Repair Design Furniture

Features and components of the handle, how to remove it, disassemble and repair it on an interior door. Inserting a lock into an interior door with your own hands How to install interior handles with a lock

The most beloved and common handles for interior doors are Knob system handles. The popularity of this model is quite simple to explain. They are the cheapest and most unpretentious. A budget option. The installation of these handles is not difficult, especially if you take care of the necessary tools. You will need: a crown for wood with a diameter of 51 or 54 mm, a 24 mm feather drill, a screwdriver or a screwdriver, a drill, a pencil, a hammer and chisels or a hand mill.

I'll start with the markup. The height of the handle above the floor is 95-100cm according to your taste. We mark six centimeters from the edge of the door at the desired height.

We take a crown and drill a hole. The photo shows a Bosch crown, the price together with the holder is about 1200 rubles. If you need a crown for domestic use for one or two times, there are cheap options for 100-200 rubles.

The hole for the handle is ready.

We insert the latch into the drilled hole and draw around the contour.

With the help of chisels or a manual milling cutter, we make a selection of the desired depth.

We insert the latch into the finished sample and fasten it with self-tapping screws. Do not forget to drill a hole for the screws with a drill with a diameter of 2.5 or 3 mm, otherwise a self-tapping screw that has gone in at random can ruin the whole picture for you.

Latch in place. We insert the handle, the one with the built-in square.

By pressing the button of the spring-loaded latch on the second half of the handle, we disassemble it.

This is how it will look like.

We insert the second half onto the square rod and tighten with screws.

We put on a decorative plate and insert the handle into place until it clicks, if the spring-loaded latch is beveled, if not, then you have to press it to insert the handle to the end.

The main part of the work has been completed. Handle and latch in place in the door.

This article will describe the work performed on installing latch handles on interior doors, which are by far the most popular in use.

The latch handle has the following design.

The visible part of the handle can be completely different and look like this:

Or this way:

All such latch handles basically consist of two parts, from the handle:

and latch:

Each of these parts of the latch handle requires a separate cut into the canvas.

There are different types of latches on sale, with a latch that have an additional mechanism installed in the handle itself, which allows the door to be locked from the inside, and from the outside on the handle there is a mask for a key that allows the door to be locked. Also, such handles are available and without a latch they are not locked. Latch handles from different manufacturers have different design features that in no way can affect the process of inserting into the web. The weight of such handles has a latch on the inside, so the whole process of installing the latch handle is the same for everyone.

Therefore, if there are any differences, then because of this you should not doubt much and you should gain courage and begin to work. And you should start with the preparation of tools.

To do this, we need tools to work..

  • Screwdriver or hand drill.
  • Crown with a diameter of 50 mm on wood.
  • Reduced the size of 23-24mm on wood.
  • Pencil
  • Chisel
  • Hammer

In order to maximally facilitate and speed up the process of installing the latch handle in the door leaf, you can purchase a special kit in specialized stores.

Starting to install the latch

1. In order to proceed with the installation, it is necessary to make markings for drilling from the beginning on the canvas. If you purchased a special set for inserting such a latch handle, then this set already has a marking scheme.

If you do not have such a scheme, then the markup can be done manually. Why, at a distance of approximately 1 meter from the bottom of the door leaf, we make a mark, then along this mark from the edge of the leaf we measure 60 mm and make a mark for drilling, as shown in the photo.

2. On the side of the door leaf, we also find the center and make a mark for drilling.

3. Next, we take a chisel and for the front plate of the latch on the door leaf we hollow out a recess equal to 3mm. It is better to drill the center of the thickness of the door leaf with a slightly thin drill, so that later you do not have to make markings again.

4. With a crown with a diameter of 50 mm, we make a through hole. It is better to make a through hole on the door leaf on both sides so as not to damage the leaf.

5. As a result of the manipulations done, we get a hole.

7. As a result, we get several holes on the door leaf.

8. Insert the latch into the hole on the side of the door leaf and screw it.

With the help of a special key that should be included in the kit or any thin and flat object.

We press in the hole on the tongue.

and remove the handle.

10. After the handle, remove the decorative cap and expose the mounting holes.

12. We insert the other half, after which we tighten both halves of the handle with the screws that come with the kit.

14. We cover the door leaf and mark the place where the tongue touches the jamb, in this place we hollow out a recess for the latch tongue.

15. A plastic pocket must be installed in the hollowed out recess.

16. Install a metal lining on top of the plastic pocket and screw it on.

As a result of the work carried out, the latch door handle is installed, now the door is ready for operation.

At first glance it may seem that this work does not require effort and is quite simple to perform, but it is not. In order for the installation of door handles to be successful and correct, installation is carried out in stages in compliance with all instructions.

Classification of door handles

Door handles vary in both appearance and material. Therefore, the installation of door handles begins with their choice. You can put a stationary handle on the interior door, which does not interact with either the latches or the lock. It is fixed with screws or tie-down screws. The door handle with a push mechanism uses a latch latch that cuts into the door. In this case, the latch is removed only under mechanical action, i.e. when you press the handle, and so it is always in the extended position. Installation of fittings with a swivel mechanism is great for the toilet and bathroom, since on the one hand it can be opened and closed with a key, and on the other it has a locking button or latch.

When choosing accessories for a door, you need to decide on the material from which it is made. You can use a door handle made of metal, such as aluminum, brass, steel, etc. The wooden element is made of valuable breeds of wood. To serve for many years, it must be made of solid material. You can also install glass handles made of Bohemian glass or natural stone yourself. For utility rooms, elements made of plastic and other artificial materials are mounted. When making your choice, you need to remember that the fittings must be combined with both the door and the interior of the room.

Installation instructions for door handles

Would need:

  • roulette;
  • square;
  • awl;
  • chisel or chisel;
  • hammer;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • door handle fittings.

Doing the installation of door handles with your own hands, you must follow the instructions for installing them to obtain a high-quality result. First, the height at which the fittings will be installed is noted. When marking it, the average height of family members is taken into account. Basically, the installation of door handles is carried out at a distance of 80-120 cm from the floor. Having decided on the height of the position, a mark is made in this place with a pencil. In this case, the fittings are applied so that the tongue protrudes completely from the door.

All marking should be done using a square. To do this, first draw a line on one side of the door leaf. Then, retreating from its edge by 60 mm, an appropriate mark is made with an awl. After that, with the help of a square, a line is drawn on its end, which is pierced with an awl in the middle, and the same marking is made on its other side. Further, for the installation of door fittings, you will need a drill with a special drill with a crown, which comes in various diameters. First, a hole is drilled on one side of the canvas to a depth equal to half its thickness. For this, a corresponding mark is made on the crown. Then, by analogy, installation is performed on the other side. At the same time, during operation, the drill must be kept strictly at a right angle, in no case deviating it to the sides. The resulting hole will house the door handle mechanism.

For the subsequent installation of the handle with your own hands, the crown changes to a conventional drill, with which a hole is mounted from the end of the door leaf. It is necessary for the tongue protruding from the door. You need to drill a hole for it, evenly moving the drill. After that, a contour is punched with a chisel or chisel, a selection is made and a latch is applied. If everything is done correctly, then it should be located in the same plane with the end of the door leaf and at the same time be completely recessed. At the end, the latch is fixed with screws.

Further, the fittings are applied to the place of its location and the holes for the bolts connecting the handles on both sides are marked with an awl. At this stage of work, you will need a drill that is matched to the size of the hole. After all the marked places are drilled, the design of the fittings for the door is assembled. To do this, one of its parts is first inserted, while falling into the special holes of the latch using guides. Then its second part is substituted and everything is pulled together with bolts.

Final installation step

Would need:

  • awl;
  • bit;
  • hammer;
  • electric drill.

Having completed the installation of fittings, a metal frame is installed on the door frame.

First, markings are made for the hole for the tongue. In order for everything to work out exactly, it is necessary to apply either a drop of oil, or paint, or toothpaste to its end. Then the tongue is removed into the door, and when it is closed, the handle rises and falls several times. At the same time, a clear trace of the applied product will be imprinted on the box. You can also mark up by inserting a metal ruler into the gap between the closed door leaf and the box, first at the top of the tongue, then from its bottom side, making the appropriate marks with a pencil.

Further, a metal frame is applied to the markings on the door frame and the place of the subsequent selection for the tongue and plate is marked. First, a selection is made under the tongue. To do this, with the help of an awl, a mark is made on the inside, and then a hole is mounted under it with a chisel or chisel.

Before proceeding with the selection of the contour for the frame, you should check the correct installation of the tongue, i.e. it should come out of the latch completely, and the door itself should close well. Then the metal frame is fixed with screws to the box. To properly install door hardware, you must clearly follow all the instructions. And as a result, the handles will be easy to push and the latch is also easy to walk on.

Door hardware repair manual

Would need:

  • screwdriwer set;
  • screwdriver

During operation, the fittings on the door may loosen or come off. In this case, its repair will depend on the type of handle. If it has a spherical or similar shape, then its fastening is carried out using a through pin. To repair it, you need to turn one of the handles counterclockwise with the door open, fixing in place the other part of it and the decorative lining. When they are separated, the pin should remain in one of them. Next, you need to adjust the pin and, putting back the lining, insert the element with the pin. Then, on the other hand, attach another part of it, and carefully wrap everything with your hands, without using tools.

When repairing a door handle in the form of a bracket, you need to screw in all the screws with either a screwdriver or a screwdriver. In the event that the screws are scrolled, they must be unscrewed. Further, moving the handle on one side so that it covers the old holes, on the other side of it, all the screws are screwed into new places. To avoid their scrolling, you need to screw them in without effort. Fittings of this type are arranged vertically for convenience.

When buying interior doors, you need to be prepared for the fact that the accessories for them may not be included in the kit. You get a canvas and racks from which doors are made. And in this canvas, a hole for the handle will not even be drilled. The thing is that the product can be very different, have a peculiar design and size. And the handle, which will be installed in advance, may not please the residents. In this case, you need to install a door handle on the interior door. This work can be done by hand. You just need to buy a suitable handle and install it.

What types of pens are there? What is the difference? How to install a handle on an interior door? You will learn all this by reading our article.

Interior door handle

To begin with, let's consider what a similar pen is in general. We are all familiar with them, but hardly the majority thought about its design features. It is important for us that she helps to open the door. However, during installation it would be nice to get acquainted with its design. Here's what's in a standard doorknob:

  1. Handle for opening doors (2 pcs.).
  2. Decorative rings that cover the bolts and fasteners of the handle.
  3. One rod or bar of metal that connects one and the other handle of the handle.
  4. The socket is the body of the mechanical part of the structure, in which locks, springs and a tongue cannot be dispensed with.
  5. Stoppers that limit the movement of the tongue and handle.

But, in addition to the standard configuration, all handles for interior doors differ in the installation method, their shape, principle of operation, material and the presence of a lock. If we talk about the installation method, then there are two types of door handles:

  • overhead or stationary;
  • mortise.

Overhead - fairly simple products that are enough to attach to the door leaf. The work is easy and fast. But the mortise door handles are installed in the canvas in the mortise holes. Here you will have to work hard.

As for the way the door handles work, they are divided into the following types:

If we talk about the materials from which they are made, then there is plenty to choose from. Some are made of wood, others are made of metal (aluminum, brass), there are even glass, plastic and stone interior handles. The most popular are metal products coated with chromium, nickel, etc. The material guarantees the wear resistance and service life of the handle.

Note! Products can be equipped with a lock or sold without it. This is chosen according to the needs of the user. When the doors often have to be closed as needed, it is better to stop at models with a latch and put it on.

Nuances before installing the handle

Have you ever wondered how high the handle is? This is very important, because if placed incorrectly, it will be inconvenient for users to use it. If it is high, it will be difficult to reach, and if it is low, you will bend down. In fact, there is no single standard that is used to guide the installation of a handle with or without a latch. However, there are some recommendations.

During operation, it was noticed that the best option for placing a handle for interior doors regarding height is a distance of 1 m from the floor. But, each owner can raise or lower this value, based on their own preferences and the growth of family members. It is important to remember one more thing - focus on the height of the handles that you already have in your home. Then it will be easier to choose the best option. Having all the knobs at the same level will make them easier to use.

Tools to get the job done

Before you start installing handles on the door, it is important to make sure that you have all the necessary tools for the job. They are simple and can be found in everyone in the house. Here is the list:

  • chisel;
  • pencil or marker, square and tape measure;
  • drill;
  • drill, crown;
  • screwdriver

With this set of tools, the job will be much easier. It is clear that you can embed the handle fittings without a crown with a screwdriver, but this will take more time and effort. A crown is an attachment for a drill, thanks to which a perfectly even hole can be made in the canvas in just a few moments.

It is more convenient to work when the door is removed from the hinges. This makes it much more convenient to work. Therefore, do not rush to install it in its place immediately after purchase. When it is impossible to remove it, then you need to properly fix it so that the canvas does not move during operation. This is how you can clearly and correctly mark up and embed the lock.

Another important point is to read the instructions for the pen. We are accustomed to resorting to it only after wrong actions. However, to avoid them, you just need to read the instructions first. It will indicate all the dimensions, thanks to which it will be possible, ideally, to choose the diameter of the pen and the crown.

Now you can consider the installation instructions, which will help you cope with the task quickly, easily and without errors. And for those who take up such work for the first time, a visual video will be provided.

What's to be done

Consider the list of steps after which the door handle will be installed in its place. All work consists in performing 6 steps. Here they are:

  1. Marking the canvas.
  2. Creating a hole for the lock.
  3. Lock installation.
  4. Handle notch.
  5. Applying markings on the loot.
  6. Creating a groove in the loot.

This is how the handle is installed on the interior door. In order not to miss important details, let's look at each step separately.

Stage 1 - marking the door leaf

Have you already decided on the height of the handle fixation? If not, then it's time to do it. After all, the markup will be performed based on this indicator. To properly mark up, you will need a square, tape measure and pencil. With their help, you need to mark on the canvas the places for the holes for the handle. You should measure the distance from the floor and draw a horizontal line with a marker. They are already moving further from it, transferring the markup to the end of the canvas and to the opposite part.

Now you need to mark the place on the end where exactly the hole for the lock tongue will be placed. Along the same line, on each side of the door at an equal distance from the beginning (approximately 60 mm), a place is marked for installing the handle itself.

Stage 2 - creating a hole for the lock and handle

Using a drill and crown, a hole is created for the handle. You will need to drill the canvas on each side, deepening exactly half the thickness of the door. To make the work more convenient to perform, experienced craftsmen recommend making a mark on the crown with a marker. Why not just drill a hole on one side? So the crown can go to the side and the hole will be uneven. In addition, on the opposite side, the door trim can be damaged and damaged. The drill is held strictly at an angle of 90 degrees. It is important to avoid deviations in any direction. And with a chisel after work, you can remove and smooth out all the bumps.

As for the hole for the lock, it is made with a drill with a pen of the required diameter. The work is done carefully, because the distance between the corner of the butt and the pen itself is not very large. There is an opinion that it is better to make a hole for the latch first, and then deal with the handle. But, in what sequence to carry out the process is everyone's business.

Stage 3 - installation of the door lock

This is a simple task when the lock hole is completely ready. It remains only to insert the lock into it. The lock pad is applied on top and circled around the edges with a pencil. Next comes the chisel. With its help, a layer of wood equal to the width of the lining is removed from the marks. Then it can be drowned in the end of the door. To simplify the task, chisels of different widths are used.

The overlay is fixed in the prepared place with screws. it is recommended to make holes for them in advance using a thin drill. It is enough to attach the overlay to its place and mark the attachment points with a pencil.

Stage 4 - handle insert

It's time to get on with the pen. They come with screws on the outside. It is not necessary to disassemble this type of handle. It is only necessary to stop one part in place, falling into the latch hole with its two guides. They have screw threads. After that, the second half is attached and the two parts are pulled together with each other by means of bolts. Twisting is done evenly so that the handle works without problems, and the latch has a simple move.

If the handle has a hidden screw, then it will need to be disassembled. How to disassemble the door handle of an interior door? Often, such handles come with assembly and disassembly instructions, as well as keys for this. Based on it, we disassemble the structure, fasten the collapsible part with bolts and install the handle in its place. You should not use brute force, if everything is done correctly, then the assembly will be easy.

Stage 5 - marking on the loot

At this point, the door handle is ready. It remains only to complete some details regarding the loot. It will need to cut a hole for the tongue and lock (if any). If you want the door to open and close easily, you will have to make high-quality markings.

To do this, you will need to close the interior door and mark the location of the tongue and lock on the loot from the front, marking their top and bottom. The exact middle of the castle is determined for the squares and the marking is transferred to the end of the loot. Now everything is ready for the final step.

Stage 6 - creating a groove in the loot

Focusing on the markup, using a drill and a pen, a hole is made for the tongue and lock. All excess is removed with a chisel. Next, the overlay is installed. But, before installing it, it is important to check the performance of the handle for interior doors. You will have to close the door and check if the tongue from the handle and the lock enter. Do not be surprised if the closed door will play a little or stagger. The thing is that the groove is not yet equipped with an overlay.

Now it's time to fix the bar. It is fixed flush so as not to interfere with the smooth running of the door. In fact, the work is no different from fixing the lining on the back side. Everything superfluous is removed with a chisel, holes are drilled, and the overlay is fixed with the bolts included in the kit.

To help the inexperienced cope with the task, we have prepared a visual video that will show how to install door handles on interior doors.


Do not be upset when the door you bought does not have handles. On the contrary, this is good, since you can choose a product that will be convenient in your case. And since there are so many options, there will be plenty to choose from. With the installation of the handle on the interior door should not be a problem. Thanks to the step-by-step instructions, it will stand in a few hours.

Apartment renovation quite often occurs with the installation of windows and doors. But modern fashion trends, lately, sometimes force us to completely abandon the doors, as an example, in the kitchen. If the purchase has happened, and you have installed an interior door, then you need to install door handles next. In this material, we will analyze the steps for installing a door handle with our own hands.

What are the door handles

Stationary, motionless;

Push, with a lock;

Rotary, often the lock in such handles is embedded inside.

Entering the building materials store, you need to choose door handles according to certain criteria:

1. Appearance and unlocking element of the handle. Usually, the handle is characterized by an oblong shape, if the handle is equipped with a push mechanism, or a spherical handle with a turning mechanism.

2. What is the handle made of and how does it feel to the touch. The door handle can be created from both wood and metal materials. As a rule, it is aluminum, brass, and several other alloys. Also, handles are stone, plastic, glass. The most common, of course, is a metal handle with a wide choice of coatings, as an example - chrome, nickel and others. The coating affects not only the kinesthetic personal sensations of a person, but also the color, durability.

What are the door handles

Wooden door handles

3. Is there a lock in the handle? The handle may or may not have a lock. Locks can be built into the handle, usually, you will remember such a handle as a round type. On the one hand, such a lock opens with a key, on the other it has a latch.

Attention! In hardware stores, handles are for the left hand, and for the right. Before buying, it is important to tell the seller which pen you need.

Door handle diagram (video)

In order to put the door handle, you will need certain tools:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. hammer;
  3. chisel;
  4. bit;
  5. drill with drills, there must be a feather drill;
  6. tape measure, triangle, pencil.

We will analyze the installation using Apecs handles. They are very popular and most common in the Russian market. These handles are made of brass, this material is also the most common in handles today. It is easy to process, not expensive, but how pleasant to the touch - many owners of such pens have already appreciated.

Apecs door handle

Below is a step-by-step recommendation for installing door handles that have a latch but no locking mechanism. Please note that the insertion of a round type door handle does not have any major differences from the installation that we give as an example.

Apecs door handle

The principle of the mechanical operation of the door handle is simple: the handle turns, the lock tongue goes into the door. For this reason, the very first step is to create holes for the handle, as well as cut a groove for the tongue and pivot mechanism. First you need to decide on the height at which the handle will be located. Professionals advise making a mark at the level of the belt, taking into account how much the arm will bend when turning. As a rule, this is a meter from the floor.

Attention! According to the technical conditions regulated by GOST 6629-88, the height of the door handle must be exactly and exclusively 1 meter from the floor level. But if the house is your own, choose any height that is convenient for you.

Installation height of handles and door hinges

Please note that when installing the handle in the rooms where the bedrooms are located, the handles must be installed at the same height. Otherwise, it is easy for residents to get confused in the dark.

But there are also cases when there are already connectors for handles in the door, but they are located only at certain points. In this case, if you decide to put the pen in a place other than the one provided by the manufacturer, then bad consequences are possible. Including, if children live in the house for any length of time, the height of the handle must also be lowered to at least 75 cm from the floor.

Once you have resolved the issue with the height, then at the measured height, you must immediately draw a line horizontally. A simple ruler will help you with this. 6 cm from the door edge marks the center of the hole with a dot or a circle. Mirror the markup to the other side.

The next step will be the marking of the lock tongue. To do this, mark the center at the end of the door between the future door handles. Attach the striker plate, and then carefully circle it. Before installing all the elements, you need to erase the pencil as much as possible, because after installation it will be difficult to do. Leave only the elements that you understand, for orientation.

Having made markings on the door, you need to start drilling holes for fastening the door handles. It's not hard to make them yourself. Using a drill and a pen-type drill, make suitable holes for connecting the door handles with a square.

At the end of the door, similarly, using a drill and a pen drill, make a hole, the depth of which will be equal to the length of the latch mechanism. Then, using a chisel, having measured the thickness of the lining in advance, remove the extra elements to a distance that will allow the bar to completely enter the door leaf. The whole process is clearly demonstrated in the video.

When you have installed the latch, you need to put the purchased door handles. Initially, a square is inserted from the kit. It will move the tongue as the knob is turned.

Then, remove the trims, which are round, threaded, decorative. They have a special thread on the inside at the base, which is screwed to the door with screws.

Do-it-yourself door handle installation

Now you need to properly fix the locking screw of both handles, a special hex wrench will help you with this, usually it is included in the kit. The locking screw itself is needed to press the door handle firmly enough against the turning square, while at the same time preventing any slipping during operation.

Do-it-yourself door handle installation

Preparing the door frame

The last step is to properly position the doorknob. Those. make installation of the mating part of the latch. To do this, you need to lubricate the key tongue with oil, cover the door, and make a mark on the door jamb with your tongue, in a simple way, scribble. At the same time, make a few trial openings and closings with a pen. Then, you need to attach an overlay, which should turn directly to the jamb, and circle it along the contour, including the inner hole.

The drill needs to drill a hole under the lock tongue of the latch, while the rest must be deepened with a chisel and a chisel. Make the depth 2 millimeters, or 1, depending on the depth of the bar itself. It remains only to fasten our bar with two screws. With an awl, make marks for the screws, and appropriately drill holes of the required diameter with a drill. Using a screwdriver, or by hand, we fix the bar in the door jamb.

Cut the appropriate holes in the door for the door handle