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Plants of the family of legumes. Bob family - Fabassee, or Leguminosae: Description What is the main feature of the plants of the legume family

The list of legume plants consists of several thousand items. Among them, there are both well-known and rare (for example, Dalbergia, Puddia, Robinia). To the question of which plants belong to the bean, biologists give the following definition: legumes - these are all bobcular plants. Below are the photos and names of legume plants with brief description their features.

What plants belong to the bean

Types of legawn plants include, including peas, beans, soy and clover. Among them are feeding herbs, and there are grain crops whose seeds are very nutritious. No wonder bean called vegetable meat: after all, seeds hidden in a special fruit - bob, contain a lot of protein and can replace the meat of animals.

Beans are also called both moths, although, strictly speaking, moths are just one of two submenses, the second is mimosov. At the moth flower really resembles a butterfly or boat. It has five petals: the top large - the flag, two side - oars or wings, and the two lower, thorough or merging, are a boat.

What are bean plants

Specifically, what legumes are, most often mention beans, peas, lentils and soy.

It has many varieties and is grown not only because of seeds, but also because of the colors. Decorative beans are called "Turkish beans".

It has a typical fruit for his family - a flat bobbobo-bob with pea seeds. They are usually round or slightly angled.

Lentil Growing in the Mediterranean, Transcaucasia, Small and Central Asia. It is very popular with deep antiquity. Lental chowder is mentioned even in the Bible.

Lupine Known people with deep antiquity. His name comes from the Latin word "Lupus" - "Wolf". Not in vain Lupine is called wolf beans, because in its seeds contains poisonous bitter substances. But Lupine flowers are very beautiful, and he himself is extremely useful - the nodule bacteria that live on its roots enriches the soil with nitrogen. Therefore, Lupine is an excellent fertilizer.

People grown soybeans in antiquity, perfectly realizing her value. Chinese archaeologists have discovered the image of soybeans on the stones, bones and shells of turtles. And the drawings of this from 3,000 to 4000 years. Today, soy cultivate all over the world, it is highly valued for yields, and for the high content of proteins and vitamins. The use of these legumes in cooking is very widely: from soybeans make pastes, sauces, meat and even milk. True, meat and milk are vegetable, but can partially replace animal products.

Bean family trees with photos

Rozhkov trees from the legume family grows in the Mediterranean. It has long served to people. It was used entirely - the fruits were firing themselves and fed the cattle, honey and wine were made from the juice, there were records on the leaves, tanning substances were produced from the bark, and the furniture and musical instruments were made from the tree.

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Carob, or ceratonium, the podkalkovaya, is the only Mediterranean plant, which blooms in autumn.

In the XX century Of the solid and durable seeds of the podlovo tree, adhesive was made for the manufacture of parachutes, and the bones served as the main material in the production of photo and film.

The horn tree is named so for the curved shape of his pods.

Seeds of the horn tree have an amazing property - they have the same mass - 0.19 g, and even with long-term storage it does not change. Ancient Romans used them as licors for accurate measurements. These seeds called "Karat." From here and went a measure that today is applied when evaluating precious stones And as an indicator of the purity of gold. True, modern metric carat is 0.2 g.

Ceutonium Strochkovoy grow today. And in the XX century. From her beans made glue for parachutes, materials for the production of photo and film. Today, Caerobi powder, replacing cocoa and coffee, is made from ceratonia. The weight of one grain is 0.19 g, which is the so-called "one carat". From ceratonia make liqueurs and compotes, a thickener for cooking - gum, and in medicine it is used to create various drugs.

If the mature pods of ceratonia are abandoned, they begin to smell like bakery yeast. In addition, they contain a juicy nutrient flesh. Apparently, so the ceratonia was called the "Bread Tree of John". According to one of the legends, John the Baptist was fed by the fruits of the horned tree when he was alone away from people.

20 Color laminated definition tables , including: on woody plants (trees in winter, trees in summer, shrubs in winter and shrubs in the summer), on grassy plants (flowers of forests, meadows and fields, water bodies and swamps and primroses), as well as mushrooms, algae, lichens and mham .
8 Color deterpetes Herbatous Plants (Wild Flowers) middle strip Russia (published "Ventana-Count"), as well as
65 Methodical manual and 40 Educational-methodical films by methods Research work in nature (in field conditions).

Bob family - Fabassee, or Leguminosae.

Residents of the countries of the moderate climate since childhood are familiar to peas, beans, clover, Vika, White Acacia. In the tropics are well known "Rainy Tree", or Samam ( Samanea Saman), and one of the most beautiful trees of the world - Delonix Tsarsky ( DELONIX REGIA), which is sometimes called the "Forest Flame". Fruits of the horn tree ( Ceratonia Siliqua.) were favorite delicacy among the peoples who inhabited the countries of the Mediterranean, and soy ( Glycinemax.) Cultivated in China for several millennia. All these plants, at first glance, such a different, belong to the family of legumes, whose representatives are recognized in nature on complex leaves with horses and a characteristic fruit that nerds are defined as Bob. From the Latin name Bob ( legumen.) One of the names of the family is happening. Other name ( Fabaceae.) associated with the Latin name of the kind Faba..
The number of known now rodov legume about 700 , but species , probably , no less 17 000 . Among the flowering plants only two families - orchid and composition - Excellent bean in terms of views.

Bean distributed Very wide - from the Arctic to the Antarctic Islands. By latitude of distribution, representatives of the subfamily of legumes generally inferior only to cereals. In most countries of tropical, moderately warm and boreal climates, legumes constitute a significant part of the local flora. Only in the cold climate, the share of their participation is relatively small.
The ability to adapt to the most varied natural conditions is amazing at legumes. They easily penetrate into many plant communities and are often their edifice. It is believed that in the herbs of the forest and forest-steppe beans, 10-20% of the entire mass are 10-20% of the entire mass. Many legumes perfectly adapted to the moisture deficit on severe and non-flowing clay soils Or on movable sands. In wet tropics and subtropics, legumes are often part of the forest as major breeds.
Speaking about the tremendous prevalence of legumes, it should, however, indicate the communities and habitats, where the representatives of this family never enter. So, legumes are almost absent in freshwater communities.

Bean - trees. (often very large, sometimes up to 80 m high), shrub , shrub , polukstarniki and grass (the latter mainly in the subfamily of legumes).
Extremely common curly forms, both grassy and woody. On the roots most legumes (about 70% of species), parts of mimosu (10-15%), some Caesalpiniyev have a nodule. They are very different forms and arise as the growing of the roar of the root fabric.

Leaves Bobs are complex, with horses, often overwhelming. Unparsted and three-closed leaves are common at legumes. Some legumes are wonderful very large leaves.
Comparatively rarely meet the leaves are secondary simplified, in which the only plate represents the top unsigned leaflet. Such leaves add up for the night in half. Sometimes the upper leaves or most of them turned into the mustache (like pea and ranks). At the base of the petiole and sweets, there are often special thickens - the pads, with the help of which, under the influence of the change of the turgora, are given in motion of leaves and leaves. The leaves and leaflets of such plants are able to perform a variety of powerful movements or in the simplest cases to develop overnight.

Socuagement The legumes can be both the tops and the stool, more often with a brush-brush or pancake, less often with the verchic. Number of flowers in inflorescence sometimes decreases, up to a single flower, but the size of the flower is usually increasing.

Flowers Pobumes in most cases are routine, but same-sex flowers in a number of representatives are still known. Most often, the flowers have 10 stamens, which are located in 2 circles. Sometimes in the early stages of development, primary tubercles, giving rise to stamens, are split and the number of stamens increases many times. Bob's stamens are usually growl, but in a different way, and this determines a number of biological features of the flower. Most often, the fascinating stamens form an impaired tube, and insects easily introduce their trumps, getting nectar that accumulates in it. In a closed trunk tube, it is usually unable to introduce, and nectar or accumulates outside the tube, or is not formed at all and abundant pollen will be the main attractive agent.
Ginetsee of legumes mostly consists of one rest, however, several archaic clans are known, in the flowers of which they find from 2 to 16 free benefits, usually sitting on a special stand - a guinofore.
The number of segments in Zagazi varies from 2 to 15-20, but representatives of some genera are only one of the sick. The shape and dimensions of the bean cup are quite significantly varied. In the overwhelming majority of the petals 5, and only some representatives from different submissions are less.
Undoubtedly, the ancestors of modern legumes had a rather large outdoor actinorphic whisk, which allowed visiting flowers with a variety of insects and birds. Bean in the overwhelming majority are wonderful more or less Sigomorphic Went. By similarity with the moth, he is still in the XVI century. I received the name of the moth in the botanical literature, and this name is often used to designate the subfamily of legumes. The Motillas Corolla consists of a larger top petal - flag that covers all other petals in the kidney and somewhat opposes them in the blossomed flower; Two side petals form wings, and the most internal, fucked in the upper half or sticking, form a boat, concluding stamens and zerovy. At least 95% of the types of legumes have the above-described type of the bog. The wonderful stability of the Motomynoy Venchik, who is a kind of "biological castle", protecting the reserves of pollen and nectar from ineffective pollinators, is associated with the adaptation to pollination by bees and bumblebees.
The flag is mainly to attract insects. On it, especially at the base, additional labels are often noted in the form of bright veins. Attracted by a bright flag or a bright flower as a whole, the insect sits on the edge of the boat or more often on one of the wings and seeks to introduce a trunk to the base of the sticky threads to the reserves of nectar. At the same time, the petals of the boat or the wings under the weight of the insect and its active movements will be flexed, performing at the same time the oscillatory movements in the tact of the insect body movements. All petals begin to respond as a single system because they are connected via ears and horses that have each of the four petals. Under the influence of insect movements, the flag is rejected back, the wings are deployed down and on the sides, and the stamens and the hyserius, as a result of the known elasticity, retain a horizontal position and are included in contact with the insect's belt. When the insect flies, bent petals, again, by virtue of the sighting of the ears, they return to the previous position and the stamens and the Ginetsis are hidden in the boat.

For the overwhelming majority of legumes is characteristic of such a type polliments as entomophilia. The role of pollinators in cross-pollination is performed by a variety of insects, and the mechanism of pollination is often very subtle. Self-pollination is characteristic of a relatively few bean. Self-polls peas, lentils, types of lupins and astragals, some wikis. Sometimes there is a braiding, that is, self-pollination inside the inflicted flowers. Less often meets winding.
The described type of pollination mechanism is distributed in many legumes, most commonly, but not the only one. Sometimes, for example, at species ladwenz (Lotus.), lupina (Lupinus.) The edges of the boat near the tops are growing, forming a hollow cone, in the lower part of which anthers are placed, and the upper part is usually filled with mature pollen. When flexing the boat of stamens like the piston, the pollen is pushed out, and with a stronger pressing protruding and Ginetse. From the part of the veikh on the stitch or directly under it there is a special brush, which, when reducing the petals "sweeps" pollen from the boat and causes it to the body of the insect.
Feature mechanism for polling flowers of different types lucerne (Medicago.) It is the presence of a mandatory element called "tripping" (eng, tripping - shutdown, shutdown). At a certain point, when the bee or bumblebee blur the petals, Ginnets, rigidly associated with them (besides the ear, on the wings of alfalfa flowers there are still a special teeth, resting in the petals of the boat), jumps out of the boat and hits the insect in the abdomen. Without hitting any more or less solid subject, the subsequent penetration of pollen tubes into the fabric of the stroke is impossible and pollination does not occur. The tripping phenomenon reliably protects the plant from self-pollution.
Strong and relatively heavy insects like bees and bumblebees, as well as birds receive advantages at the mothic type of a whin and specialized mechanisms of pollination, and various flies and small weak butterflies are usually quite effective pollinators. At the same time, a biological castle appears, opening at certain conditions And reliably stores guaranteed insect food reserves. Interestingly, it matters even the length of the injection of the insect. So, in many clover The length of the stitching tube is 9-10 cm, which corresponds to the length of the trunk of a number of bumblebees and bees. In an ordinary bee, the trumps are shorter, so it only rejects the boat and collects a copy to pollen, but at the same time contributes to cross-pollination. Often short-trump insects simply kidnap the nectar, piercing flower cover outside. In this case, pollination, of course, does not occur. The number of insects, "wars" nectar, increases in spring and autumn, when the flowers are relatively small.

Fetus Bean, called Bob, develops from a single fruitfulness. It is very diverse on the morphological and anatomical features that are purely adaptive. Rarely, the fetus consists of several beans (representatives of the family with flowers having several rests). In the ripening of fruits, some of the seeds are aborted, which depends on a number of environmental factors (lack of pollinators, drought) and increases sharply during self-pollution. Beans of various sizes.
Seeds Bean without endosperma. Spare nutrients are postponed directly in cotyledons. Outside, seeds are covered with a dense shiny seminal skin, which in natural conditions Allows the seeds of some species to preserve the germination for decades.
Part of the types of legume seeds germinate, bringing seedlies over the ground (overhead germination). Underground germination is considered more perfect, as it provides semi-siardes from eating animals, pulling, temperature fluctuations, and so on. This type of germination is peculiar to all Vika, some beans and other births.

Diversity distribution methods Representatives of the family so great that we only celebrate a few and most characteristic of them. The facts are known when the ripe bob cracks up, opening up with two sash, which simultaneously tightened and scatter the seeds almost a meter from the parent plant. Silvering is associated with a special location of mechanical tissue fibers in pericarpium. Similarly, seeds of many veik and beans are scattered. For the fruits of many legumes, the spread of which mammals contribute, characterized by a variety of grown or spikes on pericarpies performing the role of hooks.
The most important role in the processection of legumes is played by water and wind. Pericarpium's wardoid grows allow the fruits to be planned for dozens of meters.

Family is customary to share on 3 submenses : Mimosovov ( Mimosoideae.), Caesalpiniyeva ( Caesalpinoideae.) and actually bean, or legumes ( Faboideae.), mainly based on the differences in the structure of the flower. Many botany prefer to consider them as independent families.

Obligated outstanding the role of legumes in human life . In economic significance, they are inferior only to cereals. In addition to a very large group of food, among legumes a lot of forage, technical, honey, medicinal, decorative, giving valuable wood representatives.
The seeds of many legumes are the ancient part of the human diet of all times and almost all nations. Seeds of legumes are extremely rich in proteins, and at the same time contain sufficient quantities of starch. Some cultivated species accumulate in seeds a lot of oily oil (soy, peanuts).
Feed value of legume is invaluable. In the first place in the world for the occupied area, there is no doubt about clover (Trifolium.). 12-15 species are cultivated, many of which are already unknown in a wild state. No smaller feed value than clover, have types lucerne (Medicago.). The feed value of many alfalf is on average higher than that of clovers. From a large number of cultivated species, we note primarily alfalher sowing, or blue ( M. Sativa.). The world area of \u200b\u200bits crops is more than 20 million hectares. Lucerne pollize only insects, and when insects are missing (there are about 500 million flowers on 1 hectare), the seed products fall sharply.
The technical value of legumes is mainly due to the presence of a number of their representatives of various gums, balms, coloring and aromatic substances.
The use of legumes in medicine has a long history.
Many types of families are used as decorative plants.
The story of legumes would be clearly incomplete without mentioning a number of valuable plants, which are currently used not enough, but are an important reserve in the economy of all mankind. IN last years It has been established that some beans from the dry climate areas contain large amounts of protein in the above-ground parts and after the corresponding selection can be used as feed plants.

Bean cultures are known worldwide. They are most often cultivated to produce food. They contain more than the number of vegetable protein and the necessary person of trace elements.

general characteristics

Bean plants are a huge family related to dicotarial plants. The bean family has more than 18,000 thousand species, which are many different clans. Bean plants can be represented by trees, shrubs, liaans, perennials and annuals.

The bean family is divided into three main subgroups, these are subgroups like: Caesalpiniye, mimosual, leggings or as it is also called - Motilla. Differences between these subgroups are only in the structure of inflorescences, the rest of their description is very similar.

All types of legumes have a rather similar external structure, but, nevertheless, some of the differences in all plants are still available. It is over them that every leggings can be attributed to this or that matter.

The main difference of plants is a kind of fetal structure, which is called Bob or Pod. The pod is one-bearing fruit with two symmetric sash. It contains seeds that are tightly attached to sash.

Bean plant is most often multifiant, but one-step varieties are encountered. Beans can be various size and forms.

Bean plant is distinguished by flowers of the wrong, asymmetric form. They are assembled into cone-shaped or top inflorescences. Floweries in one infloretia can be a different amount. If the flower is one, then, as a rule, it is different large size. If more than one, then the inflorescence is collected by a variety of small flowers. The leaves are arranged alternately, usually they are complex. Pretty rarely found representatives with simple leaves.

The plant of the bean family is characterized by the specific construction of the root. On the root system, the colonies of nitrogen intimidating bacteria are located, which form small nodules, penetrating the cornering cells.

In the process of its livelihood, nitrogen-intimating bacteria synthesize nitrogen from the atmosphere and transform it into an affordable form. Due to this property, legumes belong to siters, saturating the soil with useful trace elements and preventing active breeding of weeds. Some legumes can highlight up to 100-150 kg of nitrogen per year, for example, these are feed beans.

Description of species

As mentioned earlier, the Motilla family has a huge number of varieties, but the most common are the following types:

  • Fruit;
  • Feed;
  • Decorative.

Read more about each of them. Representatives who belong to fruits:

  • Nute;
  • Lentil;
  • Peanut;
  • Beans;
  • Soy.

Consider in more detail:

Beans feed

Feed beans is an annual or two-year-old grass, which is used in environmental agriculture as a sediment.

Feed beans are presented by such representatives:

  • Clover meadow;
  • Lucerne sowing.

Clover is herbate plant Family legumes. Clover stalks in height can reach from 5 to 50 cm. Inflorescences can be different shades, but most often found purple flowers. It is very often used in folk medicine As an anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

Also, the clover is used as green feed, silage is made of it. In addition, the clover leaves are manufactured essential oil and vitamin concentrates.

Lucerne is another plant of the legume family. Lucerne sowing B. wildlife May grow on the fields, meadows and herbaceous slopes. It, like clover, is used as green food for livestock. Stems pubescent or naked, very branched in the top. The length of the stems can reach 80 cm. Inflorescence of purple or saturated yellow shade.


These plants include:

  • Acacia.

Lupine is a decorative herbaceous annual or a perennial. Lupine can also be represented as a shrub or semi-stabiliar. Lupine is popular not only as a flower for registration flower flower club, but also as raw materials for oil production. Vegetable oil obtained from lupine in its properties is similar to olive.

In addition, Lupine is used as green feed. Rhizome in Lupine is powerful, in length can reach 1-2 meters. Inflorescences are represented by long tassels, which consist of a variety of flower. The shade of flowers can be different - pink, lilac, purple or red.

Acacia Silver is a tree, whose homeland is the south-east coast of Australia and Tasmania.

In the people, acacia silver is also called mimosa. Croon from acacia is spread, the trunk of a tree in height can reach from 10 to 12 meters.

Young stems of a olive green shade tree. The flowers for acacia copper-yellow shade, round, fluffy, possess a pleasant aroma. Inflorescences formed large quantity Flowers.

The list of legume crops can be continued for a very long time. This is one of the most common families in the world. Bean cultures can grow in various climatic and natural conditions and in terms of the number of distribution can only be given to the cereal.

All adults and even children know the beans and peas, beans and lentils, fragrant acacias and clover, peanuts and mimos, and meanwhile, all this is the plants of the bean family (or moth). An extensive group, to overestimate the benefit of which is difficult for a person. We eat these plants, plant for beauty, improve the soil with their help, we use wood, paint clothes and even treated.

Bean Family: General Characteristics

Familiar to everyone else from school family unites a huge number of species, according to approximate estimates of about 17-18 thousand. Botany share it for three subfaming (based on the structure of the flower): Caesalpiniyev, mimose, moth. It is interesting to note that legume plants include the genus Astragal, the largest species among the representatives of the flowering (about 2400). Plants of this family have a sufficiently large range of growth both in hot tropics (mainly cesalpine and mimic) and in the districts of the Far North, in the deserts and savannas.

Nitrogen fixation is distinctive trait Total family. The roots of legume plants have nodules that are formed as a result of the growth of parenchymal fabric. And this, in turn, is due to the introduction and resettlement inside the plant of nitrogen-fixing bacteria belonging to the genus risobium. They have an amazing ability to absorb and accumulate atmospheric nitrogen, which in the future uses the plant itself for its growth. Such large reserves of a vital element are well affected by the environment. Bean plants perfectly improve soil fertility. It is widely used as in industrial scaleand competent and knowledgeable gardens that are not forgetting to alternate landing of various cultures in their own area. Every year they return to the soil of about 100-140 kilograms of nitrogen in the calculation of the territory in one hectare.

The structure of leaves of leguminous plants

Bean plants can have a different form of leaves. They can be divided into several groups:

  • parry peristoids and twice peristoids (peas, yellow acacia) leaves, they are located on both sides of the stem;
  • simplified (reduced to one top leaf);
  • false simple, formed as a result of the capture of two top leaves;
  • filodia (in African species of acacia) - flattened leaf stuffs.

For legume plants is characteristic amazing property - Parserous leaves can be folded overnight. This is due to the fact that the base of the stuffing has thickening, which due to the change of the turgora drive the leaf plate or only the leaflets in motion. For example, Mimosa is able to do it instantly, since even a slight touch of her leaves causes an instant loss of osmotic pressure into them. This property was noticed for a very long time and served as a reason to name the plant so much.

Flower and inflorescence

Bean plants may have various inflorescences, but most often it is a sweater or a brush, sometimes head brushes (clover) are much less likely they are reduced to one flower. For representatives of the family, it is characteristic of cross-pollination, in which pollen from one flower is transferred to another much less often insects (bees, bumblebees) or bats and birds in tropical species.

Flowers of legume plants can be zygomorphic or actinorphic (for example, in mimoshov). A cup of consists usually out of four, less often of five cups that grow together. The petals are 5 (all of the moths and some representatives of the other two submersions) or 4. Their name and separation are very interesting, depending on the function being performed. So, the top and major called the name "flag", it attracts insects that pollinating the plant. Petals, located with sides, is customary to call wings, and this is a kind of "landing site". The most internal, as a rule, they grow together along the lower edge and form a boat that protects stamens and pestle from insects that are not pollinators. But, for example, in mimoshov all the petals of the same form are free or threw.

Fruits of leguminous plants

In this case, there is an absolute unity of all kinds of families. The fruit is called bob (single or multi-semen), opening along the spinal or abdominal seam. Seeds inside the fetus are quite large, with endosperm or without it, cotyledtles are well developed. Appearance Bob can be absolutely any, as well as size. Some species of its length reaches one and a half meters. The spread of seeds sometimes occurs independently when the fetal sash during the disclosure is twisted along the spirals, and they are flying out in different directions, for example, at acacia. Some tropical species are spread by animals or birds. Wrinkle all familiar earthy nuts (peanuts) due to negative geotrophism, that is, the ability to grow and develop in a certain direction when it is formed, goes into the soil at 8-10 cm, where the fruit is then developing.

The value of legumes in the farm

Plants of the legume family occupy the practical significance for a person second place after the cereal. Among them are a huge amount of food cultures that have world importance: soy, peas, beans, peanuts, nuts, lentils and many others. Some of these people are already cultivated by the first millennium.

Great value of legume plants are like feeding herbs, this category includes: clover, alfalfa, lupine, Esparcet, etc. Some tropical representatives of the family (for example, campanery, pericopsis, Dalbergia) are a source of valuable and high decorative wood painted in pink, Almost red, dark brown or almost black colors.

Decorative and medicinal importance

There is I. decorative species Among the legumes, such as wisteria. This woody view of native of China with large brushes fragrant inflorescences. Very popular garden and park plants. Another representative is the acacia whiten, is widespread on the Black Sea coast. From herbaceous in the gardens grow, for example, fragrant peas, Lupins. The color of Indigo, but few know that the dye is obtained from the plant indigofer, a small bush from the bean family.

Some types of long-stayed are used in medicine: a fenugreek, astragal, a donon, etc. Lacrician is familiar, or naked licorice. This is herbal bean plantwhich is widely used worldwide as medicine From cough (the healing properties are known since the times of ancient Egypt). Its roots and rhizomes are used for this. In some european countries Very popular candy from licorice who even love children. They have a characteristic black glossy color.

All adults and even children know the beans and peas, beans and lentils, fragrant acacias and clover, peanuts and mimos, and meanwhile, all this is the plants of the bean family (or moth). An extensive group, to overestimate the benefit of which is difficult for a person. We eat these plants, plant for beauty, improve the soil with their help, we use wood, paint clothes and even treated.

Bean Family: General Characteristics

Familiar to everyone else from school family unites a huge number of species, according to approximate estimates of about 17-18 thousand. Botany share it for three subfaming (based on the structure of the flower): Caesalpiniyev, mimose, moth. It is interesting to note that legume plants include the genus Astragal, the largest species among the representatives of the flowering (about 2400). Plants of this family have a sufficiently large range of growth both in hot tropics (mainly cesalpine and mimic) and in the districts of the Far North, in the deserts and savannas.

Nitrogen fixation is a distinctive feature of the entire family. The roots of legume plants have nodules that are formed as a result of the growth of parenchymal fabric. And this, in turn, is due to the introduction and resettlement inside the plant of nitrogen-fixing bacteria belonging to the genus risobium. They have an amazing ability to absorb and accumulate atmospheric nitrogen, which in the future uses the plant itself for its growth. Such large reserves of a vital element are well affected by the environment. Bean plants perfectly improve soil fertility. It is widely used both on an industrial scale and competent and knowledgeable gardens that are not forgetting to alternate the landing of various cultures in their own area. Every year they return to the soil of about 100-140 kilograms of nitrogen in the calculation of the territory in one hectare.

The structure of leaves of leguminous plants

Bean plants can have a different form of leaves. They can be divided into several groups:

  • parry peristoids and twice peristoids (peas, yellow acacia) leaves, they are located on both sides of the stem;
  • simplified (reduced to one top leaf);
  • false simple, formed as a result of the capture of two top leaves;
  • filodia (in African species of acacia) - flattened leaf stuffs.

For legume plants, an amazing property is characterized - parsley leaves can be folded overnight. This is due to the fact that the base of the stuffing has thickening, which due to the change of the turgora drive the leaf plate or only the leaflets in motion. For example, Mimosa is able to do it instantly, since even a slight touch of her leaves causes an instant loss of osmotic pressure into them. This property was noticed for a very long time and served as a reason to name the plant so much.

Flower and inflorescence

Bean plants may have various inflorescences, but most often it is a sweater or a brush, sometimes head brushes (clover) are much less likely they are reduced to one flower. For representatives of the family, it is characteristic of cross-pollination, in which pollen from one flower is transferred to another much less often insects (bees, bumblebees) or bats and birds in tropical species.

Flowers of legume plants can be zygomorphic or actinorphic (for example, in mimoshov). A cup of consists usually out of four, less often of five cups that grow together. The petals are 5 (all of the moths and some representatives of the other two submersions) or 4. Their name and separation are very interesting, depending on the function being performed. So, the top and major called the name "flag", it attracts insects that pollinating the plant. Petals, located with sides, is customary to call wings, and this is a kind of "landing site". The most internal, as a rule, they grow together along the lower edge and form a boat that protects stamens and pestle from insects that are not pollinators. But, for example, in mimoshov all the petals of the same form are free or threw.

Fruits of leguminous plants

In this case, there is an absolute unity of all kinds of families. The fruit is called bob (single or multi-semen), opening along the spinal or abdominal seam. Seeds inside the fetus are quite large, with endosperm or without it, cotyledtles are well developed. The appearance of Bob can be absolutely any, as well as size. Some species of its length reaches one and a half meters. The spread of seeds sometimes occurs independently when the fetal sash during the disclosure is twisted along the spirals, and they are flying out in different directions, for example, at acacia. Some tropical species are spread by animals or birds. Wrinkle all familiar earthy nuts (peanuts) due to negative geotrophism, that is, the ability to grow and develop in a certain direction when it is formed, goes into the soil at 8-10 cm, where the fruit is then developing.

The value of legumes in the farm

Plants of the legume family occupy the practical significance for a person second place after the cereal. Among them are a huge amount of food cultures that have world importance: soy, peas, beans, peanuts, nuts, lentils and many others. Some of these people are already cultivated by the first millennium.

Great value of legume plants are like feeding herbs, this category includes: clover, alfalfa, lupine, Esparcet, etc. Some tropical representatives of the family (for example, campanery, pericopsis, Dalbergia) are a source of valuable and high decorative wood painted in pink, Almost red, dark brown or almost black colors.

Decorative and medicinal importance

There are decorative types among legumes, such as wisteria. This woody view of native of China with large brushes fragrant inflorescences. Very popular garden and park plants. Another representative is the acacia whiten, is widespread on the Black Sea coast. From herbaceous in the gardens grow, for example, fragrant peas, Lupins. The color of Indigo, but few know that the dye is obtained from the plant indigofer, a small bush from the bean family.

Some types of long-stayed are used in medicine: a fenugreek, astragal, a donon, etc. Lacrician is familiar, or naked licorice. This is a herbaceous bean plant, which is widely used worldwide as a drug from cough (the healing properties are known since the times of ancient Egypt). Its roots and rhizomes are used for this. In some European countries, candies made of licorice who even love children are very popular. They have a characteristic black glossy color.