Repairs Design Furniture

Secrets and secrets of creating comfort in their home. Creating a coziness in the house, secrets and important details of your interior how to learn how to create comfort in the house

What do you immediately pay attention to, being visiting friends, acquaintances or even unfamiliar to you? What helps you make the first, unconscious yet, the impression of every house in which you come? That's right - the atmosphere reigning in it. Any accommodation, and indeed any room, always causes certain emotions and associations. Some at home seek melancholy, some cause a desire to leave this place more likely, and the others are called to stay longer, surrounding you with warmth, calmness, and raising the mood - this is homemade comfort "in action".

It is very important that your home is for you the happiest and joyful place where you can relax, gain strength and positive energy. Therefore, you should not trust someone creating the appearance of your housing or any other personal space, because different people Understanding about the cozy may be different.

Cozy house

How to create comfort in the house?

There are two main points here:

  1. Choose style, Which is most likely to you, and try not to retreat from him, making up your "palace". Things selected by the nefple, who do not combine with each other will make dissonance in the interior of your home. But dissonance and comfort - the concepts are completely incompatible among themselves.
  2. Fantasize! You just need to sit down, close your eyes and present your future house In all details. Ask yourself, surrounded by what things you will experience only the most positive emotions... Imagine their color, quantity, shape, smell - all-all, to the smallest details. At this moment you will probably remember any suitable thing, accidentally seen in the store, or will come to mind the original handmade idea.

Start with color

Start from the main thing: select right colors Your interior. As you know, each color sets up our subconscious on certain emotions, and even can contribute to recovery (and vice versa). For example, from the interior in the pale green colors and fes the "mint" cool, which is very nice to hot summer days; Interior in Sunny yellow Tonah will raise the mood of cold and long winter; white color It is often associated with medical and similar institutions, and is not always suitable for home.

So let's consider all the basic colors, the moods that they give us, and the use of them in the interior:

  1. Red - Corrective and energetic color. Increases activity, but also increases aggression, so you need to do it very carefully. You can use this color in the bedroom, in your intimate personal zone, as it strengthens the desire and excites the imagination, but do not overdo it! Particularly sensitive nature under the influence of red can easily reach violence. Also do not apply it in the nursery or in the bathroom.
  2. Orange - Great color, which serves for many purposes. He burst, tones, pleases, heats, causes appetite, and stimulates the activity of the brain. Therefore, orange can be decorating any spaces, but in moderation, since a person will be uncomfortable in a completely "orange" room - too active color. It is especially good for the nursery, since the "sunny" shades (yellow, orange) have a favorable on the health and growth of the child.
  3. Yellow - He instills joy and optimism, configures on light communication, helps to get rid of depression and diseases, improve memory. Color truly happy people - After all, it is not for nothing that the color of the sun itself! It is perfect for premises, where little light is corridors, bathrooms, kitchens.
  4. Green - Beautiful soothing agent for people with increased nervousness. Contemplation green shades It will remove the tension, returns peace, will create a sense of reliability, confidence and will help to gain concentration. Also this is a symbol of updates, spring and freshness. It will be good for the living room or kitchen, as well as for the office.
  5. Blue and blue - Romantic, gentle, relaxing, beautiful holidays for tired eyes, and the whole body. Perfect option For your bedroom or for children. Surrounded blue color Relaxing the whole body and thoughts. But that calmness did not switch to longing or melancholy - it is worth diluting the blue interior with bright colors stains (pillows, bedspreads, paintings). Dark blue color is therapeutic, as it lowers pressure, helps to fall asleep and even removes skin itching in allergies, so it's worth stocking bed lover This shade.
  6. White- Creates a feeling of freshness, cleanliness and high costs. But, as mentioned above, excessive whiteness resembles hospital walls, so white interior Be sure to dilute and decorate with other colors. The room, designed in white, looks more and spacious than in fact, and it is easier to breathe.
  7. Pink - gives a sense of security and comfort, soothes and relaxes, perfectly removes aggression and tension. Excellent solution for the bedroom, or for the children's room.
  8. Grey - Not too suitable for housing, as inhibits and lowers performance. In the gray room of any, even a very active person, sooner or later, will begin to experience depression. Therefore, gray is used only in combinations with other bright and active shades.
  9. Brown - Elegant and "dear." Associated with wooden massive furniture, family traditions and high public status. Creates a sense of reliability, security, the word, "My home is my fortress." It is perfect for living rooms, libraries, cabinets, but in combination with light shades that die the activity of brown.
  10. Peach- Beautiful main color for your interior, which can be further completed by other shades. Creates a summer mood, configures on a positive and helps to maintain a good location of the Spirit. Intensive peach colour It is good for the bedroom, as refreshes and helps to cheer up in the morning.

The most "cozy" traditionally considered warm shades (Orange, sand, gold, peach, gentle pink), which are associated with fire in the focus and warmth.

Go to the interior

Smaller plastic and gloss - more fabrics and wooden surfaces. Fabrics are the easiest and surest way to create a comfort in the house. For example, soft cloth looks great on the walls, instead of wallpaper, but also stands for weeks. Let the windows decorate instead of office blinds decorate heavy curtains with fringe or light graceful curtains. Get around beautiful bedspreads For beds, pales and carpets - then your interior will become "soft" and very homely.

For really cozy room just needed natural materials. Tree radiates special warmth and aroma that will not compare with any synthetic aroma of the premises. Wooden furniture It looks comfortable, reliable and very homely. After all, it is always pleasant to be in harmony with nature! Therefore, the next important point of the transformation of your home is flowers.

The house without living plants looks empty and "dead." Not in vain, after all, even in the offices, they pans with bizarre palm trees and fakes - a person is still part of nature. Choose plants by type of your room: sunny, shadow, dry air, wet, and so on. Not necessarily arrange winter Garden"But in a pair of plants and colors in each room must be necessary.

To pay attention wall Your housing. Empty walls Create the impression of an unfinished repair, incompleteness, and the lack of the very comfort, to which we are striving. Here it is a huge space for your fantasies, for creativity, for imagination. Dare! Choose one of the walls, (corridor, for example) and make a gallery of family photos from it, but do not forget that the frames need to choose one style - high-tech and gilded carving will be strangely looked nearby.

Decorate each room suitable by style and color by paintings, panels and posters (poster here is not a photo of the idol, but volumetric picture Without frame). If you are an artist and love to create beautiful with your own hands, you can paint the walls as you like, thereby attaching the individuality of your home.

Create a song from the most curly mirrors today - they can be found in online stores in unlimited quantities, for every taste and wallet. And if you like to change something all the time - you are perfect vinyl stickers For interior. If you do not know what it is and never tried, then do not refuse in advance of this idea. The choice of vinyl applications is huge today, and the plus they are that they are easily glued and easily removed without leaving traces. You will be able to change them or get rid of them as soon as they will be bored. Of these stickers, you can create interesting compositions on the walls, furniture and mirrors - it will surprise and impress guests.

Among other things, do not forget that the comfort is made up of such domestic things, surrounded by which is pleasant. Fill your home with small details like soft seats with ruffles on chairs and stools, a vaz with fruits and flowers, beautiful napkins on the tables, figurines of smiling angels and lamps with warm light.

Slipping your home furniture, remember that the comfort depends largely on its proper placement. Correct the shape of the rooms with the help of furniture, it's easy: the elongated room is not worth it to be even more elongated and narrow, in a large space you should not argue everything on the walls, creating a dreary emptiness in the center, and in a small room should not bargain a huge number of things and trinkets. Do not be drunk too, furnishing and decorating the space so that it does not look oversaturated and cluttered - it is unlikely that you will feel comfortable in a room where it is afraid to stand so as not to break the next vase or statuette.

Create the desired atmosphere

Create a pleasant and warm atmosphere in the house will help soft lighting. Avoid lamps that give cold bluish and bright white light. Get around the pair of sconce and floor lamps with fabric lampshairs, because lateral light is the most comfortable and relaxing.

Have you noticed that every housing has his own smell? So let the smell of your home be the aromas of delicious food, baking and freshness. Regularly ventilate your home and wipe the dust so that the edge smell does not accumulate, which is then very difficult to remove. Also for "delicious" odors and creating a good mood is useful to have an aroma with a set of essential oils, pleasant to you. This is an excellent way to create a cozy atmosphere and liberation from stress and depression.

In conclusion

In order for your house, there is always a positive energy in your house, and the entire negative brought from the outside world has not been delayed for a long time, you can "settle" there positive things.

  • Hanging flowers and herbs - for comfort in the house, health and wealth.
  • Soft toys with good and affectionate face - for peace and love.
  • Little pads made of tapestry fabric, with bright embroidery, guard you from separation from the spouse. With the image of animals - protect against dangers and evil goats, with flowers - you will protect your health, with houses and landscapes - will give good luck in the affairs.
  • Figures of different animals - protection against loss of money, troubles and evil spirits. Sloniki. different sizeHelp - to cleanse the atmosphere in the house. And the statues of bears and dogs will guard the inhabitants of your home.
  • White furniture covers - Stranger protection negative energy. Soft furniture Very strongly absorbs all the negative manifestations and emotions of people sitting on it. It is believed that removable covers protect furniture from evil, and white color reflects the entire negative, received from the guest who came with unkind thoughts.

In addition, try not to use other people's old things, as they still keep the energy and the problems of their former owners. Do not keep at home old and worn clothes - it only accumulates negative fluids.

Well, in conclusion it must be said that welcoming, "bright" and hospitable hosts is the center of any house. Do not forget to yourself, avoid quarrels and conflicts in the family, do not copy irritation and hatred, forgive others and be kind. After all, where love lives - there will always be a comfort!

Each person understands the term " cozy house"In its own way. Even if he, this house and consists on this moment From a small, possibly removable apartment. Probably, the concept of an ideal comfort is not amenable to specificity, and exists only in our imagination. After all, the definition of a cozy place of residence, first of all, has psychological roots. Comfort in the apartment - how to create it and where to start?

The main factors for creating comfort - safety, comfort, convenience and functionality plus. In fact, to give her housing cozy, the cute heart of the nuances, just enough, setting the goal to improve the quality of his life. Yes, yes, you need to start with this, with thoughts and desires! And then begin to conceive!

How to create a comfort in the apartment? Step-by-step instruction

Step # 1. Get rid of the rubble.

No wonder it is recommended to do general cleaning Before the onset of the new year. All unnecessary, which has accumulated over the past period, is to be destroyed. And it is simple enough to find out. Open your drawer written table, and look inside.

Pens that do not write, receipts about paying more than 3 years, used batteries, drafts and lists of past shopping - boldly throw away.

Step # 2. Mouse over to the cabinets.

To create comfortable atmosphere In the apartment, you must definitely go through things on the shelves. This does not mean, yielding to gust novelty, throw away everything. Just sort and gently fold the bodies that you often use.

Review the contents of the pantry, If there is such available. Take a look with revisions in each pull-out compartment, including the kitchen and the bathroom. And documents and checks on the goods you purchased, set aside in a separate file.

Step No. 3. Clean - Pledge of your comfort!

No matter how faster create comfort in the apartmentwithout perfect purity it's impossible. To make a new, individual, fresh and stylish interior With your own hands, first you need to get rid of elementary mud.

After a thorough audit, when you strongly sorted all the accumulated SKARBs, they threw out everything too much, despite the extent of domestic on caloes from the last century or the beloved cracked plate, you can safely begin to. Make it carefully , wipe dust and . Your apartment is practically ready for positive change in the field of comforting coziness!

Step # 4. Repair what you can or update.

If you have noticed that the crane in the kitchen drips, and the tank in the toilet works with interruptions, take measures to troubleshoot. The same applies to a broken hairdryer, who stopped due to the wear of the batteries. wall wrappersnot working burdens on the stove and stopping domestic slippers. All these little things are important if you wondered "How to create a comfort in the apartment? Where to begin?".

Step number 5. Discuss with homemade ideas for comfort in the house.

When your loved ones realized that on the way of arrangement of the apartment in a cozy nest you successfully, despite anything to seek perfection, it's time to talk on the Family Council about the preferences of each family members. Hint that in your power to give the housing charm, fashionable style And luxury for the minimum!

Let everyone express their wishes for in your apartmentstarting with pleasant eyes shades color Gamma., and up to small cute baubles, which are completely able to make it yourself.

Step number 6. Make up and coordinate the cost plan.

During communication with households on the apartment of the apartment, your joint dreams of the comfort must pour into a certain cost estimate. It is not necessary at all, and it is not even necessary, to allocate immediately a round sum, in which you may not write because of unforeseen expenses (we, women, the creatures are unpredictable!).

Better to scroll the action plan in stages Accounting homemade actions for improvement. Husband, for example, can well print successful joint pictures and order a stylish framework to them. Children - draw watercolor pictures, and you - buy new and cute tablecloth for the sale for the table.

Step number 7. Search for ideas.

When everything was solved, cleaning was done, got rid of the rubble, expressed all the wishes and agreed on a modest budget for The final chord is the information drawn on this topic from independent sources.

Not everyone will notice, but in any apartment there are things that seriously reduce the level of coziness. Both Western and oriental studies have proven that the situation in the apartment affects the quality of life of people living in it.

Most people in the house have such a family relic as a parade service since the deficit times, but they only stand and dust in the cabinets, without bringing benefits. At the moment, such services do not represent values \u200b\u200bat all, because others came to replace them. We advise you to throw them away - there will be much more places.


Aromatic candles, people mostly acquire and give for romance or so that the apartment is pleasantly good. However, people also wen all these unnecessary items, and each time they are becoming more. Do not save them. We advise you to burn all the candles, tea donated to you from your relatives brew, and use the cups from China as dishes, and not as the subject of the interior. Such a move will help bring comfort to the apartment without repair.

Interior items

Large curtains and chairs will fit into fabulous locks and houses with a noble bias, however modern apartment It is inappropriate. The space is clogged, and the light from them is dim. We advise you to get rid of old furniture, It only spoils the situation.

Boldly get rid of old furniture!

Harmful deliciousness due to the corner

With the help of research, scientists find out that foods with caffeine content, taste and sugar amplifier are able to develop stress in a person in a flat place. You can be completely calm, however, if on the way to the room somewhere on the shelf there are cookies or a package with chips, then the nerves will be given itself to know.


Scientists found out: if a person will constantly look into the mirror, then new complexes will be attended. If you dwell on appearance, then your mood will be cleaned every day with a new force. We advise unnecessary mirrors to remove.

Various trash

If you constantly copy different trashThis is capable of calling you irritation. For instance, various wiresCharging from old phones, old chairs, sticks and other furniture you are not really needed. Do not store things unnecessary to you. Most probably will not agree with us, due to the fact that, for example, a spare mobile phone It will not be superfluous. It may be, however, to store all the elements of the phone, ranging from the keyboard of the old Nokia and ending with the old lid of Samsung there is no sense at all.

Broken things

A knife without a handle, a suitcase without a handle, a cracked mug is often stored for a very long time, but why all this, if all this has long been broken. The use of objects is unreasonable, because they are broken, and never repaired, it will have to spend their money to spend, and they will also break. Optimal decision Will get rid of things you did not use a year and more.


The habit of keeping TV constantly included is not good. Our brain often gets tired of these sounds. Bright pictures and noise background are very pleasant, however, it is constantly very uncomfortable and harmful to the brain. In addition to irritation, which over time will cause you noise, you can get headaches in addition.

Objects after hobby

Unfinished collages, cars, ships, bracelets, scarves and other things should be thrown away.

If you abandon this case, it will be difficult to return to it, and in general, looking at the unfinished things, you will leaving the feeling of guilt. To do not spoil the mood and return the comfort without, get rid of such things.


Accounts and various loan agreements We do not advise you to throw out, but the guarantee coupon technique, which broke two years ago, or the instructions for use of a mixer, which was also broken, will be superfluous. All documents that have financial meaning fold into the box and move timely, leaving only those that are actually relevant.

The house of each person is for him a fortress and a place of recreation, where it feels the atmosphere of comfort, care and security. How nice to return to a warm pleasant house after a hard day and stay in various intense situations in society. At home we relax and rest not only physically, but also soul. Often, women face such a situation: the husband does not want to go home and comes up with a lot of other things, he rests with friends, then at work is delayed. Many fall into panic and begin to swear with their man, which only aggravates the problem. If you consider the psychology of the behavior of men, then you can see a very banal and simple rule of their behavior: they are delayed where they are good. If they are delayed not at home, it means there it is not as good as it seems.

The atmosphere in the house creates a woman. It often depends on two factors:

  1. Relationships and what place a man is determined in the house: A man in the house of the owner, the hero of his family, the beloved husband and the main patron, or the person who commanded and neglect. The person who is valued, or, on the contrary, is not.
  2. Comfort and warmth created by a woman in the house. Today we will discover attention on that atmosphere homemade utyawhich so skillfully create wise women. It is about such women that men remember with a special trembling and in a hurry to quickly free themselves from work in order to be at home early.

There are 10 simple secrets that help to create comfort and comfort in the house and make it mysteriously pleasant.


No matter how clean was in the house, but the extra things that everyone got used to collect, clog it and completely destroy the atmosphere of the decoration. First, things that do not benefit, but simply lie "just in case," you need to throw away. Secondly, you need to clean everywhere, especially for furniture and in hard to reach places. If the house is climbed, there will never be comfortable and there will always be a desire to escape from it.

Purity energy

After cleaning the space, it must be either consecrated by the sacred water, or to lay incense, or light aroma and candles. Each hostess itself chooses a way closer to her heart. The purpose of such rituals is the cleansing of the house at the energy level. Most the best way - This is reading prayers or other things (mantras, etc.), depending on your faith.


In a pleasant house, always light. It is recommended not to race windows with large curtains and not to close the access of light into the house. If you have windows on the west side and the sun visits your home not so often, come up with how to refresh your space with artificial lightening, so that it is not dark. Dark rooms offer longing and depression, in them, as a rule, I do not want to do anything and develops laziness and apathy.


As many know, those houses from which Rugan and loud aggressive music comes, create the impression of not very cozy and prosperous dwellings. On the contrary, the effect of sounds helps to adjust everyone in the house for a harmonious wave. It can be a classic or other calm music, and even better the sounds of nature or flutes. When a long time in the house sounds a short harmonious music, there is an energy balance and a subtle story of joy visits everyone who comes there. Many people include musical channels and do not even understand that they not only affect the psyche of man, but also knock down the balance in the room, because the diversity and the distround of the sounds completely destroy any harmony around themselves. This can be done, but it is rather rare, and it is better to abandon such a habit.


There are many interesting ways Distribute pleasant flavors in the house. The main rule is to be natural. You can freeze aroma and aroma, pour a few drops essential oil In the candle or use other aromatic means. The effect of fragrances is a whole separate art with which you can influence the mood of a person and even on its health.


In each house there are many diverse items, except furniture, such as paintings, souvenirs, clock, stuffed Toys other. Sometimes we ourselves do not notice how these items begin to annoy our long-haired freshness, often they do not fit into the interior of the dwelling, which they create disharmony and negatively affect the mood of residents of the house. Get rid of unnecessary items, and the rest are planted so that they cause you pleasant feelings and did not violate the aesthetics at home. It happens that souvenir items becomes so much in the house that it seems that there is nothing to breathe there. It is important not to overdo it with it and follow your space.


Look, what colors surround you. It is known that the color affects the mood of a person. Many houses are dominated by neutral shades. You can dilute your interior with bright juicy paints. For example, in the kitchen it is best to hang a picture with a horn of abundance or a juicy still life with different delicacies. Fantasize and add paints to your home. It can be new curtains, repainted wall or new upholstery On the sofa, everything you consider necessary for reforms in your hearth.

homemade baking

Many women are excellent owners and are wonderful prepare, but not everyone knows that it is homemade baking that gives the house atmosphere of heat and comfort. From such a dwelling do not want to leave. Since ancient times it unsolved mysteryhow baked pie, bread, pie or other bakery products can affect the energy of the house, but everyone notices this fact. In a house, which smells like a freshly baked pie, cannot be uncomfortable. This is the mystery of all wise owners, this is the magic of turning flour into bread, which is the symbol of everything that God sent us, and the woman is endowed with the gift of being an accomplice of this big sacrament. Homemade pies really carry an inexplicable riddle and even those who do not like baking, cannot resist them. In such a house, it is always pleasant to stay.


It is the abundance that helps to feel the joy and relax in the house of a good mistress. When the house is rich, it gives a feeling of a holiday and joy for the soul. To create such an atmosphere, it is worth putting a large vase with fruits and sweets on the table, decorate the house with fresh flowers in beautiful vases. It is not necessary that the flowers are expensive, you can use and not very costly bouquets, but it is important that they are fresh and pleased with their own appearance. You can make more blooming vases into the house, which is also very beautiful.


A rich house is a generous house. To engage in charity and help others is an excellent initiative for each family. You can start a box or a basket where to fold money for charity, and once a week to give them to those in need. It is also important to every guest house, even an uninvited or fleeting, for example, a postman, a neighbor, etc., give sweets or other treats. The house that is constantly sharing with others becomes alive and happy.