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How ordinary people live in America: lifestyle, features and history. How is life in Bulgaria

"Everything is relative"

You can read about the move itself and my previous place of residence at.

How did my life go on? I can say one thing - I like it. This atmosphere, architecture, I go and admire the people who built it all, small details, layout and scale. Beautiful parks that you can’t get around at once, a lot of interesting places and leisure. Wide transport network and accessibility. Friends nearby, new impressions and trips. You can't describe everything at once.

Moscow City. Photo by sinyalex (

After the depressive Perm, there was a new world for me here. I finally felt something familiar. Noise bothers me a little, I listen to music in transport, on the street, crowds of people passing by do not bother me at all.

Here I see what is being done for the city: new metro stations are being built, roads are being cleaned in any weather (roads are watered, sometimes to the point of absurdity - after rain), yards are green, districts are being developed. Everywhere is clean. We have only corruption in Perm: there are no roads, wages are not raised, housing and communal services tariffs are simply cosmic in a small town, the city is not being expanded in any way, new roads are barely being built, there is no development, there is little work, the bureaucracy is terrible. Housing prices at this level of salaries are simply huge, they wouldn’t even give me a mortgage (a friend pays a mortgage of 25 thousand rubles per month for a studio outside the city).


The metro stations are very nice. Anyone who complains about crowds during rush hour - keep it simple. Everyone is going somewhere, everyone has things to do, worries. Let them go, well, they pressed you, so what? This will not ruin your life, but it's crowded, but it's hot, but I have something to compare with. There is no metro in Perm and sometimes you can’t even get on the bus even after 3 attempts, and they don’t go every minute (there are no turnstiles in transport, entrance and exit from all doors). People are running, in a hurry - I go in my own mode, on the edge, so as not to interfere. It is not necessary to adapt to everyone and fly too. Be yourself and smile more often.

Musicians in the lobby of the Kurskaya metro station. Photo by sorsw (

Ground transport. There are turnstiles here, I know many people don’t like it, but at least culturally, no one climbs forward, everyone stands and enters in turn and the full aunt conductor does not push everyone away to take your money for travel.

The transport network is very well developed, night routes have been opened, the metro has been running for a long time. Traffic jams are a separate issue, I have rights, but I don’t need a car, it’s better to take the metro, where I know for sure that I won’t be late. It’s not at all scary at night, it happened that I went even at one in the morning, the metro and transport run and there are people, I didn’t expect it to be like this - Moscow really doesn’t sleep.

The fare now costs 55 rubles for 1 trip, but if you plan to stay, it is better to purchase a Troika card (at that time it cost 50 rubles, when you return it, the money is returned). At first I put money on it, for 1 passage (2016) they wrote off 32 rubles, now 35 rubles. Then I realized that it is more profitable to take trips (20, 40 or 60). 60 trips were enough for me for a month and a half, if I didn’t ride much outside of work. Now it costs 1700r. There is also unlimited, it cost 2000 for a month - ride as much as you want without restrictions, but the passage is only for 1 person, the next one can go through the turnstile with you only after 5-7 minutes. Strelka cards operate in the region. I sometimes go to visit and I have to pay in cash, which is very expensive, for example, a minibus was about 40 rubles in Lyubertsy. There are a lot of variations with passages, but for now Troika is enough for me.

Taxi prices are quite adequate, I installed several applications and choose the right one. Most of the time prices fluctuate depending on the time of day.


In all that time, I've never come across anything negative. Always helped to find the right street, smiled. I always say hello and say thank you. Everyone at work is treated with respect. It does not matter where a person comes from, a Muscovite or a visitor, the main thing is to be kind to others. Maybe my 10-year experience of living in rented apartments had an effect, there were scandals and claims, and it was morally difficult. Now I don't want any swearing and negativity.

Photo by Maria Just Mary (

In every city there are good and bad ones, Moscow is the same city, reviews are always different about Muscovites, myths and legends. It all depends on the upbringing and perception of the world. Today, I have met few native Muscovites, and those who do make a good impression.

There are people from neighboring countries, we all know them. But no one ever bothered me, never asked for anything. They also go somewhere on the subway and go on business. I have no claims to any nation, I calmly treat them on the streets. In Perm, I was afraid, there were more of them, they were meaner, it was impossible to pass quietly in the market. No politeness, I generally keep quiet about etiquette.


It's warm here. There is no long winter from October to May. That year, the weather seemed to have made a gift - at the end of December, the flower beds were green grass and it was raining. The whole of September was over 23 degrees, which is unnatural for Perm. I didn’t even understand how the winter began and ended. There was more sun. Early spring and hot summer.

There is no guarantee that 2017 will be the same, but it is better than there. Since I am used to frosts, the local winter does not bother me much, minus 10-15 is normal for me, especially since such weather is not constant. There are temperature differences, but not as sharp as in Perm (for example, New Year from 2015 to 2016 - on December 31, zero degrees, on January 2, minus 30, all hypertensive patients fell ill; in the summer it is similar, in the morning plus 10, after 3-4 hours +27).


It's not perfect everywhere. I'm still for the north, northwest. East, southeast, I just can't stand it, when you exit the metro there is a terrible smell, the air is warmer and somehow stale. There are descriptions of the districts on this forum, I will not judge, but in my experience I like the top of the green, red, blue branch, the bottom of the red branch. I was at many stations, went around the districts to visit, walk, went to interviews and I liked it more there.

The beaches are tight, sometimes there are a lot of people, and many need to go far. By the summer, the addresses of the beaches approved by the City Administration are posted on the Internet. I have lost the habit of beaches, because in Perm over the past 2 years in the summer it was +12 and I did not swim.


I was shocked.

Food prices are the same as in Perm! Only eggs, milk and bread were more expensive: not tasty and expensive. Same chain stores. I do not presume to judge today by the prices in Perm, but at that time they were the same.

Now eggs have decreased in price, and I take a dozen for about 60 rubles, expensive milk, good milk from 80 rubles, yogurts have risen in price from 20 rubles to 40 rubles. It is best to buy milk at mini fairs, it comes out cheaper, different manufacturers, including farmers (there are also weekend fairs in sleeping areas).

Fair on Red Square. Photo by Mikhail Bibichkov (

Cafes, cinemas, household items, clothes and shoes in chain stores also did not differ, besides, there were clothing markets, I'm not squeamish and sometimes you can find a good inexpensive thing there. For example, a trip to the cinema ranged from 150 to 400 rubles - depending on the cinema, the time of the session and the release date, the price for the premiere starts from 600 rubles (I wait two weeks and go cheaper). In the cafe average check it can go up to about 1000 and above - depending on how much and what you eat and drink.

I really love all sorts of promotions and buy products, household items on the days of promotions and sales. Many families stock up in large grocery hypermarkets - Auchan, "Okay". Sometimes you can save a lot.

On average, I spent 5-6 thousand per month on groceries. I don't eat much, but for two of course more. Sometimes I had to have lunch at work, but most often I carry homemade with me.

Business lunches are popular in Moscow; they include salad, soup, a second course and a drink. The price was from 220 to 270r. In Perm, a similar lunch in a simple dining room came out for 150 rubles, the difference of one hundred rubles is not very significant, although parents hurt their eyes (but here the salaries are higher).

Yes, housing is more expensive here, and transport (not much), but everything else is equivalent.

I felt embarrassed. Why, why is the salary miserable, but the prices are like in Moscow?

The medicine

I did not have a registration in Moscow, but with a policy and a statement, I was attached to a polyclinic. My policy was stamped by an insurance company in Moscow and voila. I saw that the insurance company draws up electronic policies, asked if they do it only for Muscovites or for everyone. Everyone. I ordered it for myself, I got tired of walking with this big piece of paper, which always crumples in my bag. The policy is made at Goznak in Perm, free of charge. I had to wait a month (some technical failures). And here is my card.

Better doctors, service and equipment. All analyzes are free of charge. If there is no specific doctor in your hospital, then you are referred to a branch, the entire doctor's record is made electronically. I also made an appointment through Personal Area. Simple and convenient.

In Perm, this is more difficult, doctors either do not want to deal with you, or do not understand what the problem is. I will give an example: at work I got up from the table, a sharp pain in my leg, by the evening it was swollen and it hurt. I went to the doctor, they didn’t send me for an x-ray, they felt it, prescribed ointments and pills. We decided that it was a sprain or a slight dislocation due to an unsuccessful lift. It did not help, they prescribed a magnet and some procedures with a lamp. Did not help. I asked for an X-ray, they didn't find anything. My leg had been hurting for a couple of months now, my leg didn’t fit into boots, I was limping. They sent me to another doctor. I looked at the x-ray, felt it, I couldn’t understand, I was already almost crying, saying that something was not right. He examined it the third time and found a dark thin line, said that a small bone fracture in the big toe was possible. I sent him for a CT scan, I paid 2,000 for it. She came, said what the problem was and what it was for - they looked at me like I was an idiot, they say that it is impossible for a bone to break there (the bone is the same as in the knee, round, but 5 mm in diameter). The result - a zigzag fracture of this bone and my six months of torment, a taboo heel - it hurts my leg, because this bone is one of the supports when walking. It is already useless to treat, the swelling subsided, the pain disappeared. Now I don’t know how everything has grown together there, sometimes it hurts.

In Moscow, there were also some health problems, but the doctors did their job perfectly and for free. I didn’t have to go to a private clinic, but the prices there are decent, it’s ideal if the employer provides you with VHI as a social insurance. package.


They are here and there are many. To each his own, and therefore I will pay attention to large-scale city events.

In August, a fireworks festival was held on Sparrow Hills. The people are dark, with children, with strollers. And after all, when everything is over, everyone will be trampled back and there will be a crowd. At a similar holiday in Perm, when leaving the park, some smart guy sprayed pepper spray. Barely went out with friends, with torn pieces of clothing, but at least with a bag. I didn't go to big events anymore.

So, a holiday in Moscow. Everything is decorous, civilized, nobody cursed, did not shout, there were no fights. The exits were organized, everyone slowly left, they did not create a crush, the Security Services indicated where to go. They saw off at traffic lights and were instead of traffic police. Of course, no one canceled the crowds in the subway, but everything was controlled there and there was no crush. We walked a couple of stations on foot, since the weather allowed. The same happened on May 9th. I'm surprised, in Perm it's usually the other way around.

I never got to the water park, but I really want to, the prices on the sites are quite. In amusement parks too (in Perm prices from 130 rubles)


There is work for any salary, it all depends on your experience and field. There are many part-time jobs, you can combine them, but personally I never had a goal of spending 10-12 hours at work. I didn't move for this. After all, I want to live, and not exist from Monday to Friday, not remembering the weekend. But of course, it all depends on your ambitions and needs. I don’t have a lot of general spending needs, so I don’t plow for days. No one asked me for registration and residence permit, I work without it.

I don’t have any acquaintances, no one suited me for a job, I myself was engaged in sending resumes, responses on job search sites, calls. There is competition here. Let me give you an example: I was invited for an interview at a company whose manager needed an assistant, asked me if I knew why she invited me. I answered in the negative. The answer is simple: she simply did not have time to look at the responses to HH, there were about 500. Only a few people additionally sent resumes to email. Therefore, do not be afraid to send, call and remind yourself after interviews. Even if they promise to call you, call yourself. Many do not call back and do not respond to e-mail.

Read reviews about the company where you plan to go, I understand that many of them are fake or the machinations of competitors, but sometimes it helped me a lot, and I refused to go. This applies to working conditions, real wages, the format of interviews and leadership.


Information for those who have a child. Of course, there will be more prices for food and everything else, but I will touch on pressing social issues. Information from my friends with children.

To start important detail: if you do not have registration, then it can and should be issued. I hope everyone knows the difference between temporary registration and registration. So, even if there is registration in a kindergarten at the age of 3, a child will not always be able to get into it. You stand in line, poor, large families go forward with a residence permit, and you slowly but surely move back (my friend was 75, a month later 150). Since the queue is electronic, it is very difficult to get ahead, connections, bribes can help, but mine did not help. Another arrived, according to stories, just after giving birth, she got registered with registration, the child is already 4 years old - they are still standing in line. This is in Moscow, in satellite cities the situation is better and it is likely that with registration you will get there. They can take them to school without registration (although now I don’t know the situation).

For those who have a residence permit, then a free kindergarten at the age of 3 years is provided to you without a queue; if you managed to get from the registrations, then get ready to pay for utilities and other payments, in a residential area from 4000 tr. per month. There are private gardens, the price range is from 30 tr. for a month, even if your child is sick, then they will not give any “change”.

There is no information about free schools; at the expense of private schools, the spread starts from 40 thousand rubles. per month. Children spend time from morning until lunch, after lunch, circles, sections, and in the same place they do homework. In fact, it turns out 8 hours a day, but this is at the discretion of the child and parents.

In each district there are a lot of playgrounds, exercise equipment, toys and things are left at night, everything is in place in the morning, no one steals or breaks anything. To be honest, I don’t know what older children around 10-13 years old do, the playgrounds are too small for them, maybe they walk somewhere themselves, but it depends on the parents (my friends were afraid to let their 14-year-old son go to another area).

A friend of her entire pregnancy was observed in Lyubertsy, in the absence of registration, she was registered without any problems and passed the entire pregnancy. She really gave birth in a paid department, in private room so that mom and husband could come and stay overnight. At this price I went to my doctor, ward and observation. All this cost her 80 thousand rubles.

In general, I recommend that you explore the area when you move, ask locals, neighbors where it is better to buy groceries, which kindergarten is better according to reviews, where there are inexpensive clubs and where you can go. Read the local forums.

One year later

A year has passed. I still like Moscow and life in it.

Prices have gone up, just like everywhere else. Only nothing has grown in salaries, I have not observed indexation, and the crisis with sanctions has affected all regions.

A situation arose and I had to change the apartment. Rental prices have skyrocketed in 2016. Because I was only looking for rooms, it was noticeable. Sometimes it seemed that the owner puts the price just like that, it did not depend on the area, accessibility to the metro and corny repairs. Everyone was indignant, comments poured in - expensive, expensive, crazy. Prices for a room ranged from 20 to 30 tr. Odnushki on average can be found in the region of 35-45 tr. It all depends on the area and the arrogance of the owners. But there was no way out, I decided that since I would have to pay more and so on, I could find an apartment closer to the circle line and within walking distance to the metro. I never focused on the place of work, although I know that many people shoot near work. There is a job today, but not tomorrow, and there is no point in looking for a new one elsewhere, but it makes no sense to move every time. Therefore, I remembered my wishes for the region. I found my dream at VDNKh, where I always wanted to live. Without an agent, a girl neighbor rented. The apartment is good, kopeck piece, renovated, the owners are abroad. We communicate on Skype. In terms of payment, compared to the previous apartment, it has grown by only a few thousand and it's worth it. The deposit was allowed to be divided into 2 months. By the way, I moved out of my last apartment, the deposit was returned without any problems.

Since the prices went up, I decided to change jobs. Initially, I planned to work for a year or two, for work book, but a year later I realized that I was bored, there was no development. She asked me to give me more work, new responsibilities, only in Moscow it is not practiced to pay for combining or replacing employees during vacation or illness. But I agreed, because this is also new experience. In parallel, I was looking for a new job, went to a couple of interviews. Autumn began, I decided that it was better to wait out the winter and start a more active search in the spring. But we propose, but God disposes. Suddenly, our company was sold, layoffs began, and I fell under it. I was paid everything according to the law. This money was enough to pay loans and an apartment in advance while looking for work. I was lucky, the day after I was fired, I got a call from the company in which I was interviewing a month ago and thought that I had failed.

I was invited to work, the salary is much higher, there are voluntary medical insurance and quarterly bonuses. Time from home to work is now 35 minutes. The schedule is standard from 9-18, lunch. There are sometimes delays, but rarely.

Everything written, of course, sounds joyful, but in fact it was hard. Stress, daily searches for housing and work, group screenings for surrender, trips to screenings and interviews. Sometimes there was not enough money, she helped her parents, paid a loan, for housing. Saving money somewhere. Not hungry, no. Cut spending on household needs and some types of products. Sometimes family issues came up and it was hard to break into 2 cities. But I understood that it was better than it was and the difficult period would pass, this is not a reason to despair and leave back.

At the same time, another, most important question arose.


Initially, the parents planned to move in three years. Mom wanted to be there, because she experienced for herself what it means to leave home and never return there. For all the time she was at home 2 times. And now she wanted to be closer, so that I would also, at least sometimes, come home, want to raise grandchildren. Dad is on watch, and she is there all alone, with a cat. Together they decided to move. There was nothing to keep them there.

The search began. It was very hard. Not all adults are ready to drop everything, leave, and even more so go look for themselves new house. Dad always wanted to live in his house on a piece of land. We had an apartment + cottage, and they wanted to keep it. We sold our kopeck piece for big price(1.7 million rubles), in our city it is still considered expensive. We sold the cottage. Money, you understand, is not much and we could not count on something good and big, I am silent about buying an apartment.

We studied the cities of the Moscow region, prices, infrastructure, transport accessibility. Watched land plus building a house. Then they took up finished houses. There are many options, as well as a range of prices. Traveled many cities, in the heat, looking.

I went to the deal, studied the nuances of the deals, what is needed for this, what documents. The issue is with banks and transferring money from city to city. All this fell on my shoulders.

Finally found 2 storey house from a bar with a plot of 12 acres, ready to live in the Klinsky district, with a greenhouse, a change house, a sewerage system and a well, there is even an unfinished garage. Because Since I live at VDNKh, it is convenient for me to get from the station. Travel time by train 1.40. From the station to the house on foot 15 minutes. The fare on the train is 185 rubles. one way (100-120km). From Perm, I went home by bus for 150 rubles (80 km). In general, in different directions, prices are not biting.

Of course, all the money was not enough, they gave 20 tr. for a car with things. Mine arrived in our car. I had to take out a small loan for 3 years, but it's worth the move.

We started decorating the house and dealt with the issue of registration. Soon there will be a new stamp in my passport.

It's been 4 months already, there are some drawbacks and sometimes the old habits of parents are hard to fix. Mom wants to live in an apartment and at the family council it was decided to move again. We have already begun to consider cities.

I don't know how life will go for us here this year, but there are plans. We will look for new housing together, closer in Moscow. I will help them with all my might, because they moved for me, for the sake of a new life.

I have enough to live on, to pay for housing, travel, food, entertainment and necessary things. It remains to be postponed. I was finally able to do the eye surgery that I had dreamed of all my life, then I could not afford it. I haven’t thought about a mortgage yet, I definitely won’t pull it alone, monthly payments from 35 tr. and above, and a credit noose for 25 years scares me, so for now, a removable one is enough. I plan to improve my English, in Moscow it is very necessary, many people pay more (this is not relevant in Perm, I didn’t study, although I would have known that I would move ...)


Now, looking back, I cannot believe that I am here, that I myself decided to take such a step. And I don't regret it. Everyone is looking for their place, whether it is a metropolis or a small suburb. We are all different, our ambitions and needs often do not coincide. I will not write here about what everyone has already read or heard - Moscow is a city for the brave, strong and only for work, that it eats the weak at breakfast. Everyone chooses and / or pays attention to it.

Perhaps I have not yet encountered negativity, competition or bad attitude as a visitor. I just never thought about it, never thought about Moscow, about the difficulties. Sometimes the insidious consciousness emerges again, depression rolls in and hands drop, again I ask myself one question - what am I doing here? But thoughts go away, I can’t go back, they don’t return there, only forward. Supported by friends and family. And in motherland I can always come and see old friends, walk through the forest to the beach, take a ride on the old and familiar route to Perm, walk along its streets ...

Dare, do not be afraid, do not delay if you decide, because there is only one life and years go by. Perhaps somewhere there is your happiness and just good thoughts.

I can't say with certainty whether I'll live here all my life or not. Maybe I'll go somewhere else, with my new family.

Russia has experienced many difficulties and problems throughout its existence. For example, one government allowed people to privatize state facilities, others robbed the country. All this led to a massive crisis that hit ordinary citizens. However, the problems lie not only in the state itself, but also in people in general. Many Russians have already adapted to the modern realities of life in the country. However, people show indifference and inaction to the existing problem. But how to live further in Russia in 2017 for ordinary people?

Some try to adapt to survival in the country, while others manifest themselves in slogans:

Be optimistic!
Everything will pass, the main thing is to work!
Remember history and do not trust the authorities!
It is not easy for the Russians, but it is much more difficult for other states!

Social factors of life

Even in Soviet times, children were instilled with moral principles and principles of a culture of behavior in society. On the one hand, it was done well. On the other hand, people forgot to educate their children in patriotism and attitude towards the state as a whole.

On the this moment, culture is not only a spiritual value of a person, but also a kind of earnings. Now the spiritual enrichment of a Russian person is possible only if there is money. Therefore, people's animal instincts are aggravated. They do not think about the culture and moral values ​​of a person. Most of all, they are concerned about the question of how to survive for an ordinary person in modern Russia. Many of them survive as best they can: steal, or climb over the heads of others. These things have long become commonplace in the country. Everyone thinks only about how to cash in on something, make a profit, deceive and rob.

However, there is another reason bad life in Russia this year.

Ordinary citizens do not have any social guarantees. They lose hope and faith in their state. People are trying to zombify through television and the media. And all this, sooner or later, bears fruit. And even despite the fact that people have learned to survive, their attitude towards the country has changed.

Today's youth of Russia is also going through hard times. After graduating from universities, they cannot find a decent job.

Many companies and government organizations are in need of experienced employees. And where to get work experience for young students who have just graduated from higher educational institutions. And a red diploma will not change this situation. Usually, in a modern state, a diploma does not play a fundamental role. Therefore, only people with great strength will.

How to live for ordinary people in Russia

Hope for the prosperity and well-being of the country will never fade away. The lives of ordinary citizens can change in better side. However, for this, the government must convey to the common people the idea of ​​developing the state. And when the country starts supporting its citizens, many things will change for the better.

Surviving in Russia in 2017 will not be easy enough. The global crisis associated with lower oil prices and international sanctions affect the standard of living in Russia. However, people are trying to adapt to these conditions and continue life in Russia. And even though the standard of living in 2017 is at a low level, people do not stop hoping. Some tips can be found in the section on how to live further in Russia 2017 for ordinary people on the forums.

It is rather difficult for ordinary citizens to live in modern Russia. However, such people are in the majority. And they should know simple tips about how to survive in the country.

1. In Russia, you need to rely only on yourself.

This advice can become universal for everyone. When a person hopes only for himself, he tries to live certain rules and frames. He sets goals for himself and achieves them to the best of his ability. Relying on someone, a person tries to do nothing and wait for improvement. But the improvement may not take place. Therefore, in Russia you need to rely only on yourself.

2. High quality education and the demand for a future profession.

Each person must independently choose their future education and profession. In this matter, you should not rely on the state.

In addition, do not rely on the state pension. A person should take care of himself and loved ones. If you rely on a future pension, you can be left with nothing. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the issue of decent earnings or creating your own business.

3. Ability to achieve goals.

Russia, even in 2017, is a bureaucratic country. Knowing certain principles of bureaucracy, a simple person can achieve a lot. Silence is the main rule of any bureaucracy. Therefore, it is not necessary to "take dirty linen out of the hut." Most often, bureaucratic red tape occurs in the system itself. It is very important to achieve the goal without trying to negotiate with the performers. It is best to get through to the authorities to solve problems.

Documents should never be thrown away, as they have their own value. It should also be remembered that the authorities should consider any appeals from citizens of the country. Do not trust lawyers with important documents. Any expert in this matter can easily mislead common man. Therefore, all information should be carefully checked.

4. Always be prepared for a crisis.

In 2017, you should not invest in business and small businesses. With the increase in sanctions and the instability of the ruble exchange rate, it is better to invest cash in securities. And ordinary citizens should always be aware of the matter. Check information, watch TV news and compare facts.

The population of Russia is heterogeneous in composition. It is multinational, socially divided, has different cultural and spiritual values. The reason for this is both in the economic situation and in the vast territory of the state. The inhabited area can be divided into several groups that differ in their nature.

Big cities

In megacities, people live in the most civilized way. The infrastructure is well established here. The work of specialists is highly paid, and it is much easier to find a job in their specialty than in the provinces. As for leisure, there are no problems at all: a large number of cinemas, theaters, exhibition halls, restaurants, cafes, discos. Hence, quite high level cultural development. Metropolitan education is valued much higher, it is given priority when applying for a job.

However, there is in life big cities and cons. Long distances take up a lot of time every day. Traveling to and from work sometimes takes up to three hours. Calculate how much time a year a working person spends on this. Do not forget about the high level of crime: in megacities there are a lot of visitors and just catchers of luck. Population density and gas pollution create unfavorable conditions for the environment. But perhaps the biggest problem is housing. Buying your own is not affordable for everyone, and eating it devastates the wallet by almost half.

Medium and small cities

Housing is better in smaller towns. It is cheaper when renting, and more affordable when buying your own. With work, the situation is worse, but finding it, if you set a goal, is possible. True, it will not be paid as high as in megacities.

With leisure and infrastructure, everything is also in order: well-established chains of stores, transport, cafes, cinemas. And most importantly, everything is at hand, two steps away. Getting an education is not a problem. But it will be less appreciated when applying for a job in the specialty.

As for crime and ecology, the first is much inferior to the capital, and the second, due to the smaller number of cars and all sorts of harmful enterprises, is more favorable for the life of citizens.


Of course, in ecological terms, the most favorable place for living in Russia is the countryside. This fresh air and water. Vegetables and fruits from their beds and gardens, which is not only not harmful, but also saves money. Do not forget about breeding poultry, rabbits, pigs and cows. With the correct formulation of the case, this is a stable additional income for the population. With work in the villages and villages is not enough, therefore subsidiary farm is a good financial help for most families.

Education is limited elementary school, and the majority of young people after graduation leave for the city to study or work. To maintain law and order, one district police officer is usually enough for several nearby villages.

Russia and other countries

Compared to other countries, Russia is far from the best, but not worst country. List of countries since best level Norway leads the way (for several years in a row). According to the UN, Russia occupies only 65th place. When compiling this list, the following factors are taken into account: average life expectancy, income level of the population, level of healthcare development and many other factors. For example, Belarus ranks 67th, Ukraine - 77th, Georgia - 97th. Some countries are not included in the list, because there is not enough reliable information about them.

But with the birth rate in Russia, things are going well. According to health organizations, it is now higher than in China or Poland and is 13.3 newborns per thousand people. Russia also attracts immigrants as a country where you can find work: over the past five years, up to a million people have arrived in the country. Foreign direct investment in Russia amounted to over 3.5% of GDP, which is much more than in other countries. Russia is also distinguished by its leadership in investing abroad. Education in the country also remains at a high level compared to many other countries (about fifty percent of workers have higher education, and the overall literacy rate is 99.5%).

About how they live simple people in Russia, writing is difficult. Because it hurts the soul ... Many do not live, but survive. Especially those who are not accustomed to dodge, deceive others, profit from someone else's misfortune.

The average salary of a Russian according to official data

So how do ordinary people live in Russia? Differently. depends on income. And here a person who sets himself the task of finding out how ordinary people live in Russia will be covered by a wave of bewilderment.

Statistics Federal Service gives a quite acceptable figure - 32,600 rubles. Indeed, with such money you can live quite decently. But this is what happens if you divide all the incomes of people, both simple and rich, by the total number. That is, someone is fattening, receiving a hundred thousand a month, and someone, and most of them. From this, the conclusion suggests itself that it is impossible to draw for oneself a real picture of how ordinary people live in Russia, based on these data.

Real official salaries of Russian residents

However, there are other data that can be used to imagine how much ordinary people receive for their work.

For example, if you calculate salaries based on the proposals of employers, taking into account the figures indicated for advertising purposes, then on average it will be 27,521 rubles. By the way, these data also cannot be trusted. After all, there is a “lure” of people here, an exaggeration. In many places, quite high average earnings It turns out due to the fact that the majority of workers work in excess of the norm of working hours, not at one rate.

An independent sociological survey shows a different figure, which ranges between 6,000 rubles and 18,000. And, oddly enough, for people with normal incomes, such small wages, below the subsistence level, is far from uncommon in Russia. In the province, for example, a nanny kindergarten- an assistant teacher - can receive 5,000 rubles. The cleaning lady at the school is offered for a full day ... as much as 7,000 rubles! A janitor can get a job with earnings from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles, again, according to employers who apply for jobs.

So draw a conclusion about how an ordinary person lives in Russia, gets out, receiving an amount for work that is less than the subsistence level.

Estimated monthly living expenses

The lion's share of the money earned by the Russian gives in payment utilities. To live in one-room apartment, a Russian citizen must pay from 1,500 rubles or more monthly.

A separate item is electricity, a television antenna, the Internet. And this is about 1000 rubles more.

By the way, many tenants receive receipts for additional payment. overhaul the house in which they live. Although a lot of materials are published on the Internet that this is done illegally. It states that the column "repair" is already included in the total amount of the rent. Moreover, in many houses the condition leaves much to be desired. Photos of houses in the quarters of people who are not so wealthy as to buy luxury housing clearly demonstrate how an ordinary person lives in Russia.


The ever-increasing cost of travel in public transport is also not encouraging. Of course, there are certain benefits for pensioners, schoolchildren, students and war veterans. But since an ordinary person lives in Russia, he is often forced to use not municipal transport, which is very difficult to wait for, especially during rush hour, but private. And there all these benefits are fiction.

As a result, on a daily basis, for example, in Samara, from June 1, 2015, a mother taking her child to school and then hurrying to work will take (23 * 2) * 2 (the road to the children's institution and back) + 23 * 2 ( way to work) = 168 rubles. With a six-day working week, this will result in a tidy sum of 4032 rubles. And if the baby still attends some sections or circles, a music or dance school that are far from home, then transportation costs are even higher.

Childhood - a carefree time?

Not every child can get into a municipal kindergarten. Many children's institutions from the post-Soviet regime still require (tacitly) an entrance fee, which ranges from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. Although, if a mother carefully stood in line while still pregnant, then the likelihood of a four-year-old baby getting into an organized children's team increases.

Schoolchildren also have to constantly pay for repairs, then for security. In some places, requisitions are made even on the salaries of cleaners. Despite the decrees that say that one should not follow the lead of schools and pay them, parents choose the lesser of two evils, that is, they pay, since the dislike of teachers falls on the children of “malicious deviators”. They are simply terrorized by constant humiliation and nit-picking.

How the elderly live in Russia

It is sad to realize that after 45 it is very difficult to get a well-paid job. It is especially difficult for women in this regard. When looking for employees, employers often specify age limits.

Abroad, this fact would be recognized as discrimination and could figure in legal proceedings. For Russians, this has long become the norm. Therefore, many educated, skilled workers belonging to this category (women over 45 years old) are forced to apply their skills and knowledge with a doormat in their hands or behind the counter of a private trader.

Our government, unfortunately, often closes its eyes to the fact how people live in Russia. The discussion of these issues is not only banned, but is practically not brought to the national arena.

Pension came - trouble! Open the gate for her...

It gets even worse when you reach retirement age. The media enthusiastically praise the Russian government for its care for the elderly: either they add pensions, or they issue credit cards to the elderly. And everything is allegedly in openwork.

However, credit cards give pensioners the opportunity to "get by" in case of a lack of funds from pension to pension, they can only be bought in stores. Naturally, often no longer take advantage of this opportunity. And when withdrawing money, such a huge percentage is immediately charged, and 25% per annum is charged for the entire amount spent. good help old people have nothing to say. An opinion is being created that no one at the top even guesses how ordinary people live or survive in Russia, but they think that we all are fed, warm and joyful.

But if pensioners had such a good life, they would not, on their own initiative, sit in any weather near shops and transport stops, offering passers-by some old little things, objects made with my own hands, grown on their site vegetables, flowers. Do not think that older people do not know how to relax. It is unlikely that any of them would have refused a free ticket to a rest home or sanatorium, a trip abroad or a tour on a boat along the Volga. But they don't offer it, alas. And not everyone succeeds in collecting for such a vacation on their own.

My village, dying...

It is impossible not to touch upon the problems of the rural hinterland, covering the question of how people live in Russia. there is difficult to such an extent that most of the townspeople cannot even imagine it. There is practically no work, transport is canceled, shops and first-aid posts are closed. The Internet is often not available, and the TV can only broadcast one or two programs. People are simply cut off from civilization. For bread and salt, in any weather, you have to get to a larger village for five or six kilometers on foot.

Of course, this is not the case in all villages. However, in most small rural settlements everything is exactly like that. Speaking about how ordinary people live on the border of Russia and Belarus, the same thing can be said: most of the villages are abandoned, and the people have to survive as they can.

Organization of leisure for children and adults

Russians have long been accustomed to taking care of themselves. They are tired of waiting for someone to repair the building they live in for their own money, to take care of the beauty of the area around the houses. Therefore, the walls of entrances, painted by local craftsmen, are often pleasing to the eye. And the old women, creaking their joints, with difficulty plant flowers in front of the houses, water the seedlings. And some even manage to equip playgrounds with amazing tire swans, sculptures from plastic bottles, houses from empty glass containers.

Speaking about how people live in Russia, one cannot gloss over the question of their free time. If we compare the current state of affairs with the organization of leisure in the Soviet period, then modernity will not win. Virtually no free clubs function today, in which people different ages you can get together, engage in creativity and just communicate.

Therefore, special mention should be made of those rare organizations where altruists still exist, making efforts and spending their time for free to work with people. Such are, for example, literary associations, where experienced writers and poets conduct classes with beginners, share their achievements, and help promote the work of unrecognized talents.

Festivals of author's song and poetry, which are held by the public, enjoy great love and appreciation from people of various social levels. Almost anyone can come there and take part completely free of charge both as a spectator and as a performer of their own works.

Let's find out from my regular reader Daria Maksimova how life is now in Germany and is it worth it for a Russian person to move to live abroad? Is everything as good as they show us in films and magazines? Daria titled her article “In Search of Happiness. Will the foreign country help us?

As you know, potatoes are tastier in someone else's frying pan, and the skies are bluer abroad. I thought so too, until I moved to live in Germany ...

At first I went to Europe just as a tourist. She walked the beaten paths, admired the landscapes and did not even think about emigration. Although close relatives lived in Germany, who left along the “Jewish line”, and they constantly called me and my parents to their place: “It’s impossible to live in your crazy Moscow!”

But I loved my city with its restless rhythm of life (probably because I was restless myself), noisy streets, stupefied with people and cars; I loved my profession - I worked as a journalist; she loved her friends - she was friends with some since kindergarten ... But one day my mother stunned me with the news that she and her father were thinking about moving to Germany for permanent residence: “We want a calm old age and stability. And then, we have relatives there. We should be together".

To say I was shocked is an understatement. How is it - they "should be together"? And I? We will live in different countries?! - You will come with us. There is nothing to keep you here. Mom seems to have made up her mind. - Wow! I exploded. - Actually, I have friends here, a job, a loved one! “Your loved one will never marry you - he is married,” Mom snapped. - Friends have families of their own for a long time. And the work ... You will find something for yourself there.

That night I didn't sleep. Maybe, really, spit on everything and leave? Suddenly it will be better there - both in everyday life (my parents and I crowded together in a tiny kopeck piece), and in love? Mom told the truth - with my man I have no future. He will never leave his family. Yes, I myself will not allow it - he has two children. With my departure, I can finally put an end to our protracted romance.

And parents in Germany will be better: excellent medicine, relatives, the opportunity to see the world (with their beggarly pensions, one could only dream of this, but they refused to travel with my money). I know German at a household level, French and English - fluently. Let's not get lost! Documents for departure were prepared for a long time. But a few months later we were still given the go-ahead, and we ended up in Germany.

We settled in a quiet, provincial town where Uncle Borya lived - my mother's brother. I threw myself into the arrangement of the apartment. More precisely, apartments - my parents and I lived on the same stairwell: they are in a two-room apartment, I am in the studio. So living conditions were excellent. Furniture was literally dragged from the street - the Germans had a tradition in certain days put unnecessary interior items near the house.

That's where we "got out". By the way, the interior turned out decent. Well I like mine new life! However, it was hard to get used to. For example, in the evening you can not make noise here. Otherwise, neighbors may call the police. Therefore, returning home late, I walked up the stairs on tiptoe, talking in an undertone at home (we had a terrible hearing, and I have a naturally loud voice).

Order - the main thing Another "ambush" for me was the sorting of garbage. I, who was used to dumping everything in one pile, could not get used to the fact that the garbage needed to be “dismembered”: the foil cover had to be thrown into one bag, the paper wrapper into another, plastic bottle- in the third. And then these bags had to be thrown into the right containers: food waste - to food, plastic - to plastic ...

I got confused several times until the neighbors reprimanded me: “Because of you, the whole house will be fined.” It annoyed me. - What do you want, dear? - Uncle Borya laughed. - You're in Germany. Ordnung muss sein - order is above all. You'll get used to it. You are not the first, you are not the last. But I could not get used to the “ordnung”. People like me, probably, need to be taken out for permanent residence in the very early childhood so that all these rules are taken for granted.

Or in retirement, when there will be neither the strength nor the desire to challenge them. So far it hasn't been easy for me. Although I tried my best to fit into this life and become my own. But soon the problems with adaptation seemed to me childish babble - my dad was diagnosed with cancer. - There is a wonderful medicine! Uncle encouraged us. - Not like in Russia. The medicine is really great.

Good doctors and nurses, in the ward - all the conditions: a toilet, a shower, a TV, a bunch of smart equipment that monitored my father's condition around the clock. But it didn’t help - six months after the operation, dad died. For me it has become terrible tragedy. My father protected me all my life, like a little one. Even in my 30s with a ponytail. A couple of months before his death, I came from Holland (I went to get some air for the weekend) and found my dad in my apartment: “Your doors are hanging on the kitchen cabinet here, I decided to fix it.”

But he was already walking with difficulty ... While he was repairing, I ate ice cream and corresponded with someone on social networks. Idiot, it would be better to put my father to bed ... The feeling of guilt did not leave me. Why didn't I realize earlier that there was something wrong with my dad? Why didn't you take me to the doctor? Perhaps he would be alive now ... It was even harder for my mother than for me. She went to her father at the cemetery every day, sat there until the evening.

This worried me very much - I saw that she was in a terrible depression, but I could not be with her all the time: I was offered a job in a local newspaper for emigrants. Of course, compared to what I was doing in Moscow, it was the level of a wall newspaper, but there was nothing to choose from. Although I spoke German, it is one thing to communicate in a pharmacy or a store, and quite another to write notes. New job brought me neither joy nor satisfaction.

Loneliness and emptiness.

Only now I realized that my move was a complete downshifting: I used to live in a metropolis, now I live in a tiny town, I used to have interesting work, now - it’s not clear what, I used to communicate with smartest people, now I discuss seasonal and off-season sales with emigrants. From loneliness and hopelessness I wanted to howl. But there was no one to cry.

I didn't have any friends, just acquaintances. There were, of course, Moscow girlfriends, but you won’t roar over Skype, will you? And how can they help me? - You need to get married, - with these words, my mother once met me from work. - You've missed something. Aunt Bella recommended a wonderful young man. Mikhail, 35 years old, IT specialist, not married. From an intelligent family.

Looking for a girl for Serious relationships. - You're just like a real matchmaker ... - I chuckled. - Do not interrupt. - Mom's eyes became prickly and angry. - Tomorrow at six he will come to us. Go, dear, to the hairdresser's, get yourself a decent haircut. My mother had such a manner - to talk, as if to give orders. It irritated me terribly.

But now I did not begin to sort things out - it became most interesting to look at this Mikhail. Probably bald, fat and narrow-minded, since he cannot find a girl. It turned out - an intellectual and accurate. And outwardly wow. Lives in Germany since childhood. Knows five languages. We started dating, although inwardly I felt - not my man. Once he brought me to his home, so I was not only walking there - I was afraid to breathe.

Not just cleanliness - sterility. Not a speck of dust, not a speck, each document on the table in a separate folder, folders - in drawers, drawers - on the shelves ... If he looked into my bag, he would have been hit. Our relationship ended with the first sex. More precisely, it never came to sex. After hot kisses, he rushed to ... neatly hang his things on a chair: “Wait, I'm quick!” But I did not wait - I left: such an “ordnung” is not for me.

Hello, Motherland In general, after spending another half a year, I nevertheless returned to Moscow. But mom didn’t go: “I’m from dad - nowhere.” And every two months we fly to visit each other. No, Germany is the most beautiful country, but we clearly “did not agree with her characters”. I'm working for my favorite newspaper again. And again I go wild from the neighbors drilling the walls on Sundays. And again I get angry from purely Russian gouging. And yes, I have not met my only one ... yet. But I know for sure - the grass is not greener abroad. At least for me.

For a better life.

A survey on the portal showed that 48% of potential emigrants consider Europe as a permanent residence. 7% dream of settling in Germany, 5% - in England, 4% - in. But most do not care where - just not to live in Russia. Every second young specialist plans to find a job abroad in their specialty, 30% are ready to work with anyone. The main reason is the high standard of living abroad (this is important for 63% of respondents). 38% believe that it is easier to find a job there, 14% want to live in a different climate.