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Punctuation marks in the non-union complex sentence. BSP Rules: examples, punctuation marks in non-union complex proposals

There are the following punctuation marks between parts of the complex non-union sentence: comma , semicolon , colon , dash less likely - comma and dash

The formulation of one or another punctuation mark depends on the semantic relationships, which are formed between the parts of the non-union compound, and on the characteristics of the intonation design of the proposal.

The comma is put between the predicative parts of the non-union proposal, if they are closely related in meaning, interchangeable, combined with each other intonation of the transfer, are not common or not sufficiently distributed.

For example: Kathers nuclei , Pulley fistil , Hawged cylinders. (L.) Blizzard did not subside , The sky did not clarify. (P.) He is all in tears , Floas head , face pale , Hands folded on the chest , Lips whisper.(S.-S.).

The comma point is set:

- If the parts of the non-union complex proposal are somewhat distant from each other in meaning, the commas are significantly common and have a comma (semicolon specifies the boundaries of predicative parts in a complex sentence, if there are complicated complicated complicated components at the junction).

For example: Already evening ; The sun was faded for a small aspen grove, lying in a half-breed from the garden ; Shadow from her endlessly stretched through fixed fields. (T.) The forest smell is enhanced, slightly repeated warm dampness ; Futing wind near you freezes. (T.); Silent zipper Beat, but rapidly and badly beat in the meadow ; Far behind the glades have already burned the haystack, grilled by them. (Paust.) The moon was already standing high above the house and covered the sleeping garden, tracks ; Georgins and roses in a flower bed in front of the house were clearly visible and seemed to be all the same colors. (C.)

- If the non-union complex proposal disintegrates into parts (groups of proposals), in meaning distant from each other (inside such groups of parts are separated by commas).

For example: Rush clouds, clouds ; Invisible moon illuminates the snow of volatile ; Mute sky, mutna night. (P.) Pale gray sky lightly, chorely, Skein ; Stars were blissing the light light, they disappeared ; He died out the earth, fucked the leaves, in some places there were live sounds, voices. (T.)

The combination of these signs can also be in the polynomial of complex suggestions with the non-union and union (writing and supervisory) bonding parts, that is, on the border of the non-union compound, parts often put a point with a semicolon, and on the border of writing or subordinate communication within parts - comma.

For example: Valley dry and motley ; The herds are noisy, and the nightingale sang in silence at night. (P.) The voices of sailors and women were heard very far ; The pale sun stood in the embroidery, and it seemed that the sea was breathing a lush and bright spring. (Paust.).

The colon is usually put In the non-union complex suggestions with a one-sided semantic attitude of parts, in which the first predicative part needs to spread, concretization, and the second part characterizes (explains, supplements, justifies the content of the first. This is also facilitated by the features of the intonation of these proposals, in which the intonational pause is made between parts, preventing the continuation of the statement. At the same time, each part may consist of one or more predicative units united by the allied or non-union bond.

Hence, the colon is set between two parts of the non-union offer:

with an explanatory relationship If the second part explains, reveals the content of the first (between such parts it is usually possible to insert an explanatory union namely).

For example: The weather was terrible : The wind fell, wet snow fell flakes, the lanterns shone dimly, the streets were empty. (P.) The weather was good : freezed and quiet. (L. T.) Silence was disturbed in the house : In one corner, the door creaked somewhere, he was heard in the yard of someone's steps, someone sneezed on the haymaker. (Rock.) A terrible thought flashed in my mind : I imagined her in the hands of the robbers. (P.)

with an extreme relationship, If in the first structural incomplete part with the help of the verb speech, thoughts, perception ( talk, say, think, understand, feel, see, hearand under.) Or another predicative acting in the role of the faugible, warning is being made, which will follow the presentation of any fact or some description in the second part that replenishes the content of the first. At the same time, the first part is pronounced with the "turbulent" decrease in tone, signaling about the incompleteness of the statement and the need to spread the faith. The second part of such structures can be transformed into an extremely emotional with the union that.

For example: I know : In your heart there are pride and direct honor. (P.).

Compare: I know that in your heart there is pride and direct honor. (P.) I remember also : She loved to dress well and jump spirits. (Ch.) Paul feels : Someone's fingers touch his hand above the brush. (N. O.) I believed : If we talk about sad fun, sadness disappears. (M. G.) for them was clear : They got lost in the forest. (Sol.)

It must be borne in mind that in these structures, the first part of the first part can be expressed by the verb of actions related to perception (look, look back, see, listen), and the verb of perception is absent, but can be restored after the verb of action as a homogeneous fag.

For example: I looked out the window : The stars flared up on the cloudless sky. (M. G.)

Compare: Licked and saw that .... Varvara listened : It came to the noise of the evening train, approaching the station. (C.) I look : Pechorin on the race was attached from the gun .... (L.).

If the first sentence is pronounced without a shade of warning and pause (with a complete intonation merge of parts), then the comma put instead of the colon.

For example: Hear , Land trembled. (N.) I remember , You often danced it with him. (Gr.)

- when justifying When the second part indicates the reason, the basis of what is said in the first part, intonationally emphasize the causal relations between them, as a result of which the second part can be transformed into a delivered proposal with a subordinate to the Union because because becauseand etc.

For example: autumn and winter Paul did not like : They brought him a lot of physical suffering. (N. O.) Peacon I : With my friend there is no .... (P.) It was impossible to resist the courts : They threw them like miserable boots, and crinel, it would seem to the limit. (S.-TS.) Stepan was afraid to come to the cliff : Sliply. (Shishk.) Soldiers loved Marshal : He shared the severity of war. (Paust.)

- if there are words in the first part of the non-union sentence so, this, such, one, the specific content of which is revealed in the second part.

For example: I will do it like that : I dig around the largest pit .... (L. T.) Custom my such : Signed, so from the shoulders. (Gr.) One thing was undoubtedly : Back he will not return. (T.)

- when expressing a direct question In the second part of the non-union complex proposal.

For example: He looked at Baturin : will you understand? (Paust.) Not peeking away, so I will say : Why do I need an order? I agree to the medal. (TV.)

The dash is set in non-union complex suggestions with a double-sided ratio of parts expressing interdependent actions and pronounced with intonation of conditioned or sharp opposition, that is, the intonation of the incompleteness during the pronouncement of the first part, increasing the tone on it and lowering on the second part with a noticeably sustained pause between parts.

Taking into account the latch outlined, between parts of the non-invoy compound is placed in the following cases:

- If an unexpected action is expressed in the second part or an indication of the quick change of events (between parts you can insert the union and).

For example : Reheated by the wind Everything fluttered, came to life and laughed. (M. G.) and only took Seryaja for the horn, I looked Anchar to us runs on the hollow. (M. P.) Suddenly the men with ax came The forest rang, groaned, shook. (N.)

- if the second part contains a sharp opposition in relation to the content of the first (interconnected relationships are established between such parts, usually with a component denial in the first part, the ratio of the underlined inconsistency or comparison, and between the parts you can insert a combat union. a, but, however).

For example: Not a bag of bears stolen The last hope was kidnapped. (A. Neverov) not cuckoo buried Crying Tanina Rodin. (EU.) I said the truth I did not believe. (L.) in the fairy tales of Andersen acquire a gift of speech not only flowers, winds, trees They come to life the homemade world of things and toys. (Paust.) He is a guest I am the owner. (Bagr.) You are rich We are poor. (L. T.)

- if the second part contains a consequence, conclusion What is said about in the first part (before the second part you can insert the word therefore or replace it with the apparent part of the investigation with the Union so that).

For example: I'm dying I have nothing to lie. (T.); Lieutenant quickly took the steering wheel "Hawk" sharply cheered up. (S.-TS.) I would go to pilots Let me teach me. (Lighthouse.)

- if the first part indicates the condition referred to in the second part (it can be replaced by the apparent part of the condition with the Union if).

For example: Love to ride Love and sloy to carry. (last) Like Draw Draw on health, no one forbids. (Pan.) Winter without snow Summer without bread. (last) Want to be happy Looking at first to suffer. (T.)

- If the first part indicates the time of action referred to in the second part (it can be transformed into a pressing time with the union when).

For example: Finch flew The forest came to life. (Kaig.) Forest Fire Slips fly. (last) drove here Rye began to yellow. (M. P.); I opened my eyes Morning started. (T.)

- if the second part is compared With what is stated in the first part (it can be replaced by the apparent comparative).

For example: Birch in the forest without a vertex Mistress without a husband in the house. (Necr.) Polls word Solovy sings. (L.)

- if the second part with an exemplary value is incomplete , as well as with the elliptical structure of parts of non-union compounds.

For example: He says is ill. (N.); I looked herring! (Paust.) We look Tram (B. J.) We look from the mountain What a view! (B. J.)

- If the second part forms an attachment , It does not contain basic information, and an additional value with an explanatory, causal value, and the first part represents a greater measure of an independent message (the connecting part can begin with the location of this, so, such). Moreover, if there is a word, this or when it is possible to introduce it before the connecting part might put a comma and dash as a single punctuation mark.

For example: The wide entrance was completely empty , It seemed to me strange. (Kav.) In the garden, in the mountains of foliage glittered white and small light bulbs , It was like the illumination. (Paust.).

Compare: All items around were distinctly and exaggeratedly real. , It happens when you do not sleep all night. (Shol.) She was sitting near the bench under the shaking wooden mushroom , – These are done in the camps for the sentries. (Paust.).

The punctuation marks on the border of the predicative parts of the non-union polynomial proposal are due to the semantic relations, which appear in the first plan of his membership into two logical parts, then in the second plan, when one or another part in turn disintegrates into two parts characterized by certain semantic ties.

For example: The mind of Russia is not understood, the arched is generally not measured : It has a special one You can only believe in Russia. (Tyutch). (In the foreground, the relation of the rationale is a colon; there are causal relations between the two parts of the second logically allocated part, the investigation - in the second part, therefore put a dash) "

It follows from this that the use of certain signs of punctuation in a polynomial of the non-union proposal is due to the semantic relations that make up between its parts with the specified features of their membership, and the intonation features of the proposal.

Compare: I looked around heart in me : Not fun to enter at night in a man's hut. (T.) the word reflects the thought : The thought is incomprehensible - it is not clear and the word ... (Bel.) Wake up the jewelry of our language: that neither sound, then a gift ; All grainy, large, like pearls itself, and the right, other name is still more precious thing. () Love the book : She will facilitate your life, friendly will help to figure out the motley and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events , She will teach you to respect the person and themselves , She wraps the mind and heart with a sense of love for the world, to man. (M. G.).

August 23, 2016.

Unsoyous calls such complex proposals in which the parts are connected only with intonation. The main feature of such complex structures is the absence of unions. Instead, they use punctuation signs in BSP.

general characteristics

A semantic relationships are established between suggestions in the BSP, similar to the relations in the sentences of the Allied: complex and complex.

For example:

  • The night fell, the forest moved closer to the fire. INthe proposal is detected by the semantic relationship of the listing of simultaneously performing events.
  • One day, pickets, knocking off from the legs, bring the news: the fortress is surrendered. In this proposal, the semantic relationships are similar to relationships in a complex proposal with an extremely emptying.
  • He told the truth - he did not believe.The proposal combines the relationship temporary, gradual and constitutive.

Depending on how the parts are related to each other in meaning, there are a BSP with different punctuation marks. Examples, the data is higher, serve as evidence. Depending on this, non-union complex proposals are divided into three groups.

BSP with comma and semicolon

There are several punctuation features associated with non-union proposals. In particular, there are two rules governing the decimal point and a semicolon in the proposal.

The comma in the BSP is set, if there is a listing of certain facts, you can use the Union and. In this case, the intonation when reading will be listed, and before each comma, it is necessary to withstand a small pause.

My head was spinning, the stars were dumped in my eyes.

My head was spinning, and In the eyes weave the stars.

If the proposal is common and has inside its commas (homogeneous members, separate members, introductory words and plug-in structures, circulation), then it is separated from another part with a comma.

Green frogs jump on the stones near the stream; On the biggest stone lies, basking in the sun, golden too.

Video on the topic

Command or point with a comma need to choose?

If the rule is well understood and assimilated, then you can easily cope with the following exercises:

1. Find out the searcher point:

1) Sun, the sun, from the cold cheerful and radiant; The window is golden.

2) All morning, clean and bright, sparkled paints; Half date silverly on the window frosty chrysanthemum.

2. What are the punctuation marks in BSP in brackets missing?

Happy irrevocable time - childhood! How not to love memories about her? They refresh so much and tower my soul.

You're challenge (...) You're sitting at the table on my stool (...) It's too late (...) long ago drinking a cup of milk (...) sleep covers eyes (...) But you do not move from the place (...) Everyone is sitting and listening. Mom talks with someone (...) The voice of her so sweet (...) so friendly. The sound of mother's voice says so much to my heart, so speaks in my soul!

With the reacted eyes, I look closely in her cute face (...) Suddenly she is doing the whole little - her face becomes no more button (...) But I see him everything is also clear. I like to see her so tiny. I squinten my eyes even stronger (...) She is now no more than those boys (...) What are you in pupils (...) When you look close in your eyes (...) But I moved it - and the miracle disappeared (...) I squeeze my eyes again (... ) I try to resume vision in every way (...) but in vain.

BSP with dash

The punctuation marks in the BSP directly depend on the semantic relationships of its parts. To set a dash in non-union proposals, it is necessary to have one of the conditions given in the table.

Signs of punctuation in BSP. Table setting a dash with examples

Conditions for using dash

Understand you I am glad - understand and you. (I'm happy to understand you, but you understand me).

One sentence concludes an indication of the time or condition that it is said in another sentence. You can put a comma and unions if and when.

It will rain - cancel the campaign. (If it is raining, cancel the campaign. When it is raining, cancel the campaign).

In the second sentence, a conclusion was concluded or a consequence of what was said in the first sentence. You can put a comma and alliances so or so.

Tomorrow there will be a lot to do - you need to get up early. (Tomorrow there will be a lot to do, so you need to get up early).

If the offer is drawn a quick change of events. You can put a comma and union I.

There was a loud topot - everything was smaller. (There was a loud topot, and everything is smalcot).

Dash or not dash?

1. What signs of punctuation are put in the BSP shown below?

1) Teacher ordered a diary diary (...) I did not have a diary.

2) There is a terrible stuff (...) By night there will be a thunderstorm.

3) She sat down into a kibitua near the hussar (...) The yamper sused (...) The horses rushed.

4) Skipped (...) he rushed to run.

5) Behind the big one (...) Loss little.

2. There is a BSP in the text with different punctuation marks. With which?

The song (...) I was heard at once, the voices (...) sniffed (...) and all the traffic was moving further in silence (...) Only crossed the wheels and charknya dirt under the horse hooves could be heard at these moments (...) when the words of the sad song sounded.

3. In which of the proposals is the dash?

1) The sun is already the village, but in the forest still light (...) the air is so clean and transparent (...) birds are twitched and overwhelmed (...) Young grass glitters like an emerald.

2) In my soul, I have fun and festive (...) on the courtyard of spring (...) and the air is so clean and transparent (...) The birds are twitched and joyfully (...) Young leaning makes way.

BSP with a colon

Huge importance in the definition of communication between parties in the BSP is played by intonation. If at the end of the first part it is necessary to increase the tone of the voice, then it is certainly necessary to put a colon. So it turns out that the punctuation marks in the BSP depend on intonation. But the semantic relationships are of the most important meaning. Consider the conditions for the formulation of the colon.

Signs of punctuation in BSP. Table with examples of colon

Conditions of colon setting

The second sentence speaks of the reason why it is said in the first sentence. You can put the comma and the union because.

I disliked rainy weather: she drove me in longing. (I disliked rainy weather, because she drove me in longing).

One sentence is used to explain the other, reveals its content. You can put a comma and introductory word namely, then the colon will stand after this word.

In the field reigns of paints: among the bright green grass whites flames with fragrances of daisy bushes, alleged small stars of carnations, occasionally break the shy eyes of cornflower. (The rhusiness of the paints reigns in the field, namely: among the bright green grass whites fragrant coasty romashes, shallow stars of carnations, occasionally overlook the shy eyes of cornflower).

The second offer serves to add the first. In this case, you can put a comma and an alliance between proposals like that or saw that.

I feel: carefully, as if fearing something, my fingers slowly move up to the shoulder. (I feel as carefully, as if fearing something, my fingers slowly move up to the shoulder).

Colon or not colon?

In this case, there is also your own rules.

1. What signs of punctuation are missed in the sentence?

Somehow it happened (...) What was the deadline left the faith (...) But now it was not scarecrowed by Sergey (...) He knew (...) that his father and everyone else would return to the evening.

2. Put the punctuation marks in the BSP. Examples of proposals are given below.

1) The picture has changed (...) Already on the white tablecloths of the fields in some places, black spots and strips of outlined Earth were visible.

2) I really liked to listen to the girl (...) She painted me about the world, I unknow me.

3) Another little (...) will revive her eyes, flourishing on the face smile.

4) I looked in the window (...) On the clearing sky, the stars flared brightly.

5) How many years serve (...) the likely to me was not yet.

Summarizing learned

BSPs are a complex system that includes four types of suggestions, depending on the punctuation marks between the parts of the complex sentence - the comma, the point with the comma, colon, dash.

Signs of punctuation in BSP. Table with examples



Slapped shot, then shook the machine gun.

Near the doors, I saw a boy, from the cold of all the missed; On it was wet, adhering to the body; He was barefoot, and his little legs were in the mud, as in socks; The shiver passed me down to the head at the sight of it.

In summer, the trees merged into one green mass - in the fall, each one stands apart, in itself.

Began to break the dawn - we woke up and went outside.

Life without joy - day without a sun.

You will give - I will not take.

That's what I will do: I will come at night with a detachment, the wait is explosive and raise the house, then you mean a research station, on the air.

He thought about himself: doctors need to call.

The bird could not fly: she had a broken wing.

BSP with punctuation signs. Rule

The comma puts if sentences with connecting relationships.

There is a point with a comma if sentences with connecting relations have their commas within themselves.

There is a dash if sentences with opposite, temporary, comparative, seeding, investigative relations.

Put the colon if sentences with explanatory, additional, causal relationships.

What distinguishes the signs of punctuation in SSP, SPP, BSP

Between the BSP parts establishes relationships similar to the relationships found in the Union proposals: complex and complex.


In one corner, the floor was crushed, the door creaked.

In one corner, the floor was crushed, and the door was scrupted (SSP).

Already in the evening, the sun was fond of a pine grove, which was behind the garden; Shadow from her ran without end through the fields.

Already in the evening, the sun hidden for a pine grove, which was behind the garden, and the shadow of her ran without end through the fields.

He became ashamed to kill unarmed - he thought and lowered the gun.

He was ashamed to kill unarmed, so he thought and lowered the gun.

I entered the hut: two shops on the walls and a large chest near the stove constituted the entire situation.

I entered the hut and saw that two shops on the walls and a large chest near the stove constituted the entire setting.

As can be seen from the table, the formulation of punctuation marks in BSP is significantly richer than in the Allied proposals that use only commas. But in the allied structures, the semantic relationships of parts are clear and clear due to the union:

  • simultaneity, sequence - union and;
  • the reason is the union because;
  • corollary - Union therefore;
  • comparison - Union as;
  • time - union when;
  • conditions - Union if;
  • supplement - Union that;
  • explanation - the Union that is;
  • contrastration - Union A.

The setting of punctuation marks in the BSP is needed to express the semantic relationship between proposals, they fulfill the role of unions.

Examples of bsp.

Examples illustrate BSP options:

  • with conventional relationships: you will have a day here - then you know.
  • with temporary relations: we will cope - I will transfer to managers.
  • with the meaning of the investigation: the rain is over - you can continue to move.
  • with conventions: the sun shines - we work, the rain goes - rest.
  • with seeding relationships: I would not have such a dog - the cows.
  • with interpreting relationships: beautiful urban is a rustic mile.

  • with connecting relationships: a man sitting at the table, spoke on the phone; The child still slept on the sofa.
  • with Issuctive Relationships: I advise you: Do not lift other wallets.
  • with relations with consequences: the land was needed under the crop: I had to overpass the gardens.
  • with explanatory relationships: the occasionally heard voices: raised pedestrians returned home.
  • with reality relationships: We must give him due - he was very hot, dare and persistent.
  • with comparison relationships: That is not the wind noise on the square, not the sea rages in the storm - my heart holshes my homeland, there is no rest and happiness in it.

An example of the task of OGE

Among the proposals you need to find complex with the non-union bond between parts:

1) The Holy Sea is so called Baikal for a long time. 2) We will not assure that it is better not Baikal anything in the world: everyone is free to love his own, and for the Eskim, his tundra is a crown of creation. 3) We love the pictures of our native land with young nails, they determine our essence itself. 4) And it is not enough to consider that they are the roads, they are our part. 5) It is impossible to compare Ice Greenland with the Sugar Skhara Running Sands, Taiga Siberia with the steppes of the Central Russian strip, Caspian with Baikal, but you can convey your impressions of them.

6) But still there is nature from their favorites, which it creates with special care and gives a special attractiveness. 7) Such creation is undoubtedly Baikal.

8) Accordingly, not even talk about his wealth, Sladen Baikal to another - his wonderful force, not by the conserved power to be protected.

9) I remember me how we went far along the coast of our sea. 10) was the beginning of August, the graceful time, when Water was heated, the hill are blunting, when the sun makes shine felling on the distant mountains of Sayan when Baikal, stacking with water from monstering glaciers, is satisfied and calmly, gaining strength for the autumn storms when the fun falls under the cries of the fish.

L.A. Aksenova,
Lipetsk region

Punctuation signs in the non-union complex sentence

Didactic material

I. Separation of comma and comma

Comma put in an infantoy-free proposal for separating parts, closely connected with each other (you can put the union between them and ) and denoting or consistently occurring events.

Cathedral kernels, fistil the bullets, hung the cylinder bayonets. (A. Pushkin)

Semicolon It is raised when parts of the non-union complex proposal are less related (in meaning and intonation, they are close to independent proposals), and also when the parts are already distributed (have commas) or are grouped in meaning (in this case, the consistence of a comma between the parts of the non-union complex Offers is not enough).

Morning magnificent; in the air cool; The sun is low. (I.Gongcharov) The pale gray sky is lightly, chokyel, blue; Stars were blissing the light light, they disappeared; died the earth, fucked the leaves, somehow the living sounds began to break, voices. (I.Turgenis)

Exercise 1. Read the text. Watch for intonation, stylistic features of non-union complex suggestions, justify the use of comma and comma dots.

Fun 2 watched 6 through narrow 6 track 6, between two walls of high 3 rye. The ears quietly beat 1 of you in the face, the cornflowers cling to 6, 2 for their feet, quail shouting around, the horse runs lazy 2 trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Statov 5 Osins high lay 6 over you 3; Long hanging branches bare barely move 6; A mighty oak stands like a fighter, beside a beautiful linden 4, 7.


Attention! Parts of the non-union complex sentence, separated by a semicolon, are pronounced with a decrease in voice to the end of part (Almost like at point) and considerable pauses between parts. The tempo of speech in such proposals is usually slow.

Given this information, prepare the expressive reading of the text I.Turgenev. Try to feel the mood that the author reports.

    Determine which language means of expressiveness are used in the last sentence.

    Select the synonym for the word statov.

    Specify the types of single-part offers. What is their role in the text?

Task 2.. Read the non-union challenging offers and find the grammatical foundations in them. Decide, in what non-union complex suggestions between parts you need to put a comma, and in what is the point with a comma. Justify your choice.

Write down proposals, exposing punctuation signs. Insert the missed letters, open brackets.

1) Meanwhile at night. Pr_B_BL_Lested and P_SLA like a grinding cloud, along with the evening vouches from_sudvyudi underc_mal and even (c) you are tempted by dark_t. 2) Everything around quickly Ch_Reloly and Ut_Halo Some per_Pell izr_ka shouted. 3) Already, I (c) work with difficulty, it is unclear (n, NN), the field is unclear around (for) it (c) every instant of the NAV_HVA_GUI GR_MAD CLUBS A sullen darkness took up. 4) One P_LOW HILE CHE_NOWNED OTHER P_LE BE_ONEKUE_NOW TEL ON PLIATED BUSINESS LITSELLY AT EMPLICATION Suddenly from the Earth before the M_In nose. 5) Everywhere with rays _lmazami z_reddened by large drops of p_s me n_vstrech pure and clear as if also washed in the morning (n, nn) \u200b\u200bto her pr_xpaste, the sounds of olk_k_l. 6) The wind fell exactly the wings of the word and deputy head of the shower. 7) Night_ T_ZHERO and DRIVE (H, NN) Faces Face K_ZHOVA R_OVOVYE MR_ZH_H_RUE TUCH P_SLI and P_lzli in the sky.


1) Meanwhile, the night approached and grew as a thunderstorm cloud; It seemed, together with evening couples rose from everywhere and even with the embroidered darkness. 2) All the circle quickly and calmed down the circle, alone quail occasionally shouted. 3) I've hardly distinguished distant items; The field is unclear Belelo around; Behind him, with every moment the huge clubs overlooking, sullen darkness raised. 4) One gentle hill was replaced by another, the fields were infinitely stretched behind the fields, the bushes were suddenly stood out of the ground before my nose. 5) everywhere radiant diamonds are called large drops of dew; To meet me, clean and clear, as if, the sounds of the bells were brought by morning coolness, the sounds of the bell. 6) the wind fell, exactly the wings folded, and froze; Night fragrant warm reached from the ground. 7) the night is hard and damp smeared to me in a progress; It seemed that a thunderstorm was preparing; Black clouds grew and crawled across the sky, apparently changing their smoky outlines.


Task 3.. (Formation of speech skills and punctuation skills.) Continue proposals so that the non-union complexes come out: a) with a comma; b) with a semicolon.

1) Sky in the East began to darken ...
2) Lights lit on the evening streets ...
3) Lightning shone almost continuously ...
4) The river in the flood was very much ...
5) Thunder thundered for the village ...
6) All nature breathes freshness ...
7) Air clean and transparent ...

Task 4.. Prepare the expressive reading of the text, paying attention to the intonation and the selection of punctuation marks in suggestions.

Do you know what enjoyment leave in spring before dawn? You go out on the porch ... on dark gray Sky something blinking stars; wet breeze occasionally raids light wave; hear discreet, obscure whisper night; The trees are weakly noisy, lured by the shadow ... by the shoulder, in the garden, swallows peacefully watchman; Each sound seems to be in the frozen air, it is worth it does not pass. Here you sat down; Horses at once moved, the cart loudly stated ... it's cold a little, you close the face collar overcoat; you dumps... But here you left the versts four ... the edge of the sky aleet; In Beres, wake up, awkwardly fly tanks; Sparrows tweet near Dark Skyrov. Lighter the air, a visible road, clearsky, whiten tucci, green fields. In red fire burn Luchin, beyond the goal suspanny vote. Meanwhile, dawn flare up; Here are already golden stripes stretched outacross the sky, in the ravines of tuberous pairs; zhavoron Single sing predawn the wind blew - and quietly pops up bugs the sun. The light is so rushing; Heart in you fixed, like a bird. Fresh, fun, any! .. The sun quickly rises; The sky is pure ... you climbed the mountain ... what kind of! River goes The verst is ten, dim blue through the fog; for her water-green meadows; for meadows spray Hills; Departed Chibisa with Cry go over swamp; Through the wet gloss, spilled in the air, the distance is clear ... how freely breathes the chest like cheerfully moving Members, as gust whole putting Fresh breath Spring! ..


    Castle text, define its main idea.

    How many paragraphs can be allocated in this text?

    What is the role of non-union complex proposals in the text?

    What explains the differences in the formulation of punctuation marks (comma and semicolon) between parts of non-union complex proposals?

    What are the means of expressiveness used by the author?

    Explain the spells in the selected words.

    Make a small text using non-union sophisticated searches and a semicolon, one of the following topics:

1. Before the thunderstorm.
2. Early in the morning.
3. Summer evening.
4. The blizzard.
5. List Falls.

II. Putting the colon

Colon Between the parts of the non-union complex proposal is placed in the following cases:

1. If between parts of the causal relationships (the second sentence indicates the reason why it is said in the first sentence), in this case, before the second part, you can deliver alliances because since .

Ignorance should never brag: ignorance is powerlessness. (N. Chernyshevsky)

2. If there is an explanatory relationship between parts (the second part explains, specifies the considered thought of the first part), in this case, before the second part, you can put explanatory and connecting unions. namely, that is .

The weather was terrible: the wind storm roared from the night, the rain lils like from the bucket. (I.Gongcharov)

3. If the second part complements the content of the first part, spreading one of its members (usually led). In the first part in this case, you can insert the verbs of speech, thoughts, feelings, perceptions ( hear, see, feel and the like). Check Unions: what how .

He raised his head: Through the slim pairs of glitter Golden Males.

Exercise 1. Read offers. Specify the non-union complex proposals in which the second part
a) indicates the reason for what is said in the first part;
b) reveals, explains the content of the first;
c) complements the meaning of the first part.

1) I entered the hut: two benches and a table and a huge chest near the furnace was all its furniture. 2) I could not fall asleep: everything in the darkness is all the boy with white eyes. 3) I brought and looked out the window: someone immediately ran past him and disappeared God knows where. 4) We looked at each other: we were struck by the same suspicion. 5) I raised my eyes: my hut had a girlfriend in a striped dress, with loose braids, a real mermaid. 6) It was good: high, thin, black eyes, like a mountain sulna, and looked at you in the soul. 7) I'm foolishly created: I do not forget anything. 8) Pereshnitsky accepted a mysterious look: walks, throwing his hands behind his back, and no one knows. 9) a long-forgotten thrill ran through my veins at the sound of this cute voice; She looked into my eyes with his deep and calm eyes: they expressed their infancy and something similar to reproach. 10) I was always strange one thing: I never got a slave of my beloved woman; On the contrary, I always acquired over their will and the heart of the invincible power, not at all trying about it. 11) One should never reject the critic: From despair, he can become even twice the crime. 12) Oh, I ask you: I don't flome me still empty doubts and feigned coldness. 13) I laugh at everything in the world, especially above the feelings: It begins to scare it. 14) I looked at her and frightened: her face expressed deep despair, tears sparkled in front of her eyes. 15) Our conversation began with angrily: I began to sort out those present and missing our acquaintances, first showing funny, and after their sides. 16) these patients are such a people: everyone knows everything. 17) I tears and truncated to the window: a loosely pretended Stanus allowed me to see the pouring and listening to them. 18) Here are my conditions: you now publicly refuse your slander and ask me apologies. 19) ONE I ask you: shoot more. 20) Everything is arranged as much as possible: the body is brought ... Bullet from the chest is removed. 21) has passed since much time: I penetrated all the secrets of your soul. 22) I will never love another: my soul has exhausted all your treasures on you, your tears and hopes. 23) I took from the table ... Chervonny Ace and threw up: breathing everyone stopped. 24) I walked around the hut and approached the fatal window: my heart was bad. 25) I love to doubt everything: this is the arrangement of the mind does not interfere with the decisiveness of character. 26) In me, two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thinks and judges him.

    What works are these lines from? Name the author.

    How to explain the frequent use of personal pronouns i In these sentences?

    Give a complete punctuation characteristic of the offer 10.

    Draw a proposal scheme 9.

Task 2.. Read. Determine the semantic relationship between parts of non-union complex proposals. Write down the proposals, exposing the punctuation marks, emphasizing the grammatical foundations in the following sequence:

1) the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first sentence;
2) the second sentence reveals, explains the content of the first;
3) The second sentence complements the meaning of the first sentence.

1) There are such happy faces in the world look at them anyone exactly they warm you or smooth. 2) Not only by the semi-charm of the charm, he attracted her soul alone, she attracted her soul. 3) No legs carried me without a boat I was lucky me raised some wide strong wings. 4) Suddenly I hear me by clicking someone. 5) The head went around for too many impressions into it flooded at once. 6) He loved her passionately and never forbid nothing to her, he picked himself to her guilty in his soul.


Task 3.. Continue proposals so that there are non-union complex suggestions with a colon. Determine the semantic relationship between parts.

1. Plants refresh air: ...
2. The forest affects the air temperature: ...
3. Love in nature: ...
4. Read the Book of V. Caverin "Two Captain": ...
5. I looked at the sky: ...
6. I am happy: ...
7. About one I ask you: ...

III. Setting a tire

Dash It is placed between parts of the non-union complex proposal in the following cases:

Feet wearing - Hands feed. (Proverb)

2. If the first part indicates the time or condition of what is said in the second part. Check Unions: Time - when , conditions - if a .

1) It will come in the evening - the stars will light up in the sky. 2) Do you like to ride - love and sosochos to carry. (Proverb)

3. If the second part concludes a conclusion or a consequence of what is said in the first part. These relationships can be checked by alliances. so, therefore .

The cloud layer was very thin - the sun was shone through it. (K. Pouustovsky)

4. If parts of the non-union complex proposal have a comparison value. Check Unions: as if like.

I will look - the ruble will give. (Proverb)

5. If parts of the non-union challenge offer are drawing a quick change of events.

Cheese fell - with him there was a cheating. (I.Krylov)

6. If parts of the non-union complex proposal are associated with seeding relationships. Check Unions: although, despite the fact that .

I told the truth - I did not believe. (M.Lermonts)

Exercise 1. Read offers. What semantic relationships are expressed by a dash sign in these non-union complex suggestions? What unions do these relationships can be checked? Distribute intonation schemes 1-, 2-, 8th proposals. Write words with highlighted letters, explain their spelling.

1) I was g abouttOV love the whole world - m e.nya N. andwho (not) understood. 2) he (not) p buti smeared with my hands - a sure sign of some kind of character. 3) I'm replied aboutrail Pr. andironing - he n andwhat (not) answered. 4) WD. butlee B. anddust dust - Azamat SK butcal on L. andxom Karagonee. 5) Try aboutshaft go P. e.shung - My legs oDto aboutsucked. 6) Shot R butbuilt - smoke filled the room butthat. 7) Mountain Oz e.rO H. e.rkat in the sun - overflowing by all e.tami B. aboutlushful Crysta lL. 8) the fog sSe. ilya - B. e.rshins again z butst. e.rkali in the sun. 9) I was modest - m e.nya Obv andnyali in Luka. in.


Task 2.. Spish by grouped the proverbs by the semantic relationship of their parts. Insert the missed letters, highlight and designate the spells in these words..

1) Summer solders - winter is in_. 2) The darkness is not any light - the evil is good. 3) Stroke go - in_los not well. 4) The source utters thirst - a good word is either a heart. 5) The eye is turn_sh_ - crookedly otme_sh_. 6) bold victims - cowardly pounds. 7) Do not shout about s_be - let others talk about you quietly. 8) science gift is not d_et_ - science work b_rech. 9) Azbuchka is taught - for the whole of the hub kr_sat. 10) Cumshots - Goulai boldly. 11) There is a T_Reniya - Budget and skill. 12) time time - fun hour. 13) man's work feed_t - laziness port_t. 14) Better plow_sh_ - more bread in_zmesh_. 15) Circling is red and the sun - pr_, led the month. 16) people without a homeland - nightingale without a garden. 17) With the world on a thread - naked shirt. 18) Gl_za is suffered - the hands are doing. 19) Reviews in Altyne - not p_WERS in the ruble. 20) With the Warrior fell - not saint_. 21) White handle - Soul Ch_Ranya. 22) With stupid leads, it is a p_Gluphee myself. 23) With the smart poundwork - drinking water. 24) With a friend, a friend of Branit_sa - Neuda V_S_LIT_. 25) Fall_sh_ stick without knowing how to stitch the neck. 26) The root of the teachings of the humpback is the fruit of his sweets. 27) Scientist without practicing - bee without honey. 28) I read the x_locked book - met with a friend. 29) A friendly for business is taken - the desert is a hound. 30) Language One, the ears of the couple - times SC_GE, two p_ listened. 31) Do not look for an impeccable friend - Osta_Sh_ one. 32) pr_name and b_les, and b_da - the habits are Ost_ Navgi_Gda. 33) The happy sh_ pay interprets about good luck - the unfortunate about the misfortune is loudly crying. 34) B_L-SL_VEKH_KOKLY WITH LOVE - HAVE HAVE HE HAVE HERE. 35) The rich in his herd did not find the chick - the last chick is_bral at B_Dnyak. 36) Do not please work, not half_noy - in the color in the end, the k_chi_t_v_tit_tits. 37) The first stone is crooked in the land - the whole ST_Na went on fire. 38) Obid_t friend - Lang_t Stone Word. 39) A smart head of a hundred heads feed_t - thin and one not pr_kamit. 40) Mel_T day before euro - there is nothing to listen to. 41) Biden the books to read - you can know everything. 42) Sulfur Summage_T - friend dispute. 43) In the morning it is not empty_sh_ - the day disappeared. 44) IQ_TUN and the truth says_t - it does not believe him.

    Specify the proposals, the content of which relies on the use of antonyms.

    Name synonymous by the meaning of the proverb.

IV. Training exercises

Exercise 1. Read offers. Complexed and complex proposals to remove in complex non-union. Write down, installing the necessary punctuation marks.

1) Proverbs and sayings are always brief, and the mind and feelings are invested in them for whole books. (M.Gorky) 2) the legs should be a man in the land of his homeland, but his eyes will obey the whole world. (J. Santuana) 3) There is a popular belief that Zarnitsa "will charge bread", that is, highlights it at night. Therefore, bread floods faster. (By k.pustovsky) 4) Small rooms or housing collect the mind, and the big scatter it. (Leonardo da Vinci) 5) If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first. (A.Vampilov) 6) Not only you collected books, but the books collected you. (V.Sklovsky) 7) If you want to be rich, do not think to increase your property, but only reduce your greed. (K.Gellevation)

    Determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bproverbs (Proposals 8, 9, 10). What advice is contained in the proverb Read not reflecting - that there is not having chewing?

Task 2.. Write down proposals, arrange the punctuation marks, justify your choice. Emphasize the grammatical foundations of the proposals.

1) Let him go on the road and be bored alone, let him take himself in the satellites there is no companion better her ill and suffering let him take himself to help the book in the world there is no medicine. It is stronger. (Ancient Oriental Wisdom) 2) Love the book She will help you understand the motley confusion of thoughts. She will teach you to respect the person. (M.Gorky) 3) She [Book] introduces people to life and the struggle of other people makes it possible to understand their experiences of their thoughts of their aspiration, it makes it possible to compare to understand the surrounding and converting it. (N. Brup) 4) to handle the word need to be honest is the highest gift to man. (M.Gorky) 5) Science must love people have no power more powerful and victorious than science. (M.Gorky) 6) And my request consists in the next take care of our language. (I.Turgenov) 7) I looked around the heart in me, I was sad at night in a man's hut at night. (I.Turgenov) 8) A narrow path led between the bushes on the crackle of the wreckage of rocks was the shaky steps of this natural staircase clinging to the bushes we began to climb. (M.Lermonts) 9) It became hot white shaggy torques quickly fled from the snow mountains promising a thunderstorm head of Mashukh smoked like a tight torch; It was crowded and crawled as a snake gray blocks of clouds detained in their desire and as if clinging to his spiny shrub. (M.Lermonts) 10) Here, he was gathered by the people from the fortress he [Kazbich] did not notice anyone stood standing and went back I ordered near him put money for the rams he did not touch them. (M.Lermonts)11) Pechorin is not indifferent apatically Hears his suffering, he is chasing himself for life looking for her everywhere accuse himself in his delusions. (V. BELINSK) 12) Water all Mr. Water and Fire is afraid. (Proverb) 13) not to fall out to another pit . (Proverb) 14) Do not scold not purely in the mouth will be. (Proverb) 15) The mare with a wolf, one tail and the mane remained. (Proverb) 16) The medium of a noisy crowd of unknown those sounds clear to me twice reminded the strength of wonderful they all my heart. (A.FET) 17) The ball jumps the color in the courtyard in front of me this ball is very milly glazed. (Virae) 18) Each exercise the smell special in the bakery smells the dough and blessing. Past joinery, you smell with a stalk and fresh board. (J. Rodari) 19) It is just necessary to do something good to do something then smile and pay our mother's mother from happiness. (O.Shestinsky) 20) There is nothing holy and disinterested love of my mother any affection every love any passion or weak or a self-sample compared to it. (V. BELINSK)

    Specify the proposals that match the following schemes:

– ; – .


    Specify the non-union complex proposal, the relationship between whose parts is causal.

    Illustrate the following orphograms examples from the proposals:

1) Again, " In the verbs: ...

2) n, NN. In the suffixes of different parts of speech: ...

3) not With different parts of speech: ...

4) Roots with alternating vowels: ...

5) unstressed vowels, checked by stress: ...

    With the help of an intelligent dictionary, explain the value of the highlighted word.

    Write the words whose structure corresponds to the schemes:

    Specify parts of speech in the 17th sentence.

Task 3.. Read fragments of literary works. Specify the author, the name of the work, determine the genre.

Spariate, inserting missed letters, arranging punctuation signs.

1) One poor mother did not sleep. She straightened to traveleled by the river sons of his l_sitis nearby. It's RA_H_Syvali's row of them m_l_dishly curves and smeaching them with tears, she ch_dealls on them all ch_eli all chops and not M_NEGLI. She SPA_RIMILE them (N, NN) Oh breasts, she will not take them about them and only one moment see them before s_be. Sons of my sons are my cute that Buds with you that it is waiting for you, G_Vorila and tears of the elder in M_Rechnos, I change it, when (TO).

2) cute good old gentle
With thoughts of the chest_ you are not happy
Listen to this Snow Harmonic
I am RA (C, SS) Kazhu about Sv_u T_B life.

3) Do not east of the mothers of some
They are from OD_nochemia.
Cf_dy concerns in love (n, nn) \u200b\u200bocean and books
Do not be kinder with them.

4) I know a lot about the exploits of women withdrawn from the battlefield wound (H, NN) fighters who have worked for men who managed the Blood to children going through the Siberian tracts for St. Lady Musians. I N_When did not think that all this relates to Mother Mother. To the quiet shy (n, nn) \u200b\u200bo'clock, only the topics of the UK_rech _...
T_PER I look at her life and see it pr_stul through all this. I see it with OP_D. But I see.

5) if the hearts are harsh
Budget children are gentle with her.
B_R_GIT mother from evil word
Know the children wound all b_s!
... Mother will die and not to make scars.
Mother will die and disappear.
Scroll take care of mom
Children of the world take care of the mother!

6) my friend my brother is my t_varis_ my
If you have a mother
Rove to her Ser_z. SP_SHI.
Rusing her in the very winged R_KET.
Each moment on the account. Be faster than sound
And the light.
OP_DEW on the way is not PR_Sti with this forever.
Ah covenant maternal and what are you in the world of wise?
You're us to the stars in the queen even in the dark nights deaf.
I have a lot of good mothers in the world!
Why does T_GDA in Z_MEL still crawls evil?
AND money Money? And dried Ser_za skopidomism?
But how to pl_ it would be _
If all Mothers of Sv_yi listened to each other, it became possible.

7) z_ appointment give me b_licking soul
Ser_za good
OKO (NOT) Dremel_
GOL_S MILE_KOV_YE Affectionate
Hands strong (not) Cool
Very hard mother be!

(N.Gogol. "Taras Bulba"; S. Jenin. "Snow-in-depth crushes"; A. Tementev, Yu.Yakovlev. "Heart of the Earth"; R. Gamzatov. "Take care of mothers"; S. Sostrovat. "Mother "; A.Yashin." Mother's prayer.)

    Draw the schemes of non-union complex suggestions, specify the grammatical foundations in them.

    With the help of an intelligent dictionary, find out the value of the underlined words.

Task 4.. Prepare expressive text reading.

The constant presence of the mother merges with each my memoirs. Her image is inextricably connected with my existence ... I sometimes lay in forgetting, some middle state between sleep and fainting: the pulse almost stopped fighting, the breath was so weak that they put the mirror to my lips, to find out if I was alive; Doctors and all the surrounding has long condemned me to death: doctors - according to undoubted medical signs, and those surrounding - by undoubted ill signs. My Mother's suffering is impossible to describe, but the enthusiastic presence of the Spirit and the hope of saving their child never left it. "Mother Sophia Nikolayevna, - Not once said, as I heard my soul dedicated to her, - stop tormenting your child; After all, the doctor and the priest told you that he is not a tenant. Will conquer the will of God: Put the child under the image, hesitated the candle and give him an angelic darling to get out of the bodies. After all, you only interfere with her and disturbing her, and you can't give it ... "But with anger, I met such speeches my mother and answered that, as long as the spark of life would be warm in me, she will not cease to do everything that can, for my salvation, - And again put me in an insensitive attor, poured in the mouth of Rhineviewe or broth, the whole clock tried my chest and back with bare hands, and if it did not help, then my lungs were filled with my breath - and I, after a deep breath, I began to breathe Stronger, as if waking up to life, I received consciousness, I started to eat and talk and even recovered for a while. It happened more than once ... I attributed my salvation to emergency care, a relaxing care, the infinite toe of the mother. Attention and care was what: constantly needing money, interrupted, as they say, with a penny for a penny, my mother took the old Rhinewine in Kazan, almost for five hundred versts, for the price unheard of then. In the city of Ufa, there were no so-called French white breads - and every week, that is, every mail, generously, the reward postman brought from the same Kazan three white bread. I said this for an example; Exactly the same was observed in everything. My mother did not give to extinct in me a conversion lamp of life; As soon as he began to fade, she fifth his magnetic outpouring of his own life, his own breathing.

(S.T. Aksakov)

    Word and write down the topic and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. (The selfless struggle of the mother for the life of his child is the topic of the text. The meaning of the text is deep: while there is a mother on Earth, not scary to man, she will heat the light among the darkness of the night, will not be able to get lost and the abyss will help, he will close the soul, save, will save will return to life.)

    Explain the formulation of punctuation marks in the text.

    Specify in the text of the non-union complex offers.

    Draw a third sentence diagram, give it a characteristic.

    Remember the ORFRAM "Letters n. and nN. In the words of different parts of speech, "illustrate it with examples from the text.

    Fill out the table examples from the text:

    Prepare to write down the text under dictation.

Task 5.. Read the text. Write down, putting the punctuation marks, justify your choice.

You bought a new book ... She can be in solid caroto (n, nn) \u200b\u200bOM binding with knevkorov P_Creaking in solid care (H, NN) about (paper) binding or in a soft paper scale. Book new clean and kr_sya. Do you want to choose her in T_K? Remember

Books are afraid of 1 solar rays (no) Read 6 of them on the bright sun. 7.

Books are afraid of cheese_sti (no) read them in the rain.

Books are afraid of dirt and zh_st spots (not) Read them (V) time of food (not) b_rite with dirty hands.

Books are afraid of dust Clear 2, 3 of their jelly dust_som.

Books are afraid of mechanical P_VR_EVERS (NOT) SERFORME 2 of them (not) Z_Text (c) of them thick pr_dmetov overclocking 2 b_s for the leaf deterioration and (not) smuggle finger_. 7.

Using these s_Vets of the mole_dity of your 3 books 1 Bud_t Pr_Dlen 4.

(From the calendar)

    Casting text. Determine its main idea.

    Explain the value of the highlighted word.

    Perform the specified types of dissemination.

    Choose a one-sized word book reading.

Task 6.. Prove that the colon in the examples belong to three different points. What is the similarity of the intonation of all proposals having a colon?

1) I went with a step and soon forced to stop: my horse washed, I did not see any ZGI. (I.Turgenov) 2) Labor eliminates us from three great angry: boredoms, vice, needs. (Voltaire) 3) I looked around: the night solemnly and regally stood. (I.Turgenov) 4) V.G. Belinsky claimed: "The literature is the consciousness of the people, the color and fruit of his spiritual life." 5) Knowledge is based on three things: you need to see a lot, learn a lot and suffer a lot. (U. Foscolo)

Task 7.. Read. Explain the colon setting in the text.


Dragonfly and ant

In the fall of ants, Wheat was swollen: they dried it. Hungry dragonfly asked them to feed. The ants said: "What did you collect the stern in the summer?". She said: "There was no gathering: sang songs." They laughed and say: "If in the summer he played, winter dances."

(L.N. Tolstoy)

    Word and write down two questions to the fastener.

Task 8.. Specify where the dash is delivered: a) between the subject and be sure; b) in an incomplete sentence; c) in front of a generalizing word; d) in the non-union complex sentence; e) in a complex sentence.

1) Small snow went - and suddenly fell flakes. (A. Pushkin) 2) to comprehend its guilt to the end - here is the property of the sage and the brave. 3) Bird is visible on feathers, and man - on speeches. (Proverb) 4) Communication with a book is the highest and indispensable form of human intellectual development. 5) We went down to the ravine, the wind fell for a moment - the dimensional strikes clearly reached my hearing. (I.Turgenov) 7) read the book - enrich your memory, continuously recognize the new one.

Task 9.. Find the "third more superfluous." Justify your choice.

I. 1) The thoughts should attack with the help of thoughts: according to ideas do not poule from guns. (A.Rivolol) 2) She lifted her eyes with effort and immediately looked at them: Gogol looked at her, smiling. (K. Pouustovsky) 3) Motherland develops from concrete and visible things: lords, villages, rivers, songs, fairy tales, picturesque and architectural beauties. (V.Solukhin)

II. 1) I lived, I was - for everything in the world I answer my head. (A.Vardrovsky) 2) Never lose patience - this is the last key that opens the doors. (A.De Saint Exupery)3) To be able to endure loneliness and receive pleasure from him - the Great Gift. (B.Shou)

III. 1) Do not sing a beauty, with me you are sad songs in Georgia: remind me of another life and the shore date. (A. Pushkin) 2) Relicious time will come: love and friendships to you will reach the gloomy shutters. (A. Pushkin) 3) I give you a place to give up: I have time to smooth, you bloom. (A. Pushkin)

Task 10.. Spinit, arranging punctuation signs, inserting missed letters, opening brackets.

1) Learn it all the same to swim (by) the flow of the Ost_novnovnika for a minute and you Pon_chlo (for) ass. 2) SAN_MAET_MAY MORNING ON PLAYE BELIEVE SKA_SKLLONE Z_LOVA PALE PLIOSLOY ST_ZHEE AND R_SHTECH ST_NEVER AREA. (N.Gogol) 3) For everything that is essence_t_t in pr_rode water of the water of the sky, the sky region of the rain of the rain L_ is b_lot of rivers and lakes of the meadows of the fields of the Col_t and herbs in Russian, there is a clerk of the x_ in Russian words and n_zvani. (K. Pouustovsky) 4) The word is the key_ and the heart will open. (Proverb) 5) There is (c) the autumn of the first_nachable k_rotkaya but wondrous p_r all day of st_ita as it were, crystal and ray_name in the hotel. (F. Tyutchev) 6) If a person hangs out from pr_rod, it hovers it from him. "It is his _ He reworked it. (A.Frans) 7) Give it to all the lives of the benefits of the meaning of life on Z_MLE, it is unhappy. (K. Shushinsky) 8) Angry ch_lovek is similar to r_shku l_gko b_et_, but (c) Labor Schuel_V_SH_H_ Ohl ch_lovka is like a jug of evil (c) labor p_zb_dno, but l_gko клел_ (Indian folk wisdom) 9) Exclude_lie the happiness of the part of being with a hundred p_st_yny favorite business. (Vl. Nemirovich-Danchenko) 10) Tightly link_no bl_g_thenia, Russian Ch_VEK with the existence of P_Sthenium j_vet_ x_r_sho p_stations x_r_sho j_vet_ стечень свечки. Magnifier_t R_station Multi-like disaster gr_zit and ch_lovka. (K.Timiryazev) 11) B_GACTEMENTS (NOT) It is worth it from it, they are pribored it T_KO T_NA K_TERS, we are not for k_rmann, they pianked the sake of the sake of it. It is too much (s, h) the delki pr_xla (if) only a loss. (J.Labryuer) 12) Love is in_likim ukr_suchiya she z_st_d_r_roduce CV_sti Play paints to sing wonderland songs dance_l_l_kapny dancing. (A.Lunacharsky) 13) Too-b_liest d_s are sometimes affected by a person (not) pr_nome for society to the market (not) go with Z_L_TY ingots there I need P_ZME (N, NN) Aya M_NET in particular the trifle. (N.Shamfor)

    Specify the non-union complex suggestions, draw their schemes.

Task 11.. Read. Guess the riddles. Spish, arranging punctuation signs.

1) One pour 1 another drinking the third grows. 2) One says fierce running 6, another says 6 stand up the third third says we will be swallowed. 3) Chernidka 6 The dog curled 2 lies not barking does not bite and does not allow the house. 4) Pour 2 River 6 We are lying. Ice on the river we run 4.

    Specify parts of speech in the first sentence.

    Perform species.

Task 12.. Read the text. Explain the alignment of punctuation marks and selected orfograms. Get ready to write text under dictation.

Summer, July morning! Like glamed Br. abouttick butd! Green feature L. aboutthe trace of your feet aboutsista, Pok. e.left grass. You are R. z.dvin e.those wet bush - you will be thrown out aboutdrinking warm zap butoh night; The air is all pod aboutfreshest bitterness aboutlyni, honey gr e.chihi and kishki; vDAwhether wall Art aboutiT Oak Forest and Bl e.stych and A. is on s l.nCC; still St. e.j. aboutbut already chu instem tCi am the proximity of the heat. G. aboutl. aboutva Timo circles tCi am from an excess bl butg. aboutworshi. Shrub no K. aboutnCA ... Co-where is not vDAlee J. e.lTEET POSP e.rO boss, U. z.kimi P. aboutslices blushes gr e.chiha. Here Zashk andsang T. e.leg; Step samples andrAE tCi'm a man, put a horse in advance in the shadow ... you p abouthere aboutrumped with him from aboutwent - sound cNlya z.g K. aboutr. buthere bute. tCi'm yours. The sun is higher and higher. Quickly dry e.t grass. It has already been hot ... Through thick bushes aboutroman, P. e.r e.puta nN.2 chain of grass, descent e.tole 2 you are on the bottom aboutenemy ... under the most aboutbiberty T. butascene cNiR; Oak bush greedily fromi threw my painchal such over the water bi; Large S. e.r e.brist bubbles aboutlying, undern andout from the bottom covered with small bar butmoss 4 ... you're in the shadow you breathe andthose P. buthouch cheese aboutstew; You H. aboutr aboutsho 3 ... but what is it? Wind VN e.n. butl. e.bodies and rushed; the air fell a circle: isn't it? .. But here is weak e.ranked zipper ... uh, yes it is gr aboutper! The sun shines more brightly: aboutkhotyit byou can still. But cloud R. butsteth: front of her edge andhoved sleeve aboutnye tCi call. Grass, bushes, all suddenly sweat e.mattle ... Most! Won, Kazh tCi'm in andsun tCi se nN.oh S. butparadise ... Rather! You are Dob e.jali, B. aboutchumble ... What is the rain? What are the zipper? Cost-Where through S. aboutlome nN.the roof ran out water to fragrant hay ... But the sun began to play again. Thunderstorm PR aboutwalked; You exit andthose. My God, how fun sparkles all 1 round like air j. 3 and liquid, as smell like e.swimming 2 and mushrooms! ..

(By I.Turgenyev)

    How can I unlease this text?

    How many paragraphs can you allocate in it? What kind? Try to make a text plan.

    Determine the art idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. Mark the means allowing to do.

    What means of interfacial communication uses I.S. Turgenev?

    Specify parts of speech in the last sentence.

    Draw the scheme of non-union complex proposals. Emphasize the grammatical foundations in the non-union complex suggestions.

    Give a complete punctuation characteristic of the fourth sentence.

    Perform species.

Task 13.. Prepare expressive text reading. Explain the alignment of punctuation marks, spelling the selected words. Prepare to write down the text under dictation.

I remember for a long time: heat, stuffing, sticking at the temples hair, throwing in half-breed: heavy The child is sick. And suddenly from somewhere, exactly from another world, floats something cloudy, soft, cool and strokes forehead, reducing pain, and reduces heat; and finally sleep comes - strong calm sleep recovery...

Mother's hands. I remember them then, in childhood, - beautiful, with long fingers. I know them I. present... I also know: whether negotia trouble, whether the soul burns, will you lose yourself or love, the first hand stretched on helpwill be your mother's hand.

True, sometimes we appreciate it too late and late Trying flowers beholdhis Related, inattention,and sometimes - what shy for some reason tell her about love. In life.

Differently Their fate was the fate of our mothers. Take a look at these hands: exactly the branches of the old tree, sad flows They are kneeling. The years left their traces on them: deep tracks marked losses, grief, fatigue, non-sleeping, swollen, precisely streams in female, overheatedvienna ... I see mom on the threshold of the house: worked from dawn Until the evening, I went out on the porch, sighed, sat on the heated steps, folding his hands on his knees. Waiting something? Maybe yes: Son that long ago was notvisiting, daughter that Grown unnoticed, grandchildren. Here they will resort - she will raise them, will talk long a fairy tale or sing a song, going through children's locks...

Invest maternal hands in their own, lift, approom to her face, Pee in spreaded wrinkles fingers. They are once were bending and agile, soft and smooth. But whatever they are - young or old, smooth or "with novels", nothing There is no more beautiful and can not be in the world.

(On O.Kuzmina)

    Express your attitude towards the problem raised in this text in small creative work. Praise including above questions:

2) How can we repay, pay mom for her love, stuffed, like a burning candle, through all the years of her life? For sleepless nights, spent near our crib, in the fight against the enemies and rows, which often fall into the proportion of children? For the daily, painstaking, continuing from year to year, and together and so imperceptible work in the house, by housework?

(By A.Vladimirov)

Use where it is possible to express your thoughts of non-union complex suggestions.

Task 14.. Read offers. Try to call the author, work, genre. Spish, arranging punctuation signs.

1) suddenly the cheese perfume fox stopped the fox sees cheese fox cheese plenil. 2) The crow dart into all the roronieu throat cheese fell with him there was a cheating. 3) I will find the secret and Larchchik you will open in the mechanics and I stand something yes. 4) Here, for the casket, he accepted him back from all sides and his head breaks his head. five) Neshe They judge exactly that way they do not have any trifle. 6) "And it is angry in vain, he will freeze drinking tortured him in any way I can not." 7) You look at the dolza of a lot of cotton, it mocks him all the way it seems from the skin. Yes, only everything forwards is not served as a squirrel in the wheel. 8) Frog in the meadow Seeing the oxen started in doroduce With it, it was envious. 9) With Pill, my Orest gnaw only to shreds Up flying to the nation finally spilled them with water. 10) I am your vintage swat and kum came to put up to you at all for the sake of a quarrel forget the past settling the common lAD! 11) Everything went with the winter cold need. Hunger comes dragonfly and does not sing and to whom will go to the mind on the stomach sing Hungry! 12) He [Bridge] It seems to be simple and the property is wonderful there is a liar. None of us go through it does not dare until half, it will not come out and fall into the water. 13) This is a pike of your science forward smarter to be and for mice not walk. 14) The man's guy was not great, he found immediately in the brawl. 15) That's what I heard about dry To mosquito revealed contempt Lev Evil took the mosquito offense, did not rose a mosquito on Lion's war. 16) Here the nightingales to show their art began to whistled for a thousand wards pulled out. 17) such examples in the world does not like to recognize anyone in satire.

    Explain the alignment of punctuation marks. Draw the scheme of non-union complex proposals.

    Give a complete punctuation characteristic of proposals 5, 7, 9, 11, 12.

    Determine the values \u200b\u200bof the selected words.

    What value is the word dry In the 15th sentence? Select it synonyms.

    Recall the rule "Spelling Again, " In the verbs, "and illustrate it with examples from these proposals.

    Perform species.

    Specify parts of speech in the 9th sentence.

    Continue the formulation of the output: "Basni I. Krylov enclose ...".

    What are the phenomena, the vices are ridiculed by the bars in their fables?

Task 15.. Read offers. What signs of punctuation are needed in them? Explain your choice. Fill the table.

1) The day was surprised in the morning I went wet snow in the morning with the rain ... (B.Chaaev)2) Fomich examined his dilapidated carzy boots and decided to bind rubber soles with raw straps road to Tikhanov far. (B.Chaaev) 3) The day was cold-blooded milk white disheveled clouds rose towards him in the blue spangle between the houses. (V.Nabokov) 4) She looked at himself in the mirror: the face was paler than ordinary. (V.Nabokov) 5) In the appearance of it there was something a leopard stretched forward stupid face with black mustache and a white beard bevelled low Lobik and tightly lying like a shaky gray bristle short hair. (B.Chaaev) 6) Winter is not afraid to be angry. It's time for spring in the window knocks and drives off the yard. (F. Tyutchev) 7) OCTOBER ARE EFFECT ROOTS DIDE the last sheets with the naked branches. (A. Pushkin) 8) Over the hills in the clean clock, the air was smoking the warmth of the bitter blasting smell of dry wormwood clearly sounded the distant voices shouted flying birds. (V.Resputin) 9) I lost weight Mother who arrived at the end of September was frightened for me. (V.Resputin) 10) Embraught by Else Nastya amazedly looked at the snake of the Vauduk still lying curled to the ring in the warm ray of the sun. (M. Prishvin) 11) It's already begins to the evening air and everything is cooled with everything. (M. Prishvin) 12) pulled the autumn refuge road freezes. (A. Pushkin) 13) It was so happened in their family all the misfortunes fell out just on Frolov day. (B.Chaaev) 14) Repair would be the death for the house it is impossible to brake the old concerned bones. (V. Bel) 15) I remember the wonderful moment before me came. (A. Pushkin) 16) Freedom and the promiscuity of the concept is one different opposite. (Quintilian){!LANG-d3fc9788f5eacadcfdef902bf7256609!} {!LANG-ed0c5f9d4d126e77ebcc3f2658e4413d!}








  1. {!LANG-4a78bbcf187a78f936c9d2c5efe0e8eb!}

{!LANG-25f10facf1e98707192f7c91985b50cf!} {!LANG-8353d77c045221edd82500dc7e3d8e82!}{!LANG-6a97a8c3687a95b1d61ce5a5402c06c8!} {!LANG-35a51fcb668dad87a4fc3ed007301333!}{!LANG-d5160ba2f4fd976b0ec3438fe43e5c40!} {!LANG-f055221a7d6bfc857ede0ddd94d912b2!}{!LANG-8dd5748e3d091b0ae002b99694512b49!}

{!LANG-86d8ff5e2450c62c2ca728b03a88240f!} {!LANG-8f8f6a464a1d7394099d59dad2d5912f!}{!LANG-11ea79c06420fa6b6ba5b35d18018968!} and{!LANG-b114a8538a4a23514afa0739882f75b6!}{!LANG-d67a7aeeb5af45e4f92f2fd31c3b5488!} {!LANG-c9e3332e651e88a8fec19d3de92c18e9!} and{!LANG-b5906dbef8592dba82d80e2d0a6cf518!}{!LANG-eb8f63f00b1b907b315aa7851d1ad6b0!} {!LANG-7078c6bbf832b6c84f7d7badaa4db900!} and{!LANG-f039e3d7ef4598e6c723e8df8350039a!}).

  1. {!LANG-c809ce090b561ce9dc9babc8956e8b9f!} {!LANG-4a2f70c9f69b07cf14dec5972eef16a6!} {!LANG-64224cab3beb264eff599f87076db7a8!}{!LANG-52fca47ea4881f7e7ca0fec3d65ae660!}{!LANG-963a4a07fc362ca15f36114500667abe!} {!LANG-a49019a2a44bd83d4764dfa7263775bf!} but{!LANG-fba31e155747b6a555a336a179132a57!}{!LANG-43fe6d3581a4474aabb91fbe4f8e5d4b!}
  2. {!LANG-c105aaac007f7ed51baa1d28aaf67e72!} {!LANG-871fbc24c1091fa60e7237183c15a9a3!}{!LANG-29d32262132d9dcbf44bd4fc5131dd25!} {!LANG-b69ba6c8f5a29ee6dfe20ec93231b93e!}{!LANG-9e9569ebfaefa9618ac992eae6a9f06e!}{!LANG-7ae9ad7f8dbf8f7357240849d502eed2!} {!LANG-87e7eb50873dbe8549cb26e39f2e97a9!} {!LANG-4ad8067b353315710c7eb815ce09ba04!}{!LANG-2c0fb26f83dc5cce4deb5e43b4b7d36a!} {!LANG-4ad8067b353315710c7eb815ce09ba04!}{!LANG-71c7ec96bfefbf85a654e9ff89b51f4f!}).



{!LANG-5bd2f8201cfaa3387118bf081bc4e7fb!} {!LANG-6056fe8ca546ff22d0c17016712262af!} {!LANG-3ea129fa1433dcae9105fecfa42601a1!}{!LANG-f90c548ed6122b8a6806c993359960ea!} {!LANG-3ea129fa1433dcae9105fecfa42601a1!}{!LANG-4c9d69f6110dc94b365b4bf413091a0c!}










{!LANG-16a29cea2aec156d8acbfcc559cbb35d!} {!LANG-158b27ae8e069e7560d1a51c1972e5c9!}{!LANG-36caea9b8313123655f006842d9984ab!}




{!LANG-0261d78e24c7b1ab3c47df3ef525cf3c!} {!LANG-af4aa00a780c5bf89f95d4d69e9a13e7!}{!LANG-97c017b7e40612bce0cb9ce80e126e46!}




{!LANG-324eff2771ba9eab62821cccdd2ac4a9!} {!LANG-1c103a1f3f7910ee9a92f5c3e11106a9!}{!LANG-92ef63f6876b2017658be6e79c9698de!}



{!LANG-8eb13efc3d79455064a35502de39f26d!} {!LANG-cc92ea81f2041bad8544cde7dbc94562!}{!LANG-f8d5cec4a7db2c0cc9cc96d09981dc96!}



{!LANG-1be2a441e6f83543ae21554fde123f6f!} {!LANG-da110b8fdb57d9e155ac4da27d671a72!}{!LANG-f0ccda2aa042000e23906b8b3de11350!}



{!LANG-f5d16a903d8ed7acd69d01edc08cb5d9!} so that{!LANG-2946246aba01a1249135c3f216e6df41!}






{!LANG-bb0588e66bd6a23e2e600ee863fbc4a4!} {!LANG-6abd178b381764ea95043d107c7dee59!}{!LANG-691430bccc66b4ba93cf6f11ac020cfa!}



{!LANG-b16aed1c1dc82bb46385285060ad05ec!} {!LANG-44f3abb20de231c63a937ea0b5ccbac3!}{!LANG-34cbc76692c24900bf2211480ccf472a!}




{!LANG-2eb6346e4077e828cf65ea0d19c314fc!} {!LANG-6246b100df5671585d3b04ca4c6caac4!}{!LANG-43baf0013334fcdaea13a721bb5f72c7!}




{!LANG-3ed95ec91e6391c022ad7d56832be244!} {!LANG-3ea129fa1433dcae9105fecfa42601a1!}{!LANG-28d31a1423957fe44f3882eea501a461!}



{!LANG-e8a8507d55cd7980a659f5ef9513716e!} {!LANG-02e4a8d54e20da9fd244c5a069e7a35c!}{!LANG-22a9442d8c9d2c9abc9c84b7afb4d883!}




  1. {!LANG-6ada31a409c40afd5e77e3bc2a109af0!}{!LANG-13bd85f37492cdc910b809a58ef55a45!} {!LANG-27eda78104971fb76c62fa7e148ae0cd!} {!LANG-3ea129fa1433dcae9105fecfa42601a1!}{!LANG-29aa41cd618b800c4e17dc6c6f9030f2!} {!LANG-c50155e88330b57b551f4909a89deaf4!}{!LANG-a7b08ff9830d17fd5a66996b5549c7bc!}
  2. {!LANG-a23f0915ca6c4cb48ce2b27af3f4ea34!}{!LANG-29d9943b6c5c3e85f96606accdae37c4!} {!LANG-b5739b283a445e77f8e94b6d9c29adca!} {!LANG-3ea129fa1433dcae9105fecfa42601a1!}{!LANG-8640122c0c74af24b1d300d7a32bcfde!} {!LANG-9ce884db4eb04af753a28b39b57ceaee!}{!LANG-dc912c37af780d8c505dcc5223ac3479!}
  3. {!LANG-56a460693aa75c56e9952dc402654e90!}{!LANG-9d2550da005df308e257fdac4e766237!} {!LANG-9f16ddb8b04e8a438dfd4f667c9debff!} {!LANG-d86f1d5a95a0747a5c3566f4724a2e00!}{!LANG-b1245f257c23e9b296043a8385926499!} {!LANG-a2b4f35d3b62121d9f28624fa23b5d39!}{!LANG-9e05965b0761276c01bd3e4bc79a7dfb!}




  1. {!LANG-3985195b22ec25ea2eaf7a06e08aaf64!} {!LANG-042e561527be071287d5723a565ee76c!} , {!LANG-06f57240934481d925fded8ac2f44d5f!}
  2. {!LANG-07126851279519dc0fad557453a23f60!}
  • {!LANG-e33d304f5acc187985c57fd5724e3be9!} {!LANG-a54ed3f3738f1518e85de6b43a8c22e2!});
  • {!LANG-0335fcfcea34e31a186da4ffabb1e9e0!} {!LANG-bd5863ce890845c5deed9da12edd9a67!});
  • {!LANG-cac19290d818da618ad4aced35b76e23!} {!LANG-5f14878a0e2c51e3646c937aea0fc31f!}).


  • {!LANG-c2f1974f97dcdf52cdafc0d1cc6972f7!} {!LANG-c7bc0bf8dd9e834649d48255025c3f73!} - {!LANG-159ff2d5bfa984a9e1b6ba2f20faf5cb!});
  • {!LANG-a42936236559919431f83132c887c4b4!} {!LANG-f3b610c3f4044170b2971420feeee322!} - {!LANG-02b9d51c5e1a73d418a5738c49f35a20!}{!LANG-1880feb2576e3685cbd2cc9627ac4eb6!} {!LANG-2a93208994f037b42b92793c6d8d1356!} - {!LANG-0f4a656b6cb17f43ad00c034046d020d!}{!LANG-3efc877a03b7b09e70f730ebaede396f!} {!LANG-7ca1258dab638f0ba72d1101f9f6cf02!} - {!LANG-fc6481d81b31ed302928d17ebf879284!}).


{!LANG-631d9e89475ad6fa7bcecc9701fe96b8!} {!LANG-c17923fce830e0c64e88d385bbb0067d!} {!LANG-64224cab3beb264eff599f87076db7a8!}{!LANG-48d12321dbca29e702f5f20c77c7eac1!}




  • {!LANG-c1e26485c2e4a54d7b6463b720c4cbaf!}{!LANG-521052e89863c3eeb94e987ea4971543!}
  • {!LANG-cd9e59ad2ad76906cb52b0f2925594f2!}{!LANG-455ba117014fe7f71e0d96f906d8ac9b!}
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  • {!LANG-0328e102e10a9de3ac775273869ab4c1!}
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  • {!LANG-5eaf9bb079c4467ef9b03d7766c3ec3a!}
  • {!LANG-2d6d602decb6ad9f8c17eedfd5b6a611!}


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  • {!LANG-29b11ffb524f157e85379a3af9d7bbb1!}{!LANG-f4691bbb30ce101b2988f88d91d65f45!}







{!LANG-3664954887f1d10904f0602600fda29a!} {!LANG-6980aae342bf860046d632a18e5a48bb!} {!LANG-d4a23f7694ef2aeacefc669b8cc375ff!}» ( {!LANG-7914fd9b2fccae56550a941528a9bf34!}{!LANG-aaa4909afcb9b8949c6353275e13070d!}


{!LANG-0f4bdeaf97abec4574ffd2156527f124!} {!LANG-2308929a16c63c1ba6ab985f7466fa5a!}{!LANG-6a3fb2a091fa9b8e13e758332c2abe8d!}
{!LANG-fadc5027fd1b38896a738c39f7346886!} ({!LANG-9a0f8e9769369ca4b5c611ce7c631229!}







{!LANG-20bc0fda1baabc3029f18fac71afa139!} {!LANG-3cdd0982d65b936af36bca80e8d33c0d!}
{!LANG-ddef7518ab355abe5a1bb5d7909dd7c7!} {!LANG-7fb805ca05134ff75bf254b182c3efd3!}


{!LANG-684a15e3cc5c339fc84008c4e0423e02!}{!LANG-360da359a9cb763f8a950ea68e3c06ab!} {!LANG-7e53a49f3f85cacd7ba2384ea8de8389!})







{!LANG-cc80c7c11af38988518ebed33023236f!} , {!LANG-3b03b706ac869f930171b8da0a8e6765!} {!LANG-d913c5f3cee0a2cc1e47410c26b1f6c0!}{!LANG-18bfed5e74b348befac4e1c6a27b80ed!}









{!LANG-dd08262ff1609408f11bc2c0016b8d65!} {!LANG-f1e1bb7a65ed263ca6bb195eb6b3af90!}{!LANG-b5107f23dc4b24ea04d8b6d6fd1e1f33!}







{!LANG-2e38357ef83583c9b19a84ffa4c27b68!} {!LANG-2dcd62e8e8ed50691d532b41346bde3a!}














