Repairs Design Furniture

Twisted pair Excellent cable for acoustic systems. We make acoustic cable Acoustic cable from UTP Cat 5e

Cable from twisted pair

What are the varieties of acoustic cables today you will not meet in the market. Mass all possible products: copper cables, silver, thin, thick.
In a word, the choice is not easy. At the same time, the corporate cable is always expensive, because in this case the advantage is not only quality, but also a special "marketing chip".
An acoustic cable made of twisted pair can be used as a consumable material to create a correct cable that gives the clean sound. As from the twisted pair, the acoustic cable and much more will be presented in our article.

Cable from twisted pair

The cable from the twisted pair is called a wire intended for acoustics or other purposes. This very cable consists of several pairs of wires, isolated from each other in a special way.
As for the tiling of the wires, it is done for a particular purpose to increase the hindrance of the cable and reduce electromagnetic oscillations.
There are various types of cables from twisted pair (about it more below below). In the cables of category 5 and above, the pairs are twisted using various steps to prevent interference that can be associated with periodic convergence of conductors.

How to own a high-class wire using a twisted pair cable

The minimum investment of funds (good is always very expensive, remember it!) And competent following the instructions - that's all you need.
As a result, we get the right acoustic cable, which will give excellent sound:

  • We take the usual cable from twisted pair.
  • Remove the main insulation and before us 8 thin wires.

Note. Wires must be made of copper, and not from some other material. It is desirable that copper is clean, without much impurities.

  • Remove isolation from each wire, but we do it extremely carefully.
  • Now you need to get a paste "goow" (yes, yes, the one that is used for the finish sharpening of the knives).
  • Arming with a soft cloth, we apply a little paste on it and clean the copper wire. It is necessary to ensure that the wire becomes mirrored clean and very smooth.

Note. It is advisable to carry out this job in special gloves from the fabric to avoid copper oxidation.
Sterility in this case is the basis of a positive result. Otherwise, if it is (sterility) not to ensure, the whole thing can go to the pump.

  • After each of the wires are cleaned to the brilliance, you need to take the usual medical bandage, necessarily sterile.
  • We connect all the wires back and wech the bandage, and from above the tape.

What gives it

Note. You do not need to have seven spans in the forehead in order to know that the cleaner and the mirrored wire, the better the RF and SCH will be held. In other words, these are the highest and middle frequencies in the car's cabin we will get clean and without artificial gloves.

It is worth remembering that the blatant should be covered with a copper wire due to the fact that the insulation is improved. The fact is that cotton isolation has everything necessary for the rapid flow of current.
The same properties have both simple paper, which can also be used instead of bandage. As for the surface tape, which is started on top of the bandage, it only acts on the role of protection, not allowing tissue torture over time.
Such wires are always clean and high-quality sound. Fast bass, and high and medium frequencies are simply super: not artificial and synthetic, as before, and smooth and clear.

What is the Ready Acoustic Cable of Twisted Couple

If you do no time to do the cable, then let's look at the acoustic cable from the twisted pair, which is ready for sale on the market.
Note that there are many varieties. Let us dwell on the most common.

Note. From the way cable conductors are intertwined, in which configurations they are located, what screen they are protected, etc. And it is determined how good the cable is good and corresponds to the end result - to ensure good sound.

Types of cable:

  • UTP - This type of cable from the twisted pair does not have a screen. Such a cable is also called unshielded twisted pair.
  • FTP or F / UTP is a twisted pair that has a shared foil screen. This type of cable is called still shielded pair, although in general it is not entirely true.
    The screen in such cables is present, but in a simple understanding of this word.
  • SF / UTP - Again, unshielded twisted pair having a double braid. Often, such a cable is indicated as F2TP or F2 / UTP.
  • STP - shielded twisted pair, where its independent screen is used for each wire. In addition, there is also a grid on such cables.
  • S / FTP or SFTP is a foil and shielded twisted pair. Each pair is in such a special braid and has an external copper screen.

Cable Cable Cable Couples

In addition to types, cables from twisted pair are still divided into categories. They are numbered from 1 to 7 and the higher the category, the more effective the frequency range passed by the cable.
In the categories of cables above 5th more pairs of wires and natural turns per unit length.

Note. In acoustic purposes, only cables 5 categories and above are used.

Strategic and single-core cable from twisted pair

In addition, a twisted pair cable may be stranded or unwitted:

  • If the cable is single-core, then it cannot be subjected to frequent bending. Conductors in such cables easily break. Usually in acoustic purposes it is not used.
  • A stranded cable that consists of a beam of thin copper wires, much better tolerate constant bends and twisting. The braid of this cable is made of polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene.
    Most of the modern shells of the stranded cable are also covered with chalk, which increases the fragility of the shell. This is necessary in order for the cable to be easy to cut at the place of the outbreak.

Above the information relating to the cable from the twisted pair for acoustics. Locking such a cable in the cabin of a car with your own hands on a subwoofer or car machine (see) is carried out strictly according to the instructions that can be easily found on the network.
It does not hurt and study photos and video materials. The price of an acoustic cable made of twisted pair is different and it all depends on the characteristics, materials and many others, as written above.

Good day lovers of good sound! Which only do not sell wires in the markets and in specialized stores. The adhesives of the audio salons are littered with all sorts of acoustic wires of different brands, diameter and length.

Have you ever thought about why the branded, the acoustic wire is so very expensive? Everything is very simple. The fact is that this acoustic cable is already laid quite large advertising "Marketing chips" and only a relatively small percentage of technologies!

So you want a good sound for very and very little money? If so, then this article is for you!

If you are able to prepare correctly, then we will get a great sound + minimal investment of their cash.

So, let's begin, take a vitu couple to remove the most important isolation, then we get eight thin wires. The main thing is to make sure that they copper, not some iron. Yes, and such. Now carefully remove isolation from these "small wires". As soon as this isolation is removed, we take green such "gay paste" and a soft cloth and clean the copper wire. The most important condition, so that the wiring was mirror and very smooth. These work is better carried out in special fabric gloves. Otherwise there will be copper oxide. And all your work will then go to the pump. It is necessary to ensure sterility, because you make the wire with your own hands.

As soon as the copper wiring is cleaned and ground to the mirror crystal gloss. We take a simple medical bandage (sterile) and then we connect all your wires together and wech the bandage, and then covers the tape.

However, I explain why it is necessary to clean and grind to the brilliance, these copper wires from a twisted pair and grind the wire with a simple bandage.

Everything is simple: HF and the sch go on top of this copper and the cleaner, mirror and ironing these wiring, the more high-quality and without artificial fittings we will get medium and high frequencies.

Copper wires need to be covered in order to improve insulation, since in cotton isolation there is everything you need to move very quickly. (However, you can take both paper).

By the way, the tape is simple external insulation so that the bandage does not exhaust at all over time .

Good luck in all sorts of combinations!

I hope this explanation helped. Please leave comments below so that I can return to you. Do not be afraid of me and add to

Consider the method of independent manufacture of an acoustic application-oriented cable as part of a high-end path of a high-end path. The cable made by the following procedure may well save you from the need to purchase high-quality and appropriately notched industrial manufacturers. This cable was designed in accordance with numerous requests for enthusiasts, which would like to have an acoustic cable in its path, allowing to fully appreciate the advantages from using the inter-block cable, the manufacture of which is described on the pages of this site. In compliance with the recommendations of this technique, the cable made by you, comparable to its analogs of industrial production exceeding at a cost of $ 30-40 per meter and higher.

Materials and tools

First, it is necessary to prepare and take care of the presence of materials and equipment necessary for solving our task. We will need:

acute knife;
Gas lighter;
industrial hairdryer or gas stove;
heat suite tube 6mm of two colors;
coil of durable threads;
UTP / STP / FTP Category 5e cable (about it below. Read more).

Selection of conductor material

For the manufacture of an acoustic cable, we will need high-quality copper monoxilles with a diameter of 0.5mm in plastic isolation, twisted in a twisted pair. The conductors of this species are traditionally used in UTP / STP / FTP Category 5e cables (twisted pair of category 5E 'unshielded or shielded). This cable is applied installation and gaskets of cable connections of computer local computing networks and, accordingly, widely available in almost any company of the corresponding profile. The only pitfall in the choice of cable, from which we will extract the vitua couple you need, is the prevailing offer on the cables manufactured in the Asian region. These cables are usually made using copper obtained by recycling secondary raw materials and are not suitable for our purposes. Practice shows that high quality and purity copper applies mainly by the manufacturers who have proven themselves in this market mainly from Europe, USA, Australia. During numerous experiments from samples of cables produced in these countries, models or types of cables of various manufacturers were selected, the use of which is possible in the context of this article. Give this list. Cables in it are located descending the "sound quality" made of acoustic cables:

all UTP / STP Cat cables. 5e produced by Draka NK Cables (Finland);

all UTP / STP Cat cables. 5e manufactured by Belden;

all UTP / STP / FTP Cat cables. 5e produced R & M (Reichle & De-Massari AG, Switzerland);

all UTP / STP Cat cables. 5e produced by Lapp Kabel (Germany);

uTP / STP Cat cables. 5E production BICC Brand-Rex (United Kingdom), UTP / STP Cat. 5e produced by Helukabel (Germany); UTP / STP Cat. 5E European-made Alcatel (France), UTP / STP Cat. 5e not Chinese production Lucent (USA).

Necessary cable length

The manufacturer of 1M acoustic cable requires 5 stup Cat cable segments of the UTP / STP / FTP CAT. 5e 1.18m length. Those. For the manufacture of 1M acoustic cable to connect two speakers, it will take 5 * 1.18 * 2 \u003d 11.8 meters twisted pair. Simply put, the total amount of twisted pair to connect the stereo pairs of the AC is determined by the formula L \u003d 11.8 * LAK, where the LAC is the length of the acoustic cable for connecting one speaker.

Manufacturing procedure

The first thing we do is cut the UTP CAT cable. 5E on 10t segments of equal length. With the help of a sharp knife, cut the outer cable shell and remove it. In the case of a STP or FTP cable, a layer of metallized film is shown, which wrapped the conductors of the twisted pair. Inside the cable there are 8MM pairwise twisted conductors, i.e. 4E twisted pairs. Of these, 2 pairs have one step of the twist of conductors (blue and green), and the 2e one (orange and brown). For the manufacture of an acoustic cable for connecting one speakers, we take 5 stamped pairs of blue and brown and five twisted pairs of green and orange. The cable for connecting the appropriate axle and amplifier terminals is made in the form of two independent cables. We agree that at the production stage, blue-brown twisted pairs are intended to connect the terminals "-", and green-orange pairs for connecting the terminals "+".

Mortar. When removing all twisted pairs from cables and sorting them, in any way, it is necessary for no case to confuse their mutual orientation "beginning end". Assess the beginning of the twisted pair to count, its side is located on the left, if you look at the initial position of the twisted pairs before extracting them from the UTP Cat cable. 5e, while UTP Cat. 5e is focused on the inscription on the cable shell (the beginning of the inscription is the beginning of the cable).

We will proceed to the manufacture of cable to connect terminals "-". To do this, take 5 pairs of blue and brown colors and from the side that we consider the start of the cable, we combine into the bundle. Align the ends of the twisted pairs and at a distance of 8cm from the beginning of the cable tightly tie with several thick threads. We break the conductors in twisted pairs from the beginning of the cable and to the place of their ligament thread. Align each conductor. Further, all conductors are tightly and evenly in length twist clockwise, if you look from the side of the cable. The twisted conductors are dressed and moved close to their twist the thread of a segment of a heat shrink tube with a length of 3 cm. Next, the thermal tube is seated, after which the thread is removed as unnecessary. For each pre-deferred cable bundle, repeat this operation. The segments of the shrink tube of the same color are set to all four blanks (for example, blue), in the future the color of these tubes we will be able to determine the direction of the cable. After that, we have 4 of the billets, of which we will weave the acoustic cable.

Consider directly the process of weaving conductors in an acoustic cable. To begin with, take one of the billets and distribute the conductors in it in such a way that the conductors of different colors alternate. This is clearly seen in the pictures of the cable weaving procedure.

Since verbally describe the cable's weaving in an affordable and understandable form is quite difficult, I will demonstrate its sequence of photographs, which give an exhaustive representation of all the stages of this process. For ease of photographs, an example of weaving using 6 vital steam is shown, in our case, they are 10.

The cable weaving continues until the length of the shortest unprecedented cable is 8cm. On this weaving stops. The remaining unless twisted pairs are collected in the bundle and tightly bind to the thread. Next, we rinse the conductors in twisted pairs from the end of the cable and to the place of their ligament thread. Align each conductor. All conductors are tight and evenly twist clocked clockwise when viewed from the end of the cable. The twisted conductors are dressed and moved close to their twist the thread of a segment of a heat shrink tube with a length of 3 cm. Next, the thermal tube is seated, after which the thread is removed as unnecessary. The "end" of the woven cable is set by a segment of a thermoshrinkable tube of color different from the tube at the beginning of the "cable" (for example, black). Next, cut a surplus of the length of individual conductors, aligning them along the shortest.

We repeat this procedure for the remaining 3 billets.

Now on each of their cables it remains to clean the conductors from isolation. The length of the surface insulation is determined by the cable connection method to the axle and amplifier terminals, as well as the need or its absence in the installation of bananas / blades. In any case, the bare copper conductors are uniformly in length very tight (but carefully) twist together, first with the help of hands, and then with the help of the passage. It is categorically not advised to further use to disappear this twist in the future, including when installing bananas and blades on cable.

That's all right. But there remained no less responsible procedure, namely the immediate connection of the manufactured acoustic cables to the speakers and the amplifier.

Cable connection

In principal for the quality of the sound of the path using our cables, their mutual orientation is, and more precisely, compliance with the direction of connecting the cable to the appropriate terminals of the amplifier and the AC.

To do this, the blue-brown cable is used to connect the corresponding terminals "-" amplifier and speakers, and the beginning of the cable (blue heat shrink) is connected from the amplifier side. A green-orange cable is used to connect the corresponding terminals "+" amplifier and speakers, and the end of the cable (black heat shrink) is connected to the side of the amplifier. After the connection procedure, you can almost immediately assess the result of our work and change in the sound of the path. This is due to the fact that the acoustic cable made in the manner described above practically does not require time on the acquisition.

Due to the fact that the best direction of inclusion of the manufactured cable is impossible to predict in advance due to the differences in the organization of the technological process of manufacturing cables in various UTP / STP Cat manufacturers. 5e, it is recommended to check the reverse turning on our cable and choose from them the best from the point. For this, it is not enough without turning the cables to reconnect green-orange cables on the corresponding terminals "-" amplifier and the speakers, and the blue-brown to the corresponding terminals "+" amplifier and the AC.

View of the finished cable

Good luck in your endeavors. I hope that the result obtained will allow you to raise the player of the sound of your tract to a new height.