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UFO truth or fiction facts. The Whole Truth About UFOs: What Do Scientists Know? Mysterious places: the riddle of Lake Korb

- unknown flying object; in the media, any celestial phenomenon, the nature of which the observer himself cannot determine. In this case, it is usually assumed that a compact moving object, similar to an aircraft, was observed, the appearance of which is associated with a visit to Earth by aliens from space.

The term UFO is a direct translation of the English UFO - unidentified flying object, which came into use in 1950-1955. In Russian, especially in works trying to bring a scientific basis for the study of UFOs, other related terms are sometimes used: anomalous atmospheric phenomenon (AAL), anomalous aerospace object (AAO), unidentified aerospace phenomenon (NAA).

The observation of incomprehensible atmospheric and celestial phenomena is not an "invention" of the 20th century. In the history of mankind, there are many cases of "heavenly signs". Especially many reports of UFO sightings came from eyewitnesses (and pranksters) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, during the period of the creation of the first airships and airplanes. The outbreak of mass interest in UFOs began in the era of the heyday of aviation and the creation of rocket technology.

The birth of a sensation. The first UFO report, which aroused great public interest and an avalanche of publications, was made by American pilot Kenneth Arnold. While flying in the afternoon of June 24, 1947, near Mount Rainier in Washington state, he noticed nine strange objects. One of them resembled a crescent moon with a small dome in the middle, and eight others looked like flat discs glistening in the rays of the sun.

According to Arnold, the objects that hit him moved at a speed of about 2700 km / h. Speaking about their appearance, Arnold compared them to "tailless aircraft". He noted that the movement of strange objects was, "like a speedboat racing on the waves," or "like a saucer thrown over the surface of the water." This is how the now popular term "flying saucer" or "flying saucer" arose.

The first publication of the Arnold case was received with skepticism, but after a few weeks the press was filled with testimonies of other eyewitnesses. Magazines and books on this topic began to appear.

Official UFO Investigations. As new weapons were being tested in the armed forces of some countries at that time, it was suspected that reports of unknown phenomena in the atmosphere could be associated with these tests. The US Air Force began collecting and organizing UFO reports in 1948 in order to determine their military significance. Civilian scientists and engineers were involved in this work. The analysis of the collected facts for the CIA and the leadership of the US Army was carried out several times. This work, known as Project Blue Book, continued with varying degrees of activity until 1969.

There were several reports of visual and radar UFO sightings near Washington National Airport in July 1952. Given the public and government attention to these reports, the CIA sent fact-finding instructions to the army and intelligence, and created an expert panel of engineers, meteorologists, physicists, and astronomers to analyze the reports, led by physicist H. Robertson (Calif. Institute of Technology in Pasadena).

Having studied, experts came to the conclusion that 90% of UFO reports have an astronomical or meteorological explanation: the vast majority of them are associated with the observation of the Moon and bright planets (especially Venus), clouds and auroras, birds, airplanes, balloons, rockets, meteors, searchlights and other phenomena, understandable to professionals, but occurring in unusual conditions or observed by insufficiently qualified eyewitnesses. One of the members of the commission, the famous American astronomer Donald Menzel (D.H. Menzel) published in 1953 the book Flying Saucers, in which he explained the nature of some UFO sightings.

Interest in UFOs increased in the early years of the space age. From the USA, it spread to Western Europe, the USSR, Australia and other countries. A second commission to study UFO reports worked in the United States in February 1966 and came to the same conclusions as the first. However, some scientists and engineers remained dissatisfied with the work of these commissions; especially active opponents of the "natural" UFO hypothesis were meteorologist James McDonald (University of Arizona at Tucson) and astronomer Allen Hynek (Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois). These scientists believed that some UFO reports clearly indicated the existence of aliens.

In 1968, at the request of the US Air Force, the University of Colorado organized a group of 37 experts under the leadership of the eminent physicist and atomic energy specialist Edward Condon (E.U. London). The UFO Scientific Research group's report was reviewed by a special committee of the US National Academy of Sciences and published in early 1969. It analyzed 59 UFO reports in detail. In the "Conclusion" Condon categorically rejects the "extraterrestrial hypothesis" and recommends that further study of the problem be stopped.

By this time, 12,618 UFO reports had been collected in the Blue Book project archive. All of them were either “identified” with one of the known phenomena (astronomical, atmospheric or artificial), or “unidentified”, often due to the low information content of the message. Based on the Condon Report, Project Blue Book was closed in December 1969. The only official and fairly complete archive of UFO reports was the Canadian one, containing about 750 reports and transmitted in 1968 from the Department of Defense to the Science Council of Canada. There were also comparatively small archives in official institutions in Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Australia and Greece.

In general, other commissions that have studied UFO reports have come to the same conclusions as the Condon Commission. In France, it was the Group for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEPAN = Groupe d "Etude des Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non-Identifies), which had been working since 1977. In the USSR, this conclusion was made by a group of experts working on the" Grid "theme of the Ministry of Defense and the Academy of Sciences ( 1978-1990) However, it was noted that individual well-documented UFO sightings still failed to provide an exhaustive scientific explanation.

After the publication of certain evidence that is associated with "Majestic-12", the civilian population suddenly learned that the governments of most countries in the world have information about UFOs.

Society, in periods of many years, found itself drawn into the "fun" of the authorities. And, as often happens, the fiction became a reality. The truth about UFOs began to infiltrate the press. Small portions of false information were perceived as it should be - meetings, publications, research. The population of the earth began to prepare for a sensation.

William Milton Cooper, notable ufologist, who became famous after sending the petition "Accusations" to the members of the US Senate. At one time, Milton was involved in quite a lot of research work on alien phenomena. A military man in the past, Milton Cooper, addressing members of the US Senate, drew attention to the fact that a huge number of leading countries in the world have long had information about alien intelligences. He said that the whole truth about UFOs is hiding from the public under all sorts of pretexts, although there is no reason for this. Society must know everything about the world in which they live.

This statement, published on the worldwide web, caused a greater public outcry and intrigued some UFO researchers. For example, Area 51 is a location named Groom Lake, a top-secret US military base that was used for a dual purpose - a joint contact between humans and invaders. Some experts say that it houses a popular laboratory, in which there was a great conflict between aliens and inhabitants of the earth, in the process of which over a hundred soldiers of the US Marine Corps and a team of rangers known as Delta died.

After some time, another intriguing document appeared on the web, which is called in scientific circles as the Blue Book. It is a scientific program seized in the process of capturing one of the representatives of an alien civilization. This document contained descriptions of various technologies and cultures of alien creatures, and also attached information and reports of US state defense institutions with facts about flying saucers, about their militarization, technical condition, and the principle of operation of weapons.

In addition to everything else, there is a number of evidence that the hidden base exists. This was mentioned more than once in interviews by cosmonauts who conducted research in the orbit of the Moon.

The question remains open and burning in our case - who built all this? really? But for what?

American scientists and researchers, after obtaining information and access to the database concerning the Clementine project, were able to discover on the surface of the Moon anomalies that are extraordinary in their nature and cannot be scientifically explained, which can be caused by an abundance of technological reasons, as well as to make a detailed map of objects moon with a clear coordinate system.

In the near future, ufologists around the world have accumulated a huge amount of different evidence of the existence of an alien,>

Are there other civilizations in the Universe besides human? What are the unidentified flying objects really? And why people began to constantly observe them precisely in the second half of the XXcentury?

These questions were answered by the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Irkutsk State University, Professor of the Irkutsk State University, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the SB RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergei Yazev. With a lecture "UFOs and all-all-all: a revolution that we did not notice" he spoke at the festival of science "By the way" in Novosibirsk on October 27.

Timeline of UFO Studies

  • The birth of a myth. In 1947, the so-called incident in the Cascade Mountains occurred in the United States, when American businessman Kenneth Arnold reported that while flying on his own plane, he saw in the sky incomprehensible objects that looked like "flying saucers".
  • Researching the problem. Since 1952, official investigations have begun in the United States within the framework of the naval and air forces.
  • Informal research in the USSR began in the 1970s, thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts, for example, the popularizer of astronomy and associate professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute Felix Siegel.
  • Petrozavodsk phenomenon. On September 20, 1977, according to mass eyewitness accounts, an object appeared over Petrozavodsk, resembling a jellyfish, with luminous rays diverging to the sides. The investigation very soon showed that the object observed in the sky was a rocket launched at the same time from the Plesetsk military cosmodrome. It was this case that first hit the press and gave rise to the study of UFOs in the USSR.
  • Official research in 1978-1991 in the USSR. The "Grid" project was developed, which was dealt with by two departments: the Ministry of Defense and the Academy of Sciences. Mass observations were conducted throughout the country, including with the help of military personnel and conscripts.
  • Closing the problem for professionals. This happened back in the 1980s of the last century, but the topic of UFOs still excites ordinary people, ufologists and the media.

- I would like to quote a wonderful statement, which is called Occam's razor: "You should not increase the number of entities beyond the necessary." This is a useful rule that often allows you to understand difficult things, - Sergey Yazev began his story. - If your wallet is missing, then, of course, you can talk about the fact that the Martians abducted it, or that it fell apart into separate molecules, but for a start, it's a good idea to look in another bag or think about where you left it.

The work of human hands

“Scientists around the world have come to the same conclusion: 80% of all observed UFOs are our own missiles,” said Professor Yazev.

Flight of the Soyuz-2.1a medium-class launch vehicle with the Meridian communications spacecraft from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

- It would seem, how can you confuse a rocket with a flying saucer? The fact is that as soon as the rocket rises high enough, we see only the engine torch and optical effects: a bright light source "plays" on the clouds, in the fog, emits rainbow rings, spirals, and so on. Moreover, the length of the engine torch at high altitudes is many hundreds of meters and even kilometers.

The most surprising thing is that it often does not occur to people that the observed phenomena may be related to some kind of cosmodrome. For example, Irkutsk is located three thousand kilometers from Baikonur, but when the Soyuz starts, it passes over us in exactly eight minutes, and the third step is going over Altai at that time. When we look at it from the observatory, it is an enchanting sight!

In 2009, the inhabitants of the Norwegian town of Tromsø were stunned by a terrible sight: a luminous rotating spiral that flew out from behind the mountain. Well, what could you say about that? Of course, these are aliens - no options! In fact, these were tests of the Russian Bulava missile, which was launched from a submarine in the Barents Sea.

Tests of the Russian Bulava missile over the Norwegian city of Tromsø.

In the 70s of the last century, up to 120 satellites were launched annually in the Soviet Union from the Baikonur and Plesetsk cosmodromes, that is, every three days by satellite. Add to that the launches in the USA, China, France, Japan and you have more than 200 launches all over the planet. All this can be seen over vast areas, so people constantly saw a large number of strange effects in the sky, not understanding what was happening.

International statistics say that about 10% of all UFOs are cylinders, that is, vehicles that are lighter than air. If you look at them from afar, you may not be able to identify what the matter is.

There are giant balloons that rise to great heights, there are sounding balloons, pilot balloons, atmospheric observatories. They are carried by the wind for weeks - at an altitude of tens of kilometers, across all borders.

Aircraft are used by the military for lighting during night exercises, and ordinary citizens love to launch Chinese lanterns for any reason and occasion.

Another 10% of UFOs are terrestrial technology. In our time, all kinds of drones have become very common, the number of which will only grow. So, before talking about the Martians, we must first sort out all the above hypotheses.

The main idea is as follows: an attempt to reduce all unidentified flying objects to one reason - a dead end path. There are a huge number of reasons.

Natural and mental phenomena

- I must say that there are natural phenomena, well studied or not very well, which are sometimes mistaken for something mystical: halo, clouds, northern lights and others, - Sergey Yazev continued.

- Now we most often look at a monitor or an iPhone and rarely at the sky, so many natural things seem amazing. People who lived, say, in the 19th century saw the same halo day after day, because in frosty weather, ice crystals in the air, illuminating, always give optical effects. Physics described this a long time ago.

Or, for example, during volcanic activity, ash emissions, the particles of which rub against each other, are accompanied by electrical discharges - these are amazingly beautiful phenomena. In the second half of the 20th century, previously unknown strange electrical phenomena were discovered at high altitudes in the atmosphere (up to 100 kilometers), which were called sprites, elves and jets. These are very beautiful luminous figures that can be seen even from the ISS.

In October 1989, a massive series of solar flares led to massive magnetic storms and auroras everywhere, even at low latitudes. Our newspapers were full of reports that people saw some red glowing balls in the sky. This is also not a very common, but quite natural phenomenon.

UFO is, to be honest, it is often a product of the human psyche. There are people who are convinced that this is all true. If in past centuries people talked about devils, demons, goblin, brownies, nowadays they talk about aliens - all this is written in psychiatry textbooks.

The image of an alien that was once created by director Steven Spielberg turns out to be a standard picture for everyone. Any grandmother from the most distant village or a child recognizes this image - this is already a cultural code.

A certain woman constantly calls to our observatory, who asks about the end of the world and the invasion of aliens. We are interested in: where did you get this? I watched REN-TV, she says. Don't watch REN-TV!

It must be said bluntly: many UFOs are the product of deliberate hoaxes. I myself did such things when I was a student: I hung the lid from the tank for developing photographs against the background of clouds on a fishing line, took pictures and published them in the local newspaper on April 1. No one would be able to determine that this is a fake! And in our time, with the capabilities of Photoshop and the Internet, this is not a problem at all.

Sergei Yazev noted that the surge in reports of UFO sightings fell on the second half of the 20th century, which exactly coincides with the beginning of the massive launch of satellites and missiles: in 1947, after the end of World War II, the American military began to test at their training ground those taken from defeated Germany German missiles.

Summing up the results of his story, Professor Yazev said:

  • Despite the fact that science does not deny the possibility of the existence of intelligent life outside the Earth, there is not a single reliable evidence of alien visits to our planet today.

Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:00 + in the quote pad
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Mysterious places and unidentified flying objects. Part 3

Mysterious places: the riddle of Lake Korb

Korb-lake is a reservoir, the depth of which is from 5 to 7 m. In the coastal zone of this reservoir, traces of the influence of forces of unknown origin have been preserved. On the night of April 27, 1961, an anomalous event took place here, which no one can explain to this day. In the morning, a pit was found on the shore of the reservoir, the dimensions of which were equal to 24.55 × 18.6 × 3.5 meters. The nature of the impact on the soil spoke of the impact on it of a certain apparatus of extreme strength flying at high speed. The pit near the coast had a continuation in the form of a large hole cut out. This unidentified flying object, which collided with the ground, knocked out a large fragment of frozen soil from the crater that formed as a result, a significant part of which simply disappeared. The rest, apparently, was thrown into the water, and on the very shore there was not a single piece of land left, which is very surprising. The object that created such tracks moved along the bottom for another 20 meters. At the same time, in front of him, he pushed a one and a half meter shaft of soil. At this, the study came to a dead end: this object did not leave any traces after itself - not a single fragment of the structure. Subsequently, studies carried out showed that the pieces of ice that broke off under water were emerald in color. In addition, small black fragile balls were found at the site of the fall.

Until 1979. a number of expeditions worked in this mysterious place, which included scientists specializing in the issues under consideration. The conclusions that were obtained during the research only caused more mysteries. It was clearly established that the unidentified flying object that crashed into the ground was not a chemical or any other explosive. It could also be neither a shell-house, nor a mine, nor a karst phenomenon, nor a landslide, nor lightning, nor a meteorite ...

Mysterious places: did the object exist? "M"?

Another amazing story happened in the 60s in Estonia. The main character here isresident of the village M. (for some reason, the full name is not indicated), located near the capital of Estonia, Tallinn, Virgo Mitt [By specialty - car mechanic]. Once he decided to dig a well in the yard. In the process of work, he suddenly felt that his shovel met with some solid obstacle. Virgo tried in some way to bypass the strange object, or to unearth it, but none of the chosen methods brought success. It turned out to be a slab, the end of which was not visible. Virgo decided to use a jackhammer to defeat the slab (?) According to Virgo, he was still able to make a hole in an incomprehensible slab, spending a lot of time on it. Water began to arrive, and Virgo decided that since the goal had been achieved, the work on the well could be completed. From the stove, he chipped off a couple of fragments, one of which he later lost, and the other he gave to his friend, who was a chemist by profession. He, in turn, took the obtained sample to the Tallinn Polytechnic Institute, and already in 1969 in the hands of Herbert A. Wiiding, in the future - Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences of the ESSR. In the beginning, this fragment of the slab did not attract much attention of the scientist, but soon a strange incident occurred. One of the employees accidentally touched the shrapnel, as a result of which he received a strong electric shock and lost consciousness. Cutting the shard with a diamond disc into several thin plates, Herbert Wijding immediately handed the metal over for analysis. The results astounded scientists. In the studied samples, about four dozen different elements of the Mendeleev's table were found. In such a combination, these elements do not occur in nature, which indicated the artificial origin of the sample. It was not radioactive, but it had a strong magnetic field. The quoted conclusion of Academician I.F. Obraztsov, as well as Professor A.I. Elkina [MISI-Moscow Civil Engineering Institute]: “The use of alloys of this type ... in aviation technology is unknown. An alloy of this type must have high heat resistance ... ”Also, the discussion was about the high resistance of the alloy to the effects of acids.

It should be noted that after a while, some media outlets began to publish a refutation of this incident, claiming that in reality there was no such story. Indeed, in this story, one strange detail catches the eye: it follows from the story that the plate was metal. Nevertheless, Virgo Mitt managed to break through this plate, which was also made of some heat-resistant, acid-resistant alloy ... with a jackhammer.


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Mysterious places and unidentified flying objects. Part 2

Mysterious Places: "Height 611"

In the area of ​​Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Territory, there is a hill called "Height 611". In this place in January 1986, a mysterious luminous object exploded. The object was in the shape of a sphere, the diameter of which was about two meters. The unidentified flying object moved in leaps and bounds, as if intermittently. There were two outbreaks, after which a fire broke out, blazing for an hour. According to eyewitnesses, the brightness of the flame reached the brightness of electric welding. Eight days later, over a height of 611, the flights of luminous balls were repeatedly observed - their number simultaneously reached thirty-two. As a result of a study carried out at the scene of the event, metal particles were found, the origin of which scientists could not explain. These particles had a spherical shape, and their composition was an alloy in iron with chromium, as well as with nickel, manganese and aluminum. Particles were also found consisting of an alloy of iron with cobalt and tungsten. On one of these balls, the researchers found droplets similar to glass. However, it was not possible to determine their composition. In addition, particles of molten carbon in a glassy state were found at the site of the fire. To obtain carbon in this form, a temperature of over 3500 degrees (Celsius) is required. The event at altitude 611, as well as the traces that remained there, are used by supporters of unidentified flying objects as evidence of the reality of UFOs. It should be noted that the composition of the detected fragments (both in this place and in others) does not shed any light on the nature of UFOs, but only adds new questions and is misleading [Sometimes the composition of the UFO fragments found spontaneously changed, leaving scientists in complete confusion] .

Mysterious Places: Issyk-Kul Basin

The area of ​​the Issyk-Kul depression in Kyrgyzstan is considered one of the most active zones in terms of the appearance of unidentified flying objects. A typical case took place in September 1990, when the on-duty department of the internal affairs department of one of the microdistricts of Frunze received a message that a giant UFO was in the air on the southern side of the city. At the scene went to the police department Kalugin, radio operator Savoschin, as well as the head of the department Timur Isakov. When they arrived, they actually saw a levitating unidentified object over a hundred meters in diameter. A beam of light was directed from the UFO to the ground. The object was photographed, and after a short time it moved towards the mountains. Police officers tried to chase the UFO in a car, but, of course, it was unrealistic to catch up with it. As in many other cases, the unidentified flying object behaved meaninglessly, and even somewhat maliciously. Not far from the village of Orto-Sai, he made a short landing, which caused a fire, after which he disappeared from view.

Mysterious Places: Blue Mountain

One more place should be mentioned, which is one of the highest points of flat Russia - Mount Sinaya (Volgograd region). This place is distinguished by many unusual incidents: at times the mountain concentrates around itself thunderclouds and lightning, and sometimes inexplicable light phenomena appear directly above it. Anyone who dared to go to Mount Blue noted that he was experiencing some kind of influence on himself. In this place, animals change their behavior, and in cars that pass nearby, engines stall. Even helicopters fell under the anomalous influence of the mysterious mountain. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the 70-80s of the XX century, a special activity of unidentified flying objects was recorded over the Blue Mountain.


Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:59 am + in the quote pad
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Mysterious places and unidentified flying objects. Part 1

Mysterious Places: Yakima Reservation

The Yakima Reservation, located in southern Washington state. This anomalous site is perhaps the most haunted UFO the USA. Local Indians tell exciting legends about him. One of them speaks of an unusual person with red eyes and healing the sick. In time immemorial, he found refuge with the Yakima tribe, and when he grew old, he asked to be given a special place so that he could calmly leave this life. The Indians claim that they witnessed an amazing sight: after the mysterious healer died, his body was picked up and carried away into the sky by an incomprehensible flying object. Since then, anomalous phenomena in this area have become a frequent occurrence. It is significant that it was this place in 1947 that gave rise to modern discussions about unidentified flying objects. In the period from 1964 to 1984, 186 UFO sightings were recorded here. It should be noted that a significant part of the observation data was the result of excessive impressionability and imagination of observers. Most often, the stories contained information about some red-orange or white night lights with inexplicable behavior - they either hovered above the ground, then began to move at an unimaginable speed in earthly concepts.

Mysterious Places: UFO Nesting in Australia

In the north of Queensland (Australia) there is an anomalous place, which, like the Yakima Reservation, was chosen for their flights and landings by unidentified flying objects of all shapes. The mass appearance of UFOs in this area took its toll, according to witnesses, in 1945, but the most striking observations were recorded already in the 1960s.

An example is the testimony of Mr. Jim Teals, the owner of a hotel in Eaton Range. On May 23, 1965, he saw that a small, circular, luminous object briefly descended right in front of the hotel, leaving numerous concrete footprints on the grass as well as on the tops of the trees.

In January 1966, a local resident Mrs. M. Hyde of Juramo observed a large object in the sky every evening, as well as transparent balls, which she said were 75 cm in diameter. This report was also confirmed by the police, who were also eyewitnesses of these phenomena. The aforementioned transparent balloons in calm weather flew no faster than a pedestrian "just a meter above the road. These balls had a peculiar egg-shaped shape, which is why this anomalous area was called "UFO nests" in the Australian media.

Mysterious places: "alien base" in Mukuzh

Not far from Chapad-Diamantin is the small town of Mukuzhe. He is known precisely for the fact that unidentified flying objects appear here quite often. Mukuzhe is far away from civilization - there are no settlements within a radius of 100 km from it. Perhaps it is this factor that is decisive in this case for the mysterious aliens. One way or another, but in the city there are many people who claim that they have contacted aliens from outer space. According to the stories of contactees, the dialogue with creatures from other worlds was established telepathically (exchange of mental messages). According to the inhabitants of Mukuzhe, aliens from outer space do them neither harm nor benefit, except for the bewitching sight, which is often observed in the mountains at night. At such times, luminous points swarm there. Local UFOs do not hide from people and even allow everyone to capture them on a photo and video camera. Brazilian ufologists explain such a high frequency of UFO sightings in this region by the fact that in the mountains, they say, there are "alien bases". As an argument, they demonstrate an abyss with a diameter of 100 m. Of an unusually regular shape. Its depth is the same - 100 m. Enthusiasts are convinced that this abyss serves as a take-off and landing shaft for unidentified flying objects.


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Unidentified flying objects in the Mediterranean Sea. Part 2

Literally two months later (November, 1997), the crew of the Spanish ship "Piqueno" collided, probably with the same object as the Greek ship "Heraklion" because, according to the description of the Spanish team, the appearance and behavior of the unidentified flying object almost completely coincided with the testimony of Cassatis. However, this time the UFO was more active. The sailors saw something like a tube and concluded that it might be a periscope. However, this "tube" suddenly began to lengthen, reaching the deck of the Spanish ship. It turned out that the "tube" is a ray of light, which began to explore the floor, alternately highlighting all objects along their contours. Finally, the beam reached one of the sailors, and slowly began to feel it. The sailor trembled (as it turned out later - from fear), and the rest of the crew left the deck in horror. After half an hour, they cautiously looked out, the unidentified object was gone. The sailor later said that at the moment when the ray began to investigate him, he did not feel anything special, but fear seized him strongly. After the beam completed the study of the floor, it became shorter. The object tilted, as in the previous case, flashed brightly and in an instant disappeared from the field of view.

Another UFO sighting in the area east of Gibraltar was recorded on December 2, 1997. An Italian liner followed to the Canary Islands. In the early morning, an unidentified flying object was noticed in front of the ship hovering in the air. This time its shape was different from the previous "plate-like" objects. It had the shape of a cigar about 200 m long. According to witnesses, the object resembled a submarine, but at the same time it changed color every five minutes. The UFO was consistently colored in all colors of the rainbow, while after each series of changes it acquired a metallic gray tint. These changes lasted for about twenty minutes. In addition, an unidentified flying object was slowly rotating around its axis in a vertical plane. The rotation lasted an hour, while the object was constantly in front of the ship. As in previous cases, two long, neon-like "tubes" emerged from the UFO. They reached the horizon and slowly examined it. After that, the rays were drawn into the UFO, and the object began to move strangely back and forth. Finally, the unidentified object began to climb sharply and disappeared behind the clouds.

In the following years, no unusual phenomena were observed in this area. According to Dr. Stonehill, a well-known American ufologist, the Amid-Earth Sea area near Gibraltar attracts UFOs with its unusual geomagnetic properties.


Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:58 + in the quote pad
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Unidentified flying objects in the Mediterranean Sea. Part 1

Specialists in the field of ufology have long paid attention to the following pattern:UFOappear, as a rule, in the same areas. Moreover, they appear at a certain time interval. One of these mysterious places is the Mediterranean paradise, located east of Gibraltar. This area is notable for the fact that UFOs have been appearing here for many years, and their visits were especially active in 1997. Below are eyewitness accounts.

In August 1997, the crew of the French ship Victory observed an unusual phenomenon in the Mediterranean Sea. To the north of the ship, a sphere glowing with fire suddenly emerged from under the water and hovered. The brightness of the unidentified flying object was such that the entire vessel was illuminated. The object began to move slowly at an altitude of about 50 m, gradually moving away from Victory. About five minutes passed, and a huge column of water suddenly rose above the sea surface. He consumed the sphere, and it disappeared into the abyss. With this amazing phenomenon, a flash of light occurred, but no one heard any sounds.

In September 1997, the crew of the Norwegian ship Polar Star also witnessed an unusual phenomenon in the area. A kilometer from the "Polar Star", an object with a diameter of 300 meters, similar in shape to a torus, flew out from under the water. This unidentified flying object was perceived as a clot-sink of plasma. He moved in parallel with the trawler for about four kilometers. When an object occurred, the ship's radar went out of order. The UFO levitated over the sea for about an hour and a half, after which it instantly disappeared.

The next case was recorded in October 1997. This time the Greek tanker "Heraklion" met the UFO. Mate Cassatis had just taken over the watch when he suddenly heard the cry of the mat-dew, who was on watch: "... This is a flying saucer!" The captain's mate, looking through binoculars, saw an object above the sea surface, like an inverted frying pan, which was 100 m in diameter. Cassatis gave a detailed description of what he saw. The UFO glittered with a gray metallic sheen, the lower part of the object was a round protrusion with a diameter of about 20 m. Around this protuberance there were prominences. The upper part of the unidentified flying object consisted of two discs, which were located one above the other and slowly rotated in opposite directions. Bright lights were visible around the perimeter of the lower disc. At the same time, there was a feeling that the lights are not associated with the object, but are located separately from it in the air. The surface of the lower part of the unidentified object was flat, and in its middle part there was a blurred light spot. At the top of the object, something like a tripod was observed rotating around an axis. Suddenly, an unidentified flying object made several reciprocating movements. The captain of the tanker gave the command to use the signal searchlight to attract the attention of the UFO, but the latter did not react to the signal in any way. At this time, the ship's team drew attention to an Arab cargo ship, which turned out to be nearby. An unidentified flying object also drew attention to it and took a course in that direction. The UFO slowly approached the ship, and then hovered over it. This spectacle lasted no more than a few minutes, after which the object suddenly made a roll, rose upward with great speed, then flashed brightly and disappeared from sight. None of the team understood in which direction the UFO could have retired.


The entire known history of mankind is permeated with evidence of the existence of certain secret societies among people. Even the most skeptical historians have no doubts that they existed in the past. Of course, secret societies exist in our time, and according to some sources, their activities have long since acquired a global, worldwide character. As a rule, prominent scientists, thinkers, politicians - all those whose intellectual level exceeds the level of ordinary people, become members of secret associations. The result of the activities of secret societies on our planet has become the existence of a two-level science: "elite" and "universal". Moreover, the lag of "mass" science and technology behind the secret developments of secret societies, according to some estimates, was and is from 30 to 80 years or more. There is quite convincing evidence that the radio was known to secret societies back in the days of O.S. Pushkin, that is, at least six decades before its official opening by O.S. Popov in 1895. There is evidence that a prototype of modern radio equipment was used already in the 16th century by the famous German scientist of the Middle Ages, Johann Heidenberg. There is a version that anti-gravity engines, to the creation of which science is just getting close, were known already at the end of the nineteenth century. If this is true, then we have a completely natural explanation for the numerous evidences of the late 19th - early 20th centuries about the observations of strange aircraft with people on board. The financial rationale behind concealing such discoveries is obvious: money is made on what is constantly bought. Thus, according to the press, one of the companies that manufactures electrical equipment bought and “froze” a patent for “eternal” light bulbs invented at the end of the 19th century (three of these, it was reported that they still burn in one old American fire station).
Obviously, for the same reasons, all information about the most significant inventions of the brilliant Nikola Tesla, in particular about the "solid state converter", which converted the energy that penetrates outer space into electricity, was seized. The device, the size of a two-liter can, was tested for a week, accelerating the car with absolutely free electricity to a speed of 130 km / h. There was something for the oil companies to get excited about. It is logical to assume that there are other motives for which secret societies "hold back" some scientific and technological achievements. It is possible that many of those who have systematically seized or destroyed books and manuscripts with intimate knowledge for a long time do so for understandable humane reasons. After all, some discoveries and inventions, if they find themselves in the hands of criminals or mentally ill people, can pose a threat to all of humanity. For example, it is not difficult to imagine the consequences of terrorists' use of the surprising and very dangerous discovery of the Russian scientist M.M. Filippov. He was a truly outstanding thinker, the author of three hundred scientific papers. In one of the letters to his comrades-in-arms, the convinced revolutionary M.M. Filippov stated: “I can reproduce the entire force of an explosion with a beam of short radio waves. The blast wave is fully transmitted along the electromagnetic carrier wave, and thus the dynamite charge, detonated in Moscow, can transmit its destructive force to Constantinople. Experiments I have carried out demonstrate that this phenomenon can be caused at a distance of several thousand kilometers. " In 1903, this unique man was killed in his own laboratory at the age of 45. Why is not difficult to guess. Who exactly - history is silent ... Secret societies are extremely interested in the exclusive possession of elite knowledge and high technologies. Unexpectedly, promising research stops, talented scientists disappear without a trace, their works are withdrawn from libraries by someone, names disappear from catalogs and reference publications. Where and for whom do they work? According to some information, there is a whole list of scientific and technical areas and areas, information about which is taboo. Compiled by the French military, it contains over eight hundred titles. UFO data also got here.
"New world order" . Who is the author of this idea, and what is its purpose? In previous articles, the question was raised about creatures from a parallel world that actively influence our lives. First, these creatures are real and in most cases are not aliens or aliens from the future. They have knowledge that surpasses ours, as well as creative abilities, capable of various kinds of hoaxes. Many researchers drew attention to the fact that aliens from a parallel world veiled their true tasks. And yet, from the individual elements, you can get a general idea. Let's see how the representatives of the parallel world manifest themselves: UFOs
Parapsychological manifestations (clairvoyance, telekinesis, auto-writing, spiritualism, etc.)
Occult (widespread magic)
The emergence of new religious and philosophical teachings
The emergence of new directions in music, politics, economics, education.

The above manifestations seem to be independent only at first glance. On closer inspection, a single thread, one idea is drawn. These manifestations have literally swept the world in recent decades, en massebegan to spread and, in fact, are instruments (not everything is listed here) of a slow change in people's consciousness. The common property of these manifestations of beingsfrom a parallel world - an attempt to come into direct contact with a person. Contact is not always direct, therefore various optimal forms are selected. It all depends on the psyche of a person, his views, beliefs. For one person, a hypnotic session is enough, another needs to be planted with a new religious teaching, a third is prone to drug abuse, and the rest can be gradually formed with the help of television, radio, the Internet, and the press. To this end, it is necessary to introduce your ideas into the mind of the elite (recall the ideas secret world government with its secret societies), and the media are in the hands of the elite. To be convinced of the truth of these statements, it is enough to look at what the impact of the "new" teachings is directed at.


Some believe that UFOs are an idle invention of science fiction writers. But there is a lot of evidence from different parts of the globe that prove that the existence of aliens is a reality.

Little man

In January 1972, one of the dockers in the port of the Polish city of Gdynia was working as a fishing boat moored. Suddenly, an incomprehensible huge round pink object flew right over his head. A trail of fire trailed behind him.

A few days later, on one of the city's beaches, the guards found a little male man with the "wrong" number of fingers and toes. He was crawling along the sand in a spacesuit, with burnt hair, completely exhausted. The guards helped the little man to take off his spacesuit and a mysterious red bracelet from his hand. Soon the little man died for some unknown reason.

An autopsy in the nearest hospital in Gdynia showed that the structure of his internal organs and circulatory system is significantly different from that of a human. Soon the remains of the little man were taken away in the refrigerator, and all the information about the incident was classified.

And this is not an isolated case of an accident of unidentified objects in the territories of the former Soviet Union, which were especially visited by UFOs. Until now, ufologists are lost in riddles of what the Tunguska space body really was in the Siberian taiga. A huge meteorite or a UFO crash?

By the way, the fact remained unexplored due to the fact that scientists were never able to get to the place where the unknown object fell. Many got into car accidents and had to call the traffic police for a special procedure, which is called an examination after an accident. As a result, time was lost and they were not able to investigate the incident "hot on the trail."

Scientists' discoveries confirm

It is unlikely that the abundant evidence of the appearance of UFOs and even encounters with aliens can be called mass psychosis.

First, the reality of the existence of aliens is confirmed by the fact that people from different parts of the planet tell approximately the same stories.

The second confirmation of the real existence of extraterrestrial intelligence is the discoveries of modern scientists.

Quite recently, many astro-physicists, on the basis of indisputable scientific facts and data from ultra-modern accurate telescopes, proved that there are at least ten Galaxies in the Universe, where there are solar systems similar to ours, and therefore planets with life close to Earth.

They also suggest that intelligent civilizations probably exist on these planets. And it is not a fact that in terms of their development they do not exceed ours, human ones many times.