Repairs Design Furniture

Production and nozzle of the axes do it yourself. Folding an ax: from a wooden toy to the present tool form axes sketches

The selection of the right material for the axle is very important, to make a reliable ax, if the inappropriate wood is selected, it is impossible.
For the axle, you can only use solid wood deciduous trees.
Wood must be well sucked: standard sawn drying up to 8-12% humidity is not enough, it is desirable to take the wood dried in special chambers or to withstand the workpiece for a long time in a very dry place - on the heating batteries or oven. Additional drying makes it possible to avoid loosening the ax due to drying in the loss of moisture in conditions of variable temperature and humidity - winter / summer, raw forest / splashed apartment.

Wood breed selection for the manufacture of the ax


The ash, in our opinion, is one of the best materials for the manufacture of the ax. The ash tree is sufficiently affordable: well-dried ash lumber of the desired quality are used for finishing and manufacturing furniture. In a large trading tree of the organization, you can usually choose a bar of the required size and quality.
The strength of the ash is higher than praise. According to the density of wood, hardness and durability, it approaches the oak, but at the same time a rather elastic. Copy shafts and anti-axes are usually made precisely from the ash. Currently, the instrument and gymnastic bars are made from the ash.

Wood ash beautiful and can vary greatly in appearance. In one tree there are wood, characterized by color and pattern of fibers. In the manufacture of toppers, we focus not on the beauty of the drawing, but on the location of the fibers, ensuring the greatest strength. We can only suggest choosing an ax on an ax darling or brightening from among the existing warehouse.

American walnut

The Tophorister from the American Walnut is untreated and polished, with impregnating flax oil.
American walnut has a sufficiently solid, viscous and durable wood. It is perfectly polished and becomes an excellent appearance after that. We impregnate the axes of our axes with ordinary linseed oil and do not use verses, as a result of the axle, they retain their appearance and pleasant to the touch.


Tophoris from Yatoby and from ash

The wood of the Yatoba has high impact strength and is well suited for the manufacture of sports equipment and instrument handles, suitable for the manufacture of bent with steering parts and is often used in furniture production. Wood is very durable, solid, viscous, according to strength surpasses oak wood. Yatoba is perfectly processed and has an unsurpassed appearance. Perhaps this is the most beautiful wood from which it makes sense to make an ax.
Yatoba is great for the manufacture of topper, especially if the ax is required not only functionality, but also high aesthetic data.


Hickory is widely used for the manufacture of axes, hammers, malls, and other tools in America and Canada. Wood durable, elastic, rather durable.

Oak and Beech

They have a beautiful structure, are durable, durable, quite easily processed, accessible. Unfortunately, with the manufacture of topper, both breeds have drawbacks. The oak is too solid and dry the hand with a hat. However, when we planted a roller ax for a long (about a meter) on the oak toporishche, then the return to the hand was no longer transmitted - the length of the hatch is amortized. The beech is perfectly cut, it has a beautiful surface, but very hygroscopic. To protect against moisture for an ax of a beech of a simple impregnation with oil will not be enough.


The greatest distribution in Russia has an ax of a birch, although the birch wood is difficult to name the best option. It is possible that if you use the crushed dies of the comlevous part of the torn birch birch, searched and dried in a certain way, you can get a great product. But the availability of such a material leaves much to be desired: even if there is an opportunity to choose a birch birch stem conceded in winter, there is a place to dry with the desired parameters, then the drying time will still be more than a year. In addition, birch is easily absorbed water and flies with microorganisms, so in addition to thorough initial impregnation, further care is required during operation.
It can be recommended to make a high-quality topophosphere from birch, only those are valued for the process of independent manufacture and who is ready to spend considerable strength and time to prepare wood.
The quality of massively sold birch topopors is extremely low, do not suit as a material for topper and sold birch lumber.

Pharmaceuticals from Maplea

Maple showed itself a good material for the manufacture of topper. In addition to sufficient strength and elasticity, maple has a beautiful texture and is well polished. Maple-made Tophorishche has a wonderful appearance.


In order from top to bottom down in the photo: Toporiste from ash, acacia, American walnut. The ax was naked on an ax of an American nut polished, with impregnating flaxseed oil.
Acacia is solid and durable wood, they often make axes in the southern regions.

Topor strength

The strength of the axle on the break is provided by the location of the fibers along the etching and strength of wood. The plainnost is unacceptable, the exception is the blanks made from the thickened dies of the swivel wood, in this case, in the manufacture, it is possible to achieve considerable strength, given the location of the layers.

Topor service life

Durability of a properly made ax is determined by wood resistance to impact and compression. The part of the axle in the eye is experiencing very significant loads, over time, it can sink and the attachment of the ax is loosened. The service life is determined by the wood breed (the better, the better), drying (poorly dried, "sprinkled" very quickly), nozzle density: an accurate fit and a dense nozzle (blows or pressing) significantly increase durability. Properly made axes can work with a large load for years without requiring repair.
If a properly made and planned, the axle loosened, its repair is possible. In the case of a direct nozzle (when the ax is planted on top of the descriptive end of the ax, and then crushed) the ax should be placed and scored an additional wedge of solid wood. It is also possible to use a flat or round metal wedge.
With an inverse axle of the ax (the axle is passed through the cone-shaped eye drying from above) the loosening does not occur, since during the operation of the load direction to the expanding end of the axle and the ax is only tightly satisfied.

How to make an ax with your own hands, which is useful for the cutting of meat carcasses, rods of firewood and when performing various construction work.

Its design consists of three parts:



When buying a blade, first look forward to:

1. On the quality of the metal, from which it is done (best, if you find the stamp on confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the State Standard).
2. The weight (depends on the type of work performed than the heavier blade, the greater the impact force is the optimal option 700 ... 1600 (g)).
3. Form of the blade (depending on the type of work performed: direct - carpentry and carpentry; rounded - for the rods and cutting of the tree and universal).
4. The sharpening angle of the blade (depends on the type of work performed: the razor - carpentry and carpentry; oval - for the ring and cutting a tree; straight - universal).


How to make an ax for an ax, we have considered earlier on the pages of our site.


It is made of durable, well dried wood (sheet thickness 5 ... 10 (mm)).

BUT - Depth of propyl
S. - thickness of propyl
IN - Width of Propila

Propil in the axle is made on ⅔ depth of the eye of the blade.
Before assembly, dry the wedge and the ax.

How to make a topor with your own hands and the order of assembly:

1. It is necessary to adjust the axle under the eye of the ax blade.
2. After fitting, lubricate with glue all surfaces of the touch of the axle, eyelets and wedge.
3. Paste the axle in the eye.
4. Install the axle on a solid surface in a vertical position.
5. If necessary, expand the grooves with the help of the chisel.
6. Install the wedge into the rally and the hammer to score it.
7. Carefully trim protruding outside the eye of the eye spray with a wedge (pruning to produce parallel to the plane of the eye of the eye).
8. I will postpone the ax for a few days before the complete drying of the glue.
9. We carry out the final finishing processing of the ax.
10. Impregnate the antiseptic of the ax.
11. We will sharpen the blade.


You can make a cover on the blade of the ax, which must be worn after each use of the tool.
Drill through a hole at the end of the hangover for hanging it on the wall during storage

We hope that information about how to make the ax will help you with your own hands, if necessary, use it.

The ax is one of the tools that need to be in the farm. Of course, it can be purchased in the store, but, if you wish to have a reliable and convenient thing, it is better to make an instrument on your own. The article will talk about how to make an ax of the house of the house with your skillful hands and correctly put the metal canvas.

How to choose and prepare wood

The toporiste is a handle of the working tool. On how much it will be easy to work with it, the productivity of labor completely depends. Therefore, the usual straight stick in this case will not fit. The real axle is a curved bar with an oval cross section and straight areas. The tail of the same part must be extended and bent down.

Only with this option, the hand of the person who performs the work of a person will be able to securely hold the tool, while not even experiencing fatigue.

For the manufacture of the axle, such species of wood are best fit:

  • maple;
  • birch;
  • acacia;
  • ash.

It is necessary to harvest wood in the fall. For carpentry tools, birch is perfectly suitable, and the maple is more often used for the hiking option. His shock viscosity is less than that of birch. An ideal option is considered very durable and rarely changing the form of ash. It is better to make a topopriste from a tree site located near the root, and the workpiece should be 15 cm wide and longer than the future product.

Attention! Before the prepared bars go to the manufacture of an ax, they must at least succinitive in a dry, dark place, for example, in the attic.

How to make an ax - 50 photos and advice on the creation depending on the purpose

It is necessary in order for the finished form the handle did not go and did not start hanging in the eye.

It is possible to use fresh wood only in the event of a straight center as a temporary option to be quickly replaced.

How to make a toporische

In order to make the toporishche need:

  • wooden blank;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • pencil;
  • file;
  • a hammer.

The manufacturing process itself takes place in the following order:

Attention! Make the axle it is necessary so that the cross section was oval. In this case, it will be possible to hold it not particularly straining the hand and produce very accurate blows.

Impregnation of the Topor and the nozzle of the ax

The upper part of the finished handle should be impregnated with water-repellent composition. Two options will suit:

  • olife;
  • linseed oil;
  • ski resin.

The selected means lubricate the tree and leave up to dry. Processing is repeated several times until fat is absorbed. Ski resin can penetrate into deeper layers of workpiece, but it is difficult to find it in stores. Therefore, more often use two first options.

Council. You can add a bright dye into the means for impregnation. So the finished tool will be difficult to lose.

The axle of the ax on the handle is produced like this:

Viewing video and photographic materials will help better understand the method of manufacture. Make a toporishche with your own hands more difficult than buying it in the finished form. However, if there is a desire and some skills, it is quite possible to get a high-quality instrument of labor.

How to make a toporist: video

How to make an ax from an organity

First, we need to get a detailed image of the future crafting. We are needed by side. Try to find the image as much as possible.

Then, print the image in full size and transferred to organitis.

We drink the item (the electrolovka will help you here).

How to make a high-quality toporishche with your own hands: making rules

I used thick organic (2 cm), but you can also glue several layers of fine organity to achieve the necessary thickness.

Now we deal with the protruding parts. We cut our pattern into separate pieces, which will subsequently perform.

We transfer to organitis, cut off, glue from above the main design.

At the moment, after you glued all the details, you should have something similar to the photo above.

Now the time of the file and emery paper has come. Use them to smooth the edges, remove roughness and give relief to the future crafth. Processing until it seems that the ax is not assembled from a heap of a layer, but has a monolithic smooth structure.

Then the engraving time comes. To do this, black the pattern on the surface of the ax, and then, carefully, using the chisels, cut the pattern.

Now, the ax is almost ready. Sharpen all unwanted depressions and irregularities. When the shtalavka dries, stroken the ax. After drying the soil, it is ready to paint.

What, actually, do in the last stage. As a result, you will have excellent quality kraft.

That's all, successful to you in Kraft,
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Taiga ax

What should be a real taiga ax, and what types of axes are not suitable for long trips in Taiga?

How to make an ax sharp and comfortable

We will try to disassemble these questions with you in this article. Not to say that I am such a crazy tidail, but some knowledge and experience still have. Not to say that I was directly raised by a different tool, but I had to work. There is no one universal tool that would come to any work. Of course, any miracles can be avoided by an ordinary carpentine ax, adapting to keep it in his hand, but I think each of you agree with the thesis that you are quite uncomfortable with a completely uncomfortable ax. No wonder our fathers and grandfathers have come up with different forms of this crucial to our assistant.

Any professional carpenter has several types of axes for different types of work. Here and the Taiga Ax can be only one stated form with a plus minus in minor changes. By the way, for example, a combat axus will be quite difficult to chop firewood, and the colon exists only for rods of firewood, so the form is very important.

First you need to figure out, and why do you need a taiga ax and why is it so called? Many of those reading this article (I am sure) besides the classic Russian carpentry ax, they did not see anything else and did not hold in their hands. However, those people who are interested in this issue, which are often in the field, prefer the right tool and taiga equipment.

The taiga ax is needed by a person in the field of taiga forest. This is the ax, which is a hunter-fisherman, huntsman, forester, tourist, geologist, geodesist or any other person, often in a taiga, takes into equipment. It is necessary for all forest works that people can perform in a taiga. As a rule, to harvest firewood for the winter and pricking large chocks to a person in the field will not need, so the heavy column is clearly not needed in the taiga. Cut carved parts of platbands and all sorts of wood in the field conditions also, most likely, will not, because in Taiga, they are usually followed by another.

Here is a list of cases that the dealer makes in the field:

  • cutting trees for some needs, whether it is a sanitary cutting of the forest or a roll of trees when billet on a log house or firewood (for firewood, the saw is most often used, and not an ax);
  • rough work with shedding logs: cleaning of the branches, bark, cutting the groove for the construction of winter and so on.;
  • making coolers, samols;
  • manufacture of salars, screens, flooring;
  • rough splitting of the log along its fibers (for better effects use wedges and trees in China);
  • work with firewood.

Simply put, it is clear from the above that the ax in the taiga is necessary for rough work with a tree, workpieces of firewood on the fire, the arrangement of Bivuak for the night in the forest, various household needs, rolls of restraining live trees for the manufacture of the future fire of the Caezzane Winter.

The forest is a place where a person is not the main thing - and even the beasts do not dominate there.

In the forest, the main trees. The forest is because of the forest, which is filled with various trees, it means that comes there, you need to have the appropriate tool to use these trees for its intended purpose. This beaver can overlook the tree with their teeth, but the person is forced to have a suitable ax, a saw and knife - the main tower tools.

What qualities should the taiga ax?

It must be relatively easy for one simple reason - it will have to carry it a lot of time and kilometers on its back, it is also much better to wave a lighter ax, than a graveyard semi-voltage. The main weight should be in the metal part, that is, in his head. Figure 1 shows its parts:

Fig. 1. Parts of the Tayth Ax

Toporische The taiga ax should be much longer, the carpentest is inevitable. This is caused by the best scope for a tree impact. Long axle allows you to make the best blow. In my opinion, the optimal length of the axis is about 50 cm, and even more. The axle should not be heavy, and all the weight should be focused on the head, otherwise you will not achieve from your instance of the desired result - and only refer to the taiga.

If compared heads Two species, then immediately the obvious difference is thrown into the eye: there is no top of the blade in the tamentage head. Some people scold a piece of this part from a simple carpentry ax, turning it into Taiga. (See Fig. 2).

Blade In a carpentry ax, it should be straightforward, and in the taable - rounded (see Fig. 3). This is caused by the type of work that the junction makes in the forest.

Fig. 2. The head of the Taiga Ax on the background of carpenter

Fig. 3. The blade of the taiga ax.

Beard Allows you to firmly fix the hatch with the head.

Butt Can be used as a hammer for any purpose.

Often the hunter-fisherman, which gathered, for example, to repair his wintering in the summer, does not take a heavy super hammer in Taiga, but uses a volatory as it.

Eye It serves to attach heads on the ax. Further, a wooden wedge is clogged into the ax, so that the head is tightly sat on it.

Fungus Protects his hands from slipping and fixes them on the toporishche.

Fig. 4. Klin.

Fig. 5. Wedge Scroll in the Toponish

In Figure 4, we see three options. Digital 1 Announced metal wedge, which is lifted last. This is a control wedge. Under the number 2 - Top poly. Under 3 The number is a wooden wedge, which is clogged into a special hole in the axle so that the axes do not take crack. Many clog wedge straight between the fibers, but it is worn in cracking of the ax. Therefore, it is recommended to suck a small recess, into which the wooden wedge then score. Wedge is better to close the glue, for example, epoxy. Digital 4 An ax is indicated by an ax, reliable on the toporishche.

Metal wedge is clogged at the very end, note that it is driven diagonally to the main wooden wedge. You can also clog it at an angle of 90 degrees. Instead of a metal wedge, you can use wooden, better from the more solid wood. In Figure 5, the same process, but without a control second wedge. 1 - Tophorishche, 2 - Recess, cut for a wedge, 3 - Head, 4 - Wedge.

Taiga ax in its habitat

in business

Grigory Sokolov about his assistant

In the domestic market, it is extremely difficult to find a high-quality ax that will serve you faithfully for many years until you lose it in the forest or you will decorate it. The Russian-made axes of our days are usually very poor quality. The axes are not fitted under the head and almost always begin to slip. The blade of the head perhaps almost to the state of the cast iron, and at the first frost, the blade is chosen, or a large piece is simply shaken from it, after which the tool comes in complete unsuitability. Such axes should always be refined to turn into something tolerable. They are cheap, but change very often.

Good quality axes gave Soviet production of Stalin's times, but those of the Dedovsky axes, now not to find, now such samples of the 50s are sold on the Internet from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Steel for them was used, as a rule, brand U7. In our garages, if we snap into the ax, it will most likely produce the period of the 80s, that is, a "perestroika ax", and at this time, as you know, production went on a decline. However, copies of the Brezhnev era (70s), which are not as rare, like Stalinist, have pretty good quality. Therefore, it is possible to purchase a good tool only from foreign companies, or to order in the blacksmith. A blacksmith ax will cost a little expensive because it is only an amateur. The working ax can be purchased now from foreign firms: Gransfors Bruks, Husquarna, Fiskars, Hultafors. Domestic serial manufacturers still can not boast of such quality tool.

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It is said that a good ax can do much more for its owner than a knife. Especially when it comes to survival. And it may well be true.

Brief History of the Topora

The ax is one of the most ancient guns of mankind. His story begins, probably since the time of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Eden Garden (about 6,000 years ago). Well, according to the story about the monkeys, it is already over 35 thousand years old. In any case, the first ax is officially considered an ax-rubilo, presenting a stick with an attached stone attached to an end. With which, according to many historians, cute man-like orangutans ran. Later, polished, drilled, copper, bronze and iron axes began to appear.

The ax is a very important and beautiful cutting tool of humanity

So, the ax is a tool that consists of a blade and perpendicularly planned handle. Among people, this tool has the widespread: it can be cold weapons, used for coarse or skillful woodwork. Throughout the history of mankind, the material of the blade and the toporishche, their the method of attachment and use options - constantly changed and complemented. In fact, the ax has always been an important and indispensable tool for man.

A variety of axes is so great that it makes no sense to describe everything. By changing the shape of the blade and the paint, and their size, you can create any options, depending on the necessary functions and customer requirements. First they were made in very small forgeAnd with the arrival of industrialism and a significant increase in demand appeared mass production of axes.

Main types of topores

It should be mentioned that the axes are divided into three main types:

  1. combat;
  2. universal;
  3. workers.

And also have six major forms of blades:

  1. wider;
  2. average;
  3. narrow;
  4. with a protruding rear beard;
  5. with hammer (shock rear);
  6. bilateral (ax with two opposite blades).

Ax Colong

There are small koluns, to hold one hand, and big. These are very heavy axes with a shifted center of gravity and special form blade.

The wedge-shaped blade is easily and quickly enters the wood, and the wide part easily splits is linked to pieces. This ax has one more type - an ax in a sledgehammer, which is intended for the splitting of rough bitch wood. With the help of hammering, you can easily clog wedges in a deck.

It is best to prick the freshest lamps.

Bates in the middle of the Churban, if there are many bitch.


Special ax for artistic wood processing. Him rounded wide blade with recess At the base and facilities with the right or left side (used as a support with a thread).

Also there are axes with one-sided sharpening of the blade and the arched handle for neat dashery logs and planks.

How to make an ax: the whole process from cutting the axle to sharpening the blade

When the logs of the log hand, place you close to each other. The working hand should be placed in front, and the thumb to be located on top of the top.

Carpentry ax

It has a straight handle and a wide blade with a straight thin cutting edge. The main purpose is the ability to make a flat chopped surface. It should cut, and not split the wood.

Another one of his feature, it is a notch (sinuses) at the base of the head. Carpenter can easily take an ax at the very base of the blade, For sustainable and accurate wood peel. And the straight axle allows you to hold the ax in any plane and at different angles. Such an ax is well handled dry wood. The most important thing in a carpenter is the blade sharpness!


It has a long handle and blade with a rounded edge. The blows of such an ax are powerful, and the blade will not be stuck in the tree trunk. They are perfectly chop even resinous trees. It easily copes with branches.

Hunting ax

A special form of blades with rounded edges, a special volatile for frying the skins, almost smooth handle.

Such an ax to chop both a tree and meat.

We remind you that you can buy a nice fiscars ax in our online store by clicking on the link

Tourist ax

Little version of the hunting ax with a small oven. Rubit, rolling and easily placed in a backpack. What else do you need to scout or tourist in exciting travel?

When cutting, the branches are better to perform a longitudinal blow from the root to the top of the tree.

Finally, see the video about how to prick firewood "By Canadian":

How to make a toporist at home

Many people have on hand all the tools and materials in order to make the necessary tools themselves, but not everyone does. Some are simply not solved because they think that it is difficult, others do not know where to start. I want to show you that it is not at all difficult and almost everyone can do.

We will need: Small tree bar, knife hacksaw, pencil, and hammer. You can take a chock instead of a bar. Split in half and clean from the bark. A chock must be well dried, since poorly dried wood can simply crack. A good material is birch, as it increases the power of the blow, it has good viscosity and work less handless from work. In addition, birch is well treated, therefore it is the most popular material for the ax. From the disadvantages of birch, it is possible to name that it is quickly rotating when interacting with water, so if you need an ax hitch, it is better to use ash and maple. Here are approximately such bars are perfectly suitable for you.

Go to action. First you need to draw the contours of the future hatch on the bruke, it is necessary that it is convenient to lay in hand and approached the type of work for which you need it. It is easiest to take another ax and copy it to the form, the main thing is to conveniently work with this ax. And the carpenter usually makes everything on the eye and spends very little time for it, but for this you need practice and without it. And so we drew contours.

Now we need to handle the bar on the drawing. To do this, you need to cut a little on both sides, and then all this is cut off with a knife or chisel, it should be done very carefully so as not to cut anything superfluous.

Put a knife and slowly becking it with a hammer. Cut must be strictly in the form of your future hatching.

If you are all done correctly, you should have an almost finished blank. Now this workpiece must be overtaken by a knife.

It is important that the ax's handle is oval, and not round, since you will keep the accuracy of the impact of the hint and, because of this, the accuracy of the blow will decrease.

When the ax is located, the wood in the field of the area is subjected to a slight mortification from shocks. You need to do it carefully, as you can spoil the finished axle. To prevent splitting, it is necessary to constantly monitor the state of the etch of the axle. Therefore, it is better to leave the allowance for this. The fit can be considered complete if the end of the axle comes out somewhere 8 mm beyond the lions of the eye. Then the surface of the ax is grinding with sandpaper.

Impregnation of axes special composition

Then the following operation is underway - this is impregnation of the front half of the hatch with some waterproof composition. It may be a olive or ski resin.

The ax do it yourself

Ski resin provides more reliable and deep impregnation, but it may not come up, due to the fact that the smell will move for a long time from the axle on hand, it will not fit exactly the hunter.

Now they reached the wedge. To do this, you need a well-dried plate so that the thickness is at least 10 mm, and it is desirable from the same solid rock or better than a solid wood. The wedge wedge is better to make 1 ... 2 mm greater than the height of the eyelets, and the length is such to exceed the width of no less than 4 times. When the wedge is ready, the ax is finally planted for an impregnated axle, and the gap cut down, if it is closed at the entrance, they are slightly expanded with the help of the chisels.

It is important before climbing the wedge to lubricate with any glue, it is better not to use the glue on a rubber basis, such is not suitable. In order for the blurred wedge during the scoring, it does not crawl, its cavity part, approximately 10 mm, do not lubricate glue. When clogging the wedge, the ax should be installed vertically on the anvil. This emphasis in the anvil prevents the axle to slip the ax, when you beat the wedge.

Final part

Now pretty looking at the ax with your hands. If you notice some drawbacks, then better correct. Remove the residues of the allowance and give the final shape of the shank of the ax. Treat curved parts with rashpy or sandpaper. This is how the finished ax looks like something.

And the most important thing you will be pleased to work with him, because you made it with your own hands. Now you can only improve your skill and practicing, and I wish you good luck and always follow the safety technique, because health in the first place.

The ax is one of the tools that need to be in the farm. Of course, it can be purchased in the store, but, if you wish to have a reliable and convenient thing, it is better to make an instrument on your own. The article will talk about how to make an ax of the house of the house with your skillful hands and correctly put the metal canvas.

How to choose and prepare wood

The toporiste is a handle of the working tool. On how much it will be easy to work with it, the productivity of labor completely depends. Therefore, the usual straight stick in this case will not fit. The real axle is a curved bar with an oval cross section and straight areas. The tail of the same part must be extended and bent down. Only with this option, the hand of the person who performs the work of a person will be able to securely hold the tool, while not even experiencing fatigue.

For the manufacture of the axle, such species of wood are best fit:

  • maple;
  • birch;
  • acacia;
  • ash.

It is necessary to harvest wood in the fall. For carpentry tools, birch is perfectly suitable, and the maple is more often used for the hiking option. His shock viscosity is less than that of birch. An ideal option is considered very durable and rarely changing the form of ash. It is better to make a topopriste from a tree site located near the root, and the workpiece should be 15 cm wide and longer than the future product.

Attention! Before the prepared bars go to the manufacture of an ax, they must at least succinitive in a dry, dark place, for example, in the attic. It is necessary in order for the finished form the handle did not go and did not start hanging in the eye.

It is possible to use fresh wood only in the event of a straight center as a temporary option to be quickly replaced.

How to make a toporische

In order to make the toporishche need:

  • wooden blank;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • pencil;
  • file;
  • a hammer.

The manufacturing process itself takes place in the following order:

Attention! Make the axle it is necessary so that the cross section was oval. In this case, it will be possible to hold it not particularly straining the hand and produce very accurate blows.

Impregnation of the Topor and the nozzle of the ax

The upper part of the finished handle should be impregnated with water-repellent composition. Two options will suit:

  • olife;
  • linseed oil;
  • ski resin.

The selected means lubricate the tree and leave up to dry. Processing is repeated several times until fat is absorbed. Ski resin can penetrate into deeper layers of workpiece, but it is difficult to find it in stores. Therefore, more often use two first options.

Council. You can add a bright dye into the means for impregnation. So the finished tool will be difficult to lose.

The axle of the ax on the handle is produced like this:

Viewing video and photographic materials will help better understand the method of manufacture. Make a toporishche with your own hands more difficult than buying it in the finished form. However, if there is a desire and some skills, it is quite possible to get a high-quality instrument of labor.

How to make a toporist: video

The ax is one of the tools that need to be in the farm. Of course, it can be purchased in the store, but, if you wish to have a reliable and convenient thing, it is better to make an instrument on your own. The article will talk about how to make an ax of the house of the house with your skillful hands and correctly put the metal canvas.

How to choose and prepare wood

The toporiste is a handle of the working tool. On how much it will be easy to work with it, the productivity of labor completely depends. Therefore, the usual straight stick in this case will not fit. The real axle is a curved bar with an oval cross section and straight areas. The tail of the same part must be extended and bent down. Only with this option, the hand of the person who performs the work of a person will be able to securely hold the tool, while not even experiencing fatigue.

For the manufacture of the axle, such species of wood are best fit:

  • maple;
  • birch;
  • acacia;
  • ash.

It is necessary to harvest wood in the fall. For carpentry tools, birch is perfectly suitable, and the maple is more often used for the hiking option. His shock viscosity is less than that of birch. An ideal option is considered very durable and rarely changing the form of ash. It is better to make a topopriste from a tree site located near the root, and the workpiece should be 15 cm wide and longer than the future product.

Attention! Before the prepared bars go to the manufacture of an ax, they must at least succinitive in a dry, dark place, for example, in the attic. It is necessary in order for the finished form the handle did not go and did not start hanging in the eye.

It is possible to use fresh wood only in the event of a straight center as a temporary option to be quickly replaced.

How to make a toporische

In order to make the toporishche need:

  • wooden blank;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • pencil;
  • file;
  • a hammer.

The manufacturing process itself takes place in the following order:

Attention! Make the axle it is necessary so that the cross section was oval. In this case, it will be possible to hold it not particularly straining the hand and produce very accurate blows.

Impregnation of the Topor and the nozzle of the ax

The upper part of the finished handle should be impregnated with water-repellent composition. Two options will suit:

  • olife;
  • linseed oil;
  • ski resin.

The selected means lubricate the tree and leave up to dry. Processing is repeated several times until fat is absorbed. Ski resin can penetrate into deeper layers of workpiece, but it is difficult to find it in stores. Therefore, more often use two first options.

Council. You can add a bright dye into the means for impregnation. So the finished tool will be difficult to lose.

The axle of the ax on the handle is produced like this:

Viewing video and photographic materials will help better understand the method of manufacture. Make a toporishche with your own hands more difficult than buying it in the finished form. However, if there is a desire and some skills, it is quite possible to get a high-quality instrument of labor.

How to make a toporist: video

The ax is considered as an important adaptation in the household, during a simple hike or hunting, like a knife. It is not always possible to take it if people are going to hike lightly, but for such a case there are different types of this device. On how to create axes of various types, you can find out below.

Battle ax

The combat product is distinguished by the presence of a small footage and a small, simple blade. This is a rather lightweight standard solid with dimensions up to 0.8 kg on a long handle (from 0.5 m and more). The product is different types.

In order to make this ax, you need to work the standard carpenter blade. The top item will have to cut off so that it creates a straight line. The edge from the bottom of the rubbing head is cleaned with a hook, and a simple blade is spinning from below.

Further, the surface of the device is cleaned to the gloss and burns firing flame. The nozzle of this product should be such that the edge of the bottom of the blade and the tip of the axle are connected to a certain line, which will help to avoid auxiliary loads on the handle.

The best material to create an ax will be comer Simple birch. On the axle, where the head of the head will end, it is necessary to make a hole forming, after which it is necessary to create a slot under a wedge near the created hole. Then the head should be planted onto the toporishche, and in the slot, drive the wedge, lubricated with glue.

Product made of wood

Wooden hatch can not compare with the work of the ironBut sometimes it is very necessary. Thanks to a small weight, it is easy to take it in a hike to cut simple branches, and it can be used as a weapon for training or in everyday life.

How to create this product? The axes and head can be made it separately, both individually and the whole design. The material is selected strong, dry, without fibers. It is worth taking Oak or Maple.

To create a blade and an ax, in a separate process, 2 chocks are required, sawn input to which the template put. Then they simply glue and connect completely. The blade of fixtures should be molded and burning with a flame or to cover the plate made according to its bend.

Ax for hunting

Hunting tool must have a wonderful balance of the handle To perform correct beats. It is best to apply a all-metal device, because the likelihood will decrease, which will fall apart with a carcass in the separation of a carcass or during the bone of the beast. If there is no chance to have such a product, it can be made it alone from the blade and the wood spray.

Before creating an ax created for hunting or fishing walks, you need to make a thin wedge-shaped blade. The blade treatment is performed by a disk with a small abrasive, you need to try to give it a round shape (but not similar to the semicircle) and do not move with sharpness.

Then you need to harden iron. To create an ax, a special birch, rowan or elm is used. To find out the correct length of the hatch, it is necessary to take it in one end, while the particle with a nozzle for the product should touch the ankle. When hitting the blade on the item, its end must be described for better fixation. After that, it is performed by the cutting of the painter and the wedge is installed.

Excellent if the wedge is created from the same material that the ax. It can be put on glue, and when the inner part of the course is loosened, the problem will quickly decide if you soak fitting in the driver. It is not necessary to use a wedge of metal, because it will start rust and spoil the tree.

For bird hunting and small game, the axle is created lightweight, weighing up to thousands of grams, up to sixty centimeters. To hunt a large animal, its length should be at least 65 centimeters, and the weight is a thousand grams. You still need to look at the growth and weight of the person himself, who hunts.

Tophopishche do it yourself

The drawings will first need to create this product. This is a very important adaptation that is easy to do. In order to make it easily, you will need:

  • Wood blank.
  • Knife.
  • Joiner-plumbing tool.
  • Cutting device.
  • Pencil.
  • File.
  • Hammer.

The creation process itself will be performed in a certain order:

  • On paper create a template. The toporishche of the finished fixture is put to the cardboard and rub the simple pencil. Cut.
  • From the dried wood they make a bar. The billet particle that will be put on a part of the ax, should exceed the dimensions of the metal of the metal for two or three mm.
  • The contours of the template are transferred to the billet from the tree. From the front should leave the reserve of ten mm, and in the back - in ninety mm.
  • Armed along the upper and lower part of the tree bar create propuls, whose depth is not reaching the selected pharmaceuts.
  • Working nozzle parts made of metal are performed by blowing a pile. If everything is suitable, make cleaning.
  • Almost finished base is drained everywhere with a blade. The file is trying to smooth out the corners and transitions. At the end, everything is grouped by sandpaper.
  • Using a small hammer, knife and chisels, the workpiece is completed to the necessary form. A knife is exhibited in the place of sleep and slowly bother with his hammer. That's all, the axes for the ax, done.