Repair Design Furniture

Products in the loft style with their own hands. How to create modern loft-style furniture with your own hands. Workshop on making an industrial style ceiling lamp

In the 40s of the last century in the United States began to gain popularity architectural style loft. It originates in the industrial areas of New York, where a lot of industrial premises were abandoned by their owners due to rising land prices. Bohemians were the first to notice them, and after the purchase they began to use the abandoned factory buildings to create housing and place furniture. It turned out cheaply and tastefully, which allowed the style to remain popular until today. Now such an arrangement of an apartment is very popular, and do-it-yourself loft-style furniture is great for both private houses and offices.

When creating loft-style furniture, materials are used that usually go to a landfill during a major overhaul. This explains its low cost. Old pipes made of metal and roughly processed boards in skillful hands will turn into magnificent design items in the loft style. The only limitation when choosing a material is the overall style of the house. Loft furniture should emphasize it, so you have to think color scheme and overall interior. Wood and metal are the most used materials in the loft. The elements of decor are things made of concrete or roughly hewn stone. There is no need to purchase noble materials like marble for decoration. Plastic is an undesirable raw material, because it does not correspond to the style direction. The loft originates in industrial premises, so the material should be similar to that used in the design of industrial buildings. However, it is not always possible to find deck boards or metal barrels. Then the thing can be artificially aged, giving it a casual look.

The easiest way to make loft-style sofas, beds, ottomans and tables for various purposes. To create the first two, you will need used varnished pallets. It will be enough to put pillows and a mattress on top. Can be used as a bed frame metal constructions found, for example, at a local factory. If there is sufficient skill in working with metal, then they can be altered to your taste, covered with a cloth. Deck boards will be custom and original choice as the basis for a loft-style bed. The sofa can also have a similar design, but also have its own characteristics. For example, metal barrels are suitable for the base. The top is carefully cut off, the surface is polished, then the sofa is filled with a durable substance and placed soft pillows up.

Ottomans are obtained from pallets, metal or wooden barrels, industrial mechanisms, even old suitcases. Tables can also be made from anything, the main thing is that there is enough imagination and skills. V move will go everything from old boards and solid layers of wood to frames sewing machines. Even wooden cable spools can be turned into a stylish coffee table.

What can be made

There is no such furniture in the loft style that could not be made independently. Moreover, these can be the designs of the most different sizes and appointments.

pallet bed

This option is increasingly becoming popular due to two factors - originality and cheapness. Pallets can be purchased for 100-150 rubles, and the most expensive part of the structure will be the mattress. It is best to purchase pallets with the EUR / EPAL marking. Thanks to high quality they will last longer. Often, new or used pallets are in a damp state. Therefore, you should first sand them with sandpaper and paint. Can be left natural look, using wood impregnation, or you can experiment with color. The originality of the composition of the loft depends on the ability to find a use for things that are no longer new. If the budget is limited, the pallet is made by hand from the boards, but there will be more hassle. In addition, these beds have one major drawback - the inconvenience of cleaning. However, it will not be so important for true connoisseurs of the loft.

For a standard pallet bed you will need:

  • three pallets sized 120x80;
  • primer and paint on wood;
  • roller and brush for coloring;
  • grinder and sandpaper.

First you need to go through wooden surface grinder, and those places where she did not get, smooth out with sandpaper. Then the pallets are wiped with a damp cloth. Next comes the woodworking with primer and paint. If necessary, apply two layers. The pallets are then stacked one by one to form a bed frame. In conclusion, it remains to put a mattress and pillows on top. There is a more functional option with niches. To create such a bed, eight pallets and an additional wood drill will be required. First, you need to remove the extra boards so that niches for the boxes form when applied. The process is then repeated: cleaning grinder or sandpaper, wiping with a damp cloth, primer and paint. It is recommended to leave the pallets to dry overnight. Photos of pallet loft beds can be found below.

Draft assembly

The basis of the future bed

Installing pallets on the base

From above, the base is upholstered with a soft cloth or carpet


Design standard table loft style, which is sold in the store, is very simple - a wooden tabletop on metal frame in the form of a parallelepiped. But such elementality hides a considerable price, so it is best to do such a thing with your own hands. For this you need:

  • two fir boards measuring 250 * 15 centimeters;
  • three pine beams 250 * 5 centimeters;
  • 30 7 cm screws;
  • grinder or sandpaper;
  • drill;
  • dark walnut and ebony wood stain;
  • polyurethane varnish.

Before assembly, you can make drawings on the computer.

The process is as follows: first, the frame is assembled with the help of screws. It is recommended to pre-drill holes for fasteners in each corner. Then the boards are polished, and the countertop is impregnated with "dark walnut". Frame for the table to give it metallic look processed in two layers of "ebony". Using twelve screws, the tabletop is attached to the frame. Then the table is turned over and three screws are screwed into each board from the inside out.


Fixing leg corners

Fixing leg corners

Leg attachment

Bedside table

Probably the easiest loft-style piece of furniture to make is a bedside table. It can be made from metal racks or pens, but sometimes quite painted metal barrel. Sometimes, for the sake of the industrial roots of the loft style, the role of a bedside table is played by two cinder blocks placed together. The main thing is that the material makes one of the most expressive parts of the interior from the simplest element of furniture. In addition to originality, a bedside table can have many functions. To make it, you need pine boards, two pieces of pipe with a diameter of half an inch, four wheels for furniture:

  • first, the side parts of the cabinet are assembled. Small strips with pre-prepared holes are attached to each other with glue;
  • two holes are made on each of the boards. Before that, you should check them for a match in size - they must be the same;
  • two boards are screwed to the middle and bottom shelf. In order for them to be the same, planks are attached to the middle;
  • the lower part is installed under the side bases with glue and euro screws;
  • the remaining strips are installed on the sidewalls from above. The top shelf is assembled from three boards;
  • holes prepared in advance are filled with a special composition;
  • defects on the walls should be removed with sandpaper;
  • the nightstand is covered with stain and left to dry. After applying one layer of varnish;
  • when it dries, wheels are installed on the screws with glue at the bottom of the tube.

wooden pallets

Bedside table width

Finished frame for the frame

Grinding workpieces

Table top assembly

Wall mounting

Making a box

Finished box

Shelf making

Cutting a hole in the shape of a heart


The largest piece of furniture on this list. For its manufacture, wood and metal are best suited. A great addition would be to use two types of wood. The standard will be redundant. decorative ornaments, especially in the form of flowers or ornaments. Loft is an industrial style, and “tenderness” in the ornament will be inappropriate. If the cabinet has mirrors, then they should be decorated in a classic way or in the form of fragments. Some decor is allowed, but it must be industrial. For example, doors made in the form of wooden shutters. Loft-style wardrobes can be:

  • case - have a full-fledged frame, they are not particularly difficult to move;
  • built-in - they make the most practical use of space and do not contain walls. Perfect for small apartments
  • semi-embedded - part of the frame, for example, a wall, is missing;
  • diagonal - well suited for dwellings with a large area;
  • trapezoidal - the side wall will be smaller than the other. The cupboard is turned by it towards the doorway.

Sometimes you don't have to do it all over again. Usual old wardrobe decorated with metal staples or rivets, which makes it look like steel doors at the factory. Nails with decorative caps are well suited for this purpose.

Apart from metal fixtures, dyeing and subsequent fitting with a cloth is suitable. In the photo, the loft closet is guaranteed to look like a passage on warship. To give style features you don’t have to do a complete rework, just add a few details. For example, from an old barn or an abandoned construction site, you can take wooden stairs, clean it and use it for tall cabinets.

The photographs show the above-described pieces of furniture in the loft style. They will help you understand what this direction is. Particular attention should be paid to the description of the pallet, which can be useful if the furniture elements of the loft are made independently.



The loft style (translated from English as “attic”) is a consequence of the industrial era, in which many large and spacious rooms appeared. The rapid rise in prices for land downtown made the owners industrial enterprises to build plants and factories in the suburbs, and the vacated workshops and their attics were chosen by young and poor creative personalities.

Artists and musicians liked the large, well-lit rooms. It was comfortable and economical solution, which made it possible to combine an apartment and at the same time an art studio. In this case, signs of industrial buildings remained intact, which created original design interior.

The design basis of this style is free space. There are practically no partitions between zones or rooms (with the exception of a bathroom and technical rooms). The zones are separated by the color and material structure of the walls. The loft-style hall is characterized by exposed brick walls, while in the bedroom they are plastered. In turn, beamed ceilings or a bar can indicate the boundaries of the kitchen. In addition to this zoning method, movable screen walls are also used. Thus, spatial characteristics emphasize the volume of infinite space.

The main features of the formation of space:

  • lack of partition walls;
  • high ceilings;
  • big square;
  • big windows;
  • space free from unnecessary details.

Unlike minimalism, which preaches functionality and simplicity, loft interior design is elegant and even sophisticated. Luxurious and artsy furniture contributes to this. The entire space of the rooms serves as a backdrop for such furniture. For example, a sofa should attract attention with its luxury, brightness or unusual shape.

Textured finishes for interior design - these are ultracombinations of materials. Loft-style walls are characterized by incomplete brickwork, unfinished plaster, etc. brick walls, wood floors, ceiling beams and open views with deliberately rough finishes will set the right tone for the interior design of a loft-style home. In the end, the idea of ​​combining classic and modern, the maximum sense of space - these are the main features of the interior in the loft style.

Furniture and accessories

The main task of furniture in the interior of the loft style, give rooms a minimalist sophistication. A few pieces of furniture should give the feeling of a large space and at the same time be the center of attention.

The rest of the furniture should transform and move easily. For example, chairs, armchairs, can be on wheels. Folding sofas are an irreplaceable element of style.

Metal parts fit well into the interior. It can be bronze legs and handles for furniture, cast iron bathtubs, pipes running along the walls. At the same time, furniture in the interior of a loft-style apartment can combine, it would seem, such different materials like polymers and wood, steel and expensive fine fabrics.

Furniture should be shiny, and its shape can be whimsical and original. The main thing is that she draws attention to herself. All this will make the interior unique.

Loft style interior accessories should be those that, as a rule, surround any resident of a large industrial city:

  • billboards;
  • road signs;
  • graffiti on the walls;
  • street signs.

Of course you can use ordinary decorations but they should be as close as possible to the general urban concept and not violate general style . Unusual trinkets and other accessories that tell about the profession or hobby of the owner of the apartment can emphasize the appropriate environment. In addition, you can hang a loft-style clock on the wall. You can make such watches yourself or buy them online.

Curtains loft should be simple and not interfere with the passage of light. You can, of course, do without curtains, but if someone wants to hang them, he must remember that the curtains should be without decorations such as ribbons, fringes, etc. The material from which the curtains are made should be as transparent as possible. . The pattern on the curtains can only be large and geometric.

Curtains and curtains in the interior of a loft-style apartment can also be used to divide the room into zones.

Loft style renovation

If someone has a house with an attic, then in this case it will not be difficult to make repairs in the attic under the loft style. But the main task when repairing an apartment or house in a loft style is redevelopment. Because main feature lofts are open spaces, this style is very difficult to create in small apartments or rooms in the house where most people live. But there is a way out. All zones, except for the bathroom, can be allocated conditionally. Need to take it everywhere interior doors, again, except for the bathroom, and all loft-style rooms should be combined into one space using the same finishing materials.

With the help of bricks peeking out in the corners, boards and bare plaster, you can create a hallmark of the loft in the rooms - seeming carelessness, but at the same time emphasizing the sophistication of the interior. It is not necessary to use real bricks or boards, there are many imitations of these materials on the market now.

Loft style ceiling must have a neutral plaster color. It is good that the painting creates a look of negligence.

A loft-style bathroom can be decorated with wallpaper with a pattern of old newspapers or painted in black and white with metallic tiles. If this gamma seems too gloomy, then in this case, wood-like materials should be used.

Do-it-yourself loft-style furniture

The main idea of ​​the loft is to minimize the amount of furniture, but at the same time it should attract attention. Some of the furniture can be made with your own hands - these are stools, shelves and racks. For this purpose, it is used natural wood with initial processing. That is, the boards should be without bark, smooth and dried.

But besides this, the room must contain pieces of furniture made to order or unusual shape. Such furniture gives a feeling of luxury and sophistication.

It is better to hide cabinets in walls, niches. Can make special drawers for household items. The absence of closets will give more space to the room.

In the kitchen and in the bathroom, metal details of decor should attract attention: faucets, handles, etc.

Fashionable loft-style decor elements will help you complete the overall interior design of your house or apartment. It must be decorative plates, vases, photo frames, expensive curly clocks on the shelf or loft-style clocks on the wall. In loft decor, bold and unusual ideas should be preferred.

Creating loft-style furniture with your own hands is not the most difficult task. It doesn't require a lot of money and fine workmanship. But without a sense of style can not do.

The loft was born in the middle of the 20th century during the conversion of industrial premises into residential ones. Today, he increasingly comes to small and large apartments, externally adapting them to industrial areas. Here you can connect metal, wood, glass. At the same time, the space remains only conditionally zoned. Walls, pieces of furniture are made quite roughly, most of them are universal and mobile.

Table, console or nightstand

The proposed item can serve as a bedside table, console, small mobile bar counter, TV cabinet. He will find a place and tasks in any corner of a loft-style apartment. Table dimensions - 60 ″x16.25 ″x36 ″ (152.4x 41.3x91.4 cm).

Get ready to get the job done

List necessary materials:

  • Pine boards.
  • 2 pieces of galvanized pipe 1/2″ (1.3 cm) in diameter, 60″ (152 cm) long.
  • Galvanized caps for pipes - 4.5 "(11.4 cm).
  • 4 large swivel furniture wheels.
  • Drill with a drill.
  • Device for pocket holes.
  • Roulette, joiner's square.
  • End wrench.
  • 2″ (5 cm) screws.
  • 2.5" and 1.25" (6.4 cm and 3.4 cm) pocket screws.
  • 16 hex head screws.
  • Large screws for attaching swivel wheels.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Stain.
  • Matt varnish for wood.

Prepare wooden details tables by cutting them circular saw. Or order a cut in the workshop, providing a list of the necessary elements:

  • 4 strips 5.25″ long;
  • 6 boards 56.5″;
  • 4 boards 11.25″;
  • 4 pieces 27.75″;
  • 3 boards 59.5″;
  • 1 piece 56.5″;
  • 1 piece 51.5″.

Work description

  1. Start assembling the side parts of the table. To do this, install small planks 5.25 ″ (13.3 cm) long, connecting them in pairs at the top and bottom of the 27.75 ″ (70.49 cm) parts. Using a special device, prepare hidden (pocket) holes for their connection. Apply glue to the contact points and holes. Using a screwdriver, drive 1.5″ (3.81 cm) screws into the prepared holes.

Attention! Be sure to use wood glue when assembling. Excess protruding at the joints should be removed immediately with a damp sponge. Then the finish will lie evenly, without spots.

  1. Check 6 boards 56.5″ (143.5 cm) long, they should be exactly the same. Prepare 2 pocket holes at the ends of each.
  2. Screw 2 boards each to the matching long edges of the middle and bottom shelves.

  1. To make the bottom and middle shelves the same, attach to the middle end strips 11.25″ (28.6 cm).
  2. Install the bottom shelf at the bottom of the side bases, and the second approximately in the middle. Use glue and large euro screws to connect.
  3. Attach the remaining two 56.5″ (143.5 cm) planks to the top of the sides. They will be under the top shelf.
  4. Also, having prepared pocket holes in advance, assemble the top shelf from 3 boards 59.5 ″ (151.1 cm). Set it in place.
  5. Via special nozzle prepare holes for metal parts. They will serve as a rear shelf limiter. The holes should be located approximately in the middle, at the same distance from the shelf below.
  6. Check how the rod falls into place.

get busy finishing table.

  1. Special composition fill the screw holes.
  2. Lightly sand the shelves and walls with sandpaper, removing large defects and excess putty.
  3. Cover the product with stain. Leave to dry.
  4. Apply 1 coat of matte varnish to the table. Let the coating dry.
  5. Flip the shelf. Install on large screws and glue wheels.
  6. Insert the stop rods into place.

Bar stool for loft interior

Complement your mobile console table with matching bar stools. If necessary, they can become flower stands, lamps or a bedside table. In addition, the height of the seat can be adjusted to the most comfortable position.

What to buy

  • 2 boards with a section of 2 × 2 (5x5 cm) 8 feet long (243.8 cm);
  • round board diameter 12 ″ (30.5 cm) or 2 × 12x12 (5x30.5x30.5 cm) for the seat;
  • metal screw rod with a diameter of at least 3 cm;
  • welding machine(if you know how to work with it), protective equipment;
  • device for preparing pocket holes;
  • drill;
  • circular saw;
  • metal plate;
  • nuts and washers;
  • screws for pocket holes;
  • glue for wood;
  • sandpaper;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • pencil;
  • putty;
  • stain;
  • wood varnish.

Prepare the parts according to the list:

  • 2 pieces 12.5″ (31.8 cm) long for the cross base cross. At the ends of the parts non-parallel bevels of 10 degrees.
  • 1 3/4″ (1.9 cm) plywood top piece 8.5x8.5″ (21.6x21.6 cm) long.
  • 4 support elements 2x2 (5x5 cm) 23.5″ long with parallel bevels of 10 degrees at the ends.
  • 4 crossbars 2x2 (5x5 cm) 9.6″ long. Non-parallel cuts at 45 degrees at the ends.
  • 1 round seat piece 12″ (30.5 cm).

Description of the assembly of the chair

  1. From the top of the base piece, cut all 4 corners at 45 degrees, as shown in the figure below.
  2. Mark both structural elements of the cross. Using the marks, make the central grooves to a depth of 0.75 ″ (1.9 cm) with a circular saw. When connected (glue only), the parts should be flush.
  3. Assemble the base of the chair. Prepare pocket holes first. Then make connections with glue and screws.
  4. Attach with screws on the outside of the outer leg rest piece. You only need one screw per connection. Secure them with glue.
  5. Install to the center of the metal plate (by welding) a large screw rod that will hold the seat. If you do not have experience in such work and equipment, contact the workshop.
  6. Mark the center of the back of the seat. Then attach with 4 large screws and a metal plate with wood glue.
  7. Drill a screw hole in the crosspiece using a special nozzle and the same one on the top of the base. Check if the screw rod can enter them.
  8. Fill the screw holes with putty. Let the compound dry.
  9. Via sandpaper lightly sand the surface of the structure.
  10. Cover the product with stain. Leave until completely dry.
  11. To make the chair last longer and have a finished look, apply 1-2 coats of varnish to the wood.

Now you can arrange your own loft corner on the balcony, kitchen, living area, etc.

There are a lot of design styles and sometimes they use such items that in most cases are simply thrown away. In this article we will tell you how to make loft-style furniture with your own hands. Materials for such furniture can be found in everyone who made overhaul. Old metal pipes and boards are quite suitable for making beautiful designer things.

The loft style is not a new trend and it arose back in the fifties of the last century, when the old premises of factories began to be used as residential. A feature of this style is that it can combine new and old things. Therefore, it is perfect for creative people who love comfort.

Regarding loft-style furniture, it should also combine different components. For example, a wardrobe, a rack, a bedside table can consist of iron racks, handles, facades, and a table of metal pipes must have a countertop made of new materials. The most important combination, but it is worth remembering that preference is given to old or aged materials and they should be clearly visible in the furniture.

Everyone has it economic person over time, a significant amount of incomprehensible “pieces of iron”, old building materials in the garage, then making furniture in this style will not be a problem. Moreover independent production will help you get two benefits at once, and have a designer original furniture and save money on buying it.

What is considered a flaw in other design styles, here, on the contrary, can be a virtue, because old wood with traces of bark beetle or visible metal parts do not spoil appearance furniture.