Repair Design Furniture

How to make artificial fire in the fireplace with your own hands, simple methods. Imitation of fire in the fireplace with your own hands, available options Decorative fire for the fireplace

Fire imitation is the creation of an artificial flame in a false fireplace. Many apartment dwellers dream of making a bewitching fireplace.

It can even be done by hand.

There are several ways to create an artificial imitation of fire:

  • With the help of a liquid crystal screen.
  • Simulation using .
  • Illusion effect.
  • Cold fire with a fan.
  • using water vapor.

Fire with LCD screen

You will need a TV screen, better liquid crystal screen. You need to choose a TV for a false fireplace in such a way that the screen fits inside the fireplace. After that, you need to find a video with the effect of a burning flame and record it on a TV, for this must be USB input.

Of course, imitation the fire will turn out beautiful. But the screen effects will not be very realistic. This can be fixed by hand.

Imitation of fire using holograms

You will need a hologram with flame elements. What is the essence of this method:

  • A flat picture of a flame that appears to the eye in three dimensions. Such holograms are created using special technologies.
  • We place the hologram in such a way that the edges of the picture are not visible from a distance.
  • We select special lighting. We use LED bulbs or halogen bulbs. After we place the bulbs in the electric fireplace on opposite sides of the hologram.

Thus, from a flat drawing, we get a three-dimensional image. Flames will seem real in an electric fireplace. You will feel the depth of the image, its three-dimensionality. LED lighting creates an optical illusion. From a small picture, an image is obtained that will seem many times larger.

illusion effect

The essence of this effect is as follows: we take several mirrors, place them at different distances from each other. In this case, the angles between the mirrors should have different values. Then we take the virtual an image of a flame and place it in a false fireplace.

Read also: How to make a beautiful corner fireplace from drywall

Need to do special lighting with LED bulbs. The effect will be as follows: the mirrors will reflect the image at different angles, in the electric fireplace there are logs and flying sparks of flame will appear bulky.. The picture becomes realistic.

Cold fire with fan

This method is very easy to implement. You will need the following materials:

  • cardboard or tin box;
  • patchwork fabric;
  • fan;
  • three LED bulbs: red, yellow, blue;
  • three small mirrors;
  • optical filters of three colors: red, yellow, blue.

For carton box We place the fan in such a way that the air blows out of it upwards. After that, we install three LED bulbs in the corners of the box. We also install optical filters next to the LED bulbs, and install mirrors on the sides of the box.

From the flap we cut out shapes in the form of triangles of different dimensions and glue on the box. After that, we place the finished product in a false fireplace, and connect it to the network. At the same time, we observe how the flames burn brightly.

Fire using water vapor

We will need:

  • three ultrasonic fog generators;
  • liquid container;
  • distilled water;
  • cardboard container;
  • lighting from RGB lamps;
  • fan.

We take a cardboard container, place three ultrasonic fog generators on the bottom of the box. We fix the fan on a cardboard box. Distilled water is poured into a special container for liquid and place on the generator. The generator will generate fog. Special lighting from RGB lamps gives the effect of a burning flame. The picture seems realistic. Of course, this effect is more expensive, but effective. Artificial fire using water vapor is of better quality.

Artificial firewood for a raised fireplace

When you have an electric fireplace in your room that heats the room, you need to choose heat-resistant wood. To do this, you can buy ceramic firewood, they are more expensive, but the view will be very beautiful. Especially when LED lighting is used.

Pechnik (Moscow)

Imitation of fire in a fireplace is a great way to recreate a unique atmosphere of comfort and warmth both in an apartment and in a country house. In order for a fake fireplace to appear in your house, exactly repeating the real one, you need to have a minimum of knowledge and skills and skillfully apply them in business.

Do-it-yourself imitation of fire in a fireplace is very easy to recreate. To date, there are several options for how to independently make a high-quality dummy of a flame.

Option one

We perform imitation of fire in the fireplace on our own

Imitating fire for a fireplace will take very little time. To do this, first of all, we need to make a small lamp, which will perform the main function - the burning effect.

Materials for making a model:

  1. Pieces of white silk;
  2. Reflective halogen lamps - 3 pieces;
  3. Medium bowl;
  4. Big fan.

The container for the future flame is a pre-prepared bowl. It is important to remember that in size it should be the same scale as the fan.

Advice. The bowl must be selected from a material that tolerates high temperatures well. Thus, a fireplace with imitation of fire will look as believable and natural as possible.

Having picked up a container suitable for its size and characteristics, it is necessary to fix a fan on its bottom. It must be fixed in such a way that when turned on, the air flow is directed outward. In the same container, it is necessary to fix halogen lamps, of which there should be three.

This is necessary for uniform illumination of our dummy. The axis of fixing the light bulbs must be strictly one. Light bulbs are located above the fixed fan and along all edges.

Imitation of fire in a fireplace without heating, with strict observance of all these rules, will be simply amazing!

Creating lighting effects

In order for the fire to have overflows and its natural shade, it is necessary to additionally fix special filters. They should be located next to the lamps at a distance of about 2-3 centimeters. Color filters are recommended to use the following colors:

  • Red;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange.

To make the fire look as natural as possible, use blue as the main filter. It must be fixed to the central lamp.

The final stage - fixing the structure

It should not only look as natural as possible, but also be additionally fixed. To do this, we use several flaps of pre-prepared fabric. For strengthening, it is best to use white silk, since throughout the structure and color, it harmoniously fits into the overall picture of the dummy and conveys all the lighting effects well.

Tip: It is necessary to cut out 4 or more triangular elements from the fabric, it is advisable to make them a little asymmetrical in order to achieve maximum similarity with a real flame.

You need to fix the shreds next to the fan, so when it works, they will carry out rhythmic vibrations.

This completes the imitation of fire in a false fireplace. In order to reproduce this effect, you just need to connect the fan to the network. The advantages of this visualization are guaranteed safety, high realism and minimal production time.

Option two - a simple monitor

One of the easiest ways to recreate the burning effect in a false fireplace is to use a simple LCD monitor or TV. All you need to do is to choose a screen that is the right size and fits freely in the fireplace. Then turn on any of the pre-prepared effects and enjoy! A fireplace flame burning simulator, according to this method, is very simple, but in the absence of suitable equipment, it is the most expensive.

Option three - hologram image

Using a hologram image with flames is also a very realistic, simple and effective option. To recreate this simulation, we need a special hologram. It must be fixed in a false fireplace, so that its edges are invisible even from a short distance.

Additionally, to give maximum realism and create 3Deffect, you can use special lighting and multi-colored LED lamps, which are fixed on top and on both sides of the fireplace.

Option Four - Optical Illusion

In order to recreate the optical illusion and the flame effect with our own hands, we need mirrors. We place two mirrors in false, the angle of each mirror must be different in order for the effect to be realistic. After that, we simply place a pre-selected image with a flame in the fireplace. At the last stage, you need to choose the right lighting, using multi-colored LED lamps, orange, yellow and red.

Light bulbs should be placed on the sides of the false fireplace structure so that the colors alternate, swirl and make a simple image three-dimensional.

Option five - Realistic steam

Instructions for creating a flame effect

To create the effect of a burning flame, you will need:

  • Ultrasonic generators - 3 pieces;
  • Liquid reservoir;
  • Fan;
  • Luminaires type RGB;
  • Cardboard box;
  • Distilled water.

You can learn more about how to make a dummy of a burning fire by watching the video in this article.

Three fog generators must be placed and installed in a cardboard box, after which the fan itself must be fixed on top. Water is poured into the liquid reservoir, which is also placed in the box. RGB lights are placed on the sides.

Pricethis effect is quite high, but the effect itself, the end result is the most realistic and believable. Photos of such a fireplace are presented in this article.

Option six - ceramic firewood

Another simple way to recreate a burning flame in a false fireplace is to use ceramic firewood, which, with properly selected and distributed lighting, looks quite believable and beautiful.

By choosing one of the options proposed in the article, you can easily and quickly make a real flame in your false fireplace!

Many people like to look at the fire in the fireplace. The sight of a flame calms, allows you to relax and immerse yourself in your own thoughts. However, it is not always possible to put a real fireplace in your home, it is especially problematic for urban residents, whose stress level is very high and who, like no one else, need an effective way to relax.

Fortunately, we can build a fake fireplace in our apartment, which will adequately replace the real one. At the same time, it can contain real fire if biofuel is used, or an imitation of fire in a fireplace, which you can also make yourself. In this article we will talk about how to make an imitation of fire in a fireplace with your own hands, we will analyze the most popular methods.

False fireplace with skillfully filled firebox

Available Options

A decorative false fireplace is created from various materials, you can use cardboard, gypsum, polystyrene, drywall, plywood, chipboard and even brick. In most cases, these materials are combustible, so it is worth remembering the fire safety standards and not placing real fire in the furnaces. If you plan to build a biofireplace burner into the furnace, which will create a real flame, then the choice of materials for construction should be taken more seriously. For example, build a brick structure, sheathe the firebox with sheets of metal.

We will consider options when it is required to make an imitation of fire, which would be remotely or very similar to a real flame. And the simplest idea that immediately comes to mind is to create a suitable pattern. Anyone can draw a picture, but how this fire will look on canvas depends on the talent of the artist.

A painted hearth inside a fake fireplace

There are many other options to create an artificial fire in the fireplace so that it is more realistic than a painted one, and the most interesting of them are the following:

  • using a steam generator is a modern way;
  • the use of fabric and a fan is a theatrical solution;
  • the use of LCD displays, TVs - a spectacular option;
  • original backlighting with a salt lamp is a useful technique;
  • lighting using garlands is a simple method;
  • the use of candles, a candle fireplace - a design approach.

If you want to create a quality imitation of fire in a fireplace, you can use any of the available options, but remember that each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. To understand which fire for a fireplace is easiest for you to make with your own hands, let's look at all these methods in order.

General description of popular methods

One of the most difficult ways is to create an artificial fire using the generated water vapor, and we will start with this method.


To create a steam plant inside your raised fireplace, you will need certain parts and electrical skills. You can look for a ready-made solution, but it will be difficult to find it.

To build a steam generator, we need the following components:

  • small quiet fan
  • DMX controller and DMX decoder - devices that allow the transfer of digital data and balance the operation of all generator systems;
  • light-emitting diode lamp (LED);
  • fog generators operating on ultrasound;
  • pure water ;
  • matching box, boxing.

Installation scheme for creating an imitation of fire from steam

The principle of operation of the system for a couple is very simple. Fog generators are installed in a suitable box or box. Pure, distilled water is poured into them, which, under the influence of a fan and a generator of ultrasonic vibrations, begins to gradually evaporate. Note that the evaporation of water occurs at room temperature, and the vapor itself is cold. The rising steam from the evaporation of water is illuminated by an LED lamp, and the effect of a real flame in the fireplace is obtained.

To make the fire look more realistic, a diaphragm should be installed over the entire structure. A diaphragm with holes of different diameters will allow you to vary the speed of the air around you, which means creating more realistic flames.

If we consider the ongoing processes more deeply, then we should recall Bernoulli's law, which tells us that the smaller the holes, the higher the speed of air flows.

Components are selected according to the main characteristics of the fireplace, at the same time, at the assembly stage, we plan the final result. You can buy such elements in stores that sell steam electric fireplaces, or in companies selling equipment for concerts, there are also steam engines here. The design diagram can be easily found on the Internet.

Professional steam installation

After assembling the elements together, we need to get a machine that works on the principle of cold glow, discussed above. Such an imitation of fire will be very impressive, very similar to a real flame. Pay attention to the dimensions of the system and the fireplace insert, they must match each other.

It should be noted that Real Fire professional technologies are based on this principle. The main device in such devices is an ultrasonic steam generator, designed specifically for use in a fireplace. It is he who creates steam, which is highlighted properly. The vapor density at the bottom is greater, which means it glows brighter, resembling a real flame. Higher up, the color becomes dimmer, allowing for a smoky effect.


The imitation of fire through fabric is actively used in theatrical productions, so this option can be proudly called "theatrical". For home use, this method is also great, so we will consider it.

To make an imitation of fire in a false fireplace with our own hands, we need:

  • some white silk fabric;
  • halogen lamps with reflectors;
  • a small but powerful fan, preferably quiet;
  • several color filters with primary colors of fire - red, orange, blue;
  • container or box for assembling all the elements together.

Using fabric to create artificial fire

The assembly of the system is simple, the following step-by-step instructions will help you with this:

  1. We select a box that is suitable in size, decorate it from the outside in an appropriate way.
  2. We place a fan in the box, a cooler that can be taken from the computer.
  3. Above the fan we fix halogen lamps with colored filters, point them up. The distance from the filters to the lamps should be a couple of centimeters.
  4. When placing color filters, we adhere to the following sequence - blue in the middle, and red and orange along the edges. With this arrangement, the fire of the fireplace will be bright, rich and natural.
  5. We cut the silk fabric into various flaps, which we fix on the box on different sides of the fan. To make the realism at a high level, cut the silk into triangles.

That's all, the home-made imitation of fire in the fireplace is ready, it remains to run it by connecting the lamps and the fan to the network, and test it, and then finalize it. Scraps of fabric that imitate flames look very natural, but the main thing is that they are of the required length to fit in the firebox of a false fireplace.


One of the easiest and most popular ways to make the fire in the fireplace almost real is to use a TV, tablet, photo frame or LCD display. The only thing that immediately repels you from the method using a liquid crystal screen is the price, because such a technique costs a certain amount of money.

You can save money by purchasing a display specially designed for this purpose. It is sold in the same place as decorative fireplaces with electric filling. The display already has a recording of real fire, you just have to install it and turn it on.

For greater realism, you can use optical systems of light filters. They will help to make the imitation more lively, saturated volumetric. It will be nice to admire such fire.

Decorative system for installation in an apartment

Another option to refine the lighting of the fireplace with your own hands is to use mirrors. It's called Pepper's Ghost and is used by many theaters and magicians. By placing mirrors on the walls of the furnace and its bottom at different angles, you can give the artificial flame some volume. In this form, your hearth will look like a real one.

The most subtle connoisseurs of beauty use holographic systems that create full-fledged 3D copies of fire. Modern technologies make it possible to transform a two-dimensional image into a three-dimensional one. Optical systems and LED lights, working together and properly tuned, are able to make the image very realistic in a small space. You can even make it so that the depth of the image is greater than the fireplace insert. This method is very impressive, but too expensive and unprofitable.

Salt lamp

Not only effective, but also a useful method of creating an imitation of fire in artificial fireplaces is the use of salt lamps. Such devices have recently appeared on the market, but are already in high demand due to their excellent characteristics and beneficial effects on the human body.

A salt lamp is made from a large piece of salt, in which a lamp with an ordinary light bulb is placed. During operation, the light bulb heats up and warms up the ceiling of salt, which begins to emit negative ions into the environment. Connecting with positive ions, which are abundant inside our homes, because. they come from working home appliances, they neutralize them. Thus, a comfortable environment for human life is obtained, which you will certainly feel when you put a similar lamp at home.

A good option for a salt lamp for a fireplace

Installing a salt lamp in a fireplace is not difficult, but it will take some budget to purchase it. Choose a fireplace lamp with a matching color, or purchase several lamps at once to place them together in a bonfire.

Fairy lights

An interesting way to illuminate the fireplace insert is based on the use of garlands, the usual New Year's garlands that every family has. Of course, you will have to modify the garlands a little to make them look more realistic, but there are no particular difficulties here.

Garland in the form of a fire for a fireplace insert

To assemble a suitable design, you will need the following materials:

  • several small branches of trees;
  • food aluminum foil;
  • a small piece of lace or soft white fabric;
  • several real stones;
  • the garland itself, capable of flickering and having a suitable color background, for example, yellow or red.

Creating an imitation of fire from a garland is as follows:

  • Tree branches are completely wrapped in foil. Lace is glued onto the resulting silver sticks. The drying time of the glue is about a day, so we wait until everything is securely connected. Now carefully cut the resulting lace case and take out the branches from it. Firewood imitation is ready.
  • We lay stones in a circle in the firebox of a false fireplace. In the resulting circle we place the selected garland, and on top of it we install impromptu lace firewood. The result is a small fire.

It remains only to plug the garland into the socket and enjoy the pleasant flickering of fire.

By the way, you can always use garlands with LEDs as lighting for the insides of the fireplace. Very original, cheap and simple.

This method will make it very easy to get a decent picture of the fire inside the fake fireplace, but you can do it even easier by placing candles in the firebox.


It is not recommended to use real candles in an artificial fireplace, let alone light them, so it is better to purchase small lamps in a similar shape and install them in the fireplace. If your dummy is made of brick, then it is quite possible to use the classic version.

Using candles to decorate a fireplace insert

The use of real candles when lit is not so popular, since they smoke when burned. If they are not lit, then there will be no flicker and light from the fireplace. At the same time, from a design point of view, such a design of a false fireplace is acceptable, since such a design creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

If you decide to use candles to decorate the firebox, place other suitable decorative accessories around it, such as candelabra.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it is not difficult to make an imitation of fire in your home fireplace, in addition, there are a number of ways from which you can choose the right one for yourself. At the same time, the achieved result will certainly please you when you feel all the warmth, soulfulness and beauty emanating from your fireplace.

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There is nothing better than sitting by the fire and listening to the wood crackle. Unfortunately, making a real fire is not always possible, especially where it is dangerous to do so - for example, on stage during a performance or at a party at someone's house. However, for such situations, you can always make artificial fire or simulated flames. Read our article first.


Simulate fire with fabric and a fan

    Cut out the "flame" from the fabric. You will need a fan to inflate the fabric, creating a flame effect. "Fire" can be of any size, everything will depend on the size of the fabric and the place where it will be located. So take that into account.

    • You have several options on how you can make a flame. You can cut the fabric into many thin strips or just cut one piece into a fire pattern. You can even make a 3D flame out of a piece of cloth folded in half like a tent with the bottom open and holes at the top for air to escape.
  1. Fasten the fabric to the wooden slats. The fabric at the base should be attached to a wooden batten to keep it in place when you turn on the fan. Take the pieces of fabric that will represent the flames and attach them to the wooden batten with a stapler or duct tape. Pieces can be attached to one rail, but for the best effect, use several rails.

    • For a 3D flame, attach each side of the fabric separately so that the air blown by the fan will inflate it better.
    • Note: Attach the fabric along the entire rail, not just at the ends.
  2. Lay the slats with cloth in the place where you will have a fire. Place the slats on a wire rack or on a large basket. The rails should be directly above the fan. Lay the slats parallel to each other so that the wide side of the fabric is facing the audience.

    Place a fan under the rails. Place a fan under the slats and adjust it so that it blows straight up onto the fabric. If you put the slats on the grate, then put the fan directly below it. If the slats are on the basket, place the fan on the bottom of the basket.

    • It will be easiest for you to place the fan near an electrical outlet so that the cord is not visible.
    • Place lighting devices under the rails with fabric. Illuminate the fabric with red, orange, or yellow lights. You can rent special devices that are used in theaters, or you can take ordinary flashlights and attach colored glass or film to them.

      Check out what your fire looks like from the side. Turn off the lights in the room, then turn on the light and fan. If you did everything right, then the illuminated fabric should look like flames. If this does not happen, then make the necessary adjustments to your fire.

    • Spectators should not see the fan and light bulbs. Therefore, close them with firewood, which can be sprinkled with ashes for credibility.

      • If you don't have real firewood on hand, you can make your own from foam tubes or thick paper.
      • In order to create the effect of flickering embers, fold a New Year's garland under the “flame”. The effect will be better if you find a garland with red or orange bulbs, or if you wrap them in red or orange film.

      Simulate fire with paper and a flashlight

      1. Make a flame out of tissue paper. You can make any shape of flame out of sheets of tissue paper in red, yellow, and orange. Then glue the sheets into one bud, resembling a fire. Here is one of the easy ways to make flames out of paper:

        • Place a blank piece of tissue paper on the table in front of you. Gently press the middle of the sheet against the table with your finger. Then quickly raise your hand up and gently catch the paper in the air. The paper will take the form of a bud or flame. Be careful and don't remember the paper.
      2. Make firewood out of paper towels. You can draw a pattern on them with a marker that resembles wood fibers. Long rolls can be cut in half to keep your firewood the same size.

        • If you have time, try lightly soaking paper towels in water and kneading them with your hands. Let them dry before painting them. Rolls will look much more realistic.

Since ancient times, people have installed a fireplace in their homes both for heating and for cooking or lighting a room. Today, these issues are solved by the heating system and household appliances, and the presence of a hearth is often decorative. Imitation of a fireplace is a good addition to the interior of a home, which fills it with beauty and comfort.

What is a fake fireplace and why is it needed

It is impossible to equip a full-fledged fireplace in a city apartment. This is due to the lack of chimney pipes, as well as the inability of the floors to withstand a large load. As an alternative, an imitation of fire is used, which can be made by hand without special skills.

Someone buys ready-made electric raised fireplaces - they are inexpensive and do not require complex installation. However, creating an imitation of fire in a fireplace with your own hands is a more interesting way of interior design, which allows you to embody any design ideas and fantasies, turning the living room into the most comfortable part of the apartment.

Decorative fire has the following advantages:

  1. Affordable cost. All costs are associated only with the purchase of materials.
  2. Decor versatility. A false fireplace can be used for a whole year, and if desired, it can be modified by changing its appearance.
  3. Stylish appearance and combination with any interior styles.

Types of decorative fireplaces

A wide range of ready-made structures is available for sale. If you are not considering the option of making an electric fireplace with a live fire effect with your own hands, you can choose one of the following solutions:

  1. Cardboard or foam portal. It is the most affordable product. In addition, it can be created independently with minimal time and effort. Given the flammability of materials, it is impossible to place a fire in them. It is also not recommended to install heavy decorative objects on the structure, because. styrofoam will not be able to withstand them.
  2. Plasterboard fireplace. Making an imitation of fire from this raw material is quite simple. The material is well processed and inexpensive. Unlike foam or cardboard, drywall is fire resistant. This allows candles to be used to simulate a flame.
  3. plywood option. Differs in stylish design and environmental safety. But in order to preserve the appearance of the portal and extend its service life, it is necessary to isolate the material from moisture.
  4. Brick and stone fireplaces. Such species are highly decorative and durable. To create a hearth, you need to have basic skills in laying bricks or stones. You will also need to spend a considerable amount on the purchase of materials. Before installing the structure, you should make sure that the flooring can withstand such a weighty building.

How to make a simulated fire in a fireplace

When creating a simulated fire in a fireplace, you need to understand that it will only be used for interior decoration, but not for heating. If you need a stylish decorative element that creates a cozy atmosphere in the house, you should consider the following options:

  1. The use of modern equipment that generates water vapor.
  2. Use of fabric and ventilation systems.
  3. Using LCD panels or TVs.
  4. Salt lamp illumination.
  5. Illumination with garlands.
  6. The use of candles.

To make artificial fire, it is allowed to use any of the listed options. But before that, you should familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages.

Fire with LCD screen

The method is considered one of the most popular, because. it creates a high-quality imitation of the hearth using a TV, tablet, electronic photo frame or liquid crystal panel. The only negative is the high cost of equipment.

But special displays are available for sale that are designed specifically for this purpose. The user just needs to place the device in the right place and turn on the finished fire recording.

To increase the realism of the invention, you can use optical systems of light filters. They give the picture a lively shade, making it voluminous.

Another simulated fireplace can be improved with the help of mirrors. This option is often found in theaters. If you place mirror surfaces on the walls of the furnace and at the bottom, the simulated fire will receive a special volume and realism.

Imitation of fire using holograms

For the most subtle connoisseurs, there are holographic devices that can demonstrate a copy of the flame in three dimensions. Such systems are not cheap, but this is justified by the depth of the picture and the impressive visual effect.

Cold fire with fan

Imitating a flame with the help of ventilation devices is an affordable and easy way to create a false fireplace. For such a project, you will need to prepare a number of materials:

  1. Box frame made of cardboard or tin.
  2. Patchwork fabric.
  3. Ventilation devices.
  4. LED light bulbs with different colors.
  5. 3 small mirrors.
  6. optical filters.

A fan must be placed on the cardboard frame so that the air flow is directed upwards. Then, in the corners, you need to install LED bulbs and optical filters. Mirror surfaces are fixed on the sides of the frame.

Fire using a steam generator.

When creating an artificial fire based on a steam generator, you will need to prepare the following components:

  1. 3 ultrasonic fog generators.
  2. Water tank.
  3. purified liquid.
  4. Cardboard construction.
  5. RGB lighting.
  6. Ventilation devices.

Ultrasonic fog generators should be placed inside the cardboard container and the fan should be fixed. Then you need to pour liquid into a special tank and start the fog generator. The presence of lighting fixtures will create a realistic flame effect.

Made of silk fabric

To make a false fireplace from scraps of fabric, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. A small fan should be installed in a cardboard box, and multi-colored LEDs should be fixed above it.
  2. Pieces of mirrors are placed above the diodes - they will be used to create highlights.
  3. Shreds of silk cloth are fixed near the fan.
  4. The box is decorated and placed inside the fireplace.

3D image

Artificial flame looks unusual when using three-dimensional holograms. To realize this idea, it is necessary to give a three-dimensional shape to a flat picture using optical systems and LED lamps.

Artificial firewood for a raised fireplace

If an electric fireplace is installed in the room, which performs the function of heating, you will need to create an imitation of firewood. For this purpose, you can use finished products made of ceramics or other heat-resistant material. Together with LED lighting, this solution looks particularly elegant.

You can also place traditional firewood near the fireplace - they will not catch fire from the heat of the fireplace and are safe to use.

Artificial fire for the fireplace: salt lamp

An interesting and useful way of arranging an artificial fireplace in the house is a salt lamp. Such an accessory appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already become widespread and popular. This is due to the stylish design and great benefits for human health.

To create a salt lamp, a large piece of salt with an LED lamp is used. In the neglected state, the light bulb heats up, as a result of which the salt ceiling heats up and emits negative ions into the environment. When combined with positive type ions, they neutralize them. This fills the house with favorable conditions for life.

To install a salt lamp with your own hands, you do not need to have any special skills. The main thing is to purchase such a device, decide on the color and perform the decorative part of the work.

Decorative firewood for the fireplace

To beautifully decorate a false fireplace, you need to purchase artificial firewood. They should make the design as similar as possible to the classic counterpart, which operates on solid fuel.

Stylish decorative products made of ceramics, plastic and other materials are available for sale. Since they do not emit smoke and heat during operation, this ensures environmental friendliness.

To give the fireplace stove maximum realism, firewood can be equipped with light filters with a red tint. More expensive options include internal lighting with a special flicker cycle.


Modern artificial fireplaces not only replicate the look of natural options, but also have some interesting effects.

The scent of a burning fireplace

The main task of a false fireplace is to simulate a hearth of flame in an apartment. To improve the realism of sensations upon contact with such a structure, it is necessary to provide the aroma of burning wood in the room.

To do this, you will need to purchase any suitable incense or set fire to thin splinters, having previously secured the room from ignition.

It is better to place the combustion chamber under the outer panel in a closed container. It is also equipped with a forced ventilation system.

The crackle of dry logs

An indispensable attribute of the realism of the simulated fire is the characteristic sound of firewood crackling. It can be provided by recording the sound of a campfire or downloading a ready-made audio file. Having chosen a natural volume level, you need to enable this sound on the MP3 player and install it in the overall fireplace scheme. When the structure is connected to the electrical network, crackling will start automatically.

Real heat from a cold fire

When arranging a simulated flame in the home, most people install a fireplace without heating. However, it is problematic to achieve the realism of the hearth without a thermal effect. Therefore, you can install an air conditioning system above the fireplace. However, the presence of characteristic noise can worsen the atmosphere of peace.

As an alternative, a silent air heater is suitable, which will not only improve the realism of the simulation, but also become an additional source of heat.

DIY decorative fake fireplace

Creating a fake fireplace is a laborious process that requires some skills and experience in construction. To build a beautiful and reliable structure that will last without deformation for a long time, you should correctly draw up a drawing, calculate the amount of consumable materials and carefully study the step-by-step guide.

How to make a drawing and choose the right parameters

When creating a drawing of a fireplace design, it is necessary to take into account both the size of the room and the future decor element. The classic wall-mounted oven has the following parameters: the width of the lower part is 1500 mm, the depth is 345 mm, and the width of the upper part is 1490 mm.

What materials will be required

Depending on the type of fireplace, you will need to prepare a number of materials and tools for their processing. If we are talking about a drywall product, you need to buy sheets of drywall. When choosing a material, it is worth being guided by the features of the facing layer. When finishing with a slab, it is necessary to consider the option of a moisture-resistant modification. Then you need to buy support profiles, on the basis of which the fireplace frame will be assembled.

To connect the elements of the frame, you should purchase self-tapping screws. The optimal length of the fasteners is 1.4-1.6 cm. You should also prepare self-tapping screws with a countersunk head - they will be used to fix the sheets. You will also need dowel-nails for attaching profiles.

Depending on the finishing works, wallpaper, paints and varnishes or primers and putties are selected. When tiling, you need to buy tile adhesive and grout for joints.

The number of consumables is determined by the size of the decorative structure.

polyurethane fireplace

The option of erecting an artificial hearth made of polyurethane is one of the most affordable and fastest. For the upcoming work, you will need to buy a polyurethane portal, calculate the dimensions and complete the installation.

If an electrical device with a fire image on the screen is used, it should be measured from all sides, and then a wireframe should be created based on the obtained data. It is also important to provide ways to connect to the electrical network and the reliability of the ventilation system.

plywood construction

Plywood portals are especially in demand when hiding any defects in the room, including the old heating battery. To create a frame, you should use wooden bars, and then sheathe it with plywood.

The appearance of the fireplace is determined by personal preferences and the style of the interior.

Imitation of a plasterboard fireplace

It is more difficult to build a decorative hearth based on drywall than using other materials. But in conditions of limited space, the corner drywall option may be the most optimal. To create a frame, a thin metal profile is used, in which holes are made for dowels or self-tapping screws. Then drywall is attached to the base, giving it the desired shape.

New life for old furniture

An affordable option for creating a decorative fireplace is to transform old furniture. If the house has an unnecessary closet or sideboard, do not throw it in the trash. With a little imagination, you can make a good imitation of a fireplace stove out of this piece of wood.

Stages of work

To simplify the process of building a false fireplace, you need to study the sequence of actions and get to work. You will need to prepare drawings and calculations, then collect the necessary materials and tools, start creating a frame. Further, it is important to provide for a communications connection scheme and perform the decorative part of the work.