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Line of the Sun and its full characteristics, marks on it

According to palmistry, the line of Apollo in the palm of your hand indicates the presence of talent (often in the field of art), which, with due diligence, can turn into real success. However, it is wrong to assume that the presence of the Apollo line on the hand alone provides great achievements in life.

Often people cannot show their talents due to lack of perseverance and diligence, the proper level of energy or health. Therefore, palmistry advises considering the line of Apollo in combination with the rest of the lines (especially the line of Fate), hills and signs on your hand.


The Apollo line starts on the Mount of the Moon and rises straight to the base of the Apollo finger.

I must say that it may not be in the palm of your hand at all, it may be too short, thin or intermittent. However, by drawing an imaginary line from the hill of the Moon to the base of the ring finger, you can determine the line of Apollo, whatever it may be. Perfect option- when it is long, it starts from the very wrist and ends right under the finger. This means that a person will develop and embody his talents throughout his life.

PALMISTRY. ISSUE 6: Line of success (line of talent, line of Apollo)

Palmistry. Apollo line

Palmistry by Jim Winter (Apollo Line)

Sun Line

Line of Apollo, part 1. General characteristics of the line of Happiness.

Palmistry. Stigmata. Sun line. Scholar's Marks

A line that speaks of success in life, luck, wealth, recognition. Sun line. Lecture #6

line of the SUN (line of APOLLO) / CHIMISTRY / general characteristics/ A FOOD OF PALIMISTRY

Apollo line, part 5. Beginning of the line. Money and success in the second half of life.

The line of Apollo is also called the line of Talent, the Sun, Happiness, Success. Although, with regard to happiness and success, it brings it only in combination with other favorable signs, with due effort and spiritual development of a person. By the location of this line, many conclusions can be drawn about the character, inclinations and capabilities of its owner. If it connects the hillock of Apollo with a large Mars, this testifies to the calmness, kindness, confidence and devotion of a person. Such people serve as a good support in life, they are reliable and generous.

If the line of Talent begins on the hill of Venus, this speaks of self-sufficiency and great legibility of a person (which sometimes ends in loneliness). If it starts at the same point with the line of Life, this is a sign of great love for nature, gardening and agriculture. And if it connects with the line of Saturn (Fate) - a person is endowed with many talents, but cannot always cope with obstacles without outside help.


Well, if the line of Apollo is even and clear - this is a sign of a pronounced talent that will be brought to life. How much weaker it is, so much less pronounced are its characteristics. And if it is interrupted, this means that talents and creative abilities are realized intermediately, from time to time. This happens when a person now and then has side affairs and all sorts of obstacles, or he always puts off the realization of talent.

If the line of Apollo has a sinuous outline, this indicates the refinement of nature, sophistication and many talents.

However, such outlines also indicate a lack of discipline, frequent mood swings and anxiety. Such people need to be able to concentrate and effectively use the time of their lives. In the photo of some hands, you can see that the Apollo line was interrupted, but next to the place of the break there are other vertical lines, as if complementing it. This means that a person is overloaded with problems and he should think about his main interests.

With a short line of Apollo, which begins on the hillock of the Moon, but does not reach the hill of Apollo, a person has talent, but for some reason does not develop it. If it is crossed by many short horizontal lines- this speaks of external obstacles that will have to be faced on the path to self-realization. And if it runs parallel to the line of Saturn (Fate), connecting with a short segment, this means that a person is endowed not only with talents in the field of arts, but also with practicality, which allows him to earn good money.


If there is a branch from the line of Apollo pointing to Mercury, the person has two talents. Paying attention to both, he diffuses his energy. Palmistry advises to make one of the directions the main one and put all your strength into it. If at the end point two identical “cloves” create a so-called “fork”, a person cannot figure out which of the talents is more important, he will have to choose at random. If the fork has three cloves (like a chicken foot, a trident, or the Greek letter "Psi"), then a person may indulge in regrets about missed opportunities. He should not regret the past, paying more attention to the present and plans for the future.

If the branch turns to the hill of Jupiter, the person is distinguished by purposefulness, patience and leadership abilities (his talent is associated with these qualities). And if the branch turns to the hillock of Saturn - a person knows how to convince and create the right connections, his liveliness is perfectly combined with self-discipline. If there is a branch to the large mound of Mars - the owner of such a hand is distinguished by stamina and endurance, he achieves everything on his own. The branch pointing down to the hill of the Moon speaks of the ability to think in images, which is of great importance for writers, filmmakers, musicians and artists.


  1. A star on the hill of Apollo (like a star on its line) speaks of luck, the ability to influence the opinions and beliefs of other people. Also, a star can have a high income value.
  2. If an island is found on the Apollo line, this is a sign of temporary devastation, illness or depression.
  3. The square in this place of the palm is a sign of protection from unpleasant twists of fate. It protects the owner of the hand from envy, slander and betrayal. The square also limits a person's own negative traits, allowing you to get out of a crisis or avoid temptations.
  4. The lattice in the palm of your hand indicates failures in life. On a hill, under the finger of Apollo, it may indicate a “tarnished” reputation and unflattering fame for a person.
  5. The "ring" under Apollo's finger, formed by a convex line, potentially indicates great talent and significant success in life. This sign is found on the hands widely famous people- outstanding figures of arts, politics, show business, etc.
  6. The triangle on the line of the Sun indicates a stable success in life bringing satisfaction and a good income.
  7. The cross in this place of the hand is an unfavorable sign. Often he testifies to unnecessary connections that weaken and interfere with the realization of talent. A person should carefully choose the environment, not exchange for empty contacts.
  8. Palmistry advises paying attention to moles that arise on the hill of Apollo or are adjacent to it. Such a sign may indicate a failure in a career that promised to be successful. In addition, a mole is considered an indicator of karmic debt. If it is located on the left hand, there is a negative tribal karma, and if on the right hand, the person runs the risk of weighing down and polluting his karma. Throughout life, moles often brighten and disappear - this indicates that bad karma has already been worked out.

Line of the Sun, or Good Luck

The line of the Sun tells us about the degree of our success and luck in a variety of things. Sometimes this line contains information about future fame and glory. this person. But often the line of the Sun tells how plans and ideas for the future will be translated into reality.

This line protects a person from misfortunes, charges with positive and bright energy. This line helps a person to get on the right path and not make a mistake when choosing the road. This line is one of the most mysterious lines in the human palm. Those who have the line of the Sun on their hand are almost always rich and happy. Such people are surrounded by success, fame and fortune everywhere, especially in business and personal life. Moreover, these people may belong to different social strata.

Usually the line of the Sun appears at birth and accompanies the person chosen by it until death.

The line of the Sun should be on the hand without damage, marks, dashes, intersections, crosses, islands under the zone of the ring finger. Such damage will only bring negative, weakening the effect of luck. If a cross or an island is found on the line of the Sun, this means that on the way to fame and success, this person will have difficulties, trials that may not be passing, but permanent. It is important that after such damage the line of the Sun continues to be clear and bright.

If a sign in the form of a star is found under the ring finger on the line of the Sun, this means that fame, success and financial independence await this person. If the line is double or triple, then such a sign will significantly enhance the action of the Sun line, and also endow its owner with talents in the field of art.

But you should not be particularly happy, because sometimes this sign indicates a weakening of the Luck line. Looking at the beginning of the line of the Sun, you can determine how soon the most cherished desire this person. This line can become the line of Art and thus determine the beginning of the most successful period for the activities of people closely related to creativity, for example, such a forecast for the future will be very important for artists and actors.

If there is no such line, it means that such a person, although he has talents, will face many failures and disappointments in his life. If such a line is present, but fuzzy and blurred, this means that such a person lacks concentration, and he is wasting his strength in vain.

If the line is clear and straight, it means that its owner is a person with an easy character who confidently goes through life without creating problems for himself and others.

If the line of Luck begins on the line of Life or the line of Destiny, then the success that accompanies a person is the result of his own talent and expended energy.

If the line of the Sun starts between the hillocks of Venus and the Moon and ends on the hillock of the Sun, this means that the person is very purposeful.

If the line of the Sun begins on the line of the Head, this means that a person will succeed in adulthood through your hard work.

If the line begins on the line of the Heart, this means that in old age a person will have material well-being.

The hands of "villains" only at first glance are no different from the hands of "normal" people. It turns out that 84.7% of them (known criminals, financial scammers, rapists and maniacs) have beautiful oval palms, and their surface is literally dotted with various signs and symbols.

If the line begins on the Mount of Venus, this means that the person has a talent for painting.

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The line of luck is also called the line of happiness, talent, art or the line of Apollo, the line of the Sun. The name "line of Apollo" and "line of the Sun" come from planetary division, since the ring finger is called the finger of the Sun or the finger of Apollo. The name of the line of happiness is associated with the meaning of the line, which gives a person increased optimism and cheerfulness. Also, this line shows the degree of vocation for some kind of art, artistic talents.

The line of luck rises from the top of the hill of the Moon or from the plain of Mars and goes towards the finger of Apollo (nameless). The figure shows a red line. You can take for the line of Apollo only the line that lies under the corresponding finger, that is, is in its place, along the axis of the finger.

No line. Failures and disappointments in life, but the owner of the hand is talented. Monotonous, monotonous life without much success and joy.

Clear and direct. Happy man with a light and cheerful personality. An exalted nature, inclined to all kinds of art, striving for beauty. Fame and wealth achieved through art.

Thin, weakly expressed, sinuous. Indecisiveness of character, quirkiness of fate, which, however, can be changed with the ability.

Consists of parts. He speaks of too great impulses, a person longs to apply his strength in the field of some kind of art, but does not find a way to realize this. Such a line shows an attraction to art, but periodic, and depending on the type of palm, there will always be a reason that creates obstacles and obstacles in the implementation of plans.

Consists of very small and broken lines. Great desire for the arts, love for effects in terms of clothing and fashion.

It starts on the line of life or the line of fate, ends on the hill of the Sun. Success is the result of talent and energy. Location of dignitaries.

Starts at the head line. Success in middle age is the result of your own efforts.

It starts on the line of the heart. Warmth, happiness and prosperity in old age. These are basically good-natured people who will enjoy a good reputation in life, whose talents will always find their application in the field of activity to which they belong and have abilities.

Starts on the hill of Mars. Upon reaching success, he will apply inner vitality, courage, thus, as it were, defending his place under the sun and resisting bad influences. World fame.

Starts on the Mount of the Moon. Man about gifted with a mighty power of imagination and paired with a good head line can transform and express his talents as a writer. Strongly attractive to the opposite sex, a person who becomes an idol of the masses.

It starts on the Mount of Venus.Gifted artistically.

Ends with many small lines.Unsettled, has many conflicting interests.

Ends with a fork. Multilateral talents, spraying between them. A person could do better if he concentrated in one of the two chosen directions. It is necessary to make a choice of the occupation or hobby that will bring you the greatest satisfaction and benefit.

Ends with a trident on the hill of the Sun. World fame and recognition, great merits, this is a destiny from above.

Branches to the hills of Mercury and Saturn. A person uses to achieve success and wealth the qualities inherent in these hills, which will combine wisdom and insight.

Ascendingbranches. Happiness in life a person will achieve through their own efforts.

descending branches. They mean the periodic need for help for a person to advance, without which he will not be able to achieve great success.

The line cutting the main. Obstacle and inhibition in the advancement and development of human talents. When the line of success ends with a deep cross-beam, says that talent and success are stopped by some reason that a person can no longer overcome.

Signs on the line of happiness

Cross. Disappointment; damage done to reputation by others; lack of self-respect.

Square.Levels "defects" of the line.If the square is at the end of the Apollo line, it indicates protection from above, and protects from any troubles in the field of art throughout a person's life. It is not easy for others to tarnish his reputation.

Island. The opportunity to get rich or significantly improve your financial situation thanks to an illegal connection.

Star. Great success in the field of arts, and, accordingly, celebrity and fame. At the end of the line on the hill of the Sun - worldwide fame and recognition, the beginning of the line is a sign of a child prodigy with a well-developed line of health (Mercury).

And in the end I want to say that one presence of the line of talent, the Sun on the hand already speaks of the happiness of a person acquired with the help of his abilities and talents; and it doesn't matter that he turns out to be not a famous artist, artist or businessman, but a simple gardener growing flowers, or a mother who has given birth to a long-awaited child.

Be talented and happy!

The line of Luck on the hand has other names - it is also called the line of Apollo, Happiness, Talent or Success. However, its presence in the palm of your hand does not mean that a person is guaranteed good luck in all endeavors or unconditional success in life.

It only speaks of the existence of an innate talent, by developing which one can achieve external success and an internal sense of happiness. Palmistry recommends considering this line in the context of the general pattern on your palm, and pay special attention to the signs located on it.


The Line of Luck originates on the hillock of the Moon, rising up to the base of the ring finger. It is far from always clearly visible - in the photo of many palms you can see a too short or broken line, and on some hands it is not at all.

Palmistry claims that the absence of this line does not indicate a lack of talent - it is simply not so pronounced and requires some effort to be recognized.

A clearly defined line of Luck indicates favorable conditions to develop human abilities and talents.

Palmistry. Fame, success, money in the palm of your hand

Corrective palmistry - how to create a line of wealth on the hand. Sun Line

Wealth lines on the hand. line of success lines of money on the hand

Lines talking about luck, prosperity, happiness, love, material stability

In many cases, this line is poorly defined or consists of separate fragments. To accurately determine it, you need to mentally draw a line from the hill of the Moon to the base of Apollo's finger. The segments where it is clearly drawn speak of a person's work on the embodiment of his talent. The interval between the fragments corresponds to the period when a person switches to other areas of life.


If a branch from the line of Luck goes towards the mound of Mercury, this may indicate the presence of two talents in the owner of the hand. In this case, you need to carefully consider your actions and desires - is there enough energy for implementation in two areas at once, is there a dispersion of efforts. Perhaps you should focus on working in one of the areas or think about how to combine them without compromising your own life. If a branch is visible in the palm of your hand towards the hill of Jupiter, the main talent of a person is associated with leadership abilities.

A branch towards the Mount of Saturn is considered by palmistry as the ability for self-discipline, analysis and systematization. A branch towards the hillock of Mars may indicate sports talents, as well as the ability to realize oneself without outside help. The branch to the hillock of the Moon suggests that the owner of the hand is largely endowed with figurative thinking. He can find his talent in the area fine arts, music, literature.

Negative signs

  1. The island on this line testifies to the period when a person “drops hands”. At this time, the owner of the palm may be overtaken by apathy, a breakdown, or an illness that takes away energy.
  2. The negative signs also include a lattice - the intersection of several vertical and horizontal lines. Palmistry interprets it as a losing streak associated with self-realization. If the lattice is located on the Mount of Apollo (at the base of the ring finger), this may indicate "notoriety" - negative fame.
  3. Crosses on the Luck line are also negative signs. They denote devastating connections - contacts that give nothing "neither to the mind nor the heart", but only absorb the energy intended for the realization of talent.
  4. A mole located on this line or on the Mount of Apollo has a karmic meaning and may interfere with the realization of your talents. On the left hand, it denotes the karmic debt left to you by inheritance, and on the right hand, the risk of “earning” it yourself. In any case, palmistry advises to pay more attention to spiritual values ​​and selfless deeds, thus working out karmic tasks.

positive signs

  1. The star on the Luck line has a favorable decoding, denoting resounding success, inner satisfaction and high income. A person with such a sign changes the opinions and fates of other people for the better.
  2. The square refers to positive signs, although it denotes some restrictions. It testifies to an innate sense of proportion and lack of greed, which help to avoid many temptations on the path to success. The square also denotes a strong connection with the Guardian Angel.
  3. A ring or a circle in this place speaks of a pronounced talent, the embodiment of which will bring fame to a person. Such a sign is often found on the hands of people in plain sight - artists, politicians, public figures, etc.
  4. The triangle is one of the most favorable signs, indicating stable success and prosperity achieved thanks to the mind and abilities of the owner of the hand. The triangle promises inner harmony, satisfaction with the results of work and the ability to enjoy life.

The line of the Sun on the hand is a sign of talent, creative imagination and success. It starts at the wrist, not far from the line of fate, and ends near the base of the ring finger, on the solar tubercle.

Not everyone has it expressed, sometimes it is represented by a small segment in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hill of the Sun or in the center of the palm. Some people do not have this line at all.

General view of the feature

For each person, the line of the Sun looks different. If there is no line in the palm of your hand, then the person is unhappy, he is talented, but cannot use his abilities. Here are some options appearance solar branch:

  • long and clear
  • Short
  • Wavy
  • oiled
  • intermittent
  • Consist of several dashes.

Each type of line of the Sun has its own meaning, indicates the degree of talent of a person, his path to success, and the impact on the lives of other people. Let's take a closer look at how the trait affects the fate of people.

Long and clear line

The line that stretches from the wrist to the very mound of Apollo, and is clearly visible even in the photo, is the most auspicious sign. Its owner has a developed imagination, many talents.

The trait promises success, fame and recognition. His character is cheerful and good-natured, he is happy, satisfied with himself. Confidence and a good mood infects everyone around. Because he has many friends and admirers.

Short line

The short line of the Sun indicates that its owner is interested in music, literature, painting, but his own talents are not very well developed. If he realizes himself in other areas, and art becomes his hobby, he will be happy. People with this trait are found among collectors, art historians. They are wealthy and know how to manage money.

Too short, barely noticeable line - a sign of lack of talent. Such people often strive to win fame and recognition, but do not have the prerequisites for this. Therefore, they become envious and greedy, embittered at the whole world. Palmistry advises the owners of a short branch to look for themselves in other areas, and not to waste strength on futile attempts to achieve success in creativity.

Wavy and blurry lines

A person with a wavy line of the Sun is elegant, artistic, charming. But he has a negative trait - pessimism. He is prone to mood swings, often falls into depression.

The line of happiness, luck, success, creative gift, talents ... Line of the Sun .. Lecture No. 6. Palmistry

Lines talking about luck, prosperity, happiness, love, material stability

line of the SUN (line of APOLLO) / PALISTRY / general characteristics / FINE PALISTRY

Emotional instability becomes an obstacle to success. The owner of a blurred line cannot focus on one goal. He wastes his energy in vain, does not realize all the talents inherent in him.

Interrupted and multiple line

A break in the line is a sign of fatigue, insoluble problems. If it is restored by dashes that go nearby, then friends or relatives will come to the rescue. If several parallel identical branches stretch to the Apollo hill, it means that a person is confidently moving towards success, enjoys the support of loved ones. dashes different lengths, going nearby, mean uncertainty. Their owner changes professions, cannot decide where it is best for him to realize himself.

When two V-shaped lines approach the solar tubercle, two forces act on the person. Each of them pulls him in the opposite direction. It is important to decide which of them is positive and which is negative. A bunch of branches converging at one point on the hill of the Sun belongs to a shrewd person, with good taste. But the diversity of interests does not allow its owner to correctly determine priorities, and hinders development.

Beginning and course of the line

Sun line starts at different places On the hand. Here are some options:

  • On the hill of the moon
  • On the hill of Venus
  • From the line of life
  • In the center of the palm
  • Above the line of the heart.

lunar hill

The owner of this trait loves flattery and praise. He furiously proves his opinion, citing many arguments and arguments, hardly admitting his own wrong. If the line begins on the hill of the Moon, then success and good luck accompany a person.

Mount of Venus

The line of the Sun, the beginning of which is located at the hill of Venus, is characteristic of people who are self-sufficient and happy. They have a critical mindset and are not easy to please. They often remain lonely, because they do not want to associate life with a person who does not share their views.

life line

The beginning from the branch of life is characteristic of artistic natures. They choose a creative profession, or rotate in the world of art. If a branch of the head is clearly defined in the palm of your hand, then its owner will have great success. When the line of the sun comes from the line of fate, a person’s life will be especially happy.

Palm center

The branch of Apollo, starting high in the center of the palm, is a sign of a patronizing nature. These people become patrons, promote young talents. They like gratitude, admiration. When a person is not spiritually developed enough, he becomes a tyrant and despot.

heart line

When the solar branch originates above the line of the heart, it portends success in adulthood. People with such a line of the Sun are talented and gifted, but they will need time to achieve fame and recognition.


The line of the sun in its path often has branches that stretch in several directions. They are important in determining the fate and character of a person. Here are some options:

  • Twigs reach for fingers
  • Twigs go to the wrist
  • Branch to the Mount of Jupiter
  • Branch to the Mount of Saturn
  • Branch to the upper Mars hillock
  • Branches to the Moon or Venus.

Branches to fingers

Three clear branches going up mean ups in certain segments of life. They provide new opportunities, testify to positive changes. If there are a lot of branches, then the person was pursued by failures. As a result, he was disappointed, afraid to change something, the fear of remaining a loser closes the path to real success.

Branches to the wrists

If branches leading to the wrist are visible on a clear line of the Sun, then a person has made a lot of efforts in life to achieve success. Unfortunately, not all of them were rewarded. As a result, he became disillusioned and stopped. Palmistry advises to look at the problem from the outside in this situation. The decision, as always, is in the hands of the individual himself.

Branch to the Mount of Jupiter

The line of the Sun with a clear branch to Jupiter is evidence of great ambition and great patience. Such people give all their energy and time to achieve success. Inborn talents and diligence are rewarded, and the owners of the branch reach the heights of fame and recognition.

Branch to the Mount of Saturn

The owners of such a branch are energetic and sociable people. They know how to involve others in their projects. Apollo and Saturn complement each other, give people a quick mind, a good sense of humor and restraint at the same time.

Branch to upper Mars

A person with the line of the Sun, which has a branch to the upper mound of Mars, purposeful and independent. Talents are combined in him with endurance, aggressiveness and strength. He finds himself at the zenith of fame without anyone's support.

Branches to the Moon and Venus

A branch to the hill of the Moon will bring happiness to a person with imaginative thinking. Often it can be seen in writers and composers. When a branch reaches for the tubercle of Venus, it means that a person will find unexpected help. Perhaps difficult trials await him on the way, but all problems will be resolved, often thanks to his own efforts.

Signs on the line of the Sun

In palmistry, the line of the Sun is marked by a number of signs. The value of each of them can be positive or negative. Here are the marks most often found on the hand:

  • Trident
  • trait
  • Star
  • Island
  • Triangle
  • Square
  • Cross.


The bifurcation at the end of the line, consisting of three branches, is called a trident. It is typical for people who love admiration, recognition of their own successes by others. They do not know how to distinguish between flattery and real praise, they prefer to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.


A branch that crosses the line of the Sun speaks of delays on the path to success. Perhaps external circumstances or ill-wishers became an obstacle. The problem is serious, it will take time to solve it, but it is passing.


The star sign, which is located on the hand in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Apollo branch, portends success and glory. Its owner is lucky, has a positive effect on other people, is able to change the course of history. Often such individuals have acting talent.


A small island or circle at the beginning or middle of the line is a sign of an idealist. He puts on a pedestal everyone he loves, does not notice shortcomings. Often such people are waiting for disappointment and the collapse of illusions.


The triangle sign is strong personality. Its owner knows how to turn any circumstances to his advantage. Even adverse influences and pressure from outside, he uses to achieve success.


The sign is found in independent people who do not like to adapt to anyone. They are lucky, things are going well for them, everything that they start, they bring to the end.

It is important to remember that the influence of lines on the course of our destiny is not final. Pictures and predictions determines only general trends. The life of each person depends on his own efforts. no movement in the right direction, work on yourself, it is impossible to achieve success.