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Heating of industrial buildings and enterprises: space heating systems. Heating of industrial premises - options and features of arrangement Heating for industrial premises

There is no doubt that the heating of industrial premises has always been a non-standard task, to put it mildly. And this is not surprising, since each such room was erected strictly for a specific technological process, and its dimensions, unlike residential or household premises, are sometimes simply impressive. Quite often there are even industrial buildings, the total area of ​​which reaches even several thousand (!) Square meters. The height of the ceilings in them can be seven to eight meters, but there are those that reach an incredible twenty to twenty-five meters. Tellingly, the working area in them, which really needs heating, does not exceed a couple of meters.

So how can you heat an industrial building? Does it make sense to resort to traditional methods - water or air heating, for example - and will it give any effect? After all, their efficiency, if we consider it from the point of view of such a huge building, is low, and the cost of maintenance, on the contrary, is high. Yes, and hundreds of meters of the pipeline will soon become covered with rust, because an industrial building is a large amount of stray current.

So what is the best choice? Which method, which heating of industrial buildings and premises will suit us best? Let's try to figure this out together.

Types of heating of industrial buildings, workshops and warehouses

Among the features of heating such premises, I would like to highlight the following:

  • Heating equipment should be used as efficiently as possible.
  • The need for heating a room with large areas.
  • Heaters are required to heat not only the air inside, but also outside. Their location does not matter.

The choice of one or another heating method should be influenced not only by the characteristics of the heat source, but also, say, by the specifics of the production process, the financial side of the issue, and so on. Now let's look at the positives and negatives of each type.

Steam heating

This kind of heating is used for industrial buildings. It has both pluses and minuses.


  1. Permanently high air temperature (from one hundred degrees and above).
  2. You can heat a room in record time, as well as cool it if necessary.
  3. The number of storeys of buildings does not matter, steam heating is acceptable for any number of floors.
  4. heating equipment, and the main pipeline, are of small size.

Important! The steam system is well suited for heating industrial premises, much more than, say, heating with water. Ideal for occasional heating.


  1. The main disadvantage is the strong noise performance during operation.
  2. In addition, the steam flow, and hence the heat transfer, cannot be controlled.

approximate cost such heating in one season can be from 32 to 86 thousand rubles, depending on the selected fuel. An average industrial building was taken, with a total area of ​​approximately 500 meters and a ceiling height of 3 meters.

It is undesirable to install steam heating in buildings where aerosol or dust, as well as combustible gases, are released.

Water heating

If water heating is chosen, the heat source can be a local boiler house or district heating. The main component of such a system is a boiler that can run on gas, solid fuel, and even electricity. But it's best to use either gas (about 80 thousand per season), or hard coal (about 97 thousand), since other options will cost more, which raises doubts about the appropriateness of their use.

Features of water heating

  1. High pressure.
  2. Heat.
  3. It is used mainly as a "standby" heating of the building, with a temperature set to plus 10. Of course, if it does not contradict the production technology.

air heating

Air heating of industrial premises can be both local and centralized. It is characterized by the following features:

  1. Air is always moving.
  2. Hence, it is periodically changed and cleared.
  3. The temperature is distributed evenly throughout the room.
  4. All this is absolutely safe for the human body.

Through the ducts, the heated air enters the building, where it mixes with the existing air and acquires the same temperature. In order to minimize energy costs, most of the air is cleaned with filters, heated back up and released into the room.

But outside air is also supplied, in accordance with sanitary standards. But if some harmful or toxic substances are released during production, then the recycling procedure will already be in question. In this case, the heat from the exhaust air must be recovered.

If local air heating is used, then the heat source should be located in the very center of the building (these can be heat guns, VOA and others). But in this case, only internal air is processed, while fresh air from outside does not enter.

One of the ways to heat large areas is air-heating units, about them

Heating with electricity

If the area of ​​​​the industrial premises is insignificant, then in order to create maximum comfort for the workers, you can acquire infrared emitters, which are mainly installed in warehouses.

The main devices are the so-called thermal curtains. The cost of heating with electricity is about 500 thousand rubles per season.

Radiant heating in the form of ceiling panels is used not only in industrial facilities, but also, for example, in greenhouses, and even in apartment buildings.

The essential difference between such systems is that they warm up not only the air, but also the walls, the floor, all objects and people in the building. The air is not heated at all, and therefore does not circulate, thus avoiding allergies or colds among employees.

Among the advantages of ceiling systems, we would highlight the following:

  1. Such systems have a long service life.
  2. However, they take up very little space.
  3. They weigh a little, so installation is extremely simple and quick. Also, they can be suitable for any room.

Especially the use of such systems is advisable under the condition of an insufficient amount of electricity. Moreover, the speed of heating the room is also an important factor, and radiant panels are ideal here.

Without a doubt, radiant heaters are best suited for heating industrial buildings.


Scheme of heating industrial premises

Despite the above, we will not use radiant heating for our scheme. The fact is that most of the industrial buildings are still Soviet-style, with large heat losses. They need the most inexpensive heating option, preferably using alternative fuels.

So, the average volume of such buildings is 5760 cubic meters, and in order to make up for the losses, a power of 108 kilowatts per hour is required. These are very approximate figures, which depend on a number of factors. We only note that we should have another 30% power reserve. Our fuel is wood and pellets.

In order to get the power we need, about 40 kilograms of fuel per hour are required, and if the production has an eight-hour working day (plus an hour break), then 360 kilograms of fuel will be required per day. On average, the heating season is 150 days, which means that in total we will need 54 tons of firewood. But this value is maximum.

Now let's calculate the cost. (see table)

The calculations were based on the fact that we would need 25 tons of fuel for the season. If we heat it with gas, then we will need it for 260,000 rubles, and electricity - for all 360,000 rubles.

SNiP norms for heating industrial premises

There are a lot of general provisions of SNiP, and they are painted very extensively. We intend to highlight only their essence.

  1. Heating of industrial premises should be designed taking into account heat losses, heat costs for heating air, objects, equipment. Permissible heat loss - no more than three degrees of difference between the temperature inside and outside.
  2. The maximum allowable coolant parameters are 90 degrees and 1.0 MPa.
  3. It is desirable to use only water as a heat carrier, all other materials should be technically justified.
  4. If it is heated by electricity, then it is necessary that all equipment meets the requirements.
  5. Heating of landings is not designed.
  6. If one employee has more than 50 square meters of floor, then in permanent workplaces there must be the previously indicated temperature, and in non-permanent ones - at least 10 degrees.
  7. Gas equipment can only be used when the products of combustion are removed closed.

Heating a production facility is no easy task. The thing is that, unlike residential buildings, such objects are usually built under some kind of technological process, and their dimensions are impressive. So, quite often there are even such industrial premises, the dimensions of which are several thousand square meters. And the height of the ceilings is 20-25 meters. However, the work area that really needs to be heated is often only 2 square meters. So how to heat such an industrial room?

Should traditional methods be used here - air or water heating? The efficiency of such systems when used in huge workshops will be minimal, and is unlikely to give the desired effect. But the cost of their maintenance will be simply unbearable for the enterprise, and hundreds of meters of metal pipes will quickly become covered with rust. But which option then to choose, or leave the production workshops without heating at all?

Which autonomous heating of the industrial premises to choose

But first you need to decide on the types of industrial premises, their characteristics and functions. So, most often there are warehouses, workshops and actually industrial buildings. When choosing effective heating, one should take into account the features of such systems, which include:

  • maximum efficiency;
  • the possibility of heating rooms with large areas;
  • heaters should, if possible, heat the air both inside and outside.

In addition, the choice of the desired system, as a rule, is influenced by such factors as the specifics of the production process and the cost of equipment, as well as much, much more. Next, we will consider in more detail the pros and cons of each possible option.

This type of heating is quite often used in industrial buildings. It has both its advantages and disadvantages. The first ones include:

  • constantly high air temperature - from 100 degrees and above;
  • how to heat and cool the room after work as quickly as possible;
  • the number of storeys of the object does not matter, since steam heating can be equipped in a building with any number of floors;
  • small dimensions of the main pipeline and heating equipment.

This is an ideal option for heating production periodically. Moreover, such systems are better suited for industrial facilities than heating using water as a heat carrier.

The disadvantages of this type of heating include:

  • strong noise during operation;
  • it is extremely difficult to control the steam flow, and, consequently, the heat transfer.

Depending on the choice of fuel, such an installation can now cost from 32,000 to 86,000 rubles for a medium-sized industrial enterprise with a total area of ​​​​up to five hundred square meters and a ceiling height of up to three meters. However, steam heating should not be used in facilities where combustible gases, dust and aerosol are released into the air.

Water heating systems for industrial premises

In this case, the local boiler house of the enterprise or even district heating can become the source of heat. At the same time, the main element of such a system is a special boiler that runs on gas, electricity or solid fuel. Of course, it is best to choose gas or coal as the latter, but the latter option will be somewhat more expensive. Other types of fuel will cost the organization much more, and therefore it is hardly advisable to use them.

Features of water thermal installations

When using water as a heat carrier for heating a building, the following features of such systems should be taken into account:

  • constant high pressure;
  • high temperatures;
  • are used mainly for moderate heating of objects (the average temperature should be kept at plus ten degrees), if this, of course, does not harm the production process.

Such heating can be made both local and centralized; and it is distinguished by the following features:

  • air masses are constantly in motion;
  • the air is regularly changed and cleaned;
  • more evenly distributed throughout the rooms and temperature;
  • harmless to humans.

Heated air enters the workshop through air ducts, where it is moved with the existing one. Moreover, most of it then passes through special filters, heats up again and is used. Thus, energy losses are minimized. In addition, such a system ensures the supply of air from outside, which already meets sanitary standards. However, if some harmful substances are released into the atmosphere during the production process, then such a recycling system is unlikely to be effective and safe. In this case, you will have to completely remove all the air that comes out.

Note that when using local air heating, the heat source is located in the center of the building. As the latter, BOA, heat guns, and the like are usually taken. However, only the air inside can be treated this way, and fresh air masses will not come in.

Air solar collector

Heating systems using electricity

If the size of the production premises is small, then maximum comfort for workers can be achieved using electric infrared emitters, which, by the way, are often installed in warehouses. However, the main devices for such systems are still the so-called thermal curtains. We add that the cost of heating with electricity costs the company about 500,000 rubles per season.

Ceiling systems

Ceiling heating systems are very popular now. Moreover, special radiant heating is widely used not only at production facilities, but also in greenhouses, greenhouses, and even in residential buildings. Such heating differs, first of all, in that not only the air in the room is heated, but also the floor, walls, and even all objects located in the building. Note, and other advantages of ceiling systems:

  • long service life;
  • little space is required to accommodate them;
  • the equipment weighs little, and its installation is simple;
  • suitable for any space.

Experts believe that such systems should be used at facilities with insufficient use of electricity. A noticeable plus is also considered the speed of heating the room. And if this factor plays a decisive role, radiant panels are ideal for a production room.

How to choose the right heating scheme

However, no matter how good ceiling radiant heating systems are, it will be problematic to apply them to Soviet-era buildings. The thing is that the buildings of that time already had large heat losses. Therefore, for such objects, a more economical option is often chosen, for example, using alternative fuel. However, when choosing a specific scheme, one should also take into account the fact that there are SNiP norms for heating industrial premises:

  • the project should be done taking into account the heat costs for heating air, equipment and objects, as well as other heat losses; moreover, the latter can be no more than 3 degrees of difference between the air temperature inside and outside the room;
  • permissible parameters of the coolant used - 1.0 MPa of pressure and plus 90 degrees of temperature;
  • it is preferable to use water as a heat carrier if it is not possible to justify the use of other liquids;
  • when heated by electricity, the entire facility must meet the relevant requirements;
  • as a rule, landings are not heated;
  • gas equipment is used only when the products of gas combustion are removed in a closed way.

Production workshops, premises and warehouses are large, as a result of which their heating has a number of features. Therefore, choosing the most optimal option based on the price / efficiency / reliability ratio is not easy. In this article, we will consider the most common methods of heating industrial premises and their features.

General information

Creating a heating scheme for industrial premises is a rather difficult task, this is primarily due to the fact that each industrial premises is built for certain technological processes, moreover, it most often has a large height and area. In addition, the equipment that is used in production often complicates the process of laying heating pipes.

However, despite this, the arrangement of heating is an important task, which cannot be avoided for a number of reasons, as outlined below:

  • A properly executed heating system provides comfortable working conditions, and, as a result, increases the productivity of employees.
  • Protects equipment from hypothermia, which is very important, because low temperatures can cause it to fail.
  • If we are talking about a warehouse, then maintaining a certain microclimate is of particular importance, as it affects the safety of the goods.

At the same time, it is extremely important to choose the optimal system, which will save not only on its operation, but also on maintenance.

Therefore, when choosing types of heating for industrial premises, it is necessary to be guided by the following criteria:

  • Room dimensions(area and height).
  • The amount of thermal energy required to maintain the required microclimate.
  • Ease of operation and , as well as its maintainability.

To date, the following heating systems for industrial premises are most often used:

  • Central
  • Air;
  • infrared.

Below we will consider the features of each of these types.

Heating options

Central water heating

In this case, the source of the heat resource is the local boiler house or the central heating system. Heating is carried out thanks to the coolant, which circulates through the pipes and heats the heating radiators. The advantage of this solution is the possibility of relatively uniform heating of large areas.

Water heating of industrial buildings can be implemented in several ways. First of all, the system may differ in the type of fuel on which it can operate. Therefore, the choice of boilers depends on the availability of energy.

The most commonly used boilers are of the following types:

Gas If it is possible to connect to a gas pipeline, then gas equipment would be a good option. True, it should be borne in mind that the price of this type of fuel tends to increase.
Solid fuel They can be an economical solution, however, their operation is a rather laborious process. True, some models are automated, i. you do not need to load fuel into the firebox with your own hands. However, in any case, you will have to take care of the firebox and chimney. Therefore, before giving preference to this type of equipment, it is necessary to estimate all its advantages and disadvantages.
Oil boiler The disadvantage is the need for a separate room and tank for fuel storage. In addition, the stock will constantly have to be replenished, which is associated with additional transportation costs.
Electrical The equipment is easy to use, however, it has one drawback - the high cost of operation. Therefore, it is usually used only in cases where it is impossible to install other equipment or it is necessary to organize heating of a production room of 70 square meters or less.

I must say that combined boilers that can operate on different types of fuel are an excellent solution. In particular, they are able to solve the problem of heating in the event of interruptions in gas or electricity supply. Their only drawback is their high cost.

The main parameter by which these devices are classified are the types of burners that are installed. The following types of equipment are most often found on sale:

To save fuel, you can set the boiler to maintain a lower temperature during non-working hours than during working hours.

In addition to the type of equipment, water heating varies.

There are two schemes:

  • One-pipe connection - in this case, all heating batteries are connected in series to one pipe through which the coolant circulates. This option is suitable for heating only small rooms, since in large systems the last radiators in the chain heat up much less than the first ones.
  • Two-pipe connection - this scheme involves the use of separate pipes for supplying hot coolant and removing cold. This ensures more even heating of all radiators.

In industrial systems, as a rule, a two-pipe scheme is used.

air heating

Air heating in production has been very popular for many years. Therefore, we can say that it has stood the test of time.

All this is due to the following advantages:

  • Air heating has a higher efficiency than water heating.
  • The air is evenly heated throughout the entire volume of the room from floor to ceiling.
  • The ability to combine heating with a ventilation and air conditioning system.
  • Regular air changes and air purification have a positive effect on the well-being of employees.
  • There are no heating radiators in the air system.

For heating large areas, this heating is the best option.

infrared heating

Infrared heaters allow you to equip the heating of industrial premises without resorting to traditional methods. Moreover, this solution is very effective.

They work according to this principle:

  • Emitters produce radiant energy;
  • This energy transfers heat to objects around;
  • In turn, these objects heat up the air.

Thus, the principle of operation of infrared heaters resembles the Sun, which heats the surface of the earth with infrared waves, as a result of which heat exchange occurs and the air is heated.

In the photo - infrared heater

Thanks to this principle, large temperature fluctuations in the room are excluded, as well as the accumulation of hot air under the ceiling, as is the case with traditional heating methods.

According to the installation method, infrared heaters are divided into the following types:

  • Wall mounted;
  • Ceiling;
  • floor;
  • Outdoor portable.

According to the type of emitted waves, they can be:

  • Long-wave (dark) - their feature is that they do not emit light even at their operating temperature, which is 300-400 degrees Celsius.
  • Medium-wave (light) - the operating temperature reaches 800 degrees, as a result of which they emit soft light during operation.
  • Shortwave - glow quite brightly, while the operating temperature is 400 degrees and above.

According to the type of heating element, these devices can be:

  • Halogen - the disadvantage is that if hit or dropped, the vacuum tube can be damaged.
  • Carbon fiber - the heating element of these devices is made of carbon fiber placed in a glass tube. The main advantage of the device, in comparison with halogen heaters, is the reduced energy consumption (approximately two and a half times).
  • Ceramic - the heating element of the heater consists of ceramic tiles assembled into one reflector. The principle of operation of the device is based on the flameless combustion of the gas-air mixture inside the heater, as a result of which it heats up and transfers thermal energy to surrounding objects.

Before deciding how to heat a production room, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the advantages of this type of heating:

  • IR heaters are the only heating devices that allow spot or zone heating. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain different temperature conditions in different parts of the room. Zone heating can be useful for heating workplaces, individual parts on a conveyor, young animals on livestock farms, etc.
  • Allow you to feel the heat immediately after switching on the devices, even without preheating the premises.
  • Due to its high efficiency and low power consumption, infrared heating is the most economical. Moreover, energy savings reach 45 percent, which provides significant cost savings. As a result, the finances invested in infrared heating quickly pay off.
  • IR devices are quite durable, lightweight and do not take up much space, making them easy to mount. Moreover, each device is accompanied by instructions for installation and operation.

Thanks to all these properties, IR devices are used not only for heating industrial premises, but for many others:

  • Trade and sports facilities;
  • Greenhouses and conservatories;
  • Private houses and apartments;
  • Livestock farms.

As a result, infrared heating has recently become more common.

Here, perhaps, are all the main options for arranging heating in industrial premises. Finally, we give a table that shows the specific heating characteristic of industrial buildings (qо, W / m³C °), as well as the thermal specific characteristic for ventilation of premises (qv, W / m³ C °) and the heated volume of buildings (Vн).

Industrial air heating systems are widely used for heating production workshops, warehouses, construction sites, various commercial facilities, agro-industrial enterprises and agriculture.
The air supplied to the premises has a temperature of +40 - 50 ° C and is distributed through a system of air ducts with a variable cross section.

Industrial air heating cost-effective, it can be combined with a ventilation system, which significantly reduces their overall cost.

But due to the low specific heat of air and high heat loads, the use of air for heating purposes is effective when supplying large volumes of warm air, which in turn leads to huge oversized air ducts and powerful fans that require significant energy costs to transport air.

However, at present, industrial air heating is most widely used in modern enterprises and facilities.

Equipment for industrial air heating

Air heating in the supply ventilation unit.

The supply unit has a unit, usually with an electric heater or a water heat exchanger.
The air supplied to the premises, passing through this unit, is heated and distributed through the air ducts, ventilation and heating of the premises takes place.

Air heating in a special installation (heat generator, air heater, etc.)

Heat generators installed indoors or outdoors, their power is calculated based on the total heat loss of the object, which must be compensated by the supply of warm air. Air distribution is also carried out through ducts.
The efficiency of these installations is very high and can reach 95 - 98%. The air is heated by burning natural gas or liquid fuel with a burner, while the high-temperature combustion products, passing through the heat exchanger, give it their heat, which in turn heats the air supplied to the premises. With this method of heating the air, it is possible to reach the temperature of the air leaving the heat generator up to +90 ° C.

Heat generators have a powerful supply fan of high performance, providing the supply of several thousand cubic meters of warm air per hour and therefore, often when designing, they combine air heating and ventilation, thereby reducing the cost of the total cost of systems.

Heat generators or air heaters have a wide range of thermal power - from about 10 to 1000 or more kilowatts of thermal power and a variety of designs that allow them to be installed on the floor, on walls or under the ceiling in rooms, as well as outside, next to the heated room or directly on the roof building.

Basically, heat generators “work” for a system of metal air ducts that distribute air across several rooms at once and over a large area.

Air heating by small units of low power, distributed throughout the room.

Often, for heating large areas and volumes, small installations are used - fan heaters.
fan heaters structurally consist of a fan, a heat exchanger or a heating element and a control unit.
Hot water is supplied centrally from the boiler house to the room to each fan heater .

passing through the heat exchanger fan heater, hot water or other coolant transfers part of the heat to the air, which is blown through the heat exchanger with a fan and enters directly into the air of the room through a guide grille or blinds.

This method of space heating is convenient when it is necessary to heat large areas with relatively low heights of industrial or warehouse premises.

At the same time, there is no need to install a bulky network of supply air ducts, although pipelines will have to be laid to each fan heater to ensure the supply of coolant (water or antifreeze).

Application of industrial heat generators

Industrial heating of the workshop

Energy efficient air heating in a factory can solve the problem of maintaining effective temperature control in production areas.

We have solutions for air heating of large open and shelving warehouses with small industrial installations - floor or suspended heat generators running on gas or diesel fuel, as well as fan heaters that use hot water to heat the air.

Frost protection or complete warehouse heating – we tailor our solutions to your specific requirements.

Our experts will inspect your warehouse for free, provide assistance and give recommendations on heating the warehouse, taking into account the specifics of storage - open or shelved.

Industrial heating of the workshop

Energy efficient air heating in a factory can solve the problem of maintaining effective temperature control in production areas.

We can design factory heating systems using floor and pendant air heaters, powered by gas, diesel or hot water.

Warehouse industrial heating

We have solutions for air heating of large open and shelving warehouses with small industrial installations - floor or suspended heat generators running on gas or diesel fuel, as well as fan heaters using hot water to heat the air.

Frost protection or complete warehouse heating - we tailor our solutions to your specific requirements.

Our experts will inspect your warehouse for free, provide assistance and give recommendations on heating the warehouse, taking into account the peculiarities of storage - open or shelved.

Industrial garage heating

Heat generators f. metmann.

Metmann heat generators will keep garages of any size comfortable at temperatures, including outdoor units with ducted air distribution capable of maintaining good air quality.

Industrial heating of agricultural facilities

We offer a quiet, energy-efficient agricultural heating solution that helps maintain optimal growth of agricultural products, create a comfortable environment for staff and customers in greenhouses, conservatories and other climate-controlled facilities.

Our air heating systems can be designed using the most modern heat generators specially designed for air heating greenhouses and conservatories.

Industrial heating of hangars with equipment (ships, aircraft, etc.)

We have experience in air heating solutions with energy efficient and economical air heating systems using gas or diesel fueled heat generators for hangars with large open spaces, high ceilings and frequently opened doors and gates.

We have experience in placing heat generators and fuel tanks for them inside containers (such as marine ones), next to the hangar. At the same time, the air supply in the hangar is carried out through metal air ducts with air distribution through special aerodynamic nozzles that provide the necessary shape and length of the air jet

Industrial heating of sports facilities

We offer air heating solutions for all types of sports halls and recreation centers, providing a comfortable environment with minimal energy and operating costs.

Our Metmann and Apen Group air heating units provide highly efficient air heating for sports halls, leisure centres, swimming pools and other recreational spaces.

Our specialists guarantee you assistance and recommendations in accordance with your requirements for sports and recreation.

The heating of industrial buildings has its own characteristics and requires a special approach to the issue, moreover, an individual one in each case. Heat sources for various heating methods are most often industrial boilers operating on different energy carriers. The purpose of this article is to consider the existing heating systems for industrial premises, the requirements for them and the types of boiler plants for the production of thermal energy.

Industrial heating systems

To organize the heating of industrial premises, it is necessary to take into account the cardinal differences between industrial buildings and residential and administrative buildings. They are as follows:

  • large dimensions and ceiling heights;
  • low degree of insulation;
  • the presence of many drafts or constantly opening doorways;
  • the presence of technological equipment that generates heat;
  • emissions into the space of workshops of harmful substances that must be removed;
  • the cost of energy carriers for the industry, as a rule, is higher than for the population.

In addition to the above features, industrial heating systems for heating buildings must provide optimal temperatures in the workplace or maintain the microclimate required for the storage of a particular product.

Note. The values ​​of temperatures at workplaces are prescribed in the regulatory documentation; in different countries of the post-Soviet space, these data may differ. As for the conditions of storage of products or equipment, it is impossible to list all of them; an individual approach is required here.

Currently, to create certain conditions in the premises, the following heating systems for industrial buildings are used:

  • water;
  • air;
  • infrared heating.

Traditional one- and two-pipe systems, where water is used as a heat carrier, successfully operate in buildings of small and medium area with ceiling heights up to 5 m. heating inefficient. Usually the role of heating devices is played by steel registers made of smooth pipes or convectors.

In buildings whose ceilings are at a height of 5 m or more, water heating with registers becomes impractical. Warm air heated by batteries rises to the upper area of ​​the shop, leaving the lower part, where people work, cold. At metallurgical and chemical enterprises, water heating of industrial premises will also not be effective, even despite the low height of the buildings.

The reason is a large number of harmful substances released during technological processes. They are removed using supply and exhaust ventilation, due to which the air in the workshop is updated 4-10 times per hour, it is impossible to quickly warm it up with radiators. In practice, 2 systems are combined into one and air heating of buildings is organized. Moreover, the entire volume of the room is not warmed up, air of a normalized temperature is supplied from top to bottom into the area where people are and work.

Note. Air curtains are installed near opening gates to avoid cooling the shop through opening gates.

Large industrial enterprises, for example, pipe or metallurgical shops with a length of 500 m or more, shipyards and hangars with a height of 60 m, cannot be fully heated due to economic inexpediency. In such giant buildings, it is customary to carry out local heating using portable or stationary fan heaters. In addition, more recently, infrared electric heating has been introduced into production workshops. Wall-mounted or suspended appliances do not heat the air, but objects and surfaces located within their radius of action.

Types of industrial boilers

In order to heat industrial heating radiators or to supply hot water to heat exchangers for air heating, heat generators of medium and large power are installed at enterprises. Most often, enterprises use the following types of units:

  • gas hot water;
  • gas steam;
  • solid fuel hot water;
  • diesel.

Note. Diesel heat generators are extremely rare in factories due to the significant cost of fuel.

The most common among all are gas industrial boilers that heat water. They are fully automated, have several levels of safety and have the highest efficiency - more than 90%. To improve efficiency, these units are equipped with water economizers, which take away the heat of flue gases and increase the efficiency of the plant by another 3-5%. The number of personnel for servicing gas boilers is minimal, as is the frequency of maintenance.

Gas steam boilers are not installed specifically for heating, their task is to produce steam of specified parameters for technological needs. But if such a unit is already available, then it simultaneously provides the workshop with heat. To do this, steam is passed through a plate or shell-and-tube heat exchanger, where it heats the water supplied to the heating system. A boiler for steam production is more complicated than a hot water boiler, and the highest requirements are imposed on it.

In recent years, solid fuel industrial boilers have become increasingly popular. Despite the relatively low efficiency (depending on the type of unit), these plants are in demand in woodworking, agriculture and other enterprises associated with the availability of inexpensive wood or coal. Heat generators are not as easy to operate as gas-fired ones and require constant supervision by maintenance personnel. At the moment, the following industrial solid fuel boilers are used to heat industrial premises:

  • burning wood and coal with manual loading;
  • coal with automatic fuel supply;
  • pellet.

For buildings of small and medium area, units with manual loading can be used. Where there is no possibility or desire to maintain extra staff, it is customary to install industrial hot water boilers with automatic supply of coal, pellets or wood chips. Although the listed heat generators still need to be cleaned of ash at least once a week.

For reference. Often, large capacity solid fuel boilers are loaded using a tractor or forklift.


At the cost of installation, infrared heating is the cheapest, since it does not require a boiler. But the operation of such heating has its own nuances, and the price of electricity is rather big. The second most expensive is the water system, which requires a boiler and powerful circulation pumps for heating. The most expensive installation is for the air circuit, in addition to the listed equipment, it also uses a supply and exhaust ventilation unit.