Repairs Design Furniture

What varnish for lining inside the house. What is better to cover the lining inside the house? Wooden Cover Paints

If you decide to sheathe the walls inside your house, the question of the correct processing of the material should be open to you. Of course, in specialized building stores, the choice of protective materials for wood is very large, but it is difficult to choose from the proposed assortment.

Long service life

Rules for the selection of proceedings

When choosing materials suitable for handling clapboard, you must answer for yourself three questions:

  • Is it worth covering a wooden trim in general
  • What is the microclimate of the future room (whether there will be an increased humidity in it, the air is dry on the contrary)
  • Is it necessary to decorative coating.

Deciding for himself these tasks, you can safely begin the selection of impregnation for materials.

It is worth noting that in this article we consider the impregnation materials suitable exclusively for the inner covering. For outdoor coating, a completely different composition is required.

Lining without coat

Despite the seeming impracticality, this option still contains some benefits. In order to notice them, it is necessary to understand what is the lining without coating.

It turns out that she will simply begin to darken over time. And if it does not confuse you, it will simply update it in 5-7 years, it will become a more rational solution than a selection of expensive impregnating compositions.

Now the processing of wood by soldering lamp has become popular. As a result, it acquires a dark tint that does not change over time.

Wood after heat treatment

Tasks that solve the coverage of the lining

If you still decided to cover the wooden panels, you should deal with those advantages that it can give us.

  • An obstacle to ignition. It is carried out by processing panels substances - antipirens that reduce the flammability of the tree.
  • An obstacle to rotting. It is especially important if you use lining in rooms with high humidity.
  • Mechanical protection. Of course, the wooden casing is less susceptible to chips and scratches than the floor made of the same material, but additional precautions will not damage.
  • Protection against UV impact. Wood will practically not lose its original color.
  • Decorative function. With the help of toning compositions, you can add various shades to your panels. If you do not want to change the natural color, you can use a transparent coating, but with a glossy or matte texture.

Most often, several compositions are used to process wooden sheat. This is done due to the fact that it is impossible to combine all the necessary compositions in one product.

Molding compositions.

Impregnations and verse

When choosing a suitable impregnation, several embodiments should be considered. And to begin with, it is worth paying attention to the mixtures penetrating directly inside the tree. It is nothing more than impregnation and verse.

Wood processing with antiseptic with a sprayer

  • Olife - Outdated type of coating, applicable exclusively in economic premises. With protection copes, of course, well, but the effect is not long-term.
  • Protective (protective) compositions - It is used to make the lining of antiseptic and fire prevention properties. Typically, such impregnations are applied to the trim from both sides, so the application process should occur to direct installation.

Note! Your composition should be compatible with your chosen finish coating.

  • Antiseptic film coatings are similar to antiseptic, but more suitable for outdoor treatment.
  • Morlogs are used as a decorative remedy with disinfection.

The most popular types of impregnations in the modern market - "Tikkurila", "Sezhezh", etc. Despite a fairly high price, try to choose funds only proven manufacturers. Their quality and result will not disappoint you!

Lucky and paint

Usually, after impregnation, the wooden panels have a rather non-primary look. And after the processing stage, it comes time to do painting and coating with varnish of your panels.

  • Lucky retain the color and structure of a natural tree, but they smooth their appearance. For interior decoration, water-based varnishes are best suited. They are not toxic and well applied.
  • To protect against darkening, choose a coating with protection against ultraviolet rays.
  • The paint for the lining is less driving option, but also takes place for use. The transparent paint is most often used, which partially retains the structure of the tree. The most common producers - "Belinka", "Texturol", "Sezhezh".
  • Wax paints are the best option. But he carries one significant disadvantage - the cost. The basis of such funds is real linseed oil.

Note! For processing the wallboard bath and saunas, use specialized formulations. For example, "supisaunasuoja" or "EVROTEX-sauna".

Technology coating

If you independently apply coating on the lining, then you need to perform actions in a specific sequence:

  1. Spend primary processing: dry the trim, clean the surface with a scrub brush.
  2. In the presence of dark spots, carry out the whitening of wood (such special means are suitable as "Senezh Neo", "Inay", etc.)

  1. After the previous procedures, rinse thoroughly and dry it again.
  2. To fill, process the primer panels.
  3. Then treat the wood with antiseptics and antipirens.
  4. At the end of the impregnation, give your lining time for complete drying, and proceed to its painting or varnish coating.

Application of varnish

Varnish or paint on the wooden panels are applied with a brush or sprayers (it all depends on the volume of work produced).

Panel varnishing

When processing, follow the following rules:

  • For applying varnish, use a brush with natural bristles.
  • If a water-based lacquer, be sure to mix it thoroughly, to avoid irregularities when applied.
  • All covers apply along the fiber tree.

  • Do not limit only one layers. After complete drying of the first and pre-sash, apply the second.
  • When using a toning coating, adhere to the principle that each subsequent layer must be less pigmented. Then the finished lacquered surface will acquire an incredible depth and shine.

Now you are ready to perform perfect wearing wooden panels.

When repairing, it is notated to tinker the walls in residential premises, loggias, bath (steam room and pre-tribades). A beautiful appearance will be happy for a short time and after some time the wood will darken, starts to collapse. Avoid damage insects, rotting, the destructive effect of high temperatures will help only a special coating for the tree.

All formulations are divided into decorative and protective. The first includes:

  • acrylate paint;
  • oily;
  • alkyd varnish;
  • opaque enamel;
  • decorative glaze;
  • veil;
  • acrylic Aqualak.

A group of protective drugs is limited to impregnations and primers. Their main task is to protect against insects, rotting, pollution, as well as drying, the appearance of fungus. Other functions are not performed, completely absorbed, without leaving traces.

Impregnation and varnish manufacturers

1. The Finnkolor offers a matte and semi-shy lacquer for wooden clap on an acrylate basis (watered with water). Compositions inside dry rooms for wall covering and ceiling, for floors or furniture is not recommended. Slow wood destruction processes, protect against dirt, mold and fungus. They are applied with a brush, spraying, you can spray. Flow - from 1 l by 5 m2 to 1 l by 12 m2, depends on the surface (whether it is first processed) and the number of layers that will be applied. Packing - 9 liters, cost - about 2000 rubles.

2. Commander produces varnishes on a different taste of the buyer: matte, semi-wax, glossy and semi-conventional. All of them have similar characteristics: safe for use in children, medical institutions, without a sharp smell. After the coating, the plane acquires water and dirt-repellent properties. Packing is possible at 0.9, 2.7, 9 liters. Consumption - from 8 to 12 m2 per 1 liter. Price - about 300 rubles.

3. EUROTEX-sauna - for a bath, steam and pre-bankers. The composition has a wax that creates a protective film on the surface of the tree. Withstand the effect of steam, high temperatures, processing by chemical detergents. You can purchase in a container from 1 to 10 liters. The average cost (2.5 l) is 450 rubles. This amount should be enough for 35 m2.

4. BELINKA is known as paints: thin-layer and colorless azure. The lack of biocides allows you to use in the house. The advantages are safety for health, warestability, saving protective functions at any temperatures. There are no shade, they give the Eurovantia only a matte shine. It is enough to be 1 liter when applying 3 layers by 10-12 m2. Fasted in banks 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 liters. Exemplary rates are about 600 rubles. It comes on sale and aqueous azure for saunas or baths, the price of which does not exceed 500.

5. Pinotex is known for its own means to cover wood outside and indoors. The interior line is designed for residential rooms, kitchens, baths. The impregnation is a transparent liquid, which is easy to handle the lining, painted and not painted earlier. It does not have a chemical smell, resistant to damage, gives well-groomed appearance. Among the components are light-resistant pigments, water and alkyd resins. Produced in tin cans of 1, 3 and 10 liters. Consumption - from 8 to 16 m2 per 1 liter. Cost - about 600 rubles.

6. Kompozit offers internal work varnish. Water-fastened, odorless, quick-drying, suitable for decorating walls and ceilings, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. Ready for use, does not have colors, only emphasizes the drawing, it is possible to toning. Consumption: from 8 to 12 m2 per 1 liter. You can purchase banks 1, 3, 10 liters 250-2000 rubles.

7. From Colorex on sale:

  • Panellak is a semi-maste fluid that is treated with new wood (as a primer), also previously decorated eurogram (finishing stage). Used not only for wall and ceiling panels, but also for coating furniture. Performs the function of protection against changing the shade, mechanical damage (the tree becomes solid and resistant to the use of chemicals). It is applied with a roller, a brush, spraying, possibly a scourge. Packing - 0.9 l (720 rubles), 2.7 (1800), 9 (5100). Consumption - from 8 to 14 m2 per 1 liter.
  • Suppayuna is a colorless acrylic matte varnish on a water basis, well washes. For wet premises: loggias, pre-bankers, steam rooms. The main goal is that the lining in the bath does not dry and not rot. Packing and consumption correspond to the previous option. The price is below - from 600 to 4000 rubles.

Tips for choosing

1. Some domestic manufacturers (Finnkolor Rapan Parquet, Kompozit Aqua Imperior) produce high-quality products that can compete with foreign. But the cost will be more accessible compared with imported goods.

2. To apply inside the house, be sure to choose a remedy without smell and toxic additives. It will be better for a water-based lacquer. It is hypoallergen, environmentally friendly, has a wide range of action with wooden materials, easy to work.

3. For wood, special compositions are needed in the bath. It is impossible to cover the eurvagon of ordinary paint, varnish - they do not allow you to "breathe" than the rotting provoke.

4. The most affordable is the price of a water-based transparent varnish. Alkyd will be more expensive, it will be more difficult to work. Inside the residential premises, it is better to select the first option, and the second is to leave for surfaces subject to mechanical damage.

5. Translucent finishing coating is considered the most popular paint for wood. Pros: Saving texture, acquisition of monochromatic color. Disadvantage: resistant smell, so processing better in the warm season to be able to air the room. The most expensive will option with wax, it is better than all analogues protect the walls from moisture.

6. For previously painted wood, you need to choose the composition, given its compatibility with the already applied. The impregnations, primers, varnishes can adversely interact with each other, harm.

7. For some owners it doesn't matter how lacc is better to cover the lining, because they are satisfied with the tree without processing. After speaking some time, it will darken, so the semi-wave transparent varnish should be selected.

Thanks to the properties of paint, color can be changed, visually increase the room. For small, dark rooms, it is better to use light or transparent tones. The disadvantage of the selection of the veil is that the surface must be perfectly smooth, without bitch.

An increasing number of homeowners, choosing a finishing coating for the inner walls, prefer natural material - wood. Such a choice is not surprising, because wood combines a lot of useful properties: environmental friendliness, health benefits, beautiful appearance. Excellent exploitation quality is added to these qualities: low weight, good sound and thermal insulation. The easiest and affordable wooden finishing material is the lining, a thin casing panel with a spike-groove compound. Painting the lining inside the house is the necessary stage of the finishing of the housing, allowing the interior to the interior of the final appearance and solve several additional tasks.

Lining in the interior: Stylish Country House Living Room

About the need to process lining

Many sincerely believe that the walls, covered with wooden panels, are beautiful with their natural look and do not need additional processing. Knowing people have several substantiated objections on it; They indicate the need to protect the sheltered walls from the following factors:

    Ultraviolet actions. If on the wall, covered with lining, regularly falls sunlight, with time the wood darkens, and the walls in the room begin to look different.

    Color changes. If in the house is an unimportant ventilation system, the air begins to be stated. In places of high humidity, microorganisms are developing and wooden lining can occasion.

    Pulling structure. Indoor with excessive moisture in the wood, insect pests are becoming ease, mold will settle; This causes rotting and destruction of the finishing layer.

    Mechanical damage. A layer of paintwork will take scratches and blows and will not give to spoil the beauty of the walls.

    From fire. The defense of wooden surfaces from the rapid spread of the flame is considered reasonable and prudent.

Unprotected Lining - Light Target for Destructive Factors

Sometimes the hosts think about changing the interior. The lining is easily updated - there are dozens of coating options and hundreds of shades, allowing to be made unrecognizable accustomed premises.

An unambiguous answer to the question than painting the wooden panels inside the country house does not exist. The choice is determined by the goals - whether the owners want to protect the wooden walls, refresh the sweat surface or radically change the color. Materials suitable for handling clap can be conditionally divided into two varieties: protective and decorative.

Protective compounds

There are many ways to protect the wooden surface from the destructive impact of external factors. In the number of means capable of protecting the panel coating include substances:

    Antipiren. This group of compositions is recommended for use in premises with wooden walls or coatings. Anti-view impregnation is not able to stop burning, but can significantly delay the spread of fire. This time will be enough to leave the room and cause firefighters, and maybe it can easily cope with the hearth.

Collapsed lining protected from solar ultraviolet

Antipirens practically do not change the appearance of a wooden surface, and during operation do not distinguish harmful substances.

    Antiseptics. Tankers with bactericidal properties are used in the fight against biowgrozza - they are used as a preventive measure, but they are also effective if the infection of the fungus has already begun. The inconvenience of antiseptic processing is that it must be repeated periodically, as the compositions have the property evaporate. Recently, complex impregnations have emerged, which not only cope with mold and vertoon beetles, but also perform the functions of varnish and veil. Such antiseptics "Three in one" create a film on the surface, cost more, but additionally protect the lining from moisture and give it a spectacular appearance.

Processing lining Morilka

    Linseed oil. It is used both for the manufacture of quick-drying varnishes and olifa, as well as independent impregnation with valuable qualities. The oil is a natural tool that gives the water-repellent properties and makes it insensitive to microorganisms. The oil penetrates deep into the material, without creating a film on the surface and allowing wood to breathe. The surface impregnated with linseed oil, clearly manifests the texture and acquires a light shade. Impregnation with linseed oil, albeit relatively inexpensive, it will cost more than processing by a verse or varnish.

    Olife. There are natural, synthetic and combined oils. Every year they are applied less and less - not the most attractive set of qualities affects: over time, the surface impregnated with oil, yellowing and becomes sticky.

    Primer. Before using varnish or paint, the wooden surface is treated with primer. Such a base protects wood from moisture and reduces the consumption of paints and varnishes. The decorative layer is obtained more even and attractive in appearance.

Using primer improves the quality of the main coating

On our site you can find contact with building companies that offer the service of finishing and insulation of houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

    Bleach. A group of funds allowing to get rid of spots appearing on a wooden surface of various nature. The bleach is applied to the problem space, and then washed off with water.

    Varnish. Varnish has not only protective, but also decorative functions, which is often selected for the processing of the walls and the ceiling of the wall paneling. One of the best options for use in the premises is an acrylic varnish. Usually it is applied in two layers - the first transparent, and the second can be toned. Water-based lacquer (Aqualak) can create different effects - walls after its use become glossy, matte or semi-wave. Aqualak creates a vapor-permeable film on the lining, often with protection against ultraviolet and microorganisms.

    Wax. Wax mixtures are a classic tool with efficient protection. They give the wood semi-wax and serve as a good alternative to varnishes. Manufacturers offer solid wax (heated before work), as well as liquid and water based (ready for use). The wax composition is hard to distribute evenly, but the preliminary application of the primer markedly facilitates this process.

Waxing lining, always in fashion

Decorative (shelter) funds

Decorative is considered tools that make the color and texture of wooden finishes. Sometimes they are used to hide the wooden surface darkened from time to time. Decorative options for painting lining inside the house are distinguished by a pleasant variety; These include the following varieties of paintwork products:

    Oil paint. The old, tested way to protect and refresh the wall is to cover it with oil paint that creates a dense moistureproof layer. The disadvantage is a long drying of paint and its sharp smell. Because of this, the work is recommended to perform in the warm season, when the walls are dried, and the smell will deteriorate as quickly as possible.

    Acrylic (acrylate) paint. In many respects, this is a better quality material in the work than an oil-based paint. It does not lose color and glitter, creates a waterproof elastic film on the surface, which does not disrupt the integrity at temperature fluctuations. The paint is convenient in operation - quickly dries and weathering.

Cases covered with acrylic paint in the interior of the living room

Opening your choice on painting lining inside the house of acrylic paint, it will correctly use it for the design of walls in the bedroom and children's - it is absolutely harmless. The only thing that spoils the impression of acrylic paint is its high price.

    Acrylic Aqualak. Making the popularity of the environmentally friendly remedy can simultaneously decorate and protect the walls of the lining. The tool has a high degree of protection against microorganisms, does not have an unpleasant smell after drying, when applied, it lies exactly, without traces and divorces. Painting lining inside the house acrylic aqualak has its own separate plus - a wide palette of colors, which allows you to create an original interior.

    Alkyd Lac.. This kind of paintwork is used mainly in rooms that need regular wet cleaning (kitchen, hallway, living room). Color varnish is resistant to abrasion, colorless - also to water. Minus: Alkyd varnishes will dry for a long time and are expensive.

    Decorative glaze. Used as an independent decorative composition. May be transparent or color; In both cases, it advantageously emphasizes the texture of wooden panels and protects them from moisture.

Video Description

On the protection of wooden panels in the following video:

    Opaque enamel. It is profitable to use it if you need to hide defects on the lining; The layer is obtained dense and good.

Painting: features and nuances

By choosing how to paint the wooden lining inside the house, proceed to the painting process. In order for the result to be high-quality and pleased the hosts for many years, you need to fulfill the following preparatory work:

    Stock up tool. You will need painter brushes and tray, selected paintwork, roller with replaceable nozzles, bucket, fine-grained sandpaper and protective gloves.

    Clear surface. The lining is cleaned of dust, contaminants, an old coating with a rigid brush or pumice, then treated with sandpaper.

    Degrease wood. The surface treatment with an alkaline detergent will improve the adhesion (grip) of paint with wood.

    Carry grinding. You can align the surface with pumice, emery paper or grinding grid. Pre-defects are close to a putty, the resin is removed by the solvent.

Minimum set for painting wooden panels

    Pre-handle the lining. Primer, after drying it - antiseptic impregnation. The process can be accelerated if you purchase a combined composition combining both means.

    Paint the walls. After waiting for the drying of the primer and the antiseptic, proceed to painting. Paint for lining inside the house is applied in two or three layers. The number of layers depends on the material selected and is indicated in the instructions. It is possible to qualityly paint the wooden panels before they are mounted on the walls, but it is not always possible (a large awning or canopy is required for the procedure).

Video Description

About painting lining in different colors in the following video:

Some subtleties of the workflow will help make painting better. When processing wooden panels take into account such moments:

    Reduce the cost of paint It will help the use of paint compositions with a comprehensive action. Varnish with tinting or oil-wax costs more, but the effect of its use will be higher.

    Preliminary impregnation Logging should be produced from all sidesThis will significantly strengthen the protective effect.

    When working with oil paint It should be taken into account its tendency to change the color (burnout). In order to change the color over time, it did not get into the eyes and did not spoil the interior, it is worth choose darker, saturated shades.

    Painting is better not to spend on a hot daySince the coating will dry too quickly, and fall unevenly (there can be stains of different saturation).

    To cover it uniform in bloom, the mixture during operation is necessary stir periodically.

The coating is applied along the fiber lining

    To the color of the walls was uniform, In the primer, you can add the color of the finish material (paint).

    When choosing a paint composition given the total costs: Not only its cost, but also the recommended number of layers, as well as paint consumption per 1 m².

Color selection for painting lining

The wrapped walls are background to create an interior of a country house, so the choice of a suitable shade is not less important than the choice of optimal paintwork. To choose color for wooden panels did not break the harmony of design, are guided by the following rules:

    For walls choose a shade, different no more than a few tones From the color of the ceiling and floor. Contrast transitions will hurt a common style (only if the interior is not sustained in any of the avant-garde styles).

    White color - Classic way to expand the space and make it lighter. He adds elegance interior, well combined with other shades And it is not bad to hide the surface defects.

Warm color gamut is welcome in the design of the bedroom

    In decoration living room and kitchen on the walls decorated with clapboard, it is best to look light and warm shades: cream, peach, brown.

    Children's interior Adjusts use bright flowers (for which high-quality and safe acrylate colors are ideal). IN bedroom Walls trimmed with wooden panels try to cover natural shades or calm colors - lilac, beige, honey. For decoration of walls cabinet Suitable gray-blue or brown-green gamma.


Walls, clapped - spectacular and practical way of interior design of a country house. So that the coating is long-term, careful preliminary preparation of wooden panels is needed. A qualitatively treated and painted lining will emphasize the interior design and will relieve you from too frequent repairs.

During the construction or repair of residential premises, the question often arises than to cover the lining in the house? It contains the most complete information about the processing of the protective composition of the objective, their properties, brand and technology. And also tell about the preparation and processing based on our experience.

Principles of selection of the mixture

How to cover the lining inside the house? A similar problem often gets up with the attentive owners of his home. To solve this problem, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Is it necessary to cover something?
  • Wet or in a dry room will be processed?
  • Does the material toning need? Or vice versa need to keep the natural color of the wood?

Having answered these questions, you can already understand what special mixture to take for internal works in the impregnation room.

What properties should be mixtures

  • Protection against moisture
  • Protection against temperature drop
  • Protection against pollution
  • Protection from the formation of mold fungus
  • Enhance the level of fire-resistant wood
  • Prevention of mechanical damage
  • Protection against burnout due to sun rays
  • Required visual characteristics

Now it is worth staying on separate types of cladding. It can be impregnated, simulators, as well as varnish mixtures or paints. The choice of how painting wood, remains for the buyer.

Impregnations with morilki They differ in that they penetrate the structure of the tree. These include Olif, which is currently used only in economic premises.

It is not bad with its task, but after a while, the trim under its impact darkens and acquires an unpleasant film on the surface.

Protective impregnations Often are used in antiseptic and fire protection purposes, so wood is covered with a composition from two sides to the immediate edge. But after using such impregnation, it is necessary to pay attention to it compatibility with any finish coatings, such as paints.

Close to protective impregnations in their functions antiseptic film formulations. Especially well they are suitable for lining outside the structure.

The simulator is mostly used to give the material a certain Tony and to displaced the surface of the lining.

The most common brands of impregnation and verses:

  • "Tikkurila"
  • "Sezhezh"
  • "Pinotex"

Now it is worth paying attention to such protective mixtures as Varnish coatings and paints. Their use is absolutely optional, since a good simulator or impregnation will ensure reliable protection of wood.

Paints are often used in decorative purposes, as they are able to hide distortion, sometimes an unpleasant eye color of the clap after its finishes by a verse or impregnation.

But still it is impossible to discounted and protective properties of paints.

Starting the conversation about varnish, it should be said that they are used to preserve the natural color and structure of the tree.

Color palette

Types of varnish coatings:

  • Water based
  • Acrylic
  • Alkyd
  • Polyurethane

If the covering is required to be carried out indoors, it is recommended to use a water-based lacquer, as they do not contain toxins, moreover, they are fireproof and easy to use. In addition, the owner can choose two types of textures: matte or glossy.

If you need to cover the external trim, the transparent coating is well suitable, which has a high degree of resistance to the effects of ultraviolet rays.

In order to "be" wood in decorative purposes, they advise it to cover with varnish with the addition of a kolator.

Alkyd composition can be applied to parquet and floorboards for the reason that it has a high level of strength, and is also able to withstand strong mechanical damage.

If in some places of the room, the plating can also be mechanically exposed, it is best to apply a "point" alkyd varnish.

Continuing conversation it is impossible not to pay attention to various paintsAlthough they are applied an order of magnitude less rack. An excellent option is a translucent paint, partly preserving the natural structure of the tree.

Popular colors:

  • "Belinka"
  • "Sezhezh"
  • "TextUROL"

Professionals also advise you to consider painting with wax-based paint. It is made on the basis of natural oil from flax, so less toxic. But the disadvantage of such paint is the complexity in applying and high cost.


Treat 2 times.

It is very important to know the coating sequence, since qualitatively performed processing is the key to the fact that the facing material will be in excellent condition for a long time.

The necessary tools when painting the lining is the protective composition, tray for it, brush, roller, or sprayer, primer, safety glasses, as needed, staircase, pemps for squeaking.

Video - Coloring technology (if you need to cover paint):


Boards after drying

  1. Before covering the board in the house, it takes its original drying, cleaning, sanding, stabbing small flaws and irregularities.
  2. If there is small dark areas on the material, it is necessary to clean them with special compositions for whitening wood. It can be "Senezh Neo" or "Inay".
  3. After conducting bleaching procedure, the material must be rejected again and dried.
  4. Be sure to cover the primer boards, which will fill its pores. Moreover, the primer reduces the consumption of the protective product. The correct solution will give primer the same shade, which has varnish, using the same thanks.
  5. Next, the surface should be treated with antiseptics and antipirens.

After waiting for the skin drying, you can proceed to the second stage of work.


You can coat with a sprayer if the area is large.

The tool to be done by applying, everyone chooses himself if this work will be carried out by the owner with their own hands.

It all depends on the material and the necessary coating area.

These can be brushes, rollers or sprayers. But many professionals believe that the highest quality and beautiful coating is obtained when applied to the brush.

Video - How to cover wooden walls:

Application sequence:

  • 1. The coating should be mixed so that the toning is uniform. Before trying to paint, it is recommended to make a barcode on a unclear place to check the richness of the pigment.
  • 2. The movements of the brush along the fibers of wood, apply the first layer.
  • 3. Leave the first layer to complete drying. After that, to take it and apply the second layer.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the processing of such a composition is subjected to eurograms, then with each subsequent layer, the amount of coloring shade should decrease.

Applying varnish in such a way, it will acquire a deeper and glossy color.

Plaster lacquered surface. Then covered again.

By the way, the main differences between the usual and eurvagra are the fastening, since the latter has a more complex profile, wood quality, the presence of channels for ventilation of wood, the depth of the puzzle of the puzzle compound and, of course, the price.

4. The final layer must be transparent. It does not follow it.

When painting, much attention should be paid to the ends of the lining, as this is the most vulnerable part of this material.

Cost of work

A complete complex of work, which includes wood coating with a protective solution and an antiseptic with layer-by-layer grinding will cost about 250-290 rubles per 1 square meter.

1 liter of varnish costs about 140-150 rubles depending on the brand.

Thus, it should be considered very responsible, without sorry for forces, time and money. It should also be very careful to read the information written on the bank of the protective agent.

We hope that this information will help when covering the trim from the lining with their own hands.

Which is covered with the surface of the walls or the ceiling in the house - it seems to be completely simple. The main thing is to determine the choice of paint or other means capable of transforming wood. However, the range of paints and varnishes in specialized stores is very diverse, and probably therefore painting the lining inside the house and causes some questions.

Wood is traditionally characterized as durable and durable material, but provided its proper drying and processing various compositions, including paint. These tools are able to protect the lining from damage by insects or fungus, pollution, excessive moisture and, on the contrary, drying. In addition, the processing of this natural facing material with antipirens will significantly reduce its flammability.

Therefore, it is worth considering not only the painting itself, but also preparatory measures for this process, as well as materials used for these procedures.

The most popular types of lining for the walls and the ceiling indoors are made of coniferous rocks, and among them is accessible to all the price of pine. This wood has some features, therefore requires an individual approach when staining it. These nuances will also be discussed with a detailed description of the process technology.

Wood preparation and painting solutions

For coloring the natural lining, almost all the paints presented in the range of building stores are suitable. However, for the interior decoration it is worth choosing those that are maximally safe for residents at home, both when painting and during the operation of the finish. In addition, it is important to choose both protective agents that do not harm the ecological atmosphere in residential premises.

Since at the initial stage, the lining is treated with protective means, it is necessary first of all to consider them.

Protective funds

Solutions for the preparation of lining to staining are intended for its protection against mold, harmful insects, destructive effects of ultraviolet rays, as well as from excess moisture absorption. In addition, some of them reduce the fire hazardous properties of wood.

These substances, as a rule, do not change the color and do not close the texture pattern of wood, as they are translucent. Nevertheless, there are also compositions in this row that perform an additional decorative function.

Preparation for coloring natural lining is divided into several stages - this purification and grinding of wood, priming and impregnation. For these operations, special compositions of various purposes can be applied:

  • used to prevent the damage to the fungus, for the "treatment" and stop the growth of the plates of mold, to protect against insect tree that destroy the structure of the tree. These funds are divided into two groups:

Prices for wood antiseptics

antiseptics for wood

The coatings forming on the surface of the lining protective film are used in the case when wood will be in contact with water, for example, when wearing bathrooms.

The impregnations penetrating into the structure of the wood require further coating in the further coating, in order to avoid washing out the means, as well as by the toxicity of some components of solutions.

In addition, antiseptics are divided into four types based on which they are manufactured:

- Means based on organic solvents are distinguished by high protective properties and are suitable for wood, fixed both outside and inside the structure. But they are extremely rare, as well-toxic and flammable.

- Oil-based solutions are suitable for wood exposed to static load, as well as in complex climatic conditions, so they are most often used for external cladding or for the wallboarding, which balconies or loggias are lined.

- Water soluble protection means are used to cover the inner wooden cladding for further applying paintwork compositions on water based. They are non-toxic and quickly enhanced, but over time, their antiseptic properties are significantly reduced;

- Combined antiseptics contain high carbon and oil components. Solutions can be applied to external or internal finishes, as well as in rooms with high humidity, creating a high level of wood protection. The cost of combined solutions significantly exceeds the price of other types of antiseptics.

  • Bioggocraftory Antiseptics are in principle the same destination, however, also create a protective moisture-repellent barrier on the lining, as well as capable of adding additional decorativeness, emphasizing the texture of wood. Therefore, using such an antiseptic, you can solve several problems at once, since it is not necessary to apply funds with different destinations - it will save time, because you do not have to wait for the layers until they knew. Such qualities are used by biolalectable impregnations in the category of the most popular.
  • Antipiren - These are solutions that make wood more fire-resistant. They can also be divided into two groups:

- The compositions of the first group operate on the blocking of the flame, since when heated, they foam and form a protective layer on the clapboard.

- The second group of compositions contains salts that, when contacting with fire, highlight gases that prevent the burning and spread of the flame.

The most effective antipirens can be called those that contain tripolyphosphoric, orthophosphoric and pyrophosphoric acid and sodium salts.

  • Biopyrins - These are impregnating compositions with antiseptic and flame retardant effect, which are suitable for internal and external wood treatments. Such compositions will help reduce the period for preliminary preparation of wooden finishes, and often - also to save funds, as it will be necessary to acquire not two separate solutions, but one that will perform both basic functions.

  • Whitening meansapply for wooden lining in the event that it is present with unwanted dark or blue stripes or stains. In addition to whitening effect, such compositions create a protective antiseptic layer, which will resist the occurrence of mold.

Whitening agents usually consist of two components that are mixed before applying them on wood. Such solutions can consist of different chemical compounds, and some of the bleaching at a certain time must be washed from the surface of the lining, while others do not require such a wash. Therefore, before purchasing such funds, this factor needs to pay special attention.

Biopire prices


  • Primer - These are solutions that can also be called protective. But besides these qualities, the primer attaches the surface of the tree smoothness and good adhesion, which simplifies the further covering of the lining with colorful compositions or varnish.

The primer is usually produced on a water basis and can be transparent or opaque. If it is planned to maintain a flat pattern of wood, then a transparent soil solution is selected. In the event that there is an intention to apply a dense decorative layer of paint, any of the primers can be used, but the opaque will create a smoother and smooth base.

Transparent primers do not create a protective film on the surface of the wood - they penetrate the material structure. Processing the surface of the lining conducted by primer compositions significantly reduces paint consumption and increases the durability of the applied finish.

Lucky - Protective and Decorative Formulations

Not only as decorative coating, but also some lacquer compositions are used to protect wood. They are produced on different bases:

  • Oil varnishes contain natural or artificial resins, natural modified oils, as well as solvents and sequivations. Such a type of varnishes after drying up forms a sufficiently durable film on the surface, which gives wood natural ocher hue. Oil solutions are used to cover lining, floor boards and other wooden surfaces inside the house.

  • Alkyd varnishes are made from pentaphthalic and glyphthalic synthetic resins, with the addition of sequivans in them. These compositions are often called oil, as oils are used in them as a solvent. However, according to its operational characteristics, alkyd varnishes are superior to oil, so they can be used for external work.
  • Alkid-carbamide solutions of varnishes consist of amiformaldehyde and alkyd resin. They are capable of drying at normal temperatures only if acid hardeners are introduced into their composition, which are added to the mixture immediately before starting work, since after kneading the life of their life is limited. Such varnishes form a solid durable film with high wear resistance on wood surface. Thanks to these qualities, alkyd-carbamide varnishes are well suited for internal works and not only for handling clapboard, but also for parquet varnishing.
  • Political and alcohol varnishes give the surfaces of particular strength and glitter, but the biggest minus can be called that they are not well protected by wood from moisture, so they are not recommended to apply for the lining installed on the unheated balcony or loggia.

Solutions are made on natural resins, so they have a high price and are not popular.

  • Nitrocellulose varnish is made from cellulose nitrate and a mixture of organic solvents. In addition to them, synthetic resins are added to achieve the necessary protective qualities of the compositions. This varieties of varnish creates a durable hard coating on the surface of the tree, which is characterized by transparency and practically does not change the color of the wood. Varnish is designed to use indoors.

  • Acrylic varnishes are a water dispersive solution of polyacrylate. The tool is distinguished by its environmental cleanliness and almost complete absence of smell. Even used to cover wooden coatings and products used in residential premises. However, the film formed on the surface is still not distinguished by high abrasion resistance.
  • Polyurethane varnishes are produced on a water basis, but are characterized by high strength and resistance to abrasion. These varnishes are environmentally friendly material, and if they are chosen to cover the lining, it will significantly raise the durability of the protective layer.

Polyurethane solutions are used to cover the floors, as well as other elements of the decoration of the wood indoor. These varnishes have a fairly high price, which is quite acquitted by their high performance characteristics.

Prices for wood varnish

wooden varnish

Wooden Cover Paints

For decorative lining coating, the compositions produced on different bases are used. Some of them are universal and used both for internal and exterior decoration, but there are also those intended exclusively for internal use. Therefore, buying this decorative material, it is necessary to learn its main characteristics that are usually indicated on the package, as well as consult with the seller.

So, on sale you can find the following colorful compositions:

Oil paints are suitable for lining indoors, but they have a lot of flaws
  • Oil paints It can be called universal, as they are deeply penetrated into the structure of the tree, increasing its resistance to various exposure to the external environment, making it moisture resistant. The disadvantages of oil paints can be called their long drying, rapid burnout under the influence of ultraviolet rays and the decrease in the air permeability of wood. Therefore, it is still better to apply it for interior decoration, and it is not always.
  • Acrylate colorful compositions - These are aqueous solutions, for most operational characteristics, superior oil-based paints capable of creating reliable protection, keeping its color. This type of solutions is rather elastic, therefore it has good adhesion with the surface, does not crack and is not deformed when temperatures change. Thanks to its qualities, paint can be applied to external and internal works.
  • Enamel paints on alkyd basis used for staining the lining both outside and inside the structure, forming a protective glossy layer for wood. Therefore, just a painted surface looks very aesthetic. However, over time, color paint has a fading property, and white yellow. In addition, the drying of alkyd paints is a sufficiently long process, which is always accompanied by a not too pleasant odor due to the composition of organic solvents.

  • creable to maintain a factory, without painting it with a dense layer - for this they need to be dissolved with water to the desired consistency. If necessary, apply a dense colorful layer on the lining, the paint is not diluted.

These are environmentally friendly solutions that have no unpleasant odor and non-malicious evaporation. The paint dries quickly and keeps well on the primed surface, but still in its characteristics is inferior to varnishes. Unstable to abrasive impact.

  • Silicate paints they are made on the basis of liquid glass, so there are quite a lot of positive characteristics. Such formulations are not affected by ultraviolet rays, high humidity and temperature drops, can increase wood fire resistance. It is an environmentally friendly material, it does not highlight harmful substances and does not smell.

Due to its characteristics, silicate paints can be applied to dyeing different surfaces, as they have high adhesion, and the lining is no exception. These paints are especially well suitable for the wooden lining of the loggia or balcony. The disadvantage - in the future, if you need to repaint, you will need to use again silicate paint - no other will not fall. Another "minus" is a fairly narrow range of possible colors.

  • Silicone paints it is made on the basis of silicone resins, and are one of the most durable types of colorful compositions, but also the most expensive. This type of paint has high performance: the coating has steadily withstands the mechanical effects, including the abrasive load, has good vapor permeability, resistant and burnout color, moisture resistance and long service life, which is about 25 ÷ 30 years. In addition, silicone paints are not only able to protect wood, but also hide small defects on its surface.

  • Wax paints made based on flaxseed oils are traditional material for the inner processing of wooden lining. These compounds are attached to the matte shine, while maintaining the color and drawing of wood. Especially good, such paint is suitable when the tree originally has a beautiful texture that is simply sorry to hide another non-transparent or translucent composition. Wax paints began to use instead of furniture wax, as they are easier to apply to the surface and have a number of other advantages:

deeply penetrate the wood structure, which makes the surface of water repellent;

do not change the natural color of the tree;

The color characteristic of wax is manifested after drying and rubbing the lining with a brush;

Paint does not contain any "chemical" solvents and is an environmentally friendly material;

If desired, the wave composition can be sprayed in the desired shade;

The economical consumption of composition is distinguished.

Now, after considering the main compositions used to prepare and stain in the natural lining, one can move to the instructions for the performance of work.

Calculator calculating the amount of paint for lining

When calculating the amount of paint for finishing work, many inexperienced consumers are confused by accepting a unit of measurement unit. However, the paint density differs significantly from the density of water, and the kilogram of the composition does not mean the usual liter. As a rule, and packaging is produced, and the average consumption of paints and varnishes is measured in the weight equivalent - in kilograms. The calculator will give exactly this value, taking into account 10% of the stock.