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How to make facing bricks. We choose a facing brick for lining house brick. Types of bricks for facade facing

Facing of facing bricks always attract admiring glances. Each developer knows: Little to build a strong wall. They need to be separated by such material so that it helps to get a triple benefit right away: he insulated, strengthened and decorated the building. This requirements fully corresponds to facing brick. It is able to reliably protect the external walls and increase their carrying ability.

Brick, designed to finish facades, are called differently:

  • facing;
  • facade;
  • facial.

All this is the same material that has the properties necessary for high-quality decoration of the building. Of these stones, the outer layer of the wall is built, which directly contacts the environment and is experiencing all its adverse effects. Therefore, special requirements are presented to the technical characteristics of these products.

Depending on the type of materials used in the manufacture of materials and method, there are several types of facing bricks:

  • clinker;
  • ceramic;
  • hyper pressed;
  • silicate.

These products have different operational characteristics, but there is one general time: they can all have a traditional form of parallelepiped or figure. Second type bricks are called shaped. For each of the options, there are its production standards that all manufacturers hold.

Traditional bricks are:

  • single;
  • half;
  • thickened;
  • double.

Each of the listed products may be full or hollow (empty). Second-type stones can have a different shape of holes and their different amounts.

Shaped bricks are impressive with their spectacular appearance. With the help of these building stones, you can realize the most original ideas of architects and designers.

Manufacturers offer shaped bricks of the following types:

  • trapezoid form with beveled ribs;
  • twisted;
  • wedge-shaped;
  • with a facial surface (under the crusted or natural stone).

The spectacular appearance of figure stones largely depends on the method of decorative processing of their surfaces.

Three technologies are used:

  • glazing;
  • toping;
  • angodie.

For lining the facade of a residential building are more suitable for Ageled bricks. They have a matte surface and thanks to the production method have a lower thermal conductivity coefficient. Angodic technology provides for the applied to the stone-raw of an additional clay layer. It is he who makes the product more "warm."

Alfo Bricks

Glazed bricks have a glossy surface. Color range of such stones is very wide. Glazing can be applied in two ways: on raw or finished product. Regardless of the methodology, the quality and appearance of the product will be the same.

Treading is the process of application on the front surface of the brick of mineral crumbs. After the roasting product acquires a beautiful embossed texture. Such stones are often used to underline the architectural elements of the building: arches, entrance group, window openings, eaves.

Ceramic brick, torcotted by mineral crumb.

Pros and cons clinker bricks

Clinker is one of the best representatives of facing bricks. Interdependent characteristics such as water absorption and frost resistance, he has height. These stones are able to withstand up to 300 cycles of frost-thawing (frost-resistant coefficient F300). But thermal conductivity is quite high: 0.7 W / (m * ° C). Durability - not less than 100 years.

Among the features of this material the duration of its masonry. This is associated with a low water absorption coefficient. The stone slowly absorbs moisture from the solution, so working with it requires a certain skill.

The minuses of this material include the fact that even in one batch of clinker bricks often encounter products of different shade. This greatly complicates the masonry process and increases the construction time. The workers have to choose the color identical on the color and most beautifully distribute on the wall of those whose shade is darker.

Clinker brick requires masonry for special solutions. The cost of these compositions is high, as well as the price of the material itself. There is a possibility of masonry on cement-sandy solution, but you need to know the recipe for the preparation of the mixture and be able to work with it. On the usual solution, the clinker brick "floats".

Price for clinker brick

Clinker brick

Pros and cons ceramic facing bricks

Ceramic brick is distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors. The undoubted advantage of these products is ecological purity. At first glance, these stones look fragile due to a large number of emptiness. But this is a deceptive impression. Ceramic bricks have high strength.

The main minus of these stones is the error in the shape geometry. This complicates the masonry process, as it is necessary to check the compliance of the size of the stones. Another disadvantage is the limestone inclusions, which subsequently absorb moisture and begin to stand out on the wall surface with their more rich color.

Price on ceramic brick

Ceramic brick

Pros and cons of hyperpressed brick

The composition of hyperpressed brick includes a seven, cement, special additives.

The advantages of the stones of this type:

  • perfectly smooth geometric shape;
  • the same dimensions of all the products of the same type;
  • variety of color scheme;
  • compliance with processing (easy in sawing);
  • high strength 150-300 kg / cm2;
  • water absorption 5-6%;
  • frost resistance F150;
  • a wide range of shaped models.

Hypersed brick has practically no shortcomings. The minuses include high weight (4.2-4.4 kg), which affects the cost of transportation and complexity of masonry.

The price of hypercasted brick

Pros and cons of silicate facing brick

Silicate brick is distinguished by the correctness of forms and high strength. Among the advantages of this facing material, the ability to withstand high temperatures, ease of processing, high sound insulation characteristics, acceptable price.


  • high thermal conductivity, which increases with moisturizing;
  • high weight (single 3.3-3.6 kg, one and a half - 4-4.3 kg);
  • monotony color gamut;
  • high coefficient of moisture absorption;
  • lack of shaped models.

Price on silicate brick

Does the hollow facade brick buy?

The peculiarity of the majority available at the price of this species is that they have the highest possible amount of emptiness. This is caused by the peculiarities of manufacturing technology and the desire of manufacturers to save. With the same purpose, they (manufacturers) often make only two ribs of the product: one spoonful and one stalk. But such a decision is justified, since the stone is facing only one side. Dimensions and shape of voids can be different, respectively, the weight of bricks is also different.

The facing layer is usually thin. Since it is a stone of a porous structure with a variety of voids, the front layer does not receive sufficient heat from it and is often hypocheated. This leads to the appearance of microcracks. They penetrate water, which periodically freezes and pulls off. The wind and the rays of the sun are contributed to the process of destruction. All this leads to the sad for the consequences. Therefore, it is often possible to see the facades, the front brick of which is partially destroyed.

The disadvantage of such building stones was the first to understand Europeans. They decided to reduce the width of the product and enhance its facing layer. Such material today is called "EUROKRPICH".

What is it good? A small width (2 times less than that of standard stone) allows him to quickly freeze. The adjacent wall transmits heat and thereby helps to stabilize the temperature of the facing layer.

We conclude: when choosing a hollow facing brick, you need, first of all, pay attention to the thickness of its wall with the face layer. The thicker it is, the more durable stone.

How to check the degree of water absorption of bricks when purchasing it

Not always information communicated by the building materials store manager is true. The point is not in the desire of the seller to deceive the buyer, but in the fact that it operates with the data transferred to him by the manufacturer.

The competent owner comes to choosing a building material extremely responsible. He will definitely ask about all the characteristics of the product stated by the manufacturer. For such a buyer, information will be useful on how to choose a facing brick according to the degree of water absorption.

You need to put all those products that were selected for comparison. Each of them is applied a small amount of water. You can use a spoon or any other subject suitable for this purpose. Next, they are watching how fast the building stones absorb water. Make conclusions and make a decision. You can navigate to the table.

Table. Moisture absorption of different types of facing bricks.

If there is an opportunity, you need to know whether the factory has the processing of the front layer of bricks with a hydrophobizer. If so, it is necessary to clarify what exactly. Most modern hydropobicators are manufactured on a paraffin basis. The surface treated with them has a water-repellent property. But simultaneously with this plus the product acquires two minuses at once.

  1. The vapor permeability of the facial layer of brick is reduced. Moisture, which comes out of the inner premises of the building through its external walls, meets the barrier - layer of the hydrophobizator. For this reason, condensate accumulates in stone.
  2. Closed paraffin pores do not allow water to leave the brick. Therefore, after laying the stones on cement-sandy solution, the level of their humidity increases significantly and remains there for a long time.

In addition to paraffin, there are imported hydropobicators made on the basis of chemicals. But because of the high cost, they are rarely used by brick manufacturers. Hydropobic facades - the process is important and necessary. But it is impossible to be held in the first year after the completion of construction. It is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the stones after the masonry.

Video - facing brick for the facade. Which to choose?

Facing brick facade options

Any project of a public or production building is compulsory includes a detailed description of the facade device. Architects and designers often use facing brick to make the structure of individuality.

A privately owned private house can independently choose a finish option and thereby realize his dream, not other fantasies. In this difficult case, serious help will provide information on the types of facing brickwork and the most successful combinations of color and textures.

The main reception that is used for the design of the facades is a color selection.

Two options are possible:

  • the use of a colored masonry mixture contrasting or harmoniously combined with the color of facing bricks;
  • use of building stones of different colors; In this way, you can emphasize the main lines of the building (arches, eaves, moldings) or allocate entire sectors.

There are many ways of decorative masonry. Each of them is originally original and is able to decorate the building.

Selection by color when designing facades

Types of facing bricks

When choosing a masonry pattern, you need to focus on the architectural style of the building. It should be noted that the fence, the gate, the entrance group of the house must be a single ensemble.

Frequently used reception of facades - underscounted by color or texture of angles and window openings.

Underline the color or texture of corners and window openings

At the same time, different types of brick dressings can be used, which creates an additional decorative effect.

Harmonious combinations of various types of masonry allow you to create a series of ornaments that make the appearance of the house in unique.

If you use a facing brick with a rough texture, the house will find a deliberate brutal view.

Brick with rough texture

The use of shaped bricks of different types and size allows you to build spectacular decorative lines. The design of the facades can be the most different. A variety of colors, textures and types of facing brick allows you to make a house beautiful and cozy.

Laying of facing bricks

The facade cladding technology is practically no different from the masonry of the usual ordinary brick. Practically the same requirements are presented to the process and quality of work. The difference in the type of laying and the form of the binder used.

But the facade finish is facing brick - the task is not easy. It requires the skills of masonry and knowledge of the nuances of working with each type of this facing material. In addition, the artist must be extremely neat and perfectly own all necessary for masonry, tools.

Most often in the process of facing facades use:

  • trowel (the most convenient length of the blade 18-19 cm);
  • hammer-kirk;
  • mortar blade (for applying and distributing a binder on relatively large squares);
  • fishing (needed to give the masonry seams of a beautiful form);
  • devices for control (containers, gentle cords, rule).

Types of facing masonry

For finishing facades, the most spectacular types of brick laying are chosen.

  1. Track. In this type of masonry, each row consists of bricks laid "spoon" and is shifted relative to the previous one or ¼ brick.
  2. Blust. It is performed by alternating the ranks, in one of which the brick is laid with a "spoon", and in the next - "twitch".
  3. Cross. It is a type of block masonry, but is performed with a displacement in each 2nd row on ½ brick. As a result, a cruciform pattern is obtained, in which each "spoons" from above and is surrounded by one "twitch".
  4. Gothic. One of the complex facing masonry, which requires the accuracy of bricks offset. Consists of alternating rows of "spoents" and "tychkov". In each next row, the "spoon" shift is performed on the length, and the "Vault" on ½.

Facing Masonry Technology

Step 1. Preparation for masonry per solution. Before putting bricks per solution, always perform the "dry" masonry.

It is necessary in order to:

  • determine the required number of building stones;
  • pick them in size and color;
  • determine the desired number of brick halves;
  • determine the location of stones when designing corners and openings.

During the arrangement of stones on the base, labels are made, which serve as a reference when laying per solution. At this stage of work, cutting bricks with the help of a grinder equipped with a stone disk.

Step 2. Preparation of the solution. The solution for facing masonry brick differs from the standard in that it is necessary to make only a sacred, preferably river, sand. The proportions for cement-sandy solution Standard: 1 part of the portland cement brand is not lower than M400, 3 parts of sand, water, plasticizer, coloring pigment (if necessary). The consistency of the binder must be sour cream. From a properly cooked solution, you can roll a soft ball.

Step 3.For masonry of the first row, the following steps:

  • determine the highest point of the base;
  • the waterproofing coating is placed as a reinforcing grid;
  • install, focusing on the labels made during the "dry" masonry, two angular bricks;
  • stretch between them the thread so that it indicates the height of the row;
  • perform the laying of intermediate bricks, following the seam between them the same width (optimally 8-10 mm);
  • in order for the brick to get into place, he is povered with blades;
  • for alignment and decoration of seams, use the extender.

Step 4. Figure masonry. To dress a facing masonry with a carrier wall, metal anchors are used, which are powered into the wall at least by 10 mm. Perform additional reinforcement of corners and openings of reinforcement rods. Anchor is installed in a step of 2-2.5 bricks. Brick are laid in accordance with the pattern of masonry.

When performing facing work, it is necessary to ensure that the cement-sandy solution does not pack the facial surface of building stones. If cement falls on it, it needs to be removed by dry rag. Every 4-5 rows of facing masonry wipe the wall with a wet rag.

Video - facade facade brick

The facade is a business card of any facility, because it is for him that everyone will judge the tastes and preferences of the owner of housing. The right and attractive finish of the facade is able to change the external perception of the house, make a noticeable even modest and small house. To date, manufacturers of building materials offer different materials and options for design facades. However, despite the abundance, the best option was and remains a brick.

The facade made of brick masonry will decorate not only the house, but also emphasizes the unity of the house with the landscape. Brick is a material that combines both rigor and elegance. Thanks to its practicality, it can be used both when finishing at home and cottage, baths or commercial construction.

Advantages and disadvantages

A number of advantages:

  • Long service life. Brick - material with high level of strength. It is racks to the effects of natural factors, loads that are imposed on it. The material is not corrosion, rotten, resistant to temperature differences and high humidity, and therefore guarantees a long service life.
  • Environmental safety, as the material is natural, is made of natural raw materials.
  • Fire safety. Brick is not amenable to burning, self-burning is impossible, and this is a positive moment when choosing a material.
  • Soundproofing. Many prefer silence, move away from the city fuss and be alone with them and their thoughts. It is in a brick house that you can afford it yourself, because thick and massive walls absorb most of the noise.
  • Easy to care. Brick is easy to wash, its service will be as simple as possible and comfortable.
  • Large designer potential. With the help of bricks you can make attractive homes for every taste. With the help of bricks, you can open new faces and capabilities.

Much advantages, but also do not forget about the shortcomings:

  • Price. The value of the material is high enough, so not everyone can afford it. It is worth noting that the cost is justified, since the service life and the absence of the need to carry out repair work is justified.
  • Improving weight. To use bricks, laying a powerful foundation, the construction of durable walls.
  • Heat content. Brick warms well, so you have to carefully think about how the house will be heated, you will have to build a high-quality system of heating, as well as take care of good thermal insulation.

Ways finish

Overall 4 types of finishing with such materials:

  • Facing brick.
  • Decorative brick.
  • Copying PVC panels brick.
  • Professor imitating brick.

Professional flooring and plastic panels - affordable options for finishing the facade of the building. Materials imitate brick, have a similar surface, but they are not practical, they are easy to damage, which means the life is small.
The use of decorative and facing bricks will be more popular. The latter is most often applied, as it has a large color palette. Facing brick can be like white, or red and sunny yellow. For connoisseurs of classic style, it is best to use brown brick, which will betray the house of "dear" species. The dignity is not only in choosing a color, but also in the type of surface. Now there are three types: imitation of stone, chopped and smooth surface. When finishing the facade of the building, you can use both one type and combination thereof.

Brick types used to finish the facade

A natural brick is considered the best option for the facade, as it gives the appearance of the home of sophistication. However, aesthetic appearance is not the only parameter to which you need to pay attention, so you need to know about other types of bricks, their properties.

Silicate brick - inexpensive and simple externally, but has high-quality heat insulation. This kind of brick is easy to work, its installation is performed quickly, so it can be carried out independently. An ideal option will be a double silicate brick having a facing lining.

Hyperpressed brick - made of limestone and seven, its price is an order of magnitude higher than the previous option. This kind of brick has a richness of sizes and colors, and a long service life and frost resistance justify its cost.

With the help of ceramic brick, you can create an original facade, because it is attractive externally. This type of brick has different surface textures, is one of the popular options, as it transforms even an inconspicuous home to a refined and expensive construction.

Selection of color and style

With the help of a properly selected color, you can transform the house, change its perception. Due to the wide selection of brick materials, you can choose almost any shade of bricks. Recommendations of specialists in choosing a color palette:

  • If the roof, windows and doors of the house are brown, then the facade is better made yellow.
  • For minimalism, it is better to use white color, to make a black roof.
  • Red and brown color is better to use for classic style houses.
  • Combining dark and light shades is suitable for masonry in the style of "Melange".
  • With the help of dark and light bricks, you can make a "frame" that highlights the entrance to the house.
  • It is necessary to take into account not only the color of the brick, but also its texture.

Due to the wide selection of colors, species and textures, you can create unique facades, which will be sustained according to a specific style.

The most popular styles that prefer the use of bricks when finishing the facade:

  • Romanesque. The building must be massive, have impressive walls, arches and colorful decor. Externally, the house should resemble the ancient Roman fortress, the brick will be at the same time an ideal assistant and an integral part when finishing the facade.
  • Gothic. Very popular style preferring brickwork. Several types of bricks are used for decoration, a combination of both different colors and textures or species of this material is recognized here.
  • Baroque. The house, screaming about luxury, will not be able to do without bricks. It uses only the most expensive and bright types of bricks that can emphasize the wealth of the house, the consistency of his host. Often brick combine with wild stone.
  • Not an aging classic. Such a house will create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere, a combination of red and white bricks is used for finishing the facade. The shape of such a house will be standard, and the roof of brown. The facade here is most simple, does not have any excesses or abundance of the decor.
  • High tech. This style and design of the facade is suitable for those who like to be extraordinary, express themselves and their "I". A natural brick is used to finish the facade, however, it is necessary to combine it to maintain it with decorative glass or metal inserts.

Brick is reliable and durable. This material looks attractive and presentable. But brick walls have one significant disadvantage: thermal conductivity. Even a relatively warm ceramic material is well carried out warm and not enough protects the building from the cold. In our climate, it will be necessary to build walls with a thickness of 64-90 cm to ensure sufficient thermal resistance. A more rational option will be the manufacture of outer walls of the building from other materials with insulation and cladding. How to look a house with facing brick? It is not difficult if you know the technology and nuances of work.

The house covered with brick looks overhau and presentable, it is protected from wind and other unpleasant weather events. This option is used for both houses from light concrete and wooden.

How to choose a facing brick for home

Before putting the house with brick, it is worth carefully choosing the material. It is important to pick up cladding not only on the cost, but also by technical specifications and properties.

Most often in construction use ceramic bricks. This material has sufficiently good (compared to other types) thermal insulation indicators. The disadvantage in this case will be high hygroscopicity. The technology implies the use of both ordinary serial material and a special facial.

Ceramic brick is simple, durable and unpretentious in operation

In the first case, it is strongly recommended to perform the processing of the outer surface after laying by hydrophobic composition. Facial brick does not need such processing. The processing composition is chosen with sufficient vapor permeability. This is especially important when finishing a wooden house brick. It is required that the impregnation does not form a film on the surface that prevents the permeability of the walls for air and steam. What brick choose from frost resistance? The brand must be not lower than F35 according to the standards, and not lower than the F50 on the recommendations of the builders.

Another popular option is silicate material. It is cheaper than everything, but does not differ in durability. The house facing the brick of this type is well spent warm and absorbs moisture. Most often, silicate is heavier ceramics. This option is not recommended when finishing a brusade house (also here we will take a frame house and log).

Silicate brick is less durable than ceramic, but within 20-30 years about the problem can not remember

For decoration bricks, you can use clinker material with your own hands. It is specifically designed for cladding at home, therefore it has low moisture permeability and high strength. Clinker finish looks attractive, but this pleasure is not cheap: prices are average above 50-150%.

Undoubtedly, clinker brick is the best choice among all options. You can choose almost any color and shades

How to put a wooden house brick

Brick and tree have too different characteristics, so in the process of work there may be certain difficulties. Facing a wooden house brick must necessarily provide sufficient ventilation of the main part of the wall. Otherwise, wood will begin to rot or pour mold.
Before putting the house with facing brick, it is worth carefully examining the wall pie. Three-layer walls with brick facing in this case will include:

  • wooden carrier part;
  • vaporizolation;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing and windproof;
  • ventilation gap min. 50-60 mm;
  • planmark brick.

1 - ventilating layer; 2 - fastening the cladding to the wall; 3 - facing brick; 4 - add. Heater with windproof membrane; 5 - vaporizolation; 6 - finishing; 7 - thermal insulation; 9 - Breed Wall

It is important not to confuse vaporizolation and waterproofing. The latter should be permeable for steam so that it would be free from the insulation and brick in the ventilation gap. It is recommended to use modern parodiffusion windproof membranes.

To ensure free air movement, facing the wooden house with bricks, it is necessary to provide a product in the lower part and the outlet openings at the top. As thermal insulation, it is recommended to use mineral wool. It is characterized by low cost, ease of installation and good air permeability.

Before you correctly set the wooden house with brick, it is necessary to wait for the shrinkage of the walls. This process can take a couple of years, so the easiest way to set the old house.

Pros and cons

Construction is very difficult to combine different materials on the properties. In this case, nuances and negative sides always appear. The trim of the facade brick for the wooden structure has three drawbacks:

  • reducing ventilation, probability of moisture accumulation in the insulation;
  • different shrinkage of the wall parts, which does not allow hard to tie the cladding and the main wall;
  • the high mass of the brick compared to the tree (more than 3 times) makes it construct more powerful and expensive foundations.

In general, we can say that it is better to separate the old house with bricks. With new construction, it is recommended to consider other more economical and efficient options.

But technology has its advantages:

  • improvement of thermal indicators (especially when using ceramics);
  • decline in fire hazard;
  • reliable and durable wood protection from negative atmospheric phenomena.


Facing the facade of the house with brick is performed after wood processing by antiseptic. The composition for impregnation is worth choosing a special - for outdoor work. He will protect the wall from mold, fungus and other dangerous microorganisms. Next to the wall on the construction stapler attach vaporizolation. Installation is performed with an adhesive minimum of 10 cm.

Parosolation, located on the inside of the wall, will prevent moisture vapors from the room in the insulation

Facing the facade brick begins with the installation of the crate. Sizes of frame bars depend on the required thickness of the insulation. The thickness of thermal insulation can be chosen approximately based on the recommendations of the neighbors or the Internet, but it is better to use a special calculation. With the help of a fairly simple "Teremok" program, even unprofessional will be able to make a heat engineering. You need to know only the thickness of the wooden wall and its thermal conductivity, as well as the thermal conductivity of the selected insulation. Brick (and all layers after the ventilation gap) are not taken into account.

The frame of the frame is attached to the walls on the self-tapping screw or nails. Next, the house needs to be insulated with insulation. Mineral wool stacked between the crate tightly. To do this, the distance between the bars should be 2-3 cm less than the width of the insulation.

Waterproofing and windproof are fixed over the insulation. Fastening is carried out on a construction stapler. After such training, it is started directly to the lining of the house brick.

Hydro-windproof membrane protects the insulation from wind and moisture, but does not interfere with the exit of excessive water vapor from the wall outward

The thickness of the brick verst is usually 120 mm. This is not enough to ensure sustainability, so the wall must be associated with the main part of the outer structure.

You can do this in two methods:

Fastenings are located in the location of the carrier frame

Finishing technology is also relevant for frame buildings. The difference lies only in the fact that the links between the wall and the outer materials are attached to the frame racks. In all cases, it is necessary to fabulous with the ventilation gap.


To put the building with brick, it is recommended to provide for finishing reinitions. To increase the strength and rigidity, a wire mesh with a diameter of 3-4 mm and cells 50x50mm are used. The grid is placed in the seams between horizontal rows. The frequency depends on the brick:

  • looking down the building with single brick (65 mm high) - every 5 rows;
  • one-time (88 mm high) - every 4 rows.

The sizes of seams with reinforcement and should be the same. To control the grid on one side, slightly remove the masonry. This option increases reliability, but increases the cost and complexity of work.

How to bind a house from light concrete

The lined house in this case can be built from aerated concrete, gas silicate, foam concrete, slag blocks, ceramzite concrete. The house from facing brick is worse through the air than the listed materials. For this reason, as in the previous case, you will have to provide ventilation gap.

Method of installation is very similar to the wooden house. The difference lies only that it is possible to use tight connections between the wall and cladding. Minimum number of connections - 3 pcs. per 1 sq.m. Communications is not allowed to lay the main wall in the seams, they are naked to the surface.

When building a building from fragile slag blocks, it is recommended to build a framework, which will take the load from overlaps and other building designs. In this case, the walls will be self-supporting. The finish of the house is fadding brick attached to the slagoblock very carefully.

The house lined with brick is beautiful and reliable. But when working, you need to comply with certain recommendations.

Erected by professionals, a brick house does not require a special finish. After all, the brick itself looks perfectly on the backdrop of a country site, but provided that he was laid "under the extection". As practice shows, such houses still try to somehow separately, using various materials. Therefore, in this article, we consider what materials and methods are trimmed by a brick house outside, we will tell about the nuances of finishing operations.


Types of finishing of the facade of a brick house

A huge variety of proposed finishing materials makes it possible to choose that of them that meets the requirements of the owner of the house. There are traditional options among the methods of finishing, for example, plaster with subsequent painting, facing brick, lining and so on. There are completely new technologies where the newest wall materials are used, which appeared on the market recently. For example, thermopanels.

Consider each material separately and briefly tell about how to apply it or installation.


This is the most traditional version of the brick house. Until recently, a plastering solution based on cement or lime was used. Prepared compositions right at the construction site, mixing components with the addition of water. Today it is not done, because the production of so-called dry mixtures has been established, where the ingredients of the composition are connected in exact proportions, which corresponds to the high quality of the material.

Dry mixes are simply bred by water in the required ratios, which are indicated on the packaging of plastering material. Therefore, it will not be possible to spoil the plaster with incorrect actions.

Source M.Yukle.Mobi.

It should be noted that manufacturers today offer several varieties of plaster compositions, one of them is facade. It is it that is used to finish houses erected from brick or blocks. It confirms its name in that it is the owner of special qualities:

    high moisture resistance and frost resistance;

    not bad strength characteristics;

    good parp permeabilityallowing walls brick house "breathe».

Manufacturers today offer several varieties of facade plaster, which differ from each other ingredients that are part of the mixture.

    Acrylic plaster. This is a cement-sand mix, which add acrylic (polymer). It has excellent diffusion ability, high plasticity, which simplifies its application on the walls, but this species has a short period of operation, of course, in comparison with other species.

    Lime, she is mineral. In essence, it is a mixture of three components: cement, sand and lime. Today it is the cheapest plaster On the market.


    Silicate variety. It only received its name because the solution includes liquid glass as a binder component. But the basis is the same lime.

    Silicone. This is the most expensive plastering composition, but it works as a hundred percent for its price. That is, the layer applied to the brick walls well withstands natural loads and mechanical impact, it is moisture-proof material, so it can be washed to clean from dust and dirt. Usually plastered with silicone material of the walls wash water pressure. You can add a huge variety of color clearance, which makes it possible not to use the finish painting.


Method of applying plaster

In fact, this is a difficult process. It consists of several operations that require the presence of a professional approach. Here is the sequence of their holding:

    spend primer or moisturizing brick wall;

    install lighthousesfor which you have to align the wall surface;

    apply spacure in several layerswhose number is determined drops of the plane brick wall;

    after drying lighthouses dismantleand their location is filled plastering;

    shlify The surface is finally using liquid solution Plasters.


Facing brick

The finish of the house brick outside, refers to facing, this is another traditional way to change the appearance of the facade of the building. On the market, this material is represented quite a wide range. But at the base, these are bricks with very exact sizes, especially from the front side, and a smooth facet of facets. In this case, the facing brick on its planes does not have defects: shells, pores, cracks and others.

Today manufacturers offer facing bricks with cut or rounded edges, with drawings on the front plane, with cracks that mimic the old material, and other types. As for the sizes, then several options are proposed where standard brick is very popular.

Recommendation for the choice. If there is no standard sizes of a facing brick to finish a brick house, then it is necessary to understand that it will not coincide with the brickwork bandages used in the construction of the building. Therefore, in the process of cladding, you will have to increase the thickness of the masonry seam.


As for the facing method, first of all it is necessary to designate that the foundation of the house will have to increase in width, at a minimum, on the size of the thickness of the facing brick. And it is necessary to take care of the design of the house. That is, it turns out that facing of a brick house with facing bricks are the cost of building a foundation. And, as practice shows, these costs are quite impressive.

If the task is to be facing the brick already operated at home, you will have to use other more modern options for the formation of the base under brick cladding. One of them is the installation of brackets or planks that are attached to the wall of the building. Fasteners are usually made of durable plastic or galvanized steel.

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A rock

Natural stone - material that can be called the best options for lining brick houses. And not only bricks. It not only has a beautiful structure and unsurpassed appearance. This material of fires, with high strength characteristics. Even tolerates even significant shock loads.

He perfectly copes with all natural loads. Moisture resistance - 100%. Durability is determined by centuries. Houses lined with natural stone claim to high degree of aristocratic and elegance.

True, it is necessary to designate that the stone facing is one of the most expensive. The process of finishing the walls of the stone requires professionalism, construction operations are very laborious. In addition, the stone is required to pour a powerful foundation. Other attachment methods are not acceptable. And one more point - some rocks of the stone exude radioactive waves. So it is necessary to be attentive, choosing one or another breed.

In the market, the stone cladding is represented by tiles of different sizes, the so-called torn stone or "crust", with chole tiles.


Today, artificial stone is very popular, which is made on the basis of cement mixture. In terms of its characteristics, it is not inferior to a natural stone, and his appearance is no less effective. But it costs at times cheaper. The technology of cladding is exactly the same. Requirements for the foundation of the same.


This material also relates to old finishing methods. Brick houses usually do not trim. It is a rarity. But sometimes this method is used if the walls of the house are difficult to repair and bring them to the desired normal state. And although today there are other similar materials on the market with higher operational characteristics, the lining of its niche occupies.

Tile material

There are several types of tiled material that are used to finish houses erected from bricks.

Facade tile

She is clinker. It makes it on the same technology as a brick. That is, the clay clay, which is burned. But the clinker tile is a thin material designed for cladding.


To the merits can be attributed:

    high frost resistance;

    not bad strengths characteristics;

    variety of color decoration;

    material does not fade under Negative the action of sun rays;

    moisture resistance High.

As for the shortcomings, the main is a high price. You can add the fact that the clinker tile is afraid of shocks, under the action of which comes in disrepair. But even with such nuances, this type of finishing is very popular.


Ceramic tile

Today, many manufacturers offer ceramic tiles that belong to the category of "facade". This is a modern approach to solving the problem of finishing brick buildings. The advantages of this material include:

    huge variety of designer design;

    material has small specific weight, so loads from it on the walls of the house are minor;

    if you correctly install, you can guarantee strengthening walls;

    material lasting, moisture-resistant, fireproof, eco-friendly;

    decorative Application does not change its external qualities under the action sun ray;

    ceramics easily transfer sharp drops humidity and temperature;

    smooth low porous structure the front side of the tiles creates the conditions under which neither dust, nor dirty do not settle on the trimmed surface;

    easy cleaning using ordinary water;

    ceramic tile easy tolerate Negative chemical and bacteriological Impact.

The only minus is a complex technology of wall cladding, which requires the experience and qualifications of the manufacturer.

Video Description

The video shows all about the facade ceramic tiles:

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects - from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".


In essence, this is the same ceramic tile only with higher strength characteristics. The thing is that formulas for porcelain stoneware. This material has elevated density, respectively and high weight.

It has the same advantages as ceramic tiles, but almost doubled. Today, porcelain stonewares are used not only for cladding walls of brick houses on the "wet" technology. That is using adhesive compositions. But they are assembled by technology of ventilated facades, for which they use special fasteners.

Video Description

In the video, it is shown how the brick walls are made using porcelain stoneware using the ventilated facade technology:


This finishing material, appearing on the Russian market, immediately won a special popularity. First, a wide variety of decorative design. Secondly, installation of ventilated facades technology, which makes it possible to carry out thermal insulation of brick walls with their coated without "wet" processes. Thirdly, siding can always be dismantled and transfer to another any surface.

Today manufacturers offer several varieties of this facing material, which differ from each other with raw materials.

Metal Siding

These are products made of galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of 0.4-1.0 mm, coated with paint or polymer composition. Today on the market you can purchase material stylized under wood, stone, brick, sand and other building materials. Formulate siding in the form of panels with a small width and the creation of mounting slats through which they are installed on the crate.

Like any metal material, siding tolerates natural loads well, but with one condition - it is impossible to disturb the protective layers (paint and polymeric). This finish will serve at least 25 years. Some models are guaranteed to be operated up to 50 years.



This is a polymer variety of previous material, so compared to it is very cheap. In the market, vinyl siding is represented by a huge variety of panels with various decorative design, plus with a wide model line in terms of sizes.

But it should be noted that products made from recycled with low operational characteristics are found on the market. Therefore, it is important to demand a certificate of quality from sellers.

Modern vinyl siding is one hundred percent environmental friendliness, this is an excellent confrontation with the sunshine, under the action of which the vinyl facing does not lose its original color. This is a long service life.



Like any other ceramic products, siding is made of clay, which is molded and burned at high temperatures. It turns out a building material that meets all the parameters of ceramic products. It is not inferior to ceramic tiles in its properties, so this type of siding is different from others the fact that on its surface you can form any drawing, any relief. For example, the photo below shows the ceramic panels that imitate brick and stone laying.



These are panels in the form of a cement-solving boards with the addition of fibra (polymer type fibers), which in the mass of the product performs the functions of the reinforcing frame. Hence the high strength of the material. It should be noted that the technical characteristics of this material are almost exactly the same as an artificial stone. Just fibro-cement siding is a small thickness panels stylized for different building materials.


Rules of wall decoration siding

It is necessary to designate that all types of siding are mounted on the crate, forming a ventilated facade. But all of them have its own fastening technology. Therefore, for each type of installation, it is necessary to approach the position of knowledge and experience.

Video Description

For example, the video shows how to install vinyl siding on the wall of the house:


This is a completely new finishing material that is used to cover brick walls. These panels are finishing material and insulation, which are connected by adhesive together with each other. The bright representative of this category is the panel consisting of a polystyrene foam plate on which clinker tiles are pasted.

With this material, it was possible to "kill two rags at once", namely, thermal insulation activities and decoration of the facade of the building. Installation of thermopadals on the walls is several technologies that use different methods of fastening:

    via adhesive composition right on the wall;

    via self-timers straight on the wall;

    ventilated facade.


It should be noted that thermopanels are owners of a large number of advantages:

    low price products compared with other finishing materials;

    impeccable cladding;

    effective wall insulation;

    material eco-friendly;

    shirmed gamma decorative design;

    it is one hundred percent protection against natural loads;

    small the proportion that says about small and walls buildings;

    ability to install in any weather;

    rapidity mounting process;

    long operation Without repair - 50-100 years.

Video Description

In the video, a specialist talks about thermopanels, their advantages and disadvantages:

Conclusion on the topic

So, we told in the article about all the options for finishing walls of brick houses. As you can see, the list is impressive enough, so there is from what to choose. But consider when choosing all those nuances and subtle moments that we tried to draw your attention. Of course, you will have to choose and taking into account the value of the materials, and it will vary in the entire category.