Repairs Design Furniture

Rack ceiling with their own hands. The main characteristics of the rush aluminum ceiling

Nowadays, it is rarely desirable to hope for yourself. When repairs in the house begins, then you will definitely make repairs in the bathroom, toilet. In addition to laying tiles, floors, plastic panel, installation of all necessary equipment, the repair of the ceiling begins. In the premises of high humidity, it is possible to establish not many types of ceilings, most often stop on the mounting of the suspended structures, they can withstand high indicators of humidity and temperatures, and serve a very long time and maintain the level of hygiene as high as possible, it can be treated with chemicals. It is unable to collapse from dampness, fungus, rust, there are in the toilet, so the installation of the rush ceiling is recommended by many specialists. In addition to a large number of advantages - the cam is rather inexpensive, so it will not hit your general family budget.

First of all, you should think about how your bathroom will look like, which walls in it are, what color of the ceiling will be done and what will be the layout of the panels. When they were determined with the species and colors of the material, you can start the first stage of installation of the suspended ceiling.

The instructions for carrying out any work related to repair and construction reads - to properly produce work, you need to correctly make a drawing and layout:

  • first, you measure the total perimeter in the bathroom, to understand what you need a profile profile to secure on the walls, along the perimeter of the ceiling to secure the stringers. Apply it on the plan;
  • how the necessary size of the profile is calculated for fasteners is calculated, you can begin to calculate what kind of rails are needed, how long the ridge should have. The number in which you will need a comb so that the design is full. Produced in the drawing. In order to correctly calculate the number of stringers, it is necessary to mark the ceiling markup perpendicular to where the decorative panels are directed. The step between them must be up to 1 meter;
  • as the amount is calculated, it is necessary to determine the total area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling surface, to know which area is made of the installation of the rush ceiling.

It is done so that during the acquisition of building materials, it was possible to rely on the calculations, for which total area you need raters and other components of the suspended ceiling. Please note that during the creation of the plan, consider the directions of the lines created by the oscillation of the rail. Their location most often comes from the window to the end wall of the room. Line location, creates the main visual effect of narrowing or expanding the room. If you have a square bathroom, then the diagonal stripes look at the most beautifully.

List of tools and materials

As the markup is made, you can safely go to the building materials store for the purchase of everything you need. Usually in one store - you can immediately purchase tools and materials. Here is a list of what needs to be purchased:

  • reiki, Stringers, profiles, comb;
  • be sure to purchase small suspension elements;
  • most likely, you will need a puncher, drill, screwdriver;
  • so that the workflow is most nice and efficient, you will need a marker, water level, roulette, metal ruler, knife;
  • for fasteners, you need a dowel, self-tapping screws.

Please note that if the room has too large sizes, most likely you have to splicing the panels. In this case, the kit will be intermediate intermediate inserts. They make a butt neat and visually beautiful.

Ceiling components

Materials for a metal profile

Instructions for marking

When the ceiling plan in the bathroom is ready, you needed purchased and ready to work, you can proceed to an important stage - the working markup of the ceiling. Of course, it should be understood that the installation of a suspended structure can only be performed as a tile, walls and equipment are fully installed and ready to operate. The design layout on the floor can be performed. The layout will help identify disadvantages.

During the markup, the entire perimeter is placed in the marker, which set the profile profile, while using the construction level. If your ceiling in the bathroom or toilet is installed efficiently and completely even, in a horizontal projection, then the whole process of working markup is noticeably simplified. Difficulties you can hardly arise, they may appear if they decided to place a multi-level speech ceiling with their own hands. Do not forget to strictly follow the pre-prepared drawing of the overall design of the ceiling.

At the stage of drawings, it is necessary to think about what the design will be, what distance will be between false ceiling and ceiling, which luminaires are placed in it.

All electrical cables must be fixed.

As the markup is applied, you need to put marks for stringers. Lines should have a strict perpendicularity to the end of the room and each of the finishing panel.

Fixing profile and fixation of parts

First of all during fixation, it is necessary that the supporting structure is fixed in the markup. It is necessary to fix on the markup of the profile profile, which will be the main carrier element of the entire design. Use the dowels, they will help to secure the profile on the ceiling. Then, from the edges of the profile, retreating 50 millimeters, drill holes in advance prepared for this purpose the drill. Between the edges of the mounts make holes at a distance of 500 millimeters from each other. Do not forget to drill it is from the outside of the profile. Thanks to this, avoid, the emergence of burrs who can not only hurry your hands, and are able to create a gap between the profile and the wall, which will negatively affect the overall design of the suspended ceiling.

Mounting traverse

When the profile is fully fixed, prepare, coordinating your actions with marking and drawing, places for suspensions. Modern companies manufacturers offer a variety of suspensions for suspended structures, starting with comfortable plates and ending with a less popular wire. But today, the most convenient of the suspension offered by construction stores, adjustable suspensions are considered, due to their system, you can point to the alignment of the ceiling surface, which is often obtained with irregularities, depressions, lines.

Fastening profile

Mounting profile in the corner

Mounted perimeter

We start fixing - the extreme dates are located in 300-400 millimeters from the end wall, intermediate at a distance of 120-150 centimeters from each other. Now you can fix the stringers. Stringors are tires with grooves to which the panels of the suspended rush ceiling are attached. We choose the stringers that will make a gap between the profile and the 10 millimeters. In order not to ask how to disassemble the cam ceiling, when the material deformation of the material will occur due to temperature drops in the bathroom or the toilet. Now it may be a construction assembly, to mount it carefully.

Ready metal frame

Ceiling assembly and device

The first step in the assembly of the suspended pattern design in the bathroom, a toilet and any other room, it is cutting panels, the length that is necessary according to the drawing to insert into the profile. Either measure the distance between the panels and make them 5 millimeters shorter than that distance. Cut the items very comfortable with a knife, you can use other construction tools that have purchased in advance. As the panels are ready for assembling construction, you can start it. Let's figure out how to make a cuticle with your own hands without the involvement of specialists in the sphere of repair work.

Each rail is neatly attached


To begin with, insert the first panel: starting the extreme part of the first panel inside the profile groove, inversely enter it in the opposite direction. You can insert the following. Insert the panel to Stringer until you click on the click. He reports that the tire tongue recorded the edge. Thus, insert the rails inside the panel. The insertion of the regches should be taken carefully. Installation of the river ceiling, in fact, a simple case and can be made independently, without the involvement of specialists. Better than professionals no one will do this work. Instructions for assembly and installation, will not replace the accumulated hands, thanks to her, the assembly will be high quality.

When the rails are inserted, it may turn out to be that the extreme panel does not fit, as its width is less necessary. In this case, you will need to trim the excess width to such that it can fit in the remaining distance. This will complete the assembly of a rack suspended ceiling qualitatively. Apply the waist with a knife markup by the line with a ruler. The depth of markup should be small. On that part of the rail, which will be deleted, make perpendicular to the markup of incisions, which, with the help of movement (flexion and extension), separate from the resulting rail. Franking in pieces of excess part, make smooth edges that will not spoil the visual quality of the ceiling.


It is worth considering in advance where lamps and other elements of lighting will be installed. For this type of ceiling is best suited:

  • lED lamps - they emphasize the elements of the decor and create an atmosphere of modernity;
  • fluorescent lamps create high-quality lighting in a classic strict style;
  • point lamps will create an atmosphere of home comfort.

Wiring is carried out during the fixation of parts and install the supporting profile. The lighting devices themselves are installed when assembling. Installing lighting is needed in harmony with the ceiling construction so that no wiring items are damaged during the installation by bolts or other fasteners. Work with electronics carefully.

Wiring is carried out in the process of mounting the frame

Check out the operation of the lighting and the right work we can assume that the installation of the cutting ceiling in the bathroom or toilet is made - it is ready to operate. As you can see, mount the ceiling in the toilet is not difficult at all and the design does not require any significant effort, the main thing is to know how to mount or how to disassemble the cutting ceiling in the toilet and the bathroom and then there will be no problems during operation.

Rack designs on the ceiling are used to design various premises, both residential and public. The kitchen is no exception. The popularity of this material is explained by its durability, moisture resistance, small weight construction, ease of installation and ease of care. If you have minimal building skills and the necessary toolkit, you can install the cutting ceiling with your own hands.

This ceiling is not at all difficult

Design of the rush ceiling

This is a kind of suspended ceilings. The design consists of aluminum, plastic or steel panels and a special system for fastening the walls on the wall. Panels are made of steel, aluminum or plastic tape thickness from 0.4 to 0.7 mm, wide from 50 to 300 mm and up to 6 m wide. It is possible to make an order according to individual sizes, then the rail length is done with an accuracy of a millimeter.

They are started to install last: when the floor finish has already been completed and the plastered walls dried.

Varieties of Redeek

Reiki (panels) can be chosen for every taste

The surface is matte or glossy, smooth or with perforation, and can mimic the skin or wood on the texture. The shape of the panels can be rectangular or rounded, and varieties of colors and shades are offered a great set. Reiki can be located along or across, as well as diagonally. This will help visually increase or decrease the room. So, if it is long, narrow, better arrange horizontally (across) ceiling. Otherwise, the room will seem even longer.

Ceiling designs of this type by interfluve, which are several varieties. With an open joint, there are gaps of about 1.5 cm wide. In this case, the installation is completed with the fastening of the decorative profile on these gaps. If the junction is closed, the rails come from each other. Another variety is a junction without cracks when they are installed close to each other.

What is a suspension system

It consists of a universal carrier tire (other names - comb, stringer, traverse), adjustable suspension and angular profile. The tire is a galvanized steel strap with locks in the grooves where the rails are installed and attached there (snaps). The suspension consists of a bracket and rod. The bracket is fixed to the tire, and the rod is to the main ceiling. The suspension system is usually 5-12 cm. You can determine this distance yourself, it will depend on the availability of communications and your personal preferences.

Montage of the cutting ceiling with your own hands: step-by-step guide

If you have never observed how installation is done, the video should come in handy:

To work, you will need such tools: perforator, drill, metal scissors, building level, roulette, line, marker, sharp knife, screws and dowels.

Mounting scheme

Step One: Installing guides around the perimeter of the room

First, mark the start place with the marker. The distance must be at least 5 cm from the existing one. With the help of the construction level, transfer this mark around the perimeter of the room (step to 1 m). Spend a line. Measure the length of the wall length and cut the desired piece of the angular profile. Standard profile length - three meters. It cuts the metal scissors.

Guide profile Apply to the wall along the drawn line and drill the hole of the drill. Screw the screw with dowel. Securing the entire profile with a 50-60 cm increments, check the level of its evenness. On the inner corners, the profile should be attached to jack, and on the outer - at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step second: installation of suspensions

Tire mounting locations should be noted using a roulette. Make the first mark at a distance of 30-40 cm from the wall, the following should be 90-100 cm parallel to each other. Suspension fasten with screws with dowels, drilled the pre-hole drill. Check the position of the suspension.

Step Three: Fastening the bearing tires

Tires - base frame

It is better that the distance between the traverses does not exceed 1-1.2 m. Set the tires perpendicular to the raids at one level with the profile nailed around the perimeter. Screw them to the suspension with a screwdriver. It is very important at this stage to prevent errors to mount a flat design. After all, the appearance of the entire ceiling depends on its flatness.

With a small distance, the tire can be attached not to the suspension, but directly to the basic one.

The distance between the profile and the bus is 1 cm. If it turned out to be shorter than it is necessary, it can be left. To do this, the suspension is fixed at the very beginning of the next traverse. The second traverse is screwed to the first.

Step fourth: ceiling installation

Installing Redeek

Free the rail from the protective film and cut down the room size. The length should be 0.3-0.5 cm. Less distance between opposite walls. They are neatly inserted into the guides and snap over the entire length of the traverse locks. Each subsequent is installed next to the previous one. The height of tires can be corrected if necessary, changing the depth of screwing the screws (if the tire is fixed on the ceiling) or adjustable suspensions. If the last rail is not suitable in width, it needs to be trimmed. To do this, note the necessary distance along the entire length of the panel and spend the line with a knife according to the ruler. Flex and instill as long as it is unloaded. If the length is big, it is better to make transverse cuts and shake each part separately. By installing the cropped panel, secure it with a wooden strut or pieces of profile.

Do not forget about the plinth. This is a decorative element that will give a complete and accurate look and hollows gaps between the design and walls. If the kitchen is uneven walls, choose a wide plinth, it will make the design visually even.

It looks modern, original and stylish

It is very simple to care for these ceilings. They are not afraid of water from plastic or metal, so they can be washed with a sponge dipped in a soap solution.

Aluminum option is not afraid of temperature drops, humidity, therefore is an ideal choice for the kitchen. Its installation is pretty simple does not require surface preparation, hides the shortcomings of the existing ceiling, it looks very aesthetically.

Choosing an option from the kitchen racks, it is better to give preference to high-quality suspension with a protective film. It protects against dirt and moisture, low and high temperatures and various contaminants. Subject to the correct installation, it will keep its appearance for a long time. Many men even like Usnovka. They compare this occupation with the builder assembly.

Photo examples of design

The classic example for the kitchen is harmoniously fit into the interior, made in any style.

Color example allows you to achieve an unusual visual effect

Two-level can be used to zoning the room

Two-level looks especially spectacular

Installing the rails in different directions, you can visually divide the room into several zones

Spotlight - the most common option

The ceiling made from the rails can be not only direct, but also curvilinear. In this case, with its help you can hide the height differences on the ceiling.

The curvilinear allows you to hide unsuccessful features of the planning or external elements of communications

The curvilinear system, the features of lighting and successfully selected color scheme turned the view of a very important decorative element

Original ideas can be implemented, combining different materials for finishing

Rack ceiling in the bathroom or in another room of your home is easily mounted without the help of specialists. At the same time, the cost of its acquisition and installation are quite acceptable for any family budget.

The ceilings from aluminum and steel rails in the CIS countries began to be sold at the end of the last century. Homeland such designs is Germany. It was from her that new functional ceilings were supplied to Russia, which immediately fell on the shower and installers, and ordinary consumers.

The first structures were objectively expensive. But it did not bother to conquer the domestic market to be conquered with the cattle facilities. What is not surprising. After all, the described coating has a number of advantages:

  • elegant appearance;
  • universality (install the ceiling you can in the residential room, in the kitchen room, in the bathroom)
  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to high temperatures and moisture drops;
  • speed and simplicity of assembly and installation of aluminum panels;
  • the possibility of selection of nets for any suitable design style, including truly exquisite;
  • durability

Design of the rush ceiling

It is also worth noting that the rush design is suspended. So, its installation makes it possible to align the existing ceiling surface without the use of plaster and similar compositions. In addition, under such a building it is easy to hide any apartment communications, which is important. Most often you can see the cutting ceiling in the bathroom or in the kitchen. But it does not prevent you from installing it in the hall or in the bedroom. Believe me, it will look very attractive in any room.

Find the shortcomings in the rush ceilings is very difficult. The disadvantage of the designs considered is that it is not very convenient to perform their repair. If any of the panels are broken during operation, you will have to disassemble all the ceiling coating to replace the defective element. Another moment. When installing a rollover coating in a residential room, in the kitchen, a slight decrease in the height of the room is noted in the bathroom. It is not essential, especially when you do not place engineering communications under the ceiling.

Structurally, the roll coatings are made of steel or aluminum traverse (metal profiles with special cloths). They are fixed with panels (RESEK). Installation of the ceiling should be carried out by traverses and rails of one manufacturer. In this case, you can correctly and promptly install the cam ceiling.

The correct installation of the rush ceiling coverage implies the need to prepare a simple drawing of the room and determining the type of lighting that you want to see in it. In situations where you plan to install point lighting in the room (in the kitchen), you should find out the length of the lamps. It is very important. Based on the height of the lighting devices, you can understand how much you have to lower the suspended ceiling.

Usually the ceiling surface is lowered by 2-3 cm below the height of the used. Now you can proceed to the calculation of the amount of material to arrange the ceiling of aluminum (steel) panels. It is important to correctly choose the length of the rivers, with which the coating will be installed. In most cases, consumers are offered products of 4 and 3 m long. If you plan to place a cam ceiling in the bathroom (this room most often has a small width - 1.3-1.5), it is better to buy a three-meter rack. Then the installation of the structure will be performed with a minimum amount of waste.

Arrangement of ceiling construction from aluminum panels

For large rooms, four-meter rails will be suitable. It will be easy for you to decide on their length and total if you made a room drawing in advance. In addition, consultants of construction stores, which sells rush structures, are always ready to calculate for you. Just show them the room plan with accurate geometric sizes. They clearly tell you how much material will need to be purchased.

Important! When you calculate the number of regards, add more than 10 more to the required volume of the material. Installation of suspended ceilings is associated with the need for cutting of rails and profiles. It is better to be restrained so that later the material should not be purchased.

As a tool for installing aluminum panels on the ceiling in the room, the most conventional devices are used. You will need scissors for metal cutting, universal screws for fastening design elements and dowels, level, hammer, marker, pliers, construction knife, drill, perforator. All this is available at each home master, accustomed to repairing in the kitchen or in another room of his dwelling with their own hands.

At the first stage of work, you must apply markup on the ceiling surface. You will need to draw a perimeter to install the profile. In cases where the ceiling is a strictly horizontal surface, everything is simple. Mark at the necessary height with a marker or a conventional pencil line in a horizontal projection. On it, the traverse will be installed.

If it is planned to install a multi-level structure, you have to perform the calculations more complicated. But they will not call any special problems. Just instead of the usual roulette in such a situation, it is better to use a laser level. The probability of applying erroneous marking when it is used is excluded.

  • trimmed with metal scissors on the desired size (note - the profile length is determined by the line applied to the surface);
  • drill the hole drill in the profile product (there are profiles with already ready holes for fastening elements, to drill them, as you understand, no need).

Installation of the ceiling profile

The walls also need to make holes for fixing the profile product. Here you will need a puncher or drill. After that, it is necessary to put a profile on. Note! On the outer corners, it is attached under a 45-degree angle, and on internal - jack. The next step is to determine the placement of tires. From the wall, the most first bearing product is located at a distance of about 4 cm (you can slightly closer - 3.5 cm). All subsequent mounted after one meter. Tires are fixed to the ceiling in two ways:

  1. Through a special bracket for the suspensions of the adjustable type.
  2. Straight to the ceiling surface by self-drawing.

The suspensions are fixed by dowels with screws into the holes that are made by an electric drill. Nuance - on the corner profile carrier tires are prohibited, as they must hold hard rail. Be sure to check the location of the adjustable elements, using the level. Now the installation instruction allows us to engage in panels. Cut the rail to the desired size. Do not hurry to prepare all the panels at once. Perfectly smooth wall surfaces does not happen in one kitchen or other room.

We first mounted under a slight tilt panel on the corner profile, after which I straighten the latter (the operation must be done very carefully) to a given position. Be sure to stroop the locks that are included in the tires, profile. Next to the first rail, we put the second. The third panel must be installed on the opposite side into the second line of the fixators. This is due to the fact that the first row often has a smaller length than the others. So, it may be quite necessary to perform the adjustment of the width of the rail. This task has to solve quite often.

There is always an additional profile between each pair of panels. It is called intermediate. Further installation action is understandable. Difficulties may occur when fixing the most last panel. It must be fixed very tight. There is one trick here. You need between the wall and the last rail to put 2-3 small pegs from the wood. Then the density of the mounting panel will be provided. And the pegs themselves are then hiding under the plinth, no one will see them.

Here, in principle, all the technology, how to make a cam ceiling with your own hands in any room of your home, for example, in the kitchen or in the bedroom. Rejoice in the new design of your dwelling!

Rush ceilings are a popular solution for finishing the kitchens and bathrooms, however, in other rooms of the apartment they look quite decent. With such a ceiling in the interior, notes of style and originality appear, the very highlight, which is so lacking by traditional methods of home interior arrangement. A huge selection of materials, textures and color shades gives the designer thought of complete freedom, which allows you to realize any, even the most extraordinary interior intent. But the most important thing is that there is nothing complicated in the installation of the cutting ceiling, so you can perform it with your own hands, and it's quite quickly and without any particular labor costs.

Types of rush ceilings

Currently on the market you can find rush ceilings of several types. Their main differences are in the design and form of rails, as well as in the peculiarities of their docking with each other and mounting to the carrier frame.

Rush ceilings are performed from lung aluminum alloys or non-combustible plastic, so their main advantages are refractory, moisture resistance and environmental friendliness. Even being multi-level, such structures are easy to install, but somewhat reduce the height of the ceiling and require a complete parsing if it is necessary to replace individual elements.

Rush ceilings in the home interior in the photo

Classification of rush ceilings:

  1. By type of panel:
  • closed;
  • open;
  • solid.

An open design implies the placement of rails with a small (1.5-2 cm) gap and is excellent for finishing high rooms, where the gap between the straps will not be so noticeable. The closed ceiling is created with the help of rails, which, having a special form of the edge, are attached to the brand, from which they resemble plastic or. In brushless or solid rush ceilings, the panels are installed without a gap, which creates a feeling of monolithic ceiling space.

  1. In the form of the rail:
  • rectangular (German profile);
  • rounded (Italian profile);
  • V-shaped, etc.

Rectangular rails are used as part of the open-type ceilings, incl. with decorative inserts. Italian profile is suitable for arranging closed ceilings with a minimum gap between panels. As a rule, the panels of other forms are used as decorative ceiling inserts or to implement original design ideas.

  1. On the presence of a filling profile
  • with insert;
  • without insertion.

An additional profile is installed in the ceilings with inserting into the gap between the rails. Designs without insertion may have a large (more than 2 cm) sparks between the rails.

Varieties of rack suspended ceilings in the photo

As a rule, the cutting ceilings are performed from lung aluminum alloys or non-combustible plastic, so their main advantages are refractory, moisture resistance and environmental friendliness. Even being multi-level, such structures are easy to install, but somewhat reduce the height of the ceiling and require a complete parsing if it is necessary to replace individual elements.

The surface of the rail can have any color, to be smooth, embossed or imitate other materials, which must be considered when choosing a finish option.

Calculation of the ceiling construction

To install the cutting ceiling, you must prepare the room to work and perform all the necessary calculations. To do this, make all the furniture, remove the peeling plaster, align the walls and remove the construction trash.

The design of the cutting ceiling includes the following components:

  • main panels (railings);
  • slit profile (applied if necessary);
  • traverse (special tire, which serves to fix the rail);
  • angular (carrier) profile installed around the perimeter of the room;
  • adjustable suspension (wire or perforated plank, which is installed on the main ceiling and serves to mount tires with rails - similar to the guide profiles of plasterboard suspended structures);
  • stringer (guide longitudinal and transverse profile);
  • plinth (performs a decorative function, closing the joints of the walls and the ceiling).

The calculation of the cutting ceiling begins with the measurement of the perimeter of the room - it will correspond to the total length of the carrier profile. The length of the ridges is selected on the size of the room, and the direction they can have any - longitudinal, transverse or even diagonal. You can find 3 or 4-meter panels on sale, so the sizes of the panels should be selected with the calculation of the minimum of waste.

The location of the guide profiles is calculated with an indent of 30 cm from the longitudinal walls. The step between the stringers is received by no more than 1-1.2 m, therefore, in narrow premises, the stringers may not be needed. In order to determine the total length of the guides, you should draw the ceiling plan on paper.

To install the lighting devices, the distance between the base and the design is made on the basis of their mounting dimensions. For example, for embedded lamps with incandescent lamps requires at least 130 mm, whereas for halogen or LED lamps are only about 70 mm.

What is needed for mounting?

If you have made calculations and bought everything you need to install the cutting ceiling, it remains to assemble the tool and stock consumables.

The list of tools should be made:

  • construction knife;
  • a hammer;
  • drill (with perforator function);
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • building and hydroelectory;
  • scissors or hacksaws for metal (depending on the thickness of the plates);
  • marker or pencil;
  • roulette and square.

In addition, you will need mounting dowels and self-tapping screws in a sufficient installation of the ceiling design for quantities. Also when working it is worth using overalls, safety glasses and gloves.

Having everything you need at hand, you can proceed to the markup of the ceiling. The line of the carrier profile must be drawn strictly by horizontal level. After that, the points of placement of stringers and suspension elements should be noted.

Multi-level ceilings require more complex calculations. The magnitude of the gap between the main ceiling surface and the first tier will depend on what material you are going to fill it. If the heat or upper level is inappropriate, it is possible to raise the maximum height (from 5 cm), but must, taking into account the mounting dimensions of the lighting devices.

Electric wiring in home interiors is always laid hidden. Therefore, its layout must be performed before starting installation work. It is advisable to lay it in a corrugated tube with reliable fixation to the main ceiling or walls.

We should not forget about the difficulty of dismantling the roll ceiling. The wiring must be laid so that later, with the aim of replacing its individual sites or restoring the broken contacts, you did not have to disassemble the entire design.

Installation of the roll ceiling

Installation of the suspended ceiling design of a rack type should be engaged only after the completion of the room finishes. And everything in order not to damage or stain the front surface of the rail.

If there is marking, you can proceed to the first step of the installation - laying the carrier of the P-shaped profile. It is mounted on the wound marked on the perimeter of the lines of the line using the dowels, which are placed in 30-50 cm increments.

The next step is to install adjustable suspensions. They are located at the intersection points of the stringers and are attached to the main overlap of dowels or self-drawing (depending on the basic material). After mounting the suspension, you can start styling of stringers. Their length is accepted with 5-7 mm gap, which avoids the curvature of the ceiling plane during final fixation to suspended elements.

Before installing the plates you need to remove the protective film. The length of the panels is selected according to the size of the room. Corners in it can be not straight, so the extreme rivers will have to be cut. It is necessary to do this by calculating the dimensions of the plinth, which should close the corner gap between the suspended ceiling and the wall. The length of the panels is accepted for 3-5 mm shorter distances between opposite walls for easy installation.

The panels are exhibited between the traverse teeth and are fixed on it with snatching. It can happen in such a way that you will need to reduce the width of the side rails. To do this, having measured the desired distance, along the panel you need to make a deep neat incision, and on the cut part - perpendicular cuts, after which it can be broken in parts bending and flexing the metal.

When installing side speakers, the latter is first mounted, and then the penultimate. Do not forget also about intermediate liners, which are included in the design in order to accurately design joints.

Lighting and other installation subtleties

Installation of lighting equipment is the most delicate part of the work. The slots for lamps must be done in advance, trying not to make burrs. The installation of lighting points is performed in parallel with the laying of the rail. Do not forget to make sure that the connection is performed correctly and reliably.

The direction of the planks is chosen even at the planning stage in accordance with the peculiarities of natural lighting. As a rule, they are trying to place along the light line.

In narrow and close rooms, the best effect is achieved by the transverse location of the rail, and in spacious square shape - diagonal, so see the situation.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the installation of the rush ceiling. It is only important to correctly perform the calculation of the design and comply with the installation technology - in this case, the ceiling, glad of the eyes, will serve you for many years.

Installation of the suspended rush ceiling with your own hands, video

The choice of the method of ceiling finishes is a difficult task. Especially for premises with a high humidity threshold. The most practical option in this case can be an aluminum rush ceiling. His features, an attractive appearance make such a ceiling is hardly the most popular option.

Practicality and reliability of aluminum rush ceilings

These coatings have a number of advantages:

  • Easy installation.
  • The ability to dismantle the whole design or individual sections.
  • High quality coatings.
  • Moisture resistance, which allows this type of ceiling finish in rooms with high humidity.
  • Long operation, resistance to wear.
  • Ecology.
  • Good reflective function.

Varieties of aluminum rush systems

Design elements

Aluminum rush ceilings are a design consisting of:

  • Stringers (another name - traverse or comb) - carrier elements that are used to fix the lamellae.
  • Adjustable suspensions that ensure the reliability of the fastening of the comb to the rough ceiling surface.
  • Aluminum lamellas.
  • Decorative elements - plugs and profiles. The latter are represented by corner straps masking space between the ceiling surface and walls.

The most common are the following types of aluminum ceilings:

  • Cassette. The surface of the ceiling is decorated with aluminum sheets in the form of squares or rectangles.
  • Rachet Received this name because in the finishing of the premises are used.
  • Designer -private view , it is more expensive, but differing in originality and sophistication.

The type of device involves two types:

  • Open- With gaps between neighboring rails.
  • Closed. Represented by a smooth surface with tight adjacent panels.

The main characteristics of the rush aluminum ceiling

Technical features

Despite the manifold of manufacturers, the rack parameters are similar to each other:

  • Lamaders and decorative plugs are produced from aluminum sheets. Between themselves they differ thick.
  • The appearance of the roll panels is represented by long three or four-meter straps. If larger rails are required, they can be made according to individual order. The maximum length of one panel is 6 meters. Similar lamellas are usually installed in spacious high rooms, as standard rooms have smaller sizes.

  • The edges at the rails are concealed in a special way, thereby achieving the possibility of their reliable fixation to the stringers.
  • Rakes are solid or with microperphoration applied. The facial surface is decorated with various color shades and textured coatings.
  • Stringors are made in the form of P-shaped profiles with carved tongues on the edges that securely hold the lamelles. Through the top of the tires are trained through holes for fastening them on the suspension. Standard length equals 4 m.
  • Depending on the material of manufacturing, stringers are aluminum or from galvanized steel.
  • The thickness of the rail is 0.3-0.6 mm.

Open Rush ceilings Ensure the formation between the panels of small slots (up to 16 mm). Through them are shouted her travers.

Decorative appearance This system acquires due to the use of special layouts that are installed between adjacent rails. They produce the same colors that the main coating, or differ with shades from the panels. The layouts are less than the size of the main rails in size, then they "take off" into the resulting gap. Or correspond in size panels. In this case, their fastening is carried out with a slaughter with slats, the result is a smooth surface.

Closed solid aluminum ceilings Mounted with dense adjacent panels to each other. The principle of the installation resembles the laying of the lining. This installation is also carried out using traverse, but without the use of decorative linings.

Installation and installation process of rush suspended structures do not represent complexity, therefore can be carried out on their own.

On a note! Specialists advise great attention to paying proper fixation of the ridges to the frame.

Installation of the suspended construction takes place in several stages:

  • Marking.
  • Mounting frame.
  • Fastening panels.
  • Installation of decorative plugs.

Before the start of work, carefully read the instructions so as not to damage the material. Professionals are offered to first produce the right calculations, the success of the work depends on the accuracy. It will also be nice if you are trained in working with power tools. But even without having similar skills, you will manage to mount the straight aluminum ceiling with your own hands.

What materials will be needed for installation

You need to buy in advance:

  • Comb.
  • Rake the desired length.
  • Starting aluminum or galvanized profile.
  • Decorative plugs.
  • Fasteners - dowels and screws.

Calculation of materials

  • For frame. The profile forks the standard value of 2.5 or 3 meters. To calculate its quantity you need to know the perimeter of the room. Divide this indicator for the length of one profile plank and get the number of items. If the total figure is not a whole, round it up to an integer in the whole side.

Installation of guides is carried out in a parallel direction every 100 cm, the first is mounted 40 cm from the wall surface. Calculate the desired number of traverse meters by addition. And divide it for the length of one stringer.

The suspensions are calculated similarly. To secure one profile to the wall surface, you will be enough for four screws, to the base ceiling the suspension is mounted on one self-tapping screw. Consider the number of suspensions based on the number of guide slats. One guide profile must be mounted on four suspensions.

  • For Rosek. In this case, you need to take into account the type of aluminum rush suspended ceiling - open or closed.

We have given the calculation of the minimum number of materials that you need to mount the ceiling. So that work has passed without a championship, it will not be superfluous to add 10%.

To establish an aluminum ceiling from the rivers Prepare the following tools:

  • level or level;
  • roulette;
  • perforator;
  • simple pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors or hacksaw metal.

Marking ceiling

Before making your own hands, you will need to mark the draft surface. The procedure will be as follows:

  • If you plan to install chandeliers or lamps on the ceilings, then make the location of their location in advance.
  • Return from any angle by 15-20 cm down and tick the required distance from the ceiling on the wall. In this case, the height of the lamp must be taken into account.
  • Using a level or level, put another label from the previous one at a distance of 50 cm.
  • Mark points through the same gap on all walls of the room.
  • Painting upholstery thread Couple all tags with each other.

First you need to make a frame for a new ceiling:

  • Measure the wall and cut the profile in size with a grinder or hacksaw for cutting metal materials. Thus prepare it for all walls.
  • At the screws, attach a profile to the wall surface every 50 cm and install the willed corners.

Important! A pretty corner is pre-trimmed by cutting its edge at an angle of 45 degrees. In the corner drill holes, fix the element to the wall.

  • Install the suspensions. They should be at the same level.
  • Measure the length of the stringers, cut the material, and fix the bus tires with the profile in the perpendicular direction to the raids in increments of 100-120 cm from each other.
  • With an insufficient length of the Stringer, add material to the existing bar.

Installation of aluminum lamellas

After you installed the tires, you can move to the installation of the main coating:

  • Remove the protective film from the planks, cut the products to the desired length. They must be shorter than 3 cm than the gap from the wall to the wall.
  • Severe the lamella in the comb and fix all over the ceiling. So do with all the rails except for the extreme.

Important! Immediately pay attention to the flatness of the ceiling, adjust it with the help of suspensions.

  • If the finish ceiling rake is wider than the remaining unclosed ceiling section, cut it along a flat straight straight construction knife. Watch the rail in different directions before the felt.
  • Close the decorative bias inserts.

Rack aluminum ceilings in the interior (photo)

Such designs may differ in design. Thanks to this, they are increasingly used to design ceilings not only in public premises, but also residential buildings and apartments.

Regardless of the type of installation (open or enclosed mode), you will have to create an original interior with the inclusion of these structures.

You can choose decorative elements that will correspond to the color of the main coating, or differ from it with shades, creating trendy design solutions.

Currently, the cutting ceilings are produced in different color variations. Silver, gold and white tones continue to be the most common. You can find on sale lamellas with images deposited on their surface, glossy or frosted textures.

Choose Italian or German design for your ceiling, and your room will play new paints.

How to make a straight aluminum ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands video