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What is the average check. Several ways to increase the average check

The amount of average check is one of the essential sales performance indicators. An adequate assessment of the company's profitability can be given based on its size.

Calculate the amount of the average check is quite simple, it is necessary to divide the total amount of revenue, for a certain period, on the number of sales. Depending on whether this indicator is growing or falling, it becomes clear what is the demand for a particular product on the market.

From this implies the conclusion if the amount of the average check is high, it means the product is in demand, low - it means the demand is small.

You can consider the process of increasing the average check indicator, for example, at the grocery store. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the checks in several criteria:

  • For several gaps, calculate the average check indicator, starting with a longer (12 months), then short (1 month, 3 months, season). After that, compare the data. Highlight the maximum and minimum points to which they descended and rose average Check.
  • Calculate the raced analysis. Then browse the figures for every day, including weekends.
  • Identify the time interval to which sales peak accounts, and the revenue reaches the maximum.

Making complete analysisYou can determine what time of year has the highest profit, at what time of the day the maximum sales is achieved.

After that, it is necessary to determine which product is the most popular, and which, on the contrary, is practically not interested in the buyer. Only after you in front of your eyes will lie this detailed analysis, you can make a strategy to increase the size of the average check. But it also happens that to increase the profitability of the company, it is necessary to raise the size of the average check, but sales on a certain product. Also, it will not be superfluous to work with the pricing policy of the enterprise.

Methods to increase the average check

The most common techniques that use enterprises to increase the average check:

  • Less revenue and large quantity Checks. This suggests that the range is very narrow, but the buyer is loyal to the seller. Therefore, there are no sufficient sales.
  • There are quite a lot of positions in the check, but as a result, the amount in the check is small. The company's not thought-out pricing policy leads to this result. But buying activity is high enough.
  • The low qualification of personnel indicates more than a third of the number of checks with the minimum presence of positions (1-2).

To calculate the average check, the total amount of purchases should be divided into the amount of checks issued during the same period. The higher the value obtained, the greater the magnitude of the average check.

So how to increase the amount of the average check?

Method number 1. Additional sales

Practice shows that when buying a necessary product, people often agree with the proposal to acquire anything else.

How it works?

As an example, consider the option when the buyer purchased your wall paint. Invite it to buy a high-quality brushes or roller for painting. The secret here is that the accompanying goods should not be more expensive than the main one.

Another method is an offer to accommodate in the cash zone that attracts the attention of trifles. Such an arrangement provokes a buyer to perform impulsive purchases.

Method number 2. Binding effect

Here we are talking About markdown or discount on goods. In this case, the buyer is inclined to compare new price (with a discount) with the initial cost specified on the price tag. At the same time, it does not analyze the realism of these prices and their consistency between the average.

How it works?

For example, consider sales. Even with a significant overestimation of the initial value of the goods, the buyer sees its own benefit in the difference between the initial and discount price. As a rule, such a benefit provokes a visitor to buying.

Method number 3. Advantages of greater packaging

The frequent sale of more goods is capable of significantly increase the amount of the average check.

How it works?

As an example, you can bring the sale of coffee in McDonalds. If the client orders Latte, then to the Question Question: "Small or big?", He will rather answer "big", though, perhaps, his little it would be good.

Method number 4. Bonuses

There are many ways to accrual bonuses, however, most of them are designed for the possibility of receiving a buyer some additions in case of shopping for a certain amount.

How it works?

Suppose that the amount of the average check in the store is 850 rubles. You can offer buyers to purchase goods up to 1000 rubles and in this case for free (for 1 kopecks) get a gift from the store. As a rule, it acts trouble-free. At the same time, store employees need to be instructed which product positions are involved in the promotion.

Method number 5. Wrong mathematics

Here it is understood to carry out the shares "1 + 1 \u003d 3", "2 + 1 \u003d 4" or the sale of different products in the sets in which each composite element It is separately more expensive.

How it works?

You can offer in the store perfumes to clients ready set, consisting, for example, from perfumed water, body milk and soap the same brand. At the same time, the price of such a set will be 20% less than in the case of the purchase of each of the products separately.

Method number 6. Delivery is free

This method is often used in trading over the Internet.

How it works?

Suppose that the magnitude of the average check in your online store is 2000 rubles, and shipping is 200 rubles. A boundary amount is established, for example, 3000 rubles. Purchase for an amount exceeding this border automatically guarantees the client free shipping.

Method number 7. Competent layout of goods

Proper placement of goods on store shelves contributes to an increase in the amount of the average check. Often enjoy such a reception as the location of a number of goods that relate to different product groups.

How it works?

As an example, you can consider the monobrand store of women's clothing. It will be right to place a number of goods that complement each other (clothing, shoes, accessories).

Method number 8. Offer the goods cheaper

It often happens that the client fluctuates for a long time before buying expensive goods. Try to offer him analogue for a smaller price and some other accompanying goods with a significant margin, explaining that he gets the opportunity for this money to buy two right things at once. This method not only increases the amount of the average check, but also significantly increases visitors' loyalty to the trade facility.

How it works?

For example, if the buyer doubts the expediency of buying an electric kettle famous brandYou can offer him to buy for a smaller price analogue with the same functions and designs, and even in addition to it and thermocrus.

Method number 9. Discounts, promotions, sales

Shares for holidays, as well as seasonal sales, make it possible to significantly increase the amount of the average check in your trading facility.

How it works?

Many network stores have special stands on which discounted goods are located. If the visitor sees the announcement "All at 450" or "only today 50% discount", it will consider it appropriate for himself by using the situation and buy several things at once.

In conclusion I would like to note that it is worth trying miscellaneous methods increase the amount of the average check, select suitable options Specifically for your direction and sometimes change them. All your efforts will help not only raise the level of sales, but also increase visitors' loyalty to your institution, which is guaranteed to make many of them your regular customers.

"Statistics know everything" or "average temperature in the hospital" - in folk wisdom and in domestic literature you can easily find other well-known expressions, the essence of which is in distrust or superficial attitude to statistics. However, there is no more important thing than statistics when it comes to any business, in particular a business related to trade and services.

One of the most important and frequently used in practice is - middle check . With proper analysis, the average check may give the sea necessary for the owner of the business business.

The average check is an objective parameter, indicating the latitude of the range, the effectiveness of personnel work, proper positioning in the price segment, etc.

Definition of concept

Under the average check, they understand the cumulative volume of all purchases committed during the period under review, divided into the total number of checks during this period.

That is, it is not just a total number of purchases or sold goods. One purchase implies all purchased goods and services during one visit by the buyer of this institution.

The magnitude of the middle check - The most important information for any business owner or appointed manager. Analysis of the speaker change average shows real location Total business on this moment and the trends of its further development.

In fact, the average check is a comprehensive indicator that demonstrates how much the range of goods and services is thought out how literally merchandising and how well-to-store commercials are equipped.

The average check reflects the quality of personnel service or, in the case of self-service and contactless sales, the degree of intelligence of navigation on the trade space and competent calculation of the goods.

Rules for calculation

Simplest formula Calculation of the average check:

Middle check \u003d revenue / number of checks.

That is, the amount left on average by each client is equal to the amount of sales for a certain period divided by the number of buyers for the same period.

Modern accounting programs used in trade and services, as well as the use of barcodes make it possible to maintain comprehensive accounting. In addition to the cost, counts and quantities are calculated according to all nomenclature positions. The program can break checks in different groups, show medium difference Checks in total, analyze for large or small purchases in the aggregate mass.

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Analysis of the indicator

Periodic analysis of checks is an important part of the work in trade or services. He clearly demonstrates the whole picture of sales in any trading point.

With the help of analysis, checks are clearly defined highlights Sales:

  • middle Check;
  • the number of checks on average per day;
  • check sum intervals.

All these values \u200b\u200bin obligatory Apply in the work of marketers. They are based on the key conclusions about trade efficiency.

Analysis of checks is recommended to do a monthly. For points with a high intensity of sales and great traffic, during the day, a weekly analysis will be useful. It is clear that one-time analysis of the checks is ineffective and does not give the whole spectrum possible useful information. The permaneury and frequency of analysis is important.

In short algorithm of work with checks Maybe look like this:

  • analysis of checks;
  • summarizing conclusions based on analysis;
  • taking measures based on conclusions;
  • another analysis;
  • with positive dynamics - fixation of the result, its holding;
  • with a negative dynamics - take action.

All this sequence of actions should systematically repeat.

Thanks to the permanent analysis of checks, you can make the following significant findings:

Objectively, every buyer with its earned ruble, making a purchase, votes for one or another service or products. When re-purchase, he demonstrates loyalty to this particular product or service.

Methods for increasing the average check

Obviously, every pragmatic businessman wants to increase. This task is understandable to everyone and relevant for any enterprise trade and services.

Many of the main factors affecting trade, an ordinary businessman change unable: a ruble exchange rate, economic situation in the country, seasonality of sales, etc.

Enhance the average check - It is quite possible, and even the necessary event for further business prosperity. Moreover, it is enough for him only internal resources of the enterprise. As a rule, even two weeks of adjustment and active work on an increase in average check give a tangible result.

Increase medium check Clearly required in the following cases:

Improving the average check in practice achieved two ways:

  • an increase in the cost of goods in stimulating advertising activity;
  • an increase in the depth of the check, which means turns when with an equal number of checks, the total amount will grow.

Each enterprise trade and services applies its techniques to increase the average check. Takes depend on the proposed range, external factors (holidays, fashion, trends), terrain, time of year, etc. The whole focus consists in a meaningful combination of merchandising, personnel qualifications, implementation of service standards.

Main methods Enhance the average check:

The most important thing is in constant work on an increase in the average check - proper work with staff. Financial motivation, clear knowledge of the range, possession, application of shares and light substitution commodity Positions - This is what is required from a modern effective employee. A timely proposed lighter for bought cigarettes or a set of winter tires to the brand SUV will always be the most effective incentives for sales.

Methods of increasing average check are presented in the following video lesson:

Below are 5 verified indicator optimization techniques:

  • UP-SELL.
  • Cross-SELL.
  • Batch suggestions.
  • Minimum order.
  • Wholesale and dropshipping.


Ap-Sell - technology selling more expensive goods instead of similar, which at this point is considering visitor site. Using special widgets, you propose to pay attention to an expensive model using the "similar / recommended goods" block. Choosing this tactics to be unobtrusive, offer not random products from the entire range in the store. That is, try to present a product to the client, which more or less meets its needs and budget - the restaurant is unlikely to commission the lobsters instead of pizza.

Example: the user visited your store with At the request of "iPhone 7", hit the page with a 32 GB model. In this case, it is time to offer to buy an improved model with a large marker margin on board - by 128 GB.

It is suitable when the price difference is not very significant, and the potential benefits for buyers are more considerable.


Cross-Sales - Loading an additional service or product "in the load" to the main product chosen by the buyer. A strategy is being implemented through the formation of packages of concomitant products.

Example: Laptop sellers can offer to buy additionally from licensed software To bags for laptops - it all depends on the range, benefits from the point of view of obtaining potential benefits, as well as analyzing confirmed orders. It is a detailed study of the issued shopping baskets that will help you determine which combinations are in the greatest demand.

Batch offers

If you want to gently hint to your customers that you need to buy more, form a batch offer! The scheme works great in the provision of services, retail and wholesale. In addition, you will have the opportunity to work with an average check and sell the remnants of the remnants of the warehouse.

Example: Most men prefer to make purchases quickly and also quickly receive goods. Therefore shops male clothes Practice selling not individual things, but entire kits - jacket + jeans + jumper.

To the formation of sets, it is necessary to treat extremely scrupulous. Remember, packages need to be formulated on the basis of your personal preferences, but after analysis, since analysts in Internet marketing are our all.

An alternative option may be to provide the buyer with the possibility of independent formation of the "ideal" package. For example, in choosing furniture Allow users to use the designer on the site - individuality can always be sold more expensive. Thus, you will kill two hares at the same time: increase the average check and create the illusion of personalization, care for your client.

Minimum order

Installing the minimum order threshold for buns - another true way Stimulate the growth of your average check.

Example: Free shipping is distributed in retail when ordering for a certain amount.

In addition to free shippingYou can operate with any arguments (discount, etc.). The main thing in the selected strategy - you must stimulate the client to buy more or more expensive, without carrying damages. Because if you offer a 50% discount when ordering from 5000 rubles. The whole undertaking can automatically lose mean, since the average check will increase on a par with a decrease in the return of investment.

Wholesale and dropshipping

If the activity allows, the best event to increase AOV is the introduction of the system wholesale sales. Wholesale trade itself implies a purchase from 3-5 units.

A similar situation and sales on the DropShipping system (sending on behalf of a partner to the final buyer). Traditionally, Rropship also assumes an order with a minimum threshold in the number of products and only after payment of such a partner opens "new horizons" in the form of discounts, installments, etc. Privileges.

Distribution of offers


Registration of a unique trading offer, "Packaging" of goods and sets on the site showcase, the use of widgets and special plug-ins and other manipulations on the site side allow you to influence the size of Average Order Value.

Sales department

Refinement of sales script for a commercial department plays an important role in managing the average check. A big plus is a lively communication manager for sales with potential customers, because you can adapt the proposal for the need for the client that awaits the solution to his problem here and now. From the point of view of efficiency, more effect you will receive, offering for sale at a personal meeting (Ave. - High Medium Check Services), and not in the telephone mode.

E-mail distribution

Powerful tool for working with the formed contact base. It helps to increase the average value of orders thanks to sending letters in different segments of the audience.

Example: the visitor issued a purchase, after which he was automatically generated by a letter of confirmation of his application by the company. Such templates do not have to contain dry formalized information, the text can be diluted with a banner for a discount when buying a second unit of goods. If you have a single-page advertising one major commodity proposal or service, the letter can be diluted with a selection with an additional block, which contains a proposal built on the cross-selo technique.

Combining methods

Shares and discounts Will work, regardless of the selected method and channel to attract traffic.

Restriction of deedline Works with a bang in tandem with the provision of discounts on the second and subsequent purchases. In the conditions of leading a limited amount of time to perform the target action, your audience still does not have time to forget about the company, does not have time for thought and, of course, does not want to miss the opportunity to save (suddenly it will not offer?). From here and impulsive purchases from the client base and, as a result,.

Implementation of loyalty programs It is advisable in branches where in addition to sales of the main product is implemented by consumables.

Example: selling a Bulgarian and giving a regular customer card, you promote the buyer to return to make the purchase of metal discs in your store.

The strategy acts both to hold the client and to increase the average check. The optimization of the latter is achieved due to the stimulation of making more purchases at a point in order to earn more points. And so in a circle. "Faithful" customers allow you to increase the figure by 15-20%.

Studies conducted by TechnologyAdvice proved that in stores with an embedded loyalty program, people are more willing to basket more products, and all because they receive some pleasure when the seller returns them part of the spent personal funds (cachek).

The advantage of this method is the simplicity of implementation, the main thing is to choose the strategy correctly.

Correlation with other KPI

Conversion, marginality, turnover and average check - four pillars on which profits are standing. As a rule, a complex of work aimed at increasing the average revenue with orders is more efficient, easier and cheaper in the implementation, rather than other levers of influence on the income of the online store.

AOV can correlate with:

  • Site Conversion (CR).

As a rule, the higher the average check, the greater the decision to make a decision to send an application, and therefore the level of conversion in the transaction may fall. It should be borne in mind that the decline in the conversion is observed when the indicator is highlighted. For example, if you decide to increase AOV 2 times, it can cause such a reaction if only 5% - a significant change in CR should not be observed. The interaction of these KPI also depends on the subject matter, so solutions for optimization are developed strictly individually.

  • Clear and marginality.

There is a possibility that the goods or service with less marginality will have a greater turnover.

1 × 50 000 \u003d 50 tr.

50 × 3 000 \u003d 150 tr.

As a result, the sale of spare parts with smaller marginity brought the site owner more profit, rather than the 1st car.

In the process of increasing AOV, it is important to control both indicators: margin and turnover.

  • Return of marketing investment (ROMI).

Assessment of the effectiveness of measures to increase the average check should always be measured in the context of the indicator of the return of investments for each nested ruble. Tools use tools.


The article describes not all ways as to increase the average check. Moreover, AOV optimization suggests an integrated approach to solving the problem. Test, check in practice extended hypotheses, and better trust this task to specialists to obtain 100% guaranteed results.

Get free offer to increase the average check for your business. Just send a request through the form below!

Control and monitoring of indicators are needed not only large enterprises. If the small store or the establishment of Horeca plans to entrenched the market and have a constant planned income, it is necessary to keep records of such a parameter as the average check. This indicator will provide information about the depth and width of the range, the efficiency of the work of trading personnel.

How to calculate

The average check, the formula of which is simple and understandable even to the amateur, is calculated even by a non-specialist. Revenue for a certain period, divided by the number of checks for the same period, will give a desired result. It is important to take into account the procurement price changes and the markup for the goods. If the speaker is positive, the store works efficiently, if negative or zero, you need to look for the reasons for the decline. The cash check may decrease in sum, for example, during the sale period. Special attention should be paid to goods that bring the greatest income, track the behavior of competitors regarding these goods and analyze their dynamics in their store.

Identification of problems on average check in the store and solutions

On average check no more than 4-5 products. Share checks with purchases from 1 to 3 gradually approaching 50% of total sales. The increase in turnover was less than the level of inflation or in the case when the growth of turnover is observed when opening new stores. Buyers are in the trading hall short time, and some departments do not attend at all.

It is necessary to analyze the location of both the store and departments, the calculation of the goods, the dynamics of sales during the day. To analyze the structure of the range, prices, turnover. ABC is conducted - sales analysis, during which the range is considered, the most running positions are detected, the products that are parted, and the one that is the most profitable. Assess the need to change in if necessary, create routes on the trading room by installing shelftrokers and raise signs with pointers for simplicity of orientation in the store. Create or change the planogram and, of course, prepare special offers For their buyers.

How to raise the average check

1. Increased trading charge. In the presence of unique sentence and the absence of direct competitors it will be the easiest and rapid decision. However, a very small number of companies boast such an advantage. For most goods there are analogues. Therefore, with an increase in the retail price, you will have to raise the level of service, improve the service. And these are additional costs.

2. Optimization of the range. Category manager, together with merchandisers, can revise the structure of the range, principles of procurement policy and merchandising. The occupation is complex, painstaking, time requested.

Tactical ways to increase the average check

1. Using the principle of complementarity. Many items suggest the availability of supplement goods. This principle can be taken as the basis when laying out the product. Thus, acquiring one product, the buyer will pay attention to the second, complementing the first, is the likelihood, which will acquire it, which, in turn, will increase the average check in the store.

2. Harmonization. Use ready solutions, Demonstrate buyers, which products and how to combine with each other. For example, in the case of clothing on a mannequin, the buyer has a desire to buy an image of the whole, and not separate things. In this case, the average cash receipt will grow.

3. Offer on the "delivery" product of the impulse demand, which is in the order zone. Rate if you have a small inexpensive product in your store calculation, which the buyer takes automatically, approaching the checkout. You can also duplicate the calculation of small, but chassis In the center of the hall, in addition to the location of it at the checkout.

4. Availability of gift certificates or discount cards. Close contact with corporate clients allows you to increase on holiday days, as well as attract new customers.

5. Setting the terminal for cashless payment. Buyers, calculated by a bank card, spend more than when paying in cash, therefore, an increase in the average check will occur.

6. Across the attention of buyers on more expensive goods. Sellers should switch the attention of buyers from a cheap product on more expensive gradually. Trade Hall workers should be interested in selling more expensive goods. It is possible to introduce material promotion of employees when selling a month of a certain number of expensive goods.

7. Inclusion in the range of inexpensive products with large margin. It is easy to offer a cheap product, sellers will not work to sell it, it is not necessary to stimulate them. Cheap goods will attract buyers to the store, which will buy more cheap products than planned initially.

Stimulating actions as a means of increasing a cashier

Special offers - another way to increase the average check. Conducting shares "Purchase Gift", "When buying a 2-position 3 - I am free", discounts at certain times of day, sales. Such shares help to establish confidence contact between the store and the client and leave a pleasant impression from the buyer. Also, when conducting stimulating actions, conversion increases, that is, the number of people from the shop is growing. Additional opportunity Get the customer's contact details that can be used in the future to disseminate information about the shares carried out.


As a result, trade will increase the trade turnover due to the growth in the number of purchases in the cash check. There will be a decrease in the share of small checks and an increase in the share of medium, which indicates the effectiveness of both merchandising and personnel work. In addition, the number of impulse purchases will grow if the range and calculation of the goods will be performed. And the basis of positive dynamics - the middle check!