Repair Design Furniture

How to care for a coconut at home. Where does the coconut grow? Habitat conditions of the coconut tree. Conditions for growing seedlings

Botanical name: Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) is a representative of the Coconut genus, Palm family. It is the only representative of its kind.

Homeland of the coconut tree: Malaysia.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: sandy, drained.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 30 m.

Average life expectancy: 100 years.

Landing: seeds.

Description of the plant coconut tree and its photo

The coconut tree is one of the most abundant plants on the planet. In tropics it reaches up to 30 m in height. At home it grows up to 6 m. The trunk is straight, smooth, about 50 cm in diameter at the base, slightly inclined, covered with annular scars left over from fallen leaf sheaths. The crown is formed on the upper part of the trunk, consists of 15-30 pinnately dissected dense leaves 4-6 m long. There are no lateral branches. Inflorescences are complex panicles 1-2 m long. They develop in leaf axils at 5-7 years of vegetation. Each inflorescence surrounds a ligneous sheath that blooms during flowering. Flowers are yellowish, heterosexual.

Fruits are large, oval or spherical drupes (coconuts), 15-30 cm long, weighing up to 2.5 kg. The shell of the fruit consists of a thin, dense outer shell permeated with fibers and an inner hard shell with three pores leading to 3 ovules, of which one develops and the other two are reduced.

The seed consists of a fleshy surface layer about 1.5 mm thick, inside it contains a white liquid - coconut water, which is an immature endosperm. Endosperm is initially liquid, transparent, but with the appearance of oil droplets in it, it turns into an emulsion - coconut milk, after which it thickens and hardens.

Fruits grow in groups of 15-20 pieces. Fruits ripen throughout the year and at different times, this is due to the fact that individual inflorescences do not open at the same time. The most abundant harvests are obtained from May to July. The second crop is harvested from November to January. The rest of the time, small harvests of fruits are carried out.

Fruiting of a tree in culture occurs at the age of 8-10 years. Bears fruit and yields good yields up to 50 years. 50-150 nuts are obtained from one coconut tree per year.

Collect the nuts when fully ripe or a month before ripening.

Another photo of a coconut tree is shown below:

Where does the coconut tree grow?

The homeland of the coconut plant is considered to be Malaysia. Today it grows wild and is cultivated in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Africa, South America, Brazil, India and the Antilles. The countries where the coconut tree grows have hot tropical climates.

The wide spread of this culture is facilitated by the structure of the fruits, which, due to the lightness and waterproofness of the shell, can float along the waves, overcoming long distances, while maintaining their vitality.

This plant is often found along the sea coasts and on the plains, settling mainly on sandy soils.

Application of fruits and seeds of the coconut tree

In the tropics, the coconut palm is called the "tree of life" because the inhabitants of the countries where this crop is grown use all of its parts.

Coconut is of great value. The largest examples are used in the production of palm oil, and are also used fresh for food. Soft drinks are made from dwarf fruits. Medium-sized fruits are used dried. Coconuts are also used in cooking in the preparation of various dishes.

The pulp of the fruit is very high in calories, so it helps to quickly satisfy hunger. 100 g of fresh pulp contains 352 kcal. Even the smell of coconut has been proven to satisfy hunger.

Coconut oil is obtained by pressing. It has a white color, pleasant taste and aroma. The oil hardens at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C. The consistency becomes slightly softer than butter. Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetology, medicine, food industry, and soap production. Soap containing this component in its composition can be washed even in salt water. Cosmetics with coconut oil have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, tone up, nourish, heal damage, and moisturize.

The local population uses hard walnut shells as dishes. The factories make buttons from it. A carpet is made from the fibrous part of the fruit. Wood is used to make furniture, boats, beams, hedges and more.

Coconut tree leaves

Coconut leaves are used as weaving material. They are used to make ropes, hats, baskets, brushes, brooms, in addition, in tropical countries, the leaves of the coconut palm are a roofing material.

This plant is used in the production of sugar, syrups, wine drinks. To do this, young inflorescences are cut before they bloom, after which juice flows out of them drop by drop. The extracted juice is evaporated and crystallized sugar is obtained.

The unripe green fruits of the coconut palm are the easiest to break open. They contain a large amount of liquid, but little white flesh. It is cut in the place where the nut is fastened to the tree or split on the stone.

It is more difficult to crack a mature coconut because the shell is very dense and hard.

For this, the nut is placed in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and kept for 5-7 minutes. The high temperature will cause the shell to crack. Cracked coconut can be split open with a knife or hammer.

You can also open a coconut in another way. Find 3 round holes on the top of the nut, then insert a corkscrew into the softest of them. After that, screw the corkscrew 3-4 cm deep into the coconut and remove. Turn the coconut holes down and place in a container where the juice will flow. When the juice is completely drained, tap the nut with a chop hammer with short strokes. When the coconut breaks, you will need to remove the shell from the pulp. Sometimes it leaves immediately, in some cases it sits close. If the shell does not come off, a spoon should be inserted between it and the pulp and press well, separating the shell.

When choosing a palm nut in a store, you should pay attention to its shell. It should be flat, smooth, dry, free of cracks, mold and streaks. It is recommended to shake the fetus. In a good coconut, you can hear a resounding splash of the liquid contained inside. In a low-quality fruit, the splash of liquid will be dull. The inadequate quality of the product will be indicated by its untidy appearance and the presence of three soft depressions.

The smell of coconut milk should be pleasant and the taste should be sweet. A repulsive odor and sour taste are signs of a spoiled nut.

Store palm nuts in the refrigerator. Opened coconut has a shelf life of 1-2 days.

Coconut water is a dense, translucent sweetish liquid. It is very nutritious, able to satisfy hunger and thirst, and restores the body's water balance. It contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the human body.

It is used as a natural soft drink that is consumed directly from the coconut. It is safe and hypoallergenic, so it can be consumed in large quantities. It is a rich source of vitamins during pregnancy and lactation.

When exposed to air, coconut water loses a large amount of valuable substances, so it should be drunk immediately after opening.

How does the coconut tree reproduce?

Gardeners looking to grow this exotic plant at home need to know how the coconut tree reproduces. This individual is propagated using seeds (nuts). For planting, mature, intact coconuts such as walnut or Weddel coconut are suitable. Coconut seeds (nuts) are 1/3 immersed in a container with soil mixture so that its holes are on the side. It is from these holes that the sprout will sprout. Seedlings will appear in 4-5 months. The leaves will first develop from the nut. As the tree matures, the lower leaves die off, and new ones appear at the top of the main stem, so after a while the trunk will form.

The potting mix is ​​prepared in advance. It should consist of a clay substrate (2 parts), peat (1 part), sand (1 part), vermiculite (2 tablespoons). To prevent stagnation of water at the bottom of the pot, drainage is done.

How to grow indoor coconut tree at home?

The coconut tree can be grown at home as an ornamental crop. It is recommended to grow this plant in greenhouses or spacious conservatories, due to the fact that the room is small for it.

How to grow a coconut tree at home and get a well-developed, strong, attractive plant? Since the coconut is a warm and light-loving crop, the pot with the plant is placed in a sunlit place. In winter, create artificial lighting. The optimum air temperature for its growth is 18-23 ° C. It should be noted that the palm tree is thermophilic, but it does not tolerate extreme heat. You also need to monitor the humidity level in the room. It should be 80-90%, therefore, in the heat and in winter, when the heating devices are turned on, it is important to take care of creating optimal humidity in the room. To do this, the tree is sprinkled daily or placed on a pallet with wet pebbles. From May to September, watering is carried out 2 times a week. The rest of the time it is enough to water once a week. In winter, it is enough to moisten the earthen lump and make sure that the soil does not dry out.

How to care for a coconut tree at home?

How to care for a coconut tree? It is very important to know the answer to this question when growing this whimsical tropical crop, because the development of the plant depends on proper care.

When caring for a coconut palm in spring and summer, top dressing is applied with a universal fertilizer or complex fertilizer for palms. The fertilizer is dissolved in water, which is then watered on the plant.

A coconut tree at home needs periodic replanting. The best time for this is spring. Young individuals are transplanted annually, adults every 2-3 years. It is necessary to replant a grown tree when the roots have ceased to fit in the pot. The new capacity should be slightly larger and higher than the previous one, since the root system of the tree develops quite quickly.

The transplant is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the roots. Rotten and damaged roots are cut, the cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal. The soil should be slightly damp, but not waterlogged. Watering before the transplant itself cannot be carried out. When transplanting, add 10 g

Tropical plants have long ceased to be a rarity in our interiors. And we are talking not only about flowers or vines, but also about real trees. For example, a coconut tree at home can become the main decoration of a design. Everyone can grow it on their own, the main thing is to know the features of germination, follow the rules of planting and care and understand that not everyone can get a beautiful plant.

The coconut palm, or Cocos nucifera, belongs to the Coconut genus, the Palm family and is considered one of the most abundant plants on planet Earth. Her homeland is Malaysia. Under natural conditions, the coconut of Nucifer grows up to 30 meters in height, the leaves of the tree reach 6 meters in length, and the life span can exceed 100 years.
Indoor coconut palm is more modest in size and grows slowly in the apartment. It has long, sparse leaves grouped in pairs, which form a vayu directly from the nut. The fruit, half buried in the ground, is in the planting pot.

Indoor coconut trees look very attractive: the contrast between a half-buried nut, from which at first a slender and small tree rises, and then an increasingly graceful and interesting tree, adds decorativeness to it.

For cultivation at home from all varieties of this exotic tree, the following are mainly used:

  1. Walnut coconut (Cocos nucifera). It is a real coconut tree, differing from it only in smaller size (indoors it grows up to 3 meters in height). The leaves are bright green, glossy, large.
  2. Green walnut coconut (Cocos nucifera viridis). It differs from the second option (as the name implies) mainly in the color of the fruit. They are not brown, but green.
  3. Weddel coconut (Syagrus weddeliana). This is not really a coconut, but only its closest relative. A small tree, many even take it for a flower, with rich green leaves on the front side and silvery on the inside, the ends of which are down.

A tropical beauty is grown from a bone. Rather, from a coconut - a spherical or oval drupe covered with a thin but strong shell on the outside and a hard shell on the inside. Its length can reach 30 centimeters, and its weight can exceed 2 kilograms. In addition, the seeds of the coconut tree include a fleshy layer, which is 1.2 millimeters thick, and coconut water. When the fruit ripens, it turns into milk and gradually hardens.

If we talk about how to grow a coconut at home, then most often a young palm tree is purchased ready-made, in a pot, since the process of its germination is quite long. Not everyone has the patience for him. And the main focus should be on care. In this case, it is especially important to protect the part of the coconut located above the soil surface from rotting. To do this, you must ensure that moisture does not get on it during watering or spraying.

Reproduction of coconut: germination and preparation for planting

Coconut palms reproduce by seed (seed) and by shoots. The second method of propagation of a coconut is very rare, when an adult palm tree gives a daughter shoot. The main and almost the only way to reproduce at home is to grow a palm tree from an ordinary coconut (seed method).

You can purchase coconut seeds (suitable fruit) at the store. The fruit must be unprocessed and the outer shell must not be damaged. Only a mature coconut full of liquid is able to germinate. Its presence can be easily identified by the characteristic gurgle, which is clearly audible if the fruit is shaken.

For planting, only a walnut covered with a shell is suitable. Peeled coconuts are sold in stores. The top layers - exocarp and coir - are always removed before the product reaches the counter. This valuable raw material is used in industry.

Before planting a seed-fruit in a permanent place, it must be germinated. There are 3 holes in the coconut shell for planting and germination - these are seedling pores. They look like small depressions in the shell. Only one of them will be active, and the other two will overgrow.

To germinate a coconut, it is pre-soaked for 2-3 days in warm water. Then they are placed on a wet substrate (peat or sand) in a greenhouse or container, buried in half and kept at a temperature of 24-25 ° C. This temperature is closest to natural and optimal for germination. The nut should be placed horizontally, so that the seedling pores are on the side.

To accelerate the germination process, it is recommended to keep the substrate moist. The nut itself can be periodically sprayed with warm, slightly salted water. Use sea salt. The container in which the nut germinates can be wrapped in a plastic bag in order to create a greenhouse effect inside (the required temperature and humidity) and do not forget to open it daily for ventilation, otherwise the fruit may become moldy. Thus, they imitate the conditions natural for the germination of a coconut in its habitat.

If everything is done correctly, after a certain time the nut will give roots, and green sprouts will appear from the seed. A fresh, ripe nut takes 1 to 2 months to germinate. But in principle, this process may take six months. If after 5-6 months the sprouts did not appear, it means that the fruit was immature and it is pointless to wait further for it to germinate.

How to plant a coconut in a pot

After the shoots of the coconut palm tree with the first 2-3 leaves appear, the sprouted fruit can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Before planting a coconut tree in the soil, you need to choose the “right” pot. It should be wide, twice the volume of a nut. There must be drain holes in the bottom so that excess water can flow out. Accordingly, a pallet is also needed. If there are no such holes, you will have to make them yourself.

Sprouting a coconut requires patience and special conditions. If there is no desire to do this, then you can always purchase a young plant of an ornamental variety in the garden center.

A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pot (shards or expanded clay are suitable), and a substrate is poured on top. The soil seven should be loose and well-drained and not acidic. The best option is a special soil for indoor plants interspersed with sand or light loam, humus, peat mixture, sand and charcoal in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1: 1. The soil for tropical plants should not be acidic.

Before planting a sprouted coconut, the soil must be moistened. The sprouted nut is buried halfway into the soil, in the same position and at the same depth as during germination. That is, only the lower part is covered with the substrate, and the upper part remains on its surface. It is not necessary to separate the seedling from the nut. A young palm uses its stored nutrient reserves during the first 3 years of growth.

As the tree grows and develops, its lower branches begin to die off. New ones are formed at the top of the main stem. So over time, the formation of the trunk occurs. It is smooth, straight, and can tilt slightly to the side. The trunk is surrounded by scars remaining from fallen leaves.

For a tropical tree, you should choose a suitable place in the house. The best option is a winter garden or a greenhouse. But the plant can feel comfortable on the windowsill, especially if it faces the south side. It is important that it receives enough light and moisture and does not suffer from the cold.

Potted coconut tree care

To decorate the interior of a house with a beautiful exotic guest, you will have to surround her with tireless care, which is not easy. Caring for a coconut tree comes down to a few basic aspects.


A coconut tree needs bright and long-lasting light all year round. Therefore, it is recommended to keep it on the southern windowsill, and when the daylight hours become shorter, use additional lighting. If the light falls on the coconut tree from only one angle, its crown will form asymmetrically. To avoid this, the tub with the plant should be turned 2 times a month.

The best lighting is diffused. Direct rays of the sun can burn a young palm tree, therefore, in the middle of the day, direct sunlight should be avoided and, although the shade of a coconut is contraindicated, partial shade is quite acceptable. As they grow older, the tropical guest becomes more tolerant of the sustained effects of the hot sun, and in this regard, caring for her becomes easier.

Indoor air temperature

A visitor from tropical latitudes feels comfortable only in warmth. The optimum air temperature in the room where it grows varies within +23 - + 280 C and should not fall below this mark. In this case, the palm tree needs an influx of fresh air, so it is important to provide it with regular ventilation.

If the air temperature drops to +16 ° C and below, the growth of the palm tree will stop. The plant will withstand a short-term drop to 0 degrees, but at sub-zero temperatures it is guaranteed to die.


In the process of caring for a coconut, it is important to strictly adhere to the watering regime. Short-term or long-term drought is just as damaging to coconut as excessive moisture.

The frequency of watering depends on the season:

  • from mid-spring to late summer, it is important to prevent the soil from drying out. The soil in the pot at this time should always be moistened;
  • from the beginning of autumn to the end of winter, the plant is watered as the soil dries up.

It is important that the air in the room is always humid. The best way to solve this problem would be drip irrigation, as well as installing a special humidifier. You can also prepare a sea salt solution and humidify the air with it periodically. For any water procedures, you can use only soft, settled water at room temperature.

Top dressing

Excessive feeding of the coconut palm is not required, but they should not be neglected either. With a lack of nutrients, the coconut loses its decorative appearance.

You can choose a feeding scheme from two options:

  1. Once a year, at the beginning of spring, place granulated feed into the substrate. During the year, it will slowly dissolve, giving the nutrients necessary for the palm tree to the soil.
  2. From the beginning of April to the end of August, with a frequency of 1 time in 3 weeks, feed the plant with a specialized solution for palm trees.


It is not necessary to artificially form a crown and cut off the leaves of a coconut palm. The need for cutting arises only if the leaf is completely dry or broken.
Yellowing, drying out, changing color leaves do not need to be removed. Until they are completely dry, the plant takes nutrients from them. To maintain decorativeness, you can cut off the dried ends if they are brown, and it is better to leave the sheet itself.

The formation of the crown of the palm tree is not required, but it is necessary to cleanse the plant of dried leaves. At the same time, it is important to remove only completely dry ones, without touching those that are just beginning to change color.

How to transplant a coconut tree at home

Periodically, the coke palm is transplanted into a larger pot. There may be several reasons to transplant a tropical beauty. And each of them has its own characteristics.

As you grow

You can determine that the plant has become cramped in the pot by the following signs:

  1. The palm tree stops growing.
  2. Water stagnates in a tub on the surface of the substrate.
  3. The roots stick out.

Young plants are usually replanted once a year, in April. By this time, the coconut, as a rule, has fully adapted to the new growing conditions. The soil around the roots and the shell are preserved at the same time. Adult palms that have dropped a nut require replanting once every 2-3 years.

When the age of the palm tree becomes 5-6 years old, the transplants are stopped, and instead of them, high-quality humus is added in a tub on the surface of the soil.

The new pot should exceed the old one in volume by at least 5-6 centimeters (15-20% more than the previous one in volume). The transplantation procedure is standard: the tree, together with a lump of old earth, is transferred into another container and the free volume is filled with new earth. So that the coconut does not suffer, you need to do this carefully, not to damage the trunk and roots. When transferring a coconut tree from one pot to another, it is also important to ensure that the nut does not go deeper into the soil by more than half.

If the plant is purchased already grown in a pot, its transplant at home is planned for the coming spring. In the future, it can be transplanted according to the standard scheme - once every 2 years.

For replacing soil

If the substrate has deteriorated or has become too old, which is, in general, the same thing, the palm also needs to be replanted. It is possible to determine the improper condition of the soil by a white coating on the surface, an unpleasant odor, and poor water absorption.

In this case, the pot is the same size. You can also leave the old pot, after washing it and treating it with an antifungal solution.

If the plant rots

It looks like this: the soil in the pot is wet, even if it is not watered, the trunk looses easily; the soil is constantly wet, an unpleasant odor emanates from the palm tree, and its trunk shakes from a light touch.

The first thing to do in this case is to cut off decaying roots. With such a transplant, you can also not change the pot or take another container of the same size.

Diseases and pests of homemade coconut

Coconuts at home most often suffer from various types of rot, mealybugs, as well as spider mites and scale insects. When cultivation techniques are followed, diseases and pests rarely infest coconuts. As a rule, improper watering serves as a catalyst for their development.

There are few serious diseases in coconut trees, these are:

  1. Phytoplasmic infection. This is an incurable disease. It can be diagnosed by the appearance of the crown - it turns yellow from bottom to top. It will not be possible to save the palm tree; it will have to be burned.
  2. Pink and black rot (attack by spores). The tree becomes weak, leaves and shoots begin to rot. If the process is running, the trunk also rots. The putrefactive masses are dark brown, black or pink, depending on the type of infection.
  3. If the coconut tree is maintained correctly, problems rarely occur, but any irregularities in humidity and temperature become catalysts for the development of diseases and the reproduction of pests.

    Homemade coconut owners may also face the following problems:

  • The leaves are withering. The reason may be too low ambient temperature.
  • The leaves begin to turn yellow and dry. To prevent the coconut from turning yellow, it is important to observe the watering regime.
  • The tree does not grow. Palm growth may stall due to improper fertilization or too little pot size.
  • Rolling leaves. Observed with excess or deficiency of moisture.

Growing a coconut tree at home is not easy, but incredibly exciting. Tropical beauty is a demanding and capricious plant. But if you strictly follow the rules of care, she will settle in your apartment for a long time, and even in the coldest winters you will be next to her, as if on a warm sea coast.

How to open, cut, cut a coconut at home

A coconut tree growing in a large tub looks very exotic. Complements any interior, presenting a striking accent. But in order to grow it at home, you need to know the peculiarities of caring for this plant. Consider how to plant a coconut tree in a flowerpot, the nuances of its reproduction. In the article you will find detailed descriptions of the stages of growing and photos of the plant.

Forms, varieties and varieties

The coconut tree is the only member of the Coconut genus. In its natural environment (tropics and subtropics), many varieties of this plant grow. For example, subspecies of walnut coconut:

  • viridis with green fruits;
  • tall - typica;
  • dwarf forms - nana.

Coconut tree in vivo

Ornamental low-growing palms have also been bred, yielding inedible yellow fruits. Varietal forms have nuts of various shades, the most common are:

  1. Brown.
  2. Green.
  3. Orange.
  4. Yellow, etc.

Types of coconuts

The variety of appearance of coconuts can be found in the photo. Fruits differ not only in color, but also in shape; they can be oval, drop-shaped, round, pear-shaped, elongated, etc. The size of the nut and kernel inside it also directly depends on the variety.

Important. In nature, the coconut palm reaches 30 m in height. But at home, it will grow no more than 6 m. To grow in a tub, you must try to find a specially bred undersized form that can please the eye for many years. Whereas a tall variety will live at home for no more than 7 years.

Coconut tree propagation, germination and planting

Reproduction takes place by seeds, i.e. the fruit of the coconut tree itself sprouts. For planting, only a walnut covered with a shell is suitable. Peeled coconuts are sold in stores. The top layers, exocarp and coir, are always removed before the product reaches the counter. This valuable raw material is used in industry.

Planting a coconut

To grow a coconut tree, you must have a ripe, untreated fruit. The photo clearly shows what a viable nut looks like. Coconuts sprout best with a large supply of juice inside. If you shake it, you can hear a gurgle. Before planting, the fruit must be soaked in water for at least 2-3 days. This creates conditions that are as close as possible to the natural environment when he swims in the ocean.

Important. Coconuts have been able to travel the ocean for over a year. At the same time, their ability to germinate is not lost. And as soon as the wave hits the fruit on the sandy shore, a sprout will appear.

Coconut will hatch only at temperatures around 30 ° C. The air humidity should also be high. This is a very lengthy process, it may take up to six months. Suitable conditions for germination can be created in a greenhouse or greenhouse. After the sprout appears, the fruit is placed in a tub of soil. Only the lower part is covered with the substrate, and the top of the nut should be above ground level. Simulating natural conditions. In their natural environment, coconut palms grow well on sand, but are able to thrive on other soils.

Coconut tree sprout

For home cultivation, the substrate should be soft and loose. It is good to use a universal flower primer, 1: 1 thinned with coarse sand. You can add peat and humus. The optimal diameter of the planting container is approximately twice the size of the fruit itself. It is imperative to arrange a drainage layer and holes for excess moisture to escape.

Sprouting a coconut requires patience and special conditions. If there is no desire to do this, then you can always purchase a young plant of an ornamental variety in the garden center.

Care features

It is imperative to keep this tropical plant in a well-lit place. But it is advisable to protect it from exposure to direct sunlight, since with their constant exposure, the leaves curl and dry out. A spacious, bright hall or balcony, slightly shaded if it faces the south side, will do. In rooms where there is not enough light, you will have to additionally artificially illuminate a young palm tree. The temperature should not drop below 15 ° C, colder conditions threaten the palm of death.

A constant moisture level is very important for a plant.

The plant needs moist air, ideally 75%. The heating system drains him greatly. Therefore, in winter, they provide additional humidification of the air in the room. When spraying, you need to try so that water does not fall on the nut, but only irrigates the leaves.

Constant watering is vital for the coconut tree. Indeed, at home, it grows on the coasts of the seas and oceans. The earthen coma should not completely dry out. A young plant, especially if it is in a clay pot, is watered every day. The first 3-4 years require annual transplants. When placing a palm tree in a new, more spacious container, you need to save an earthen ball. At the age of 5 years or more, instead of transplants, high quality humus is added to the surface of the soil.

Important. Pruning is an essential part of caring for a coconut tree growing in a tub. Remove broken, dried leaves. But the leaf plates that have changed their color, darkened or somewhat yellowed are left. Since the plant draws out the necessary nutrient compounds from them.

Fertilizers, top dressing, typical diseases and pests

The coconut tree grows very slowly and uses up large amounts of nutrients. And although from a biological point of view, the plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil, due to the lack of space at home, it must be fertilized. For this, it is recommended to use organic substances. For best results, it is best to feed every month.

It is advisable to start fertilizing in the spring. Continue to do this regularly throughout the summer. And in the fall, gradually reduce feeding so that they would be discontinued in winter. During this period, it is better to leave an adult plant alone, reducing not only nutrition, but also irrigation.

For the development of a palm tree in an apartment, the plant needs regular feeding

Insufficiently careful and thoughtful care of the plant provokes the onset of diseases. Excessive watering contributes to the development of fungal infections, under the influence of which the root system can rot. In a potted culture, the coconut tree is affected by a number of pests, the most common of which are:

  1. Shields;
  2. Spider mites;
  3. Mealybugs;
  4. Thrips;
  5. False shields.

To combat these insects, insecticides are used, the use of which is permitted indoors.

Growing and caring for a coconut tree at home is quite laborious and time-consuming. But having received a healthy, beautiful specimen, you can rightfully be proud of it. Such an exotic plant is extremely attractive, decorative and unusual. It will surely amaze guests and delight the hosts.

How to grow a palm tree in your home: video

Growing a coconut tree: photo

Coconut palm Is a large, tree-like plant that is intensively cultivated in the tropics. The palm tree grows very quickly, the nuts it gives are used for food, it is a very important agricultural crop. Coconut is widespread all over the world, and even in the outback of Russia it is very easy to find it in a decent supermarket. The most curious, of course, will want to grow a potted coconut palm. It turns out that getting an indoor coconut is not so easy ...

How to grow a coconut tree?

* Choosing the right coconut.

In order to germinate a coconut, it is important to select quality planting material. Ordinary "edible" nuts from the store will not work, since all protective fibers are removed from them, which prevents them from germinating. Fresh coconuts that have fallen from a palm tree sprout ideally. It is important that the coconut is ripe, juicy and healthy looking. You can bring them from your vacation or order them online.

* Planting homemade coconut.

  • In nature, before sprouting, coconuts usually lie near the surf line, swim in water and are saturated with moisture. We should simulate a similar situation by soaking the coconut in soft water for 2-3 days. The water needs to be changed daily and, if possible, the coconut should be turned so that the entire shell is evenly soaked. This will help the sprout of the future palm to break through more easily.
  • For planting, a shallow pot is suitable, 2 times larger in diameter than the nut itself. The pot should have many drainage holes. The substrate can be used ready-made, floral, it is important to create a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.
  • When planting, the coconut is easiest to place in a supine position, on its side. It can also be buried in the soil with a blunt end, leaving 1/3 of the total length above the ground.
  • For the emergence of seedlings, it is important to warm +30 degrees, sunlight and high humidity. The coconut can be hidden by creating a translucent greenhouse where a lot of condensation will collect. The soil should be kept moist and careful not to develop mold or musty odors.
  • Coconut sprouts for a long time, from three months to six months. This is due to the fact that the nut shell is very dense and it takes such a period of time for life to arise inside.

* Caring for a coconut tree at home.

At home, it is very difficult to create conditions close to tropical. Our air is dry, and apart from a humidifier, nothing will help to establish a decent humidity. If you do not have a device, spray the palm tree more often, put wet expanded clay in the pan.

The coconut palm is grown in a bright, well-lit area. If this is a southern window, do not forget to shade during peak solar activity. In summer, the plant grows well in the open air.

Coconut grows year round at room temperature. If the indicators fall below +15, the plant may just get sick!

With the growth of the palm tree, a transplant will be required. The pot must be increased by transferring the nut by transshipment, without destroying the earthen lump. After a year, light humus fertilizing can be added to the substrate.

Unfortunately, the living environment significantly limits the life resources of the coconut tree. The plant cannot properly grow roots, develop, bear fruit, and at the age of five usually begins to wilt and soon dies. If you are very lucky, you can find special varieties of homemade coconuts suitable for indoor growing in flower shops or at specialty exhibitions.

Either way, the experience of sprouting a coconut and observing the life of a tropical coconut tree is very interesting. This can be a long-term creative project for a child, or just an unforgettable experiment for you!




Lemon Tree



Lovers of coconut can be envied and sympathetic at the same time. Envy, because from this product they will receive most of the vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body. But, unfortunately, not always in our stores there is a tropical nut that is fit for consumption. Often, due to long transportation, overripe or dried coconuts end up on the shelves. Of course, even if you know how to grow a coconut at home, this problem cannot be solved. But getting a beautiful palm tree is possible.

This is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but it is still possible to do it. The main snag is where to find a coconut to plant. Fruits that are sold in the store are not suitable for this. They are, most often, already cleared of the fibrous membrane and therefore will not sprout. Ideally, it should be a nut that has fallen from a palm tree and is immediately delivered to you. Try to contact specialized stores or firms.

When the coconut is picked, proceed directly to growing. A coconut tree will grow at home only if you follow the instructions. Then you will soon be able to enjoy delicious coconut grown with your own hands.

Nut preparation

Before planting a coconut, it must be sent to a container filled with water. The nut should stay there for 2-3 days. Thus, you will bring the fruit closer to natural conditions, because often, before getting to the ground and sprouting, a palm nut floats in the ocean. Also, the water will soften the fibrous membrane, and the coconut will sprout faster.

Pay attention to the container in which you will plant. It should not be very deep, but have a large diameter: twice the size of a nut. Make drainage holes for the coconut to breathe. A flower mixture supplemented with sand is suitable as soil.

Planting a coconut

Take a pot and pour a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom, then mix the earth with sand and make a depression for the fruit. A coconut palm tree at home can be planted in two versions: vertically and horizontally.

In the first case, notice the blunt end of the nut. This is where it was attached to the palm tree. Place the coconut this side down and bury 2/3 of the fruit in the ground. For the second option, place the coconut on its side and compact the soil around it.

The sprout does not appear too quickly, it will take 3-6 months. If you don't want to wait so long, get a sprouted palm tree in the store. This will save you a lot of time.

Care features

The correct temperature regime must be observed. For such a tropical plant, the ideal temperature is 30 degrees. It is also advisable to create a mini greenhouse. Cover the coconut with a material that allows light to pass through. Maintain soil moisture at all times, but at the same time, make sure that the water does not stagnate.

A coconut tree at home should be well lit, but not in direct sunlight. The ideal option is a south-facing window with a light shade. When the palm tree has sprouted enough, transplant it into a larger pot. Do not completely shake the soil in which it grew from the nut. Simply transfer it to a new container and add more soil.

A palm tree grown on a windowsill will not bear fruit, but will become a wonderful element for interior decoration. The tree grows for about five years and acquires quite impressive dimensions during this time. Then it dies, but if you take proper care of it, you can extend its life for several more years.

Coconut Tree: Video

Many types of citrus fruits grow well at home. But how to grow a lemon from a seed, which would not only decorate the room with leathery dark green foliage, but also bear fruit?

It is the absence of ovaries on grown plants that often disappoints home citrus growers. Indeed, in the best case, from the moment of planting to the flowering of an indoor lemon, it takes from 4 to 7 years. And yet, getting a lemon from a seed is an exciting and not a futile exercise. A strong tree can be used as a rootstock by grafting a stalk of a cultivated specimen onto it, or push it towards fruiting with competent care and crown shaping.

If you are going to grow a lemon from a seed at home, you need to be patient and have some knowledge.

The main mistake of indoor plant lovers who have failed in growing lemon or other citrus fruits is that they used seeds for sowing that had long been extracted from the fruit and had time to dry out.

It is much more correct to remove the seeds from ripe fresh lemons, rinse them with warm water and embed them in the substrate immediately, without drying. This will greatly increase the number of seedlings.

Experienced citrus growers recommend another way to increase the speed and quality of germination. To do this, wet lemon seeds intended for growing at home are gently freed from the hard surface shell with a sharp knife, which is the main obstacle to the sprout hidden in the seed.

Following this advice, you need to be extremely careful and careful. Wrong movement threatens to damage the cotyledons or a delicate embryo, and then the lemon will definitely not appear from the seed.

If lemon seeds remain in the shell, it is useful to immerse them in a growth stimulant solution for several hours, preventing the surface of the seeds from drying out between processing and planting.

Growing lemon from seed at home

Before planting lemon seeds, choose shallow wide containers with mandatory drainage holes. A 2-centimeter layer of fine expanded clay or vermiculite is poured onto the bottom of a pot or other container so that all excess moisture, dangerous for delicate roots, does not linger and leave the ground in time.

You can make your own soil for growing lemon from seed at home by mixing garden soil, humus and sand. It is useful to add a little crushed charcoal to such a substrate, which will reduce the risk of developing bacterial infections. If you don't have the right ingredients on hand, a ready-made citrus substrate, which is easy to buy at a specialty store, will do.

All preparatory work has been done. Now it's time to start sowing. How to grow a lemon from a seed at home?

The best sowing time is at the end of winter. Then the sprouted sprouts will receive good support in the form of increasing daylight hours.

The seeds are buried in moist soil to a depth of about two centimeters. Several seeds can be planted in one container at once. Since the seedlings are waiting for the first transplant, when 3-4 true leaves appear on them, the plants will not interfere with each other.

The containers are placed in a greenhouse or placed in a warm place, previously covered with a bag or film. Do not forget that all citrus fruits are thermophilic, therefore, it is possible to grow a lemon from a seed at home only if a certain temperature regime is observed.

Seedlings will not start growing if the air and soil in the room are colder than +18 ° C. It is optimal if seed germination and subsequent growth takes place at a temperature of 22 to 25 ° C, with constantly high humidity, the absence of drafts and other negative factors. Compliance with simple rules on how to grow a lemon from a seed allows you to get friendly strong shoots.

On average, from sowing to the moment the shoots appear, it takes from a week to a month. During this time, the soil in the pot can be carefully sprayed, but it should be watered only when there are obvious signs of drying out.

With the appearance of green shoots above the soil surface, they gradually begin to accustom them to room conditions, airing and opening the greenhouse. When 3-4 leaves appear from the seed on a young lemon, the film is removed altogether, and the seedlings are sorted and transferred into their own small pots.

Since the seeds of hybrid fruits do not always carry parental characteristics, citrus growers seeking to get a lemon from the seed at home risk growing wild.

To understand how soon the tree will begin to bear fruit, and what quality ripe fruits will be, it is possible already by external signs. First of all, cultivated citrus trees are distinguished by a small number of thorns on the shoots.

Further care in the first year of seedlings consists in timely watering, transplanting and pinching for the initial formation of the crown of the future tree.
In addition, plants:

  • in the summer months, after 10-14 days, they are fed by alternating a solution of humus and liquid mineral fertilizers;
  • on cloudy days and in the cold season, they are additionally illuminated using fluorescent or LED phytolamps.

The duration of illumination largely affects the flowering and fruiting of plants from the tropical zone. Therefore, the purchase of such lamps should be taken care of before growing a lemon from a seed.

Transplantation for young lemons is carried out annually, and the plant should be transferred very carefully, without disturbing the root system. If the roots have not yet mastered the entire earthen lump, you can do with replacing the surface layer.

Interested in how to grow a lemon from a seed, many enthusiasts look forward to the shoots first, and then the first flowers. But in order not to weaken the plant, the lemon should not be allowed to bear fruit until it is 2-3 years old. The seed lemon ripens for flowering when there is only one flower per 15 leaves of its crown.

If the earlier formation of the ovary weakens the tree, then pinching at the age of about a year only contributes to the formation of the crown and will lay the foundation for future good yields. Therefore, in a very young plant, it is necessary to remove all shoots directed deep into the crown, pinch the tops of excessively long shoots, and also sometimes turn the pot with a tree so that it is illuminated and developed as evenly as possible.

Part 1. Planting seeds

Part 2. The appearance of the first shoots

Part 3. Transplanting seedlings

Coconut tree - in Sanskrit means "a tree that gives everything you need in life." In fact, the health benefits of the coconut tree are all-encompassing.

The leaves of this palm tree, very tough and durable (resistant to tearing under the influence of winds), are used to cover the roofs of local houses, make various household items - baskets, hammocks, brushes. The leaf stalks are used in construction as the skeleton of a roof. A wooden trunk of a palm tree is used as a building material for the production of house walls. Coconut shells are used to make pots, various dishes and decorations, which are made by local artists. Palm fruits are widely used in cooking, cosmetology, medicine.

Where does a coconut tree grow and what does it look like?

The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) is a powerful tree, it lives for over 100 years, with a straight trunk, up to 30 m high, crowned with thirty to forty large (4-5 m) feathery leaves. Unisexual flowers are collected in separate short inflorescences that emerge from the leaf axils, and since the inflorescences grow from the corner of each new developing leaf, approximately in a monthly rhythm, almost all year round can be harvested from the tree, consistently ripening fruits. Almost a year passes from the fertilization of the flower to the full maturation of the fruit., which also allows you to pick nuts at different stages of maturity.

The origin of the coconut tree is not fully understood., but, most likely, it comes either from the islands of Polynesia and Indonesia, or from East Africa. Already in very early historical eras, about 4000 years ago, the cultivation of this palm tree spread to many countries outside the original zone. Sea currents are said to have carried the coconuts across the islands of the Indian and Pacific Ocean. This theory is not reliable, but has many supporters, since the fact is that the fruits of the coconut palm can drift up to 4500 km in the sea, while maintaining germination. Today, the coconut tree is widely distributed both in cultivation and in the wild in the tropical zones of both hemispheres. Loves a warm sea climate and often grows even on salty coastal sands.

How coconuts are harvested (video)


The fruit of the coconut palm, from a botanical point of view, is a drupe, but since its structure resembles a walnut, it received the name coconut (it is often called simply coconut). A mature coconut weighs 2 to 4 kg, is 20 to 35 cm long and 15 to 20 cm in diameter. The outer soft shell of a coconut is 5 to 10 cm thick and consists of tightly interwoven fibers called coir. They are lightweight and resistant to abrasion, and their length ranges from 15 to 30 cm.

The coir of young nuts is tender and soft. A favorite treat for children who love to chew and suck it. But, above all, coir is of industrial importance, since the fibers of which it is composed are very strong, durable, elastic and do not rot for a very long time under the influence of ordinary and sea water. It is used to make ropes for ships, fabrics, paths and carpets. Arab travelers wrote about coir products in Java already in the 11th century, and Marco Polo two centuries later. Currently, India produces the majority of industrial products from coir.

If you remove a ripe coir from a coconut, you get a spherical, slightly elongated nut. At one end of the nut, there are three holes closed by a thin membrane through which a seed can germinate. Inside, it is filled with a 1-2 cm thick and hard layer of walnut kernel. The rest of the nut is filled with coconut juice, clear or slightly cloudy, reminiscent of diluted milk, which is why it is called coconut milk.

Europeans became interested in the palm tree only in the middle of the 19th century, when coconut oil began to be used for the production of soap, and then, as cooking oil, mainly for frying and for the production of margarines.

Useful and medicinal properties of coconut

Coconuts are very important in terms of trade and nutrition, in some parts of the world they are the main food of the population. Coconut is a nut whose health benefits are appreciated not only by food lovers, but also by scientists. No wonder - coconut pulp is rich in fiber, contains potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as folic acid. However, the most important are the saturated fatty acids contained in the pulp of coconut.

These are not the saturated fatty acids found in most animal products, that is, long chain triglycerides (LCTs), which can increase cholesterol and cause atherosclerosis. The saturated fatty acids found in coconut are medium chain triglycerides(MCT), which are metabolized in a completely different way. Due to the fact that their molecules are smaller, their metabolic process is faster. The presence of enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of LCT fats, that is, lipase and bile, is not required. MCT acids bypass the fat cells of the gastrointestinal tract, entering directly into the portal vein. As a result, they are not stored as a spare material, but are a rapidly available source of energy.

100 g of coconut contains a large amount of lauric acid (15.3 g), as well as 5.06 g of myristic acid. Coconut fruits are rich in natural amino acids (data per 100 g):

  • isoleucine - 121 mg;
  • leucine - 233 mg;
  • lysine - 140 mg;
  • phenylalanine - 158 mg;
  • valine - 186 mg;
  • arginine - 513 mg;
  • alanine - 158 mg;
  • aspartic acid - 308 mg;
  • glutamic acid - 708 mg;
  • glycine - 149 mg;
  • proline - 130 mg;
  • serine - 158 mg.

Ripe coconut kernels contain about 50% water, 25-35% fat, 4% protein and 8% sugar. They are very nutritious not only because of their high calorie content, but also because of the exceptional quality of the protein they contain.

How to choose the right coconut

In the store, before buying, you should carefully examine the "nuts". There should be no white spots on the coconut. You should also carefully examine its three holes. Check if they are all rigid and tight. A soft hole in a coconut doesn't bode well. The nut is damaged and the water is acidic (smell and color of spoiled whey). If you shake a coconut, then the sound of water should be heard. The more water, the fresher it is.

How to open a coconut (video)

What is the name and what is useful for the pulp of coconut

The solid endosperm of coconut, dried in the sun or in an oven, is called copra. Copra contains only 7% water, while 60-70% fat, 14% sugar and 7% protein. It is crushed into flakes, shavings or coconut flour, which are of great use in bakery and confectionery.

As you know, a person cannot limit himself to vegetable protein, but he must consume at least a small amount of animal protein daily. So, coconut protein is able to completely replace animal proteins in the diet, and because of this, coconut is an especially important raw material for the food industry in a vegetarian diet.

From copra, a very valuable product is obtained, used in the food industry and in technology, which, due to its consistency, is called coconut oil. It, at temperatures below 20-26 ° C, has a constant consistency, reminiscent of butter, and at higher temperatures it is liquid. Good, fresh coconut oil is pure white, has a light taste and a delicate, peculiar smell.

In countries where the coconut palm is massively grown, especially in Indonesia, coconut flakes or just grated fresh coconut kernels are added to all types of dishes, especially rice fried in coconut oil.

How to open a coconut and extract the pulp

Having bought a coconut, of course, you need to open it. To do this, following a certain order of actions, is quite simple:

  1. there are three small holes in the place of germination of coconut seeds, using a corkscrew or a sharp knife, you need to punch two of them, then pour the coconut milk into a bowl;
  2. to make it easier to open the nut, you can put it in a warm oven for a few minutes. After cooling, place it on a board and hit with a meat hammer at a distance of one third from the eyes to the opposite end;
  3. while turning the coconut, continue to strike until the fruit cracks;
  4. in order to separate the pulp from the shell, you need to insert a knife blade between them and gently pry;
  5. the coconut is ready!

Milk can be drunk straight away or mixed with alcohol or other juices as a beverage. You can also use it to prepare dishes with a tropical finish. For the first time, real coconut juice, it is better to drink in small sips, because the real taste of coconut differs significantly from those synthetic ones that many have got used to. The pulp is eaten in strips or dried and crushed into shavings. It is used mainly in cooking, as the main accent of a dish or decoration.

Coconut cooking

Coconut oil- can be used instead of butter on bread or for frying dishes in a pan. Due to its low melting point (26 degrees Celsius), it is suitable as a base for sauces.

Coconut water effectively quenches thirst thanks to its magnesium and calcium content. Drink coconut immediately after your workout to replenish fluids.

Grated coconut- will perfectly complement a sweet dessert. It can also be added to a wellness fruit and milkshake.

Fresh coconut- satisfies hunger well. Rapidly metabolized fats will replenish energy and fiber will keep you feeling full. 200 g of coconut contains 18 g of fiber, which is two-thirds of the daily requirement.

Coconut milk- can be used to prepare Thai dishes or add to aromatic morning coffee for a depth of coconut flavor. Coconut milk is also used for smoothies, cakes and creams. The thick portion of coconut milk can be whipped into cream for use in desserts.

Coconut sugar- despite the fact that it is devoid of the taste of coconut, it has a light caramel note. Diamond as a substitute for regular white sugar as it has a lower glycemic index.

Valuable minerals and an exceptionally valuable type of medium-unsaturated acids will certainly enrich your daily menu.

Coconut oil in cosmetology

In the cosmetic industry, pure body oil or massage oil is used, as a cosmetic additive for very dry and flaky skin. Also used for mature, sun-damaged skin and in preparations for the care of dry and damaged hair.

Hair oil

It acts on the hair and scalp, penetrating deeply, and delivering beneficial fatty acids, vitamins and minerals: magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. Restores hair scales, making them elastic. Thanks to this, the hairstyle takes on a beautiful look, and the ends stop splitting. The oil also has a good effect on the scalp, preventing the destruction of hair follicles and preventing dandruff.

Apply the oil to damp hair, then put on a foil hat and wrap your head in a towel. Leave the oil on your hair for at least 2 hours or, for best results, leave it on overnight and then rinse your hair thoroughly.

The oil can also be used without rinsing. However, one should be careful with the amount so as not to burden the hair. A drop of oil, rubbed with fingers and applied to the ends of the hair, is an excellent treatment. The treatment can be applied 2-3 times a week.

Coconut oil for face

A little oil should be warmed up between the fingers and applied to slightly damp skin of the face, neck, décolleté and eye area. For very dry skin, coconut oil can be used as a makeup remover.

Healing recipes with coconut

  • All over the world, coconut is used in the treatment of various diseases: ulcers, asthma, bronchitis, injuries, burns, colds, constipation, kidney stones and many others.
  • Coconut oil, due to the construction of its molecules, does not negatively affect cholesterol levels and helps in protecting against heart disease, which gives it a unique position among fats.
  • Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
  • Serves as a protective antioxidant, protecting the body from free radical damage that causes premature aging and degenerative diseases.

Coconut - the fruit of the coconut tree

It is used externally, promotes wound healing, slows down the appearance of spots on the skin, has an emollient effect on skin diseases (eg eczema). Apply as a serum or mask.

Coconut water

According to many, this liquid can be considered an elixir of eternal youth and health. Coconut water is nothing more than the endosperm of the kernels of not quite mature, green coconuts, which looks like a clear liquid. Each fruit can contain from 200 ml to a liter of beverage.

Extremely rich in essential elements and minerals - for example, it contains more electrolytes than most sports drinks. Lots of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. It is also a very rich source of potassium - there is more in 100 ml of the drink than two bananas. A real treasure trove of B vitamins. Coconut water contains a lot of vitamin C. Coconut water mixes easily with blood and is quickly absorbed by the human body.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains the so-called MCT fats. They are very digestible, saturated fats that the body digests more easily than other fatty acids. Stimulates metabolism. Coconut oil contains lauric acid. This acid is converted in the human body into monolaurin. This substance has antiviral and antibacterial characteristics. It overcomes without much difficulty, in particular, influenza viruses, hepatitis C viruses. Lauric acid is non-toxic, thanks to this, it is an excellent alternative for drugs used for viral diseases and bacterial infections.

Coconut flour

Coconut flour is obtained from the solid parts of the nut, which are ground into a fine powder. It contains more protein than wheat, rye or corn flour. Due to its high fiber and relatively low amount of carbohydrates, it does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels. This makes it ideal for diabetics. Also ideal for people who are gluten intolerant.

According to various studies, the inclusion of coconut flour in the diet can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels. Has a delicate aroma and taste of coconut. Great for sauces and baked goods such as muffins, pancakes and tarts.

Useful properties of coconut (video)

Contraindications and harm of coconut

There are no contraindications. An exception can be considered individual intolerance.

Few plants are as comprehensively used by humans as the coconut tree. The coconut palm is of great economic importance, and many of its properties are not fully understood. It is truly a tree of a thousand uses.

How to care for the coconut tree at home. Coconut tree: reproduction. Coconut tree: transplant. Coconut tree: cultivation. Conditions necessary for growing a palm tree.

COCONUT PALM (Cocos nucifera)

The coconut tree has very sparse, long, paired leaves that form a frond. The frond emerges directly from a nut lying in a pot and half buried in the soil.

As the plant develops, the lower branches die off, and new ones appear at the top of the main stem; thus, over time, the trunk of the palm tree is formed.

The coconut tree grows very slowly, and is usually bought as a curiosity. The main condition when caring for her is to make sure that the nut does not rot. In no case should water get on it - neither during watering, nor when spraying.

Coconut palm. Conditions of detention

Illumination: full solar lighting.

Temperature: in winter - not lower than 18 ° С. In summer, the plant tolerates temperatures up to 27 ° C.

Coconut tree watering: make sure that the soil is always slightly moist; water the palm tree 1-2 times a week in summer. Do not let water get on the nut and do not leave the pot in a pan of water.

Air humidity: spray regularly as the coconut tree needs high moisture. When spraying, remember that water droplets remaining on the leaves can cause burns. Place the pot in a tray of wet pebbles, or place it in a container of wet peat.

Palm tree dressing: in the summer, every 3 weeks, feed the palm tree with fertilizer for indoor plants, diluted with water. Use half of the strength recommended by the manufacturer.

Palm soil: a mixture of 2 parts of clay soil mixture with 1 part of peat and 1 part of sand. If possible, add a little vermiculite (2 tablespoons per 17 cm pot). Good drainage is essential.

Palm tree transplant: when the old pot becomes small, transplant the palm tree into the next largest pot. Alternatively, replace only the top layer of soil (about 3 cm) with fresh mixture so as not to damage the roots. A very large plant (about 2 m tall) may require a heavier mixture of 3 parts clay soil, 1 part peat and 1 part coarse sand.