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Perform the installation of the roof from the metal tile. Installation of metal tile: Step-by-step instructions with useful recommendations. Detailed work guide

On the Internet there is a huge number of videos and photos showing how to put metal tile. But, unfortunately, only some of them boast a qualitative disclosure of such an extensive topic. In this article we will try to maximize about all the details of this process.

Rules for fastening metal tile

Consider the overall concept of mounting metal tiles.

Rules for installing self-sustaining

The screws are screwed into the sheets of metal tile tightly. But it is important not to rearrange and not crush the gasket of the seal.

On the perimeter of the skate, screws are screwed into the deflection of each wave. Next, the pinching of the tile takes place to each brush of the crates, while the screws are placed in a checker order. When screwing the screws at the close distance to the steps, they are almost impossible to see, as they turn out to be in the shade. In the adolescent sheets, screws are screwed under some angle so as to ensure the best pulling sheets. On average per 1 sq.m. The roof takes 6-8 self-tapping screws, and when attaching accessories - 3 screws for 1 messenger meter on each side.

If it is not special roofing for fixing the material, and screws without a sealing washer or non-galvanized screws, it can lead to insufficient surface sealing. As a result, the tile will quickly be corrosive, which will negatively affect the strength of fasteners and the durability of the roof as a whole. The improper mounting of the self-tapping screws leads to loosening fasteners and a loose compound of the tiles.

To screw the screws, it is most convenient to use a screwdriver with the possibility of regulating the moment of revolutions. This contributes to the maximum tight screw of the screws without damaging the gasket washer.

Rules for handling metal tile

Before starting roofing, metal tile should be delivered to the installation site. And even here some problems may arise, the final outcome of which is a material that is unfounded to the installation. Therefore, during transportation, it is necessary to strictly fulfill all the prescriptions of the manufacturer of the metal tile.

In general, you can select the following tile conversion rules:

  • loading is carried out only by the mechanized method. The slings must be soft, and fastening prevent the leaf edges hang;
  • transportation is carried out only on the transport, the length of the body whose body is not less than the length of the tile sheet;
  • with unloading work, a sufficient number of people should participate during the process. It should be proceeded from the fact that one worker should keep no more than 1.5 robust meters of material;
  • during transportation and storage, metal, sharp or abrasive objects cannot be stacked on top of the sheets;
  • when storing the tiles more than 1 month, it is placed by stacks. At the same time, each sheet is shifted with dry wooden slats;
  • it is possible to store the tile in the unheated room, but should exclude the ingress of ultraviolet radiation and precipitation to the surface of the material.

Technology laying metal tileage

In places there may be a capillary effect during rain. At the same time, the moisture begins to leak over the level of the drain. In order for the water in this case, it is not delayed on the back of the metal tile, it is necessary to make a capillary groove that will provide free fluid flow. Some manufacturers took care of the decision of this problem and the sheets of metal tiles already have a single or even double capillary groove.

Laying metal tile on the roof

Consider how to put metal tile:

  • Sheets of metal tiles are joined in groups up to 4 sheets at the same time. When the tiles are applied in one row, a displacement is formed (up to 3 cm on 10 m). It is in this way that the styling of metal tiles step by step. Therefore, the material must be laid with a barely noticeable turn counterclockwise if the capillary groove is on the left side. At the same time, it is necessary to strive for the right angles of tile sheets in one row on the same line.
  • On top of the first sheet, the tile is spread both in the right and left direction. The main criterion at the same time is the convenience of mounting. Often, work begins on the side that there are no sections, adjoints or beeps.
  • When installing with applying the previous sheet, so that the capillary groove is closed, it is necessary to put the edge of the next tile sheet under the wave of the previous one. This allows you to alleviate, as the sheet is fixed from above another sheet. It is prevented by slipping tiles. But such a technique of laying is fraught with scratches of the surface of the metal tile.
  • Regardless of the shape of the roof of the roof, the roofing sheets align strictly horizontally to the cornice. At the same time, you should not forget to organize Svet over the eaves, which is often registered from the roof material manufacturer. The overall laying scheme of metal tiles prescribes the following: tiles are collected in blocks from 2 to 4 sheets that are connected by short self-draws. At the same time, the group is attached to just one self-tapping screw as high as possible on the crate. Thus, the tile block can rotate around the axis, aligning it on the skate eaves and the side edge.
  • If the sheets of the tiles are stacked in several rows, then the first sheet is mounted with alignment along the end and eaves. The second sheet is put on top of the second, temporarily attaching it to the skate with one screw. Sheets align relatively each other and fasten them together. The junction of the upper and lower sheets is fixed in the upper point of the wave in increments through one wave (read the article: "").
  • The third sheet is put on the left of the first and fasten them among themselves. Next over the third sheet is put and secured the fourth sheet. At the same time, these two sheets are fixed without fixing to the crate. This allows you to adjust the location of the tile elements.
  • Next, the resulting block is aligned on the eternity and end, after which it is possible to finally fix the tile. After that, you can start the installation of the following sheets of roof.

Video Installation instructions Metal tile:

Laying the roof of metal tile on a triangular shape

The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  • Before starting the installation, it is necessary to place the center of the skate and spend the axis on it. The similar axis is noted on a sheet of metal tile. Next, the axes must be combined. The sheet is fixed with self-timing skates. On both sides of this sheet continues styling on the same principle (read also: "").
  • Tile on triangular rods, on oblique ridges and in endowes requires trimming. In order to simplify the marking of the sheets, it is recommended to make a "black" - a rectangular frame, the boards of which are fixed by a hinge compound. The distance between the inside of the right board and the outer side of the left should be equal to the width of the tile sheet.
  • If you need trimming, a sheet that will cut, lay on top of the already laid. "CHILK" lay one side on the ridge of the roof or in Undov. On the other side, the cut line is marked. The transverse boards should be located strictly horizontally.
  • When trimming the sheet, the funds have the same procedure as in the previous paragraph. After all the conditions are made, the metal tile sheet is applied to the markup line. It is carried out along the outdoor side of the second vertically located board, which lies on the end. Then the sheet is removed and cut according to the markup.

Hearing window and through outputs

In those places where the output passes through various layers of insulation (hydro, steam, heat), it is necessary to ensure sealing with adhesive tape. In the joints between elements, sealing is performed using silicone sealant. Often both sealant and adhesive tapes are included in the passing elements.

Metal tile is extremely popular, because it has significant advantages over the rest of the roofing materials. Using metal tile when coating the roof, you will provide home to reliable protection against aggressive environmental impact. Considerhow to cover the roof of metal tile And what will be required for this.

The advantages of this material include:

  • low cost;
  • nice appearance;
  • reliability;
  • low weight;
  • long service life.

What will be required in work

Before proceeding with work, you need not only carefully examine the instructions, but also take care of all the necessary materials and tools. First of all it is:

  • scissors for metal;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • marker;
  • stapler with galvanized brackets;
  • wooden rake of suitable length;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill.

Note! The hand scissors will be quite difficult to cut the metal tile of a complex profile, so it is better to use the power tools T (if possible).

It should also be noted that the material is covered with a special polymer spraying, which in no case cannot be damaged - it performs an anti-corrosion function. For this reason, all the cutting options should be deleted, which provide for the heating of the cutting section. The optimal tool for cutting can be "Bulgarian", but onlywith abrasive circle.

Regarding the necessary materials, then it will be necessary to work:

  • metal tile;
  • board for the construction of the crate, 2.5x10cm;
  • wooden timber, 2,5x5 cm;
  • mineral wool for insulation;
  • waterproofing (any except bitumen).

Immediately disclaim that this material is not suitable for all types of roof. The fact is that the roof must comply with some requirements, namely:

  • to be scope;
  • have a bias of more than 14 °;
  • have a simple geometry.

If the roof will have a complex design, albeit straight, then during the installation it will be necessary to produce not one dozen trimming, which will increase the consumption of material (After all, most of him just go into waste). Consequently, this will increase the cost of building materials and the montage itself.

Pre-frozen roof

It is necessary to start work with the competent metering of the roof, its length and widths - this will allow you to calculate the required amount of materials. With a skate width of no more than six meters, one sheet length should be equal to this width (with a small margin for the eaves). But if the width of the building exceeds six meters, the sheet is divided into two parts, which are set by the flashes of about 10 cm.

The tiles leaf itself should be longer than a slope at least 4 cm. The fact is that the sheet is attached to the skate, slightly overlapping the cornice. This allows you to provide good ventilation under the rod of the roof.

After that, the roof must be measured diagonally. It is also worth ensiting that the roof has a correct geometric shape. Moreover, at this stage, all defects and distortions are found to be fixed immediately.

Before starting the installation of the crate and laying the tiles, it is necessary to ensure good waterproofing for the roof. This will prevent condensation on the inner part of the roof, and even after the flow of moisture will be delayed by a special substance -absorber.

The most affordable and thawed insulating material is considered a vaporizing film. Processed by a special absorbent substance, it is installed directly above the room.

The insulation must be laid on the rafter system so that the initial layer of the sink has not exceeded 2 cm. The following layers are put on the net approximately 15 cm. Between the rafters, you can leave a small provision, but not more than 2 cm. Galvanized nails or mounting staplers are used to fix the film.

In parallel with waterproofing, the roof should also be insulated. Insulation plates are placed between the rafters. If the material is made in the form of mats, it must be fastened to the same mounting stapler (in this case it all depends on the selected material, this issue has already been considered in one of the previous articles).

Assembling clamps

To assemble the crate, it is necessary on a layer of waterproofing to fasten along the wooden bars along the skate. Then the boards are attached to the bars with a thickness of 2.5 cm and a width of 10 cm.

Note! Installation of boards need to be started at the bottom! The first board at the same time should be the thick of the rest of about 1-2 cm, because it will be the edges of the sheets of metal tiles.

The step between the boards may be different, from 30 to 45 cm, depending on the transverse profile of the roofing material. It is characteristic that between the first and second boards, the step should be less than 4 cm than between other obsesstins. Before starting work, all wooden elements should be processed by antiseptic and (if possible) with flame retardant.

When installing the crate, special attention should be paid to the auxiliary elements.

  1. On both sides of the roof you need to install additional bars on rafters - it will increase the reliability of the fixation of the skate.
  2. By installing waterproofing, it is necessary for a couple of centimeters to withdraw to the chimney pipe and take the reinforced tape for the reinforced scotch - it will help to hide the formed clearances. At the chimney, it is necessary to make a shifter (small grooves) of a depth of 2 cm. Upon completion of the installation work, these shoes need to install adjacent strips and isolate the joints with silicone sealant.
  3. The gaps formed between the skates should be installed. For this, a solid doomer with an additional layer of waterproofing is mounted from the board. Each of the funds should be installed above the cornice bar and secure self-drawers every 25 cm.
  4. On the frontal board with self-draws you need to install the barnis bar and secure every 25 cm. Such a bar must withstand a strong wind, so it is installed in 12 cm.

Works on the tile laying are performed in the following order.

First stage. Actually, we have already considered it above - it lies in the installation of the cornis plank to the frontal board of the crate. Once again we remind about the mandatory 12-centimeter nest.

  1. When duscal roof You need to start work from the end of the skate. If it was decided to cover from the right skate, then each next sheet is installed on the extreme wave of the previous one. But if the material falls from the left end, the new sheet is installed under the extreme wave of in front of it.
  2. Tent roof It is necessary to cover from the upper point, gradually dropping (it's all the case in the peculiarities of the geometric shade of the tower roof).

All sheets need to be laid parallel to the eternity, with a mandatory 4-centimeter plumb.

Third stage . If sheets are installedin one row , the first one of them needs to be aligned on the either and for a while to fix the sink in the skate area. The second sheet must be aligned on the first and time to connect them. So you need to install two more sheets, then align the formed block on the eaves and consolidate on the crate of self-draws.

When multiple laying Metal tiles The first sheet must be installed downstairs, secure the screw and align in the end and eaves. From above, the second sheet of tiles is installed, on the side - the third. All of them are attached to self-drawing on time. Then you need to align the formed unit and finally fix it on the crate.

Finally, if the skate hastriangular shape, First you need to determine and designate the axial line on it. The same line should be carried out on the tiles sheet. Then both lines are combined, the sheet is fixed with self-draws. Subsequent installation is made on both sides of the first sheet.

Fourth stage . Self-tapping screws should be screwed into the deepening of sheetsthrough one wave. Each new row of self-tapping screws should be placed in a checked order regarding the previous one. On each square meter of the material should go to 7-8 screws.

Adjusts need to be strengthened in every wave.

Covering the roof of metal tile, it is necessary to pay special attention to the reliability of the fasteners of sheets and the accuracy of their dusting.

As a conclusion

All work should be carried out in accordance with the instructions given, ensure that wooden elements are carefully dried, and there were no traces of rotting. Only so you can achieve the durability and reliability of the design, as well as an attractive appearance of the roof.

Video - Installation Instructions Metal tile

28.09.2017 0 comments

The need for reliable and high-quality overlap of structures for various purposes is an axiom. Developers are increasingly preferred by metal tile, in replacing the classic sector and galvanized tin. It seems that the complex laying of the material trusted by experts can be successfully implemented independently with the subbands from among relatives and good acquaintances. Desire, excitement, the presence of the necessary tools should be based on certain theoretical knowledge to obtain the result expected from the work. Theoretical moments and useful tips are presented in this material.

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Advantages and disadvantages of coating

In favor of the choice of metal tiles, such qualities of roofing material can be given:

  • environmental friendliness - there are no harmful substances and compositions;
  • low weight - 3.6-5.2 kg / m2;
  • excellent strength achieved by the presence of constructive ribbonic ribs, gives a properly installed metal tile sheet with a thickness of 0.5 mm ability to resist when more than 200 kg / m2 load;
  • installation and repair of the roof is no difficulty;
  • fire safety;
  • aesthetic classic view with the wide range of material selection of various thickness, profile, protective coating and color;
  • minimum linear expansion under the action of temperature and high resistance to its differentials.

Choosing the material you need to know its shortcomings. The metal tile is:

  • The tendency to form on the surface of the condensate sheet on the difference in the temperature of the outer air and the attic room. For the material, the basis of which is metal, it can cause corrosion processes.
  • Noise when atmospheric precipitation (rain, hail) and from contact with the trees swamped with wind branches.

Both problems are significantly smoothed by the mandatory insulation of the roof from the attic. Insulation "Pie" shifts the "dew point" outward and at the same time actuates the role of sound insulation.

Calculation of material and the necessary fittings

To order a complete set of materials for the roof arrangement, it is necessary to measure the prepared design. Measurements are subject to:

  • The length of the skate - is measured in the center and on the edges of the sink from the skate to the outer edge of the lower cornice board. The main one is considered the maximum indicator with the addition of a canopy allowance.
  • Skate widths.
  • The lengths of the external (ridges) and internal (endand) corners and their summation.
  • The length of the skates and eaves around the perimeter of the roof design.

All measurement results are transferred to the sketch or roof plan. According to this sketch, the sales consultant or a specialist construction company will be able to produce the exact calculation of the required number of sheets of metal tile of various sizes. The sheets are made in 1, 3, 6 or 10 modules (the module is a unit of an area equal to one profile row of metal tile). The selection of the required sheets will reduce the amount of material waste when laying the roof with a complex geometry.

An example of layouts of sheets of metal tile on the 1st from the hollow roof rods.

When calculating the number of sheets, their useful area is taken into account, which is 8-12% less than the overestimated sheets of the sheets. Then the list is complemented by water collectors, funds, rustling, snow holders, planks and sheets made of steel in the color of the selected roof tiles, the necessary fastener. In terms of the roof, existing and planned ventilation mines, antennas, windows (attic, angry), smoke pipes should be applied. Their finish in places of adjacent to the roof will also require the acquisition of special fittings.

Preparatory work

The main installation work is preceded by mandatory preparatory. Their importance can not be diminished. At this stage check:

  • The correctness of the collected rafter system, the accuracy of its geometry.
  • The presence of dohes, counter test. The correspondence of the cross section of the jogging material and the step of the cutting step of the rafter, the estimated load, the recommendations of the accompanying documentation of the tile manufacturer.
  • The presence of a solid or additional cornice doomba for reliable fastening of the safety elements used (fences, snow beetners).
  • The integrity of the insulation membrane.
  • The presence of additional attachment boards and boards to enhance in endowes.
  • The possibility of organizing ventilation of the entire space under the roof. For this, mandatory cornisic and skate products should be provided. If they are presented, the air enters the cornisa part, ventilats and dries from a possible condensate an irrignee side of the metal tile, is removed through the skate zone.
  • Whether the processing of a wooden design was carried out by special means for fire and biological protection.

The device of the rafter system, crates and hydrocarizations.

Main works

Step-by-step installation of metal tile on the roof of its own forces.

  1. For the stipulated water drain system, the brackets are not further 0.7 m from each other.
  2. Farmers nailed (step 30 cm) galvanized nails. On the bar, the waterproofing film, laid under the shap, cuts into the bar.
  3. The first laid sheet of metal tile is leveled at the front and temporarily fixed with one self-tapping screw in the skate, others - in the eaves.
  4. The following three sheets are temporarily fixed and the entire block is aligned.
  5. Now you need to fix all the sheets of the tiles on the cut.
  6. Next, the operation with 3-4 sheets is repeated until the entire slope is covered.
  7. The edges of the profile of metal tiles should not reach the axis of the skate at least 8 cm. The ventilation tape is installed on them and then at the highest points of the profile by self-draws (step 30-80 cm) fastened skaters.
  8. The front-distance plank is installed at the bottom: the fastening step is 30-60 cm, the nestrest is 5-10 cm. The bar must cover the top line of the profile wave.

Arrangement of Endov

When full-sized tile sheets are laid, the design of internal angles is performed. At the preparatory stage, additional boards of doomles were stuck in the endows for the ability to withstand the load from probable snowy "bags". Now the back of the bent leaf itself is stacked from the bottom. Vertical leaf leaves - 200 mm. Sheet width from the axis of endanda - 0.5 m per side.

On the laid chute sheets, markup is made (10 mm on the sides of the Endowa axis), which will be folded to the inner corner of the sheets. At the edges of the gutter is attached a special seal. Cropped, according to the markup, sheets of metal tiles are set to their places and are attached to the shepherd not closer than 0.25 m from the axis of the angle. The indicator of the correct attachment is the absence of gaps between the tiled and the seal and the tight fit of the sheet to the bug board at the fastening site. If the edges of the adjacent of the tiles to Endeva were cut off unevenly and with defects - you should not worry. All disadvantages will hide under the decorative lining prescribed.

Roof device near pipes

Passing through the roof of the pipe and the ventilation mines around the perimeter are placed by a used profile of bent galvanized sheets having a stable polymer coating. The backrest of profiles on the pipe is not less than 15 cm. They are attached to the trim under the sheets of the tiles, the adjoining of the pipe is treated with a sealant. Under the bottom profile will start and fastened the "tie" - a flat triangular sheet with flames - to ensure that water falling under the roof of the pipes towards the cornice. After mounting a used profile, a "tie" and metal tile itself, elements of the adjacent "apron" are installed on the joints with the pipe.


Installation of the planned accessories is made strictly according to the manufacturer specified by the manufacturer in the attached instructions for a specific product. But all installed stairs, fencing, ventilation issues, bridges and other accessories combine the general rule of fastening - through the sheets of roofing material directly to the doom with the use of synthetic gaskets.

  • Metal tile is a measuring material, the length of the sheets of which reaches 7.5 m. For its temporary storage or long-term storage, a flat platform is selected with 12-m wooden bars installed. The same bars use as gaskets between sheets. The stack of folded sheets is covered and attached from above (in 2-3 places) by cargo capable of preventing the unwanted movement of the material from the gusts of the wind.
  • The supply of roofing material on the roof is carried out on two boards, as on the guides.
  • The use of "Bulgarian" when working with metal tile should be excluded, because when cutting, except for the edge in the region of the cut, the polymer coating is also violated (burning) in places of hot metal sawdust. The second important point is the warranty on sheets chopped by this power tool, is canceled by the manufacturer.
  • Under the decorative end of the end, the seals are not used. When fixing, the linings must be traced so that the Endow itself is not damaged by self-draws.
  • A closed adjoining profile can be mounted immediately on the wall plane or in a prepared stroke with a mandatory seal seal with a sealant.
  • Big Ove from the cornice can cause the deformation of the edge of the metal tile. Optimal ot - 40 mm.
  • Self-tapping screws are purchased from the calculation of 7-10 pcs / m2. The length of the screws for fastening the tiles to the doom is 25 mm, among themselves - 19 mm.
  • Usually, the metal tile is attached to each third wave of the profile; Near the frontons, skates and eaves - through the wave. Self-tapping screws 1.5 cm below the stamping line.
  • Working with metal tile requires maximum accuracy and delicacy to preserve a sprayed layer. Therefore, working on the roof, apply shoes with a soft sole.

The technology of mounting the roof from the metal tile profile is not complicated. Following its items and proper roof service in the future, the question of overlapping the building from the agenda for 50 years can be removed.

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The roof of the metal tile is the most popular in the construction of private and multi-storey houses, public and industrial buildings, creating small architectural forms. A thin profile sheet imitates masonry from ceramic tiles, but at the same time deprived of its disadvantages - significant weight, complex installation and high price. The coating is used for pitched roofs with an inclination angle of more than 12 °.

The first metal tile was released at the beginning of the 80s in Finland. She quickly won recognition from architects, designers and builders. Rates a novelty and end user. In Russia, the roofing material appeared in the 90s. Now it is used in the regions with different climates - in harsh northern latitudes and on hot south. Earlier, we wrote about how to do and with your own hands without the help of specialists, in any case you will be useful to read, even if specialists will work.

The basis of metal tile is a cold-made profile sheet of steel, aluminum or copper, coated with zinc-containing compositions, base, primer and polymeric materials. A thin outer layer also performs a decorative function. Surfaces have different textures and color.

The metal tile device is schematically.

Types of protective ornamental external coatings

Table of coating temperature.

Roofing sheets are coated with polymers resistant to temperature difference, solar radiation. The film applied to the outer side of the product should be flexible, durable, reliably protect steel from corrosion. Such requirements correspond to:

Manufacturers for the needs of the consumer produce metal tile with coatings of a variety of composition and characteristics. The polymers are glorified by quartz sand, the point embossing is applied to the surface, aluminum and zinc are added. Some films have noise protection properties, which is important for metal roofs. For high-quality products, the warranty period reaches 70 years.

What kind of profile

The roof of the metal tile is made of rolled with a thickness of 0.4-0.5 mm. The sheet is attached to the profile by the method of cold pressure. First, a longitudinal wave is formed, then transverse relief. Products acquire a finished form that imitates a variety of masonry from clay plates. The consumer will be able to choose the most appropriate option for the design of the housing.

Calculated table sizes of metal tiles.

Monterrey. Classic shape of a tiled coating in Finnish traditions. Rounded face, low wave, smooth bends - distinctive features of the geometry of this profile. Varieties - supermonterrey, maxi.

Cascade. The profile resembles the rectangular plates on each other. Waves clearly outlined, the faces are straight and strict. It is convenient to fit with infants or rash, therefore it is used for the construction of complex roofs. A variety is Maksicatad with an extended wave.

Spanish dune. Sheet material is made in Russia in the Moscow region. The width of the element is 540 mm, on the longitudinal edges there are grooves and anguard for hidden fastening. The self-tapping screws circled into the mounting holes overlap on top of the next part. Water, not falling into the joints or fasteners, does not cause corrosion. Metal tile is made under the size of the skate. A variety is Andalusia.

Finner. Modular roofing material with a size of 705x1190 mm Finnish production. The two-wave element is equipped with a bend on the front edge for additional roof protection against weather.

Adamanta. Metal tile with a coating of a matte Pural imitates the Mediterranean clay roofs. Profile with soft wave, color range of very saturated shades. The species is a country with a polymer layer of polyester.

Novelties of the profiles of Finnish and Russian manufacturers - decoils with a ridge of 18 mm, Bangs with a round convex wave, Shanghai with alternating bulk protrusions.

Roofing of metal tile: Waterproofing and vaporizoation

The roof from the metal tile is arranged on two technologies - warm or cold. The choice of option depends on the purpose of the attic space. For residential premises, rods and frontones are insulated if it is unheard - laid heat insulation overlap. Installation of roofing cake in each case has its own characteristics.

Warm roof

The device of the warm roof from the metal tile begins with the laying of waterproofing. It protects the insulation and the wooden structure of the roof from condensate and accidentally leaked water. At the same time performs the function of windscreens - prevent the fibers of the heat insulator through the slot.

Waterproofing is placed on top of the rafted. For this apply:

  • inexpensive polyethylene or propylene films that do not transmit steam;
  • diffuse breathable membranes.

If polyethylene films are used, the ventilation gap is used between them and the insulation. This will allow moisture to evaporate.

The film or membrane is mounted in a stapler to rafters without saving. In places, the joints of the panels are attached to the width of 15 cm. Skinching with scotch, to avoid strangling the wind. The direction of laying is from the bottom up for the free flow of water over the surface of the waterproofing.

Membranes when laying orienting according to the instructions. Since the passage of vapors is provided in one direction, you need to be attentive. Otherwise, the result will be reverse. Usually the manufacturer prints on the outer side of the logo or bright strip.

On the waterproofing, the bars are mounted a counter tests with a thickness of 40-50 mm. This provides the necessary ventilation gap between the film and metal tile.

Between the rainstorms of the vessel placed basalt wool mats. From the bottom side, thermal insulation is protected by steamproof films. If this is not done, condensate is formed in the thickness of the material. This worsens the properties of the insulation, creates a source of constant dampness in the premises.

Parosolation is arranged from films, membranes reflecting foil materials with vapor permeability in the range of 0-90 g / m² * day. They are attached to the rafters from the inside, trying to preserve the tightness of the coating. For this joints, they are carefully glued, the locations of the communications are duplicated with lining with cut holes.

Important. Foil films are placed, reversing the metal layer inside the room. Thermal waves are reflected from the barrier, without emitting to the atmosphere. For sizing, chosen tape with a metallized layer.

Cold roofing

In cold roofs, the insulation is placed on overlapping the top floor. At the same time, it is also protected from moisture penetration with insulating materials.

Under the metal tile, only layer of waterproofing is placed. It protects the underfloor space and the rafter system from the condensate generated on the inner surface of the profile sheet.

For waterproofing, films or membranes are used. Their choice is quite large. Fasten materials similar to a warmed version. Between the rafters, they leave a small - 20 mm - sagging to condensate condensate into the drainage system. All joints are sealed with adhesive tape.

To reduce noise arising during rain or hail, waterproofing is combined with sound insulation. Apply dense heavy membranes, barriers based on acoustic felt or rubber, foam, mineral wool.

Mounting and laying Metal tile - step by step

Installation of the roof from metal tile is performed, as a rule, professional brigades. The weight of the square meter of the roofing material is 4-7 kg, which makes it easy to raise sheets and install them on the roof. Having a construction skill and a set of tools, you can do it with the assistant.

To work will be required:

  • power stairs and stepladers;
  • tool for cutting - metal scissors, handheld with fine tooth, electric jigsaw, disk saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • long rail;
  • marker or pencil for marking;
  • soft brush for removing sawdust after cutting.

Important. It is not recommended to cut the metal tile with a manual grinder. Round at high speed, the abrasive circle burns the protective zinc and polymer coating. This accelerates the formation of corrosion, leads to the appearance of rust.

Sheets are attached to the crate with colored galvanized screws with a gasket from EPDM rubber, screwing them down by a screwdriver.

If scratches appeared during installation, they are painted with an aerosol of the same color as the base material. Wooden elements are treated with antiseptic.

Stages of work when laying metal tile:

  1. Check the geometry of the roof with a roulette. The diagonal of the skate must be equal.
  2. Mounted hydro, steam and thermal insulation according to the project.
  3. Set a counterclaim on rafters from bars 40x50 or 50x50 mm.
  4. A clamp made of 40-50 mm thick, parallel with a skate with a step equal to the wavelength of the metal tile. For the most common profile of Monterrey is 350 mm.
  5. In the lower element of the crates, the hooks for the drainage system, cornice strips and chute are fixed. It must be below the edge of the roof by 25-30 mm.
  6. In places of inclined butts of the skates, the shoulder elements of the lower funds are installed.
  7. Mount the sheets of metal tile on the right left. Each previous sheet is overlapped by one wave. Must with self-draws.
  8. The joints are closed with upper undershones.
  9. Install end planks with seals.
  10. At a distance of 350 mm from the eaves mounted snowstores.

Self-tapping screws into the center of the wave deflection by 3-5 cm below the stamping relief. Fasteners have strictly perpendicular. The rubber washer should be tightly adjacent to the surface of the sheet. Incorrect installation leads to the formation of gaps or deformation of the elastic gasket.

Important. It is impossible to mount the screws into the upper part of the wave, this will lead to a fragile profile fixation. It is unacceptable to use different thickness boards for a frame, install them with an uneven step. As a result, coating defects arise.

Installation Metal tile - Step-by-step instructions

Before starting work, a preliminary calculation is carried out to determine the consumption of materials. The upper edges of profiles are asymmetrical, so when layouting, they cannot be changed in places. In addition to the basic sizes of the element, it takes into account its work dimensions, taking into account the overlap.

The drawing is placed the position of each sheet. In two-tie roofing, the installation starts from the lower right or left corner of the skate. The second element is located nearby. The third panel is fixed above the first, fourth - over the second.

With four-page or more complex roofs, the initial line is a vertical where the highest point is located. Stacking starts with devices of joints or adjoints.

To regulate the position of the sheets, they first be temporarily secured to each other without screwing to the crate, 2-3 pieces in a row. Then they align the formative block and firmly fixed.

Important. On metal tile goes only in soft shoes, trying to step in the wave deflection.

Installation of volunteers

Doblyo elements are designed to seal joints, articulations, and roof adjoins, giving it a finished appearance. For each type and color of the tiles produce appropriate profiles. They make them from the same steel sheet with a protective coating.

For the design of the roofs use:

  • Farmers - droplets installed on the bottom of the eaves. Serve to collect condensate from the underpants space, protection against rain with lateral wind. The elements are fixed with self-drawing to the bottom board of the crate, which should be 10-15 mm thick. Rights of the roof are sofa or profiles.
  • Face planks - protect the frontal roof from the busting of the wind. They are also called wind or frontal. The upper part is attached to the metal tile, the bottom - to the wind board.
  • Skating Plank - profile for decoring the roof of a round, triangular, trapezoid or rectangular shape. For a dense adjoining to the figure tile, good is compacted by foam rubber. It passes the air, but creates a barrier for birds or insects. Planks are equipped with plugs repeating the shape of the end hole. The length is joined by peaks or locking fastening.
  • UNDOVES - curly planks intended for the lead of atmospheric moisture flowing from the surface of the roof and decorative design of the joint from above.

Sealing of joints, locations of attic windows or communications are performed by placters, covered profiles, outdoor adjunctions and passing elements. To protect against large layers of snow on the skates, corner, tubular or lattice snowstores are installed.

Important. Doblyo elements need to be attached to eliminate the risk of leaks. To do this, apply seals, steel clips, sealants.


The roof of the metal tile is a worthy alternative to natural tile. Produced as a variety of profiles. The service life of high-quality coating materials reaches 70 years. An important condition is the right installation and operation.

Metal tile - popular material for roofing. It has excellent technical characteristics and modest mass. To install it, it is customary to invite specialists, but you can spend all work independently by following step-by-step instructions and observing the necessary criteria.

To install metal tiles with their own hands without errors, the following rules should be followed.:

  1. The sheets of the material are stacked by two methods: on the left side to the right and vice versa. In the first embodiment, the previous sheet is imposed. In the second - the laying of each next sheet is carried out on the previous element.
  2. Each sheet is not attached immediately and entirely. Put 3-4 sheets before screwing the material and grab a little fasteners to fix them. Make sure they occupy the right positions, push them if necessary. For the final fastener, one self-tapping screw is used. And he permeates all sheets.
  3. The quality of the screws used seriously affects the operational period of the roof. Use galvanized products with special seals on the heads. They hermetically close all the holes with full twist of self-reserves in the hole.
  4. In those areas where one fastener fixes several sheets at the same time, seal occurs. To smooth it, cut a part of the corner, or straighten the capillary hole arranged under the line of stamping.
  5. The fixation of the end slats takes place - 2 cm. The wave parameter is adjusted under the width of the skate. Otherwise, the comb will be on the front.
  6. The cornice bar also has fallen. It is 10 cm and is located on the lower gentle bar. It is fixed to it with nails.
  7. Roofing bar and tile sheet must separate the layer of the seal.
  8. Components focused below the skate are equipped with singing sheets. For pipe and window, it is necessary for 2 pieces.
  9. If there is a downhill roof, the roof is mounted. It is arranged between the metal tile and the skate bar. Due to the extent, there will be no precipitation under the horse.
  10. The horse is fixed to the planks that are in the end of the overall design. When calculating, the required protrusion (2-3 cm) is taken into account. If the horse is flat, then the mount is suitable. When working with semicircular analogues, fasteners are based on the profile line.

Before laying thermal insulation first, vaporizolation is placed on the rafter. Maximum layer of material retention - 25 cm. An antioxidant film is mounted on it, the crockening occurs on wooden bars to the rafters.

In order for the precipitate to flash in the drain, thermal insulation fix with a slight point (2-3 cm).

Technology and installation instructions Metal tile

This work consists of several stages:

  1. Calculation.
  2. Waterproofing is stacked.
  3. Created a counterfeit.
  4. Brackets are attached to drain.
  5. Mounted doom.
  6. There is a cornice plank.
  7. Endow joins.
  8. The sheets of material are stacked and fixed.
  9. Additional elements are mounted (horse, end plank, etc.)

Preliminary calculations are necessary to determine the required amount of materials. Mathematics comes down to conducting such operations:

  1. Calculating the area of \u200b\u200beach slope;
  2. Calculation of the effective parameter of the sheet of material. From its entire area, it is required to subtract the square in Farweste.
  3. Determining the number of rows of material on the skate. Its functional length is divided into the width of the tiled sheet.
  4. Calculate the number of sheets in line (row).
  5. Multiplying the number of rows and sheets in each of them. Here it is necessary to take into account the parameter of the rehearse, it is approximately 15-20 cm.

Material is enough guaranteed if round all the indicators in the biggest.

It is useful to make a scheme for calculating the material. For example, it may be such:

Also before buying, pay attention the corner of the inclination of the roof. It there must be at least 11 degrees. This is the minimum indicator for installation.

For the work themselves, the following tools will be needed:

  1. Scissors for metal.
  2. Electric drill.
  3. Sculpture.
  4. Roulette.
  5. A hammer.
  6. Special tape for mounting.
  7. Marker.

Also ensure yourself with a ladder and protective equipment (glasses and gloves).

In addition to metal tiles, the work requires:

  • waterproofing materials;
  • roofing slats;
  • aerliaolts;
  • skate and end slats;
  • 2.5 x 10 cm boards;
  • guide board;
  • self-tapping and seals for them.

Laying waterproofing

The most popular materials are polyethylene films. It is better to use diffusion membranes. They can be laid on the insulation plates, not fearing the formation of condensation from the head of the insulation.

The arrangement scheme is as follows:

Steam barrier is a barrier that blocks moisture from the premises into the inner sections of the roof. It is arranged at the very bottom of the roofing formation, under rafters, to which is mounted, and thermal insulation. It also protects against condensate.

Installation counterbalax

The control is forms a ventilated space between waterproofing and roofing. Her rails should be placed with a significant step. Between them turns out the emptiness filled with air.

The monitoring does not bear the load carrying, but performs such functions:

  1. Supports for workers when creating a major doomb.
  2. Protection of waterproofing from damage and grubber from moisture.
  3. Fixing the waterproof film, its deduction from less sagging.

Its installation itself is carried out in this order.:

After these actions, the boards of the main gentleman are mounted. Work starts from the cornice.

Fastening brackets for the drainage system

In solving this task, it should be relying on the following criteria:

  1. If the three-layer wall, the brackets are attached only to the surface layer. With its density of 9 cm, the anchor is deepened by 6 cm, 12 cm - by 8-9 cm.
  2. If the wall has two layers, the fastening component is placed deep into 6-9 cm and enters the next layer.
  3. In a single-layer wall, the dive goes to 6-7 cm. For fastening, screws or spacer dowels are used.
  4. If the wall is wooden, the holder is attached by self-drawing. A sharp long rod is used.

Self installation of the drainage gutter passes in such an algorithm:

Installation of crates

Since the metal tile does not have an impressive mass, it is not necessary to create a powerful base for it.

The bumbly is nailed to the rafters. The distance between the initial and subsequent board is 35-40 cm. Between the centers of the boards. Here are the value of the leaf bends. This indicator is different from different models of metal tiles.

It is worth knowing that it is impossible to arrange rafters over the windows themselves!

In areas where the endands are located, and the metal tile is adjacent to the pipe, as well as near the windows, a solid doomba is created.

This component is joined after the creation of a front board, which is kept on the ends rafted galvanized nails.

Fastening goes in this order:

  1. Bringing veneer board on the front base.
  2. Fastening the support bar to the wall. It becomes a support when installing the hanging of the cornice system.
  3. Installation of brackets on the drain. The places of their attachment: the legs of the rafted or the board of the cornice.
  4. Assembling the plank itself. Separations of its placement are those zones where the drain is connected to the cornice or a frontal board. Self-tapping screws are removed at least 30-35 cm.

In this work, an additional board must be attached for each such component. The process begins with the bottom with gradual progress. It is necessarily maintained in flights 25-30 cm.

Below the cornice line is cut off the bottom plank. After that, the slaughterhouse is satisfied, and the sealer falls under it.

Sheets Material and axis separates the gap of 8-10 cm.

1.5 cm from the stamping line into the trimmed material screws screws. Fasteners are removed from the axis by 25 cm. So the sheet at the point of fastener is docked with the board, on which the endow is concentrated.

At the bottom of the end is mounted until the roof laying. Thanks to this, the water will be dragged in directly in a challenge.

Installation of the roof of metal tileaccording to the settlement scheme, it looks like this:

To cover the sections where the cropped material is noticeable, use decorative overhead.

UNDOVA device scheme

If the beginning or end of the endand is located right on the skate, it is put on a separate board, for the window in a tiled sheet, a hole is created, and it takes overlap in the form of a plank. In this situation, a seal is laid along the walls.

Laying and fastening sheet metal tile

This work begins on a rectangular skate, or rather with its rightmost side. With the opposite direction, each new sheet is placed under the preceding one.

Installation technology of the roof of metal tile on the skate - triangle is based on such criteria: the initial sheet is located in the middle of the skate. Other sheets are mounted on it from both sides.

The order of laying metal tiles here is the next:

  1. Laying the initial row. Sheets are not fixed thoroughly, but grabbed at one point, and then aligned with respect to each other edge of the skate. Their first line hangs from the cornice about 4-6 cm. The process begins on any side: right or left.
  2. Fixation by self-drawing through the wave. They screw firmly, but their ring-seal is not finalized.
  3. At the butt section, the angle is cut, so eliminates seals. You can straighten the capillary fossa under stamping.
  4. The process is duplicated for the second and the following lines.
  5. Fixing end planks. Their styling is 2 cm.

Installation of the skate, the end plank Metal tile and adjustment to the wall

Cracker is mounted in such a sequence:

How to lay metal tile on the roof? Aprons are arranged on the sections of heating or ventilation pipes. Work goes so:

Fixing end slats is carried out by 2 cm. The wave parameter and the skate width must be identical. Otherwise, the comb will be located on the front.

Video: Installation of metal tile - video instruction.

Installing snowstores

These devices can be tubular, lattble and corner. The first are fixed in this order:

  1. Creating device layout.
  2. Strengthening the root with an additional bar.
  3. Build construction. Bolts are not delayed.
  4. Installation itself to the roof, in which holes for fasteners are created. For their placement, only the bottom wave adjacent to the shap is suitable.
  5. Accession to the skate bolts. 0.8 x 6 cm. Step - 30-50 cm.
  6. Waterproofing of holes - rubber gaskets apply.
  7. Insert the tubes themselves.

With the presence of the attic, they are arranged above all the windows. Their distances from the extreme part of the roof - 40-50 cm.

The second is put at a significant angle where huge snow volumes are concentrated. The limit height of the lattice is 20 cm.

Thirdly fixed with self-drawers or steel corners, be sure to the upper wave of material. Location variations: chaotic or in one row.