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Makeup in retro style. For the correct creation of pin-up makeup, we advise you to listen to some recommendations Makeup in the style of the 50s

The style of that “ten” was reminiscent of a flower - a long, multi-layered skirt, shoes mostly with stilettos, stockings with a seam at the back and bright makeup that was applied in the morning. All this contributed to the emergence of the pin-up style, that is, the image should be as seductive and attractive as possible.

The makeup of the 50s was based on the expressiveness of the lips and eyes at the same time. This can be achieved with black arrows, false or heavily made-up eyelashes and lipstick in bright red, raspberry or scarlet. And of course, you cannot do all this without high-quality and very good cosmetics, with the help of which and thanks to which you will be charming.

Naturally, every girl wants to achieve the perfect tone of the face. In the case of makeup "sixty years ago" it must be one hundred percent flawless - without a single flaw. And the skin tone itself is certainly pale, which is why the powder was applied in a very thick layer. Such makeup is quite in demand today, because elegance and attractiveness are always in fashion! Try to make a retro make-up in the style of the 50s, and you will immediately transform into a bright and charming coquette.

1. Preparing the face for applying tone.

As mentioned above, the beauty of the 50s make-up is in perfect skin condition. And to achieve this, you need to go through a series of procedures. First, degrease the skin with a tonic or lotion. Then we moisturize it with a cream, but it will be better if you use a BB cream, which contains both nutrition and a foundation at once.

2. Hiding imperfections and evening out skin tone.

If the problem is dark circles under the eyes or any other shortcomings, then you need to use a corrector. Next, apply a foundation that matches your natural skin tone. Now you can fix the result using powder. But the whole trick is to achieve the desired effect, the usual light and transparent remedy will not work here: the powder must be dense in texture.

3. Beautiful eyebrows.

Makeup of the 50s focuses on completely unsharp lines and soft curves. If we talk about the thickness of the eyebrows, then natural, wide eyebrows were popular. When shaping with tweezers, it will be great if you can raise the eyebrow slightly in the very center, as this will add flirtatiousness and charm to the image.

Well, then, as with a regular make-up: with a contour pencil (preferably soft) or shadows, we shade all the “gaps”, comb the eyebrows and fix the result with a special gel. Hue, of course, it is better to choose the most suitable for the natural color.

4. Light blush.

To make the image really feminine and desirable, you need to resort to the use of blush. A suitable shade would be pinkish peach. Using a wide brush, apply blush to the cheekbones and shade well.

5. Expressive eyes.

Eye makeup in the style of the 50s is unique and at the same time popular among modern fashionistas. The look is playful, mysterious and a little cunning. The secret is that you first need to pick up light shadows (pearl or matte). The best color solution for our eye makeup will be: light beige, milky, cream, pale peach, pale silver or light pink. The area under the eyebrow is lightly covered with mother-of-pearl to achieve a “deep” look. Next, apply the shadows of your choice to the entire surface of the eyelid and carefully shade. The lower eyelid is also carefully tinted.

Now you need to apply all your creative skills in order to depict the arrows. As an art pencil, use a black eyeliner or liner. To begin with, we draw a line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer and slightly go beyond. The thickness of the arrow can be anything, but you should not draw it too thin.

Long eyelashes always have an alluring effect on others. In our makeup, this is just what we need. Therefore, we choose lengthening mascara and carefully paint over the cilia of the upper and lower rows.

6. Seductive lips.

Puffy, appetizing lips are characteristic of retro makeup in the style of the 50s. If nature has not endowed you with such lips, do not be discouraged. With a little trick, you can get closer to the "standards". To do this, lightly cover the lips with foundation, blend and powder a little. Then we draw a contour with a pencil or create a new one, depending on the fullness of the lips. And only then we apply the lipstick itself with a special brush - for high-quality preservation of lipstick throughout the day. The color scheme is all shades of red, but with the condition not to use shimmering particles, mother-of-pearl and other glitter.

Makeup in retro style is perfect for any girl, even with the most interesting appearance. You can bet on the rock style of the distant 20s or on the sexy look of the 50s. Thanks to modern high quality cosmetics, you can make a retro make-up at home so that it will not differ from a professional make-up. We invite you to study our article, which will reveal all the nuances and secrets of creating a make-up in retro style in the smallest details.

A bit of history

The main feature of makeup in this style is the emphasis on the look. Mandatory attributes of retro style are false eyelashes, bright shades of shadow and traced. Retro makeup appeared in the 1920s. And it all came from the fact that makeup artists at that time simply had to apply makeup to film actresses, in rich dark colors, since other makeup was lost and was not visible on black and white film. As a result, young girls began to imitate their favorite actresses, using bright lipstick and dark shadows.

The style of the femme fatale came in handy, since the anti-erotic makeup of those times was already rather fed up. Retro makeup is a note of piquancy among everyday monotony. It's not just a tribute to vintage style, it's romance. In addition, screen legend Greta Garbo supported the desire of young beauties for depravity. Her dramatic images only caused a wave of delight among the fairer sex and encouraged them to act exactly according to the same principles when creating makeup. By itself, retro-style makeup is simply universal, as it is perfect for a blonde, a brown-haired woman, and a brunette. It is only important to correctly place all the accents and choose the color scheme. The ideal way in this style is considered with plump small lips, as well as large eyes.

Secrets of retro style

To get started, try recreating the retro 50s makeup look yourself. A famous actress of that time can be an excellent visual example for you. Her makeup always consists of rich bright red lipstick, soft pleasant skin color, fluffy eyelashes and clear arrows. A similar image will perfectly complement a hairstyle with curls and an airy romantic dress.

Necessary cosmetics for make-up in retro style

To create your own make-up in retro style, you will need:

  1. Makeup base;
  2. Foundation;
  3. Blush;
  4. Loose powder;
  5. Lip liner;
  6. Moisturizing lipstick;
  7. Shades of light tones;
  8. Bulk mascara;
  9. Cotton buds;
  10. Eyeliner on a gel or cream base;

Retro Makeup Instructions

  1. To create a retro bridal look, start by moisturizing your skin with an appropriate cream. Be sure to wait until the base is completely absorbed.
  2. You can apply liquid foundation on your face. Spread the foundation evenly over the skin with a soft latex sponge and blend gently.
  3. You can fix the result with loose powder of the appropriate tone. The skin in any case should retain a light shade. Therefore, you should not use dark powders and bronzers. Follow the sequence and apply the products in stages, otherwise the makeup will not work.
  4. To make retro makeup look natural, a pale pink tint on the bulging cheek areas. In this case, the color should turn out to be slightly bright, but, on the contrary, refreshing.
  5. Gently apply powder eye shadow on the moving eyelid. They must be light in color. Depending on your skin tone, you can use shades of pink, champagne or plum.
  6. After applying the shadows, dip the brush, preferably flat with a slightly beveled edge, into the black eyeliner. You can use a gel or cream based eyeliner. Draw a wide arrow along the upper eyelid. Extend the tip of the arrow a little beyond the contours of the eye and gently lift it to the temple. To make retro wedding makeup perfect, you need to carefully monitor that the arrows are symmetrical. If you made a mistake, then you should immediately correct everything. This can be done with ordinary cotton swabs. Otherwise, the face will look a little skewed, which does not add beauty.
  7. Step by step, apply decorative cosmetics, while not forgetting to blend everything.
  8. Also, don't forget to apply mascara to your eyelashes. It must be applied in several layers. At the same time, with each layer, the cilia must be separated and combed. Apply the second layer only after the first has dried. Curl your lashes with a curling iron and then attach the extensions. If you cannot draw beautiful and identical arrows on your own, then it is better to replace the liquid eyeliner with special stickers. They are very easy to use. In addition, the application scheme is usually indicated on the packaging for such products.
  9. To complete the look, line your lips with a lip liner.
  10. After that, apply lipstick of a satin dense texture on the lips. To match the romance of the 50s, you can use decorative cosmetics for lips in warm red tones.

Your retro makeup is ready. To look like the fairer sex in the distant 50s, you need to choose the right outfit. Brides dressed in retro style and with matching makeup look simply amazing. It is worth noting that such an image is perfect not only for the bride, but also for any young woman or girl. It gives the image a little innocence, femininity and sexuality. A good finish can be styling in the form of curls.

Video: retro makeup master class

Pin-up makeup originated in America. This type of make-up reached the peak of its popularity in the late forties and early fifties of the last century.

Simple and stylish yet original and attractive classic pin-up makeup can transform any girl or woman if you choose the right application option.

Makeup is designed to create an image that will suit and flirty playful dress, and to the classic evening dress.

Pin-up fashion is making a comeback these days. It has become popular not only to apply this type of makeup on the face, but also to wear clothes and accessories with prints of girls of the fifties era with this makeup, in light dresses and with colored headbands.

What is it?

This type of makeup involves applying to the eyes. clear and long black arrows medium thickness, using neutral light shadows and a small amount of shadows a few shades darker and on the lips with a clear and even contour.

Most often, such makeup is combined with light retro-style curls or high hairstyles with polka dot bandages in red or any other bright color.

Pin-up makeup is often used by stars such as Dita Von Teese, Katy Perry, Scarlett Johansson and Christina Aguilera. A true lover of this pin-up style makeup was a world famous star Marilyn Monroe.

Basic principles

If a girl or woman decides to experiment and try to apply a pin-up make-up, then you should first consider the following principles:

You can learn how to do makeup in the style of Chicago in the 30s from ours.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Step-by-step instruction

What should be taken into account?

For owners light brown hair, it is best to opt for hot pink or burgundy lipstick. A pale pink blush that shimmers a little will look especially advantageous.

For platinum blondes, purple lipstick of a piercing color, combined with beige shadows, is very suitable.

What to Consider brown-haired women? Girls and women with this hair color will look more advantageous if the arrows in the eyes are less expressive, but the cheekbones are more noticeable with pink blush. On the lips, it is better to apply coral red lipstick with a glossy shine.

Owners of dark hair can slightly increase the width of the eyebrows and the width of the arrow on the upper eyelid. You can lightly bring the outer corner of the lower eyelid with a dark brown pencil. Pin up makeup perfect for brunettes.

Errors in image creation

The most common mistakes that are made when applying this spectacular makeup, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, are the following actions:

  • use of short and thin arrows;
  • the use of black shadows on the upper eyelid;
  • thick black eyeliner of the lower and upper eyelids with a jet black pencil;
  • use of carrot lipstick colors;
  • applying foundation on insufficiently cleansed skin;
  • the use of foundation with a tanning effect;
  • deviation from the contour of the lips by a couple of millimeters, when applying a lip pencil;
  • clear highlighting of the cheekbones with a bronzer.

With what to combine?

What hairstyle and clothes will suit the image? With this makeup will look very advantageous voluminous retro skirts, mid-knee length, summer plain dresses with short voluminous sleeves.

Perfect for a themed pin-up photo session. sundress with wide straps or a closed swimsuit with floral print.

It is worth paying attention to such hairstyles as traditional bun, large curls or low ponytail. A bright red headband, a polka dot headband and large pearl-like beads in bright colors will perfectly complement the look, which uses pin-up makeup.

Pin-up look for a photo shoot:

A bright and flirty image is perfect for girls and women of all color types. Recreate this flirty and cute image of girls from the 50s simple enough and the result will justify all the wildest expectations.

Pin-up makeup will help you make two accents at once, which will not look vulgar. A pin-up make-up look will be bright and bold without being overdone.

You can use such makeup both for everyday application of decorative cosmetics, and when performing an evening make-up.

Pin up makeup step by step in this video:

Short haircuts and a light shade of hair are in fashion. Eyebrows begin to be plucked so that the outer tip goes up. Often the tip was simply plucked out and redrawn. More and more lipstick colors are coming out.

Makeup 60s

The distant 60s and 70s of the XX century amaze with their bright style and originality. Speaking of the fashion of the 60s, short dresses, short hair and feminine makeup come to mind. After all, it was at that time that girls in high heels, in miniskirts, and with big sunglasses flashed everywhere, the youth style began to develop. The fashion of the 70s continued to dictate its conditions, at this time the boundaries of what was permitted were completely erased. The concept of "individuality" was born, and everything individual was welcomed.

With the advent of new musical directions, a community of punks and hippies appeared. People began to look at everything differently, they began to think more freely and more independently. All this is naturally reflected in women's style and makeup as well.

The main distinguishing feature of the makeup of the 60s is the emphasis on one area of ​​the face. That is, the emphasis should be either on the eyes, or on the lips, or on the eyebrows (cheeks). Ladies of those times most often focused on the eyes. Fashionistas sought to make their image not ordinary, and at the same time simple and innocent. So let's take a closer look:

Skin - the tone of the face should be even and bright. Your makeup base should match your skin tone, set with powder. Fashionistas sought natural skin color.

Eyes - should be bright and open. The eyelid is covered with shadows, the main tone remains invariably light, but not necessarily matte, mother-of-pearl shadows were welcome. The accent shadows were applied to the crease, making it a little darker. The eyeliner continued to be in fashion, the eyes were drawn with a thin line along the growth of the eyelashes, and slightly stretching the outer corner of the eye.

Eyelashes, as in the 50s, were very popular, fashionistas applied several layers to achieve a more voluminous effect. They even began to twist them with special tweezers.

Lips - were not bright, unlike the 50s, in the 60s they mainly focused on the eyes, which means that the lips should be as natural as possible. Use soft pink shades of lipstick or iridescent gloss. Properly selected gloss will make your lips natural and at the same time very sexy, because the gloss gives volume to the lips.