Repairs Design Furniture

How to work with a dealer. Fast assembly schemes. Homemade dumping fees

Macateboards can be collected for any device. They are popular with novice electropheresters and experienced masters. They are collected with soldering and without soldering. The first durable and can be used as the main fee, and the second are more comfortable in assembly due to the exclusion of soldering works.

To start the production of any product, it is necessary to make it layout, and then, appreciating the productivity of the product and its other parameters, proceed to the release of the series. In this case, you save money and time. But the prototypes are made not only in production, they are also widely used in electronics and, first of all, this is due to the release of dummy cards.

Suppose you are going to make a new electronic device. Previously, the prototype of the bold fee was the appearance of a rectangle from the cardboard, in which the holes were made and the radio elements connecting between themselves were inserted there, and then its work was checked. If the functioning of the device occurred normally, the production of the main board began using the appropriate materials. Now the task is somewhat simplified - the market is actively sold macateboards With already prepared holes and tracks that can be found in specialized stores, for example, in this, where you can choose the appropriate option.

What bold fees are

Macateboards are made without soldering and soldering. The design without soldering is a plastic housing with numerous holes with contact connectors. Details are mounted in them. Holes are designed for wires with a diameter of 0, 7 mm. The distance between them is 2, 54 mm, this is enough to install the transistor and other elements.

Power tracks are designated blue and red lines. The number of points for connectors may vary from 100 to 2500 pieces. The principle of working with such a board is simple. You mounted B. opened holes electronic elements And connect them with ordinary wires, or buy specially prepared wire jumpers. If the scheme is collected incorrectly, then you disassemble it and install it again.


This board differs from the above option that the elements installed in the housing can be soldered. In this case, you can use it not only as a layout, but also as a real product. True, then the fee will have several large sizes. In addition, soldering structures have a lower price.

Boards with soldering, which, by the way, can be purchased on the page of the online store, have holes for wires with a diameter of up to 0.9 mm and are located in one-inch increment (2, 54mm). On the one hand, the design is located straight insulated foil lines, and the radio elements and jumpers are installed on the other.

  • Immediately cut down the fee to of the desired size. For this, conventional scissors, cutter, hacksawa are suitable. You can even just break her over holes, but then checking the edges.
  • If you are not going to use the board right now, then do not touch the places with the foil once again. Hands can be wet, which will lead to corrosion of the surface and deterioration of contact.
  • If oxides or pollution take place, clean them with zero emery paper or ordinary eraser.
  • Radio elements are installed from the side where there are no strips from foil. Conclusions are soaked in the holes and searched with back side.
  • Blue color conductive tracks denotes "minus" schemes, red "plus", and green is used at their discretion. The tracks are marked with the same side where the foil is located.
  • The most important positioning of parts occurs in a vertical position, since in this case the error will lead to an incorrectly assembled chain.

Consider that the bikes of both types can have a groove on the sides. It is necessary for those who collect big deviceconsisting of several modules. The grooves allow you to collect one large fee of several small.

Let's look at the device and the purpose of inconceptuous dump trucks. What is their advantage over other types of assembly, and how to work with them, as well as what schemes you can quickly assemble a newcomer on them.


The first problem with which the radio amateler faces is not even the lack of theoretical knowledge, but the absence of funds and knowledge of the methods of installation electronic devices. If you do not know how this or that part works, it does not prevent you from connecting it according to the electrical principal scheme, but to clearly and qualitatively assemble the scheme you need a circuit board. Most often they are made by the method of Lout, but there is not a laser printer. Our fathers and grandfathers drew fees with manually lacquer nail or paint, and then they etched them.

Here, the novice overtakes the second problem - the lack of reagents for etching. Yes, of course, the chlorine iron is sold in every store of radio-electronic components, but at first and so you need to purchase a lot of things and explore that it is simply difficult to pay attention to the attention of the technology of etching boards from foil textolite. Yes, and not only newcomers, but also experienced radio amateurs sometimes makes no sense to strive the fee and spend funds on the flawed product on the stages of its adjustment.

To avoid problems with the search for chlorine iron, textolite, printer and not get from his wife (mothers) for unauthorized use of the iron, you can practic in the installation of electronic devices on inconceptuous dumping fees.

What is an inconvenient baker?

As can be seen from the name, this is such a board on which you can collect the layout of the device without the use of the soldering iron. The mock - so it is called in the people - in the stores there are different sizes And the models are somewhat different by layout, but the principle of operation and the internal device are the same.

The dumping board consists of a plastic ABS housing, in which the connectors are located, which resemble the dual metal tires between which the conductor is clamping. On the front part of the hole housing, numbered and marked, they can insert wires, the legs of the chip, transistors and other radio components in the housings with the outputs. Take a look at the picture below, I finished it all.

On considered pCB The extreme two columns of the holes with each side were combined vertically with common tires, from which the power supply of the power supply and minus (total bus) usually form the tire of the plus contact. Usually designated red and blue stripes on the edge of the board plus and minus, respectively.

The middle part of the board is divided into two parts, each of the parts are arranged on the five holes in the row on this particular board. The figure shows a schematic connection of the holes (black solid lines).

The internal structure of the board is shown in the figure below. Dual tires clamp conductions as illustrated. Internal connections are indicated by bold lines.

Such fees in the English-speaking environment are called Breadboard for this name you can find it on Aliexpress and similar online stores.

How to work with it?

Just into the holes insert the legs of the electronic components, connecting the parts by horizontal lines among themselves, and with extreme vertical feeds. If you need a jumper often use special with thin plugs on the end, you can find them on the name "DuPont jumpers" or jumpers for Arduino, by the way, you can also insert it into such a laypete and collect your projects.

If you have not enough sizes of one dummy card you can combine a few, it like puzzles are inserted into each other, pay attention to the first picture in the article scheme assembled on two connected boards. On one of them there is a spike, and on the other notch, bevelled from the outer part to the board body so that the design does not fall apart.

Assembly simple schemes on a dumping board

A novice radio amateur is important to quickly collect a scheme to make sure the performance and understand how it works. Let's look at what different schemes look on the dumping board.

The diagram of a symmetric multivibrator is advised as the first to many newcomers, it allows you to learn how to connect the parts sequentially and in parallel, as well as to determine the base of transistors. It can be collected by mounted installation or dilute the printed circuit board, but it requires soldering, and mounted installation despite its simplicity is actually very complex for beginners and fraught with closures or poor contact.

See how simple it looks like an invisidious dummy.

By the way, pay attention here did not use DuPont jumpers. In general, they can not be found in radio markets, and especially in the stores of small cities. Instead, you can use veins from the Internet cable ( Twisted para) They are in isolation, but lived not covered with varnish, which allows you to quickly bargain the end of the cable, removing a small layer of insulation and insert in the connector on the board.

You can connect the details as you like, just to provide the desired chain, here the same scheme, but is collected slightly differently.

By the way, you can use the card marking to describe the connections, the columns are denoted by letters, and the lines are numbers.

For your designs there are such power supplies, there are plugs that are mounted in an invoking board connecting to the "+" and "-" tires. It is convenient, it has a switch and a linear low-noise voltage stabilizer. In general, you will not be difficult to dissolve this fee yourself and collect it.

That's how, for example, to check it. The picture shows a more "advanced" version of the printed circuit board with clamping terminals for connecting the power supply. Anode of the LED is connected to the power plus (red bus) and the cathode on horizontal tire Working area, where and is connected to a current-limitary resistor.

Power supply on a L7805 linear stabilizer, or any other L78xx series chip, where the XX is the voltage you need.

The collected compound scheme on logic. Correct name Such a scheme is a pulse generator on logical elements of type 2I - not. First, read the electrical principal scheme.

Domestic K155L3 is suitable as a logical chip, or foreign type 74hc00. The elements R and C set the operating frequency. Here is its implementation on the board without soldering.

On the right, the white piece of paper is a bouzzer. It can be replaced by LED if you reduce the frequency.

The more resistance or capacity - the less frequency.

But it looks like typical project Arduinshka at the testing and development stage (and sometimes in the ultimately, depends on how lazy it is).

Actually B. lately The popularity of "Bradbordov" has increased significantly. They allow you to quickly collect schemes and check their performance, as well as use as a connectivity when flashing chips in the DIP case, and in other cases, if there is an adapter.

Restrictions of invading dummy

Despite his simplicity and obvious advantages Before soldering, covertless layers have a number of flaws. The fact is that not all chains work normally in such a design, let's consider in more detail.

Overfellular dummy cards are not recommended to collect powerful converters, and especially impulse schemes. The first will not work normally because of the current bandwidth contact tracks. It is not necessary to climb more than 1-2 amps for currents, although there are and reports on which include 5 amps, make the conclusions themselves and experiment.

electrical safety

Don't forget that high voltage life threatening. Maketing of devices of working, for example, from 220 V is prohibited categorically. Although conclusions are closed plastic panelBut a bunch of conductors and jumpers can lead to a random closure or electric shock!


The worsening fee is suitable for simple schemes, analog circuits that do not prevent high requirements for electrical connections and accuracy, automation and digital circuits that do not work on high speeds (Gighellians and dozens of megahertz are already too). At the same time, high voltage and currents are dangerous and for such purposes it is better to use mounted installation and printed circuit boards, while the newcomer should not be made of attachments of such chains. Element of beamless dummy plates - the simplest schemes up to a dozen elements and amateur projects on Arduino and other microcontrollers.

There is a factory dotting fee of this type:

She does not like me for two reasons:

1) When mounting, the parts have to constantly twist there, to first put the radio metal, and then solder the conductor. On the table behaves unstable.

2) After dismantling the holes, the solder remains, before the use of the board you have to be considered.

Searching on the Internet different kinds Macateboards that can be made with their own hands and from available materials, I came across a few interesting options, one of which decided to repeat.

Option number 1

Quote from the forum: « I, for example, have been using here such homemade dumping fees. Collected from a piece of fibercristolite, in which copper pins stuck. Such pins can either buy on the radio launch, or make a 1.2-1.3 mm with a diameter itself with a copper wire. Thin thin pins are too much, and thicker take too much heat when soldering. This "mock" allows you to repeatedly use the most shabby radio elements. The compounds are better to make a wire in fluoroplastic insulation MGTF. Then one day made ends enough for life. "

I think that this option will suit me the most. But the fiberglass and finished copper pins are available in the presence, so I will do a little differently.

Copper wire mined from the wire:

I cleaned the insulation and with the help of a simple limiter endowed the pins of the same length:

Pin diameter - 1 mm.

As the basis of the board took Phaneur thick 4 mm (the thicker, the stronger the pins will hold):

In order not to suffer with markup, scotch absorbed a rated paper on the phaneer:

And drilled holes in step 10 mm Drill diameter 0.9 mm:

We get smooth rows of holes:

Now you need to score the pins into the holes. Since the diameter of the hole is less than the diameter of the pin, the connection will turn out to be lathe and the pin will be tightly fixed in the plywood.

When clogging pins under the bottom of plywood you need to put a metal sheet. Pins are clogged with light movements, and when the sound will change, it means that the pin reached the sheet.

So that the fee does not ride, make legs:


Makement is ready!

In the same method, you can make a fee for surface mounting (photo from the Internet, radio reception):

Below for completeness, I will give a few suitable designs found on the Internet.

Option number 2.

In the cutting board, the stationery buttons with a metal head are clogged:

It remains only to raise them. Copper buttons will be poured without any problems, but with steel.

Hello everyone. Today we will talk about an invokorak dump or about they call her bourgeois. This fee, if you can express it, is included in the list. mandatory instrumentsWhat should be an electron-made (whether it is a young brainchik, which only makes the first uncertain tags or a buried and who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who had everded life).

Knowledge of what bold fees are, how and where such tools use, will help you when developing and commissioning own projects Various electronic homemade.

The first boards looked like this:

Based on attached metal rackswhich were later fixed (simply wounded) wires and contact conclusions of elements.

It is good that technical progress does not stand still - because thanks to its influence we can use these wonderful tools.

In contrast, the invading dumping board can be set this (they are significantly cheaper and manufactured based on the necessary parameters).

However, when installing on an invoking card, you will not need a soldering iron / solder. In addition, you will avoid difficulties associated with the split parts on the board surface.

Rule good toneYes, and common sense, there has always been prototyping electronic circuits. It is important to know how the device will behave with certain defined parameters, Before assembling the finished device.

In addition, using an invaric board, you can check the performance of new components and radio components.

Consider the structure of the covert

Let's look at the drawing of the board. It consists of rows metal plates (rails).

The rail in turn consists of clamps, in which the installation of the "legs" of radio components occurs. All 5 holes in the row are connected together.

Now reverse our gaze to two vertical / horizontal bands (depending in what position is it), which are located separately (along the edges) are the power plates. All sockets of one long plate are connected to each other.

Central groove isolates the side of the board. The width of this band is fixed by the standard. It allows you to install DIP chips in such a way that each output is installed in a separate rail and allows you to connect up to 4 external conclusions.

Boards caused alphabetic and digital sequences. The designations data help navigate the components to eliminate the erroneous connection (which may end the inoperability of the circuit or failure of individual parts).

Also release fees that are manufactured on separate supports with special clamping terminals. They are used to connect the power supply to the board.

If you drew attention on some boards there are special grooves and protrusions (they are located on the sides). With their help, you can combine fees and create working surface of any size.

Also on some boards on the back of the self-adhesive basis.

The figure shows the "Washing" board from Arduino.

If you got a board with terminals in your hands, you need to connect them to the lines on the batch with the help of conductors (jumpers). Terminals are not associated with any line. To connect the wire to the terminal, remove the plastic cap and place the end of the wire into the hole. Install the cap back. Usually used two terminals: for food and for Earth.

Now it remains for small, connect the external power source. This can be done with:

  • jumpers;
  • "Crocodiles" or ordinary wires;

  • power stabilizer modules, which are produced under inchespace.

Thanks for attention. The continuation should be 🙂

When developing a new design, it does not make sense to immediately perform installation on the printed circuit board - it is enough to collect all the details in the temporary scheme, to test the tests and "on the fly".

In this case, invaluable assistance is provided by the bold fee, which is described in this article.

Types of Mackety Plasteps

Exists a large number of species of dumping boards (or mounting boards), but they all divide into two groups:
Macateboards for soldering.

There is also interesting option - Boards for mounting cheating. However, this method is not too common today and we will not talk about it.

Device of a dummy board of this type is simple. Its base is the plastic case with large quantity holes on the upper plane. In the holes there are contact connectors for installing parts. The connectors allow the installation of contacts and wires with a diameter to 0.7 mm, the distance between them is standard 2.54 mm, which allows you to install transistors and chips in DIP-enclosures.

The connectors are connected to each other in a special way - in vertical lines of 5 pieces, also on many boards there are dedicated power bus - the connectors are connected to the entire length of the board (horizontally), and are indicated by blue (-) and red (+) features. Physically connectors and tires are made in the form of metal contacts inserted from the reverse side of the board, and the protective sticker closed.

There are insidious dumping fees of different sizes - from 105 to 2500 or more contact points. For convenience, the coordinate grid can be applied. Many fees are arranged by the type of designer - several pieces can be collected in one large fee, which allows you to prototype design modules.

Printed Macateboards

Such fees are arranged in analogously printed, but for the only difference: there is a mesh from the holes with a distance of 2.54 mm (with or without contact sites) in the dumping board (with or without contact sites), or standard drawing (for example, under the maquetting of devices on chips), or even Other immediately. And there are unilateral and double-sided fees.

Printed and invarious dumping fee: how to use?

Installation on a dumping board without soldering comes down to installing parts into the connectors and connect them with jumpers (special or homemade). In this case, it should be remembered that the connectors in the strings are connected and the error can lead to a short circuit.

How to use a package for soldering to explain no need: it is enough to insert parts into the holes, and soldering them to connect them with each other and with jumpers. But the soldering should be done carefully, since with frequent overheating, the contact pads and tracks are peeled from the board.

What kind of dead fee to choose?

The most simple in the use of the unwitting fee, so it is very popular today, and even novice radio amateurs know how to work with a battle board without soldering. In addition, the fees are durable and very reliable. Printing circuit boards are more complex in operation, as they require soldering, however they have an important advantage: it can make the final installation option on the constant printed circuit board.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to have both types of dumping boards and use them depending on the situation. Oh yes and you can buy dumpards.

With n / n Vladimir Vasilyev

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