Repairs Design Furniture

How to measure wallpaper. Calculation of wallpaper on the room. Required tools. Conduct measurements and counting. Measuring room size

Cosmetic or overhaul of the house should begin to prepare a preliminary estimate that can display the number and price of the necessary materials for restoration work. If you only decide to replace the wallpaper in the room, you need an accurate calculation of the number of rolls. This will allow you to purchase the required amount of material, save money and avoid possible problems.

How to start the calculation of wallpaper on the wall?

It is not strange, but for an accurate calculation you will not have to take for rolls and all sorts of ways to try to figure out how many square or vinyl, paper, fliesline or fiberglass.

Initially, it is necessary to find out the exact area of \u200b\u200bthe room, which we will hide. Of course, the floors do not need to be taken into account because we are interested in the walls and, perhaps, the ceiling, if you plan to decorate it in the tone of the walls. For measurements, it is enough to arm a tape measure and perform measurements throughout the perimeter of the walls.

To get the most accurate result, the promresses are performed twice: the first one near the plinths, and the second under the ceiling. Even with a small curvature of the walls there may be a discrepancy in the results. This will allow to identify the error that will have to be taken into account when calculating materials.

Quite often the situation occurs when the lower Promder at the Plinth showed the result of 8 meters. That is, each of the four walls has 2 meters. Accordingly, the room has the form of an ideal cube. But the promresses near the ceiling can be smaller for several centimeters. Leaving this, we can conclude that the room in the volume is not a cube, but a truncated pyramid or a prism. Even small discrepancies will lead to the fact that the corners of wallpapers at the top will have deviations from the general pattern of the material.

Because of this, wallpaper is worth sticking horizontally. The transverse imposition of the material will be able to hide the irregularities of the room. As a result, we can conclude that the promresses allow you to learn not only the perimeter of the room, but also to find out the true geometry of the room, respectively, you can find the most efficient finish option.

Further actions to calculate the number of wallpaper on the wall consist of a fairly simple miscalculation. For this, the obtained values \u200b\u200bare substituted in the formula S \u003d A * b. In this case, A and B are the sides of the rectangle, which the wall protrudes. After that, it is necessary to freeze window and doorways, their account is carried out with the help of this formula, only the values \u200b\u200bobtained are taking away from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe wall. As a result, you can get quite accurate values \u200b\u200bof the number of wallpapers required for wall pasting.

To date, there are several options for calculating wall wallpapers:
  1. By number of bands and the perimeter of the room.
  2. According to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls that need to be saved.
  3. When using a special online calculator.

To select the most optimal option for you, consider each of the options in more detail.

  1. Calculation of wallpaper on the wall in the number of bands and the perimeter of the room.

This option provides for an accurate determination of the amount of material strips, which will be required for pasting a particular room. To do this, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Initially measured the width and length of the room. Based on the data obtained, the total perimeter of the room is determined.
  2. Also measured the width of the door and window opening. The obtained data must be deducted from the total perimeter.
  3. After that, the value obtained is divided into the width of the wallpaper, which are planned to be used.
  4. The resulting value is to round up to the whole value in the most side. This value and will be the number of bands that is necessary for the salary.
  5. When you learned how many bands needed to a certain wall, this value must be divided into one roll length.
  6. That the material is enough, the obtained values \u200b\u200bare rounded into the biggest side.

Thus, you can get an exact number of bands and rolls of wallpaper. To get acquainted in more detail with the calculation methodology, it is necessary to consider all the steps on a specific example.

Example of calculation. If you need to leave the room with dimensions of 7 m per 3 m and the height of the walls of 2.5 m, which has a window opening 2 m per 1.5m and door 1 m per 2 m, and it is necessary to set the dimensions of the wallpaper roll: length 10m, and Width 53 cm.

To calculate the required number of rolls, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Determination of the perimeter of the entire room: (7 + 3) x2 \u003d 20 meters.
  2. Calculation of the width of the door and window opening: 3 + 1 \u003d 3 meters.
  3. Calculation of the total perimeter with a deduction of openings: 20-3 \u003d 17 meters.
  4. The resulting value must be divided into the roll width of the material: 17 / 0.53 \u003d 32. The result shows that 32 bands of selected wallpaper will be required to this room.
  5. To calculate the number of bands in a roll, it is worth splitting the total length of one roll to the height of the wall: 10 / 2.5 \u003d 4. This suggests that in one roll of 4 bands.
  6. The last step is the separation of the number of all bands, by the number of segments in one roll: 32/4 \u003d 8.

Pretty simple mathematical calculations will allow you to answer that 8 rolls of selected wallpaper will be required for pasting this room. It should be remembered that this method of miscalculation does not take into account the required amount of material under both equestrian and doorways. Accordingly, buying a little more material.

  1. Calculation of the number of wallpapers on the area of \u200b\u200bthe surfaces of the surfaces.

This is a share of an economical and accurate method of calculation, especially when it comes to a room with a large area. This option is based on the definition of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe wall surfaces to be saved.

To do this, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Initially, the entire perimeter of the room is washed and multiplied to the height of the walls.
  2. It also costs to calculate the doorways of the doors and windows. The obtained data should be subtracted with the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room, which will obtain the exact value of the surfaces of the surfaces.
  3. To calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe web used material, it is sufficient to multiply the roll length on its width.
  4. After that, the magnitude of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room is to divide into the material area in one roll.
  5. The obtained values \u200b\u200bmust be rounded up to the zoom. This data will be the number of rolls.

Consider this method of miscalculation on a specific example. Data Take the same as for the first option.

  • To measure the perimeter: (7 + 3) x2 \u003d 20 meters.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe salary is calculated by multiplying the perimeter to the height of the wall: 20 * 2.5 \u003d 50qm.
  • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room without door and window openings: (2 * 1.5) + (1 * 2) \u003d 5kv.m.
  • As a result, you can get the exact number of areas that need to be saved: 50-5 \u003d 45 sq.m.
  • As for calculating the wallpaper canvase in one roll, then it is necessary to multiply its length to the width: 10 * 0.53 \u003d 5.3 sq.m.
  • The last step is the separation of the area of \u200b\u200bone roll on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room: 45 / 5.3 \u003d 8.4. Thus, we found out that the room will require 8.4 rolls of selected wallpaper. As a result, it is necessary to round the data obtained and acquire 9 rolls of material.

The examples showed that the results of the first and second option are almost identical. In this case, the second method allows you to take into account space under and above the openings. By virtue of this, it can be concluded that the calculation itself is not very complex and both options can be applied in practice.

  1. Calculation of wallpaper on the wall using an online calculator.

If there is no possibility or desire to carry out independent calculations of the necessary materials for sticking the room, you can use a special online calculator. To date, there are a lot of sites on the Internet, which allows for free to use this service.

For settlements will have to carry out small dimensions of the room that will need to be introduced into the program, namely:
  1. Length and width of the room.
  2. Height of walls from floor to ceiling.
  3. Length and width of the wallpaper rolls that are planning to use for pasting.

All of the above parameters must be entered into the appropriate online calculator fields. After that, you can get the finished result of the required number of wallpaper.

It should be noted that it is quite often for the pasteing room used wallpapers with drawings that must be docked from the adjacent web. Accordingly, the calculation must be done from the magnitude of the report (size of the ornament or pattern). Some online calculators have the ability of this type of miscalument, which will significantly save time, strength and money.

Features of applying different ways to calculate wallpaper for walls

All the above options for calculating the material for the walls allow you to quite accurately figure out the number of necessary wallpaper. But this is only if the walls of the room have perfectly smooth parameters, and the wallpaper themselves do not have large drawings that require additional fit when salabing.

If the walls have protrusions or niches, their dimensions should also be considered when calculating. To do this, you need to make the appropriate marks or record.

A more difficult task is to calculate the number of wallpaper with large drawings. When pasting, these materials require the fittings of the canvas at a certain distance. This period of drawing, which is repeated, is called the report. For miscalculations to be accurate to each roll of wallpaper add one length of the report, as a rule, it does not exceed 25 centimeters. Quite often, this parameter manufacturer indicates the packaging of the material. If there is no value, then you can spend the measurements yourself using a roulette.

In this case, a 10-meter roll that is used to the height of the wall 2.5 meters will have three strips, and not four, as it was calculated initially. All this must be taken into account in order to avoid trouble and additional costs later. As practice shows if you plan to leave a room at 23-25 \u200b\u200bsq.m., it is worth buying two rolls of wallpaper. If the room is greater, for every 6 rolls it is necessary to add another one.

Wallpapers are the most popular means for decoration walls in residential premises. With their help, you can make absolutely any design in the room without resorting to excessive financial costs. When choosing wallpaper consumers encounter the problem of the right choice of rolls. How to calculate the number of wallpaper correctly?

What will be needed to calculate

Usually on the label from the roll indicates the approximate scheme for calculating the number of wallpaper. To find out the value yourself, you need to calculate the following parameters in advance:

  • Surface surface of the walls.
  • Roll width.
  • Roll length.
  • The height of the ceiling.

The lengths of the length and width of the wallpaper can be seen on the label when buying. Knowledge of magnitude will help correctly calculate the number of wallpapers on the room.

The main types of wallpapers depending on the width

Other 20 years ago, all wallpapers on the territory of the countries of the former USSR had standard length parameters and widths: 50 cm on 10 m. In the modern world, the market for repair materials implies a large number of various types of wallpaper. Consider the main of them:

  • Standard rolls. They have a width of 50 to 55 cm. The most common type of wallpaper. Length parameters can vary from 8 to 12 m for wallpaper on paper or vinyl-based basis. If their base is tissue, then the parameters of the length will be 15 m. This type of wallpaper is optimal when there are 300 cm with ceiling heights.
  • Roll of 60 cm wide. This type of wallpaper was widely distributed in the 90s. 20th century. However, now they are practically not used. The length value can be from 8 to 10 m.
  • A roll of 74 cm wide. European style of wallpaper. They have standard length. It is 10 m.
  • Meter rolls. Appeared about 10 years ago. However, the popularity has already gained. Roll width values \u200b\u200brange from 100-106 cm. Manufacturers produce meter wallpaper with different lengths of length. Standard from them - 10 m. Also produce rolls with a length of 12 and 25 m.

We learn the area of \u200b\u200bthe room

The main stages of the work:

  1. Almighty plan room.
  2. We carry out independent measurements.
  3. We produce the necessary calculations.

Blacksmith planning room independently

How to calculate the number of wallpaper for one room? Before proceeding with work, you must prepare the following tools:

  • Paper.
  • Line.
  • Pencil or pen.

It is necessary to draw the plan for all rooms indoors. This will require a ruler and pencil. It does not require absolute accuracy and scale ratio. The main thing is schematically to portray the room necessary for calculating.

After the walls are schematically depicted, the location of the windows and doors indoors should be specified on the plan. The values \u200b\u200bof scale and accuracy can also not be observed.

Independent measurements

How to calculate the number of wallpaper? To do this, find out the values \u200b\u200bof the parties 1 roll and the size of the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe room. To calculate the last number yourself, it is necessary to carry out the following actions:

  1. For work it will be necessary roulette. With it, it is necessary to measure the length of the walls of the room. For this measurement is carried out along each wall. The height of measurements does not matter. It all depends on in which place to work is most convenient. You can measure the length along the plinth, you can in the middle of the wall or under the ceiling.
  2. In the same way, we find the value of the height of the walls.
  3. So that there are no errors in the calculation, it is recommended to measure all 4 walls of the room in a similar way. Then the values \u200b\u200bwill be the most faithful.
  4. We measure the values \u200b\u200bof the height and width of doors and window openings using a roulette.
  5. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach of the walls. For this, the length is multiplied by the resulting height value. The number found will show the area of \u200b\u200bone room wall. From it, it is necessary to take the value of the area of \u200b\u200bthe opening (window or door). To calculate its area, it is also necessary to find a product of the parties.
  6. Similarly, you should find the area of \u200b\u200beach of the walls of the room. To find the total number of square meters to be pasted with wallpaper, the obtained values \u200b\u200bmust be summarized.

We learn the required number of rolls

To calculate, the value of the perimeter value is required. To find it, you need to get the sum of all the walls of the room.

The resulting perimeter must be divided into a width value of one roll. It is indicated on the label from the wallpaper. The resulting value will show how many wallpaper canvases will be required to enhance the entire room without taking into account window and door openings.

Next, it should be calculated, as many cloths are enough one wall roll. To do this, the value of the roll length should be divided into the height of the room. The resulting number will show how much strips will be from one roll.

How to calculate the number of wallpaper rolls to enhance the entire room? For this, the value obtained earlier the value of the total number of wallpapers should be divided into a set number of strips from one roll. The resulting value is rounded to an integer. We have determined the total number of rolls needed for one room.

Purchas wallpaper follows from all measurements. Compliance with these rules will learn how to correctly calculate the number of wallpaper for the room.

Specify the necessary dimensions in meters.

Room sizes:

Y.- The length of the first side of the room, which must be saved by wallpaper.

X.- The length of the second side of the room under sticking.

H.- The height of the room.

P.- Perimeter (sum of all sides). To calculate the perimeter value of the room, you must add the length of all its walls.

D. - The distance from the beginning of the twinkle to the first angle. Value D. Measure from the beginning of sticking to the first angle (along the clockwise arrow), it cannot be equal to or larger than the length of the wall.

To implement the calculation, you can specify or the length of the walls of the room or its perimeter (in the second case, the option of the start of the adhesive will not be available).

If the room has rectangular or square outlines Enter the parameters Y., X., H.. For the premises of the wrong shape with protrusions and niches, there is a possibility of calculation, specifying the values H. and P..


If the room has a window opening, click "Add window" and enter it sizes: length WX and height WY..

Wz.- The distance from the beginning of the wallpaper sticking determines the location of the window in the room. Enter the distance from the starting point of the pasting to the window.

The number of windows added is not limited.


That the program takes into account the presence of a doorway when calculating must be pressed "Add doors"and introduce their lengths DXand height DY..

DZ. - The distance from the beginning of the wallpaper shook to the doors.

You can add multiple doors.


L. - The length of the roll of wallpaper depends on their type and manufacturer. Standard value L. 10.05 m. However, phlizelin wallpaper for painting can be produced in rolls of 30 and 50 meters.

W. - The width of the roll is determined by the characteristics of the production line and may be 0.53 m (standard), 0.7 m and 1.06 m.

R. - Repeat pattern, or so-called. Rapport is the distance through which the same pattern is repeated.

Z. - stock for alignment, the allowance of the floor and the ceiling, which after gluing it is necessary to cut off the sharp knife for a rule or rule (0.05-0.15 m).

F. - shift the drawing. Mark this item, if you need to calculate, taking into account the Wallpaper Rappport shift for coincidence.

If you need to print the visualization, check the item " Black and white drawing"So you will get a drawing approximate to the requirements of GOST and save color paint or toner when printing.

Important! If incorrect parameters are entered to continue the calculation, it will be prompted to pay attention to the appropriate parameter and make changes.

Calculator will help calculate the full area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the room (in m²), calculate the consumption of wallpaper with windows and doors. You will be aware of the square of one roll of wallpaper, the length of the webs of the specified height is needed for pasting, taking into account the cutting on trimming, as well as the amount of entire wallpaper wallpapers contained in the roll. What will be the residue from each roll and how many rolls (pcs) of a given length is necessary for pasting room. The calculator will calculate how much the wallpaper needs for the room and how many rolls need to be required, taking into account the presence of window and doorways. There will also be counted a common balance from all wallpaper.

Such data allow you to buy the right number of wallpapers for the room, taking into account the nuances and make the room shook with your own hands or hire professionals. It is advisable to have a margin in one roll over the calculated quantity, it will save time and money in the future, in case of incorrect cutting or damage.

The apartment repairs are starting with preparatory calculations, the determination of the consumable material in the necessary quantities that may be needed in the process of performing wall coating finish. Before starting the wing of walls in the apartment with new wallpaper, originally determine the type of finishing material and its amount for the salary. The calculation should be made carefully in order to avoid additional problems in repair activities and unnecessary material costs. Calculate how many wallpapers need a calculator will help in any room.

How to correctly determine the number of rolls

Before buying new wallpapers for wall pasting, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of the required amount of material. Wrong counting leads to a shortage or residues of excess purchased raw materials. When determining the required amount of raw materials, the size of the walls of the walls in the room is calculated, and then the parameters of the doors and windows are subtracted from them. The next action makes division of the result obtained by the value of the calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe new roll.

The calculation formula is not very complex:

The number of rolls \u003d s v .: S steering. x K.

S bt. - area of \u200b\u200bfour walls;

S steers. - the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire roll, this value is obtained by multiplying the roll length on their width, the standard length is about 10 meters, the width is indicated on the package;

k - Coeff. Stock applies to take into account the flow rate of the corners, crop, to repeat the pattern. It is 1.1-1.2.

The number of rolls of wallpaper on the room Calculator will consider if there is no desire to calculate with the help of the formula.

Such a calculation is in demand when planning the walls of the walls on their own or when contacting professional masters, since this calculation can be provided for the cost of buying materials.

Source values \u200b\u200bfor calculating wallpaper

Basic data for the calculation of the finishing material:

  1. the perimeter of the walls (the sum of all lengths in meters);
  2. room height;
  3. sheet width (the most common sizes 0.5; 0.56; 0.6; 0.75 meters);
  4. length in one package (the most common samples are 7; 10.5; 12 and 18 meters);
  5. how many windows in the room;
  6. length and width of the window;
  7. number of doors;
  8. width and height of the door.

The size of the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors is needed to exclude them from the result obtained.

Features of working with a large ornament on the wallpaper

You always need to take into account the drawing on the wallpaper. During coloring that does not require docking and adaptation, the amount of material obtained using the calculation calculation can be purchased. In this case, additional calculations are not needed.

When choosing a material with large ornament fragments, docking is required, the standard actions using the calculation are not appropriate. Practically masters are recommended to add two rolls if the room is no more than 22 square meters.

It is necessary to take into account patterns - waste is directly proportional to the size of the rapport. It is indicated on the packaging label. Rapport is the frequency of repetition of the fragment on the chopler. The drawing must be properly combined between adjacent canvas.

Tip: Choosing a wobbly material needs to closely monitor the number of the series indicated on the labels so that there are no differences in the shade and saturation of the color in different packages.

Choosing the right calculator

The calculator makes the calculator with an increase of 10 cm for one sliced \u200b\u200bstrip of the workpiece.

The wallpaper calculator calculator allows you to quickly determine the number of wallpapers in rolls and square meters, it allows you to reduce the time to prepare for the main work. An online calculator makes a calculation with the savings of raw materials, subtracting windows and doors, adding 10% for possible marriage and trimming. After receiving the calculated result, it is necessary to round it up to the whole roll.

Tip: When choosing a suitable calculator for counting wallpaper, you need to make sure that it is able to take into account not only the usual parameters of the room, but also can produce complex calculations, taking into account the magnitude of the rapport, roll parameters. The magnitude of the rapport is added to the length of each segment of the wallpaper for the convenience of comparing ornament on the adjacent canvases.

When choosing wallpaper with large drawings, plants and other complex forms, you must calculate the number of rapports per sliced \u200b\u200bcloth. The number of rolls directly depends on how great the period of repetition of the same pattern will be. The product label contains information about the magnitude of the rapport.

With a calculation account, the size of niches, protrusions and other complex areas in the premises are not taken into account. Decision is made, make places closed with furniture, racks, wardrobes. There are even places for single chests or buffets.

Wallpaper Calculator for the Room Square calculates the consumption of materials with the most simplified way. It is enough to make a measurement along the plinth with a roulette. The length of all four walls, height from the floor to the ceiling, specify the length and width of the selected finishing material. As a result, a very approximate calculation of the number of wallpapers for this dwelling is performed.

Wallpaper Calculator, taking into account the door, has the ability to produce a more economical calculation, taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway, which does not require the salary. When calculating the flow of wallpaper, doors sizes are deducted from the general result.

In order to more accurately determine the desired amount of finishing material, the wallpaper calculator is used based on windows. Data lengths, widths and quantities of window openings are taken into account with a general count. This method allows you to get a more accurate budget result.

Calculation Calculator Wallpaper online gives the most correct result. It helps to accurately calculate the following values:

  • the number of wallpapers in rolls and square meters required for the room salary;
  • the amount of the required glue;
  • amount of money for the purchase of all materials;
  • the size of the residual pieces after work produced in square meters and rolls.

For a detailed operational calculation, you need to enter the necessary data into special columns:

  • length and roll width in meters;
  • the size of the stuck field, if the blending will be made by the brass;
  • the price of one roll;
  • the cost of adhesive material;
  • the magnitude of the rapport indicated on the package;
  • length and height of each wall in meters;
  • the width and height of the window in meters;
  • number of windows;
  • height and width in doors meters and their number.

After filling out all the necessary graph, it is enough to click the "Calculate" button and get reliable information.

Tip: If the wall of the room is made with niches or protrusions, then their detailed parameters need to be added to the total length of the wall. Wallpapers are spent in more quantities due to the processing of additional corners. When buying, you need to purchase two rolls in the case of damage to the coverage on the walls as a result of repair work, children's pranks or pets. Purchase how many wallpapers need

Simplified calculation method

When choosing wallpapers that do not require docking and fitting the ornament, the calculation is simpler:

  1. The calculator himself will find the perimeter of the room, folding the length of all four sides.
  2. Determine the number of finished canvases for this room, dividing the perimeter magnitude to the width of the sheet.
  3. Calculate how many panels are placed in general roll, sharing the actual size of the roll length to the height of the wall. At the same time will show the number of cropping materials.
  4. Calculate the number of rolls for this room, by dividing the total number of cloths on their number in one roll.

Wallpaper calculation Online calculator will quickly and do not need to multiply and divide on paper in a column.

Standard wallpaper dimensions

Our compatriots used to be the most acceptable standard wall width, which was 53 cm, and the length was 10.05 m. These sizes are still confirmed by the interstate standard.

Modern Russian manufacturers still adhere to the listed sizes to this day, but they have become much more likely to produce wide wallpapers for walls - 1.06 m, as they cause more and more interest in our compatriots. In German or Italian companies, the width of the wallpaper is 0.53; 0.6; 0.7; 1.06; 1.4 m.

Glue wallpaper 1 meter width, unlike traditional 0.53 m, much faster, and the seams are less than the walls.

A number of manufacturers produce products of various dimensions. The dimensions of textile wallpapers for walls can be a width of 3.18 m, and up to 50 m long. But it is worth noting that such products is very limited, since it is expensive and status.

In this case, manufacturers are guided GOST 6810-2002., More information about them you read in the article ". The table shows the dimensions of the textile wall coating.

As you can see , meter wallpaper or web close to this standard, manufacturers are offered from any material.

But still on research drawn up by Abarus Market Research according to FSGS RF 09.12.2015 "The market of rolled wall materials: wallpapers of paper, phlizelin, vinyl, glazes"The dynamics of increasing the share of vinyl wallpaper is revealed compared with the total production volume.

Diagram of proposals

The table shows the characteristics of vinyl canvas, they are produced according to the state standard.

The Omexco Belgian Factory Wallpaper roll has a width of 90, 100 and 140 cm, and the collections of the French company ELITIS offer samples whose width is 70 and 90 cm. According to our research, Russian consumers have previously given preference to wallpaper for the roll of roll width 0, 53 m. But according to the data collected in 2012, now in priority wide wallpaper size - 1.06 m.

After analyzing the sizes of wallpaper wallpapers, we have compiled a table where we classified all sought-after wall cloths.

Roll square calculation formula

Knowing the width and length of the roll, it is easy to calculate its quadrature.

$ \\ QuickLatex (Size \u003d 25) \\ Boxed (S_Rulone \u003d (A \\ Times B) $

  • S Rulon - Area;
  • A - width;
  • In - Length.

Suppose we need to know how many squares will in a roll of meter Cloths having a length of 10 meters. T. e. A \u003d 1.06 m, B \u003d 10 m, which means

S \u003d 1.06 x 10 \u003d 10.06 m 2.

Instructions for calculating the number of wall wallpapers

For this, several formulas are applied, because not all rooms are rectangular - there are rooms of various geometric shapes:

  • oval;
  • trapezoidal;
  • triangular;
  • multifaceted.

Walls of rectangular shape

We use the usual roulette to get the exact result. To correctly calculate wallpaper on any room, measurements are made in meters, quite accuracy to one centimeter (two decimal sign).

  1. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach wall, remove the square of door or window openings from it, fold the figures obtained.

Calculate the area according to the formula: $$ \\ Quicklatex (Size \u003d 25) \\ Boxed (S \u003d ((A \\ Times H)) + ((A_ (1) \\ Times H)) + ((B \\ Times H)) + ( (B_ (1) \\ Times H))) $$

  • S - Wall area;
  • h - the height of the room;
  • a, A1 - D\u003e Lina;
  • b, B1 - Width

After counting, the area of \u200b\u200bthe openings and get the desired figure.

  1. Talk the perimeter of the entire room, multiplying it to the height, from the obtained quadrature to subtract the area of \u200b\u200bwindows or doors.

Perimeter - the sum of the lengths of all sides of the room, measured better by the floor. Measure the length of each wall from one corner to another and fold the obtained 4 digits.
$$ \\ QuickLatex (Size \u003d 25) \\ Boxed (P \u003d AB + BC + CD + DA) $$

  • P is the perimeter of the room;
  • AV, BS, CD, DA - wall lengths.

The resulting result is multiplying to the height - we get the area. Calculation will produce by the formula:

$$ \\ QuickLatex (Size \u003d 25) \\ Boxed (S \u003d (P \\ Times H)) $$

  • S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • P is the perimeter of the room;
  • h is the height of the wall.

In order for the calculation of wallpaper on the room area, it is necessary to subtract the area of \u200b\u200bdoor or window openings from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. Having a roulette, it is not difficult to do it, just measure their height and length. But we offer you tables with their standard sizes.

The table shows the overall dimensions, the area of \u200b\u200bwindow and balcony door blocks made by GOST 23166-99which apply to wood products, plastics, metal alloys.

The figure shows various options for the design of window and balcony door blocks.

Internal wooden doors are manufactured according to GOST 6629-88 And the standard sizes of typical openings are reflected in the table.

In addition to the standard dimensions of the doors, when all parameters are known, there is a possibility of installing non-standard cavities. Especially this practice is used in low-rise construction.

The area of \u200b\u200bwindow and doorways is measured by outdoor boxes.

The diagram indicates the dimensions required for the calculation.
$$ \\ QuickLatex (Size \u003d 25) \\ Boxed (S \u003d (A \\ Times H)) $$

  • S - Opera area;
  • A - width of the opening;
  • h is his height.

If it is not possible to determine the exact dimensions, then the width is easily found independently.

For this, the width of the opening is determined by the formula:

And the opening \u003d a of the canvas + and the bars * 2 + and the spare gap for filling the mounting foam (from two sides of the web).

Also considered the height of the opening:

h Overview \u003d H Cloth + H (thickness) box + H threshold + H spare gap Upper and lower.

To calculate the arched opening, it is necessary:

  1. It is visually divided into a rectangle and semicircle.

$$ \\ QuickLatex (Size \u003d 25) \\ Boxed (S \u003d (A \\ Times H)) $$

  • S - Opera area;
  • A - width of the opening;
  • h is his height.

b) another calculation to produce according to the formula:

$$ \\ QuickLatex (Size \u003d 25) \\ Boxed (S \u003d (\\ FRAC (\\ PI \\ Times R ^ (2)) (2))) $$

  • S - Opera area;
  • π is a constant number, the value of which is 3.14;
  • R is a radius, which in this case is equal to half the length between opposite walls.
  1. Fold the areas obtained and get the total area of \u200b\u200bthe opening.

It is necessary to know that according to standards, depending on the functional design of the room, the dimensions of the door canvases have different sizes.

Walls with complex configurations

If you know how to correctly calculate how many wallpapers on a room having various forms, these tables will help to cope with the task.

There are also rooms with round configurations.

Their area will be counted already according to the following formula:

Dersighted rooms have such design features.

Trapezoid shape wall

Lovers of extraordinary interiors

Before calculating the number of wallpapers on any room, make the right measurements. If you use a laser tape measure, then make it a ray to be directed strictly perpendicular to the surface. Otherwise, there will be a big error in measurements and end results.

Determine how many rolls of wallpaper are needed for pasting room, you can in the following sequence:

But if you wish to know the exact number without tedious counts and knowledge of geometric formulas, then the calculation of the number of wallpapers on the room is presented in the following table. To compile it, we needed:

  • room area;
  • ceiling height;
  • data on how many square meters (m 2) in one roll of wallpaper (length multiplied by width).

The data is designed for an average room having one door and a window, so it will be necessary to subtract no more than 7 m from one roll and discard 10% of the real area on trimming.

If the sheets need a selection of drawing, you have to add 15-20% - for every 6 rolls laid another additional.

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We will also tell you how to determine the number of cloths in one roll. To do this, you need to know how many meters is full length (indicated on the packaging liner) and the height of the future canvase. Suppose the length of the roll is 10.05 m, and the height of the canvas is 3.45 m.


In this case, an integer 2 is obtained, it means only two full-fledged canvas from one web can be obtained from one web. The remaining trim length of 3.19 m can be used to places of a smaller height or leave about the reserve. But if you need to customize the drawing, you will have an even smaller piece.

It is important to remember that most of the canvases are made with a combined pattern, therefore, the flow of wallpaper on the room will be greater than in the case of simple wallpaper without patterns.