Repairs Design Furniture

Dye coloring with your own hands. Painting wooden doors. How to paint the door with your own hands? How to paint the doors from the pine massif: process features

For those who started repair in their home, there will always be a couple of councils, how to save money and do on their own. Just a great savings option - painting wooden doors.

If we talk about saving money during repair, then it is important to understand what can be saved, so that in the future they do not regret and not pay twice. If you just think to start repair, first rate it and calculate the cost of materials. If wooden doors are installed in the room, do not hurry to change them on a cheaper option (even a new one), modern inexpensive structures are not distinguished by durability, but can not go about wear resistance and speech. Plastic doors "under the tree" or hollow structures will not last long, besides, they still do not meet all the requirements. For example, sound insulation and preservation of heat indoors. Therefore, it is so important to think carefully and take into account all the nuances. If there is a desire, it is better to leave the old wooden door and go to the restoration. You can do otherwise - buy a new wooden door without coating and paint it yourself. Here immediately arises a lot of questions, what tools need and what to paint wooden doors.

How to paint a wooden door

To the door really fit into the interior and looked harmoniously, it is important to choose the paint for wooden doors.

Wooden door staining options can be 2: with paint or varnish. Most often consumers prefer paintwork products, we will look at both options so that you have the opportunity to independently make a choice taking into account the color gamut of your room.

Options for staining of wooden doors:

  1. Varnish. You can find several types of varnishes on sale: transparent with glossy surface or colorless matte, as well as color. Regardless of this, after staining a wooden surface, the tree structure does not paint. As a result of the work done, you will see all, especially the disadvantages of wood. If you handle a new wooden door, which was previously prepared, then there should be no problems. You can safely choose this type of paintwork material and start work. Another thing - if you have gathered to restore the old door, which resistantly kept several stages of restoration, in which case the varnish is better not to use. The second point - when choosing varnishes, it is worth paying attention to the composition of the coating: the lacquer is based on the oil (alcohol) or solvent-based (nitrolac). Just from the second option, it is better to immediately refuse, as the lacquer can spoil the tree. The ideal option is to use polyurethane varnish. It is stable and durable.
  2. Paint. The huge range of this type of finishing material allows you to give a wooden surface the desired shade and view. Paint is matte, glossy and translucent (emphasizes the structure of the tree). It remains only to decide on the choice of paint, given some nuances: the base of the material must be alcohol or oil. It is allowed to use and nitroquras, if you do not repel a strong smell.
  3. There is another material - wax oil, which gives the surface a beautiful glossy shade. After the coating wax it seems that the tree has become silk. Wax-based oils can be both transparent and with a different shade so that the user has the opportunity to combine the material, reaching the desired effect.

If you want not only to save a family budget, but also to fulfill work as soon as possible, stop your choice on alkyd enamel. This kind of paint is widely used at present, in addition to low cost, alkyd enamel lies well, paint for doors without smell, durable and you will have the opportunity to choose any shade to make the doors harmoniously fit into the room interior.

Painting interroom doors

How to paint the door to quickly cope with the task and not spoil the tree? This question is concerned about many people who have decided to make repairs indoors on their own. The lion's share of success depends on the preparatory work, so you must first prepare the surface to paint.

For work, prepare such materials and tools:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty on a tree;
  • trowel or knife for work (can be purchased by Mastikhin);
  • roller;
  • 2 brushes (wide and narrow).

First you need to remove the door with the loops. To do this, use a screwdriver and carefully unscrew the accessories (all the bolts are best folded into the paper package so as not to lose, they will be more useful for you). If you do not want to shoot the door with the loops, then when painting it is important to avoid drills, and the resulting droplets of paint or varnish immediately eliminate. It is very uncomfortable and high quality paint the door will not work. So it's best to remove the door.

After you removed the door, it must be put on a horizontal smooth surface (table, stools, goat). Now it is important to remove paint from the old door (if you are painting a new wooden door, then you do not follow these recommendations). Be sure to try to remove the old paint. If you bring a new layer of fresh paint on the old one, then when drying it, it will begin to crack.

Remove the coating is best with a solvent (designed to remove paint). It must be applied to the entire stained surface, and then cover the doors with polyethylene and leave for several hours. It is important that during the execution of this part of the work in the room the windows were opened.

After the paint softened, it can be removed by manually by hand, and then clean the entire surface with a coarse-grained sandpaper or use the grinder and remove the softened paint, and then depart the surface.

After the surface is processed, it is important to carefully study the doors, pay attention to dents and chips. If the tree is uneven, it is necessary to sharpen dents and chips, and wait when the putty will dry completely. Then walk another time on the places where there is a layer of putty emery paper to smooth the sections.

It remains very slightly, and you can already start working with paint. An important preparatory moment is to apply primer. It will reduce paint consumption and improve the clutch of two materials. It is important that the primer is chosen correctly. For metal surfaces, it will be one type of material, and for wooden - special wood printing. If you purchased a finished wooden new door, then ideally it should already be prepared (stripped and processed by primer).

We proceed to staining the wooden door:

  1. When the primer dries, you can start painting the doors. The choice of paint remains for you, but the best acrylic or alkyd enamel or oil paint is suitable, which dries quickly, almost does not smell and is well kept.
  2. Apply the paint is the best foam roller (you can take "fur" with short vile), not a brush. You will also need a brush to see the bottlenecks where the roller does not get. Choose high-quality brushes with hard bristles. It is very important that with painting do not fall out the veil, as they are very difficult to extract from paint. When you buy brushes, pull the pile, he must "sit" firmly.
  3. It is best to apply the paint with a thin layer, between each layer you need to take a break so that the paint has managed to dry. It is important not only to observe this rule, but also to grind the tree with a fine-grained skin.
  4. When you read the first layer of paint, do not forget to handle the door with alcohol to get rid of the smallest dust particles. If a lot of garbage, you can turn on the vacuum cleaner.
  5. Then we apply another layer of paint and check the result of the work done. If everything suits, we wait when the next layer of paint will dry up and proceed to the final stage of painting wooden doors.
  6. It is possible to go through the polishing circle with a soft sponge (not sandpaper) on the canvas. If you drop a few drops of polyteroli on the surface, then the paint will be better to glisten.

That's all you need to observe with painting wooden doors. Very often we are faced with the fact that this work is dusty and many do not seek to comply with all the technology, especially at home. Therefore, most often the work consists only in the proper paint. Naturally, this work should not be expected to wait for high results, especially if the doors are cleaned, without removing with the loops, and then a layer of paint was applied to the surface. As a result, very often in those places where many material has accumulated, the paint swells and even disappears. Therefore, do not be lazy and perform work on "excellent", with technology compliance.

How to create a tree imitation effect:

  • mobile paint door canvas (beige, yellowish or gray color paint);
  • tassel applied on the door liquid soap;
  • mobile on top of dark paint;
  • soap will happen by itself.

If you did everything right, then you should get a beautiful door with a natural pattern. In order not to spoil the surface, it is possible to stretch on low-challenging sites.

Painting wooden doors varnish

If your task is not color paint door, you can only get by varnish. To do this, you will need a veil and varnish, as well as a roller, tassels and greasy tape.

A few words about choosing a material:

  1. Acrylic varnish absolutely does not smell, it is non-toxic, made on a water basis, durable enough. If you need to add a special hardener to enhance the strength of the coating.
  2. Polyurethane lacquer is very durable, applied to primer, as it has a dark shade.
  3. Nitrolac is a popular inexpensive material made on the basis of a solvent. It is best to apply with the help of kraskopultum, very toxic, so it does not fit for home use.
  4. Alkyd varnish - waterproof, long dries, the base is a solvent, so when applied, you need to take care of the ventilation of the room. Laches during the day. To speed up the drying process, experts recommend adding hardeners.

For wood, you can find a lot of varnishes on sale, but not everyone can use at home. There is a certain rule when choosing a varnish - the toxic product, the more stronger.

We have already described the preparatory part of the work earlier, you need to remove the layer of paint or varnish with the old door. If you purchased a new wooden door, then it is ready to paint.

Getting Started:

  1. Finished for staining the surface moisturize from the spray gun so that the tree does not have time to absorb the extra liquid from the veil. It is still necessary for the material layer to lay exactly.
  2. Prayer first horizontally our door by the veil (it is best to work with a wide brush or velor roller). Work along the fibers, and then change the direction and proceed again the door canvas.
  3. After drying the veil, the door will be a little lighter than during operation. If you want to get more juicy, then you should apply a few more layers of material.
  4. If you did not remove the door with the loops, then you need to see not only the door at the same time, but also the door box so that it looks harmonious.
  5. Using a roller or tassels, begin to apply lacquer from the top of the door on the left side of the corner. Work in one direction - from left to right. Krable the cloth to the end, then wait until the top layer will dry. For drying, varnish may need more time than for drying paint. It is better to immediately take into account this moment and prepare a working corner in advance, take care that the surface of dust and garbage will not fall on the surface and trash.
  6. Further, after the first layer of varnish is dropped, we again apply a layer of material, only now we can change the direction - we make frequent strokes along the fibers.
  7. Be once waiting when the layers are dried and applied varnish, changing the direction of the brush - in the opposite direction.
  8. After the door gets free, it can be returned to the previous place.

Little Tip: When you paint the door with a lacquer, not to spoil the tool, wrap the brush and roller into a plastic bag. You can, of course, keep the tool and in a bank with varnish, but per day, while the thin layer of varnish will dry, an open bank with a paintwork can also begin to deteriorate (the solvent has a body evaporate).

How to paint a wooden paint door, see this video tutorial:

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Thanks to modern innovative materials, you can give the old wooden door a completely new kind corresponding to fashion trends. It is not difficult to do it yourself at home. The main thing is to comply with technology. In the article we will tell about how to paint the wooden door and what materials with the tools will be needed for this.

Before coloring

When the door is still new and not exposed to staining, it is necessary to decide whether to leave the natural beauty of natural wood visible or coat it with a solid opaque layer of paint. What exactly to paint the wooden door - the choice of materials for work will depend on this solution.

Selecting paint

If it is decided to preserve the natural color of the wood - there is no need to buy paint. In this case, the oil impregnation or transparent varnish will be needed. They are well refreshing the color of wood. Give the array new color shades will help tinted lacquer or veil.

If you want to update the already existing lacquered surface, you need to purchase a putty under the color of the array. It is useful for aligning the surface of the door leaf after removing the old varnish.

For opaque painting of wooden surfaces There are many enamel options: alkyd, oily, polyurethane, acrylic, perchlorvinyl. For painting bath doors it is better to choose polyurethane paint: it has high resistance to negative external influences.

Better to paint interior wooden doors? Unprofessional masters experts recommend choosing acrylic water-based paints. They have an optimal consistency for working with a brush and spread well. These paints have high water repellent qualities, good drying speed and resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Selection of tools

For painting, a narrow fillet brush and roller will be required. A brush is scorched by a fillet canvas and all sorts of decorative rails on the door. The roller is useful for staining of large and smooth surfaces of the door leaf. You can purchase a paint sprayer, but it is advisable to have a certain experience to work with it. In addition, for staining one or two doors to acquire this tool is unprofitable.


Those who saw the Wooden Master doors paint, it may seem that there is absolutely nothing complicated. However, a newcomer to achieve a good result, it is necessary to strictly follow all instructions and the procedure for performing work.

It is important to learn how to paint the doors evenly, without the formation of frozen herones or spots under varnish.

Often painting is produced in several stages. First use impregnation, it happens with a toning effect or without it. After that, the decorative coating is applied.

How to paint a wooden door without applying paints and varnishes? In this case, the impregnation or the versicle must be applied at least three layers in order to maximize the surface from external influences. A larger number of layers are applied to achieve the desired color shade.

Do not forget that shoals with Poktivok also need to be updated. Preparation for their staining is performed in the same sequence and the same tools as for the door canvase. Since it makes no sense to dismantle and endure before the painting door frame, it does not make sense, it is important to take care of protecting outdoor coverage from paint ingress, as well as provide in place of fresh air access for high-quality ventilation.

The tool applied to the surface may be incompatible. For example, the door covered with varnish cannot be soaked with oil. In this case, only the veil is suitable. It is also important to remember that all dyes based on alkyd resin can be applied only on a dry surface, otherwise the paint will be peeling.

Preparation of door leaf

To paint the door as high qualityly as possible, it is removed from the loops and put into the horizontal position on the "goats", two stools or desktops. Place the removed door is best in the fresh air. So it will dry faster and in the residential room will smell the paint less.

If you remove the door for some reason it is impossible, you need to block the canvas with wedges so that the fillet brush can easily get to all the necessary door items. This is also necessary for the door to accidentally closed until complete drying.

It is advisable to dismantle and fittings. If this is not possible - close the handles and hinges with a metal foil. The locking mechanism is fixed in the "open" position and shut a scotch.

Cleaning the surface

For those who are not a professional professional, one of the most important issues will be how to remove the old paint from the wooden door? The question is really important, because the quality of this process will largely depend on the final result. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the preparation of the door to staining.

Before the new painting, it is necessary to remove all the old layers of paint, primer and putty to the wood itself from the surface of the door. Such work is easy enough to perform a grinding machine. A more time-consuming method - the use of a self-made device consisting of a bar convenient for the hand shape and glued to the working surface of the medium-sized sandpaper. The most effective is the use of a constructional hair dryer. It warms the paint, after which it is easy to remove the spatula. Another way is to wash away the old paint with special means. It is not complicated, but costly - such funds are notable.


After that, they produce an initial grinding that eliminates small dents, scratches and paint residues. Here you can also use a grinding machine or medium waste paper.

Next, the surface is aligned with a spheolder: large dents, cracks, cracks, etc. are embarrassed. Deep dents can be lifted with auto ship, which does not include fiberglass. It is important not to forget that the clear coating is selected to the tone of the natural woodcase.

After complete grazing, secondary grinding is performed. First, abrasive is used as in the previous stage, then the fine-grained analogue. The processed surface is required to spend pressure, wipe with a damp cloth and dry well.

Sometimes after removing the old paint, it is found that the woody array looks quite good and can not be applied to it an opaque covering. In this case, it is recommended to bleach it with a mixture of a chlorine bleach and water in proportion of 1: 3, dry well, and then cover with varnish.


To understand how to put one or another wooden door correctly, it is important to figure it out in its device. The most common types of doors under painting are shield (completely smooth) and Filöncata (with deepening and, possibly, slats). The shield door is correct to paint in three receptions. It is better to use a roller, it ensures uniformity of application and leaves no hairs.

Painting techniques

You need to start from the upper left corner of the door leaf and go to the right side. Such a direction to adhere to the end of staining, then dry in accordance with the instructions on the paint. Staining for the second time is made in the longitudinal direction. The last staining begins on the right upper angle, opposite to the first stage of painting.

Filönchatu door is beginning to paint with a brush. Before starting work, the brush must be fluffy for all the poorly fixed hairs fell out, not falling into the paint. It cries all the recesses in the canvas. It is important to follow, so that there is no paint rebuilding. After that, the roller enters the work and the staining is performed in accordance with the above process stages for the board door.

Staining Morilka

What else can you paint the interroom wooden door? If you dye a verse, then the door prepared for painting needs to be pre-slightly moistened. In this case, a dye having a liquid consistency will fall smoothly.

The first applying of the veil is produced along the fibers, the second - in the transverse direction, the third is similar to the first. If the canvas is not removed from the loops to start painting, you need to bottom so that the dye drops do not fall into unpainted areas, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a smooth tone. The same goes and the door box. This is relevant to prepare the surface under varnish or other transparent coating. If the doors will eventually be covered with an opaque composition, random droplets of the simulators will not damage the final appearance of the doors.

Water-soluble veil allows you to have absorbed moisture fibers to straighten. In order for the surface of the doors to remain smooth, after drying the first door layer, they grind the skin-zero, then purified from dust and covered the versus the second time. A wooden surface during applying a dye for several tones is darker than dried. This must be considered if there is a desire to achieve a specific color shade.

The alcohol veil does not stimulate the straightening of the fibers, so it is not necessary to grind the doors after applying it. Such a veil dries very quickly, but water-soluble is considered more secure.

Wood imitation

If you wish, you can imitate MDF or upholstered plywood doors under natural wood. There are several ways of such a decor.

Option first

The door leaf is painted with light gray, light beige or yellow paint and is left to complete drying according to the instructions of the painting maker. A wide brush, the entire door surface is processed with liquid soap. A layer of more dark paint is applied, and a liquid soap is fluttering on the surface.

Option two

It will take a special brush for its implementation, which can be purchased at any construction store. This brush is handled soft fiber coating doors. Then the surface is painted two different colors (under the tree) dyes. Changes in the structure of the canvas produced by the brush will spontaneously give curls creating the illusion of wood.

After complete drying, the surface is grinning and varnished. Similar method can be renovated and furniture.

The execution of such a work will not be too simple, therefore it is recommended to pre-train on a different similar surface, and not on the door itself.

To perform painting of wooden doors efficiently, it is necessary to understand that this procedure does not imply saving time and material. All work must be carried out initially correctly, in compliance with all stages. Only such a position allows you to transform an old canvas or give the desired type of new items. All nuances should be calculated in advance to eliminate unpleasant consequences.

To obtain the desired result, as well as to create a reliable and durable coating, it is necessary to correctly pick up the paint for wooden doors. It should be noted that there are two main composition that are used for such work is varnish and paint. In this case, both substances can be applied together.

Each coloring makeup has its own characteristics:

  1. Varnish. Currently there are several basic varieties of this material: color, glossy and matte. It should be borne in mind that such compositions do not allow to hide the defects of the surface. That is, the structure of the wood remains visible, which significantly limits the scope. Varnish is an excellent option when it comes to new elements that do not have trains of training (putty, putty). If it is assumed that work will be performed on finishing the old doors, then the varnish is used as a protective coating, but is not the basis. It is important to pay attention to the composition of the material: it can be based on a solvent or oil. The first option is better not to use for woodwork, it can cause damage to wood.
    Varnish is used not only to create a decorative coating, but also creates a protective layer

    On a note! Many masters advise choosing polyurethane varnish. It has sufficient stability and durability, which is a very important feature for such events.

  2. Paint. This composition features the fact that it allows you to select the desired shade that is suitable for a particular interior. It is important to take into account that painting a wooden door can be carried out by materials that give a glossy, matte and translucent effect. When choosing paint should be immediately determined with the composition of the material: the base should be oil or alcohol. A good solution can be considered a nitrocracy, which has excellent characteristics and makes it possible to paint the door into white. But it is important to take into account that this composition has a sharp smell, which destroys only a few days.

    When choosing paint for the door, you must trace the inscription "for wood" on the container with the material.

  3. There is another interesting substance - wax oil. This product allows you to give the surface very interesting glossy (silk) shade. Oil compositions based on troops have different shades, which allows them to successfully combine.

    On a note! It is important to take into account that the applying of wax oil is not the easiest process. To achieve the desired coating, it is required to correctly distribute the material.

    So the better to paint the interroom wooden door? There are many advice on this, but alkyd enamel is considered the most preferred material. Such a colorful composition is distinguished by excellent qualities that are well suited for this type of work. First, it is low cost. It is significantly less than on other materials. Secondly, the substance falls quite smoothly, which is necessary for home use. Thirdly, the paint does not possess the smell and has a wide range of shades.

    Alkyd enamel from different manufacturers

    The principle of painting wooden doors

    Painting wooden doors with their own hands is divided into several stages, which are interconnected. It should be borne in mind that any negligence will immediately affect the final form of the details of the tree.

    It all begins with the preparation of the desired tools and materials. For work, special equipment will not need.

    You must purchase the following:

  • Screwdriver (screwdriver set). It will be needed to remove all the extra details from the canvas.
  • Emery paper of different grain. It is convenient to use the product if you install it on the bar. It is possible to use a grinding machine.
  • . This composition can be made independently.
  • Primer. It is used to increase the adhesion of materials.
  • Spatulas. For work, you need a small tool.
  • Roller and a set of brushes of different widths. The roller should not be foam.

Materials and tools required for painting doors

On a note! To apply paintwork composition, it is preferable to use the paintopult. It allows you to perform work in a short time, distributing material the most qualitatively. But requires special conditions for use. It is important to take into account that acquire such equipment for one-time work is irrational.

Preparatory stage

How to paint wooden doors high quality? To obtain a valid desired coverage, it is necessary to pay special attention to the preparation process.

On a note! Many mistakenly believe that buying a new, unpainted door, no preparatory activities do not need. In fact, it all depends on the specific situation, so it should be clarified by the seller: what has already been completed. But much better to assess the situation on their own.

Staining the door of wood paint

After the previous manipulations are fully fulfilled, you can go to the main procedures. They are as follows:

Save the budget to buy a new door and refresh the interior of the room is quite real. To do this, it is enough to upgrade the old door design, adhering to the technology of preparation and painting of the canvas.

All about choosing paint, features of staining of different types of doors and stages of performing painting works, written in the article.

Distinctive features of painting different types of doors

Old interroom and entrance doors often have a high-quality box and a durable canvas. Various models, even those that are made of valuable wood, over time lose the original gloss. I have accumulated over the years paint layer spoils the appearance of the doors and needs reconstruction.

The easiest and most affordable way to update the input design is the coating of the new paint. With this work, any home master will cope with this work, it is enough to know the features of the materials of the manufacture of doors, modern varnishes and paints, as well as abide by painting technology.

The process of coloring different types of doors has its own characteristics:

  1. Array of wood. Doors from this material are smooth heavy structures. This option maximizes the natural structure of wood. To update the array, choose a transparent varnish or lesing glaze. If the cloth is outdated, the glaze is suitable for a tree.
  2. MDF. The design of such a door consists of sheets of wood chip and insulation. Paint the MDF-door is quite simple, however, before this should be carefully prepared the surface.
  3. Pilented canvas. Frame is performed from MDF, and inserts from thin boards or plywood sheets. Before the painting design will have to disassemble the component elements. Due to the large number of joints, violent doors wear out faster and more often require updates.

How to choose materials for painting doors

Qualitative paints can not be too cheap. In this case, the savings are not justified. Sometimes shortly before the end of the shelf life, stores reduce the price of paint materials. If the painting of the wooden door is planned for the coming days, then this option will allow to save, without losing quality.

Optimal paint for doors

Reflecting on the question: "How to cover the door?" It is necessary to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bpaint goods, their advantages and cons. Assortment of all colors is customary to classify to transparent and opaque.

Opaque paints include alkyd and oil coatings. Most often used nitrocracy, acrylic and alkyd enamel. Each of the listed paints has its own characteristics.

Alkid enamel is the most affordable price presented in a wide range of colors and shades. After drying, a durable, resistant to external factors coating is formed. The material is wear-resistant, economically in consumption and dries relatively quickly.

A significant disadvantage of alkyd paint is an unpleasant smell holding indoors for about two days after staining. Evaporation negatively affects the health of allergies and people with diseases of the respiratory organs. Alkyd enamels are not desirable to use in children's rooms.

Nitrocraska is distinguished by high aesthetic properties, the color palette of materials exceeds acrylic / alkyd enamel. Essential advantages include high wear resistance and strength. However, nitrocrack is even more harmful to health than alkyd enamel. Paint evaporation is very toxic, work on coloring is carried out only in well-ventilated areas in compliance with safety. While the paint does not completely dry into the room can not go.

Acrylic enamels on a water-based basis are best suited for painting interroom doors. The composition is easily applied, it lies well, and when drying there is no unpleasant toxic smell.

Cons Acrylic paint: Higher price and small strength. To increase the wear-resistant coating and preservation of aesthetic species from above, the paint is covered with acrylic special varnish.

Wooden doors varnish are more often used for array designs. Lacrification, like paint staining, protects doors from moisture, bright light and other external influences. There are transparent and tinting varnishes. Some materials are used in conjunction with paints. The choice of one or another varnish depends on the result you want to receive.

Tinting varnishing gives the door a certain shade. Transparent transmits the color of the natural tree tone to the tone.

Council. Buying varnish, you should pay attention to the drying rate. It is better to choose quick-drying LKM - such a varnish does not spread over the surface and harmful to health.

Select the color of interroom doors

Today's assortment of paints allows you to implement the most courageous design solutions for the design of the room. In modern design, three main trends of painting interroom doors are visible:

  • gentle, bright colors of blue, peach, green, pink, lavender color;
  • dark rich shades of brown, cherry, blue, chocolate color;
  • bright colors - orange, yellow, red.
  1. Dark shades, such as "Cherry", "Red Walnut", "Dark Chocolate" will give a living room of sophistication and luxury. Light tones are well suited for the design of the bedroom and the children's room, creating a cozy and comfortable setting.
  2. Sleeping set of snow-white color is combined with the same white door decorated with golden fillets.
  3. For a wooden house, it is better to choose the door from the massif coated with oil transparent impregnation.
  4. A classic interior with antique furniture can be added artificially aged wooden door.
  5. The color frame color must be either lighter or darker color walls.

How to paint a wooden door: technological process

Required tools

First of all, you should take care of the tools. For work you will need:

  • paint bath;
  • painting brushes;
  • gloves;
  • rags;
  • putty knife;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • emery skar;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • flashlight - can be useful for convenient search for defects on the door canvase;
  • stools (4 pcs.) or goats (2 pcs.).

Materials will be needed:

  • putty;
  • primer;
  • paint or varnish;
  • solvent.

Surface preparation

It is more convenient to work with the removed web. Therefore, the door is removed from the loops and stacked on the support, for example, on 4 tabs. If the door is stained with an alkyd composition, then work is better carried out in the courtyard, on the terrace or balcony.

After removing the door, dismantle all the fittings. Failure handles and hinges can be wrapped with paper, secure a tape or wrap foil. Castle mechanism to fix and stuck with scotch.

In order to paint the door properly, it is necessary to prepare it correctly. The quality of the execution of this stage depends on how exactly color paint on the door. Preparation procedure:

  1. Remove old paint, layer of putty and primer up to wood. To facilitate the work, you can use a grinding machine, sandpaper, special washes for wood.
  2. Perform a pre-grinding. This will help remove small dents, scratches and paint residues. Grinding is carried out by grinding, medium-trimmed emery. Sleep the surface.
  3. Visible wood flaws to sharpen a special putty. Special attention to the gaps between the decorative elements and the canvas, proloce and joy.
  4. After a complete drying of the putty, the door reload the sandpaper - first the medium-sized, and then fine-grained.

Council. Damaged with time wood can be lit with a solution of chlorine bleach and water in proportion 3: 1, respectively.

Diagram Painting Doors

The coloring scheme depends on the door design:

  1. Shield door. Painting occurs in three stages. It is advisable to apply a roller - it does not leave traces, hairs and ensures uniform painting. Staining begins with the top corner of the door in the transverse direction from left to right. After applying the first layer, the painting should completely dry. The second layer is applied in the longitudinal direction, and the third is in the transverse one.
  2. Pilented door. First, with the help of a brush, all recesses in the canvas are painted. It is important to prevent surplus paint. At the end, the entire door is painted with a roller, sticking to the painting of the panel design.

Deciding with painting technology, you can proceed to further actions.

Order coloring

  1. Prepared to web to put horizontally, pre-stacking the surface with polyethylene. Glasses in the door to protect with painting scotch.
  2. Scroll with a brush small elements of a wooden door, fililenies and protruding details.
  3. Apply the first layer of paint with roller.
  4. Leave the door to complete drying and repeat the staining in the perpendicular direction.
  5. If you need to achieve a brighter and saturated color, the door is painted in three layers.

How to paint the doors from the pine massif: process features

The advantage of inexpensive pine is a pleasant aroma of needles, which adds rest home and contributes to a serene sleep. Pine belongs to soft wood rocks, so susceptible to environmental impacts. To make the material more durable and wear-resistant, it is necessary to protect it properly selected LX.

Some designers reluctantly use the doors from the pine massif in the interior due to the presence of bitch. This disadvantage can be adjusted using a tint veil. The tool will not break the pattern of wood, and give a noble shade.

Before staining, the surface must be sharpened, pollut. Resintees and pockets should be removed, the door can be sanded.

Pine door painting sequence:

  1. Skuring. The door, both new and old, must be finally handled by sandpaper.
  2. Clean the surface from dust.
  3. Progress the cloth. Primer contributes to uniform paint and additionally protects wood from rotting. For better antiseptic protection, it is recommended to use a special impregnation.
  4. Floor. Using the roller, apply the simulated shade on the door. Opaque paints are suitable for full texture paint.
  5. Cove the door with varnish.

How to paint the doors from pine: video

Opening with varnish - practicality and durability of wooden doors

Consider technology, how to paint the door to varnish:

  1. The first stage is preparation. The procedure for preparatory activities is fully consistent with paint coloring technology.
  2. The selected varnish mix directly in the bank to produce a homogeneous mass (during the storage of the LCM, the material can be laid). Stirring is performed very slowly, so that bubbles are not formed.
  3. The first layer is primer. It is performed by dilute varnish, diluted with water or solvent (depends on the type of base). The primer is applied along the wood structure with a brush. When painting can not be stopped, otherwise the stain is formed on the surface, which will have to be used.
  4. After drying the primer, the door to handle shallow skin, to remove repellent wood fibers.
  5. Applying a layer of varnish. This layer is applied in the cross direction with the previous one.

The door opened with varnish until the perfectly smooth surface is formed. You have to apply three layers.

How to paint the door from the fiberboard: step by step instruction

Fiberboard is a very porous material, so before painting it must be braced. This will reduce paint consumption and increase the wear resistance of the coating. As a primer, the usual olive is suitable, which is predefined to heat up to a temperature of + 40 ° - + 50 ° C.

The sequence of painting DVP doors:

  1. Remove the door with loops, put horizontally, clean from garbage, dust. Surface wipe with a cloth moistened in alcohol.
  2. Apply several layers of the primer layer. Careful impregnation will significantly increase the strength and water resistance of the Fiberboard. Olif can be replaced with a grinding mixture with fungicides / insecticides. Such formulations are deprived of an unpleasant odor and it is enough to apply in one layer.
  3. Visible cracks emphasize and leave the door to complete drying.
  4. Surface sandpaper.
  5. Alkyd, oil, acrylic or water paints are suitable for staining. When choosing a composition, it is necessary to take into account the type of fiberboard. For example, the waterproof Fiberboard will repel the paint on a water-soluble basis.

Painting of wood doors - a common method of giving an attractive appearance to interior designs. Such an operation makes it possible to update the old blades that have lost their original chic in the process of operation, and repaint new products to the desired color shade, focusing on the interior created after repair. Staining at home is performed by various compositions on simple technology.

How can you paint the doors?

Wooden designs perfectly absorb majority of modern decorative compositions. Therefore, restore the interior doors from the massif of pine, oak, linden, veneer, wood fiber and chipboard (MDF and chipboard) is allowed in almost any compositions:

  • Nitroemali.
  • Acrylic and alkyd paints.
  • Colored varnishes.

The enamel of the first type is the best option for working with the products you are interested in. They make the door canvas resistant to external influences and durable in use.

The lack of nitroemals is a sharp smell. When drying, they are isolated in air unsafe for people with weakened health and allergies connections that may worsen the well-being of a person. For this reason, staining with such compositions is carried out on the street or in well ventilated rooms.

Alkyd paint dries longer (40-48 hours) than nitrosostava. It is inferior to them according to mechanical stability indicators. You can correct the situation if mixed with a protective varnish. The main advantage of the enamel described is the available cost.

Acrylic mixtures do not have a sharp smell. They are considered completely eco-friendly. Their main minus is a high price.

Colored varnishes are used to paint interior doors from the wood array. These compositions emphasize the natural beauty of wood fibers and at the same time give it an unusual shade. They do not apply to decorating structures from MDF, chipboard.

Preparing for staining - what needs to be done?

If you plan to change the color of the new door, it should be removed from the native paint. The canvas is processed by a special solution (sold in any construction mangazine), under the action of which the design of the design swells and after that it is considered a conventional spatula without any problems.

On a bare-based base, a fine-grained sandpaper is passed. It should be used as much as much as possible in order not to damage the surface.

With the old interior door will have to do. It must be removed from the loops, to dismantle all the accessories, fill in cotton depressions for locks and other technological holes. After that, the following are to be performed:

  • Remove the available layers of varnish and paint using the solution mentioned above or by heating the surface with a construction hairdryer or a soldering lamp. The last two tools are not used when it comes to designs from veneer, chipboard, MDF.
  • Doors thoroughly wash with water, dry (the required time is 3-6 hours), degrease.
  • To polish the machine, handle the skin.
  • Looking and other defects to sharpen. This is especially important when it is planned to paint the doors in white or the design will be applied to the lacquer of a certain shade, a glossy veil.
  • After drying the leveling composition, produce a primer of the product.

If the interior construction in the apartment, the house is impossible to dismantle (for example, it was put in the doorway with the box), the newspapers should be added to it, prepare and paint, without removing the loops.

Tool for decorating - roller, brush or spacker?

Painting doors is carried out using all known working devices. Experienced self-taught bulbs use a sprayer for these purposes. It guarantees fast and high-quality work. But this tool is not available in every home.

If there is no pulverizer, staining is made with a brush and roller. The use of the first is associated with certain problems. It leaves the sweetes, pieces of pile, unevenly processed areas on the design.

Tassel apply a thin layer of paint to the interior product from the tree almost unrealistic. Therefore, it is used to decorate small doors.

The roller work is much more convenient. You need to choose a tool with fur coat. Poropolone fixtures are better not to take. They are energized nitroemal and are not suitable for applying acrylic enamels.

Self painting in a few simple stages

The operation is desirable to perform in the respirator and protective gloves. The bank with the selected paint opens, the part of the composition is transfused to another container in which it is diluted with solvent and is stirred by a wooden stick.

The finished composition with the required consistency can be used for its intended purpose. Painting doors with their own hands is made according to such a scheme:

  • The brush is processed (along the fibers) of the panels, strokes, plots near decorative linings, other hard-to-reach places.
  • Using a roller, the main surface of the structure is painted.
  • After the enamel is applied to the entire door, it is required to wait for its drying.
  • The canvas turns over to the other side, which is painted by a similar principle.
  • Last but restored the ends of the product. The composition is applied to these areas as thin. Then the door canvate does not hide in the box after restoration.

Final works - polishing. It is carried out with a sponge that is fixed on the grinder or an electric drill.

Paint is recommended to apply in two layers. The bottom line is that the first coating will make wood slightly rough (the fibers will swell, it will lead to their rash). The next reservoir fill the small foxes between the particles of the tree and make the surface truly smooth.

Locks and accessories are mounted back after drying the door. And the handles will correctly insert the design already installed on the loop.

Lacrification - what formulations apply?

Translucent and transparent varnishes are applied on wood for the purpose of its additional protection against negative impacts (temperature differences, high humidity). According to the degree of gloss (the level of light reflection) they are divided into:

  • matte and semi-wave;
  • semi-, high and usual glossy.

Lucky is made on aquatic, oil, polymer, alkyd, urea or acrylic basis. They are selected, given the composition of the paint used.

Colored compositions have a specific shade. The cost of such mixtures is quite high. Rationally coat the door with a veneer by adding a suitable toning component into it, and then process the design with a transparent varnish. This is the most economical way to make the canvas required decorative properties.

Original doors coloring options

If the home master has free time and he is confident in his designer talents, wooden structures can be made very bright and memorable. Examples of unusual painting are given further:

  • Created a stencil with a pattern. Applied to the surface of the interroom. Decorative composition is applied.
  • The door is painted with alternating strips of different shade. This method is appropriate for the designs standing at the entrance to children's bedrooms and game rooms.
  • Thin polyurethane baguettes or wooden slats are neatly stuffed on the cloth in the planned manner. These inserts are decorated with contrasting towards the main color of the enamel.

Some self-taught masters stain in the doors of 3, 4 and even 5 shades, creating a kind of abstract paintings. To implement such a technique, a rapid tape and several brushes will be required. Roller in such situations is not used.

An unusual structure on interior construction is obtained in other ways. Paint smears technology are widespread:

  • sponge with big pores;
  • compressed foil;
  • a piece of coarse denim;
  • natural fur.

Wanting to make the original door decor, you need to make sure that it turns out beautiful and completely harmonized with the interior of the apartment, a private house. Otherwise, the desire to stand out will lead to an adverse results.

Features of working with laminated products - what to take into account?

If wooden doors are covered with lamination, it is impossible to paint on top of this layer. Enamel will easily fall on similar surfaces. But it will last on them very long.

From the described structures, the upper coating is first removed (with the help of grinding). After that, they are leveling zero sandpaper.

The refined door is treated with White spirit, they apply an antiseptic and primer on it. After some time (3-4 hours), painting a wooden product. After drying enamel, the surface is decorated with varnish.

An important nuance! When removing the layer of lamination, it is necessary to act very carefully. If you go deep into the design too much, wood will begin to crumble.