Repair Design Furniture

Closed wooden gazebos with barbecue facilities. A gazebo with a stove, barbecue or barbecue: how to choose the right project, examples in the photo and video. Solid stone building

Many owners of land plots, engaged in landscaping, are thinking about building a gazebo where you can relax not only with your soul, but also with your body. Depending on the financial viability, the option of building a gazebo of a closed or open type is being considered.

The technological process of erecting gazebos for summer cottages is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. It is not at all necessary to be a qualified specialist in order to build such an architectural structure with your own hands.

Varieties of gazebos

Having chosen a secluded spot on the land plot, you can start building a gazebo for rest. There are more than enough options for such a structure, which, among other things, differ in the style of design.

Today the gazebo can be built from:

  • wood;
  • bricks;
  • polycarbonate;
  • metal;
  • forging.

Moreover, its configuration is absolutely irrelevant. The main thing is to create a cozy, functional environment for a wonderful outdoor activity. We advise you to read about on our portal.


Before starting construction, you should study the projects of gazebos with barbecue. Perhaps, from the proposed options, nothing suitable will be found and there will be a need to draw up a new project, taking into account individual sizes. The main requirement is not to violate the general concept of landscape design.

Outline of the project of a gazebo made of wood with barbecue

At a pre-selected place of the land plot, we carry out a similar marking for the subsequent pouring of the foundation. Thus, it will be possible to estimate the real dimensions of the future gazebo.

Tip: It is better to remove the fertile layer of earth at the location of the gazebo and transfer it to the flower bed.

It is best to fill in the strip foundation, which will create a reliable foundation for the structure. The dug pit must be at least 40 cm deep. In this case, the arrangement of a sand cushion is a mandatory requirement.

It is important to know: If it is planned to build an open-type gazebo, then a columnar foundation is equipped.

According to our project, it is supposed to erect a not too heavy structure made of wood, which means that it is not required to lay a reinforced foundation. It is only necessary to equip the base at the assumed corners of the structure and in the place where the stationary barbecue is installed.

To strengthen the foundation, you can use metal fittings. The bottom of the pit is recommended to be sent with roofing material and smeared with bitumen. Cement-sand mortar is poured into the formwork, which rises high above the ground.

After the foundation has dried out well enough, you can proceed with further construction work. Warm gazebos with barbecue suggest the presence of not only closed walls, but also the creation of a reliable floor. This can be tiling or installing wood flooring.

When installing the floor, 50 × 100 edged boards are used, which are fastened together with special metal plates. Corners are also used.

It is important to know: Wood must be treated with special means to prevent damage to the material by fungi.

For the construction of the walls of the structure, you can use both rounded logs and pre-prepared boards, as well as a block house. Moreover, each row is necessarily checked using the building level. This will allow you to control the horizontal alignment of the timber masonry.

If necessary, it will be possible to trim the inside of the walls of the building. For this purpose, lining is perfect.

The stylistic design of the gazebo entirely depends on the taste preferences of the owners. The internal space is filled in such a way that it would be possible to move around without problems.

Many projects of gazebos with brick barbecues involve the installation of wooden railings, both along the perimeter of the building and in its individual parts. Can also be completed with thread elements. The overall composition looks much more attractive both outside and inside.

Arbor design

After completing the construction phase, you can start decorating the interior. A wooden gazebo with barbecue is perfectly complemented by wicker garden furniture. There shouldn't be any plastic, only natural materials. Even a ceiling lamp can be made from wooden beams, which will add some zest to the interior design of the gazebo.

A closed gazebo with a barbecue must be built in compliance with all fire safety standards. This means that it is imperative to equip a system for extracting smoke and gases that are formed as a result of burning coals or logs.

Tip: It will not be superfluous to make several windows in the gazebo that can be opened to ventilate the room.

If the brazier itself was lined with bricks, then the hood for the brazier in the gazebo should be decorated in the same style. It is better to install the hood before the roofing activities are carried out. This is quite an important point, since the place of contact between the pipe and the roof must be insulated with a special material that can withstand high temperatures. This will prevent the roof from catching fire in the future.

Exhaust from the barbecue through the roof will help remove smoke from the room

The advantages of such projects are more than enough:

  • relatively low cost;
  • naturalness and environmental friendliness of materials;
  • the ability to equip a lightweight foundation, which is not always possible when building gazebos from other materials;
  • a unique microclimate is created inside the building;
  • the building is able to fit into any landscape design option.

All work can be done to the wave without the involvement of outside help. You can even build bbq barbecues with your own hands in a gazebo, which will be the main attraction of your yard.

Video: do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue

Around the gazebo itself, you can create a kind of mini-park with an impromptu pond and a flower meadow. And it is better to pave the path with natural or artificial stone.

Good day to all!

Today we will talk about how to build a gazebo in your country house yourself. On a garden plot, it is one of the important elements of a comfortable stay, at least for most gardeners. Agree, because you not only come to your site to work properly, but also to relax. And what kind of rest can compare with outdoor recreation in a beautifully furnished gazebo.

If we compare the designs of gazebos in general terms, then they can be divided into categories such as open (a structure without walls, only a roof, used in the warm season), closed (can be compared with a small house) and portable (these gazebos can be assembled, disassembled and put anywhere).

As for the materials and dimensions of the structure, it largely depends on your capabilities, tastes and preferences. The easiest way. Below is a diagram of a simple gazebo that you can easily build yourself.

Choosing the type of gazebo, closed or open depends on how you plan to use it. If you need a year-round gazebo, then undoubtedly only a closed one will do. And if, you visit the dacha only during the planting and assembly seasons. That open gazebo is enough for you. It will take much less materials, and there will be little money and time costs.

As for the roofing material, here, no matter what kind of gazebo you have. Slate, corrugated board, flexible tiles, cellular or monolithic polycarbonate are best suited.

In the beginning, we'll see how to make a simple open-type gazebo from different types of materials.

The first step is to draw up a sketch and drawings of your gazebo, taking into account the size of the site. Then, according to the drawings, the required amount of the required material is purchased. By the way, you make a drawing exactly for the material from which you will build.

You also add to the sketch whether you will have a barbecue grill or a stove.

If you are not interested in some particularly "cool" design, then it is best to make the gazebo rectangular. It will be much easier to build it than polygonal, and you will have to do much less markup. A separate drawing of the foundation is made. Where do you specify the dimensions of the pillars, their height and the depth to which they will be dug in.

In the roof drawing, it will be necessary to indicate the rafter system, the fastening of the upper strapping, the lower support for the rafters and the pitch between the rafters.

For the convenience of work, attach to your project a detailed installation diagram of technical units, indicating the options for their attachment to each other.

Work begins with the installation of the foundation. For a gazebo, a hole up to 80 cm deep is enough.

We spread a layer of sand on the bottom, after which the supports are set up and concreted. In this case, one must not forget to check their level, their evenness, their distance from each other and the level in height.

After that, the lower strapping is made and the floor is equipped from the log. For this, wooden beams are used. After the floor frame is made, the flooring can be laid out from the boards. Next, the upper strapping is made and the roof frame is assembled. Then it is sheathed with a board and covered with roofing material.

The structure is ready and you can move on to its fence. First, we put horizontal beams, which will play the role of a railing. Then we put up vertical racks. If you decide to make a fence in the form of a wooden lattice, then first you make a frame from a bar, and then you fill the lattice itself inside it.

Below is a diagram of the assembly of a gable gazebo.

And here is the foundation diagram:

This diagram shows how to equip the roof:

Can make a simple gazebo not only from wood but also from metal. Both aluminum and simple iron can be used for this purpose. All connections are made by welding.

If you decide to make an open gazebo with a barbecue, then you also make a sketch, where it is necessary to indicate where on your site you will put it. This is necessary in order to subsequently correctly supply water to the gazebo, and if there is gas, then it.

Such gazebos usually replace summer kitchens, therefore, its construction must be approached with greater care.

When making a drawing of the gazebo, it is necessary to reflect not only the dimensions of the future summer cottage, but also the location of the fireplace or barbecue in it. Additionally, a diagram of the foundation and chimney is drawn. In addition, the project includes the brazier itself, the shape of the brazier, the number of firing points and the laying of stone in rows.

Glazed gazebos (closed) for summer cottages and houses with barbecue inside

Most often, gazebos with barbecue are made of a closed type. It will already be a full-fledged not only summer but also winter kitchen. Structures are of different types: both with windows and fully glazed to the floor.

Both wood and brick serve as materials for the construction of gazebos. But the main element is glass. At the same time, there are three types of glazing: cold, warm and triplex. Cold glazing is the simplest way when glass is just inserted and no insulation is done. In this case, the temperature inside will be ten degrees higher than outside. With warm glazing, good thermal insulation is made. And walls made of timber or brick will protect well from the cold. The method of frameless structural glazing is called triplex.

As for the glass itself, for glazing, you can use both simple glass and double-glazed windows or stained-glass windows made of tempered glass.

To better navigate the choice of glazing, the table below shows the characteristics of several types of glazing.

As mentioned earlier, before you start building a gazebo, you need to choose the right place for it.

You can install it wherever it is convenient. However, it is better to adhere to the rule that it is better not to put it next to a bathhouse, compost pit, toilet, pond, well, and of course, near the neighbors' fence.

In shape, in addition to standard rectangular arbors, you can build it in a round or oval shape:

In order to glaze the structure, several stages are required.

The first step is to apply a layer of sealant. When the sealant dries, it will be possible to insert either ready-made frames or glass into the corresponding grooves. After that, all joints are processed and again covered with a sealant.

Closed gazebo for summer cottages with barbecue and turnkey barbecue - do it yourself (project and drawing)

Closed gazebos with barbecue and barbecue look much more profitable and more comfortable than open ones. In addition, you can comfortably accommodate in it if it suddenly gets colder.

There are a lot of different options for creating such structures. It can be made of brick or timber and glazed, or the part where the barbecue is located can be made of stone, and the living room is made of wood.

When composing a project, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. In order not to be mistaken with the amount and size of the required material, all this must be indicated in the project. In addition, do not forget to draw up a separate project for the grill and barbecue, since it will have to be built more carefully.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact how the smoke will come out. Since harmful gases are released during combustion, good and reliable ventilation will be needed.

In addition to stand-alone constructions, of interest are also gazebos attached to the house... What they are good about is the economy of space and the creation of additional adjoining territory. You can get into such a gazebo directly from the house, and not go to it across the entire site.

Such an extension can be completed to almost any wall of the house, the main thing is that this wall is in good condition, without chips and cracks. A good option if there is a window on this wall through which you can submit the necessary things.

Gazebo with summer kitchen

This type of gazebo is most often combined and consists of two zones. The first zone is the kitchen, where the barbecue is located. Since cooking here is about fire, it is best to make this area out of bricks. The second area is the living room. Here you can relax, socialize, etc. This area is best made of wood.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. As they say, how many people, so many views. Therefore, the choice is always yours.

And at the end, watch a short video on how to make a wooden garden gazebo.

Good luck with your construction!

For most people, the rest spent at the dacha is a special pleasure. And in order for the rest in the country to be cozy and comfortable, you should take care of the necessary communications and buildings. For example, a gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands will allow you to taste delicious food that is cooked on fire. If you want to save money, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the process of its manufacturing technology.

Varieties of designs

First of all, you need to figure out which gazebo you need. This structure can be open or closed. The structure is made of metal, brick or wood. For example, a gazebo with a built-in summer-plan barbecue. This structure includes pillars with a base and a roof (it is considered open). If necessary, you can fill it with polycarbonate shields in order to close open areas in the gazebo, if necessary.

Attention! If you plan to use a gazebo with barbecue in the fall or winter, it is better to build a closed structure with ventilation and a chimney.

Do-it-yourself wooden gazebo with barbecue

Gazebos made of wood look good near a country or country house. Among their advantages, the following are worth highlighting:

  • construction of summer and winter gazebos;
  • perfect appearance;
  • harmonious combination with other structures;
  • ease of installation, easy accessibility;
  • there is no need to order special equipment;
  • saving time.

Attention! A timber structure can guarantee high stability and does not require the construction of a strip foundation, since the timber is light in weight. With proper care, such gazebos can last a very long time.

Video of the construction of a wooden gazebo with barbecue

Do-it-yourself metal gazebo with barbecue

Metal structures allow you to show skill and make your fantasy come true. All kinds of branches and shapes, bends - all these solutions will be appropriate in a wrought-iron summer cottage. The price of a finished structure largely depends on the complexity of the work and the choice of its design.

Attention! To increase the service life of a forged gazebo, you need to cover it with high-quality alkyd and powder paint.

The elegance of a wrought-iron gazebo is a decoration in any garden. If you have chosen this particular type of building, then it will be the highlight of your garden. A brazier and a gazebo can be made in the same style, supplemented with appropriate decorations and wrought-iron benches.

Video of the construction of a metal gazebo with barbecue

Do-it-yourself brick gazebo with barbecue

The brick building itself has high strength. The gazebo, which you have built conscientiously, can serve for many years. Such a brick structure is not afraid of sparks from the barbecue. With proper care, they don't need to be repaired.

High-quality walls will protect you from rain, wind, cold and snow. A brick building can be open, closed or combined. At the same time, the combination of stone with wood is relevant.

Video about the construction of a brick gazebo with barbecue

Designing a gazebo

Usually, the area where the gazebo is located can be located away from or near the house. However, you should not do it near neighbors, since such noise is not always welcome. So let's take a look at a guide to building a gazebo.

Each construction project implies the preparation of drawings in order to carry out this work at a professional level.

  1. Site markup.
  1. Arrangement of the foundation.

The size and type in the foundation directly depends on the massiveness of the building. For wooden buildings, it is worth using a columnar foundation. The advantage of the slab foundation is its practicality, since, performing the function of a field, it is used for heavy structures.

Strip foundations are the best solution in many cases. For its construction, a trench is used, where the formwork is installed, and then the reinforcement frame is laid and concrete is poured. A bar is placed on the base, which is fastened with boards and self-tapping screws.

  1. Then the floor is made.

When the gazebo is being built on solid and dry ground, flooring is optional. They just fill in the gravel and then leave it as it is. Planks or paving slabs are laid on the concrete base. If the gazebo is of an open type, then it is necessary to provide a drainage of water, providing an optimal slope of the floor.

  1. Construction of walls.

Lattice walls are well suited for a gazebo. But usually they perform a supporting function. Maximum attention should be paid to the construction of corner structures, since the roof represents the basis of the entire building, where its weight will also be held.

  1. Roof.

Often, many cannot decide which roof structure to choose: an inclined single-slope or ridge. Coating material - metal, polycarbonate or ondulin. In a decorative gazebo, a lattice roof is used, where plants are braided (such a gazebo cannot be used in rainy weather).

  1. External finishing.

If there are wooden parts in the structure, it is important to soak them with linseed oil and varnish them on top for external work. As mentioned above, the metal structure also needs to be coated with special enamels.

Methods for decorating gazebos

A comfortable, cozy and beautiful gazebo is what summer residents are trying to bring to life when decorating. How you can decorate this gazebo is up to the owner to decide, but there are some ways that you need to know. These include fabric decoration, furniture, landscaping and lighting.

  • Exit registration.

This includes a beautiful path made of stones or tiles that leads to the exit, and steps made of stones (for gazebos with a hill). This path can be illuminated with special floor lamps powered by solar batteries.

  • Furniture.

Furniture for a gazebo must necessarily consist of moisture-resistant, lightweight materials (tables, benches, chairs). Comfortable and original furniture can be ordered or made by yourself using a pallet (construction pallets). The finished furniture must be protected from heat and moisture by covering it with a special paint intended for external work, choosing the desired color.

You can sew pillows, curtains and a tablecloth with your own hands, keeping the products in the same style and color (PVC and organza should be attributed to such unnatural materials). Better to limit yourself to three or two colors. Natural fabric is not advised to use, as it is prone to fading, aging and washable with difficulty. Make curtain holders, two to three sheets on each side. Attach the curtains to the racks to help protect them from gusts of wind.

  • Lighting.

Place the main light source of the required spectrum under the roof. The light on the roof of the gazebo, if necessary, can be decorated with a decorative garland.

Attention! If you do not have the skills to work with electricity, then entrust the installation of the wiring to a professional, which will exclude the possibility of electric shock.

  • Landscaping.

Climbing plants include: decorative grapes, climbing roses or ivy. Such plants are planted near walls and supports. They go well with each other. Additional trellises can be installed as they support your plants outside the building and create even and beautiful twigs' walls. Large-sized floor containers should be placed at the entrance to the gazebo.

What are the types of barbecues

The location of the barbecue is always determined at the stage of the foundation. Then the brazier is installed already on the poured tile, the chimney is removed (no need to make a hole on the roof, for this it is worth using adapters with an angle of inclination of 45 degrees).

Attention! It is worth separating concepts such as barbecue, grill and barbecue, they should not be confused with each other. The brazier has an open structure, a charcoal tray with a grate, and in a simpler version - a surface for the arrangement of skewers. The grill resembles a brazier, but has a lid. The barbecue is a complex structure with a hood and a rear protective wall.

Brazier classification:

  • metal;
  • folding (portable);
  • electrical;
  • cast iron;
  • brick (stationary).

A foldable or portable brazier has the shape of a suitcase. The disadvantage of this design is the low strength of the material. It can undergo deformation during various mechanical influences and temperature changes. For this reason, it is better to use coals rather than firewood.

A metal brazier is a more economical solution, since you can make it yourself. In appearance, it is a rectangular metal box the width of a skewer, there are legs or a stand, on the sides, in the lower part of it, a hole is perforated for normal air circulation.

A cast iron brazier does not require such high fuel costs and can keep the heat in the coals. This option is considered the most practical.

The electric bracelet is suitable for those who cannot stand the smell of smoke, and do not like to fiddle with firewood and coals.

Stationary or stone barbecues are built into the gazebos. It looks especially nice if the structure is made of the same materials. In such a grill, you can equip small tables with a compartment for storing firewood. Based on the difference in design, stationary barbecues are divided into a barbecue fireplace and a barbecue oven.

How to build a brazier correctly

To know how to build and correctly position the brazier in the gazebo, you need to take into account the following rules:

  • The height of the foundation of the barbecue structure must be higher than the standing level of rain and melt water (since sand and clay are present in the solution for laying the barbecue, which can sink due to high humidity).
  • The brazier in the gazebo must be in contact with the rain, which implies the construction of a large gazebo.
  • Do not force the space around the barbecue with a lot of furniture (this is one of the basic rules for fire safety).
  • From the side of the grill firebox in the gazebo, the unoccupied space should be at least 3 m, and in its other parts - 1 m.
  • It is necessary to take into account the size of the barbecue. Therefore, the more heat the furnace is, the higher the load it will put on the structure, increasing the wear of the furnace. If you cannot use different types of equipment, for example, a smokehouse, then they must be removable. Or, in one complex, use several furnaces of an average size.

Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue: photo, video, step-by-step instructions

Now let's take a closer look at how to make a brazier with your own hands. It is important that the place for the barbecue is far from the wind and sunny sides (otherwise you will have to cook with difficulties).

In order for the grill to serve you for many years, you will need a high-quality foundation. For example, you can apply the following proportions: the back wall of the foundation is 3 meters, the width on the left side is 0.65 meters, the width on the right is 1.7 meters, and the thickness is 0.5 meters.

Let's give an example of the construction of a brick barbecue

  1. A pit is pulled out, then formwork is placed from the edges of the pit, after which the tile is reinforced and poured with concrete. Then we level the foundation and wait about two weeks for it to dry completely.
  1. When you prepare the brick, you can start laying (cut the bricks in advance, if necessary). Each row of masonry is transversely duplicated, and so on up to 7 rows. After it, floors are built. We cut the corners of the required sizes, after which we place them on the masonry. Then we lay out the brick in one layer. The second row must be laid out with bricks with a clay-chamotte mixture, which is characterized by heat resistance.
  1. We put the door. Since this material expands very quickly when heated, you need to leave a slight gap between the door frame and the brickwork by attaching an asbestos cord. In the wall of the barbecue on the right side, a passage for the brazier is mounted, two bricks high (made for the convenience of removing the coals). In parallel, the walls for the brazier are being built.

After painstaking work, you need to wait until the masonry is dry, and then start preparing delicious and aromatic dishes.

Attention! Plain cement will not work as your grill may be crumbling.

Many people who hear the word "gazebo" immediately associate it with rest and summer time. Most of them do not even assume that there are comfortable winter gazebos, houses with barbecue, in which you can relax even in the middle of a harsh winter.


Covered gazebos with barbecue can make ordinary cooking a real pleasure and enjoyable time. Dishes are cooked over an open fire, which significantly transforms the taste of dishes and makes them more juicy and healthy.

Most of the owners of summer cottages, in addition to the location of the barbecue in the gazebo, also prefer the presence of a stove, a smokehouse and a brazier. There are many options and they depend mainly on the needs of the landlord.

Even a simple version of a closed gazebo with barbecue will become one of the most comfortable places for good rest and recuperation.

In a small gazebo, you can install a small table and a sink for cooking. In a larger house, you can even fit a refrigerator for storing food. In any case, the space of such a room should be used practically, because the gazebo is not designed for too much furniture. Most often, the traditional dining area is a dining table and chairs or a guest bench. To save space in the room, the benches can be moved under the table.

This way, you get more space while bringing your culinary masterpieces to life.

There are gazebos, in which there is even a bar or sofa for comfortable accommodation of guests. Such gazebos can be considered full-fledged rest homes with family or friends.


Winter gazebos are always a great outdoor recreation. In addition to this statement, there are other benefits worth mentioning:

  • the size of the building makes it possible to comfortably accommodate a large company of guests;
  • a reliable structure allows you to comfortably rest in it, regardless of weather conditions;
  • the oven allows you to heat the house and cook delicious food in the same room, without going anywhere;
  • insulated options with a stove can serve as guest houses, where, with a sofa, guests can comfortably settle down for a while.

Closed gazebos with barbecue can be very diverse, so you should stop your choice on those solutions that will most successfully combine with the landscape of the summer cottage and other buildings.


For the correct distribution of financial costs for the construction of a closed country house, it is necessary to carefully think over all the details in advance. The design stage involves the choice of material from which the recreation facility will be erected. The walls of a closed gazebo house are best made of building materials that have the lowest thermal conductivity, for example, timber and bricks. In this case, it will be possible to comfortably relax in the gazebo during the cold season, without an additional source of heating.

The most popular for the construction of winter houses with barbecue are timber and bricks. However, in some structures, the use of other materials is also applicable, for example, sandstone, stone, metal and polycarbonate.

A construction from a bar can be entrusted to professionals, and it is also easy to build it yourself. During construction, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  • Closed versions must be equipped with a chimney and good ventilation in accordance with basic fire safety rules.
  • The location of the building on the garden plot also plays an important role. You should not install a house on the border with the neighbors' site. In addition, it is advisable to build the structure itself in a shady and comfortable place for a harmonious combination with the overall landscape area.

  • The choice of glazing and the construction of windows should be considered at the design stage of the garden house.
  • The installation of lighting fixtures and water supply will make the gazebo a full-fledged country house of rest, in which you can comfortably stay on vacation at any time of the year.

After the place for the construction has been selected, it is necessary to start work on the foundation project. As a rule, it must support the total weight of the entire structure. The first step is to draw a diagram of the project.

Such drawings will help determine the timing of the work and the main financial costs.

The foundation of buildings is columnar and tape. The first one is suitable for small structures, for example, metal and wood. As for the second, this method of construction will be an excellent option for the construction of more serious structures made of brick and stone.


Gazebos with barbecue are different, in this case it all depends on the chosen building material, the imagination of the owner of such a household and on the financial costs. Some prefer a small and unpretentious barbecue with grills, others prefer the kind of live fire in the stove, and still others want a covered gazebo with a complete stove set: a place for cooking food, an extractor hood and a section for storing firewood.

For the construction of closed gazebos, various architectural styles are used. Among such buildings you can find classical forms, Empire style, Baroque, Gothic and many others.

The choice of bricks for construction is done taking into account the color scheme of the suburban area as a whole. For fans of extravagant style, the option of combining different shades is suitable, and for those who like to stick to traditional things, red brick is perfect. In addition, it retains heat better due to natural raw materials, which are used in the manufacture of this building material.

Projects of closed houses with barbecue entirely depend on the material from which the building is built.

Consider the main pros and cons of the most common building materials for the construction of closed garden gazebos.

Brick building

The main advantages of a brick building include the following features:

  • the strength of the building;
  • combination with other building materials;
  • a wide variety of architectural styles;
  • low thermal conductivity.

The walls of a closed garden house can be painted or veneered. Such simple manipulations will help protect the structure from negative weather conditions.

Cons of brick construction:

  • the need to install a powerful foundation;
  • the high cost of construction, but this is fully justified by the durability of this structure.

Wooden building

Hardly anything can compare with the naturalness and environmental friendliness of wood. Its pleasant aroma and charming appearance give such a building even more value and allow you to enjoy your vacation with friends and family as comfortably as possible.

You can build a closed wooden building with your own hands. For this, an inexpensive but practical version of a frame gazebo is suitable. Its dimensions can reach 5x5 m. From this gazebo you can easily make a practical summer kitchen and enjoy wonderful outdoor recreation. Wooden structures go well with the landscape as a whole and make the suburban area as comfortable and attractive as possible.

At the same time, such projects require increased attention to fire safety rules when installing a barbecue and other heating equipment in a room.

The main advantages of a house built of logs or beams:

  • attractive appearance;
  • fast terms of construction work;
  • a foundation of a lightweight type, which, in turn, makes it possible to significantly reduce the financial costs of building a building;
  • increased resistance to frost;
  • environmental properties of the material;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Despite the large number of advantages, wood also has disadvantages:

  • increased fire hazard;
  • destruction of the structure due to the influence of bad weather conditions;
  • tendency to decay of the material and the formation of high humidity in the room.

How to choose a barbecue?

Select the right materials when installing the frypot. For example, the firebox can be made of metal, and the walls can be made of bricks. In no case should you forget about the chimney, because this will protect the building from fire.

There are several types of barbecues:

  • metal structures;
  • cast iron options;
  • electric barbecues;
  • collapsible structures.

Now let's briefly consider the characteristic features of each of these types:

  • Metallic barbecues are among the most popular types. They are distinguished by their strength, comparative lightness, low cost and long service life. Most often they do not require special care and are not corroded.
  • Electric models are preferred by those who choose safety in everything. The fire in this equipment turns out to be completely enclosed. Important features are the absence of smoke and the smell of soot.

Probably, there are no people in the world who do not like to relax in the summer with their loved ones. It is especially good if you have a summer cottage where you can escape from the bustle of the city.

The correct organization of the recreation area is the initial task of every person who has bought a country house. For such a corner, a modern gazebo, complemented by a barbecue or barbecue, is perfect.

Main types and features

First you need to consider what types of summer buildings with barbecues exist. There are many different options. The most common of them are buildings of the closed and open type.

  • Open type... This type of suburban building has no walls, but a roof is present. The advantage of such a gazebo is the unity with nature.

However, open gazebos are disadvantageous in that they cannot be used between October and April.

  • Closed type... Closed buildings are considered more versatile. After all, you can relax in them whenever you want, since they are glazed. And also such a building is often used as a guest house.

Very often, buildings for outdoor recreation are supplemented with either a barbecue or a barbecue.

  • Braziers... The installation of the barbecue must be started together with the gazebo.

It is better to place it in the corner near the farthest wall.

Some of the owners of gazebos are trying to combine a smokehouse with a compact barbecue. Many even install a portable stove additionally. It is very comfortable and does not take up too much space.

  • B-B-Q... The barbecue stove is also built from bricks. With its appearance, it vaguely resembles a traditional barbecue. But there is still a difference. The basis of the barbecue is complemented by the grates, and not the skewers included in the kit. There are many interesting projects of gazebos, complemented by this particular design. It is very good if there is a table and a washstand next to it.

If the design is portable, then it is better to place it in the center. However, it is worth remembering that there must be a hood above it.

  • Russian stove... Today, the Russian stove is most often used when arranging a gazebo. Its main advantage is its versatility. Indeed, in the oven you can not only fry meat, but also cook other dishes. In addition, the Russian stove can decorate any building that is made in the Russian style.

Projects: materials, shapes, sizes

Gazebos with barbecues are very different. It can be large structures, which are equipped not only with a barbecue, but also a whole complex for cooking, and small gazebos equipped with a small barbecue. But it all depends on the choice of the owner.

When choosing materials for a garden gazebo with a barbecue or barbecue, it is necessary to take into account the presence of an open fire. Therefore, the materials must be appropriate, that is, they must be resistant to fire and high temperatures.

The most popular materials for building a gazebo are brick and wood. These are the most affordable and economical options.

Pergolas made of wood

Wooden structures are very beautiful and environmentally friendly. In addition, wood is one of the most inexpensive materials, easily amenable to any kind of processing. Everyone, even a completely inexperienced person, can install such a building equipped with a barbecue with their own hands.

This design has many advantages:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • quite low price;
  • the design is easy to install;
  • installed on a very lightweight foundation.

The only drawback is flammability. Therefore, it is worth taking care of some safety measures of the selected stove, as well as treating the wood with special impregnations. Arbors made of wood are most often half-open or open. This is done so that the smoke can freely come out of the gazebo.

But there are also Finnish gazebos of a closed type, in the center of which there is a grill. It installs directly on the stone countertop.

In such a building, there must be an exhaust hood so that the smoke comes out.

Brick gazebo

If a wooden gazebo is considered temporary, then a building with a barbecue made of brick can be used at any time of the year. After all, they are not afraid of either rain or fire. Such material is non-flammable and can serve for more than a dozen years, while not requiring special attention to itself. In addition, the brick gazebos are very warm.

But even such gazebos have drawbacks. Because brick is a rather heavy material, then the foundation for such a building must be made solid, and this is a very time-consuming job. In addition, the materials used for the construction are too expensive.

Wrought iron gazebo

Such gazebos are most often bought ready-made. They are made to order. The price is directly related to the size and complexity of the construction of the model.

Forged gazebos with barbecue have many advantages:

  • if you use primers and paints, then such structures will stand for many years;
  • they are quite fire-resistant, so by placing a brazier and barbecue in them, you can not worry about your safety;
  • such gazebos set up a romantic mood.

Separately, it is worth considering the materials that are often used for laying stoves and barbecues, as well as some facing work.

  • Basalt... It is a material that has a wide range of colors from light green to dark. It is the best option for laying any stoves in a garden gazebo. Basalt is often used for cladding a building. It has excellent performance. This is a rather high hardness of the material, and its low melting point, and resistance to chemical attack.

  • Vermiculite... This material is often used for cladding ovens. It consists of golden crystals of basalt mineral. Vermiculite has the following characteristics: low price, good thermal insulation and increased density.

  • Clay... This material is basic for the construction of stoves and barbecues. Clay is the most affordable and at the same time pleases with its quality. It has been used for the construction of furnaces for more than one century.

  • A rock... If you build a stove from natural stone, then it will delight not only with its practicality, but also with its appearance. Such material has increased strength, is not afraid of temperature extremes.

Having decided to build a garden gazebo with barbecue and barbecue, one should not forget about the correspondence of the size of the building to the size of the "culinary corner". For instance, if the building has a brick brazier, then it must be at least three meters.

Stoves: selection, safety and care

In order to properly install the stove in a garden gazebo, it is imperative to take into account some points.

  1. It must be protected from any precipitation.
  2. The foundation of this furnace should be located slightly above the melt water level. This is especially true if finished with clay.
  3. According to fire safety regulations, a barbecue must be located at least three meters from the walls of the building.
  4. The gazebo with barbecue must be placed away from the gas pipeline and power lines.

The oven itself can be made from different materials. For instance, cast iron the main parts of the barbecue oven are made. This is the hearth itself, the grill, the grates, the lining and the spit.

But also one of the options for a barbecue oven can be masonry brick, moreover, refractory. The masonry is done using a three to one mortar of sand and clay. The solution itself should be the consistency of thick sour cream. The oven is laid out in the shape of the letter "P"; however, its height should be less than one meter.

If you plan to install a fireplace, then between the parallel sides it is necessary to install the grates so that there are gaps of up to twenty centimeters between them. Above them, a cone-shaped chimney is installed.

If it is decided to install a barbecue in the garden gazebo, then at the planning stage you need to decide whether it will be portable or built-in.

Portable designs are convenient in that they can be moved to any place. But still built-in barbecues are much more functional, since they have many additional elements. These are shelves for storing dishes, and a countertop, and even a niche for storing firewood. Such a structure is quite massive, therefore the foundation must be solid.... It is recommended to place the barbecue on the north side.