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How to make a male scorpion was afraid to lose. It is difficult to say, but if you decide to conquer a man born under this sign, then. Why Scorpio Jalith

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Male Scorpio has a free nature, it is purposeful and extraordinary. Such a man got used to all his decisions on his own. A man of such a sign is a leader in everything, as well as a warrior who will throw in battle, even if everyone counts her losing. Such a person in itself is very passionate, is able to show cruelty. But despite such qualities, it can be very gentle and sensual. Many girls often like to flirt with men sign Scorpion, but they themselves do not understand what they are playing with fire. The desire to live well, the power of the will and the solution of any problems on the way to goal is exactly what can be said about scorpions.

How to behave with a male scorpion?

As a rule, it is not so easy to understand male intentions. So that Scorpio docked his attention to the girl, she must have unusual, originality, and be confident. Scorpions appreciate those that put a goal and go to her, no matter what. They love such girls who know how to stand up for themselves. Such a man loves difficult goals. Therefore, the girl with character will definitely attract his attention. Such a sign has a very strong energy, and therefore, he respects only strong people. The girl should be present a high self-evaluation, And then she exactly will attract his attention.

What does scorpion like?

It is worth remembering that if a man of such a sign gets you easily, without any battle, then it will be disappointed in you. Such men attracts the struggle, especially if there is an opponent in it. Such men are very excite. They like different games. He will be able to quickly join a fun game that you have prepared for you. Do not immediately succumb to panic, you need to be ready for various traps that are prepared specifically for you.

The most important thing is not to panic, and do not give up. They risk often life, and not only their own, but also someone else's. If you can pass all the trials that this man built for you, then in the award you will get the most luxurious gift - it myself.

A man who has such a sign can fall in love with a girl who:

  • Nearby near such a man should be only the most beautiful, elegant, luxurious, independent girl, since many guys of this sign believe that the best should be only with them.
  • A woman who wants to be close to such a man must love to get a lot in the clock, as well as give a lot. For this sign it is very important that intimate life would be at the height. If you wanted to fall in love with yourself and marry yourself, then give him an unforgettable momity minutes.
  • The man highly appreciates and intelligence its chosen. But it is not necessary to show him in public. Such actions will definitely not appreciate.
  • A girl who has independence will definitely attract scorpion's attention. When he loves, he is ready for everything, even give everything that he has. For this, the man is important to understand that you can defend your point of view at the right moment that you can provide yourself. It is these women who are afraid to lose scorpions.
  • If a woman wants to fall in love and marry a man with such not easy sign, then she should know what to run and humiliate.

Life with such a familiar will not be easy, but try to go through all the trials with honor, and then you will get it respect.

How to return and keep a man of scorpion?

How nevertheless keep the scorpion near himself? This question is worried about many women. If they know how to keep it, then you will not have to look for answers to questions how to return it. If the girl follows the rules, then she can easily keep him nearby. But if it happens so that the connection will be lost, it will be very difficult to restore it, and sometimes it is even impossible.

A woman who lost the love of Scorpio suffers from painful pain. But you should not fall in spirit, but you need to quickly try to correct the situation. Try to understand what happened in your relationship, which your man cool to you and has lost interest. If the problem is offended by something, then the chances of reconciliation are minimal. Such men are very angled, and do not have the ability to forgive their offenders. But if the reason lies completely in the other, it is worth trying to return the full contradictions and mysteries to a man.

See also:

Orthodox calendar

Tuesday, February 19, 2019(February 6, Art.)
Sedmian about Mytar and Pharisee
PS Vukola, EP. Smirnsky (OK 100)
Holy Memory Day:
MCC. Dorofiy Virgin, wives of Christine, Callisters and MCH. Ferofila (288-300). MC. Favs of the Virgin and MChh. Evilia and Maxim (305-311). MCH. Yuliana EMISS (312). PRP. Warsonophy of the Great and John of the Prophet (VI). SVT. Foto, Patriarch of Constantinople (891). MCC. Virgo Marta, Mary and Brother of them, PRMCh. Likarion of the hotel.
Day of the memory of the confessors and new martyrs of the Church of the Russian:
Schishmch. Dimitria of the Christmas presviter and MCH. Anatoly of Christmas (1921); schishmch. Vasily Nerdadin Presbyter (1930); schishmch. Alexander Temakova Presbyte (1938).
Sedmian about Mytar and Pharisees - solid.
Brainstitch is not performed.
Reading a day
Gospel and Apostle:
On lit.: - Ap.:2 Pet.2: 9-22 EV:MK.13: 14-23.
On the morning: -PS.46-54; PS.55-63; PS.64-69 At verse: -PS.119-133

Responsible, decisive and in its own way a unique male Scorpio conquers an unusual combination of charisma, charm and full closedness. A woman is fascinated by the authorities, the mascotum of scorpion, but often surprised by his accuracy, unwillingness to share thoughts and feelings even with close people. Many tormented some question: how to understand a male scorpion, if he almost never takes a step to meet, leaves the veil of closed?

At the same time, he can be demanding, touchy, but to build a rather relationship with him is not easy, because he is also able to stay for a woman in a mystery. It is important to be with a male scorpion as much as possible and observant, not to leave his rare requests and comments without attention. Usually, Scorpio expresses its position only as a last resort, it is unlikely to repeat the already uttered twice. Call for help your fantasy, develop the ability to understand your loved one with a half-clow, then you can easily learn to live with him in harmony.

Closed strategist: Learning to understand a scorpion man
Communication with representatives of this sign really often causes complexity. Remember some features inherent in many scorpions, do not comprehend time and effort to explore your chosen one - it will probably find a lot of unique features that you can notice only you yourself.

  1. Lack of frankness. It is important to understand the Scorpio Men, which is not at all located to the frank conversations. It is distinguished by a closedness, does not like to answer questions and does not seek to disclose the soul even in front of loved ones and favorite people. Just sincerity is not peculiar to most scorpions, it will be necessary to adapt to communicate normally with your beloved. Require frankness from him, ask many questions is not worth it - it will certainly cause irritation from Scorpion.
  2. The beginning of communication with a scorpion man. Have you decided to install contact with scorpion, but does it affect you with his coldness, reluctance to get closer? This is not a reason to assume that you categorically did not like him. Representatives of this sign often go on any rapprochement reluctantly, they are suspicious and difficult to converge with people.
  3. He does not need other people's assessments. Select the key to the heart of a loved one, shook him with compliments and affectionate words, is useless. It is necessary to understand the Scorpio Men, for which the words mean very little. Usually, Scorpio refers skeptically to someone else's opinion, compliments leave it indifferent. This man judges himself, and quite strictly. FROM good words And the high assessments are important to be careful, because as a result, a scorpion man may suspect you in insincerity. He is critized to himself, knows all his shortcomings and does not like stupid flattery.
  4. Love, but inaccessible. Even when a woman is able to call a response feeling from a male scorpion, she cannot force him into some specific steps. Scorpio remains inaccessible and closed, it goes to contact with difficulty, as before. Not every woman will be able to recognize the interest of her beloved, guess his desire to get closer. The thing is that most scorpions prefer to wait for initiatives from a woman, thereby shifting on them a part of responsibility for the development of relations.
  5. Uncertain. In everything, as for love and relationships with women, a scorpion man is able to doubt for years. He will not make the first step until it make sure of the sincerity, the loyalty of a woman, and it is almost impossible to convince him. As a result, the ladies who are accustomed to give the initiative in the hands of representatives of strong sex are in a closed circle. It is important to gain courage and demonstrate their determination, otherwise the male scorpion will remain a distant island.
  6. Why doesn't he take the first step? To understand the male scorpion, it is important to be insensy in peculiar traits of its character. Often, this person does not get closer to women and does not want to take responsibility, but does not want to leave for himself "spare output." Most of the representatives of this sign are just attracted to reliability and honesty. Just scorpion is not sure of a woman: it is important to demonstrate him seriousness of his intentions, loyalty and love.
  7. Around intrigue ... Many scorpion men are often shocked by their excessive suspicion. They are ready to see competitors and ill-wishers everywhere, anticipating the unkind intentions of every person. If the scorpion man openly demonstrates you to his distrust, your words and actions seem to be insincere and strange to him, do not hurry to be disappointed in love. His behavior is probably caused typical for scorpions features of character, and not an opinion about you personally. Yes, this person will have to prove his loyalty and love constantly, and not one year old. Someone seems too complicated, but reasonable women appreciated and " reverse side Medals ": Suspicious Male Scorpio will once again convinced the woman's loyalty, she will become even closer to him.
  8. Scorpio magnetism. When this man decides to charm a woman, it is difficult for him to resist. Men-scorpions have inexplicable magnetism, can fall in love with one eye. Externally, they are still indifferent and cold, but the woman who felt the influence of the mysterious look of Scorpio, definitely will not forget such a man. It is important to understand that not always the attention of Men-Scorpio signals about his inlentibility or affection. Most of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac first study a woman for a long time before making some conclusions. They rarely marry or begin the novel under the influence of emotions.
  9. Wounded and rigid. Externally, scorpion looks hard and indifferent, gentle words and compliments do not touch it. How to understand a scorpio man who refuses to perceive flattery, but instantly offended to any criticism in his address? It turns out that precisely, the manifestations of disrespects are very vulnerable to scorpion. Especially acute he perceives criticism, any careless word or act, when a person is dear to him. It is a close woman who needs to be doubly careful and delicate, communicating with a scorpion man. When he is offended, it is almost impossible to convince him that he was mistaken, misinterpreted behavior, words.
  10. Thin strategist. Sometimes women shocks the ability of a scorpion man for a long time to weave their network, play an endless party with competitors, enemies, and then suddenly attack. Many scorpions are ready to spend years to overcome the enemy, achieve their goal. But here it is important to correctly understand the scorpion man: he will probably not betray, lie, weave intrigue. Just he has good memory, Scorpio does not forget the betrayal and prefers to bring everything to the end, while he has the skills that bring it closer with great commander.
Communication with a male scorpion is unlikely to be light, but when this person is really expensive, it is worthwhile to make efforts and get closer to it. It is able to surprise honesty, responsibility and power of character. Scorpio is almost impossible to scare or make a quit started, it attracts masculby and purposefulness.

Love Men Scorpio
It is important to remember a few moments, communicating with a scorpion man. It is not easy with this person, but it is necessary to understand the scorpion correctly - and the resentment will not accumulate.

  • Jealous and loving. Most women are frankly scared when the first time becomes witnesses of flashes of jealousy of scorpion. Do not consider it a soulless owner. Just a male scorpion in jealousy is the most pronounced his love and affection for a woman. He is suspicious enough, you used to see something negative. When a woman is really a scorpion road, he is afraid of losing her, disappointed, his jealousy is intensifying.
  • Thoughtful. Cold and closed male scorpion conquers his ability to take care, always be near at the right moment. It is impossible to disturb it in trivia, annoying complaints about life, stories about stores, girlfriends and outfits. If you get rid of all apparent and insignificant, you will be a serious and prudent, you will instantly notice how attentive to you the scorpion is attentive.
  • Only honesty. For a male scorpion, an uncharacteristic desire to pretend, lie, he is always honest in a relationship. He requires a woman of loyalty, and he is ready to be loyal, not inclined to Flirt.
This person can be cruel and hot-tempered, demonstrate amazing distrust and excessive demands. It is important to learn to understand the Scorpio Men, refer to its features more loyal. Experiences and sesor wise woman It will be easy to avoid, becoming especially sensitive and delicate. In fact, life with scorpion usually brings more joy, confidence in tomorrow.

If you met a mysterious and magnetic scorpion man and realized that this is the person you were looking for all my life, here's advice on the conquest of the heart of this wayward, passionate "water" sign. The first thing you should know is that attracting the attention of this strong personality will be able to almost every beautiful woman. After all, for passionate Scorpion A woman is, first of all, caring pleasure. But only the wayward, unusual and charismatic woman will be able to wake further curiosity and genuine interest in his person. This undoubtedly should be very bold, sexy and even somewhat causing personality. It should awaken in the scorpion passion and spirit of the conqueror. Only with its unusual actions and mysterious actions, a woman will be able to interest the male scorpion.

To enjoy scorpion, a woman should be strong and bold, but she does not have to command them or try to indicate how to live him, and what to do. Male Scorpio, primarily the leader who craves to always be the main thing. It will not tolerate encroachment on his authority and freedom of decision-making. If you still decide to challenge his decisions, he either take it as a challenge to a fight in which you clearly lose, or just coolly ignore you. You will never succeed in rehabilitate in his eyes. He will just leave you, never looking back. He lost interest and respect for you. After all, Scorpio respects only wise, judicial and sensible women.

If you start relationships with such a man, it would be nice to decide: how to behave with a male scorpion? They sometimes make the impression of tyrants, next to them can not be understood what to do, how to talk, how to watch ...

How to properly behave with a male scorpion

They do not forgive mistakes and are very skeptical to women. Considering yourself the smartest from nature, scorpions wish to hold this image, in the eyes of others, so women who want to be near him should not once again demonstrate their independence and high level Intellect.

At the same time, scorpions do not tolerate stupid people, they are important, so that the interlocutor, even the most temporary, possessed a certain level of erudition, so that he was talking about. To conquer a sexy plan for a scorpion man - it's a simple matter, because they drive a sense of passion constantly. But to tie a relationship with him, and make them harmonious and durable very difficult.

How to behave with a man scorpion so that he is pleased with you

  1. Scorpions are always confident people. Sometimes they have periods of obvious depression, and they cease to believe. That is why there should be such a person nearby, which will be able to "get" him from there, or to do so that he did not get into this bog. That is why the scorpion is needed a man strong personality nearby.
  2. Scorpions do not like people with understated self-esteem. They do not touch them in no way, because It is too easy for them. But it is important for them that a person who is near, knew how to exalt it, and not he sat and raised the self-esteem with his half, saving her tears.
  3. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are skeptical about people who have poor vocabularywhich cannot competently expressly use in their speech slang and matery expressions. They are often representatives of the intelligentsia, they often occupy high positions, this is an intellectual power of society, therefore, such "excesses" of speech forms are not for them.
  4. Men Scorpions are constantly in search of some new activities. They always want something new, and that it brings income and pleasure. Therefore, if there is a person who is able to generate ideas next to the scorpion - a male Scorpion will be assessed.
  5. Scorpions, being impulsive peoplewho are not always able to tolerantly behave in conflicts, rejoice when there are more diplomatic people who know how to restrain themselves.

In order to determine how to behave with a man scorpion, you need to decide on the objectives. If your goal is friendship - the above as an example, practical advice will be very useful, because Scorpions good friends. If the goal is sex, then it is not necessary to guess so, because They will take a similar challenge without your effort.

Scorpions Extremely complex signs And at the same time very simple, It is necessary only to be able to find the way to His heart. Scorpions trust their instinct and first impressions, so it's easy to fall in love with first glance. Scorpions feel very much their partner and therefore penetrate all the depths of his soul.

How to communicate with a male scorpion? It should be remembered that scorpions are very demanding to the object of their passion. Most of him attracts seductive and extraordinary individuals with good taste and pleasant manners. If you do not have enough charm and femininity, then it will be not easy to conquer his heart.

The style of clothing and sophistication should cause exciting associations. If you are just such an interesting woman, then we can assume that it is almost yours.
The second is not me important moment In communicating with scorpion. This is a type of people who are very much appreciated by the purity of feelings and sincerity.. Self-confident women, without tricks and tricks who are able to open their soul in front of him will undoubtedly be appreciated by scorpion. Such a woman will make an unforgettable impression on him, just do not be too naive; Scorpio despises this character trait.

If you, having moved your plans, try to do something for scorpion or fulfill its innermost desire, then it is thrown to tears; it is still very impressionable and vulnerable personalities.Although deftly hide this trait of character, considering it weakness.

What else can you advise in communicating with scorpion, for what you could become the only and unique for him? Do not try to excite jealousy in it, hurting his male pride. Any attempts of flirting will enjoy it. As with all men, Scorpio is nice that his companion attracts attention to himself, but you should not give a reason for jealousy.

Most of the scorpion wounds treachery and ungrateful womenHe loves, betrayal he will not be patient and will never forgive.

Do not provoke and do not annoy Scorpio, do not feel it for strength, they do not like it

. Woman who constantly uses weak sides Scorpio, can lose his love and trust. If you have won love like this attractive man, and take a special place in his life, behave adequately and do not abuse it.

A volcano man, he gives any relationship an additional adrenaline feeding. Male Scorpio does not know measures and restrictions in love or in hatred. Life with him is unlikely to have a pastime in a quiet and cozy harbor. Passion, courage, strength, storm of emotional experiences and enviable constancy - these are the qualities that distinguish it from other representatives water Element. Rarely, what woman is able to resist and not fall under the power of the charm of the owner of this sign. How to behave with a male scorpion? Here you need a real instruction for those who chose this bright and controversial water representative.

Who is a scorpion man

Once upon his extraordinary charm, to get rid of it will later be almost impossible or very difficult. Unusual charisma, inner strength, sexuality and external appeal - these are the qualities that characterize a man's sign man. It can be safely argued that it does not have a concept about the "golden middle": if emotions, then excavating, if hatred, is irreconcilable, if the strength, then excessive, and if courage, then to the end. In fact, in a person who has had under the influence of such a man only two exits: or radically change himself, or to move aside, because otherwise there is hardly to stay with him.

I will find out ...

The appearance of representatives of this sign speaks for itself. As a rule, it is strong, sports physique, strong man, slim and high, with a smart, insightful look, radiating determination. He knows exactly what impression produces on the surrounding, trying to deliberately emphasize their attractiveness and sexuality. If you briefly try to characterize representatives of this sign, we can say the following: their distinctive external features are brutality and inexplicable magnetism, which they attract the weak half of humanity.

Attitude to life

Realistic views are combined with an opinion similar to the following: "I live and build your life as I can, as I think correct." Men Scorpio is not at all interesting to know what others think about him. After all, they themselves are not stupid, they have courage and independence from other people's views.

In the eyes of extraneous, such an individual may look rather hard. As a rule, he knows how to show external imperturbability and calm at the time when emotionally crowded. True, it is possible to restrain itself only to the pore. Scorpio is not the one who goes beyond the crowd. He is the leader in its essence and is ready to lead.

He loves comfort and comfort. It can be said that the level of material wealth has plays a last role in life, but is clearly not in the first place, as representatives of other signs of the zodiac. Inclined to compliant. However, it is always ready to satisfy your own interests.

Attitude towards a career

Hardworking and persistent on the way to achieving a cherished goal, sometimes visible only to him alone. Complete self-dedication, plans that differ in scale are those reasons due to which representatives of this sign are achieving exceptional success in any field of activity for which they would not be accepted. At work, he is his own head, because only one is known for him to achieve the goal. However, even they need support and understanding of loved ones, although they are ready to refute such an allegation.

Love and sex in the life of scorpion

The type of men of this sign is the object of the passion of many women. Love for them is the meaning of life. It is passionately wanting to get scorpion into partners, many representatives of weak gender are doomed to failure, without even suspecting that exceptional insight is hidden under brutal appearance. Men of this one of the most controversial signs can easily recognize true sincere affection and mercantile interest. What distinguishes scorpion is an amazing insight and the ability to a real deep feeling.

Easily achieve reciprocity in love. Everything is going on with the representatives of this sign: charm, indomitable optimism, natural charisma. They do not spend their inexhaustible energy. For scorpions, the quality of relationship is much more important than quantity. Love they can only be sent to one object, but even with him he does not cease to be an individualist, demonstrating the independence of the views and the reluctance to "dance under someone else's den.".

On a note. Even those who denied their interest in horoscopes know about the sexual experience and outstanding possibilities of men of scorpions. Sensual, tender and demanding in love, men of water sign are ready not only to enjoy, but also to give out entirely.

Attitude towards marriage and family

Find a suitable allied, for which the life of the scorpion would become a full sense - another important goal. Serious relationship And official marriage is as natural for the representative of this sign, as well as the fact that all leading positions should belong to a man Scorpio. His opinion and position are not discussed and are not subject to doubt. Officials in relationships are required exceptional patience and wisdom. Attempts by manipulation through quarrels, scandals and tears, as a rule, do not give the desired result.

Family for the representative of this sign is an integral part of his life. Brother's bonds are sacred for him. Intelligent, patient, caring and understanding chosen, despite the fire of his partner, will be able to fully feel what strong love, loyalty and tenderness from the man.

On a note. Scorpio fathers are an example of masculinity, confidence and principle for their children. Rising its own example, such men give a feeling of complete protected and reliable support. They may seem hard or even despotic, do not tolerate when their point of view is subject to doubts, try to influence it or change it.

Priorities in various spheres of life

The main and most important task is the male Scorpio considers the formulation of goals, let even the most incredible and achieving them. The fulfillment of this particular mission is subordinated by all his life lifestyle. Objectives can touch career, finance, personal attachments, any field of activity. The area has no fundamental importance to representatives of this. zodiac sign. Only the fact of the prospects and the need to achieve it is important.

It should be noted that on this a thorny path Male Scorpio is always ready for adoption non-standard solutionsSometimes unexpected and incredible. We are not talking about small material achievements, which the typical representative of the water sign does not cause reverence and delight. As a rule, it is an insurmountable desire for the knowledge and discovery of something unknown, comprehension of some secrets, improvement in skill.

Family values \u200b\u200bare also important, however, they turn out to be in second place after their own ambitious plans.

It is interesting. Satisfying material queries in the list of priorities of a Men Scorpio can be put on the honorable third place after the family and its own ego. Money in principle is not the subject of paramount importance for him. A woman, choices of this sign, of course, should be reckoned with such an arrangement of priorities in the life of a beloved man. Only in this case their union can be long and harmonious.

How to behave with a male scorpion

Representatives of this sign impose high demands not only to yourself, but also equally to their chosen. A generalized portrait of it can be represented as follows: it should be a good mistress, reliable companion, loyal wife, friend, to have enviable patience, humility and wisdom. For a suitable life companion, it is impossible to say the statement that the power of a woman in its weakness is.

Simple rules

To completely seize charismatic and bright male scorpion, his chosen should be the owner of the following qualities:

  • Naturalness and sincerity. Do not try to deceive the man of scorpion. Possessing the insight given to it, it will easily determine the narrowness and implausibility.
  • Mystery and mystery. These are the qualities that pushed the sign of the sign to action and stimulate his desire for knowledge.
  • Inaccessibility. Scorpio - Conqueror. Available women, easily giving up under its spells, do not represent interest.
  • Sexuality. After graduating from the game of conquest, he is unlikely to understand the refusal of proximity.
  • Fidelity. It is impossible to donate the man of scorpion at least the slightest suspicion of infidelity. He must be absolutely sure that his chosen one always behaves with dignity.
  • Confidence. Freedom-loving and independent, does not tolerate scenes of jealousy. However, it also does not endure and doubles. Treason contradict its essence itself.

Important. It is impossible not to notice that the scorpion is not so difficult to conquer a man. A woman needs to be herself, and everything else to leave hold and love.

What the horoscope says

According to astrologers, two scorpions understand each other better. Two typhoon under one roof - this is how this partner union can be described. Only through the curb of a sharp gear and the mutual desire to achieve a compromise may not just save the relationship, but to achieve long and happy life Two scorpions. But with other signs, everything is completely different.

With authentic

Well compatible, both in love affairs, and are able to create a robust marriage union. Aries and Scorpio unite strong character And passion for relations filled with romanticism. Certain difficulties can only arise in the struggle for leadership positions, since both signs are characterized by sufficiently strong personal qualities.

With Taland

Such an alliance is "doomed" for a long happy collaborative life and strong feelings. Calm and prudence, characteristic of the Taurus, are good assistants in everyday situations arising due to a complex chosen one. From a partner Scorpio receives a arranged life, strong relationship, care, heat and participation that it is necessary for it.

With twins

The union is rarely durable, although passions and strong feelings are very possible. The typical qualities of the twins representatives are optional, superficiality, desire to flirt, which contradicts the inner nature and understanding of scorpion.

With cancer

Despite the mutual attraction, the excitement and feeling of novelty, it is unlikely that these two signs will be durable. Each outbreak of the rapid manifestation of emotions of his partner delivers a lot of spiritual experiences to a woman with cancer. However, with a long-term union, such pairs are capable of teaching each other a lot: patience and restraint, softness, flexibility and tact.

With lion

In order for such an union to become durable, both partners should learn to avoid conflicts arising on the basis of leadership and jealousy. If the woman of the Lioness learns to give up, the union is doomed to a long and happy joint life.

With a vir

Such a format of relations can be ideal for representatives of both signs. Calm, balanced Virgo is the cherished quiet harbor, to which her chosen one seeks.

With weights

A complex unbalanced explosive character of scorpion can deliver many suffering and experiences to his chosen. Only by learning how to smooth out the outbreaks of emotions to their partner, showing patience and keeping calm in such periods, a woman's scales can make their union solid enough.

With Square

The well-being of a similar partner union depends on the desire of a strong and freedom-loving Sagittarius to see the benefit of the long relations with its chosen one, having threw their temper.

With Capricorn

The volitional nature of the representative of this sign, combined with romance, tenderness, passion to create a cozy family hearth, as well as natural logic and mind, are able to preserve partnerships with the chosen one long years, Provide happy family life both.

With water

Pledge long happy relationship In such a union, the partner of all joys becomes life together with your chosen one. Patience, the desire to achieve compromise in critical situations, are able to strengthen the difficult union of these two characters.

With fish

Absolutely opposite by nature, but such an alliance of two representatives of the water element can be called "mystical". Both partners get absolutely everything necessary in such relationships to consider themselves completely happy.

Despite the complex nature, a storm of uncontrollable emotions, which can sometimes afford to the scorpions, often it is from the behavior of a woman depends whether it will be able to gain happiness for many years in the Union with Him. Having received the feeling of reliability, support and trust in which the representative of this sign so needs, he will gladly become the most faithful, loving and grateful partner, which you can only dream of.