Repairs Design Furniture

The shop from office chairs with their own hands. Instructions for restoration of chairs at home with their own hands. Metal washers and bolts

, among which there are sometimes furniture items that were very useful, but outdated, and they usually change them.

But even if you bought a new piece of furniture to replace the old one, from the latter you can do something different, but no less useful.

Old chairs can be found in almost every home, and with a great desire to replace them, but still do not throw them out, since from old chairs you can make other useful things for home, garden and cottages.

For example, from the old chair you can make a towel hanger, a bench for a garden, a comfortable pet feeder and much more.

Here are the most interesting crafts that can be made using old chairs:

Alteration of the old chair with their own hands: Street shop.

For such a shop, you will need two or three stools. These chairs can paint spray-paint, and you can leave their ancient look.

1.1. If the chairs are too high, then you can cut a bit of their legs.

1.2. You can purchase special pillows for chairs. Some are sold separately (in this case, they should be connected to the line), but you can find 4 pads connected together, and cut off the excess part.

1.3. So that three stools become more like one bench, you can purchase or find two or three boards that need to be cut to the required length (three chairs length) and connect.

* If you wish, you can round the ends.

1.4. Prepare a piece of fabric, the length and width of which exceeds the length and width of the pads. Spread the fabric on the floor pattern down and put the pads on it.

1.5. From above on the pads put the connected boards.

1.6. Bend the fabric and use the stapler to attach it to the boards.

1.7. It remains to put the boards with pads on the chairs and add a few simple pillows to decorate.

New life of old wooden chairs: feeders for large dogs.

High dogs will be easier if the feeders are slightly higher, it usually concerns old dogs, which is difficult to constantly lower their heads.

You just need a tool for a pink, bowl and pencil.

2.1. Before starting to cut a hole in the chair, you must first treat it with sandpaper.

2.2. Put a bowl on the chair upside down and circle a pencil. After that, inside the resulting circle, draw a circle of smaller diameter. This can be done with a circulation or a plate of smaller diameter than a bowl.

2.3. Inside the circle, make a drill hole, from which you can start drinking a circle. You may first cut the circle of smaller diameter and check the stability of a bowl in the formed circle. If necessary, make a circle even more.

2.4. Treat the inner part of the opening of the sandpaper.

* You can paint the chair and then insert a bowl.

Wall organizer from the old chair with the back.

Sharing a chair on the details, you can create a wall hanger or organizer, as well as a convenient stool.

The back and sesidement will not be easy to separate, but then everything will be easy.

If necessary, process all the details of the emery paper and paint.

For the manufacture of a convenient stool you will need:

Tools for separating stool parts

Seat from stool

Robust fabric and filler for pillows or ordinary small pillow


Hot glue (if necessary) to hold the fabric with filler.

1. Attach the cloth to the seat using a stapler, but leave one side untouched to fill the resulting pockets for pillows.

* You can also use a small pillow instead of filler.

2. Attach the seat back to the chair, and you will get a beautiful stool.

3. For the wall organizer, hooks will be needed. After you screwed or glued (self-adhesive) hooks, the organizer can be hung on the wall in the hallway, room or bathroom (on the door, for example), where you can hang on the hooks of towels.

Alteration of an old chair in a board-menu

From the old folding chair you can make a beautiful menu board.

To do this, you will need:

MDF sheets

Sitting Tools

Schoolboard paint

Sandpaper (if necessary)

Paint or paint spray (if necessary).

1. From the MDF, cut the squares of the required size for each stool (if one chair, then, respectively, the square from the MDF one).

2. Color square MDF paint for school board.

3. Remove the seat from the chair and attach a colored square from MDF to bolts instead.

* In this example, 2 old wooden parts attached to the board, which are suitable for the boards.

4. To stand normally, you can attach a chain between them.

How to remake a chair in a hanger for outerwear

You just need to disconnect the back of the old chair, to handle its sandpaper and paint.

After that, attach the hook you need size and hang the hanger at any convenient place.

Bathroom hanger from old chair

You need the back of the chair. It can be carefully cut, handle emery paper and paint if desired.

Sita can be cut in half and use one half as the shelves for the hanger.

This shelf can be attached by bolts and special glue. To strengthen the shelf in its place, you can use corners. This stage is not required, it is suitable for those who like working with a tree.

Such a hanger can be attached to the door in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the country or in another room, where it may need.

How to remake old chairs in place for shoes

Separate his seat from the chair. If this is not possible, you have to cut a large hole, which will need to be inserted into the basket.

Find any basket (metal or plastic) and use a durable thread or wire to attach it to the chair (tied to the stool frames).

What to do from the old chair: swing

If you cut the legs of the old chair, to handle its sandpaper and paint, it can be used as a seating for swing in the country or in the garden, for example.

You will need:

Durable rope

Metal rings

Screws with an eye

Additional details if necessary.

Here is another option for swing:

Second life of the chair: Garden shelf

Old chair can be turned into a comfortable shelf for colors or storage of different garden tools.

You need the back of the chair and part (or all) sitting. Just separate the desired part of the seating (it may be necessary to freeze the legs of the chair) and attach the shelf to the wall or door.

Treat the detail of sandpaper and paint.

Shelf for drinks from old chair do it yourself

1. Find a bucket in which there will be ice and drinks. It is desirable that it be with handles that would relieve the frame of the chair.

2. Separate the seat from the chair, spire it or make a hole in the seat.

* With a solid rope, you can tie a bucket or a large bowl to the chair, if there are no pens. It is more convenient to make holes in the bucket through which the thread is doing.

The second life of the old chair: Flowerbed

For the garden you can create a beautiful flowerub, using the old chair.

To do this, you will need:

Flower pot


Sandpaper (for wood processing)

Paint (if desired)

Pasta-sealant to smooth irregularities in the hole of the chair (if necessary).

* If you want to attach to the chair a few more pots with flowers, you can use the clamp for pipes that will keep the pot or jars.

Stock Foto Clumby from old chairs do it yourself

Do not rush to throw out old furniture. You can get a real work of art with a battered life and a trained moth of the "four-legged friend", only putting a little effort and fantasy. Today you will learn how to update the old chair with your own hands to impart freshness and novelty to the home interior.

Method number 1: decoration of the stool paint

Not only a real "Starikovsky" Soviet chair, but also wooden "Vienna", and folding countrymen are easily transformed with paint.

Staining technology

To paint old chairs, you will need:

  • acrylic paint;
  • flat brushes from synthetics (separately for varnish, paint and putty);
  • gloves;
  • putty;
  • white spirit (for metal);
  • varnish cleaning agent (for lacquered models);
  • matte varnish or wax;
  • ans of small and medium grains.

Old chairs are restored by such a scheme:

  1. First of all, it is worth preparing furniture for staining: wash out, sanding with emery paper. The surface should remain a bit rough.
  2. The iron model before painting is better to deflect the White Spirit.
  3. Lacquered furniture Treat a special tool for washing varnish.
  4. All cracks and scratches on the surface of the legs and the backs are disguise with putty for furniture.
  5. After that, cover the paint the entire surface of the furniture in 2-3 layers, waiting for the complete drying of each layer. Open the product with varnish.

Interesting! If you wish to achieve an interesting effect of rubbing, then initially put the paint in the dark shade in some sections, and then cover them with wax. Paint the entire area with the desired shade of 2 layers, and then the skin with small grain through previously marked areas to "expose" the dark zones.

  • If you did not decide, in what color the furniture is not mistaken, choosing a bright white shade. This color is universal and perfectly combined with all bright upholstery materials.

NEW! Cretaceous paints are a new-fashioned type of coloring substances that are not very common in stores, but we recommend using them because of bright colors and super fast drying.

  • For staining of individual sections of the surface, use the painting tape.

Method No. 2: Trement

Restoration of old chairs with their own hands by the method of having a second prevalence reception after paint.

Interesting! Even if the Taberet has a comfortable soft seating, you can make it with my own hands.

Technology of the process of drying

To work, you will need:

  • dense upholstery fabric;
  • furniture stapler;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • meter roulette;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • overlock for processing edges or sewing machine.

The old soft chair is restored in this way:

  1. Turn over the product, putting it with sidewa on the working surface. Unscrew the soft part from the product frame with a screwdriver or screwdriver. If it is screwed not on the self-tapping screw, but on nails, then pull them out with the pliers.
  2. Measure the width and length of the seating, add 7 cm to each value, open the part of the new fabric. Treat the edges of the tissue blank on the sewing machine or overlock.
  3. Put the pattern on the work surface face down. Place her seat with an invalid side. Make sure that the distance of the future bends of the pattern was the same on all sides.
  4. Generate and fasten to the seats in the stapler two opposite bock of upholstery fabric. At the same time, stretch the matter slightly. The staple brackets are attached with a step of at least 10 cm, and the angles are not yet fixed.
  5. In the same way, do with the rest of the parties.
  6. Last but stop the corners to the center of the seat and also secure the brackets.
  7. Install the skeleton of the frame, screw the re-screws. If it was initially held with nails, it makes sense to replace them with self-draws.

  • Soft sidewa can be decorated with beautiful furniture carnations around the perimeter.

  • Pick up the upholstery matter so that it corresponds to the stylistry of the toaster. So on modern design furniture does not look a classic jacquard, and an old wooden chair with a back and patterns looks strange with an upholstery with a geometric print.

  • Often chairs look perfect if the same matter is used in their stylistics, from which curtains or curtains are sewn in the room.

The coincidence looks harmonious.

Method number 3: Tailoring covers with assemblies in the corners

The explicit advantage of the coverage of the case is that this method is much cheaper of the sleeves of the seating.

It is enough to purchase 2-2.5 m tissue, correctly make the pattern and sew.

The fabric is selected according to the principle of resistance to wear, as the products constantly experience an increased load, especially in the dining room and in the kitchen.

To sew a case on the old chair, follow these steps:

  1. First of all, you need a pattern. For measurements, raner scotch, paper or newspaper will be required.
  2. Attach a big reversal of the newspaper to a particular product detail, mark the outlines of the furniture on paper, surplus remove scissors.
  3. Prepare the second detail, and attach it to the first, sticking with a painted scotch. Fully gathering the pattern, cut it in those places where the seams will be. Thus, you will have a more or less accurate pattern for your shape of the product.
  4. Remember that you need to leave points on the seams and take into account the equity orientation of matter, especially if it is a drawing in the form of strips or large colors. Pay special attention to the back. It happens that for the recreation of accurate bends you have to paint a separate part along its side part. If you do not have a goal to transmit all of the delights, it is enough to make a wide allowance of 5-7 cm on the side cut of the back.

Important! It is better not to make a cover on the back very narrow, otherwise you simply can not wear it onto the high chairs. Cry the back is wide or unfolded, then put in a fold, and take a back beautiful bow. If you like the "stretched" case, then in one of the seams install vituya zipper.

Method number 4: decoupage chair paper

Alteration of old chairs do not always require cardinal changes. Sometimes a new chair from the old one will turn out if you disguise small defects, scratches and stains with original fashionable print or beautiful patterns.

Decoupage will help you. Take:

  • multilayer napkins with the desired print;
  • pVA glue;
  • a couple of tassels;
  • scissors;
  • matte transparent varnish;
  • roller

To make the original design furniture from old chairs, stick to such an algorithm:

  1. Clean the furniture, paint as it is said in the method number 1.
  2. Separate the top layer of napkins with a pattern, cut out the desired size fragment from it.
  3. If you want to change the entire decor of the old chair: from the back to the legs, it is chaotic brush the napkin on the pieces of 10x10 cm.
  4. PVA glue abundantly lubricate the desired place of the future decor. Make a carved piece of napkins on the desired section of the furniture, crumple it with a tassel with PVA residues, removing bubbles and smoothing the folding roller.
  5. The top layer of PVA should be as thin as possible. Leave it to dry out for a day.
  6. In the end, cover the entire surface of the furniture with a transparent varnish in 3-4 layers, allowing everyone to dry.

As you can see, remake the old chair is not so problematic as it may seem at first glance.

Creative decisions of furniture decor

  • In order for the old stool to get a challenge of vintage, you can paint it into a pink, blue or cream tone. Golden or silver paint is useful for mural. Over all, apply for the entire area of \u200b\u200bvarnish cracker. The effect of antiquity is created by small cracks from varnish.

  • Old stool will save upholstery from multicolored straps. Bind them according to the "Basket" principle, and fix it with self-draws.

  • Allow your children to show creativity with acrylic paints. Cover the result of varnish. You will not only get designer furniture, but maybe a future family relic.

Now you know how to renovate the old chair, turning it into an exclusive thing for the singer of penny. If you have other ideas of modernization and restoration experience, share with readers in the comments.

Video: Restoration of the old chair

If you discovered that an old chair was completely strained, do not hurry to throw it away. Often old furniture items carry pleasant memories of people and events in your family's life. And what kind of sin to hide? Previously, the furniture was done on the century ...

Do not rush to throw away the old chair. If you update it upholstery, you can get a stylish, beautiful and durable piece of interior. A renovated chair may well listen not only to you, but also to your children. And we will tell you how it can be done!

How to update the old chair? Preliminary cleaning

To begin with, the surface of the chair must be cleaned of the old coating, whatever it is. If there is a soft upholstery of the seating, it must be previously removed. To do this, it will not necessarily need "Male Strength". Try turning the chair with legs up, and you will see that the seat is fastened with screws from which you need to get rid of. To do this, it is necessary to arm a hammer (to knock out the seating) and scolding (straight or cruciform).

Now you can proceed to remove the old coating. To do this, you can take advantage of the usual "sandpaper" of different grain or grinding sponge. It is important to span the surface of the tree. This will help you easily apply the selected coverage in the future. It is worth saying that this work is not from the lungs. But there is a possibility to a little simplify the process, periodically moistened to the treated surface. So, you can get rid of dust.

Just do not be afraid that the old varnish is becoming viscous. This is normal. After the chair is completely dry, it is necessary to completely polish the entire surface with small "sandpaper".

How to update the old chair? The process of stages

Now it all depends on your imagination. If you decide to cover the surface of the chair with varnish, then you need to use the colorless primer so that the texture of the tree is clearly visible through the protective layer. The layer of primer will have to use anyway, even if you decide to paint the chair in the future.

The fact is that the paint is better and serves longer if the surface is pre-primed. Varnish must cover the surface in two layers. It is important that the first layer is good to dry before applying the second. Varnish can be brought with a tassel or spraying it on the surface.

Cancel chair can be in any color. Now very fashionable is the white furniture. And the upholstery of the seating can be chosen contrast. To date, there are many ways to show originality, for example, to use stencils. Let it be flowers or any other ornament.

Another way to cover the surface of the chair is a beeswax balm. The surface is also pre-sketched and ground with olifa, then covered with a thin layer of balm with a cloth. Twelve hours later, the surface is polished with a brush.

Now you can proceed to the restoration of the upholstery. Old it is necessary to delete. Previously, she was attached to the seat with the help of ordinary nails. From the foam rubber will also have to get rid of. It is necessary to carve out a new one by old standards. The fabric needs to be cut with a bent margin. Material for upholstery can be the most different: both special fabric for upholstered furniture and ordinary flax or tight cotton. Bashed cloth better than a furniture stapler. But if you do not have this, do not be discouraged. You can use conventional nails, having a hammer. It is important to remember that the material must be well stretched from all sides.

Now the seat can be inserted into the former place and fasten with screws.

How to update the old chair with a cover

There is another way to update the old chair to use a case. It can be made of any fabric, the fracture of defects and disadvantages without major intervention. The case can be with a variety of ruffles, ruffles, bows, tassels ... You can make several options: a festive option and everyday. Show fantasy! Do not rush to throw out old furniture, try to become a designer, we are sure that you will succeed!

How to update the old chair. Decoupage paper

Is there a dream to decorate a chair or disguise the flaws of the type of scratches and cracks? It is easy to do, taking advantage of decoupage. For this, any paper with print (journal and newspaper pages, napkins, posters, cards, etc.). Figure the drawing is needed by PVA glue, and to cover with a transparent varnish.

Decoupage cloth

Another way to update the old chair will decoupage with the material. "New" chair will last for a long time. If suddenly, threads will be eased along the edges, they can be handled the PVA or trim.

Other ideas

Multicolored straps will be able to save the old chair. Just need to be overwhelmed like on a basket. Make a vintage chair will help pastel paints and drawing in silver or golden color. From above, cover all varnish crews.

Give the freedom of fantasy to the child. Let him draw a chairs, and you simply cover his creativity with varnish.

How to update the old chair? Photo

In many houses, if you search, you can find one or more chairs from natural wood, which have already come out of use, but not lost their strength. The furniture that has served his term is still useful if you find a worthy application. For example:

The upper part of the chair is a finished base for hanger-hangers in Chiffiode. It will only take a hook for which it can be hung on a special rod in a wrapping department. We heat the back at the desired height, and in the center of the upper crossbar we screw the hook, which can be borrowed from broken plastic shoulders or twisted from thick wire yourself.

Chair is a ready-made scene of a swing. We remove the legs and the remaining part hang on the cables or chains. Since this thing is not cleaned under the canopy, the wood needs to be protected by special paint from swelling.

Methods of manufacture are invented several. You can put a few chairs in a series and put onto the board on their seat, it turns out a long bench with the back. Two chairs, or rather, their backs with the rear legs are easy to turn into the sidewalls of the future shop, and from several thick boards to form a seat. And if you connect the chairs at an angle, then you will get a great option for the arbor.

Here you can show all your fantasy, because any part of the chair easily turns into a comfortable and beautiful shelf. The easiest reception is to remove the legs and use only the seat and back, simply attaching the product to the wall at a right angle. The front legs with a part of the seating are just as easy to turn into a shelf-hanger.

Rocking chair

It will take 2 stools, one of which (with armrests) will become the basis, and the second one will serve as a polish. To do this, you need to find the so-called "Vienna" option that the rear legs bent are one with the back. So they will become poloz.

Its base is a wooden box, which is painted in suitable color, and insert a large pillow inside. From the parts of the chair, they decorate the headboard and decorated the foot. In this way, you can get functional and elegant furniture for the cat, dogs and other pets.

Dogs of large veterinary breeds are not recommended to give food on the floor, special supports are used instead. The product from the pet shop will no longer be cheap, but from the old chair you can make a stand for envy. Just spill the legs to the desired height and ready.

Prompt! It is more convenient not to put a bowl on the seat, and insert in a specially suited hole to a slightly smaller diameter than the feeder.

The model without a back is easier - we use the seat with shortened legs as the basis, and the clap of the bells of the curved legs of the Viennese chairs. For an elongated version with the back, one more chair will be required.

Tip! Distribute the project on paper, indicating the size of each part, it will help not be mistaken during the sawing "raw materials".

To get a beautiful result, you will need to show the talent of the decorator and the restorer. The seat is removed completely, and a spacious drawer is inserted into the rim instead. From above it can be closed with a tabletop of glass or plywood, making fasteners on furniture loops. The back is tightening with a soft cloth, which will allow you to use it with benefit, for example, to put the organizer for the smallest detail.

We make a similar way and make a bedside table, that's just the back is no longer needed. It is beautiful when the wood is carefully sanded, toned and covered with varnish. Such a bedside will become a true decoration of any interior.

Support for flowers

Very decorative looks of wood with decorated with threads with legs and back, if you remake their seat in a box or pot holder with flowers. The easiest way is to remove the seat, leaving the exterior rim to insert the inward box, but you can cut the hole of the appropriate size when the chair is unclear. The back will serve as the basis for fastening the holders in which I insert the cachep.

You will need curly legs from the chairs already used for different crafts, and another piece of plywood suitable size (for example, 50x40 cm). Phaneur can be painted, covered with varnish, and if desired, it is not difficult to apply the decoupage technique, taking a beautiful napkin as a decor, illustration from the magazine, etc. Crepim (nails or self-drawing) along the perimeter of the plywood leaf at the right angle of the legs of the chairs - 4 in the corners, and the rest distributed to about an equal distance from each other. The top is looking for the same legs (you can make up slices).

Prompt! If all the legs are different - it is even good, as a result, it turns out a unique thing!

There is a chair, strong and durable, but boring. Decorating it in the technique of decoupage. Decor will serve anything: colorful napkins and clippings from magazines remaining contour cards from school times, their own drawings on fine paper, etc. We sand the smallest sandpaper all the surface or only its part (seat, back) to achieve smoothness. We glue the decor with the help of PVA. Cove the product with a transparent furniture varnish. Ready!

This technique is good when we have a big photo, but for disassembly there is a children's chair, which has figured parts not so large as ordinary chairs. Of these, we collect a rectangular frame that is easy to bore with minor furniture cloves or even PVA glue. The backdrop makes from thick cardboard, and fasten on the curved cloves. It remains to nourish the loop and you can hang!

The back in which there is a crossroads in the form of a grid, or the central part is a leaf of plywood with perforation - this is a great base for the holder. It can be hanging next to the toilet table, pre-paint in a similar table color - the real set will turn out.

Nowhere to smash the flower, and the soul asks flowers? Not trouble, any chair is a finished flower bed in the corner of your yard. We put the chair in the selected place, take out the seat and insert a plastic box or a tube instead of it (so that water does not flow during watering). The flower bed and from metal chairs looks worse, and the plants are better to choose flowering ampel-type.

Sidushka from a wooden chair is a ready whiteboard on which you can write with chalk, and if you paint it into a dark color, then the inscriptions will be visible better. Behind you feed the loop for hanging on the wall, and in front of the bottom - the speech on which we will lay chalks.

A practical side of a narrow shelf will be released from the shortened topping tops. It is convenient to place the bottles with drinks. The side will not accidentally brush the glass container to the floor.

Such a design is good when the places for storing shoes are small, and the accumulated pairs of shoes and a lot of shoes. We turn the chair to the organizer. Build a box, where you can put shoes vertically. In the legs, the back and sidewall seats screw the hooks to which the shoe can just hang.

Tip! The more beautiful accessories to use in work, the more beautiful there will be a ready-made result!

In any house there is furniture, which looks no more attractive, but also to throw it sorry. Old chairs were fastened enough to listen not to one generation of one family, so they perform their own functions on "Hurray." This, however, does not mean that it is necessary to sacrifice its modern interior and fill it with its old widespread things, from which the past century believes. In order to save and at the same time not to lose in the beauty of the situation, it is worth only to take up a few tips capable of completely transforming old furniture without much effort.

1. The easiest option

In order to update the old furniture, it is required primarily desire. And inspiration and beautiful result will be attached. The simplest lifehak that can be offered to update furniture as a whole in a good state - it is anew to cover it with varnish. To do this, you first need to remove the old coating using sandpaper and thoroughly pollute the surface of the tree so that the new coating is well and for a long time. After cleansing the chair, it needs to be washed and dry, but only then to open with a transparent or sample varnish with a brush.

Interesting information from the site: The first prototypes of the chairs with the back appeared in ancient Egypt. The very first traces of this object of furniture, which were found by archaeologists, date back to the 3rd millennium BC. At first, the chairs were simple on the device and were massive bodies of a cubic form. After establishing contacts with neighboring Asia, more sophisticated chairs with carved legs and pillows began to appear, metal stools and folding chairs with leather seats. First, the backs of the chair did not exceed 10-25 cm, which was useful for the back, but not as comfortable as in later times, when the chairs began to be obstaciously: especially the ancient joiners tried in the manufacture of troons for Egyptian pharaohs.

2. Color matters

Restoration of furniture can be carried out not only when it is old, and at the moment you need to update the surrounding environment. For example, a new wallpaper is picked up in the room, a new carpet appeared or the doors have changed, and the furniture does not fit into a new picture of the interior. Either may simply want to change the situation without much costs, then the painting of the chairs is one of the best options. The new bright color, imitation of antiquity or the update of the wood structure will help completely transform the room, just bought a jar of suitable paint.

3. Option for cottages or living room

Where are the old furniture items, if not on a landfill? That's right, at the cottage, where they are no longer so beautiful and comfortable live their century, trying to bring at least some benefit. So why not do the stay of the chairs and their owners more joyful when it takes a little effort? Several unnecessary chairs can easily be converted to a comfortable terrace shop, gazebo or an open holiday facilities in the garden. To do this, it is necessary to connect the furniture frame together by removing the top upholstery, and then build a common seat from the covered board.

Another option will be simpler in performed. Configuring the chairs with nails or screws with a connecting plank, you can make a comfortable shop or a mini-sofa with a back.

An important role in the new invention plays the color combination of charges and wooden parts, as well as comfort, which can be achieved with a few stitched or purchased pillows.

4. Pattern

You can easily update any furniture. If you add a harmonious pattern, which will be beautifully combined with the environment, the interior will become more cozy, individual and special. All that will be needed for this update: suitable stencil, paint and varnish for finishing coating. The pattern can be applied with a brush or sponge, which more carefully cries the small details.

5. Original solution

Those who are not afraid of complex tasks, you can recommend Lifehak in eco-style. You can completely change the old stool and give it a new life, instead of the usual backrest and seating, making a beautiful weaving. To do this, first get rid of the old parts, and then fasten the small hooks for the rope or special harness. It is necessary to choose a durable material that can withstand the weight of any sitting. And then, fixing the rope and binding among themselves, make the desired pattern.

6. Creative approach

When updating furniture, it is advisable to go beyond banal solutions. Having done a two-or-three chair, you can achieve unexpectedly beautiful and original solutions that will become a real highlight of the interior and give him individuality and special charm.

7. Heat and comfort

You can update furniture with chic, bright colors or special comfort. This lifehak refers to the category of the latter. Simple fabric upholstery is beautiful, but not so original and originally as a handbook.

Beauty is often expressed in detail, so when updating furniture and it is worth paying close attention. The renewal of the back can be made not only by the cloth, but also a bright lacing, which will add paints by any atmosphere.

9. More comfort

Old wooden chairs can be made more attractive and comfortable if you add new cushions to them on the seat. They can be bought and secured with ties or make themselves using filler and beautiful material.