Repairs Design Furniture

Roofing passage knot for a bath. How to make the Pipe Pipe through the ceiling - step-by-step manual from the master. Heat-resistant materials for the manufacture of penetrations

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How to independently equip the passage of pipes through the roof in a private house or bath

In the process of building any home, it is necessary to take a moment when it is necessary to derive stove or ventilation pipes through the roof, without it. Some owners do not attach great importance to this process, however, the errors made during the arrangement of the docking unit can lead to serious negative consequences. In this material I will tell you how to remove the pipes through the attic overlap and different types of roofs.

What can cause low-quality installation

In most cases, cooking and ventilation specialists are engaged exclusively by mounting their sector. Pipes of pipes through the wall, inter-storey overlap and roofing them do not concern. Hiring a professional people do not want and take out about the work themselves. As a result, after a short period of time, a whole memory of the problems can "fab up".

When you hire a specialist, it is better to immediately approve the moment of arrangement of transitions through structures.
It is sometimes easier to pay a little more experienced person than later to break her head over how it is all right and beautiful to make it yourself.

  • Materials from which chimneys are made are rather strainable, they can easily withstand the temperature differences, but for constant contact with moisture, these materials are often not designed. For example, or an asbetic tube, having liketing moisture, starts simply to paint and after a couple of seasons it will look like her mouse tree;
  • Again due to high humidity, this sector from the inside will intensively overgrow the soottherefore, to clean the chimney will have much more often;
  • But this is not the worst. In most cases, the roof is now insulating basalt or glass. It is worth it to wet this insulation, firstly, it becomes useless, and secondly, it sits down and is no longer restored. It is pointless to dry cotton, it only needs to be changed;
  • Do not forget that almost all roofs are made based on a wooden frame. Whatever you so impregnate wood, but if the designs are constantly in a wet environment, it is sooner or later, they will begin to rot. Water stone sharpens that already talk about the tree;

  • There is another momentI will explain it for example. One of my familiar in the fall ended the construction of the house and since the weather has already started to deteriorate noticeably, the passage through the roof of the chimney, hoping, in the hope that it will fix everything in the spring.

Imagine what was his surprise when there was a chimney passage through the ceiling of which was decorated in a pompous and very expensive baroque style, covered with red wet spots and began to fall off the stucco. And all this happened because the joke of the roof was not hermetic enough.

After the oven was flooded, the snow around the pipe was leaked, the water flowed across the pipe and completely spoiled the luxurious interior, the cost of which was ten times higher than the services of the most expensive roofer.

In which place is better to bring pipes

Of course, when the house was built for a long time and you, only repair the roof, can no longer change anything. But at the design stage you have the ability to select an optimal place to output pipes.

Any Michael will tell you that the passage knot is best to mount in the skate. But here is a stick about two ends. On the one hand, snow or rain will never leak under the pipe, plus the chimney located above the skate provides optimal traction. On the other hand, you will have to be pretty tinted with the arrangement of the rafter system, because the rupture of the horizontal skate beam is quite complex.

The minimum distance from the chimney to rafters or carrier beams according to SNiP 41-03-01-2003 should be 140 - 250 mm.

  • Usually it is recommended to slightly move the chimney into any of the sides relative to the skate. At the same time, if the pipe is at a distance of one and a half meters from the skate, it must rise above it at a height of 50 cm;
  • If the distance from the skate to the passage node ranges in the area of \u200b\u200b1.5 - 3m, then the pipe is height, you can make a luriser with a skate;
  • When the roof is a single-sided or distance from the ski beam to the passage node more than 3m, it is allowed to install the top point of the pipe along the line under the angle of 10º relative to the horizon of the skate. So that you were easier to figure out, the scheme is presented below.

The most undesirable place for the installation of chimney and ventilation pipes is the location of them in Undova. For those who do not know, the enodova is called an inner angle, which is formed by the connection of two roof slopes. It does not threaten the usual classic designs, this location can occur on multi-level roofs with a complex configuration.

If you faced the case when your passage of chimney pipes through the roof is in "Undova", it is better to try to make an excess knee and transfer the pipe half meter to the side.

For the so-called sandwich designs, of which most chimneys under boilers are being made and bath stoves, it will be easy. Otherwise, water will constantly attack your connecting knot from three sides and sooner or later there will be a flow.

Independent installation of passages through the roof or ceiling

If earlier the roofs for the most part were covered with slate, now it all more often huses metal tile and other modern roofing materials. Plus, in addition to passing through the roof, you need to take care of the transition through the ceiling overlap.

Elastic transitional block as the easiest way out

The good half of modern chimneys and almost all ventilation conclusions are now made round. This is just under such designs and elastic adapters are produced.

Such an adapter is a multi-stage funnel with a square or round base. The main material is used as a heat-resistant, elastic polymer.

Each step on the funnel corresponds to one of the head diameters of the chimney. In order for the pipe tightly entering you only need to trim the adapter with scissors for the level you need.

Hermetic fixation of the soft polymer base (flange) to the roof itself is carried out by metal studs and bolts. Such a flange can take any form, so it is easily enveloped by a complex roofing terrain.

The price of such goods is quite acceptable, plus the installation instruction, in my opinion, is more than simple. As I said, you first need to crop the cone to the desired diameter. After that, it is necessary to smear the heat-resistant sealant the place of the adapter dock with the pipe and the lower, the contact part of the flange. Next, you can only fasten the flange with metal studs through the dried in advance of the holes to the lower flange ring.

Insulated sandwich chimneys are distinguished by their mirror glitter. If you do not like the elastic polymer adapter, then for such cases there are metal adapters made from the same stainless steel. From the polymer counterpart, they differ in large dimensions of the apron, a given angle of inclination of the roof and a clearly defined diameter of the chimney.

Metal adapter.

From the previous version, the installation of such adapters from a stainless steel is distinguished by the fact that for the sealed adapter and the pipe, except the heat-resistant sealant, the metallic clamp is additionally used.

Arrangement of passage through metal tile

I want to immediately note that the passage of pipes through the metal tile competently do, not having experience is quite hard, so having studied the instructions and viewing thematic photos and videos in this article, you should think well, whether you are capable of such an employment feat.

The connecting assembly consists of an internal main and outdoor decorative apron. Inner apron Casting roofers are usually made from tin or thin aluminum sheet. We have already mentioned about the round pipes, so then we will talk about the sealing of the joint of the roof with square or rectangular brick trumpets.

The inner apron is installed directly to the crate before laying the metal tile. The design consists of 4 parts, by the number of pipe planes. Each of these parts should go under the metal tile layer at least 250 - 300 mm. It comes to 150 - 250 mm on the pipe, again from the metal tile layer.

Before installing the elements of the apron around the perimeter of the pipe at one level parallel to the roof of the grinder is cut out the depth of 10 - 15 mm. In it we will insert the top cut of the apron.

Before inserting elements of the apron in the stroke, it is cleaned, washed with water, dried and filled with heat-resistant sealant. Only sealant needs to be filled right before installing the protective elements.

On the plates themselves on the top slice bend under 90º side to the depth of the short. Personally, I did easier, I immediately inserted sheets in the stroke and tapping the hammer bending them down parallel to the pipe.

We finish the installation of apron with fastening it to the pipe with special heat-resistant dowels and the propagate junctions between all four elements. But this is not all, and the so-called tie will be started at the bottom of the roof under the apron and attached. This is a sheet of the same tin or aluminum, the width of which should exceed the size of the pipe at least half the meter on each side.

He must descend on the substrate to the edge of the roof. The tie is a kind of insurance, if somewhere decorative lining will begin to leak, the water on the tie will be drained under metal tile. As a result, the roofing cake will remain dry.

When the inner apron and tie are finally fixed on the pipe and the roof crate, you can start laying the metal tile. At the end, a decorative apron is mounted. Each of the manufacturers of metal tiles produces their challenges and makes them under the color of the roof.

Such aprons, as a rule, are a corrugated aluminum or lead sheet, on the back of which self-adhesive coating is applied. From above, such apron is equipped with a decorative plank, which is fixed on the pipe with self-proof. But before fixing, it is advisable to additionally wash the jack with heat resistant.

The top plank of the decorative apron is fastened slightly above the boundaries of the lower main apron, after it is fixed, the apron itself is thoroughly cut down with a rubber hammer so that the corrugated sheet is well docked and glued to the complex surface of the metal tile.

The arrangement of transitions with soft modern roofing materials is approximately also, with the only difference that there often costs without a tie setting.

The main mistake of amateurs is that they are often neglected by mounting the main lower apron and tie, the decorative top apron holds, of course, well, but thin, soft aluminum corrugation barrier is not particularly reliable and it can hardly damage enough, for example, falling from the tree a branch .

How to protect the wooden foundation from a hot chimney

As you remember, according to the standards of SNiP 41-03-01-2003, the minimum distance from the chimney to any wooden structures starts from 140 mm. The most "advanced" relations are considered to be sandwich elements, but also there the insulation has a maximum thickness of only 100 mm.

We conclude, all chimneys when passing through the design of a wooden roofing or wooden inter-storey overlap need to be protected.

The passage of the pipe through the ceiling of the bath is the brightest illustration of this topic, since the baths in our Great Power are usually made from wood. It is still worth adding that the temperature in bathing furnaces is often higher than in ordinary.

It is believed that in order for dry wood to be charring, she needs only 200ºС. And when the temperature reaches 300ºС, the real danger of self-ignition appears.
If we consider that the birch firewood gives the temperature to 500 ° C, and when using good coal or coke, the temperature can rise above 700ºС, the scale of the danger becomes clear.

When arranging such transitions, you can go in two ways to buy a special transitional block or do everything with your own hands.

Now the industry produces a variety of ceiling passage nodes (PPU). In expensive designs of this plan there is a special enhanced box, which goes along with insulation, filler and other fittings. But how much I came across, our person does not want to pay money for such amenities and in this, I agree with him.

The fact is that the design itself is not particularly difficult and here, as it is often with us, it is cheaper to buy everything separately. At first I will tell you how the classical instruction looks like such an arrangement, and then I will tell you how I did the pipe transition through the ceiling of the bath with my own hands:

  • Almost every construction market now you can find special metal boxes with already ready-cut for a certain diameter of the chimney by hole;
  • In the horizontal plate of such a box, which is at the same time part of the ceiling, the fastening holes under the tape are made around the perimeter. But immediately the design on the "naked" wooden ceiling is impossible. Its edges need to be pre-crushed not a combustible heat insulator. Most often for these purposes, an asbestos canvas is used;
  • The dimensions of the vertical walls of the box are selected similarly to this calculation so that the asbestos can be used between them and the passing hole;

  • From the inside, the vertical walls of the box should be laid with a foil base with a thickness of 30 - 50 mm, it costs it is of course more than the usual, but such is the instruction;
  • Absolutely clearly without the slightest clearance, pick holes in the box under the chimney is almost unrealistic, at least a small gap, but still it will be. Here it is supposed to smear with heat-resistant sealant;
  • Further, the space between the foil basalt car and the chimney is filled with clay or the same cotton, only soft and without coating. For non-residential attic overlap, this is enough, but if the bath is a mansard type, and on the second floor there is a living room, then the box should be covered with a stove from mineritis (heat-resistant and more secure ancient asbestos) or the same stainless steel plate.

Now, as I promised, I will tell you about my own experience of arranging such a transition. The bath was done for a long time, and then these comfortable devices were simply not. The design sandwich at that time was worth a fabulous money, therefore an overhexic cast iron tube was installed as a chimney.

The square opening in the wooden floors was cut out with the calculation so that in all directions between the chimney and the wood it was at least 250 mm. At the vertical walls of the niche, I immediately naked asbestos canvas.

A three-million meter sheet of stainless steel was late below. I wanted to last a ten-minute meter asbetic slab, but I was afraid that it would burst at the temperature, although the neighbor was kept and standing so far.

The pipe in the box I wrapped asbestos canvas and walked the clearance on top of it. And on top, all this farm fell asleep with an average diameter clay. On the second floor of the bath, I decided to make a rest room, but I didn't find the second of the same sheet of stainless steel at that time.

Then I mixed up a cement-limestrine based on clay sand and flooded with a thirty millionth-reinforced knitting scial. Only the screed was floated not close to the cast iron pipe, but through the laying of asbestos canvas, otherwise, at temperature fluctuations, it would be cracked.


As you can see, you can make the passage through the roof of the chimney with your own hands. But still, if you decide to spend money on a high-quality coating of metal tile or other similar materials, I recommend first to carefully examine the available methods. If you have any questions, write them in the comment, I will try to answer.

July 28, 2016.

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How to remove the pipe in the bath through the ceiling? With this question, many owners of houses and baths equipped with furnaces are facing. When installing the chimney in the bath, an important point is the passage of the pipe through the ceiling. If the structure is made of wood, then the correct chimney becomes the primary task to ensure fire safety. Only thorough compliance with all established norms guarantees a long and uninterrupted service of your property.

Election of chimney through the ceiling

Before making a pipe in a bath through the ceiling, we recommend reading the following recommendations.

Safety regulations

By making the decoration of the chimney in the bath through the ceiling, it is necessary to be guided by the recommendations of the sanitary standards and Rules 41 - 01 - 2003. According to paragraph 6.6.22, it is necessary to ensure a distance of 130 mm in case of passage through the ceiling for a chimney of a brick pipe that protects wood. But considering that in most cases metal pipes apply in the baths, then you need to focus on the following norms:

  • It is necessary to comply with the distance greater than 380 mm to easily flammable items protected by insulation;
  • The minimum distance to easily flammable items without insulation should be more than 500 mm.

In this case, these distances need to be ensured to contact the pipeline with a tree.

Ideally, these distances would not close anything at all, but this option will contribute to the high heat loss, which is economically unprofitable. Therefore, the specified volume is closed by non-flammable materials.

The maximum length of the pipe passing through the ceiling in the bath should not be more than 1000 mm. The chimney can not gain a roof on the roof in a hard way, because when the temperature changes, the pipe can be somewhat vary in size, which can lead to the deformation of the overlap.

In the bath, pipes are often used, called Sandwich. They represent two pipes of different diameters, one of which is inside another. The space between them is filled with a layer of insulation. Not many know that the outer part of such a design has an almost as the same temperature as the inside of the chimney.

Need to know! The main purpose of such a device is to ensure normal thrust, and not at all the improvement of fire protection properties.

Often the hosts, in order to accelerate the battery, allow overheating oven. If the temperature of the outer part of the pipe exceeds the allowable values \u200b\u200bof 400 ºС, then it threatens the failure of the external part of the sandwich, which will lead to a threat of a fire. Therefore, in no case cannot be allowed to reduce the distance between the pipe and the surrounding objects.

The distance to combustible structures in the case of using pipes from brick or concrete should be at least 13 cm. For ceramic pipes that are not equipped with insulation, the corresponding distance will be greater than 25 cm, for pipes with insulation - 13 cm.

It is advisable to lay these parameters even at the design stage of the bath, since the step when installing the ceiling beams is usually not large. If it equals 60 cm, it will be possible to use only insulated pipes.

The diameter of the output part of the pipe often occurs 11.5 - 12 cm. If a 50 cm thick insulation is used in a sandwich, we obtain the outer portion diameter of 31.5 - 32 cm. We add a distance recommended for insulated constructions at 13 cm on each side, we get width 57, 5 cm. That is, such a design fits perfectly into the existing distance between the beams 60 cm.

Now let's see how much the distance between the beams should be when using a non-warmed chimney. If the inner diameter is 11.5 mm, then add to it necessary according to safety rules the distance from all sides of 25 cm, we get 61.5 cm. The resulting result does not fit into the existing distance between the beams. Moreover, the diameter of the pipe can be even more, and then the incompression of the size of the chimney and the beam step becomes even more noticeable.

Tip! In the instructions for furnaces, manufacturers usually indicate the distance minimally necessary for the flue of the chimney through the overlap of various materials. Building chimney, use these values.


So, what isolation material is better to use for heat shields, building the flow of chimney through the ceiling with your own hands?

  • Mineral wool. Keeps its properties up to 300 º C. Higher temperature (up to 1000 ºС) is able to withstand the hard minevat PJ - 175. The disadvantage is the allocation of formaldehyde, which can harm health. It is also not sufficiently resistant to water;
  • Ceramzit. Well tolerate wetting. The disadvantage is the need to facilitate additional containers for its placement;
  • Basalt cardboard. Environmentally safe. 5 mm thick sheet can withstand temperatures up to 900 ºС;
  • Asbestos. It copes perfectly with flame retardant, but it distinguishes harmful substances. Therefore, in the case of its use for the chimney, it is necessary to isolate the room from it using metal sheets;
  • Minrit. It is able to withstand heating to 600 ºС, not destroying from water and being absolutely eco-friendly material.

Basalt cardboard in action. Excellent flame retardant.

Some experts still use sand or clay for thermal insulation, but this method is gradually moving into the past.

It is possible to reduce the likelihood of ignition using several other ways.

  • Building on the chimney of a water shirt. This will require a remote tank. It will also be necessary to bring cold water. But the resulting hot water will be able to be used in the shower or for heating. But the temperatures are significantly reduced above the water shirt, which will reduce the likelihood of pipe root;
  • You can arrange a water tank over the stove, thereby protecting the chimney from excessive heating. But with this method, we will have to constantly ensure that water in the tank does not boil and pour cold water on time;
  • Stop stones on the pipe. It will take a support for the redistribution of their mass.

Using all these methods, it is possible to achieve a decrease in temperature in the installed passage, which will significantly increase fire safety.

To increase fire safety in the bath, you can use materials such as glass jammed sheets and fire-resistant plasterboard sheets. They are used, covering them the overlaps and holes in them, through which the chimney passes. Only sheets of class premium, marked "NG" are suitable as flame retardants. If there is no such marking, it is impossible to use such products to protect against fire.

Construction of transition through overlapping

Consider how to make chimney in the bath through the ceiling. This can be done in two ways.

  • Use finished cutting;
  • Mount the passage knot with your own hands.

Application of finished cutting

In order to fully protect the elements of the roof from the effects of high temperatures arising from the passage of the combustion products, and at the same time fasten the pipe in the required position, the so-called ceiling cutting is used.

To build the passage of chimney through the overlap, it is necessary to purchase a passing ceiling knot for the chimney in the construction store. It is a box made of mineritis or metal connected to a stainless steel plate. In the center of the design there is a hole in which the sandwich is placed. Such a device performs, among other things, a decorative function. The plate attached to it closes the ceiling hole, giving it a more aesthetic look. In addition, the insulation is based on this plate, which is filled with a place between elements of overlapping and pipe.

They are two species:

- with insulation, looking like two plates in combination with an insulated pipe;

- No insulation, which is a box made of metal, which has to fill with insulating materials, self-hole and a hole intended for installation of pipes.

Cutting are found different forms. Sometimes they look like a metal cylinder, in which case the plate significantly exceeds it in size. If such a device is used, and the ceiling hole has a square shape, then all the listed parameters required to ensure fire safety of the structure must be observed. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of wooden structures of the bath with metal strips.

Installation of a finished adapter

  • Cut hole in the ceiling, given the overall size of the cutting;
  • If necessary, carry out insulation;
  • Set the passage knot of the chimney into the overlap;
  • Take the pipe to the ceiling, while its length should be 100-150 mm less than height;
  • Attach the pipe area located on top of the roof;
  • Conduct the sealing of all the joints that arose in the exercise of the flock tube through the wooden overlap.

Installing an adapter performed by hand

You can carry out a chimney through the ceiling in the bath and without factory nodes.

Consider how to make a ceiling-through a node with your own hands. This will require:

- chimney pipe;

- material selected for thermal insulation of the passage of pipe through the ceiling of the bath;

- metal plates.

The tube in the bath through the ceiling and the roof is set, following the recommendations described below.

  • Cut in the overlap hole exceeding the size of the pipe by 13-18 mm;
  • One edge of the pipe is displayed in the hole;
  • From the inside of the room on the ceiling is superimposed;
  • The heap of the flue of the chimney through the ceiling is carried out. Optimal is the manufacture of thermal insulation of the ceiling of the passage node from Minister.
  • The space remaining between the ceiling and plate must also be filled with a layer of insulation.
  • The plate is fastened with the help of screws.

Thinking on how to install a pipe in a bath through the ceiling, be sure to pay attention to such an important factor as the choice of a suitable place to pass overlap for the chimney.

The main function of the adapter - protection against fire

It can be installed either directly at the skate, while ensuring good traction and the absence of precipitation; Either next to the skate.

Attention! Never install the chimney in the place where the roofs are connected.

The chimney set by their own hands will require a slightly longer than purchased in the store, but will help save money so necessary during construction.

By installing the cutting in the ceiling - the roofing overlap, the masters often face such complexity as the need to make chimney in the bath through the ceiling is strictly vertically, after placing it in the center of the passage. To do this, you can recommend using a plumb. It is raised upstairs and lowered into the center of the chimney. This point is celebrated on the ceiling and used as an appropriate mark before making the passage of pipes through the ceiling of the bath.

Rules for passing through the overlap

Before spending the chimney through the wooden overlap, you must read the rules for installing the ceiling passage node for the chimney with their own hands.

  • On the outlet of the furnace, only a metal tube with thick walls without heat insulation is installed. This is due to the fact that in this place temperature reaches such values \u200b\u200bthat are not able to withstand mineral materials.
  • The tube in the bath through the ceiling and the roof is carried out surrounded by the insulation material.
  • In the places of the pipe in the bath through the ceiling, the presence of joints are allowed when crossing overlaps. They are possible either lower or above them;
  • The horizontal portion should not exceed 1m;
  • The maximum number of knees when the chimney is ave in the bath through the ceiling - three;
  • The passage of the pipe through the ceiling in the bath is not allowed to fasten the hard way.

Isolation of jigs

Building a cutting pipe on the ceiling of the bath, use sealants that ensure the strength of the joints and withstand high temperatures.

The clamps used in the design must be made of the same material as the chimney itself.

Careful processing of the passage of the pipe through the roof is very important. Otherwise, the following consequences are possible:

- the penetration of moisture inside the chimney can lead to gradual destruction of the structure, the consequence of the penetration of smoke between the roof and overlapping, and, consequently, will increase the risk of fire;

- the liquid accumulating inside the chimney can lead to the formation of fungus and rust;

- disorders of tightness can lead to an increase in heat loss;

- Water getting inside the roof can lead to rotting of the rafter design.

For additional protection against water from entering, special "aprons" are used. They are different: made of metal and thanks to this harsh adjacent to the roof; embedded in advance in the sheet used to cover the roof; Flexible, made of plastic materials - rubber or silicone. The size of these aprons must be chosen, given the diameter of the chimney pipe.

Therefore, the sealing of all joints is final, but at the same time an extremely important point of the dedication of the chimney.

Checked expert: Pavel Sparrow
Updated: 05/28/2018

must be arranged in all the rules, since the safety of the whole house depends on its reliability. Chimneys can be made of brick, metal or ceramics, therefore, during their passage through the wooden floors, different materials and technologies are used.

The chimney pipes are divided into various types of location of their location - indigenous, wall and mandatory.

  • Indigenous chimney pipes are separately, but next to the oven, and connected with her S. using sleeves. Such structures are convenient because they can connect chimneys from several furnaces.
  • Wall chimneys are most often embedded in the capital wall, but sometimes they are allowed on the wall.
  • Hoody chimney pipes are tested on top of the furnace design.

Accordingly, on what pipe is arranged in your oven, it will be dependent and its passage through the overlap. Most often for furnaces a housing tube is satisfied.

Metal pipe

As mentioned above, the passage can be lined with different materials, but the main condition remains unified - they must be heat-resistant.

Metal pipes to date The most popular steel manufactured by the type "Sandwich". They are made of two metal cylinders of a greater and smaller dime inserted one in another, and the distance between them is filled with non-combustible mineral wool, which plays the role of both insulation and the insulator.

  • The first thing to be done is to purchase ready-made or make yourself a trapped nozzle (otherwise it can be called a box due to a characteristic cubic form). It is made of galvanized iron, relying on the diameter of the rail and thickness of the wooden overlap. The diameter of the hole must be slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe.

  • Next, the nozzle must be properly prepared for installation, as the thin metal will not be able to securely insulate the heating chimney from combustible materials. To do this, use insulating material from basalt fiber having a foil surface. It passes on the inner surface of the nozzle and on the parts that will touch with wooden floors.
  • The next step is to prepare the overlap to install the nozzle. To do this, you need to remove the measure from the pipe S. Already stable insulating material. Then it is placed on the ceiling and the place is drawn, which is necessary to cut down with a jigsaw. Mineral wool is stacked in the overlap.

  • Next is the installation of the prepared nozzle.

  • A special metal panel is fixed on the ceiling (more often - from a stainless steel), which has a circle carved in the middle, which should coincide with the hole diameter in the nozzle. Through it is carried out with a chimney pipe.

  • The final stage of the passage of the pipe is the decoration of the chimney on the second floor floor or in the attic. This can be done using a metal sheet or a special panel, also with a cut round hole for the pipe in the middle.
  • It is necessary to calculate the location of the pipe so that the joints of the two parts of it is directly in the nozzle, which is installed in the overlap. The junction must be located or in the lower room or above the overlap.

Another option of the insulation of the pipe can be mineral wool, asbestos and heat-resistant plasterboard. The process of work passes in a similar sequence as with a metal pipe, only using other materials.

  • In the ceiling, a square hole is satisfied, which will have from the edges to the outer surface of the pipe 20-25 cm.
  • From heat-resistant drywall make a high box that will close the overlap from the pipe.
  • Next, the steel sheet is fixed on the side of the ceiling, with a round hole in the middle.
  • Through the hole in the sheet, a chimney pipe is installed.
  • In the inter-storey overlap around the pipe, mineral wool is fixed and secured around the perimeter, for the entire thickness of the overlap.
  • In some cases, on top of Minvati or instead of it, clamzit is poured.

Brick pipes

A more time-consuming work is waiting for those who arrange a brick pipe, as it is necessary not only to make design in the overlap, but also to lay out the pipe itself.

High-quality brick is purchased for flue pipes, since the structure is subject to testing with temperatures and solar sediments. When laying this furnace department, the seams must be completely filled with a solution, it is impossible to allow emptiness. From this, both from the arrangement of the passage through the overlap depends on the fire safety of the house. In addition, emptiness over time lead to the formation of through slots, which significantly reduce the thrust.

The masonry in the field of passage through the roof or the inter-storey overlap is called extended and flush. The section of the chimney pipe, which connects the cut and the furnace, is called the neck, on it and install the valve. The height of this area should be three and more rows.


The fiber is called the expansion of the chimney on the approach to overlapping, inter-storey and attic. It gives substantial protection of overlap from the heat that goes from the ovens itself and the chimney pipe.

This element of the furnace should have a thickness of no less than one brick and insulation of asbestos sheet or construction felt, which is impregnated with a clay solution.

Earring the oven and arranging the flap, you should know that any brick structure necessarily gives shrinkage. Therefore, after laying the oven, it is necessary to give her time for shrinkage, and only after that proceeding to the dissolution device. If the furnace gave a sufficiently large shrinkage, then the flush should be put on the bottom from the bottom.

Inter-storey or attic overlap, at the point of passage of the pipe is filled with non-combustible materials, such as clay, and the concrete plinth is superimposed on top.

Sometimes the flask is arranged from a concrete slab or box, which is filled with clay, sand or small pebbles.

  • In order to build a reinforced concrete roller, around the pipe make a wooden formwork, so that the flooded design has a thickness in one brick and a height of 5-7 centimeters. The formwork is fixed to the chimney, and the reliability of the attachment can be ensured using fittings or thick wires embedded in the masonry.
  • The formwork box from the inside is treated with a clay solution so that concrete does not stick to the wooden walls during frozen. Inside, the reinforcing mesh is made, rigidly connected to the brickwork pipe. The reinforcement must be completely hidden with the pouring.
  • The solution is prepared from cement, rubble or broken brick and sand, mix well and poured into the formwork.
  • When the formwork box is filled to the top, the concrete on the surface align. The wooden box is removed after the complete pouring of the concrete, and then the flake on the finished plate is separated by brick.

Perform a deposit and brick masonry. This scheme presents the rush of two sizes, having a channel of 13 × 13 and 13 × 26 centimeters. She lays out order:

  • For a smaller neck, the cervix tubes are laying from four bricks, more from five.
  • In the second row, each side of the first option consists of four whole and four halves of bricks, and the second version of five whole, two halves and two quarters. At the same time, bricks are shifted to the outer side from the center.
  • The next row of a smaller pipe consists of six integers and six ¾ parts of bricks, and a large tube puts out of eight and four halves. Bricks are also shifted in the outdoor side on one fourth brick.
  • The fourth row of a lesser pipe rolling consists of twelve bricks, and a large out of fourteen bricks with a shift out.
  • The fifth and sixth, just like the fourth row put out of twelve and fourteen bricks, but without a shift to the side.
  • The seventh row is laid out, like the first of four and five bricks.
  • Further, the riser is placed the same as the seventh row, only every whole brick must overlap the seam between the bricks of the previous row.


Outlook is the extended part of the tube's glider, rising above the roof, it is arranged in the form of a small protrusion. It is laid out to protect the chimney from precipitation and moisture, which can penetrate the gaps on the junction of the roof and the podlock.

Otter, as well as a flush, you can arrange in two ways - lay out a brick when building a pipe, or pour from concrete.

In the case of brickwork, it is made as follows:

  • The first row of the exhaust is stacked on the flowing pipe outlet of the roof, and it consists of six and a half bricks, (in the diagram they are shown on the left side of the riser). Bricks shifted out on ¼.
  • On the second row, the masonry is performed exactly in the first row and consists of six and a half bricks.
  • The third row stacked in the figure of the first row of otter.
  • The fourth row is laid out without a shift of bricks, i.e. The size returns to the size of the riser.
  • On the fifth row, the riser is returned to laying of five bricks, which are laid out through the channel hole.
  • The sixth row repeats the fifth.
  • The seventh row is put again with a shift outside the distance equal to ¼ brick.
  • The eighth row is put in size of the seventh, observing the scheme.
  • The ninth consists of seven bricks, smoothly laid on the outward row of the eighth.
  • The tenth row is laid, not retreating from the scheme.

Video Council - simple chimney mounting through wooden overlap

Work on the laid out of the chimney pipe is not so simple, as it seems at first glance, and the value of its qualitative implementation is very important. Therefore, it is better to entrust this operation to the experienced Michael, who has multiplied in his practice not one pipe and can easily cope with such work.

To ensure comfort and safety indoor with a furnace structure, it is necessary to competently make the passage of the chimney through the overlap. Fire safety is ensured by the right rules of the pipe installation. All work can be performed with your own hands.

To withdraw the chimney through the ceiling, it is necessary to build a node that provides the required distance from the ceiling materials to the pipe. These rules are governed by a special document in which certain recommendations are indicated:

  • The distance from the surface of a concrete or brick chimney to the crates or rafters should be at least 13 centimeters.
  • If the chimney is ceramic and without isolation, then the distance should be as minimum 25 cm. And if there is a heat insulating layer - 13 cm.

During the installation of the beam, these rules must be taken into account. Their step should be about 60 cm. These recommendations are applicable to pipes with insulation layer.

The outlet should have a diameter 11.5-12 cm. If a sandwich with a thermal insulation layer is performed through the ceiling, the nozzle must have a diameter of about 32 cm. On each side must be observed the distance is not less than 13 cm. To calculate the distance between the installed beams, you need 13 x 2 + 32As a result, it turns out 58 cm., What corresponds to the recommended 60 cm.

You can also calculate the distance of the pipe without isolation. If the nozzle with the inner diameter in 11.5 cm.The distance to the ceiling material should be at least 25 cm. In this case, there should be a distance between the beams 25 x 2 + 11.5What is equal to 61.5 cm. Such a step is recommended for the construction of the ceiling.

  • If the partition is protected from possible ignition, then chimney thickness 12 cm. The distance should be about 26 cm. If the nozzle has a thickness of 5 cm. The distance is 38 cm.
  • If the partition is not protected from fire, then in the first case the distance can reach 32 cm., And in the case of the second option - up to 50 cm.

The document also states that it is necessary to adhere to a certain distance from the walls. Often the chimney pipe is installed near the wall of the wall, which over time can lead to a fire, as the temperature inside the chimney may be 500 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to put the heat insulating layer on the surface of the wall, after which it is coated metallic sheet.

See also: Cleaning chimney

Types of nodes

The flue of the chimney through the wooden overlap must be protected from high temperature and secure the nozzle in a special position. For this, the cutting is intended, the second name is "a passage node".

It is recommended to use the industrial production device. It is a special metal box, it is attached to it on one side. galvanized plate. In the middle there is a hole to insert a sandwich. The room is installed on the side of the room, which closes the hole in the ceiling and acts as a decorative element. The plate is also a support for the heat-insulating layer, which is placed in the gap between the beam and the surface of the pipe.

Many experts argue that the cutting from a stainless steel is the best option, since the galvanized leaf under the action of high temperatures highlights harmful substances. Therefore, it is recommended to use a stainless steel in a residential room or bath.

The ceiling node is simple enough. If at the construction stage, it was not possible to remove the stove, then between the beams it is necessary to make a hole of a certain size so that you can spend the chimney. Then secure the heat insulator. To do this, you can use Ministerith, stone cotton or asbestos. Specialists are also recommended to fix metal stripes.

A special device should be put on a pipe in a straight area that passes through the overlap. Then you need to raise it on the required level and fix the heat insulating layer at the edges. After that, the node is attached using self-tapping screws.

Products can have a different configuration. In some cases, a metal cylinder may be needed, which is installed around the hole, and plate edges A little advocate for him. It should be noted that when installing such a device, the hole must also have square shape. With the help of the plate, the hole is closed. Also, the ceiling materials from high temperature should also be protected using the heat insulator.

The node can be without a cylinder, but it is installed around the perimeter special boards from minit or metal. The edges of the device must be closed the heat insulating layer. It is recommended to use minyrites, as it acts as a heat insulator.

See also: Sparkium for chimneh

Pass over overlapping

When the chimney is derived through the ceiling, some nuances must be taken into account:

  • Metal pipe without heat insulator should leave the furnace. Its length should be more than one meter, since the output is too much temperature. Above you can use a sandwich.
  • In places of pass through the ceiling, the pipe must have a protected shell. To do this, you can use the industrial sandwich or with your own hands to warm the walls.
  • The joints are permissible only before the passage or after it. Therefore, you need to control all connections.
  • The horizontal portion may have a maximum meter length.
  • All chimney can have a maximum of three knees.
  • It is prohibited to use a rigid fastening, since under the action of high temperature the dimensions of the chimney change.

Selection of heat insulator

When the device on the ceiling is fixed, you need to rise to the next floor or attic to fill the distance between beams and chimneys.

If the temperature does not exceed the pipe 600 degreesYou can use basalt cotton as an insulator. However, some experts do not recommend using this option. They explain this by the fact that during the manufacturer the resins are used as a binder, and they allocate harmful formaldehyde Under the action of high temperatures. In addition, the chimney is formed condensate, when wetting, watts deteriorates heat-shielding characteristics. Therefore, this option is not the best.

Fill the gap can be small clay. This light and natural material, which in the case of wetting quickly restores its characteristics.

Until recently, most often used sand. But in this case, there is one substantial minus: over time, the material wakes up through small slots, so the stove must be constantly cleaning and replenished again.

You can use clay. To do this, it must be diluted so that it acquires a pasty consistency.

Some specialists do not recommend to warm the knot at all and leave it blank. This avoids the flue of the chimney and its overheating. But this option is not the best, since wood over time is overcameand there is a risk of fire.

All roofs of buildings have exiting pipes. It can be a smoke or ventilation channel. Correctly performed the passage of chimney through the roof provides not only the output of combustion products, but also guarantees comfortable accommodation to residents at home.

To this day, disputes are being conducted between specialists about the place of installation of the pipe. Some argue that it should be closer to the roof of the roof. Appeal is that in this case the main part of the pipe will be within the closed attic, and therefore is protected from atmospheric influence.

Some prove that it is best to have a chimney at a skate. The masters motivate this by the fact that it will be possible to avoid the formation of snow pockets in winter, which is the cause of leakage. And, of course, the installation of such a passage node is the easiest.

There is also a third option of finding the chimney, according to which some removal from the center of the roof is assumed. The fact is that the fireplace or furnace can be arranged in any part of the house and then easier to arrange chimney over them. At the same time, the correct arrangement of the pipe connection with overlapping plays a very important role.

What should be the passage through the roof

Most problems arise when organizing a chimney through a warmed roof. Since it consists of many layers - it is a heater, and insulating materials, as well as a doom and roofing coating itself.

The main condition for such a passage of the passage is the safety of wooden roof designs, their protection against contact with a hot tube. To solve this problem, mineral wool is used, with the basis of basalt or fiberglass.

The node of the seaming passage through the roof can be different in shape. It depends on which material was used when erecting the channel itself.

Pipe usually shape:

The first two species are created in the construction of a brick chimney and block materials. Application of mattalotrub or stainless steel pipes, as well as asbestos - cement products leads to the creation of round forms.

Whatever the form of the chimney, must be installed a cap to the chimney pipe to protect the inner surfaces of the channel from the effects of atmospheric precipitation. On metal, as well as asbetic pipes, protection serves special umbrellas, and above the brickwork there is a design with a closed top and holes around.

The main rule that must be observed regardless of the location of the pipe on the roof is that it should rise above the skate at least 50 centimeters.

The yield of chimney through the roof is equipped with a protective apron. It is usually made of galvanized metal, which is covered with a special polymer metal from above. This option is good for pipes of rectangular or square section.

Round-shaped penetration device

Nowadays, metal pipes for chimneys are produced multilayer, with insulation placed between the inner and outer sheath. In order for the flow of chimney through the roofing and ceiling overlap to perform hermetically, it is necessary to use ready-made nodes from the metal.

They are a steel sheet with an apron attached on it in the form of a cap.

The chimney is carried out through this cap, and the so-called "skirt", which closes the joints between the walls and the apron is put on top of it. For greater tightness, it is sometimes used by an elastic gasket with heat-resistant qualities.

To perform a pass through the roof of the round tube, in addition to metal aprons, it is also possible to use products from silicone or rubber. When choosing such a penetration, it is necessary to take into account that the size of its inner ring should be less than the diameter of the smoke tube.

If it was not possible to choose the ring of the desired diameter, then experts advise you to choose the penetration of smaller sizes and can be adjusted when installed to the desired size. After that, the sealing ring can be pulled onto the pipe. With this procedure, the use of economic soap or other substance capable of facilitating dressing cuffs is allowed.

After the ring thoroughly sit down on the pipe, it must be pressed as close as possible to the roofing material. It is necessary to ensure that there are no cracks around the pipe. It is possible to enhance tightness by applying sealant along the edges of the ring and fix it to the roofing coating by self-draws. The distance between the fastener should be about 4 centimeters.

A positive feature of circular penetration is the possibility of their installation on any roofing material. The elasticity of the product is very high. The properties of the material from which it is made allows to arrange reliable waterproofing on any roofing coating, regardless of the configuration of its material. For example, the sweep passage is performed through the embossed metal tile.

Roofing experts advise the use of penetrations made from EPDM or silicone membrane rubber. Since these materials are best to carry significant temperature differences that in our climatic conditions it happens quite often.

At the aprons, one rule should be observed - the upper edge should be coated, and the bottom is started on top, it is roofing in a roofing material.

Installing a square and rectangular tube shape through a roof

The passage of the chimney through the rafter system of the roof and the arrangement of the passage is accompanied by the installation around it a peculiar framework, which form rafter legs and transverse beams, stacked from below and on top of the pipe. It should be placed in compliance with the distances provided for SNiP.

The distance can be from 13 to 25 centimeters, it depends on the material of the chimney. The space around the chimney is filled with insulation.

It is recommended to use big density mineral wool slabs for this. Due to the fact that such a insulation is not amenable to wetting, then there is no need to lay additional steam and waterproofing layers around the chimney.

The adjoining of roofing isolation to the box surrounding the chimney is carried out in this way. Rolled materials at the location of the passage are caught on the envelope form. The edges of the envelopes are fixed using a bracket or nails on the wooden elements of the roof: rafters and beams. For the reliability of waterproofing, special tapes should be applied, the use of sealants is allowed.

An important nuance of the flue of the chimney through the wooden overlap of the roof is the arrangement of the drainage gutter, located above the pipe and intended for the protection of the chimney from water. It is usually made from special anti-corrosion metal elements or waterproofing film.

The flue of the chimney through the wooden roof overlap can be performed differently. In the case when the chimney pipe is made with the use of modern materials, has a multilayer design, the mounting of hydro and vapor insulation materials can be carried out directly to the walls of the chimney pipe.

Since the outer surface of such a chimney is not heated above 60 degrees, the fire is not threatened with roofing insulating materials.

With this option, you can also install a special seal for roofing passages. All materials to the pipe are attached with the help of a tape, and the pressure plate is installed on top of the pipe, which will close the connection location.

A little about overlapping and passing through it

Before the release of the chimney into the attic space, he must first go through the ceiling. For this use special passage nozzles. They are made of non-regulatory materials and securely isolate the smoke tube.

The passage made through the ceiling overlap, the chimney and overlap must be absolutely safe.

Especially if the wall is made of wood. Then the air clearance should be left between it and the pipe. In addition to the diameter of the hole in the ceiling, foil non-combustible mineral insulation is stacked. The same protective layer of the insulation is located between the lining of the nozzle and overlapping.

It is especially possible to indicate that in the place where there is a flue of chimney through a wooden ceiling overlap, you can not allow the presence of joints in the pipe. It is necessary to calculate the parameters of the smoke channel so that through the ceiling coating its one-piece portion.

And yet, if the pipe is carried out on the second floor, they need to be secured from a random touch, by adjusting the casing with the installation of the crate for the ventilating hole required for removing the heat released.

Sealing rule

Protect the chimney pipe from water from entering the gap in where the passage through the tile can be used using a ribbon of elastic special purpose, made on the lead and aluminum base. On its reverse side there is an adhesive composition.

Its lower ribbon is attached to the roof, and the other is to the chimney pipe. The ribbon ribbon glued to the chimney pipe is pressed with a metal harness, and the beading is additionally compacted by a sealant and it is completely eliminated by the penetration of water under the protective tape.

We look at the video, a simple method of sealing and sealing

Through the roofing coating, the pecker is shutdown with an identical way. But instead of elastic ribbons use the end carpet. In the same way, the isolation of the chimney is satisfied with the passage through the metal tile. With this variant, the apron is made of sheet material similar to the color scheme to cover the roof.

Machine the chimney through the roof is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. There are many nuances, non-compliance with which can lead to undesirable leaks and destruction of the pipe. With some moments it should be found in advance.

There is nothing acknowledged in consulting the specialists or find the desired material on the page of specialized sites. But then it does not have to soon after the installation is maintained.

Knots of the flow of chimney through roof and wall

During the installation of flue pipes in a private house or bath, there are not too experienced performers. Mass of different errors are allowed. Moreover, most of the flaws fall on the places where it is necessary to spend chimney in the wall or cross the design of the overlap and roof. These are very responsible nodes, any error in their execution can lead to fire and fire in the house. In this regard, this material presents comprehensive answers to questions how to properly remove the chimney into the street through the wall and roof.

How to remove the pipe through the roof

In the capital buildings from brick or aerated concrete with plates of overlapping, it is customary to think through the smoke pipe device in advance, even at the design stage. When everything is calculated correctly, there are no problems, the chimney is located directly in the carrier brick wall together with ventilation channels.

The crossing of the overlap inside the house is performed simultaneously with its construction, as well as the withdrawal of the pipe on the roof. In buildings from non-combustible materials, fire-fighting requirements are performed automatically, since the high temperature of the exhaust gases does not threaten the structures of brick or aerated concrete.

There are only 2 caution:

  • when using a fuel insulation in the attic one must ensure that the distance between it and the channel inside the chimney amounted to at least 38 cm. The overlap near the pipe should be simply insulated with non-combustible basalt fiber;
  • the distance from the wall of the brick tube to the nearest wooden structure (rafters, the doome) should be at least 130 mm.

The withdrawal of the brick pipe of the chimney on the roof lies in a dense fit to it roofing with subsequent sealing of the joints. The pairing node with a slate can be performed in the old manner - using the Ruberoid and hot bitumen bars or mastic. The method is not suitable when new roofing materials are applied - professional flooring or metal tile. Here you need to make the details of the apron from the metal of the same color, and then fasten them to the chimney with self-draws on the dowels, missed from the inside with a waterproof sealant.

Important. The bottom of the part is fixed from the side of the skate, you need to start roofing, otherwise the waterproof is inevitable.

Now about how to make a node of the passage of the roof chimney from the metal. In this situation, the installation of a sandwich tube with a non-aggravated insulation inside will be the right solution. It should be understood that according to the fireproof rules between the single-axis steel channel and the nearest roofing part of the tree will have to withstand the distance of 500 mm. When installing a sandwich, a wooden design is already considered protected from fire, and therefore the interval is reduced to 380 mm.

For reference. Unlike the chimney, the duct of exhaust ventilation entering the roof does not require compliance with such strict rules. It is well sealing enough from water plugs.

Since the chimney metal tube is a round, then it is difficult to produce outdoor sealing, as a master Flash. It is simply tensioned on the pipe from above and is fixed with its "sole" to roofing.

In exceptional cases, when the temperature of the metal surface exceeds 100 ° C, instead of a silicone master flash, a special round apron of galvanized steel is installed. This situation is not uncommon at the outlet of the gas plant from the bath, where the temperature of combustion products reaches 600 ° C. Also, the Master Flash is not suitable for a soft roof from bituminous tile or runneroid, the steel parts are more appropriate.

Passage through the combustible overlap

In this case, the best way to remove the chimney through the overlap on the attic is to put the ready-made ceiling and passage knot. It is made of galvanizing the necessary sizes and under different diameters of the channels, and it is not expensive at all.

To install the node it will be necessary to make the opening in the floors, then fasten the bottom of the bottom and skip the pipe through it.

Important. It is not allowed that the mix of the chimney sections is imposed inside the ceiling and passage. If this happens, it is necessary to choose the sections of the other length.

Then everything is simple: the cavity of the node is tightly stuffed with basalt fiber, after which its upper part is installed. If you do not want to buy a finished product, then such a node can be made with your own hands, cutting out the part in size from the galvanized.

Then the hole is done under the pipe and the sheet is attached to the ceiling. To perform a packing of basalt wool, on the other hand, you can make a box of sheet mineritis, basalt cardboard or, at worst, from wood, as shown in the photo:

It is just as easy to properly remove the furnace chimney from the brick, without performing cutting of the cutting. After the required range of distance (380 mm from the inner wall of the channel), the opening is cut out in the wooden floors. After the laying of the pipe continues, and then the opening is fed from the inside by galvanized and stuffed with a basalt seal.

Attention! It is not allowed to fasten the metal chimney to the carrying structures of the roof. The reason is the thermal expansion of the material due to heating from the removable combustion products.

How to remove chimney through the wall

When the outer wall is composed of a brick or other non-combustible material, then the gas duct can be outputed enough. A round through hole is cut off, where then the sleeve is made of metal. You can do without it, if the opening is drilled perfectly circular under the outer size of the sandwich. It will not be possible to put the sleeve when the chimney through the wall passes at an angle different from 90 °.

Remembering the inadmissibility of the joints in the thickness of the wall, the pipe is passed through the hole, the slots around it are filled with a non-heat seal. It remains only to install and attach it to the vertical area. If the house is built of wood or framework technology, then the same rules should be guided by the same rules as the ceiling and passage unit.

This means that to exit the chimney through a wooden wall in it, it is also necessary to cut the opening and put the finished element in it or do it yourself. Then fill the cavity of basalt wool and close on both sides by sheets of galvanized iron. In the event that a regular single pipe (for example, from a bath) is needed through a wooden wall, then the width of the opening should be increased by 120 mm in each direction (up to 500 mm).

Fastening the chimney to the wall

For the right installation of the metal of metal from the outside of the house, a number of simple rules must be observed:

  • to install the lower part of the pipe with a tee and a condensate, it is better as a good stop to apply a special bracket;
  • by inserting the sections one to another (by condensate), mount the chimney to the wall of the clamps through each meter;
  • do not allow the clamps to coincide with the joints of the sections;
  • when coating the ovel of the roof does not use the knees of 90 °, but only 45 or 30 °;

if the drainage system is not yet mounted, then it is necessary to leave a place for laying a gutter, picking up fasteners of a suitable length.


To the installation of nodes of the passage of walls, overlapping and roofs, it is necessary to relate very responsibly, especially when the chimney is made of a single steel pipe. What may endure the failure to comply with the rules listed, can be seen in the photos, which is full of Internet.

How to make the passage of chimney pipe through overlapping and roof

The chimney device cannot be attributed to standard operations of the construction of a private house. There are different types of overlaps, roofing "pies" and coatings, which complicates the maintenance of work on a single instruction. We suggest running at the main stages and learn how to make a cutting chimney safe and aesthetic.

Type and heat transfer in the chimney channel

Chimney can be made by a stone masonry, a conventional steel or insulated sandwich tube. In each case, an individual approach is needed, for in fact there is a different heating intensity, and the method of fastening the cutting of the overlap and roof.

Chimneys folded from bricks are most practical and simple in arrangement. The high heat capacity of the masonry does not allow the temperature on the outer surface to rise to the fire hazardous values. In addition, the brick chimney can easily and reliably consolidate the details of the cutting and protective housings. Well, the fastening of the waterproofing apron of the roof and is performed at all along the simplest scheme without the use of "branded" shaped parts.

Insulated composite pipes are applied as widely, but in some aspects are inferior to brick. They do not look so natural and the additional load is almost no longer withstanding. Even more: chimneys of complex shape and high length require additional consolidation, which does not go for the benefit of aesthetics. The return of heat from such pipes is greater than that of bricks, despite the presence of the insulation, they are able to heat the surrounding space strongly and require additional plain.

Finally, uninsulated pipes are often used - asbestos-cement, or even steel. Conducting such a chimney through the overlap and roof is carried out according to the most difficult scheme. The end should not be easy to isolate heat, he must be heat-resistant. In addition to non-combustible, preservation of integrity and mechanical strength during cyclic heating / cooling is required.

Production of the Outlets in Overlapping

In addition to the difficulties associated with different types of chimneys, there is a certain proportion of uncertainty due to the diversity of overlaps. The easiest way with concrete monolithic floors: they cut out the OSM with a disk for cutting concrete, adhering to the minimum allowable indents from the chimney pipe. Since the overlap material of non-flammable, thermal insulation will be required at least.

It is more complicated with structural strength, especially when the passage of precast floors or if the width of the chimney is 2-3 times higher than the plate reinforcement step. It is desirable to provide for the need for a device of the outlet still at the floor of the flooring, building the strengthened steel hoop or after performing the fill of the end of the face with the inclusion of additional fittings.

The opening in the frame overlap to arrange more difficult. To begin with, it will be necessary to determine the location of the beams. Approximately in the center of the road, you need to do a hole with a wide crown, to the touch, clarify the removal of the beams and their direction. Outside, we apply markup within the limits of free space, then the logging or manual circular cutting the floor and rough ceiling. Most likely, the full profile immediately cut will not give beams, but now they will become available for further manipulations.

Cut fragments of beams can be conventional manual hacksaw and then complete the trimming of the parts of the floor and the ceiling. To restore the strength of the carrier ceiling system, it is enough to add a pair of across, which are equivalent to the total cross section of remote parts. Package on the thickness of inserts should be made in advance. In the cavity in open ends, you need to lay the insulation and sew the opening of a thin board or sheet materials. For greater reliability, you can repeat the trimming materials with low thermal conductivity - heat-resistant GKL or MGL.

Filling through the passage of the heat insulator and the restoration of the trim we describe a little later. Now it is worth only to note that due to the thermal linear expansion, the chimney and its object should be located independently of each other with a small gap, otherwise the formation of cracks can be distributed far beyond the pricing area. The inner surfaces of the openings in the floors of conditionally combustible materials should be treated with antipirens, as well as the ceiling area of \u200b\u200b50-60 cm from the position of the passage.

Pass through roof

When passing both through the overlap, and through the roof, the main rule is valid - not to poison the pipes in the plane of their cross section. In addition, to keep segments are better under the roof than above it, even if it requires the acquisition of an additional handset.

The discovery in the roof is done on the inside. With the presence and insulation, they are dismantled and with the help of a plumb tolerate the cross section of the chimney pipe, placing an ellipse on the shell. According to its contour, he needs to drill several holes in places, of which it is convenient to start the cut of the jigsaw, at the same time separable and coating the roof, and the shap under it.

When the hole is done, it is necessary to disassemble the coating of 30-40 cm from it. Next, you need to expand the opening in the cutting on the thickness of the heat insulation. The simplest way to equip the cavity to fill in the insulation is to link the rafting legs with jumpers, forming a rectangular pocket.

Thermal insulation of the chimney and the device of the passage node

Chimneys from brick masonry thermal insulation as such do not require. Instead, the rush is performed - the channel expansion at the place of its pass through the overlap. Share the Flap is easy: it starts at 3-4 rows below the ceiling. Each subsequent row of expansion is laid out, starting with outer bricks, which are produced for the chimney profile half of its width. Educated cavity is pulled out by bricks supplied on the edge.

It is worth it to warn that when the chimney of the chimney from the brick, you need to give time for shrinkage, collecting no more than 10-12 rows in one day. This particularly concerns the channels called atmosphere, that is, laid out over the furnace or fireplace, and not next to them. If the dimensions of the move were chosen correctly, after laying the roller, there should be a gap of about 15-20 mm between it and the trim.

In a completely different way, the isolation of the passage of composite and simple pipes. A basalt wool is used as a filler, it is true for the passage both through the roof and through the overlap. The thickness of the thermal protective fence is always selected individually, on average it is 200-250 mm for composite and about 400 mm for uninsulated pipes.

For the convenience of laying a filler, the discovery is lowered with a leaf heat-resistant material - magnesite or asbestos-cement plate, sheet steel or roofing tin. In the lining, you should pre-hold a hole, cross section of 10-15 mm more than a channel on each side.

A similar operation is performed in the roof pass. Over the only exception that the surface oblique and the hole under the channel must be oval. If the chimney is made of a non-insulated tube, the space of the casing of the casing should be divided. Inside, the space is filled with a dense heat-resistant material, for example, an intertered asbestos briquette with the addition of cement and fastening fibra.

Varieties of roof cutting, waterproofing restoration

If it is enough to restore the floor of the ceiling, then the end of the passage through the roof should completely eliminate the leakage of water. For the insulation of brick chimneys of the rectangular section, they are performed by a depth of about 30-50 mm. From the thin sheet metal you need to bend the profiles of the Z-shaped form in the amount of four pieces. The upper shelf they are inserted into the groove, the bottom is adjacent to the roof coating. In addition to the external apron, the internal, which is not crashed into the body of the chimney and is conjugged with roofing waterproofing.

The inner apron is performed by a M-shaped (skate) profile with a shelf width from 150 mm. Mounting begins with the highest point: the horse is naked to chimney with dowels, superimposed and fixed with glue waterproofing. On the sides you need to leave the issues of about 200 mm, which are cut along the fold line and wrap on the side sides of the chimney channel.

Before the final fastening of the petals, the side parts of the apron are mounted, and before they are fixing - the lower segment of the clad. It is important to correctly fill the waterproofing: on the fold line of the lower part of the apron, it is released over the metal skate. The roofing coating is restored and the upper object is mounted - the coated dressing diagram is the same as in the previous stage. It is recommended to miss the adjoining of both oblasts with mastic or plastic sealant, completely excluding moisture penetration.

If the brick chimney is arranged strictly vertically, in the case of pipes, it is recommended to shift the position of the passage as high as possible to the roof of the roof. In this case, it is enough to start a wide metal pad under the horse, and then insulate the adjuncing to the tube with an elastic cuff. Otherwise, it is not necessary to do without acquiring a special set of roof cutting, but so the probability of flow will be guaranteed to be eliminated. For each type of roofing, there is a set of cutting, repeating the surface shape and sealing with a pipe or a sealant or a heat-suite neck.

How to make the passage of chimney pipe through overlapping and roof

The chimney device cannot be attributed to standard operations of the construction of a private house. There are different types of overlaps, roofing "pies" and coatings, which complicates the maintenance of work on a single instruction. we

Installation Sandwich Pipes through the finished roof

For the last few years, the chimneys began to produce using a sandwich tube. People attracts her appearance, low cost and long service life.

A very important factor is the ability to install the chimney sandwich with their own hands.

Of course, the installation of such a chimney requires certain skills in the construction and knowledge of some nuances. However, with a lot of effort such work can be made independently. The main thing is to figure out how to do it correctly and not lose the safety of safety and comply with fire standards. Carefully follow the isolation of the chimney.

How to spend chimney through the roof

Such an operation requires a preliminary study of the location of the rafters and the installed blocks of overlapping.

The pipe must be between these items. The outer wall of the chimney should not touch the combustible element. The minimum distance of 13 cm must be withstanding. Moreover, the combustible element must have a heater. To fulfill such a requirement, a pipe offset is very often required. For this, the pipe in two places is carried out at an angle of 45 degrees.

Important! Installation of chimney from sandwich pipes through a roof from a solid fuel boiler is performed by a steel pipe for a chimney that does not have insulation. It is clearly visible on the presented photo. It is painted black. At the end of the pipe is installed adapter for sandwich. The passage unit is connected to a sandwiche chimney having insulation.

A special hole is made in the ceiling. It must be done taking into account fire standards. The distance from the chimney should exceed 250 mm, and the overlap must be closed with thermal insulating material.

At the edges, the hole is protected by fireproof thermal insulating material - minitite. It can be selected by ordinary nails or take advantage of self-drawing.

Sandwich is inserted into the box made. Its direction is made vertical, deviations are not allowed.

The pipe does not need to be fixed very hard and firmly enough just to create a direction. From the fall it will keep 2-3 planks. But the movement vertically will be completely free. This design is done so that the pipe can move up or down. Heating, the pipe increases in length, and this requires additional space and freedom of movement.

The free remaining space is closed with basalt wool. You can fall asleep all clamzite or granules of foamed glass.

Several years ago used ordinary sand. However, he gradually poured through the existing gaps. Today, this option completely refused.

The front side is wrapped with stainless steel. Under this sheet is made non-combustible gasket. In previous years, the gasket was made from asbestos sheet. Today, the asbestos is considered a carcinogenic substance, so it was replaced by mineral wool.

You can use in another way. The edges of the hole close the mineral wool, and only then install the assembled pump assembly, made of stainless steel.

After withdrawing the pipe in the attic room, a hole is made passing through roofing pie. It is covered with waterproofing by the type "Cross-Low". The resulting triangles gently wrap and then fix the construction stapler. The opened crate is cut off, withsting the distance to the chimney more than 13 cm.

Right photo (red arrows) shows incorrectly made passage through the roof. The distance separating the pipe from the boards is done very small. With the right manufacturer of the edge, the fire regulator is withstanding with mineritis. The next photo shows the correct way of passing.

After the roofing flooring is made, the pipe is closed by a master flash. The corresponding skirt is made corresponding to the form of a roof.

The location of the pipe and rubber gaskets is processed by heat-resistant sealant.

Sandwich modules must be pulled by clamps. Internal chimney can also be tightened with their help.

Completion of mounting

After completing the assembly, you need to remove the protective film from the pipe. The ideal is considered the length of the chimney starting from the grate and ending with the headband within 5-6 meters. This magnitude needs to pay special attention. The sealing of all gaps and the available seams is made.

The operation is performed by heat-resistant sealant intended for the processing of chimneys. It is able to withstand the heating of the pipe more than 1000 degrees. Sealant treatment occurs as follows:

  • Internal pipes. Covered the outer surface of the upper part;
  • Exterior pipes. One outer surface is processed.

The location of the double-walled pipe with other parts is processed only from the outside of the entire circumference;

The place of combining modules and a single tube is sealed according to the last option.

After completing all the work, it is necessary to check the condition of dangerous areas to delay the temperature.

To facilitate the dehydration maintenance, the installation of a special revision is envisaged. This item has a removable part or is equipped with a hole having an opening door.

Typical errors

When the chimney is installed in a wooden house, you need to strictly observe fire safety. It is very important to properly make and process the side of the sandwich pipe through the floors made from the tree.

These places should be well protected. Usually, sheet steel is used for this, in which the holes are done. Free space is closed by non-flammable thermal insulation materials.

To facilitate the work quite often, a special finished node (PPU) is installed. With its appearance, he is very similar to the box. Its installation is done to perform certain actions:

  • If shrinkage is shown at home and its deformation, the chimney pipe must maintain its original position;
  • PPU protects wooden floors and does not allow them to fire.

When work is carried out on the installation of the chimney pipe, there is a passage of overlapping and roofing, it is necessary to comply with all fire requirements.

The best option for laying the chimney is the installation of a special Sandwich type system.

All problems appear only if low-quality thermal insulation materials were used during installation.

For example, the installation of the usual general consumption isolation instead of a special non-combustible material.

One of the options for such isolation is the basalt wool.

Sometimes it is used incorrectly. This material is able to accumulate heat. If you simply wrap it with a smoke pipe, then after 4 hours of operation, the insulation will begin to give the heat being accumulated back. Chimney will begin overheat.

To this not happen, you need to install a special steel sleeve. It must close the cutting insulating layer. You can take superimis as thermal insulation.

The sleeve must have a kind of cylinder. The height of the product should be equal to the thickness of the cutting. The sleeve will not give the opportunity to rise in temperature, and will remove the heat from the cutting.

It is very important that the micheology system is made around the sleeve, which is a air layer, a small thickness - 3 mm. The air moving around the sleeve will cool it, the result is reduced temperature.

Installing the sleeve will allow you to use the heating device for a long time without possible overheating.

Power of the chimney through roof: its significance, execution options

Heating devices providing a comfortable thermal mode in the house - this is a harsh necessity. The explanation of this is on the surface, in most regions of our country, the winter period lasts about 9 months and that is why stoves, fireplaces, etc., are installed in many homes, it is necessary to remember that such devices are the source of increased danger and there are cases When, due to the wrong chimney, there is a fire. Correctly performed the passage of chimney through the roof will ensure maximum structure of the structure.

What threatens the wrong chimney device?

Before taking a chimney through the roof, the homeowner should understand what consequences can be expected in the case of errors made at the design or direct installation.

If the roof pipe does not provide the necessary tightness, then the moisture that will accumulate there sooner or later will lead to the destruction of the brick case of the chimney. The presence of excess moisture in chimney creates favorable conditions for reproduction of mold and other malicious microorganisms. Water getting into the chimney leads to a decrease in the parameters of the insulation and after drying this material will never be restored. Everything else, as a result of errors committed during the chimney, may suffer rafters. Since the moisture that fell into the chimney can lead to the development of decoction on their surface. One of the most common mistakes in the arrangement of the chimney exit is the presence of slits leading to a violation of the air mode inside the roof.

Only a small list of troubles, which can expect a homeowner, who decided to independently perform the flow of the chimney through the roof. Therefore, it makes sense to fulfill such work to invite specialists who can and choose the place to choose, and decide which way out of the chimney pipe through the roof will be optimal.

How to choose a place to output pipes

In order to accomplish the right passage through the roof, a number of simple conditions defined by the rules must be met. The chimney tube must be placed at a distance of 1 to 1.5 m from the top of the roof. The height of the pipe relative to the highest point should be in the range from 0.5 to 1.5 m. The thrust will reach the maximum if the maximum permissible height of the pipe will be used. In general, when determining the diameter and height of the pipe, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements that determines the manufacturer of the heating device.

The chimney on the roof is a set of pipes located in vertical and horizontal planes and spent through the overlap. At the same time, the length of horizontal sites should not exceed 1 meter. The pipe outlet should be placed between the components of the rafter system in such a way that to reduce the likelihood of a significant increase in the temperature of the surrounding elements. Otherwise, prerequisites will be created to the appearance of the fireplace.

Potter for chimney pipe - when is it required?

The passage through the roof is performed in the following cases:

  • erection of a new structure;
  • holding a coaront of the roof;
  • arrangement of heating devices, including furnaces, in the existing structure.

When building a new building, difficulties with the arrangement of the chimney does not occur. All necessary solutions are laid at the design stage. Questions, how to spend the chimney through the roof, begin to appear in the case when the homeowner decides on the device of an additional heat source (fireplace, boiler, etc.). It must solve many issues related to the arrangement of hydraulic isolation and carrying out measures related to the provision of fire safety design. Of course he should know how to remove the pipe on the roof.

By the way, as an option, some rustic real estate owners are shut-off their own chimneys passing along the walls of buildings. This solution is acceptable if the installed thermal equipment operates on liquid fuel. Residents will be deprived of the opportunity to inhale evaporation emanating from fuel and its combustion products.

Consequences of passage through roof

The waters of the chimney through the roof should provide fire safety. Gases arising from fuel combustion create a high temperature in chimney, which can cause the fire elements. This is especially true of systems constructed from materials with low light resistance. So, if the carrier system of the roof is made of wood, then at the point of passage of the pipe it is necessary to mount an additional crate.

Considering, the fact that many roofing materials contain polymers that do not have high resistance to fire, the pipe must be protected by thermal insulation and the distance between it and the edge of the material that may turn around, should be at least 13 centimeters. If the pipe is not equipped with thermal insulation, then this distance should be increased to 30 cm.

The passage of the pipe through the roof is a violation of the integrity of the coating, including the layers of thermal and hydraulic isolation. If you do not provide a high-quality cutting of the roof around it, it is likely to be wetting the insulation, with all the consequences arising from here.

In addition to reducing the parameters of hydraulic and thermal insulation, the strength of the rafter design is reduced. This may happen if the smoke arrangement is performed by their own hands in the exploited building.

Conditions of the flue pipe from brick through roof

Remove the pipe through the roof in several ways. If the pipe is made of brick, then the hole must be done in the roof, the size of which should be greater than the smoke section of the chimney by 25 centimeters. If the roof material is not a fuel, then this size can be reduced. The main thing is the correctness of the flue tube through the roof.

The passage through the roof, which is lined with tiles, is additionally equipped with an additional design consisting of rafters and crates. Between chimney and wooden structures it is necessary to put a non-combustible material, as a rule, use mineral wool for this. Everything else, wood used in the arrangement of the roof must be treated with compositions that prevent their fire and rotting.

IMPORTANT! If, when arranging the yield of the chimney, it rests on the skate beam, then it must be cut, and install free ends to be installed on the vertical racks.

On the roof it is necessary to perform a metal apron, which one edge should be equipped with the chimney itself. And the other end should be hidden under the roofing material. This design is permissible for chimneys located in the distance from the skate. If the pipe is located in close proximity to the skate beam, then the protective apron must be started. At the same time, it should be fixed with fasteners and treated with moisture-resistant sealing composition.

Wiring with elastic materials

As usual, in the construction of private houses, it is necessary to deal with the installation of pipes made of metal. To ensure the tightness of the passage of the pipe through the roof, the device called is an elastic penetration. For the manufacture of this device, polymer materials are used, for example, silicone or rubber. This part is made in the form of a funnel, at the base of which a flange of a square or round shape is formed. The physico-technical properties of this part make it possible to take it the form that the scat is forced. In addition, elastic penetration, resistant to high temperatures, chemically aggressive substances, etc. The use of various pigments in the manufacture of this part allows them to produce them in different colors.

When choosing elastic penetration, the consumer must be guided by the diameter of the pipe and the color of the roof. Such parts have a funnel form or pyramid. They are suitable for most diameters of chimneys through metal tile and other materials.

Installing this detail is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to cut a hole in its housing equal to the size of the pipe diameter. Then it is necessary to put it on the pipe and using a metal ring, in which the holes are done under fasteners, fix it to the surface of the roof. Of course, the output connection should be treated with a sealant resistant to the effects of flame or a roofing chimney roof seal. For roofs with a steep slide, specially made elastic cones are used. By the way, such parts are used in the arrangement of the chimney through professional flooring.

Metal pipe

On the construction market you can find another variant of these products produced from the metal sheet of alloyed steel and intended for the output of the chimney pipe. Finished products, as a rule, are performed with a standard tilt angle of the slope. They are used for roofs, on which a flat roofing material is laid. To install this part, it is necessary to cut the hole in the surface with the roof of the required form. To obtain the opening, you can use the angular grinding machine or roofing scissors. After that, it is necessary to remove the layers of hydro and thermal insulation. From the reverse side of the roof it is necessary to fix the sheet from the material resistant to the fire, in which the hole is already done in advance.

Then, the chimney component needs to be covered in the well-done holes, docile with the smoking module already installed. The connection must be put on the connection and tighten the clamp. The outlet should be installed on the chimney pipe and secure it on the surface of the skate. At the same time, it is impossible to forget to treat the place of the joint by sealant resistant to the effects of fire. After the recent segments are installed on the collected compound, and their height will be 0.5 - 1.5 meters of work on the creation of a passage can be considered complete.

Rectangular pipe

Furnaces, fireplaces and some other, heating most often have chimneys of rectangular (square) form. To properly display the chimney, you must perform the following operations.

As the chimney fails to the roof, the hole is cut into it, the dimensions of which must have a 2--5 cm allowance, to the side of the hole. Through it, the roof will be performed. Equipped passage must be set asbestos or mineral wool. To do this, you can use asbestos sheets. They will protect the passage node, for example, through the roof from Ondulina, from fire under the action of high temperatures emanating from the chimney. After the pipe is leaving on the street. Around its foundation, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing and close it with apron, made of bent aluminum sheet. These sheets are called good items, and they must flow in color to the color of the roof.

Output box

The trim of the pipe on the roof can be performed using a special box. The roof is arranged from several types of material that have different resistance to flame exposure. And therefore, for safe output through a wooden wall to a roof, a special box is equipped. It is performed from fire-resistant material with dimensions that must correspond to the size of the chimney. The distance between the walls of the box and the separated chimney tube should be at least 15 cm.

After installing the box in its place, its upper edge is compared with the level of the roof slide. To increase its protective properties, the space between the chimney and the box is falling asleep clamzite or similar material.