Repairs Design Furniture

How to cover the sofa with your own fabric. Independent hauling upholstered furniture. Inspection and repair of frame

Sooner or later, but even the most high-quality and modern sofa can lose their former attractiveness. With each year of operation, the upholstery of this furniture will be sophisticated, spots and propellars may appear on it. Fix the position will help hauling the sofa, which can be performed independently if necessary.


You can drag the upholstery on the sofa of any form and size, while this work can be performed both by yourself and with the help of specialists in the furniture workshop. In the case of performing a hauling personally, it is worth remembering that such a process has some features with which it will be necessary to encounter during the work.

First of all, you will have to independently take care of the choice and acquisition of not only a suitable material, but also of its sufficient number. So, for a leather sofa, it is better to purchase not natural skin as the upholstery material, but an ecocuse, while the material should always be taken with a margin.

It is from the right choice of tissue that will depend not only by the appearance of the restored furniture, but also the subsequent life of its operation.

Be sure to consider Constructive features of a particular model of furniture.Some sofas have a rather complicated form and, when replacing the upholstery, it is impossible to completely disassemble, so you have to try so that in such places the tissue completely repeated the shape of the sofa itself. So, dragging the corner sofa, it is necessary to pay special attention to the degrees of tissue stretching precisely on the corners and joints of the combination of parts of the frame of this furniture. With this work, some difficulties may arise without the presence of due skills.

The second feature is that if the furniture is too old and not only the upholstery fabric itself, it will be necessary to replace not only the material, but also a partially filler in the furniture, and possibly some parts of the frame.

It is worth taking care in advance.

Thanks to the halters of sofas at home, it is not only possible to extend the life of the furniture itself, but also visually favorably change its appearance, and with him the room itself. After all, many people know that the overall tone of the interior style of the room still sets the furniture that is located in it. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the process itself very seriously. During the work itself, one should not hurry and distracted by foreign items. It is best to engage in the trim at a time when no one can disturb you.

You need to be ready to be ready for the fact that the work itself, and especially performed for the first time, will take quite a lot of time and effort.

By and large, you can enjoy at home by any sofa personally, regardless of its dimensions. The main thing is to stock in advance all the necessary materials and tools, Carefully examine the instructions for performing this work and be ready to follow it completely. If such work seems like rather laborious, then you can practice on a chair or chair or to generally entrust the performance of the upholstery to specialists.

Selection of material

In any case, regardless of whether work will be carried out on the upholstery of the upholstery by independently or by experts, the first one, with which it will have to face - this is the choice of a suitable material. Experienced masters recommend in this case to take advantage of the following tips:

  • Before it is necessary to change the soft filler of the sofa, not just its upper fabric. If a synthet board performs as a filler, then it is necessary to give preference to the one that has pure white color, as this is evidence of its high quality. If the filler is a foam, then it is necessary to use two of its sheet with a thickness of 2 cm at once, and between them the felt sheet is laid.

  • As a material of the upper upholstery, it is better to choose fabric dense having a fine drawing Without large and bulk prints. This will save on the material, because his pieces will not be missed due to the incidence of the drawing. In addition, the practice shows, such sofas are less dirty and in the operation of the operation it is better to retain their appearance.

  • It is better to give preference to fabrics that do not have a pile, for example, from leatheretteIf the villi is available, it is necessary to ensure that they are short and equal length. Please note that the fabric does not have a sharp and strong unpleasant synthetic flavor. If it is, this indicates low quality and its unsuitability as the use of fabric for furniture restoration.
  • It is better abandon too coarse materials and replace them with ecocuse Or tapestry, which will give furniture exquisite, beautiful and stylish appearance. According to the word "coarse", the fabric is unpleasant to the touch and having a non-primary appearance. Using such a material, you can not update your furniture, but on the contrary, it is artificially an even more.

  • It is worth remembering that natural cotton materials are too fast And when using them during tightening, they lose their primordial appearance, so they are best abandoned. Otherwise, after a few months of regular use of the sofa, it may need to be restored.
  • Jacquard fabric is suitable as it is impossibleIt is rather dense, wear-resistant, has an attractive appearance and is implemented in various color variations. But it is better to still give preference to jacquard of dark tones and without bright color accents on the fabric. They are primarily erased and spoiled the entire appearance of the upholstery.

  • Flock and velor have a beautiful appearanceand quite pleasant to the touch, but at the same time they quickly rub off and lose their attractiveness, so the use of such fabrics is also extremely undesirable.
  • Such material like shenille, It has good wear-resistant indicators, attractive externally and perfectly cleaned from any contamination, so it is recommended to be used as a material to drag sofas.
  • Arpate It may well become a worthy replacement of genuine leather or eco-tree, as it has the same characteristics as they, but it has a smaller cost.

As the main material for dragging sofas, the fabric should be chosen tight, without a pile with a small pattern or one-photon materials that have high wear-resistance rates. Only such fabrics make sense to choose, because they will allow you to use an updated sofa for a very long time.

I also want to note that if the sofa has wheels or legs, they should also be changed to new during the fulfillment of upholstery. This will refresh the appearance of the sofa fully and improve its stability.

Preparatory stage

After the required material is selected, you can start the first stage of the sofa dragging, which is to create patterns from the tissue. This stage should pay special attention, because the result of its execution will depend on the result of the total work. At the same time, the pattern can be made in two different ways:

  • Make a pattern based on old upholsterywhich was previously dismantled with the sofa. In this case, the removed upholstery is applied to the acquired fabric and will be burned along the contour. Be sure to leave scare in several centimeters - 5 will be quite enough. In the future, the resulting pattern is applied to the furniture frame and if it matches its circuits, it is cut.
  • The second option is more time-consuming. First, all parts are removed from the sofa, which can be removed - armrests, backs and pillows are carefully measured by a roulette from all sides, and the results obtained are transferred to the fabric, taking into account the addition of 5 cm for each side. Further all parts of the pattern are cut and applied to suitable sofa places.. If everything is in order and parts of the pattern have the necessary size, you can proceed to further actions.

When creating a pattern, any of the above methods, specialists are recommended twice to check the correctness of the measurements made before cutting the pattern from the tissue. It was in this situation that the proverb "Seven times death, once a rejection" is relevant, more than ever.

Required tools

In order to perform a sofa drawing at home, as well as to perform its preparatory stage - creating patterns, the following tools may be required:

  • Material of the upholstery itself.
  • Filler material.
  • Scissors.
  • Chalk or a piece of soap.
  • Stapler and brackets for him.
  • English pins.
  • Sewing machine or just a thread with needles.
  • Especially strong threads.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Pliers.
  • Passatia.
  • Roulette or ordinary measuring tape.

Depending on the variety of the sofa, the adhesive gun, the felt of the middle thickness, the spring block, screwdriver and self-tapping screw can still be needed. The number of tools is always directly dependent on which model, form and dimensions of the sofa selected for restoration.

If everything is clear with the material, scissors and chalk, the passage and screwdriver, as well as pliers can be used to unscrew some parts of the sofa with directly performing the drawing of the material. Not in all cases it may be necessary to use all of the above tools, but just in case it is better to cook everything in advance than then run around the apartment in search of a suitable tool.

How to make your own hands?

Tightwork at home the sofa is not such a complex process. If this procedure is performed for the first time, then certain difficulties may arise. In order to avoid them and cover your own, your favorite sofa is simple as possible and quickly, we will tell you step by step, how to drag two types of sofas - ordinary and corner.

Direct without springs

It should be started with the dismantling of individual components of the sofa, such as corners, pouf, backs and pillows:

  • If necessary, use a screwdriver or passage. The main thing, dismantling extremely neatlynot to damage all parts of the sofa. It is best to add them together consistently with removal.

  • Further An old upholstery is removed from the sofa housing and details.This process is quite time consuming and requires limit accuracy, because the material filmed in the future can be used as the basis for the pattern. It must be decomposed on a flat horizontal surface for raping it. This will help further remove the measurements more accurately and correctly create a pattern.
  • After removal of the fabric cleaned internal contents of the sofaRemove dust, garbage and packing particles. Now, if necessary, remove the entire package and replace it with a new one or simply correct it and give it the correct position.
  • The next stage is creating patterns.About how it can be done correctly, it was described in detail above, so we will not describe this process again.

  • Now it is necessary circled details attach directly to the sofa. This work should be done in stages and carefully. The material itself should be stretched as evenly as possible so that the drawing does not try and eventually the sofa had a new appearance. It is best to start a pinking with a back, sidewalls and sofa seats.
  • After the upholstery on them is replaced, you can start directly pulling the carcassthe sofa itself. The fabric is attached with the help of needles and threads on removable parts and with a stapler on the frame. You can use a standard adhesive gun.

  • Now it is necessary Collect sofa newly In the reverse sequence of its dismantling. In the event that the pieces of fabric remained, they can be used to dry the aspirations or decorative decoration of the backs or armrests of the sofa itself. The decor, naturally, should be selected by independently, in accordance with the common interior of the room and the style of the furniture itself.

Corner with spring mechanism

The angular sofa itself has a more complex design, and the level of the upcoming upholstery replacement work is also raised by the existing springs. Therefore, I immediately want to say that the sewing of the spring sofa will be longer and trouble-free compared with the restoration of a simple model that does not have spring blocks. In any case, the sofa dragging process itself can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Disassembly of the sofa into two components. Here it is necessary to separate the angular parts from each other. With the right execution of this stage, you should get a separate small sofa and an angular chair.
  2. Now it is necessary to remove all the components that can be dismantled independently.
  3. Next, we remove the entire package and also do with the material on the sofa framework.
  4. Remove the filler and get the spring block itself, which is attached to the bottom of the sofa using a twine that needs to be neatly cut. If the springs are integers, we gently straighten them and install them in place, if not, then we go to the economic or furniture store and get new ones.
  5. It is necessary to overwhelm between themselves all springs with very durable linsers or cotton threads.
  6. We make a pattern of damping, and it is neatly folded and put on top of the springs, extend the filler, a new one or pre-cleaned from the existing contaminants.
  7. Now cut out the resulting patterns and we are wearing a new upholstery first removable parts of the sofa, then its frame. As in the previous case, you should closely monitor the uniform tension of the material on the parts of the sofa.
  8. After all parts of the furniture are removed, you must first collect a sofa, that is, to connect the sofa itself and the angular chair, and then install it removable parts.

By a similar scheme, you can restore almost any model of sofas with spring blocks. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and perform all stages of work is not in a hurry.

Speaking about independent surpasses of sofas at home, it is impossible not to say about the useful advice of experienced specialists in this matter. It is their recommendations that will help to fulfill such work as correct as possible, safely and quickly, but the most important thing is that the result will please you for a very long time.

First of all, it is worth saying again about choosing the material for having sofas, it should not be just dense, but also quite heavy. The fact is that such furniture is used in various situations, and the heavier cloth, the longer it will last you. The material is exactly the part that should not save.

Often, when performing such work, many people prefer to change the upholstery inside the furniture itself. It makes sense to do if the internal package is in a satisfactory condition. If she completely became unusable, and the spring block with its presence also has to be changed, it is better to abandon the restoration of such furniture and purchase a new one. Many competent furniture specialists often say that the full restoration of the sofa is often more expensive than buying a new one. Therefore, the sofa removal can be removed if its springs or pack are in a normal state.

If such works are performed for the first time, you must first work on smaller furniture. If the sofa is expensive or antique, it is better to give it to the restoration to those skilled in the art.

Treating sofas is actually quite an exciting and creative occupation. Many people recognize that by restoration of their furniture independently, they began to practice such work regularly. After all, this hauling of the upholstery allows you to change the appearance of the furniture when it wanted, and in constant practice, the restoration takes a little time and does not cause any inconvenience.

On how to give a second life to the old sofa, see the next video.

As if we did not try to maintain comfort in the apartment at the proper level, sometimes it's just worth looking back and confess to yourself that you need to change something or fix in design. Over time, each piece of furniture comes into disrepair. Sofas are no exception.

The place where we spend quite a large amount of time in a family circle, or simply accepting guests, or for reading any book, I would like to see in good condition. How often we use the sofa, so quickly he can take an unpleasant appearance.

Washed, aging, stain from spilled coffee, which does not completely withdraw, no matter how try, and the children in the heat of the games do not always understand what their actions can lead to. Here is just a small part of what can affect the outer bed of the sofa.

And now ask yourself the question: "Is it possible to do something with all this very, at home?" Answer: "Yes, you can".

In the article, consider the process of step-by-step drying of the coup of the sofa, without resorting to assistance. Of course, it is worth mentioning that the call to the home of specialists who will show the master class will be less long in time, but at the same time more costly. Choose to you.

With which collision

First of all, it is worth specifying when you do to restore the piece of furniture on your own independently:

  • very complex disassembly process and furniture assembly;
  • in the upholstery elements, such partitions are presented, the configuration of which is not possible is possible, or their execution is difficult, due to the use of different from the original material;
  • not only the upholstery need restoration, but also the framework itself, or the filler;
  • material to be seen is difficult to use;
  • lack of elementary skills and experience.

So, we decided to fulfill the restoration process of our sofa on their own. All of the above options are not about us. So, moving to the target target.

Work on preparation

First of all, it is necessary to determine the material and equipment that we will be applied during the work.

The choice of the upholstery material should also be based not only on your personal preferences, but must take into account, for example, the design of the room as a whole. Moreover, on the trim, there is a large amount of information and before the choice should be pre-consulted.

In the photo in the catalogs of any sewing store, a wide range of materials can be hampered by a sofa and sew pillows. We are demanding skin, leathesum, velor, flock, tapestry and jacquard.

Here are some tips for the choice of fabric:

  • do not use synthetic or coarse fabric;
  • it is necessary to take offense on a cover, which is pleasant to the touch;
  • to reduce the expenditures of the material used, you need to use one-photo material or small pattern;
  • achieve any contrast or pronounced style can be, if you combine one-photo material with any multi-colored cloth;
  • in order to give the necessary softness of the furniture, materials such as foam rubber or syntheps are used.

Sintepon will give airiness upholstered furniture. A pronounced smell of chemistry can serve as a call on poor-quality origin.

Sintepon is a durable material, and therefore it changes extremely small if everything is done technologically correctly. When applied it is worth paying attention to the thickness of the material and its strength. It is imperative that it is the same in the entire area of \u200b\u200bapplication.

With the use of foam rubber, everything is slightly easier. The quality of the material corresponds to its structure. Material of high quality, with compression, immediately restore the original shape, and with low time it will take. It is worth mentioning that in high-quality furniture between the body of a person and the foam rubber, gaskets from Wattin et al.

Tip: Pay attention to the smell of future upholstery, he should not push.

Tool preparation, also takes a separate place, here is a piece of necessary:

  • scissors;
  • threads, durable;
  • spanners;
  • machine sewing machine;
  • anti-stripler or screwdriver, as more convenient;
  • stapler.

Disassembly of furniture

Of course, before we proceed to work, it is worth the subject of our furniture to disassemble (keys to help us).

Do not forget about some marks for yourself in this process, otherwise to disassemble - we will analyze, but problems can be collected - there may be problems. The process requires accuracy from our side, which means there should not be barbaric to tear down the attachments if it did not work with the "runway".

Such elements like sidewalls, the backs are subject to disassembly in the first place. Step-by-step disassembly process:

  • seats;
  • fasteners are subject to designation and storage in a certain place;
  • there are brackets - use an anti-stripler or screwdriver;
  • with old upholstery, we appeal carefully, this is our stencil for the new;
  • if you need to replace the foam or other material, and we will see it, then do it;
  • we look at the elements of the naked design (if necessary, we replace the springs, tighten the structural elements, we linse where it is necessary);
  • eliminate defects that are visible.

It is not necessary to follow this instruction strictly, but just worth paying attention to it.


Here is the finish line. In order not to delay the process of the tug, on the hands, after disassembling the sofa, there must be an old upholstery material.

This is the best option that will reduce the restoration time. Especially for angular sofas or furniture with a complex design.

We take a new upholstery tissue and cut out the details from it using the contours of the old. You can pre-chalk or soap to designate this outline, applying both stencils an old upholstery and adding a centimeter 3-5 stock.

For most of the sofa such actions, it is enough, however, it is not so rosy with pillows. It is not necessary to do without a master at hand, but we don't have it, it means that we arrange your master class:

  • we take a roulette and produce the necessary measurements (length, width, height to help us);
  • we take up the upholstery tissue and apply the corresponding measurements, adding to each approximately another 3-5 cm (additional dimensions will be used for fabric bends);
  • figure is - cut out;
  • we put a pillow to the center of the figure of the figure (unforgettable that the fabric has a back side so as not to redo it);
  • watch the material and make fixation with brackets, for the most part, the brackets are located at a distance of 3-4 cm;
  • in the presence of a picture, we stretch the material evenly, so that the picture did not flush;
  • next, we repeat the method for the rest of the pillow.

Note: Buying material, pay attention to the shade, may not match.

This method will allow us to cover the remaining parts of the sofa with their own hands. Do not forget that the material that is taken "in principle" may not be enough, be careful.

Buying upholstery material with a stock will save from unnecessary spending. The remaining material can be used on a drawing of something else, the benefit of fantasy is enough.

And finally. Do not jump above your own head, if you are not sure about your abilities, refer to the specialists. They will help to transform the sofa. You can also see a special video below to better imagine the whole drying process:

It's no secret that over time, the upholstery of upholstered furniture loses its original appearance, especially if there are pets in the house, old furniture often does not fit into a new interior after repair. In this case, it is not necessary to change the existing furniture on new interior items.

A simpler solution will replace the upholstery fabric and a soft lining of upholstered furniture. In most cases, it is not difficult to do it. In this small review, detailed instructions are given how to drag the sofa with your own hands.

Self-drying of sofas

Update the coating of upholstered furniture is quite possible to do yourself either by professionals. When performing work, you can face the following difficulties that are difficult to overcome without special skills:

Problems may occur at the first stage on the disassembly of furniture. Sometimes without special skills and tools to do it problematic. Therefore, deciding this work to check your strength, having pulled at least a stool. On this simple task you can hone the technology and choose the tool.

Details of the sofa may have complex geometric shapes. Therefore, it is difficult for them to make the correct pattern, and then carry out the correct stretch. It will be easier to make the pattern if it is copied with an old upholstery.

Reduce the sofa a book consisting in essence of two rectangular halves and two soul mates, much easier than the non-folding sofa with large armrests and additional pillows or in the case when the pattern consists of several pieces of fabric.

When restoring the old furniture, it is not enough to replace only the upholstery. Often it is necessary to replace the filler, the repair of the frame and even the replacement of the springs in old sofas.

Antique furniture requires a very careful circulation, its repair and update is better to entrust professionals.

For decorations, materials are complex in operation. With skin, it is much more difficult to deal with a fabric. For the first sofa pans, it is better to choose tissue materials.

Technology performing work

This task is time consuming, but quite performed work. Reduce the sofa at home is quite simple, if all steps need to be accurately and in accordance with the recommendations and instructions.

At the first stage, the sofa is disassembled: overhead elements, seat, backs are removed. The fasteners will be useful when assembling, so they are gently assembled.

Next, the old upholstery is removed. This is done using an ordinary thin flat screwdriver. The coating cannot be thrown out, since the new fabric blanks will be cut in its form. After removing the coating, check the condition of the inner design and clean it.

Mandatory replacement requires foam rubber, as it has a small service life compared to natural materials. Instead of foam rubber, a relatively recently appeared synthetic hybecue, which has a long service life. In addition, you need to correct and check the mounting of the metal springs.

Then make patterns from a new material. They are very easy to do using the removed old upholstery, you should only add a few centimeters on each side to the allowance, the excess of which is then cut off. Similarly, all the billets of the fabric and for pillows are manufactured, and for the sofa itself.

The upholstery fabric is better to acquire with a small margin. Since with the inaccuracies of the size and calculations, it may not be enough and in the worst case it will not be purchased.

Depending on the purpose of the furniture, various materials are purchased. They can be from breathable natural, but not wear-resistant fabric, ideally suitable for sleep, or can be made of wear-resistant skin suitable for long-term continuous use, for example, in organizations.

Buying fabric or skin is a very responsible event, so before dragging the sofa should explore the photo of various design solutions, pick up your individual style, choose a suitable tissue and shop.

Selection of material

The choice of materials should be carried out with great care. You need to pick up fabric not only by their design and a combination, but also by their quality.

Good quality fabric should not smell dramatically. The pile must be firmly fixed on the basis, there should be no molting. It depends on its fabric pattern, since in some embodiments it is required to set the pattern in a specific direction.

Sintepon is also not the same and requires a choice. When purchasing it, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it should be white, odorless, durable, not driving in his hands.

Porolon also has a different quality. The main characteristic feature is the size of bubbles. In high-quality foam, bubbles have a small size, and in the lower quality material they are large. The size of the bubbles, oddly enough, determines the durability and wear resistance of the foam rubber.

Upholstery with a cloth is the final stage and is carried out with the help of a construction stapler and glue. This operation is easier to perform if you make photos of furniture before disassembly.

Independent furniture upholstery at home is quite fulfilled, but requires certain skills and patience. Carefully completed hauling delivers pleasure and save considerable funds.

One way to update upholstered furniture is to replace its skin.

You can use the services of professional masters, and you can decide the sofa with your own hands at ordinary home conditions. The event is quite troublesome, but not requiring serious physical efforts.

Sofa Upholstery: A - Soft and Upholstery Materials; B - cut; B - the order of upholstery and drying.

Preparatory stage

The action plan is determined according to the type of upcoming repair - cosmetic or capital.

Types of repair work sofa.

Cosmetic repair usually assumes only the replacement of an old sheat or even fixing the new material on the old one.

For example, replace wallpaper on the walls. Capital - complete or partial replacement not only the top of the upholstered furniture, but also fillers.

For the preparatory stage it will be necessary:

  • passatia;
  • screwdriver Set;
  • a set of keys;
  • a hammer;
  • centimeter or roulette;
  • leaf of paper and pencil.

It is also better to stock in advance boxes or bags for storing fasteners.

When disassembling very old furniture, vinegar may need. To dismantle the steamed rust fasteners, it is sufficient to moisten them with acetic acid.

Soft sofa scheme in section.

Does not hurt the presence of a vacuum cleaner or brushes and a damp cloth. With their help, you can immediately remove the furniture design of garbage and dust detected in the hard-to-reach scan of furniture design.

  1. The sofa disassembles - the sidewalls are dismantled, other elements of its design.

    Carefully removes the skin. The goal is to determine the true state of the seat and back filler, ensure the convenience of the necessary measurements. It is desirable not to remember the sequence of furniture disassembly, but also to record it in the most detail. All fasteners should be immediately folded in boxes, bags with appropriate marks.

  2. Measurements are performed. Usually under the upholstery of the sofa are layers of foam rubber, batting. With the help of a centimeter is determined, some sizes are needed for the restoration of the seat, backs.

    The results of all measurements are also fixed on paper.

In determining the size of pieces of new upholstery fabric, the features of the old fastening are required. For the purpose of saving, some manufacturers do not add to its edges, which then "scribble". The seams "in principle" also do not extend the service life of the upholstery.

Back to the category

The process of skin sofa do it yourself

Furniture before and after a hauling.

Before deciding the sofa, it is necessary to inspect its design for possible defects, damage.

If necessary, carry out repair work.

The replacement of the foam rubber is carried out entirely. Do not try to save, lining pieces of new material for the sold places. An additional layer of wattin and burlap will not only extend the service life of the upholstery, but also provide comfortable conditions during rest and sleep.

When calculating the number of materials, it is necessarily taken into account:

  • inputs on the seams - 1-1.5 cm;
  • binding on the edge - 1-2 cm.

To decide the sofa, you need to purchase not only foam rubber, batting, upholstery fabric, but also:

  • threads - better categorous;
  • ruler, triangle, tailor chalk or a conventional color pencil, contrasting the color of the chosen upholstery;
  • glue for fixing foam foam sheets on the sidewalls;
  • glue bf-6;
  • good scissors for fabric;
  • wallpaper cloves or construction stapler.

With the observance of the main Portnov Regulation "I will defaminate 7 times, 1 - a revenue", neatly disintegrates the canvas of the foam rubber, wattin and upholstery fabric.

Sowing edges are better to undergo an overwheel or zigzag.

Covers are sewn on the sidewalls, other necessary seams are made.

The costs of time and forces on a preliminary ironing of upholstery tissue and seams with a bitter will pay off in the process of its attachment.

One way to extend the service life of the upholstery is to strengthen areas located on the corners of the furniture. To do this, they are tracked from the inside or glued with glue bf-6 patchwork from burlap or a piece of upholstery fabric left after cutting.

  1. Falone sheets are stacked - usually only on the mattress, sometimes on the sidewalls.
  2. Watin is put on the sofa mattress, and its edges are attached to upholstered cloves or staples.

    You can hide the sidewalls by Vatin, if they did not lie to the foam rubber.

  3. All sofa elements are squeaking. It is not necessary to sew caseine covers, you can shelter them, applying the burlap of the mustache.

    The magnitude of the fattest is about 2 cm. The burlap must completely close the batting.

  4. Clean skin is a covering with a bottom cloth, the edges of which are converted if necessary.

All canvases are tensioning evenly and neatly.

How to change the upholstery of the sofa with their own hands

Then the sofa design is going.

If the sofa is planned to be sewn with their own hands on top of the old sheathing, then careful cleaning of the second from contaminants is pre-performed.

Highly worn places are strengthened with pop-bays that are sewn or glued. Plus this option is to minimize material and time costs. Minus - the old clusters of dirt and dust remain inside.

How do you replace the upholstery of furniture

Looking at the rounded shape of an expensive furniture headset, standing in the exhibition hall of the furniture store, so I want to add volume to your old sofa or chair. The upholstery of the furniture do it yourself, like the repair of the table top, is not such a complex process and forces to any real man.

To work, in addition to the desire and direct hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Set of wrenches.
  • Furniture stapler and brackets.
  • A hammer.
  • Scissors.
  • Screwdrivers.
  • Passatia or pliers.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of wear of the fabric (skin), which is inhabit your upholstered furniture, and decide on the need to replace it.

If you decide to fully update the appearance of the furniture and in addition to make it softer, you will have to go around the fabric shops and buy tapestry, velor, jacquard, chinill, flock or curtisan are upholstery fabrics.

For additive, the volume will need foam rubber or latex, possibly batting or fliesline. In addition to the upholstery fabric, you need to purchase a linen canvas or coarse cotton fabric, a sail. They are needed for initial tights of packing and protecting it from dust and crumples.

Before you buy all of the above, first disassemble, for example, a chair.

As a rule, all its details (armrests, back, seat) are connected by long screws or studs. Unscrew all the nuts and disassemble the chair to the components.

Then a flat screwdriver are approaching the brackets fastening the old fabric, and extract them with passats. Do not throw out the old upholstery - it is still useful as a pattern for cutting a new upholstery material. Then, in the same way, remove the lining tissue and packing.

Previously, latex mats were used in Soviet times.

Modern foam rubber does not go with them to any comparison - it is much faster, he loses its original shape and begins to crumble. If you are a happy winner of the latex sofa, the ottomans, chairs and latex have been preserved in a more or less good form, then it is better to leave it. Porolat to put you will always have time.

Before proceeding to the upholstery of furniture with their own hands, it is necessary to calculate the required amount of new upholstery material along the old tissue.

How to drag the sofa - Master class on a drawing of furniture

For reliability, add ten more percent, just in case. Replacing the upholstery is better immediately on all the upholstered furniture - it will be easier and faster, and the dirt in the apartment integrates only once, and there will be no disappointment from the lack of in the store that the tissue that was bought last time.

The assembly of the "indoors" of furniture is made in reverse order.

First attach latex or foam rubber, then tighten it with a lining material, feeding it from the brackets from below. We sew the upper case on the old pattern and fasten it too with brackets from below.

In the staplete there is an adjustment of the blow strength of the booze. Adjust it so that the brackets are fully included in the wooden bars of the frame, securely fixing the fabric. Strike do not spare - score them for reliability more often.

To give additional volume parts of upholstered furniture (armrests, backs) simply add another thin foam rubber sheet.

Just do not put it in the place of the junction of the back, the seat, armrests. Otherwise, collect all the details into a single whole or will not be able to completely, or with very great difficulty. And the sliding sofa may stop being folded.

After the furniture upholstery process is completed with their own hands, it will be possible to not only admire with his own eyes, but even sit on her booty. Good luck!

Because of his long-term use, the beautiful filling of furniture items loses its appeal, so you need to pull the sofa or chair. Of course, you can buy a new soft kit, but it is just unreasonable, as the purchase will cost much more than the repair of an old sofa.

Advantages of restoration of upholstered furniture

Furniture kits made on a high-quality frame, often much stronger than modern analogs on the market.

If only the upholstery is damaged, then its replacement will not take much time, money and energy. Restored furniture has a number of advantages:

  • You can choose any fabric for upholstery and pull the couch with the addition of interesting decorative elements.
  • In parallel with the replacement of the outer material of the frame is checked and, if necessary, the spring unit is restored.
  • The old sofa often turns out to be a strong and healthy product, which goes beyond the quality of many modern designs.
  • Dragging itself or attracting professionals financially more profitable than the new acquisition.
  • They do not always want to share their favorite interior, while the cone allows you to update the product and insert it with an interesting fabric or skin.

Repair of upholstered furniture

He still chooses a choice - you are working independently, but with excellent time or invite leading experts who can quickly and, perhaps at home.

Work in the house

To fulfill this work, you will need a number of professional tools, tissue fabrics or other upholstered furniture selected for the production of furniture.

Required tool:

  1. Flat screwdriver.
  2. Antistagler to remove old terminals.
  3. Set of keys from 8 to 19 mm.
  4. Sewing machine with high lift.
  5. Strong thread for the quality of pulling the couch.
  6. Fabric adapter for filling (leather, leather).
  7. Scissors, pliers and side knives.
  8. Decorative buttons.
  9. Glue or glue.
  10. Drill, screwdriver.

Stretch the sofa

To work at home enough toolkit.

In specialized stores for aback, you can use a pneumatic gun that accelerates the process, but such a device works from compressed air compressor.


The entire amount of work is divided into several stages. Think how to gradually implement a narrowing:

  • Phase receipt. It is necessary to disassemble the sofa, write decor elements - tightening, pillows and pillows. After that, with a screwdriver and keys, remove the sidewalls and the back of the rubber.

    Then the furniture is separated from the frame and dismantle the seat.

  • With the help of screwdriver and clamps, remove the old gasket by pulling the clamps. You must save the fabric to cut samples later.

    Fastening elements must be separated to facilitate removal, for example, for the right or left side wall, behind the back.

  • Check the status of the frame and spring node for a good lift of the couch.

    If the springs are damaged, remove them by checking the wire with pliers. You need to post new ones.

    How to properly sew a couch yourself?

    If the device is completely useless, it is replaced with new and built into the frame.

  • Sewing a new upholstery. Old fabric is used as crochet. From the selected tissue, new elements are cut and stitch on the machine before moving the products. If there are no sewing skills, it is better to trust the subject of an experienced bouquet.
  • If you want to tighten the sofa more, use the stapler.

    First decorate decorative elements, then sidewalls, back, seat. The fabric is protected by clamps. The distance between them is no more than 4 cm, but not too fragmented.

  • The fabric is placed evenly and make sure the drawing is correct.

    When buying a material, it must be purchased with a reserve in case of possible errors. After restrictions of individual elements, the whole design is created.

  • Using the tool and remove the fasteners, the details are attached to the frame.

Restoration of furniture

When the fabric is under the material, a new foam has been placed, cut in the same way.

To enhance the strength of the frame, all wooden elements can be glued.

Specialized stores

If you donate furniture to professionals, it can finally make it enough.

As a rule, while the client is determined by selecting tissue, the product is already displaced and removed from the frame. In addition, the master changes spring or entire block professionally and quickly.

How much is the cost of the work, depends on the price of the selected laying material? It is harder to drag the corner bed, because for such a job you need more work. At the request of the customer, you can add some decorative elements, but this specialist needs cut from a wooden base for them, which also affects costs.

Drawing furniture at home or in a specialized store is a question of personal desires.

The process of narrowing is not particularly complicated. But if you do not have basic skills to work with instruments or you do not have time to do it yourself, it is better to turn to experts.

Furniture hauling with your own hands

This process consists of five stages. Here they are:

  1. Disassemble furniture by removing separate parts and mechanisms.
  2. Remove the old upholstery.
  3. Cut and sew a new one.
  4. Throw it separate parts of the product.
  5. Collect furniture.

Please read the first paragraph and tell me: is it about you?

The sofa stopped pleased with his appearance. You made a repair, and the chairs and chairs now do not correspond to the design of the apartment. If it is about you, then you need up the upholstery of furniture with your own hands.


Yes, because so cheaper.

And if you do not know how to find the tips here, you will help you and the upholstery of upholstered furniture will be with your own hands and without errors.

Immediately, we note that hauling furniture with your own hands is carried out in several other technology than the masters are used in the workshops, but the result will be the same.

However, there are cases when you can not make a similar job on your own.

Then you need to invite specialists to anyone. And that's what these are.

When a hauling of upholstered furniture is impossible with your own hands

Furniture finishing with their own hands - stages of work

You probably want us to describe each stage more?

Please, below we do it.

Disassembly of furniture

Describe how to disassemble the furniture, we will not, because this process is always different and depends on the type of product and its configuration. But how to disassemble so that during the assembly there is no extra details, we will tell you.

When you disassemble the furniture, be sure to take a picture to visually see how nodes and mechanisms should be collected correctly. It will not be superfluous to mark which item where it goes, in what order you disassemble the product.

And the most important thing is that the furniture finish does not turn into damage with their own hands, disassemble the product very carefully, in order not to damage the attachments and mechanisms.

Removal of old upholstery

It is better to do it carefully, while keeping the integrity of the old upholstery so that it serves as a template for a new one when you cut it out.

As soon as you remove the old upholstery, make sure the filler is in good condition. If this is not the case, then buy a foambone and sider all soft details.

Pattern of a new upholstery

If you do the pattern by the template of the old material, then do the new on the edges more.

So drag furniture to you will be easier.

After the pattern is ready, proceed to tight

Start with the easiest details, so to speak to practice. And best of all, take an unnecessary chair and try to cover it to understand how the material behaves when the furniture tightness occurs, the stapler bracket is firmly fixed.

You should also know that the fabric should be stretched to the maximum and in all places equally. Due to this, the drawing does not turn over time, and the fabric will last longer.

Break the material with nails or brackets with a furniture stapler.

Assembly anented furniture

Everything is simple here, because you have photos, you have the instructions written by you in what order you disassemble the product, and all the details are marked.

Put them into place in the reverse order of instructions and focus on the photo.

In parallel, you can make the small repair of furniture, if you replace broken springs, put new parts in the frame instead of the worn.

In short, replace everything you can and die.

And then we will save you from ...

Errors that make most people who took the furniture for the first time


Incorrectly calculated the material.

As a result, it is missing. Not trouble, "Many will think. But they will understand that they were mistaken when they come to the store, and there they would say that there was no such material, and when they bring - unknown. Or there is a material the same, only he is from the new party, and it turned out with another tint.

Better Take the cloth much with a margin.

If it remains a lot, not trouble, because you can cover the chair or some pillow.

2. Do not put a sintepon from above.

But if it is put on top of the foam rubber, then the fabric will be easier and better stretched, it will protect it from the resignation from the inside.

New upholstered furniture without excess costs: how to drag it yourself?

In short, it will extend the life of her life. It costs him a penny.

If you want the furniture to be softer and comprehensive, buy a synthetic hybecue. And if it happened that you did not find it, then instead, put the fabric used for sewing pockets.

3. Use ordinary threads that socks sink.

It is wrong, because they are fragile. Best buy Titan brand threads. You can't tear them with your hands, but it's easy to damage them.

On this, our narrative ends.

Carefully examine the written, and better add this page to the bookmarks so that you can always quickly find it and use the tips when it comes to the tastelessness of the furniture with your own hands.


We change the upholstery of the sofa

- We write visitor to various needlework and furniture forums, - the upholstery diverged! How to sew a sofa for a seam so that it is unnoticed? " Reply honestly: if your family does not have a professional furniture maker, then in general. Try, of course, you can. After all, sometimes accuracy, diligence and love of their furniture can contribute to the miracle. So, first, we try to fix the problem yourself.

Sewing sofa themselves

There is a strict sequence of actions, observing a sufficiently deft person can docile a part of the sofa upholstery seams.

That's what it looks like.

  • Pick up the threads, but not in the color of the upholstery, but precisely in the color of the seams. It is desirable that the thickness and texture correspond to. It is quite simple to do, cutting off a small fragment at the site of the separated seam.

    With a thread, go to the store of goods for sewing and needlework. There experienced consultants will help with a selection.

  • In the same store you can buy a set of sewing needles.

    The main condition so that the diameter of the working needle does not exceed the diameter of the holes from the factory machine. So home seam will be almost imperceptible.

  • Googling the technique of "secret seam".

    On the Internet there are master classes and in video and in Photo Formats. This is noticeable to simplify the work process.

  • Ask someone from home to become your assistant.

    It is necessary that a person gently shook the edges of the separated seam and maintained them connected while the restoration work is being restored.

  • Locking the line, use only the punctures of the factory needle.
  • Having reached the preserved initial seam, make a couple more stitches on it, then the place of the junction will not be the risk of the appearance of a new hole.
  • Gently tighten the threads, check that it does not wrink anywhere.

And secret reception: find a moisturizing hand cream in the house.

For sample, lubricate them some imperceptible place on the sofa. Wait for absorption. If the fat stain does not turn out to be in this place, boldly wake the restoration location. So the skin will fall more soft and naturally.

Not all means are good

If, in the case of a saved seam, you can still somehow eliminate damage yourself, then more radical damage require professional restoration. How to sew a leather sofa, if the skin is broken, is rooted, dissected, stretched and torn?

There are several options.

  • If there is a small piece of skin from the same sofa, slightly superior to the size of the cut, then it must be carefully shook under the upholstery.
  • Round hole is already working for liquid skin. You should purchase a set, mix the colors before getting the desired gear and gently fill the hole with the composition.

These methods have a lot of nuances and give a rather satisfactory than a good result.

Indeed, in the first case, the location of the burst connection will be quite noticeable, and in the second, it is necessary to perfectly pick up the color of the koller, which is almost unreal, because in the liquid and hardened state, the repair material has a different degree of brightness.

Contact professionals!

If there are doubts about your own competence or in the means, it is better not to risk such an expensive thing as a leather sofa.

And without risk, specialists of the company "Phenic-TM" can cope with holes, scuffs and other skin defects. Unique Italian technology, appropriate equipment and materials allow you to receive an ideal result with minimal cost.

The company "Phenic-TM" offers:

  • cracking cracks
  • polishing of the skin.

And if the sofa, according to specialists, is not subject to cosmetic restoration, you can save it with a radical measure - replacing the upholstery.

Create a new leather outfit for the sofa, chairs and any other interior items will help professionals of our company. Contact!

No matter how high-quality sofa cover, over time it comes into disrepair. Weak places are armrests, the fabric on which is grieving, seats, seats under the weight, location of seams sprinkling from tension, etc.

The easiest version of the upgrade of upholstered furniture is to call the masters of the game to the house, which for a small amount will replace the upholstery material and filler. However, it is possible to do everything yourself, given that the process of harshs is simple.

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Materials for tightness

To sheathe the old sofa with a new cloth, you should choose the most suitable option both in terms of beauty and style and in terms of durability and functionality. Several types of materials are used as a upholstery:

  • Scotchgard (furniture cotton) is durable, easy and pleasant to the touch material, in the manufacture of which is used exclusively natural fibers. This upholstery is considered universal due to the high confrontation of moisture and dirt. Matter is easily cleaned and saves its original color for a long time.
  • Microwlers and velor - soft silky matter, which is manufactured by mixing synthetic and natural fibers. It gives the canvas strength, while maintaining environmental purity. Such a cloth for the sofa is used in the cabinets, living rooms, bedrooms or dressing rooms. In the kitchen or in children's rooms, it is not recommended. She gets rapidly and quickly grieves.
  • Jacquard - upholstery material from the group of solid and beautiful. It was obtained by its characteristics thanks to the original weave of the threads in several layers laid tightly to each other. The fabric does not fade in the sun, do not lose its shape, it is easy to clean. Patterns on the canvas are formed in the process of plexing the fibers, which makes them volumetric, and the tissue itself is expensive.
  • The terminal is a new matter that is produced by overlapping on an unpainted cloth of a classic jacquard thermal paper, followed by its heating. As a result of such manipulations, the dye penetrates the fibers and securely fixed. The material has all the positive characteristics of a simple jacquard, but it is much cheaper.
  • Shannil is made of synthetic and semi-synthetic threads twisted in spirals using both longitudinal and transverse weaving. The fabric is pleasant to the touch, has a dilated surface, is an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. Matter quickly absorbs moisture and does not like wet cleaning, so it can not be used in rooms with high humidity.
  • Flock is a canvas of satin, cotton or polyester, on which a small artificial pile sticks. Matter is easy and pleasant to the touch, resistant to pollution, does not absorb moisture. It is represented by a large number of color and patterned varieties, the "anticature" is also available. It implies full protection against any type of mechanical damage, including animals.
  • The skin (eco) is distinguished by durability and practicality. It is easily cleaned, does not absorb moisture and smells, non-toxic. Natural material, whatever it, is capable of carrying the drops of temperature and humidity, does not deteriorate under direct sunlight. Ecocked or leatherette does not possess such characteristics.
  • Artificial suede is beautiful and durable, but implies only a dry cleaning method. Itself woven or nonwoven. The first kind is longer, the second is much less.
  • Venelvet is produced from various materials, which are gossiping them in such a way that the canvas is made of a darous over the entire surface or with strips of different thickness. Matter is issued in one color and requires careful care.
  • Arpatek is another material that looks like the skin. Its began to be widely used as a upholstery material for upholstered furniture. As part of a 25% cotton coating, 33% polyurethane and 42% of the viscose, due to which it retains heat, does not grubly in cooling, resistant to ultraviolet and moisture, while fully safe.

How to make cloth calculations for covers

The first stage in the upholstery of the sofa with their own hands is the calculation, how many meters of tissue must be purchased. For the standard furniture item, you will need 8 square meters. m material. If the product has an angular design or completed under individual sizes, you will have to arm a tape measure and proceed to measurements.

The easiest measurement method is implemented in this way:

  1. Initially, the width and length of the sofa are determined.
  2. Then the resulting values \u200b\u200bare multiplied by two, then it becomes clear what the dimensions of the required canvas should be.

It is possible to measure the dimensions of the casing can be measured by the following method:

  • With the help of a roulette or tailoring meter, all elements of the sofa are measured.
  • On a sheet of paper, all the components of the upholstery with minimal waste and the size indication are schematically drawn.
  • All data are summed up. Reserves are taken into account on the seams and cuts.
  • At the numbers received, the amount of tissue is determined to be sewn.

Step-by-step instruction

To implement the sofa tuning at home, it is necessary to have basic joinery and sewing knowledge, while special difficulties may only occur:

  1. The unusual design of furniture and difficulty in its disassembly.
  2. The presence of details of a complex geometric shape with the absence of an old upholstery, which does not allow it to be used as a pattern.
  3. The sofa is old. In addition to updating upholstery and filler, it is necessary to replace or repair some framework details.
  4. The desire to use natural skin as upholstery.
  5. If the piece of furniture carries antique value, independent restoration and upholstery works can harm.

In other cases, the process, how to replace the upholstery material correctly, can be divided into the preparation of tissue, tools and consumables, markup and cutting of blanks with the subsequent crosslinking of them into a single product, replacing the filler and fixing the trim.


Before you decide a sofa with a new cloth, you must make sure that the whole instrument is present in the house:

  • pliers, pliers, a set of simple and hexagon keys;
  • antistepler and stapler with brackets;
  • hammer, furniture small nails;
  • a set of screwdrivers, screws;
  • furniture glue;
  • tailoring meter or roulette;
  • stationery knife, scissors;
  • needle, threads;
  • pencil, marker or chalk.

We put the foam

Often after the imposed upholstery was removed, it becomes clear that it is necessary to replace the filler. As a rule, in the sofas it is a foam with a synthetic gasket.

From the very beginning, barcas from the very beginning, carefully removing all the pieces of the old filler in order to use it as a pattern. It may be necessary to disshinate armrests and elements with plywood, which are bolted or screwed.

You can use the foam in the same thickness as the previous one, or a little thicker. Alternately, the billets are installed on the details of the sofa, secured with the help of the construction glue. To protect the foam rubber from abrasion about the upholstery, it is covered with a layer of fine synthesis.

At the final stage, all elements of furniture that have a common lattice are bonded according to the initial position, with a separate upholstery, the details need to be left to wait for their turn.