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Summary of the story by Tom Sawyer. Foreign literature is abbreviated. All works of the school curriculum in a summary

"Tom Sawyer" summary you can read the chapters of Mark Twain's story in 30 minutes.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" chapter summary

Chapters 1, 2 "Tom Sawyer" in abbreviated form

No answer.

No answer.

It's amazing where this boy could have gone! Tom, where are you?

It is old Aunt Polly who calls for the mischievous Tom who remains in her care. The prankster at this time in the closet eats jam. Aunt was about to lash him off with a cane for this, but the boy distracted her attention, jumped over the fence and ran away.

The aunt loves and even pampers the son of her late sister, but the church tells her: "He who spares the cane is destroying the child."

Tom needs to be punished - to make him work on holiday. Otherwise, it will bloom completely!

Tom did not go to school, but had a good time swimming. He is betrayed by his half-brother Sid - an obedient boy, sneak and quiet. Tom runs away and wanders around the town until the evening, happily bullying with other boys.

The next morning, my aunt still caught Tom and made him whitewash the almost thirty-meter high fence... An inventive boy tries to persuade a little slave - black Jim - to do this job, but he is very afraid of the "old Mrs."

Suddenly Tom had a brilliant idea: he pretended that whitewashing the fence was a pleasure for him. Neighboring boys came to tease him and ... bought the right to whitewash even a little for childish treasures: alabaster balls, tweeters, half-eaten apples ... And even a dead rat with a rope tied to it to make it easier to twirl.

Chapters 3-5 "Tom Sawyer" in abbreviated form

Tom presents the job to Aunt Polly. The old woman cannot believe her eyes. She gives Tom a reward - an apple and preaches that a piece earned by her labor is much sweeter. At this time, Tom manages to unnoticeably pull off the gingerbread.

The boy, with the permission of his aunt, goes for a walk. On the square, two boyish "armies" are fighting. Sawyer's team wins. Satisfied, the winner goes home.

Passing a house, he sees an unfamiliar girl - a lovely golden-haired and blue-eyed creature "in a white summer dress and embroidered trousers." The thought of the former "love" - ​​Emily Lawrence - instantly disappears, Tom falls in love with a stranger. He starts to throw out all sorts of ridiculous things - "figures". The girl notices his efforts and, in parting, throws a daisy flower over the fence. Incredible dreams bloom in the boy's soul -

At home, Aunt Polly punishes Tom for the sugar bowl that Syd smashed. The loving aunt immediately regrets, but does not want to show it, so as not to spoil the boy. Tom sulks in the corner, amused by his thoughts and how he will die and how everyone will be inconsolable.

In the evening, the young lover wandered under the windows of the stranger until the maid poured water on him.

If Saturday was an adventurous weekend, then Sunday should have gone to Sunday School, where little Americans studied the Bible and the Gospel. At the request of his cousin Mary Tom, he diligently cramps the task and receives a gift from her: a penknife. The knife, however, is stupid, but the diligent boy manages to cut the entire sideboard with it.

In the church, Sawyer sees "the same" girl. This is Becky Thatcher, the judge's daughter. To impress her, he decides to claim the Bible. This book is given for impeccable knowledge of religious texts. For learned poems they give yellow, red and blue tickets - according to the amount of learned. Tom, through a clever exchange, collects the required number of tickets and is solemnly handed Holy Bible... This means Sawyer will become a local celebrity for a while!

However, Judge Thatcher decided to ask the hero of the day the simplest question - and Tom disgracefully failed this exam!

On church services Tom is always extremely languid, inventing entertainment for himself, such as catching flies or accidentally flying beetles. Sawyer is filled with contempt for an exemplary boy who even - you just think! - there is a handkerchief.

Chapters 6-8 "Tom Sawyer" in abbreviated form

In the morning, Tom tried to pretend to be sick so as not to go to school, but the number did not work. Aunt tore him staggering baby tooth and sent to study.

On the way, Tom talks to the son of a local drunkard, Huckleberry, Finn. All the mothers of the town hate the ragamuffin Huck, all the boys adore this free bird. Huck brags about his latest acquisition - a dead cat, with which he plans to remove warts tonight. Boys are very superstitious: they believe in conspiracies, witchcraft, witches and corruption.

When the teacher asked why Tom was late again, the boy doesn’t get out, but honestly answers:

Stopped to chat with Huck Finn!

For such insolence, Sawyer is punished with "girls". And he just needs that - after all, the only free place in the row of girls is next to Becky Thatcher. Tom treats Becky Thatcher to a peach, shows various courtesies, and eventually writes in slate board"I love you".

The teacher rewards him for inattention with a brutal flogging and sends him back to the row of boys. The same spanking goes to the mischievous person for the fact that he arranges "bug race" on the desk with his neighbor on the desk Joe Harper.

But Tom is no stranger to spanking. But during a big break, he manages to once again declare his love to Becky, persuade her to get engaged and kiss. Now they are the bride and groom.

Tom claims that it's a lot of fun, and inappropriately bumps into memories: "That's when Amy Lawrence and I ..."

Oh, he shouldn't have done it!

So you already had a bride? cried Becky.

And the lovers, not having time to rejoice at the engagement, have already quarreled.

Instead of going to school, Tom wandered into the woods past the Widow Douglas' estate atop Cardiff Mountain. In the forest, Tom fell into dreams, imagining himself either a heroic soldier or an Indian leader. Finally, he finally decided to become a pirate - the Black Avenger of the Spanish Seas.

Joe Harper joins Tom and the boys play Robin Hood with enthusiasm, claiming that they would rather be noble robbers of Sherwood Forest for one year than presidents of the United States for life.

Chapters 9, 10 "Tom Sawyer" in abbreviated form

At night, Tom and Huck go to the cemetery to manipulate a dead cat on the fresh grave of old Williams to remove warts. Boys are afraid of the dead and witches. But the danger arises from a completely different side. In the cemetery at the fresh grave, a strange trinity appears: the old drunkard Maff Potter, Injun Joe (an extremely suspicious person) and the young Dr. Robinson. In those distant times, religion forbade doctors to engage in anatomy by opening corpses. Doctors, in order to improve in their profession, were forced to secretly hire grave diggers, while doctors needed to know how human body... There is a quarrel between the accomplices, provoked by the Indian Joe, who has old scores with the doctor's father. Maff Potter rushes to the Indian's aid. The doctor, defensively, brings down a heavy gravestone on the drunkard's head. Potter falls unconscious. The Indian kills the doctor with a knife and puts the bloody weapon in Maff's hand. Joe convinces the awakened drunk that he is a murderer.

Frightened boys are watching this entire scene from hiding. They swear to each other not to tell anyone what they saw. They saw the vengefulness of the Indian with their own eyes.

In the morning Aunt Polly punishes her nephew for a night's absence with a torrent of tears and complaints. This is much worse than a spanking. Tom sincerely repents, cries, asks for forgiveness. His aunt softened a little, but Tom knew that the old trust in him was gone.

Chapters 11-18 "Tom Sawyer" in abbreviated form

The inhabitants of the town (it's high time to say that it is called St. Petersburg) are outraged by the murder of the doctor. The crowd in the cemetery sees Maff Potter. The unhappy, confused drunkard is thrown into prison.

Tom is tormented by his conscience: he knows who the killer is. Moreover, Becky Thatcher stopped going to school. The boy fell into despondency, stopped enjoying life. His aunt enthusiastically began to treat him: baths, douches ... But Tom was still gloomy. Then my aunt tried a new "pain reliever". Tom didn’t like the medicine. He did not accept this "liquid fire", but "healed" the gap in the floor with it. And once, out of a prank, he poured a spoon into the cat's mouth. The cat rushed about, jumped on the curtains and made a real mess in the house. My aunt guessed what had happened. She was indignant:

Aren't you ashamed to mock an animal like that?

Is it possible above me? - retorted Tom.

The aunt was ashamed.

Tom goes to school regularly. Finally, Becky arrives. But she is emphatically dismissive.

Offended by the cruel fate and their families, Tom Sawyer and Joe Harper decide to organize a pirate gang. They are joined by Huck Finn. The guys float on a raft along the river, burn fires, dream - as Tom taught them, who had read a lot of adventure literature - about jewelry and beautiful captives. The boys themselves do not really know who the pirates are and how exactly they will "ransom" the captive beauties. Little fugitives set up camp on the island, swim, play ... A steamer is sailing along the river. The guys understand that people on the ship are looking for drowned people. Who drowned? Tom guesses:

Conscience torments the boys. Tom writes a note on a piece of bark and, leaving his sleeping friends, stealthily returns to the town and visits his home. He manages to sneak into Aunt Polly's house unnoticed. He hears Aunt Polly talking to Mrs. Harper. Women mourn the dead, Mary also picks up the cry. Only Sid tries to insert a malicious word, but tear-stained women cut him off. Tom is struck by a "brilliant idea." He leaves his home and returns to the island.

Free pirates are getting more and more bored. Out of boredom, they begin to learn to smoke. Joe Harper and Tom Sawyer are unaccustomed to vomiting, and they go into the bushes to "look for the missing knife." A thunderstorm floods the camp. However, some products can be saved - and the guys are happy about that. Tom reveals his "brilliant idea" to his friends. The fugitives come to church ... to their own own funeral... The appearance of the "drowned" is very impressive. At first, everyone is confused, then they praise the Lord with merry singing.

On that day, Tom received so many cuffs and kisses that it is not known how more - in cuffs or kisses - the aunt's love was expressed. However, soon the old woman begins to reproach Tom: he neglected her feelings, her health. Tom tells his "prophetic dream" - about his visit to his home, about the conversations and tears of Joe Harper's aunt and mother. He also talks about a note on the bark, which he wanted to leave: "We did not die, but only ran away and became pirates ..."

Auntie is moved, because what a person dreams about is in his soul.

At school, Tom and Joe became heroes. Only Becky Thatcher is oblivious to him. At recess, she looks at the pictures in the book with the dandy Alfred - in spite of Tom. Tom - in revenge on her - walks with a naively chirping Emmy Lawrence. Tom and Becky are tormented by bouts of searing childish jealousy.

In the end, Tom drives away Emmy, who does not understand anything, and Becky - Alfred. In order to get revenge, Alfred inked Tom's textbook. Becky sees this, but decides to remain silent.

Chapters 19, 20 "Tom Sawyer" in abbreviated form

Aunt Polly reproaches Tom: he lied to her again. " Prophetic dream"Was just an overheard conversation! Tom, it seems to his aunt, just decided to laugh at her. However, she finds a letter in the boy's jacket pocket - and cries already with bright tears of forgiveness. The boy, albeit naughty and mischievous, loves his old aunt!

And at Tom's school, new troubles await. The teacher gives him a whipping for a textbook filled with ink. Spanking is common for Tom. He denies his guilt only "for the sake of order", thinking that suddenly and in fact, having played naughty, threw ink on the textbook.

And with Becky, an absolutely terrible story happened: she discovered that the drawer of Mr. Dobbins's teacher's desk was not locked! And in the table was kept mysterious book which the teacher read during the tests. Understandably, Becky was curious. She opened the drawer. The book was called Anatomy. There was a painted figure of a man. Becky was interested. But then a shadow fell on the book ... Of course, it was Tom Sawyer! Becky flinched and tore open a page of the book. She is sure that Tom will report her. A shame! A shame! She was never flogged at school!

Tom does not understand what, in fact, a shame in the spanking. Just think! These girls are so sissy ...

The teacher becomes terribly angry and begins interrogation:

Who tore up the book?

Tom sees that Becky is trembling all over, unable to hide the truth. Then he jumps out with a confession:

I did it!

The rapturous love in Becky's eyes rewarded Tom for a new, even more brutal, spanking and for a two-hour "confinement" at school after school. He knew that the grateful girl would wait for his release ...

Chapters 21-28 "Tom Sawyer" in abbreviated form

Teacher Dobbins, before the holidays, is more and more ferocious, looking for the slightest excuse for punishment. A plan of revenge is ripening in the minds of the students ... On the eve of the final exam (it is also a demonstration of all the school's talents), the little mischievous people conspired with the painter's student. The teacher had a meal with this painter and - what a sin to conceal! - was addicted to alcoholic beverages. When Dobbins, tipsy, fell asleep, the student made "that joke."

During the exam, during tedious speeches, the teacher dozed off. And then from attic hatch the cat was lowered on the ropes. Her mouth was tied to prevent meowing. The cat wriggled desperately to grab onto something with its claws. Finally, she grabbed onto something soft ... It was the teacher's wig! The cat with the wig was immediately taken upstairs. And Dobbins's radiant bald spot was revealed to those present. The painter's apprentice covered it with gilding ...

They all dispersed. The holidays have begun.

The holidays did not bring Tom the long-awaited joy: the visiting circus - and the subsequent games in the circus - magicians, fortune-tellers, hypnotists ... All this left a feeling of emptiness in the soul. Becky took her parents away for the summer hometown ok Constantinople. Summer has darkened for the boy. And then measles put him to bed for a long time. He almost died. When Tom finally felt better and left the house, it was revealed that all of his friends - even Huck Finn! - fell into righteousness and quote the Gospel. The poor man feels himself to be almost the only sinner on earth. However, Tom soon had the opportunity to once again prove himself a hero. During the trial of Maff Potter, Tom tells about everything that happened in the cemetery and saves the unfortunate man from the death penalty. When Tom testifies, the mestizo (Injun Joe) runs away through the window. Potter is acquitted!

Tom enjoys his glory during the day, but at night he cannot sleep: the Indian must have decided to take revenge on him!

Gradually, Tom's anxiety subsided, and he finds himself a new entertainment: the search for the treasure. He invites Huck Finn to the company. Where did they not dig! Finally they decided to go to an abandoned house known as the "haunted house". We climbed into the attic. And suddenly two vagrants entered the house, obviously with mustaches and wigs glued on. One of them was Injun Joe! In the "haunted house" these criminals hid the loot. But, digging deeper into the dilapidated floor, the tramps discover a chest with thousands of dollars, hidden by someone earlier. Gold!

Suspecting that someone is hiding in the attic, the robbers take all the riches with them, having persuaded to hide them in the “number two under the cross”. The boys reproach themselves: "Why did we leave the pick and shovel with fresh soil in sight?" It was this evidence that pushed the robbers to suspicion and flight.

Tom and Huck are very scared. However, they still hope to find the treasure. Tom even sneaks into a seedy hotel - the room where Joe is staying. But he does not find any chest there.

Chapters 29-32 "Tom Sawyer" in abbreviated form

The judge's family returns to the city. Tom is happy: he's dating Becky again! The girl's parents are having a picnic: the children will sail on a steamer along the river under the supervision of several girls and boys. Becky's mother allows the girl to spend the night with her friend, Susie Harper, who lives closer to the pier.

Tom persuades Becky to spend the night with the widow Douglas - the widow is hospitable, she almost always has ice cream! Mom just doesn't know where Becky slept.

The steamer is washed ashore, children are playing in the meadow, are treated to various dishes. And then everyone goes to the cave. It is an intricate labyrinth that extends not only to the sides, but also to the depths of the earth: "a labyrinth under a labyrinth." No one can boast that they fully "know the cave." Young people and children walked until the evening ...

And Huck is on duty at the hotel ... At night he sees two suspicious figures. One of the tramps seems to have a chest under his arm. The boy begins to spy. It seems to him that they want to bury the treasure on Cardiff Mountain. Huck witnesses a terrible conversation: Injun Joe is going to take revenge on the widow (cut off her ears!) For the fact that her late husband, a judge, once arrested Joe for vagrancy and even ordered him to be whipped. The criminals are waiting: let the guests disperse and the lights go out.

Huck starts to run. He knocks on the house of an old farmer who has strong and healthy adult sons.

Huck Finn! Not that name to open doors in front of him! - the farmer tries to joke, but quickly realizes that this is not a joke.

Taking their guns, the farmer and his sons go to the aid of the widow. Huck hears shouts and shots. The boy runs away.

The robbers could not be caught. They are going to raid them. Huck blurted out to the old farmer that the "deaf-mute Spaniard" was Injun Joe.

And Tom and Becky got lost in a cave, running from bats... Their absence on the ship was not noticed. Only in the morning do they start sounding the alarm. Whole groups go in search of children, but the children cannot be found. They found only the inscription in candle soot "Tom and Becky" and the girl's ribbon. Becky's mother and Aunt Polly are crying.

The children in the cave were hungry, exhausted, tired. Tom managed to find a trickle of water, he gave Becky a small piece of cake - all the food that they took with them. The candles burn out ... Becky sleeps in Tom's arms, and wakes up crying: "It's better not to wake up ..."

Tom leaves Becky at the fontanel, and he himself, unwinding a ball of twine, goes to explore the cave. Maybe we can find a way out? What if they are already looking for? Tom sees the light and goes to this light with hope. To whom does the hand with the candle belong? Injun Joe!

Tom shies away from the Indian, but soon goes back to explore the side galleries. And suddenly he sees daylight! So he found a way out of the cave unknown to anyone. A boy and a girl get out.

The city welcomes the survivors!

Exhausted children fell ill. Unwell after the experience and Huck Finn. Finally, the children are gaining strength.

Judge Thatcher informs Tom that wooden door the cave is lined with sheet iron and locked with three locks. Nobody will enter there anymore!

Tom nearly faints: Injun Joe is in the cave!

Chapters 33-35 "Tom Sawyer" in abbreviated form

Almost the entire population of the town gathered to see how Indian Joe was found. The unfortunate man got to the door and died near it. He died of starvation, trying in vain to cut a hole under the door with a knife to exit. The attraction of the cave was the Indian Joe's bowl - a hollowed-out stone for collecting water dripping from the stalagmite.

Tom even felt sorry for the criminal. However, the boy finally got rid of the oppressive fear of revenge of a cruel enemy.

Tom tells Huck that by chance he saw where Joe was hiding his treasure. it mysterious place- In the cave! In a crevice, on a clay slope, the boys find a chest with a treasure - its location is marked with a cross drawn in soot. Children pour gold into sacks. The rich people, smeared with clay, carry their goods in a cart, they are intercepted and sent to the house of the widow Douglas, where they are forced to wash and change.

With a large crowd of guests, the widow announces that Huck is her savior. She decided to take him to her upbringing and subsequently provide him with money for her business.

Tom says that Huck is a rich man himself. He dumps sacks of gold in front of the widow's guests: half Sawyer, half Finn! The money was counted. It turned out that the chest contained more than twelve thousand dollars. In those days it was large sum: one dollar and a quarter cost an apartment for a week for a boy with expenses for the table, laundry, and so on.

The boys' money was put in the bank at interest - and every day Tom and Huck received a dollar.

The city was seized by the fever of treasure hunting. Everyone wants to find a treasure, but luck never smiles on anyone else.

Huck has been living with the widow Douglas for some time. Life on call, "disgustingly clean sheets", napkins and cutlery, the need to attend church terribly oppress the little tramp. He yearns for freedom and eventually escapes from the widow and settles in an empty barrel.

Wealth is longing and care ... - Huck sighs and asks Tom to take the money from him.

Tom persuades Huck to return to the widow - after all, a new gang is being created, this time not pirates, but noble robbers. Huck agrees.

This is where the "boy's biography" ends, and the author is not yet ready to write the "man's biography" ...

Retelling the story can be used to reader's diary and in order to remember some details in preparation for a retelling or composition.

Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" - creation story

The book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" ("Tom Soer") is one of a series of works about the restless prankster Tom and his friends. It was started by the author in 1872 and has been difficult to progress. Twain succeeded in completing his autobiographical work in 1875, and the book was published the following year.

Mark Twain eng. Mark Twain (1835-1910)

The name of the protagonist belongs to a real person, an acquaintance of Twain, and the character is borrowed from the writer's childhood friends.

The book received a lively response not only from adult readers, but also from children. To this day, the novel remains a popular reading material among people of different ages.

Some people ask, "Tom Soer" is a story or a story? The book has about 240 pages of printed text, which helps to classify the work as a novel.

Through the analysis, it is possible to reveal the remarkable fact that the work is a symbiosis of several artistic directions, such as adventure, comedy, tragedy and autobiography.

main characters

There are few main characters in the novel, these are children, about whose fascinating adventures he tells

  • Tom Sawyer is an orphan, a cheerful, mischievous and enterprising boy, whose aunt is engaged in raising;
  • Huck Fin - best friend Toma, the son of a restless local drunkard who does not care for a child at all.

Minor characters

The novel is replete with adult and child characters with various dissimilar characters:

  • Becky Thatcher is Thomas's lover. Her father is a famous judge of the town. Her character is the opposite of the main characters of the boys. She is not at all ready for extreme situations and does not know how to behave in a difficult situation. The author does not give her such full description, as the main characters, describing her as a typical girl, in an elegant dress, beautiful pantaloons and with a typical pretty face;
  • Aunt Polly is the sister of Tom's late mother. She is distinguished by kind and soft nature, gullibility and sincere affection for the nephew;
  • Injun Joe is the main villain of the novel, showing miracles of resourcefulness and unprecedented cruelty towards others;
  • Sid is the son of Aunt Polly, the younger brother of Tom, a sneak, trying to make a good impression on adults with his exemplary behavior and excellent grades.

A very brief summary describes the main events unfolding on the pages of the story.

The scene of the novel is a town with the sonorous name of St. Petersburg, stretched out on the Mississippi River.

From the first pages, the reader is immersed in the world of Tom Sawyer, full of sparkling adventures and ridiculous situations.

Aunt Polly finds her nephew eating jam in the closet and tries to grab him and punish him. But the nimble boy disappears in an instant, and the woman is forced to change her anger to mercy.

The punishment finds the mischievous person on the day off in the form of painting the fence. The resourceful boy praises his occupation in front of the boys and literally sells them the opportunity to paint even a small part of the fence. The work is quickly completed, and the contented aunt rewards her nephew with an apple.

Tom goes for a walk and meets a charming girl who captivates his heart.

Tom Sawyer attends Sunday school, where it is required to wear a decent suit, a straw hat, in general, have a decent appearance... But even here the boy does not betray himself, exchanging tickets with diligent students for reading the psalms by heart for all sorts of trinkets. As a result, he has the largest number of tickets for which a reward in the form of a Bible is due.

In the morning on his way to school, Tom meets Huckleberry Fin and is late for school. For being late, whipping with rods is due.

In the classroom, the boy again sees a wonderful girl with blonde hair, whose name is Becky. He tries to make friends with her and confesses his love to her in a note.

One day Tom and Huck conspire to go to the cemetery at night. In the dark, a terrible picture appears before them: some people bring a body to the cemetery on a stretcher and lower it into someone else's grave.

The boys flee in fear, agreeing to keep the incident a secret.

Shocked by what he saw in the cemetery, Tom cannot come to his senses and at night in a dream talks about what happened. Fearing excessive talkativeness, he ties up his jaw at night, explaining this with bad teeth. Sid, trying to figure out what's the matter, slowly looses the bandage knot and listens.

The children decide to build a raft and sail away from the adults. They stock up on provisions and set sail. They stop for the night on the island, and waking up in the morning they find that the raft has been carried away. Boys rejoice in their freedom and spend time in games and entertainment. Furtively, Tom sneaks home and hears that the inhabitants of the town consider the missing children dead. Aunt Polly tearfully talks about her nephew.

Tom comes up with the idea of ​​returning to his hometown on the day of his funeral. The rest of the boys approve of his plan and appear proud in front of their happy relatives.

At school, Tom tries to mend relations with Becky, but she ignores him. By chance, a girl tore up a school textbook, and a boy in love took her blame. The teacher punishes Tom with rods, and Becky looks gratefully at her savior.

The drunkard Meff Potter is blamed for the incident at the cemetery, who does not remember anything and takes the blame. But Tom Sawyer tells how it really happened and incriminates Injun Joe. The court acquits Meff.

Tom becomes famous, but he is tormented by the fact that the Indian is free and wants revenge. The boy decides to start looking for the killer on his own. Huck is called to assist. Together they search for the villain and the treasure he has hidden.

One day, luck smiles at them, and they attack the trail of an Indian hiding in a hut.

Adventures beckon Tom, one day he escapes from Becky and finds himself in a cave. Children understand that they are lost. The girl falls into despair, and the brave boy continues to look for a way out and finds a way to salvation.

After a while, Tom recalls that he saw Injun Joe in the cave, and Judge Thatcher reports that after the children were rescued, the door to the cave was firmly closed.

Almost all the inhabitants of the town go in search of the villain to the cave. He is found at the very door of the dead. Despite his relief, Tom feels sorry for the culprit. Together with Huck, he goes in search of the Indian's gold. The treasure is searched for by secret marks. Now the boys are getting rich. They put the money in the bank at interest and receive a dollar every day.

This concludes the story of the adventures of brave tomboy, transmitted in an abbreviated form.

What The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Teaches

The plot of the book is based on stories from a carefree and exciting childhood. The work teaches true friendship and mutual assistance, the ability to look even at the most desperate situations with optimism and irony, appreciate life and little joys.


Mark Twain tried to convey to the adult reader the main idea of ​​the work, that it is important to always remain a child in your soul, try not to forget your childhood and strive for lightness and kindness in Everyday life... And the author inspires young readers to feats in the name of friendship, kindness and philanthropy.

The work of the famous American publicist and writer Mark Twain about the adventures of two boys is still the most beloved and read in the whole world. And not only a favorite piece for boys, but also for adults who remember their mischievous childhood. This is the story of young America, the romanticism of which touches boys all over the world to this day.

The Writing History of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The first work in a series of adventures of American boys was published in 1876, the author was just over 30 years old at the time. Obviously, this played a role in the brightness of the book's images. America late XIX century has not yet got rid of slavery, half of the continent was "Indian territory", and the boys remained boys. According to many testimonies, Mark Twain described himself in Tom, not only real himself, but all his dreams of adventure. Feelings and emotions are described real, which worried the boy of that time, and which continue to excite the boys today.

The main characters- two friends, Tom, who is raised by his own lonely aunt, and Huck, a city street child. Both boys, inseparable in their fantasies and adventures, are typical characters, but Tom Sawyer remains the main character. He has a younger brother, more rational and obedient, there are schoolmates, boyish love - Becky. And like any boy, the main events in life are associated with a thirst for adventure and first love. An ineradicable thirst constantly draws Tom and Huck into dangerous adventures, some of which, of course, are invented by the author, some are real events. It’s easy to believe in things like running away from home or going to the cemetery at night. And these adventures, interspersed with descriptions of ordinary boyish everyday life, ordinary pranks, joys and annoyances, come true thanks to the genius of the author. The description of the life of Americans at that time is impressive. What is lost in the modern world, democracy and the spirit of freedom.

Chronicle of young America (plot and main idea)

A town on the banks of the Mississippi, in which residents have mixed into a single society, regardless of property, racial and even age differences. Negro Jim, in slavery by Aunt Polly, half-breed Indian Joe, Judge Thatcher and his daughter Becky, homeless boy Huck and the prankster Tom, Dr. Robenson and the undertaker Potter. Tom's life is described with such humor and with such naturalness that the reader forgets in which country this is happening, as if recalling what happened to himself.

Boy Tom Sawyer with younger brother, who is clearly more positive than him, is brought up by an old aunt after the death of his mother. He goes to school, plays on the street, fights, makes friends and falls in love with the beautiful peer Becky. Once they met their old friend Huckleberry Fin on the streets, with whom they had a deep controversy about ways to remove warts. Huck described a fresh method of mixing with a dead cat, but it is necessary to visit the cemetery at night. From this began all the significant adventures of these two tomboy. Previous conflicts with his aunt, entrepreneurial ideas with receiving a bonus Bible at Sunday school, whitewashing the fence in the form of punishment for disobedience, which Tom transformed from success into personal success, fade into the background. Everything except love for Becky.

Having witnessed a fight and murder, the two boys have long doubted the need to bring everything they saw to the court of adults. Only sincere pity for the old drunkard Potter and a sense of universal justice make Tom appear at the trial. Thus, he saved the life of the accused and put his life in mortal danger. Injun Joe's revenge is a very real threat to the boy, even under the protection of the law. Meanwhile, Tom and Becky's romance cracked, and this distracted him from everything else for a long time. He suffered. Finally, it was decided to escape from home from unhappy love and become a pirate. It's good that there is such a friend as Huck, who agrees to support any adventure. A school friend, Joe, joined them.

This adventure ended as it should have. Tom's heart and Huck's rationality forced him to return to the town from the island on the river, after they realized that the whole city was looking for them. The boys returned just for their own funeral. The joy of the adults was so great that the boys were not even given a thrashing. Several days of adventure brightened up the boys' lives with the memories of the author himself. After that, Tom was sick, and Becky left for a long and far away.

Before the start of the school year, Judge Thatcher threw a lavish party for the kids to celebrate the birthday of his returning daughter. A boat trip along the river, a picnic and a visit to the caves, modern children could also dream of this. This is where Tom's new adventure begins. Having made up with Becky, the two of them run away from the company during a picnic and hide in a cave. They got lost in the passages and grottoes, the torch that illuminated their path burned out, and there was no provisions with them. Tom behaved courageously, this was reflected in all his enterprise and responsibility of a growing man. Quite by accident, they stumbled upon Injun Joe hiding the stolen money. After wandering around the cave, Tom finds a way out. The children returned home to the delight of their parents.

The mystery seen in the cave haunts, Tom tells everything to Huck, and they decide to check the Indian's treasure. The boys go to the cave. After Tom and Becky got out of the labyrinth safely, the City Council decided to close the cave entrance. This became fatal for the mestizo, he died in a cave of hunger and thirst. Tom and Huck endured a wealth of wealth. Since the treasure did not belong to anyone in particular, two boys became its owners. Huck received the patronage of the widow Douglas, falling under her care. Tom is also rich now. But Huck was able to endure the "secular" life for no more than three weeks, and Tom, who met him on the shore at the barrel-hut, frankly declared that no wealth could keep him from becoming a "noble robber". The romanticism of the two friends has not yet been crushed by the "golden calf" and the conventions of society.

Main characters and their characters

All the main characters of the story are the thoughts and feelings of the author, his childhood memories, his feeling of that very American dream and universal values. When Huck complained that he could not live in idleness, Tom answered him uncertainly: "Why, everyone lives like that, Huck." In these boys, Mark Twain writes out his attitude to human values, to the value of freedom and understanding between people. Huck, who saw more bad things, shares with Tom: "It just becomes a shame for all people," when he talks about the insincerity of relations in high society. Against the romantic background of the story of childhood, written with good humor, the writer clearly looms all best qualities little man, and the hope that these qualities will persist for life.

A boy brought up without a mother or father. What happened to his parents, the author does not reveal. According to the story, it seems that Tom received all his best qualities on the street and at school. Aunt Paulie's attempts to instill in him elementary stereotypes of behavior cannot be crowned with success. Tom is the perfect boy and tomboy in the eyes of boys all over the world. On the one hand, this is hyperbole, but on the other hand, having real prototypes, Tom really carries in himself all the best that a growing man can carry in himself. He dared, with a keen sense of justice. In many episodes, it is these qualities that he displays in difficult life situations. Another trait that cannot affect the feelings of an American. This is quickness and enterprise. It remains only to recall the story of the whitewashing of the fence, which is also a far-reaching project. Burdened with various boyish prejudices, Tom looks like a completely ordinary boy, which captivates the reader. Everyone sees in him a small reflection of himself.

A homeless child with a living father. The drunkard appears in the story only in conversations, but this somehow characterizes the living conditions of this little boy. Tom's unchanging friend and loyal companion on all adventures. And if Tom is a romantic and a leader in this company, then Huck is a sober mind and life experience, which is also needed in this tandem. The attentive reader has the opinion that Huck is registered by the author as the second side of the medal of a growing person, an American citizen. Personality is divided into two types - Tom and Huck, which are inseparable. In subsequent stories, the character of Huck will be revealed more fully, and often, in the soul of the reader, these two images are mixed and always get sympathy.

Becky, Aunt Polly, Negro Jim and Mestizo Indian Joe

These are all people, in communication with whom all the best in the character of the protagonist is manifested. Tender love in a girl of the same age and real care for her in times of danger. Respectful, albeit sometimes ironic, attitude towards the aunt, who spends all her efforts to raise Tom to a real respectable citizen. The Negro slave, who is an indicator of the then America and the attitude of the entire progressive society to slavery, because Tom is friends with him, justifiably considering him an equal. The attitude of the author, and therefore of Tom, to Indian Joe, is far from unambiguous. The romance of the Indian world at that time was not yet so idealized. But inner pity for the mestizo who died of hunger in the cave characterizes not only the boy. The realities of the Wild West are seen in this image, a cunning and cruel mestizo takes revenge with his life on all whites. He is trying to survive in this world, and society allows him to. We do not see the deep condemnation that should have seemed to be for a thief and a murderer.

Continuation of the epic adventure

Subsequently, Mark Twain wrote several more stories about Tom and his friend Huck. The author grew up with his heroes, and America also changed. And already in subsequent stories there was not that romantic recklessness, but more and more of the bitter truth of life appeared. But even in these realities, Tom, Huck, and Becky retained their best qualities, which they received in childhood on the banks of the Mississippi in a small town with the distant name of the Russian capital - St. Petersburg. I don't want to part with these heroes, and they remain ideals in the hearts of the boys of that era.

In the middle of the 18th century, in the small town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, a boy named Tom lives in the house of his aunt Polly. The restless tomboy runs away from school to swim in Mississippi, for which he will be a weekend job.

Painting a fence when mocking friends are walking around is a very unpleasant experience for a proud boy of twelve. Sly Tom pretends to be happy and completely satisfied with his pastime. Now his friends are asking him to give them this wonderful job in exchange for treasures.

The enterprising boy not only got rid of the punishment, but also became the owner of 12 alabaster, a reel cannon, a dog collar, a shard of blue glass and many other items of great value to children.

Love, piracy and funeral

The blue-eyed daughter of District Judge Becky Thacher won the heart of the young Mr. Sawyer so much that he takes her guilt for the torn book and bravely endures the beating from the teacher. A whirlpool of passions, quarrel, jealousy and now Tom runs away from home. With two friends, the boy decides to organize the pirates.

The boys live on the island, swim freely, fish and even learn to smoke. After a terrible thunderstorm, the children really want to return home, but then they learn that they were considered drowned and the service will take place. Not realizing all the cruelty of their behavior, they decide to declare their own.

Bloody tragedy in the cemetery

Tom sets out at midnight with the street child Huckleberry Finn in order to get rid of warts with the help of a dead cat and devils. There they witness a fight between a young doctor, Meff Potter and Indian Joe.

While Meff is unconscious, the Indian kills the doctor with his knife. Joe then convinces Potter's idiot that it was he who stabbed the doctor. The boys swear to each other to be silent about the events of this night, because the Indian is known for his vindictiveness.

Meanwhile, Potter is arrested, he is threatened, because his knife was found in the cemetery. Joe testifies against his assistant. Tom and Huck visit Potter, they are very ashamed and scared. During the trial, Tom does not stand the injustice and tells the truth.

The Indian escapes by jumping out the window, Potter is acquitted, and Tom becomes a hero. Newspapers write about him, but he cannot sleep peacefully, fearing reprisals from Joe.

Treasure and courage

Fired up with the idea of ​​finding a treasure, inseparable friends go to an abandoned house. While the boys are exploring the attic, a hobo and Injun Joe find the treasure downstairs. The perpetrator returned to the city pretending to be a deaf-mute Spaniard to take revenge on the widow of his longtime enemy.

Huck overhears Joe's terrible plans and manages to raise the alarm. Rescued Mrs. Douglas out of gratitude adopts the boy.

The cave and the end of the "Indian devil"

Tom reconciles with Becky and invites her to a picnic. Children spend the day outdoors and explore the famous McDougal Cave. Running away from bats, Tom and Becky are lost in a huge maze.

Tom bravely supports the exhausted girl. Leaving Becky by the underground stream, the boy goes to look for a way out and stumbles upon Joe. Fortunately, the Indian did not recognize him and fled into the depths of the cave. Tom manages to get out of the cave and save Becky.

The inhabitants of the city decided to fill up the entrance to the cave. Injun Joe was walled up alive and starved to death there. Tom and Huck later find a secret hole in the cave and find a treasure with gold coins.

The mischievous Tom runs away from school to take a dip. He is betrayed by his half-brother Sid. As a punishment, Tom was given the task of painting the fence. The tomboy praises his work, and the other guys start to envy him. Tom passes on an exciting lesson to his friends, having received boyish values ​​in return.

Having finished painting the fence, Tom goes for a walk. He meets a beautiful girl with whom he falls in love. At school, the boy confesses his love for Becky. He persuades her to get engaged, but there is a quarrel due to jealousy. Tom decides to become a pirate.

At night, Tom goes to the cemetery with Huck Finn. There, the boys watch the quarrel between Dr. Robinson, Indian Joe and the drunkard Maff Potter, which ended in murder and vow to keep the secret of what they saw.

There is talk in the city about what happened. Tom knows who the killer is. He becomes discouraged. Aunt thinks he is sick.

Tom after this incident diligently attends school, but Becky does not pay attention to him. Then the boy, along with Joe Harper and Huck Finn, decide to become pirates and set off on a voyage on a raft. While they are having fun on the island, they are considered drowned. The boys go to church for their own funerals. Tom is a hero again. Having provoked Becky's jealousy, he regains her affection.

Tom regains his hero glory by speaking at the trial. He tells the truth about the murder in the cemetery and saves the innocent Maff Potter. For a while, Tom fears the Indian's revenge. Soon his fear disappears and with Huck he goes in search of the treasure.

When Becky's parents return to town, they have a party on the boat. with a friend run into the caves.

They lost Tom and Becky on the boat, and they got lost in a cave, tired, they ran out of food. Tom goes in search of a way out. He sees the light, which turns out to be a candle flame in Joe's hands. Tom runs away from the Indian. Going in search again, he finds a way out. The door to the cave is locked, but Joe remains there. Tom pity the Indian who died of hunger in the cave, but he knows where he hid the gold. Huck and Tom become the richest boys.