Repairs Design Furniture

Guide to laying a massive board on Phaneur. How to lay a massive glue board with plywood: Step-by-step instruction Massive floorboard mounting

The solid board is called the finishing flooring, made of solid wood solid or coniferous wood array, in the side of which the manufacturer includes grooves and ridges for dense docking with adjacent boards. The floor of a solid array board is characterized by a presentable appearance, perfectly maintains heat resistant to loads, durable and environmentally friendly, it is easy to operate and, if necessary, it is well tolerating a multiple cyclusion, grinding or polishing. If the laying of a massive board is made with a clear observance of the instruction and the original quality of the material complies with the standards of technology, then the beautiful and durable floor will serve not one generation.

The durability and high performance characteristics of the future floor of the natural tree are equally dependent on compliance with the laying instructions, and on the initial quality of a massive board. In turn, the quality of the board of solid massif depends on such factors:

  • the quality of the feedstock;
  • equipment of the manufacturing line of the manufacturer;
  • modern drying technology.

Massive board: in the sides of grooves and ridges for dense docking with adjacent boards

The conditioned wood for the manufacture of an outdoor board from a solid array should not contain through holes, bitch, mold or rot. From the modern technical equipment of the plant and compliance with the technology of drying, the stability of the linear size of finished products depends. At modern woodworking enterprises, wood is dried under high pressures to the minimum moisture content, impregnate it with antiseptics to the entire depth, and then humidity are artificially adjusted to optimal conditional indicators.

On most enterprises, the boards from the array after drying are grinning and apply several layers of wear-resistant varnish on the surface or coated with oils or wax and floors from such a boards are ready to operate right after laying. If the finishing processing of the natural flooring board from the array in the factory conditions is not performed, then it is produced at the final stage after laying.

A high-quality massive board must comply with the following criteria:

  • humidity - 7-10%;
  • thickness - 15-30 mm, but can reach 50 mm;
  • width - 100-150 mm;
  • length - from 50 cm to 3 meters, meets up to 6 m;
  • permissible deviations of linear dimensions are not more than 0.5 mm.

The strength and main mechanical characteristics of the future floor depends on the thickness of the massive board. More often than others use boards with a thickness of 20-25 mm, but the final choice depends on the form of the basis for the floor, the wood breed and the purpose of the premises.

Types and preparation of bases for laying

The floors from the massive board can be flattened in any rooms: wooden and stone private houses, as well as in the apartments of high-altitude brick, panel or monolithically concrete houses. The base for the floor can be:

  • reinforced concrete plates of inter overlated floors;
  • bearing metal or wooden structures - lags;
  • support pillars of the first floor of a private house;
  • old wooden floors.

In all listed cases, the same technology of laying a massive board is used, but the preparation of each type of foundation has its own distinctive features.

Concrete base, if required, leveled with a cement-sand tie.

Important: The floors from the massive board are recommended to be placed on a fresh concrete only 2.5-3 months after fill. The degree of readiness of the foundation is checked, tightly pressed to the surface of a small sheet of polyethylene. If after 48 hours on the side adjacent to the concrete, the condensate does not appear, the base is suitable for continuing work on floor laying.

A steam insulation layer of foamed polyethylene or soil mastic is placed on a dry and even base. Polyethylene film can be fed to the brass or jack, gluing the cloth with a construction tape.

On top of the vapor barrier layer, the sheets of moisture-resistant plywood are stacked, pre-cut along the smaller side on the strip 40-60 cm wide. Fanroom base fragments are laid diagonally or in a checker order so that 2-3 mm gap remains between them, and there remained a gap between the extreme sheet of plywood and the wall, setting the plywood base, it is firmly attached to concrete using screws with dowels At the rate of 15 fastening points per 1 sq.m. Screwing heads are taken to a depth of 3-4 mm.

On a concrete base can be laid a massive board not thicker 25 mm

If a primer mastic is used as a steam insulating layer, the plywood base can be glued. To do this, mastic is diluted with solvent to optimal consistency, applied to concrete, and prepared plywood sheets are glued to it, causing glue compatible with mastic mastic.

Important: On the plywood base, laid on the concrete, you can put the floors from the massive board, if its thickness does not exceed 25 mm.

Lag base

The carrier base on the lags is used in the arrangement of the floor in new homes with a very uneven concrete base, floors on the support pillars on the first floors of private houses, as well as in cases where it is planned to use an array of a thickness of more than 25 mm as a finishing coating. The arrangement of the bearing base on the lags is very popular, as the design does not require operations with water, the subsequent drying and is quickly mounted.

Preparation of the bearing base on the lags: fannel flooring for the arranged already and aligned design of lag

Lagas are called wooden rectangular bars, usually with a cross section of 50x55 mm and a length of 70-100 cm. Fasten them to a concrete or other basis with screws with dowels perpendicular to the direction of the future floor board. The step of lag, as a rule, is 25-30 cm, and the distance between adjacent mounting points to the base is at least 50 cm.

The space between lags is placed in a layer of mineral wool, which simultaneously performs the function of thermal insulation and noise protection, which is especially relevant for the first floors. On top of the lag, the layer of vapor insulating material is fastening on top of the construction stapler, and the black floor-resistant plywood floor is placed in the end - the basis for laying the board.

The existing wooden floor can serve as the basis for laying a massive board, if there is hard confidence in its strength. Otherwise, it is better to dismantle it and create a new modern basis. If there is no doubt, the old floor is grinding the grinding machine, setting the coarse grinding tape, is thoroughly cleaned from dust and the waterproofing layer of ordinary or foamed polyethylene is laid.

The massive board in this case is stacked in the same direction as the main floorboards. If another direction of the finishing coating is assumed, on top of the separated existing floor of the base, lay a layer of waterproof plywood with a thickness of about 12-15 mm.

Before laying a massive board, the plywood base is grinding and removed dust

Thus, regardless of the design of the basis of the floor, its finish layer is a waterproof plywood. Before laying the finish flooring of a massive blackboard, a rough floor of plywood is grinding the grinding machine and remove dust.

Methods of laying: adhesive and blissful

The flooring board made of natural wood array is placed by adhesive or a volatile way. With the use of glue, the board is placed from valuable wood, which, as a rule, is thinner of the common breeds, and its length rarely exceeds 2 m - the high price affects. The adhesive method of laying a massive board with the arrangement of the floor in the rooms of a very large area or a complex incorrect circuit, as well as on very small areas, such as in the area of \u200b\u200bdoor and arched openings, is presented.

The glue is placed by a massive board of valuable wood, not very thick and not very long

In the glue laying, the massive board floor laying is glued to the base with special glue, they are snugged together in transverse and longitudinal directions and fasten to the base in the side joints with screws at an angle of 45 °, hacking the hats to a depth of 3-5 mm.

The floor of a natural wood massif of natural wood is resistant to seasonal deformations, is durable, it does not need compensatory temperature seams. At the same time, it is very capricious with temperature and humidity indicators above acceptable and not at all suitable as the finish flooring in the heating systems "Warm floor". Finally, to replace even a small damaged area, it is necessary to completely dismantle the entire floor laid on the adhesive.

A more modern implose way of laying a massive board is easy to perform and is always used when working with products equipped with a Schip-Paz Cam System.

On the eve of the start of work on the floor of the floor, the massive board should be made to the room, remove from the package, put the stack and leave for 3-5 days. This is necessary in order for the material to take the temperature and humidity of the environment and was subsequently deformed during the operation of the floor.

Laying the massive board with their own hands will not create problems even non-professional

If the basis for the floor is properly prepared and high-quality material is chosen, the laying of a massive board does not create problems even non-professional. Manufacturers recommend laying an array board with a relative humidity not higher than 60% and air temperature of 10-30 ° C. Most often, the massive board is laid parallel to the direction of light from the most illuminated window, but any other solutions are also possible, for example, diagonally.

The laying of the first row of the flooring begins along the longest wall, parallel to the floor axis, spike to the wall, align and fixate with self-draws in such a way that they can be closed by a plinth. The opposite wall side of the board is fixed to the base or lags, screwing up the screw in the groove at an angle of 45 °. The fixation to the base is performed by the wood screw, the length of which should be 2-2.5 times higher than the thickness of the board.

Each Hall must be fixed on all contacting lags

IMPORTANT: Each Hall must be fixed on all lags with which it comes into contact.

Each next row of boards put a spike in the grooves of the erection board of the previous series, not forgetting to fix it with self-draws. For the maximum dense fit of the flooring to each other, they are configured using pads. The last row of boards, like the first, is fixed to the basis of self-draws in such a way that they can be hidden under the plinth. Between the extreme rows of flooring and walls, the temperature gap is 8-10 mm.


If a massive board was used for the floor with the finishing coating applied in the factory, then the floor can be operated immediately after laying. In the case of using a raw board from the array, the entire laid floor must "stand out" for about a week, then it is grinding and coated with two layers of varnish to prevent the drying of the wood.

The mandatory grinding is also subject to the floor of natural wood, if the difference in the thickness of two adjacent boards exceeds the allowable 0.5 mm and noticeable. The massive board is grinning along the fibers using an abrasive tape with a grain of 0.15 mm. If defects, dents, bursavers appeared on the surface of the flooring when laying, they should be sharpened, polished and only then apply lacquer.

After laying, the floor of the massive board is covered with varnishes or impregnate oils based on oils and wax

Fans of natural wooden floor can instead of lacquer use special oil-wax formulations for wood coating. Funds based on natural oils and wax, unlike varnishes, impregnate the array board throughout the thickness, creating the thinnest protective film on the surface. Such a coating effectively emphasizes the natural texture of wood, protecting it at the same time from the defeat of insects, mold or fungi.

The practicality of the massive board as an outdoor coating is proved by the centuries of the trouble-free service, it is beautiful, effectively, respectable. Despite the guided age of use, the wood board from the wood array never comes out of fashion, it is amenable to any types of processing, up to artificial aging, so popular with designers when creating interiors in the style of "Vintage".

Outdoor coating from a solid array of wood serves decades, and this is a fact. The material is warm, highly aesthetic and cozy. Modern technology of laying a massive board is significantly different from old installation methods. Read the details below.

The array is a long strip of solid wood of valuable breeds: oak, beech, larch, cherries, nut. Large manufacturers use particularly solid and exotic species - TIK, Bamboo, Yatoba, Zebrano, Merbau, etc. Dimensions are variatives:

  • The thickness of the massive board (depends on the scope of application) - 9-26 mm;
  • Product width - from 100 to 220 mm;
  • Length - from 300 to 1500 mm.

On the perimeter of the slats there is a puzzle castle ("Schip-groove"), which allows us to collect an array into a single, monolithic coating. In the wrong way, special "grooves", compensating internal stresses and preventing deformation.

The surface can be clean or processed in the factory base oil, varnish or butter-wax. In the first case, after laying, a small doshlifovka and a protective coating will be required (better based on fat-containing mixtures, since the lacquer film can crackue due to temperature and humidity drops). On the perimeter in some collections, the chamfer is cut, and its depth for unprotected LCMs should be at least 2 mm.

If earlier the shade of the floor covering depended on the wood of wood, today it is not so important. Modern paints and varnish materials allow you to get more than 5,000 shades, from snow-white to deep black. Therefore, when choosing it is better to pay attention to the hardness of a massive board, its resistance to atmospheric drops, etc.

When sorting a massive board for the floor, several categories are distinguished:

The name of each manufacturer may change, but the essence is one - 1, 2 or 3 variety, and accordingly, the presence or absence of various defects. Of course, the price depends on this parameter. An array of selection is the premium class coatings, so it will cost several times more expensive than products from the Rustic series.

Board laying

Professional laying of the array is performed according to the "in the dispersion" method or with a displacement by 1/3. At the same time, a double fixation method is used: for glue and hardware (special self-equipped hats, parquet "studs").

The reason for the "reinsurance" is simple: wood is subject to deformations. That is, changes linear dimensions depending on humidity, temperature, time of year. Printing and additional attraction of fixtures to the base will provide fastening stiffness, will prevent the appearance with the gaps, steaming of the planks.

  1. The installation of installation works is carried out only after the completion of all types of rough finishes allowing humidification or air heating. Including laying of tiles, plastering or painting of walls and ceiling, sticking wallpaper, etc.
  2. The air temperature in the room must be between +18 ° C to +25 ° C, humidity - 40-60%.
  3. Transportation is made in covered cars, and storage - in a dry, ventilated room.
  4. The overwhelming part of the produced massive board is not intended for laying on floor heating systems.
  5. Before work, it is necessary to withstand the so-called acclimatization period - at least 48 hours.
  6. After laying in rooms, it is necessary to maintain the optimal parameters of the microclimate: humidity in the range of 40-60%, and the air temperature is + 18- +22 ºС.

The most optimal is recognized as laying of a massive board on the fan of the moisture resistant series, for example, FC birch.

This material is considered particularly strong, as it is able to withstand substantial loads in various directions, and due to the multi-layer, the change in linear dimensions is minimal. The minimum thickness of the plywood substrate is from 10 mm and more.

Laying a massive board on a screed without plywood or wooden floor is allowed. But with advanced careful preparation. In any case, the next set of funds and installation tools will be required:

Mounting a massive board is divided into 3 stages:

Preparation of the foundation

The draft floor should be:

If the installation is planned for mineral base, take care of pre-waterproofing. To do this, it is better to use special primer-type primers. They are applied with a solid layer on the entire surface of the floor with a wall at the walls.

Laying coating

Starting the installation should be from a solid wall of the room from left to right. On the width of the plank, it is necessary to apply glue with a toothed spatula. The starting board is installed by an edge groove to the wall, the gap is stacked with spacer wedges. The row is fixed by self-drawing or parquet studs at an angle of 45º with an interval of 25-30 cm.

If laid wood from the category of particularly solid, it is recommended to prevent the holes under the screw to prevent cracking to prevent cracking.

Putting the first strip, the following is attached to it with the help of profile puzzle locks, and the installation begins with a cropped fragment. If necessary, the bar must be carefully tied up or attract the mounting corner.

The last row is trimmed with such a calculation to leave between the coating and the process of the technological gap of 8-12 mm. And the width of the planks should not be less than 5-10 cm.

You can walk on the finished massive floor in 24-72 hours after the end of the work. Grinding and subsequent processing is allowed after 3-7 days.

Finish finish

If the coating on production was processed by protective means, then after laying and drying glue, it is enough to carry out the first thorough cleaning with the help of special care products for wooden coatings.

An array with a clean surface after the technological break must be slightly stabbed and apply a protective impregnation, finish oil or oil-wax in accordance with the instructions on the package.

Application of protective oil on an array.

For a serviceable coating service at the entrance, put the dirt-proof mats, pick up the feet of furniture with felt lining, and at chairs or tables on wheels, install silicone mats. Periodically handle the floor with special compositions with a wax content and other regenerating substances. This will help keep your massive board in perfect condition for many years.

Tip! If you need repair masters, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just send in the form below a detailed description of the works that you need to perform and offers to you in the post office with prices from building brigades and firms. You can see the reviews about each of them and photos with examples of work. This is free and does not oblige anything.

Laying a massive board begins with an assessment of the basis and choosing the method of its preparation. Installation can be carried out in various ways depending on the specific circumstances. Although the work requires the use of a significant amount of time and strength, they can be performed exclusively with their own hands without attracting specialists.

Before laying a massive board, you must prepare the selected material:

Attention! Together with a massive board for the floor in similar conditions, all materials involved in the laying procedure are maintained.

Requirements for the draft surface

Laying a massive board is necessary on a carefully prepared basis, which meets the following requirements:

If the necessary conditions are met, you can proceed to the next step.

Methods for laying massive boards

There are two main ways to install: with reliable fixation to various types of foundations, where glue, screws and brackets and a floating method act as fasteners - when an exceptionally lock system is used to connect.

Most of the massive board models are connected by two types of locks.

On a note! It is necessary to carefully approach the selection of glue for a massive board. Thus, for the base of concrete, a special two-component composition with high adhesion will be required, and one-component, but not on a water basis (under the condition of additional fixation on the brackets or screws) is suitable.

Laying the array on a concrete or cement-sand tie

Works with a cement or concrete tie starts after drying the base, for this purpose the percentage of residual moisture is initially determined. It is easier to do with a special device, but it is impractical to acquire it for one-time application, so you can use another method.

Accurate level of humidity of concrete can only give special equipment

On a slight distance in the form of a square, 4 holes are drilled, they are immediately covered with dense polyethylene and pressed on all sides. After 24-48 hours, the presence of condensate is checked: even a small amount of it indicates a residual humidity of more than 6%, which involves the use of waterproofing. The floor should not be equipped with additional heating.

The process of laying an array on a screed without plywood looks like this:

The trimming is performed by an electric drill or saw, the edge is processed with a file.

Montage on Faneer

This option is used in situations when the base has significant irregularities. Also, the method is suitable for laying on lags of material from valuable trees, which does not have the necessary thickness.

Plywood on the screed

The process of preparing a screed with serious irregularities for laying an array is as follows:

It is necessarily a preliminary treatment of the screed with antiseptics, and if necessary, waterproofing is laid.

After installing plywood flooring, you need to polish well

On wooden floor

If the coating is in good condition, the preparation occurs according to the scheme:

  1. It is removed all too much, the old decorative layer is removed, the surface is grouped.
  2. The state of the boards and lag is estimated. If there are damage, you should replace the worn items.
  3. Old wooden flooring is fixed to lagas with new self-drawing.
  4. Phaneur must be put on the same principle as in the previous version. But for the attachment only applies self-tapping screws.

Old wooden floor should be aligned with plywood flooring

Upon completion of the preparation, the massive parquet can be glued and put on screws.

By lagas

This technology is used if the need arises to lay additional insulation or communication. It is also a good option for apartments with a very uneven black tie.

You can independently prepare the base for the array as follows:

  1. Lags are set by level. It is necessary to achieve perfect evenness, for this, the system of reliably recorded compensation linings is applied.
  2. The sheets of plywood are styled on top and fasten with self-drawing, the caps are settled.
  3. The coating is grinning and cleaned from dirt.
  4. Decorative material stacked on top across the lag.

Installation of flooring on the lags allows you to warm the floor and spend communications under it

In exceptional cases, and with a significant thickness of the boards, installation can be carried out directly to lags. But you will need a longer and complex preparation, and the process itself requires relevant experience, therefore it is not suitable for doing with your own hands.

Mounting Scheme Massive Lagam Board

Regardless of the method of preparation, laying a massive board on Faneru has a general technology:

When docking, the planks are tightly bother in the ranks

To beautifully perform laying, the scheme is thought out in advance, but perfectly combine the tree drawing will be extremely difficult.

"Floating" floor of the array

Flooring the floating method is carried out in the presence of a installed warm flooring system or if there is a change in humidity in the room by more than 5-10%. The technology of the method is that the fragments are stacked on a special substrate and are fixed only among themselves. Also, 5-10 mm clearances are left from the wall.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Marking is performed, the order and scheme of the first row layout is determined.
  2. The substrate is laid.
  3. The initial details are fixed by the lock. To exclude their shift, the size of the wall clearance is set, for this apply solid wedges.
  4. The second and subsequent ranks are additionally fixed with brackets (self-tapping) or glue, which is missing the lock. But in the second embodiment, the floor to replace damaged parts will be impossible.

The floating method of installation involves the presence of a soft substrate

Due to this technology, limit flexibility is ensured, but it will be necessary perfectly even base.

Grinding and applying protective coating

If the material used was not processed earlier, then following the following weeks:

  1. The surface is subjected to a cycloxy manual or electric tool. If the coating is perfect, then only grinding is performed.
  2. The floor is carefully cleaned from dust and dirt.
  3. Various compositions are used to protect and enhance decorativeness: medili, oils, varnishes. The desired option is selected based on the specific situation and the desired effect. Great reliability creates a varnish, which is applied by a pulverizer in 2-5 layers. If you want to change the shade of wood, then a suitable veil is used. Oils are improving and highlighting the natural color of the material.

If necessary, a massive board is covered with varnish

You should know! Only products mounted on glue and self-tapping screws are processed, the process is not suitable for floating method.

A combination of oils and varnish is not allowed, it is applied only in the form of an independent protective and decorative layer or after the veil.

The massive board of Ecopol is placed on any equal basis that meets the general requirements, including the lags.

Choose a method of laying a massive eopol board

Flooring a traditional massive board is troublesome and costly. To install it, you need to buy Fanur, primer, 2K-adhesive for it and under an array. Pay work to the master on the laying. Responsibility high, laying low speed. Therefore, cheap such works can not cost. Yes, and on the warm floor, it is impossible to lay such a board - it will slip, it is swollen and cut down with the level.

Board Ecopol-unique massive board. It can be laid in two main ways:

1. Modern floating method (on the substrate and brackets). So the parquet board and laminate are stacked.
2. In the traditional way (on the phaneur and glue). Just like a piece parquet, modular parquet and engineering board.

To select the method of laying Ecopol, you need to decide on the main advantages and features of each.

1. Laying a massive board on a substrate and brackets.

A floating method of laying a massive ecopol board allows you to get the floor to 100% eco-friendly, because Fully consists of natural solid wood. This means that you get a perfect natural material to all its thickness.

The surface of the board is covered with OSMO butter, so safe to health that they cover children's toys, furniture and countertops in the kitchen.

Elastic staples do not just connect the boards among themselves as castles in parquet boards and laminates. But also work on compression and stretching with moisture oscillations.

Staples are made of elastic tempered steel, and not out of pine or MDF, so many times are more reliable and stronger. Such steel is called spring, arbal or aviation, it does not know aging or fatigue.

Such a floor is similar to a durable wooden carpet that can be disassembled and collecting almost without loss. Floating styling allows boards to move during seasonal moisture oscillations (winter-summer). It is in motion, as if floating above the base. The base material is not particularly important. Film the boards to the base, the clearances around the perimeter allow the floor to become one whole, responding to changes and loads due to the change in the gap.

Thanks to unique brackets and floating styling, the problems with the split boards are practically absent even on heated floors. Floating styling is the most economical, because the plywood is not needed, glue, primer and the work on the laying is cheaper than traditional.

In case of redevelopment, you will not have to buy the floor again, because the ecopol can make the required number of boards of your design. Newly manufactured boards will be slightly different in color from the old floor. But if you knew new with old, i.e. To shift the parquet indoors, it will notice that it will not be. Over time, the boards are equal to color and will not be noticeable.

Ecopol can even be transported to a new place of residence, because an array of oak with time becomes only stronger, hard and more stable.

Such a reception cannot be used in the case of an array attach to plywood. In this case, the damaged boards can be carefully dismantled and incur new ones. True, a new piece of floor will be stirled against the main coating. Shoot or take the glove floor either will not work.

As the main finish coating, Ecopol chose OSMO oil. On the one hand, behind such a floor you need to monitor, periodically soak, saturacing wood wax. But on the other hand, with regular care, such a parquet will not need to be fluttered, which are accompanied by the removal of furniture, dust and the inability to exploit the room for 3-4 days.

If the care of the floors is difficult, then order the PU-varnish coating.

At the same time there are a number of restrictions when laying a massive board by ecopol by a floating method. Since the flooring from the board moves depending on the humidity of the air, becoming more, then less, to lay an ecopol in the premises is wider than 7.5 mp. Recommended with additional thermoshum. Rooms with unstable and uncontrolled humidity are recommended to separate from each other, which is inevitable with any floating floating flooring. It is recommended to install plinths with overlap by half a 35 mm.

These requirements are just associated with the fact that wood is naturally expanding with increasing air humidity and dry when it decreases. If you do not comply with the humidity regime, then threadful samples may appear with a significant sweep. And with excessive moisture, the floor covering may continue to adjacent surfaces (walls, doors, pipes) and get up "house". Fortunately, the processes of drying and moisturizing in natural wood are reversible.

When the air humidity is normalized, the board and flooring as a whole acquire their initial view due to the floating flooring and compression brackets.

Staples tighten the boards with each other with an effort about 30-35 kg per each bracket. Therefore, such a floor gives a more uniform shrinkage or expansion with a change in humidity compared to traditional stacking on the Faneur and glue.

Ecopol offers beautiful, reliable and simple solutions for plinths and threshings.

Massive board on a warm floor laying

The massive board of Ecopol can be safely layered by a floating method on the heated floors of any kind - water and electric. Such an array is friendly with warm floors. We are doing this since 2010. But only on the staples on the substrate - without fastening to the base! It is impossible to glue on the warm floor.

And when laying an ecopol on a warm floor, several additional advantages arise at once:

  • a massive oak board is much better in heat compared with pine or plywood due to high density
  • there is no risk of separation and deformation of the upper decorative veneer
  • in the air, hazardous substances are not highlighted and there is no danger of aging adhesive seam
  • in case of problems with the heating system, Ecopol can be disassembled, eliminated the defect or breakdown and re-assembled
  • savings on additional materials and works for their own health

Water warm floor in a wooden house is best suited for oak floating floating flooring, because Wood houses will also react to changes in air humidity. For this reason, wooden parquet is less susceptible to the influence of humidity.

The coating for a massive board is better to choose - OSMO oil. Due to its plasticity, it does not crack when driving the board in the heating period.

Example of laying a massive eopol board on heat dissipation plates of water warm floor

2. Laying a massive board on Faneur and glue.

If the installation of docking profiles and wide plinths is categorically unacceptable, then the massive board is better glued to the base. The massive board glue directly on the screed is not recommended. Laying plywood under parquet is mandatory.

In this case, the massive board can be laid in the room width of more than 7 mp. Without transitional thresholds. However, traffic compensators are still not avoided. They should be in places of compounds with adjacent coatings to compensate for the movement of wood. When laying a massive board on Faneur and glue, you can install narrower plinths, overlapping thermoses 10-15 mm. Thus, it is possible to obtain a single floor covering from a massive board without thresholds designed by narrow plinths.

Such a floor will not move entirely, but by boards separately, because each board has a strictly defined place. When the board is dried less and, remaining in its place, can form smokers. When overwhelmed, on the contrary, they will become a "house". If the air humidity is normalized, the boards seek to return to their initial mind.

Thus, the "behavior" of the wood itself is the same, when lowering the humidity, the board dries up, the board expands with moisture. When floating laying (for brackets), the entire floor moves, and each board (floor element) is separately glued.

The adhesive method is not recommended to choose in the case of heated floors. The main reasons are two. Firstly, such a floor will inevitably give visible large gaps due to sex. Secondly, the glue seam will be quickly aging, and with a sharp difference in humidity periods of winter-summer rushes. As a result, the board will start digging from the screed and will lead to a complete dismantling of the coating.

The method of laying a massive board is easy to choose, putting priorities.

If the main environmentally friendly, profitability and complete maintainability from the coating update without fluttering to the new laying in a new place - choose a floating laying on the brackets. If the most important narrow plinths and the absence of damage - choose the laying on the phaneur and glue.

Whatever the method of laying a massive board, and any other flooring you have not selected, the humidity mode must be observed. The requirements for a massive board, parquet and engineering board, piece and modular parquet and laminate are the same - air humidity must be from 45 to 60%.

On the staples on the substrate On Faneru and Glue
Ecology 100% without harmful substances and evaporation there are phenols, formaldehyde in plywood and glue
base any level increased requirements for the quality of the foundation
laying on a warm floor YES NOT
disassemble and collect anew YES NOT
replace separate board, floor section YES YES
restoration, Pereshlifovka YES YES
turn to other housing YES NOT
aging of adhesive seam NOT YES
seasonal string NOT YES
serves after fine leakage YES YES
serves after flooding YES NOT
termosh near the walls 10-15 mm 10-15 mm
thermoses between the premises recommended recommended
unborn Styling (Maximum) up to 7.5m width up to 100 m2 square
plinth (width by floor) not less than 35 mm not less than 18 mm
brodek invoice for 2-3 mm above gender cork, Mastic level with floor
stacking speed (20 m2) 1 day 3 days
stash your own hands YES NOT
cSDPLINAL MATERIALS 540 p / m2 from 1350 p / m2
laying price in St. Petersburg 400 p / m2 from 900 p / m2

Photo Instrument Stacking for Staples

Laying on a solid smooth base by a floating method is carried out according to technical conditions on Ecopol.

The base should be dry (no more than 2% humidity) and even, the differences of no more than 2 mm at a two-meter rule. Best is suitable screed or concrete base.

The direction of laying boards is advisable to choose along the room, since a significant drying of wood occurs only across the fibers. Between the walls and the floor, leave the gaps: when laying from March to August (conditionally summer without heating) 7-10 mm and the gaps of 10-15 mm in the period from September to February (conditionally winter with heating).

In order for the board to complete the laying, there are already 3-4 cm already, check the calculation.

When laying on the lags, the distance between their axes should be no more than 40 cm. End connections of boards should lie on lags or jumpers.

Use a cross-linked foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 2-3 mm thick, for example, a premium PPE 7002, 9002 premium substrate. The cork substrate is categorically impossible due to its high surface friction and low elasticity. Self-tapping into the hole, close to the horizontal teenage of Clevir. (Fig. 1)

a) Spring tongues of brackets "Clevirov" are transferred to the mounting position (Fig. 1), after which they are screwed to the boards in increments of 30-35 cm. Extreme "Clevir" is installed at least 20 cm from the ends of the boards;

b) the first row of boards is laid out along the wall on the substrate;

c) the row is aligned in the gap between the board and the wall set the wedges-stops with a step of 30-35 cm;

d) edge and end spikes to miss the anti-cycle sealant (Fig. 2);

d) the boards are tightly split over the edge and ends and align in the horizontal plane, using a dober, hammer and flat lining, for example, a strip of organic or plywood with a thickness of 3-10 mm;

e) Now click on the board over Clevir before the liberation of the tongues that characteristic clicks say. (Fig. 2);

g) Thoroughly control the snaps of "Clevirov" with your hands.

h) Break the plinth quilt to the wall (Fig. 4)
Limit on the width of the flooring is for oak board 7 ppm Premises width more than 7 mp. It should be separated by additional technical. The premises are separated by compensation seam (technological gap), overlapped in the further plinth and the spawning.

Remember: the floating floor of the array will certainly give a sandbank and swell about 1 cm per 1 meter of floor width, so observe the optimal mode of operation of the room: temperature 18-26 ° C and humidity 45-60%, put the feet of furniture for felt linings, restore Coating, do not overload the floor.

Click on the photo - under each there is a description of the stages of stacking Ecopol.

Laying french scattering

If you are experiencing difficulties in the assembly, please contact your advice.

Photo Instructions of laying on lags.

  • Laying on lags Laying on lags

Laying on Faneru

The Ecopol massive board is specially designed for laying by a floating manner on any even base, including under heating base. But it can be stacked in a traditional way to Faneru with a full fit to the base. Keep in mind that it is not recommended to glue the massive board on warm floors !!!

For the flooring of the board with full gluing to the base, the phaneer 2/3 thickness is selected from the thickness of the floor covering. If there are no communications at the base, the plywood is glued to the base and additionally attached to a pair of self-tapping and dowel.

If communication is running out, the plywood is crucified at mandatory by 6-8 parts and only glue. In this case, during the stabilization of the adhesive, Phaneur must additionally cheer. At the same time, the basement of the base before the flooring of plywood is obligatory.

Before the flooring of a massive board, Phaneur must be seized and spending.

If for the selected glue it is necessary to carry out the surface of the surface, it must be done.

For gluing an array of natural wood, only 2 component or 1-component hybrid adhesives based on polyurethanes are used. No other types of glue use !!!

Those. The clearance (thermoshov) between the wall and the boards should be from 10 to 15 mm (it is fixed with the help of special wedges). The seam is also needed in places adjacent board to doors, heating pipes, etc. In rooms with a large area of \u200b\u200bthe compensation seam width, it is necessary to increase from the calculation - by 1 M room width of about 2 mm of the width of the design seam. In this case, it is recommended to produce flooring separately in each room, leaving the compensation seam on the thresholds, which is then covered with special thresholds. The flooring is better to produce through the line of natural light so that there are unnoticed small differences in the height of the boards. Then the entire parquet canvas will look homogeneously and monolithically.

The glue is applied so that the seams between plywood squares are completely sampled board is glued at least than 80% of its area.

You must try to produce flooring so that the glue does not get into the spike-groove of the boards, because Due to its density, excessive gaps may form.

The flooring of the boards start from the wall, crest to the wall, to me - a groove so that you can drive fasteners in the groove (self-tapping screws, screws). On average, 1-2 pieces of fasteners are spent on average, depending on the width and 2 pcs along each meter of length. If the fastener is installed in the ridge, then accordingly put the crest to yourself.

After applying glue on the phaneer, it is necessary to attach a board, hardly press it and fix the fastener.

You can walk on the floor 24-48 hours after the end of the flooring depending on the humidity of the air and the polymerization time of the glue.

It is possible to exploit the floors after three days after the end of the work.

When installing boards, the master, no matter how tried, inevitably hits the adhesive layer and dirt surface of the board. Excess the glue or its traces protruding on the surface during the flooring, it is necessary to immediately remove the pioneer at first the cleaner suitable for this glue and mainly for the coating, and then a damp cloth. If the glue did not remove the glue and it is finally drying - it is impossible to consider it mechanically, because Damage the coating of the board! In this case, try first use the glue softener (if the manufacturer releases it) or replace the board.

After flooring, possible minor gaps caused by regulatory tools for the manufacture of products and deviation from the base plane can be treated with a special sealant for wood based on acrylate under the tone of the rock (it is impossible to use silicone or other sealants). Surplus sealant immediately remove with a damp cloth. If the color of wood is specific, then the dried sealant is tinted with a felt-tip pen, which absorbing, is not washed off when cleaning.

Then the installation of doors is made, setting the thresholds and plinths.

see also

Specifications (requirements for the basis, instructions for laying, recommendations)

Video laying (how to collect and disassemble the floors, how to weigh the bracket what to do with leakage)

Why an array of oak Ecopol can be kept on a warm floor

Termoshva - what it is and why need

Prices in catalog