Repairs Design Furniture

How to make cheap renovation: planning, choice of cheapening strategy and practical advice. We make the budget repair of the apartment with your own hands how to make inexpensive repairs in the old apartment

By changing your life for the better, it is worth starting with yourself, its surroundings, goals, ideals, but it is important to bring changes to your own dwelling. Beautiful, comfortable, cozy house is a guarantee of a good mood, positive emotions, spiritual harmony. Therefore, you should not be afraid to start changes in the apartment even in the absence of financial opportunities. Repair and really occupation is very costly, but organizing it correctly, the result is always justified. The main desire and hands.

Example of an apartment before and after repair

How to repair an apartment with a small budget?

Prices in the construction goods market recently bite, but with a competent approach to business, cost planning, avoid overpayments and acquire high-quality materials easily. Scheduled repairing work in the apartment, it is necessary to initially thoroughly consider the sequence of actions. Initially, you need to decide on the following nuances.

  1. The whole apartment will be prone to change, and maybe a separate room?
  2. With what "scope" to cross the boring wallpaper, change the linoleum or change the wiring, heating, make other global changes?
  3. How to replace old furniture, is it possible to restore it on your own?
  4. Where to take ideas for updating the interior design, ways to avatize them in life with minimal financial costs?

Repair even one room per year, it is already progress

Often, budget repairs implies a gradual transformation of each individual room. For the case when the owners of the apartment live on one salary, this is the perfect option. Repair even one room per year, it is already progress, you should not despair when there is no financial opportunities to repair quickly.

Basic rules of budget repairs. Where to begin?

Studying such an important thing as the budget repair of the apartment with their own hands, it is worth a very picky to estimate the state of electrical wiring, water supply, sewage, heating. Making sure that everything is fine with these communications, you can proceed to the assessment of the indoor themselves. As a rule, the following elements of the apartment are alterated.

The best option will make the stretch ceiling

Main Stages of Budget Repair

Starting work, be sure to take into account the following important steps that will need to be performed.

Bathroom repair

The responsible approach requires a bathroom to itself, often in the absence of good ventilation it is here that such a hateful mold appears. To this not happen, it is necessary to check the ventilation, if it is not available at all, you need to install it. The most popular material for facing the walls and the floor of the bathroom for many years is a ceramic tile and its derivatives. It is in different ways, it is quite possible to find a budget option, as a last resort, you can always take plastic (lining). It is perfectly clean, does not absorb moisture, easy to install, but "olde" is a little faster. If it is thoroughly planted, to carry out the budget repair of the apartment with your own hands, is not at all difficult.

To repair in the bathroom should be approached.

We decorate residential rooms

Thanks to the availability of the Internet, options for ideas for the decorative transformation of your home, you can find a mass. The main thing is not to miss what you can give a second life. For example, decorate the doors of the old cabinet inexpensive mirrors in full growth, it will definitely not be worse than modern "wardrobes". Apply on the glass doors of Soviet cabinets, servants mosaic, decoupage, or paint them into bright, juicy tones, sack the self-adhesive ribbon. All this is quite accessible.

An example of the restoration of the old cabinet

When the farm has many things or items that need to be held away from prying eyes, it is necessary to build a so-called wardrobe on your own, simply by attaching the sheets of chipboard, OSB-slabs per special corners, and numerous shelves hide behind the tissue wirms of an interesting color or print. Very fashionable today is the exquisite option - decorate the hall or bedroom "wicker" by curtains. Make them easy, instructions on the Internet spaces set.

Repair never ends, but from updating the interior you can enjoy and do it with a profit.

Update Doors

Interior doors can completely change the interior. Their cost is the most diverse, and often the doors "eat" half the budget spent on the repair of the room. Especially a lot of problems with their installation, because for this you need to either very accurately determine the size and engage in self-work, or call masters, whose work is more expensive than the door itself.

Exit - Fantasia and Hand-Made. Do not buy the door, make a new one from the old.

First, remove the old paint (if the door was painted). This is done with liquid glass, that is, a solution of silicate sodium on the water. If they smear the old paint, after drying, the solution will squeeze together with it. You can also use a soldering lamp or a construction hairdryer to heat and consider the paint layer. These methods require more time than work with a grinder and a brush, but there are less dust and garbage from them. If the doors are detected by dents and chips, soil on wood to help you.

The same ways will help update old wooden windows.

Smooth and clean design can be turned into a decorative element: paint, placing wallpaper, plastering, lay out the mosaic, lifting the cloth. Choose your taste.

Pile the wallpaper

The room does not necessarily have wallpaper of one color and textures. They can be combined, so that the result will look like a real designer solution. If you take the goods from the residues to take a combination, then the savings will be selected rather, especially if you need to arrange a small room.

If you do not have time and the desire to mess around with changes in the whole room, run the wallpaper only on one wall. Quick and unusual.

Performing repair in stages can be saved. Large construction hypermarkets in the summer and autumn make big discounts and conduct special promotions. For example, in August in OBI, you can save up to 40% when buying basic goods for repair: laminate, tiles, power tools, paints, plumbers. And with a single purchase from 10,000 rubles, the client receives the OBI CLUB card, which gives the right to a 5% discount and for profitable individual offers by the end of the year.

Paint the old furniture

You can change the old cabinet to be unrecognizable in a couple of days. You can apply a self-adhesive film, but so you are unlikely to turn the grandmother's server to pride in the interior. But with paint, primer, varnish, napkins and several hours of free time from a wooden or plywood chest, you can do something magical.

  1. First, remove the entire old coating - varnish or paint - not only outside, but also inside the furniture. Treat all boxes. It will take more time, but the restoration will be complete. To remove paint and varnish it is better to use special solutions, apply them in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer.
  2. Treat the cleaned surface with fine-grained emery paper. Then upload (use a sponge to impregnate all the pores).
  3. If there are irregularities and chips, close them with a splotter on a tree.
  4. The primer can again be treated with sandpaper and paint. Acrylic paints are suitable for furniture, they are easily applied and smoothly fall. If you have not been engaged in painting works before, use comfortable cans.

In addition to paint, you can use stickers and apply decoupage. How it works - learn from the video tutorial.

It is best to work in air so that you don't have to protect the dust and garbage of the room, and in order not to breathe sawdresses and paint in a close room.

Pay attention to home textiles

The bedroom transforms one bedspread on the bed. Children's carpet. In the living room, the entire interior can spin around the sofa and unusual pillows on it. In order not to change the upholstery of the furniture, wish the beautiful covers. In any room, you can "dry" these accents with curtains, and drapery can be not only on the windows, but also on the walls, and on the doors. As a result, the room will look like after repair, although you did not do any work. The easiest way is to find the color that will create a contrast to the entire room design and will focus on textiles.

Make an unusual floor

With my own hands in a couple of days to completely rebuild the floor and put parquet unreal. For quick cosmetic DIY repair, you need to evaluate how much you can spend. It is not necessary to buy all the materials immediately, you can prepare for the replacement of the floor, purchasing tools and means in stages. Such an approach will make it possible to consider the concept of design and save on proposals.

Until the end of October, a cumulative campaign operates in OBI: you make the first purchase by 2,000 rubles and get a 5% discount on the second. With the second and third purchases on the same 2,000 rubles, the discount will grow and will be 7 and 10%, respectively. Buyers who received a card with a maximum discount of 10% can use it until the end of October, and then exchange to the card with a discount of 5% until the end of the year for any purchases.

What can I spend money so that the result exceeds expectations?

Paint floorusing stencils or patterned schemes. This is an option, ideal for wooden floors and bold owners. The main rule is to use several colors.

Update linoleum. This is the most accessible and convenient floor coating processing. Buy linoleum bright color, even the usual furniture will look completely different. And you can take advantage of the experience of the artist Hike Weber and paint the old linoleum by conventional permanent markers.

Combine coatings. It is not necessary to change the floor throughout the room, you can replace it only on damaged areas. Pick up the texture and color that will be combined with the remaining floor, and get an unusual interior.

Put the vinyl tile. This is another simple way to update the floors, saving time. The tile requires the preparation of a flat surface, but if you do not need alignment, even newcomers will cope with stacking.

Add Light

Sometimes being in the room is hard only because of poor lighting. As you know, the light is two types: functional and decorative. It is difficult to make a lighter in the room without alteration of wiring, but the conductive structures allow it to be: lamps that are attached to the carrier frame, you can turn in any direction and change the lighting.

But the decorative lamps and LED backlight can be used mighty. Original chandeliers and lamps are particularly well looking at a minimalist interior.

Apply drawings on the old tile

To replace tile in the kitchen or in the bathroom in a couple of days, you need to have incredible skill, skill and complete set of tools and materials. It would be strange if there was no way to update the apron in the kitchen or bathroom to another way.

The easiest option is stickers. Buy any, what do you like, degrease the surface of the tile and apply the desired drawing.

A more time-consuming process, no less interesting in the end, is painting the tile. Not every paint will endure constant contact with water, so engaged in painting walls directly above the bathroom, but the kitchen and the wall of the toilet are in your complete disposal.

How to paint the tile?

  1. Clean the surface of the tile and seams from dirt with the help of detergent and a rigid brush. Wipe with a cloth moistened in acetic solution.
  2. Collect the surface with shallow sandpaper so that the paint is better to keep on the surface.
  3. Cover the tile epoxy soil. Let die until the next day.
  4. Take epoxy paint and create, as you consider fit. If you decide to apply a few layers, give the previous way to dry during at least 12 hours.

For five to six years, the last repair, the interior in the apartment is somehow blocked, in some places there are spots, and on the floors are properly, and the paint in the windows and doorways cracked. No matter how much I want to make repairs. The right amount, as always, cannot be collected. So is it really desire can coincide with the possibilities? By no means.

Those who do not allow budget, you need to know small tricks, allowing to do economic repairs. Basically, all of them are not expensive stages of work.

To do It is possible from high-quality, but not expensive building materials, and update the interior with our own forces, saving on payments for hired workers.

Where to begin?

First, determine what the style of an updated interior will be, because the amount of costs for the necessary materials depends on this. The emphasis should be done on the decoration of walls, windows and doors, flooring.


If you want something unusual, you can use masonry from clinker bricks, with which you can easily give the room the appearance of an old castle or design in the style of high-tech, loft.

It can become an accent of an interior that do not require finishing materials (you can even create a brick wall imitation, which will learn in detail). And under the age of brickwork, you can make walls, if there is not enough money on the wallpaper.

Economic repairs It is necessary to start with the removal of old wallpaper to the base. Roughness on concrete or irregularities in brickwork seams can be used as additional elements of the decor. Strong them and cover the waterfront paint. You can make any abstract drawing using on the primer, which will save the water emulsion.

Walls are perfectly looking at the decoration of textured plaster - coatings imitating the Mediterranean style. It creates an effect smooth color transitions Due to various small pebbles, granite or marble crumbs, cotton, linseed or wood fibers added to its composition. These enclosures create the impression of the coating with natural stone or wet fust.

You can salary walls with new wallpaper. But when buying should be remembered that they must hide the wall defects and therefore should be tight enough. Under thin wallpaper it is necessary to align the wall to perfect smoothness.

With the help of embellish wallpapers on a vinyl basis, you can hide the irregularities of an inextentive surface.

Wallpapers must be

  • without a large drawing, which then will have to be carefully customized.
  • without a rapeport (repeat of the picture), when the sticker will have to trim a lot,
  • the best option is a monophonic color or vertical stripes on the canvas.

Do you want to save on the replacement of wallpaper? Then the places where they broke out, tremble and hone, close decorative stickers. Film from oracal can be decorate not only wallpaper, but also painted walls. It is superbly combined with any type of coating, even with simple plaster.

Self-adhesive Oracal films. Multilayer self-adhesive vinyl film with texture imitating weaving carbon fibers. The film is perfectly stretched and falls on curved surfaces.

Windows and doorways

If there is not enough paints and varnish on something, you can decorate the doors and shut-cars with stencil patterns. Space over the doors to turn into a showcase for various baubles, books, compositions of artificial colors. Expenditures on economic repairs significantly reduced.


Inexpensive parquet or laminate, you can find, but do you need? Planning economical repairs, it is better to choose a choice in favor of a linoleum with a drawing "under the Christmas tree" or "parquet plate", "deck flooring" or "marble".

Natural linoleum consists of natural components, so it is called environmentally friendly material. Yes, and it does not require significant costs.
Cheaper than the traditional parquet, can be the coating of the dilapidated surface of the floors of the carpet.

Paul, walls and ceiling - the first thing we pay attention to the entrance to the house. And they should look adequate, but it is quite realistic to save. Optimal in quality and price Among the flooring, experts are called Marmoleum. Most often, it does not require any preparation of sex, but for the bathroom is not suitable. It is better to make up for proven tiles or filling floor. Of course, the laminate and parquet board looks respectable and aesthetically, but the floor under them should be even, for which they will also have to fork. Durable and reliable laminate starts from the 32nd class.

Walls in the bathroom instead of an expensive tile can be decorated with laminated organota - hygroscopic and not requiring surface preparation. If you do not want to spend time and money on the alignment of the walls, they can be curvature.

The ceilings are more economical to whiteway or paint, but at the same time they should be smooth without communications and wires passing. If this condition is not respected, then choose tension, suspended or drywall ceilings. However, the first of the species more moisthable and can protect you from a serious flood.

You need to represent what part of the repair you can make with your own hands, the more you can, the more will come in your repair! Replacing 3 windows (if two) and the input door "will devour" almost all of your budget. If you are not ready at once to such a "reversal of events", that is, 2 options: - search the apartment with already "changed" (forgive my Russian), either meaning the forthcoming replacement in the future - not "bother" with the repair of the walls! You can simply go to their embossed wallpaper under painting - a meter of width and 25 length (these are 5 rolls of ordinary wallpaper) at a price of 700-1000r per roll. They are not bad hide small irregularities, they simply jerk, from them a minimum of waste, they can always be repainted. Most likely in the apartment will be in the terrible state of the pipe and wiring - they are better to replace them immediately and immediately do it well. To do well, you need to have a plan - where it will stand and what technique will be connected to pipe sockets. On the socket switches themselves, it is possible to save them white and domestic. Replace later on "branded and beautiful" not more difficulty.

Plumbing: The toilet can be taken from the domestic or Belarusian for 2-4t.r, quite normal, by the way, do not be afraid of installations and suspended toilets. Installation will cost 6-8T.R, but it can be bought for 1000r to the toilet to her (if you get to the "action" you will be given it for free) and you can change it in the future at least in 5 minutes, even without overlapping water. Bath for 4-6t.r you can buy steel - German or Spanish. In addition, that they themselves are cheap, they are still cheaps in delivery and installation (because they are lungs). The lack of one is noisy, but you can fight with him.

Floors: - If they are in bad condition - do all dirty and wet work on bringing them in order immediately. If you are tolerant, then it is cheaper to get them with linoleum, but the laminate may not be more expensive if you put it myself. The laying will need a "Laminate laying allowance", electric jigsaw and spent output. Nothing difficult.

Ceilings: If you look frightening, then it is cheaper to close them than to align (especially if there is no money). Small premises (type of bathroom) cheaper to close with a wave ceiling - there are sets of "do" for 1.5-2t.r, and in the rooms cheaper tensioning. You can not do and not immediately. In case of completed other repairs.

Interior doors: -When they are "scary", then strongly spoil the look ... and vice versa. Save on the doors Keep in my head, that in the final price for you, in addition to the door itself, there will be another box, platbands, dobors, loops, locks, handles, delivery and installation (another dismantling of the old door). The price of this "other" can exceed the price of the door canvase several times, if the door is "very cheap." Pay attention to it. On sale there is a Finnish and "type Italian" doors, in which the locks and loops are embedded at the factory, and the box and platbands are included. - Such doors may eventually be cheaper, and in extreme cases they are not so difficult to install themselves (the most vororal operations are made in the factory).