Repairs Design Furniture

Flooring device in a wooden house: materials and technology. Chernovaya and finishing floor. How to make a draft floor in a wooden house with your own hands what to do with a rough floor in the house

The quality of the base of the floors depends a lot. This is the deadlines for the operation of the final coating, and the overall quality of the floor. Modern building technologies allow you to create unique floors, but still becoming popular with the traditional draft floor on the lags. This technology is already tested by time.

All you need to know about lags

Lagas are called bars from wood or polymeric materials. They can have different sizes as well as different shapes. Lags are located under the coating of the rough floor. Among the advantages of such a solution can be allocated:

  • High properties of heat and noise insulation;
  • Uniform load distribution;
  • Ample opportunities to equalize surfaces;
  • A ventilated underground, in the cavity of which you can position various communications;
  • The strength - the draft floor on the lags is able to withstand the static and dynamic load of up to 5 tons per 1 kV / m;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Available cost.

Lags can be equipped directly on the soil, wooden or concrete floors of buildings.

Classic floors

Floors can be both underground space, and without it. Those structures where the sample is not called cold, but there are technologies that allow such floors to insulate.

Black floors with underground space have more varieties. So, distinguish cold and thermally insulated. The insulated floor is equipped with a layer of thermal insulation material between lags or between supports.

The device of simple cold floor on the soil

This scheme provides that lags will be mounted on a dry ground base. First of all, it is necessary to remove the entire fertile layer of the soil. Then the surface is necessary with a special thoroughness to ravibly. Next - the surface is falling asleep by sainted sand. If there is no sand, then you can use crushed stone or even the construction trash filled with sand.

The resulting pillow also need to be tamped. To do this, it is recommended to use the vibrating tip, but you can make a hand tool from girlfriend. It is a sufficiently sweaty deck, which is equipped with handles.

Then make another layer of frustration. Here you already use the calcined sand, slag, or tight clay. This layer will become the main in the device of draft floors. Already on this basis, lags will be mounted. Therefore, such a base should not create conditions for rotting wood. As for the thickness of the pillow, it must be 3 times more than the thickness of the chosen bar.

If no sand is used for the pillow, but slag, then it should be delivered to the site for about a year before the start of the construction of the base. This material must be searched.

In the last layer, wooden lags are mounted. The top line of the bar must be flush with the base plane. Before installing wood into the ground, it is recommended to be treated with antiseptic materials.

Lags are stacked at some distance from each other. The distance it depends on the width of the boards, which the draft floor will be further covered. So, for the device of the draft floor in the construction of wood, where the work is completed with a plug-in board, the optimal distance is 60 cm.

Insulated floors

The device of the warmed black floor on the lags is slightly different from the cold base scheme.

Thus, the bottom of the pit, which was as a result of the removal of the fertile layer of the soil, thoroughly tamper, and then stood with waterproofing material. Next fall asleep a multilayer pillow. The first thing is falling asleep rubble. Its thickness should be no more than 8 cm. This layer is also compacted, and after - is flooded with lime milk.

After this layer, it is covered with rubberoid, and then the sheets of the Fiberboard thickness of 30 mm will fall from above. Then pour clay with fine or medium fraction. The layer should also make up at least 8 cm.

The insulation base is poured by the "skinny" concrete where the sand content is increased. After solidification of the solution, the area additionally falls asleep with sand, and then use a scheme to arrange a conventional cold floor.

Installation of Lag on different types of overlappings

If the overlap is wooden, usually the beams do not differ in perfect evenness. The draft of the draft floor may be difficult, because when installing the lag on such overlaps it is not possible to get the most smooth horizontal surface. Lags should be strengthened on the side sides of the beams.

The main advantage of this method is the lack of need for gaskets that regulate the height. Fasteners are carried out using incomplete screws, where the clums of the screw is less than the length of the lag. The diameter of the screw must be at least 6 mm.

When the beams are located too far apart, perpendicular to the first syllable lay the second syllable, but more closely.

If the overlaps are concrete, then it should be noted that in this case it is necessary to take care of good waterproofing, and otherwise the entire design will be constantly raw. In this case, another roughing device applies.

When laying floors, waterproofing is paid special attention to waterproofing, as well as heat and noise insulation. Also necessarily need wet or dry screed. And only after all this laid and fill the finishing floor.

For lag you should not choose short bars. If the lengths are missing, the parts are joined with each other in bulk the end parts. Stay bars right on the screed.

On the soft insulation, the installation of lag is not recommended. In such a situation, the bars will "swim", which can lead to the destruction of the finish coating. If the heat and noise insulation materials allow, then the lags need to be positioned so that the insulating materials are located between two bars.

We put lags correct

Before starting work, the base should be carefully cleaned and processed by primer compositions. Wooden details are dry and treated with antiseptic. It can be bitumen. The noise insulating layer can be made of slag or sand.

Wood before and after processing by antiseptic.

Installation of lags are best done from the window. The gap between the wall is made up to 40 cm. After lags are laid, the plane must be verified with the rule. If you have not seen the lumen, it means everything is done qualitatively.

Perspective technology - adjustable lags

Gradually, new construction technologies got to these traditional floors. Thus, the device of the draft floor according to this method involves ready-made beams with threaded holes. They add reliability design.

In addition, such lags have the adjustment function. This can be done by rotating special bolts, which allows you to easily change the height of the bar at any time. When the adjustment is completed, you can simply cut off the excess of the bolt.

Wooden floor lags

The tree is one of the best materials for the arrangement of draft floors. The floor laid in all requirements has a long service life, does not require special care. A draft floor from a tree or plywood is a simple possibility to align the curve base, high thermal insulation characteristics, quick installation, efficiency and accessibility.

Best for the device of draft floors fit plywood, OSB plates or chipboard sheets. Ideal if the plates are with a t-shirt, and the slab thickness will be about 20 mm. It is also assumed that leafy materials will be laid in two layers.

Relieve sheets begin from the angle of the room. The first row should be located with a tongue to the wall. At the same time, leave the gap between the board and the wall. It must be at least 10 mm. This is the so-called compensation gap. The next row is laid with a displacement of two lags. If the board adjacent to each other, it is necessary to fit them with light tapping hammer at the end of the board or sheet.

For fasteners, an adhesive applies with the help of transverse bars. Flooring is fixed with self-draws. The joints of sheet materials should be located on the central axis of the beam.


When the draft of draft floors, it is important to get rid of small drops of heights and various defects of boards or plywood. For this, the surface is grinning or circular.

Then, the floors must be soaked with oil impregnation, parquet varnish or coat with wax mastic.

That's all that can be said about the draft floors. This is a simple and affordable way that will serve for many years. How the draft floor is placed on lags, you can look at the video. The video features all stages of work on different types of bases and overlaps.

The construction of a private house is a long process required by high spending time, labor and finance. Many, seeking to save, are decided to carry out some of the works on their own. How to make floors in private houses without resorting to the services of builders? Make the floor it is quite realistic if you have the necessary materials, tools and knowledge.

What kind of floor design to choose?

Before proceeding with the construction of floors in a private house, it is necessary to decide on the type of design of the future coating. Experts allocate three types of structures:

  • Single;
  • Double;
  • Concrete floor.

The choice of one or another type of construction depends on the characteristics of the building in which the floor is laid. The determining factor can recognize the conditions of operation of a private house. The single floor is the most simple design, there is no time and materials on the construction of such a floor, since the board boards are attached to nails directly to lags. The main disadvantage of single adhesive sex is the limited application: such a coating will be appropriate only in small summer houses and dachas. For home, where it is planned for year-round accommodation, single design is not suitable.

The scheme of the possible implementation of the "double" floor and concrete.

If you want to make a private home suitable for accommodation at any time of the year, you will have to deal with double floor arrange. This type of construction is warmer, reduces heat loss and provide comfortable accommodation in the house in the cold season. The double floor consists of several layers, the main of which are rough and fine coatings. Between these two layers, hydro and heat-insulating materials protecting both the floor and the whole house are additionally stacked.

Most often, the draft coating in a private house is collected from the unedged board, and the pistol floor - from the tipped flooring. All work, including styling of heat insulation from sawdust or clay, can be easily carried out with their own hands.

Blackboard boards.

The third possible type of floor design in a private house is a fill of a concrete screed. Compliance with all rules for conducting preparatory work, styling waterproofing, fill the cement mortar and its drying time will allow to obtain a solid quality floor, ready for finishing with any decorative coating.

Installation of wooden floors

When erecting a private house, many prefer to make the floor of the wood. Such a desire to have a high-quality wooden flooring under the legs is due to the desire to use environmentally friendly materials to which wood belongs. In addition to high ecology, such gear has a number of advantages.

Wooden floors are easily mounted and easily repaired during operation. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, such a floor will maintain heat inside the house without releasing it outward. The boardwall from high-quality wood is a long service life and an attractive "natural" appearance.

To make the floor in a private house, you need to choose the wood. The choice of starting materials should be based on the characteristics of the structure of the structure itself. The flooring device in the country house must necessarily provide for the presence of an underground that performs the role of the air layer. If such a layer is absent, then the wooden floor will quickly come into disrepair due to the impact of moisture. In addition, for good gender, it is important for the presence of all layers of construction, including lags, roughing, hydro and thermal insulation, a finite coating.

The floor in a private house is subject to essential mechanical loads, so it takes it to choose wood with good technological characteristics. The boards must be well sucked, the recommended moisture content is not more than 12%. Any chips and cracks on the surface of the material are not allowed. Experts recommend to give preference to wood conifers, pine, larch, fir, cedar. To increase the life of the future floor, all the boards must be treated with antiseptic and antipiren.

The installation of wooden floor begins with defining places under the support poles and their installation. The fertile layer of soil over the entire perimeter of the house is removed and removed, gravel falls asleep in its place, and on top of it - sand. Layers of gravel and sand takes good tamper. On the ends of the support pillars, the waterproofing material is stacked, most often for these purposes use the usual rubberoid.

Floating gravel.

Next, make the beams that need to be fixed on the pillars with metal corners. Floors in a private house better do with double insulation. Specialists are offered first to lay plywood sheets from the beams, and then place mineral wool or other insulating material.

When the layer of the insulation is ready, you can begin the flooring of the draft coating. The boards of this layer must be well to fit together, as the attachment to the beams you can use conventional screws. Between the flooring and the walls of the house it is better to leave some distance: a slit of 1.5 cm can be considered for this part of the floor. These gaps provide ventilation of the entire floor design and protect the walls from the expansion of the flooring boards upon subsequent drying.

On top of the draft floor, a layer of vapor barrier from a polyethylene film with a thickness of 200 microns is fired. The joints of separate pieces of film must be glued with scotch, and the edges wrap onto the walls at a height of about 20 cm - to the height of the final coating. When the film is laid and fixed, you can go to the assembly of the first floor.

The finishing floor is assembled from array boards or from plywood sheets. The plywood sheets are fastened easier, but they look really not very attractive. Therefore, if you want to leave wooden floors in your home, then the first coating is best to collect from the headboard, and if you plan to close it with decorative material - it is enough to fix plywood sheets. The boarded floors after assembling the first floor are required to be covered with varnish, which not only protect the material from external influences of a mechanical and chemical nature, but also emphasize the decorative qualities of natural wood.

Pouring concrete floor

Concrete floor arrangement in a private house begins with preparatory work. First, on the place of the future floor there is a markup and gravel dumping. The soil is pre-cleaned from the plants and the top layer, and then tamper. Next, the gravel layer is poured, which also needs to be good. In the construction of concrete floor in a private house, Gravel will perform the role of thermal insulation. On top of the gravel, sand is embanked. After its tampering, a thick polyethylene film is spread on the surface, which performs the role of waterproofing material.

How to make a concrete floor in a private house? After mounting the waterproofing layer, you can proceed to the pouring of the screed. The cement screed in a country house is poured similarly to the screed in the apartment: the levels are installed and the solution is poured, which from the wall to the door is resurrected by the rule.

When pouring a concrete screed, you should consider several features. The fill solution must be fresh, it is recommended to use the grade cement not lower than M-300, sand dropouts and water. To increase the strength of the concrete layer into solution, special compositions can be added - plasticizers who will give the future coating additional strength.

When pouring a screed with a height from 5 cm, you can use reinforcing elements or a reinforcing mesh, which is placed on the waterproofing layer before the fill. In the case of the arrangement of warm water floors in a private house, the use of a reinforcing mesh and adding plasticizers to cement mortar is mandatory procedures.

When concrete after the fill will slightly freeze, you can delete lighthouses. The emptiness remaining after their removal is filled with the same solution. After filling and aligning all the slots, the floor is closed with polyethylene and left to dry. The drying of the concrete floor is a long and responsible event. Concrete must dry himself during the month, in the presence of a warm floor system, heating to completely dry the screed is prohibited. Turning on the heating elements, you will help concrete to crack even before the operation of the room. When drying, the concrete screed is recommended to be periodically made with water and turn it out with polyethylene again: while complying with this requirement, the coating pulls the maximum strength and does not crack.

To properly make cement fill, remove lighthouses and dry concrete It is recommended to consider photos with the works of builders specializing in the arrangement of floors in private homes.


Make only a finishing floor in a private house from scratch simple enough, but sometimes it is additionally required to lay decorative coating. You can also cope with this problem alone. What can cover the floor in a private house?

The most optimal option for a private house can be considered a double floor of the boards. Covering such a design can not be covered additionally. This option is practical and beautiful, and also has a long service life with proper care. Before using the board, the protective compositions should be treated and covered with varnish, which will protect them from the effects of sand, dirt, water and chemicals. For the coating, you can choose both transparent varnish, leaving the natural color of wood, and color, giving the floor with another shade.

Concrete floor in a private house involves the presence of an upper layer of decorative coating. As a floor finish, a parquet or parquet board will look. Such a coating is quite expensive, but is distinguished by high ecology, good antistatic and thermal insulation characteristics. Making a parquet does not make sense, but in the house where you plan to live constantly, such a coating will look appropriate.

As analogues, the parquet can be viewed more affordable laminate, linoleum, carpet and ceramic tiles. The laminate is suitable for living room and bedrooms, ceramic tiles will be appropriate to look at the kitchen, in the bathroom and hallway. Linoleum is also better to post only in the kitchen or in the hallway. The use of carpet is more limited: the material is suitable for finishing the floor in the bedrooms.

The range of modern colors and textures of the listed materials allows you to choose a coating for every taste. In a private house, floors with natural drawings, repeating wood texture or natural stone, will be appropriate.

The construction of a wooden house is initially a choice in favor of environmentally friendly materials. When erecting a wooden house, a warm and flat floor equipment remains an important issue, which will contribute to the natural air exchange and preserving a favorable microclimate in the premises. How can you make the floor in a wooden house with your own hands so that he meets all the qualities of reliable coverage and last last time, while maintaining an attractive look?

Basics of mounting

All possible options for floors, suitable for a wooden house, are divided into two types: platforms and concrete. Wooden floors in their structure look like a puff pastry from several components:

  • Draft floor, insulation (thermal insulation, waterproofing);
  • Picture floor, directly flooring.

If necessary, the construction between the layers needs to additionally put all the heating elements and cables.

The floor in a wooden house can be erected on lags or pillars. The last method is used when the construction is built without a concrete foundation. With a monolithic foundation, everything is much easier, but if for some reason you have no time to pour a concrete base, you will have to use one of the options for laying the floor on the beams. It is applied either beams started in the walls (the width of the span 4 m), or beams with support pillars that look like a column foundation.

Laying on support poles.

What are the floors in a wooden house, you can see in the photo taken during repair work. By type of construction, single-layer and two-layer floors are distinguished. The coating in one layer is installed on the lags or without them - this is directly determined by the thickness of the boards and the step between the beams. If the inter bull distance does not exceed 60 cm, then when building a house with a board, you can put on the beams themselves.

When building a two-layer floor, a rough floor is additionally mounted. What it is? The draft floor can be considered the base for the finish layer. The insulation is laid on the bar attached to the bottom side of the beams. For this role, a claymzit layer of 8 cm height is suitable. For complete insulation of the floor in the space between the draft and the final layers, the aggregate is placed, and the amount is necessarily the magnitude of at least 2 cm, providing air circulation.

Arrangement and insulation of a draft wooden house.

Paul, concrete or wooden, which is constructed in the house with their own hands, needs. Among modern insulation, mineral mats and mineral wool are most often used, polyurethane. The desire to the maximum insulation of the floor must comply with construction standards. It is impossible to lay a thick layer of isolation, which fills all the distance between the rough and finishing layers. The gap in a couple of centimeters should be necessary.

The floors in a wooden house should be characterized by high strength, as well as be well ventilated. For this, make a rough layer. The construction of draft floors in a wooden house is considered a necessity for several reasons. First, provide stiffery frame and serve as the basis for insulation, insulation and flooring of the piston layer. Also, they create an air layer, which ensures the preservation of heat inside the building, eliminates the processes of rotting boards and skews at home. All this ensures the preservation and durability of the entire floor covering.

Bar layer device

The choice of an embodiment of the draft floor with their own hands is determined by the type of base formed during the construction of the house itself. The draft layer can be installed both on overlapping in the form of reinforced concrete plates or beams and to the ground. With any scenario, preparatory work is required first.

An important element of preparation is to make ventilation holes.

The preparatory stage before mounting the draft floor includes a device of the ventilation holes in the walls of the building, which are decorated with decorative lattices outside. All wooden structures, including the walls of the cut, must necessarily process the antiseptic.

The calculation and acquisition of materials for the draft layer are based on the existing base for its laying. If the floor is laid on the ground, then it is necessary to use the design, which is supplied by the double flooring of the rough floor. Initially, the lags are installed on the backups (you can use bricks), they are steel as a shock absorber small pieces of the board and only then laid bars and lags. Each stage of work should be accompanied by a constant control over the level of the horizon so that the mounted gender does not have a slope.

In order for the wooden floor to serve for a long time you need to process all the details of the antiseptic.

Materials used for draft floors in a wooden house usually require additional processing. Laggers and a bar are pre-grinding or cutting on the machine, removing the squeezes and slopes. Ideally, they must be absolutely smooth. Before installation, all parts are processed by antiseptic preparations to eliminate the formation of fungus and premature destruction of the tree.

The draft floor in a wooden house is collected from the following materials:

  • Brick - from it pillars with parameters 40x40x20 cm, which are placed on the cement solution;
  • Waterproofing material - for this you choose a dense polyethylene or other similar material capable of preventing increments of lag;
  • Boards or plywood - are used directly for flooring bed flooring (the first layer can be made from the boards, the second is from plywood);
  • Corners and bolts (metallic) - lagows are attached to the brick columns;
  • The insulation is placed together with another layer of waterproofing on the bottom layer of draft floor.

The number of all materials is calculated on the basis of the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction and the parameters of the installed lag.

Installation of rough floors

How to make the floor in a wooden house yourself? It should be started from the installation of the draft part. Lags are necessarily installed if the beams are initially fixed along the fire walls caused by this is a long distance between the beams themselves. To give the future semi stiffness under lags, supports of bricks are installed in advance.

Installation of lag for roughing.

Lag fastening is the most important stage in the construction of the floor. The quality of the future sexual coating will depend on the quality of the work. It is best to attach lags to the foundation. To do this, first all over the perimeter make the strapping from long boards, and then the lags themselves are attached to metal angles or bolts.

At this stage, the installation of draft floors in a wooden house from each wall is required to retreat by 2 cm. All formed gaps are paired by insulation. The hard attachment of the lag at this moment is not required, they must be fixed so that there is no shift in the process.

This method is used when the lamp support distance exceeds 10 cm, if it is less than the distance, then the lags are installed as well, but the bar is additionally placed, which is fixed in the walls of the house. Places where the timber is connected to the cut wall, monthly, after which they make the cut according to the size, adding 2 cm on the extension of the tree from moisture.

When the lags are installed, you can mount the cranial bars, which in size less lag. Bruks are mounted on the side at the bottom of the lag. Then they are put on the boards that are not fixed. Such flooring provides wood with the possibility of natural expansion.

When observing the technology of styling the rough floor, even with the expansion of the wooden elements from moisture, the design will not be damaged.

After laying the first layer of draft floors, the insulation flooring is carried out with their own hands. First, the entire surface of the floor is laid waterproofing, which is fixed on the walls. The width of its layer on the wall should be equal to the height of the entire design of the floor up to the finishing finish. It is recommended to make the fastening of waterproofing above this level, and then just cut off the excess. Places of connection of the material are bonded by a construction stapler.

Thermal insulation is required.

All laid layers are covered with vapor barrier, which is also attached to the fire walls. The joints of the material are glued with scotch, and its mount is carried out by a construction stapler. If the insulation was laid in such a way that there was a ventilation gap, then after the end of the installation of vaporizolation, you can move to the floor of the second bed floor layer. If the insulation was laid on the level of the lag, then special rails are required on the sides - they will press the insulation to form the necessary clearance. A detailed guide on how the floor is stacked in the ordinary wooden house can be found on various video lessons.

Flooring the second layer of draft floor from boards or plywood is made similarly how lags were fixed. 2 cm also retreats from the walls, the insulation is stacked in the resulting gaps.

Installation of clean floor

After the draft floor in a wooden house is installed, you can move to the arrangement of the fine layer. For flooring, it is recommended to use boards made by milling. This floor layer is laid at an altitude of up to 5 cm from the draft flooring.

For work, a 4-5 cm thick boards are taken and 10-15 cm wide, manufactured with a "groove-spike" type - such a connection facilitates installation and guarantees the reliability of floor laying. In the back side boards initially make special recesses - prongs that provide free air exchange coverage. Other types of boards are suitable for finishing floor: whipped with a fold or with a trapezoidal or direct segment spike. Collect the finishing floor of such boards in a wooden house is more difficult because they do not have a reverse side, and their rear parts are not processed, as a result of which they will be loosened to lags.

The floor installed from such material will be less reliable. The most complex option in terms of labor costs is considered to install a fine coating from the unedged board. In this case, it is best to spend time on the processing of the facets of the material.

The boards of the final floor are put on lags, they must be placed by annual layers in different directions, it will make your floor level, durable and durable. Often, the sheets of fiberboard are used for finishing floor. In this case, the space between the walls and the floor will have to close the rail.

Plinths are joined in direct angle, then in length and corners they are cut and connected at an angle of 45 degrees. They are nailed to the walls of nails at a distance of 70 cm, the joints of the joints are additionally attached.

Sorry, nothing was found.

After the end of all the work on the installation of rough and finishing floor, you can gradually engage in the finish finish. The final decoration of the floor in a wooden house can be carried out in different ways. For a wooden house, the choice of flooring from the same material will look logical. In this case, you have three options for floor finish: parquet, parquet board or laminate.

Parquet coating is called not only the most respectable, but also one of the most durable. Parquet elements are attached to the base of the floor for glue, if necessary, additionally recorded by self-draws. After working on the installation of parquet, it is covered with a special varnish, for the greatest protection against abrasion, the varnish can be applied in one layer, but in several. Competent marking parquet guarantees its operation over 20 years.

A parquet board is a type of parquet, but not made from the wood array. This is a special design of their three layers, the top of which is a veneer of the valuable wood trees treated with varnish. This board is easier to mount, if necessary, it is much easier to carry out and dismantling.

The third version of the floor finish for a wooden house is a laminate with a drawing "under the tree". It is based on the DVP panel, protected from below moisture-resistant paper. Above the panel of DVP is a decorative paper that imitating the pattern of wood, which is covered with an acrylate resin from above. Laminate is the most budget option for the floor finish from all of the above.

When building a new home or repair of old, it is very important to properly make the floor under the laying of the floor covering. If you are going to make a draft floor in a wooden house with your own hands, then you should know the ways of its device and execution technology to select the optimal option. To properly select the variant of the draft floor for a wooden house, you need to take into account the features of the floor covering, as well as the need for a device of hydro and thermal insulation.

Floor design

Regardless of the selection of the method of the draft floor in a constructive cake, the following layers must be provided:

  • The underlying layer. This is the bottom of the floor cake. The layer is needed for a uniform distribution of loads from the elements stacked above. Usually, the slabs of overlapping, beams (lags), rubbished soil or concrete preparation protrusion as this design.
  • Intermediate layer Need to bind the lower and upper pieces of the cake to one whole (it is not in all designs).
  • Insulating layer Performs the functions of heat, hydro or sound insulation of the floor. The choice of materials for this layer depends on the design features, the purpose of the room and the type of flooring.
  • Rough leveling layer. The appointment of this piece of cake in the leveling of the irregularities of the previous layer. Sometimes at this stage, the required bias of the floor surface is envisaged. The arrangement of this layer can be performed using dry backfills from sand or rubble or due to the device of a concrete screed.
  • Finish aligning layer. He is not always needed. Laying the finishing layer is required when arranging the finishing of the floor with laminated boards, carpet or linoleum. The finish alignment does not need to be done under the ceramic tile.

For a wooden house, two options are suitable:

  • arrangement of lagham floors;
  • you can make dry or pour the wet tie.

In turn, the arrangement of lagham floors in a private wooden house can be performed on beams or concrete base. By the way, such floors can be arranged in a brick house or built of foam blocks.

Draft lags

Preliminary stage of the floor of the floor by lagas

If you decide to make a draft floor to lags with your own hands, note that the lags are a supporting element for styling a rough flooring from plywood, boards, OSP. In turn, depending on the design of the private structure, lagows can fit on the poles, beams or a mortgage element. They can be used not only in a private wooden house, but also in the house of foam blocks.

If the room has large sizes, then the fastening of the lag edges to beams will not provide due durability of the base. In this case, it is necessary to use intermediate pillars. The step of support columns depends on the cross section of the lag. Usually, the step is taken equal to 0.8-1 m. The material of the columns is brick or concrete. Even in the house of foam blocks, the columns are best made from durable materials.

The column is installed on a fine breeding foundation. The installation of the foundation is carried out in a layer of compacted sand and rubble. The brick column is isolated from the lag and the foundation of the rolled insulating material, for example, rubberoid.

Technology of the device of the black floor by lags

The draft floor in a wooden house with lags is made in the following order:

  1. Before performing the installation of the lag, it is necessary to pull the line over the surface and make the markup of the beam mounting places. This will allow you to set items in one level, which will facilitate further work on the floor device.
  2. If the installation of the lag in a private wooden house will be carried out based on concrete, foam blocks or bricks, they must be protected by a layer of waterproofing. So wooden elements will not absorb moisture from the base. A dense polyethylene film can be used as insulation. In addition, lagows need to be treated with antipirens and antiseptics.
  3. Installation step Lag depends on the load on the floor. For the residential room, the optimal step of Lag is 45 cm. Lugi is screwed to the base with the help of self-tapping and pre-installed in the drilled holes of the dowels.
  4. All wooden structural elements must be treated with impregnations that protect wood from rotting and burning.
  5. If the first floor floor is performed, the room must be protected from moisture and insulate. To do this, bars are nailed to the lower part of the side surfaces of Lag on both sides. You can use a timing segment 50x50 mm.
  6. Next, it is necessary to make a fan of plywood or boards for laying in the lumens between the lags of the insulation. For this, the sheets of plywood are cut into the width of the lumen between the lags and are stacked on top of the bars. Plywood is nailed with nails to Brukes. As a result, you will have a design of wood, like the letter "sh".
  7. Before laying the heat-insulating material, it is necessary to make a waterproofing layer. For this, the insulation material is placed on the lags so that it is provisted in the lumen between them. For these purposes, you can take membrane waterproofing or polyethylene film.
  8. Now laying the insulation in the lumens between the lags right on top of the insulating material. Thermal insulation can be made using mineral or basalt wool. Plighte fasten to lagham stapler.
  9. To make the right floor, you need to not forget about vaporizolation. For this, the film is littered over the lag and thermal insulation material. Be sure to make the ingun of the neighboring sheets by 15 cm. The jokes are sicking with scotch.
  10. Now you can make the laying of draft flooring. It can be made of plywood, chipboard, boards or OSB.
  11. Depending on the choice of floor covering, the finishing floor can be laid on or finishing the finish alignment under the laying of tiles, laminate or linoleum.

Video instruction - Installation of floors by lags:

Dry floor screed

Often the draft floor in a frame house can be arranged on the soil. Sometimes such a base of the floor is made in houses from foam blocks or bricks without basement. As a rule, the dry screed is laid on a certain base. In this case, the base of the floor will consist of such a layer:

  • rubbed soil;
  • sandy rammed pillow with a height of 100 mm;
  • failure from rubble height of 100 mm is also subjected to a tamper (for additional waterproofing, crushed stone can be treated with cement milk);
  • next follows concrete preparation, which performs the functions of the preparatory layer of the floor (the fill height of 7-10 cm).

Important: If there are complex geological conditions on the construction site (swelling of soils, high groundwater level), then the installation of concrete preparation is better to do with reinforcement.

For reinforcement of concrete pouring, a rod with a diameter of 8 mm is used. It makes a grid with cells of 150x150 mm. Installation of the reinforcement grid leads to mortar heaps so that after filling the concrete preparation, the grid was in the thickness of the layer. On each side, it must be protected by a two-chamber concrete layer. It must be done to protect reinforcement from corrosion.

Technology device dry black floor screed

After the fill of concrete training, the further installation of the floor can be made in 28 days. Work on the device dry screed in a wooden house is carried out in this order:

  1. To properly arrange a dry tie, first need to be insulated. To do this, an insulation of a polyethylene film is placed on the base. Material strips need to be layered with an incomplete of 150 mm and start the walls of the room to height, 2 cm exceeding the screed level. The joints of the film are sicked with scotch (see video).

Important: Try not to damage the integrity of the insulation material. When cuts or punctures appear, you need to postpone.

  1. Next to the perimeter of the room to the walls is mounted damping tape. It is needed to compensate for deformation changes of the floor surface, as well as to protect against impact noise. The width of the tape should be slightly larger than the thickness of the screed (see video).
  2. Now you can make montage of lighthouses. As a lighthouses, it is better to use guides for drywall. Their styling leads for mortar heaps. The step of beacons from the walls of the room is 30 cm, among themselves - along the length of the rule or 1 meter.
  3. After the placement of beacons in terms of level, a granular material is covered, for example, clay sand. His surface is rareled by the Rule of Lighthouses.
  4. Further, laying of plywood sheets, OSP, chipboard or GVL are performed. They will perform the functions of the draft floor. Before laying the pure surface, they must be treated with primer deep penetration.

Video Installation instructions dry floor screed.

The draft floor is one of the main components of the floor design as a whole, on top of which, after carrying out the necessary additional preceding activities, the finishing finish selected by the owner of housing is stacked. This design may have a different structure and run from various materials.

Regardless of the selected design, the draft floor will consist of several main layers, the information about which is shown in the following table.

Table. Structure of roughing

LayerDescription and Functions
Locking layerProvides a uniform distribution of loads created by the design elements above. It is the lowest layer of "Pie". Traditionally, it is a slab of the overlap or appropriately prepared soil.
Leveling layerThe functions are clear from the name and are reduced to the leveling of the irregularities of the previous layer. If necessary, at the stage of arrangement of the leveling layer, the required slope of the surface is set. For the arrangement, frights from sand and crushed stone are traditionally used, as well as a concrete screed.
Intermediate layerThe functions of a kind of interlayer connecting the lower and the above-mentioned layers of draft floor.
zoaling layerIt consists of moisture, heat and sound insulation materials. Features of the choice and arrangement are determined by the level of future functional load on the structure.

You will spend significantly less time and strength on the arrangement of such a design, rather than filling the screed. In addition, laying of wooden supports does not require water use, which eliminates the likelihood of an increase in air humidity in the placed room and makes it possible to in parallel to engage in other planned finishing events. Directly the lags are stacked on the beams, a concrete base or other supports that will be mentioned in the future.

In this case, the support functions for flooring from boards, plywood or OSB plates takes on the construction of longitudinal lag. The latter can be mounted on the support columns or beams, as well as on the mortgage crown. If necessary, lagows can be attached even to a concrete base. The specific option is selected in accordance with the features of the structured structure.

If the room has an impressive area, alone fastening lag ends to beams will not be enough to ensure the required strength of the structure. In this case, the support columns are mounted between the walls to maintain the lag. The distance between the additional supports is determined mainly by the cross section of the mounted elements. In most cases, it is enough to make columns in up to 0.8 m. Otherwise, focus on the features of your situation.

Directly columns are made from concrete or brick. In this moment, also follow your preferences.

Operating procedure

The sequence of the arrangement of the draft floor by lags is as follows:

  • horizontal surface markup is performed. Having determined the required level of floor installation, across the place of the future installation of lags are stretched with laces, a fishing line or a dense thread - such a markup will allow you to navigate in the process of arranging the lag and place them at one level. If you wish, you can not do this, but then you will have to check the horizontal support of the supports at each stage of work, spending more time to correct inaccuracies;
  • the surface is covered with waterproofing material, for example, a polyethylene film with a thickness of 200 microns. Such a layer will protect wooden logs from moisture from concrete, soil and other sources;
  • the optimal step of the installation of the lag is determined. To do this, you need to know the estimated level of load on the future design. In residential premises, it is recommended to adhere to the 35-45-centimeter of the one step. If the base can not boast of perfect evenness, the lags will have to be attached to the previously equipped lining. As such, pieces of plywood are most often used;
  • based on the holes for the placement of the dowels. Next is driven directly dowels. Finally, it will be necessary to simply fasten the lags to the base with the help of self-tapping screws.

If necessary, the space between lags is filled with insulation. From the backfill most often use clamzit, from "monolithic" materials - mineral wool insulation. When choosing a specific option, consider the climatic features of your region and focus on the available budget.

The flooring can be equipped from plywood, chipboard, OSB or wooden board. The task is extremely simple: the elements of the draft flooring are laid perpendicular to the lags and nail to them.

A very effective option, rapidly gaining popularity among domestic developers. To perform work, plastic screw racks are used, characterized by high rates of reliability and service life.

Such a technology allows you to quickly equip the draft floor, which will not be furious in the future. At the same time, you do not have to spend time on determining the desired lining thickness from plywood and their arrangement - the vertical of the legs easily adjusts to the required level. After editing, the lags will not touch the base, which is also an additional advantage.

Procedure Next:

  • in places of planned installation of screw racks (necessarily at the edges and length of the product with a middle step in 0.5-0.8 m), the holes are prepared in the lags;
  • lag is stacked in the right place, ranging from one of the walls. Between the wall and the support you need to leave a 1-centimeter clearance;
  • the support is attached to the base, starting with extreme screw racks. Such a rack has a hollow structure. For fixing, the Contractor sufficiently drill in it a hole of a depth of about 4.5 cm, drive a dowel there, and then score a nail or screw the screws.

At the end of the rack are tied up in terms of level, and the work continues in accordance with the scheme of the draft floor on the standard lags discussed earlier.

Adjustable draft plywood floors

A fairly efficient and interesting variant of the draft floor is the plywood base installed using special sleeves equipped with internal threads. The bushings are invested in the pre-created holes in the plywood. For one sheet of standard size, as a rule, 16 holes are enough. As a result, plywood will be as if standing on the legs. At the same time, this base is characterized by impressive indicators of resistance - 1 m2 of the draft floor withstands the load of about 5000 kg.

Dry screed allows you to level all available base defects. At the same time, the installation of such a draft floor can be performed at any desired season.

Black floor team with dry tie. 1. Reinforced concrete slab overlap; 2. Wooden lag; 3. Floor flooring from chipboard, OSB or plywood; 4. Parosolation (PVC film); 5. Sand Ceramzite; 6. Hypus fiber leaf Knauf or superplate element. 7. Elastic gasket

Procedure Next:

  • the base is covered by a layer of vapor insulation on the material fixed with the adhesive tape. Parosolation make it with the flax on the walls corresponding to the planned altitude of the future screed;
  • between the guides, the composition selected for the arrangement of a dry screed is falling asleep. If the foundation has large differences, it makes sense to pre-put on the surface of the Rush Lighthouses in the level - it will guarantee the correctness and accuracy of the performance. In addition, the presence of such lighthouses will significantly simplify the further fastening of the flooring. The thickness of the layer of frustration is chosen taking into account the characteristics of a particular situation. On average it is 30-50 mm;
  • failure rolls up at the level using a long rule or rack;
  • flooring flooring is placed on top of the backbone and fastens with the help of self-tapping and adhesive. For the arrangement of the flooring traditionally uses of plasterboard sheets, chipboard, plywood sheets with moisture-resistant properties, etc.

Floors for reinforced concrete ceilings with a team of gypsum-fiber sheets for residential and public buildings (KNAUF)

Important black flooring nuances in a wooden house

In wooden houses, the draft floor is most often equipped with a soil (otherwise you can use the appropriate option from the above-mentioned list). The requirements for the place of work are as follows:

  • the room should be dry and well ventilated. For this, the construction of the foundation is complemented by air duct holes. If in the basement of the raw ground, on top of it you need to equip the waterproofing layer. Traditionally, clay is used for this - it is enough to fill the surface with the material and thoroughly draw it, sprinkled with sand;
  • the base should be waterproof. When working with the foundation most often applies runneroid. If you wish, you can use another material with a similar purpose.

Before starting work, treat all used wooden elements with a special antiseptic agent. The impregnation is recommended to apply a double layer, withstanding the 5-hour interval. Do not forget to wear personal protective equipment: gloves, respirator and glasses.

Black floor boards can be laid in accordance with one of the following ways:

  • on top of the pre-installed n-shaped beams. In this case, the flooring elements are stacked in the supports of the supports;
  • over T-shaped beams. The boards are stacked on the supports of the supports;
  • on rough bars. The easiest to use, and on the most popular option. It is quite simple to navigate the bars to the edges of the beams and lay the boards on top of them.

If the work is carried out in a non-residential room, if you wish, you can replace the boards with hill and save.

It remains only to lay the layers of hydraulic, heat and vapor barrier on the material. After that, depending on the preferences of the owner, it is performed either the arrangement of the first flooring, or the screed is poured.

Parosolation is attached on top of the lag

You got acquainted with the sequence of the image of the roughing floor in accordance with the most common and and preferred and methods. Choose the option that is most suitable for your case, and everything will definitely.

Good job!

Video - Barface Device