiently durable rope.
  3. Rigid brush with bristles from synthetic material on a long handle. It is necessary to provide for its additional extension, because we remember that the length of the chimney is at least 5 meters.
  4. Metal cargo, in classic design in the form of a bowl. It is trained to the rope below the brush. The size of the ball is selected no more than half of the size of the chimney.
  5. Metal scraper to remove sugared soot stains.

Cleaning work should be carried out in the following order:

  1. Cleaning begins using the cargo with the hero. The primary punching of the internal lumen is produced. When performing this operation, the device cannot be swinging so as not to damage the walls of the chimney.
  2. With a thick layer of Nagar first, it is better to work with a metal scraper to remove protrusions and spots of soot.
  3. Clean cleaning must be performed with a brush with rigid bristles.
  4. Further, the ovens with open fireboxes can be removed from the bottom, removing the soot through the heatpace. The walls are cleaned with a brush with a long pile, at the end, cleaning the chimney with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Currently, a vacuum chimney purifier appeared on the market. His dignity consists in high-quality cleaning. For the price is a tool for professionals.

If, by virtue of some reasons, it did not have a hash of the desired size, it can be made on a plastic bottle. For this, its walls are cut vertically on a strip of 15-20 millimeters wide in such a way that they are rejected by vertical. Such a home-made tool works no worse than standard.

When cleaning the chimney with chainsaw it is used as a drive for the traditional tool

Features of the cleaning of stainless steel pipe

Such chimneys are characterized by high quality of the inner surface. This property allows condensate freely to drain down into the condensate collector, from where it is periodically drained and disposed. The lack of condensate prevents the formation of soot. But Nagar, for various reasons, still forms and need to be cleaned. This is as follows:

  1. Through the hole in the tee in the pipes, a round brush on a flexible shaft is started. Nagar is cleaned by rotating the brush from the electric drill. As the drive shaft is promoted, the length is increasing in length to clean the pipe along the entire length.
  2. When sustained in Naigar, cleaning can be burning with a soldering lamp. To do this, it needs to dismantle the chimney and burn it. At a temperature of 800-900 degrees sufficient for the target, even the colors of victories will not appear on a high-quality stainless pipe.
  3. At the end of purification, the chimney is desirable to warm up to lead the dew point beyond the chimney.

The described option is suitable only for an austenitic class stainless steel. If you sold pipes made of steel ferrite or half-improverite class, they will most likely not have the necessary operational qualities. Determine the correspondence is simple - normal stainless steel is not magnetic.

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The need to clean the inner surface of the pipe sandwich arises not often - the condensate follows it properly. But if you suddenly need to make this procedure, then you need to use an elongated cylindrical brush on a flexible drive cable resulting rotation from the electric motor.

You can also disassemble chimney and clean each pipe separately.

Cleaning chimney from smiling sediments

Some types of fuel form viscous components from condensate and hard-threshable creature components. It is very difficult to fight them, but it is difficult to clean.

To reduce the likelihood of formation of such precipitation, the chemical preparation "HANSA" is used, which is a crystalline substance. It has a complex composition, one part of which contributes to the decomposition of wood on the resin and water vapor, and the second - decomposes the resin on the lego growing components that are also burned here. Previously postponed resin spots on the walls of the chimney are also decomposed on small crystals and shivened in the furnace.

Hansa is loaded into the burning fire. At the beginning of the heating period, it should be used daily, then periodically. Details on packaging.

Clearance of curved chimney from soot

Setting the smoke with a bend is the last solution to which it is worth contacting. This is mainly the feature of the house design. Cleaning the knee of the pipe is not difficult if it was concerned in the installation of observation luchkov during installation.

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Through them, the pipe can be cleared without much difficulty. However, arrange more than two knees on one chimney undesirable. Installing the tricks for cleaning must be mandatory.

Cleaning the chimney of the gas boiler or column

The reason for the execution of such an operation will be reduced traction. This is a considerable danger, especially when it comes to adaptation in an apartment building. In such a situation, danger is not only inhabitants of one apartment.

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Determine the reduction of thrust will not be a pipe. The signal can be a slamming of the lobby. Cleaning the chimney of the gas column is similar to the cleaning of a conventional chimney.

As a result of the long use of heating furnaces, gas boilers, etc., a number of rules aimed at the efficient use of heat devices were developed naturally. The main ones are:

  • It is not recommended to use for the firewood stove of the firewood of resinous wood, such as pine, spruce and other similar, as well as raw. In this case, there is an intensive formation of soot and resins.
  • The furnace can not be imparted by trimming of composite materials, including plywood, chipboard, OSP, organity and other similarities. The composite materials used in their manufacture are actively clogged with chimney by hardwood precipitation on the walls.
  • When using stone coal as fuel (for most structural furnaces, it is suitable) It is necessary to choose the correctly of its variety. One of the best is the anthracite fraction of the "nut", which does not release a large number of particulate components. A good fuel is metallurgical coke. It is made from high-grade anthracite by burning in coke batteries. At the same time, all the harmful elements burn out, so coal burns smoothly and hot. The disadvantage is difficult fire. Therefore, it is better to use a mixture of coke and anthracite. The cheapest and "harmful" fuel of this class are the grade of gas coal ("combustion"). They burn faster and distinguish a large number of planning components. Well burns and highlights little soot briquetted coal
  • In solid fuel stoves, it is categorically not recommended to use household garbage as fuel, especially plastic. When the garbage is intimidated by the guarantee of the rapid formation of the particulate sediments on the walls of the pipe.
  • When installing the chimney channel, it is necessary to clearly comply with the requirements that provide maximum traction. This, first of all, refers to the rules for installing pipes in height.

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and operational qualities. Now knowing than to turn to clean the chimney, it is easy to contain it in working condition at least during the heating season. But cleaning at its beginning of the heating season is still a real and inevitable need. However, success to you!


To clean the chimney pipe in a private house, you need to know some nuances, otherwise you risk damaging the design and waste to spend time by completing this time-consuming work poor quality. If you are standing before choosing between chemical and mechanical cleaning - boldly choose mechanical, as it is much more efficient. If necessary, contact a specialist.

The flooding of the chimney occurs for a variety of reasons. Often the culprit may be hitting a foreign subject in the pipe. For example, birds or other animals that bring nesting material with them completely blocking chim response. Excessive accumulation of soot (the natural side product of the combustion process) can also cause clogging. Finally, a large number of leaves, branches and other garbage can block the chimney.

Sometimes incorrect design during construction can cause further frequent blocks. This is the most difficult reason for eliminating the reason, since in most cases it will not be able to get rid of it, and the appeal to qualified specialists can cost considerable money. Often, a complete dismantling of the furnace or a fireplace is necessary for the complete elimination of the problem in order to build a new firebox and smoke systems. If you do not have the appropriate experience and you do not know how to clear the chimney, in no case try to do it yourself.

Than dangerous Saleg

During the combustion of wood or coal, amorphous carbon (soot) containing small particles of solid is formed. Soam appears when hot particles interact with cold air, which leads to condensation. Since this process takes place in the air inside your home, soot is almost not visible, until it starts to settle on the walls and other surfaces in the form of black raid.

When interacting with moisture indoors, the soot can significantly worsen the quality of the water, damage the houseplants and make the ambient air unsuitable for breathing.
Long staying with an increased soot content in the air can cause ischemic heart disease, asthma, bronchitis and many other respiratory diseases.

The most dangerous influence of Gar has on people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, increasing the risk of a heart attack.

If there are newborn children in a contaminated room, it can affect the development of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

The danger of carbon monoxide poisoning is the main problem when it comes to heating the premises using wood or coal.

Folk ways of contactless cleaning

Note - contactless cleaning eliminates the problem only for a while. If you have any difficult cleaning, use the services of professionals.

The people often apply the following methods for fighting soot and Gary:

  • Burning potato peel together with firewood;
  • Room in a bag of a bag filled with brick;
  • Using pine wood for cleaning chimney.

Remember that none of these methods is a reliable cleaning method and does not guarantee a proper degree of security. The best ways are mechanical or chemical cleaning. In some cases, you can combine several options if your design allows.

Cleaning chemicals

Sodium chloride

Sodium chloride, also known as the cook salt, is a simple chemical that is easy to find. Place a little salt into the fire until it burns. Salt will begin to interact with water in burning wood, which will create a weak acid that moves up the chimney and solvent a small amount of soot. Use this method with caution. Do not use sodium chloride if you have a metallic chimney, since when interacting with the metal, the acid will cause corrosion.

Media sulfate

When choosing an industrial flue gas purifier, one of the most efficient ingredients is copper sulfate. This material is chemically interacting with soot and contributes to its combustion at a lower temperature than usual. Like a cook salt, copper sulfate together with water creates sulfur or sulfuric acid, which can damage the inner part of your smoke tube.

While chemical cleaners can prevent cluster of soot, the only way to efficiently get rid of the zoom is manually cleaning the inside of the pipe with a special brush. Chemical cleaning products should never be the only purification method. In addition, excessive use of chemicals can damage the chimney, especially smoke pipes with metal facing, which will significantly reduce their service life. Before using any chemical cleaning agent, carefully read the instructions for avoiding a fire. If the chimney works incorrectly and smoke backs back, in no case do not use chemicals, as it can threaten you serious poisoning.

Mechanical cleaning of chimney

Mechanical cleaning of the chimney with their own hands is a very time-consuming task that requires considerable strength and time. There are four general cleaning methods. Some of them require the presence of more than one person, but all four methods include a set of one and the same tools.

To clean the chimney, you will need:

  • ERS for cleaning the chimney;
  • Rods for chimney, cable and traction rings (depending on the method);
  • Pipe plug;
  • Fabric for flooring and furniture;
  • Tape;
  • Mirror;
  • Metal bucket;
  • Shovel and broom;
  • Flashlight;
  • Protective mask / glasses;
  • Stairs.

Measure the width of the chimney before purchasing a special rod to choose the right size.

In no case do not save on the quality of consumables. It can affect both the quality of cleaning and the integrity of your design.

Basic mechanical cleaning methods

  • Top-down rod method. To perform this method of cleaning, it is necessary to be on the roof. Insert the brush into the hole to clean the inner walls by lifting and lowering the brush several times. The brush must be connected to flexible metal rods to increase the length of the brush when driving on the chimney. Use this cleanup method if you want to avoid sazhes on the furniture and walls in the house. It is recommended to close the furnace in order to absolutely avoid the seashes from the chimney walls on things in the residential room.
  • Rod method "Bottom-up". This method is similar to the previous one, but it is necessary to be in the house for cleaning, and not on the roof, working with a rod below. It is much safer, since you do not need to climb a roof, but in this case it is impossible to avoid sage and dust on things in your home. To significantly reduce pollution, use tarpaulin to protect furniture from excess Gary.

  • Cleaning with additional cargo. This cleaning is recommended to be carried out on the same algorithm as the method of the terminal "top-down", but instead of using a smoke brush to flexible metal rods, it is necessary to attach the rope, traction rings and cargo. Add the rings to the end of the rope and any cargo at least 9 kilograms, then lift and lower this design into the chimney from the roof. Do not forget to close the furnace in the house so that the dust does not hit the interior items.
  • Double line method.This method needs to participate two people. Skip the rope through your brush (use the tensioning ring to hold, if necessary). One person takes a brush and a rope on the roof and, holding in one end, lowers the setting down the pipe. A man in the house captures the other end of the rope. Everyone takes turn pulls the rope to carefully clean the smoke. Be prepared for a rich amount of dust in the house after the procedure performed. Be sure to use tarpaulin or any other fabric to cover the floor and furniture.

Step-by-step manual manual

  1. Prepare a cloth for collecting dust and bed it in front of the fireplace of the fireplace (furnace).
  2. Put the mask and gloves.
  3. Carefully light the pipe with a flashlight to accurately determine its size.
  4. Make sure your scrachk for cleaning at least slightly exceeds the length of your smoke.
  5. Position over the fireplace tarpaulin or old unnecessary sheet. Use for these purposes a refractory ribbon to avoid incidents with a flame (especially if instead of the flashlight you use a torch or a candle).
  6. Pump the YORS up the chimney, if necessary, turning it inside.
  7. Repeat this process until you reach the peak of the chimney.
  8. Take a look at the chimney using a flashlight. If the walls are still contaminated, repeat the previous procedure again.
  9. Use hair dryer hair dryer. Direct the heat source for about 8 minutes.
  10. Light in the furnace of a small piece of paper in the furnace to check the quality of the work done. If smoke rises up, and not returns back, then cleaning is performed successfully. Otherwise, you can repeat the previous steps.
  11. To make sure the integrity of your pipe, ask someone to look outside on how smoke comes out. If smoke comes out of several holes, most likely the chimney is damaged. In this case, do not try to do anything yourself, but consult a qualified specialist in order to avoid fire.
  12. If everything went successfully, remove all the dust and harness from the furnace with a vacuum cleaner.
  13. This procedure must be carried out at least once every other month.
  • During cleaning, wear clothes, which is not sorry to throw away after completion, since you have a rather dirty and dusty work;
  • Measure the width of the chimney before buying a special rod to choose the right size. If the rumble is too large, it can be stuck during cleaning;
  • Do not use water for dilution of fire, as it can deform the metal smoke pipe;
  • You can make the ERR to clean the chimney with its own hands using steel cables, unnecessary wire and metal cargo. Make sure you use the weight weighing at least 8 - 9 kilograms.

Checking the quality of cleaning

The easiest way to check is to shift the flashlight into the chimney. If you do not detect gray, brown or black cloth on its walls, it means that cleaning is performed qualitatively. The absence of unpleasant smell during burning firewood also suggests that there are no harmful substances in the chimney. During the work of cleaning, it is possible to hit foreign objects into the chimney (for example, a piece of rope, fibers with a brush and other consumables). Before the risi of firewood and the first check carefully make sure that the chimney is free from extraneous garbage.

If you have suspicion that the chimney was damaged during cleaning, in no case use it to a preliminary inspection. Perform a thorough check yourself or invite a specialist.

Remember - if the diagnosis or cleaning is made incorrectly, it is not recommended to use such a chimney in the near future.

Adhere to the following advice to avoid clusters of soot:

  • Regularly check the chimney for the presence of blockages, refer to the specialists if necessary;
  • Do not burn cellophane, foil and other foreign objects in the furnace;
  • Make sure that the entire system from the furnace to the chimney is correctly installed;
  • Make sure the ignition is that all wood is sufficient;
  • Choose a suitable furnace size or fireplace for your room;
  • Make sure the fire is fully fascinated before bedtime or are going to leave the room;
  • If your oven is located in the country, and you do not use her for a long time, do not forget to close the pipe with a cap-plug during your absence.

Prices for professional pipeline systems

If you use your fireplace more than four times a week, you will need to clean the chimney on a regular basis. This is one of the most important factors that determine the cost of a pipeline service, as the more often your fireplace or oven is used, the greater the blockage is formed on the chimney walls.

In order for cleaning to be as efficient as possible, it is desirable to make cleaning both from the house and from the roof.

If you use a fireplace for many years and cleaning never produced, the cost of services of a specialist can be much more expensive than any subsequent cleaning, since the multi-year blocking is very difficult to remove.

Approximate prices for pipeline

Prices may differ depending on your region. The table below presents prices in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Chemical cleaning specialists are not conducted and strictly not recommended for self-use. For an additional fee, the specialist can advise you in how to clean the chimney pipe in a private house independently.

Always remember that even with proper care you will not be able to avoid pollution of the chimney, it is just a matter of time. Clean the cleaning once a few months to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning and unpleasant odor in the room. Despite the apparent efficiency of home and the use of chemicals, nothing will replace high-quality mechanical cleaning.

Previously, when the furnace heating was in all houses, there was no problems with cleaner chimney. The head of the family knew exactly how and when to clean it, and the profession of the chipper was in great honor.

Over time, the boilers pushed out the stoves, and today only a few can guess why the fire stops burning, and during the crossing smoke does not go out. But the biggest problem is not even in this - but in the fact that carbon monoxide, without passing through a polluted pipe, begins to concentrate in the room, which creates a direct threat to the life and health of households. In order for you to avoid such problems, we will tell you how to clean the chimney from soot at home and why it is completely contaminated.

Why the chimney is clogged

To begin, it is necessary to understand that any chimney is clogged for long exploitation, even manufactured by technology and from the right materials. In any case, it is necessary at least 1 time in 1-3 years, depending on the intensity of operation, clean the chimney.

Much more often than the soot accumulates in the depths of the chimney pipe due to disruption of the design or manufacturing technology. For example, you can allocate the following main reasons:

  • incorrect laying of pipes and residues of a masonry solution on the inside;
  • disruptive operation of the furnace or fireplace;
  • chimney is made of poor-quality material;
  • the absence of a protective umbrella on the chimney, in connection with which the birds are flying into it, garbage, foliage, etc.;
  • violation of the lumen of the chimney pipe.

Incorrect operation of the furnace or fireplace means the use of firewood with high resin concentrations as fuel or combustion of "chemical" garbage - polyethylene, plastic, rubber.

  • Often, the reason for the rapid clogging of the chimney pipe is the poor-quality material that was used in the masonry - both brick and a masonry solution. This leads to chips dropping parts that are stuck in chimney and so on.
  • The narrowing of the lumen of the chimney pipe caused by both the causes and several in the aggregate disrupts the craving during the ignition, does not give smoke to outward, increases the heating time of the chimney walls.

If you celebrate such signs, it's time to clean the chimney pipe. In addition to the fact that, as previously said, the carbon monoxide accumulates in the room, with an increase in soot deposits, at some point they light up, and the fire begins.

How to remove South

Of course, there are narrow specialists in the labor market, which can be cleaned with various chemical and mechanical methods, but the price of their services is quite high. On average, the tariff depends on the type of heating device (oven, bath oven, fireplace or barbell) and ranges from 9 to 12 thousand rubles per once service. It is clear that it is much cheaper to figure out how to clean the chimney from soot at home, and not to apply a crushing blow to the family budget.

The simplest household methods for cleaning the chimney

Potato peelings

Oddly enough, but this is an excellent tool in the fight against small (.) Sad sediments.

By itself, potatoes does not remove soot from the pipe, but softens it, which makes it possible to quickly and easily consider it a mechanical way.

For this method, pre-prepare 0.5 buckets of dry potato cleaning or finely chopped potatoes, also pre-dry. When firewood bargain and remain smoldering coals, throw potato cleanings on them. Burning, they allocate pairs of starch, which softens South to an acceptable state.


It is rather a prophylactic method that is recommended to be used every time the fireplace or oven is becoming inciting. The salt is poured on the burning firewood and the highlighted chemical elements prevent the sedimentation of soot on the chimney walls. Of course, over time, it still settles, but not in such quantities and not so viscous.


You can purchase a special carbon black in the store for the liveshchers or use birch firewood. If there is an opportunity, you can buy aspen lamps, they have the same effect.

With birch lanes, it is necessary to remove the bark.

These firewood in a short time increase the temperature in the furnace to the maximum, after which the soot breaks just in the shreds. This is a good way, but requires constant presence of a person. If the soot accumulated enough, such a powerful fire from aspen or birch is quite capable of falling. Do not be lazy and stay next to the fireplace all the time until the firewood bargain.

Chemical Say Cleaning Methods

These are much more efficient ways to fight even with significant soot deposits.

There are the following proven effective preparations:

  • The mixture of nitrate, copper sulfate and coke in equal parts. The composition is poured on glowing coals, during combustion there is a number of chemical elements provoking the shower of a significant amount of soot.

Maximum dosage - 200 grams of the finished composition.

  • PCC (anti-chain chemical composition) is a very effective composition to combat the soot that need to be burned right in the package.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the instructions - the effect of the drug is so strong that even cracking the chimney pipe can provoke. It is strictly forbidden to break the dosage.

  • Cominickek - Czech drug to combat a small layer of seashet (2-3 mm). One packaging is enough for cleaning the standard chimney for 2-3 months. With regular operation of the furnace or the fireplace, it is recommended to use the composition at least 3 times a year.

The active substance is copper chlorine CUCL2, so during use it is necessary to arrange a very good draft in the room and, if possible, not attend it.

  • Polyse-chipper - natural birch or aspen is full, additionally impregnated with CUCL2. Burning, it distinguishes a number of chemical elements provoking the detachment of the currotic precipitate - consistent sediments.

Considering that these drugs are also not cheap, to use them is not more often than 1 time per year or two. It is much easier and cheaper to take a row of preventive measures and clean the pipe mechanically.

Methods of mechanical cleaning of chimney

The tools needed for such work, you buy only once, therefore, in the future, this method will not be costly.

So you will need:

In addition to the main tools, you will need a respirator, dense woven gloves and safety glasses.

All furnaces are cleaning from above, and fireplaces - from below.

Cleaning the furnace, including a bath, is carried out as before soapy with a tar from under milk. Neat ring movements scrape the soot that falls on the bottom of the well. Pick the tool depending on the channel thickness. Initially, you can burn firewood with a false salt or potato cleaning to soften soot and facilitate work. After use the rams or brushes and, as needed, a make-up or baccor.

Choose a sunny glambled day for cleaning events. Be sure to secure yourself near the pipe to eliminate the risk of injury.

The fireplace is cleaned mainly with rigid brushes with long handles from below.

Be sure after the pipe is cleaned, clean the bottom of the well - the whole soot that fell off from the walls, inappropriate by the poker and the scroll and throw away.

Conclusion, reviews, tips

Independent cleansing of chimney from soot and Nagara is not such a complex lesson, as it may seem first. Yes, this is a long process, especially if she did not come across this. The most important thing is to take a number of preventive measures in time, and alternately use the methods mentioned earlier. The optimal time for cleaning is the early autumn, when there are still dots.

Thank you for told how to clean the chimney from soot at home, and even in detail. And how to understand that cleaning is already needed? I have wood stove.

How to clean the chimney from soot at home by folk remedies: photo and video

The average price tag for a professional carpillary service is 9-12 thousand rubles. It is cheaper to figure out how to clean the chimney from soot at home, and do it with minimal cost.

How to clean the chimney

Heating at home, cottages or baths rarely costs without a furnace or boiler. For active winters, this equipment is optimal: can produce the required amount of heat. But the ovens and boilers require maintenance and one of the obligatory procedures is the cleaning of the chimney.

Why chimney overgrown soot

The process of combustion of fuel is the process of oxidation, and for this you need oxygen and high temperature. If at least one of these conditions is not performed, soot appears - this is the result of insufficient carbon oxidation. Externally, the availability of soot can be determined by the color of smoke - if it is black, it means it contains particles of soot, but most of it settles in chimney, especially in places of turns.

Now a little about what can cause active formation of soot:

  • Raw firewood. If you throw into the fire, unusted firewood, they will dry first. It takes a lot of energy, which is strongly knocking down the temperature in the furnace. We get underwritten carbon, a large cloud of black smoke and, after some time the use of raw fuels will have a scored chimney.

The use of raw wood leads to the accumulation of a seas

The rate of gradation of the chimney of the soot also depends on the grade of firewood. Smoliest fir and pine in this regard are not the best choice, but they don't have the opportunity to drown an expensive oak or other deciduous rocks. In any case, you can take care that the firewood is dry. To do this, it is worth building a wrengtrier who is for 2-3 years to be placed in it. It is possible to use the most sustained and dried lamps, and let the fresh let them come to the condition.

Than you can clean the chimney from soot

There are three ways to clean the chimney:

Chimney cleaning with a pipeline

  • Mechanical. The chimney is shoved by the ERR, with which they are knocked down from the walls. The lack of a method - you need to have access to the pipe, which is not always simple. It is not all able to climb on the roof, and flexible rods and access are required to clean up. Another unpleasant moment: all the contents are referred to down, you will have to collect it and endure, and then wash the furnace or fireplace from soot for a long time. Therefore, before the start of cleaning, put some container into which everything will be poured.
  • Chemical cleaning of chimney - powders and briquettes (lamps). When the system dispels the powder pour into the fire, the lamps are put under the furnace. The substances contained in them soften South, it gradually flies into the pipe, but can fall down and clog the passage at all. So these tools are better to apply for the prevention, when the soot are still a little.
  • Folk methods. The problem of overgrowing chimneys of the soot is not Nova and our ancestors were able to cope with it without chemistry. There were, of course, choppers, but they worked in cities, and the services out of cost a lot. Nevertheless, they coped with the problem, and very simple means - salt or potato cleaning.

There is another cardinal solution - go to firefighters and call specialists. They are no longer called pipelines, but perform the same functions, however, by other means. The decision is not bad, they know their work, as the soot is explosive, the tolerance just to whom do not give. The only minus is the cost of such services.

Mechanical means for cleaning chimneys

Cleaning the chimney with the help of heres was used in centuries, they are now. At the end of a long elastic and flexible cable, a brush-eers is tied. Diameter - individually under the size of the chimney. Under the hero, a small metal ball can be tied - in order to down the gun goes easier. This design is lowered into the smoke tube, raise, lower and raise and raise again. So until the passage is clear. Everything works simply - bristles knocking out soot from the pipe.


Such a chimney cleaning has one feature: if there is a good traction, most of the inmagned soot crashes into the pipe. Therefore, firstly, it is necessary to be attached to not fall from the roof from an involuntary movement, secondly, put on safety glasses and a respirator. Also the gloves will not hurt, but they need the cable to not wound his hands.

If you decide to make a hero to clean the chimney yourself, at the bottom, hang the ball, and the centering. Giri or wrenches are not suitable - sooner or later they become a throttle in chimney. You will be lucky if the tool can be removed without pating the pipe.

Below you can hang a ball

Not always the chimney such that it can be cleaned from above - a sandwich tube can rise a few meters above the roof. You will not stick the staircase to her, you will not pick up any other way. In this case, the chimney is cleaned below. For this there are rams on flexible rods. Fragments of the rod are connected one with another, the ERS is moving along the pipe. In this case, the portion of the soot is also carried out with a burden, but the part loses down and it should also be considered. Professional chippers are used to collect special vacuum cleaners (not domestic, as the soot is explosive), during self-cleaning it is necessary to collect it manually.

Cleaning the chimney from below

If you have a fireplace, everything is simple - access is free, but if it is a boiler or a bath oven, it's more difficult. If the chimney has a glass for collecting condensate, removing it, you can easily run the eRS into the pipe. If there are no revisions, you will have to try to get to the pipe through the furnace. If it is impossible, you have to disassemble the chimney. Then it is better to immediately remake it, putting a tee with a glass.

Chemical cleaning agents

Clean the chimney with the help of chemicals can be not yet too clogged. If the pipe is brick, these tools help make mechanical cleaning more rare. As an independent agent can be used for ceramic chimneys or stainless steel made. All these powders or is full to remove soot from the pipe - prophylactic. Clear the chimney from a large amount of soot managed not always. There have been cases when the soot powder saved after burning clogged the chimney tightly. It was necessary to take the Yers and clean manually.

Despite these disadvantages, the funds are used and that is why: when processing is softened and the soha, which is located in a boiler, a bath furnace or in smoke canals. Thrink them manually - a little pleasure, and regular use is not bad with the problem.

Cleaning tools from chimneys from soot in stores abound, but here are the most popular:

  • Comuniches This is a drug Czech production. Packaging contains paper bags with granules packaged in them. This means for removing the soot lay in a well-warmed furnace without breaking the bag. Whole paper bag is laying on firewood, it is not necessary to break off the remedy. According to reviews it works fine. Whole is the most effective soot layer no more than 2 mm - cleans the chimney to pure walls.

Powder for cleaning chimneys "comicones"

Pulled to clean the smokers

After using all chemicals, the room must be ventilated, the oven or fireplace is cleaned. Please note that after processing the soot can be painted a couple of days - the remains fly away.

People's methods for cleaning the chimney

The easiest way to prevent the formation of soot is to protrude the already preheated oven also aspen firewood. They burn a very hot flame, soot burning in chimney. The action is effective, but dangerous - if the soot have accumulated a lot, when ignited it explodes and can break the pipe.

Lay a couple of flights with the oven protest and the prophylactic chimney cleaning from soot made

There are safer folk remedies with whom cleaning chimney and are effective and safe. In the melted and well-heated furnace add half a kilogram of salt or near the bucket of potato cleaning. Cleaning is better to dry or add raw little by little - so as not to bring down the temperature in the furnace. The action is approximately as used by chemicals, only a little softer - soot flies from the pipe of another three.

Chimney cleaning: methods, funds, folk methods

What methods are carried out cleaning the chimney, as the procedure occurs, which there are ways to clean the smoke pipe from soot, how to use them.

How and how to clean the chimney: master class and 3 secrets from the carp

The performance of the wood furnace or the fireplace is directly interconnected with the purity of the chimney pipe. There are situations where the lack of dry logs makes the owners of private houses to drown wet wood. Due to the incomplete combustion of the tree, the residues of the soot are distributed through the walls of the chimney. Over time, the block becomes impassable for hot air. To avoid such problems, a contract with serving chimney company is concluded. However, to save money, the chimney cleaning is proposed with their own hands.

To reduce the number of cleaning procedures during the operation of the furnace, it is sufficient to use the heating device. It is not recommended to burn domestic waste and fresh logs. It is necessary to constantly clean up from ash, periodically clean the intermediate blockage of soot pipes through special revisions of the chimney. With the quality of other types of fuel, exclusively high-quality products are used as other fuels. In compliance with such elementary rules of use, the cleaning of the chimney will be carried out more than once a year. Remember, if smoking the stove is the time to clean the chimney.

Why clean the smoke pipe

The combustion products used in the heating device are distinguished by residual nagar, transformed over time to the accumulated Sail. Hot air flows push these substances out through the chimney, however, in parallel, some of them settles on the walls of the removal for smoke. In the process of operation of the furnace, the amount of soot is summed up and an irresistible barrier layer is created. Such neglect leads to the following consequences:

  • The chimney tread tube decreases in the flow diameter, as a result of which the amount of thrust decreases.
  • Suits - the result of a chemical combustion reaction. Consequently, the accumulation on the walls does not most effect on the wear of the chimney.
  • The heat capacity of the pipe decreases, and together with it the efficiency of the heating device.
  • As a consequence of a blockage - chops.
  • The risk of fire inside the removal for smoke rises.

Good traction

This is a primary task for any heating device. High thrust indicators guarantee a quick heating of the furnace. The accumulation of soot on the walls of the chimney reduces the diameter of the tap tube, which significantly reduces the traction indicators. Another negative effect is the chimney base causes partial penetration of smoke through the furnace back to the room.

Safety during operation

The heating device operates at high temperature conditions, which with the same effect is reflected in the chimney pipe. Therefore, with an invalid cluster of the amount of soot, the risk of ignition of the chimney appears.

When a chimney breaks, the total effect of weak thrust and high temperature can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

To secure the chimney pipe from such problems, it is necessary to regularly clean the chimney from soot. The time interval between these procedures is at least two times a year.

Ways to clean the chimney from soot in the bath, in the furnace with their own hands: folk and other means

Self-cleaning the chimney pipe can be three methods:

So, we will try to clean the chimney pipe with folk remedies:

  1. The most common way is a stone salt. In essence, it is rather not cleaning the chimney, but an option to combat the accumulation of soot on its walls. In the furnace where the combustion of fuel products occurs, 100-200 grams are added. Stone salt. This people's way is prophylactic, so it is completely unable to fully clean the chimney from soot.
  2. Potato cleaning is a mythological tool for cleaning pipes. To effectively use such a way, it is necessary to prepare a bucket of peel from potatoes. When operating a fireplace or oven, cleaning parts are poured on fire. It is mixed with a burning stage potato starch mixed with hot air pairs, which when passing through the chimney, softens the soot, which was sinking on the walls of the pipe. However, after using such a method, it is still necessary to clean the chimney manually.
  3. The third tool for cleaning pipes is dried aspen firewood. To clean the chimney, you need two - three oxades logs from Osina. This type of fuel will warm up the pipe to very high temperatures.

Due to the fact that the aspen firewood is characterized by very high heat transfer, this method is not recommended for use if a thick layer of soot was formed in the pipe and the chimney is made of fragile materials. When heating the pipe may not withstand such loads.

Chemical liquid compositions: Best options for cleaning a smoky chimney

When smokes the stove with black soot, then it's time to use more efficient ways to clean the particle savings. These include industrial cleaning agents. Chemical chimney cleaners are manufactured in the form of powders, briquettes and liquids. Depending on the type of means, a certain amount of the mixture is added to the heating instrument furnace. When combustion, chemicals are distinguished that decompose soot accumulations on the walls of the chimney pipe. Swimming sediments are satisted. Clean the chimney can be specialized.

Chemical compounds used to clean the chimney, do not harm human health when burning.

  • Popular means for cleaning the chimney -composition against nagar formation on the walls of the pipe. The chemical composition is represented in the form of a special powder sweeping into heating products. This chimney cleaner is used in strict proportion: up to 250 grams per 1 ton of fuel.
  • The Czech detergent to clean the chimney from the Say "comungiles" is effectively coping with the task. When burning with firewood, this chemical composition launches a catalytic reaction that burns the sage deposits of the chimney pipe walls. A distinctive feature - combustion of cryosis sediments occurs at low temperatures.
  • The well-known means for cleaning the chimney - Pipe County. In appearance, such a means resembles a bar or briquette. Use the composition is recommended in preventive purposes for cleaning the smoke channel. With regular use, the degree of formation of creoshot sediments is reduced to zero. The undoubted advantage is the fact that the risk of sage ignition, when using this type of chemical composition, is absent. Pulling to clean the chimney is burned in the furnace no more than two times for the entire heating season.

To properly use a pipeline with your own hands, you must examine instructions for use.

Mechanical cleaning: how to protrude the furnace after pine wood

In the event of the inaccessibility of chemicals and the inefficiency of folk remedies, the most effective way is carried out - cleaning chimneys with their own hands. For high-quality execution, the work will need to equip the RUSS to clean the chimney with their own hands. Proper cleaning of chimneys and stoves from soot is performed in the following order:

  1. Block each clear hole and all revisions. Close the firebox door. Open fireplaces must be curtained with a wet bedspread.
  2. Clean the chimney is recommended in good weather, as the procedure is done on the roof of the building. Using the safety belt, climb the roof.
  3. We carry out a thorough inspection of the chimney pipe for the presence of garbage and foreign objects. If there is soot deposition with a layer of no more than 3 mm, the mechanical cleaner procedure can be postponed. Otherwise, pushing the entire available layer down the pipe.
  4. The visible seal plot is cleaned with a scraper, after which it is necessary to clean the chimney. For greater efficiency, metal is made with a brush at the end.
  5. We clean the remnants using a scoop from the firebox itself.

Correctly clean the chimney pipe from soot - it's easy.

When a collision with insurmountable congestion in the pipe can be used the kernel (metal ball) with a corresponding chimney with a diameter that is tied to the rope. As can be seen, options and methods of self-purification of the chimney canal. Therefore, this task is easily solved for everyone. The main thing is that it is necessary to take into account when choosing a cleaning tools - the number of cycling accumulations in the chimney. Before applying a means, it should be treated with the instructions of the chemical manufacturer.

When really cleaning

According to research, Russian stoves that are serviced and operated properly, less often need in the process of cleaning the chimney. The duration of use in this mode reaches several years. According to the rules, burning in the furnaces of domestic garbage, packages and plastic products does not affect the purity of the inner walls of the chimney. Therefore, so that there is no need to clean the pipe from soot, you should properly operate the heater. Determine the symptoms of the beginning of the contamination of the chimney channel easily. First of all, the color of the emitted smoke changes. In the chimney without soot, its color is white or transparent.

When collecting sediments, the soot colors gradually replaces dark shades. If there are no such symptoms, specialists are recommended to carry out preventive purification at least twice a year. After each chimney cleaning event, quality control is carried out. Special mirrors are used to control the cleaning work in the pipe removal of smoke, which are lowered down on the chimney channel. This method allows to detect the most vulnerable places of the pipe to remove smoke and take appropriate measures. For example, create a new audit to clean the chimney of individual parts often. Clean the chimney pipe for everyone.

How to correctly clean the chimney pipe from soot by people and other means

In compliance with the elementary rules of use, the cleaning of the chimney will be carried out more than once a year. Remember if smoke stove is the time to clean

How to clean the chimney pipe on their own and without special costs

In the old days, cleaning the chimney pipe was the usual, ordinary business for any owner. After all, the wood-burning furnace stood in every house and the subtleties of this process were transmitted from generation to generation. Now these skills are known only to a narrow circle of professionals whose services are quite expensive. Nevertheless, there is nothing particularly difficult in this lesson. In this article, I will talk about how with your own hands to clean up the chimney with the help of traditional devices, as well as the available grandfathers of cleaning recipes.

The process of cleaning the pipe.

Indirect signs of chimney

It is not necessary to negotiate to clean the chimney, because overgrown with soot or at all the scored pipe can lead to the fact that at a certain point, the carbon monoxide that has neither color or smell will go to the premises. And this is no longer easy poisoning with headache, but a real mortal danger to you and your family.

  • The first thing to pay attention to this traction. Anyone who regularly had to drown a stove or to sink the fireplace is known that in addition to the firebox itself in the furnaces there is a thought of providing air and damper on the pipe. This flap is needed to adjust the chimney cross section, without it the lion's share of heat will literally fly into the pipe.

The position of the flap is usually determined by the eye, experimental. So if you need to open the damper to the oven for the ignition of the furnace, it means that the pipe cross section has become smaller and it must be cleaned;

  • Another indirect sign of the need for such cleaning can act color of smoke. When firewood burns, smoke is usually light, almost white, and with high burning intensity, it can generally be transparent. If the dark smoke threw out of your pipe, and shoes of soot appeared on the roof and in the courtyard, it means that it is time to take a business;
  • Determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe system can still be in blooming. Under normal conditions, the fire will be light yellow. If the intensity of the burning fell, and the flame began to be bright orange, it means that fuel burns not completely, therefore, the furnace should be cleaned.

Ways to clean the chimney

For thousands of years of the existence of furnace heating in the piggy bank, many different ways have gathered. Modern science remained aside and modern science, at the moment there are a number of compositions intended to solve this problem.

Cleaning the furnace with an industrial vacuum cleaner.

What offers us a modern market

The easiest, although not a very cheap method of cleaning fireplaces and furnaces is the use of a variety of chemical mixtures that can actively destroy the layers of soot in chimneys and furnaces:

  • The domestic company "Smoke" produces a number of similar devices. Cleaner box is considered a serious preventive means of fighting soot. This is an ordinary cardboard box, with a combustible chemical inside, which must be put in the furnace and set fire.

The whole process lasts about one and a half hours. After that, for 2 weeks, the soot will actively disappear and refer to the furnace or burn inside the channel, poured through the chimney;

Box for cleaning pipes "smoke".

  • If the cardboard box did not help, there is a more radical tool, the so-called "smoke". It is a briquette of compressed chemicals, decorated under the usual way. Developers argue that this is one of the strongest means. In addition to practical benefits, the combustion of this is accompanied by interesting visual effects, it gives an original flame with a pronounced turquoise tint, children from such a cleaning of the fireplace will be easily delighted;

  • In the line of goods of this well-known manufacturer, there are special cleaning pellets intended for the prevention of clogging of pellet heating boilers and furnaces. To maintain the normal operation of the boiler, the instruction instructs to mix ten kilogram package tools with ton conventional pellets. For cleaning ordinary furnaces with such pellets, it is necessary to burn in a kilogram of this chemical within 5 days;

Pellets for cleaning pipes.

  • Approximately the same line of goods offers a concern, speaking under the common pipeline brand. This brand is the result of cooperating our manufacturers with a well-known German company "Hansa". If you believe advertising, their products are able to destroy not only the layers of soot, but also to react with the creosote, which is the basis of a dense and viscous substrate under the layer of this soot itself;

Putting from the brand "Pedochil".

  • Among Russians, the products of the Czech company comungones have already gained popularity. One package contains 5 bags of a mixture of 14g each. Applied at the rate of 1 bag for 1 kg of firewood.

The advantage of such a mixture is considered an acceptable price, as well as the ability to decompose soot even at relatively low temperatures. But the tool has a sharp smell, which can be used only in tightly closing furnaces, it does not fit for open fireplaces;

  • In addition, one of the most affordable means is an anti-chamber chemical composition or PCC. The compound is effective, but quite aggressive, no more than 150g powder goes to 1 ton of fuel. It is also being implemented as well as comung, in paper bags that burn without printing.

All this powerful arsenal of modern chemistry, according to the recognition of the manufacturers themselves, is more designed to prevent the ingrowth of the chimney. If the thickness of the Nagar in your pipe does not exceed 20 mm, then the chemistry will cope with it. Large congestion can be removed only by mechanical way, that is, with their own hands.

Folk ways to purify pipes

Fortunately, not all grandfathers recipes were irretrievably lost in the piggy bank of folk wisdom, there are still many effective recommendations. Personally, I trust the folk methods more than aggressive chemistry:

  • The simplest tool is the usual cook salt. It is poured on the burning coals and when evaporated, it gradually destroys the layer of soot. There are two opinions when it is necessary to pour salt. I was taught that salt you need to sprinkle glowing coals in a plump oven.

At the same time, I met masters, who, on the contrary, claim that salt should be poured on a strong fever. Apparently the truth, as always in the middle. After all, whatever you, they do not pour, at the time of the maximum burning and the thrust will be the maximum, therefore, most of the composition will simply depart through the pipe;

Cooking salt for cleaning the chimney.

  • In parallel with salt, I use softening and destruction of the soot layer using potatoes, more precisely potato cleaning. They boil closer to the end of the furnace and the rules must completely ruin. Destruction is due to the absorption of starch in a loose layer of soot. The method is quite safe and does not require any costs;

Cleaning with potatoes to combat soot in chimneys.

  • One of the swollen chimney varied in the past, the prevention of the chimney was periodic, soaked with dry firing from aspen, alder or birch, and these firewood should be cleaned of the crust. During such a furnace, the flap must be periodically gradually covering and opening completely.

As a result, when you cover the valve, the temperature rises, and when you open it completely, get the maximum thrust. Such "swings" lead to full burnout of layers. But for old stoves it is dangerous, because the walls of the chimney can crack;

Cheat aspen firewood.

  • Light layers of soot can be destroyed by naphthalene couples. According to the experienced cleverrs, allegedly 3-4 days in a row to burn in the furnace on one tablet and for two weeks after that, all the seashes will be overlooking and the canal will be clean.

But I have the safety of this method for doubt. First, naphthalene is quite harmful and smelling, and no matter how hard you try, part of the vapors in any case fall into the room. And secondly, with a large concentration, the pair of naphthalene is considered explosive;

  • There is another radical method, it is cleaning chimney with boiling water. As a rule, it is used for serious stamps, as a temporary measure, until the hands reach the mechanical way. It's simple, three liters of boiling water poured into the pipe of a melted furnace, from steam impact, the cork simply knocks out, plus the structure of the entire layer is disturbed and part of the soot burns;
  • If we speak exclusively about cleaning the furnaces, here you can use a mixture of crystals of copper sulfate (5 parts) with an associate (7 parts) and coal or coke powder (2 parts).

This means is burned at the time of the highest temperature in the furnace. At 100 kg of fuel, 20 g powder. But note that for the fireplaces this agent is not suitable;

Copper Crystals.

  • I do not know how true it is, but they assured me that periodic burning in the furnace of aluminum cans, for example from under beer, perfectly cleans the chimney. Only thin aluminum should not melt, namely burn. You can achieve such an effect only if you top the furnace with good coal or coke, you do not receive such a temperature with firewood.

All folk cleaning methods are good only as prevention or preparation for general mechanical cleaning with their own hands. So you do not need to impose great hopes on them.

We clean the pipe yourself

Cleaning pipes and chimneys with chemical or granddaet methods, of course, the thing is good, but as I have already mentioned, you can only manually clean the order with large stamps. And the first thing is worth taking care of this tool.

Pure metal pipe.

What is needed for self cleaning pipe

The most common, one can say the classic pipeline tool is a wide rash. If to say honestly, then, despite the development of scientific and technological progress, as cleaned by the heroes and serbes, smoking pipes in private houses 100 years ago, so they are cleansed to this day.

Of course, the sake of fairness should be noted that in addition to metal rams, their plastic counterparts are now actively used. By the way, the chimneys made from stainless steel can be cleaned, only, plastic heroes, metal bristle you completely spoil the design, and there are such pipes of serious money.

Drying diagram for cleaning chimneys.

The design of this device is extremely simple. A round core with a weight of 2 to 5 kg is fastened to the bristle with a horizontally oriented bristle, and from above, and on top, all this miracle of design thought is suspended on a cable or rope. Such brush can be round or square, but in any case, in size, they must be at least 20% wider than chimney.

The bottom core does not have to be round, it can be cone-shaped, oval, in general, how much, the main thing is that the weighting has been well centered, otherwise it can be jammed in the channel. That is why it is impossible to hang sports weights or dumbbells.

Another useful device is a scraper, in itself it resembles a conventional chisel, screwed to a long stick. Honestly to confess when I ran into the problem of cleaning the chimney in the country, and there was no special fixtures at hand, I did it that way, screwed the wire joinery to a long six, in my case to bamboo rod.

A complete set for high-quality chimney cleaners consists of three main devices. I already told about Brush with the kernel. In addition to him, it is useful to you approximately the same rash, only fixed on an elastic metal or fiberglass cable. In the same device, only the canalization pipes make their way with another nozzle.

The fact is that the direct chimney, that is, coming from the heat chamber vertically up, it is rare. Usually, the so-called "rude" is placed between the chamber and the vertical tube in the furnaces and fireplaces, it is necessary to increase heat transfer.

Classic enshik with core.

On this segment, the gases hesitated in the furnace move along the broken trajectory, simply speaking, snake. So in all the problem points of this snake, technological windows are made through which the chimney canal is cleaned. Flexible, but the elastic cable with the rash is just needed in order to clean the hard-to-reach spix of the chimney, from the bottom through the technological windows.

In modern private houses with a small floor, a furnace or fireplace pipe turns out quite long and with a strong blocking of one brush on the cable can be a little. In order for you to clean the chimney throughout the length, it will not be superfluous to purchase a set of extensive meter rods from fiberglass.

Of course, the factory specialized tool thing is comfortable. And although the price of this set is relatively available, our person highlights funds for such purchases last of all, and before it will definitely try to make something with your own hands.

Brush on fiberglass cable for chimney cleaning.

Here you have from your own experience a couple of recipes for such homemakes. At first I tried to make a rash with a pile of millimeter steel wire. I figured the segments of the wire, slightly wider than the chimney and in the middle one ring wrapped them around the stud with a thread of 8 mm. Then, through the washers, all this shook nuts.

Of course, such a fixture is scrapeting so much. But steel wire in 1 mm thing is quite tough and such a test can withstand far from each brick tube. At home on a new chimney, this room has passed, but the old tube at the cottage almost crumbled from steel bristles. Therefore, I do not advise you to step on these rakes, it is better to take advantage of the next recipe.

Plastic brooms are now sold. So, I decided to make the second heshik from such a broom. Most of all I had to tinker with disassembly, because those who did it, apparently did not expect it that it would be disassembled.

Further everything is simple. The broomstick broke turned out to be soldered monolith. In the center of this monolith, I drilled the hole on the diameter of the metal stud, after which the wide washers were dressed on both sides and pulled them with nuts. Under the pressure of the washers, a durable synthetic pile has developed and accepted a horizontal position.

The cargo was paid from lead. Made a clay shape, put into the center the stud with the ring at the end and poured the shape of a lead. On both sides sold the rings on both sides. And all these segments joined the Karabins.

Collapsible pole from fiberglass.

One of my familiar "won up" from the network of the marshik manufacturing scheme from plastic bottles. There, two bottles need to trim the bottom and, not reaching the neck, along, cut the walls of bottles with petals. Then, towards each other, so that the necks "watched" in different directions these two segments are planted on the heel and tighten with bolts.

All this was beautiful, cheap and attractive until this rash was manufactured, but when they tried to clean the tight nagar, it turned out that there were not many sense from this device. Such "Ershik" is too weak to scrape thoughts.

Brush from plastic bottles.

There is one more scheme of homemade brush. It will work well, but to tinker with his creation will have to. As a bristle, there is a thick steel rope disassembled on wires.

It is difficult to disassemble the rope itself. Such things are tied with special machines and on disassembly, it can take a lot of time. It is necessary to work slowly, in thick mittens, otherwise you shake my fingers. The threads are touched there well, so that to disassemble bare hands, it is unlikely to work out, it is better to operate with pliers.

Device of homemade rash with metal bristle.

When the rope is disassembled, a nut is screwed to a steel heel with a carvings, a wide metal washer is worn on it, on top of which the same washer only is put on thick, dense rubber.

The wire is laid out from the center in a circle, after which, on top it is put on another rubber gasket with a wide iron washer. It is completed by tightening these two washers on both sides.

Chimney cleaning technique

First of all, remember, all work at altitude belongs to dangerous. Believe me, it is only from the bottom it seems that there is nothing terrible on the roof of a two-story house, in fact the fall can lead to serious consequences, right up to death.

Highly overgrown pipe.

The first thing you need to take care is insurance than it will be reliable, the better. In addition, the pipes are customary to be cleaned into the windless dry weather. Did you wear a tight jumpsuit and gloves, decide for yourself, but the respirator and glasses will not be superfluous.

Before starting work, clean the furnace first. In general, I, before climbing the roof, during the week "Chairing" the pipe with folk methods. Typically, potato cleaning and cooking salts are enough.

Immediately, before starting the active cleaning, the doors, stood and the technological windows of the furnace should be closed and preferably dried with a damp cloth. Fireplace opening just walked a dense, wet cloth.

Results of work in comparison.

Before you run into the trunk of the rash with a gury or scraper, make sure that there is nothing except so there is nothing. If the oven did not have three weeks, then in the chimney can reserved the nests of the bird or settle the volatile mice. In addition, old brick pipes can be made from the inside, and the shift brick is better to immediately notice and try to fix it, rather than twist it with the brush and drop down.

Immediately I warn you, cleaning the chimney work is hard and sweat will have to be pretty. First, lower one kernel on the rope for the entire depth of the pipe, without a rash. Make sure it goes freely and does not cling to anything. After that, it is possible to fasten the brush and returning forward movies, slowly down, slowly cleaned the chimney.

If the kernel does not pass, then you need to act as a scraper. In general, it is believed that the diameter of the nucleus should be at least 2/3 of the dimensions of the pipe in the transverse cut.

Movement of the rash in the pipe.

Of course, the rash can be fastened to a set long bar. But if with the kernel you will spend the effort just to raise it up, it will go to it myself, under the weight of the core, then in the case of the energy rod, you will have to spend 2 times more.

Configuration of one of the types of smoke channel.

All of the soot you read naturally will fall on the bottom. Therefore, do not wait until the pipe is filled with garbage. Periodically, you need to sink from the roof and clean the soot through the technological window.

When you finish with the pipe, proceed to cleans the flexible cable with the rash at the end, "rude". The latter is cleaned with the furnace and pissed, despite the fact that you first cleaned them, by this moment they will again be dirty.

Prevention blocks

Cleaning the chimney pipes will be needed much less frequently, if you stick to the elementary rules of operation of furnaces and fireplaces. First of all, forget about burning raw wood, especially coniferous rocks. In coniferous trees, a large amount of resins contains a large number of resins.

These resins dissolved in water vapors belong to heavy compounds, so they will immediately settle on the walls of the chimney, forming a dense, poorly scrupted flare. At the same time, dry wood, even coniferous breeds, a big danger for furnaces and fireplaces does not represent.

Set of factory rams.

Another problem of modern furnaces is to dispose of garbage in the furnace. Old rags and paper of course big danger do not imagine, but synthetics and plastic bottles, sooner or later can lead to the fact that you will have completely shifted your oven. And this is not yet talking about those harmful carcinogens that will literally irrigate you and your family in the yard.

The table below contains some regulations for the operation of furnace equipment.

Naturally, the above-mentioned standards are valid for regular operation of furnaces, boilers and fireplaces. With periodic exploitation, let's say at the cottage, the nests of birds and corks from false foliage represent a greater danger to the chimney.

As you can see, although the self-cleaning of the chimney pipe is physically and rather severe, but in technical terms it does not represent much difficulty. True, you should not forget that regular prevention can significantly reduce the frequency of cleaning with their own hands.

Clean the chimney from the soot by folk remedies

Safe operation of furnaces and fireplaces requires effective thrust provided by periodic pipe cleaning. Owners of heating devices know - regular prevention is necessary.

Regardless of the design features, which have furnaces, decorative fireplaces, any chimneys require cleaning. In order for the heating device to function, delivered the pleasure of the owner, members of his family, you need to know how to clean the chimney from soot.

The relevance of prevention: how to determine?

The chimney clogging is caused by different moments. Knowing them, you avoid problems, you can improve the craving, ensure the safety of the dwelling. We will tell about the reasons for the appearance of deposits, why is it necessary to clean the home chimney from the accumulated soot.

Start by defining visual signs - pay attention to the smoke. White or light gray clubs come from a pure pipe. The appearance of dense smoke is a signal for prophylactic work. Contain the color of the flame. Changing the light orange shade on dark orange requires work to clean the design.

Remember that annual prevention is required even in ideal operating conditions.

Causes of soot deposits

Smoke, in addition to gaseous components of decay, contains mechanical particles that pollute the surface of the channel. The soot in the chimney accumulates, forms black colors. The sediment mass is saturated with water vapors, harden. Gradually, the pipe is clogged. Scoop covers the bends of the canal, narrow transitions, rough surfaces of brick pipes.

The amount of deposits determine various factors:

  • improper installation of the furnace or fireplace;
  • violation of the technology of styling knots of the product;
  • radial building materials - cracks arise on the surface;
  • clogging of the chimney system garbage;
  • incorrect constructive - the pipe is not equipped with an umbrella.

These factors are able to reduce cravings. The accumulated mass of the soot quickly reduces the cross section of the pipe, which makes it difficult for the work of fireplaces and stoves.

The rate of accumulation of deposits determine the structural features of the heating device, the type of fuel, humidity. Regular cleaning of your chimney from soot deposits, state control will allow avoiding negative phenomena.

Why make cleaning chimney

Cleaning chimney- mandatory procedure. Gradually, the soot layer becomes powerful, may cause serious consequences:

  • reducing the cross-section of the chimney channel, causing a reduction in thrust;
  • reducing the effectiveness of the functioning of the heating device caused by a decrease in the heat capacity of the pipe;
  • the probability of fire of deposits inside the chimney;
  • wear deposit highways.

The smoke is problematic to move around the clogged chimney, observing the right direction. He gradually returns, filling the room by carbon monoxide, creating a danger of health around. Remember, is an excellent heat insulator, accumulates a thick layer, significantly reduces the efficiency of the furnace. The result is more fuel supporting a comfortable room temperature.

Risk factors

The main danger is the likelihood of a fire, roasting the walls of the pipe, departure of the spark. They, being hot solid particles of soot, can make a threat to ignition of neighboring buildings, are of serious danger.

Briefly describe the feasibility of cleaning. The proofilaxpension provides:

  • safe operation of heating devices;
  • raising thrust.

Knowing how to clean the chimney from the soot, you can limit the likelihood of problem situations. The operation is easy to perform independently using folk methods.

Line of chemical compositions

Industrial enterprises produce several types of products that purify chimney systems. The means are absolutely harmless, may have the type of powders, liquids or briquettes. Let us dwell on the most popular cleaners:

  • PCC composition. Special anti-rope powder, similar in composition with copper vigor, is designed for filling in the heating compartment. Recommend to use no more than 200 g tools for 1 ton of firewood.
  • "Comichek". The detergent in the form of a powder, which is catalyzed during heat treatment, reducing the temperature of the combustion of soot.
  • Briquettes "Polyse-Petrychik". They are used in conjunction with liquid or solid fuel. In the fireplace structures lay 1 per 60 days, and in large furnaces - up to 2 pcs. Using "Called" for the first time, inspect the smoke pipe for garbage. Burn the briquette on hot coals without removing the packaging. Active substances operate about 14 days, then the pipe is inspected and the furnace is cleaned.
  • Hg is a home chimney from the resulting soot, capable of removing the flare. This products for furnaces and fireplaces are produced in the Netherlands. The manufacturer recommends applying powdered components 1 time in half a year, falling asleep 2 tbsp. l on well-broken solid fuel.

Using any of the chemical products presented above, follow the manufacturer's recommendations, carefully examine the instructions. The owners of the country property do not always have the opportunity to use a chemical tool for cleaning.

The task is solved independently, if there is an algorithm, as it is easy to clean its own chimney from soot deposits with proven folk remedies.

Purification by folk methods - proven solutions

Effective cleaning of any chimney, chimney from soot can be performed, guided by folk recipes, proven centuries. Consider the most effective options suitable for cleaning the chimney:

  1. The popular method is quite popular - the use of a stone salt, partially producing a channel cleaning, eliminating the deposits of accumulated soot. The recipe is available - it is necessary to accurately, add 100-200 grams of a conventional stone salt to a thin layer. The specified folk method is a prophylactic measure for cleaning chimneys.
  2. The quality cleaning of the contaminated soot of the chimney system is performed using potato peel. Achieve the result is easy. Prepare potato cleaning bucket. During the operation of the furnace, parts load into the furnace. The result is achieved by the combustion of the starch, dried by hot air (passing the pipe, gradually breaks out the soot). The method is prophylactic, requires further cleansing manually. Previously, the hosts used the cargo tied with a solid cord, purified by the inner surface of the pipe, removing the layers.

  • Dry aspen lamps, alder, birch are a good cleaner of a scored chimney from soot deposits. Using a pair of snacks logs, warm the pipe, ensure an increased temperature. Soot will begin to burn out. Remember - the presence of significant deposits, insufficient strength of the pipe causes problematic situations, since the aspen firewood has high heat transfer.
  • Naphthalene is used to clean the chimney. Its use requires a preliminary verification of the condition of the surface of the pipe. Invalid destruction, cracks subject to elimination. The implementation of the method - on the last-minute lamps throw the naphthalene tablet. White bleed soot flakes will fly out. Remember, the use of naphthalene is an unsafe event. The substance is explosive, causes the destruction of pipes, inflammation of deposits. The disadvantage of the method is the presence of a characteristic smell, obtaining a positive effect at a layer of soot - 10 mm.

By solving the task, how to clean the oven system or how to qualitatively clean your own chimney from deposits or soot using folk proven funds, conduct an inspection of the design and purchase construction accessories.

Tools and materials

Before starting the work, take care of the tools in accordance with the type of design. You will need:

  • metal rash;
  • brush - square designs are more convenient to clean the device with rigid bristles;
  • clamps from flexible material;
  • scraper;
  • round bucket;
  • compositions prepared independently or chemicals;
  • the ball of steel - must overlap 2/3 of the chimney.

The kernel is used not only to remove blockages. It allows you to drag the brush and the rash, and the cleaning of the closed chimney from deposits or soot will be effective. By connecting the elements using a metal cable and carbines, you can adjust the length of the device.

Manual mechanical cleaning

The mechanical method of cleaning the soot, soot, also belongs to the folk. The kernels have long been used, fixed with a durable cable, punching dense thighs, the rams of various shapes, scrapers. This option for deleting deposits is a proven, effective method.

The flushing of the chimney is mechanically carried out as follows:

  1. Tightly close all the doors of the oven, blocking the sage loss. When working with fireplace systems over a flue compartment, place a wet fabric.
  2. Open all dampers by increasing the cross section of the channels.
  3. Climb the roof by fixing the safety belt on the body.
  4. Inspect the chimney channel. Single, which has a layer of about 2 mm, is removed by chemical compositions. If you have debris, push it.
  5. Clean the chimney - remove the head and using a scraper, a rigid brush, remove the layers.
  6. Ensure the purity of hard-to-reach pipes, applying flexible ERS. It is advisable to use a cable equipped with a nozzle. Move the device, gently turning the handle.
  7. With the help of a suspended nucleus, the chimney is cleared of serious blockages and soot. Move the steel ball by moving.
  8. Be careful, keep the integrity of the brick.
  9. Remove South by opening the door of the smoke channel.
  10. Clean the flue and confrontation. Open fireplaces are processed by the heat side with a metal brush with a long handle.

After completing the work, melt the furnace, check the traction efficiency. Perform the deposition of the head. It is installed easy.

Performing the cleaning of chimney paths, use the advice of professional carp. This will help extend the operating term of the fireplace or furnace:

  • do not top the furnace or fireplace fuel from coniferous wood. The breed contains essential resins that settled on the walls of the chimney;
  • do not use raw firewood - due to moisture, the degree of deposits of soot and water precipitation increases;
  • do not burn in the furnace trash of plastic or synthetic origin - they settled on the chimney;
  • stay on firewood from deciduous trees. Fuel must be carefully dried. After combustion of fuel, burn a little laterals from Osina - so the soot will bring out the chimney faster.

Choosing folk methods for removing precipitation, violating the functionality of the furnace, home fireplace or chimney pipes, carry out testing of the exhaust.

Reducing the thrust causes a refund of the smoke and in this case it is advisable to apply the folk cleansing method using mechanical means.

How to clear the chimney from the soot by folk remedies

The reasons for the contamination of chimneys and the methods of their cleaning by folk remedies, as well as with the help of industrial products. Tips to avoid pollution