Repair Design Furniture

How to finish a plasterboard fireplace: materials and execution. Do-it-yourself false fireplace: step-by-step instructions for a drywall fireplace Finishing a drywall fireplace box with decorative plaster

A fireplace in a house or in a country house is a place of attraction for the whole family. Of course, you want it to be beautiful, but practicality also does not interfere - soot and soot, dirt or tar from firewood, all this often ends up on the walls of the portal. For this reason, the surface must be easy to clean. In addition, the finish of the fireplace must be heat-resistant - although the sides of the fireplace do not heat up to such temperatures as a stove, this requirement should not be neglected. Few materials meet these requirements. This is a heat resistant plaster special types ceramic tiles and stone - natural or decorative.

Fireplace plaster

Plaster is one of the simplest and practical options decorating a brick fireplace. A few years ago, plastered surfaces were whitewashed or painted. Today it is possible to apply a layer of decorative plaster with different textures on top of ordinary plaster.

Types of plaster for fireplaces

Finishing a fireplace with plaster is popular for the reason that any design can be developed. The second plus - if everything is done correctly, to achieve a smooth surface, the finish is beautiful and durable. For plastering fireplaces, the same compositions are used as for brick ovens. Although the heating temperatures of the surfaces are different, plaster mixes make the same. There are two options: make the plaster composition yourself or buy ready-made. If there is no experience with clay and determining its fat content, it is better to buy. Shop plasters for fireplaces and stoves include additives and additives that make the surface more durable and less likely to crack.

As a rule, each manufacturer has two compositions with different properties. The first is basic, for rough finishing. It can be applied in a fairly thick layer - up to 10 mm. After drying, the second layer is laid - the finishing one. It contains more finely ground substances, is applied in a thin layer - usually up to 3 mm, the surface is smooth. Such a surface can already be painted if it is plastered evenly) or decorative plaster can be applied.

If you want to finish the fireplace at a minimum cost, you can make plaster compositions from clay, sand and lime yourself. But, once again, without experience with clay, it is difficult to ensure that home-made plaster does not crack. Compositions for plastering a fireplace for making them with your own hands are different, here are a few proven ones:

  • Clay lime:
    • 1 part clay and slaked lime + 2 parts sand;
    • based on slaked lime - into 2 parts of lime, one part of gypsum and sand.
  • Cement-clay: one part of clay and cement (M 500) + 2 parts of sand;

In order for the plaster solution for the fireplace to be more durable, reinforcing fibers are added to it. Previously, it was finely chopped straw, later asbestos fibers, and today glass or fiber fibers are mainly added. The proportion of this additive is small - 0.1-0.2 parts. It is added to dry components (cement and sand), everything is mixed. The dry mixture is added to the clay and / or lime dough, again thoroughly mixed, water is added if necessary.

It is better to take lime already slaked, in the form of lime dough. If you extinguish it at home, unreacted particles always remain, which are then extinguished during the operation of the fireplace, destroying the plastered surface. Regarding sand - its amount is precisely selected depending on the fat content of the clay. The solution must be sufficiently plastic. The degree of fat content of the solution is checked with a piece of wood. Dip it in the solution and take it out. If an even layer of 2-3 mm thick remains on the surface, the solution is normal. If the layer is thick and lumpy - you need to add sand, if the stick is almost clean - add clay.

The clay is pre-soaked (2 days or until all the lumps are limp), then rubbed through a metal sieve with a cell of 2 cm.

Quarry sand is needed, it must be clean and dry. It is also sifted before use.

For those who do not want to deal with home-made compositions, here are several companies that produce plaster for fireplaces and stoves. The following compositions proved to be normal:

  • Plitonite superfireplace refractory;
  • Petromix KU;
  • heat-resistant plaster Terracotta;
  • Bossnab;
  • RSH parade;
  • rtner;
  • Oven plaster HEFNERPUTZ.

The list includes both domestic producers and European ones. It cannot be said that Russian squads worse, but working with imported ones is easier.

Features of plastering stoves and fireplaces

The technique of applying the solution itself is no different: a certain layer is applied (sprayed) with a spatula or a special bucket, then it is leveled (you can use beacons). The main points are to prepare the surface of the fireplace for plaster:

  • First, all the old finishes are removed from the walls, if any - paint, lime, remnants of plaster, mortar, etc. Only a clean brick should remain.
  • For better adhesion of the plaster mortar to the surface, the seams are deepened by about 1-1.5 cm. They take a joint, a chisel or a screwdriver and scrape the mortar in the seams.
  • All gaps that exist are sealed with a repair compound or heat-resistant sealant (which can withstand heating up to 800 ° C).
  • When everything is prepared, take a brush with long bristles and clean the surface well. She must be clean.
  • Following are the options:
    • If the surface of the fireplace is relatively flat (less than 5 mm difference), you can wet the walls and start applying the plaster.
    • If, due to the curvature of the surface, the layer has to be made more than 5 mm, reinforcement is necessary. A metal mesh with a small mesh is stuffed onto the walls of the fireplace. It is fastened with nails, which are hammered into the seams (the seams can not be embroidered, or embroidered, but not so deep). In order for the hats to hold the mesh, metal washers are put on that are larger than the cell size. Plaster is applied over this stack. In this case, you can be sure that the plaster will not fall off.

Before you start plastering the fireplace, carefully read the instructions on the pack. It usually describes under what conditions and how to apply plaster. But the masters advise to melt the fireplace, warm the walls to 60 ° C, then moisten the surface and start plastering. The walls are heated so that the brick takes its "working" dimensions. In this case, it is less likely that the plaster will tear when heated. Wetting with water is necessary so that the solution is not too dry: the brick is hygroscopic. If it is dry, it quickly draws water out of the plaster and it becomes too dry, does not harden to normal. The result is cracks on the surface.

A few more points about drying. When plastering a fireplace, at least two layers are applied. The second can be applied only after the first has dried completely. To speed up drying, you can organize a draft, but you can not heat the fireplace. The same applies to the second - finishing - layer.

See the following video for the technology of plastering stoves and fireplaces.

Fireplace tiling and stoneware

Finishing the fireplace with tiles or porcelain stoneware is carried out on a special heat-resistant adhesive. Not every tile is suitable for such work. It should tolerate heat well, be strong, dense (with small pores), and besides, it should be easy to care for.

Plain fireplace trim ceramic tiles is a lottery. If you are lucky, it will stand normally, if not, after a while the glaze layer will be covered with a network of the finest cracks. The view will be “not very”, it will be difficult to wash. If possible, it is better to use special materials:

  • Terracotta. A tile with an unglazed surface, characterized by a characteristic color, thanks to which it got its name. It has a coefficient of thermal expansion similar to brick, therefore it does not crack.

    Terracotta - tiles for finishing fireplaces and stoves

  • Majolica. This is the same terracotta tile only with glaze applied to the front side. The technology is more complex, the price is higher. Finishing the fireplace with majolica requires careful sketching - you won’t be able to cut such tiles anymore. It also requires a high qualification of the master - the slightest deviations are striking. Apparently, for this reason, and even because of the very high price, you can often see fireplaces and stoves with fragments of majolica. I must say that these fragments decorate and enliven the interior very much.

    Majolica - colorful and beautiful

  • Heat-resistant clinker tiles. It is made from a mixture of several types of clay, with the addition of fireclay. It is molded, pressed, then fired. The result is a thin - 9-12 mm thick - and durable tile. Colors range from whitish gray to brown.

  • Porcelain tile. The production technology is similar - first the composition is pressed, then fired. The components differ: in addition to several varieties of clay, quartz sand, fine crumbs of granite or marble, dyes, oxides and metal salts are added. The structure of porcelain stoneware is low-porous, it tolerates both high and low temperatures. The technology makes it possible to obtain material imitating marble, other natural stones, terracotta, clinker and majolica. The disadvantage of porcelain stoneware is that it is difficult to cut and it has a lot of weight. For facing fireplaces, plates of small thickness are used, therefore the weight is not terrible, and you can cut it into the company (you just need to know the exact dimensions of the required fragments).

    Finishing the fireplace with porcelain stoneware - you can design in any style

  • Tiles. The production technology is not much different - clay is molded, fired in a kiln. The main difference is the shape and method of installation. The tiles are installed during the laying of the stove or fireplace - the fragments are fixed in the seams with the help of wires. So finishing the finished fireplace with tiles is impossible.

Special tiles for facing fireplaces and stoves are made in small or medium format, and the same porcelain stoneware is available in large slabs. Seamless installation is certainly attractive, but there is no guarantee that such a finish will not fall. The coefficient of thermal expansion is quite different, because of this, incidents are possible.

Technology for mounting tiles on the walls of the fireplace and exhaust pipe

All of the listed types of tiles, except for tiles, are mounted on fireplaces using a single technology. Fireplace tiling starts with preparatory phase, and it is one to one the same as described above: clean the surface, embroider the seams, heat up to 60 ° C, moisten and you can start tiling the fireplace.

In case of large irregularities, it is necessary to plaster the fireplace. Solutions - any containing clay and cement, but not containing lime. Preparation is standard, as is the plastering process. The difference is that the second - the leveling layer does not need to be applied.

It is necessary to lay tiles on the walls of the fireplace after complete drying. Laying technology is standard, the difference is in the thickness of the seams. For a fireplace, it is better to make them larger (to compensate for different amounts of thermal expansion), therefore, instead of crosses, pieces of drywall 9.5 mm thick are used.

The adhesive is applied to the wall or tile, leveled with a notched trowel. The tile is pressed against the surface, shaking it from side to side, set to the desired position. Set the distance between the fragments using drywall spacers. Remove from 3-4 hours after installation.

The tiles on the fireplace are left to dry. The exact time depends on the adhesive used and the weather, usually indicated on the adhesive package. The last step is filling the seams. The grout for the joints is also used special, it is better to buy together with glue - from the same company, so that there are no compatibility problems. The process is also standard - the composition is diluted with water according to the instructions, the seams are filled with a rubber spatula or from a construction syringe. Freshly applied mortar levels out, forming a beautiful seam. Excess is wiped off with a soft cloth.

There are tips from the masters:

  • To ensure that the tile does not fall, attach a metal mesh with a fine mesh to the wall. Better yet, stuff nails into the seams and intertwine them with soft steel wire, creating a wire frame. This option better themes that in difficult places the grid can be made thicker. This stage is necessary if you are going to install heavy porcelain stoneware or large format tiles.
  • In order not to put a thick layer of glue, apply it both on the wall and on the tile, and here and there remove the excess with a notched trowel.
  • Before laying the tiles, lay them out on the floor so you can really appreciate how attractive the finish will be.
  • After laying each tile, excess mortar is removed from the joints. They will then fill special paste. The surface of the tile is immediately wiped clean - if the glue hardens, it is almost impossible to clean it off.

The main thing in this work is to ensure that air cavities do not form under the finish. Air has a large coefficient of expansion and, when heated, it will someday tear the tile off the wall.

Video tutorials for tiling a fireplace

No matter how much you read about how to do it, it is much more useful to look at it - you can grab more details.

How to line a fireplace with stone

Finishing a fireplace with stone is technologically not much different from laying tiles. The difference is in working with the material itself, but there are almost no technical features. The only thing is that when using natural flagstone, it is necessary to upholster the fireplace with a net. It will fall off without it.

Finishing the fireplace with stone - one of the options

Features of working with artificial gypsum stone

This kind decorative stone inexpensive and lightweight, you can trim fireplaces, especially without overloading the floors. There are only a few nuances, without which you will not achieve a good result.

The production technology of gypsum stone is such that each element has some irregularities, sagging, protrusions. We grind them with a knife, since gypsum is cut without problems. We grind each element of the cladding so that at the back, along the perimeter, a frame is formed with an angle of 45 ° (or so).

Moreover, often the corner elements of a plaster decorative stone are several millimeters higher than an ordinary one from the same collection. To make the cladding look monolithic, this difference also has to be removed - to grind. When all the elements of the cladding are fitted, they can be glued into place. Heat-resistant glue is used for facing fireplaces, even if correct design it hardly gets warm.

Working with natural stone

Most often, fireplaces are lined with natural stone, sawn into plates. It is also called flagstone or stone tiles. The shape of all the fragments is different, you have to adjust to make everything look beautiful. In this case, it’s definitely better to first lay out the entire picture on some kind of plane, pick up and process the elements. Only after the mosaic has formed can it be glued. The whole technology of mounting on the walls of the fireplace is described above and is practically no different. The whole process can be seen in the video.

Interesting options for finishing fireplaces (photo)

All the methods described above can be combined, creating a finish in different styles. Sometimes it turns out very nice. Some of the already implemented ideas are posted below.

There are two options to achieve this effect - paint the existing brick fireplace or tiled with clinker tiles

This is polished porcelain stoneware.

This is an unpolished, small format porcelain tile. As you can see, it fits well into rounded shapes. Horizontal surfaces and columns are also porcelain stoneware of a similar texture, but already in the form of slabs

Smooth clinker tiles - strictly and functionally

Insert tiles - beauty

Fireplaces with plasterboard cladding in EU countries

Despite the fact that the European Union unites a large number of countries that are interconnected by a single economic space, including similar legislative documents, the situation with the regulation of the fireplace market is uncertain. For example, in Germany, the well-known TR-OL is in force - a set of rules for the design and construction of solid fuel stoves and fireplaces, which is a legislative document. This document clearly lists the materials from which fireplace and stove cladding structures can be made (p. 50, p. 4.4). Including, it indicates the types of materials that cannot be used, and drywall falls into this group. That is, in Germany, drywall constructions are unacceptable from the point of view of the law.

In other EU countries, TROL is not a legislative document and the design of modern fireplaces largely depends on the traditions prevailing in the market. For example, in the Benelux countries, in particular in Holland, 80% of fireplaces are gas-burners, which have individual requirements for the method of isolation. The construction technology of fireplaces with gas fireboxes is that the design of the firebox itself is additionally insulated, that is, the body of the firebox itself is covered with insulating materials. Thus, an isolated hearth is obtained, which can be lined with any material. Of course, in order to save money, such structures are often made of drywall. In countries where 80% of fireplaces are made of drywall, the remaining 20% ​​in most cases are built using the same technology.

France has its own tradition of fireplace construction. In France, there are a lot of open fireplaces, which is due to the excellent preservation of old houses, estates and castles. Open fireplaces are not a source of real heat, so the attitude to the fireplace in France is more like an element of the interior, and not heater. Perhaps it was this attitude that influenced the fact that plasterboard fireplace lining designs are very popular in France. And it is precisely because of the popularity of such designs in France that they have become popular with us.

How drywall fireplaces appeared in Russia

How did it happen? The fact is that the first European manufacturers of fireplace inserts that "came" to Russia were French manufacturers. Our company did not even exist at that time, but the “old-timers” will surely remember that it was French fireplace inserts that were the first to appear on the Russian market. Out on new market, on which there is no idea at all about the design of a modern fireplace with a fireplace insert, the manufacturers, of course, did a lot of work on the theoretical part and, of course, active promotion of plasterboard cladding began. To a large extent, the development of the popularity of such structures was affected by the fact that in Russia at that time there were no alternative materials with which it would be possible to make a more correct and functional structure.


In order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a drywall fireplace design, let's look at the basic principles of such a design.

● Chimney and hearth. These elements have no distinguishing features no. The design of the hearth and chimney for a plasterboard fireplace is no different from the design of these elements for a classic fireplace made of heat-storing materials or materials specially designed for the manufacture of insulating structures for convection fireplaces. A fireplace insert is used as a hearth. glass door, and as a chimney "sandwich" or ceramic pipes. The quality of this equipment depends on the manufacturer and the skill of the installation team.

● Fireplace body. The fireplace body is a classic drywall construction made from drywall profile and drywall sheets. Distinctive feature such structures is the need for their insulation, which, as a rule, is made of mineral wool, sometimes with a foil coating on one side.

● Fireplace lining. Due to the fact that the body of the fireplace is made of plasterboard, insulated from the inside with cotton wool, it does not heat up, which expands the range of possible materials for facing the fireplace. At the same time, it is worth remembering that drywall structures are very “flimsy” in comparison with structures made of brick, fireclay or silicate, which limits us in the use of heavy facing materials.


Of course, plasterboard fireplaces have a number of advantages, which is why they are so popular with us. Among the advantages of a fireplace, the body of which is made of plasterboard, the following can be noted:

1. The low price of a fireplace, which is influenced by two main parameters.

First - low price materials. Drywall, profiles and all accessories for it are very common and have a low price.

The second is that a very high qualification of the installer is not required to assemble a drywall structure, which has a positive effect on the cost of installation work and, of course, affects the final budget of the project.

2. Light weight design. The heaviest part of such a fireplace is the fireplace insert. And a chimney if quality is used ceramic chimney. The drywall box itself has a minimum weight, which greatly facilitates the design as a whole and reduces the requirements for the base on which the fireplace will be located.

3. Quick assembly. If you do not take into account the nuances that may arise during the installation of the chimney, the construction of a drywall fireplace is assembled in one, maximum two days. If necessary, perform complex shapes and the implementation of all the ideas of the designer, as a rule, it takes no more than five working days.

4. The possibility of making a fireplace on their own. Due to the low qualification requirements of the worker who assembles such fireplaces, customers often use workers involved in general construction work at the facility for this purpose, and this eliminates the need to contact third-party organizations, it is enough to have only a design project of the future fireplace. The result is cost savings.


1. The use of combustible and flammable materials in the construction, which, in my opinion, is simply unacceptable.

2. Use of mineral wool as internal insulation. The design of a fireplace or stove with a metal firebox implies the obligatory convection necessary to ensure that the firebox is sufficiently cooled during operation. Convection is a continuous flow of air that enters under the body of the fireplace, heats up from the firebox, and then exits through holes in the top of the fireplace. Mineral wool insulation is mats or rolls made up of fine fibers bonded together with a chemical binder. Streams of air, constantly circulating when the fireplace is running, blow out these fibers. Thus, in the room where the drywall fireplace is located, insulation particles are constantly hovering, which we inhale and which settle in the form of dust. It is worth remembering that this is not only unpleasant, but also very unhealthy.

Craftsmen who practice making drywall fireplaces say: "We use special fireplace insulation that is protected by foil, and the foil prevents the insulation from blowing out." In order not to argue about this, I send them to the manufacturer's website, where the temperatures for using this material are given. It states that the maximum allowable temperature for stone wool is 750°C, for aluminum foil - 500°C, and for glue - 80°C.

We have repeatedly measured the temperatures that are formed during the combustion of the fireplace. We did this on various fireplaces made by our company. The temperature on the convection grate 20-30 minutes after the firebox is 90-110°C. This means that the air temperature under the cladding is even higher. The use of insulation with foil will cause the foil to begin to lag behind the insulation at the first fire, after a while it will fall off, and as a result, insulation particles will hover in the premises of the house.

3. The use of metal structures. Honestly, this is not a critical drawback, but we are supporters of the correct construction of fireplaces, we are pedantic in the choice of materials and systems that we use in our work, so we consider the use of metal structures as a supporting base to be wrong, and here's why. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the metal is higher than the coefficient of thermal expansion of the material of the fireplace body. This means that when heated, the carrier base will “play”, that is, slightly change its dimensions separately from the body, which, ultimately, can lead to small cracks in decorative cladding.

Once again, note that this is not a significant drawback, but only because a drywall fireplace is one big drawback, against which metal carcass doesn't look scary anymore

4. Lack of heat storage and thermal conductivity of the walls of the fireplace body. On the one hand, this is not always perceived as a disadvantage, since the customers themselves often ask that the fireplace not heat up. But before offering a client to make a fireplace with a fully insulated body, you need to figure out how the conditional "heat" will behave. For example, 1 kg of firewood releases 4 kW of thermal energy. Regardless of what the fireplace is made of, 4 kW is generated inside the firebox. Part of this "heat" will fly away into the pipe, but part of it will heat the body of the furnace, and also enter the room through the glass. By heating the body of the firebox, this heat will enter the room along with the air from the convection system of the fireplace. When the fireplace body is made of a material that is unable to accumulate and transfer heat, all the energy released enters the room quickly, which leads to uncomfortable for a person, excessive heating of the room in a short period of time. Such fireplaces cannot be stoked for a long time, as they quickly dry the air, and excess heat comes from the glass and grates, which makes it impossible to stay near the fireplace.

5. Aesthetic component. Tap on any drywall partition. She "tap". The construction is flimsy and "sounds" like a drum. In our time and in our latitudes, a fireplace is, first of all, an aesthetic pleasure, in which everything is important: design, precision of execution, all the little things that determine quality, the type of fire, warmth, tactile sensations. The fireplace, as a rule, is the dominant element of the interior of the room. Hearth, unlike furniture and even cosmetic repairs, it is not customary to change or redo after some time, this is a stationary system that is part of the house. It is worth remembering that the fireplace is placed not for ten, not for fifteen years, but for the entire life of the house. I would not advise the customer to make a fireplace, next to which his children and his grandchildren will sit, from drywall.


Absolutely everything that can be made from drywall can be made from materials intended for the manufacture of fireplaces and stoves. For the manufacture of insulating structures, there are special sheet materials that allow you to make frameless self-supporting facings of modern fireplaces. For example, in our work we try to use ceramic plates large sizes for the manufacture of heat-accumulating structures of heating fireplaces. These are special materials produced in Europe for the construction of fireplaces and stoves. If you want to save money, but the quality of the fireplace is important to you, it is better to make the same fireplace from solid brick, which can then be plastered and faced with stone.

The fire lit in the fireplace is traditionally the personification of coziness and comfort in the house; gatherings near such a heat source are conducive to calm conversation and peace. An important milestone the arrangement of the family hearth is its decoration - in order to create an atmosphere of harmony in the room, you will have to work hard. It is quite possible to make your dream come true by doing the work on facing the fireplace yourself. Finishing will help to give the fireplace a certain style and will have a direct impact on the longevity of its service.

Depending on the style of the interior of the room, your desire and taste, as well as the money spent, the decoration of the fireplace can be strict and concise, or literally amaze with luxury. It is worth considering that when choosing a facing material, one should be guided not only by its aesthetics, but also operational characteristics. It is necessary to choose a wear-resistant material, characterized by high heat resistance and mechanical strength.

Plastering and cladding with drywall

The simplest and most economical ways to finish a fireplace are to apply plaster, as well as drywall finishing. Using Data Decoration Materials, various decoration effects can be achieved. Having processed finishing layer plastering with a sponge or a wavy spatula, it is easy to create an original surface relief. To enhance the effect, the solution can be tinted in a suitable shade. water-based paint. To harden the plaster, salt and fiberglass fibers are added to it.

To clad the fireplace with drywall, you will need to install a metal frame on which the cladding will be attached directly. The advantages of this finish include its low cost, in addition, this way decorating a fireplace is much less time consuming compared to facing with stone or ceramic tiles. Using drywall, it is easy to give the structure any desired shape. The disadvantages of such a cladding include the fragility of the structure, since this material does not differ in impact resistance.

stone finish

The most popular materials for facing fireplaces are different kinds natural stone. This material provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various ideas. Such a fireplace finish looks solid and very aesthetically pleasing.

Natural stone is heat resistant material, resistant to any mechanical stress and retaining heat for a long time. When heated, such a lining does not emit any substances harmful to health, the air in the room always remains clean and fresh. The disadvantages of this type of finish include its rather high cost.

The following types of natural stone are most popular:

  • granite, onyx or marble - this fireplace lining looks solid and noble, characterized by strength and durability. These varieties of stone are distinguished by their beauty, as well as a unique pattern, thanks to their use, you can create a unique interior. It is worth considering that for their processing it is necessary to use special tools, in addition, you will need skills in working with similar material. As a disadvantage of facing the fireplace with marble, its high cost can be attributed;

  • sandstone, limestone, rubble stone are easy to process, moreover, they will cost a little cheaper;
  • soapstone or soapstone is widely used for lining stoves and finishing fireplaces, as it is characterized by a very high thermal conductivity (2.5 higher than that of a brick), quickly and evenly warms up, and perfectly accumulates heat. This material is resistant to melting, it can be used for lining the fireplace insert - this semi-antique finish looks luxurious. It is known that soapstone when heated has a beneficial effect on human health.

You can also use artificial stone for facing the fireplace. It should be noted that according to technical specifications in many cases it is practically not inferior to the natural analogue. Artificial stone looks very aesthetically pleasing in the lining of the fireplace, moreover, such a finish will cost much less. At home, such a stone can be made from a mixture of cement and sand with the addition of a coloring pigment.

Facing with ceramic tiles

Various types of facing ceramic tiles are very popular for finishing fireplaces:

  • majolica, covered with multi-colored painted glaze, has long been used for decorative lining of fireplaces and stoves;
  • for ceramic cladding fireplaces have long used terracotta. The facing material is a durable unglazed tile of red-brown shades;
  • clinker tiles - a durable heat-resistant material with a low-porous structure and a wide range of shades (from light sand to terracotta and chocolate brown), is widely used for lining stoves and fireplaces;
  • porcelain stoneware tiles - this facing material is highly durable due to its monolithic non-porous structure;
  • tiles - these products with a shape in the form of a box, due to which the heat-saving properties of the material are significantly increased.

These materials differ in appearance and installation method. When choosing a tile, you should pay attention to its characteristics of heat resistance, as well as porosity and resistance to mechanical stress.

It is worth considering that for facing the fireplace with tiles, it is recommended to use products with a thickness of at least 7-8 mm. For finishing ledges, shelves and fireplace niches, it is more convenient to use small-sized products.

The result of the work carried out will largely depend on the choice of a suitable adhesive mixture. It is necessary to use heat-resistant glue for lining the fireplace. Such compositions have elasticity, which prevents the occurrence of deformations under the influence of heating at high temperatures.

How to line a fireplace with your own hands

When planning work, it must be taken into account that the facing of the fireplace can be started after the masonry has completely dried, waiting for it to shrink.

Facing with natural stone: step by step instructions

First you need to do some preliminary preparation:

  • moisten the surface of the fireplace with water from a spray bottle and embroider the masonry seams to a depth of 10 mm;
  • next, dust and various contaminants should be brushed off the surface of the fireplace;
  • small indentations and chips are preferably sealed with cement mortar. uneven brickwork you will need to grind with a grinder using a special circle.

The prepared surface of the fireplace should be covered with a reinforcing mesh with cells of 50x50 mm, fixing it with nails with metal washers or self-tapping screws in the seams of the masonry. Before the beginning finishing works the fireplace should be heated with a small amount of wood so that its surface warms up to about 30 ° C.

This method of cladding is simple to implement, but quite laborious. When carrying out work, you will need to build on the features of a particular material:

  • first you need to fit the natural stone for laying. To do this, you need to draw with chalk on the floor in life size the contour of the fireplace facade, and then lay out the laying material, selecting tiles according to shape, color and thickness;

  • further it is recommended to mark them by signing in the center serial number and along the edges of the number of tiles adjacent to the edges - in this case it will be easy to lay them. It is not required to achieve perfect joining of the stone, in any case, the overall picture will turn out to be quite harmonious. However, tiles that differ significantly in thickness should be set aside, otherwise it will be necessary to level the surface by changing the thickness of the adhesive;
  • first, it is recommended to fix the thickest tiles on the surface of the fireplace - then, according to their level, you will need to navigate when laying the rest of the tile material. Small elements left after trimming are recommended to be placed in inconspicuous places;

  • laying starts from the bottom corner of the fireplace, moving up. Having reached the corner from above, you will need to lay the top horizontal row, and then lay the stone in rows from top to bottom. To fix the cladding elements, use s-shaped wire fasteners that reinforce the structure - they are fixed on the reinforcing mesh, while the lower end acts as a support for the tile;
  • after the installation is completed, you should wait for it to dry - this will take at least two days. Next, you need to start grouting the seams. It is recommended that you first check on a piece of tile whether the grout mixture leaves hard-to-remove marks.

This technology of facing fireplaces can also be used for laying artificial stone.

Finishing with ceramic tiles: step by step instructions

The preparation of the surface of the fireplace facade for tiling is carried out in the same way as for the stone laying described above.

  • after fixing the metal reinforcing mesh, the surface of the fireplace must be leveled with an adhesive for ceramic tiles;
  • followed by using building level, markup. It is convenient to track the verticality of the laying using a rope with a plumb line attached to a nail;
  • after marking, you can proceed directly to the cladding. Laying should start from the bottom, lining up the tile elements in rows. Corner elements(if used) should be installed first. adhesive mixture with notched trowel must be applied to the wall, processing a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe area - for gluing one or two finishing elements;

  • then you will need to install the tile according to the marking, fixing it on the wall and, if necessary, tapping it with blows rubber mallet. To align the joints, it is necessary to use plastic tile crosses;
  • in the process of finishing work, it is necessary to periodically check that the lining is located in the same plane (for this you can use a metal rail). It is necessary to eliminate the shortcomings of the lining, as well as wipe off excess glue before the adhesive mixture hardens;

  • further, after waiting for the masonry to dry, after about a day you can start grouting with a special mineral composition or using a mixture of clay and sand. It is convenient to apply the grout mixture with a narrow spatula or construction grater. Next, you need to align the seams with a damp sponge. After 20 minutes, the surface of the facing should be wiped clean with a damp cloth.

It will take at least a day for the final drying of the masonry. If desired, the surface of unglazed tiles can be treated with a heat-resistant varnish - varnished surface the fireplace will be more convenient to clean from soot.

Fireplace cladding - photo

Facing the fireplace with drywall - video

The easiest option for arranging the hearth is to finish the fireplace with drywall with your own hands. This topic will be discussed today. This is a simple job that you can do with your own hands, without resorting to outside help which will significantly reduce the cost of the work. You can see photos and videos, choose the design of the structure. Instructions will be given on how to do this work.

Finished fireplace can be different materials, for example, ceramic tiles (see), but today we will look at how a drywall fireplace can be finished. This is the simplest option that can be easily implemented with your own hands. But like any job, it requires some preparation. Must comply necessary requirements. You'll get helpful tips for doing work.

Tools and materials

Before the beginning installation work with your own hands, you should purchase everything you need so as not to be distracted during installation:

  • for measurements you will need a ruler, tape measure and square;
  • for the correct installation of the vertical placement check, you will need a plumb line;
  • the building level will help determine the parallelism;
  • pencil and construction knife;
  • a hacksaw with a small tooth;
  • an impact drill will help make the frame;
  • screwdriver;
  • drywall sheets;
  • dowels;
  • rack profile.

Attention! Before starting work, it is worth bringing drywall sheets into the room about a day in advance. They should be laid on a flat plane and a load should be placed on top. The fact is that the material can be uneven. In this form, he will desired shape and get used to the temperature.

Preparing layout and location

As for the location of the fireplace, experts give some recommendations on this issue:

  • To make the fireplace look beautiful and real, you should think about a decorative chimney (see), which should fit into the interior and look against the background of the room. It can also be made from drywall.
  • First you need to depict the future fireplace on paper. List all dimensions.
  • Provide a fireplace space, which should be mandatory. If not, then you should think about the wall structure.
  • Before you start working with your own hands, you should draw a fireplace on the wall and attach a profile along the lines. See how the design will look in its actual size.

Site preparation

After the place is chosen and the material is purchased, you can start doing the work yourself. We will give general recommendations, which should be followed when performing any configuration. Basically, they are the same for all options:

  • The first step is to properly prepare the place for installation. It should be a flat area, it should be cleared of debris. The plane must be rigid and support the weight of the entire structure. If you have a wooden floor, and the fireplace is heavy enough, then it is worth pouring a concrete platform, the finishing of this platform can be done with ceramic tiles.
  • To pour the base with your own hands, first formwork is done so that the site itself is at least 100 mm high from the floor surface;
  • After that, care should be taken to protect the walls from temperature. For this, aerated concrete slabs are most often used, which serve as reliable protection.

Attention! Measure aerated concrete slabs well. They must be completely covered with drywall after installation. After the frame is made, it will be almost impossible to fix everything.

  • When making the base, you should immediately pay attention to the parallelism of the plane. A fireplace will be attached to it, so all inaccuracies will be reflected in the configuration. Therefore, use the building level.
  • To make a drywall box with your own hands, you can use both a metal profile and a wooden beam. If you chose the second option, then do not forget to treat it with antiseptics that are available at retail. They will extend the life of the structure and protect against the formation of rot and mold. Remember that after processing the material must dry completely.

Frame installation

This is the first in a fireplace installation. The main thing in this matter is to fully maintain the geometric shape. Remember that a deviation of one mm can turn into centimeters when final finishing. Do everything very carefully. So:

  • First of all, we attach the support frame to the wall. To do this, first cut the profile in right size and make a mount. For wooden surface you can do with ordinary screws. If the plane is made of concrete or brick, then the hole should be made with a puncher. And use a dowel to connect.

Attention! When buying dowels, you should avoid purchasing kits. The necessary pacifiers and self-tapping screws for them with a section larger than the diameter by a couple of mm. Only in this option you will ensure the reliability and the desired rigidity of the structure.

  • Now we begin to install the racks. To do this, we cut the profile to size, install it, and fix it with self-tapping screws. When installing, the corners should be checked with a square and the parallelism of the strips should be checked with a building level.
  • After installing the frame, everything should be carefully checked with a meter. The configuration must be perfect.
  • Now we cut the drywall to size and fasten it to the frame with self-tapping screws. There is one caveat: if you have a three-dimensional structure, then make the skin in two layers.

Attention! It is desirable that the finish be done with solid sheets of material. If this does not work, then auxiliary rails should be made in the frame. Drywall is connected only on a rigid plane. After that, do not forget to process the seam with a sickle.

  • Now we install the firebox. In the fireplace insert, the finishing is done in exactly the same way as described above. Just for safety reasons, it is worth covering the back and side walls with heat-reflecting screens. Then the fire brigade will not be able to cling.

Fireplace finish

Finishing must now be done assembled structure. Before that, you need to close up all the joints between the sheets and the attachment points. It should be even and smooth. All slots must be closed. So:

  • We take the dry mixture and fall asleep in a container. A plastic paint bucket is best.
  • Add water and mix at the same time.
  • After that, we need to make a homogeneous mass without lumps. To do this, use a drill with a nozzle. It is she who will achieve mass uniformity. We bring the solution to the state of sour cream.
  • After that, with a spatula, apply the mixture to drywall. We are waiting for drying. This was the foundation.
  • After that, we also apply another layer, only thinner, and take a spatula wider. We make the plane perfectly flat.
  • After that, we take the grout mesh and process the surface. Where shells have appeared, they should be rubbed or a layer of mortar added and, after drying, processed again.

When the fireplace insert is finished with plasterboard and the frame is completely lined, you can think about finishing. The price of the work is not so high, so you can do it yourself with high quality. If you decide to putty the fireplace, then do not forget to process the corner with perforated tape, it will make it completely even.

On our site you will find many articles on how to decorate a fireplace with your own hands (see). Having studied them, you will definitely find exactly what you need.

The presence of a fireplace in the room makes the environment warmer and more comfortable. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to equip a real fireplace with a fire and all the related attributes, consider decorating a false fireplace.

To implement this idea, you can use many different materials. At the same time, you will be able to cope with the implementation of all activities on your own. Check out the features available solutions Read the instructions and get to work.

What can a decorative fireplace be made of?

Craftsmen have come up with a lot of design of false fireplaces. We offer you an overview of the most popular of them.


This material allows you to bring the design of the decorative structure as close as possible to the appearance of a real fire. A false fireplace is laid out from decorative or facing bricks under stitching.

Anyone who has ever encountered masonry work can cope with the implementation of this event. However, you must first make sure that the existing floor can withstand the weight of the finished structure, especially if it has large dimensions.

A beautifully laid out brick decorative portal does not need any additional. To decorate it, it is best to use a massive wooden shelf- the combination is very successful and attractive.


Laminated boards and other similar materials are great for decorating raised fireplaces.

In order for the design to have a neat and attractive appearance, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming work. Preparation comes down to creating a drawing indicating all the dimensions of the future false fireplace. According to this drawing, it will be possible to order the sawing of plates in a specialized company, or you can do it yourself if you have the required skills.

If you want to save money, laminated boards can be replaced with a more budgetary counterpart - chipboard. After assembling the structure, you can do it at your discretion.


Polyurethane decor

Products made of polyurethane are used mainly for decoration already finished structures. However, if desired, all kinds of moldings, platbands and semi-columns can be glued directly to the wall. Such a design will not look like a full-fledged fireplace, however, special decorating techniques will allow you to profitably beat the portal, making it look like a real fire.

For example, you can attach a mirror to the back wall of the “firebox” of such a fireplace. Thanks to this technique, the depth of the "furnace" will increase. To heighten the effect, a wooden shelf stylized as a fireplace can be fixed above the portal.

This material is most often used to decorate false fireplaces. Drywall is extremely easy to assemble and goes well with a wide variety of finishes. From sheet material it is possible to draw up spatial forms of almost any complexity. At the same time, the cost of drywall makes it affordable for a wide range of buyers.

Sheet construction requires mandatory finishing. But this is rather an advantage of the material, and not its disadvantage - over time, the lining can be changed without dismantling, at the same time, the decorative portal itself.

Beautiful plasterboard fireplace with unusual plaster finish

Drywall false fireplace: step-by-step assembly instructions

Instructions for self-designing a false fireplace will be considered using sheet drywall as an example.

The first stage is the preparation of tools and materials

Start by preparing a set for work. First of all, you will need the drywall itself. When choosing a material, be guided by the features of the selected finishing cladding. If tiling is planned, it is better to buy a moisture-resistant modification of drywall.

To fasten the frame elements, buy self-tapping screws. The recommended length of fasteners is 1.4-1.6 cm. You also need to buy self-tapping screws with countersunk head for fixing sheets. In addition, you need to purchase dowel-nails for attaching the profiles to the floor and walls.

Next, focus on the features of the selected finish. If you are going to wallpaper the portal or paint it, get a primer and putty. If the false fireplace will be tiled, buy tile adhesive and grout.

Choose the required amount of materials individually, taking into account the dimensions of the future decorative fireplace. Drywall construction can have a wide variety of sizes. When choosing a particular option, be guided by the available space and personal preferences.

12.5mm1200x2500 mm3 sq.m28.9 kg
12.5mm1200x2700 mm3.24 sq.m31.2 kg
12.5mm1200x3000 mm3.6 sq.m34.7 kg

Kit necessary tools includes:

  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • level;
  • roulette.

The second stage is the installation of the frame

First step. Apply markings on the walls and floor for the installation of profiles. Work according to the drawing. Place labels taking into account the selected dimensions of the fireplace.

Second step. Fasten the guides along the drawn lines. If a fix is ​​made to concrete surface, first attach the profile to the base, drill holes according to the marking, insert dowels into them and then attach the guides.

Third step. Install the racks into the rails. Fasten the products with self-tapping screws.

Before fastening the profiles, it is recommended to check the evenness of the wall with a plumb line. If deviations are found, fix the guides using straight hangers. These products will allow the installation of products strictly vertically.

First, assemble the frame for the entire structure, then for the portal with a recess under the "firebox". To make the base more rigid, connect long horizontal profiles and vertical posts with additional jumpers.

If desired, you can give the furnace opening a curly shape. To do this, it is enough to carefully cut through the stiffeners of the mounting profile and bend the product in accordance with your idea.

The third stage - facing the frame with drywall

Mark the sheet according to the size of the fireplace and cut out necessary details. For the material it is best to use electric jigsaw. If this is not available, cut with a simple wallpaper knife. In this case, you will first need to cut the cardboard layer on one side of the sheet, carefully break the plate, and then cut the second layer of cardboard.

Fix the trim elements to the frame. Screw the screws into the material so that their hats are slightly recessed. The recommended fastener spacing is 100-150 mm.

There should be no problems with fastening the sheets. Even without such experience, you will be able to cope with the skin. Just remember that it is a relatively fragile material, so try not to drop it and do not press too hard on the screwdriver when screwing in the fasteners.

Video - Making a false fireplace

Stage four - finishing

Having sheathed the frame with drywall sheets, you just have to complete the finishing decoration of the structure. When choosing a finish option, be guided, first of all, by the design features of the room as a whole.

Most often, artificial stone is used for facing false plasterboard fireplaces, decorative brick And . To fix the finishing elements, tile glue or liquid nails are used. When cladding with tiles of the correct form, lay them with the same gaps. For their design, use special plastic crosses.

Brick or stone trim is unlikely to fit into modern interior. In such a situation, for finishing the fireplace, it is best to use paint or decorative plaster. Previously, the surface must be carefully treated with putty, sealing the joints between the skin elements and eliminating any kind of irregularities. After puttying, the surfaces are additionally cleaned with sandpaper.

Otherwise, when choosing a finish option, be guided by your taste preferences.

In conclusion, you will have to install an electric fireplace in the opening of the "firebox" or finish the free space at your discretion. For example, instead of installing an electric fireplace, you can equip the firebox with warm and soft lighting - a great option for classic interior. A more modern and bold solution is the design of the “firebox” with the help of a multi-colored LED strip.

For decoration rear wall firebox can use a mirror. Attach it to the surface, and lay out the bottom of the firebox with decorative logs or other material, such as shells and pebbles.

Putting a few candles in the firebox different shapes and size, you will create a real fire in your fireplace.

There are many ideas for decorating a false fireplace. You can use the suggested solutions or come up with something yourself - everything is limited only by your imagination.

Successful work!

Prices for electric fireplaces and stoves

Electric fireplaces and stoves

Video - Do-it-yourself false fireplace