Repairs Design Furniture

How to choose the most reliable chimney. Ceramic chimneys of Russian production Ceramic chimneys in a concrete or stainless shell

Ensuring fire safety and eliminating the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning are the main tasks in the arrangement of the smoke removal channel. Most masters that establish heating equipment are not engaged in laying pipes, leaving these care to homeowner. Without experience and knowledge, it is difficult to figure out how to qualitatively mount the channel of smoke removal and understand which pipe to choose for the chimney. This article will tell how to make the right choice.

When it comes to the classic variant of the chimney pipe, first of all, the masters are called a brick option. The first furnaces and fireplaces invented by the person were supplied with smoke removal channels from this material. For the manufacture of the pipe, an burned outfit brick with high heat resistance is used.Brick chimneys possess the following advantages:

  1. Aesthetics. The chimney pipe from the red chimney brick looks expensive, elegantly and presentable. She perfectly decorates the roofs of luxury mansions, cottages and modern town houses.
  2. Fire safety. Perhaps the main plus brick is that it protects other materials better from the occurrence of fires.
  3. High heat resistance. Brick perfectly tolerates high temperature, without losing its operational properties. Brick chimneys can be used even for furnaces and fireplaces operating on solid fuel, in which the temperature of the outgoing gases is 500-700 degrees.
  4. Long service life. A well-laid brick tube serves at least 50 years, and the correct care and maintenance extend the "life" of the chimney to 100 years or more.

Important! Weighs a lot, so for the construction of the pipe from this material it is necessary to pour the foundation that is not associated with the main one. The cost of pouring concrete increases the cost of installation. The brick channel of smoke removal is the most expensive option, however, over time, these costs will pay off.

It is better to trust the experienced master from the brick, since a person without experience is difficult to choose the necessary diameter that supports the force of thrust necessary to maintain burning.

Ceramic chimney

Lately, chimney masters are actively implemented, differing from classic bricks. They are ceramic pipes up to 3 m long, light blocks with a hole are supplied with the complex with them, the diameter of which corresponds to their size. Compared to other materials, ceramics has the following advantages:

  • High heat resistance. Ceramic pipes "lock" the heat, emanating from a mixture of smoke with combustion products inside, without giving external blocks to heat up. Therefore, they are considered the most secure and reliable. Ceramics chimney does not require additional thermal insulation due to the high heat thermostability.
  • Resistance to moisture, corrosion and aggressive chemical compounds. To use ceramics for the structure of the chimney began, noting how the inert material is. Pipes from it serve at least 50 years, without requiring special care.
  • Easy assembly. Set the chimney from ceramic pipes, in contrast to the brick, you can independently. The main thing is to correctly choose the diameter of the challenges you are going to use. For installation requires reinforcement bars and cement mortar.
  • Universality. Due to the variety of ceramic products, it is easy to choose the right diameter to connect to the introductory pipe of the heating device. Therefore, chimneys from this material are used for all types of furnaces, fireplaces, gas boilers and boilers.
  • Ease of care. The inner surface of the ceramic pipe has a dense, smooth structure, which does not accumulate soot. The chimney of their ceramics is easy to maintain, as it does not require frequent cleaning.

Important! The weight of the ceramic chimney is slightly smaller than brick, however, he still has a significant burden, so it also requires a separate foundation separately. It is better to mount the smoke removal channel before the construction of the roof and the beginning of the interior decoration. It is suitable if the channel configuration is strictly vertical. The complexity of this option is that after completion of the installation work, it is impossible to remake the pipe or increase its diameter.

Stainless steel chimneys

The most democratic variant of the smoke arrangement is the use of stainless steel pipes. The set for the assembly of the smoke removal canal consists of direct-like elements, swivel knees, tees, condensate and revision collections. Stainless steel chimneys are convenient to use for self-assembly, as they do not require the fill of the foundation. Experienced masters I advise the following options:

Note! The cost of components for assembling the stainless steel smoke removal canal is lower than ceramic and bricks. Various types of pipes are perfectly combined with each other, so you can make combined channels. Single-mounted pipes are used for laying indoors, double-circuit - outside, and flexible - in places of pass through overlaps and turns.

Video instruction

Ceramic chimneys have many advantages, which allows them to be used to drain the combustion products from the heating system of a private house or cottage. Installation of construction from ceramics occurs quite simply and even unprofessional.

Where is this chimney?

Ceramics is a fairly high-quality material for chimney, so it can be used for the following types of boilers:

  • on solid fuel - firewood, coal, coke, pallets;
  • for fireplaces and stoves;
  • on liquid fuel;
  • for gas boilers.

When choosing a chimney pipe from ceramics, you need to pay attention to the temperature in which temperature it can work. There are models that are intended for heating systems with low-temperature boilers, where the temperature of the combustion products is less than 200 ° C.

Advantages and disadvantages of chimney from ceramics

Ceramic chimneys have a large number of qualities that benefit from them among other similar products on the market:

  • suitable for different types of heating systems;
  • can effectively work under the influence of high temperatures;
  • pipe from ceramics is resistant to corrosion;
  • it is easy to install this system, because this material is well handled. If necessary, you can cut it, drill, grind;
  • resistant to fluorine compounds;

Installation instructions for ceramic chimney

  • not destroyed after the ignition of soot in the pipeline for the removal of combustion products;
  • ceramic pipe can accumulate heat, which makes it possible to use it as an additional source for home heating;
  • this material does not miss moisture and atmospheric precipitation inside the heating system;
  • the high density of the walls of the pipeline eliminates carbon monoxide into the room;
    The ceramic pipe has a fairly smooth surface, which will allow gases to freely leave the heating device outward.

Chimney from ceramics has a long service life - at least 30 years.

An extensive disadvantage of this material is its increased fragility. The finished design is heavy, which awakes its installation. Also during the installation you need to draw a lot of additional work, which increases the costs of material resources.

Constructive features

Ceramic pipe for chimney has a multilayer design.

It consists of such elements:

  • inside there is a pipeline of ceramics;
  • the next layer consists of reliable heat insulation. It is performed from two halves, which reliably envelop the pipe;
  • durable casing of concrete or other reliable material;
  • reinforcing elements that create a tougher and reliable design.

Also in the package of ceramic pipeline should include special devices that protect the system from atmospheric moisture and from wind.

Also additionally, items may be provided for installation and smoking to the boiler or furnace.

Varieties of models

Ceramic chimneys may have a different shape and design of the inner tube, which directly affects their functions:

  • cylindrical;
  • with perforated surface;
  • cylindrical, which is equipped with a reference plane;
  • with faceted surface;
  • equipped with chamfering;
  • with a corrugated surface;
  • have curly ends.

Features of the installation of ceramic chimney

Installation of ceramic chimney includes the following steps. Preparation of the foundation. It is an installation of the base of the chimney, a special tee, which directly connects to the heating device, and a specific container for collecting condensate.

Assembly of the main pipeline

The final stage, which provides for the installation of additional elements for the effective functioning of the system.

To arrange a chimney, it is possible to use elements of different lengths that are connected with each other with a heat-resistant solution.

Installation of the chimney pipeline is reduced below.

Step-by-step installation instructions

Prepare the foundation for the chimney, which should be strictly horizontal.

To cement-sandy solution, install a special module, with which the chimney pipe will be connected to the heating device.

Prepare an acid-resistant solution for seams from a special powder. Make all the strict instructions so that the composition well brings the part of the pipeline and it did not crack during operation.

Set a tee for a prepared base using a cooked solution.

Increase the pipeline in height. At the same time thoroughly scroll by sealant. Do not allow the placement of seams between the elements of the system in the overlap.

Increase the pipeline in height. At the same time thoroughly scroll by sealant. Do not allow the placement of seams between the elements of the system in the overlap. Install heat-insulating plates, and then make an installation of external blocks.

The pipe for the removal of combustion products from the heating system is suitable for special heat-resistant plasterboard. You can also use cement-chipboard. Arrange the outer part of the chimney, if it rises above the roof more than 1.5 m.

Implement the part of the pipeline, which is located outside the building. You can do it with brick masonry, tiles or slate.

How to secure the pipeline for the removal of combustion products?

It is best to produce the fastening of the pipeline with the help of steel plates with a diameter of at least 10 mm. It can also be done using the finished reinforcement complex that provides the manufacturer. It must be mounted in already existing holes in concrete blocks, after which it is fixed with a freshly prepared cement milk.

The outer tube can be strengthened with a reliable metal corset from corners and tapes. You can also make additional concreting with the reinforcement of the entire ventilation channel, ranging from the base.

Ceramic structures, like other types of chimneys, should be taken out of the roof on a certain height, depending on the placement of the point of the pipe output. It is necessary to prevent the roofing pie to prevent the roofing cake. This distance should be at least 500 mm for a scope roof and 1200 mm for flat.

To ensure the efficient operation of the heating system, do not set the chimney with a height of more than 5 m. If the pipeline passes through the unheated room, be sure to provide additional thermal insulation. To securely fix the pipe, use special clamps that need to be installed every 2 m.

Ceramic chimneys are an excellent option to ensure efficient operation of a different type of heating system. If the maintenance of the pipeline is correct and constantly monitor its condition, it will last for many years without overhaul.

To do this, twice a year check the craving in the system and clean the inner surface of the chimney.

It is also necessary to constantly monitor the tightness of the seams and, if necessary, apply a heat-resistant solution to problem areas.

Video: video instruction on the installation of ceramic chimney

Each country house, which is heated by a gas, liquid or solid fuel boiler is mandatory with a chimney. Brick, stainless steel, ceramic and asbestos-cement pipes can be used as a chimney material. Ceramic chimneys to date best solve the problem of outputting the combustion products of recycled fuel.

They exceed brick and metal gas ducts in all indicators, and with asbestos-cement pipes, ceramic chimney should not even compare. After all, asbestos smoke channels are dangerous from the point of view of all fire and sanitary standards.

Composite elements of ceramic chimney

Ceramics chimneys are a design consisting of 3 elements. Smoke channel structure:

  1. The inner layer is a ceramic pipe for chimney.
  2. The middle layer is thermal insulation material.
  3. The outer layer is a protective concrete shell.

Ceramic chimneys are conditionally separated by several parts. The device consists of such elements:

  1. Foundation.
  2. Main part.
  3. The headband, which goes on the roof of the structure.

The main bodily part of the device must be equipped with such elements:

  • Tee for connecting to heating device (boiler, furnace, fireplace);
  • Revision for viewing and cleaning;
  • Ventilation grille.

Ceramic pipes for chimneys from above are equipped with an umbrella headband or a deflector to protect against wind and atmospheric precipitation.

What is the main advantages and disadvantages of ceramic pipes

Ceramic pipes for chimneys are made of refractory clay. There are several different variants of devices, which allows you to choose the optimal option, both for high-temperature and low-temperature boilers.

The ceramic pipe for the chimney has the following positive characteristics:

  • Resistance to the effects of high temperature;
  • Resistance to temperature differences;
  • Immortality of corrosion;
  • Strength;
  • Density that does not allow gases to penetrate through the walls;
  • Warmth;
  • Low roughness;
  • Long service life;
  • Easy installation.

Chimneys from ceramics have a high cost. It is the price that is the main disadvantage of this type of device.

In addition, to the number of shortcomings, you can enroll:

  • High weight design, which requires a mandatory foundation;
  • The possibility of mounting is only in a vertical position.

Varieties of chimneys from ceramics

Chimneys from ceramics are implemented as a finished three-layer structure, where basalt or mineral wool enclosed in a stone shell is used as the insulation.

Chimneys from ceramics are the following types:

  • One-way;
  • Two-way;
  • With ventilation valve;
  • Without ventilating valve.

Basic requirements in the height of the design

There are requirements for the height of the design for smoke channels from ceramics. So, the size of the boiler to the mouth of the pipe should not exceed 5 meters. However, it should not be forgotten that traction also depends on the pipe height. The height of the gas plant over the roof is determined on the basis of the following rules:

  1. On a flat roof, the height is 1.2 m.
  2. On the pitched roof, with the remoteness of the chimney from the skate at a distance less than 0.5 m, the elevation should be 0.5 m from the skate level.
  3. With distance from the skate of 1.5-3 m - the height should be equal to the line of the skate.
  4. When remotely from the skate, the distance is more than 3m, the height is allowed not lower than 10 ° from the line of the skate over the horizon.

During the construction or overhaul of the country house, it is inevitable to solve questions about the choice of chimney. It is necessary to provide quality combustion products during the operation of the furnace, a fireplace or boiler. If only traditional structures folded from bricks were used in the houses, today the market can be found a lot of interesting and practical proposals. However, ceramic chimneys are characterized by the most competitive properties.

Most often, the company engaged in the sale and installation of pipes for chimneys, offer their customers a choice of three species, differing among themselves primarily with the material:

  1. Brick;
  2. Ceramic;
  3. Steel.

Brick chimneys are considered a traditional solution, since this material is used for the manufacture of pipes for a very long time. However, the non-uniform structure of the surface, gradually leading to the formation of the surplus of the soot and the "blockage", gradually reduces the demand for brick chimneys when erecting houses.

Stainless steel chimneys belong to modular solutions, that is, they are easily and quickly mounted, universal and do not require additional work during installation. However, there are no temperatures above 550 degrees, which does not allow them to use them to remove some gaseous combustion products.

Ceramic chimneys are practically devoid of flaws. They are distinguished by a huge species diversity, that is, they find the widest application when arranged homes.

Ceramic chimneys are becoming increasingly popular in the construction of houses due to the complex of unique properties.

Advantages of ceramic chimneys

Ceramic pipe for chimney differs in the following excellent performance:

  • Resistant to sharp temperature differences;
  • Able to withstand heating up to 1000 degrees;
  • Does not be corrosion;
  • Resistant to deformation;
  • Easy to install;
  • Universal - suitable for all types of boilers, stoves, fireplaces;
  • High gas containers;
  • Waterproof;
  • Perfectly accumulates heat, that is, slowly cools;
  • Resistant to fluoro compounds;
  • Not subject to condensate;
  • Features a smooth surface of the internal surfaces;
  • Has a service life of up to 30 years.

Important ! Ceramic chimneys are recognized as the safest construction among similar solutions.

But there are no products without "shortcomings." For ceramic products, disadvantages are increased fragility, high weight and necessity of additional work during installation. However, it is worth noting that the advantages outweigh the minor cons of ceramic pipes.

Ceramic chimneys can be mounted both outside and inside buildings.

Construction features

The structure of the chimney has several elements that are located as follows (from the center to the outer edge):

  • Cylindrical ceramic pipe;
  • Thermal insulation, which consists of two halves and is easily enveloped around the pipe;
  • Concrete shell - a stone block in which the main design is placed;
  • Reinforcing rods whose task is more tightly consolidated and give it additional rigidity.

In addition, the elements must be present in the kit to install on top of the finished chimney. Their task includes:

  • Accumulation of excess fluid and its removal;
  • Protection against wind and atmospheric phenomena;
  • Ensuring the possibility of maintenance pipes and cleaning;
  • Connect to the boiler.

Important ! In order not to go in the cold months to rise to the roof for the service of the chimney, it is recommended at the installation stage to provide additional "doors" through which inspection and cleaning of the pipe will be carried out.

The standard structure of the ceramic chimney consists of a pipe, insulating material and a stone block.

Basic principles of installation

After purchasing and delivering all elements of the future chimney, it is worth checking their integrity and completeness. After that, you can move to the installation process, carefully holding the manufacturer's instructions.

Installation of ceramic chimneys is lowered upwards. Stages are carried out in a certain order:

  1. Preparation of the base, which is the base of the chimney, the container for collecting condensate, a tee for connecting the chimney to the boiler system, a fireplace or oven and a tee for inspection and cleaning the internal space.

    Important ! Branded ceramic tees are distinguished by high cost and are often supplied only by special order. It is possible to replace them with metal analogues that are available in all specialized stores.

  2. Assembly of the main system of ceramic pipes.
  3. Assembling the final kit.

It is worth noting that manufacturers offer pipes of different lengths, and more often the buyer stops at a universal value in one meter. An objective reason for this choice is less work on the connection of elements and relative savings when purchasing. However, when the installation itself, problems may begin, since it is an important condition for high-quality assembly is the careful smoothing of the connecting sealant along the inside of the pipe. In order for the exemplary to perform this work on meter pipes, it is necessary to purchase a suitable diameter piston in advance designed for such manipulations.

The correct parameters of the chimney output device on the roof

Also, the installation of ceramic chimneys implies a clear observance of resolving indents relative to other elements of the house under construction.

For the height of the chimney over the roof of the house, the parameters must be the following:

  1. For flat roofs - at least 120 cm;
  2. For pitched roofs:
  • when the pipe is 1.5 meter from the skate - the elevation of it at least 50 cm;
  • when the pipe is located 3.0 meters from the skate - not lower than its level;
  • when the pipe is loaded more than 3.0 meters from the skate - not lower than the imaginary line, which is located below the level of the skate by 10 degrees relative to the horizon.

Important ! Often, roofing materials are used for the manufacture of roofs, characterized by high burning indicators. In this case, it is necessary to raise the ceramic smoke tube above the line of the skate by 1.5 meters.

The height of the ceramic chimney pipe is strictly regulated

Phased installation of ceramic chimney

So, we turn directly to the process of installing the ceramic chimney:

  1. We prepare the base. The main requirements for this stage is to provide a strictly horizontal level surface.
  2. On the base with the help of a cement solution, we establish a module, which will continue to connect the ceramic chimney to the main system of the fireplace or boiler.
  3. We prepare a solution for seams. This is an acidic composition made from a dry mixture of a special sealant. The proportions of dilution with water is usually one to seven.
  4. We install the tee module and seal joints using the prepared solution.
  5. We mount the rest of the straight elements of the structure of the chimney. Do not forget to thoroughly wash the seams with a solution.

Important ! It is necessary to avoid the junction of the chimney pipe into the preventive places with plates of overlapping. If it is not possible to avoid this, it is worth taking care of additional insulation with non-combustible materials.

Installation of ceramic chimney It is better to entrust professionals that know all the features of the installation technology

"Secrets" of experienced masters

Like any difficult work, the installation of chimneys with the use of ceramic pipes is distinguished by its features:

  1. The overall height of the chimney should exceed the figure of five meters.
  2. When erecting a wooden house, it is necessary to take into account the future shrinkage, otherwise the structure of the chimney may be damaged.
  3. Shakes All ceramic pipe connections must be available for inspection.
  4. When the ceramic chimney is passed through the unheated premises (attic) it is necessary to take care of additional insulation.
  5. Ceramic tube must be attached to walls and corner discharges with clamps.
  6. Pipes on the roof of the house, the height of which is more than 1.2 meters, must have an additional element of fastening in the form of stretch marks.

In addition, ceramic chimneys require twice a year of compulsory services, which includes:

  • Checking all elements for tightness;
  • Checking traction;
  • Cleaning from the soot of the inner surfaces of pipes.

Planned cleaning of chimney

Only a professional approach

If some work in the house under construction can be carried out independently, then this type of activity must be commissioned only by professional builders. Too many nuances who are not known to lovers, you need to know and take into account at this work. Any one that made a mistake can not only destroy all the established structures, but also to create dangerous situations for the life and health of people living in the house.

Ceramic chimneys installed by professionals is a cozy and safe warmth in a new house.

From the correctly made system of smoke-mindedness of the fireplace, it depends: whether it will smoke during the cross, quickly go to working capacity, and it is also good even in rainy weather. Not all chimneys are equally able to ensure the performance of the fireplace equipment. If we consider all the heat engineering characteristics, it can be concluded that ceramic chimneys for fireplaces are best suited.

Can I connect the fireplace to chimney from ceramics

Camoticinal chimneys from ceramics provide sustainable traction and almost complete absence of condensate. The main task of the smoke system is the removal of combustion products in full, as well as the prevention of smoke from entering and the smell of Gary to the room. Ceramic chimneys are successfully coping with all these tasks.

It is not always the connection of the ceramic pipe will be the best solution. The opinions of specialists regarding the choice of the smoke system, depending on the type of fuel used, are as follows:

  • Gas fireplaces - for this equipment, the production of low temperature flue gases is characteristic. The optimal solution during the operation of the gas fireplace is the selection of a warmed sandwich tube.
  • Coal equipment - in the process of burning coal, a large amount of thermal energy is distinguished. The smoke response system in this case should withstand constant heating in 600 ° C and short-term (when burning soot) to 1000 ° C.
    Brick chimney meets all these requirements, but has one drawback - a slight service life. Preferences should be replied to the fireplace to the ceramic chimney in the ceramzite-concrete blocks.
  • Wood fireplaces - in the process of burning firewood, the so-called "white smoke" is distinguished. As a result, a large amount of condensate is produced, even with a warmed chimney. The pipe used to drive smoke should be acid resistant capable of withstanding high heating. According to these properties, ceramic pipes for fireplace chimneys are the best solution.

Pros and cons of ceramic chimney by the fireplace

Ceramic pipes, as well as other smoke systems, have their own positive and negative sides that need to be considered when choosing. You can select advantage:

As minuses, you can allocate:
  • The high weight of the design is a pipe from ceramics, with the exception of some modifications, enclosed in blocks, which only increases the weight of the structure. Before installing, you will need to make a foundation.
    In wooden houses, as well as in frame buildings, it is recommended to use light block-ceramic chimneys. The design of lightweight pipes can be installed on a wooden base or a specially installed mounting pad.
  • High cost - compared to sandwich tube, the cost of the design is higher than at least twice.
  • Complex installation - Mount the ceramic chimney blocks must be extremely neat. The jokes are processed by a special sealant. Blocks are fixed using a heat-resistant glue-based adhesive solution. Mandatory is the subsequent finish of the ceramic chimney with tiles or heat-resistant plaster.
Despite its shortcomings, the connection of the ceramic smoke system is the optimal solution. Upon the condition of competent and qualified installation, you can level the existing shortcomings.

The main features of installing a fireplace with ceramic chimney

Correct the fireplace properly with your own hands is quite difficult, but in the presence of certain technical skills, it is quite possible. But before proceeding with the installation work, you will need to take into account several important nuances, as well as the features of the design of fireplace floors and portals.

Additionally, the necessary diameter of the ceramic chimney is calculated, the pipe height, and the decision is made on the internal or outer installation method.

How to connect the fireplace furnace to ceramic chimney

Installing a ceramic chimney next to the fireplace for connecting to the furnace requires compliance with special conditions. Installation is carried out as follows:
  • The choice of pipe diameter depends on the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Manufacturing a construction project - Only typical solutions are specified in the operating instructions, but depending on the characteristics of the building, an individual project may be required.
  • Calculation of chimney from ceramics for a cast-iron fireplace with an open or closed firebox is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers. The technical documentation indicates the minimum parameters: recommended thrust, indents and safe distances. All requirements are mandatory to compliance.
  • Installation is carried out from the furnace - for starters, the docking unit of the ceramic chimney with a fireplace is connected. Next, the rest is recruited. The node is often made of stainless steel, with a minimum thickness of 1 mm.

Connection and further installation of chimney is carried out without the diameter of the pipe. The horizontal portion of the pipeline should not be longer than 3 m.

How to connect a fireplace portal to chimney from ceramics

To establish a ceramic chimney for an embedded fireplace firebox, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the heating equipment. Usually portals are manufactured with top connection.

Ceramic chimney is set to the fireplace and connects to the smoke system with a stainless pipe or a special corrugated pipe made of heat-resistant steel. When connected, it is necessary to ensure the impossibility of condensate condensate to the furnace, using the condensate collector installation.

What brand to choose chimney from ceramics to the fireplace?

Ceramic pipes offers only several manufacturers in the domestic market. Products of the following companies are most popular:
  • - German manufacturer, which is the European leader manufacturer of ceramic chimneys. The guaranteed deadlines for the operation of the Schieedel smoke-minded system for at least 50 years.
  • - Another manufacturer from Germany. Tone company is particularly popular thanks to the special lightweight design of chimneys produced on the basis of the plant. The outer shell of TONA systems is made of stainless steel.
  • - In wooden houses, it is recommended to install the Ultra Duplex EFFE2 smoke units. A special design allows you to simultaneously connect several fireplaces at once, combining them into a single network.
  • - The company has developed a whole line of ceramic chimney intended for connecting precisely to the fireplace portals and topboxes. In the design of the pipes HART managed to take into account all the nuances of the operation of fireplaces.
  • Ecoosmose - the basis of products is the use of isostatic and glazed pipes. Lightweight concrete blocks are used as the top layer, substantially facilitating the overall ecoosmose design.

Some manufacturers of fireplace portals are directly recommended for connecting chimneys of one of the listed companies. Otherwise, you will have to independently choose a ceramic pipe based on the parameters specified in the documentation.

Answers to frequent questions about chimneys for fireplaces

During the operation of ceramic chimneys, a certain number of different opinions accumulated, allowing the overall picture of the expediency of using these systems. As practice shows, the majority of buyers choosing chimney ask the same questions. Some of them were asked to answer representatives of specialized assembly brigades.

What chimney is better for the fireplace - stainless steel or ceramics?

Connecting the fireplace firebox to ceramic chimney is the best solution due to the following aspects:
  • Lifecycle - ceramics will serve at least half a century. The service life of the stainless steel will be no more than 20-25 years.
  • Specifications are stainless pipes, under the influence of high temperatures, over time, deform, which is especially critical for the joints. The tightness of the connections is gradually lost. Ceramics is deprived of a similar drawback.
  • Stainless steel chimneys differ from ceramic, heat engineering characteristics. Even with the use of high-quality thermal insulation, condensate is still produced in steel pipes than in ceramics.

Chimney for the fireplace - brickwork or ceramics?

Chimneys for fireplaces made of ceramzite-concrete blocks have a design with something resembling brickwork. Brick is also made of clay, able to withstand high temperature. The weak place of masonry is often seams between bricks. Ceramzit blocks are deprived of this shortage.

Lifetime of masonry with preservation of the system tightness of 7-10 years. The design of the ceramic chimney for the fireplace is designed for operation for half a century.

Is the ceramic chimney of the soot clog?

Sale in smoke is formed when burning solid fuel. In the process of smoking, soot settles on the irregularities and roughness of the inner contour of the pipes.

Maximum suspended soot brick chimney. After a few years of operation, the inner circuit of stainless steel pipes also begins to delay the soot.

Ceramic trumpet, even after time, retains the perfect smoothness of the inner walls. Although soot and accumulates in a small amount, to score by it ceramic chimney is problematic.

To maintain performance, just once in 1-2 years burn a special briquette containing chemicals that ensure maximum cleaning.

How to prevent sparks from a ceramic pipe

A spark gradder is installed on the tube's headband. The device is a grid with small cells. After installing the oppressive, the intensity of the thrust does not change.

The sparkingman prevents the emission from the chimney of burning soot and prevents the roof fire. PB rules require to establish a device when arranging bitumen and other combustible roof types.

Some nuances of choice and connectivity will be able to take into account exclusively specialists who have experience in conducting installation work. Installing ceramic smoke systems is recommended to trust professionals.