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Fat eggs full content. Analysis of the story "Fat Eggs" (Bulgakov)

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Year of writing a story: 1924.

First publication: In the journal "Subraz" number 6 for 1925. Also the story entered the collections:

  • Bulgakov M. Dlavoliad. M.: Subraz, 1925;
  • Bulgakov M. Fat eggs. Riga: Literature, 1928.

In abbreviated form called "Life Life", the story "Fat Eggs" was printed in the publishing house "Red Panorama" in the rooms from 19 to 22 in 1925 (and in # 22 already called "Fat Eggs").

Brilliant and eccentric professor-zoologist Vladimir Ipatievich Peacikov accidentally detects an amazing phenomenon of the stimulating effect of the light of the red part of the spectrum on embryos - organisms, at the time of development of the open peach beam (for example, embryos in icons), begin to develop much faster and achieve larger sizes than "originals". In addition, they differ in aggressiveness and incredible ability to rapidly multiply.

Just at that time, the Chicken Maja rolled throughout the country, and the head of the red beam, Alexander Semenovich Rockk, decides to use the opening of Persikov to restore the livestock of chickens. According to the order, more than Rocca takes the camera-irradiators from Persicov, with which the professor spent experiments, and takes them into state farm. Rocca orders abroad chickens, and peaches - snake eggs, crocodiles and ostriches (for experiments). But as a result of the error, the order of Persikov is sent by Rocca.

Seeing "some kind of dirty" delivered "chicken" eggs, Rockk calls Peach, but the professor thinks that this is a mistake ("muddy" on eggs can not be), and therefore allowed Rocca not to wash them. Rocca begins irradiation of eggs, but soon two hatched germ serpent from the greenhouse with eggs, and the next day Rocca, who wanted to swim in the pond, sees a huge snake there. The snake kills the wife of Rockka Manya, and Rocca himself manage to escape.

The next morning he gets to railway station Dugino, located in 20 versts from the state farm. There he meets the agents of the GPU and talks about what happened. Chekists do not believe him, but they go to state farm, grabbing weapons. Rocca himself leaves the train to Moscow. Having arrived in the state farm, Schukin agents and Polands do not detect people there. Only looking inside the greenhouses, they see gigantic snakes, crocodiles and ostriches and die in an unequal battle with them.

Peaches, ready for experiments, gets chicken eggs. The professor is outraged by this mistake, and at that moment his assistant Associate Professor Ivanov shows him an "Emergency Appendix" to the latest number of the newspaper, where the photos depicts the huge size of Anacond ... from Smolensk province! Peacikov understands that a monstrous mistake occurred - chicken eggs sent him, and snakes - Rocca in the state farm. For the "dirty" Rockc took a net drawing on snake eggs. Snakes, crocodiles and ostriches are constantly breeding; Their hordes, destroying everything in their path, move forward, to Moscow.

In battles with snakes, crocodiles and ostrons, part of the Red Army enter, applying the chemical weapons, but cannot stop them.

The capital, as well as the rest of the country, covers panic; Moved the crowd, deciding that these peaches dissolved the reptiles, scattered, breaks into the institute, where Professor worked, and kills him. However, on the night of 19th to the 20th, the scary frisky was suddenly fell by the standards of August: -18 ° C. He lasted two days and all snakes, crocodiles and ostriches, not suppressing him, died. And although there were still a long epidemic from the "corpses of the Gadov and People", the main danger passed.

Although the Associate Professor Peter Stepanovich Ivanov, a former Assistant of the Great Professor, now the institution who was heading, and tried to get a strange ray again, he did not have anything: "Obviously, it was necessary for this special, except for knowledge than only one person had something in the world. - late Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Peacikov. "

Enjoy your reading!

"Fat Eggs" (1924) - a story written by M. A. Bulgakov in a special period of cultural life of the country. Then many works were created only in order to motivate a wide circle of the population to perform the tasks of the necessary survival of the country under critical conditions. Therefore, many different one-day authors appeared, whose creations were not delayed in the memory of readers. Not only art, but also science was delivered to the flow. Then all advanced inventions went to the service and agriculture, increasing their effectiveness. But scientific thought on the part of the Soviet government was ideologically controlled, which (including) ridicule the Bulgakov in the "fatal eggs".

The story was created in 1924, and the events in it unfold in 1928. The first publication took place in the journal "Nedra" (No. 6, 1925). The work had different names - at first the "ray of life", in addition, there was another one - the "Eggs of Professor Persikov" (the meaning of such a name was to preserve the satirical tone of the story), but from ethical considerations this name had to be changed.

The central figure of the story is a professor of peaches, remotely contains some features of real prototypes - the doctors of the Pokrovsky, relatives of Bulgakov, one of whom lived and worked on the Prechistenka.

In addition, the Smolensk province is not simply mentioned in the text, in which the events of "fatal eggs" are unfolding: Bulgakov worked there by a doctor and briefly arrived at Pokrovsky in the Moscow apartment. The position of the Soviet country during the period of military communism also comes from real life: Then there were interruptions with food due to the unstable socio-political situation, in managerial structures due to non-professionalism, riots occurred, and the new government had not yet coped with control over social life.

Bulgakov in the "fatal eggs" rines both cultural and socio-political position of the country after a revolutionary coup.

Genre and direction

The genre of the work "Fat Eggs" is a story. For him, the minimum number is characteristic scene lines And, as a rule, a relatively small volume of the narrative (relative to the novel).

Direction - modernism. Although the events outlined by Bulgakov are fantastic, the action takes place in real place, Characters (not only professor of peaches, but all others) are also quite viable citizens of a new country. And the scientific discovery is not a fabulous, he has only fantastic consequences. But in general, the story is realistic, although some of its elements painted grotesque, satirically.

Such a combination of fiction, realism and satire is typical for modernism, when the author puts bold experiments on literary work, bypassing well-established classical norms and canons.

In itself, the modernist direction appeared in special conditions of social and cultural life, when the former genres and directions began to obstruct, and art required new forms, new ideas and expression methods. "Fat Eggs" - just such a work that answered modernist requirements.

About what?

The "fatal eggs" is a story about the brilliant opening of the scientist - Professor of the Zoology of Persikov, which ended in deplorable, both for others and for the scientist himself. The hero in his laboratory opens a beam, which can only be obtained with a special combination of mirror braids with light beams. This beam affects living organisms so that they increase and begin to multiply with supernatural speed. Professor of Peacikov and his assistant Ivanov are not in a hurry to produce their discovery "to light" and believe that it is still necessary to work on it and carry out additional experiments, as the consequences can be unexpected and even dangerous. However, the sensational information about the "ray of life" quickly penetrates the press recorded by a semi-graphical, but the brief journalist bronon, and, filled with false, unverified facts, is distributed in society.

The discovery against the will of the scientist becomes known. Persicov on the Moscow streets picked up journalists, demanding to talk about the invention. It becomes impossible to work in the laboratory because of a squall of the press staff, even a spy comes, which for five thousand rubles is trying to remove the secret of the beam from the professor.

After that, the home and laboratory of Persikov protects the NKVD, not an inlet of journalists and thus providing a professor a calm work environment. But soon there is an epidemic of chicken infection in the country, because of which people are categorically prohibited by chickens, eggs, trading with live quarces and chicken meat. Even an emergency commission to combat Chicken Chuma has been created. But bypassing the law anyway, someone sells chicken and eggs, and soon "ambulance" arrives at the buyers of this product.

The country is excited. On the occasion of the epidemic, topical works are created that meet the momentary moods of the public. When she starts to subscribe, to Professor Pessikov with a special document from the Kremlin is the head of the indicative state farm by the name Rockk, who, with the help of the "Radio of Life", intends to resume the armor.

The document from the Kremlin turns out to be ordered to advise Rockka in the use of the "beam of life", and then the call from the Kremlin is heard. Peaches are categorically against the use of not yet studied before the end of the beam in the corruption, but he has to give the Rocky camera with which you can get the desired effect. The hero takes the cameras in the state farm in the Smolensk province and orders chicken eggs.

Soon in the overseas packaging, there are three eggs of eggs, unusual in appearance, spotted. Rockk puts the resulting eggs to the beam and tells the watchman to follow them so that no one has stolen chickens. The next day, shells from eggs are detected, and there are no chickens. Zatzosis vinit in all of the guard, although he swars like that carefully watched the process.

In the last chamber, the eggs are still well, and Rockk hopes that at least chickens will get out of them. He decided to take a break and goes with his wife Manya to swim on the pond. On the bank of the pond, he notices a strange lull, and then on the mana throws the huge sizes of the snake and absorbs her right in front of her husband. From this he sends and almost flows in madness.

The strange news comes to the GPU that something strange is happening in the Smolensk province. Two Agents of GPU - Schukin and Poland go to the state farm and find a distraught Rocca, which can not really explain anything.

Agents examine the building of the state farm - the former estate of Sheremetyeva, and find the camera with a reddish beam in a greenhouse and hordes of huge snakes, reptiles and ostriches. Schukin and Polands die in a fight with monsters.

The editors of the newspapers come strange messages from the Smolensk province about incomprehensible birds size from a horse, huge reptiles and snakes, and Professor of Peacikov receives boxes with chicken eggs. At the same time, the scientist and his assistant see a sheet with an emergency message about the anaconds in the Smolensk province. It also turns out that the orders of Rocca and Persikov confused: the Zakenosis received snakes and ostrich, and the inventor chicken.

Peaches by that time invents a special poison to kill the toad, which is then appreciated to combat huge snakes and ostriches.

The detachments of the Red Army armed with gas are struggling with this disaster, but Moscow is still alarmed, and many are going to flee from the city.

The distraught people break into the institute, where the professor works, destroy his laboratory, Winter him in all the troubles and thinking that he has released a huge snake, kill his guard of Pankrat, the housekeeper Mary Stepanovna and his own. Then they ignite the institute.

In August 1928, frost suddenly comes, which ruins the last snakes and crocodiles, not to finish special detachments. After epidemics, which were caused by rotting the corpses of snakes and people affected by the invasion of reptiles, the usual spring comes by 1929.

The ray, open late peach, get no longer possible to anyone, even his former assistant Ivanovo - now an ordinary professor.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov - Ingenious scientist, professor of zoology, who opened a unique beam. The hero opposes the use of the beam, because its discovery has not been checked and not investigated. He is careful, does not like excessive fuss and believes that any invention requires long-term tests before it comes to its operation. Because of the intervention in his activity, the work of his life dies along with him. The image of Persikov symbolizes humanism and ethics of scientific thinking, which is destined to die in the conditions of Soviet dictatorship. Lonely talent is opposed to an unetebled and slave crowd, which has no one's own opinion, drawing it from newspapers. On Bulgakov, it is impossible to build a developed and fair state without intellectual and cultural elite, which was expelled from the USSR stupid and cruel peoplewho do not have knowledge or gifted to build a country on their own.
  2. Peter Stepanovich Ivanov - Assistant Professor Persikov, who helps him in his experiments and admires his new discovery. However, he is not such a talented scientist, so he does not manage to get a "beam of life" after the death of the professor. This is an image of an adaptable, which is always ready to assign achievements really meaningful personEven if you have to step over through its corpse.
  3. Alfred Arkadyevich Bronsky - The omnipresent, fast, dexterous journalist, a semi-graphical employee of many Soviet magazines and newspapers. The first pems into the apartment of Persikov and learns about his unusual discovery, then distributes this news everywhere against the will of the professor, prevaining and distorting facts.
  4. Alexander Semenovich Rockk - the former revolutionary, and now the head of the "red beam". Uneducated, rough, but cunning man. He visits the report of Professor Persikov, where he talks about the "ray of life" open to them, and he comes to his idea to restore the population of chickens after the epidemic with the help of this invention. Rocca due to illiteracy is not aware of all the danger of such innovation. This is a symbol of a new type of people tailored to the merities of the new government. Inappropriate, stupid, cowardly, but what is called a "penetrating" citizen who plays only according to the rules of the Soviet state: runs on instances, it seeks permits, he tries to adopt under the new requirements.


  • The central topic is the negligence of people in circulation with new scientific inventions and misunderstanding the risk of the consequences of such an appeal. People like Rocca think narrowly and want to achieve goals by any means. They do not care what will happen after, they are only interested in the momentary benefit from what can turn around the collapse tomorrow.
  • The second topic is social: confusion in managerial structures, due to which any disaster may occur. After all, if the uneducated Rockc was not allowed to be made to the state farm, the catastrophe would not have happened.
  • The third topic is impunity and the enormous influence of the media, irresponsible pursuit of sensations.
  • The fourth topic is ignorance, which resulted in misunderstanding by many people of causal relationships and unwillingness to understand it (they accuse him of the feast of Professor Persikov, although Rocca and authorities are really guilty of).


  • The problem of authoritarian power and its destructive influence on all spheres of society. Science should be separated from the state, but it was impossible in the conditions of Soviet power: a distorted and simplified science, suppressed by ideology, was demonstrated by all people with newspapers, magazines and other media.
  • In addition, the "fatal eggs" is discussed social problemwhich lies in an unsuccessful attempt of the Soviet building to combine the scientific intelligentsia and the remaining segments of the population far from science at all. Not in vain in the story is shown as an NKVD employee (actually a representative of the authorities), guarding Persikov from journalists and spies, finds a common language with a simple and illiterate guard of Pankrat. The author implies that they are with him on one intellectual level: the only difference is that one has a special icon under the collar of the jacket, and there is no other. The author hints at how imperfect such power where it is not enough educated people They are trying to control what is really not understandable.
  • The important problem of the story is the irresponsibility of the totalitarian authority in front of the society, which symbolizes the careless appeal of Rocca with the "Bump of Life", where Rocca himself is power, "Life Life" - ways of exposure to the state for people (ideology, propaganda, control), and reptiles, reptiles And the ostriches hatched from eggs - the society itself, the consciousness of which is free and damaged. Completely different, more intelligent and rational way Society Management symbolizes Professor of Peaches and its scientific experiments requiring caution, accounting for all subtleties and attentiveness. However, this method is eradicated and disappears at all, because the crowd of knowledge does not want to independently understand the intricacies of politics.


"Fat eggs" - a kind of satire on Soviet power, on its imperfection by virtue of its novelty. The USSR is as if one large, not tested on experience, and therefore dangerous for society the invention, to contact which no one knows how, because of what various problems occur, failures and disasters. Society in the "fatal eggs" is experimental animals in a laboratory, subjected to irresponsible and unfair experiments, which are clearly not beneficial, and to harm. Non-educated people are allowed to manage this laboratory, they are trusted by serious tasks, which they cannot be carried out due to inability to navigate in social, scientific and other spheres of life. As a result, moral monsters can be obtained from experimental citizens, which will lead to irreversible catastrophic consequences for the country. At the same time, the unenmended crowd ruthlessly fell on those who really can help her overcome the difficulties who can use the invention of a national scale. The intellectual elite is exterminated, but to replace it with some. It is very symbolic that after the death of Persikov, no one can restore the invention lost with it.


A. A. Platonov (climens), considered this product as a symbol of the implementation of revolutionary processes. According to Platonov, peaches is the creator of a revolutionary idea, his assistant Ivanov is the one who performs this idea, and Rocca is the one who decided for his own benefit to use the idea of \u200b\u200brevolution in distorted form, and not as it should be (for the for the common benefit) - As a result, everyone suffered. The characters of the "fatal eggs" behave as described once Otto Bismarck (1871 - 1898): "The revolution is prepared by genius, fanatics are carried out, and the fruits are used by passing." Some critics believed that the "fatal eggs" was written by Bulgakov for fun, but members of the RAP (the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers) had a negative effect on the book, rather quickly examined in this work a political footing.

Philologist Boris Sokolov (r. 1957) tried to find out what prototypes were at Professor Persikov: this could be a Soviet biologist Alexander Gurvich, but if we proceed from the political sense, then this is Vladimir Lenin.

Interesting? Save on your wall!

"Fat eggs" Bulgakov I love, that's why from the filmization of this fantastic masterpiece, in which the Soviet soil lay down and gave the amazing shoots of the grain of Genius Herbert Wells, who were recycled by Mikhail Afanasyevich, I did not expect anything good. The 90s were poor time for domestic cinema (strictly speaking, it is not in bloom now), and even more so for the shields of Bulgakov - and especially for creatures such as "fatal eggs", "White Guard", "Master and Margarita" It is obvious that the scale is required for these works, not limited fantasy fantasy, talented personnel - especially directories who do not just love one or another book, but also have their own vision of her who have the main line, the task to tell the viewer about That is certain, to explain it to actors and the rest of the film crew.

Alas, I was not mistaken. "Fat Eggs" Lukkina - a bad, typically post-pre-stroke product that came out during the ubiquitous ruin, which reigned not so much in the state, but in the heads - including cinematographers who have fallen from the sweet smell of freedom and permissiveness and started shooting a disgusting trash, simply because What happened. It is time to repeat critics, witted about the recent Bortkovskaya film "Master and Margarita" - "It seems, Bulgakov began to write worse." It is true when you watch the "fatal eggs", you can doubt the genius of the author of the original source, if I did not read it - everything here is crumpled, stretched, implausible, fake, not organically, obsequiously, the idleness, is foolish.

And what was the material! Brilliant, witty, sparkling with successful metaphors and household sketches, written by an amazing Bulgakov language the story, developing the idea of \u200b\u200bWells that any discovery from a rapidly developing and having a soul for the brain of mankind can cause chaos, fear and death, even if it comes to good ! Yes, it has both fantasy, and a bitter grin of the author, noting the incomplete borders, who are unexpectedly erased, separating an aristocrat from the merchant and Barina from the Kholop, who became a reasonable, untimely, terrible, comic The consciousness of the backward, ignorant people, who is not able to distinguish the eggs of ostrich from chicken. This story has so much wonderful that you can satisfy the most distant public - from intellectuals to fans of horror

Sergey Lukkin (talking, however, the surname, right, as in Tale) built some ridiculous Balagan, a circus, where warm, drunk clowns in the centuries of non-styled multicolored trico and grooved red wigs with a whistle and guikan are worn on the pitched horses arena and pop Manure in each other and in the amazed viewer.

It seems that in the head of the director, first of all guilty of the failure of the film, a terrible Bardak reigned, the same destruction about which Professor Preobrazhensky said. He just did not know what he was shooting a movie! This, however, just in the spirit of the movie 90s. Take the story that did not accept the revolution of Bulgakov (then it was fashionable to "resurrect" the following authors), the story is not about it, well, but okay, who is interested in - to snatch the idea of \u200b\u200bignorance and unprepacents to change the reasons for the seeded people, flip it over To the tail typical anti-Soviet propaganda (turning from the bitter Bulgakovsky irony into some kind of merciless mockery), and to the head - finally the authorized idea of \u200b\u200bthe divine rescue of Russia from the barbarians (not only in the form of reptiles, but, apparently, from its own history And from some "Westernity", to which all the protagonists of the film belong to - with their accents, not Russian physiognomies and surnames). All this was empty on the pole of mysticism and a terrible trash, which was climbing the wave, four riders, reanimated from the sleep of Peach to reality, poor special effects and marchs of poorly rudely carried by theatrades for shame and shame.

Yes, the whole film is made in the style of the gross and dodent farce and the atmosphere of the carnival, which in no way adopt with the meaning of the story or with Bulgakov. All people behave here like Cretina. Maybe Lukkin so wanted to show the decomposition of post-revolutionary Russia, so to speak to symbolically transfer the kouter who reigned then? Maybe. But it is extremely ineptly done. The actors are shred, fake, they intelligently and lie at every step, without a second without believing circumstances. Yes, and the author himself does not believe in them. He is more like a redistribution, like naked women, jumping through a bonfire, defiling Nagishk in Moscow whores, slightly bonded themselves with a fur collar, naked nurse's ass, merger to the full idiot of Rocca's wife, for some reason, joining a horse in a showcase of the Red Army, drunk officers of the CC, Peasants, ambiguous arguing about eggs, etc.

All this looks just disgusting. Good actors breaking comedy in all this, no positions save. Talented and bright actors Faraday, Usatov, Pavlov, Harmash, who did not find himself in the cinema of the 90s, look crawl and ridiculous here, trying to do what they do not know how to play fun. Welder-Kozakov was good, but absolutely useless. To her God, better than his "Master and Margarita" took this role! Links the heat and crying sukachev, which in the role of Pankrat's janitor, except for the "my grandmother smokes the phone" - and Thank you.

Well, peaches played by Yankovsky. Obvious and absolute Mussasting. Such a wonderful and charismatic man, which is Yankovsky, looks wildly in the scenery of this film. Not only is he just not like Persikov from the book, it's like a jester with him, just such a person would never have done what peaches did and would not do that. Therefore, Persikow-Yankovsky also do not believe. It's a shame for good actors - that's all.

In the atmosphere of universal chaos and a trash in some places inflatable crocodiles and rubber anaconds, which look even funnier than the octopus in Ed Wood, all here are false, lies, fake - from actors, to decorations. The first part of the film is not enough so much that the sudden hatred of people do not understand people to Peskov, and boring, the second is so funny that even the voice of Batalov for the scenes is no longer able to fix anything. The only thing that pleases is beautiful music at the beginning and at the end of the film. But for the sake of her, you should not look at all.

The outstanding Bulgakovsky plot about the "beam of life" and the consequences of late discoveries in Russia were removed by S. Lukkin as the worst circus in the world. Regret it has to be stated that the successful screening of this wonderful story today does not exist. And devastation, everywhere reigned in the heads at that time, in all its magnificence made itself felt in this film. It turned out not a cut of the life of the Bulgakovsky era, but, oddly enough, the colorful picture of the 90s. But even in this case, the film is not worthy of attention.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is one of the favorite Russian writers, and not one generation of people. Bright and diverse writer, who is good in all its genres. Everyone remembers his famous novels "Master and Margarita" and "White Guard", Tale " dog's heart"And" fatal eggs ". Bulgakov works can be disassembled literally by quotes.

The story "Fat Eggs" Bulgakov wrote back in 1924. And next year she was already published. What tells her summary? "Fat eggs" - a work that even from the point of view of a brief narrative is able to surprise anyone. And especially those who lived in those years.

"Fatal Eggs": Analysis

The source for writing this fantastic work was the fiction of the Herbert Wells "Food of the Gods" (1904), which describes miraculous food, accelerating human growth and turning it into a giant, as well as developing its intellectual, spiritual and physical opportunities. The "fatal eggs" of Bulgakov made more exotic and in its plot used aggressive reptiles, and not gigantic human individuals.

And also the poet Maximilian Voloshin, resting in the Crimea, in Koktebel, sent the Bulgaku cut out from one local newspaper from 1921, which said that a huge reptile appeared in the area, and the fighters of the Red Army were sent to his capture.

The work of "fatal eggs" resembles the second novel of Wells "War of the Worlds" (1898), in which Mrsiana, who conquered the Earth, is dying from earthly microbes. At Bulgakov, its exotic reptiles become victims of fantastic summer frosts.

It all started with the fact that in 1928 the Soviet professor of Zoology and the director of the Moscow Zoooinstelitis of Peacikov Vladimir Ipatievich once performed an unexpected scientific discovery that had a huge importance for zoology.

Working with a microscope, with a random shift of the mirror, he suddenly saw in the eyepiece of the "Life of Life", as the Assistant of Professor, scientist Ivanov Petr Stepanovich then names it.

Essence scientific opening It was that single-cell organisms of the Ameb type when exposed to them of this ray began to behave very incomprehensible and strangely. Their behavior contradicted all natural laws of nature. Amoeba suddenly began to multiply sharply, to pounce on each other and rip away one another. The strongest won the strongest. All these surviving individuals are scary and restless in their special suquity and malice.

Dangerous experience

After a while, the scientist assistant Ivanov uses a few more cameras, creates a powerful ray and goes to an experiment since over two days, very voracious and evil cold-blooded animals have grown, which also began to devour and those who survived, began to come true in countless quantities.

In general, all these unique experiments of Professor Persikov could not fail to learn. However, not only this news has reduced scientists with the mind, and also the fact that in a country for some strange circumstances, a completely unknown science was a chicken disease. And therefore, Professor Persikov was invited to lead the newly created emergency commission, which was supposed to expand its active activities in the fight against the chicken epidemic, because all the chicures were extinct in the country.

Eggs of tropical animals

And Alexander Semenovich Rocca came to the office of the academic Persikov. He was just recently appointed chairman of the state farm "Red Ray", where he received a letter of special importance from the Kremlin. It was suggested to transfer to the use of Rocca designed cameras that would help raise the corruption in the country. But peaches warns the chair that this unique device is not yet completely studied. However, Rocca is sure that for pretty short term He will be able to increase several times the number of chickens.

So it seems to be very easy to twist. "Fat eggs" later, however, become truly exciting.

Rocky's helpers take all three settings of the cameras, except for his very first small chamber, which remained at Professor Persikov. He continued his study and because of the border, he received an order in the form of eggs of tropical animals, pythons, anacond, crocodiles and ostriches for their experiments.


In turn, Rocca from the same abroad for its statement goals for breeding chicken farm issues chicken eggs. And here there is something terrible, as it turned out later, on the way orders were confused, and the eggs of terrible animals fall under the experiment of the Smolensk state farm.

Nothing unsuspecting Rocca strange on the form of an egg places in a special barocamer. And it's surprising, after a while in the state farm suddenly the frogs were sternly, all the birds flew out, even the sparrows, and the dogs began to throw everywhere.

Another attack

After some time, snakes and crocodiles begin to appear. One snake reached incredible sizes and attacked Manya - Rocca's wife. All this happened in his eyes, and from what he saw he just chopped from horror. Rockk immediately rushed into the GPU department to tell about his misfortunes, but no one believed him to stories and everyone considered that he was pursued by hallucinations. But when the experts still arrived in the state farm, they their own eyes saw an indiscreted number of huge and terrible animals. Two employees of the GPU die.

The fire artillery battle began across the surrounding area, all the forest was fired, where the eggs were located. And in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Mozhaisk, battles with huge hordes of reptiles and ostriches, which were approaching Moscow from all sides. Human victims have grown with every minute. Evacuation began in the capital. Refugees from the Smolensk region also arrived in Moscow. In the city was introduced

The poor professor of Persikov literally broke the crowd of angry people who considered that he is the culprit of all the troubles in the country.

All this is very bright and impressively describes a summary. The "fatal eggs" Bulgakov ends with the fact that saved the catastrophic position. Strong frost, which at the end of August reached minus 18 degrees Celsius. He lasted in the capital for two days and thus helped overcome this impending horror.


After that, in all fields, forests and swamps were scattered eggs, in which the shell was covered with some color and very strange patterns, resembling the embryos, only harmless. Over all the land lay the corpses of huge snakes, crocodiles and ostriches.

In the spring of 1929, the military cleared the terrain, burned the corpses, in general, everyone led in order. The fact that happened was still told and wrote in the whole world for a long time, but it was not possible to get this "ray of life" and would not succeed, and even the most assistant Ivanov, Peter Stepanovich.

That's how the "fatal eggs" of Bulgakov ended, which for fiction lovers will be a pleasant surprise.

April 16, 1928, in the evening, Professor Zoology IV state University And the director of the Zoooinstelitis in Moscow Peacikov entered his office, placed in the zooensitis, which is on Herzen. Professor lit the top matte ball and looked around.
The beginning of a terrifying catastrophe should be considered fallated in this ill-fated evening, as well as the root cause of this catastrophe should be considered precisely Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov.
He was exactly fifty-eight years. The head is wonderful, pusher, bald, with bundles of yellowish hair sticking on the sides. The face smoothly shaved, the lower lip is filled forward. From this, the peach person always overlooked a somewhat capricious imprint. On red nose old-fashioned small glasses in silver frame, shiny eyes, small, high, narrow, narrow. He spoke with a creamy, subtle, dumb voice and among other oddities, had such: when he said something weighty and confidently, the index finger of the right hand turned into a hook and pushed his eyes into the hook. And since he spoke always confidently, for his erudition in his field he had a completely phenomenal, then the hook very often appeared before the eyes of the interlocutors of Professor Persikov. And outside of its field, that is, zoology, embryology, anatomy, botany and geography, professor of peaches almost did not say anything.
Newspapers Professor Peacikov did not read, did not go to the theater, and the wife of the professor escaped from him with the tenor Opera Zimin in 1913, leaving him a note of such a content:

"The unbearable shiver of disgusts excite your frogs in me. I will be unhappy with all my life because of them. "

Professor no longer married and did not have children. He was very quick-tempered, but having aroused, loved tea with a cloudberry, lived on the prechistenka, in the apartment of five rooms, one of which was occupied by a dry old woman, the housekeeper of Mary Stepanovna, who walked behind the professor as a nannaya.
In 1919, Professor took three rooms from five rooms. Then he said Marya Stepanovna:
- If they do not stop these disgraces, Marya Stepanovna, I will go abroad.
There is no doubt that if the professor did this plan, he would be very easy for him to settle at the Department of Zoology at any university of the world, for the scientist he was completely first-class, and in the area that somehow concerns amphibians, or naked reptiles, and There was no equal to themselves with the exception of professors of Vecama Vekkail in Cambridge and Jiacomo Bartolomeo Baccary in Rome. I read a professor in four languages, except Russian, and in French and German spoke, as in Russian. The intentions of his relatively abroad did not fulfill the peaches, and the 20th year came out even worse than the 19th. Events occurred, and moreover one after another. Great Nikitskaya renamed Herzen's street. Then the clock embedded into the wall of the house at the corner of Herzen and Mokhovoy, stopped at eleven with a quarter. Finally, in the Terrarians of the Zoological Institute, without making all the perturbations of the famous year, the initially eight excellent copies of Kwakshi, then fifteen ordinary toads and, finally, an exceptional copy of the toad Surinames.
Directly following the toads, devastating that the first detachment of naked reptiles, which in justice is called the Class of the Gadov of Chelsey, moved to best world The permanent watchman Institute Old Man Vlas, not included in the class of bare reptiles. The cause of his death, however, was the same as the poor reptiles, and her peaches identified immediately:
- Informant!
The scientist was absolutely right: Vlas needed to feed the flour, and the toad with flour worms, but since the first disappeared, the second and the second were disappeared. Peaches The remaining twenty copies of Kwaksh tried to transfer cockroaches to food, but the cockroaches had fallen somewhere, showing their malicious attitude towards military communism. Thus, the last copies had to throw out in cesspools On the courtyard of the institute.
The action of deaths, and in the particular Surinames of the toad, does not give in to Persikov. In death, for some reason, he definitely accused the then addict of enlightenment.
Standing in a hat and caloes in the corridor of the Outstanding Institute, peaches spoke to his assistant Ivanov, an extensive gentleman with a sharp blonde beard:
- After all, for the same it, Peter Stepanovich, kill little! What do they do? After all, they will ship the institute! BUT? Unmatched male, an exceptional copy of the Pipa American, thirteen centimeters long ...
Then went worse. Over the death of Vlas, the window at the institute was projected through, so the flowery ice was sitting on the inner surface of the glass. Framed rabbits, foxes, wolves, fish and all to a single burden. Peacikov began to be silent all day, then fell ill with inflammation of the lungs, but did not die. When I recovered, came twice a week to the institute and in the round room, where it was always, for some reason without changing, five degrees of frost, no matter how much on the street, read in Kalosh, in a headphone with headphones and cough, exhaled White couples, eight students of the cycle of lectures on the theme "Required roast belt". The rest of the peaches lay on her prechistenka on the sofa, in the room, to the ceiling with the books, under the plaid, coughed and looked into the mouth of the firewood, which gilded chairs of the rope of Mary Stepanovna, recalled Surinamese toad.
But everything in the light ends. The 20th and 21st year ended, and in the 22nd it began some kind of reverse movement. First: Pankrat appeared on the site of the deceased Vlana, still young but the feeding big hopes Zoological watchman, the institute began to trample little. And in the summer of peaches, with the help of Pankrat on Klyazemma caught fourteen pieces of vulgar toad. In the terrarians, life began to boil ... In the 23rd year, peaches have already read eight times a week - three at the Institute and five at the University, in the 24th year thirteen times a week and, moreover, on Rabafaki, and in 25- m, in the spring, became famous for the fact that the exams cut off seventy-six people of students and everyone on bare shoes.
- How, you do not know, what is the difference between bare reptiles from the reptiles? - asked peaches. - It's just funny, young man. There are no pelvic kidneys from naked reptiles. They are missing. Tack-s. We are ashamed. Are you probably Marxist?
- Marxist, - fading, answered slaughtered.
- So, please, in the fall, - Persikov politely spoke and cheerfully shouted Pankrat: - Come on next!
Just like amphibians come to life after a long drought at the first abundant rain, a professor of peaches came to life in 1926, when the United States-Russian-Russian company arranged, starting with the angle of the newspaper alley and Tverskaya, in the center of Moscow, fifteen fifteen-storey houses, and on the outskirts of three hundred workers Cottages, each for eight apartments, once and forever finishes that terrible and funny housing crisis, which was so tormented by Muscovites in the years 1919-1925.
In general, it was a wonderful summer in the life of Persikov, and sometimes he rushed his hands with a quiet and satisfied giggnet, remembering how he stated with Marya Stepanovnaya in two rooms. Now Professor, all five got back, expanded, placed two and a half thousand books, stuffed, charts, drugs, lit a green lamp in the office on the table.
The institute was also impossible to find out: it was covered with creamy paint, spent the water in the governorate on a special water supply, changed all the glass on the mirror, sent five new microscopes, glass preparation tables, 2,000 lamps with reflected light, reflectors, wardrobes in the museum.
Peacikov came to life, and the whole world unexpectedly learned about this, only in December 1926 a brochure was published:
"More on the question of the reproduction of blushful, or hiton." 126 p. Izvestia IV University.
And in 1927, in the fall, major labor in 350 pages translated into six languages, including Japanese:
"Embryology of PIP, garlic and frogs." Price 3 rub. Gosizdat.
And in the summer of 1928, it happened that incredible, terrible ...

Chapter II.

Color curl

So, Professor lit a ball and looked around. He lit a reflector on a long experimental table, put on a white bathrobe, which gave some tools on the table ...
Many of the thirty thousand mechanical crews running in the 28th year in Moscow were skipped on the street Herzen, a sturgeon on smooth ends, and every minute with a river and a grinding rolled from Herzen to a moss tram 16, 22, 48 or 53th route . Multicolored lights dropped in mirror glass Cabinet and far and highly visible next to the dark and car cap of the church of Christ Misty, pale monthly sickle.
But neither he nor the hum of spring Moscow did not occupy a professor of Persikov. He was sitting on a three-way stool and touched from tobacco to the fingers of Spit Kreamere of the magnificent Central Microscope, in which an ordinary unpainted preparation of fresh ameb was laid. At that moment, when peaches changed an increase from five to ten thousand, the door was opened, a sharp beard, a leather bib, and an assistant called:
- Vladimir Iparti, I installed a mejuke, do not want to look?
Peachs were alive with a herd, throwing a krealoer at halfway, and slowly spinning in the hands of a cigarette, passed to the assistant's office. There, on a glass table, half-hearted and measuring from fear and frog pain was crucified on a cork tripod, and its transparent salivary insides stretched out of a bloody belly in a microscope.
"Very good," said Peaches and fell asleep to the eyepiece of the microscope.
Obviously, something very interesting could be viewed in a jejuer frog, where, like on the palm of the palm, live blood balls fled on the rivers of vessels. Peachov forgot about his Amebach and for one and a half hours in turn with Ivanov, fell to the glass of the microscope. At the same time, both scholars were transferred lively, but incomprehensible simple death words.
Finally, peaches fell off from the microscope, saying:
- Blood collapses, nothing can be done.
The frog buried the head, and in her swelling eyes were obvious words: "Bear you, that's what ..."
The warm-up legs, peaches rose, returned to his office, yawned, rubbed the fingers forever inflamed eyelids and, crouching on the stool, looked into the microscope, he put his fingers on the Krealoran and was already going to move the screw, but did not move. The right eye was seen by peaches a turbulent white disk and in him vaguely pale ameb, and in the middle of the disk sat the color curl, similar to the female curl. This curl and peaches himself, and hundreds of his students saw many times, and no one was interested in them, and there was no need. The color beams of light only interfered with observation and showed that the drug is not in focus. Therefore, it is mercilessly washed with one turn of the screw, lighting the field with a smooth white light. The long thumbs of the zoologist are already close to cutting the screw and suddenly trembled and peeled. The reason for this was the right eye of Persikov, he suddenly was alerted, wondered, poured even anxiety. No urgent mediocrity in the mountain was sat at the microscope. No, I sat a professor of peaches! All life, his thoughts focused on the right eye. Five minutes in stone silence, the highest creature observed the lower, tormenting and straining the eye above the drug standing outside the focus. The circle was all silent. Pankrat fell asleep already in his room in the lobby, and only once in the distance of musically and gently raised glass in the cabinets - it is Ivanov, leaving, locked up their office. Behind him dismal entrance door. Then the voice of Professor was already heard. Who he asked - unknown.
- What? I do not understand anything ...
A delayed truck passed along the street Herzen, breaking the old walls of the institute. Flat glass cup with tweezers tinkled on the table. The professor turned pale and lifted his hands above the microscope, as if the mother over the databs, which threatens the danger. Now it could not be a speech about the peaches to move the screw, oh no, he was afraid already so that some extraneous power would push out from the sight of what he saw.
There was a full white morning with a gold stripe, cutting the cream porch of the institute, when the professor left the microscope and came up on the numb legs to the window. He clicked a button with trembling fingers, and the black deaf curtains were closed the morning, and a wise scholarship came true in the office. Yellow and inspirational peaches spread his legs and spoke, staring at the parquet with the brutal eyes:
- But how is it? After all, it is monstrous! .. This is a monstrously, gentlemen, "he repeated, turning to the toads in the terrariage, but the toads slept and did not answer.
He paused, then approached the switch, raised the curtains, put out all the lights and looked into the microscope. His face was tense, he shoved raw yellow eyebrows.
"Yeah, Yeah," he muttered, "disappeared. Understand. Oh-Nimai, "he handed out, crazy and inspired looking at the rogue ball over his head, is simply.
And he again lowered the hissing curtains and he lit a bowl. He looked into the microscope, joyfully and as if predatory smashed.
"I'll catch it," he said solemnly and he said, raising his finger up, "I will catch. Maybe from the sun.
Again the curtains reached. The sun was now evident. So it flooded the walls of the institute and the jamb lay down on the ends of Herzen. The professor looked out the window, thinking where the sun would be in the afternoon. He was moved away, then he was approaching, gently dancing, and finally the belly lay on the windowsill.
Started important and mysterious work. A glass cap covered the microscope. On a bluette blill, the burner melted a piece of Surguche and the edge of the bell asked to the table, and on the mesh stains slept his thumb. Gas extended, the door of the cabinet locked to the English lock.
Poliwood was in the corridors of the institute. Professor reached the room of Pankrat and long and unsuccessfully pounded into her. Finally, the door was heard as if chain PSA, Harding and Miza, and Pankrat in striped underpants, with ties on ankles, appeared in a bright spot. His eyes were wildly stared at the scientist, he still slightly summed up from sleep.
"Pankrat," said Professor, looking at him over his glasses, "I'm sorry that I woke you up. That's what a friend, in my office tomorrow morning does not go. I left the work there, which cannot be shifted. Understood?
"U-U," I understood it, "Pankrat answered, without realizing anything. He stumbled and growled.
"No, listen, you wake up, Pankrat," said Zoologist and looked softly in the ribs, why the face turned out to be fright and some shadow of meaningful in the eyes. "I'll lock the Cabinet," the peaches continued, "so it is not necessary to clean it before my arrival." Understood?
- I listen, s, - Pankrat stuck.
- Well, well, go to bed.
Pankrat turned, disappeared into the door and immediately fell into bed, and the professor began to dress in the lobby. He put on a gray summer coat and a soft hat, then, remembering about the picture in the microscope, stared at his Kalosh and looked at them for a few seconds, as if he saw them for the first time. Then the left put on the left and left to put on the right, but it did not climb.
"What a monstrous accident that he recalled me," said the scientist, "otherwise I would not notice it." But what does it succe? .. After all, this promises himself knows what it is! .. - the professor grinned, squinted on Kalosh and left, and right-handed it. - Oh my God! After all, it is not even impossible to imagine all the consequences ... - Professor with contempt picked up the left Kalos, who annoyed him, not wanting to put on the right, and went to the exit in one Kalosh. He immediately lost his handkerchief and went out, slamming a heavy door. On the porch, he was looking for a long time in the pockets of matches, clapping himself on the sides, did not find and moved down the street with an unemployed cigarette in the mouth.
None of the person scientist met to the temple itself. There is a professor, crouching his head, chained to the Golden Smell. The sun sweetly licked him on the one hand.
- How did I see if I did not see him, what is the accident? .. Ugh, fool, - the professor leaned and thought, looking at the diverse legs, - GM ... how to be? Back to Pankrat? No, you will not wake it up. Throw her, submit, sorry. We will have to carry in the hands. - He removed the ball and squeezed her.
On an old car from the Prechistenka left three. Two drunken and kneels have a brightly painted woman in silk harees in the fashion of the 28th year.
- Eh, dad! She shouted with a low narrow voice. - Well, do you cut another tool?
It can be seen, in Alcazare, the old man was gained, - overwhelmed the left drunk, the right leaned out of the car and shouted:
- Father, what, night on the magician is open? We are there!
The professor strictly looked at them on top of his glasses, dropped the mouth of Papiros and immediately forgot about their existence. A solar slot was born on the Prechistensky Boulevard, and the helmet of Christ began to burn. Sun came out.

Chapter III

Peacikov caught

The case was that. When the professor brought his brilliant eye to the eyepiece, he first drew attention to the fact that in a multicolored curl, one beam was especially distinguished in a multicolored curl. This ray was bright red and dropped out of the curl, as a small edge, well, let's say, with a needle, or something.
Just such a misfortune that for a few seconds a ray of this chained the name of the virtuoso eye.
In it, in the beam, the professor saw what was a thousand times more significant and more important than the beam itself, fragile child, accidentally born when the mirror lens and the microscope lens. Due to the fact that the assistant recalled the professor, Amba was lazy to one and a half hours under the action of this beam, and it turned out that: while in the disk outside the beam, grainy amcribes were lying sluggish and helplessly, in the place where a red pointed sword ran out, there were strange phenomena. Life boiled in a red strip. Serious amids, releasing false tables, stretched out of all the might in the Red Strine and in it (as if magical way) came to life. Some force breathed in them the spirit of life. They climbed the flocks and fought with each other for a place in the beam. It went furiously, another word could not pick up, reproduction. Breaking and tilting all the laws, famous to Peach, like their five fingers, they killed in his eyes with lightning speed. They were falling apart in the beam, and each of the parts for two seconds became a new and fresh organism. These organisms in a few moments reached growth and maturity only then so that in turn immediately give a new generation. In the Red Strip, and then in the entire disk it became closely and the inevitable struggle began. The newly born fiercely pounced on each other and pumped into shreds and swallowed. Among the born were the corpses of those killed in the struggle for existence. We won the best and strong. And these best were terrible. Firstly, they approximately two times higher than ordinary Ameb, and secondly, there was some kind of special malicious and more. Their movements were rapidly, their false tables are much longer normal, and they worked them, without exaggeration, as spruits with tentacles.
In the second evening, the professor who looked over and pale, without food, inflecting himself only with thick self-brothers, studied the new generation of ameb, and on the third day he switched to the original source, that is, to the red beam.
Gas quietly spiked in the burner, again, shook the movement along the street, and a professor poisoned by a hundredthly cigarette, half a closure, leaned back on the back of the screw chair.
- Yes, now everything is clear. They live ray. This is a new, not studied by anyone, not a beam detected by anyone. The first thing that will have to find out is whether it is only from electricity or also from the Sun, - muttered peaches to himself.
And for another one night it turned out. Three beams caught three peaches microscope, he did not catch anything from the sun and put it so:
- It should be assumed that there is no place in the Sun spectrum ... ... well, in one word, it is necessary to assume that it is possible to get it only from electric light. "He lovingly looked at a matte ball at the top, inspired thought and invited to my office Ivanov. He told him everything and showed Ameb.
Privat-Associate Professor Ivanov was amazed, completely crushed: how such a simple thing, like this thin arrow, was not seen earlier, damn it! Yes, anyone, and at least them, Ivanov. And indeed, it is monstrous! You just look ...
"You look, Vladimir Iparti," said Ivanov, in horror sticking to the eye to the eyepiece, "what is done?! They grow on my eyes ... Went, look ...
"I have been watching them for the third day," the peaches answered inspired.
Then there was a conversation between two scientists, the meaning of which was coming down to the following: Privat-Associate Professor of Ivanov is taken to build with the help of lenses and mirrors chamber in which this ray can be obtained in enlarged and outside the microscope. Ivanov hopes, even quite sure that it is extremely simple. He will receive the beam, Vladimir Iparti may not doubt it. There was a small hitch.
"I, Peter Stepanovich, when publishing a job, I will write that the cameras are built by you," the peaches put it, feeling that the grain should be allowed.
- Oh, it does not matter ... however, of course ...
And the Zamchka was immediately resolved. From this time, the beam was pleased with Ivanov. While peaches, losing weight and exhausted, spent the days and half of the nights behind the microscope, Ivanov felt in the physical office sparkling from the lamps, combining lenses and mirrors. Helped him a mechanic.
From Germany, after the request through the Enlightenment Commissariat, the peach was sent three parcels containing mirrors, double-screwed, bicked and even some convex-concave grinding glass. It all ended in that Ivanov built the camera and she really caught a red beam. And it is necessary to give justice, caught the master: the beam came out fat, centimeters four in the diameter, sharp and strong.
On June 1, the camera was established in Persikov's office, and he greedily began experiments with caviar frogs lit by the beam. These experiments gave amazing results. Thousands of headastrics hatched from the eggs for two days. But this is not enough, for one day, the tadpoles grew unusually in the frogs and before that evil and voracious, that half of them was immediately reconciled by another half. But the remaining alive began to throw the calf and in two days, without any ray, the new generation was brought out without any beam and at the same time completely countless. In the office of the scientist began, the hell knows that: the tadpoles were spread out of the office throughout the institute, in the terrarities and simply on the floor, in all the cattle, dried out a suite choir, as in a swamp. Pankrat, and so afraid of Persikov like fire, now he experienced one feeling towards him: Death Horror. A week later, the scientist himself felt that he was chaleet. The institute was filled with the smell of Ether and Cyano Kali, who had never poisoned Pankrat, not in time with a mask. The swollen swamp generation finally managed to kill poisons, check offices.
Ivanov Peacikov said this:
- You know, Peter Stepanovich, the effect of the beam on the deateroplasm and in general on the egg is amazing.
Ivanov, the cold and discreet gentleman, interrupted the professor an unusual tone:
- Vladimir Iparti, what do you interpret the small details, about deuteroplasm. We will talk directly: you discovered something unheard. - Apparently, with great fertilization, but still Ivanov squeezed out words: - Professor of Peaches, you have discovered a ray of life!
Weak paint appeared on pale, unshaven pitsrykov cheekbones.
"Well, well," he murmured.
"You," Ivanov continued, "you will acquire such a name ... I have a head." You understand, "he continued passionately, - Vladimir Iparti, Hellese heroes compared to you just a nonsense ... And I thought it was fairy tales ... Do you remember him" food of the gods "?
"And this is a novel," answered peaches.
- Well, yes, Lord, the famous! ..
"I forgot him," answered Peacik, "I remember, I read, but I forgot.
- How don't you remember, yes you look, - Ivanov raised the leg with glass table Incredible sizes Dead frog with swollen belch. On the face, her even after death was an evil expression. - After all, it is monstrous!

Chapter IV

Popy Drozdova

God knows why Ivanov Lee here was to blame, or because the sensational news is transmitted by themselves by air, but only in the gigantic boiling Moscow suddenly spoke about the beam and about Professor Persikov. True, somehow casually and very foggy. The news of the miraculous discovery was jumping like a shot bird, in the glowing capital, then disappearing, then reiterate, until half of July, until the headline of the news and technology newspaper did not appear a short note that interpreting about the 20th page of the newspaper "Izvestia" ray. It was said deeply that the famous professor of the IV University invented the beam, incredibly increasing the livelihood of lower organisms, and that this ray needs to be verified. The surname, of course, was transported and printed: "Peaces".
Ivanov brought the newspaper and showed a peach note.
- "Pansikov," grunted peaches, rearing with the camera in the office, - where do these whistles know everyone?
Alas, the last name has not saved a professor from events, and they began on the other day, immediately violating the whole life of Persikov.