Repairs Design Furniture

How to close the cracks in the tree floors. Sealing slots and seams in the wooden floor sealant - choose the best, reviews. Wall finish after elimination of damage

Wooden floor - decoration of any house. However, a tree is a fragile material that requires constant care and over time can lose its qualities and attractiveness. Due to the long-term operation, the floors from the tree begin to creak, the boards can refuse, the slots appear, and the coating has to be repaired. The sealing of the gaps in the wooden floor is a painstaking case, but easily fulfilled and die even a person who does not have special skills. There are several options to bring the floors in order and thereby extending their service life.

Condemno repair of wooden floors can be divided into three types:

  1. Full, which includes dismantling the former coating and the bulkhead of the flooring;
  2. Partial - does not require a complete dismantling;
  3. "Cosmetic" - sealing the slots in the wooden floor.

The first option is the most time consuming. It is necessary in cases where the lags of the crates are damaged to which the floor board is on. With the help of scrap and hammer with a nail-container, a coating is dismantled. The boards are carefully examined for the availability of defects, the copies that have come into disrepair should be replaced with new ones. If necessary, lags are subject to replacement. After that, the floors shake again. Boards are adjusted to each other close and fixed on the lags. After repair, perhaps the differences in height will appear. Aligns the floor with the plane.

If damage to the boards are local in nature, then the complete dismantling is not required. If there are wide gaps between the boards, it is enough to remove the flooring in the right place and lay a new one.

Replacing part of a wooden flooring in a photo

With neat operation and timely care of the wooden floor, you can do with cosmetic repairs and only close the gaps. This work can be performed in various ways. The choice of the method depends on the causes of the appearance of the gaps, the place of defects and their size.

Rake or Wedge

One of the most common and efficient ways to get rid of the gaps in the floor of the tree - the use of rails. Their advantage is that the rails, pre-missing glue, are very flexible and therefore they are easy to score. Consider the repair by this method.

  • Cutter handle the slots between the boards, drive the wrenches.
  • From dry pine boards make rakes of the desired size. For example, for a slit of 8 mm will be 7.5 mm. Reiki must have a fascinated book form like a wedge.
  • Apply glue on the rails and cracks.
  • Insert the rails and beat them with a Cyan or a conventional hammer, putting a bunch on top of the rail. If there are minor defects, they can be sharpened with a mixture of sawdust and PVA.

Sealing slots using wedges
  • After drying the adhesive composition, pollute the surface with the help of a grinder with sandpaper.
  • Disguise the traces of repair. To do this, it is necessary to stick a paint tape along the board so that the joke is impaired, and then apply the sampling (or selected in the tone of paint) and varnish.

Visual Scheme Racing Between Boards

Glue with sawdusts

Repair wooden floors can also be used with glue mixed with sawdust. There are two options here: prepare a mixture of glue and sawdust or add more cement.

Option One:

  1. Pour boiling water sawdust shallow fraction and mix thoroughly.
  2. Leave a mixture to swell on one or two hours and mix again.
  3. Add to sawtresses PVA or joinery glue and knead the mixture to the same.
  4. Clean the gaps from dirt and dust. If necessary, the upper part of the gaps can be expanded.
  5. Apply an adhesive mass on the slot and tamper inward. Split the mixture and remove excess.
  6. After drying the glue (it will take 48-72 hours) pollute the gaps of sandpaper or bother with a special tool.

Option Second:

  • To knead the glue. To two parts of the glue, add 15 parts of hot water and mix until uniformity. Then add five parts of cement and five parts of sawdust. Stir and give the solution to strengthen for 10 minutes. The mixture can be immediately given the desired color by adding a thick oil paint or coloring pigment into it.
  • Clean the slots in the floor and smear them with glue, which was used to prepare the mixture.
  • The mass itself must first warm and then quickly close the gaps between the floorboards, aligning the surface with the spatula.
  • After 14 days, when the applied mass is completely dry, align the surface with abrasive materials.

Homemade putty for sealing small slots and cracks: a mixture of sawdust and glue PVA

This method is applicable not only for sealing the slots in the floors from the tree, but also for aligning the surface of the floors.

Other repair methods

Those who have no time or desire to bother with mixing of the adhesive solution can take advantage of the simplest ways of sealing the gaps. For example, you can buy in the store putty on a tree. However, it should be noted that, firstly, this method is applicable if the gaps in the floors are small, and secondly, the repair will not be durable, since the putty has a property with time cracking and crumble.

Main Methods for Cosmetic Wooden Floor Repair

One of the cheapest ways to get rid of the gaps between the boards - with the help of paper, alee and copper mood. How it's done?

  1. Small pieces of paper pour water and give to spill.
  2. Prepare from flour (starch) and water Clauster.
  3. In a warm holister add copper cunery in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. Squeeze the paper mass, grind it and add to the holter. Mix the mass thoroughly. As a result, it must have a homogeneous, thick consistency.
  5. Clean the gaps from dust and dirt.
  6. Mail with a mass of the gap, moving the surface.
  7. Align the surface with abrasive materials.
  8. After drying the composition of painting the floor.

Repair wooden floor can also be repaired using a cord. So you can not only close the gaps, but also the flooring. For work, you will need a cord on the width of gaps, sawdust, putty and joiner and pva.

  • Cheat with glue cord.
  • Mix glue, sawdust and putty.
  • To lay the twine in the crack so that the distance between it and the surface of the floor was not more than 4 mm.
  • Fill this distance to the prepared mass. From above, there must be a small surplus, as the mass, gradually hidden, "sits".

Shock shoe circuit

If the floor spray mouse

If the house has mouse, they can bother the floor, and the gap will appear. The above-mentioned sealing methods cannot do here, because an unpleasant story may repeat. To prevent it, the slots must first fill the cement and broken glass mixture. After that, the gap is closed with a putty (you can use the shop or independently prepare the mixture). Then the place of repair is burned and covered with paint.

For better sealing instead of cement and broken glass, a concrete solution with an aluminum crumb can be used.

In addition to the described methods, close the cracks between the floorboards there are many others. The most modern ones, according to professionals, is considered to use sealants on silicone or acrylic basis, which are designed specifically for wood work. If you have something to add written comments!

  1. Causes of appearance
  2. Description of the work process
  3. Application of a wooden rail
  4. Shpalian

Tree - natural material with good thermal insulation properties. Over time, slots may appear in it.

As a result, the strength of the flooring decreases, drafts will occur, the garbage will be accumulated in the resulting holes, dirt, from the sample to the room will be the unpleasant smell of dampness, rot. But you can close the slit, and independently.

It is necessary to close the slots in the wooden floor in time: defects reduce the strength, it becomes dangerous on the flooring.

Causes of appearance

  • Seasonal moisture drops. Usually related to the inclusion of heating. Wood begins to dispel due to reduced humidity: the air indoors becomes more dry. When the heating is disconnected, the humidity comes to normal, but the structures, the floors do not restore the former shape. To protect the tree from drying out, you need to constantly maintain a microclimate in the room with humidifiers.
  • Violation of flooding technologies. The cement-sand base may be underwent. Tree eventually starts to comb. Such defects are observed with incorrect laying of a vapor barrier film between wood and cement.
  • Incorrectly selected material. High-quality floors are obtained from boiled boards, oak breeds, tropical trees. Lipa, Maple and some other species are not suitable.
  • Use poorly dried boards. When buying a material, it is necessary to check its humidity. The optimal value is about 6-10%. It is not recommended to purchase material from the open warehouse.
  • In older rooms there can be rodents who spoil the floors. In this case, you need to close the hole, pour all the moves with concrete mixed with glass or aluminum crumb. It is not recommended to pour in the hole rat poison: rodents can disseminate it in rooms. The refive is eating an unpleasant smell, which is then difficult to weathelate.

What will required to eliminate holes?


  • wedges of wood, rail, cord (kapron or nylon);
  • pleaster, sawdust, epoxy resin, package;
  • special silicone, putty, plow glue;
  • hammer, brushes with rigid bristle, spatula, woodworking tools, mastic.

Description of the work process

From the damaged area removed furniture. In the room wash the floors. If the plot is small, it is marked with chalk. A rigid brush or a sharp spatula cleaned the sticking dirt. You can remove the paint coating if it interferes or contributes to the expansion of the holes.

Repair technology depends on the location and nature of damage.

Application of a wooden rail

This is the most effective way, but takes a lot of time. It is used more often if the gap is quite wide and deep.

Start working with milling saws of holes and cracks: they must be expanded. Then drive the ducks. Clean the ends of the boards of sandpaper. If the gap between the board and the wall, then the walls are also cleaning. Rakes are made from the boards of the same breed as the main floor, the size of 0.5 cm is less than the dimensions of the holes. Reiki are cleaned.

Boards are treated with glue, glue. Make a mixture of glue and sawdust. Sluts and other small defects are appleed. Damage between the wall and the floor in some cases is poured with sealant.

After putting the slots, the surface is treated with varnish and paint under the main shade.


If a hole or slot of a small size, it can be sharpened. Use several options:

  • Mix the hubber (or pva) with wooden sawdust. Before this sawdust is flooded with boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours to swell. Then glue is added to the mixture, mixed thoroughly. Ready solution should reach.
  • To smell the gap between the boards, you can mix the sawdust and gypsum dust in the 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is poured with boiling water. The consistency of the finished solution should be thick and tight. Limonic acid can be added (100 g per 1 liter).
  • Less reliable mixture of paper (cardboard) and alee. Pre-crushed pieces of cardboard and paper are poured with water so that they are swollen. Mixed with a hub.

The mixtures are applied to the damaged plot with a spatula. After drying, it is covered with varnish and paint under the color of the floor.

With the need to fill the seams between the dies, the owners of both freshly stood and already fairly served parquet floors are faced. The smooth surface without cracks and cracks prevents the depression of dust and penetration of moisture into wood, significantly increasing the service life and maintaining the attractiveness of the floor covering. The answer to the question than to close the cracks in the floor depends on the age and state of the floor covering.

The gaps not only reduce the durability of the floor, but also affect the appearance and tactile sensations

For cracks and chips of any width

The easiest method of filling the seams, used at the flooring of fresh parquet - filling with voids with varnish when it is initially applied. The gaps between parquet boards in a well-laid flooring are so small that thick, for example, polyurethane varnishes, and they are easily fill. The first layer is applied by pouring, distributing the varnish on the surface of the floor with a spatula. When applied, the subsequent layers use a roller or brush.

Seaming seams is not such a complex process, the main thing is not to miss any gap

Such a method is simple and universal, but leads to an increased rate of varnish and unsuitable for cracks width more than 0.2-0.5 mm. In such cases, various putties come to the rescue, the range of which is quite wide. By appointment, they are divided into 3 large groups:

  • The starting formulations are designed to fill the voids of large volumes, are little exposed to strain and cracking in the process of drying. The coarse surface structure does not allow them to polish under the lacquer coatings. Great to filling the cracks in the cracked parquet.
  • Finish putty plastic, when applied, immediately give a smooth surface and perfectly grind. In places where the thickness of the layer is more permissible, can give prepaid and be covered by a network of cracks. Suitable for new parquet floors.
  • Universal mixtures combine the positive properties of start-up and finish putty - they are well smoothed and dry little. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the permissible thickness of the layer, since universal putty do not always replace the starting.

The following selection criterion is used in the manufacture of powdered solvent. Water based formulations are practically odorless and most suitable for use in residential premises. Their disadvantage is a long period of drying and excess material transmitted moisture - it is essential when filling thin slots. The use of wipers based on chemical solvents requires good ventilation of the room. Their strong side is the minimum effect on parquet and suitability for any varieties of wood.

It is important to choose the right color of the putty, so that the composition does not stand out on the board

Much depends on the filler used to prepare, because it is its properties determine the performance characteristics of the composition. Depending on the working substance and solvent, putty are divided into the following types:

  • Gypsum putty - one of the most common and inexpensive compositions for filling cracks in coatings. Little dries and practically does not breed. Over time, he loses plasticity and can be chosen from the "playing" seams. Floor coatings use mixtures with high content of plasticizers.
  • Oil and oil-adhesive powders are less common to seal the slots in the floor. Most of the compositions are made on the basis of olifes from chalk and in drying become fragile.
  • Alkid putty are very popular due to the high speed of frozen and good adhesion to any surfaces. The fragility of alkyd resins used in their manufacture is reduced by adding elasticizers - linen and other vegetable oils. Easily succumb to squabble and grinding.
  • Latex putty refer to the finish - the maximum layer thickness should not exceed 2 mm. The composition cooked on latex fills the slightest cracks, forming a durable, resistant to moisture surface. According to ease of processing similar to alkyd mixtures, but several plastic and more expensive.
  • Acrylic putty - a universal tool that can be lining the slit on any surfaces. The water-soluble compositions based on acrylate are easily imitated by wood, and latex additives significantly increase the strength of the putty after frozen.

Tip! Putty and varnish is better to select from one manufacturer - it will save from possible unpleasant surprises, for example, changes in the color of putty when interacting with varnish.

Each putty has its advantages and disadvantages, you need to spend some time to figure out and choose the desired composition.

Grouting slots between parquet rivets

Preparing putty, you can move to the next question: how to close the cracks with your own hands. To work, you will need a minimum of tools - several spatulas of different widths, sandpaper and cycle. Recent components can replace grinding. Before putting down, parquet should be aligned with cycloration or grinding. The slots are preferably supplemented - the presence of dust will adversely affect the adhesion of putty with a tree. The floor surface is wiped with a damp cloth.

Separate putty is subject to only cracks width more than 2-5 mm - a thick layer of putty when dried and cracks. After completing and drying up such slots, the defects formed are eliminated during the subsequent grout. Alternatively, in problem places, parquet is caught by rails of the corresponding thickness, lubricating them with glue and having 1-1.5 mm deeper than the level of parquet.

Big gap between boards

The overall grip is made with a putty in the consistency of the liquid sour cream, pouring it to the surface of the parquet and evenly rubbing the spatula. In order to best close the slots in the parquet floor, the operation on each site is repeated several times by moving the tool in different directions. As a consumption, the putty is poured, not allowing a significant decrease in the volume of the composition accelerated by the spatula.

Drying parquet treated with solvent-based powders occupies just a few hours. Water soluble compositions are better to give a day for a setting, and only then begin the finish grinding of the floor surface. All additional information about the features of working with a specific type of putty can be obtained, carefully reading the recommendations of the manufacturer, and the answers to the remaining questions are easy to find in thematic videos.

Floor grinding tool, small and comfortable

Wooden floor is always beautiful, safely and durable. But even he can have one serious drawback - slots and cracks, which arise as a result of insufficient drying of wood, improper operation of flooring or non-compliance with the temperature regime.

The deformed boards lead to essential thermal losses, underground contamination, the appearance of sharpness and dampness. Therefore, we will tell about the best ways to close the gaps in the wooden floor.

Outdoor coating restoration methods

Eliminate the gaps and cracks in the floor of natural wood can be three ways.

Full coating and receipt of flooring

Global restoration work is carried out with serious deformations and damage to the crate on which the boards are installed.

The procedure is performed using a metallic lomica and a hammer, equipped with a nail. Such a way is effective if the elimination of the gaps in the floor is impossible due to the large area of \u200b\u200bdamage.

Works are carried out in the following order:

  • Damaged coating elements are dismantled, new ones are purchased for replacement.
  • Hinders carefully examine on the subject to identify defects, the whole elements can be set up again. If necessary, their surface is cleaned and leveled.
  • After the preparatory work is completed, the finish laying of boards with reliable fixation on supporting lags.

Partial replacement of coating

Partial repairs are carried out if it is necessary to remove wide and deep defects in small areas of floor covering, as well as at the mode of the floor.

Wood flooring gently dismantle and replaced with new elements.

Often, the second way of restoration of the wooden floor is carried out together with the third.

Elimination of small defects in the outdoor coating

The sealing of the gaps in the wooden floor involves the cosmetic repairs of the base using simple and affordable techniques.

The choice of a suitable way to eliminate defects is determined by their magnitude and distribution area on a wooden surface.

The gaps and other flaps in the wooden flooring can occur at different parts, which determines the technology of their elimination and the choice of the most suitable materials.

How to eliminate slits between walls and flooring

When installing wooden flooring, small gaps between the wall and boards are observed, which ensures the natural circulation of air, taking into account the expansion of the coating with a sharp change in the temperature indoors.

In some cases, this may lead to an increase in the size of the slots and the formation of other defects. For sealing gaps, it is recommended to use the construction foam balls with foam balls.

Repair work is carried out as follows:

  • Initially dismantle the plinth.
  • Problem places are thoroughly cleaned from garbage and pollution.
  • In the deep slit lay foam, after foaming.
  • After complete drying of the foam, the surplus is cut along the level of the genital boards.
  • The seams close up with a putty mixture to prevent the dust accumulation in the small pores of the foam.
  • At the end, the plinth is mounted.

Elimination of gap glue with wood sawdust

Eliminate defects between boards can be viscous mixture cooked from sawdust and glue. There are two ways to prepare the mixture:

Method number 1.

  1. Shallow dispersion sawdust is placed in a comfortable container and poured steep boiling water. Everyone is thoroughly mixed and withstand 2-3 hours.
  2. PVA or glue for carpentry operations are added to the stolen saws, mixed to obtain a thick mixture.
  3. Defects available on the floor surface are cleaned of contamination. In some cases, their minor expansion and deepening will be required.
  4. The adhesive composition is applied with a spatula in the slot and gently pressed inside. Next, we roll over the mass, and remnants are removed.
  5. The processed places are withstanding 2-3 days before the adhesive drying, then grinding fine-grained emery paper or special equipment.

Method number 2.

  1. Prepare the repair mix. Two parts of the adhesive add 14 parts of heated water and kneaded to a homogeneous state. Cement and sawdust are added to the finished composition in equal proportions - 5 parts. All ingredients are stirred and kept up to 10 minutes. For staining, you can add paint or color pigment.
  2. Next, clean the problem areas and the molding of them with a ready-made mixture according to the scheme represented in the previous embodiment.
  3. The treated surface is dried over 14 days, after which they are thoroughly aligned and grind.

Such a method is used to eliminate large slots and leveling of flooring.

Repair of slots using putty

It is possible to smear the slit putty, provided if the gaps between the individual elements of the wooden coating are small.

For restoration works, you can use homemade or finished composition for wood.

Putty can be filling (up to 6 mm) and finishing (up to 1 mm). The only drawback of this method is possible cracking and scattering of the composition with excessive heating. Therefore, the putty to eliminate the slots is used only when the decorative coating will be mounted on top of the genital board.

Calculate defects in the floor are simple enough: the finished composition with a spatula with a rubber tip is distributed on a problem area and thoroughly tram. After drying the putty, the surface is aligned and grind.

Removal of cracks with alert and paper

The easiest and most affordable way to eliminate defects in the wooden floor. To do this, use the kleuister, paper and copper cune.

Repair is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Paper is cut into small pieces, poured with water and leave for 5-10 minutes for swelling.
  2. To prepare alee, flour, starch and water are used. In the boiled water, the remaining ingredients are gradually introduced, stirred to obtain a thick and durable mixture.
  3. A vitality in the ready-made hipper is falling asleep in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  4. Paper is pressed and added to the base, mix thoroughly.
  5. The surface preparation is carried out in the same way above.
  6. Clauster is applied to the surface of the slots, slightly pressed inside and roll up. After the mixture is frozen, the surface is aligned with fine-grained emery paper. An additionally renovated surface can be covered with paint or lacquer for wood.

Elimination of gaps with a cord or twine

Another available way to solve the problem that allows you to hide defects in the wooden floor and walls. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a dense cord, a twine or rope, adhesive composition and putty.

Restoration is performed as follows:

  1. The cord or the twine is wedged with glue along the entire length.
  2. Next is mixed with a putty mixture, sawdust and glue to obtain a viscous composition.
  3. The cord is placed in purified slots and slightly deepen.
  4. From above, the gap is filled with finished composition, leaving a small stock for shrinkage. After drying, the surface is neatly grinding.

Repair of gaps with wooden slats

A technically complex method of repair of the militant floor is the use of wooden plates. They reliably hide existing defects and prevent screensies of the flooring.

Other ways to get rid of slots in a wooden flooring

In addition to the proposed options for the restoration of floors, there are no less effective ways to solve the problem.

  1. Pacle of linen fibers. Used to seal joints in plumbing products and gaps in a wooden coating. Punch lubricate with adhesive makeup and insert into the slot. The surface is aligned and stained.
  2. The composition of cement and glue from epoxy resin. It is used to eliminate small defects and flaws. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts, the prepared composition is distributed on a problem area. After frozen, the surface is grinning and stained.
  3. Sheet plywood. Suitable for holding cosmetic coating with a large number of gaps. Phaneur fixes on top on the boards using selflessness.
  4. Silicone and acrylic sealants. The sealant eliminates wide and deep defects, as well as the creaking of wooden boards. The sealant is applied by a special nozzle with a thin layer in the slot and the joint between the individual boards.

How to close the gaps that appeared as a result of the active activities of rodents? To solve such a problem, you can use a special composition based on cement and glass battle.

After the restoration, the problem space is treated with putty, grind and stain.

Important! Glass battle can be replaced with aluminum crumb or powder.

Any way to solve the problem with eliminating defects in a wooden flooring is effective if you correctly select consumables and comply with the technological process.

Wooden floor is beautiful, warm and environmentally friendly, but during operation it can bring a lot of trouble. One of these problems can be a gap. To solve this question, you need to figure out how it is possible to close the gaps in the wooden floor.

When necessary

The sealing of the gaps in the wooden floor may be needed in various situations, the reason for which one is drying the boards:

  • if the floor creaks;
  • when repairing and replacing the floor covering;
  • if an apartment flooded;
  • violation of the technology of laying boards.
Drying of the boards is one of the most frequent causes of the formation of slots.

These are not all options, but the most common. In any case, if serious repairs are carried out for any reason, it will be necessary to eliminate the slots in the floor with your own hands.

Ways to eliminate gaps

There are a lot of options that will help cope with the problem. The choice depends on the design features of the floor, available materials and type of flooring:

  • the use of construction foam with foam (suitable for eliminating gaps between the wall and flooring);
  • the use of sawdust mixed with adhesive composition;
  • putty on a tree;
  • composition consisting of clays and pieces of paper;
  • sealing with a cord;
  • relief and wedges;
  • tow;
  • a mixture of epoxy glue with cement;
  • thick oil paint with sawdust;
  • plywood sheets (for complex cases, when a lot of cracks were formed in the floor);
  • sealant seal.

Depending on the complexity of the situation, you can use any of these options. Next details about the technology of the most common ways.

Before starting work, you need to clean the surface of the boards from dirt, dust and garbage.

You can handle the wood by an antiseptic. This will extend the service life and protect from damage by various microorganisms. After that, you can fill or put the slots.

Construction foam

It is used for the perimeter of the room. Works behave in the following order:

  • remove the plinth, clean the surface from dirt and dust;
  • if necessary, they are placed in the slice of a piece of foam;
  • fill the space of the slot foam;
  • survise the drying time and cut out surplus;
  • next you need to sharpen the surface;
  • after the putty dries, install the plinth.

A universal solution for the repair of a wooden floor is a construction foam - it is not drawn, does not give a shrinkage

Sawdust with glue

Suitable for sealing in any places. Performed in the following order:

A mixture of sawdust with glue must have a consistency like a thick sour cream
  • small sawdust in a convenient container is poured with boiling water and stirred to a homogeneous mass;
  • the time will wait for swelling and cooling, stirring;
  • added to the mixture of glue composition (PVA or carbonate) and stirred thoroughly;
  • apply the composition to the coating with a spatula and tampering inwards without effort;
  • the composition is smoothed and clean the surplus;
  • drying time - 2-3 days;
  • after drying, grinding or cyclove coating.

There is a second embodiment of the composition - with the addition of cement. It is prepared as follows:

  • 2 parts of the glue are mixed with 15 pieces of warm water;
  • the solution add 5 parts of cement and 5 parts of sawdust;
  • the mass is mixed and insisted 5-7 minutes.

Use such a composition is preheated. The disadvantage is a long time of complete drying due to the presence of cement (about 2 weeks).


Suitable for small slots. It is best to apply as a preparatory stage before the flooring of plywood. Disadvantages - short-life, cracking and scattering. It makes it easy to prepare a mixture without complex operations. Work is carried out in this order:

  • prepare a solution and tool - a narrow rubber spatula;
  • the putty is applied to the surface of the joints, while it must be treated in the slot;
  • drying composition;
  • alignment using abrasive processing tools.
Putty quickly eliminates the gaps, but over time again requires floor repair

The putty do it yourself allows you to quickly get rid of the gaps, but soon the repair may again.

Relief and Kliniev

Stages of work:

  • preparation of rails, narrowed at the bottom and coinciding in size with a slit;
  • rake processing and gap glue;
  • inserting the rail to the gap, clogging with the help of rubber hammer or ordinary, but through a wooden board;
  • if necessary, after drying the glue, the plane remove the protruding part of the wedges and the rails;
  • align the color of the floor with a mourn or staining.

Repair of the floor with the help of rails and wedges

Seeling pakrels

Material is treated with adhesive composition. After that, the pass into the gaps. After the glue dries, you can paint the floor into one color. The material is made of flax, so it has a high degree of environmental friendliness and security.

Suitable for wide slots if the floor is badly damaged and needs to be gained. In this case, it is not perfectly used the sealing of individual gaps. Plywood allows you to work with minimal labor costs.

The process of laying plywood


  1. If necessary, a putty is applied as a preparatory stage. You can make only individual flaws. Putty will increase repair reliability.
  2. Perform layouts of plywood sheets on the floor, Will sheets under the required dimensions.
  3. Fixing performed on self-tapping screws. In this way, you can quickly close all the available floor flaws.


For work, the compositions are selected on acrylic or silicone basis, designed to carry out works with wood. Dignity is the lack of the need to prepare complex compositions and ease of application. Packaging Sealant usually has a convenient shape and nozzle-syringe, which is easy to fill all the slots.

The sealant has a convenient shape and nozzle-syringe, which will easily fill all the slots

It does not matter which method is used to eliminate the problem, putty, other formulations or materials, you need to comply with technology and carefully prepare the surface of the floor. This will allow to postpone the term of the next major repairs of the floor.