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Increase medium check: Your profit is not far off. Several ways to increase the average check

An increase in monthly profits is the task that every entrepreneur puts in front of him. Not so important than he does. It can be a store or boutique, cafe or restaurant. But what is middle check, a good owner should know. And in his obligations it comes in conveying this information to employees. Only so you can build relationships with consumers in the most efficient way.

Aza trade

Opening your business, a person is very worried about profits. It is logical, because it depends on it now whether he will be able to return the money invested and mapping his personal contribution. And sometimes, from the very beginning, luck smiles, and customers are constantly. It would seem that success is provided. But gradually revenue begins to decline. The buyer is just used to your service, and they stopped being something special.

How to raise profits? Many will say that you just need to find new consumers. Yes, due to this, you can raise sales, but how to achieve this? Usually, colossal investments in advertising are required to implement such a scenario. If the budget is already scheduled, then you will have to look for other methods. Here it is worth remembering what is the average check.


This variable is important for each entrepreneur. At the same time, it can be easily calculated independently, without resorting to the help of economists. What is the average check? This is the average amount spent by each buyer for a certain period of time. It may be day, week or month. The formula is very simple, it is a revenue, divided by the number of checks.

Whatever period you have taken, the number will still be indicative. This is the average amount that the buyer leaves at the checkout. If you increase it, then income will grow. Let's imagine that the supermarket is serving five thousand buyers per day. At the same time, the average check is 1 thousand rubles. If you increase each of them for 10 rubles, the company will receive profit more by 50 thousand rubles. But this is just the price of chewing gum or similar little things. You just need to find a way to convince the client that he needs it. Now we know that such a middle check. How can I increase it?

Work in the supermarket

Each of us regularly makes purchases here and familiar with the structure of these shopping areas. There are rows with products where sellers consultants are on duty, as well as the cash desks where you calculate. You will see a blank at the checkout at the checkout, but for now we walk along the shopping room, you are quite calmly fill the cart.

This is used by the shopologists of the store, setting up on your way the tempting offers about discounts, advertising posters and other material that stimulates shopping. What can be done here to increase the average check?

Possible options:

Pre-office zone

And back to the practice of the supermarket again. During the trip, you chose the goods and come to the cashier. Pay attention to how it is brightly framed. Chewing gum, chocolates, cigarettes and other little things just hang out the cashier from all sides. Remember, the buyer has not received a check blank. He can only estimate the amount in his mind. And of course, as long as he is in line, it may well come to mind the thought that it would be nice to buy a child chocolate. In this case, nothing critical happened, because the amount will increase insignificantly.

The next moment is the cashier itself. Battered words it offers a package. Again the concern for you, and again the growth of the middle check. Seeing that you bought tea, many will advise fresh cookies that brought recently. Etc.

Cealth establishments

There are differences here, so we will highlight them in a separate category. Sales volumes are equally important for restaurants owners. Therefore, they are also engaged in analytics and are looking for ways to increase profits. But the realization of the conceived will be somewhat different.

The middle check in the restaurant can be calculated in several ways. It is usually done on dishes. As a result, the value of the main dish, dessert and snacks can be considered for the average check, without taking into account alcohol and beverages. But you can choose another method. For example, an average check can be considered the amount made by the waiter at the cashier per day, divided by the number of served guests.

How can you increase it

There are not many options here. You need to teach the staff to work with customers. Sales volumes directly depend on the quality of service. It is strictly forbidden to use the coarse methods of "lumpy" and deception. Your goal is to preserve the client's loyalty.

There was nothing new here. To raise the average check, you need to sell positions from the menu in addition to the general order or offer more dear alternatives Selected dishes. Moreover, it should be unobtrusively as sincere manifestation of care. The waiter can remind you of bread Sick-crackers for broth, special sauce to meat, water or other drink.

Methods of increasing check

Marketers have not yet brought the relationship between average check and profit, therefore methods are also not new:

  • Apxelling - offer more expensive alternative. For example, two guests are ordered by serving sushi. Why not offer them a set that includes more tastes?
  • Cross-Selling is an expansion of the order line. Here the waiter is simply infinite space for fantasy. Guests can offer sauces and podlivals, salads and snacks, Toping to ice cream, an extra stuffing in pizza.

Work of the waiter in the cafe

Here customers are somewhat different from those who went to the restaurant. But there is sufficient number Technician with which you can increase profits. The average check in the cafe also depends on the number and cost of visitor purchased. There is a great way to sell more, simply offering an aperitif. there is certain rulesAccording to which it can be done easily and easily:

Instead of imprisonment

All these techniques work only in one case: if the first is the quality. The implemented products should be good, proven, otherwise you will lose the buyer. Food in the cafe should be tasty and high-quality. It is useless to try to increase the average check and save on such basic things.

Control and monitoring of indicators are needed not only large enterprises. If the small store or the establishment of Horeca plans to entrenched the market and have a constant planned income, it is necessary to keep records of such a parameter as the average check. This indicator will provide information about the depth and width of the range, the efficiency of the work of trading personnel.

How to calculate

The average check, the formula of which is simple and understandable even to the amateur, is calculated even by a non-specialist. Revenue for a certain period, divided by the number of checks for the same period, will give a desired result. It is important to take into account the procurement price changes and the markup for the goods. If the speaker is positive, the store works efficiently, if negative or zero, you need to look for the reasons for the decline. The cash check may decrease in sum, for example, during the sale period. Special attention should be paid to goods that bring the greatest income, track the behavior of competitors regarding these goods and analyze their dynamics in their store.

Identification of problems on average check in the store and solutions

On average check no more than 4-5 products. Share checks with purchases from 1 to 3 gradually approaching 50% of total sales. The increase in turnover was less than the level of inflation or in the case when the growth of turnover is observed when opening new stores. Buyers are in the trading hall short time, and some departments do not attend at all.

It is necessary to analyze the location of both the store and departments, the calculation of the goods, the dynamics of sales during the day. To analyze the structure of the range, prices, turnover. ABC is conducted - sales analysis, during which the range is considered, the most running positions are detected, the products that are parted, and the one that is the most profitable. Assess the need to change in if necessary, create routes on the trading room by installing shelftrokers and raise signs with pointers for simplicity of orientation in the store. Create or change the planogram and, of course, prepare special offers For their buyers.

How to raise the average check

1. Increased trading charge. In the presence of unique sentence and the absence of direct competitors it will be the easiest and rapid decision. However, a very small number of companies boast such an advantage. For most goods there are analogues. Therefore, with an increase in the retail price, you will have to raise the level of service, improve the service. And these are additional costs.

2. Optimization of the range. Category manager, together with merchandisers, can revise the structure of the range, principles of procurement policy and merchandising. The occupation is complex, painstaking, time requested.

Tactical ways to increase the average check

1. Using the principle of complementarity. Many items suggest the availability of supplement goods. This principle can be taken as the basis when laying out the product. Thus, acquiring one product, the buyer will pay attention to the second, complementing the first, is the likelihood, which will acquire it, which, in turn, will increase the average check in the store.

2. Harmonization. Use ready-made solutions, demonstrate to buyers, which products and how can be combined with each other. For example, in the case of clothing on a mannequin, the buyer has a desire to buy an image of the whole, and not separate things. In this case, the average cash receipt will grow.

3. Offer on the "delivery" product of the impulse demand, which is in the order zone. Rate if you have a small inexpensive product in your store calculation, which the buyer takes automatically, approaching the checkout. You can also duplicate the calculation of small, but chassis In the center of the hall, in addition to the location of it at the checkout.

4. Availability of gift certificates or discount cards. Close contact with corporate clients allows you to increase on holiday days, as well as attract new customers.

5. Setting the terminal for cashless payment. Buyers, calculated by a bank card, spend more than when paying in cash, therefore, an increase in the average check will occur.

6. Across the attention of buyers on more expensive goods. Sellers should switch the attention of buyers from a cheap product on more expensive gradually. Trade Hall workers should be interested in selling more expensive goods. It is possible to introduce material promotion of employees when selling a month of a certain number of expensive goods.

7. Inclusion in the range of inexpensive products with large margin. It is easy to offer a cheap product, sellers will not work to sell it, it is not necessary to stimulate them. Cheap goods will attract buyers to the store, which will buy more cheap products than planned initially.

Stimulating actions as a means of increasing a cashier

Special offers - another way to increase the average check. Conducting shares "Purchase Gift", "When buying a 2-position 3 - I am free", discounts at certain times of day, sales. Such shares help to establish confidence contact between the store and the client and leave a pleasant impression from the buyer. Also, when conducting stimulating actions, conversion increases, that is, the number of people from the shop is growing. Additional opportunity Get the customer's contact details that can be used in the future to disseminate information about the shares carried out.


As a result, trade will increase the trade turnover due to the growth in the number of purchases in the cash check. There will be a decrease in the share of small checks and an increase in the share of medium, which indicates the effectiveness of both merchandising and personnel work. In addition, the number of impulse purchases will grow if the range and calculation of the goods will be performed. And the basis of positive dynamics - the middle check!

When the client has already come to the retail outlet, it is important to sell it as much as possible item. However, think about how to increase the average check in the store must first of all the head of the store. He must know the main ways to achieve this goal and be able to implement them.

Middle Check Increase Concepts

Middle check raising techniques are even in small stores. The main thing is to choose those methods that will be effective for this outlet.

Make the buyer buy goods on great amount You can with the following ways:

  1. Sell \u200b\u200bcomplex or in a set.
  2. Increase sales of key goods.
  3. Across the attention of the buyer on concomitant products.
  4. Increase mid-price Goods through a more expensive range.
  5. To lure the buyer by the upper "magnet".
  6. Motivate and train employees to cross and prostrate.

Each listed method for increasing the average check has its own secrets of implementation, which will be discussed further in more detail.

Complex sales of goods

A person is stronger than the need for the product as part of the thematic composition. Consciousness displays not just a product, but its deployed images in a real setting. An example is a set of beer with crackers, towels with a gel for the shower, dresses with an ideal suitable bag.

When forming and selling kits, the following rules must be followed:

  1. The set of the kit must be set on the shop window so that each buyer saw it.
  2. The set price must be slightly lower than the cost of goods separately.
  3. As part of the kit must be highly forces providing economic feasibility His sales.
  4. To promote the desire to acquire a set, it is recommended to place it on a stand or mannequin that causes positive thematic associations.
  5. Require from sellers to inform customers about the benefits of the kit, but without pressure on the need for its acquisition.
  6. It is recommended to form a composition of 3-4 products.

Sales in the set are a passive way to increase the average check, so special attention in its formation must be given to appearance.

In order to choose correctly a set of goods, it is necessary to determine the running positions and consider the possibility of combining them with other products.

How to increase sales of basic goods

With daily purchases of wealth products, buyers almost always receive more goods than order. If the seller is laying less, then the client's need will not satisfy. But the weight exceeding is quite acceptable. The main thing is to ask the buyer if his such volume will arrange.

When selling piece products, clothing, household goods to offer a customer to buy more similar goods quite difficult. The following methods can help in this:

  1. Thoughtful merchandising. It is important that the client when visiting the store drew attention to the maximum number of product items.
  2. Do discount when purchasing several similar products at once.
  3. It is advisable not to offer a customer to buy another dress or a T-shirt, but only to inform it about such an opportunity to receive a discount. For example, to say that 7 roses will look more beautiful than 5.
  4. After the final choice of the client of the purchase object, to invite the audience and additional options.
  5. To lure customers to the cheap platforms, selling at the same time and high-year products.
  6. Packing goods into large packages.

An erroneous action during sales of additional units is the pressure on the client. The seller at the same time is experiencing strong fear of refusal, and the buyer rejects the proposal due to a sense psychological pressure. As a result, both feel awkward.

Offering goods, it is impossible to set closed questions, limiting the client by two answers: "Yes" or "no". It is better to simply inform a person about the possibility of additional acquisition, forcing him to think about the feasibility of buying yourself.

Stimulating the acquisition of related goods

When the client comes to the store, it is counting on a certain amount of purchase. However, psychologically a person is ready to easily spend 20-25% more planned. It is this clearance that needs to be used to increase the amount of the average check.

  1. Place the racks in the key zone with inexpensive, but highly female running products. It must be designed for the maximum age coverage and approach as men, so women.
  2. Sellers must be engaged in prodes, not letting the buyer only with the commodity for which he came to the store.
  3. Popular seasonal products are recommended by slides at the beginning of the trading zone. Their price must be small, creating a sense of availability and other products.
  4. Each clothing sold must offer suitable accessories: belts, brooches, earrings, socks, hats, and so on. If you release the buyer without them, he will buy them from competitors.
  5. Do not ask closed questions like "maybe you need a brooch?", "Do you have a flashlight?". It is recommended to simply inform the buyer about the existing assortment of useful related products.
  6. If you want a client to get a discount, you can agree on converting it to the purchase of related goods or services (for example, delivery of delivery).
  7. If the goods have consumables, then you need to immediately recommend to acquire several units of these products.
  8. On the websites of online stores, when reading a block of information on the product in the area of \u200b\u200bthe client, concomitant products should be included.
  9. Place the associated goods on the shelves are necessary next to the bounded main products.
  10. If the client fails to pay for the brand goods, you can offer an analogue cheaper and an additional accessory.

At first glance, selling inexpensive accompanying products is quite easy, because the client is ready to part with money for her acquisition.

However, the likelihood is great that such goods have already been acquired earlier, and the buyer does not need them. Therefore, initially it is necessary to identify the needs of a person in the concomitant product and only then to actively offer it.

Increase the average cost of goods

Increase the average value of the position of the purchased goods in two ways:

  • raise markup;
  • make a customer to buy a better and expensive product.

The first method is quite dangerous, because it can scare from the store of regular buyers in the long run. The second option to increase the average check is optimal.

But often more expensive products do not have the advantages defined at first glance. To bring the client to the need to purchase a premium product, the following conditions are required:

  1. Availability of similar goods of different price categories
  2. Conduct special training sellers so that they can competently sell "first time" product.
  3. The seller must be personally interested in selling more expensive goods.
  4. Expensive products should occupy the best place on shelves.
  5. Registration I. appearance Premium goods must be profitable to differ from cheaper analogues. For example, an image on expensive TVs is specifically made brighter and rich.
  6. Before the expansion of the range due to expensive products, you should think about its demand among regular customers.
  7. A description of expensive goods should be more detailed.

Receptions for shifting accent purchases to a more expensive segment are mainly organizational and do not require cash costs. Practice shows that competent merchandising in combination with trained sellers gives turnover growth retail by about 20%. Therefore, the task of the business leader is to realize this potential in its store.

Formation of the upper "magnet"

Quite often in building stores you can meet the announcement "When buying on xxxx rubles - delivery for free!". Instead of delivery, a discount, a gift or additional service can offer. Thus, a "magnet" is put in front of a man, which offers bonuses when the amount of purchase of a certain value is reached. This simple scheme Enlargement of the average check is available for each store.

Those trading points that seriously occupied have the ability to increase sales even more. The transition to software contributed to the spread of special.

When introducing discount cards, the store management gets the opportunity to see the average check of each buyer separately. This allows you to automatically form individual size "Magnit", increasing him from month to month. As a result, in a year, each buyer will acquire in the store's store to the highest possible amount.

It should be remembered that the size of the bait must be constantly adjusted to the ease of its achievement by buyers.

Motivation of employees to sales

Retail companies increasingly tie the sales premiums to the average check. If you can easily track this indicator for each employee in personal Cabinet OFD. The optimal level of the premium dependence on the amount of one sale is 70%.

You can apply this method even in small grocery stores, where the presenters are most dependent on the desire and skills of the seller. Stretching employees sell as many products as possible to one buyer in the following ways:

  1. Additionally, to promote each check above a certain limit.
  2. Use the methods of intangible motivation: diplomas, cups and other honors of the best sellers.
  3. Send employees to special trainings to raise retail sales.
  4. Give sellers the opportunity to provide bonuses to customers who make large purchases.

When stimulating, it is important to ensure that the premium employees are not stuck in the financial comfort zone. In this case, they will not be desire to strive for greater average check.

Almost everyone effective methods The increase in the middle check in the store is known. In addition to the volitional decision of the manual, their implementation requires minimum costs For training staff and merchandisser services. Therefore, if you wish, to increase sales by 30-50%, you can already begin the embodiment of the described techniques.

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1. General Provisions

1.1. An agreement on the confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter - the Agreement) is adopted free and its will, operates in relation to all the information that Inseyls Rus LLC and / or its affiliates, including all persons in one group with LLC "Inseyls Rus" (including Ekam Service LLC), can receive a user during the use of any of the sites, services, services, programs for computer, products or services LLC Inseyls Rus (hereinafter - services) and During the execution of LLC Inseyls Rus »any agreements and contracts with the user. The consent of the user with the agreement expressed in the framework of relations with one of the listed persons is applied to all other listed persons.

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"Inseyls" - Limited Liability Company "Inseyls Rus", OGRN 1117746506514, TIN 7714843760, PPC 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, St. Okademik Ilyushina, d.4, korp.1, office 11 (hereinafter - "Inseyls" ), on the one hand, and

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or individual entrepreneur, registered in accordance with the legislation of the state, the residency of which is a person;

which adopted the terms of this Agreement.

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2.5.Seils does not check the accuracy of the information provided by the user and does not have the opportunity to assess its capacity.

2.6. The information that the user provides Inseyls when registering in services is not personal data, as defined in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006. "On personal data."

2.7.Seils has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes to the urgent editorial board, the date of the last update is specified. The new edition of the Agreement enters into force on its placement, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the agreement.

2.8. After this agreement, the user realizes and agrees that Inseyls can send personalized messages and information to the user (including not limited to) to improve the quality of services, to develop new products, to create and send the user to personal offerings to inform the user about Changes in tariff plans and updates, to send the user marketing materials on the subject of services, to protect services and users and for other purposes.

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2.12. The user is obliged to immediately notify Inseyls about any case of unauthorized (not user-rescued) access to services using the user account and / or any violation (suspicions about violation) of the confidentiality of their account access to the account. For security reasons, the user is obliged to independently fulfill the completion of the work under its account at the end of each work session. Insiels is not responsible for the possible loss or damage, as well as other consequences of any nature that can occur due to the user's violation of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Conformance to Party

3.1. The fact that violated the obligation provided for by the Agreement with regard to the protection of confidential information transferred under the Agreement is obliged to compensate at the request of the affected part of the actual damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. The damage does not cease the duties of the violating part of the proper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement.

4.In the provisions

4.1.All notifications, requests, requirements and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those involving confidential information, should be issued in writing and are awarded personally or through the courier, or sent e-mail The addresses listed in the license agreement for the computer program dated December 1, 2016, the contract of accession to the license agreement on the computer program and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be in the future written in writing.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are either becoming invalid, it cannot be the reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3. For this Agreement and relations between the user and Inseyls, arising in connection with the application of the Agreement shall be applied to the Russian Federation.

4.3.All offers or questions about this Agreement, the user has the right to send Insiels users to the support service or by post address: 107078, Moscow, ul. Novoryazanskaya, 18, p.11-12 STEndhal BC LLC Inseyls Rus LLC.

Publication date: 12/01/2016

Complete name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Inseyls Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Inseyls rus"

Name in English:

Insales Rus Limited Liability Company (Insales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, ul. Academician Ilyushina, 4, Corp.1, Office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, ul. Novoryazanskaya, 18, p.11-12, STEndhal BC

Inn: 7714843760 PPC: 771401001

Bank details:

17.12.2014 26320

Who is to blame and what to do? Today, it is precisely for these questions that retailers are looking for. Sales fall from everyone without exception players of the market, but some will survive the crisis, while others will be forced to get away from the distance. How not to become an outsider - SHOES REPORT experts know.

1. Motivate employees.You do not raise the average check if your employees are not interested in personal profits from each sale. In retail business it is believed that collective motivation works better than individual. But in fact, a certain mix is \u200b\u200bworking when 20% falls on collective motivation, and 80% on individual. That is, each employee must be interested in both the personal result and in common volume Sales shift or retail point. Ekaterina Ukolova leads such an example: "In one company, managers were issued a common bonus, and they divided it equally at the end of the month. As a result, the best manager who sold best was very demotivated, as I sold the most, but I received exactly as much as the rest. " That is why it is very important to observe the balance. The best motivator is, of course, the ruble. But it is worth noting that simple system The interest payments from sales is not the most optimal output. According to market experts, it is important to consider contests for sellers. For example, use the Cash-Online method, cash payment for the implementation of certain contest conditions. For example: "If you today sell 5 pairs of shoes, get so much money in cash at the end of the day," or "If you make such a result for two days in a row, you get in cash with a prize of 2000 rubles each."

It is important that the conditions of competitions constantly change: the sellers must be in good shape. Spend a competition for the biggest check, then by the number of units in the check, after which - to the conversion. Thus, the result will grow gradually for each indicator.

2. Teach the staff to sell. In retail, insufficient attention is paid to the training of sellers. According to market experts, if you have more than two stores, it makes sense to think about training personnel and develop methods for learning and developing sellers through superviving and chiefs shifts. "As soon as you configure such a system at which the manager will deal with the staff every day, and you will be controlled by checklists, you can more clearly build sales in the store. With this approach, it is possible to count on a 30-50% increase in sales after a month, "says Ekaterina Ukolov.

It is important to provide the seller all required tools for efficient work: A check strategy requires higher sales skills. There are three options for the development of personnel: field escort, mentoring and coaching. Mentoring is applied to new employees: in this case, a more experienced manager needs to demonstrate a successful sale option and enable the ward to repeat it yourself. The second option is field support: the head of the seller is observing the work of the seller, corrects it and arranges "parsing the flight". The third option is coaching. You "train" sellers through questions: "What could be done differently?", "How could you increase the check?" and etc.

3. Swipe the "Goods in Zero" campaign, or in a conditional zero. You lure the buyer with a real attractive offer, on which the markup is minimal or absent. Surely you had to see the announcement of "10 roses for 149 rubles". That is, one flower costs only 14.90. Of course, the quality of such a bouquet will be very medium - small buds, short legs ... But it is important that the client will not pass by such a promotion. And when the buyer will already have in your store, offer him a similar product, but a little better quality And for the price. If the service in your store is flawless, and the staff is highly qualified, the visitor will most likely not leave without buying. Similar "schemes" work in any retail. "For Victoria's Secret Accessories Stores, we constituted a list of products that are easily replaced or connected to each other. And forced the sellers to give testing for knowledge of products and their compatibility in one purchase, - comments on Ekaterina Ukolov. - It helped in short time Enlarge the average check. " Another similar method of stimulating sales growth is "magnet from above". Suppose a pair of shoes in your store costs an average of 4500-4700 rubles. You declare the action "When buying for 3000 rubles - a massage as a gift!". The difference is insignificant, and the gift is significant. Customers easily accept these rules of the game.

4. Replace the popular product for goods with greater marginality. If you have a product that is in constant demand, you can replace it with identical, but with a greater margin. The price of goods remains unchanged: you do not earn on check, but on margin.

5. Make the store sell for you. Place goods by favorable price Or sold in stock in the zone of the store, which the buyer sees, leaving your retail point. In this case, sells the store itself, without the participation of personnel. If the seller did not have enough skills to sell, this is the last chance to hook the buyer - to put something incredibly attractive in this zone!

6. Edit loyalty programs. Perhaps we will repeat, but today the loyalty programs should work without interruptions and lining. Everything must be automated and improved. They will help you sell not the most profitable product. Offer to get it as a gift for scored points. For example, this season is not in demand inexpensive Boots from artificial suede. Place them among loyal customers: gaining a certain number of points for the perfect purchases, they will be able to get them for free. Ekaterina Ukolova claims that such simple techniques not only increase the turnover by 20-30%, but also tie the client to the store for a long time.

7. Prose to sacrifice part of the amount. Such a sales scheme helped the founder of Toms shoe company to earn millions. The young entrepreneur built the company and the entire marketing on what he announced to the whole world: "For each pair of shoes purchased from me, I send another needy children in Argentina."

About him wrote all the leaders of the world, dozens public speeches And the numerous interviews attracted millions of buyers to his store.

8. Offer more expensive goods. Also a fairly simple technique. If your buyer agreed to buy something, then, most likely, you can sell it something from the same series, but just more expensive. Surely you have been in fast food items, where the seller when ordering cups of coffee will always ask: "Big Coffee?" Cancel for a split second or mechanically nodding, as the majority of buyers do in this case - and now on your tray a large glass of coffee or a portion of a potato size XL. Such a non-humid way the seller will raise the amount of one particular sale (yours!) By 30-50%.

It is important here to teach sellers to such techniques and explain the work scheme (questions, answers, right reactions on buyer failure). It is important to get at least three "no" before surrender.

9. Place the tips on the price tags. Do not be afraid to conduct experiments. Write a memo and post next to the goods: "Do not forget to buy unique insoles with these winter boots, holding warmth 10 times more efficiently", "Thin Crononic tights of the leading Italian manufacturer are ideal for these classic boats. They visually slim the silhouette "... voicate the details of any promotion, for example," return to us next time and get ... ".

10. Remember impulsive purchases. Position the goods that sell themselves: everything that enjoys in mass demand. Even in a shoe store, you can place not only a stand with accompanying goods, but also, let's say, with small toys for children.

11. Attract interesting customers to the store.. Develop various affiliate programs with those who are nearby (Beauty Salon, Makeup Studio, etc.).

12. Conduct events for loyal customers.Once a month, spend the event "for your", on which I submit to regular customers a collection and provide a unique "only for them and only today" a discount on certain groups of goods. It is better to arrange such days of maximum sales at the beginning of the month, as in our country in most companies the salary is paid from the 1st to the 10th.

In marketing, there is such a concept as the PDCA Management Cycle: Plan - Do - Check - ACT (Planning - Implementation - Control - Adjustment). Often, managers plan, but do not fulfill the conceived, implement ideas, but do not check the results, monitor control, but do not make appropriate conclusions and do not adjust the sales process on their basis. It is very important to understand that in the process of selling goods, all stages of the management cycle are important. And it is everyday work. If you have a goal to raise the store conversion or increase the check, you must try different tools Until that moment until you reach the desired one. "I often hear from entrepreneurs:" I want a million dollars to earn a year, "and when it does not work, they say:" Everything, I will not put myself goals, because they still don't come true. " And it doesn't come true because the process is not debugged, "the result of Catherine Ukolov.

Who is to blame and what to do? Today, it is precisely for these questions that retailers are looking for. Sales fall from everyone without exception players market, but some will survive the crisis, and others will be forced to go with ...

Formula of calculation
Middle check \u003d total purchases for a certain period / number of checks

Consider 9 working techniques that are successfully applied in sales.


Is it often when making a purchase, do you offer the client to buy something else? Practice shows that a significant percentage of people responds to a similar offer.


Your customer chose paint for wall decoration. In addition, you can advise her, for example, a comfortable roller and brushes. The main thing is that the accompanying goods are cheaper than the main one. In the cash zone, place goods for impulsive purchase - the right things that attract the attention.

Binding effect

If the goods are noteworthy, the client will compare the price with a discount with the initial crossed price, and not to think about the real value of the goods.


Good example In this case, the sales. Even if the initial price of the goods is clearly overestimated, buyers are focused on benefits, based on the difference in the initial and current cost.

Big packaging

Regular sale of the product more significantly increases the size of the average check.


"Milk cocktail, please" - voiced you your order in a cafe. "Large?" - asks the seller. And you most likely not thinking, answer: "Yes." So you sold large portionAlthough you could come for little.

Bonus - Trade Engine

Exist diverse species Bonuses, but most of them involve receiving any addition when buying for a certain amount.


If the amount of the average check is 750 rubles, then offer customers to purchase up to 1000 rubles and get a nice gift. In this case, sellers need to be specified which positions to suppress with a particular product.

More product

Sale more The goods at the reduced price attracts many visitors to the store. It can be shares of type "2 + 1 \u003d 4" or "3 at a price of 2", or sets of goods that cost cheaper than their components separately.


Buying 2 soaps handmadeYour client receives the 3rd as a gift. A ready-made set of male cosmetics can be purchased by 15% cheaper by independently.

Free shipping provided

This option is successfully used by most online stores.


Suppose that the average check of your online store is 1500 rubles. And delivery - 200 rubles. You can set a kind of border, for example, 3000 rubles. If the client makes a purchase for this or more, then delivery is free.


An increase in the amount of the average check promotes and the correct statement of the goods. Raise sales will be able to location in the neighborhood of products from various product groups.


Place the goods that complement each other. It can be clothes and shoes, coffee and candy, etc.

Cheaper goods

If the client doubts when choosing an expensive product, then offer it a cheaper analogue and any accompanying product with a high margin. Explain to the buyer that for the same price he gets two things. This technique increases the average check, and increases loyalty.


The buyer doubts when choosing a kettle from a well-known manufacturer. You can offer it a similar option, with the same functions and no less attractive designBut cheaper. Specify that your client will be able to purchase a kettle and a thermal service to it for the same money.

Sales, Discounts, Promotions

Seasonal sales and promotions dedicated to holidays will help significantly increase the amount of the average check.


In many network stores, special tables or hangers with discounted goods are located. Seeing signs with the inscription, for example, "all of 500" or "50% discount", the buyer is more likely to take a few things.

How to make discounts?

In order to establish discounts, profitable and to you, and buyers, it is necessary to calculate their economic efficiency. It's easy to do if you lead management and possess complete information About goods and sales dynamics. Accounting system " Big bird"Allows you to conduct a full-fledged warehouse, financial and operational accounting, assign discounts in manual and automatic mode, including groups of products.

Use ways to increase the average check in practice, pick up the receptions that are most suitable for your direction, change the methods from time to time. This will help you not only increase sales, but also to increase loyalty, and, it means to acquire regular customers.