Repair Design Furniture

How to hang a canopy over a crib. We make a canopy with our own hands. How is the stationary canopy attached? Installation Features

To decorate a place in which a child spends a considerable amount of the first year of life, a canopy on a crib will help. With this relatively small piece of cloth, the baby will be protected from dust, insects and the harmful effects of sunlight.

The question of whether a canopy is needed for a crib is actively discussed by both young parents and pediatricians. One of the advantages of the canopy is that it allows the baby to safely get used to the universe so new to him. Against the background of the narrowing of space, the baby feels much more comfortable and adapts to the environment more easily.

The main selection criterion

When choosing a canopy for a crib, you need to focus on the material from which it is made. Synthetic products should not be chosen, since such a fabric does not allow air to pass through well and contributes to the formation of allergic reaction. It is best to make canopies:

  • silk;
  • tulle;
  • chintz.

The color scheme of the product should be in harmony with the style of the nursery. Bright, flashy colors should not be preferred, as this injures the psyche of the newborn. It is advisable to choose calm, neutral shades.

You can attach the canopy yourself. How to fix it over a crib, the video will tell. In order to properly hang the canopy, you need to pay attention to the fastening. It consists of 2 parts: a rack and a bent rod.

You should not throw the product on the rod, as it is dangerous for the health of the crumbs who can get up. If the baby pulls on the fabric, the fallen structure can cause him serious injury. To avoid adverse consequences, you need to choose a canopy with a drawstring.

Product installation features

It is easy to hang the product on the sleeping place of your crumbs. To do this, you need to carefully watch the video and follow all the rules that the instructions offer. You need to do the following:

  1. Specify the dimensions of the bracket (you need to assemble the structure as the instructions suggest).
  2. Try it on the baby's sleeping place.
  3. Correct the position of this part.
  4. Fasten the straight part to the bed of the crumbs with a special screw.
  5. Remove the top of the mechanism.
  6. Take off the ring.
  7. Install the canopy fastener by putting it on the tripod eyelet.
  8. Fix the mechanism in the ringlet, then put on the elastic band.
  9. Correct the design along the ring.
  10. Fasten the ring of the bent part of the bracket from above.
  11. Pass the 2nd clamp.
  12. Create high-quality fasteners for both parts of the tripod.
  13. Pull off side mount bed.
  14. At the top of the crossbar of the children's bed, mark places for the screws.
  15. Make holes and screw the tripod.

You can attach the mechanism to the oval in different ways. The easiest way is to hang the fabric from above or secure it with special ties. But if you use an oval, then the result will please the baby's parents for a long time.

Some parents prefer to hang the canopy from the ceiling. This is true for the family that does not involve moving or rearranging in the near future. If, nevertheless, your family is thinking about moving to a new place, then you should think about convenient packing. This will help the company Uni-Pack, which is engaged in the production and sale of boxes and packaging.

To fix the structure, you need to make a cornice that is installed on the wall. You need to hang the material on the built-in general design miniature bracket. Thus, parents can make a cozy and very cute shelter for their crumbs.

Do-it-yourself canopy for a crib: a master class on making, as well as helpful tips according to the choice of material and fastening

Almost all young parents acquire a canopy on the crib, wanting to create a cozy environment for the baby, as well as protect it from some external irritants. However, stores often offer to buy a beautiful curtain only complete with other bedding. In this case, in order to save family budget, you can make a canopy on a crib with your own hands.

This article will tell you how to sew the coveted curtain at home, as well as give useful tips on choosing the material and installing the fastener. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of this decorative element. This information should be read by all mothers who doubt whether it is worth "cluttering up" the space with another curtain.

Several arguments in favor of purchasing a canopy

It is known that the baby's bed should be clean and comfortable. To make the child feel comfortable, special attention should be paid to the design of the bed. And the canopy plays a huge role in creating the right atmosphere.

Firstly, the curtain diffuses bright light and dampens noise, which will allow the child to sleep more peacefully.

Secondly, the canopy protects from insects. Also, it does not allow dust to penetrate, which prevents allergies.

And thirdly, this good protection from wind and small drafts.

Which fabric to choose

You can choose almost any material for sewing, the main thing is that it be natural. And, of course, you need to focus on the time of year in which the child was born.

So, for the summer you can make a canopy from thin linen, chiffon or tulle. In winter, use silk or thick cotton. You can take any color, for example, pick up the tone of the interior of the room. However, it is better to choose gentle shades so that excessive brightness does not irritate the child.

Various ribbons, lace and beads are suitable for decoration.

MK for the manufacture of a canopy

Sewing a canopy is quite simple, especially according to the master class, which explains all the stages of work step by step.

4) Several meters of fabric for the main part;

5) Narrow multi-colored fabric;

6) Lace, ribbons.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) By analogy with the above diagram, we draw our own pattern on paper right size. Next, take the main fabric and cut it in half.

2) Then we stack the blanks on top of each other so that the front side is inside. We put the pattern on one side and outline the contours. Next, cut off the rounding marked in the diagram.

3) We sew the long side on sewing machine, leaving about 30 cm open on the top side. Don't forget to sweep the edges.

4) On the top of the workpiece, we mark two lines at a distance of 5 and 20 cm from the edge. Then, with a needle and thread, we collect top edges fabrics so that their length is 1 m.

5) We cut the decorative fabric into two parts, processing the sections from all sides. We sew the segments along the intended stripes, making a hem. It is better to sew on a typewriter.

The canopy is ready! It remains only to pull it on the mount and beautifully straighten it on the bed.

Taking this scheme as a basis, you can make a variety of canopies using various elements decor. Some possible options shown in the photo below.

Making a frame

You can also make a frame for an air curtain with your own hands if it is not possible to purchase a ready-made one or if you simply do not like the options offered in stores.

However, it should be taken into account that such option is suitable only for a small and very light canopy. Because more weight homemade construction may just not survive.

The ring itself, on which the fabric will be attached, can be made from ordinary embroidery hoops. It is better if they are wooden and thick enough.

The hoop consists of two circles, which should be separated from each other. A fabric is attached to the outer circle, and a rope must be fastened crosswise around the inner circle. Then connect the parts and attach to the holder, which can be made from thin plastic pipes, For example. Or from a thick metal rod.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Below are videos that will clearly show the process of making a canopy for a crib. They will also inspire you to bring your own ideas to life.

A canopy for a newborn's bed is bought by many happy parents to protect the baby from external irritants and create a comfortable environment. But in most stores they offer to purchase an elegant canopy only with other bedding. Because of this, some people decide to create a canopy for the crib with their own hands to save money.

A light and beautiful curtain over the cradle helps to solve several tasks set for parents:

  • A translucent cover allows you to protect your beloved child from bright light, drafts and dust.
  • The canopy also protects against the attack of various flying insects, such as mosquitoes.
  • This cape allows you to protect the baby from prying eyes.

In addition, the canopy on the bed protrudes decorative detail that decorates the nursery. Quite often, young mothers sew such a curtain themselves, taking into account their own preferences and individual requirements for this element of the interior.

Choice of canopy length

Similar awnings for cribs can be long, medium or short. In the first case, the canopy reaches the floor. This type of curtain perfectly protects the newborn, however, it is easy to get confused in it, especially when it blocks the entire cradle. At night in the semi-darkness, you can easily stumble over such a long blanket.

Canopy, having an average length, as a rule, reaches the center of the mattress. It is not only easy to use, but also perfectly protects the baby. Such products are in great demand. A short canopy is used mainly as decoration, not protection.

Applicable fabric for canopy

The curtains that cover the crib, made of dense fabric, are very practical option. Most often they are used when the baby's cradle is in the common room or the parents' bedroom.

dense canopy will help to securely cover the baby, as well as protect him from dust, germs and light. This type of curtain is also often used for additional protection from the cold. If the temperature in the apartment is often not too comfortable, then it is better to buy a canopy made of thick fabric.

canopy for crib, made of airy and light textile fabric, creates a feeling of weightlessness and fills the room with warmth. True, such a canopy is considered not very practical, since it is sewn from a translucent or transparent fabric that cannot protect from light and other external irritants.

To make a high-quality canopy for a crib with your own hands, you should choose only natural fabric. Remember that polyester, synthetics and other artificial products cannot be used, because they are not hygroscopic and can cause allergies in children. In addition, they are not very pleasant to the touch. . Children's canopy it is best to sew from:

  • Silks. The canopy comes out of it quite dense and attractive. It will give the children's room a noble touch.
  • Organza. This luxurious fabric will make a weightless canopy.
  • Calico. So natural but a budget option used to make pleasant to the touch and hygroscopic curtains.
  • Velvet. It is best used in the cold season, as such material will keep warm in the cradle and help protect the baby from drafts.
  • Tulle. In this case, the curtain will be airy and light, and also quite attractive.

Canopy color

Before you sew a canopy on a crib with your own hands, you must first decide on its color. At the same time, it is worth considering that it is better for a baby to fall asleep, seeing before his eyes not too bright colors. Otherwise, he will be in an irritable state all the time, as a result of which he will have problems sleeping. That is why it is better to attach curtains in soothing shades to cribs. Only in this case the child will sleep soundly, and nothing will distract him.

When choosing a canopy, do not forget that this product helps protect the newborn from external negative factors and is aesthetic in nature.

Canopy mount

Canopy can be fix in different ways.

At the head

This method is suitable not only for babies, but also for older kids. This type of device is interesting in that it covers only the head area, while the rest of the bed remains open. In addition, the newborn will be able to look at the world around him.


This option involves the fastening of a bulky curtain, which, when unfolded, completely covers the baby's cradle. This method is resorted to if the baby sleeps most of the time.

Around the perimeter

This canopy for a children's bed is often called royal, as it resembles the luxurious interiors of palaces with its exquisite look. Fixing such a canopy is harder than the others. For this purpose, you will need holders placed at the same distance from each other. The fabric of the curtain is distributed over them, and on top it is collected in one place. After that, the canopy is decorated with a monogram, a bow or a crown. The advantage of such a canopy is the ability to close the cradle partially or completely.

Types of holders for installing curtains

Such products can be different, for example, ceiling. This stationary product is often used in children's rooms, it provides for the use of the longest canopy.

In addition, there are bed holders. They are attached directly to the cradle, usually such fasteners come with the curtain in the kit. They also come with instructions that help fix and install the canopy.

Also have floor clamps. The design of these products is mounted on the floor. If necessary, they can be easily dismantled and transferred together with the cradle to another, more comfortable spot. Wall clamps allow you to equip a canopy for a crib of any length.

The process of sewing a children's canopy with your own hands

If you are going to do something unusual for your child, then you can make your own canopy for a baby bed. Moreover, it is not so difficult to create it yourself. The main thing is to get the right amount of fabric and decorations for the canopy. You will also need a set of sewing tools.

The appearance and model of the canopy depends on financial capabilities and imagination. Moreover, you need to decide on such parameters first of all in order to know how much the fabric that you plan to use will need.

To sew a canopy on the crib you will need:

  • Natural fabric about 3 meters;
  • Ribbons or lace for decoration about 6 meters;
  • Material for creating a drawstring at least 3.5 meters;
  • Accessories for decorating a homemade canopy.

First you need to take the fabric and tuck it along the entire length by 10 cm. This width will be enough to leave room for fastening. The material must first be swept, and then it can be stitched on a sewing machine. The result is the basis of a simple canopy, for which a pattern is not required. After that, as a rule, they move on to decorating the curtain covering the children's bed.

For such purposes, a tape is used, which is sewn on the bottom and sides of the canopy. It can also be used to decorate the top. True, in this case it is better to retreat 5 cm from the top, after which you can sew a decorative element.

How to decorate a crib?

The canopy will become real children's decoration, if it is decorated with various applications in the form of cartoon characters, animals or fairy-tale characters. Often a variety of bows are used for this. In addition, a do-it-yourself canopy over the bed is decorated with embroidery. A curtain for a little princess will look warm and elegant with additional frills and ruffles.

Holder Assembly

Before hanging a canopy for a baby bed, you need to assemble and set up a tripod. In the upper part of such a device there is a curved aluminum tube and a loop of similar material for fixing the canopy. First of all, you should determine on which side of the cradle it is better to fix it.

Installing the holder on the long side will distribute the protective fabric evenly over the crib. And if you assemble and fix the system at the head, then the canopy can only partially protect the newborn.

It is equally important to choose the right height for the canopy. Moreover, it can be adjusted by setting lower part holder on the wall of the children's bed. When mounting a tripod, it is better to disconnect the tube with the loop so that it does not interfere.

Other ways to install a canopy with a holder

The principle of fastening the curtain above the crib depends on the type of ring. When it is one-piece, the protective fabric material can simply be tied to it. To do this, ribbons are sewn on the canopy in advance or fastened with Velcro.

In the event that the nursery has already spent overhaul, and you are not going to rearrange the crib, it is better to hang the canopy from the ceiling. This option is perfect for grown-up girls who dream of becoming princesses. A bracket mounted in the ceiling is considered a reliable mount. The bolts in it are difficult to loosen, because they are difficult to reach.

Canopy installation process on the crib to the support on the ceiling the following:

In general, there are many ways to attach a canopy. It is possible to use various decorative elements. Moreover, such a mount will turn out to be very reliable.

A lot of dust settles on the curtain hanging over the crib, so it is recommended to clean it more often. Organza canopy after washing it is not necessary to iron, besides, it dries quickly. A canopy made of denser fabrics will have to be smoothed all the time and washed more thoroughly.

During the first month of life, the child sleeps 13-16 hours. During sleep, impressions are processed and cognitive skills are developed. It is important that the baby is in a quiet and homely atmosphere. Canopy over the crib, reducing the field of view, creates a sense of security and protection. It remains to figure out how to attach the canopy to the crib.

Fairy canopy for baby's sweet sleep

Whether a baby sleeps in a cradle, bassinet, or crib, the place should be carefully prepared, comfortable, and as cozy as possible to ensure a restful and sweet sleep for the baby. Coziness and comfort can be achieved by a simple transformation of a crib with a canopy. This device will turn it into a fabulous, beautiful and secluded place to sleep.

The choice of such magical capes is diverse both in terms of the design of the frame and the design of the appearance. This can be a simple frame attached to the edge of a crib or a device assembled from metal rods with clips for fastening to a bed.

Canopy models on a stand and suspended from a ceiling mount are also widespread. In general, there is no limit to the flight of fantasy. The main advantage of such frames is ergonomics and harmlessness for the child, since these products undergo mandatory certification.

Consider design features frames, and also study the instructions on how to attach a canopy to a crib, using some simple samples as an example.

Canopy on a stand

Such a canopy for a crib is made of metal tubes. When assembled, it is a kind of tripod, which includes:

  • The basis that ensures the stability of the frame. Moreover, it can be made in various configurations, for example, in the form of a curved tube or a solid platform.
  • Two straight tubes to adjust the height of the tent.
  • Curved tube as a bearing part of the top of the structure.
  • The upper part, made of oval-curved steel wire, on which the canopy cape is attached.

There are quite a few advantages to the construction of a frame for a tent over a crib. Firstly, it is easily moved to another place, for example, from the headboard to the longitudinal part of the bed. Secondly, the height of the stand is quite simply changed: for this, it is only necessary to either add or remove one of the carrier tubes. Thirdly, when your child grows up, you can use the frame on a stand with a fabric cape as a cozy play tent.

Assembling the canopy holder is not difficult. To do this, it is enough to connect all the tubes together. The first straight bar is inserted into the hole on the base, the second is attached to it. Next, a curved tube is attached, into which the oval upper part is inserted.

Frame with fasteners

This design is different in that the bracket is attached directly to the crib using the mounting mechanisms included in the kit. Before installing a frame of this type, it is necessary to determine the place of its attachment:

In this case, it must be borne in mind that if you place a canopy at the head, then it will cover the crib only halfway, while lateral installation makes it possible to completely cover it with a canopy.

The frame is assembled in the same sequence as the previous version:

Fastening the canopy to the frame

After you install the frame, it remains to pull the canopy over it - and the canopy is ready. How to hang a canopy? This operation also does not represent great wisdom. But first you must be sure of its purity. That is why before attaching the cape to the frame, it should be washed and ironed well.

Now you can start mounting. If you look closely, you will find that the upper oval part of the frame has a springy cut, similar to how a key ring is arranged. In turn, the top of the canopy consists of two parts with a stitched frill, the so-called drawstring, in the middle of which the oval holder of the tent is inserted.

To hang a canopy, follow these steps:

If the oval part of the holder does not have a cut, the canopy is pulled through the antennae, through which the top is inserted into the curved tube. The canopy is hung in the same way if the frame for the canopy has the simplest design, which is attached to the sidewall or headboard of a crib with a screwdriver and wood screws.

How to hang a canopy on a crib is the first question that arises if you decide that this attribute is necessary for you. In a previous article, we talked about why we need a canopy for a crib in our time. Let's say you still decide that you definitely need a canopy. The kid can't do without it. Then it's time to figure out how to fix and how to hang a canopy on a crib for a newborn.

How to hang a canopy on a crib

To figure out how to hang a canopy on a crib, you first need to decide what type you need. They differ in the place where it should hang and in length.

Modern canopies are:

  • Classic canopy - broadcast at the head of the crib
  • Canopy along the length of the bed
  • Canopy covering the entire perimeter of the crib

Also, canopies differ in their length: it can be up to the floor, and shorter. Who will decide. Not the most difficult decision. If you still experience difficulties, then watch the video, which shows various options.

Now let's look at each option in more detail. We will describe how to hang a canopy on a crib for a newborn in each case, and what kind of fasteners can be.

How to attach a canopy to a crib at the head

Consider a classic canopy with a headboard mount. This is the most popular canopy placement option of all time. Often used today. In this case, the fabric will go to him less. The child will good review everything that happens around.

Many modern cribs already come with a special mount for just such a canopy on a newborn's crib. You just have to study the instructions to understand: how to assemble a canopy on a crib.

What is this mount? An ordinary hollow tube with a ring at the end. The ring is usually open. A canopy is put on it. Then it is clamped with a special mount. All these parts are included with the holder. All you have to do is screw the holder firmly onto the crib. The main thing is to connect all the parts together according to the instructions. It is easy to fix and hang such a thing.

And now we are watching a video, it specifically shows: how to assemble a canopy on a crib. So, I look at it and think - everything is simple. I read the comments - people swear. The video has a lot of views. There is a separate video about the holder for the canopy mount on the crib for newborns. It turns out: either the people of “that”, or this product G?

How to hang a canopy on a crib - wall mount

For example, standard fasteners for a canopy on a crib are not included. Or you just don’t want and can’t attach it to the crib. Or you want to hang a canopy all over the length of the crib. Then hanging a canopy on a crib is best on the wall.

Why on the wall? If the canopy is located along the entire length of the crib, attaching it directly to the crib will be problematic. Sides - the sides of the beds are lower than the backs. The place where the holder is attached will not be enough. Therefore, it is best to consider mounting the canopy next to the wall.

To do this, you, first of all, will need special fasteners for a canopy for a newborn crib. They can be different: either in the form of a small cornice, located perpendicular to the wall, or various half rings, or a small semicircular shelf with hooks around the perimeter. In general, you can consider various options and buy the one you like. And you can show imagination and do it yourself, no problem. The main thing is to decide on the length and height at which you will hang.

How to hang a canopy on a crib is already a matter of technology: a drill / hammer drill and a screwdriver with self-tapping screws will help you. After the fastener is fixed, a curtain is hung on it, it is also a canopy.

Watch the video where they tell how to make and how to hang a canopy on a crib on the wall. The result looks GORGEOUS.

How to hang a canopy on a crib using a frame

How to hang a canopy on a crib so that it is closed on four sides? This can be done most conveniently with a special frame. It consists of four holders that are attached to the corners of the crib. In this case, the canopy will cover the bed from four sides.

Let's say right away - this option is not popular, and, perhaps, the frame will have to be invented independently. Or purchase four holders and design from them. Most likely, there will be no instructions on how to assemble or how to hang a canopy on a crib in this version.

How to hang a canopy on a crib - other mounting options

There are two more options for hanging a canopy on a crib. First, attach it to the ceiling. Second, use a portable rack. Both mounting options are not popular.

In the first case, you will have to deal with something with the ceiling. You will hang the canopy on the crib from the ceiling. What if it's tight? In general, any ceiling can be thoroughly spoiled. In addition, in the variant ceiling mount canopy on the crib of a newborn, the canopy itself should be of impressive size, almost to the floor. So, more material will go to it. Because of this, it will be more expensive.

Second option
holder for a canopy on a crib with portable racks. On the one hand, they are convenient: brought - removed. Everything is simple, without unnecessary troubles. The wall and ceiling do not need to be smoked. However, an active baby can easily overturn such a design. Therefore, in this case, many advise hanging a canopy on a crib for a newborn with additional fastenings of the racks, again to the bed. Then the question arises: is it worth bothering with a floor stand, can you immediately take the one that is attached to the bed, or hung on the wall?

How to attach a canopy to a crib - conclusion

We have considered several options for attaching a canopy to a crib. In general, it is not so difficult. Especially if you use popular mounting options. However, we want to say again: before you decide to mess with the canopy, think carefully, do you really need it so much?

How to hang a canopy on a crib with your own hands do EVERYTHING

Finally, you don't want to buy anything special. Then, how to hang a canopy on a crib for a newborn and do EVERYTHING with your own hands? To do this, you need to make a mount and sew a canopy.

Everything may not turn out as beautiful as the purchased one. However, this is not difficult to do. For example, fastening: metal-plastic pipe, horizontal bar and rope - cheap and cheerful. And how to sew a canopy on a crib with your own hands - a separate master class. Watch a video about fastening and sewing. Something like this.