Repairs Design Furniture

We make a vase from the girlfriend. Decorating vase: Raisin in the interior. How to independently make an outdoor vase from the fabric

Today, it is rarely any interior, like the landscape, costs without expressive and spectacular accessories. One of them can rightly name the floor vase. In order for it to look stylish and harmoniously on the place allotted for her, it is not at all necessary to buy a finished product. It is quite forces to make it yourself, what will be discussed in this article.

Size and form

Outdoor vases can be different: high, medium height and width, large and moderate size. The parameters of the outdoor vase depend on a number of factors. One of the key is the design of the surrounding space. For example, dimensions may depend on the prayer of a particular room, because it will be less, the less the vase itself should be. If you do not take into account this fact, the accessory can look at the interior too cumbersome, thereby disrupting the visual balance.

The height of the product may vary in the range from 40 to 90 cm.It is selected, paying attention to the height of the walls and space of the room, since too high an accessory can visually make the height of the walls less, which is unacceptable. The width is selected based on your own preferences, as well as available for the manufacture of shape. In addition, it may depend on the selected stylistics, which should coincide with the interior design.

The shape of an outdoor vase can be conditionally round, square, triangular. Each type has its own nuances, for example, the rounded form is considered the most harmonious for infusion into different stylistic directions of design. It is possible to make it using bottles or even three- and five-liter glass cans. Suitable for this and papier-mache technique.

Square floor vase is good for modern interior compositions.The basic form for its manufacture can be a regular box of cardboard. The triangular form variants are somewhat more complicated, as it is less likely to choose such forms. Products of this type are more often performed from girlish raw materials or different components (for example, newspaper tubes).

Methods of manufacture

It is possible to make an outdoor vase with your own hands from the squeezing material, reducing agents and even ordinary dishes. The masters make such accessories not only from three-liter cans and papier-mache, but also from plumbing pipes, plaster, twine, linoleum. So that it stand out against the background of the interior, and also harmoniously fit into it, it is better to choose a newcomer to create a variant of a symmetric form of a rounded type. At the same time, it is important to consider: the product looks better on a general background if its shade does not coincide with the color of the floor covering, furniture and wall cladding.

From three-liter banks

Such work is notable for the fact that without skills to drawing it allows you to get a product with an imitation of artistic painting. In addition to banks, it will take napkins for decoupage, acrylic paints, tassels, twine, and special glue, as well as the necessary decorating accessories (selected at will). The method of manufacturing such an outdoor vase consists of several consecutive steps:

  • the surface of the cans is degreased and covered with white acrylic paint;
  • after drying it on the neck, the twine is wound (or tape);
  • prepare decor elements (cut from napkins);
  • they are placed, straightening with a brush, creating a pattern, ornament or a different composition;
  • after their drying, a transparent acrylic varnish is applied on top.

It looks beautifully decor for gold and bronze, and for such a creation of the vase, it is enough to use a contour gel, having drawn them a simple drawing. If you cover such a product with dark paint on top and separate the gilding with the sponge, it will be expensive to look at such a vase.

From the box with a beautiful form

Such vases look in the interior rather unusual, they are very effects, but are mostly suitable for modern style, as well as landscape compositions. For its manufacture, you need a box (form), gypsum (cement), the container for the formation of the indoor space and the food film to make it easier to remove the vase from the base:

  • gypsum mixed with water until homogeneous, seeking consistency of thick sour cream;
  • it is poured into the box with a small layer;
  • inside put a smaller capacity by setting it into the center;
  • tighten the mixture to the desired level;
  • when the composition is completely dry, the vase is taken out of the form;
  • proceed with shallow sandpaper and decorate.

If you want to give a picture to such a product, you can do this by aerosol paint and lace braid. The braid is tightly attached to the base, on top of it spray paint. If you want more chic, you can add some silver or gold, applying it to a sponge.

From plumbing pipe

For such a product, it is sometimes there are not only familiar sweater materials, but even kapron stockings and knitted canvas. The design of the future vase depends on the type of product itself, its material and forms. Options with fades are more suitable for landscape decoration and cottages. Products with a straight cylindrical form are relevant for urban apartments.

The best material suitable for work can be called plastic and metal plumbing pipes. They can be enclosed by various decor (including even a cereal), and you can give a relief pattern. For example, you can make a plastic trio from different in the height of pipes, cutting their top at an angle. The bottom of such vases make cardboard, although, if you wish and appropriate skills, you can and welcome.

You can put a caprochy stocking for each pipe, forming folds. On top of the surface impregnate with glue and wait until it dry out. After the basis is created, proceed with the decoration of the VAZ, covering each of them special paint in the cans.

The color is chosen on the basis of the features of the color solutions of a particular room in which the accessory will stand. It will be left to add a little gilding or even a glitter - and a unique decor is ready.

From paper pipe from linoleum

Such a product can be used for dry branches. It is easy to create it: the pipe itself will be needed (you can buy in a construction store), twine or cable thread, a little cardboard, a thermopystole with glue and saw to cut the pipe. Manufacturing technique looks like this:

  • from the pipe cut off the desired amount, determined in advance with the height of the vase;
  • take a fat cardboard and, putting a pipe on it, drive, and then cut out the bottom;
  • by gluing the bottom to the future vase, they are decorating it using a rope thread or twine;
  • the thread wind up the vase from the bottom to the top, gluing to the base with the help of hot glue (other adhesive compositions can also be used);
  • tightly wrapped the product to the top, cut the thread;
  • for stability inside, some paper or small pebbles are put.

From thick cardboard and cardboard pipe

To create a Greek vase, you will need old newspapers, a cardboard tube and several large boxes that can be taken in the store. Of these, you will have to cut the base of the vase, so it is desirable to take the boxes of about the same size (it does not make sense to glue). This version of the manufacture of an outdoor vase is more laborious, but the type of finished product will delight not only the hosts of the house: such a product will be a rather bright and memorable accent of the interior. Create such a masterpiece for the following technology:

  • correlate the height of the pipe, the desired height and size of the existing boxes (everything should be united);
  • the vase pattern is cut out, drive around the blanks, cut out and folded in half;
  • when they are enough, they are covered with a cardboard tube (it turns out the type of harmonica);
  • after the newspapers are torn to pieces, impregnate the PVA glue and create the base of the vase, salaging it to the bottom to the top of several layers, trying to make the form to be smooth;
  • after the newspaper, you can stick several layers of toilet paper;
  • when it dries, the surface is covered with dark paint;
  • the contour gel or special contour paint is drawn ornament;
  • it is possible to coat the vase by another thin layer of paint, and then designate the embossed pattern of bronze or gold paint.

So that the vase looked expensive, it is necessary to make it the most carefully, paying attention to the neck and the bottom. When coating, it is important to paint and them, the drawing lines must be smooth, and with ornament - identical.

Decorating the finished product

The decoration of the finished accessory will require the knowledge of the basic skills of stylistics, without which it is difficult to make it relevant in a particular interior. Today, fashion trends are aimed at a combination of conciseness and functional. The decor should be minimal, it is important that with the seeming simplicity the product looked status, spectacularly and professionally, as if it were purchased at an expensive store. Therefore, approach the decoration is needed especially carefully.

Depending on the type of material used and the manufacture of floor vases used for decorating it, you can use:

  • mosaic, including homemade from multicolored tiles and mirrors;
  • flat buttons of different sizes and shapes;
  • coins;
  • large salt;
  • crupe, sunflower seeds and pumpkins;
  • dry branches of different lengths and curvature;
  • spike branches;
  • twine;
  • bark of trees;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • stationery gum;
  • bead bracelets on rubber thread;

  • decorative fabric;
  • burlap;
  • kraft paper;
  • textiles with embossed texture;
  • cable thread;
  • acrylic paints, including in the form of a spray;
  • contour and stained glass colors;
  • seashells of different shapes and size;
  • napkins for decoupage;
  • acrylic glue;
  • newspapers and magazines;
  • cardboard and white paper;
  • bamboo bar and wheat spikes;
  • self-adhesive decor.

In the skillful hands of the stylist, even an ordinary glass jar or a bottle can be a work of art.And at its decor, as a rule, it does not take much time. Someone simply puts into the banks in the bank, and all the inner space fills with small sweets or even a variety of cereals, alternating her layers. A more interesting solution is to put on a glass container with a knitted openwork or cloth harnesses (or even sliced \u200b\u200bsleeve from knitted sweaters). Due to such "clothes", the product can make a certain share of home comfort in the interior.

Vase decoration with their own hands is a rather exciting hobby. Copyright, unique vases in the finished form of pretty roads, and the Vase decorated with their own hands is necessarily suitable for your interior, because, the materials you will choose the color and style to the ready-made room. Another advantage of self-decoration vase is its uniqueness. Exactly the same you will never find ever, even if you use materials from a particular master class.

Vase in the interior is not just a vessel in which you can put a bouquet of flowers. This is the work of art, and the subject of the interior, and the thing you can cover the empty place. Yes, and in combination with the VAZ bouquet itself will become an integral part of your interior.

For the decoration of the vase, you may need to be needed underwater materials and various tools, but also of course your hands. The decor of the vase with their own hands is a creative process, which can be an exciting occupation for the whole family. Well, ideas and advice how to decorate a vase with your own hands we will give you in this article.

Decoring methods There are many, most popular of them:

  • glass painting;
  • decoupage;
  • decoration with fabric;
  • using color or corrugated paper, newspapers, notes;
  • clearance with pencils or brushes;
  • decoration of the twine, rope or color threads;
  • using artificial colors;
  • decorating edible materials - pasta, seeds;
  • using sweater materials, such as buttons, coins, beads;
  • decorating vase with ribbons and lace.

Consider some of them - the decor of the vase with their own hands with the photo.

The twine is excellent material for decorating bottles, glasses and VAZ. Its flexibility (in the literal sense of the word) allows you to decorate even the most complex forms. Along with the twine, you can also use other materials: rhinestones, beads, buttons, threads, fabric, tapes. As a glue, it is suitable as an ordinary PVA and a thermoclay or "moment".

Extra Materials can also be supplemented with a rope or rope: cones, shells, dried leaves, small pebbles or other stones.

Of course, the artistic painting is not inherent in everyone. But the VAZ, painted with her own hands, will look expensive and unique. For glass painting, use stained glass paints or special acrylic with a mark "for glass painting." You can go to another, more economical way: first the vase is covered in two layers of PVA glue, and then the drawing is applied to the usual gouache.

Important! Before starting work, the vase must be well degreased - rub either with alcohol or alcohol napkin.

In order not to spoil a large vase, without having painting experience, you can practice on a conventional glass or a bottle from under wine or champagne.

To create a relief circuit, use a special acrylic outline on the glass.

The fabric can be used not only for sewing clothes or home textiles. It is also excellent material for decorating various interior items.

You can decorate a vase using fabric in different ways: to sew a case on it, plane pieces of multi-colored fabric, wrap or bind the vase.

You can reap the cloth not only a vase, but also any other capacity, such as a bottle. This requires the following materials and tools:

  • the cloth;
  • bottle;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • decorative elements - beads, buttons, shells, ribbons.

The fabric should wet in the glue and wind the bottle. Then glue decorative elements and paint.

No less beautiful and elegant is a vase decorated with lace and ribbons. For gluing materials to the surface of the vase, you can use thermocons, moment, PVA. Combine also with artificial colors, buttons, rhinestones, beads and beads.

To decorate the vase with lace is quite easy, while it turns out the unique and original pattern.

Any natural, natural materials can be played as a decor for a vase: wood, twigs, cones, shells, pebbles, dried leaves and flowers, straw.

How to decorate a vase with your own hands using natural materials? Also, as other materials for gluing, you can use PVA, thermoklay, moment. Before applying glue, Vaza must definitely be deguted.

One of the original ways to decorate the vase with your own hands is to glue it with pasta of different shapes and size. Thanks to the huge selection of pasta in modern supermarkets, Vases are obtained unique and original. From above, the entire pattern is covered with paint and varnish for durability.

Old newspapers can be used for vase vase decor in vintage style. Also for this purpose will fit upwards or notes. Just poke the vase with pieces of the newspaper and decorate the twine or threads.

How to make a beautiful and original vase?
Attractive and unusual home decor has always been distinguished by one important feature - it requires considerable financial investments. Everyone knows that there is always a lot of experts on the creation of beautiful furniture, vases, chandeliers, lamps and other important trifles of decor, they invest not only their physical efforts, but also fantasy, various ideas that, by the way, are not so easy to come up with.

However, few people are thinking about the fact that the original and unusual ideas can be embodied on their own, and for this it is not necessary to have a specific education, a tendency to art or great financial opportunities. Just enough in the trifles and details to notice the main thing, to be able to do something extraordinary from ordinary and ordinary things.

And for this you will need not so much: desire and enthusiasm, some free time, as well as several necessary materials that or already have at home, or sold in any nearby store.

Vase is always the desired thing that can just be a cute and original decoration of your home, and is also always ready to take into its arms of the bouquets of fragrant and multi-colored colors.
And since we try to put flowers always in sight, then the vase must be worthy to fit into the surrounding decor, and supported the overall flavor of the bouquet, because in many respects it will depend on its appearance in the home environment.
Vases can be the most different - from the smallest, in which one or just a few flowers are placed, and huge, such as outdoor, which can withstand more than a dozen roses or any other flower beauties.
In order to take for creating a new vase, you will need to decide which sizes it should be, as well as what manufacturer's technique you choose. Maybe it will be weaving, engraving on a glass surface, decoupage or craklers, options There are many, we present only a few more, most interesting. How to know, maybe you are so passionate for the creation and decoration of the VAZ, which will turn into your constant and serious passion.

Minimalist and stylish

Small vases for one or pair of flowers

Glass and Ball

One of the original and very simple ways is a vase for a single flower, which consists of an ordinary oblong glass and an inflatable ball. The ball is better to choose some bright color, for example, red or cherry, cut off the upper part from it, making a cut exactly on the widest part of the ball.

Even from the lamp you can make a vase

Such a vase, by the way, can make even the smallest schoolboy, solemnly handing her mom on March 8 along with a flower. The ball itself must be tightened on top to a glass, and the "pimple", through which the ball usually inflates, - to suck the glass into it, the flower will now be inserted into it.

The glass itself, by the way, can also somehow decorate, for example, a beautiful sticker or pattern drawn by acrylic paints.

Bottles and banks

In fact, you can make an interesting vase with your own hands from a variety of elements, such as plastic or glass bottles, cans or small boxes.

We give your attention a variant with plastic bottles. You will need one whole bottle of 1.5 liters, preferably transparent, and five plastic bottles of 0.5 liters. From all small bottles it will be necessary to crop the neck, then the inner contour of the neck make four holes in a large bottle.

It is better that these holes are closer to the top, then there will be more water space. The holes are shown along the contour of the neck of small bottles, and then cut out with scissors.

All cropped small bottles are inserted into the hole in the hole, creating such a kind of five-neck vase, for each flower - its own hole. Such a vase, for example, you can put in the country or in the summer house, unusual and very simple!

Of course, you can do it even easier - trim the neck from a plastic bottle, and all that remains from it, you can decorate various other technicians.

However, in this case, it is better to turn to a small glass jar, for example, by 1 l volume. Also for these purposes are good glass bottles from the milk, which have an elongated neck. The easiest way is to glue the jar outside the corrugated colored paper.

Style is present in everything

Just cut it with small pieces, choose a wide variety of colors. In order for it to be well stuck, it is better to use a special adhesive for decoupage or ordinary PVA glue, only diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. After drying the glue, it will become transparent, and for consupporting the effect, the vase can be covered with transparent varnish.

By the way, instead of corrugated paper, sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of bright glossy magazines can be approached, pick them up in approximately one color scheme, and we gligrate the jar tightly so that there are no clearance.
Returning to the corrugated paper - it can, for example, cut into strips of various widths and stick to the jar also stripes, it is better that one goes to another when sticking. For the same purposes, color tape can be approached.

Another interesting way is to decorate a glass jar with a knitted or cloth cover. This option, of course, is suitable for those who came across knitting and sewing technique. Such covers can, for example, change depending on the time of year or the main color of the bouquet.

We make an outdoor vase with your own hands

To do this, you will need a cardboard box, various acrylic paints, acrylic primer, paper, water-level paint, glue for decoupage and varnish. A cardboard box should be high and narrow, a golden powder can be useful or the same aerosol paint.

Hand painted magnificent

A cardboard box is covered with a primer, which is necessary for a good imposition of the following layers. Then we glue on the surface of the box pieces of a chopped newspaper, we get papier-mache. Now the prepared box is covered with white water-emulsion paint so that the newspapers are hidden.

After drying the first layers, we begin to apply the main color that will be not bad at the finished product. As a decoration for a vase, you can use napkins for decoupage, which are glued on the Vase so that various embossed protrusions come out, all this is also covered with paint. Reliefs can be covered with golden powder, but so that the main color of the vase is viewed.

For an additional decor, you can use a variety of elements, such as golden ribbons that can be folded in flowers or bows, and you can simply wind up a vase in a negligent order. Beads and overflowing pebbles are also suitable, you can create a pattern or some kind of drawing.

Original vase do it yourself

You can make cute vases with your own hands. To do this, you will need a beautiful shape of the bottle and beautiful bright threads. As a result, we get:

Another photoerok:

Designer Bottle Vase

As with a color rope and twine make a beautiful designer vase in a few minutes.
For work it will be necessary:

1. Color rope, twine
2. Glass bottle
3. Scissors
4. Universal Glue

All the ends of ropes and twine should be on the one hand.

How to make a beautiful vase from plastic bottle (video):

Outdoor vase can become one of the most important elements of the decor of the house. At the same time, you can even make it with your own hands from different materials. If you know a few tricks, the product will get no worse than the store. Finished instructions and examples of design - about all this right now.

Outdoor vase can become one of the most important elements of the house decor

Before proceeding to the manufacture of this interesting work, You need to carefully look at home and try to imagine:

  • in which part of the vase will look best;
  • what tones and decor elements should prevail in the finished product;
  • what flowers and other decorative plants (branches) are optimally suitable;
  • finally, how big the vase needs to be done to look in the interior especially successfully.

In fact, it is quite simple to "see" the future vase in your imagination. And to do it was easier here are some ideas for inspiration:

  1. First of all, it is better to determine in advance with sizes. Vase is appropriate when it roughly coincides with the size of the surrounding furniture. For example, it must slightly rise above the sofa or chairs.
  2. In the form, you can choose between rounded and original options. Calm, symmetric edges are better to choose to create a peaceful atmosphere. And if you want to revive the space, it is better to make a vase with an original, twisted neck, interesting drawings and decorative elements.
  3. As for the color decoration, it is best to take care that your masterpiece is well released on the background of Paul, Furniture, Wallpaper. Otherwise, the vase literally merges with the rest of the items.

Outdoor vase with their own hands from undergraduate materials (video)

Choose decorative twigs for outdoor vase

The main means of decor that can be put in the vase is decorative branches. A variety of decorations apply - and it is not necessary to choose the branches of one species. You can often combine different options for more original compositions. Here are some of them:

  1. Combinations of black and bright significantly revive the space due to the effect of contrast. It gives a light, nice look and especially winning in combination with backlight.
  2. It has long been a fairly common technique when decorative balls are joined on the branches. Here you can choose exactly the bright products, because if you can paint it in any color, and then the composition will heal a new life.
  3. Multicolored, wavy branches collected in a bundle are largely similar to the beautiful colors collected in a bouquet. And if they put them tightly to each other, it turns out a very beautiful view - like fireworks.
  4. Finally, branches with leaves or small, bright colors look very well. They will be appropriate in any kitchen, since they create a very cozy, natural environment.


Homemade branches are perfectly suitable for creating their own unique interior. If you collect a few dry branches, clean and additionally dry them, and then paint the ballulle, it is not only the cost of the process, but also create much more space of creative fantasy.

The main means of decor that can be put in the vase is decorative branches

Production of an outdoor vase from the cast material with their own hands

The manufacture of an outdoor vase does not necessarily assume the presence of special skills or special materials. Experience shows that even from the cast material you can create a very decent product and arrange it so beautiful that such a vase is easy to confuse with glass or ceramic.

In the manufacture of an outdoor vase, you can use even fir-handed materials that will be available in any house:

  • cardboard pipes;
  • pipes from linoleum;
  • pipes from PVC.

It is better to take exactly the cardboard material, since it is very simple to work with it. Of course, in such a vase, do not nap water, but it looks great as a decoration in the house. Supports such materials and tools:

  • actually cardboard tube;
  • cardboard for the manufacture of the case;
  • a piece of plasterboard or chipboard for the bottom;
  • ordinary PVA glue;
  • pieces of the old newspaper for work in the technique of Papier-Masha;
  • the paint for applying glue;
  • knife and scissors;
  • 7-8 egg yolks;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • circul, line, pencil.

The manufacture of an outdoor vase does not necessarily imply the presence of special skills or special materials
  1. The most important thing is to decide on the height of the finished product. As a rule, the vase should turn out at least half a meter, and usually choose a height of 60-70 cm. It is through this guideline that needs to cut off a piece of cardboard pipe - the basis of the future craft. It is better to do this with a sharp knife, and the incision must be taken knowingly by 2-3 cm more, and then just fir the edges.
  2. Now you need to make a bottom. There are two options here - you can use drywall, and you can also take a fane. But in any case, the surface must be flat enough to make the product confidently relied on the floor and did not rush. The circle is first watched with a circulation, and then hesitated. In size, it must be obviously more than the diameter of the pipe (by 4-5 cm). Based to the base with glue.
  3. Now the most responsible and long-term stage comes. You need to take several sheets of cardboard (they can be obtained by deploying large cardboard boxes), which in length should be at least the height of the vase. They draw an outline of the same billets, which will give a vase volume - that is, it is necessary to cut up to 20-30 identical parts that are completely repeated bending of the product.
  4. And 4 more billets are cut together with the handles (if the handicraft provides such an insertion).
  5. Details with handles are glued on each side of 2 pieces, and the rest are glued at a distance of literally 1 cm from each other. This will provide an attractive appearance and reliability of the entire design.
  6. Next, you need to wait a few hours so that all the blanks are well clipped with the surface. At the same time, it is better to check again how firmly they glued.
  7. In the meantime, you need to make a lot of newspaper pieces, melted adhesives - to make the surface in the technique of Papier-Masha. It is important here to keep in mind that it is better to make several layers so that the paper lay as tight as possible.
  8. Then the egg yolks with PVA and carefully, thick washed the entire surface of the workpiece.
  9. Now you need to wait again until it dies, and put a layer of putty.
  10. And when putty and putty, thoroughly treat the surface with sandpaper.
  11. The last stage of work is the most interesting and truly creative. You need to draw a drawing or simply put a layer of paint from an aerosol spray. And here is a masterpiece ready to please your eyes.

Gallery: Outdoor Vases (50 photos)

How to independently make an outdoor vase from the fabric

Now you can consider another option of manufacture - the vase can be made from the fabric. This will require such materials:

  • the basis of the design is a terry towel (a wannapany is also suitable);
  • cement and sand;
  • two standard 10 liter buckets;
  • water;
  • polyethylene film.


It is better to work in disposable rubber gloves so as not to damage the skin with the action of cement.

Manufacturing technology is very simple:

  1. First, the cement is falling asleep (literally half a cell) and water is gradually added to the preparation of a consistency like in a liquid sour cream.
  2. In this solution, a towel or a napkin is dipped, and it is important that it will be saturated completely.
  3. Now this napkin is placed on an inverted bucket to completely dry. Previously, you need to fully cover this bucket with a polyethylene film so that the towels do not stick to the surface.
  4. The surface of the bottom is thoroughly smoothed, and the drop-down folds can be simply straightening.
  5. The bucket is taken out to the street or put on the balcony to dry during the day.

In fact, the floor Vase itself is already ready. However, you need to still try so that the surface is truly beautiful and attractive. To do this, act as follows:

  1. Take 300 g of cement and sand, add one pinch of plaster and diluted with a mixture with ordinary wallpaper glue (15%).
  2. Using a brush, this solution needs to be carefully covered the entire surface of the workpiece.
  3. And you can initially add any acrylic paint to the solution and simultaneously paint the craft to paint.

How to Estim Floor Vase from Paper Pipes (Video)

How to make a large outdoor vase from burlap do it yourself

And one more quite accessible option is to make an outdoor vase from burlap. To do this, you can take even the old material, and also supports such materials and tools:

  • pVA glue or "moment";
  • rope (twine);
  • cardboard tube;
  • molar tape;
  • scissors;
  • pen ball.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. In this case, the main product also serves a cardboard tube. It is cut down at the desired height, all the edges are thoroughly aligned.
  2. From all sides, the surface is floating with molar scotch, so that in the end, each site has become quite sticky.
  3. The twine is sequentially wounded on the tape - at the same time start better from the inside. Then the blank will look very carefully.
  4. And of the burlap, meanwhile, it is necessary to make quite a few decorative elements: roses from circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm and leaves (also about 8 cm, and the veins and petioles are better to highlight with twine).
  5. Presenting and drawing a drawing in advance, to crack the vase with roses and leaves.


Such a craft is obtained especially cozy due to the characteristics of the surface texture. If you make a reduced copy of the vase, an excellent case for comb, cosmetics and other pleasant smallest things will be released.

Another fully accessible option is to make an outdoor burlap vase

Decoring options for a purchase outdoor vase

If at home there is a purchase floor vase, this does not mean that the space for creativity is sharply narrowed. On the contrary, even the finished product can be decorated so interesting that as a result of decorating it will look much more original.

How to decorate a glass outdoor vase

Glass vase gives particularly rich opportunities for creativity, since the product is transparent, and it can be filled with different materials to create an original drawing. Here are some ideas for inspiration:

  • coating aerosol paint - both one layer and several colors;
  • decoration with artificial colors;
  • decoration with bulk materials of different colors (beans, peas, cereals;
  • decoration with twine and textiles.

Glass vase gives particularly rich opportunities for creativity, since the product is transparent, and it can be filled with different materials to create an original drawing.

Unusual ideas of the decor of the finished outdoor vase

Here are some interesting ideas to decorate the floorpS:

  1. The decor with knitted clothes - sheltered the vase or its separate elements by a sweater, you can create a very cozy atmosphere - such a vase looks particularly well in the bedroom.
  2. The same effect gives decoration with a twine rope. You can cover not the entire vase, but only the neck or handles.
  3. You can stick roses, leaves, spirals, patterns and other decorative products made of tight tissue of warm shades.
  4. It is incredibly beautiful and even mysteriously looks like a vase covered by ordinary pasta, which then need to paint with an aerosol, stylizing the surface under metal.
  5. And if you want to stylize under ancient, you can decorate with coins that pre-paint into dark brown or golden tones - let such a vase attracts wealth to the house.

Vase from cardboard with your own hands (video)

Thus, you can decorate the house of a beautiful outdoor vase in any case - both homemade crafts and purchased. The main thing is to imagine the future view of the vase and of course stocking to inspiration.

Vases can become an excellent interior decoration. Some of them can even be created with their own hands. Vases can be decorated and transformed very quickly, even personally. This will allow you to create more and more distinguishing features in the interior.

1. Original Filling Vase

Excellent option Filling a vase with wine plugs, with which the vase is immediately transformed.

2. Lemon vase

Simple, but at the same time a very bright version of the design of the vase with the help of lemon decor, which will be just a find.

3. Small vases from bottles

Beautiful option to create a lot of mini-vaz do it yourself from ordinary bottles.

4. Vase decorated with beads

Transform and decorate the Vase is possible with the help of beads, which will create a truly beautiful vase for a minimum of time and money.

5. Wooden Vase Decor

Cute design of the vase with the help of branches, which will give ease and unobtrusion in the interior of any of the rooms.

6. Stylish and simple vases

Beautiful design of small vases that will decorate any house.

7. Vases are decorated with a cord

With the help of the thread or cord, it is possible to create unforgettable vases, which will be simply an excellent solution for the decor.

8. Registration of a conventional bottle

An exception option to issue an ordinary bottle in the form of a beautiful vase, which will definitely like it.
9. Bottles transformation

A pretty solution to create beautiful vases from ordinary bottles, which will be a find.

10. Decoration of Vaz Sequins

The original solution for the design of the VAZ with the help of gold sequins.

11. Cute shiny vase

An excellent option to create an original and pretty shiny vase, which will decorate any interior.

12. Vase is framed under the candlestick

One of the rapid and simple options is to create a candlestick vase.

13. The perfect combination

If you encincherd several bottles of the same form, it is possible to get such a non-standard vase with cells.

14. Vase from the twigs of a tree

A pretty and very interesting option to create a vase from the branches of the tree, which will convert the interior of any room.

15. Bright painting of bottles decorated under the vase

An excellent and very interesting version of the painting of the bottle, which became a vase very quickly and simply.

16. Original lugged bottles

Decorating bottles is a very interesting and difficult moment that you should take note and use the maximum in practice.

17. Vase decor with pencils

The original option to decorate the vase with the help of ordinary color pencils, which will become a find for any interior.

18. Bottles design thread

A pretty idea to decorate ordinary bottles with the help of a thread, which will be just a discovery and will create original vases.

19. Decoration of a conventional transparent vase

The fast and simple decor of the usual vase, which in the shortest possible time transforms the interior.

20. Painting Wine Bottles

Decorating wine bottles with hand painted, which may be even more attractive than that.

21. Vase decor with wood

The original design of a vase for flowers with a tree, which looks charming and gently.

22. Non-standard wire vases

Beautiful and perhaps the very original option to create a wire vase, which looks very interesting.

23. Open decor table

One of the best and simple options for designing a table with a pretty vase, which will have to do.

24. Cute vases with their own hands

With your own hands it is possible to decorate any of the VAZ in the most diverse way, which will accurately like and inspire.

25. Successful Vase Decor

A pretty solution to reflect the usual transparent vase with burlap and accessories.

26. New Year's vases

An interesting decor of VAZ on New Year's style, which will be just a highlight of any interior.

27. Original vase with transparent bottom

A pretty and very interesting example of the design of a vase with a transparent bottom, which will become a feature of the interior.