Repair Design Furniture

Large drawing in a small room. How to visually expand the space of a small room. Ways to expand space with wallpaper

Not all homeowners can boast of spacious rooms. Many have to huddle in small studios, the area of ​​which does not exceed 18 square meters... But this is not a reason to abandon its improvement. What rules do you need to know and use to create home warmth and coziness in your small apartment?

Rules for arranging a small living space

The question of the correct design of a small room is relevant, we will try to find out all the details. The main "note" in such rooms belongs to the walls, so it is important to decorate them first of all. In the photo - an option for decorating the walls in a small room.

Advice ! For a small room, choose light wallpaper that does not have a pattern.

General provisions for selection for small spaces

If you prefer wallpaper with a pattern, you need to choose the right one. Only small vertical ornamentation is allowed. Such strict restrictions imply a limitation in freedom of choice when designing a small room. But this is only a first impression, in practice the situation is completely different. You can even find many "degrees of freedom" in a small room by choosing light wallpapers in different colors.

Attention ! With the right choice, even wallpaper with large details will be appropriate in a small room.

Basic colors for a small room

If you choose wallpaper in dark shades, they "steal" about 40 percent of the available free space in a small room. The best colors for a small room are: cream, sand, peach.

If you wish, you can also choose a gray-blue, gray-green, light yellow wallpaper. If enough sunlight does not get into the room, the wallpaper must be chosen warm shades, and for a well-lit room, cold tones are suitable.

Advice ! To choose the right wallpaper for a small room, you can turn to professional designers.

They will take into account not only the illumination of the room, but also furniture, decoration window openings, flooring.

In addition to pieces of furniture, you need to consider when choosing wallpaper and large accessories, for example, floor vases, floor lamps.


It is advisable to choose wallpaper with texture. The photo shows an example of wallpaper suitable for decorating walls in a small living space.

Even such an insignificant relief as "matting" is able to visually increase the space. When using textured wallpaper, a play of shadows is created, a drop in volume, as a result, an impression is formed that there is substantial space.


If the wallpaper has a slight sheen, such as silk screen printing, you can also achieve visual expansion space in the room.

Attention ! When choosing silk-screen printing, it is important to take into account the personal preferences of the inhabitant of the room.

A sample of silk-screened wallpaper is shown in the photo.


Even in a small room, wallpaper with patterns can be used. If your plans include pasting them over all the walls in the room, you should give preference to a small pattern. For high ceilings, choose a vertical pattern, and for low ceilings- horizontal stripes. With the help of a horizontal pattern, you can significantly expand the free space.

Advice ! Planning to put family photos on your walls? Then buy plain wallpaper for wall decoration in a small room.

For tips on choosing wallpaper for a small room, see the video fragment

Reception of "different walls"

A rather unusual technique contributes to an increase in space, brings originality to the created interior. Its main idea is to paste over three walls with wallpaper of the same tone, which has an insignificant geometric pattern. And the fourth wall is made a "bright spot" by choosing wallpaper with a bright and large pattern for it. Just keep in mind that only one such wall is allowed in a small room! Which wall of four to choose for the main accent created interior, the owner of the premises decides. The photo shows a sample of this unusual design a small room. If you wish, you can select the head of the bed, TV, seating area, work area.

Reception "diagonal"

With its help, you can visually count on a greater result. The essence of the technique is to stick wallpaper with a texture or pattern not in the usual vertical way, but diagonally. The photo shows the result practical application given reception in a small room.

Reception of "separation"

It is designed to increase the height and area of ​​a small room. Using for decorating different wallpaper having the same color but different saturation, you can get the desired effect. The photo shows an example of decorating a room by "dividing" the space. Darker wallpapers are suitable for pasting the lower part of the walls, and lighter colors are suitable for the upper parts.

Advice ! When choosing a curb for this technique, choose thin stripes. A wide curb tape will "steal" part of the space, make the ceiling in the room more squat.

Reception "alternation"

For rooms with an area not exceeding 8-10 square meters, you can use two or three versions of wallpaper. The main condition for choosing them is similarity in pattern and color, or a combination in texture. The canvases are pasted over in the usual (horizontal) way, but alternating rolls from different pieces of wallpaper. Not all owners small apartments know how to choose the right colors so that they harmoniously complement each other, fill the room with warmth and comfort. Let's look for answers together. So, cream and pale yellow can be combined with pale green, light gray, in blue. Lilac shade looks great with a pink tone. For a light gray color, you can choose cherry wallpaper.

The use of volumetric elements involves some caution in use. For lovers of bright and voluminous elements on the walls, we advise you to cut out several such elements from the roll. The wall itself is pasted over with light monochromatic canvases, then pre-cut large elements are glued onto them. You will end up with about the same effect as using ceramic tiles with or without decor. You can decorate only one wall in this way, or the whole room. It depends on the taste preferences of the owner of the room.

Application of "decoretto"

In order to "breathe life" into light wallpaper devoid of a pattern, it is quite possible to use several bright chrysanthemums or roses. Such a decoration option will not lead to a visual decrease in the space in the room, while it will be much more comfortable and interesting here.

Selection rules

Here are a few basic rules created by professionals, the knowledge of which will help to properly arrange a small living space.

  1. To increase the space, light shades are needed. Furniture is selected 2-3 shades darker than the color of the walls.
  2. V small room neutral pastel shades are suitable: sand, pink, cream, peach, blue.
  3. Silkscreen canvases can be a good alternative to matte canvases, with their help you can visually expand the space between opposite walls.
  4. When choosing colors decorative materials take into account the degree of illumination of the room.
  5. When choosing between textured and smooth types of wallpaper, give preference to textured options. Those differences in volumes, the play of light that they can create, allow you to get unusual interiors.

Wallpaper with a reflective surface will become the right choice for small rooms. They will significantly expand the space, and are also suitable for any design style. Not suitable for small rooms, dark and bright colours... They will distract attention to themselves, while the room will seem much smaller than its real parameters.


If you want to choose the right wallpaper for a small room, listen to the advice offered by professional designers. For example, they consider photowall-paper for small spaces far from the best option. Only in extreme cases can the use of photowall-paper be allowed if they have a small pattern. As a result of our review, we note that only light colors used to decorate walls in small rooms are considered correct and a good decision help to increase its area.

The problem of narrow and small-sized premises is familiar to many. And everyone tries to solve it in different ways. Difficulties arise especially with the selection of finishing materials, because you never know how harmoniously they will be combined in the interior. small room... If you want to make your home cozy, despite small area, then the best way will pick up wallpaper for a small room, visually increasing the space.

What will make the room bigger?

Small-sized premises are inherent in many Khrushchev apartments. And the conditions do not allow to make a satisfactory redevelopment - the amount of space remains the same and it will not work to create an "extension". How to visually enlarge a room? There are several simple ways visually add "air" to the space. First of all, this is the use of curtains and mirrors.

The most correct choice will be light, light and warm colors, translucent curtains. They should be longer than the window and take up floor space, thereby making the illusion of high ceilings.

Mirrors are the most popular and simplest technique that you need to tread carefully. An excessive number of mirrors may not enlarge a small room, but, on the contrary, turn it into a matchbox.

Indoor rectangular it is customary to put the mirror on one of the long sides. Thus, the space of the room is "cut off", and it takes the shape of a square. Usually, a similar problem of narrow space is found in hallways and corridors.

In apartments, bathrooms save square meters. Mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces will correct this defect. In the bathroom, it is worth abandoning frames and using mirror panels - this creates the effect of freedom. Glossy tiles are used for the walls, the shower is separated glass door, and the ceiling is made mirrored.

We use photowall-paper

They also resort to photo wallpapers that visually enlarge the room. This is a rather beautiful and effective way. But you should take into account the features of each of the paintings. Not all drawings on the panel will give the desired result.

Wallpaper that increases space should contain images that tend to the depth of the picture:

  • forest trail;
  • a street in a big city;
  • underwater world.

Another rule is that vertical images optically raise the ceiling.

The selection and gluing of photowall-paper is a complex process and there are several design secrets that will help to correctly place the panel in a small room:

  • Wallpaper with perspective should be glued on the wall of the room where there are no windows and doors.
  • You cannot obscure or cut the picture with furniture. For a wall with photo wallpaper, a low sofa, table or bed are suitable.
  • How smaller size rooms, the lighter the pattern on the wallpaper should be.
  • For rooms that face the sunny side, cool colors should be selected, and for those in need of light, warm colors are suitable.

Designers also often use backlighting for wallpaper. This method takes place. It is used both in the case of small and with large rooms... For small lamps, small lamps should be used. They can be placed in the cornice, they can "raise" the bedside tables or bed.

Also, built-in lighting in niches is often used - this helps to achieve the effect of volume and visually add space in the room.

In the video: photowall-paper that expands the space.

Wallpaper colors and patterns

Wallpaper for a small room should be selected taking into account the color and patterns that are located on them. Many are afraid to connect light walls and furniture for fear that they will merge and the interior will be boring. There are many successful examples design using white, gray, beige colors... For a small room, this will be the best solution.

It should be remembered that the furniture should have a different shade - be darker than the wallpaper and the surrounding interior.

It is appropriate to choose cold color options. They are working to expand. The following should be discarded:

  • Contrasts. They visually cut the room into pieces. They are appropriate for use in larger rooms. For example, for their zoning. This method will not work for small areas.
  • Vivid saturated colors. Such a background will visually narrow the room and turn it into a box.
  • Large and contrasting patterns. Their perception in such a room will be disturbed, since the dimensional drawings emphasize the small area, and the brightness aggravates the situation.

Reception of a contrasting wall is allowed. To do this, one side in the room is distinguished using a pattern. Better if it will geometric shapes... What is special? The color scheme of this surface should be calm and not very different from the general style. Thus, it will turn out to deceive the eyes - any person will think that space is larger than it actually is.

There are several rules for decorating walls with wallpaper:

  • Opposite sides can be arranged in the same color scheme, but opposing them with cold and light shades.
  • How to make long walls shorter? To do this, use wallpaper with a small print, it is better to leave a large drawing for short walls.
  • Diagonal placement of images on wallpaper canvases will also visually stretch the space.
  • The method of different color saturation is also widespread. To achieve the desired effect, the bottom of the walls is pasted over with darker tones, and light ones are placed on top. This method is ideal for small rooms with low ceilings.
  • It is also allowed to alternate wallpaper with and without a pattern. However, to expand the volume of the room, plain canvases should be bigger size than wallpaper with an ornament.
  • Glossy finishes are recommended. They create an increase in the area of ​​rooms, since they have the properties of reflecting objects in front of them.

Expanding a narrow room

One of the most difficult is the decor of a narrow room. And if there is still little space in it, then you need to be very careful in choosing any design. And before starting any action, you should read the advice of professionals on how to visually expand a narrow room.

The main problem of such a room is the range of one of the sides. To approximate it, you can use the following techniques:

  • Place a mirror on a long wall. This will visually cut the room and turn the rectangular structure into a square.

  • Use wallpaper in warm colors. By gluing such a coating on the far side, you can slightly reduce the distance.

  • Horizontal stripes - they should be narrow and light. So at the same time it turns out to stretch the walls in height and level the room.

  • Contrasts. To create balance in a narrow room, you should short walls place a different drawing. One of them is small, and the other is large.

  • For dark and narrow spaces, it is recommended glue a lighter strip of wallpaper on the wall that is least lit. This will help align the overall structure.

Expansion furniture

Furnishing small spaces also needs to be taken seriously. The correct choice depends on many factors: color, shape, size and style of an individual element.

Discard oversized headsets. Huge wardrobes and sofas have long been out of fashion. They can only be left because of fond memories. But they can ruin any interior. Better to turn to stylish and space-saving items. They can be easily moved, transported or even hidden in the event of a design change. Built-in structures or transformable furniture are also very practical.

Stick. This rule will help you get rid of unnecessary things that often clutter up too much space. How less furniture, the more light and freedom there will be in the room.

It is important to choose the decor and furniture in a specific style. One of the best options is hi-tech. It is designed for young and active people who need functionality and comfort from home. The materials used to create this style are glass and metal. They contribute to an airy atmosphere, so they are ideal for small rooms.

You can enlarge the room different ways... It can be wallpaper, materials, furniture and decorative elements. However, everyone should know how to use them correctly. Otherwise, a completely different result may turn out and the surrounding interior will become even smaller.

Starting the renovation, we want not only to update the interior of the house, but also to adapt the space for ourselves, so that small rooms seem larger, brighter, and ceilings - higher.

For large rooms, the reverse task is how to make the room not look like a ballet hall.

Everyone wants to have big apartment, and it has cozy and spacious rooms, but not everyone can afford it and it is possible. To expand the space, you can break the partitions, but why start a big repair, when visually expanding the area of ​​a small room, some simple design solutions.

To the question of how to visually increase the space in a small room, the answer is simple, use the available tricks of optical illusion (optical illusion). Such visualization methods are effective and very important in design, they are often used by architects, interior designers and fashion designers.

Visually enlarging a room, even a very cramped one, can be achieved by combining such techniques as the play of light, the harmonic of color and its shades, the correct selection of wallpaper, an increase in the room's reflective mirrors, the use of frescoes and photo wallpaper. This should include the correct planning and selection of furniture, interior items, the location of the cornices and correctly matched tulles, curtains and curtains, as well as the use of textiles in the room, which creates an atmosphere of freshness, softness and lightness.

First, let's remember the basic principles that guide designers:

  • Light colors increase the space, dark colors reduce space
  • Every time you draw a line, it breaks the space apart.
  • Every time you use a contrast spot, it visually reduces the space.
  • Any large object in a small space makes it smaller even more
  • The fewer items in the room, the more it looks.

Date: 05/03/2017

Personal territory is important for every living being, and especially for humans. Dwelling modern man not always happy enough square meters, but modern designers have come up with many tricks that can visually increase the area of ​​the room. If the repair has already been completed, but suddenly the thought came to me that it would be nice to increase the living area, the photo wallpaper expanding the space will cope with this task.

These pictures glued to the wall will visually enlarge even the smallest room, make it brighter and more comfortable. Such a finishing material is made using modern technologies... They are durable, decorate the room and make it unique. Benefits when using them:

  • ease of care;
  • do not fade;
  • fit perfectly into the style of the room and visually increase the space.

Wall mural expanding the space - a long corridor with columns

Photowall-paper of the pier, in the interior of the dining room.

Wall Murals - city streets

Color is most important

To visually enlarge a room, take into account the colors prevailing in it. Shades should be light and light.

The choice of panoramic wallpapers is taken seriously, because they provide psychological impact for the tenants. It is assumed how a particular image affects the mood of people. They take into account in which room the wallpaper is planned to be glued.

It is important to consider how much daylight is entering the room. If it is sufficiently illuminated by sunlight, then space-expanding wall murals are selected, which consist of warm colors. The room looks cozy, but this will not give a significant expansion of space. Bright sunlight will act as a distraction.

Cold shades visually expand the room. Panoramic or photopanel options are good.

If the room is small, it is better to choose a picture where there is a horizon line, a seascape, or an image of open doors, from which you can see a river or forest.

Volumetric wall murals - interior

Photo wallpaper - interior idea

Wall mural expanding the space for the kitchen

In this case, you can still dream up with flowers: draw attention to where something beautiful is located, and distract from what should not be emphasized. For this purpose, choose bright, eye-catching photowall-paper.

If pastel shades prevail on the finishing material, this will expand the space and bring a spring atmosphere into the room. Striped wallpaper gives a positive result: both horizontal and vertical lines will do. Here you need to take into account that horizontal stripes make the room wider, and vertical stripes make the room taller.

Subjects in the image appear closer if their colors are white, red, or orange. Gray, black and blue objects will have the opposite effect.

Interior idea 2017: volumetric wallpaper

Photo wallpaper with a light blue tint will make the atmosphere in light room and air. Furniture pieces complemented by transparent legs will only complement this style.

For the living room, calmer shades are recommended. A rich green will do. It has long been known for its beneficial effect on nervous system... This color relaxes, distracts from everyday problems, tones the body. This room is perfect for dining with guests and for family watching your favorite movies.

Advice! It is not advisable to use too saturated and dark colors, they will reduce the space and emphasize the small dimensions of the room.

Wall mural expanding space: something about texture

The image and texture of this type of finish play an important role. There are three types of textures used for wallpaper, designed to visually increase the quadrature. A good finishing material with a "linen" - texture, it is suitable for landscapes.

Photo wallpaper interior 2017

Interior idea with photo wallpaper

The dust texture makes the images bright, and the architecture and flowers look great on the canvas, especially when combined with the image of a path that slips into the distance, sea, mountain or ocean.

It is better to refuse pictures depicting closely spaced objects, they visually compress the space. If the items in the image are too large, they will outgrow everything else in the room, resulting in a small feel.

In order for the room to visually increase, you need to combine the wallpaper with the background wallpaper. If the "decoration" of the walls is light in color, and the ceiling is dark, the room will look wide, but rather low. If the owners are satisfied with this, then you can easily bring this option to life.

Important! Photomurals with perspective are distinguished by the horizon line.

Expanding rooms

Photomurals 3D, with skillful use, will visually make the home more spacious. They are used in any room, it is important to choose the right image so that it looks well-done and matches the style of this room.

Wall murals that visually enlarge the room

Bamboo trees - wall murals

Rectangular rooms are corrected by gluing a wallpaper-picture on a narrow wall. The space will visually expand, but if you do the opposite, it will narrow and you will get an elongated corridor. Rectangular room should look square, this will make it more spacious.

Advice! Wallpaper with a picture correct selection able to correct a geometrically irregular room.

Decorating with photographs is appropriate even in the kitchen: because of its expanding capabilities, moisture resistance and long service life. She is not afraid of temperature drops, humidity, she does not need special care.

If the kitchen is large, then you can use this finish on the entire wall, but it is not advisable to cover it with furniture. If it is small, then you can expand the space using small photo... For visual deception in order to enlarge the kitchen, you need to design an apron aesthetically. This will show that the corner furniture is slightly deeper than it actually is.

Wallpaper for the kitchen expanding the space

Photo wallpaper in the living room

Wall murals in a small studio room will expand the space. Even with a small size, such a room with a photo panel looks great.

Wallpaper with a photo will even fit the corridor, they will visually make it wider. The tips above are effective here.

With a large area of ​​the room, you can choose a brighter wallpaper, but only if the rest of the color scheme is calm. Then only photowall-paper will attract attention.

Black and white images are spectacular. They look harmonious in the interior, such photos attract the eye.

In no case should the plot be overlooked. But you don't need to dwell on a special meaning either. The main thing is that they are neutral and driven into their usual boundaries. They choose a sunset or a narrow street of an ancient city to their taste. It is important that this plot distracts from everyday life and relaxes.

Wall murals with a plot

How to choose a wallpaper with perspective

Wallpaper with a photo in 3D format with a perspective, in addition to its main task - to expand the space, will give the room a unique character. But to the choice of such finishing material approach with all caution, it is important to be able to match the depicted objects with the real ones in this room.

Urban landscapes, in addition to originality, have a strong magnifying effect. To do this, use open door, from which there is a path to the garden, and open terrace, lake or sea shore. One has only to connect imagination, and you can get a good design of the room, which also expands the space.

The picture itself matters. A tall and narrow pillar on the wallpaper will make the room look taller. A long and narrow bridge across the river will shorten the walls.

Photo wallpaper with columns to increase the space

Balconies and verandas will visually expand the space, opening a view of the big city, the sea or any natural landscape. The room will be brighter with photo wallpaper imitating windows. They can go anywhere - in the yard, on the seashore or in the garden. The main thing is the illusion of the window.

Aboutpay attention! The picture may be dark or bright. In both cases, the window illusion will make the space wider.

Where to buy wall murals to expand your space

Finishing materials with a photo are ordered from printing companies specializing in the production of such wallpapers. In retail outlets, such products are rare, because each consumer strives for originality and uniqueness. You can find such an offer on the Internet. There are images here that can be changed at the request of the client.

Wall Murals - lavender field

Wallpaper design idea

Expanding space

Drawings and photos are combined with objects in the interior of the room. Statues in the antique style, paintings of ancient palaces are suitable for the classic image.

Advice! Naturalistic photos - the best way to expand the space of the room.

Designers propose to implement one trick to make the interior look harmonious. If trees are depicted on the wallpaper, then plants are placed nearby, if flowers, then pots with flowers will be appropriate near, if the sea or a river, then an aquarium. An additional effect of enlarging the room can be obtained by hanging mirrors next to the wallpaper-paintings.

For the nursery, bold decisions are needed. Suitable for an energetic boy racing car, which with the help of 3D technologies "breaks out" from the wall. The fairytale castle on the wall of her room, soaring in the clouds, will suit the young dreamer. All fantasies and dreams of a child can be reflected on the photo wallpaper.

Wallpaper for little princesses

Wallpaper for children

It is better to choose neutral images that suit the design. The owner can redo the repair, buy new furniture, it is important that this picture blends harmoniously with another interior. It is difficult to do this, but the efforts will not be in vain, because wall murals are expensive and changing them every year is expensive. There are many ideas for expanding the space with the help of photowall-paper, what to choose is up to the owner himself.

Before starting work, you need to buy glue and the necessary tools. Before pasting the room with photo wallpaper, you need to completely free the wall from foreign objects that will interfere with work. It is necessary to remove everything that overlaps the image. If you do everything diligently and correctly, you can get a result that exceeds all expectations.

Wall mural expanding space: video

Wallpaper expanding space: 40 photo ideas

Many apartments in Russia and neighboring countries are designed in such a way that one or several rooms are small enough, we can talk about rooms with dimensions of 10-15 square meters. The natural question of the owners of such dwellings about how to visually enlarge a small room becomes very relevant.

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In this article, we will look at how you can achieve an increase in room space.

Colors in the room

Designers claim that the right color can visually enlarge the space. Rule one: it is necessary to select a single shade for the walls and ceiling in the room, as well as for curtains and furniture. Rule two: it is necessary to give preference to light, calm tones, since dark tones optically reduce the available space.

Preferred colors and their shades: light green, light blue, blue, white and gray. Light pink or peach tones.

Drawing on wallpaper or walls

Modern designers often resort to the following solution: one wall is pasted over with wallpaper with a geometric pattern, while the rest of the walls are painted in a neutral color. It turns out the so-called "optical illusion" effect, when the human eye perceives the available space in an enlarged form.


The pattern on the wallpaper can be in the form horizontal stripes, then the ceiling height will visually increase.

Summing up how to visually enlarge a room with the help, it is necessary to emphasize the following: the wallpaper should be light texture, with an average discreet pattern or geometric pattern.

Furniture in the room

When choosing furniture for a small room, you should opt for the one that is more functional and small. This category includes a sofa bed, wardrobe bed, chair bed, folding tables, etc.

Preferred materials: glass, light wood, rattan. Color solution furniture depends on the color of the selected wallpaper, the furniture should be several shades darker than the main part of the room. Arrangement: along the perimeter of the walls.

Indoor windows and curtains

There is no need to give preference to "heavy" frames made in dark colors. The best solution- white frames that will visually enlarge the room. Other colors "hide" part of the space.

Curtains should be chosen in light shades, fabrics should be light, transparent. Decorative elements to decorate curtains, such as lambrequins or pendants, it is not recommended to use.

Use asymmetrical stripes on the walls

Correct lighting

Owners of small apartments will ask how to visually enlarge a room with lighting. The answer is very simple, it is necessary to illuminate the room as much as possible, while paying special attention to the lower corners of the room. It is not recommended to hang massive chandeliers, give preference ceiling lights, which are best placed around the perimeter of the room. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the light directed to the opposite wall visually enlarges the available space.

It must be remembered that it is right organized lighting can visually enlarge the space by thirty percent.

Mirrors and glass in a small room

Mirrors and glass will be a good helper for increasing a small space in the room. It is clear that a mirror that reflects a room visually doubles it. However, there are some secrets to placing mirrors correctly:

  1. The use of mirrored ceilings is not recommended. In small rooms, mirrors placed on the ceiling reduce the comfort of the room.
  2. You should give your preference to mirrored furniture, it can be sliding wardrobes, dressing table, etc.
  3. Mirrors placed on the walls create depth in the room, visually make it brighter and brighter.

Do not neglect glass and glass surfaces. Glass furniture is perfect: tables, chairs. Stained-glass windows on the walls will not only decorate the room, but also visually increase the space. It is good to use doors with glass inserts, small glass decor elements. Such devices will not only increase the space, but also make the room more airy and light.

Textiles in the room

The visual enlargement of the room creates the right textiles. The curtain rods in the room should hang as high as possible, the length of the curtains should be up to the floor. Fabrics, as we have already noted above, are recommended to choose light, transparent ones. It is advisable to make folds on the curtain or tulle, a similar effect will make the room more comfortable.

It is not recommended to cover tables with tablecloths: a table without fabric looks more attractive. Variegated carpets visually make the room look smaller. Preference should be given to plain carpets that take up 2⁄3 of the floor space.

Visual increase in ceiling height

There are some design solutions that will help visually increase the height of the ceiling:

  1. There is no need to make a border between walls and ceiling.
  2. It is better to choose a vertical pattern on the walls.
  3. A glossy ceiling will help make the room bigger and the space wider.
  4. It is recommended to use eaves lighting.
  5. Mirrored surfaces on the walls visually make the ceiling higher.

Can be done bright accent on one wall

Other techniques for increasing space

Owners of small apartments in order to visually increase the available space, it is necessary to arrange the room in the style of "minimalism", it is better to use as little furniture as possible, which should be small in size. You also need to get rid of unnecessary things and junk.

If we talk about what color enhances the room, then it is necessary to separately highlight white, as well as all light colors. If possible, use a uniform light range. A small room should have as much as possible natural light do not cover windows with heavy dark curtains.

There is no need to force the space of a small room with figurines, photo frames and large paintings. It is also worth getting rid of massive shelves with books, they "hide" the space.


Several medium-sized decorative elements of the same type can be placed on open shelves.

A great idea for how to increase the space is using. You should give your preference to wallpaper depicting nature landscapes, it can be a green forest, snowy mountain peaks, a sunset, a warm seashore or an alpine meadow. V recent times Photo wallpaper in 3D volume has become popular, which will not only visually enlarge the room, but also create a spatial effect. What color of wallpaper enhances the room? Of course, these are white, gray, green and blue.

The floor is best done in warm light shades. If the chosen floor covering is a laminate, it is recommended to lay it diagonally, as a result of which the room will not only visually increase, but also the imperfections of the walls will be hidden.

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