Repair Design Furniture

Assembling the frame from profiles for plasterboard partitions. Wall cladding with plasterboard on a wooden frame Frame made of plasterboard slats

Drywall today takes pride of place and is very popular in construction and repair work. Often, partitions are erected for redevelopment of an apartment, and drywall is simply irreplaceable here. The list of advantages is significant: gypsum boards are quite light, the construction speed is high, and the cost is relatively inexpensive. Plasterboard installation on a wooden frame is very often performed.

Plasterboard partitions

Pine is often used as a material for the manufacture of a wooden frame for the construction of a plasterboard structure. Such structures can be used as a room partition. What are the features of a plasterboard partition on a wooden frame?

The starting stage in the construction of the structure is the installation of the piping. The bars are fastened in the following order: ceiling-floor-wall. If there are wooden floors in the room, then it is easy to fix the beams with simple nails. For 6 cm slats, 10 cm nails are recommended. If the walls are made of materials such as concrete or brick, plus a layer of plaster, it will be a little more difficult to fix. In this case, the fastening is carried out with anchors to the ceiling and dowels to the wall and floor.

It is recommended to start fastening from the ceiling, having previously marked the place of the future partition. Once the beams are fixed on the ceiling, you can mark the floor and continue fixing. It is important to make the markup correctly, you can use a level or laser level.

When marking, you need to make at least 3 marks on the floor: one on each wall and one in the middle, you can make more, they will not be superfluous, especially since they will not be visible. After the floor bar is fixed, you need to check its position relative to the ceiling.

After you are convinced of the accuracy of the fasteners, you can proceed to fastening the timber to the wall. Everything is much easier here: to connect the ceiling with the floor vertical beams of the strapping. Subsequently, it is on the vertical posts that the main load will fall, so it is extremely important to fix it well. It is equally important to observe the distance between the vertical beams - no more than 40 cm.

Before you start strengthening the structure, you need to assess how strong the walls are.

If you are dealing with walls made of fragile materials (aerated concrete, drywall, etc.), you need the largest size dowels. It is allowed to use both dowel nails and special dowels. The following mounting option is possible: drill holes in the wall, drive wooden plugs into them, into which you can subsequently screw in screws or hammer in nails.

Another way of attaching the harness: take straight hangers (these are usually used when installing a metal frame) and fix the bars with them. This option is great if the walls are pretty solid.

Once the harness is installed, you can proceed to the installation of the racks. Typically, the distance between the racks is 60 cm, which is very convenient - later the plasterboard of a standard width (120 cm) can be fixed on 2 racks, which facilitates the installation of drywall.

The installation of the racks is carried out using wooden blocks screwed to the rack and strapping with screws. You can also attach the racks with metal corners.

If the partition has a doorway, then you need to add the number of posts, as well as the lintels horizontally. If it is possible to do without communications in the partition, then this is great. If you still need electrical wiring, then the wires should be placed in a protective pipe or use a tin box.

Partition insulation: nuances

Sometimes it is impossible to do without additional insulation in the structure, especially if the partition is not decorative. Installation of insulating materials is carried out when plasterboard sheathing is made on one side of the wooden frame. Mineral wool and foam materials are considered the best insulation material.

Insulation is quite easy to do, since the dimensions of the distance between the posts and the materials are the same. It remains only to lay the material and secure it. If a rigid material is chosen as insulation, then its fastening must be carried out on the inside of the already tiled partition. If cavities are formed during installation, then they can be filled with mineral wool. The combination of materials will give a high soundproofing effect.

Often, in the process of facing the second side with slabs, a problem arises on the posts in the form of cracks. This is due to the large number of screws. It is easy to prevent such a mistake if the joints of the slabs on the walls are made from opposite sides (for example, the 1st side is sheathed on the left, the 2nd - on the right).

It is important to remember that a small gap of 1-2 cm must be left between the ceiling and the top of the drywall. The need is that the gypsum in the slab may begin to crumble. The gap will not be noticeable, it can be easily closed with a simple plinth.

Extended baffle

There are also extended partitions, when the installation of drywall is carried out on a double wooden frame. The advantage of this type of construction is that it is possible to lay communications and even install heating radiators.

The differences in the construction of an expanded partition are that the strapping will need to be done from 2 sides, leaving the distance that is necessary for communications. The wooden frame is erected according to the same principles as for a simple partition. As soon as the cladding is made on one side, the necessary communications can be laid. The wires must be in a pipe or duct.

If there is a need to install a battery, then you need to install it not in the middle of the structure, but closer to one of the sides. Do not forget about the ventilation holes, then they need to be closed with plastic grills. It must be remembered that if you are installing a battery, then you cannot insulate the partition with foam rubber or foam. Mineral wool will do an excellent job. After laying the communications, the installation process looks similar with a simple partition.

Installation on an uneven wall

The room may not always have perfectly flat walls. In this case, the installation of the frame looks somewhat different. It is worth starting with identifying irregularities: the timber is placed on the floor along the wall and a line is drawn along its outer edge. Next, there is a markup for future racks at a distance of 60 cm. The next step: the rack bar must be pressed vertically to the wall and at regular intervals mark the position of the end behind its exit on the floor.

It is important to put the support bar evenly, because the vertical bars will be attached to it further. To align the racks, you can take scraps of fiberboard, wood or plywood.

Installation of drywall can be done with your own hands, having an idea of ​​what should turn out. It is important to follow a certain algorithm of actions, there is no need to rush here, because it will not be so easy to correct mistakes later. Before the process, you need to make all the necessary measurements and calculations, stock up on the entire set of material and tools that you need. For example:

  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • hacksaw;
  • scissors for metal;
  • drill;
  • level.

But perhaps the most basic moment in the construction of a plasterboard partition is the documentation for a permit. It is not recommended to start work before you have obtained all the necessary permissions.

A properly made wooden frame for drywall is in no way inferior in its reliability to a supporting structure made of metal profiles.

Gypsum plasterboard (gypsum plasterboard) is a rather complex material of a composite type. It is made from gypsum, cardboard and various additives. The latter give the drywall special qualities. The main ones are high fire safety and excellent sound insulation. In addition, when using gypsum board, a minimum of dirt and waste is generated. This distinguishes it from other construction activities.

Plasterboard sheets are made of three types:

  • standard;
  • fire resistant;
  • moisture resistant.

Types of drywall sheets

GKL is used for the construction of partitions in residential and office premises, finishing wall and ceiling surfaces. Some modern manufacturers (for example, Knauf) have established in recent years the production of special drywall, ideal for flooring. Due to the fact that GCR does not emit harmful compounds during operation (the material is considered environmentally friendly) and is characterized by an acidity indicator that is approximately identical to the acidity of human skin, it is often used for repair work in residential buildings.

Among other things, drywall is able to create an optimal microclimate in living rooms. It can naturally regulate the humidity in them. Nowadays, drywall sheets are almost indispensable for performing various types of repair work. They are used to make both simple structures and luxurious multi-level structures. Due to this, you can create the most modern, bright and original design in your home.

There are the following technologies for mounting drywall sheets: frameless and frame. In the first case, sheet products are attached to the wall with an adhesive. The second technology involves the preliminary arrangement of a special frame. Subsequently, drywall fixing is performed to it.

The frameless method makes it possible to save room space. Its significant drawback is that the installation of gypsum board is allowed only on a flat wall. But using the frame technique, drywall fixing can be done on surfaces that have bulges and depressions. But at the same time, the total volume of the room becomes smaller.

Frameless method for installing gypsum board

Frame technology for installing gypsum board is a minimum of construction dust. You do not need to make grooves in the wall for laying electrical wiring and other household communications, all systems are placed in the free space between the skeleton of the structure and the wall surface.

The frame for the subsequent installation of drywall sheets on the wall can be easily built with your own hands. A home craftsman with minimal experience in carrying out repairs will erect a skeleton for the gypsum board in a matter of hours. And then he will also quickly perform the fastening of drywall to a self-made structure.

In most cases, the frame is made of metal shaped products. But there is also an easier-to-follow technique. It makes it possible to erect skeletons for gypsum board from light and easy-to-install wooden products (slats, beams). We will talk about this method of creating a frame structure for drywall with our own hands.

The frame for fixing the gypsum board on the wall is recommended to be built from coniferous wood. In this case, the wood must have a moisture content in the range of 12-18%, and also undergo a special fire-retardant treatment at the manufacturer of beams or slats. It is also recommended to additionally apply antiseptic agents to wooden products. Such processing will protect the frame from:

  • rodents (the smell of an antiseptic is good at scaring off mice and other animals that can damage the structure);
  • mold and fungal microorganisms that destroy wood;
  • carpenter insects;
  • biological natural decay.

Antiseptic wood protection is allowed to be done by hand. For these purposes, you can use sodium fluoride. It is sold as a light gray fine powder. You will need to stir the purchased mixture in well heated (but not boiling) water (35–40 g of the drug per 1 liter of liquid). Then process all the elements of the future frame for drywall with the resulting composition.

Sodium fluoride for antiseptic wood protection

Fluoride antiseptic easily penetrates into wooden products and is practically not washed out of them. It is important that it is not toxic to humans, does not have any odor, and does not decompose during operation. Working with such a composition is simple and safe. An almost complete analogue of fluoride is sodium fluorosilicate. It is also allowed to purchase such a drug. But before use, you should add a little soda (soda ash) to it.

Do not perform antiseptic processing of wood with compounds containing the following components:

  • anthracene oils;
  • coal;
  • creosote;
  • slate.

The effect of using them will be good. But for human health, they are harmful, since they are recognized as toxic substances. Pro tip! Before equipping the frame for mounting drywall on the wall, be sure to let the wooden products lie in the room where you will be building the structure. Within 48–72 hours, the wood will fully adapt to moisture and temperature conditions. This process in the language of specialists is called tree acclimatization.

The structure we are interested in is made of wooden bars or slats of different sections - from 3x5 cm to 5x6 cm. The specific dimensions of the lumber are selected taking into account the expected load on the frame. All work is carried out using the most common construction tools - a hacksaw or a saw, an electric drill, a screwdriver, a screwdriver, a level. Nails and mounting dowels are also used as fasteners.

An important point! GKL is mounted on a frame structure in cases where the wall surfaces are characterized by poor-quality coating (plaster or other) and significant roughness. It is also advisable to install such a structure when decorating walls in rooms with a height of 3 or more meters. The implementation of adhesive technology for installing gypsum boards with their own hands in such high rooms is recognized by professionals as inexpedient.

Installation of gypsum board on a frame structure

A wood frame on the wall is created according to the following scheme:

  1. Analyze the condition of the wall surface. Fill up any irregularities found with putty (plaster), clean the areas with peeling old coating.
  2. Mark the wall. Perform this operation with strict observance of levels and angles (use measuring instruments).
  3. The horizontal bar is mounted first. It should be secured to the floor base with anchors.
  4. Attach wooden slats vertically to the installed timber. They should be approximately 1 cm away from the edge of the sheathing.The distance between the individual vertical elements is 60 cm.
  5. Check the level of the correct location of the rails.
  6. Install the second horizontal element on the ceiling.

Before proceeding with the installation of the gypsum board, the made frame should be aligned. If the floors in the room are uneven, the correct position of the horizontal bar can be set by lining pieces of wood or scraps of wood-shaving products under it. After aligning the skeleton, rigidly fasten all its parts. That's the whole technology for assembling a wooden frame on the wall. Feel free to start installing the gypsum board on a do-it-yourself skeleton.

The installation of drywall sheets should be started from the window or doorway of the room, or from its far corner. GKL are fastened with self-tapping screws for wood. The step of mounting hardware is 25 cm. It is recommended to use self-tapping screws no more than 3.5 cm long.

Installation of plasterboard sheets on a wooden frame

Important note: if you are installing moisture resistant sheets, it is best to fix them to the frame with serrated galvanized nails. Place the first self-tapping screw (nail) at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the unlined edge of the gypsum board (1 cm from the lined one). Another subtlety of the work - when fixing drywall, it is necessary to move from one edge of the sheet to the other. In this case, the installation of products is carried out end-to-end. On the end parts of the gypsum board, special edges are provided. On them, you will subsequently easily close up the gaps between the products (first prime them, and then process them with putty).

Finally, we add that the fasteners must be installed as carefully as possible. Make sure that the heads of nails or screws do not pierce the front side of the gypsum board. Such fasteners hold sheets very poorly. Over time, drywall products will begin to walk and get loose, which, quite possibly, will lead to the destruction of the entire structure.

Fastening drywall to a timber is one of two ways to decorate a room on a frame, although less common. is fraught with many nuances that are absent when used. Still, the use of wood is possible and does not even lose its relevance, especially when. Is it possible to fix plasterboard sheets on a wooden beam, and what should you know and take into account when working with such material?
The process of attaching drywall to a wooden beam

It is possible to assemble a frame from a bar for drywall in any premises of the residential and non-residential premises.

  • living rooms with wooden walls;
  • utility rooms of a dwelling made of wood;
  • at dachas;
  • outbuildings (sheds, garages and others);
  • in residential buildings and apartments;
  • on balconies and in apartment buildings.
    Ready-made wooden frame for installing drywall in the loggia

    However, when used in unheated utility rooms, good waterproofing is required, and the timber itself must be dried and treated with at least a paint and varnish coating.

    It is best to use modern protective impregnations for wood, or drying oil, but the latter option is practically not produced today.

    Why use a frame made of timber, if it can easily be replaced by a metal profile, and can it be done?

    Advantages and disadvantages of wooden frames

    What are the advantages of a wooden frame over the already classic counterparts from a metal profile:

    But, the ideal material does not exist, the bar also has its drawbacks. This is a shorter service life in comparison with metal counterparts, flammability, the possibility of damage by insects and rodents.

    Mounted wooden frame for drywall sheets
    However, the main disadvantages of wooden battens can be called low resistance to moisture and the inability to assemble a non-standard curved frame.
    However, the gypsum board can be attached to the timber, but observing the technology and carefully choosing the material.

    The choice of timber for the lathing

    If it is decided to collect, then the choice of material must be approached very carefully.
    The list is as follows:

    After purchasing the material, all slats must be inspected again and treated with protective impregnations, or at least painted. This will protect the forest from moisture penetration.
    It is important to remember that it is necessary to store the timber and slats in a horizontal position, otherwise curved racks will turn out over time during vertical storage.

    What you need to work

    The list of necessary tools for assembling a wooden frame differs from equipment for working with metal profiles.
    Required tools:

    It is necessary to purchase additional materials:,.
    Mounting corners are sized according to the section of the timber, if it has sides of 50 × 50, then the hardware is preferably the same. This will provide a secure fit.

    Various types of mounting angles

    How to assemble a frame and fix drywall

    The assembly work begins with marking and fastening the timber, which will serve as guide profiles. collected according to the following algorithm:

    • If the room has a wooden floor, then on the ceiling you can simply assemble a crate by attaching slats across the load-bearing beams;
    • On the floor and ceiling, lines are drawn where the guides will be laid, the distance from the wall is chosen optimal for leveling the surface and laying thermal insulation when (if it is planned);
    • A guide bar is laid according to the marks and holes for fasteners are drilled through it. At this stage, you will have to change the drills, having drilled holes in the wood initially, you will need to change them for the concrete of the ceiling and floor;
      Laying the runners on the floor
    • on the right and left along the walls, they are installed on a rack with an emphasis on the guides, they are also attached to the walls with dowels-nails. Additionally, they are reinforced with mounting corners at the top and bottom;
    • At a considerable distance from the bearing wall, straight suspensions are attached along the lines where the racks will be installed. Fixing the fittings is also provided with dowels-nails, or fasteners suitable for the wall material;
      Scheme of fastening a wooden frame to a log house
    • Racks are mounted on the guides, they are connected to the supporting bars by the corners and connected to the suspensions. It is better to fasten fittings to wooden racks with press washers, their wide caps will securely fix all elements. The number of racks is calculated at 3-4 pieces per 1 sheet of drywall;
      The scheme of fastening the racks to the timber
    • In a checkerboard pattern, cross-members must be installed in the frame between the posts. Fasteners are provided with corners. The arrangement is changed alternately above and below, alternating through 1-2 sheets;
    • When laying the insulation in a wooden frame, it must be covered with a steam - a barrier. The wiring is enclosed in a corrugated plastic pipe and mounted with brackets on the racks.
      Scheme for installing insulation inside a wooden frame

    A similar technology is used to assemble a frame from a bar to the ceiling. At the same time, a continuous crate is made without staggering the crossbars. The video tells about the installation of a wooden frame under drywall.

Drywall is a multifunctional building material of our time, with which you can sheathe any room in home... To create a frame base for gypsum board, you can use wooden or metal profiles.

Most often, in repair work, a metal frame is used, which provides greater structural strength. But making it is much more difficult than from wooden slats. Therefore, along with metal, a wooden frame for drywall is often used. Wood is an environmentally friendly material and this is another reason many people prefer it as a base for home renovations. Moreover, such a frame is much easier to make at home.

In order for the wooden structure in the house to serve for a long time, the tree must be properly prepared. This material is highly susceptible to biological corrosion, climatic influences and burns well. Therefore, before making a wooden frame or partition, the tree should be prepared according to the rules.
Note! It is best to make a partition or frame from conifers.
Before starting, chemical treatment is usually carried out. For this, wooden slats are treated with antiseptic agents over the entire surface. This will help you prevent:

  • damage to wood by mold or fungal microorganisms. And under their influence, the tree deteriorates very quickly;
  • the risk of damage to the tree by woody insects that use wood as food;
  • biological decay;
  • damage to the bars by rodents, which can be found in the house, especially in the country.

Today the market abounds in a wide variety of antiseptics. But the best is sodium fluoride. It penetrates very deeply into wood and is poorly washed out of it.

It should be noted that sodium fluoride does not decompose and cannot lead to metal corrosion. It is also non-toxic to humans and odorless, which is an excellent advantage for treating wooden beams and slats with this substance at home.
In addition to sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate with the addition of soda ash is also used for wood processing.
It is strictly forbidden to use the following types of oil antiseptics in residential premises:

  • coal;
  • creosote;
  • anthracene oils;
  • shale.

When processing wood with such substances, a person can harm their health!

Before installing wooden planks, the slats must be in the room where they will be fixed for several days. Thanks to this, they will undergo sufficient acclimatization.
Remember that the slats must be made of high-quality sawn timber, which must necessarily meet the fire safety and humidity requirements.

The seller, upon request, is obliged to provide you with a certificate or certificate that the material has been processed with a flame retardant and passed a special examination by the authorized bodies.

Drawing creation

Before you start mounting wooden structural elements, a drawing should be drawn.
It is created like this:

  • we measure the length of the room;
  • we measure the height of the room;
  • multiply the resulting numbers and get the perimeter of the room;
  • then we measure in the same way the perimeter of windows, doorways and put them on the drawing.


Having created a diagram, you will be able to assess the range of upcoming work and determine the amount of materials. With it, you will make the correct frame, and you will not have to bend the elements and knock them out so that they fit perfectly into the structure.

Tools for the job

You can make a wooden frame for drywall using the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • construction knife;
  • concrete drill with impact drill;


  • hacksaw for wood;
  • plumb line, tape measure and pencil;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver, crowbar;
  • brackets, dowels and screws.

With this toolkit at hand, it will be very easy even for a beginner to make a wooden partition or frame.

Installation work

Installation of a wooden structure for drywall involves the following processes:

  • tracing (marking) of the wall. We apply all the elements of the drawing to the wall;
  • we measure the distance of the plane of the future partition and retreat from it by the width of the gypsum board. You should start from the ceiling. We hammer in a nail and hang a plumb line on it. We mark a point on the floor;
  • by connecting these two points, you get the first line;
  • then we repeat the procedure;

Note! You can do a little easier. Attach a sheet of plasterboard to the wall (short side) and just draw a perpendicular from a given point.

  • then we begin to do the installation of the frame. We attach the bars along the lines. Do not bend wooden beams, otherwise they can simply be broken. It can be fastened both with self-tapping screws and with thorns (in a wooden house). In a stone house we use screws, dowels, brackets or straight hangers;
  • we fasten solid beams along the walls and ceiling. Remember that it is impossible to bend a solid timber, therefore, it will no longer be possible to change the design. In this regard, make all fastenings with a level check;
  • along the floor, the divergence of the beams is allowed in both directions from the doorway;
  • when the opening is located against the wall, we use a solid bar running on one side of this opening;
  • then we carry out the installation of vertical rails. We set the reiki strictly according to the level. You can bend them slightly if the rail is a little uneven. But don't overdo it, or it will break.

Finished frame

Note! In order to make a wooden structure, you can use beams and slats of different sections. The choice of the section should be done depending on the method of sheathing and the height of the partition. You also need to take into account the level of load that the frame will experience in the future, so as not to bend its elements.
When the frame is ready, you can carry out the installation of the doorway:

  • two risers must be installed on the sides of the opening. The width of the doorway should be 4 cm wider than the width of the door frame itself;
  • we strengthen the risers with additional bars;
  • at the level of the door frame, add 2.5 cm and install the horizontal lintel. It is not necessary to bend the jumper to fix it;
  • we connect the jumper to the ceiling strip using two vertical bars. They will make the structure more rigid. They will also be needed for fixing drywall sheets in the future;
  • then we attach the racks. Their step, in order not to bend the frame, is 60 cm;
  • in the case when the ceilings are slightly higher than the length of the drywall sheet, we make a horizontal jumper in order to better join the sheets at the stage of their installation.

Advice. To determine the location of the lintel above the floodplain, you need to attach a plasterboard sheet and, in place of its edge, nail the lintel so that it goes to its middle.
To increase the rigidity of the structure and the level of the load it can withstand at the junction of the beams, metal corners and pads should be used, which are designed to collect rafter systems. Thus, you will prevent mechanical destruction of the frame and make it more resistant to mechanical stress from the outside.
The finished structure and each of its details should be checked during installation with a building level. The racks should go strictly vertically, and all jumpers horizontally. In this case, the racks should be positioned in such a way that the maximum possible number of whole sheets of drywall fit on the wall. As a result, you will not only save time, but also reduce material consumption.
Wooden crate for drywall is quite easy to do with your own hands, subject to a number of rules and technologies. The main thing is to follow the instructions clearly and you will get even the most complex elements of it.

To work with drywall sheets, you often need to make a frame. It is mainly made from, but sometimes you can use an ecological material - wood. Drywall on a wooden frame is mounted in the case of 100 percent certainty that the wood will not be deformed by moisture and the wooden blocks will be treated from pests.

For the installation of drywall, a frame made of wood and metal profiles is used.

The tree tends to change its size with sudden changes in temperature, with high humidity. When sheathing the frame with drywall, when finishing it, the frame made of wood will breathe air, which penetrates into the section between the wall and the drywall. Therefore, first of all, a wooden frame for drywall is mounted in a room where the walls are dry and there is no moisture. The use of wood saves floor space, this has always been an important point. Everyone wants to leave the space of the room.

Very often, a wooden frame is installed in private wooden houses and in houses made of logs. With proper processing of wood, it will last a long time.

There is a method of attaching drywall to a wooden ceiling (wall) without a frame. In this case, a number of facts should be considered:

  1. The quality of the wood.
  2. Room humidity.
  3. Wood processing.

The tree "breathes", so there is a high probability that the drywall will deform or burst. Therefore, before attaching to a wooden ceiling base, this step should be carefully considered.

For greater confidence in the guarantee of a wooden frame, the timber is treated with linseed oil. In this case, it does not swell when exposed to moisture and does not shrink when dry and hot air.

In dry rooms, it is possible to create a partition based on a wooden frame sheathed with plasterboard.

Necessary tools and material in work

To work with a wooden beam, you need tools and materials, without which making a wooden frame with your own hands is impossible:

  1. An ordinary hammer.
  2. A set of screwdrivers or screwdriver.
  3. Construction knife and blade set.
  4. Drill if the walls are made of concrete or brick.
  5. Saw.
  6. Meter or tape measure.
  7. Ruler and pencil.
  8. Laser level or normal.
  9. Dowels, wood screws and ordinary screws.

  • Drying oil or other antiseptic solution for treating wood.
  • Primer, preferably with additives.
  • Insulating material - polystyrene, mineral wool.
  • Putty, reinforced tape.
  • Roller, brush.
  • A set of spatulas.

Selection and preparation of wood for the frame

In order to make a frame from a wooden bar with your own hands, you need to choose a wood species. Not every tree will fit this design. The best option is pine needles.

Read also

Fastening heavy objects to drywall

In order for the tree not to succumb to the influences of external factors, as well as to prevent pests from starting up, wooden blocks should be processed:

  • Sodium fluoride. This antiseptic penetrates deeply into the tissues of the tree. Does not contain impurities that are poisonous to humans, does not smell;
  • Sodium fluorosilicate. Soda ash is added.

It is forbidden to process wood for living quarters with such means: coal, shale substances. For humans, such funds are dangerous. Before starting the installation of the frame, the tree must be in the room for several days.

Surface preparation

When proceeding with the installation of a frame made of wooden blocks, you should prepare the surface. For this you will need:

Cleaning the wall from old finishes

Surface preparation and detection of wet spots are very important. The wall must be dry and level.


Marking is applied to the prepared dry wall and a drawing is made for the future construction:

  • the length and height of the wall on which the structure will be made should be measured;
  • using these numbers, the perimeter of the room is calculated (the length must be multiplied by the height);
  • all the numbers obtained are transferred to a sheet of paper. First, on paper, and on the wall, horizontal and vertical lines are drawn along which the bars for the frame for drywall will be laid;
  • the attachment points should be noted.

With the help of the drawing made and the applied markings, the frame will turn out to be smooth and rigid (without movement and hesitation).

Assembling the timber frame

Before you start fixing wooden beams with your own hands, for the future frame it is necessary to beat off points on the ceiling and on the floor using plumb lines, which will form a clearly horizontal surface. Now:

Read also

The required distance between the profiles under the drywall

Each step taken in the manufacture of the frame should be checked using a level and compared with plumb lines. The whole structure should be checked for the quality of rigidity, the "floating" structure is unreliable and will not last long.

Fastening drywall to the finished frame

The next step is to mount the drywall onto a wooden frame. Sheathing starts with whole sheets. Plasterboard is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. Fixing step 30 cm.

The horizontal joints of the sheets should be staggered, that is, one sheet is even, the second is cut by 20 cm and when fastened it will be lower, the cut-off GKL strip should be attached at the very top. The open area should be repaired with cut-to-size drywall. The edge of the gypsum plasterboard should be flat against the timber.


After the step of plating the plasterboard of a wooden structure, the next step is the plastering of plasterboard. First you need to process and seal the seams. If a chamfer was not made during plasterboard cladding, then grooves with a depth of about 0.5–0.8 mm should be cut with a construction knife at the joints of the sheets. These grooves should be cleaned of excess cardboard and primed. For such work, a brush is suitable. The primer must be completely dry before proceeding with reinforced tape and putty.

The putty should be applied in a thin layer, covering not only the seam with the tape, but also the attachment points. After the putty has dried, all excess pebbles are removed with sandpaper. The sealed seams should be in the same plane with the entire surface (do not protrude).

After the putty has dried, the entire plasterboard surface should be treated with a primer mixture. This will improve the adhesion of the putty and prevent moisture from entering the gypsum board.

After filling the surface, as well as completely drying, use sandpaper to wipe the entire surface.

Now the plasterboard wall based on a wooden frame is completely ready for further decoration.