Repairs Design Furniture

Little bathhouse at the cottage projects. Mini-bath for the cottage: materials, varieties, budget and economical projects. Internal and external finish

The bath at the cottage is a special philosophy, culture, tradition. Often, happy owners of country land plots begin to ennoble them from the construction of a bath, and not at home. In Russia, baths are separate buildings, respectively, they must organically fit into the design of the local area.

Bath in the country with your own hands: Is it worth the game of the candle?

The financial question is the most relevant. It is one thing if the bath is being built for hygiene and consists of two small rooms - a pre-banker and steam room. In this case, the construction can be saved well.

Another thing is when a multifunctional bath is built, as in the photo above - with a steam room, a lounge, a font and terrace. Its designer needs to be involved in designers, experienced builders, order natural finishing materials, equip the area for the pool or font. Such a bath in the country - the luxury that units can afford.

But there are always alternative options - these are ready baths that are going on the site as a designer. There are mobile baths, ready for use on the first day. In this case, relaxation and pleasure for little money are guaranteed to summer houses.

How to build a bath to give your own hands: Estimation

Any construction begins with counting costs. Professionals advise to add 25-30 percent to the resulting amount so that there are no unpleasant surprises in the course of construction.

Dachnips, which attract to the arrangement of the baths of professionals, the service will cost about 20 thousand dollars. For this money you will get a facility with a steam room, a shower, a small lounge and a swimming pool. Connecting communications is also included in the price.

By excluding the pool from the project, the customers will save 2-3 thousand dollars and will receive a bath of such a sample as in the diagram below.

It is clear that the turnkey bath involves the use of modern technologies and reduces construction time. But it is unlikely that these advantages will weaken the low-blank sums in the estimate, since almost half of the amount (if not most of them) is the payment of labor to builders.

Independent construction requires 3-4 times longer, but it costs cheaper. What time is cheaper? To do this, make a list of works and calculate their cost.

In the estimate cost, be sure to include:

  • Typical project. It is possible to order it in a profile company or the designer-individual entrepreneur. In the second case, the project will cost cheaper - approximately 10-12 thousand rubles.
  • Foundation. The costs of it depend on the type of base and size of the bath. A ribbon or column foundation for a bath of 4x5 m or a little more will cost, on average, in 60 thousand rubles. But if you buy cement and other materials in the low season, you can save 10-15 thousand.
  • Log housethe most costly position . Of course, summer houses can choose other materials for the construction of walls, but the baths of wood are considered the most useful, invariably Russians. The construction of the walls will cost approximately 250-300 thousand rubles.
  • Roof. The high-quality roof will cost dackets about 100 thousand rubles.
  • Communications. This includes masonry furnaces for heating a bath, lifting electrical wiring, water supply installation, installation of windows and doorways. Again, the amount depends on the cost of components, but you can put in 200 thousand rubles.
  • On average, the construction of the bath with their own hands will cost 600-650 thousand rubles. It is twice as cheaper than professional construction, but still for many daches expensive, while ready-made mobile baths can be purchased for 120-200 thousand rubles.

    We will talk about mobile baths below, but still focus on stationary structures and their views.

    How to make a bath with your own hands: Drawings, Project

    The construction of a traditional bath in the countryside begins with the design and drawings. Any designer engineer will ask the material to be used in construction. The type of foundation, the load on the soil, other characteristics depends on its choice.

    Brick bath

    Such baths are warm, beautifully look, suitable for any landscape design, but to build them with your own hands, not having experience, it will not work. Yes, and the cost of brick baths cheap can not be called.

    Block bath

    Foam block, gasoblock and other block materials inexpensive. The disadvantage is that these materials quickly absorb moisture - the problem is solved by the waterproofing device. Again, you need knowledge and experience in construction.

    Bath of polycarbonate

    The budget structure, which can be used in direct appointment only in the warm season. But for the construction of such a bath, no need to fill the foundation, to build a stationary roof - everything is much easier. What such a bath looks like, can be seen in the photo below.

    Wooden baths

    The log house is a classic. Such baths are warm, useful, durable, cost inexpensively if with knowledge of the case to approach their construction.

    The classic bath consists of 4 rooms:

    • Terrace or dressing room (pregnant).
    • Restroom.
    • Shower.
    • Pair.

    Here are some projects baths of different sizes:

    If the area area allows you to extend the bath at the expense of the veranda, as in the next drawing.

    If the place and means allow you to equip a font or pool. Some dackets put the swimming pool on the terrace.

    If there is no roofs or a terrace of a small area, you can cover it with polycarbonate. Such an approach expands the functionality of the bath and hesitate the project, because polycarbonate costs cheaper than the construction of walls, overlaps and roofs.

    It is not necessary to install a landline pool - you can do the frame pool by installing it on the street.

    The video recorded a step-by-step technology for the construction of a pretty bath with their own hands. This construction is a size of 3x4 meters, erected from a wooden bar with a cross section of 150x150 mm.

    What does the inexpensive bath look like: photo

    Cheap baths look not so luxurious as objects built on an exclusive project. The strong side of the budget structures is simplicity and functionality.

    1. Compact bath in context, consists of a pre-banker and steam room.

    2. Cute semicircular form structure. Inside - dressing room and steam room with wood stove.

    3. In order to save space, the furnace can be installed in the paired itself or beyond. In the photos below you see both options.

    Simple and cheap mini-bath

    The simplest version of the bath is a building 2x3 meters, which has a steam room and changing room. Two adults can be batted with comfort. For the pre-banner, there is enough segment of a meter width, and the remaining two meters - for the steam room.

    An alternative option is to complete a canopy on the foundation column and equip in it.

    The next step is the foundation, it should be durable and durable. The ideal option for stationary country buildings is a ribbon base.

    While the finished foundation will stick, summer houses can prepare a bar to the strapping and construction of the walls, to then quickly connect the logs into a single integer.

    After the walls are ready, you can move to the floor mounting. When installing the floor in the steam room you need to withstand the slopes so that water flows into the ladder.

    The floor is stacked in several stages, the order is as follows:

    1. Tamper soil and disseminate the hydrobarier.
    2. Fill in the inner space by clay.
    3. Put lags for the floor.
    4. 4. Mix mineral wool or foam between lags.

    Sew the space with wooden boards closely.

    A single bath is suitable for a single roof - supports for it are made from the same wooden bar as vertical frame supports, and fastened with metal corners. They are mounted onto the case, and on it - tile or other decorative coating. The ceiling inside is muted by a cutting board, closely combined

    The oven in the bath can be made with your own hands, attract specialists to the laying or buy a ready-made model. The finished furnaces are two species - wood and electric.

    Wood furnaces and fireplaces are used in the traditional Russian bath on firewood - to maintain temperatures, it is necessary to periodically throw onto the lamps. The chimney for the removal of combustion products is required.

    Electric furnaces are compact, equipped with thermostators to maintain a given temperature, produced different power and design. They are easier to operate, but wet steam will not work in such a bath.

    Banya-barrel under the order

    The most comfortable and low-cost option for summer residents we left on the final. These are bath barrels or sauna barrels, as they are different called.

    They stylishly look, initially equipped with wood or electrical furnaces, and for their installation it is not necessary to pour a strengthened foundation.

    The barrels are installed on the cemented platform or a portion laid out. Bearing paws that are supplied complete with a bath, give it stability.

    Inside the bath barrels are a steam room with sun beds, a pre-banker. Dimensions change, depending on customer preferences. The barrel diameter may vary from 2.5 to 5 meters.

    In 5-meter buildings there are mounted shower, a lounge. The manufacturer initially provides exits for connecting to central water supply.

    For the manufacture of barrels, coniferous wood varieties are used - from the inside and outside the board and the timber is processed by special varnishes that protect wood from rotting and deformation.

    The roof in sauna-barrels is made of flexible tile. The tile is laid on a layer of moisture-resistant plywood.

    In Banya-barrels there is a ventilation system - it is mounted in partitions, it is possible to regulate it. Plums for excess water are under the landscape of the floors. This design allows you to quickly remove moisture and condensate.

    The advantage of steam barrels is that you can buy them in 180-210 thousand rubles, i.e. 3 times cheaper than the construction of a minibant with their own hands will cost.

    Well, of course, they won mobility. At the end of the summer season, the bath can be transported to the city house or go to the journey.

    Light steam and good mood are guaranteed even on the road.

    - This is a complex, but quite fulfilled event. First of all, the owner must choose the appropriate material to build a bath.

    Choosing a place to build a bath

    Start by selecting a suitable place to locate the building. This will help you with the following recommendations:

    Before starting any construction activities, prepare the Bani project.

    Determine the optimal size of the structure. At one vacationer should have at least 5 m2 from the total area of \u200b\u200bconstruction. For example, if you build a bath for 4 people, its area should be at least 20 m2.

    Standard Banya consists of a wage, a washing department, a pre-banker and rest rooms. Install convenient dimensions for you and features spatial about the placement of listed premises.

    Prepare the following drawings:

    You can do all these drawings yourself or find in the open source. In general, the projects of baths from the bar remain almost the same. If there is a desire and sufficient budget, order the preparation of the drawings of the professional.

    Bath construction materials

    To build a bath from a bar, you will need a whole set of various materials and devices, namely:

    • bar. Traditionally, the material is used by section 150x150 mm;

    • paul boards. The best option is a four-meter cutting board 15x5 cm;

    • boards for the ceiling. Typically uses a width of 10 cm wide and a thickness of 2 cm;

    • materials for finishing interior. Perfectly suitable lining;

    • vapor insulation material. The best option is modern vapor insulation films;

    • waterproofing material. If possible, use a foam. Polyethylene film is also suitable;

    • heater for the ceiling. Mineral wool materials are well suited;

    • sheet asbestos. With it, you are insulating wooden elements of the construction from high temperature. Isolation sheets must be fixed on the walls near the bath oven. Also in isolation, wooden elements installed in close proximity to chimney are needed;

    • bulk materials for arrangement. Standard set: cement, sand and rubble;

    • material for finishing roofing. Focus on your preferences. The main thing is that the roof of the bath looks well surrounded by the roofs of other buildings on the site;

    • insulation for interventory space. Use jute. Also suitable pack and moss.

    The construction of the bath is best to start in the spring, because After the completion of the main events, wood will need to leave on the semi-annual "wintering". During this time, the material will dry and give the desired shrinkage.

    Cement buy immediately before construction.

    Bath Guide

    The work is performed in stages - from the preparation of the construction site before the bath equipment of various accessories.

    First stage - Preparation of terrain

    Clean the construction site from various kinds of garbage, shrubs, large roots and in general, which is able to prevent the foundation at the stage of arrangement.

    The second stage - the fill of the foundation

    Attach to the rafters of the crate board. Place hydro-, heat and vaporizolation materials, bathing is one of the most important elements of its construction from this will directly depend on the quality of the built bath. Install the selected finish roofing.

    Prices for various types of timber

    Fourth Stage - Interior Equipment

    Start with the arrangement of the necessary communications.

    You must take care of the installation at the stage of creating a foundation. To do this, be able to create a veil or a drainage well connected to a bath with a bias.

    After completing the sewage arrangement, make the floor. It can be concrete or wooden. Concrete floors are usually lined with a tile. Such a coating is more durable.

    The wooden floor is traditionally done by flowing. The technology is extremely simple: lags are installed, floorboards are nourished with some gap. You can also create a small hatch for the impact of the effluent and close it with a perforated grille. The floor in this case should be made with some slope. As a result, the moisture from the floor will fall into the hatch, and from there on the pipe to be discharged into a drainage well or pit.

    So that the wood serves as long as possible, carefully carry out the bath after each visit.

    Perform the insulation of the ceiling and the structure of the structure using suitable moisture, heat and vapor barrier materials. Install the doors and double-glazed windows. Move the water pipe and electricity into the bath. Install the necessary electrical appliances.

    Prices for thermal insulation materials

    Heat insulation materials

    Fifth stage - oven and shelves

    The design of the shelves pick up at its discretion. They are built in the same order: first mounted a reference frame from a solid timber, after which the boards are nailed to the supports.

    The furnace also choose at your discretion. You can lay out the traditional, install a convenient metal unit or a modern electric heater.

    Heavy furnaces require compulsory arrangement of an individual foundation. In this moment, everything is also determined in a separate order, taking into account the characteristics of a particular furnace.

    Prices for various types of stoves for furnaces

    Stones for stoves

    Sixth Stage - Additional Accessories

    In conclusion, you will only have to supplement your country bath of different kinds of accessories, namely:

    • brooms;
    • wooden mug to add water;
    • buckets;
    • of different types of wooden lattices, etc.

    The internal arrangement of additional rooms of the bath remains at your discretion.

    Good job!

    Prices for Bath and Sauna Accessories

    Accessories for baths and saunas

    Video - Bath in the country with your own hands

    The rules of construction of the bath are subject to active sanitary and fire provisions. Such a construction is presented as common building requirements, so the requirements arising from specific operating conditions. Bath construction rates in the country area or construction rate on the site of the IZhS take into account the possible impact on the environment, ecology and human health. When the construction of a bath in the garden plot is planned, the rules must be fully respected, otherwise the competent authorities have the right to adopt appropriate penalties.

    Regulatory framework for bath construction

    At first glance, it seems that when building a bath (and other useful structures), it is enough to have a suitable area in the country area or near the house and your own desire. However, it is often personal interests after completing construction come in contradiction with the interests of the state and neighbors, which leads to litigation and penalties. In order not to be disturbed by the interests of all parties, and to prevent risk for the ecology and health of the host itself, regulatory documents are developed regulating the choice of space for the bath.

    First of all, the norms of any construction on the IZhS site, the country's cottage or garden plot should correspond to the Urban Planning Code, which streams the rules for the use of land and gives the right to the appropriate construction. A complete list of norms, taking into account sanitary and fire safety for any buildings in garden and household plots, install SNiP 30-02-97. The procedure for executing all the rules is determined by the CP Rules Code 11-106-97. If the owner of the site does not want to have problems after the construction of the structure, he should carefully read these documents.

    In addition to the obligatory standards approved at the federal level, there are so-called unwritten rules - recommendations of specialists. Any construction (including the construction of a bath) must be preceded by a detailed plan-project of the structure.

    Choosing a place for the construction site and the location of the building itself it is necessary to take into account many factors: the structure and characteristics of the soil, climatic conditions, relief of the site and its size, the convenience of the approach, the presence of water bodies and vegetation, the presence of other structures and zones, the frequency of operation, the overall design and local traditions. During the construction of a private bath, recommendations should be taken into account the instructions for organizing public baths that will help to deal with the problems of ventilation and the procedure for mass exploitation of the structure.

    What is taken into account when choosing a construction site

    The construction of the construction of any destination begins with the choice of space for the establishment of a foundation.

    Construction standards and rules Snip 30-02-97 regulate the following conditions that are mandatory in the construction of structures on a country site or a plot within the settlement (IZH):

    1. Bath construction norms to the neighboring plot take into account such circumstances: before the start of the neighboring section (fence, mezhi) - more than 1 m; to a wooden building in a nearby plot - at least 15 m.
    2. Bath construction rates on their plot determines the permissible distances to objects on one territory: to a residential building - more than 8 m; before the "Red Line" (Street, driving part) - more than 5 m; to any buildings made of non-combustible materials - 6-11 m; to wooden buildings with a non-combustible type - 8-12 m; To wooden household buildings - 11-15 m.
    3. Construction of a bath in a plot: Rules and regulations regarding natural, protected and vegetable areas provide minimal distances to such objects: a forest array - 15 m; Natural reservoir - 5 m; Vegetation: High trees - 4 m, high height trees - 3 m, shrub - 1 m; Well with drinking water - 12 m.

    In addition to the regulatory parameters, when choosing a location of the bath, the rules contributing to the comfort of the establishment of the establishment:

    • do not choose a place in the lowland and the zone of spring floods;
    • when choosing a place to find a plot with the most deep grounding of groundwater;

    • the place should be closed from the prevailing direction of the wind, and the entrance is focused on the south, where the smallest cluster of snow in winter;
    • the bath is located within walking distance of the house, within the limits of direct visibility, but hidden from unnecessary prying views from the street;
    • in the zone of digging, the basement for the foundation should not be engineering communications, especially gas highways and electrical cables;
    • when choosing a place, the proximity of the location of the sewer system, water supply, electrical network and the presence of a free approach takes into account.

    Fire safety rules

    The most important rules for construction is the strictest observance of fire safety standards, since the bath is an object of increased danger in this part. First of all, this is due to the presence of a bath furnace with a different system of firebox (on solid fuel, electrical, gas). In addition to the minimum permissible distances already given to other objects, it is necessary to take into account a number of fire prevention measures in the design and construction of the bath itself.

    The oven is considered a particularly dangerous object, therefore measures are mainly related to its installation and arrangement of the chimney. In particular, such a parameter is normalized: the walls of the furnace outside should not have a temperature above 1300c. Reliable thermal protection should be laid in the base of the furnace, as well as on the spinning section of the wall of the bath with the furnace. In this case, metal sheets, refractory brick, ceramics, asbestos fiber needed thickness are used.

    In front of the door of the furnace on the floor, a metal sheet should be laid in size of at least 55x75 cm. The stock of firewood for the furnace should be stored at a safe distance. Special requirements are imposed on the arrangement of the chimney from the furnace. It should go to the roof, and its roofing headproof is supplied with a probe that excludes spreading sparks. At the passage of the passage through the ceiling and the roof, a special passage unit must be mounted, eliminating the ignition of the ceiling and roofing from smoke. When laying the chimney pipe, safe distances up to the wall of the bath and protective screens are superimposed.

    The safest chimney pipes include sandwich pipes having a multi-layered version with thermal insulation inside.

    Sanitary norms

    When building a bath on the country site, observance of sanitary standards and rules should not harm their own health and health surrounding. These norms primarily relate to the safe distance to the drinking well and public reservoirs. In addition, the correct organization of the wastewater collection and disposal system is important. In the presence of centralized sewage, the bath run must be connected to it.

    If the cottage area does not have a central sewage, then its own waste system is equipped. It may provide for the collection of effluents in a hermetic well, with a subsequent pumping by the assessing agents or discharge of wastewater into the soil after reliable filtering. Special conditions are observed when the site is in a natural zone.

    Sanitary rules apply to the arrangement of the bath itself. In the bath, 2 dangerous directions can be distinguished: the accumulation of harmful discharges from the high temperature to the material of the walls of the walls and the effects of carbon monoxide. In the latter case, the reliable work of the chimney, its tightness and proper work of the valves are important.

    To eliminate the release of harmful substances can only be the right choice of facing materials. That is why in the steam room should not use chipboard, plastic, coniferous wood. Help in eliminating harmful effects, ventilation is designed. Its presence is required in the bath, and its correct operation becomes the key to the health and durability of the bath, as it helps get rid of dampness and condensate.

    When erecting a bath on a country or its own sector in rural areas, compliance with construction standards and rules is a prerequisite. Only strictly accomplishment will help get rid of problems with neighbors, various bodies, and will also ensure safe operation of the bath.

    Requirements and regulations in the construction of a bath in the country area

    Bath construction in the country area must comply with the current legislation and established regulations.

    Approved federal standards for the construction of a bath in the country area clearly define permissible distances to various objects, which makes it possible to resolve all emerging disputes of stakeholders. After all, the construction of a bath in the country area may affect the interests of neighbors or have a harmful effect on nature and ecology, which must be taken into account when erecting any structure.

    What are the limitations based on

    The bath belongs to the auxiliary buildings with all the legal approaches arising from here. In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Town Planning Code of Russia, the construction of the bath in the country area does not require a separate permission. At the same time, the fact of the appearance of a new structure on the site should be registered in local governments in the prescribed manner, as the general ownership plan changes.

    In general, the bath can be attributed to the object of increased danger: the presence of a bath furnace and flow of waste water increases the risk of fire danger and environmental pollution. In addition, an unpleasant effect may cause an improper arrangement of the chimney.

    In order not to have problems with neighbors and government agencies, the construction of a bath in the country area must comply with the standards approved at the federal level.

    A comprehensive list of mandatory standards in terms of sanitary and fire safety is established SNiP 30-02-97, and the procedure for execution and challenging the fundamental rules is regulated by the CP 11-106-97 rules. Before starting the construction of a bath in the country area, you should carefully read these documents to exclude problems.

    Naturally, in addition to the established standards, there are generally accepted rules, without the execution of which construction can become just dangerous. Any construction should begin with the development of a plan for structures based on strength calculations and accounting for numerous affecting factors. When choosing a place to install a bath and type of construction (including in part of the materials used), such factors should be considered:

    • soil parameters (freezing, groundwater level, density);
    • climatic features of the area (temperature, wind, precipitation, seismicity, flooding);
    • terrain relief and size of the site, the presence of natural reservoirs and forest arrays;
    • the intensity of the planned operation;
    • neighborhood with other structures and communication systems;
    • existing landscape design and local traditions.

    Bani location regulation

    When determining the room for bath construction, it is necessary to take into account possible claims from the neighbors. In order to regulate the disputes, such norms are set: the distance from the bath to the border of the neighboring section (the fence, in cross) should be at least 1 m, and the remoteness from the wooden capital construction of the neighbors is more than 15 m. In addition, it is better to agree on the necessary in advance Removal from neighboring storage facilities, garage, playground, well and other objects.

    In its own area, it is necessary to comply with the established norms for providing sanitary and fire safety. Violation of standards and on our own territory can crawl. The following mandatory standards are established:

    • the bath must be located no closer than 8 m from the residential structure;
    • the minimum permitted distance from the roadway or street (the so-called red line) is 5 m;
    • the distance to buildings of any destination, built using only non-combustible materials, should be at least 6-10 m depending on the type of construction;
    • from wooden structures with a non-combustible trim, the bath is removed by 8-10 m;
    • from wooden buildings of economic destination, the bath must be removed by 12-15 m.

    The environmental standards establish the following norms:

    • the distance to the forest massif - 15 m;
    • remoteness from natural reservoirs - 5 m;
    • the bath is recommended to remove from high trees - at least 4 m, from the high height trees - by 3 m, from shrub plants - by 1 m;
    • if you have a well with drinking water, the bath can be built no closer than 12 m to it.

    Choosing a place for the construction of a bath is a responsible event. It should be carried out taking into account the recommendations of the practical nature, ensuring the convenience of use. When choosing a construction site, it is necessary to take into account such recommendations: the bath should not be built in lowland, especially with an unfavorable flood forecast, on a purified section; The place is better to choose within the limits of direct visibility from the residential building, but with secrecy from curious eyes, and the admission of the bath must be built on the south side so that there are no big snowfields in winter.

    How the fire and sanitary security is ensured

    Fire safety baths in the country area - the most important condition for its construction and operation. In addition to the established standards that regulate safe distances to various objects, it is necessary to take into account a number of fire prevention measures and inside the bathroom.

    Special precautions must be taken when installing a furnace (brick or metallic) and chimney mounting. Heating the outer furnace wall should not exceed 135 degrees.

    The base of the furnace is erected from refractory and heating-resistant materials.

    In particular, materials such as steel sheet, asbestos fiber, shame, ceramics, and sufficient thickness are laid. A reliable protection of a segment of contact with a bath wall with a stove is ensured.

    Before the heat chamber, a metal sheet is installed on the semi of the pre-banker with a size of at least 60x80 cm.

    In order for the exercise of the cottage to not affect human health and the environment, it is necessary to comply with the above standards, the arrangement of a reliable wastewater drain system and use in the construction of safe materials. In the presence of central sewage, the question is solved simply: the bath drain connects to the central communication.

    In the absence of sewage, you will have to equip your own system. For this purpose, a sealed collection of wastewater can be equipped with their subsequent removal or relief of the flow into the soil after good filtering.

    Sanitary safety during the operation of the bath is ensured by the correct selection of building materials. In particular, for thermal insulation, the steers cannot be used foam, glass wool or asbestos, since when exposed to superheated steam, they are able to allocate substances harmful to human health. For the same purpose, it is not recommended for plating the wrappers, the use of plastic, slabs of chipboard, wood of coniferous rocks, materials with fillers. The prerequisite is to ensure reliable ventilation and systems of the chimney valves. It should be remembered that the damp gas can cause poisoning after 20-25 minutes.

    How to place a bath on a residential area

    During construction, the site always solves the question where to put the house, how to place a bath and other additional buildings. Everything should be not only convenient, but also safe when using.

    How to choose a place for a bath

    To decide where to lay a bath on the plot, you need to carefully study the household territory. Natural elevation will make it possible to noticeably save money on the sewage arrangement. Used water from the bath in this case will leave sambeck.

    In the steep slope you can dig up the dump truck for the main rooms of the bath or sauna. Nearby you can equip the platform for recreation and / or games in the form located on the columns of the terrace.

    Natural elevation will allow to significantly save money on the sewage arrangement

    Initially, the plot under the bath is chosen by the nature of the soil. The soil is needed dense, without asylight, fading and swelling of soil masses.

    It is necessary to take into account the relief of the site, intended to build a bath. It is desirable that he had a small bias in any direction besides the north. In this case, the erected bath will be protected from melt and rainwater in the cold season. Reliable protection of the bathhouse from dampness will provide its construction to a slightly raised portion of the soil.

    It is necessary to take into account the relief of the plot, alleged for the construction of the bath

    The bathhouse is best located in a place removed from the highway or the available indian enterprise. This will create protection against dust, noise, contaminated air, unpleasant odor and other stimuli during rest.

    On a note! Additional protection of the site on which the bath will be located will provide a deaf fence, green plantings or walls of the surrounding buildings, located according to the SNiP indications.

    How to make a project

    The bath must be erected according to a predetermined project. It needs to take into account the type and dimensions of the future buildings. This will help determine how to place a bath on the site. At the same time it is necessary to take into account the following points:

    • land relief;
    • the nature of the soil;
    • location of a residential building;
    • remoteness from various surplus buildings;
    • the location of the walls of the bath regarding the parties of the world.

    Special attention should be paid to the question of how to place a bath to the water supply and sewage system. Water should freely enter the bath as needed and deleted without problems after use.

    The bath must be erected by a predetermined project.

    Sanitary norms

    Requirements SNiP 30-02-97, which, when erecting a bath, must be observed strictly determine the following distances between objects on the household plot:

    • between the bath and garden house - at least 3 m;
    • between the bath and surplus buildings - from 1 to 4 m.

    After determining the exact location of the bath, construction with the relevant instances should be coordinated. A copy of the document must be kept constantly.

    Attention! Especially carefully consider the norms of sanitary safety, because the bath is being built as an object for the adoption of hygienic and / or therapeutic and preventive procedures.

    Distance from the border of the local area for different buildings on the standards should be at least:

    • 3 m - for a cottage or garden house;
    • 4 m - for household buildings;
    • 1 m - for a bathhouse and other similar objects;
    • 4 m - for high trees;
    • 1 m - for a dense shrub.

    After determining the exact location of the bath, construction with the relevant instances should be coordinated

    When calculating the replacement of the bathhouse from the borders of the household site, the location of the residential building and other objects in neighboring sites should be taken into account. This will allow you to take bath procedures and relax calmly, without bringing concern to neighbors.

    Types of bath.

    Finally decide how to place a bath relative to the house, it is possible only after determining its type. For Baths in black, i.e. smoky, you need to choose a place removed from the residential building, the surrounding buildings and the boundaries of the receiving territory at least 12-15 m. It is also necessary to take into account the wind rosa in the region. This will help to avoid poling smoke from the bath towards the house.

    The smoke sauna is considered an object of increased fire hazard, so such objects are prohibited to be erected in densely populated villages and near the planned areas. Bath in white, i.e. Nevnoye, is often located near a residential building. If desired, it can be attached to one of the walls, if such a project is agreed with a specialist.

    Combining a short bath with a country or garden house will make much easier to summarize the water and sewage systems to it. This will save not only time and labor, but also significant cash.

    Combining a short bath with a country or garden house will make much easier to summarize the water supply and sewer systems to it

    Choosing where to lay a bath combined with a residential building should be remembered about the ventilation and waterproofing system, because the bath is a room with high humidity.

    Fire safety

    As in the site, lay a bath, house and other buildings, is determined in compliance with the norms of fire safety. All rules are described in detail in the relevant normative acts of SNiP, which should be carefully learned. This will greatly facilitate the planning process and will help to avoid in the subsequent many problems. In the baths often used an open fire that creates increased danger.

    The finishing floor in the bath is usually made of wood. To protect wood from accidental ignition, over the perimeter of the furnace foundation on the floor of the floor, the sheets of asbestos are stacked or steel widths of no more than 1.5 m.

    Near the natural reservoir

    If there is a reservoir on the household plot, it is necessary to use it. The main thing is to figure out how to position the bath near the natural source of water.

    The pond or river give the following advantages:

    • the use of natural water in case of malvas problems;
    • the ability to conduct water procedures for general hardening;
    • availability of water in large quantities in case of fire safety.

    The basic rules that must be met:

    • place for the bath must be chosen with this calculation so that it does not flood during the spring flood;
    • for used water, you need to make a special pipeline in the opposite of the river or pond direction;
    • around the bath and tracks from it to the reservoir best put trees and / or a thick shrub to create natural protection against prying eyes.

    Bath near Prud

    If there is no natural reservoir on the plot, you can equip the pool near the bath. It can be bought in disassembled form and install yourself according to the attached instruction.

    If the funds for the purchase of a finished design lack, you can make a pool with your own hands. To do this, you can use a purchased rubber boat or other technicians. If there is an arrangement of the pool next to the bath, the minimum depth of the pool should be at least one and a half meters.

    Stove in the bath

    Special attention requires a furnace in the bath: how to position it right, which option is better to choose and many other questions should be solved in advance. Subsequently, this will ensure comfort when making bath procedures and a good rest in the correctly equipped bath.

    The most important condition for the construction of the furnace in the bath is to comply with the rules of fire safety, so it is necessary to equip a separate foundation from non-combustible building materials to the oven. Typically, concrete or brick is used for this.

    The most important condition for the construction of the furnace in the bath is to comply with the rules of fire safety

    During the operation of the bath, the furnace can heat up to 120 ° C, so the wall adjacent to it should be protected from fire.

    The furnace made of protected material is placed at a distance of 26 cm from the walls and any other items. An unprotected furnace is shutdown in removal to the specified objects at least 32 cm. From wooden walls, the stove must be removed at least 50 cm.

    Separate elements of the furnace during its operation are very heated. For fire safety, it is necessary to equip a special channel from asbestos or other non-combustible material.

    Important! The coaching door through which firewood is laid in the oven, should be located opposite the front door to the bathhouse at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the nearest element of the bath.

    How to locate the furnace in the bath safe? Basically, it is located in the oil compartment. With a small bath area, a steam room is equipped here.

    In the spacious room, the steam room and the car wash separates separately. The stove in this case is laid out so that you can warm up both compartments. At the same time, the chamber for the vaporization is placed in the steam room, and the hot water faucet is displayed in the oil separation department.

    The most optimal is the option with the placement of the furnace in a special room of a bathhouse or in a small niche between the internal compartments. This will ensure safety and ease of use of the furnace.

    If you wish, you can equip the furnace at your discretion, not forgetting about fire safety standards. Electric heaters are often used in modern baths. After installing such a device, it is necessary to ground the ground, otherwise the danger of the shock is created at high humidity, and this is life threatening.

    In the pair compartment, the bath furnace is heated to high temperatures. To exclude the possibility of random burns, you need to build a brick screen or an envelope-like design.

    Special attention should be paid to the tightness of the chimney

    Features of chimney

    An important element of a bath furnace is chimney. It can be made from such a material as:

    • brick;
    • ceramics;
    • steel.

    Special attention should be paid to the tightness of the chimney. All of his seams should reliably protect the room of the bath from carbon monoxide. Additional safety is provided by ventilation. The process of combustion of fuel is adjustable using a chiber. Around the chimney ceiling should be seen by a basalt sheet to protect against accidental fire.

    Rooms in Ban

    The parameters of the inner space of the bath are calculated taking into account the number of simultaneously washable people. According to the provisions of the GOST for 1 person, 5 m2 of free space is needed. In a small bathhouse, usually the separation of space is not produced.

    If the dimensions allow, in the bath it is best to equip 3 compartments:

    • pre-banker;
    • washing;
    • pair.

    In the wax room you can put a bath or a small inflatable pool, equip the shower

    The comfort, comfort and recreation quality depends on how to place the premises in the bath. In the pre-banker stores the necessary bath inventory, fuel, brooms. Here is the dressing room.

    In the wax room you can put a bath or a small inflatable pool, equip the shower. The mixer for the supply of cold and hot water is located in close proximity to the bath or sink.

    Some bath owners put a washing machine in a washing room. You can also install a bidet and / or toilet, while you need to protect against unpleasant odors.

    The main premises of the bath was always considered a steam room. A special oven chamber is installed here. In addition, you need to think about how to position the shelves, the bath requires a special area for them.

    Windows and doors in the bath

    The entrance door of the bath is placed in the wall overlooking the southern side of the construction. Temperature Here all year round is usually higher, in winter there will be less than snow, and in the spring it will quickly melt.

    To the bath or sauna gets more sunlight, the window is better to equip in the western and / or southwestern wall of the bath

    It should be taken into account and such a moment as fire safety: the door to the bath should be clearly visible from a residential building. This will allow you to control the bath during the firebox to immediately correct the random problems.

    Another important point of planning is a window in the bath, where to arrange it, tells the people's experience. In order for a bath or sauna more sunlight, the window is better to equip in the western and / or southwestern wall of the bath.

    Selecting the place for the future bath, you should also take into account the interests of the owners of the adjacent sites - this will help to avoid conflict situations and maintain good relations with neighbors.

    The correct location of the bath on the plot - distances from the borders and other objects

    The correct location of the bath at a distance from the borders of the site is one of the main requirements when it is built, since it provides fire and sanitation. If the development plan performs the project bureau, you can not worry about compliance with all requirements. But if you decide to play the layout of the house and the baths on the site on our own, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the information that we present later in the article.

    Regulatory framework for placing the bath in the household sections

    All regulations and rules for building a bath are designed to ensure the comfort of finding indoors, as well as its safe operation. If you neglect by these installations, you can put danger not only your health during your stay in the steam room, but also to jeopardize everyone else.

    To understand how to properly arrange a bath on the site, you will need to study the following regulatory documents:

    • Snip 30-02-97 - This is a document that establishes the rules for the construction and placement of buildings on the nursery. It must be stated in obligatory before the start of any action on top of construction.
    • SP 11-106-97 - Contains standards for proper design of the bath on the site. According to this document, you can compile a detailed plan in which all the technological stages of the construction of the bath and avoid errors. In addition, in this regulatory act there are indications regarding the design of conciliation documents and the procedure for their submission to the relevant authorities.

    Some excerpts from these documents we give in detail further.

    What are the fire safety standards when erecting a bath

    Adhere to the rules of fire safety is especially important to protect the salami itself, as well as prevent the death of people. The main attention in the construction of the bath should be given the furnace, since this is a source of high temperatures and open fire. Note that the walls of the furnace should not be heated stronger than to 120 ºС.

    Walls directly adjacent or near the oven, you need to isolate one of the ways:

    1. Watching over the metal grid with sand-cement mortar.
    2. The fastening on the refractory wall of the ovens of the galvanized iron sheet, or the walls of the wall over the insulating material.
    3. When working with a tree, you can see asbestokarton.

    On the floor right before the furnace, you should score with screws with a metal sheet with a size of 50 × 70 cm.

    In those places where the chimney pipe comes with the overlap, the insulation is necessary. In addition, it is best to install a sand trap on the junction of a pipe with a ceiling, which will spread any sparks that fall from cracks in the chimney.

    It is worth remembering that the chimney cannot be made from iron or asbestos-cement pipes, since these materials are very warm up. But coaxial pipes with a double circuit placed inside insulator, it is quite appropriate.

    We should not forget about the means of fire extinguishing - in the bath they should be located as convenient as possible for quick use.

    Distances between objects on the site according to the standards

    Clear standards have been developed that determine how many meters from the fence can be built by a bath, as well as how to place objects on the site. Failure to comply with these standards may threaten unpleasant proceedings with supervisory authorities.

    So, it is necessary to have a bath at least 3 meters from the fence, because the outflow of dirty water should be organized from the bath. If a separate septic tank or a waste pit is provided, the distance can be reduced to 2.5 m.

    According to other standards, indents must be as follows:

    • the distance from the bath to the neighboring house should be at least 8 meters;
    • if there is a well on the site, then from it to the bath you need to retreat at least 12 m to avoid contamination of groundwater and, accordingly, water in the well;
    • as for the distance from the bath to the border of the neighboring site, in this case it should be at least 8 meters.

    These norms can be guided by the design of a bath with buildings on related territories. In particular, the distance from the bath to the Bani of the neighbor must be calculated based on the retreat from the fence of 3 m, therefore, can be built no closer than 5 m from the fence.

    Another important point is the presence of sunlight. Following the standards, the distance from the bath to the fence of the neighbors should not be less than the height of the structure so that the shadow of the construction does not fall into the territory of the adjacent site so as not to cause discomfort to the neighbors.

    If there are some violations during construction, and the distance between the bath and the house on the neighbor site does not comply with the regulations, all disagreements should be consolidated by a written agreement with neighbors in order to avoid misunderstandings when resale ownership.

    Sanitary and hygienic standards of design and operation of the bath

    Extremely strictly and strict norms of sanitary hygiene are held in public areas, and in conditions of home baths they are not so thoroughly.

    However, the rules for the operation of private baths also have, in particular, such:

    1. After each use of the steam room, it needs to be thoroughly ventilated.
    2. Each person must be located strictly at the same selected place in the steam room. If there are a lot of people, you can use towels or mats, which after the procedures need to be excavated.
    3. Coming out of the steam room, from the body you need to wash off the sweat, preferably warm water.
    4. If you visit someone else's bath, it is better to walk in slippers to avoid infection with fungus.
    5. Upon completion of bath procedures, all shelves and floors in the steam room need to rinse with plenty of water.

    To facilitate adherence to all hygienic standards, a number of features of the bath can be foreseen at the design stage.

    So that the steam room quickly warmed up, the stove should be a heatmif and commensurate with the size of the room in power.

    Ventilation outputs should be provided so that you can quickly air the room.

    It is impossible to use artificial and semi-artificial materials such as plywood, foam, mounting foam, antiseptic substances, varnishes and paints.

    To facilitate garbage cleaning, for example, from brooms, sun beds should be arranged so that there is access to the floor under them.

    Prerequisite for the steam room - the presence of drain for water so that after cleaning it is quickly output from the room outward.

    A warm shower can be the source of water supply.

    All these subtleties stipulated by the project are desirable to explore the construction of a bath on the plot.

    Given the information set out in regulations, and short excerpts in our material, you can independently build a bath on your territory, to ensure compliance with all the rules of fire and sanitary security, to obtain all permits, as well as to maintain good relations with the neighbors in the site.

    Distance to Bani - Question convenience, security and peace with neighbors

    What should be the distance from the bath to other buildings? Are there any definite recommendations on this? Let's try to answer these other questions today.

    Solution of the problem with the mass of restrictions

    And the following circumstances are forbidden to observe the distances:

    • first, the insufficient area of \u200b\u200bthe region itself;
    • secondly, the size of the buildings that you want to get, by all means;
    • thirdly, our appetites, when you want to have everything and cannot be refused to refuse;
    • fourth, the desire to keep good relations with neighbors;
    • fifth, already hot, the need to bind to existing livelihood networks;
    • well, and, most importantly, in sixth, comply with all the requirements of the construction standards and the rules, this vault under the short name of SNiP.

    Ways out of position

    The decision of the first three circumstances is entirely dependent on us:

    1. you just need to know what I want;
    2. be able to place priorities;
    3. be able to refuse unnecessary and watch the truth in the eyes;
    4. to be disciplined and modeling the placement schemes on its plot, the benefit that our disposal is quite "flexible material", which allows:
    • reduce, if necessary, house the size of the house, and if you wish to have a large area, think about the second and even the third floor;
    • reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe bath, because the most running size 3 to 5 is often suitable, it will allow this structure to fully fulfill all its mental tasks;
    • redefine communications;
    • children's playground make a smaller and abandon the pool, which can be replaced with an inflated and filling temporary - after all, think, literally 100 meters from the house of the river;
    • refuse the raspberry bushes.

    In general, you need to think and pretend.

    But no rightless rights

    All listed solutions include, rather, to our right to think, but there are also the duties of the distribution of distances that set the following SNiP:

    • SP 30-02-97 - determines the procedure for layout and effective development of horticultural associations and other private possessions, and,
    • SP 11-106-97 - description of the procedure for creating project documentation for building private ownership and regulation of approval and coordination of this documentation. It is according to this documentation that the nature of the locations of the houses is determined from which the minimum distance "A" is calculated with a single-row layout. The distance "b" in this situation is already secondary.

    Consider three versions of accommodation schemes with minimal distances (see also the article "The permissible distance from the bath to the fence: prerequisites and norms").

    The first scheme ("A")

    Take this scheme for the standard when modeling your site:

    1. from a residential building:
    • to the fence - 3 m minimum;
    • to the bath - 8 m;
    1. bath:
    • to the fence - 1 m, so it is possible to resolve the question of which should be the minimum distance from the bath to the Bath of a neighbor - 2 meters, but it is a minimum that everyone strives to do much more;
    • to the edge of the carriage part of the street - 5 m;

    1. from the well:
    • before the toilet, if, of course, he is on the street - 8 m;
    • to the compost pits - also 8 m;
    1. from trees and shrubs:
    • to the fence of the adjacent site, if the tree is large - 4 m;
    • before the fence of the neighbor, if the tree is small - 2 m;
    • to the fence from the shrub - 1 m.

    Second scheme ("B")

    The scheme "A" introduces the minimum slope distances, but in practice it is guided by much greater values \u200b\u200bfor convenience and more security:

    1. from a residential building:
    • to the bath - 5-8 m;
    • to the greenhouse - 15 m;
    • to the economic building - 15m;

    1. from the well:
    • to the bath - 20 m;
    • to the greenhouse - 20 m;
    • to the economic building - all the same 20 m.

    Third Scheme ("C")

    The scheme "C" will allow you to have a good relationship with a neighbor.

    • from a residential building - 3 m;
    • from the bath - 1 m;
    • from the shopping building - 4 m;

    It is convenient to consider not only the allowable minimum distance between the baths in neighboring sites, but also all other distances to neighborhood objects.

    • from bushes - 1 m;
    • from small trees - 2 m;
    • from large bushes - 4 m.

    Some nuances

    When determining the distances, the following nuances must be taken into account:

    • for water disposal from the bath, it is recommended to use or a separate sewer channel or a sewer; No matter what is used, the distance to the fence is allowed to be reduced to 2.5 m;
    • the distance from the trees is calculated from the center of the trunk; SNiP does not regulate the distance from the crown of the tree, therefore the crown that closes the gear of the garden is not falling under legal requirements, only under moral;
    • the distances for economic buildings and for greenhouses depend on their nature - if the construction contains domestic animals, then the distance must be at least 4 meters;
    • the requirements of SNiP take into account the process of building structures - the placement of building materials also needs a place, and they should not bring the inconvenience to neighbors on the site or on the street.

    Helpful advice! In the rules on paper, everything is impossible. Therefore, it is allowed to go out for the premises, but this can be done only with the preparation of the protocol of the consent of all stakeholders. We advise particularly difficult situations to make it legally to protect yourself in the future, both from claims of neighbors and regulatory authorities.


    Compliance with all recommended distances between buildings on a country site, carrying out measurements with their own hands - the price of a successful and comfortable stay in the future. When we are talking about a bath in which there is a stove, then this is the issue of the security of all the living and preservation of the entire property on the site.

    Be sure to follow the distances. Pay special attention to the organization of sewage from the main residential building, baths, greenhouses and economic buildings. In case of violations, the SES can already be for you - a sanitary and epidemiological station is a serious organization that is better "finger in the mouth is not to lay, can bite and hand."

    An additional video in this article will remind you all the key options for placing objects on the country site. Do not forget only to be prestable with a handle and a notebook for entries - it will not be possible to hold everything in my head.

    Who did not dream to build a real bath on your summer cottage? But sometimes it is so small that a full-fledged bath structure is simply not "squeezed." In this case, a mini-bath can be excellent out of the situation. In terms of comfort and functionality, it practically does not differ from the banal of standard sizes, and the time, forces and means to build a similar structure will be much smaller. In addition, a small bath is quite realistic to make it yourself. This will be discussed further.

    Features of the design of the internal space bath

    When creating any project, the first thing is to choose a suitable material for the construction of the structure. And the bath in this question is no exception. So, when building a bath construction, builders use mainly materials such as foam block, brick, timber or solid log. Professionals recommend preference to give natural materials - wood. But this is no longer a matter of taste, but financial opportunities.

    When designing a small bath area, you need to adhere to the same technologies as when planning the battery of standard sizes. But in our case, it is still important to take into account some moments:

    1. To build a small bath, a powerful complex foundation is absolutely not required, since we are talking about low loads. Therefore, in order to facilitate the process of earthworks and reduce the consumption of funds, it is quite possible to do with tape / support-pile.
    2. The location of the functional zones should be approached very seriously, because in a small design area, all flaws and imperfect layout will immediately be noticeable and certainly causes inconvenience.
    3. The furnace is best placed in the pre-tribades so that it does not interfere with the wage to the steam room and vice versa. The furnace must be maximally protected from self-burning.
    4. The principle of building the premises in the minibar should be absolutely the same as the standard. So, the shelves must be installed along a deaf wall, the door threshold to raise up up, and make the box low. All this is done in order to delay the pair inside even when opening the door.
    5. In the bathrooms, in no case should there be locks, and all the doors should open only.

    Attention! So that in the bath it was convenient to wash and comfortably steam, the construction area must be calculated in such a way that its useful part is at least 10 square meters. m.

    Basic mini bath drawing: Compact and functional solution for giving

    So, consider the simplest project of the bath design. Any bath must have four main rooms: a pre-banker, a washing, a steam room and a lounge. It is necessary to clearly understand what minimal dimensions may have each of them. So, for the pre-banker and the steers, you can choose the optimal dimensions - 1.5x2 m; Washing can be an area of \u200b\u200b1x1 m; And the lounge is 2 times more washer.

    Construction of foundation

    After determining all the main parameters of the bathrooms, you can proceed directly to construction work. When choosing a suitable type of foundation, pay special attention to the type of soil area on which the bath will be erected. If the soil is sufficiently solid, and the soil waters lie deeply, then there will be a lightweight foundation. Around the markup of the future building laying flat stones, cover them with a small layer of clay and slightly presses. Top of laying wooden bars. Complete the process covering the bars with waterproofing bitumen.

    If there is a ribbon foundation on a plot or wet soil on the site. Prepare a trench, fill it with a layer of sand, then rubble and firmly sink. After put the reinforcing grid on top. It remains to prepare a cement solution, which will need to pour. Do not forget about waterproofing: in this capacity you can use runneroid sheets.

    Construction of carcass

    There are many options for the construction of the walls of the bath. We will use the easiest and fast - frame. For its construction, we will need the following materials:

    • wooden bars (5x5 cm);
    • boards (minimum thickness - 2.5 cm);
    • foil / Waterproofing film;
    • heat insulation.

    Frame Mini Bath: The most simple and fast building

    According to a previously prepared project, a frame of BRUSEV is collected. From the inside is trimmed by boards. You can use conventional screws or anchors as fasteners. Do not forget about heat and waterproofing. The first mounted the material that does not pass the heat from the bathhouse. In this capacity, you can use clayzit, sawdust or mineral wool (rarely used). To create a waterproofing layer, bitumen mastic is suitable. The final stage of the construction of the walls is an internal coating (not mandatory, but desirable element).

    Council. To finish the washer best to use materials that are well tolerated with water contacts: galvanized, polystyrene, etc.

    The point is left for small - build a roof. First you prepare the rafter system and mount it on the frame. After starting the installation of the roof: metal tile, slate, etc. suitable Do not forget about the chimney - it is necessary to leave the free opening on the roof.

    To make the appearance of the bath, the completion, as a protective and simultaneously decorative element, the lining or block house is used. Lining is the most common option for finishing the exterior bathhouse. This material is cheap, practical and durable. In addition, it is a fairly successful imitation of a wooden bar. The block house externally looks like a lining, but is distinguished by a more presentable appearance and quality of wood.

    Sheathed outwardly under the bay tree will delight its aesthetic look

    With the trim, we finished, it remains only to conduct communication. Let's start with the water-sewer system. The water supply system (use the sampling principle) is mounted as follows:

    1. We prepare two 50 liter water tanks, as well as hose and mixers.
    2. We install the tank in such a way that the tank with cold water is half a meter above the tank with hot.
    3. We connect tanks with a hose: one end connect to the bottom of the "cold" tank, and the other to the upper "hot".
    4. As an additional connecting element, use a pipe with a mixer.

    To ensure a complete drainage of water after a bath "session", it is necessary to construct an effective drainage system. It's easy enough to do it. It is only necessary to dig a drainage well not far from the bath, and in the washing to do the drain holes, to which the pipes are tested under a slight tilt and direct them to the well.

    Scheme of one of the options for summing up communications to the mini bath

    For water heating in the washing, a mini-oven or a tan is quite suitable. To ensure sufficient air ventilation in the bath, it is enough to do several wall holes near the entrance and close them with special assault.

    On this process of the construction of a mini-bath for dacha can be considered complete. Follow the instructions offered in the article, and you can build a comfortable and high-quality bath for your family.

    Video: Mini bath for giving with his own hands

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    If you have your own plot of land, then one of the objects can be a bath with your own hands. Projects, photos and features of construction work are presented on our website. For construction, you can choose any interesting option or project from our review.

    So, in order to build a high-quality building, you need to consider such items:

    • pick up the perfect project;
    • think over each stage of work;
    • purchase suitable material;
    • plan all communications;
    • an important point is the interior decoration.

    Beautiful bath on the plot may not only be a functional construction, but also a luxurious element of landscape design.

    To make a bath right and competently pick it up its placement, you need to adhere to all NORMS SNiP. Important attention is worth paying material to build construction. The choice of place must be performed with some distances relative to other objects.

    Before building a bath, consider the features of the site: design, climatic conditions and soil characteristics, features of the local landscape territory and the properties of the soil. If the territory is uneven, then construction is better to exercise on an elevated area, as the optimal stock of water will be ensured. Do not install a similar building on sandy soil. In any case, the foundation should be strengthened. The soil layer is harder, the better. Most often, the construction of such buildings is planned from the leeward side of the main buildings. Such accommodation protects against heavy precipitation.

    • often used and budget arbolit. At the same time, the construction is warm and durable.

    Bath of bar

    How to build such buildings depends on the variants of the material. Projects can be performed from such materials:

    • natural tree;
    • edged timber;
    • glued timber;
    • profiled timber;
    • rounded log.

    There are several ways to build a bath with your own hands. The simple option can be seen in the video:

    Most often, construction is carried out using a pinned log and timber. The timber bath is a simpler version than rounded logs. It is cheaper material than logs. Building from a bar is performed using.

    Solving how to build a bar, you need to follow some rules. Such a building belongs to light buildings, so you can use a low-booty or unlucky foundation.

    How it is right and what kind of foundation depends on the type of soil. For clay and marsh soil, a columnal option will not fit. In this case, or.

    Before you decide how to lay a timber, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing. To do this, the layer is distributed on the surface of the foundation, and from above the rubberoid sheet. Then applied and the second layer. And the board adjacent to the foundation is treated with antiseptic solutions. So we build a bath, regardless of that small it or big. A common option of construction is a small bath from a half-brew.

    By defining how to build a sauna itself, you must first choose high-quality wood. The material is most often harvested from December to March. Billets 150 × 150 or 100 × 150 are performed from the cutting trees. At the same time, they must be cleaned of the bark. It is important to inspect the material before construction work. It should not have signs of rotting or cracks. Wood must be smooth and smooth. Choosing bars, drawings and sizes need to be prepared in advance. At the same time, it is important to assign a material, for example, a edged board floor. With independent erection, you need to know how step by step construction and the 3 × 4 or 4 × 4 log connection methods are carried out.

    It is important to know how to install 50 × 150 boards on the edge, as well as extension options. There are such compounds such as in the paw and in the region. For the design of the profiled bar, a method is suitable in the region at which the connection is made when creating locking grooves.

    Frame sauna in the country

    Consider a variety of software projects. Walls are lattice structures. For walls will need:

    How to build a similar design depends on the main project. Such construction technology has many advantages. This is a high speed of installation and a small difficulty. According to reviews - this is economical construction. Ready building is characterized by rapid premises. Mini Bath or Even 4 × 6 or 6 × 6 design does not require a long shrinkage. There is also a large selection of materials, both for internal and for external finish. You can use different options for the foundation, such as tape or piles.

    How to make such a design demonstrates a photo report where the photo shows a detailed scheme and features of the construction of such buildings. There are certain disadvantages in such structures. First of all, careful thermal insulation of such structures is required. Also, such structures have a short life. Depending on the projects: 3 × 4, 2 × 4 or 3 × 5, drawings are selected. The finished project should contain work drawings with the correct assembly of design, with engineering communications and specification of materials.

    We build a bath with your own hands: a brief description of the construction stages

    Any construction of a bath in the country involves a thorough plan. Before starting construction, you need to mark up on the site. To do this, you will need a project for which marks on the ground are performed. Where to start placing dimensions depends on where the angle of construction is located. This place is reported from scratch. At the same time, the peg is clogged, and the lengths of the parties are measured. Then compact pegs are installed and other walls are measured.

    The design of the bath and dimensions are indicated in accordance with the project data. After that, the markup is made depending on. When building a bath with their own hands from stone, brick or blocks, it is necessary to level the foundation for the level. It is stacked and then on top of the runneroid.

    How to build a building will depend on what material it will be erected - from boards or from. Show features of editing can specialists. Useful rollers can be found on YouTube.

    If brickwork is used, it should be started with the corners. At the same time, the first blocks are put on the cement mortar. They should be located in the same plane. If you do not know how to do it right - use the twine for the reference point.

    In the video below, you can observe a phased display of construction work:

    After installing the jumpers above the windows or doors is mounted, and then the Armopoyas is manufactured. The foundation bolts are attached to this part. Simple or shield design involves the construction of wood frame. This element is trimmed and insulated with a variety of finishing materials. To make the frame apply the boards of aspen, linden or larch, since these options are characterized by low.

    Wooden strapping from a bar is made on the foundation. At the same time, the knockers are performed on the ends of the bars and are attached to each other self-draws. Metal corners are used for small bars.

    Note the main stages of the framework of the frame base:

    Any sauna is under high humidity, so the steam room is processed using a vapor barrier film. This will protect from the cluster of humidity from the inside. Fiberglass or mineral wool can be used as thermal insulation material. Such options provide excellent sealing level. Warming and walls of the walls are made after installing the roof. This approach will protect wood and insulating materials from wetting.

    Special attention should be paid. Before selecting the equipment for the bath, you must complete the construction work. Ready building is equipped with furniture objects and all necessary equipment. The rustic bath can be performed from various materials, just not from the porridge.

    Bath foundation with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

    How to build a bathing depends on the type of foundation used. It is worth noting such options:

    • the slab foundation is not often performed. It is suitable for massive and complex buildings. Marking is made on the dimensions of the construction or a little more;
    • you can make a ribbon foundation for a bath of 4 × 4 with your own hands. In this case, the markup is done so that the tape passed through the perimeter of the building;
    • the column is used to mount the structures of the tree. Depending on the dimensions of 3 × 4, 3 × 5 or 3 × 6, the markup is performed by the number of supports;
    • . The advantage of this option is the installation of installation. With it, it is possible to install on the foundation even with a sloping area. Marking is performed by the number of piles.

    Perhaps even construction without foundation. The fine-breeding belt foundation can be used when the soil is solid and dry, as well as the low level of groundwater and the construction is not very heavy. The small-breeding option is the easiest. Here are the main points that it is worth considering:

    How the screw base is mounted in the video below:

    Bath with a shower in the country: how to bring and divert water

    There are different ways how to equip the shower inside the bath with your own hands. There is even a special step-by-step guide. Photo report demonstrates different soul installation option. The easiest option for cooling is the fastening on the wall of a simple wooden bucket. Water there can be pouring through a tap tube with a crane. In this case, special heating is required. In the photo below, you can see shower with hydromassage nozzles. In this case, it is necessary to consider heating water, as well as pressure using pumping equipment.

    For the shower, a large area is not required, it is enough to highlight a little place in the pre-tribbon. Necessarily. It is necessary to equip the dummy for the bath. Also inside the bath you can make a summer shower. In this case, you do not need to equip a separate cabin in the yard. Even in the already constructed building you can find an angle for the washing. But at the same time it will be necessary to build a plum in the bath.

    Instructions for the construction of the roof of the bath do it yourself

    When erecting a bath, you need to figure out how to mount the roof. The stages of such construction can be viewed below:

    Options for creating the roof can be different, but in any case, we need to consider waterproofing and thermal insulation. Without waterproofing, steam will be held on the attic, and settle on rafters and beams. In this case, condensate can flock on the insulation, which will appear on the durability of the material. It is important to take into account some features of buildings:

    Organization of the internal equipment of the bath in the country

    An important point is the arrangement of the internal situation. To decide how diverse photos indoors will help inside the interior. Any projects worth starting from installation. Such a design will reduce the concentration of hot air.

    After the construction is completed, it is performed and outside with your own hands. Another important point is. With insufficient ventilation, electric heating will provoke a decrease in oxygen level.

    It is necessary to remember the constant control of the temperature regime. You can not install a mercury thermometer. Better purchase a bath thermometer. To control the humidity applies -.

    Special attention deserves finishing inside. The most suitable material is wood. A good solution and economy option - lining. The design of the walls must be performed in pastel colors. It is worth considering the floor in the bath.

    Step-by-step instructions involves the steps of finishing works, as well as layouts of lighting and ventilation. Must be high quality. Also consider bath accessories. Step-by-step guide also provides for the arrangement of good sound insulation.
