Repairs Design Furniture

How to choose an inlet metal door: Professional advice. Production of steel doors in Russia: analysis, equipment, profits Educational material for metal doors

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In order for the house to be really a fortress, the entrance to it should block reliable metal doors - protection against unattended guests, cold winds and street noise. Input doors made of durable steel - a standard requirement that makes every man in the street to its own dwelling.

Despite the fact that competition in the market of entrance doors is high enough, here you can still find a niche: Recently, the demand has grown not only on the quality and reliability of door canvases, and a spectacular appearance (especially in elite new buildings, well protected entrances and cottage settlements ). Therefore, having thought of an interesting, stylish design and an assortment range of several models, you can enter the average price niche on a par with brand manufacturers.

However, as practice shows, a decisive factor when buying in 80% of consumers the price remains. Therefore, even "garage production" - with the help of a manual tool and mechanical machines, it is quite capable of bringing profits as soon as possible, which will make it easy to step up at the next level of business development.

  • GOST 31173-2003 - steel door blocks. Technical conditions;
  • GOST 23118-99 steel construction designs;
  • GOST 5089-97 - locks and latches for doors. Technical conditions.

Equipment for the production of steel doors

1. Automatic lines

Apply on large plants with high performance from 200 doors / day and more. The technological process is fully automated, about 2 minutes leaves for the manufacture of one door leaf. High-precision technique provides the same geometry of the product, forming profiles, drilling holes for accessories and connecting fasteners, painting of the door canvase and filling in internal voids - everything happens automatically, with minimal hand-learning intervention.

Welding of the product is also automated due to the use special welding robots. Durable welding seam connections do not require additional stripping and grinding manually.

Pros: Automated lines allow 500-600 finished products per day with a minimum risk of marriage.

Minuses: The high price and cost of maintenance (lines are made to order, the cost starts from 6 million rubles). For the full work of such equipment, a large production area is required (from 1500 m 2), wherees besides the workshop itself, it is necessary to provide significant areas for storing raw materials and finished products.

2. Lines - semi-automatic (using manual labor)

A set of equipment and machines for the opening of partially automated production:

  • Semi-automatic guillotine or metal cutting machine (plasma - Fig. 4, laser) - from 120,000 rubles;
  • Listogibobic press - 70,000 rubles;
  • Welding machines (include spot welding, door canvases, tick welding, final welding in carbon dioxide environment) - from 100,000 rubles. Can be replaced by conventional welding machines;
  • Coloring equipment (painting gun, compressor).

Fig. 4 (plasma)

With this equipment, you can produce 15-20 doors per day. The required area of \u200b\u200bthe room is at least 250 m 2.

Pros: The cost is quite lifting for the average business - the price of a semi-automatic line is completely dependent on the configuration (from 400,000 rubles). But some machines can be replaced with simpler equipment, which will significantly reduce the starting capital, but will increase the amount of manual labor and, accordingly, the costs of salary workers.

Minuses: "Human factor" - the less automation, the higher the amount of marriage. In addition, the High Qualification Master, trained work and manual, will be required, and manually to ensure that production technology is fulfilled at all its stages.

3. Manual work and mechanical machines

Minimum equipment set:

  • bulgarian;
  • mechanical guillotine for cutting metal (Fig. 5);
  • milling machine;
  • lathe;
  • auxiliary hand tool.

Pros: Minimum cost of buying equipment (from 60,000 rubles) and rental of premises (60-80 m 2).

Minuses: 2-3 doors per day are the maximum performance for such equipment. Similar mini production can only be focused on a low price segment. To avoid a large number of marriage, specialists are needed to work on metal.

Metal doors workshop

All major steel doors manufacturing technology should be carried out in separate rooms. Therefore, the production area should include:

  • workshop acceptance and preparation of metal;
  • workshop of steel sheets and profile rental;
  • assembly and welding shop;
  • paint shop;
  • decorative and finishing (and if the finish is manufactured directly in the enterprise, and not purchased in the finished form - then the individual room for the technological line in its production) (Fig. 7);
  • assembly and control workshop;
  • finished products warehouse.

Of the special requirements - the presence of a fire safety system, finishing with non-combustible materials of walls and floors, good ventilation.

Technological process of metal doors production

The steel door manufacturing technology includes a specific sequence of actions prescribed in a special document (technological or route card), indicating:

  • requirements for the quality of materials;
  • rules for their transportation, storage and acceptance;
  • the sequential process of converting the source raw material in the steel door block, its painting and assembly;
  • complex of technical requirements for each process;
  • control and quality control methods;
  • the method of transportation, storage of finished products and other technical conditions (the manufacturing), which are compiled in accordance with the requirements of GOST 31173-2003.

The main stages of the production process of steel doors

1. Preparation of metal

Before you go for production, the metal is sorted. The marking is checked, the presence of deformations after rental or transportation is removed corrosion and scale. In the warehouse of raw materials and materials, metal rolling stored in a stack or on stable racks (at least 2.5 m height).

2. Marking and cutting blanks

The manufacture of the doors begins with the cutting of sheet metal according to the templates icons applied using kerners. For cutting of metal use:

  • mechanical equipment (guillotine scissors, presses, saws);
  • oxygen method (cutting on stationary machines with gas cutting or manual cutters);
  • laser, plasma cutting.

3. Processing of workpieces

The profile for the door box is manufactured on bending equipment, where under the pressure of the press metal plate is given bent under the required angle form.

This can be both standard rectangular design and arched model. In the second case, the arcoid profile of the top of the door is passed through a rolling machine to give the desired shape. After rental, the profile is cut into the necessary parts.

The billets are aligned - to eliminate the irregularities and the burr is removed the top layer of metal in the cutting places. Opening is performed manually, using files or on special sawdust machines. After processing the workpiece, it is sent to the stamp machine, where the holes for the holes of various diameters are made under locks and accessories in accordance with the prepared maps.

4.Sorbing and welding

The assembly of the door leaf is carried out with the help of contact welding, which eliminates the deformation of the canvas and ensures the absence of welding seams. Sheets are welded to the frame, 15-20 mm deposit is left from the front, which will perform the function of the gunner. In the manufacture of metal doors, a multi-walled welding type is used. The density of the structure of the web is achieved by installing special rigid ribs.

Door locks are installed simultaneously with rigid ribs, in places reinforced with metal plates (the so-called "technological pockets"). A non-combustible basalt stove (alternatives: wood, mineral wool, glass gamble, polyurethane foam, polypropylene is used between the canvas with the quality of the seal and noise insulator.

The loop is welded to the assembled door, with the observance of the necessary gaps between the web and the door frame. The assembly is carried out in several types (on the markup, in the conductors, through copiers) and is controlled at each stage for compliance with the geometry so that if necessary, fix the defect.

5. Processing with paint and varnishes

After assembling, the workpiece goes on coloring. The paint is applied to the purified, polished and degreased surface in one of the following ways:

  • inkjet
  • pneumatic spraying (Fig. 13);
  • spraying in the electrostatic field.

Nitro, powder, graphite, hammer paint of various colors is used - such a coating forms good protection that protects the door from corrosion and light mechanical damage. After drying, the thickness of the applied layer is monitored and the absence of visual defects - air bubbles, unpainted areas, cracks, divorces.

6. Sheathing with decorative elements

To give a high wear resistance and an original decorative effect, an additional protective coating can be applied to the surface of the workpiece - molded or laminated finishing panels, which are manufactured in the enterprise by cutting (automatic or semi-automatic) on ready-made patterns or purchased in the form of blanks.

Types of trim:

  • leather, dermatin, vinylisco;
  • wooden lining;
  • LDSP;
  • natural tree;
  • thermal film is monotonous or with imitation of wood of various breeds;
  • forging elements;
  • veneer.

7. Installation of locks, accessories, quality control of the finished product

Cutting accessories and checking locks is performed manually. To avoid the characteristic metal knock on the metal when closing the door, a special shock-absorbing material is pasted to enhance heat and noise insulation on the door leaf - rubber or silicone rubber seal.

To control the quality of the assembly and the density of the doorway adjustment to the box, the finished product is installed on the control stand. In compliance with all requirements, the door is packaged and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Raw materials for the manufacture of steel doors

There are two technologies for the manufacture of steel doors:

  • tube-coal, using rolling pipes bonded by electric arc welding;
  • profileGibil - using bent rolled profiles.

Today, the second technology is most successfully used, where the raw materials for the manufacture of doors are ready-made sheets of metal rolling. Many believe that the thickness of the steel sheet in the metal door, the better. And this is not entirely true. Too heavy doors can lead to a mass of problems, for example, complexity in opening / closing due to high weight, rapid wear loops due to high load. Therefore, 2 mm is the top "Planck" for standard apartment doors. Each additional millimeter adds about 8 kg of weight.

Required accessories:

  • locks;
  • loops;
  • valves / latches;
  • pens;
  • additional (closers, eyes, locks, blocking devices).

Business Metal Door Production Plan

1. It is planned to open a mini-plant for the manufacture of entrance doors of steel. Target group of consumers - construction organizations and private households.

2. For legal registration of the business, LLC was created on the general tax system with the following okvood species:

  • 28.75.21 "Production of armored or reinforced safes, non-aggravated cabinets and doors";
  • 45.25.4 "Installation of metal building structures".

For the production of metal doors and providing services for their installation, it is necessary to make a license, according to SNiP 11-23-81. The cost of execution of packets of documents and obtaining a license is about 35,000 rubles.

3. The production workshop is planned to be placed on 100 m 2 non-residential rented premises. Rental cost - 15,000 rubles / month.

4. The cost of buying equipment - 125,000 rubles:

  • guillotine crank scissors NK3418A;
  • mGL-2500 sheet bending mechanism;
  • boring machine 2116k;
  • abrasive-cutting machine;
  • tDM-403 welding machine;
  • kraspopult;
  • bulgarian;
  • additional equipment (hand tools, racks, exhibition stand).

5. Calculation of the cost of 1 product - metal door size 2180 * 1040 mm.

  • sheet steel 2mm - 0.098 t * 31 600 rub \u003d 3096.80 rub;
  • insulation (Minvata) - 0.2 m 3 * 1475 rub \u003d 295 rub.
  • electrodes - 4 kg * 43 rub \u003d 172 rub;
  • casting Castle - 820 rub;
  • loops, handle, peephole - 550 rubles;
  • circles cutting, grinding - 420 rubles;
  • primer - 4 l * 87 rub \u003d 348 rub;
  • solvent - 2l * 210 rub \u003d 420 rub;
  • paint - 2 kg * 460 rub \u003d 960 rub.

TOTAL: 7081.80 rub

6. Revenue income

It is planned to manufacture and install 3 doors per day at a 21-day working day. The selling price of the product is established by the method of holding a comparative price analysis on the market and is equal to 12500 rubles. Installation cost - 1200 rubles.

Predicted revenue per month: 63 pieces * 13700 rub \u003d 863 100 rubles / month.

Material costs - 63 pieces * 7081.8 rub \u003d 446 153.4 rubles / month.

7. Other costs of economic activity:

  • rent - 15,000 rubles;
  • electricity - 1200 rub;
  • depreciation of fixed assets - 5750 rubles;
  • advertising - 15000 rub;
  • personnel salary (director, 5 workers and sales manager) - 65,000 rubles;
  • salary taxes -24 375 rub;
  • profit tax - 58 124.32 rubles.

Total: 184 449.32 rubles / month.

8. Financial results

Net profit: 863 100 rub - 446 153.4 rub - 184 449,32 rub \u003d 232 497.28 rub / month.

Initial investments (equipment + license + material costs for 1 month of work + other costs) pay off for 4 months of work.

In the current conditions, anyone can easily find the metal door in the market according to their preferences and tastes. Numerous firms offer products of various designs. Nevertheless, it is quite often a need to engage in independent manufacture of such a door.

Steel door

Making metal doors with their own hands can be dictated by a number of reasons:

  • unique structural or geometric requirements;
  • desire to apply the original design solution;
  • the use of specific materials;
  • the desire to get a high quality product (as they say, "you want to do something beautiful - do it yourself");
  • the desire to save.

Of course, the manufacture of metal doors should not be called an easy, but having some skill, the necessary knowledge and tools, you can cope with this task for a fairly short time. One of the main conditions is a thorough compliance with the sequence of operations.

Required materials, equipment and tools

For the manufacture of metal doors, you will need the following materials, equipment and tools:

  • metal corner;
  • steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm;
  • door hinges (their number depends on the strength of the loops themselves and on the weight of the door);
  • details of fittings: lock, door handle, etc.;
  • material for plating (plywood, board or veneer - depending on your preferences and the presence of materials);
  • construction foam;
  • drill;
  • anchor bolts;
  • bulgarian with a disk designed for cutting metal;
  • table welding or goats for assembling the product.

But the manufacture and installation of metal doors is creative. Therefore, the list to some extent can be considered approximate: much depends on the type and design of the door on which you decide to stop. For the entrance, for example, the doors should take a steel sheet of greater thickness or create a sandwich type design, which consists of two sheets of steel with foam or other insulation between them.

Making a door frame

Works need to be started with precise measurements of the opening. Most often, the standard opening has a width of 800-900 mm and a height of 2000 mm. In order to avoid errors in the motors, it is necessary to "get" to the end of the wall (concrete or brick), knocking down a layer of paint and plaster on a short plot and making a cut with a hammer and a rock in a vertical platband if it is available.

This operation should be performed on all four parties outside and from the inside of the opening. When you were determined with the true outlines of the opening - you can perform measurements.
After the sizes of the opening are accurately determined, we begin the manufacture of metal doors with their own hands.

The dimensions of the metal box should be so that there remains a 20 mm width of 20 mm between the ends of the walls that limit the opening. It will correct the position of the door when installing if the opening is overwhelmed. Upon completion of the installation work, this clearance is sealed by construction foam.

First of all, it is necessary to cut the corner on the size of the box (with a length of the shelves, for example, 50x25 mm) the desired length and lay it on some plane (best on the welding table) in the form of a rectangle. Instead of the welding table, you can use goats designed to flatness. To make sure that all the corners of the box are equal to 90 degrees, it is necessary to measure the lengths of diagonals. They should be equal. Then the corners are welded.

Manufacture of door web

The manufacture of the metal door is starting with the definition of the size of the frame. It must have such a sizes so that a 20 mm width of 20 mm wide and 15 mm in the width (the distribution of the gaps around the perimeter, cm below) remains between it. Then cut a corner of the desired length (the corner 40x25 is suitable) and lay on the table in the form of a rectangle, after which the frame is welded.

Immediately after that, it should be done in the profile of the grinder cutout to install the lock. In order to facilitate work on the door trim, wooden rails are clogged in the frame. Next to the hinges and the box weld the loop profile. It is done to facilitate welding.

It is necessary to make a very careful distances between the loops on the box and the door frame to achieve a complete coincidence. Otherwise, problems may occur when hanging the door. Then you need to put the door frame inside the box and achieve the parallelism of all sides.

The next step is the manufacture of metal doors manufacturing provides for the preparation of the door leaf. The steel sheet is cut in such a way that the cloth overlap the opening by 1 cm, and from the side of the lock - by 1.5 cm. After cutting on the edge of the sheet, the scale remains, which must be deleted.

The prepared sheet is stacked in such a way that the upper and lower edges of the box performed by 10 mm. From the castle side, the box should perform 5 mm, and from the side of the canopies - by 15 mm. In several places gently grab the sheet to the box.

Then turn the box so that the sheet is lower. Inside the box there is a door frame.

I exhibit gaps between the frame and the box:

  • bottom (from the side of the threshold) - 10 mm;
  • from above - 10 mm;
  • from the castle - 8 mm;
  • from the side of the canopies - 7 mm.

For fixing gaps, you can use a screwdriver tools: metal strips of different thickness discs from the grinder and so on.

Now you can welcome the frame to the sheet

Cooking it is necessary in small sections: the seam should be no longer than 40 mm. The distance between the beginning is 200 mm. Welding should be started from the middle to the edges of the product with an inserted step from different sides. The product should be performed periodically to cool.

Installation of door loops

Before starting the installation of loops (canopies), it is necessary to lift the product above the plane of the welding table. To do this, put pieces or profiles under the box. Metal door scheme

For the manufacture of loops, the steel rod with a diameter of 20 mm is used. To facilitate the work of the loops in each of them, the steel ball from the bearing is placed. The loops are collected and fixed on the design so that the upper and lower loops are coaxial. Then the loops are welded to the box and the door canvase.

The top of the loop is welded to the sheet, and the bottom - to the box.
After you welded the loops cut the tapes which the sheet was mounted to the box.

The manufacture of inlets of metal doors is completed by stripping welding seams and painting. Staining must be performed regardless of what finish you plan to do next. The paint layer will prevent the appearance of rust, protecting the metal from corrosion.

Installation of the castle

To install the lock in the shelf, the door frame make a cut-out of this size so that the lock is included in it without clearance. By installing the lock, you need to make the markup of all holes: fasteners, turnkey, for handle, etc. Over the markup, you must drill the openings of the desired diameter.

In addition, you need to perform holes all over the perimeter of the door under the screws with a diameter of 4 mm, which boards will be screwed to the door from the inside (one of them should be a cut for a lock). For fasteners, you can use screws with a length of 35-40 mm.

All cutouts for the junk and various latches in the box are made only when the box is installed, and the door is hung. At the stage of installation of the castle make the door eye.

Finishing work

The manufacture of non-standard metal doors implies the original finish. The door can be seen with wooden planks or web, as well as climb a soft material or salary with a film with a pattern and texture "under the tree". Less time-consuming option - just paint the door. At the same time, on the canvas, you can join decorative forged elements that convert the appearance of the product.

As you can see, make a metal door can any person who is at least a little familiar with repair work and knows. Adopting the result of his work. Do not forget to note that your decision to fulfill this work independently allowed you to save an essential amount.

According to the described algorithm, almost all doors made of metal make. Exceptions occur only in the production of special products, for example, when the manufacture of fire-fighting metal doors is manufactured.

Do you need a normal iron door, and the prices in the market "bite"? There is an option to build it yourself. Let's look together how the metal door is done with your own hands, starting with the preparation of the tool, the purchase of material and the sketch sketch and ending with insulation and finishing.

Make the iron door is quite real.

Make a metal door with your own hands for an amateur task is quite real, but there is one nuance: you must freely work with a grinder and at least at the initial level to own the welding machine. But before making the door itself you need to prepare a tool and material.

Selection of tools

  • Bulgarian;
  • Welding machine;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver set;
  • Electrode with a shock function or perforator;
  • Round "drake" file;
  • A hammer;
  • Roulette;
  • Kern;
  • Level (preferably 1.5 m);
  • Corolnic

Master tool.

In addition, you will need a variety of fittings for power tools. This refers to the discs for the grinder for metal, the cord brush on the grinder, drills on a drill, emery and other small things without which the manufacture of metal doors is impossible.

Purchase of material for making metal door

For iron doors you need to buy:

  • Metal sheet thick from 1.5, up to 3 mm;
  • Profiled pipe 40x20 mm - minimum 7 - 8 m;
  • Corner 50x50 mm - about 7 m;
  • Bar 40x4 mm - 2 m;
  • Loops ordinary dad mom or hinged - 2 pcs.

If you do not have much experience in welding work, then it is better to take a sheet under the entrance doors thoroughly, at least at least 2 mm, and better 3 mm.Welding metal doors the point is not particularly complicated, but the slim sheet is very easy to burn through.

Material for metal doors

You still need a good smooth table or some kind of goats, make a metal door on Earth very hard, and for a novice master is not really real.

Making a sketch

Professional drawings on standard iron doors are now found, but the problem is that these documents were made according to GOST 31173-2003, that is, 2200x900 mm or 2200x1200 mm (for wide opening).

Professional drawing under the door welded from metal

The entrance metal door in the apartment or private house does not always comply with the standard, so it is better to make a sketch. Otherwise, on a non-standard opening you will have to either cut part of the slope, or somehow close the gap next to the door.

An example of a sketch for non-standard iron doors.

Kohl, we make the iron door with your own hands, then at the stage of creating a sketch you need to consider some tolerages below on the example they are shown:

  • Starting dimensions of the doorway 216x90 cm;
  • It is impossible to make a frame (Lutka) to the walls, as there will be no way to fill the mounting foam, so we leave 10 mm on the top edge on the foam, plus 5 mm thickness of the corner;
  • Below, we make small threshings, respectively, 25 mm from the corner will be cut off, the total frame height along the internal perimeter remains from the corner;
  • Over the sides, we also leave 10 mm per foam, plus 10 mm is a metal thickness in 2 corners, and the width of the internal opening is 87 cm;
  • The steel door itself, or rather the frame under it, cannot be made close to the Lutka, if the house starts to "walk" and the Lutka slightly moves, then the canvas woven. Therefore, according to the outer perimeter, we leave a gap of 5 mm, respectively, it turns out 211x86 cm;
  • Sheet take more (90x215 cm), as it will be superimposed on the part of the Lutka.

The tool was prepared, the material was bought, the sketch did, now you can start building the iron doors with your own hands.

Seven stages of assembling steel doors

You can make metal doors with your own hands only from the corner or only from the profiled pipe, but the mixed option is obtained more reliable and practical. The outer frame (Lutka) is better to cook from the angle of 50x50 mm, and the frame under the door leaf from the profiled pipe is 40x20 mm.

Stage No. 1. Welding the Lutka

First of all, cut off according to the scheme of the corner and fix them on the desktop or goat clamps. It is important here that the bottom plane was smooth, and the angles were connected under 90º. The rectangle box is checked on diagonals, if they are the same, it means, the corners will be straight.

Fixation of frame clasines.

It is not worthwhile to brew angles, they can be a story, first we grab at several points and again measure the diagonal, until everything is failing, you can still adjust minor inaccuracies.

Spot tack.

When coaling the angles, first we put all the vertical seams, and then go to the horizontal, so the metal will overheat less. Excessive part of the corner we cut out later.

Corner welding.

Now we turn the frame and check the plane with a long level or any smooth standard. No distortion and bends should be.

Check plane frame.

We welcome outdoor joints and immediately stall these seams with a grinder.

Welding outdoor seams.

As shown in the photo from above, we have not cut off a piece of corner from the inside, it must be removed, as it will interfere with the installation. To do this, turn the frame again and cut out the extra pieces of the grinder. Lutka is ready, you can now go to the frame for the iron door.

Cut out extra parts.

Stage No. 2. Frame under the door canvas

When cutting profiled pipes under the door cloth frame, first measure all the long parts, and then cut out short. Otherwise, you can not guess then, the big vertical racks will have to weld from pieces.

The slot to the lock is better to do immediately. To do this, measure the rack from the bottom of 1 m. And we make 2 vertical outbreaks on the dimensions of the castle, and in the middle of this strip cut the formation. To make it easier to break it easier, we make small cuts on them, the arrows in the photo indicate these cuts.

Primary fitting of the castle.

So that the frame of the door leaf clearly lay down in its place, fix the clamps profiled pipes from the inside of the lutki. Do not forget: 5 mm clearance should be left between the profiled pipe and the corner, for this we insert the gasket. As a gasket, you can use the same cuts of the corner.

Fixing the profiled pipe on the frame.

It is important here how to put Profiled pipes, on any such pipe there are welded seams, so this seam should "look" inside the canvas.

Welded seam profiled pipe.

When building a frame under the door canvas, the diagonal is no longer necessary, since we are "tied" to the outer frame. The angles are welded by analogy with the louting, that is, at several points we grab, and then weganize the joints from the center to the edges.

Welding door frame angles.

Here, while the frame is in Lutka, we weld the transverse ribs of stiffness, they are made from the profiled tube.

Fastening rigid ribs.

Now we remove the clamps, we remove the outer frame and cook the ends of the connections in the corners, after which they are stuck all the seams. Be careful, the metal is thin and easily roars.

Sticking welded seams outside necessarily.

Always control where you are top, bottom, loop and castle. At this stage it is very easy to confuse and then it will be difficult to correct the situation without losses.

Stage No. 3. List Fastening

First, we need to cut the sheet in size. From the door leaf frame, we leave 20 mm to the edge of the sheet (5 mm on the gap, plus 15 mm on the back of the Lutki). To cut off exactly on the markup, you can use a profiled pipe, simply secure it with clamps and cut the grinder over the edge.

Standard for cutting a sheet with a grinder.

We put onto the cut sheet of the door frame, check that everywhere it is clearly respected by the backrest and pointingly weld the profiled pipes to the sheet (step of about 100-150 mm). To the frame does not move during welding, it can be fixed by clamps.

Rama grab not along the perimeter, but diagonally. That is: they welded one point, then switched to the opposite and so for the other hand. Otherwise, the design may be a story.

Point welding of the door leaf.

Stage No. 4. How to privar loops

Illustrations Recommendations
Sheds We buy ordinary, such as dad-mom (dad with a pin). Before installing canopies immediately need to lubricate.
From Karaya the canvas, it should be 20 - 25 cm to shed, both from above and below.
Canopy should be slightly raised so that the sheet does not cling to the frame when opening.
The canopy is set so that when looking from above, a 1 - 2 mm gap remains between it and the sheet.
Before how to cook Construction, put the laying under the sheet (a piece of the same sheet). The clearance is needed for the rubber seal.
Write a canopy.

So that the canopy holds more reliable, you can breed a metal plate with an overlap on the frame of the web, but it is rather a recommendation than the rule.

Stage number 5. Cut the castle

In the door frame, the lock is already inserted, now you need to try on and place the locations of the propelles in the log.

Marking under the holes in the corner.

The holes for the locking well are drilled by a large drill, then bring to the desired size with a round drakel file.

Hole under the keyhole.

Holes in the corner under the lock itself are cut with a grinder and also processed with a file. Locks are desirable to close from the inside with a metal casing, it can be made of a profiled pipe or angle, the casing is necessarily welded.

The casing to protect the locks of the castle.

Now it remains to try on the lining on made Earlier holes and can be moved to facing works.

Mounting overlaid on the castle.

Step number 6. Facing and insulation

Cheaper and best to warm the iron doors with foam, as a rule, the PSB-C-25 slabs with a thickness of 40 mm are taken. The stove is cut out a little less opening, and the gap then foams the mounting foam.

Warming inlet door foam.

Mineral wool warming the entrance doors is not worth it. The fact is that any wool is afraid of moisture and after wetting sits down, so after a couple of years such a warmer will stop working.

From the inside, the design can be seen by any stove you like, from an OSP, to laminated MDF.

Lining from laminated MDF on the door.

You can also find more detailed articles on the insulation of metal doors.

The outer front of the doors can also be separated by a laminated stove, but it will be easier and cheaper to paint the metal of hammer paint, it is done like this:

  1. The entire metal is cleaned with a cord brush (it is convenient to use a cord nozzle on the grinder);
  2. The design is degreasing with acetone or gasoline;
  3. The metal is covered with a soil under the previously chosen hammer paint;
  4. 2 - 3 layers of paint are applied with brush, roller or spray paint.

Staining iron doors hammer paint.

Step number 7. Installation of metal doors

To secure iron doors to pre-trigger on the perimeter of the perimeter, the peculiar shanks from the 40x4 mm strip.

Shanks for mounting iron doors.

The design is installed in such a sequence:

  1. Insert the log in the doorway;
  2. The perforator through the shanks drill the deaf hole in the slopes;
  3. Next, you can score metal crutches or fix the design with anchor bolts;
  4. Hanging the door leaf;
  5. Place the gaps around the perimeter of the luttiki by mounting foam;
  6. The door is installed, now it remains to cut the surplus dried foam and equip the slopes.

So the iron door is installed with their own hands.


As you can see on home "production," without professional schemes and expensive equipment, a good iron door was collected with their own hands and it cost it approximately cheaper than the factory analogue.

With a good decor, the homemade door will look no worse than the factory.

The range of the modern building market is rich: in specialized stores it is possible. Metal, from wood, plastic, combined - all entrance doors have special specifics in making issues. The desire to independently make a metal door block occurs due to a number of reasons. For example, I want to get a design with specific requirements and additional materials, you need a high quality product at a minimum cost.

Tools and materials

The manufacture of a metal door with their own hands is actually applies to a budget version: create a product will cost much cheaper shopping of the finished design. Of course, to make a truly functional and stylish door, you need to own the instrument and have a certain experience in welding.

In addition, you will need competent drawings, high-quality materials and professional tools. We list the main components that are used in the process of creating a metal door composition:

Photo: Sealer for perimeter door

A list of the above materials and tools needed to create a metal door is approximate: the finishing solution depends on the type and the functional value of the future design. For example, in the manufacture of a tambourine or inlet door, it is best to purchase a thick metal sheet. You can also apply two sheet metal: in this case, the space between them needs to be filled with insulation.

Metal table workbench will be very useful

Another interesting material for the manufacture of the door, although not input, is.

Step-by-step manual instructions

The creation of a metal door consists of four main stages: the production of the frame, the production of metal canvas, the installation of fittings and the trimming of the product. A typical door design has a two-meter height and 90 cm wide.

Consider features in working on the creation of a metal door:

  • Frame . It is necessary to start making the frame after all measurements. The dimensions of the door box must be optimal: the metal frame must harmoniously enter the doorway, so on each side should be leaving a 2 cm clearance.
  • Blights . Between the frame and the metal web also need to leave the gaps, while the sheets should be slightly opposed to the edge of the frame. Welding work is necessary for small sections. The seams make no more than 4 cm in length, while the distance between adjacent seams should not exceed 20 cm.
  • Furnitura . For the production of loops, steel bars, having a diameter of 2 cm. The loops are welded to the canvas and the metal frame at the same time. Professionals are recommended to carry out a mandatory anti-corrosion processing of the product: with its help the door will serve not one dozen years.
  • Facing . You can use any favorite material: vinylister, PVC film, artificial leather, dermatin and others.
  • The main steps in the manufacture of a metal door do it yourself:

  1. Conduct the measurements of the day and leave about 2 cm from the walls to the box to eliminate all the slots by mounting foam. In addition, such a gap will adjust the installation of the door in the event of a skewer.
  2. Cut over the selected dimensions a corner of metal (approximate dimensions - 50x25 mm) and put it on the table for welding. Measure the length of the diagonals of the rectangle: they must be equal. You can start to welding only if all sizes are the same. So makes the door frame.
  3. The finished box is measured by internal space, given the 1-centimeter clearance on each side of the perimeter. Cut the corner with dimensions 40 * 25 cm. In the lock profile to make a small slot using a grinder on the optimal level to install the lock level.
  4. Simultaneously in the metal profile, wooden slats of optimal dimensions are clogged. This is done to simplify cladding.
  5. Also, for the convenience of welding, the loop profile is recommended to immediately weld to a metal box and hinges. It is necessary to ensure the perfect coincidence of the loop and the door frame: for this carefully, the distance between them carefully. Under this condition, hang the door will easily.
  6. Check: Parallel to the profiles of the canvas and boxes, after which the remaining door canvase profiles are inserted into the latter.
  7. Then the metal sheet is welded. At first, the canvas measured: on each side, the door should have 10 mm on the door, while on both sides of the castle - 15 mm. The sheet is cut according to the size of the sizes, stacked on the product from profiles.
  8. Initially, the loop part is welded from the back of the sheet in the inner cavity, then weld the canvas around the perimeter.
  9. The preliminary band is welded from the inside of the metal canvas. For better strengthening of the door design, you can welcome special ribbies.
  10. Conduct stripping welding seams and paint the product. It is recommended to make the door coloring even if in the future you will be facing it. Additional coating will avoid corrosion.
  11. Mount locks in the number of two pieces. To do this, the hole is drilled in the corner to enter the riglel, then a slot for fastening the lock in the metal canvas is formed. You can cut hole and for the door lock.
  12. Conduct door facing. It can be seen with planets or panels of wood, pound PVC film, repeating wood texture, or, for example, use leathesum. Many just paint the cloth and then weld to it interesting forged decoration elements. You can also use curly metal sheets or soft elements.
  13. Material in the topic. Read directly in our review.

Metal doors are deservedly popular with products. Users have long appreciated their practicality, reliability and durability. Modern designs are distinguished by an attractive design and ease of operation.

Russian companies supply a huge range of similar products, characterized by high operational qualities, combined with a decent burglary. The last property is provided by many factors, including the type of metal structures, locks and the thickness of the material.

Entrance doors from Russian production regularly receive excellent user reviews about heat and noise insulation.

Advantages of inlet steel doors

The demand for them is due to many reasons. The mains include the following:

  • Iron doors are stronger and safe than wooden. The construction of metal is capable of resolving hacking longer.
  • They are more comfortable in use. Excellent sound insulation is combined with fire prevention properties.
  • The service life is significantly higher. Metal doors are less likely to deteriorate and break, more resistant to the effects of adverse factors.
  • Modern finishing materials make it possible to implement a variety of design solutions that meet the widespread requirements of customers. Today you can easily find the entrance doors that are harmony with any interior and style.

Manufacturing material and design

Entrance doors are manufactured on high-precision CNC machines. Materials are used high-strength and stainless steel brands, including cold-coated doped.

In a constructive plan between models of different manufacturers, there are few differences.

Any door consists of:

  • Canvas.
  • Frame.
  • Heat and sound insulation.
  • Internal and external finishes.
  • Fittings, handles, eyes.
  • Locks, valves.
  • Nodes hinge, loops.
  • Sealer.

The door canvas - steel sheets - with an external and inner side welded to a frame that is performed from a corner, steel bent profile or pipes. The space between sheets is filled with insulator - polystyrene foam, mineral wool or wood. Castles and valves cut inside the box. Outside, loops and door handles are installed, as well as decorative lining.

All-metal designs are used to protect premises with special requirements - bank storage facilities, cash desks, etc. and are called armored.

Features of the designs of Russian manufacturers

Russian companies for the production of canvas use solid steel sheets with a thickness of 2-4 mm, while most imported analogs boast 1.5 mm.

As a rule, two or three loops are used, but necessarily with ballproof supports. This ensures the absence of drawdown over time. Some models are equipped with hidden loops and anti-burglar pins. The loops are manufactured by special technologies that provide increased load on hits.

The ribs of rigidity and framework frames are performed from solid (usually bent) steel elements of increased thickness, which makes it possible to preserve the door shape for a long time without the deformation of the web in the case of mechanical shocks. As a seal, its best type is used - rubber.

Locks are located in special metal pockets that prevent quick access to mechanisms. As shut-off mechanisms, Russian manufacturers apply two locks at once - cylindrical and suvalid with four and more rigels, the thickness of which starts from 2 cm.

Locker wells often have multilayer protection.

As an external decoration, a powder coating is often used, characterized by high resistance to mechanical effects and other adverse effects. Some Russian models have removable interface panels.

Classes of steel doors

Depending on the cost, the entrance doors have several gradations.

The economy class includes products that provide a minimum level of protection at a fairly low cost. They are distinguished by simplified design, manufacturing materials, trim and low-quality fittings. At the same time, the design of Russian production products can be very attractive.

The doors of this class from Russian manufacturers are manufactured in compliance with technology, thereby distinguish between good heat and sound insulation. The middle class is the main product on the market. The combination of the guaranteed high quality of the materials used and the average quality of fittings ensures popularity among the wide masses of the population.

The doors of the premium class are characterized by a more worked design. The structural elements are made exclusively from high quality materials. Characterized by an increased level of disconnectness due to the use of additional protective elements complicating hacking. Castles and fittings are used only high quality from eminent manufacturers, and the most expensive materials are used in the finish, thanks to which the products are less wearing.

There are four class entrance doors depending on burglary resistance, which is more determined by the quality of the castle.

According to GOST, these are the following:

  • First grade. This includes locks with low resistance to opening.
  • Second class. These are locks that have the protective characteristics of the average level, and the strengths are below. Opening time without a key is about five minutes.
  • Third class. These locking devices are characterized by high security qualities at the average strength of the materials. Hacking is carried out in 10 minutes.
  • The fourth class is characterized by the highest levels of burglary - about 30 minutes. Locks are made of durable materials.

By analogy with castles, metal doors are classified. By resistance to hacking, the door can:

  • Normal. This is an economy class. Equipped with classes 3-4 classes, as well as simple blocking devices.
  • Reinforced. Locks are also 3-4 class, but with a variety of riglels and blocks. Have reinforced loops. This is the average price segment.
  • Protective. In addition to the best lock and locking facilities are able to resist annealing or squeezing box.

By type of decorative coating, the inlet steel doors are divided into several groups:

  • With transfer coating. The transfers printing technology is used - the transfer of the image from the intermediate carrier. Figure and texture often simply imitates more expensive types of coating, but attractiveness is ensured. Suitable for doors installed in the places protected from the sun and moisture.
  • With teflon coating. Usually the product has a black color. The material does not scratch and not flex. Well suitable for doors in contact with the street - cottages and cottages.
  • With auto email coating. An ordinary painting is used with a spray with a spray with a balance between quality and external attractiveness.

  • With hammer coating. Powder painting with hammer paints gives resistance to scratches and chips. More often the inner side has a transfer cover, selected under the interior.

Metal doors can have standard and non-standard sizes. The second includes products performed under the order. By the number of locks, metal doors are divided into single and multiple.

By the method of opening, metal structures are divided into right-sided and left-sided, opening only by 90 or all 180 degrees.

Choice rules

The choice is based value, hacking indicators, evaluation of insulation and external attractiveness. Practice shows that they buy more mid-class doors, having acceptable characteristics and design with an adequate price. Experts pay attention to the following:

  • Size of opening. The standard product has dimensions of 2x0.8 m, so before purchase is always measured by the opening.
  • On the thickness of the sheet metal. The best samples have a thickness of 4 mm.
  • On the thickness of the material, the method of manufacturing and width of the box. The box must be a width of at least 7.5 cm - it requires thermal insulation.
  • On the quality and amount of insulation and seal.
  • On the secrecy of locks, the presence of anti-burglar pins, protective overlays on the locking wells. The best Russian doors are equipped with a complex of such devices.
  • On the quality of fittings, pens, eye (important viewing angle) and finishes.

Top Russian manufacturers

Some of the most popular Russian doors are the models of the following manufacturers:

  • Gardian. Different with increased strength and resistance to hacking. In the design, multilayer well sewn, environmentally friendly insulation and high-quality powder coating are used.

The consumer appreciates Gardian for the possibility of selection of design, fittings, sizes, as well as locks by individual order.

  • Elbor. These entrance doors are distinguished by a presentable appearance without unnecessary sizes. The merit of products includes reliability, changeability of decorative panels, multipoint constipation systems, the ability to install an additional armored package and hitch to any side.

On video, you can familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing metal doors:

  • Condor. Products combines relatively low cost with high quality assembly and manufacturing materials. As a heat insulator used exclusively mineral wool.
  • Tarex. Different with high quality manufacturing and discreet design. The manufacturer pays the quality of materials and assembly much attention. Products are characterized by a high level of sound and thermal insulation due to the use of polystyrene foam. For the same reason (polystyrene foam is not afraid of moisture) they are more than others, suitable for mounting outside the city. Suitable for use as an entrance door from the street.
  • Outpost. Products of this company is one of the most popular in the domestic market. The merits of the doors of this manufacturer include reliability, durability and durability, as well as the presence of hidden loops. The latter circumstance has a positive effect on their burglary resistance. Project products have a modern design and fit into any interior.