Repairs Design Furniture

Hand painting on the wall: Simple ways without nails and drilling. How to hang plates on the wall: Fastening and beautiful placement Fastening for frames on the wall

Today I made a selection Design ideas the interior of the usual wall frames with photos or drawings and several Ideas on the fastener Frames to the wall. That is, today we will study Decor of walls in our house.

I will tell….

1. How to place a frame on the wall (so that they are harmonized between with them and with the interior as a whole)

2. Options Fastening Frames (how to hang on the screws - how to attach without drilling holes in the wall)

3. Scene ideas that can be depicted inside the framework

So, proceed ...

How to combine frames on the walls.

Linear location of the frame on the wall.

The easiest way to hang the frame on the wall is their placement. In one horizontal line. As a rule, it is done with the framework of the same size and the same graphics framed by them.

Clear rows of pictures on the wall.

If the framework of the same size and format, they can be placed clear correct rows resembling squares kubyka Rubik. Such decoration of walls by frames reminds colorful carpet.

By the wayif the frames are not so much, and they are fine enough - you can place them in the same order as Cells Crossword... The line horizontally ... the line vertically ... with crossing them.

... or accommodate chess ...

Chaos framework - inside a clear form.

And here we see that all the frames are clearly located inside the invisible borders in the form of a rectangle.

How to realize such options in life - step-by-step guide ...

In the first case -

  1. We buy several frames - And then lay them on the carpet so that their patched area in the framework had the right rectangular shape.
  2. We remember this form (click on the fotik) and do not remove from the carpet yet ...
  3. We measure the height and width of the common rectangle (the one that turned out as a result of the laid out of the frames) - and then on the wall of shallow draw the contours of the same rectangle (The chalk then easily eats a rag)
  4. Alternately apply to the playground drawn on the wall Each of the frames - and celebrate the pencil, the very place where it is necessary to connect the carnations to fasten the frame (Rovenko opposite the frame of the suspension on the nail). Plus - Be sure to celebrate on the wall the border of the frame of the frame (so that the next frame is attached next to this boundary)
  5. And so every framework to be traded to the place where it should hang, and we celebrate a pencil on the wall place insertion of a screw.
  6. When all the marks for all carnations are transferred - it remains to drill all the holes, screw screws And hang the frame on the wall.

In the second case (See the second photo above) - everything is the same - all there is easier there - as we use the frame of the same size ...

Large painting and small frames on the wall.

Immediately I will tell you how this design of the wall is made by the framework.

  1. First training on the carpet: put on the floor a big picture, and then lay down the framework of a smaller format around it. When the composition laid down on the floor, we are more or less suited, photographing it.
  2. And now, when the first idea is saved in the memory of our camera, we try to decompose again, but already differentlyLittle pictures around great - and again photograph this second option to mix pictures.
  3. And then leaf photos in the foty and choose the best From the photographed options for the location of the framework relative to each other.
  4. And now you can mount the wall frames, Checking with the selected sample in the memory of the FotikaFirst, we hang a big picture on the wall in the planned place, and then small.


In place central big painting It may be a clock clock ....

how make such designer hours - I'll tell you and show in a picture in a separate article.

Rhby-shaped pitchie photo frames.

And here the frames are accommodated chaotic as a cloud, in the form of a loved one. Photos Ill images can have a variety of shapes, sizes and even different shades of color.

Chaotic filling in the framework of the whole wall.

In this embodiment, the wall decoration frames are selected based on the color of the framing and internal graphics content.

They can be different in form, according to the degree of saturation, color, but they must echo with each other with the rest of the interior.

Frames with combination of wall stickers appliqués.

Now selling a lot of stencils for the decoration of the walls is sold - everything is already drawn there, you can only stick the plot you have chosen ...

Very conveniently, such a wall applique is combined with frames on the wall ...

Well, now let's deal with the fastener of the frame to the wall ....

How to mount the frame to the wall ...

3 ways

(with holes and no holes)

Of course we all love the framework ... But ... We do not like to spoil the walls ...

What to do?

You can just tell yourself - well, and that that the wall will be a hole ... these pictures will still be accomplished here for more than one year - I am glad of all your loved ones and guests ... And when I want to change the design - I just put these holes and poking new wallpapers ... The design changes then and the wallpaper will be new - and therefore there will be no holes ...


How to hang a few frames for one nail.

You can breathe a wall in a minimum - and to one "nail" to hang several paintings at once ...

For example, here is this ... a great option for fastening the frame to the wall.

Or so ... such framework modulesyou can order in online stores in the home decor department.

Fresh frame on the walls - with panels or cables.

Or here is another option as with a minimum hole in the wall hang a maximum of pictures ...

Option first - We make one wooden panel - and you screw up a few paintings on it - and then hang it panels on 2-4 screws to the wall.

Option two - We stretch the cables - along the whole wall and already freamers as much as the framework.

And how to attach the frame Without drilling holes in the wall ...

Fresh frame on the wall with adhesive clasp ...

There is a special adhesive clasp - for the row of frames ... you can buy it in construction stores or searching through the Internet .... Here - as it looks and what is called ...

One half fasteners attached to the wall, and the other half On the frame. If necessary, you can remove the frame - exchanging the frame half the fastener from the walls.

Then, if you wish, you can remove the walls of the adhesive clasp from the wall - and the trace will not remain.

To make it clear how it works ... So I downloaded the instructions ... It says that the tape perfectly attaches the frame to the painted walls, wooden, plastered (even), to wallpaper incl. Vinyl (unless they have too relief structure).

and instructions for removing these adhesive mounts from the wall without a trace ...

We continue the subject of fastening the frames on the wall ... Another simple way ...

We make a narrow shelves on the wall under the frame

Often in living rooms above the sofas have special long narrow shelves. They put decorative interior tinsel and aesthetic frames with a photo or graphics supporting the overall interior in their stylist.

Placing the frames on the corners of the walls.

But this is a way with a very unusual and interesting approach to the placement of the framework. If such a framework does not meet you on sale, they can be done by themselves or order a firm engaged in the manufacture of furniture. Such a simple design order will be easy to perform any specialist for the manufacture of cabinet furniture.

There are angles and shoals in every home - and here is a great idea to find them useful use ...

So ... how to place the framework we have already figured out ...

And now it's time to find out ... and What actually You can depict within ...

And what could be inside the framework?

What are the plots \\ in what style?

And now let's talk about the varieties of the subject of the contents of our framework. It can be photos, abstract paintings, real works of painting with oil or watercolor, and much more, let's consider the most successful options.

Aged photos in a modest framework.

You can accommodate in the interior of the aged black and white or brown-white photos.

By the way, photo frames look very interesting. forms stretched into width (as in the photo below).

You can have already existing color frames - this is done by several mouse clicks in the Photoshop program. Do not know how to yourself - ask familiar photographers.

Black and white graphics in a ascetic framework.

Most often that black and White Photos, sometimes it graphics black ink or even engraving prints in black tones.

Hang black and white pictures on the wall can be strictly graphically or in light chaotic running.

Decoration of walls by frames with floristry.

In old times Lekari replaced on the walls dried herbariums with medicinal herbs. This topic is often used in modern interiors.

  • It can be sketching grass and colors simple black pencil.
  • Or as if cut from textbooks Pictures with herbs signed on Latin.

You can make such a selection of paintings by one of two simple ways.

Method first: Collect I. deliver real herbsAnd then place them between frame and glass.

The method of the second: use the plant as engraving ottis, that is, apply paint to the plant and pressing the graphics imprint to the sheet of paper.

Method Third - get carried away by embroidery - and easy Flowers on Canva

As an option, you can find flowers already embroidered on the fabric (for example, on the sofa bedspreads of our grandmothers) - And insert a piece of such a coated "blooming" fabric into the frame.

Frames with a repeated plot.

On your pictures that adorn the wall can be present photos or pictures of one cycle.

  • You can take a picture of one your wonderful weekend.
  • Or capture In differentrakursakh THE SAME scenery.
  • Or take a picture one landscape with the same photo point but in different weather Or at different times of the year.

Here you see an example of three photo paintings with playing children, photographed in one day. Or here you have an original idea with a photo selection, captured the water surface of the bustling sea - such photo cycles can be brought from summer holidays on the sea. It can be a film with seashells or palm trees and even with a hotel interior.

Frames with a fragmented plot.

Here is one photo - fragmented on the elements and each element is inserted into its frame ...

How to do this at home yourself - read in with a pecial article - where I will tell and show how varnish a photo into several frames ....

Wallpaper in frames.

Why draw, or look for worthy plots that fit into the interior of the room, if everything you need to choose in the store department with ordinary wallpaper

Or you can fill the empty frames with the remnants of the wallpaper, after sticking other rooms, you can ask for the neighbors or friends, the differentifactore and multicolored pieces of old wallpaper or wallpaper remaining after pasting. Or in the packaging department of gifts, find a beautiful packaging paper with patterns and pushing it into the frame.

Framing invisible ... Empty frames in the interior.

Oddly enough, but this technique looks very beautiful how on monophonic wallpaper and wallpaper with large graphics . In the latter case, empty frames can be positioned so that they serve as a natural framing. already existing On wallpaper drawing.

Wow - white wallpaper! ... Let's draw. Drawn frames.

Frames on the wall you can just draw.

This option will be very pleased with your children if they are already enough adults to seriously consider the task of decorating the interior. Older kids will really like it to invent the design and placement of drawn frames, and the children shame with pleasure paint the framework in all colors of the rainbow and even paint the cute portrait of mommies.

Well, that's all for today ... UV-F ... The big one turned out the article - but all the information in one place ...

I really hope that you have new ideas for the decor of your home.
Comfort you and home heat ...

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""

Pictures are an integral decor of almost any housing. Without them, the walls look dull and empty. Today, many know only one way of fastening, which provides for the use of coarse male strength, nails and hammer. Let's say honestly - this is the relic of the past. It is not necessary to choose a picture to the wall with nails, because there are a lot of ways that you probably did not know.

Before proceeding with the question of how to hang a picture on a wall without nails, let's consider several important nuances that you just need to know.

Subtleties and nuances that will allow you to hang a picture correctly

So, to achieve high quality installation, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • type of wall coating;
  • picture weight;
  • smooth installation.

Now everything is in order. Pay attention to the type of wall cover, because this depends on the choice of the installation method. For example, to attach a picture to the wall with a two-sided tape will not work if the surface of the wallpaper has various textures. The glued tape will hold very badly. If you decide to use a special hook-spiders in the texture wallpaper, it will not be the best idea, because in this case there will be serious damage.

It is necessary to ensure that the photos on the wall or paintings are attached exactly. To do this, you can use the usual level or ask for a family member to take a look and determine if the work of art is equitable.

It will not work out correctly hang pictures on the wall, if you do not take into account their weight.

Some mounting methods that will be discussed below in the article are simply not designed for fixing a large weight. If this factor does not take into account, then your work of art may be damaged when falling.

You must think in advance what framework you will be attached, taking into account its weight. Otherwise, you will vain damage the surface of the wall, the wallpaper and the element of the decor, and without achieving the desired result.

The best methods for fastening for light paintings

How to hang photos in a few minutes? Let's start, perhaps, from the most famous method. Thanks to the usual stationery buttons and masts, you can spend paintings on the wall. The use of the pin is good because it leaves an almost imperceptible mark. If in the future you want to remove the work of art from the wall or to outweigh the picture to another place, then there will be practically no damage.

The same can be said about the stationery buttons. Just give them a photo to the wall, and it will hold tightly.

How to hang photos on a concrete wall? It is impossible to do this in the way the way. Buttons are effective only if the wall consists of drywall, plaster, wood and other not too solid materials. Concrete monolithic wall buttons do not overcome.

In these methods, one substantial minus lies - in this way, you can attach only posters, posters and photos.

You can hang pictures using an ordinary bilateral tape, provided that they are not too heavy. In most cases, scotch copes perfectly with the size of the A4 patterns. Make sure that the tape is on a tissue basis, it is more effectively attached to the surface, rather than the usual.

This method is mainly practiced on plasterboard walls, because they are most sensitive to impaired surface integrity. They are very easy to damage, if you use nails, perforator, and so on.

If you choose a tape on a tissue basis, then you will never damage the surface with the wall painted or wallpaper wallpaper.

If the adhesive tape for some reason must be removed, then you need to do it correctly. Out it from the surface at an angle of 90 degrees. So you do not damage the wallpaper when it is removed.

Use hook

If you do not know how to hang a picture on the wall without nails, this will help you with an ordinary fishing hook. The weight of the attached photo should not exceed several grams.

  1. Align the root of the hook so that it is tight and smoothly lightened to the surface.
  2. Apply to the smooth metal base of the hook quality superchalter.
  3. Stick the hook to the wall.

After the hook is firmly glued to the surface, you can hide it under wallpaper. Take a small piece of wallpapers and glue them from above on the base of the hook.

After the above manipulations, you can only hang a photo on the wall.


This device has gained more popularity due to ease of use. You can buy it in any specialized store house. goods. Thanks to the hook, you can attach a photo weighing up to a few kilograms.

This device takes on the function of a conventional screw, but with one significant difference - its use does not provide for the drilling of the wall. The hook is fixed due to metallic legs that hold it tightly on the surface.

If in the future there will be a need to dismantle the hook, then it will not leave substantial damage on the wallpaper. It is strictly not recommended to use the device on textured wallpaper.

There is another fairly effective method, thanks to which you can attach a frame to the wall without nails.

Use the needle for installation in several ways.

  1. The needle takes on the function of the usual nail. However, damage to the wall is significantly less than when using screws and nails. First of all, it is necessary to bite the implities from the needle. After you need to drive a needle to the wall. It is very important that the wall surface is made of soft materials: wood, plaster, drywall and so on. After that you can hang the frame on the wall.
  2. The second method is much easier and more efficient. It is necessary to stick a needle to wallpaper at an angle of 10 degrees. It must be done so that the needle is between the wall and wallpaper. After that, you can hang on it frame weighing up to 500 grams.

Rail use

How to attach a picture to the wall surface with this interesting system? In fact, it is not difficult. You can purchase a special rail of the desired size in any construction store. Also additionally need to buy motok of the heading thread.

Attach the rail to the wall near the ceiling, ordinary liquid nails are suitable for this. Tie one end of the carsional thread to the rail, and the other to the frame. Adjust the desired height.

By the way, this method is suitable in order to attach a decorative plate on the wall.

This design has its own essential advantages:

  • the ability to change the height of the work of art;
  • you can hang several paintings in a row;
  • damage to the walls and wallpapers are not applied.

Using a board

A fairly interesting and creative way of fastening the frame to the wall without nails. Take the board, process it with sandpaper, cover the mourn and varnish. Board can be simply noted to the wall and hang the frame on it. It will be an excellent designer solution that looks just great. The decorative plate can also be hung on the board.

In order for this design element to look profitable in your room, the color of the board must be made contrast relative to the common background of the room.

How to hang a picture without nails on the wallpaper? With satin ribbon. A very non-standard solution that, with due execution, looks great. Folded in half the ribbon fasten one of the above methods on the wall. Next, the frame is performed on the ribbon itself with a needle or pins.

The length of the satin ribbon must be measured taking into account the number of used frames. Than they are more, the longer there should be a ribbon.

Methods of installation of a heavier framework

How to hang a picture, not drilling a wall, for centuries? There are special means for this.

  1. This method is perfect for mounting a heavy frame on an uneven surface. By the way, liquid nails will also be useful if you wondered how to hang a modular picture without drilling the wall. You just need to apply glue on the inner surface of the frame and firmly press it to the surface.
  2. Polymer glue. Its advantages are that it does not leave the fat trail on the surface of the wallpaper. We apply glue to the inner surface of the photo, tightly press to the wall and leave for the night, pre-drunk the mop frame.
  3. How to hang a picture without nails on a wallpaper tight and for a long time? For this it is useful foamed bilateral scotch. This tape holds on the surface of the usual. But on the textured wallpaper, this tape will also not hold on.

As you can see - consolidate the frame on the wall without nails is quite simple. There are a lot of various devices and inventions for this. You probably decided to attach the picture at home, isn't it?

Very often after you made a repair, I want to supplement the overall design of some picture or photo. But, unfortunately, all the plans darkens the fact that it will have to drill a hole in the wall with new wallpaper. Therefore, in order to enjoy the works of art every day at home, while not to spoil the new wall decoration, we will tell you how to hang photo frames on the wall without using a drill.

Send retirement nails

To date, there are pretty simple and effective ways, thanks to which you can hang a picture, a photo or a favorite poster, while not drilling the "ill-fated" holes in the wall. We bring to your attention the most popular of them.

Stationery Clip or Hook for Clothes

This method is best suited for walls with wallpaper. In order to fix the clip, you should:

  1. At the place of the future attachment make a small horizontal incision.
  2. Further, this place is fill in the superclaim and put the stationery closet or hook for clothing.
  3. Purchase space cover with wallpaper.


This method is very similar to the previous one due to the fact that the base is also "hiding under the wallpaper", and the protruding part serves as a carnation, which is attached to the picture.


You can purchase this type of fastening in building stores. It received its name due to the fact that it has four sharp end, which are easily attached to the wall, while not leaving on it traces.

Important! It is a very reliable fastening, as it can withstand a frame or a picture of up to 2 kilograms.


Another very simple, but effective way to hang photo frames on the wall. Since the needle is made of steel, she keeps the frame well. His essence is to just stick the sewing needle into the wall.

Another option is to break it away from her, and with the help of pliers, drive it into the surface of the wall. So you will get a tiny hole that will be unnoticed.

Double-sided tape

This method is best used for plasterboard walls or decorated with thin paper wallpaper. You need to stick to the edges of the scotch frame on the edges and attach it to the wall. It is an excellent option to stick a photo with a frame on the wall, if there is no loop.

Important! A huge disadvantage of this method is that tape can leave behind the traces. So that there was no such, when removing the picture or photography, it should be kept at an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the wall.

Liquid Nails

How to fix a frame with liquid nails? This is a special glue, which firmly and reliably connects surfaces:

  1. You just need to apply them to the opposite side of the frame with small dots, the size of the pea.
  2. After that, the picture is pressed to the surface of the wall and keep about 5-6 minutes.

Important! If the product is heavy, then "liquid nails" should be applied to the entire surface with strips.

Polymer glue

The advantage of this method is that, unlike other adhesive mixtures, it does not leave behind the fat traces on the surface. As for the process of gluing, it is the same as with "liquid nails".

Important! In the case of a polymer glue, the picture after gluing on the wall, follow and leave and leave one day.

Wine plug

To do this, the plug of wine is cut into small circles, then glued to the wall with quick-drying glue. Next, the carnations on which the photo frame can be hung up into this plug.

Molding or ceiling plinth

This method is suitable for those who want to hang a large number of paintings and photographs on the wall. To do this, you need to glue a molding on the wall of the wall. A robust fishing line is attached to it, which can already be hung up paintings.

Modern fastening systems

Cheating the photo frames on the walls of your housing without drilling now is not a problem and there are many ways. New in the construction work and interior design appears almost daily. This applies to even such trifles like fastening paintings and photographs. To date, the most popular are the adhesive clasps for the COMMAND paintings. This is a specially designed velcro, on which paintings are attached, while not leave traces on the wall.

Important! Such clasps are suitable for perfectly smooth, not textured surfaces.

Main advantages in front of nails:

  • They do not require titanic physical efforts to attach, therefore, with the help of the fasteners, even a child can hang a photo frame.
  • Due to the fact that they do not leave traces on the wall, you can picture or other decorative product to move around the perimeter of the room.
  • The removal process from the wall takes a few seconds.

Important! This fasteners cannot be used in the following cases:

  • On gentle and very thin wallpaper canvases. This is due to the fact that the paper simply will not stand the weight of the picture.
  • On vinyl wallpaper.
  • Over headboard bed.
  • It is not recommended for them to cling expensive or antique products.

It should also be taken into account that the quality of the attachment is significantly worsened and at extreme temperatures.

Types of fasteners

Depending on the color of the walls and frames, the white and black clasp distinguish. As for the sizes and the required number of sets, you should weigh the product. After that, with the help of a special table, store employees will help you choose exactly those clasps that are suitable for your decorative elements.

How to glue closhes for paintings?

  • To begin with, the wall and the back of the frame should be cleaned and degreased with alcohol.
  • Separate strips from each other along the perforation line.
  • Two strips should be connected to velcro inside, tightly pressing each other. If you do it right, then hear a characteristic click.
  • Remove the protective strip on one side, position the fastener on the back of the frame.

Important! In order for the paintings on the wall tight and reliably, it should, depending on the weight, acquire one or more sets and have them as follows:

  1. One pack. It can be fixed on the top central part of the frame.
  2. Two sets. They should also be fixed in the upper part of the frame, only in different angles.
  3. Four sets. The first two sets should be positioned as described in the previous paragraph, and the lower two are approximately, on the part of the frame of the top.
  • Remove the remaining protective strips and secure the frame to the wall. Critting it for 30-60 seconds.
  • Next, remove the frame from the wall. Doing it needs to raise, it is bottom up.
  • Cress with thumbs with a fastener for 30-60 seconds.
  • Leave the strip for 1 hour. During this time, it must be adequate well, after which you can hang the frame on the wall.

Remove the frame without traces

This fasteners are made so that you can change the placement of paintings. In order to remove the frame neatly - so that there are no traces on the surface, the following actions should be performed:

  • Remove the picture by pulling the bottom side upwards.

Important! Do not pull the strip to yourself, as it can break.

  • Slow movements pull the tongue down along the wall. Do it until it breaks down from the surface.

Non-standard methods for fastening frames

In addition to standard and modern, there are also fairly original methods for fastening the frames that are not inferior to the previous one in strength, while they can significantly add and add bright accents into a common design.

Original Rail

This design consists of one main element - rails from cornice for curtains. Movable hooks use as additional elements. It is attached to the caprochy thread of the required length, at the end of which you can fix any decorative element.

Important! The advantage of this method is that you can change the picture in places if you wish, while adjusting their height.

Using a board

This is a pretty bold solution that is to place images so as to demonstrate any sequence, cycle or chronology. In this case, the picture on the board can be secured in an absolutely in any way.

Important! When choosing this attachment method, it should be considered that the board should differ significantly from the overall range of the interior.

Ribbon from Atlas

In this case, the tape is folded in half and attached with the help of fasteners or "liquid nails" to the wall. From the back of the frames, you should attach two hooks for the time that you can hang them on the tape. The length of the tape should be chosen, depending on the future of the compositions that will be involved.

How can I place the frame on the wall?

In addition to durable fastening, the location of paintings and photographs on the wall is of great importance in the formation of the overall design of the interior. To date, the most popular are the following ways.

Important! Depending on the size of the framework, their filling and the overall picture on the wall will depend.

Single horizontal line

This option is most appropriate to use for rooms with high ceilings and proper geometric shapes.

Important! When horizontal location, it is best to use the framework of the same sizes.

Rows of Frames

This method assumes the presence of a large number of small framework of the same sizes of placed in several rows. For example, several element lines are located at the same distance from each other, thus visually forming a kind of wall carpet from the framework.

Important! In this option, the multicolored frames will look very interesting.

Chaos and order

A bright emphasis on the wall will be the uneven distribution of the framework of different sizes and colors. Despite the fact that "chaos" is created, you need to thoroughly think about which picture or photo will hang.

Important! In this process, the design should clearly limit the place where the framework will be placed.

Composition with picture

In case you already have in stock a large reproduction, but when the wall is located on the surface of the wall, the picture is lubricated and lost in the overall atmosphere of the interior, you can additionally attract attention to it by making a competent accent. An excellent option is to hang an extra frame on the wall around the reproduction. To do this, you should take into account the style design, plot line and color range of the canvas.

Frames on the corners

In order to relegate the angles, while not spending a lot of physical effort and money, you can use the framework. Thus, such a "boring" corner will acquire a bright accent and "will play" completely in a new way.

Pictures are the easiest and most affordable way to decorate our home, giving it comfort and individuality. How to hang a picture without nails on the wallpaper, if you do not know how to handle the tool, or do not want to do this? You can hang images in different ways.

How to hang a picture without nails and drilling walls on wallpaper

There are a number of options, how to hang one or more paintings, not drilling the walls. First, consider ways with which you can attach to images equipped with a special fastening.

Today in stores you can find special kits that allow attaching decorations to the wall without using nails.

Velcro and hooks system "Command"

The "Command" kits include velcro and hooks. The first are used for images with a slight weight, and with hooks hang more voluminous and heavy paintings. The main thing is that the wall surface is smooth.

If the picture is easy, you will need velcro. One part of it is fixed on the wall, the other - on the reverse side of the decoration. Applying this method, you will not spoil the wallpaper and you can outweigh the image as often as you want.

For large paintings, use hooks. Degrease the wall to create the maximum snap force, and attach a hook on a lip-based basis to the surface. If necessary, use several mounts.

With the help of "Command" you can hang a picture on the wall without nails on any wallpaper, from thin to the most durable.

Hook System "Soot"

On such mountings can be suspended with a weighing weight of up to 1.5 kg, equipped with a special rope or cable. Create the hooks of the Spest system can be on any surface, the exception is only the vinyl wallpaper.

For a small image, a single hook is enough, and a more voluminous and heavy picture will need several fixtures. Remove the protective strip from the back of the hook, and press it tightly to the wall, holds for 30-40 seconds. After that you can hang an image.
Thus, you securely secure the picture on the wall without damaging the surface.

How to hang a picture without drilling with the help of girlfriend

You can not acquire special fastenings, but hang a picture on the wall with the help of subright funds, never drown the wall and without having a single nail.

How to hang a picture without nails on the wallpaper? Consider accessible and simple ways.

Clothes clips or hooks

To hang the image on a clip or ordinary clothing hook, you will need a pencil, glue or liquid nails and a sharp stationery knife.

Note the pencil location of the mount and gently cut the wallpaper push horizontally. Apply glue or liquid nails on the wall under wallpaper, and install the paper clinch. After the glue "grab" fastening, cover the incision with wallpaper, carefully placing them on the surface.

You can hang pictures on such a hook one day after installation.

Wine plug

You do not want to spoil the wall, driven nails into it? You can drive them into a corky tube from wine! Take a wine plug, and with the help of a sharp knife, cut the "circle" of 1.5 cm wide from it. With the help of liquid nails or the "moment" glue, attach the plug fragment to the place of the future location of the picture.

When the glue dries, take the nail into the cork (without reaching the wall!) And hang an image. Such a fastening can withstand very large and massive decorations.

Hook "spiders"

Such an attachment can be found in almost every business store. This is a hook equipped with a back of four small pins made of durable alloy. The hook must be attached to the surface of the wall and to hit the hammer on it several times. When the pins are completely included in the wall, you can hang the drawing.

How to make a "gallery" from photos or paintings

"Collages" from several images located in a certain order close apart from each other are now very popular. How best to hang several paintings? You can apply one of these methods.

Suspended design

To make such a design, you will need a wooden plank (rail of old carnis) and durable threads from Capron. If you are using a clutch rail, secure on the internal hooks of the categorous threads of the required length. In the case when the basis of the design is a plank, the threads can be fixed, simply "ridding" one end around the device.

After that, the basis of the structure is mounted on the wall, and hooks, paper clips or other devices are attached to the ends of the threads, which will be suspended.

Wide ribbon

In stores of sewing accessories you can purchase satin ribbons of various widths and colors. We fold the material in half and attach to the wall with a small carnation. You can mount the hook into the wall, and hang the tape on it, pre-sewing the loop to its back side.

A small hook is attached to the frame frame, for which it hangs on the tape. It should be noted that this method is suitable for small and light images, a heavy decoration to keep on the wall with a tape will not work.

Planclosure for pictures

This method will allow you to give your room a unique view. Choose a board, the color of which favorably contrasts with the main colors in the interior, and attach it to the wall. The boards are originally watching, which are not close to the wall, and at some distance from it.

You can place the basis of the design in this way with the help of special brackets located in the upper and lower part. You can hang images on a board by any way convenient for you, it all depends on your preferences. The wall will remain intact.

What to hang a picture if there is no fastening

Before you start choosing a way, how to hang a picture without drilling, pay attention to the presence of fastening from its back side. If it is missing, then none of the above methods will not suit you.

What to do in this case? How to hang a picture without drilling, and without using nails? You can use one of the ways to install jewelry, which have no mounts.

Buttons, needles or pins

These funds are suitable for attaching small images, like the poster or photography, they will not hold the bulk painting. Note the pencil place where you decide to arrange the decoration, and, pushing the drawing with a needle or a button through, "pin" it to the wall.

As a result, a thin, almost imperceptible trace remains on the wallpaper surface, and you can move pictures as often as you wish.

Double sided tape

With the help of two-way tape, you can fix a small image on any surface.
Choose a place for the picture and make the markup with a pencil. After that, turn on the top border the picture strip Scotch, remove the paper and press the cloth tightly to the wall. If necessary, you can fix the bottom and side parts of the decoration.

The picture attached in this way should not be outweigh. Remove it from the wall without damaging the surface, almost impossible.

Polymer glue or liquid nails

These substances are convenient because they do not leave on the surface of spots and greasy traces. Note on the wall location of the picture, apply the adhesive to the reverse side of the web (you can only fasten it from above, but if the decoration is volumetric, it is better to capture and lower the lower part, or point to the adhesive to the perimeter at a distance of 5 cm from each other).

After attaching a picture to the wall surface and press for 30-40 seconds to provide a solid clutch with a surface.

Choosing a place for the picture, prefer well-lit rooms, not "loaded" with bulky furniture.

Well no

An excellent solution to hang and remove without a trace of photo frames, paintings and decor, without spoiling walls.

Forget about nails, hammer, drill and finger injury. To decorate the wall with frames or decor, you do not need to drill anything. Adhesive clasps for COMMAND paintings perfectly copble with this task.

Fasteners for paintings are two adhesive strips with velcro, one is glued to the picture, the other on the wall. They are securely kept on painted concrete walls, metal and wooden coatings, plastic, glass and tiles.

The advantages of the fasteners in front of nails are obvious:

  • Do not need men's power - even a child will cope.
  • Painting crooked hanging? Pile the velcro and order!
  • Remove the pictures and frames from the wall in seconds.
  • Change the location of paintings and photo frames at least every day.

In what cases is better not to use the fasteners?

Do not use fasteners on gentle or thin paper wallpaper, because wallpaper themselves may not withstand the weight of the picture and break. Perhaps not very good fastening to some types of vinyl wallpaper. Do not use clasp with antique and valuable items, and also do not glue items on the bed wall. At extreme temperatures - below -10 ° C or above + 40 ° Clasp adhesiveness deteriorates.

What are the clasps to choose?

For light walls and frames, white clasps are best suitable, and for dark interior - black clasp.

To choose the right size And the right number of sets, weigh the item you want to glue. And select the appropriate option.

How to glue closhes for paintings?

1. Clean the wall and back of the alcohol frame and dry. Do not use household detergents. Separate the punch strips from each other.

2. Connect two strips of fasteners with velcro inside, tightly pressing them to each other. You will hear a characteristic click.

3. Remove the protective paper strip on one side and place the fastener on the back of the frame. Firmly press the fasteners to the frame.

4. Remove the remaining paper protective strips and place the frame on the wall. Firmly press the frame to the wall for 30 seconds.

5. Remove the frame from the wall by pulling up the bottom. Press the wall with a thumb for 30 seconds.

6. Wait 1 hour so that the strip is securely glued to the wall. Now you can place a frame on the wall.

How to locate the fasteners on the back of the frame?

In order for items securely held on the wall, use one, two or four buckle sets and place them as shown in the picture.

How to remove a picture without a trace?

1. Remove the picture from the wall, pulling up the bottom.

2. Do not pull the strip towards yourself, because it can break and glue will remain on the wall surface.

3. Slowly pull the strip tongue down along the wall.

4. The strip must be pulled down to 30 cm until it completely breaks down from the wall.

How to fix a frame with loops on the wall?

The loop frames can be glued to the wall using plastic hooks or metal suspensions, which are attached to the adhesive strips of Command in the same way as the fastener.

  • Hook for frames with rope loops and weighing up to 2 kg (190028)
  • Metal suspension for fastening of patterns weighing up to 3.6 kg (190006)

How to glue posters on the wall, posters and photos without frame?

For such light items as posters, use adhesive strips for COMMAND posters (190004).

Clasp, hooks, COMMAND mounting system suspensions will help solve many tasks at home:

  • hang pictures and photo frames on the walls
  • hang extra hooks in the closet, on the door or on the wall
  • organize wires from the technique or hide them from the type
  • hang decor and christmas garlands on the walls
Weight of the subject What clasps and how many sets will withstand this weight
0 - 0.2 kg
Black Fasteners Supermarket 1 Set (190033)
0.2 - 0.4 kg White clasp small 1 set (190011)
Black fasteners supermarket 2 sets (190033)
0.4 - 0.9 kg White clasp small 2 sets (190011)
Black fasteners supermarines 4 sets (190033)
0.9 - 1.35 kg White fasteners Medium 1 set (190012)
White clasp small 4 sets (190011)
Black Clasp Medium 1 Set (190034)
1.35 - 1.8 kg White fasteners Medium 2 sets (190012)
White clasp 1 set (190013)
Black Clasp Medium 2 Sets (190034)
Black Fasteners Large 1 Set (190035)
1.8 - 2.7 kg