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Decorative peas are long-term. How to grow fragrant polka dots in the garden. How and when to sow fragrant peas

Easy peas (china siny) is, it is nothing more than a fast-growing liana. A plant from the family of legumes is multiplied exclusively by seeds. Topic of Articles: Easy Polka Dot one-year cultivation From seed. There were cases when the seeds did not germinate in the first year, they forgot about them. The following year, they pleased their eyes with their shoots. By the end of the season, being adult, reaches a two-meter height. Dwarf grads grow no above 40 cm.

Plant Description, Photo

The plant has thin ribbed stems, a couple of leaves, as well as the mustache at their ends. Thanks to the mustache, it clings to the support, grows up, to the sun. Initially, you need to follow, direct, and also to be taught. Known and dwarf species of fragrant peas. Their height reaches 40 cm. Such plants can decorate any window or balcony of a city inhabitant. They can be planted around the edges flower flower club in country areas.

The plant flower is very beautiful, it has a very gentle inflorescence, thanks to which the ordinary garden plot becomes like a real paradise. Flowers are assembled in large brushes, long, light-free flowers.

The flower has a whisk and five ridges of a bright color of the bright color. The top petal of the flower is the largest, its diameter up to 6 cm. Call its "sail". The two lower petals resemble a "boat", and the "paddle" form two middle petals. Beautiful I. fresh flower Save up to 5 days.

The fruit of the plant of the family of legumes, of course, Bob. Inside the fetus ripens only a few seeds. round shape. For proper storage seeds, observing the permissible humidity and temperature modeTheir germination is preserved up to 8 years.

Not always after flowering seeds are formed. The reason for this is a sharp change in temperature, both at night and day. Despite the fact that the rank is not afraid of cold, buds react strongly to the change in the day, night temperature. Buds and flowers fall out, the wound does not happen. In addition to a sharp change in temperature, the reason may be incorrect flower care.

There are many varieties of this plant. They differ not only for the shape, size and painting flower. Tint of petals can be chosen as a shower, thanks to a wide color palette. The plant is climbing, capable of shaking and, thereby, decorate any support with a real weight carpet.

Gentle, refreshing aroma comes from the inflorescence of the plant. It fills the air not only on your country plot, but also in the nearby territories. Besides the tall plant, exist dwarf varieties fragrant peas. Coloring flowers in each variety of different.

Benefits of growing fragrant peas

Among dacities, sweet pea - very popular. He has a mass of indisputable advantages, among which unpretentious is allocated. Despite this, experienced gardeners give a number of tips that will help beginner flowers to grow such a wonderful plant as polka dots fragrant.

It is planted on balconies or loggias for gardening. For landing, a box is suitable for land, about watering the plants you need to remember. Easy peas, with its delicate flowers, will decorate any housing of the city inhabitant: be it a balcony, loggia or windowsill. And for the dacket will be the highest, beautiful flower Location on. The aroma of his colors is able to raise the mood not only to you and your family, but also to your guests, your favorite neighbors.

Know! Grow fragrant polka dots for each person.

The benefits of fragrant peas can be attributed to:

  1. Plant height, thanks to any garden plot can be done decorative screen, sourcing wondrous fragrance.
  2. The fragrant peas goes well, it will be a decoration of a nipple wall of any construction on the site, to serve as an intertarized fence or partition. Comfortable, scattered shadow is obtained thanks to his weaving - it is very important in a hot and sunny day.
  3. Unpretentiousness - it grows not only on the shadow, but also on the scorching sun. It is capable of withstanding frost to -5ºС.
  4. Low varieties do not need an additional support.
  5. Great growth rate (if compared with perennial liaans).
  6. For the annual plant, the flowering period should be noted, long, almost three months.
  7. The opportunity to grow it on the balcony of the city apartment or on the country site. The south-eastern side will be favorable.
  8. If you make a bouquet of peas colors, then it will look great for a long time to remain fresh.

In what conditions polka dot is growing

Fragrant peas is very popular, they know him, grown in different climatic zones. The plant is more like open, windless places where the soil is moisturized and drained.

Carefully need to follow the irrigation, not allow drying, overvalued. Clay soil And the overvailing can cause disease, and then the death of the flower. Dry soil is not able to provide moisture root system.

Without moisture, the plant can dry. Also, polka dot does not like temperature differences. He warns about it, dropping buds and petals. Such a period for him is destructive.

Fragrant peas need to plant in advance prepared soil where it will be root system develop normally. The soil must have neutral acidity. To reduce the acidity of the soil, it will be necessary to conduct lime in advance.

It is not difficult to cook the soil yourself, the main thing is not to forget to add compost potash and phosphoric fertilizer. The compost must be laid into the ground to a depth of 15-30 cm, but this is no case manure.

It is important to remember that fresh organic fertilizers Able to destroy the plant!

If the soil is prepared for planting seeds to seedlings, it should be located in a room for some time, where the seedlings will grow. Earth just should warm up room temperature. Then it is specially prepared, and then sow seeds.

Terms of sowing seeds

Before planting this plant, it is necessary to carefully read the conditions that will be optimal for its growth. If you decide, then you do not need to tighten the planting time of the plant, as its growing season, mostly only three months. If you earlier set the annual, the earlier it will please your blossom.

For each climatic belt, planting this plant occurs in different time. If your climatic belt is recommended to plant fragrant peas in spring, then mandatory condition It will be breathing in sufficient depth of soil. Otherwise, the seeds simply freeze. This process can be prepared in advance and raise seedlings.

Important! Plant only into a warm ground. If the winter is very harsh, dragged on time, then planting fragrant peas is recommended on a greenhouse or in any other closed room.

Urban residents manage to do it in the apartment or on the balcony. The main condition is the compliance with the temperature regime that will be favorable for the flower.

If the climate is moderate, the landing of the ranks begin to think at the end of April, early May. We are talking On landing seeds in open ground. Soil warmed up, it means that the seeds should not freeze. Thanks to heat and precipitation, the seeds germinate quickly. Soon the rank begins to bloom.

How to prepare seeds for landing

As you know, seeds have a sufficiently rigid shell. Experienced gardeners with ease open the secrets of seed preparation to landing. Seeds that did not "proceed" after soaking, you need to additionally process. To do this, a whole set of tools will be required: a small knife or scissors for manicure, awl or needle and sandpaper.

Applying sandpaper, seeds, as it were, wipe or, accompany a slight effort, ride on paper. This action will make the shell a little thinner and softer. Using manicure scissors or a knife each grains need to be cut, and a needle or seer can be pierced. The presence of peas seeds with a hard shell is not a reason to refuse to plant this plant at home.

If you bought a grayish brown peas seeds or brown-brown, then you need to soak them before planing. Without soaking, the seeds of light cream color are having. They are planted into the ground dry. Do not confuse anything.

Do not advise connect seeds different varieties. They are placed in different tanks and poured warm or hot water, about a day. Seeds that pop up can be boldly to throw out, as they are empty and will not go.

Capacity with seeds need to be removed in a warm place where dark. After a day, water is drained, and the seeds are covered with a wet cloth. It is necessary to ensure that the fabric does not dry. Instead of seed fabric, sawdust or moistened sand are suitable. If the temperature regime is observed, then you will appear after one to two weeks. Sprouted seeds need to immediately plant.

Important! Do not give the seeds to dry up - in time to moisturize the soil.

Boarding and growing annual

To get a plant fragrant peas, you need to purchase seeds - it is multiplied only by seeds. You can grow with both seeds and seedlings. Each method has its advantages.

It is possible to plant fragrant polka dots to plant outdoor soil after the snow melts, and the earth will warm up. On the selected land plot, wells are made, a depth of 2-3 cm, at a distance of 10-20 cm. In each well, they lay 2-3 peas, the hole is falling asleep, the earth falls asleep, it is regularly plenty. Abundant watering is very important for future colors, for the development of their root system.

Important! Do not forget to properly prepare seeds of fragrant peas before landing.

To grow seedlings of ranks, it is necessary to prepare the soil mixture. It fill in deep narrow tanks, which can be used plastic cups or peat pots. The container is deepened, 2-3 "seeds" are put in it, the earth falls asleep and, as in the previous case, they are abundantly watered with water for two weeks. You should not block the seeds deeply - long have to wait for gear.

The temperature for growing seedlings should be no lower than 15 degrees. In sunny weather, the seedlings are made on closed balcony In the sun, for hardening. As air heats up on the street - the balcony opens.

The time of stay seedling in air is increased every day. A couple of times it is necessary to make a feeding plant - this is to stimulate growth. After some time, if the seedlings grows in plastic cups, it will be noticeable as the root of the fragrant peas tightly soaring the ground.

When the future seedlock "will throw out" a couple of leaves, the growth point is pouring. With side shoots, they also come, then make feeding. This is done so that the flower increases the root mass, and the plant itself becomes like a bush. Due to its strong root system, the flower can reach high growth, neither fall nor break, if you are tied up.

Planting the seedlock of peas of fragrant to open soil is needed at the end of May of the month. The day before the seedling landing, it is better not to water. So it can be painlessly pull out of the cup, transplant to the ground, without damaging the root.

Landing in open ground and care

For the landing of fragrant peas, the locality is suitable, which are protected from wind. Disembarking seedlings to open soil, the first two to three days it is necessary to cover something from direct sun ray, make an artificial shadow.

This period is very important for seedlings - it must "pass", its growth is suspended. But if you do everything right, then after a week, the annual will ventilate, new, more powerful shoots will appear on it. The root system will be able to further grow and strengthen open soil.

The flower, which landed in the open ground, needs regular tips, abundant irrigation. We need to do a weeding to save it from the neighbors - weeds. After the rain is needed, it is necessary that the "crust" of the dry ground is not formed, which interferes with the oxygen to get into the soil.

It is necessary to prepare the supports in advance to which the wing plant will be relying. As a support, you can take a grid or stretch the twine. Flower shoots, as it is growth, you need to focus in right direction, do not forget to tie.

In the process of growth, the plant is useful nourishing substrate as feeding. It is being added after the emphasising of the scented peas to stimulate the development of the apparent processes.

In order for your garden for a long time, there is a long time and pleased the eyes of fragrant polka dots, you need to do the following: steaming, and also remove the shots, dry leaves. If this is not done, then bloom will end in a month.

To obtain seeds, you need to leave a few pods on each bush of annual. In order for the seeds completely ripe, there must be enough sunlight, heat. The terrain on which the flower grows should be protected from drafts.

Attention! If you want to get seeds - create conditions.

Do not forget about the correctness of watering. If the flower is pouring, it can be hit by various diseases, among which there can be root rot. Roaring pests may appear: snails, slugs. It is impossible to allow it. It is very difficult to fight them.

If you correctly care for fragrant peas, adhere to all recommendations, then the plant will certainly please you, as well as your guests with your blooming all summer.

Soil, subordinate

Fragrant pea grows perfectly on fertile soil, in which fresh organic fertilizers are not added. In order for the plant to feel perfectly perfectly on the balcony, it needs to be perplevated in the tanks. And everything is done in order for the growing root system to develop correctly.

Poor fertilized soil negatively affects the flowering of annual. If the soil is fertilized above the norm, the green mass increases. Flowering comes later than always, the number of flowers is small. Seeds are practically no.

The plant must be regularly feeding and water. As a feeding, it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers in which the low nitrogen content.

Seedlings planted on the ground receives its first feeding in a week. This will require a bucket of water with urea and nitroposka dissolved in it. On the water bucket, it is enough on one tablespoon of urea and nitroposki. The second feeding will need a flower when it starts blooming. Third feeding - during the raw flowering period.

Know! Thanks to the feeding, the annual will delight you with its blooming all summer.

On the fertility of soil is beneficial affected by the majority bob plants. They applies to their number and foolish rank. In the process of decomposition of the remnants of the root system, the soil is enriched with nitrogen. Thus, the plant can provide themselves with nitrogen. It is not recommended to plant polka dots fragrant in one place for more than two years in a row. Specialists say that he will not bloom beautifully.

Fascular peas - the plant is not capricious, it is not difficult to understand. Need to create optimal conditions, given some features.

  1. Planting polka dots with the help of seeds is much easier than to sedate. Seedard Caprigance, she needs to "pass". The plant has a good root system that goes very deep into the soil.
  2. To transplant it without damage to the root system - almost impossible. The plant grows rapidly, is not excluded, with a change to damage or break his stems. If fragrant polka dot decided to land on open soil Sewage, then you need to replant with an earthy pot.
  3. Polka dot has a dense shell on seeds, due to which uneven germination occurs. Professionals trying to speed up the process, invented small tricks: the seeds are pre-soaked, emery paper wipe, cut off.
  4. Fast growth. For its timely weaving, you need to install a grid or support on time. Plant, while height, it is recommended to be tied up.
  5. The root system of fragrant peas is well developed, goes deep into the soil. Therefore, watering should be abundant and regular.

Rank foolish and traditional medicine

The healing properties of the annual fully studied. ethnoscience Applies it for a long time. It strengthens immunity, helps with a cold, avitaminosis. In case of insomnia, with the disease of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract prepare a decoction of peas tubers. The tincture of the plant treats the disease of the respiratory tract. It has a good expectorant action.


Fragrant peas - easy to care and beautiful plant. It is very popular among experienced gardeners. An annual flower, not capricious. Everyone can grow it, despite the number of recommendations. Beauty and tenderness of flowers, pleasant fragrance will raise the mood and make it easier for any pain. The plant scented peas will certainly like!

It has more than 10 thousand varieties that differ in flowering timing, height, as well as the shape and size of colors. A wide range of shades, prolonged and intensive flowering, thin fragrance, as well as huge opportunities for use - all explains its popularity.

Fragrant peas, growing in the garden

Fragrant peas can be grown in two ways: seeds and seeds. In the ground, the seeds are evisted at the end of April, to obtain seedlings - at the end of March. The peas are pre-wigled in the water for a day. To facilitate germination, the dense shell of the seed is a little deformed. Seedling is planted into the ground in the second half of May, while plants are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Special supports are installed for tall varieties. Young shoots pinch over the second either by a third sheet, which allows you to stimulate the laying of lateral sprouts. Seedlings, like flowering plants, feed universal fertilizers. The flowering period occurs after 3 - 3.5 months after the appearance of germs.

Many gardeners use many years of growing peas for decorating, whose cultivation does not require special efforts, except for transplanting once every 4-5 years. These plants bloom abundantly, but they do not differ in variety of colors. Another disadvantage is the lack of aroma. Therefore, the annual grades are often planted between perennial peas, for whom bright shades and a pleasant smell are characterized.

Decorative features of fragrant peas

Fascinated peas is widely used when creating with it you can hide a non-zero hedge, make an original bouquet, arbor and fill the area with a sophisticated aroma. Also, fragrant peas is an indispensable attribute of gardens equipped in english style. Opportunities for using these colors are not limited to landing in the open soil in the summer, it is perfect for greenhouse growing in winter and spring. Fragrant peas, whose cultivation is carried out in closed soilIt needs additional lighting, since this plant has a long day cycle. In addition, polka dots - perfect option For it will become an excellent decoration of pyramidal compositions, columns, pergol, and can also be planted with other flowers on the flower beds and in mixboraders.

This is not all decorative opportunitieswhich possesses fragrant polka dots. Growing in containers allows windows, terraces, closed arbors, winter gardens and residential Rooms. In addition, you can place fragrant peas on the balcony, creating a cozy shady corner for a holiday in an urban apartment.

406 03/19/2019 5 min.

Fragrant peas is a herbaceous wound plant with beautiful flowers. It belongs to the genus of the rank, the bean family. It is actively grown as decorative garden plant Thanks bright colors and tender aroma. It grows almost everywhere, unpretentious to the conditions of cultivation. Decoration for the terrace or arbor from fragrant peas is easy to grow from seeds.

Plant Description

Easy peas is an annual or many years of the wound plant. Stems climbing, most often weakwitch. If there is a suitable support, it can grow to 1 - 2 meters in height. Root system weaving, deep. Dark green leaves, par pilochertic. They are collected by 2 - 3 pairs, each escape ends with a mustache. It is a mustache that helps a fragrant pea cling to other plants or other suitable supports.

Blossom continues from May to September. Inflorescences are a slightly color bundles. Flowers incorrect form, in a wild form I have purple colour . Garden varieties can have any plants from gently pink to violet, white or purple. They have a pleasant and strong smell, which is why the plant is called fragrant. The fruit is a bob, in the ripening form dropped by 2 halves. From the ripened beans you can get round seeds of a brownish shade.

Fragrant peas is growing rapidly, dyeing green weaves any vertical surfaces.

Types and varieties

Fragrant peas can be one-year or perennial. Most popular varieties Fragrant peas:

  • Lel. A low-layer plant with a height of up to 1 meter. Corrugated flowers, 3 sizes size 3 - 5 centimeters, light pink shade;

  • Neptune. Plant tall up to 1.5 meters. Branchy stems with beautiful violet - white flowers. The base is white, the flowers themselves are purple.
  • White Peri. Wenting plant height up to 1 meter. Large flowers Bright white color with tender aroma.
  • Catbackson Floribunda. Plant with branches, decorated stems up to 2 meters high. Purple Tint Flowers, Corrugated, up to 4 sizes, 5 centimeters;
  • Ramona. Plant tall up to 1.3 meters with medium-scale branches. Flowers of a bright carmine shade, up to 5 centimeters.

Different varieties are suitable for growing in gardens or decoration of arbors.

Perennial grade of fragrant peas when proper care Can grow without transplanting up to 7 years.

Growing from seeds

The simplest I. effective method Growing fragrant peas in open ground is the reproduction of seeds. After aging beans, the seeds are collected at the end of summer. For reproduction, only fully overwhelmed seeds are suitable. Preparation starts in March, maximum in early April. Preliminary preparation Seeds includes:

  1. Soak. Seeds of fragrant peas have dense skin. They are necessarily soaked in containers with hot water for 1 day. The temperature of the water is approximately 50 s;
  2. Sorting. The pop-up seeds are removed, they are not suitable for germination.

After that, you can start the process of germination. To do this, you will need:

  • soup plate;
  • white cotton fabric;
  • wet, pre-calcined sand.

The plate is covered with cloth, the wet sand is already laying on it. Seeds are placed in the sand and leave for germination in a warm place. Capacity with seeds is regularly checked, sand is moistened as they dry.

The process of growing many years of fragrant peas should be started as early as possible. This will allow the plant to form a strong root system to the first autumn frosts.


Pre-germinated seeds planted into the prepared pots with nutritional soil mixture. It is best for this peat mixture, or a special soil for curly plants. For this:

  1. Seeds are sown in the pot with a soil to a depth of 3 centimeters;
  2. The pots are placed in pallets, and covered with a transparent film;
  3. Pallets are placed in a warm place.

Such guy will be needed during the first 5 - 7 days. After that, the pallets are rearranged to the windowsill from the sunny side.

Care for seedy

The ground is regularly moisturized, condensate is simultaneously removed. After the seedlings grow on 5 - 10 centimeters, the film is removed. Care for young seedlings includes:

Empty Material

  1. Watering. Soil should be regularly moistened, not allowing dryness;
  2. Temperature mode. So that the seedlings have grown strong, the temperature in the room should be no lower than 20 s;
  3. Topping. After 2 - 3 of the present leaves, seedlings need to be vaccinated;
  4. Podrel. After pinching plants be sure to feed. To do this, "Kemir Universal" is made at the calculation of 2 grams per 1 liter of water.

Easy peas love sunlight. It is best grows on the south side of the site.

If there is not enough sunlight in the room, plants need to arrange additional backlight. For this, pallets are placed under the lamp for 2-3 hours every day.

Landing in open ground

To plant a fragrant peas, it is best to choose a windless, but the most bright place on the plot. It can successfully grow on half-directed or darkened areas. But this will reduce the decorative qualities of the plant, as it blooms worse. The best peas is growing on neutral in the degree of acidity soil. It must be the most drained as possible.

Making a manure

For this, its landing plot is pre-dripped to a depth of 15 centimeters. It is additionally enriched, making manure or humus. After that, the soil is well drunk and moisturized. When landing in open ground, it is worth following such rules:

  1. Peas badly tolerates transplantation, disembarking on permanent place Must be extremely general. It is best to plant young plants in open ground with transshipment. Plants pull out of the pots gently so as not to damage the earthen com;
  2. Nearby install the grille at which the plant will have;
  3. Saplings are lowered in pre-dug holes and fall asleep with soil.

After that, the saplings are abundantly watered.

You can not overestimate or block the plant when disembarking. The well should repeat the shape of the pot in the form.


Fragrant polka dot grows quickly, covering support with fluffy "carpet." It is rather undemanding for the conditions of care. It includes such operations:

  • watering. The lack of moisture leads to falling off buds and flowers;
  • hilling. In order to stimulate the growth of the roots, you need to regularly dip the plant, at the same time sleeping in the well fertile land.

Slowing flowers need to be regularly deleted. This will extend the flowering time.

It is advisable to leave 2 - 3 outlined inflorescences to get seeds from them.

Diseases and pests

The main diseases of the fragrant peas:

  • puffy leg;
  • blackleg;
  • gray mold;
  • root rot

The most common pests:

  • nodule weevil;
  • web tick;

In the case of one-year fragrant peas, the most effective prevention is to transplant every year to a new place.


In this video, it is told about landing and growing fragrant peas.


Easy peas is a beautiful curly plant from the bean family. It grows rapidly and does not require complex care. It grows rapidly, clinging for any vertical surfaces. It blooms all summer, helping to reorret the site.

Easy peas (rank) is a perennial plant, it grows almost in any climatic conditions, in leaving unpretentious. During the flowering of peas exudes a wonderful gentle smell and amazes the variety of shades. The plant blooms for a long time and pleases with its beauty until late autumn (from June to November).

Easy peas: landing and care

The arches, fences, gazebos, which the plant attaches unique beauty and comfort is decorated with fragrant peas. At the same time, the flower does not require any special conditions for planting and growing.

Fragrant peas - cold-resistant plantcapable of transferring freezing to -5 ° Celsius.

Although the breeders in addition to many years of peas are proposed for many varieties of annuals, gardeners still prefer the first. This is explained by the following reasons:

  • an annual landing and the cultivation of seeds is not required;
  • the flower will delight the eyes for several years, without needing to transplant.

Here is the main thing - to produce right landing Plants in the first year.

Types of fragrant peas

There are many varieties and types of ranks, overgrown with the fields of Eurasia, the Mediterranean coast, Mount Africa and South America. The most popular are the following grade fragrant peas:

Cultivation of fragrant peas of seeds

Material for growing scented peas of seeds must be prepared in early spring (March, April). Before sowing, seeds should be soaked in an aqueous solution of the preparation "Bud" (1-2g / 1l.), While water should have a temperature of + 50 ° C.

The pop-up seeds should be removed, since they are unsuitable for landing. The rest are placed in a wet environment for germination. To do this, use a piece of fabric and raw sand, which needs to be constantly maintained in a wet state.

For the cultivation of seedlings of fragrant peas, it is better to purchase the store's shop "SENPOLIA" or "Rosa". But you can use and universal soil mixture. To disinfect the soil, it must be prepared for a solution of manganese.

Spring seeds fall into the container or other capacity. You can use pots, paper or plastic cups, etc.

Specialized stores are now offering a rich assortment of pots, containers and vases of various shapes and colors, so you can easily pick up the container for the plant depending on its type and color.

Depth of sealing - 2-3 cm. The plant must be regularly watering, as well as provide him sufficient number Heat and light.

After 10-14 days, active germination of fragrant peas will begin. When the first three real leaves appear, the crew of the top should be held. This will provide an active growth of lateral shoots. To ensure the rapid germination of seeds at low air temperature, it is necessary to cover the tank with a piece of glass or film. Watering is carried out every 7 days.

Important! Seedlings planted in the ground upon reaching the height of 5-10 cm. In order for scented peas to be well taken to be recommended to transplant the plant along with an existing earthy room. Do not allow soil oxidation, as this can lead to rewarding the root system.

Perennial fragrant peas, subject to compliance with the rules of care for him, in the first year after sowing will delight you with blossom snow white, orange and bright raspberry inflorescence half a meter.

Watering the plants into dry weather is carried out 1 time in 7 days, but rather intensively. On 1 m2 of landings will require 30-35 liters of water.

For the entire period of growth, the ranks in the open soil are recommended to carry out the following 3 feeders:

  • At the beginning of the growth of seedlings. Urea and nitroposk (1 tbsp. L) dilute in water (10 liters).
  • During a blooming. The drug "Agrikola" and potassium sulphate (1 tbsp) by 10 liters of water.
  • During flowering. "Agrikola for flowering plants"And" Ross "(1 tbsp) by 10 liters of water. Consumption - 3-4 liters / 1 m2 area.

During the adaptation period plant requires regular irrigation.

Fragrant polka dot although it is capable of carrying cold, still needs heat and sunlight. If you enrich the soil with mineral fertilizers before landing seedlings - you will get a friendly appearance of colors.

While the stalks are not too long, they must be gently tiered.

Do I need to cut the curly fragrant polka dot?

Since the nature of the plant itself is such that it goes in itself, swallowing on the garters, then the pruning is not required. It is only necessary to monitor the appearance of the peas and periodically remove dry inflorescences. Thanks to this procedure, new flowers become lush, bright and large. In addition, the timely removal of old inflorescences contributes to longer blossoms (about 6 months).

If the flowers grown by you do not correspond to the fact that they are drawn on the package - do not rush to scold the manufacturer: it is quite possible to them just does not fit soil And the next year they must be transplanted.

At the end of the warm period, the branch of the plant must be cut off at the root and cover the roots with sawdust. If the soul peas is too thin can be added to the soil of potash or phosphoric fertilizers. It contributes to its strengthening by the next season.

Easy peas - Growing from seeds

Each gardener there are self-cultivation secrets These or other plants, including fragrant peas.

Here is some of them:

  • soak and germinate seeds should already be in spring (April-May);
  • seedlings are better grown in greenhouse because room conditions Due to lack of lighting seedlings, it is drawn up and can break during the landing in the ground;
  • plant peas follows peat pots. This will save seedlings from damage to the green mass and the root system in the future;
  • before planting, the seeds should be soaked, since their dense shell interferes with germination.

Pre-preparation of peas Mandatory for varieties with brown and brown coloring of inflorescences.

Seeds of ranks having cream or bright colors are sown in the ground without soaking and preliminary preparation.

  • As soon as 2-5 real leaves are formed on seedlings - they need to arrange a grid, a support or garter, to which the direction of growth is formed. If this is not done on time - the stalks will go off and will be very difficult to disconnect them;
  • fragrant polka dot beautiful and abundantly blooms on the sunny side;
  • the soil for landing the ranks should be neutral, well-drained. 2 times a month it is necessary to make fertilizers;
  • the formation of thick greenery and new flowers depends on the regularity of watering.

Important. Sharp temperature differences (day / night), as well as disadvantage and, on the contrary, the excess of moisture can provoke loss of colors and buds.

  • soil before landing plants should not fertilize fresh manure;
  • polka dot does not grow on fat soils;
  • Material for landing is better taken from plants grown by a seaside.

Growing fragrant peas, although it requires some care, but it is worth it. After all, it's nice to sit in the evening in a gazebo, inhaling a gentle floral fragrance or admire the living green hedge with fragrant bright inflorescences. . .

Perennial fragrant peas

Growing from seeds of fragrant peas is perhaps one of the easiest. His even schoolchildren recommend landing at the lessons of botany. Nevertheless, often when growing this beautiful and pleasant smelling plants, you can make mistakes, and do not wait for flowering. Let's deal with the rules of its agricultural engineering, we run on popular species and varieties, and we will focus on the use of fragrant peas in landscape design.

Charming fragrant peas: cultivation of seeds

For the first time, the peas was heard in antiquity (theophrast), but this recognition began in the 19th century. Scottish breeder Henry Ecford began to bring new varieties, and very quickly unpretentious plant gained enviable popularity. The gardener was awarded the highest royal reward.

Bright fragrant peas, or fascinous rank (Lathyrus Odomtus) is a great garden decoration. it annolete plant Families of legumes are used for landscaping flower and terraces. Unusual shape Flowers and varieties of paints conquer the hearts of the gardeners.

Description, types and varieties

The plant has a very developed root system, but it does not tolerate transplant. The climbing stems are well cling to the support with their mustache, and the flowers can be compared with the wings of the moth. The flowering period at the annual pretty long.

Increasingly, you can meet this wing plant when landscaping vertical terraces. Many species of peas reach a height of about 2 meters. Today, breeders derived popular varieties of dwarf shapes that do not exceed and 30 cm.

For landscaping walls, arbors, arches and balconies use tall varieties of fragrant peas. The most suitable will be:

  • King Lavender;
  • Blue Danube;
  • Cream Gigantic;
  • Cremona;
  • Alice.

For cutting and bouquets, you can grow some varieties with durable flowers and large bright flowers. The period of flowering in such plants is rather short, which makes it difficult to reproduce the flower.

  • Royal Wedding
  • Colin Unwin.
  • Rosalind.

The most popular remain little grades fragrant peas. Such plants can be used as a border when creating flowerbeds or as a pot instance. Some of the common varieties:

  • Lady di;
  • Lucien;
  • Florida.

The collection of plants has more than 1000 varieties of various color. There are white, pink, red, purple and blue shades in flowers.

Growing from seeds

Location and soil

A place for planting an annual one needs to choose the winds protected from the winds, but solar. Peas is growing well and in mild seven. Soil for landing should be fertile and neutral by acidity. Before planting in dense soil, add compost and sand, which increases its breathability. Fresh manure is not recommended. Flower is poorly growing in areas with high occur groundwater And on the swampy soils.

When landing in the garden, you should give preference to the solar sites, but with a slight half of the peas.

Plant landing and care

The fragrant peas is rather unpretentious in care, and the cultivation of this culture is a matter of unemployed, forces even a novice gardener.

Landing a loved flower is better to produce immediately into the garden, since eat method For the plant a little acceptable. Young seedlings are very gentle, and the rod root system does not tolerate transplant. Most suitable way For landing - seed seed into the ground.

Peas seeds are very solid and need pre-soaking before sowing. To do this, it is enough to put them in a moistened napkin for 1.5 hours for swelling. The seeds prepared in this way are seeded into the furrows to a depth of 2-3 cm. With proper care, the first bloom occurs at the end of July.

Easy polka dot grows very quickly and needs a support. For long blossom You need to delete the flashing flowers in a timely manner and provide a plant necessary care. In a dry and arid summer, it is necessary to maintain the level of soil moisture, regularly irrigating the annual. Watering and weeding are the main peas care.

The flower is well opposed to the feeder, which you need to carry out several times per season. For these purposes, it is better to use organic fertilizers, but nitrogen should not be applied. This is associated with a peas feature absorb nitrogen from the air.

In a short summer, use a seedy method (without dive). Then the polka dots are grown from seeds in peathedral cups, and intended plants planted into the ground right in the cups - this significantly increases the time of flowering plants. By the way, the purchase of shoots at the moment when the plant rose by 10-15 cm will also extend the apeget period and the bush will become more magnificent, but the plant will bloom a week later.

Reproduction of annual

To preserve a variety and further growing peas on its site, you must collect seeds. To do this, choose the largest and healthy copies, on which the flowerons and pods leave for further education of seeds. They preserve their germination for 8 years. Keep planting material Need to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar. Sometimes the plant does not cover seeds or resets the flowerons, the reason for this can be a sharp temperature difference or disadvantaged watering.

Diseases and pests

Fascular peas is amazed by pests and mushroom diseases. The most frequent of them are:

  • puffy dew;
  • gray mold;
  • root rot;
  • blackleg;
  • ackeochitosis;
  • mosaic viruses.

In the detection of the first signs of disease, the plant is immediately treated with biofungicides, and from muced dew Pharmium or biosode helps well. For prevention, it is necessary to conduct preliminary treatment with drugs, and select only a healthy sowing material.

Greater harm is applied to the plant and the nodule weevil. These pests are striking the leaves of the plant, which slows down the growth and development of the annual, spoils its decorativeness. You can get rid of pests, spraying the polka dot to the tobacco garlic mixture. The slugs in the rain period are also a peas, as well, and on all the plants of the legume family.

Fragrant polka dot in landscape design

Easy peas is a curly plant that forms a lot of assholes, longly blooms and has a pleasant aroma. These properties allow you to widely use the annual in the garden design and plot.

Tall curly varieties are well suited for arches, veranda, fences. With the help of artificial supports and peas springs, you can disguise the unsightly sections of the garden. Great looks in the background of the flower bed.

Low varieties You can grow in balcony boxes, on the edge of a flowerbed or border. The peas is well combined with other annual and pleasantly neighing with perennial plants. In the ecology of the garden, he brings tangible benefits - enriches soil with nitrogen, gives nectar useful insect.

As you can see, if you provide a good drainage and timely irrigation to this fragrant annual, it will delight you for a blossom. Boldly land in my own seed peas, growing from seeds easily manage both in the outdoor soil and on balconies and terraces.