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Drugs for increased excitability of the nervous system. Which sedative tablets are better and more effective? Nervous System Calming Drugs

Problems, troubles - is there a person who has not been touched by these states at least once in his life? It is not surprising that in difficult periods of life you want to be calm and self-confident - so important decisions are made easily, and a way out of a problem situation is found quickly. Advertising literally imposes sedatives to help cope with irritability and bad moods. But is it worth unconditionally trusting this information? Doctors generally say that not a single sedative can be taken without a preliminary examination and appointment of a specialist. "Calm yourself" - this phrase means not only auto-training, but also taking safe for health and effective sedatives. What should you know about them and how not to make the wrong choice?

Types of sedatives

We recommend reading:

In the drug registry, there are several hundred drugs that belong to the group of sedatives. But not all of them are safe for general health and are dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription - some medicines in this category are generally accepted only in a hospital and under the supervision of medical workers. Therefore, it is important to know the classification of sedative drugs in order not to make the wrong choice.
- classic sedatives containing bromine and herbal ingredients. These medicines are sold in pharmacy chains without a doctor's prescription and can be taken without special prescriptions. Sedatives include peony tincture, valerian tablets, motherwort tincture, and others. Tranquilizers- psychotropic drugs belonging to a large group of sedatives. These medications are able to suppress feelings of anxiety, fear, nervous irritability and other mental disorders. Antipsychotics- strong medications with a bright calming effect. They are used in the treatment of mental disorders with excessive excitability of patients; they are sold exclusively by prescription. Normotimic- funds related to the type of psychotropic are used for long-term therapy of mental patients.

Sedatives are considered the safest drugs - they will relieve irritation, provide deep sleep, and correct the psycho-emotional background. But it would be better to seek advice from a doctor - it can be a therapist, psychologist, family doctor.

An overview of the most popular sedatives

There are a lot of drugs with sedative / calming effects sold in pharmacies - it is difficult to choose something specific. Below is a brief overview of the most popular over-the-counter sedatives.

Persen: instructions and indications

A very mild sedative, it contains valerian root extract, lemon balm and mint. Persen has classic sedative properties:

  • reduces the level of irritation;
  • reduces internal tension;
  • stops the progression of chronic fatigue.

Persen perfectly helps with insomnia - the sleep will be deep, and the rest will be full. And mint, which is part of the considered remedy, increases appetite - usually with neurasthenic conditions, the desire to eat food is sharply reduced. Persen should be taken 1 capsule (or 2 tablets) 2-3 times a day, depending on how high the level of irritation is. If you need to get rid of insomnia, then Persen will help in a dosage of 1 tablet / capsule per day 60 minutes before bedtime. Contraindications to taking Persen are diagnosed and duodenal ulcers, individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In addition, it is undesirable to take this drug when:

  • gallstone disease and other pathologies of the biliary tract;
  • deficiency or intolerance of lactose;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.

It is strictly forbidden to use Persen when carrying out therapeutic measures in children under the age of 12 years. Important:with frequent use of Persen, a decrease in psychomotor reactions is possible, so you should be careful when driving a car or performing hazardous work.

Novopassit: instructions and contraindications

It is a complex preparation that consists of herbal extracts and guaifenesin. Has a sedative effect, is able to eliminate fear, reduce anxiety.
Novopassit can be used for mild forms of neurasthenia (this diagnosis must be made by a doctor), fatigue, absent-mindedness and mild memory impairment. In addition, the drug in question will help with:

  • insomnia;
  • against the background of nervous tension;
  • migraine.

They use Novopassit 5 ml (1 teaspoon) three times a day, and if necessary to enhance the effect, the doctor may recommend increasing the dosage to 10 ml of the solution three times a day. It can be taken neat, diluted, or added to food or drinks. Contraindication to the use of Novopassit is:

  • muscle weakness;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an ulcerative nature;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • age up to 12 years.

Note:Novopassitis can cause side effects - dizziness, slight tremors of the upper extremities, nausea and vomiting. In this case, you need to immediately stop taking the drug and seek help from doctors - they will carry out both detoxification measures and correction of the use regimen up to the replacement of the drug.

Tenoten: instructions and contraindications

Refers to nootropic drugs, has a tablet form of release, has a calming and anti-anxiety effect. The drug is exclusively synthetic, it contains no plant components. Tenoten is taken in case of nervous conditions, increased agitation, irritation, sudden mood swings. Tablets should be taken 1 piece twice a day - they are placed in the oral cavity and not swallowed, but dissolve until completely dissolved. The duration of admission is 1-3 months, according to the doctor's prescription it can be extended up to 6 months. Contraindications to taking Tenoten:

  • children's age up to 18 years (if necessary, appoint a special Tenoten for children);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

tenoten is considered a fairly safe sedative, in some cases it is prescribed even for pregnant women. There are practically no side effects, only the appearance of an allergic reaction is possible. The course of taking Tenoten is 1 month, but if no positive dynamics is observed within 3 weeks, then you should stop taking the pills and seek help from specialists.

Zelenin drops: instructions and contraindications

An exceptionally natural preparation - it contains only natural ingredients:

  • belladonna extract;
  • valerian root and leaf extract;
  • menthol.

Zelenin drops can be safely taken with emotional arousal, irritability and insomnia. If, due to the peculiarities of the profession, you have to constantly be in tension (Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, ambulance), then taking Zelenin drops will help restore / stabilize the psycho-emotional background. The scheme for taking the considered sedative: 2-3 times a day you need to drink a maximum of 25 drops. The duration of admission is set on an individual basis, but experts do not recommend exceeding the period of 2 months. It is contraindicated to use Zelenin drops for diagnosed glaucoma (angle-closure type), endocarditis and myocarditis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Important:against the background of the use of the drug in question, inhibition of psychomotor reactions may occur, therefore, you need to be extremely attentive to transport drivers and people whose professional activities are fraught with danger. If Zelenin drops are taken within 2 weeks and there are no changes for the better, then it is advisable to change the drug. Sedatives can be prescribed not only for adults, but also for children. Doctors argue a lot about how appropriate it is to use sedative / nootropic drugs intended for adult patients before the age of 12-18 years. The only thing that medical workers say with confidence is that without the knowledge of a doctor, without a preliminary examination, children should not be given any sedatives.

Bunny syrup - natural sedative for children

This product contains fructose and is intended specifically for pediatric patients. As part of the syrup Bunny contains:

  • motherwort grass;
  • valerian rhizome;
  • peppery (leaves);
  • lemon balm (stems and leaves);
  • hawthorn (flowers);
  • medicinal chamomile (pharmacy, only flowers are used);
  • cumin (fruit);
  • barberry (fruit);
  • vitamins C and B6.

Bunny syrup is recommended to be given to children who are restless, capricious, with pronounced arousal, signs of hyperactivity. The drug in question is very effective in preparation for school or kindergarten, the Bunny syrup will help to cope with irritation, anxiety and in the first days of a child's stay in a new team. The dosage for children over the age of 3 is 1 teaspoon three times a day, older children can consume 2 teaspoons three times a day. The syrup can be diluted with drinks, added to food. Important:the maximum duration of taking the Bunny syrup is 2 weeks, but if a child complains of nausea, abdominal pain, itching on the skin, then you should stop taking the drug, visit a doctor and consult about correcting the scheme of use.

Addiction to sedatives

It is believed that sedatives are non-addictive and can be used “on a flexible schedule”. In fact, doctors warn about the dangers of drug dependence - this can happen even with the use of mild sedatives. Addiction to sedatives can develop in two ways:

  1. Psychological addiction... The point is that a person begins to think that without drugs he will not be able to solve some minor, everyday troubles, to hold a conference or negotiations with investors. A psychotherapist will help solve the problem; it is very rare to cope with psychological drug addiction on your own.
  2. Physiological addiction... In this case, there is a decrease in the effect of sedatives - the person remains irritable (although there was a clear improvement earlier), the night sleep is either completely absent or is of a fickle nature, the feeling of anxiety and fear becomes more intense. In this case, you need to abandon the use of a specific sedative and consult a doctor for a correction of the appointment.

You can also take sedatives on your own. Moreover, many of the drugs in this group are available over the counter without a prescription. But you should remember a few "iron" rules:

  • sedatives should not be taken for more than 2 weeks in a row without special doctor's prescriptions;
  • if there is no effect after the first three days of using the selected sedative, then you need to abandon the drug;
  • in the event of a sharp decrease in psychomotor reactions, the appearance of dizziness, a decrease in concentration of attention, it is imperative to stop taking the drug.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical commentator, therapist of the highest qualification category

What pills for stress and nerves are the best to use, everyone who has the listed problems needs to know. On the modern pharmacological market there are many drugs that can reduce the negative impact of external factors on the psyche.

What to drink from and stress, when all the signs of increased anxiety are on your face? In this case, the remedy is selected depending on the frequency and brightness of the manifestation of symptoms. Sometimes you can do with folk methods. They also work well with regular use.

Medications for stress are divided into several groups, depending on the composition and purpose. If increased nervousness is provoked by constant anxiety, then weak relaxants are used, which gently soothe and eliminate irritability. Plant-based preparations are suitable for mild symptoms, which are manifested only by minor signs. You need to take them for a long time.

Medications alone will not work well. Additionally, you need to eliminate the main provoking factor. If you cannot get rid of it completely, then at least reduce the frequency of its impact.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of stress is aimed at eliminating the negative influence of factors that cause certain symptoms. The pathological process is often accompanied by various psychosomatic disorders. The person feels increased irritability, sometimes apathy. The slightest nuisance can throw him off balance.

Nerve and stress pills, the list of names for which is very extensive, help reduce increased susceptibility to a provoking factor. The most common and safe ones are:

  1. Novopassit. It is a herbal preparation that has a sedative effect. You need to use it for a long time. The medication allows you to get rid of neurosis, stabilize the emotional state and improve sleep.
  2. Afobazol. Refers to the group of mild tranquilizers. When the question arises of how to calm the nerves, then this drug is best suited. It relieves increased anxiety and even has a positive effect on irritable bowel syndrome against a background of emotional stress.
  3. Tenoten. It is an anxiolytic. Improves cerebral circulation, helps calm nerves and relieve stress. Additionally, it improves mood and allows the body to more easily transfer loads of different nature.
  4. Persen. Refers to preparations based on herbal extracts. Has a sedative effect, can calm the nerves and relieve stress. The medication is indicated for increased mental excitability, irritability and insomnia.

The listed drugs have a pronounced effect with moderate and low severity of anxiety and stress. The best remedy for stress, calming and increasing the psyche's resistance to negative factors, should not have a large list of side effects. The listed medicines are gentle and safe.

Additional drugs

Which anti-stress medications are better to drink can only be determined by a neuropathologist or psychotherapist. If herbal medicines are not effective, then potent medicines are used.

Some of these drugs are Phenibut and Phenazepam. They have a pronounced effect, have a hypnotic effect. If you drink such drugs for nerves and stress, then they will manifest themselves in 20 minutes, unlike herbal remedies. The instructions for use contain information on a large list of side effects, so they cannot be used without a prescription.

When signs of depression are present, a mood-boosting medication is added to therapy. The most common herbal remedy is Negrustin, the main ingredient of which is St. John's wort. It slightly raises blood pressure, can speed up the pulse. This drug also has a number of contraindications.

The list of drugs is quite extensive, but most of the drugs in these groups are addictive. A fast-acting medicine always has an effect on blood pressure.

Non-sleepiness sedatives for stress are the most popular today. These include: Adaptol, Glycine and Tsipramil. The medicine for the nerves is selected depending on the severity of the manifestations and additional symptoms. Vitamins against stress are also effective. You can purchase a special Neuromultivit complex, which will improve the psychological state.

Which pills are sedatives? The cheapest sedatives are Valerian and Motherwort. The drugs are available in several dosage forms. Motherwort tablets are very cheap, but they give good results with long-term use.

Drugs for stress should be taken with caution. It is necessary to control your condition and respond to any negative manifestation from the body.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for nerves and stress are also quite effective if used correctly. Knotweed helps a lot. To prepare a sedative, you will need 20 g of dry raw materials. It must be thoroughly crushed and pour 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours and take 2-3 times a day.

St. John's wort can heal the body from stress and anxiety. Dry grass in the amount of 2 tsp. you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 40 minutes and drink instead of tea. This drink will boost your mood and act as a sedative against stress.

Oregano also affects the emotional state. With anxiety and stress, drink it with a course. The herb has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, however, it is contraindicated during exacerbations. It is necessary to treat the consequences of emotional shock for at least a month. In this case, it is necessary to brew raw materials daily instead of tea. Enough 2 glasses a day.

To relieve stress, collecting valerian, knotweed, oregano, St. John's wort and motherwort also help. Such mixtures can be brewed, insisted and decoctions can be prepared. You can relieve stress and manifestations of anxiety by a meadowsweet. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials need to be poured with 400 ml of boiling water and insisted for an hour. Then filter and take daily.

Treatment with folk remedies can be used for any age and gender. Some recipes are allowed not only for men and women, but also used for children. However, the appropriateness of the application must be discussed with the doctor.

Tansy will help treat the effects of emotional overload and relieve stress. Dry raw materials in the amount of 5 g must be insisted on 1 liter of boiling water for an hour. Then strain and take several times a day.

If it is necessary to reduce anxiety without side effects, it is worth drinking Ivan tea. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials must be poured with 400 ml of boiling water and drunk throughout the day after infusion. It should be brewed for at least 20 minutes.

Calms nerves and fees, which include peony and wormwood. Plants have a weak anti-stress effect.

There are a great many herbal components that relieve stress and relieve nerves. But you need to use them with caution. What helps best, and how to take this or that remedy for nerves, can only be suggested by a doctor.

Stress haunts us everywhere - at work, at home, at school or university. There is not a single age category of people who would not have experienced the harmful effects of stressful situations, anxiety, when one can say that “there are no more nerves”! Of course, the use of sedatives should be started after consulting a doctor, but there are a number of drugs that are available without a prescription and can be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Let's consider them in more detail.

The medicinal products in question are used to increase the stability of the nervous system. The mechanism of action is to activate the processes of inhibition and suppression of arousal. This group of drugs has a sedative and anti-anxiety effect.

They normalize sleep, but have no hypnotic effect. They are also able to enhance the therapeutic effect of painkillers, sleeping pills and other types of medications that affect the nervous system.

Like any other medication, sedative medications should be taken after consulting a doctor, since a nervous breakdown can lead to a more serious mental disorder, and irritability can hide the presence of hormonal imbalance or a serious illness of internal organs.

However, there are many drugs that can be purchased without a medical prescription. Many anti-anxiety medications are non-addictive and have no serious side effects.

For mild disorders of the functionality of the nervous system, it is recommended to use sedative folk remedies. The safest are considered herbal preparations., they are able to reduce sweating, weaken intestinal spasms, eliminate hand tremors, and normalize sleep.

For men

Sedatives for nerves for men include drugs such as:

  1. Tenoten. It is considered one of the best medicines that is non-addictive and non-drowsy. Already after 7 days of using Tenoten, mood improves, there is a surge of strength and indifference to stressful situations.
  2. Novo-Passit. Helps get rid of feelings of anxiety, fear, anxiety... Novo-Passit can be used both for single use and for the treatment of long-term depression.
  3. Teravit Antistress. Safe multivitamin complex has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  4. Phenibut. It is used before surgery, as it can enhance the effect of anesthesia and pain medications. The properties of Phenibut include: reducing anxiety, normalizing sleep, eliminating migraines.
  5. Complex "Men-S Formula Antistress". The medicine is made taking into account the structural features of the male body. Helps nourish cells with vitamins and beneficial compounds that are wasted when stress develops.
  1. Phytosedan No. 2 or No. 3. The composition includes collections of herbs that are safe for the human body. The difference between the fees is in their composition. Phytosedan No. 3 has a stronger and faster therapeutic effect.
  2. Valemidin. Diphenhydramine, which is part of Valemidin, enhances the therapeutic effect of the drug. Used for severe stressful situations, panic attacks, sleep disturbances.
  3. Phytohypnosis. Lozenges have a rather mild and safe therapeutic effect. They are used to normalize sleep.

For women

The choice of funds for this category must be approached with caution and responsibility, since for pregnant and lactating women, some components of medicines are prohibited during this period of their lives.

In case of severe depression, you do not need to heal yourself with pills, seek psychological help from specialists

The best drugs for women generally include:

  1. Lotuson. It is used as a mild sedative medicine with constant psycho-emotional stress.
  2. Doppelgerts Nervotonik. The medicine does not cause drowsiness, it is used to eliminate anxiety and depression, feelings of anxiety, psychoemotional agitation, apathy, asthenia.
  3. Sympathetic. It is taken for anxiety and anxiety, autonomic disorders, poor sleep, tachycardia.
  4. Lady C Antistress. Enriches the body with vitamins and minerals that "burn" under stress. The herbal composition of the drug has a mild calming effect, increases the body's resistance to psycho-emotional stress, and normalizes sleep.

In addition to those listed, preparations containing herbal ingredients are suitable(lemon balm, motherwort, valerian, fennel, mint, chamomile, verbena). They are safe to consume even during pregnancy and lactation. The video below describes the cheapest remedies based on herbal ingredients.

Classification of sedatives

In case of a nervous breakdown or severe stress, it is allowed to use sedatives without a prescription. Such drugs have a mild, safe effect on the body, but at the same time, they are quick and targeted.


Using sedatives is an effective way to emotionally relax and calm your nerves without harming your health.

Consider their varieties:

  1. Bromine preparations (Adonis bromine, Potassium bromide, Sodium bromide). They are used in a strictly established dosage for the therapy of a "shattered" nervous system. Prescribed to patients of the older age category. Side effects include distraction of attention and increased drowsiness.
  2. Herbal medicines (preparations with medicinal peony, motherwort, lemon balm, hawthorn, valerian, Alora). Herbal sedatives are homeopathic, have a mild sedative effect... The soothing effect is provided by tinctures with plant compounds in the composition, natural preparations, herbal extracts.
  3. Combined sedative medicines (Novo-Passit, Persen, Nervoflux, Sanoson, Lycan). They are a combination of bromine and herbal preparations. Combined sedatives have a stronger sedative effect. Plant compounds provide a safe effect on the human nervous system, and bromine promotes rapid relaxation of smooth muscles.


Self-treatment with antidepressants and tranquilizers for children is strictly prohibited. Only a doctor is responsible for prescribing specific medications.

There are 2 types of tranquilizers (anxiolytics):

  1. Antidepressants. They are used as sedatives for depression, irritability, frequent mood swings, depression. This group of over-the-counter medicines includes: Clofranil, Saroten, Melipramine, Anafralin, Imipramine.
  2. Sedative tranquilizers. Basic lack of such drugs - hypnotic effect, which manifests itself as a side effect. Therefore, it is not recommended to get behind the wheel after taking it. The most commonly prescribed medications: Bromazepam, Diazepam, Phenazepam, Atarax, Lorazepam.

In childhood, tranquilizers are rarely prescribed.


Antipsychotics (antipsychotics) are used to treat chronic and acute psychoses, psychopathies, and eliminate psychomotor agitation. Also, such nerve sedatives are used as an adjunct medication in the treatment of drug addiction. Antipsychotics reduce the severity of emotional experiences, stop aggressiveness, impulsivity of behavioral reactions, hallucinations, delirium.

Anxiety products for certain categories

Calming drugs can be used not only by adults, but also by children, elderly patients, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

For kids

The most commonly used sedative for children is Glycine.... This tool is allowed to be used from birth. The substances that make up the medication in question help to improve the functionality of the brain, normalize sleep, and reduce emotional stress. Also, Magne B6, Tenoten for children, Citral, Pantogam are assigned for such purposes. Don't discount soothing teas for babies. Tells them in more detail.

Tranquilizers can be used to reduce excessive excitability, including with hyperactivity. They are quite effective in eliminating feelings of anxiety and fear, as well as nervous overexcitation (Elenium, Sibazon, Tazepam, Fenazipam, Phenibut).

It should be borne in mind that the listed medicines can be addictive, therefore, they are used in exceptional cases for a short period of time, only under medical supervision.

For newborns who are not yet able to swallow pills, alternate soothing baths can be recommended. We tell you how to brew it. And this article discusses the rules for safe bathing of a newborn, including the question of the correct one.

Sedatives for adolescents used for increased activity and attention deficit disorder: Grandaxin, Strattera-Atomoxetin, Kalmanevrin. Such drugs are not psychostimulants, they are not addictive. Also, children can be prescribed: Notta, Edas, Nervohel, Dormikind, Baby-Sed, Leovit.

Attention! Sedatives for children 2 years of age and younger are used with extreme caution and only after the appointment of a pediatrician. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

For the elderly

In old age, it is forbidden to take sedatives without a medical prescription, since during this period people have a number of concomitant diseases. Even a safe sleeping pill can negatively affect the well-being of an elderly person, especially in patients with suffering.

In the event of an urgent need for the use of sedative medications, you should seek advice and the appointment of the drug from your doctor.

For pregnant and lactating mothers

As a result of changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, there is nervousness, increased excitability, mood swings, irritability.

Anxiety, fear, depression are observed in the overwhelming number of women during pregnancy

In case of prolonged feelings of anxiety, it is permissible to use plant-based products (motherwort, valerian, Persen, Novo-Passita). Also, teas made from mint, lemon balm or their addition will help to overcome frequent mood swings and stress, as well as improve sleep. You can also use similar sedatives when breastfeeding.

It should be borne in mind that in the first trimester, it is not recommended to take any medications without consulting a doctor, including soothing ones. Since during this period of pregnancy, the systems and organs of the unborn child begin to be laid.

TOP-10 drugs by age

We present a list of sedatives, the rating of which is compiled from sales statistics in domestic pharmacy chains at the end of 2018. According to DSM Group research, sales of sedatives in Russia increased by 11% compared to the same period last year and antidepressants by as much as 18%. And the trend in 2019 is only to increase consumption!

Release form

Mode of application

Contraindications /
Side effects

average price

FITOSEDAN - sedative collection No. 2 (inexpensive sedative) From 12 years old The infusion should be consumed in ½ tbsp. twice / day 20-30 minutes before meals, shake well before use

The therapeutic course is from 2 to 4 weeks

In order to prepare the infusion, you need to pour a couple of sachets with the contents (4 g) in 100 ml of boiling water

Leave for a quarter of an hour under a closed lid for infusion

After the lapse of time, squeeze the sachets, bring the volume of the resulting liquid to 100 ml

Pregnancy, lactation period, individual intolerance to the compounds contained in the drug

Feeling of nausea, diarrhea, belching, pain in the right hypochondrium, allergic manifestations, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract

73 rbl.
AFOBAZOL is a good nerve sedative


From 18 years old Take 1 table. three times / day after eating

Treatment course - from 14 to 28 days

Hypersensitivity to drug compounds, pregnancy and breastfeeding, galactose intolerance, lactose deficiency

Allergic reactions, headache

345 r
PERSEN (refers to sedatives that do not cause drowsiness)

Tablets, capsules

From 12 years old Consume 2-3 tables. no more than 3 times / day.

Food intake does not affect the use of the drug

Bronchospasm, skin rashes, hyperemia, peripheral edema, allergic dermatitis, constipation (with prolonged use) RUB 318
Tincture of peony From 18 years old Take 15-20 drops three times / day. 1/4 hour before eating

Shake the contents of the bottle well before use.

Therapeutic course - 14 days

Arterial hypotension, hypersensitivity to substances in the composition of the medication

Weakness, drowsiness, arterial hypotension, skin rashes, itching, hyperemia

RUB 32

Capsules, solution

From 12 years old Take 1 capsule no more than 2 rubles / day or 1 ml 3 rubles / day. Hypersensitivity to the drug, endogenous depression, photosensitivity to the use of St. John's wort preparations in the anamnesis

Dyspeptic manifestations, allergic reactions, photosensitivity

205 RUB

Tablets, syrup

From 3 years old - in the form of a medicinal solution, from 12 years old - in tablet form In the form of a syrup, take for children aged 3 years - ½ tsp. (2.5 ml) no more than 3 rubles / day.

The time span should be between 8 and 12 hours

From 12 years old and adults - 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml) every 8 hours.

In the form of tablets, the medicine should be used from 12 years old - 1 pc. three times / day before meals

Individual intolerance to the components of the medication

In rare cases - the occurrence of allergic reactions

RUB 290
NOVO-PASSIT (effective sedative)

Tablets, syrup

From 12 years old Take the medicine in tablets 1 pc. 3 rubles / day during meals, every 4-6 hours

In the form of a syrup, take 5 ml 3 rubles / day, it is allowed to take both diluted and undiluted

Dizziness, decreased concentration, drowsiness, cramps, nausea and heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting. Less common are allergic reactions, weakness of the muscular system, exanthema 223 r

Sublingual tablets

From birth For children under 3 years old - 50 mg (0.5 tab.) 2-3 rubles / day

From 3 years old and adults - 100 mg (1 tab.) 2-3 rubles / day.

Treatment course - from 2 to 4 weeks

Hypersensitivity to the compounds that make up the drug

Allergy symptoms

28 RUB

Tablets, capsules

From 6 years old - in the form of tablets, from 12 years old - in the form of capsules Take in the form of tablets for children aged 6 years and older - 1 pc. no more than 3 times / day.

In the form of capsules - from 12 years old - 1 pc. 3 times a day

Take the medicine while taking it.

Hypersensitivity to drug components, severe depression, prolonged use of antiviral medications

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, use the drug only as directed by a doctor.

Constipation, nausea, vomiting, flushing and itching of the skin, fatigue, anxiety

202 RUB
CORVALOL (refers to quick-acting sedatives) From 12 years old Take 15-25 drops three times / day.

Before use, a single dosage should be diluted in 20 ml of water

Hypersensitivity to drug substances, severe kidney / liver disease, lactation period

Use with caution during pregnancy and severe bradycardia

General weakness of the body, lethargy, dizziness, drowsiness, lethargic reactions, tremors of the extremities, bloating, nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure, slowing heart rate

89 RUB

In the first place are herbal preparations (mint, motherwort, valerian), which are considered the safest sedatives for stress. Often after the birth of a child, which also does not add positive emotions. And the fear is passed on to the newly-made dad.

Such drugs are suitable for people who know how to take control of their own emotions, but in the case of prolonged stress, such drugs will not help. Herbal medicines have no side effects, do not stay in the body.

Bromine preparations are also popular, but they provoke the occurrence of bromism by accumulating in the body. Such a painful condition is characterized by the appearance of lethargy, apathy, adynamia, and in men, additionally, by a decrease in sexual desire.

The best anti-anxiety medications for severe stress are tranquilizers, which eliminate feelings of anxiety, fear, as well as reduce muscle tone and speed of thinking, and completely calm down. However, tranquilizers have unsafe side effects. The main side effect is addiction shortly after taking it, as well as a decrease in motor and mental activity. Such drugs are dispensed only for medical purposes.

In addition to the listed groups of medicines, it is permissible to use antidepressants in case of severe stress. These drugs are not considered anxiety drugs. They help to eliminate tension and normalize the emotional state of a person. Antidepressants are addictive and are prescribed only by the attending physician.

A list of non-prescription anti-anxiety medications for severe stress:

  1. Aminazine. It is used to treat psychosis, reduce nervous excitability.
  2. Mazheptil. Has antipsychotic properties that reduce hyperactivity.
  3. Zyprexa. It is used to eliminate psycho-emotional stress, delusional state.
  4. Coaxil. Designed to normalize sleep, reduce nervous excitability.
  5. Liponex. Has a quick sedative effect.


In conclusion, I would like to note that in stressful situations, irritability, frequent mood swings, it is better to choose herbal sedatives. Such medicines are the safest for the human body.

In more severe cases of mental disorder, you should seek the help of a doctor to avoid negative consequences. To eliminate the symptoms of severe stress, it is permissible to purchase effective drugs without a medical prescription. Once again, we note the importance of the issue of taking medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding with useful information from Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

Stress is the body's response to negative events in our lives. Problems with children, conflicts at work, a failed personal life - all this negatively affects our nervous system, forcing us to worry, cry, not sleep at night. Depressive mood results in persistent depression, insomnia and various health problems. Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of drugs that effectively solve this problem. Nerve pills act on the body, helping a person to easily get rid of stress and depression, return to a normal lifestyle without a nervous breakdown.

Stress Relief Pills - For Prescribed Only

What is the danger of stress

Any event can cause stress. One will consider this an incentive to change the usual way of life, for another, it is a source of a strong nervous experience that can provoke a deterioration in the state of mind. Moreover, both a bad and a joyful event can be stressful.

The most dangerous for health is the so-called distress, when a person cannot cope with negative emotions and experiences on his own.

As a result, the immune system malfunctions: the body's defenses weaken, and various health problems begin. There are malfunctions in the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a deterioration in memory, performance and attentiveness, suspiciousness and panic develop. The main symptoms of stress are the following changes in the body:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • labored breathing;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathy;
  • constant fatigue;
  • feelings of fear and panic;
  • increased irascibility and irritability;
  • exacerbation of bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

Effects of stress on the brain

If a person does not manage to quickly resolve his problems, and the nervous tension does not abate, there is a danger of developing chronic stress, and then it will be very difficult to overcome the prolonged depression. Therefore, stress must be taken seriously and never ignored. In this difficult period of life, pills for stress and nerves will come to the rescue of a modern person.

Of course, as before using any medications, it is worth consulting with your doctor before purchasing sedatives.

Types of medications

Drugs and remedies for depression have a psychotropic effect, that is, they normalize the work of the central nervous system, relax and improve the psychoemotional state of a person. Depending on how stress relievers work on the body, they can be divided into several main groups.

Nerve drugs

  1. Sedatives (Validol, Barboval, Valocordin). These funds reduce anxiety and nervousness, and help to normalize sleep. They have been proven to have virtually no side effects and are non-addictive. Typically, these medications are composed of beneficial herbs and herbal extracts.
  2. Nootropics (Piracetam, Vinpocetine, Pantogam). Drugs of this action help the body to resist stress and nervous tension, normalize blood circulation in the vessels, which is necessary for the functioning of the brain, improving memory and mental activity.
  3. Normotimic drugs ("Risperidone", "Olanzapine" and "Quetiapine"). Stress pills of this group are aimed at improving the mood of the patient caused by a nervous position. They help get rid of apathy and cheer up. After taking them, the patient ceases to be in a depressed state.
  4. Funds that stimulate the nervous system help a person to remain efficient, physically active and hardy for a long time (Caffeine, Fenamin, Cititon, Bemitil). But after the drugs stop working, there may be a breakdown and apathy.
  5. Tranquilizers are powerful sedatives. After their application, attacks of panic and fear cease, anxiety and anxiety disappear. However, these drugs have many side effects (drowsiness, headache, nausea) that negatively affect the body. These drugs are highly and rapidly addictive, so they are drunk only with a doctor's prescription and under his direct control.
  6. Antidepressants (Diazepam, Phenazepam, Atarax). These anti-stress drugs ease the psychoemotional state of a person. They normalize mood, help to cope with depression and nervous tension. Antidepressants and medications for depression and stress must be used very carefully as they can cause hallucinations. They are prescribed only in very serious and severe cases.
  7. Antipsychotics ("Afobazol", "Heptral" and "Prozac"). On the one hand, these are potent drugs that are drunk under stress and give excellent results. On the other hand, they cause severe lethargy and have a negative effect on healthy cells of the nervous system. Therefore, they are prescribed only for severe nervous disorders.

Afobazol - neuroleptic

Popular pills for nerves and stress

Today, drug treatment of stress can be carried out using various drugs that are widely represented in the pharmacy network. Before deciding which pills for nerves and stress to drink, it should be borne in mind that drugs in this direction are divided into two groups: plant and synthetic origin.

Plant-based medicines are in great demand due to their effectiveness, availability and relatively inexpensive price.

In addition, they practically have no contraindications and therefore are completely safe for human health. In order to obtain a healing effect, these funds must be taken in a long course. But synthetic drugs act on the body much faster. However, it is not advisable to take them without consulting a doctor.

Effective drug

The list of names of medications that can help relieve nerves, stress and depression need to be studied in more detail.

Effective herbal preparations

You can drink valerian extract from nerves and stress - a well-known and very effective remedy. This plant produces:

  • pills;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • capsules;
  • tea bags and even briquettes.

You should not take more than 80 drops at a time, otherwise you can get a completely opposite effect. Valerian will help calm down and improve sleep, reduce anxiety and relieve the negative effects of nervous stress. This medication is suitable for both men, women and children.

Other plant-based medicines are no less effective. For example, you can drink motherwort tablets, tinctures, decoctions of St. John's wort. These funds have a similar effect - they have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, improve the general condition of the body and normalize sleep.

Combination pills can also help treat stress and depression. Various herbs and plants complement each other perfectly, enhancing the healing effect.

The name of such a drug will tell you in any pharmacy. The most popular are Fitosed, Persen, Novo-Passit. These pills are effective for headaches, irritability, outbursts of anger, panic attacks and twitching of the facial nerve. These drugs are available without a prescription. Before purchasing sedatives, keep in mind that they are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, allergy sufferers, and young children.

Novo-passit - a sedative


More potent drugs in the form of drops. These medications are convenient to use, while observing the exact dosage. The most popular medicinal drops include: Valokordin, Corvalol, Zelenin drops. What effect do they have?

"Valocordin" perfectly helps with neuroses, insomnia, panic attacks, attacks of fear. But, using it, you must be careful, since the remedy can cause severe drowsiness and dizziness.

"Corvalol" - effective soothing drops. Great for patients with vegetative dystonia who are easily stressed, agitated and often suffer from mood swings. The drug is contraindicated in young children, people with renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Valerian has a calming effect

Zelenin drops, which include extracts from lily of the valley, valerian and belladonna, have proven themselves well in the fight against stress. However, this drug has many more side effects than others: gastrointestinal upset, heart complications.

Non-prescription sedatives

Stronger tablets that are readily available at the pharmacy include Glycine, Quattrex, and Tenoten. Let's consider their action in more detail.

  • "Glycine" is an excellent remedy for nerves and stress, helping to calm down in any conflict and stressful situation. In addition, with its help, you can overcome insomnia, relieve nervous tension and find peace of mind. Good for patients with heart problems. The drug is not contraindicated in children and adolescents. The course of treatment usually lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • "Tenoten" is produced both in the form of tablets and in the form of an alcoholic tincture. The drug helps in any stressful situation, since it relieves nervous tension well, relaxing a person and normalizing his brain activity. Has a hypnotic effect.
  • "Quattrex" is a medicine that will relieve you of anxiety and neurotic states and restore peace of mind. It is also used as part of general therapy for women in menopause and in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Before drinking this drug, be sure to read the instructions. Especially the point about side effects, which can manifest itself in the form of various skin rashes, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, drowsiness.

Tenoten is effective for stress.

Often, sedatives are available in the form of intravenous and homeopathic droppers, which are instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and heal the body very quickly. Homeopathic influence is exerted by such drugs as "Rest", "Notta", "Gelarium", "Leovit" and "Nevrosed".

Please note that when choosing sedatives, you should not rely on tips from friends and acquaintances. Medicines should be chosen individually, depending on the state of health. Keep in mind that some stress and depression pills are highly addictive, and many are dispensed by pharmacists only with a doctor's prescription.

The use of herbal medicine in the struggle for peace

Tea is the simplest way to maintain the nervous system. Plants are famous for their medicinal properties and have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Many herbal preparations and infusions will help to calm down and return to a normal lifestyle. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, panic attacks, insomnia, the following medicinal plants are excellent:

  • hop;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • lavender.

All of these herbs can be purchased packaged and combined into a single drink according to your own recipe. Or choose a ready-made herbal soothing herbal preparation in the pharmacy.

Herbal collection for stress

Regular green tea, which, by the way, contains a lot of beneficial flavonoids and antioxidants, will help to cheer up and overcome depression. Honey and lemon are a great addition to any herbal liqueur. When choosing tea for yourself, remember that it is important to accurately assess your psycho-emotional state. Also, don't forget about possible plant allergies. If you need to work and stay active throughout the day, not all herbs will work. Some fees are best consumed before bed.

Essential oils to fight stress

Aromatherapy is an excellent treatment for unequal disorders. This healing method came to us from the east and has recently gained immense popularity. Essential oils from stress improve mood, strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain, and relieve fatigue. This method of treatment is easy to implement and does not require significant financial costs, moreover, aromatherapy can be combined with any other treatment methods. What are the best essential oils for dealing with stress?

  1. First, the aromatic orange oil. This fruit has a pronounced, memorable aroma that perfectly copes with a bad mood, improving the state of mind.
  2. Secondly, lavender oil. This is an effective remedy that can easily help get rid of depression, fatigue and apathy, give vigor and energy.
  3. Thirdly, the ether of bergamot and cedar.

These oils have an excellent healing effect on the entire body. They relieve fatigue, give strength and normalize the emotional state.

Essential oils for stress

There are two ways to use essential oils from nerves. Buy an aroma pendant for yourself - a small clay decoration (usually in the form of Greek vases), to which 1-3 drops of oil are added. Breathing in the healing scent throughout the day, a person imperceptibly heals and gains energy. You can also use an aroma lamp, which is a very popular accessory today and will perfectly suit your home or work interior. One aromatherapy session is 15 to 25 minutes.

When not to take stress medications

Not for all stressful and nervous conditions, you can drink sedatives.

Doctors distinguish several main categories of people who should be careful about taking nerve pills.

  • Pregnant women. In this state, a woman is always in nervous tension, worrying about any reason. The independent choice of drugs can harm the health of the baby, therefore, before taking any drug, they must necessarily consult with their doctor.
  • Children. All children are capricious, cry and throw tantrums from time to time. However, this does not mean that you need to immediately give them sedatives. Try to find an approach to your baby and build a trusting relationship with him. If you begin to notice deviations in his behavior, it is better to see a doctor immediately. Do not under any circumstances make an independent diagnosis.
  • People prone to allergies and hypersensitivity. This category should also be careful when choosing medications for themselves, without being guided by the advice of friends and acquaintances. Be sure to read the instructions before drinking this or that remedy.
  • Traumatic brain injury and any diseases associated with brain activity. Nerve sedatives can cause various side effects. In this case, a doctor's consultation is imperative.
  • Serious illnesses. If a person has a tumor, a number of serious diseases, sedatives may not be effective and may not provide the desired therapeutic effect.


If necessary, you can use many different means that will help get rid of nerves and stress, improve the state of mind, and restore the body's working capacity. However, even while taking medications, you shouldn't forget about very simple but effective methods that can help you cope with stress.

This is active physical exercise.

Sports activities will enrich the body with hormones of happiness. In addition, proper deep breathing during physical activity helps to calm down and relax, which also improves well-being and effectively relieves stress. In addition, psychologists in this situation advise to pay close attention to sleep, because it is at this time that our body replenishes the vital forces it needs. For normal health, an average of 7-8 hours of sound sleep is enough. Nutrition is just as important, because the body needs energy to cope with stress. A balanced diet rich in microelements, vitamins and nutrients will help him recuperate and give him vigor.

  • References:

    1. Introduction to psychology: textbook. / under total. ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1997. - 496 p.
    2. Zimnyaya, I.A. Educational psychology: textbook. allowance / I.A. Winter. –2nd ed., Add., Rev. and revised - M .: Logos, 2002 .-- 384 p.
    3. Psychology of personality: textbook. allowance: in 2 volumes. Foreign psychology. - 3rd ed., Add. - Samara: Publishing House "BAHRAKH-M", 2002. - Vol. 1. - 512 p.
    4. Kotikova, O. P. Educational psychology: a course of lectures / O.P. Kotikov. - Minsk: Publishing house. MIU, 2005 .-- 132 p.

    The modern rhythm of life leaves a negative imprint on the psycho-emotional state of every person. Endless stress and daily stress provoke nervous breakdowns not only among women, but also among men. This explains the importance of knowing drugs that calm the nervous system, which can be purchased without a prescription from a specialist. Such knowledge can select the most effective remedy that has a small number of side effects. In this article, we'll take a look at a variety of over-the-counter sedatives.

    Stress and psychological stress make a person nervous and withdrawn in his inner world.

    How sedatives work

    Medicines used to reduce the excitement of the nervous system are called sedatives. Medicines from this category are often used as part of the complex therapy of depression, neuroses and anxiety disorders. The composition of such funds enhances the inhibition of nervous processes, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity and elimination of irritation. In addition, the effect of drugs extends to the autonomic system, which manifests itself in the form of normalization of the heartbeat, reduction of sweating and elimination of intestinal spasms.

    Strong sedative tablets can belong to different pharmacological groups. Most often, these drugs are classified as hypnotics, antipsychotics, antidepressants and analgesics. Many of the drugs have side effects, which suggests the need for the correct approach to their use.

    It is important to note that even the misuse of soothing herbal infusions can negatively affect the nervous system.

    The correct approach to the selection of medicines allows you to reduce the severity of symptoms of neurasthenia and neurosis within a short period of time. By using sedatives, insomnia and other sleep disorders can be cured. The selection of such medicines should be dealt with by a specialist who knows about all the features and nuances in their use. In addition to all of the above, it should be borne in mind that a nervous breakdown can be one of the manifestations of a serious mental disorder.

    Over-the-counter sedatives

    Sedatives come in many dosage forms. They come in the form of tablets, drops, tinctures, and injections. It is important to note that preparations made in the form of injectable solutions should be used only after a doctor's prescription.

    Homeopathic medicines are one of the most common medicinal groups with sedative effects. The advantage of this drug group is the absence of side effects and restrictions on use. Due to this feature, such drugs can be used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system in pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children. It is also important to note that the absence of a hypnotic effect makes it possible to take such medications in situations where it is important to maintain the maximum level of concentration.

    For neuroses and neurasthenia, it is recommended to combine strong psychiatric pills with conventional anti-stress drugs

    Below is a list of non-prescription soothing pills:

    • "Tenoten";
    • "Gelarium";
    • "Nervohel";
    • "Neurosed";
    • Leovit.

    In this list, one should highlight such a drug as "Nervohel". Its use is prescribed for patients with increased nervous excitability, neuroses, insomnia or menopause. It is possible to use the medicine for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children, starting from the age of three. It is possible to take the medicine during pregnancy and during breastfeeding only after the approval of the attending physician. Among the side effects, possible allergic reactions should be highlighted in case of intolerance to individual components.

    Also, mention should be made of such a medicine as "Alora". Despite the fact that this drug is not included in the above list, "Alora" is often prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity of the nervous system. Thanks to its calming and anticonvulsant effect, the drug reduces the level of irritation and eliminates anxiety. This remedy is prescribed in the presence of a depressive disorder, insomnia, asthenia and other diseases of the central nervous system. It is not recommended to use this drug for people with hypersensitivity, due to the high risk of side effects.

    Solutions containing alcohol

    1. "Sedariston"- this herbal preparation is based on medicinal herbs. Due to its effectiveness, "Sedariston" is often used in the complex therapy of neurotic disorders.
    2. "Valokordin"- a sedative drug endowed with sedative and hypnotic effects. The use of this remedy allows you to reduce nervous excitement, eliminate anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia. It should be noted that the duration of treatment with this pharmaceutical product is determined on the basis of the disease.
    3. "Drops of Zelenin"- This medication is recommended in the presence of diseases such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, renal colic and heart failure. Side effects include decreased muscle tone, allergic reactions, bouts of vomiting and dizziness, migraines and dry mouth.
    4. "Corvalol"- this drug contains both herbal and chemical components. Despite the high similarity with Valocordin, Corvalol has a milder effect on the body. This pharmacological product can be used not only as a sedative, but also as a mild sleeping pill. Reception "Corvalol" allows you to normalize cardiac activity and expand the walls of the vascular system. Among the side effects of this medication, one should highlight the occurrence of allergies, a decrease in blood pressure and attacks of dizziness. Prolonged use of the medication can lead to the development of addiction.
    5. "Nervoflux"- a herbal preparation used for insomnia and chronic stress. The medicine is based on medicinal herbs such as valerian, lavender and licorice. Medicinal tea is made on the basis of Nervoflux.

    Most sedatives are available without a doctor's prescription.

    Combined funds

    This medicinal group includes medicines, whose composition is based on both herbal and chemical components. Due to the mild effect on the nervous system and the absence of stress on the internal organs, this group of medicines is considered one of the harmless ones. Just twenty minutes after taking the drug is enough to achieve a sedative effect. In this category of medicines, such medicines as "Persen", "Notta", "Sedafiton", "Neuroplapnt" and "Novo-Passit" should be distinguished.

    It is important to pay attention to the fact that combination preparations are also available in the form of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Among this category of medicines should be distinguished "Sedavit" and "Deprivit" normalizing the sleep process and the activity of the central nervous system.
    In this drug group, the undoubted leader is Novo-Passit. This drug is made on the basis of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort and other herbs. Thanks to its calming effect, Novo-Passit helps to increase resistance to stress, eliminate insomnia and migraines. This pharmaceutical product is indicated for chronic emotional and anxiety disorders.

    Also worth mentioning is the efficiency of Persen, which is one of the analogues of Novo-Passit. Just as in the case of the previous medicine, the composition of "Persen" is based on herbal extracts. It is recommended to use the tablets for increased nervous excitement, irritability, sleep problems and stress.

    Synthetic medicines and other drug groups

    In the presence of pronounced disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, anxiety disorders and excessive irritability, potent drugs made from synthetic components are prescribed. Among the medicines from this list, one should highlight "Andante", "Tizercin", "Glycine", "Risset" and "Melaxen".

    Ideally, any nerve sedative should be prescribed by a doctor.

    Among individual representatives of other drug groups, Tenoten tablets should be distinguished. This drug belongs to the category of nootropic drugs with anxiolytic dynamism. The use of the product allows you to reduce anxiety, relieve nervous tension and reduce the severity of depression. Due to the elimination of depression, "Tenoten" is used as a prophylactic agent for chronic stress. One of the popular nootropic drugs used to reduce nervous tension is Phenibut. This medicine normalizes physical and mental activity, has a beneficial effect on memory functions and eliminates insomnia.

    From the category of light tranquilizers, Afobazol tablets should be distinguished. The use of this drug can eliminate the symptoms of anxiety disorder. Taking the drug has a positive effect on the rate of intracellular division, which has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system.

    Many people are interested in soothing injections, the name of which will be given in the list below:

    • "Gemenevrin";
    • Flormidal;
    • Rohypnol;
    • Dormikum.

    It is important to note that the drugs on this list are sold only with a prescription from a doctor, as there is a high likelihood of side effects.

    Baby sedatives

    Glycine is most often recommended for small children suffering from diseases of the nervous system. The amino acid in its composition reduces nervous tension, normalizes brain activity and eliminates sleep disturbance. Along with this drug, Citral, Magne B6 and Tenoten can be prescribed.

    With pronounced psychomotor agitation, Phenibut, Phenazepam and Sibazon are prescribed. These medications help relieve anxiety, panic attacks, and agitation. It is important to pay attention to the fact that these drugs are addictive, therefore, when taking them, it is not recommended to deviate from the treatment regimen.

    During treatment with strong sedatives, as a rule, there is a decrease in alertness, drowsiness, lethargy, muscle weakness.

    Soothing for pregnant women

    During pregnancy, hormonal changes begin in a woman's body, provoking nervousness, frequent mood swings and irritability. In order to eliminate these symptoms, herbal remedies such as Valerian, Persen and Motherwort are used. It is important to note that the above medications can only be used after consulting your doctor.

    Throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of any pharmaceutical product is not recommended. During this period of time, many systems and organs of the embryo are formed. The use of potent drugs can cause fetal development disorders and cause various pathologies.

    What are the dangers of taking sedatives

    Each pharmaceutical product, in addition to beneficial effects, is endowed with various side effects. Incorrect use of medications, missed doses and increased dosage can cause allergies, dizziness, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms. Special care should be taken when taking medications that negatively affect the functionality of internal organs and blood pressure indicators.

    Over-the-counter sedatives can cause drowsiness, decreased concentration, and dizziness. In order to avoid such phenomena, you should consult with a specialist in advance about the appropriateness of their use. The tablets should be used in strict accordance with the treatment regimen.