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How to make a "pinch". Several tips from cooks with experience. How to prepare potato mask on milk, on cream, on the water add to potato mashed potatoes

The pushed potatoes are also called puree. Garnish is known among our compatriots due to light texture and taste. Potato mashed potatoes perfectly combined with mushrooms, minced meat, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish. It loves him even more. Let's look at the main recipes and the subtleties of preparation.

Potato selection for mashed potatoes

As can be understood from the above, the puster is preparing on the basis of potatoes. There are also requirements for the main ingredient of the dish. Potato tubers must absorb a lot of starch. From this mashed potatoes will be tender and air.

To understand whether there is starch in sufficient volume, you need to wash the tuber and cut. After that, try to squeeze two halves and rub them together. If parts stick around, the starch is enough, you can cook the puster.

Potato mashed potatoes

After selecting suitable tubers, it is necessary to study the subtleties of thermal processing of potatoes.

  1. Potatoes cleared, free from the peel, cuts into 4 equal sections. Many make a mistake when they leave potatoes in cold water after cleaning. All starch as a result of such actions is washed out. You must immediately send tubers in boiling water and cook.
  2. For a uniform brave of potatoes, you need to set the appropriate fire. You should not torment the tubers at maximum power, exhibit the minimum or average. Also an important aspect is the amount of water, the liquid should slightly cover the vegetables.
  3. The duration of cooking potato tubers for puree varies from a third to a quarter of an hour. No need to digest, because the potatoes crushes. In the process of whipping, you will get some lumps.
  4. To determine whether tubers were prepared or not, stumble them on the knife or fork. Potatoes should be discharged from the device, and not hang on it. After cooking, drain the water, proceed to grinding.
  5. Thick potatoes are prepared using well-tool tools. You can skip boiled tubes through a combine, send to a blender or beat the pestle. For softness, milk is added parallel to the eye.

Potato mashed potatic recipe

  • potato - 0.9-1 kg.
  • creamy oil - 60 gr.
  • oily milk - 300 ml.
  • salt - your taste
  1. First prepare the tubers for further manipulations. Rinse them thoroughly under the crane, get rid of the dirt with a sponge. Remove the peel, cut the potatoes on 2-4 parts to simplify and uniformity of cooking.
  2. Send the prepared vegetable into the container, fill with boiling water. The fluid should rise above the chopped potatoes per 1-2 cm., Not more. In the process of evaporation, pour water.
  3. Came up time after the start of the roar. After 15-20 minutes, the potatoes will be ready, it is possible to determine it with a knife or fork. Drain the water. Heat the milk so that it coincides with the potatoes.
  4. Send to potatoes butter, pize a little milk. Arm yourself with a torture, start the crowding tuber. You can simplify the procedure using the submersible blender. At this stage, it is necessary to salute puree.

Puree with tomatoes and sesame

  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 7 tubers
  • creamy butter - 50 gr.
  • garlic - 2 teeth
  • sesame white - 10 grams.
  • soft cream cheese - 0.1 kg.
  1. Clean, apply, dare potatoes. Wash tomatoes, free them from the fruits, disturb the cubes. From garlic, remove the husks, grind the press or tap.
  2. Separate a frying pan, add creamy oil, send garlic with tomatoes on the roast. Fry them on medium power 2 minutes, stirring constantly. After this time, add sesame seed seed.
  3. Potatoes Frick the pestle with the residues of the broth. Enter a squeezed cheese and some cream oil, salt. Send the tomatoes and garlic inside, mix, serve.

  • creamy oil - 50-60 grams.
  • salt - your taste
  • potatoes - 1.2 kg.
  1. Prepare potatoes, fling and freeing from the peel. Cut on 2-4 sections, thump in a cook for cooking. Fill with boiling water, it should cover the tubers for a couple of centimeters.
  2. After boiling, boil potatoes a third hour. When it is easy to slide with a knife, drain almost all the liquid, leaving a little broth for dilution.
  3. Add to potatoes oil, salt, pour broth gradually. Severe a pestle or immersion blender, serve with any other products.

Puree with minced meat

  • creamy oil - 110 gr.
  • minced meat - 470 gr.
  • cheese - 140 gr.
  • potato mashed potatoes - 500 gr.
  • cream - 450 ml.
  1. Heat the potato mass in a convenient way and reversal. Prepare a baking sheet, riding it with oil. Put the puree to the tray. In parallel, fry the minced fill in the pan, let's mix onions to enhance taste.
  2. Put the meat mass on top of potatoes. Plug the products with grated cheese. The dish will succeed with a unique taste and appetizing crust. Heat the oven up to 200 degrees, send a baking sheet to it.
  3. Stop the timer on the furnaces and expect half an hour. After the reserved time, get a tray with a finished dish. Wait a little cool. Divide the pie for portion pieces, serve with sour cream sauce.

Puree with solid cheese

  • cheese of hard grades - 220 gr.
  • salt to taste
  • creamy oil - 70 gr.
  • pepper fragrant - by fact
  • potatoes - 500 gr.
  • garlic - 10 teeth
  1. Install a saucepan with water on the stove, turn on the gas to the maximum power. In parallel, wash and clean the potatoes. So that the boiling process passed faster, bailitate the root pieces. Send a vegetable to boiling water.
  2. After cooking, knead the potatoes before the formation of a homogeneous mass according to the classic recipe. Clean garlic and send roasting on a raw frying pan with butter. In parallel, soda the cheese on the grater.
  3. Enter cheese, spices to taste and butter, the garlic will not need to get rid of it. Stir the components carefully and serve to the table. Potato dish can be decorated with fresh greenery sprigs.

Puree with garlic

  • milk - 180 ml.
  • dutch cheese - 110 gr.
  • milk - 210 ml.
  • garlic - 3 teeth
  • creamy oil - 60 gr.
  • potatoes - 400 gr.
  1. Wash and clean the potatoes, destroy several parts, send boiled. For quick preparation, cover the saucepan with a lid and set the maximum power of the stove.
  2. After the potatoes drunk, drain the water and mix the milk. Turn the products into a homogeneous cleaner. Salt add as needed, consider that cheese gives your own taste.
  3. Clean the garlic and turn into the Kashitz with priests. Connect the raw material with soft butter. Stit cheese on the grater and mix all the components. Serve puree to the table.

  • pumpkin flesh - 400 gr.
  • cheese "Parmesan" - 45 gr.
  • potatoes - 480 gr.
  • creamy butter - 60 gr.
  • sage - 3 twigs
  • salt - in fact
  • milk - 190 ml.
  • muscat walnut - to taste
  1. Boil potatoes by the usual scheme, turn into a homogeneous mass classic. Take advantage of a separate container, fill with water, put a sage twig and add pumpkin pieces. Steep vegetable until readiness.
  2. The procedure time can take from 10 to 15 minutes. Sutitate cheese on a large grater. After that, split the frying pan with butter. Tomit product with sage. At the exit, the fragrant sauce should turn out. Heat milk.
  3. Mix the potato puree and boiled pumpkin. Gradually pour milk. As soon as the mixture acquires a homogeneous consistency, enter the missing ingredients. Sweep with nutmeg and salt to taste.

Mystery with mushrooms

  • smetana - 60 gr.
  • garlic - 4 teeth
  • potato mashed potatoes - 900 grams.
  • mushrooms - 250 gr.
  • creamy oil - 65 gr.
  1. Warm puree and connect with milk, carefully stir up to a homogeneous consistency. You can add spices and fragrant seasonings to taste. Put the finished product aside.
  2. Turn garlic to the cleaner using a special device. Fry ready-made composition in butter. Next, enter the prepared mushrooms. Strip the product before the formation of golden crust.
  3. Put mashed potatoes on portion plates, on top or nearby put a side dish in the form of fried mushrooms. The dish is perfectly combined with various sauces.

Puree with mustard

  • cream - 100 ml.
  • potatoes - 300 gr.
  • cedar nuts - in fact
  • mustard Dijonskaya - 90 gr.
  • seasoning - to taste
  1. Prepare potatoes in the classic way and make a puree. Let's mix for the mass of cream and seasonings to taste. Next, fry the cedar nuts on the dry pan. The procedure will take no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Enter into the finished mass of nuts and mustard. Stir the components before uniformity. Serve puree to the table with meat or fish delicacies.
  1. In order for the puree to be truly tasty and did not have flaws, it is important to carefully clean the potatoes. There should be no damage and dark eyes on the tubers. It is best for a dish using a young root.
  2. To facilitate the process and time of cooking, the potatoes are best in front of the cooking to divide on 4 parts. In addition, in this form, the root plant retains a sufficient amount of beneficial substances.
  3. If you like magnificent and air mashed potatoes, then the mass is for the first time you can knead the brush. The second time is recommended to resort to the help of a mixer.

It is easy to prepare a potato mashed potatoes at home, it suffices to follow the instructions. With root, almost any products are perfectly combined. Do not be afraid to conduct experiments and make something new to the recipe.

Video: how to make a delicious potato mashed potatoes

- A popular and tasty garnish, who is happy to eat adults and children. The method of its preparation is completely simple, but it combines almost with all the products: fish, meat, vegetables, mushrooms, greens.

Despite the simplicity of the dish, there are some rules and secrets of the preparation of delicious and useful potato mashed potatoes of air and tender consistency.

With the help of spices, seasonings, greens can be diversified by a dish, make it sharper, piquant, exquisite and change its familiar taste. How to make potato mashed potatoes and gentle?

How to choose potatoes for cooking

The main ingredient of dishes is potatoes, and the taste and airiness of puree depends on its correct choice. Starch contained in potato tubers affects the magnificity of potato mashed potatoes. Than starch more, the more magnificent and tastier will get a dish!

To find out if this potato variety is suitable for making mashed potatoes, cut the tuber into two parts, and spoil them about each other. Now connect the halves together. If the starch is enough - halves of potatoes firmly stick to each other, if not, it means that this variety of potato potatoes with low starch, and is not suitable for cooking.

Potato cooking technology for mashed potatoes

In addition to the right choice of potato varieties, it is necessary to comply with its cooking technology:

  • Potatoes wash, clean from the peel and cut into four parts. Do not hold the cut-out vegetable for a long time in cold water, but immediately lay the boiling water. With long stay in cold water, the starch is washed away.
  • So that the potatoes be welded evenly, it should be cooking on a small fire, with a closed lid. No less important, the amount of water for cooking. Water should only cover cut potatoes.
  • Time of cooking is within 15-20 minutes, one should not digest the vegetable, as it will fall apart, and the puree will not be so tasty, and when hacking, lumps may form. To check potato readiness, pour it with a fork or toothpick - they should easily penetrate a piece.
  • As soon as potatoes are ready - water must be drained. To smoke it, use a tool, better wooden, blender or mixer. Experienced cooks advise to breathe boiled potatoes precisely, the puree is obtained unusually soft and air.

How to make potato puree with milk

Milk and butter will need milk and butter, the chicken egg or one egg yolk is included in some recipes. From the quality and quantity of butter depends the tenderness and taste of mashed potatoes. Do not use oil substitutes for whipping potatoes: spread, margarine, when using them, the taste of dishes will only deteriorate and it will not be so useful as with oil.

The amount of butter is calculated about 50-100 grams by 0.5 kg of potatoes. In addition to oil, gentle creamy taste potato mashed milk. His quantity should count "on the eye", depending on what kind of puree you want to get. Milk should be added hot so that when applying to the table, the dish was warm, not cold. It is believed that the temperature of milk affects the color of the puree. This is not true.

It affects the grade of potatoes, which can give a dish light, cream or yellowish tint. Beat the potatoes with a wooden pusher until potatoes - the creamy mass does not become creamy and homogeneous, and the lumps will disappear. The intensity and energetic of the beating depends on the puff and airiness of the dish. To facilitate the work, you can use kitchen helpers: a mixer or blender.

The most delicious potato puree recipes

Recipe No. 1. Classic Potato Master Recipe with Milk

Ingredients for puree (for 4 servings):

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • milk - approximately 200 ml;
  • creamy oil -50-100 gram;
  • salt.

For classic potato mashed potatoes, cut the cut potatoes, drain the water. Thorish it carefully, add soft oil and hot milk, continuing to beat the mass intensively. When it becomes air, soft, salt the dish, it is ready for feed.

Recipe number 2. "PAPER" puree with Bulgarian pepper

Unusual taste, aroma and color dish gives Bulgarian pepper and spices. "Papar" mashed potatoes Declaring a festive table.


  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs;
  • pepper Bulgarian red-1pc;
  • creamy oil
  • spices: Ketchup with Bulgarian pepper - 100 ml, thyme, basil, salt.

How to cook:

  • Boil the purified, sliced \u200b\u200binto four parts potatoes.
  • While she is brewed, prepare pepper: wash, clean it from seeds and cut into pieces. Add pieces of pepper to cooking potatoes in 10 minutes after it boosted and continue cooking.
  • After the vegetables are welded, drain the water from the pan. The peculiarity of the recipe is that it uses no milk in it, and the water in which vegetables was cooked, so water in a separate container.
  • Severate vegetables with a pinch, adding water after cooking and ketchup, turning them into a puree mass. The sharper will be ketchup, thus the dish will come out.
  • Add to the mixture a piece of butter, spices: thyme, basil and mix. Feed the fragrant dish hot.

Recipe number 3. Potato mashed potatoes with cream cheese and tomatoes

This is an exquisite dish, which is often served in Italian restaurants, you can cook at home for your family. The taste of this puree is an unforgettable and very unusual, not at all similar to the classic one.


  • Potatoes - 5-6 pcs;
  • Tomatoes -2 pieces of medium sized;
  • Creamy soft cheese - 100 gr;
  • Butter creamy, sunflower oil;
  • Seasonings: 2 garlic teeth, 1 tbsp. Lujuta, salt

How to cook:

  1. Boil the potatoes cut into 4 parts in water, after water boiling, salt.
  2. Dressing tomatoes, cut into cubes (finely), also grind garlic. On a hot frying pan, lubricated with butter, fry quickly garlic and add pieces of tomatoes to it. Fry vegetables, for a few minutes, sap sesame at the end.
  3. We proceed to cooking an unusual mashed potature. Drink potatoes by adding a little liquid left after potato cooking, cheese and butter.
  4. Roasted vegetables, lay out from frying pan in potato mass, mix and serve hot to the table.

Recipe number 4. Potato mashed potatoes "French" with mustard

Spicy, refined taste of this puree gives the French Dijon Mustard with grains, and sour cream, which can also be replaced with oily cream, will make a juicy dish.


  • Potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • Sour cream or cream (fat) -100 ml;
  • Cedar nuts;
  • Dijon mustard - 3 tbsp, seasonings, salt. \\

How to cook:

  1. Cook potatoes until readiness, after boiling, do not forget to salt.
  2. In a hot dry pan, fry the cedar nuts (4-5 minutes) and grind them.
  3. Ceing Cotato Potatoes, gradually pouring the liquid remaining during cooking. Add to the mixture of sour cream or preheated cream, nuts and mustard. Mix everything to homogeneous, lush mass and serve.

Recipe number 5. Potato puree with cheese


  • Potatoes 0.5 kg;
  • Butter butter - 50-100 grams;
  • Solid cheese -200 grams;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth, salt, pepper.


  1. Boil potatoes in boiling water, drain water. Move it to a puree consistency.
  2. Clean garlic, fry on cream oil for about 2 minutes.
  3. Cheese solid varieties grate.
  4. In the crushed potatoes, add garlic, cheese, oil, salt and pepper. Feed a creamy cheese smoothie hot.

Recipe number 6. Mashed potatoes "Tenderness"

Mashed potatoes prepared on this recipe is extremely gentle and delicious. Your households rightly appreciate the recipe, and will be silent to prepare this dish again!


  • Potato-12 pcs;
  • Cream milk - 0.5 glasses;
  • Creamy oil - 2 tbsp;
  • salt.


  1. Boil potatoes, drain water. Cover the pan with a potato towel and put it on a slow fire. A little dried the welded potatoes so that moisture evaporated from it. This is done so that dry potatoes can absorb oil and cream as much as possible.
  2. Frost carefully potatoes so that there are no lumps.
  3. Add butter to the crushed potato (pre-melt it, using the microwave).
  4. Add hot cream or milk to the mixture, continuing to beat to the creamy mass.
  5. Add salt, spices. Apply to the table.

Recipe number 7. Potato mashed potatoes with pumpkin and sage

How to cook a delicious, bright and very fragrant mashed potatoes? A bright yellow pumpkin, which is part of this super recipe attaches a sunny color dish, and sage makes a dish fragrant.


  • Potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • Pumpkin - 0.4 kg;
  • Parmesan - 50 grams;
  • Drying. Maslo - 50 grams;
  • Milk-200 ml;
  • Sage - 4 twigs, nutmeg, salt


  1. Drink potatoes, drain water.
  2. In a separate dish, boil the pumpkin chopped into large pieces, add Sage twig for aroma and boil about 10 minutes.
  3. Parmesan should be grate on a large grater.
  4. In a frying pan, on cream oil, let the sage twigs, so that the sage oil is.
  5. Boiled vegetables: Drop potatoes and pumpkin to a puree consistency, gradually adding hot milk, parmesan, sage oil and seasoning with nutmeg. Salt to taste.

How to make mashed potatoes Delicious and gentle - secrets and preparation subtleties:

  • One important point of the preparation of a delicious and useful puree is to carefully clean the potato tubers from the eyes, dark spots, unreasonable places. Invalid their hit in the dish.
  • The best cutting for cooking potato- cut the tuber to 4 parts, the finely chopped vegetable loses with a lot of useful substances during cooking.
  • To give the dish of air and pomp - take it several times. The first is a brush, the second is a mixer.
  • In addition to milk and liquid where potatoes were cooked, you can use hot meat broth.
  • By adding an egg, you will give the plowed potatoes of nutrition and make more satisfying.
  • As spices and seasonings, green onions, thyme, basil, nutmeg, saffron are added to the dish.

Cut each potato at half or four parts (depending on the size of the potato). Fold into the pan, in which we will cook, and pour clean cold water so that it completely covers the potatoes.

Send a saucepan with potatoes on fire, bring to a boil. Remove the resulting foam, reduce the fire to medium, salute and cook until readiness. It is very important that potatoes be one variety, as some varieties are boiled quickly, and some need more time to prepare. When potatoes are ready, it can easily be pierced with a knife or fork.

From the finished potato merge water (we will not need it). Move potatoes with a pinway.

In principle, potato mashed potatoes are ready, but to achieve its airiness and more homogeneous consistency, I beat it with a mixer 1-2 minutes at medium speed.

Potato puree, cooked on this recipe with milk and oil, is obtained by air and delicious. Serve hot with meat gravy, fish or salad.

Bon Appetit!

Prepare mashed potatoes? It seemed, there would be nothing easier. But it was not there ... For some reason, sometimes it turns out to be completely tasteless, here the most suitable characteristic is "no". I used to think that everything depends on the crop and varieties of potatoes. And that if you caught such potatoes, it is impossible to fix it. It turned out that you can, and make it quite simple.

Recently, from my mother's friend, women with "huge" culinary experience, which periodically earns a cook at the weddings, learned a win-win recipe for the preparation of delicious potato mashed potatoes. At first I did not believe. that he is able to make a delicious even very good potato harvest. But no - it works! It is brilliant! Forgot to mention? What the recipe was inherited from the aunt, who worked as a cook in the government in the Crimea in Soviet times!

I know two recipes for making potato mashed potatoes. The first method is that after the potatoes were drunk, water was merged with it, butter and milk is added. The second method is that the butter and a raw chicken egg is added to the boiled potato, while there are a few of the water in which potatoes were cooked, then ticks. There is also a variation with butter, milk and chicken egg.

In general, having tried a puree on a visit, my husband admired his taste. And his mother girlfriend said that this puree is preparing with the addition of Luke. I was very surprised by this fact - it was absolutely not heard in the dish. And then we asked all the nuances of the preparation of corporate potato mashed potatoes. So, onion gives potatoes a special slightly sweet taste, in the process of cooking, it is cooked by time as much as potatoes, it becomes soft and after it has already worn together with potatoes, becomes "invisible" and inspiring.

To cook delicious mashed potatoes, you will need:

potatoes - 800 g
Onions - 1 pc.
Bay leaf - 1 pc.
Creamy oil - 70 g
Salt to taste
Black ground pepper - on the tip of the knife (optional)

How to cook delicious mashed potatoes:

1. Potatoes clean, wash and cut each potato into four parts to speed up the cooking process. Then pour water, put on the stove and bring to a boil.

2. Clear onions from the husks and chopped finely.

3. The field of how potatoes boiled, assemble a foam, add a finely chopped onion into the pan. Add a bay leaf, let him get drunk a couple of minutes, and then get it, because if you abandon, can give mustard.

4. Salt and slightly peep potatoes, it is at will. When to shed potatoes? The question is very interesting. Salted it all in different ways as it is more convenient. But personally, I am a convinced supporter of what it is necessary to salute when potatoes are in a state of half-year or almost ready, that is, closer to the end. It is noted that in salted water potatoes are cooked longer and acquires an unpleasant taste. And if we put vegetables into salted water, then useful nutrients are routled faster. Therefore, it is believed that it is best to salt 2-3 minutes before the end of the cooking. It is better not to throat, in this case you can resolve the problem by adding spices to water or milk, then carefully the potatoes carefully.

5. Drain the extra potato decoction into a subsidiary, leaving the water in a saucepan, in terms of the level of the corresponding little less than half of the finished potato. Add butter

Marina: | January 21st, 2019 | 6:50 DP.

Thank you very much, Dasha. I did not know about lemon juice. Yesterday I prepared with him. And I add, if there are zucchini grated on a fine grater.
Answer: Marina, thanks for the comment!

World: | December 17th, 2017 | 10:25 pp.

Thank you! It turned out very tasty! Did not add an egg, but the nutmeg and cheese added on a small grater during a mixer operation :)
Answer: Peace, thanks for the comment! Bon Appetit!

Yanochka: | October 2nd, 2017 | 7:59 PP.

I make puree for the first time and according to your recipe, it turned out very tasty, thank you! ☺️
Answer:Yanochka, pleasant appetite!

NO NAME: | March 27th, 2017 | 5:07 pp.

it turned out and tasty
Answer: Pleasant appetite and delicious puree!

Anonymous: | June 9th, 2016 | 12:59 pp.

I really liked the ATP.

Sabdenbekova Iizhan: | March 27th, 2016 | 7:24 DP.

I am very grateful to you))) Thank you so much for such useful tips !!! My puree is just super and most importantly very tasty ...
Answer: Aizhan, pleasant appetite! :)

Anonymous: | November 9th, 2015 | 9:27 DP.

I am aboard mashed

Maria: | April 20th, 2015 | 1:41 PP.

very tasty it turned out i really liked

Anonymous: | October 15th, 2014 | 7:41 PP.

no words Thank youoooooooooooooooooooooo

Sanya: | October 14th, 2014 | 2:16 PP.

Ladies and gentlemen, I will offer your own recipe, which myself was born from me empirically, I used to cook potatoes for mashed potatoes along with the bow, then the onions threw out, and once left the bow, it is welded like potatoes, add butter, delicious and nobody fits that there is onions.
Answer: Sanya, thanks for the interesting option of cooking! Need to try:)

Anna: | June 11th, 2014 | 2:11 PP.

Why does my puree stick up forever? I tried differently, but never got an air.
Answer: Anna, the main secret of air potatoes - starch. Perhaps you initially take a potato for cooking, which contains little starch, or it is wrong to boil it - hold it for a long time in cold water and starch is washed away. Try putting potatoes for cooking in boiling water. And the water in a saucepan should not be much, enough if it will slightly cover the tubers.

Valeria: | April 11th, 2014 | 4:34 PP.

I have never worked so delicious puree !!! Thank you)
Answer: Valeria, I am very glad that I liked the recipe!

Marina: | January 22nd, 2014 | 2:04 PP.

Thank you!!!

Victoria: | February 28th, 2013 | 5:24 PP.

Nowhere on the Internet did not find why some potatoes after cooking are darker and there is unpleasant. Maybe someone knows. Whether it is so starch manifest itself, whether any negative causes, fertilizers, etc. Can I have such potatoes?

Answer: I do not know, but I would definitely not risk and there is such potatoes. Normal potatoes should not behave.

JazzlyNrose: | February 5th, 2013 | 12:27 pp.

it turned out really very tasty and fragrant puree !!!

Olga Andrienko: | January 31st, 2013 | 3:00 PP.

Tell me, and potatoes must be put in boiling water? I always lay it into the cold, I bring to a boil and cook

Answer: The later potatoes will be added, the more vitamins and beneficial substances will continue. I can advise to see the cooking table of vegetables, here. There is a preparation rules for each vegetable, it will be useful.

Elena Ruseeva: | December 15th, 2012 | 6:51 PP.

Cool tips, how many potatoes cook and a lot first recognize (I'm not cold about milk)

Elena me: | November 2nd, 2012 | 3:55 DP.

I add a pinch of sugar in my puree, and I truly launch so that it is not so thick.

Maria: | October 11th, 2012 | 2:52 PP.

I do not agree about the combine, if you use the nozzle for wiping vegetables and berries, and then just a hook for mixing or a whip for a whipping, then in 2 minutes it turns out an amazing gentle puree without lumps and residences. The pusher can be achieved after 10 minutes, no less

Light: | September 12th, 2012 | 2:12 PP.

Julia_Story: and Saludo :, if you do not want, then do not add, you are not forced, the claims are not clear))

Light: | September 12th, 2012 | 2:08 PP.

and nothing if the tool is not wooden, and metallic?

Answer: can:)

Alon: | August 6th, 2012 | 2:56 pp.

Potato Pureshko is the nivestable dish

Salyudo: | July 9th, 2012 | 5:19 DP.

Verified manufacturer is your personal chicken, you know where she lives and what eats (if there was no surprise yet, it does not mean that it will not be). Most of us it is not available, so I think I don't think that the raw eggs are irresponsible if you don't at least, at least defias and guests ...

Answer: You need to choose products with mind and without superstitions. I am about salmonellosis and raw eggs have stuck in detail.

Irina: | May 1st, 2012 | 9:14 PP.

How much I cook and eat with eggs for some reason only use for the preparation of dumplings. The husband claims that the addition of eggs is too much changing the taste of potatoes.
And - the whipping of the mixer already extodulated potatoes still changes its consistency for the worse. Therefore, all additions are stirred only by the brush.
And, fun, noticed for a long time - the color of potatoes from adding cold milk does not change! Probably, the thing is that it is a shopping winter "young" potato, everything is nicking it ...

Answer: Yes, the addition of the egg changes the taste of puree. It becomes not air, but creamy. But someone like it. And my potato changes color. Apparently, because of the young potatoes I do not do a puree, I use only "old".

Olga: | April 30th, 2012 | 4:46 pp.

Vinegar? It has always been believed that when potatoes are brewed in an acidic environment, it becomes hard .. Therefore, for the brideller, the sornery soup, the cucumbers and sorrel are added when the potatoes are already welded. I was wrong?

Answer: Everything is true, in an acidic environment, the potatoes are poorly welded. But in this case, vinegar is needed to save the color. Its amount is so small that it practically does not affect the stiffness of potatoes. Everything is perfectly kneaded by the brush.

Julia_Story: | April 30th, 2012 | 1:09 PP.

I in principle do the same. Well, maybe we will try to update the already favorite dish. Thank you!

Julia_Story: | April 30th, 2012 | 11:10 DP.

Hmm I read about the addition of the egg, but somehow it is afraid to add it raw.

Answer: I use raw eggs in many dishes. In order not to meet troubles, I observe two simple rules: I buy eggs only from proven manufacturers and my before use. Never buy eggs from hand or markets. Only in the shops from the poultry farm or at its permanent verified "supplier" - from the village economy.