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Bulgakov fatal eggs briefs. Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich - Fat Eggs

On April 16, 1928, in the evening, Professor Zoology of IV State University and director of the Zooenstitis in Moscow Peacikov entered his office, placed in the zooensitis, which is on Herzen Street. Professor lit the top matte ball and looked around.
The beginning of a terrifying catastrophe should be considered fallated in this ill-fated evening, as well as the root cause of this catastrophe should be considered precisely Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov.
He was exactly fifty-eight years. The head is wonderful, pusher, bald, with bundles of yellowish hair sticking on the sides. The face smoothly shaved, the lower lip is filled forward. From this, the peach person always overlooked a somewhat capricious imprint. On red nose old-fashioned small glasses in silver frame, shiny eyes, small, high, narrow, narrow. He spoke with a creamy, subtle, dumb voice and among other oddities, had such: when he said something weighty and confidently, the index finger of the right hand turned into a hook and pushed his eyes into the hook. And since he spoke always confidently, for his erudition in his field he had a completely phenomenal, then the hook very often appeared before the eyes of the interlocutors of Professor Persikov. And outside of its field, that is, zoology, embryology, anatomy, botany and geography, professor of peaches almost did not say anything.
Newspapers Professor Peacikov did not read, did not go to the theater, and the wife of the professor escaped from him with the tenor Opera Zimin in 1913, leaving him a note of such a content:

"The unbearable shiver of disgusts excite your frogs in me. I will be unhappy with all my life because of them. "

Professor no longer married and did not have children. He was very quick-tempered, but having aroused, loved tea with a cloudberry, lived on the prechistenka, in the apartment of five rooms, one of which was occupied by a dry old woman, the housekeeper of Mary Stepanovna, who walked behind the professor as a nannaya.
In 1919, Professor took three rooms from five rooms. Then he said Marya Stepanovna:
- If they do not stop these disgraces, Marya Stepanovna, I will go abroad.
There is no doubt that if the professor did this plan, he would be very easy for him to settle at the Department of Zoology at any university of the world, for the scientist he was completely first-class, and in the area that somehow concerns amphibians, or naked reptiles, and There was no equal to themselves with the exception of professors of Vecama Vekkail in Cambridge and Jiacomo Bartolomeo Baccary in Rome. I read a professor in four languages, except Russian, and in French and German spoke, as in Russian. The intentions of his relatively abroad did not fulfill the peaches, and the 20th year came out even worse than the 19th. Events occurred, and moreover one after another. Great Nikitskaya renamed Herzen's street. Then the clock embedded into the wall of the house at the corner of Herzen and Mokhovoy, stopped at eleven with a quarter. Finally, in the Terrarians of the Zoological Institute, without making all the perturbations of the famous year, the initially eight excellent copies of Kwakshi, then fifteen ordinary toads and, finally, an exceptional copy of the toad Surinames.
Directly following the toads, devastating that the first detachment of naked reptiles, which in justice is called the Class of the Gadov of Chelsey, moved to best world The permanent watchman Institute Old Man Vlas, not included in the class of bare reptiles. The cause of his death, however, was the same as the poor reptiles, and her peaches identified immediately:
- Informant!
The scientist was absolutely right: Vlas needed to feed the flour, and the toad with flour worms, but since the first disappeared, the second and the second were disappeared. Peaches The remaining twenty copies of Kwaksh tried to transfer cockroaches to food, but the cockroaches had fallen somewhere, showing their malicious attitude towards military communism. Thus, the last copies had to throw out in cesspools On the courtyard of the institute.
The action of deaths, and in the particular Surinames of the toad, does not give in to Persikov. In death, for some reason, he definitely accused the then addict of enlightenment.
Standing in a hat and caloes in the corridor of the Outstanding Institute, peaches spoke to his assistant Ivanov, an extensive gentleman with a sharp blonde beard:
- After all, for the same it, Peter Stepanovich, kill little! What do they do? After all, they will ship the institute! BUT? Unmatched male, an exceptional copy of the Pipa American, thirteen centimeters long ...
Then went worse. Over the death of Vlas, the window at the institute was projected through, so the flowery ice was sitting on the inner surface of the glass. Framed rabbits, foxes, wolves, fish and all to a single burden. Peacikov began to be silent all day, then fell ill with inflammation of the lungs, but did not die. When I recovered, came twice a week to the institute and in the round room, where it was always, for some reason without changing, five degrees of frost, no matter how much on the street, read in Kalosh, in a headphone with headphones and cough, exhaled White couples, eight students of the cycle of lectures on the theme "Required roast belt". The rest of the peaches lay on her prechistenka on the sofa, in the room, to the ceiling with the books, under the plaid, coughed and looked into the mouth of the firewood, which gilded chairs of the rope of Mary Stepanovna, recalled Surinamese toad.
But everything in the light ends. The 20th and 21st year ended, and in the 22nd it began some kind of reverse movement. First: Pankrat appeared on the site of the deceased Vlana, still young but the feeding big hopes Zoological watchman, the institute began to trample little. And in the summer of peaches, with the help of Pankrat on Klyazemma caught fourteen pieces of vulgar toad. In the terrarians, life began to boil ... In the 23rd year, peaches have already read eight times a week - three at the Institute and five at the University, in the 24th year thirteen times a week and, moreover, on Rabafaki, and in 25- m, in the spring, became famous for the fact that the exams cut off seventy-six people of students and everyone on bare shoes.
- How, you do not know, what is the difference between bare reptiles from the reptiles? - asked peaches. - It's just funny, young man. There are no pelvic kidneys from naked reptiles. They are missing. Tack-s. We are ashamed. Are you probably Marxist?
- Marxist, - fading, answered slaughtered.
- So, please, in the fall, - Persikov politely spoke and cheerfully shouted Pankrat: - Come on next!
Just like amphibians come to life after a long drought at the first abundant rain, a professor of peaches came to life in 1926, when the United States-Russian-Russian company arranged, starting with the angle of the newspaper alley and Tverskaya, in the center of Moscow, fifteen fifteen-storey houses, and on the outskirts of three hundred workers Cottages, each for eight apartments, once and forever finishes that terrible and funny housing crisis, which was so tormented by Muscovites in the years 1919-1925.
In general, it was a wonderful summer in the life of Persikov, and sometimes he rushed his hands with a quiet and satisfied giggnet, remembering how he stated with Marya Stepanovnaya in two rooms. Now Professor, all five got back, expanded, placed two and a half thousand books, stuffed, charts, drugs, lit a green lamp in the office on the table.
The institute was also impossible to find out: it was covered with creamy paint, spent the water in the governorate on a special water supply, changed all the glass on the mirror, sent five new microscopes, glass preparation tables, 2,000 lamps with reflected light, reflectors, wardrobes in the museum.
Peacikov came to life, and the whole world unexpectedly learned about this, only in December 1926 a brochure was published:
"More on the question of the reproduction of blushful, or hiton." 126 p. Izvestia IV University.
And in 1927, in the fall, major labor in 350 pages translated into six languages, including Japanese:
"Embryology of PIP, garlic and frogs." Price 3 rub. Gosizdat.
And in the summer of 1928, it happened that incredible, terrible ...

Chapter II.

Color curl

So, Professor lit a ball and looked around. He lit a reflector on a long experimental table, put on a white bathrobe, which gave some tools on the table ...
Many of the thirty thousand mechanical crews running in the 28th year in Moscow were skipped on the street Herzen, a sturgeon on smooth ends, and every minute with a river and a grinding rolled from Herzen to a moss tram 16, 22, 48 or 53th route . Multicolored lights' reflections thrown into mirror glasses of the cabinet and far and is highly visible next to the dark and high-handed hat of the Temple of Christ Misty, pale monthly sickle.
But neither he nor the hum of spring Moscow did not occupy a professor of Persikov. He was sitting on a three-way stool and touched from tobacco to the fingers of Spit Kreamere of the magnificent Central Microscope, in which an ordinary unpainted preparation of fresh ameb was laid. At that moment, when peaches changed an increase from five to ten thousand, the door was opened, a sharp beard, a leather bib, and an assistant called:
- Vladimir Iparti, I installed a mejuke, do not want to look?
Peachs were alive with a herd, throwing a krealoer at halfway, and slowly spinning in the hands of a cigarette, passed to the assistant's office. There, on a glass table, half-hearted and measuring from fear and frog pain was crucified on a cork tripod, and its transparent salivary insides stretched out of a bloody belly in a microscope.
"Very good," said Peaches and fell asleep to the eyepiece of the microscope.
Obviously, something very interesting could be viewed in a jejuer frog, where, like on the palm of the palm, live blood balls fled on the rivers of vessels. Peachov forgot about his Amebach and for one and a half hours in turn with Ivanov, fell to the glass of the microscope. At the same time, both scholars were transferred lively, but incomprehensible simple death words.
Finally, peaches fell off from the microscope, saying:
- Blood collapses, nothing can be done.
The frog buried the head, and in her swelling eyes were obvious words: "Bear you, that's what ..."
The warm-up legs, peaches rose, returned to his office, yawned, rubbed the fingers forever inflamed eyelids and, crouching on the stool, looked into the microscope, he put his fingers on the Krealoran and was already going to move the screw, but did not move. The right eye was seen by peaches a turbulent white disk and in him vaguely pale ameb, and in the middle of the disk sat the color curl, similar to the female curl. This curl and peaches himself, and hundreds of his students saw many times, and no one was interested in them, and there was no need. The color beams of light only interfered with observation and showed that the drug is not in focus. Therefore, it is mercilessly washed with one turn of the screw, lighting the field with a smooth white light. The long thumbs of the zoologist are already close to cutting the screw and suddenly trembled and peeled. The reason for this was the right eye of Persikov, he suddenly was alerted, wondered, poured even anxiety. No urgent mediocrity in the mountain was sat at the microscope. No, I sat a professor of peaches! All life, his thoughts focused on the right eye. Five minutes in stone silence, the highest creature observed the lower, tormenting and straining the eye above the drug standing outside the focus. The circle was all silent. Pankrat fell asleep already in his room in the lobby, and only once in the distance of musically and gently raised glass in the cabinets - it is Ivanov, leaving, locked up their office. The front door behind him. Then the voice of Professor was already heard. Who he asked - unknown.
- What? I do not understand anything ...
A delayed truck passed along the street Herzen, breaking the old walls of the institute. Flat glass cup with tweezers tinkled on the table. The professor turned pale and lifted his hands above the microscope, as if the mother over the databs, which threatens the danger. Now it could not be a speech about the peaches to move the screw, oh no, he was afraid already so that some extraneous power would push out from the sight of what he saw.
There was a full white morning with a gold stripe, cutting the cream porch of the institute, when the professor left the microscope and came up on the numb legs to the window. He clicked a button with trembling fingers, and the black deaf curtains were closed the morning, and a wise scholarship came true in the office. Yellow and inspirational peaches spread his legs and spoke, staring at the parquet with the brutal eyes:
- But how is it? After all, it is monstrous! .. This is a monstrously, gentlemen, "he repeated, turning to the toads in the terrariage, but the toads slept and did not answer.
He paused, then approached the switch, raised the curtains, put out all the lights and looked into the microscope. His face was tense, he shoved raw yellow eyebrows.
"Yeah, Yeah," he muttered, "disappeared. Understand. Oh-Nimai, "he handed out, crazy and inspired looking at the rogue ball over his head, is simply.
And he again lowered the hissing curtains and he lit a bowl. He looked into the microscope, joyfully and as if predatory smashed.
"I'll catch it," he said solemnly and he said, raising his finger up, "I will catch. Maybe from the sun.
Again the curtains reached. The sun was now evident. So it flooded the walls of the institute and the jamb lay down on the ends of Herzen. The professor looked out the window, thinking where the sun would be in the afternoon. He was moved away, then he was approaching, gently dancing, and finally the belly lay on the windowsill.
Started important and mysterious work. A glass cap covered the microscope. On a bluette blill, the burner melted a piece of Surguche and the edge of the bell asked to the table, and on the mesh stains slept his thumb. Gas extended, the door of the cabinet locked to the English lock.
Poliwood was in the corridors of the institute. Professor reached the room of Pankrat and long and unsuccessfully pounded into it. Finally, the door was heard like a chain ps, charping and mock, and Pankrat in striped undercutters, with ties on ankles, appeared in a bright spot. His eyes were wildly stared at the scientist, he still slightly summed up from sleep.
"Pankrat," said Professor, looking at him over his glasses, "I'm sorry that I woke you up. That's what a friend, in my office tomorrow morning does not go. I left the work there, which cannot be shifted. Understood?
"U-U," I understood it, "Pankrat answered, without realizing anything. He stumbled and growled.
"No, listen, you wake up, Pankrat," said Zoologist and looked softly in the ribs, why the face turned out to be fright and some shadow of meaningful in the eyes. "I'll lock the Cabinet," the peaches continued, "so it is not necessary to clean it before my arrival." Understood?
- I listen, s, - Pankrat stuck.
- Well, well, go to bed.
Pankrat turned, disappeared into the door and immediately fell into bed, and the professor began to dress in the lobby. He put on a gray summer coat and a soft hat, then, remembering about the picture in the microscope, stared at his Kalosh and looked at them for a few seconds, as if he saw them for the first time. Then the left put on the left and left to put on the right, but it did not climb.
"What a monstrous accident that he recalled me," said the scientist, "otherwise I would not notice it." But what does it succe? .. After all, this promises himself knows what it is! .. - the professor grinned, squinted on Kalosh and left, and right-handed it. - Oh my God! After all, it is not even impossible to imagine all the consequences ... - Professor with contempt picked up the left Kalos, who annoyed him, not wanting to put on the right, and went to the exit in one Kalosh. He immediately lost his handkerchief and went out, slamming a heavy door. On the porch, he was looking for a long time in the pockets of matches, clapping himself on the sides, did not find and moved down the street with an unemployed cigarette in the mouth.
None of the person scientist met to the temple itself. There is a professor, crouching his head, chained to the Golden Smell. The sun sweetly licked him on the one hand.
- How did I see if I did not see him, what is the accident? .. Ugh, fool, - the professor leaned and thought, looking at the diverse legs, - GM ... how to be? Back to Pankrat? No, you will not wake it up. Throw her, submit, sorry. We will have to carry in the hands. - He removed the ball and squeezed her.
On an old car from the Prechistenka left three. Two drunken and kneels have a brightly painted woman in silk harees in the fashion of the 28th year.
- Eh, dad! She shouted with a low narrow voice. - Well, do you cut another tool?
It can be seen, in Alcazare, the old man was gained, - overwhelmed the left drunk, the right leaned out of the car and shouted:
- Father, what, night on the magician is open? We are there!
The professor strictly looked at them on top of his glasses, dropped the mouth of Papiros and immediately forgot about their existence. A solar slot was born on the Prechistensky Boulevard, and the helmet of Christ began to burn. Sun came out.

Chapter III

Peacikov caught

The case was that. When the professor brought his brilliant eye to the eyepiece, he first drew attention to the fact that in a multicolored curl, one beam was especially distinguished in a multicolored curl. This ray was bright red and dropped out of the curl, as a small edge, well, let's say, with a needle, or something.
Just such a misfortune that for a few seconds a ray of this chained the name of the virtuoso eye.
In it, in the beam, the professor saw what was a thousand times more significant and more important than the beam itself, fragile child, accidentally born when the mirror lens and the microscope lens. Due to the fact that the assistant recalled Professor, Amoeba was put on one and a half hours under the action of this ray, and it turned out that: while in the disk outside the beam, grainy Amoebs were lying sluggish and helplessly, in the place where the red pointed sword was running out strange phenomena. Life boiled in a red strip. Serious amids, releasing false tables, stretched out of all the might in the Red Strine and in it (as if magical way) came to life. Some force breathed in them the spirit of life. They climbed the flocks and fought with each other for a place in the beam. It went furiously, another word could not pick up, reproduction. Breaking and tilting all the laws, famous to Peach, like their five fingers, they killed in his eyes with lightning speed. They were falling apart in the beam, and each of the parts for two seconds became a new and fresh organism. These organisms in a few moments reached growth and maturity only then so that in turn immediately give a new generation. In the Red Strip, and then in the entire disk it became closely and the inevitable struggle began. The newly born fiercely pounced on each other and pumped into shreds and swallowed. Among the born were the corpses of those killed in the struggle for existence. We won the best and strong. And these best were terrible. Firstly, they approximately two times higher than ordinary Ameb, and secondly, there was some kind of special malicious and more. Their movements were rapidly, their false tables are much longer normal, and they worked them, without exaggeration, as spruits with tentacles.
In the second evening, the professor who looked over and pale, without food, inflecting himself only with thick self-brothers, studied the new generation of ameb, and on the third day he switched to the original source, that is, to the red beam.
Gas quietly spiked in the burner, again, shook the movement along the street, and a professor poisoned by a hundredthly cigarette, half a closure, leaned back on the back of the screw chair.
- Yes, now everything is clear. They live ray. This is a new, not studied by anyone, not a beam detected by anyone. The first thing that will have to find out is whether it is only from electricity or also from the Sun, - muttered peaches to himself.
And for another one night it turned out. Three beams caught three peaches microscope, he did not catch anything from the sun and put it so:
- It should be assumed that there is no place in the Sun spectrum ... ... well, in one word, it is necessary to assume that it is possible to get it only from electric light. "He lovingly looked at a matte ball at the top, inspired thought and invited to my office Ivanov. He told him everything and showed Ameb.
Privat-Associate Professor Ivanov was amazed, completely crushed: how such a simple thing, like this thin arrow, was not seen earlier, damn it! Yes, anyone, and at least them, Ivanov. And indeed, it is monstrous! You just look ...
"You look, Vladimir Iparti," said Ivanov, in horror sticking to the eye to the eyepiece, "what is done?! They grow on my eyes ... Went, look ...
"I have been watching them for the third day," the peaches answered inspired.
Then there was a conversation between two scientists, the meaning of which was coming down to the following: Privat-Associate Professor of Ivanov is taken to build with the help of lenses and mirrors chamber in which this ray can be obtained in enlarged and outside the microscope. Ivanov hopes, even quite sure that it is extremely simple. He will receive the beam, Vladimir Iparti may not doubt it. There was a small hitch.
"I, Peter Stepanovich, when publishing a job, I will write that the cameras are built by you," the peaches put it, feeling that the grain should be allowed.
- Oh, it does not matter ... however, of course ...
And the Zamchka was immediately resolved. From this time, the beam was pleased with Ivanov. While peaches, losing weight and exhausted, spent the days and half of the nights behind the microscope, Ivanov felt in the physical office sparkling from the lamps, combining lenses and mirrors. Helped him a mechanic.
From Germany, after the request through the Enlightenment Commissariat, the peach was sent three parcels containing mirrors, double-screwed, bicked and even some convex-concave grinding glass. It all ended in that Ivanov built the camera and she really caught a red beam. And it is necessary to give justice, caught the master: the beam came out fat, centimeters four in the diameter, sharp and strong.
On June 1, the camera was established in Persikov's office, and he greedily began experiments with caviar frogs lit by the beam. These experiments gave amazing results. Thousands of headastrics hatched from the eggs for two days. But this is not enough, for one day, the tadpoles grew unusually in the frogs and before that evil and voracious, that half of them was immediately reconciled by another half. But the remaining alive began to throw the calf and in two days, without any ray, the new generation was brought out without any beam and at the same time completely countless. In the office of the scientist began, the hell knows that: the tadpoles were spread out of the office throughout the institute, in the terrarities and simply on the floor, in all the cattle, dried out a suite choir, as in a swamp. Pankrat, and so afraid of Persikov like fire, now he experienced one feeling towards him: Death Horror. A week later, the scientist himself felt that he was chaleet. The institute was filled with the smell of Ether and Cyano Kali, who had never poisoned Pankrat, not in time with a mask. The swollen swamp generation finally managed to kill poisons, check offices.
Ivanov Peacikov said this:
- You know, Peter Stepanovich, the effect of the beam on the deateroplasm and in general on the egg is amazing.
Ivanov, the cold and discreet gentleman, interrupted the professor an unusual tone:
- Vladimir Iparti, what do you interpret the small details, about deuteroplasm. We will talk directly: you discovered something unheard. - Apparently, with great fertilization, but still Ivanov squeezed out words: - Professor of Peaches, you have discovered a ray of life!
Weak paint appeared on pale, unshaven pitsrykov cheekbones.
"Well, well," he murmured.
"You," Ivanov continued, "you will acquire such a name ... I have a head." You understand, "he continued passionately, - Vladimir Iparti, Hellese heroes compared to you just a nonsense ... And I thought it was fairy tales ... Do you remember him" food of the gods "?
"And this is a novel," answered peaches.
- Well, yes, Lord, the famous! ..
"I forgot him," answered Peacik, "I remember, I read, but I forgot.
- How don't you remember, yes, you look, - Ivanov, with a glass of an incredible sizes, a dead frog with a swollen belch. On the face, her even after death was an evil expression. - After all, it is monstrous!

Chapter IV.

Popy Drozdova

God knows why Ivanov Lee here was to blame, or because the sensational news is transmitted by themselves by air, but only in the gigantic boiling Moscow suddenly spoke about the beam and about Professor Persikov. True, somehow casually and very foggy. The news of the miraculous discovery was jumping like a shot bird, in the glowing capital, then disappearing, then reiterate, until half of July, until the headline of the news and technology newspaper did not appear a short note that interpreting about the 20th page of the newspaper "Izvestia" ray. It was said deeply that the famous professor of the IV University invented the beam, incredibly increasing the livelihood of lower organisms, and that this ray needs to be verified. The surname, of course, was transported and printed: "Peaces".
Ivanov brought the newspaper and showed a peach note.
- "Pansikov," grunted peaches, rearing with the camera in the office, - where do these whistles know everyone?
Alas, the last name has not saved a professor from events, and they began on the other day, immediately violating the whole life of Persikov.

Current page: 1 (Total 6 pages)

Michael Bulgakov
Fat eggs

Chapter 1
Kurrikulum Vite. 1
Life path ( lat.).
Professor Persikov

On April 16, 1928, in the evening, Professor Zoology of IV State University and director of the Zooenstitis in Moscow Peacikov entered his office, placed in the zooensitis, which is on Herzen Street. Professor lit the top matte ball and looked around.

He was exactly 58 years old. The head is wonderful, pusher, bald, with bundles of yellowish hair sticking on the sides. The face smoothly shaved, the lower lip is filled forward. From this, the peach person always overlooked a somewhat capricious imprint. On red nose old-fashioned small glasses in silver frame, shiny eyes, small, high, narrow, narrow. He spoke with a creamy, subtle, dumb voice and among other oddities, had such: when he said something weighty and confidently, the index finger of the right hand turned into a hook and pushed his eyes into the hook. And since he spoke always confidently, for his erudition in his field he had a completely phenomenal, then the hook very often appeared before the eyes of the interlocutors of Professor Persikov. And outside its field, i.e. zoology, embryology, anatomy, botany and geography, professor of peaches almost did not say anything.

Newspapers Professor Peacikov did not read, did not go to the theater, and the wife of the professor escaped from him with the tenor Opera Zimin in 1913, leaving him a note of such a content:

"The unbearable shiver of disgusts excite your frogs in me. I will be unhappy with all my life because of them. "

Professor no longer married and did not have children. I was very quick-tempered, but having left, I loved tea with a cloudberry, lived on the prechistenka, in the apartment of 5 rooms, one of which was occupied by a dry old woman, a housekeeper of Mary Stepanovna, who walked behind the professor as a nannaya.

In 1919, Professor took away from 5 rooms 3. Then he said Marie Stepanovna:

- If they do not stop these disgraces, Marya Stepanovna, I will go abroad.

There is no doubt that if the professor did this plan, he would be very easy for him to settle at the Department of Zoology in any university of the world, because he was completely first-class, and in the area that somehow concerns amphibian or bare reptiles, and equal She did not have, with the exception of Professors William Vekkail in Cambridge and Jiacomo Bartolomeo Beckcari in Rome. He read the professor in 4 languages \u200b\u200bexcept Russian, and in French and German spoke as Russian. The intentions of his relatively abroad did not fulfill the peaches, and the 20th year came out even worse than the 19th. Events occurred, and moreover one after another. Great Nikitskaya renamed Herzen's street. Then the clock embedded into the wall of the house at the corner of Herzen and Mokhovoy, stopped at eleven with a quarter, and finally in the Terrarians of the Zoological Institute, without bringing all the perturbations of the famous year, the initially eight magnificent copies of Kwaksh, then fifteen ordinary toads and finally Exceptional copy of the toad Surinames.

Directly following the toads, devastating that first detachment of bare reptiles, which in justice is called the Class of the reptiles of hell, moved to the best world of a permanent watchman Institute Old Man Vlas, not included in the class of bare reptiles. The cause of his death, however, was the same as the poor reptiles, and her peaches identified immediately:

- Informant!

The scientist was absolutely right: Vlas needed to feed the flour, and the toad with flour worms, but since the first disappeared, the second and the second were disappeared. Peaches The remaining twenty copies of Kwaksh tried to transfer cockroaches to food, but the cockroaches had fallen somewhere, showing their malicious attitude towards military communism. Thus, the last copies had to throw out in cesspools on the courtyard of the institute.

The action of deaths, and in the particular Surinames of the toad, does not give in to Persikov. In death, for some reason, he definitely accused the then addict of enlightenment.

Standing in a hat and caloes in the corridor of the Outstanding Institute, peaches spoke to his assistant Ivanov, an extensive gentleman with a sharp blonde beard:

- After all, for the same it, Peter Stepanovich, kill little! What do they do? After all, they will ship the institute! BUT? Unmatched male, an exceptional copy of the American Pipa, a length of 13 centimeters ...

Then went worse. Over the death of Vlas, the window at the institute was projected through, so the flowery ice was sitting on the inner surface of the glass. Framed rabbits, foxes, wolves, fish and all to a single burden. Peacikov began to be silent all day, then fell ill with inflammation of the lungs, but did not die. When I recovered, came twice a week to the institute and in the round hall, where it was always without changing, 5 degrees of frost, no matter how much on the street, read in Kalosh, in a headphone with headphones and cough, exhaled White couples, eight students of the cycle of lectures on the theme "Required roast belt". The rest of the peaches lay on her prechistenka on the sofa, in the room, to the ceiling with the books, under the plaid, coughed and looked into the mouth of the firewood, which gilded chairs of the rope of Mary Stepanovna, recalled Surinamese toad.

But everything in the light ends. The 20th and 21st year ended, and in the 22nd it began some kind of reverse movement. Firstly, Pankrat appeared on the site of the deceased Vlana, still young, but the Zoological Watchhead, the institute began to trample a little. And in the summer of peaches, with the help of Pankrat, in Klyazmma caught fourteen pieces of vulgar toad. In the terrarians, life began to boil ... In the 23rd year, peaches have already read eight times a week - three at the institute and five at the university, in the 24th year thirteen times a week and, moreover, on Rabafaka, and in the 25th, In the spring, it became famous for the fact that the exams cut seventy six people of students, and everyone on bare reptiles.

- How, you do not know, what is the difference between bare reptiles from the reptiles? - asked peaches. - It's just funny, young man. There are no pelvic kidneys from naked reptiles. They are missing. Tack-s. We are ashamed. Are you probably Marxist?

- Marxist, - fading, answered slaughtered.

- So, please, in the fall, - Persikov politely spoke and cheerfully shouted Pankrat: - Come on next!

Just as amphibians come to life after a long drought at the first abundant rain, a professor of peaches in 1926 came to life, when the United States-Russian-Russian company arranged, starting with the angle of the newspaper alley and Tver, in the center of Moscow fifteen fifteen-storey houses, and on the outskirts of three hundred working cottages Everyone for eight apartments, once and forever finishing that terrible and funny housing crisis, which was so tormented by Muscovites in the years 1919-1925.

In general, it was a wonderful summer in the life of Persikov, and sometimes he rushed his hands with a quiet and satisfied giggnet, remembering how he stated with Marya Stepanovnaya in two rooms. Now Professor, all five got back, expanded, placed two and a half thousand books, stuffed, charts, drugs, lit a green lamp in the office on the table.

The institute was also impossible to learn: it was covered with creamy paint, spent the water in the middle of the reptiles on a special water pipeline, changed all the glass on the mirrored, sent five new microscopes, glass preparation tables, two thousand lamps with reflected light, reflectors, wardrobes in the museum.

Peacikov came to life, and the whole world unexpectedly learned about this, only in December 1926 a brochure was published:

"More on the question of the reproduction of blushful, or hiton." 126 p. Izvestia IV University.

And in 1927, in the fall, major labor in 350 pages translated into six languages, including Japanese:

"Embryology of PIP, garlic and frogs." Price 3 rubles. Gosizdat.

And in the summer of 1928, it happened that incredible, terrible ...

Chapter 2.
Color curl

So, Professor lit a ball and looked around. He lit a reflector on a long experimental table, put on a white bathrobe, which gave some tools on the table ...

Many of the thirty thousand mechanical crews running in the 28th year in Moscow were skipped on the street Herzen, a sturgeon on smooth ends, and every minute with a river and a grinding rolled from Herzen to a moss tram 16, 22, 48 or 53th route . Multicolored lights' reflections thrown into mirror glasses of the cabinet and far and is highly visible next to the dark and high-handed hat of the Temple of Christ Misty, pale monthly sickle.

But neither he nor the hum of spring Moscow did not occupy a professor of Persikov. He was sitting on a three-way stool and touched from tobacco to the fingers of Spit Kreamere of the magnificent Central Microscope, in which an ordinary unpainted preparation of fresh ameb was laid. At that moment, when peaches changed an increase from five to ten thousand, the door was opened, a sharp beard, a leather bib, and an assistant called:

- Vladimir Iparti, I installed mesenter, do not want to take a look?

Peachs were alive with a herd, throwing a krealoer at halfway, and slowly spinning in the hands of a cigarette, passed to the assistant's office. There, on a glass table, half-hearted and measuring from fear and frog pain was crucified on a cork tripod, and its transparent salivary insides stretched out of a bloody belly in a microscope.

- Very good! Said Peaches and fell asleep to the eyepiece of the microscope.

Obviously, something very interesting could be considered in a mesentery of a frog, where, like on the palm of the palm, live blood balls fled on the rivers of vessels. Peachov forgot about his Amebach and for one and a half hours in turn with Ivanov, fell to the glass of the microscope. At the same time, both scholars were transferred lively, but incomprehensible simple death words.

Finally, peaches fell off from the microscope, saying:

- Blood collapses, nothing can be done.

The frog buried the head, and in her swelling eyes were obvious words: "Bear you, that's what ..."

The warm-up legs, peaches rose, returned to his office, yawned, rubbed the fingers forever inflamed eyelids and, crouching on the stool, looked into the microscope, he put his fingers on the Krealoran and was already going to move the screw, but did not move. The right eye was seen by peaches a turbulent white disk and in him vaguely pale ameb, and in the middle of the disk sat the color curl, similar to the female curl. This curl and peaches himself, and hundreds of his students saw many times, and no one was interested in them, and there was no need. The color beams of light only interfered with observation and showed that the drug is not in focus. Therefore, it is mercilessly washed with one turn of the screw, lighting the field with a smooth white light. The long thumbs of the zoologist are already close to cutting the screw and suddenly trembled and peeled. The reason for this was the right eye of Persikov, he suddenly was alerted, wondered, poured even anxiety. Not urgent mediocrity, in the Republic of Mountain, sat at the microscope. No, I sat a professor of peaches! All life, his thoughts focused on the right eye. Five minutes in stone silence, the highest creature observed the lower, tormenting and straining the eye above the drug standing outside the focus. The circle was all silent. Pankrat fell asleep already in his room in the lobby, and only once in the distance of musically and gently raised glass in the cabinets - it is Ivanov, leaving, locked up their office. The front door behind him. Then the voice of Professor was already heard. Who he asked - unknown.

- What? I do not understand anything ...

A delayed truck passed along the street Herzen, breaking the old walls of the institute. Flat glass cup with tweezers tinkled on the table. The professor turned pale and lifted his hands over a microscope as like a mother over the databs, which threatens the danger. Now it could not be a speech about the peaches to move the screw, oh no, he was afraid already so that some extraneous power would push out from the sight of what he saw.

There was a full white morning with a gold stripe, cutting the cream porch of the institute, when the professor left the microscope and came up on the numb legs to the window. He clicked a button with trembling fingers, and the black deaf curtains were closed the morning, and a wise scholarship came true in the office. Yellow and inspirational peaches spread his legs and spoke, staring at the parquet with the brutal eyes:

- But how is it? After all, it is monstrous! .. This is a monstrously, gentlemen, "he repeated, turning to the toads in the terrariage, but the toads slept and did not answer.

He paused, then approached the switch, raised the curtains, put out all the lights and looked into the microscope. His face was tense, he shoved raw yellow eyebrows.

"Yeah, Yeah," he muttered, "disappeared. Understand. Oh-Nimai, "he handed out, crazy and inspired looking at the rogue ball over his head, is simply.

And he again lowered the hissing curtains and he lit a bowl. He looked into the microscope, joyfully and as if predatory smashed.

"I'll catch it," he said solemnly and he said, raising his finger up, "I will catch. Maybe from the sun.

Again the curtains reached. The sun was now evident. So it flooded the walls of the institute and the jamb lay down on the ends of Herzen. The professor looked out the window, thinking where the sun would be in the afternoon. He was moved away, then he was approaching, gently dancing, and finally the belly lay on the windowsill.

Started important and mysterious work. A glass cap covered the microscope. On a bluette blill, the burner melted a piece of Surguche and the edge of the bell asked to the table, and on the mesh stains slept his thumb. Gas extended, the door of the cabinet locked to the English lock.

Poliwood was in the corridors of the institute. Professor reached the room of Pankrat and long and unsuccessfully pounded into it. Finally, the door was heard at the door as if chain dogs, charlings and myster, and Pankrat in striped undercutters, with ties on ankles appeared in a bright spot. His eyes were wildly stared at the scientist, he still slightly summed up from sleep.

"Pankrat," said Professor, looking at him over his glasses, "I'm sorry that I woke you up. That's what a friend, in my office tomorrow morning does not go. I left the work there, which cannot be shifted. Understood?

"U-U," I understood it, "Pankrat answered, without realizing anything. He stumbled and growled.

"No, listen, you wake up, Pankrat," said Zoologist and looked softly in the ribs, why the face turned out to be fright and some shadow of meaningful in the eyes. "I'll lock the Cabinet," the peaches continued, "so it is not necessary to clean it before my arrival." Understood?

- I listen, s, - Pankrat stuck.

- Well, well, go to bed.

Pankrat turned, disappeared into the door and immediately fell into bed, and the professor began to dress in the lobby. He put on a gray summer coat and a soft hat, then, remembering about the picture in the microscope, stared at his Kalosh and looked at them for a few seconds, as if he saw them for the first time. Then the left put on the left and left to put on the right, but it did not climb.

"What a monstrous accident that he recalled me," said the scientist, "otherwise I would not notice it." But what does it have been promulit? .. After all, this is promsing himself know what it is! ..

The professor grinned, squinted on Kalosh and left, and right away.

- Oh my God! After all, it is not even impossible to imagine all the consequences ... - Professor with contempt picked up the left Kalos, who annoyed him, not wanting to put on the right, and went to the exit in one Kalosh. He immediately lost his handkerchief and went out, slamming a heavy door. On the porch, he was looking for a long time in the pockets of matches, clapping himself on the sides, did not find and moved down the street with an unemployed cigarette in the mouth.

None of the person scientist met to the temple itself. There is a professor, crouching his head, chained to the Golden Smell. The sun sweetly licked him on the one hand.

- How did I see if I did not see him, what is the accident? .. Ugh, fool, - the professor leaned and thought, looking at the diverse legs, - GM ... how to be? Back to Pankrat? No, you will not wake it up. Throw her, submit, sorry. We will have to carry in the hands. - He removed the ball and squeezed her.

On an old car from the Prechistenka left three. Two drunken and kneels have a brightly painted woman in silk harees in the fashion of the 28th year.

- Eh, dad! She shouted with a low narrow voice. - What are you, the other blind is cutting?

- It can be seen, an old man got in "Alcazare", - overwhelmed the left drunken, the right leaned out of the car and shouted:

- Father, what, night on the magician is open? We are there!

The professor strictly looked at them on top of his glasses, dropped the mouth of Papiros and immediately forgot about their existence. A solar slot was born on the Prechistensky Boulevard, and the helmet of Christ began to burn. Sun came out.

Chapter 3.
Peacikov caught

The case was that. When the professor brought his brilliant eye to the eyepiece, he first drew attention to the fact that in a multicolored curl, one beam was especially distinguished in a multicolored curl. This ray was bright red and dropped out of the curl, as a small edge, well, let's say, with a needle, or something.

Just such a misfortune that for a few seconds a ray of this chained the name of the virtuoso eye.

In it, in the beam, the professor saw what was a thousand times more significant and more important than the beam itself, fragile child, accidentally born when the mirror lens and the microscope lens. Due to the fact that the assistant recalled the professor, Amba was lazy to one and a half hours under the action of this beam, and it turned out that: while in the disk outside the beam, grainy Amoebas lay sluggish and helplessly, in the place where the red pointed sword ran out, there were strange phenomena . Life boiled in a red strip. Serious amids, releasing false tables, stretched out of all the might in the Red Strine and in it (as if magical way) came to life. Some force breathed in them the spirit of life. They climbed the flocks and fought with each other for a place in the beam. It went furiously, another word could not pick up, reproduction. Breaking and tilting all the laws, famous to Peach, like their five fingers, they killed in his eyes with lightning speed. They were falling apart in the beam, and each of the parts for two seconds became a new and fresh organism. These organisms in a few moments reached growth and maturity only then so that in turn immediately give a new generation. In the Red Strip, and then in the entire disk it became closely and the inevitable struggle began. The newly born fiercely pounced on each other and pumped into shreds and swallowed. The corpses of those killed in the struggle for existence were broken. We won the best and strong. And these best were terrible. Firstly, they approximately two times higher than ordinary Ameb, and secondly, there was some kind of special malicious and more. Their movements were rapidly, their false tables are much longer normal, and they worked them, without exaggeration, as spruits with tentacles.

In the second evening, the professor who looked over and pale without food, inflecting himself only with thick self-brothers, studied a new generation of Ameb, and on the third day he switched to the original source, that is, to the red beam.

Gas quietly spiked in the burner, again, shook the movement along the street, and a professor poisoned by a hundredthly cigarette, half a closure, leaned back on the back of the screw chair.

- Yes, now everything is clear. They live ray. This is a new, not studied by anyone, not a beam detected by anyone. The first thing that will have to find out is whether it is only from electricity or also from the Sun, - muttered peaches to himself.

And for another one night it turned out. Three beams caught three peaches microscope, he did not catch anything from the sun and put it so:

- It should be assumed that there is no place in the Sun spectrum ... ... well, in one word, it is necessary to assume that it is possible to get it only from electric light. "He lovingly looked at a matte ball at the top, inspired thought and invited to my office Ivanov. He told him everything and showed Ameb.

Privat-Associate Professor Ivanov was amazed, completely crushed: how such a simple thing, like this thin arrow, was not seen earlier, damn it! Yes, anyone, and at least them, Ivanov, and indeed it is monstrously! You just look ...

"You look, Vladimir Ipatiich," said Ivanov, in horror sticking his eyes to the eyepiece, "what is done?!. They grow on my eyes ... Went, look ...

"I have been watching them for the third day," the peaches answered inspired.

Then there was a conversation between two scientists, the meaning of which was coming down to the following: Privat-Associate Professor of Ivanov is taken to build with the help of lenses and mirrors chamber in which this ray can be obtained in enlarged and outside the microscope. Ivanov hopes, even quite sure that it is extremely simple. He will receive the beam, Vladimir Iparti may not doubt it. There was a small hitch.

"I, Peter Stepanovich, when publishing a job, I will write that the cameras are built by you," the peaches put it, feeling that the grain should be allowed.

- Oh, it does not matter ... however, of course ...

And the Zamchka was immediately resolved. From this time, the beam was pleased with Ivanov. While peaches, losing weight and exhausted, squatted the days and half of the nights behind the microscope, Ivanov felt in the physical office sparkling from the lamps, combining lenses and mirrors. Helped him a mechanic.

From Germany, after the request through the Enlightenment Commissariat, the peach was sent three parcels containing mirrors, double-screwed, bicked and even some convex-concave grinding glass. It all ended in that Ivanov built the camera and she really caught a red beam. And, it is necessary to give justice, caught masterfully: the beam came out fat, centimeter 4 in the diameter, sharp and strong.

On June 1, the camera was established in Persikov's office, and he greedily began experiments with caviar frogs lit by the beam. These experiments gave amazing results. Thousands of headastrics hatched from the eggs for two days. But this is not enough, for one day, the tadpoles rose unusually in frogs, and before that evil and voracious, that half of them was immediately reconciled by another half. But the remaining alive started out of all sorts of timing to throw caviar and in two days already without any ray brought a new generation, and at the same time completely countless. In the office of the scientist began, the hell knows that: the headastrics spread out of the office throughout the institute, in the terrarias and simply on the floor, in all the zakoles, dried out a suite choir, as in the swamp. Pankrat, and so afraid of Persikov, like fire, now experienced one feeling towards him: Death Horror. A week later, the scientist himself felt that he was chaleet. The institute was filled with the smell of ether and cyano potassium, which a little bit of Pankrat poisoned, not in time with a mask. The swollen swamp generation finally managed to kill poisons, check offices.

Ivanov Peacikov said this:

- You know, Peter Stepanovich, the effect of the beam on the deateroplasm and in general on the egg is amazing.

Ivanov, the cold and discreet gentleman, interrupted the professor an unusual tone:

- Vladimir Iparti, what do you interpret the small details, about deuteroplasm. We will talk directly: you discovered something unheard of something, apparently, with great fertilizer, but still Ivanov squeezed out words: - Professor of Peacikov, you opened a ray of life!

Weak paint appeared on pale, unshaven pitsrykov cheekbones.

"Well, well," he murmured.

"You," Ivanov continued, "you will acquire such a name ... I have a head." You understand, "he continued passionately," Vladimir Iparty, Heroes of Wales compared to you just a nonsense ... And I thought it was fairy tales ... Do you remember him "food of the gods"?

"Oh, this is a novel," answered peaches.

- Well, yes, Lord, the famous! ..

"I forgot him," answered Peacik, "I remember, I read, but I forgot.

- How don't you remember, yes, you look, - Ivanov, with a glass of an incredible sizes, a dead frog with a swollen belch. On the face, her even after death was an evil expression, because it is monstrous!

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

Fat eggs

Kurrikulum Vite.

On April 16, 1928, in the evening, Professor Zoology of IV State University and director of the Zooenstitis in Moscow Peacikov entered his office, placed in the zooensitis, which is on Herzen Street. Professor lit the top matte ball and looked around.

He was exactly fifty-eight years. The head is wonderful, pusher, bald, with bundles of yellowish hair sticking on the sides. The face smoothly shaved, the lower lip is filled forward. From this, the peach person always overlooked a somewhat capricious imprint. On red nose old-fashioned small glasses in silver frame, shiny eyes, small, high, narrow, narrow. He spoke with a creamy, subtle, dumb voice and among other oddities, had such: when he said something weighty and confidently, the index finger of the right hand turned into a hook and pushed his eyes into the hook. And since he spoke always confidently, for his erudition in his field he had a completely phenomenal, then the hook very often appeared before the eyes of the interlocutors of Professor Persikov. And outside of its field, that is, zoology, embryology, anatomy, botany and geography, professor of peaches almost did not say anything.

Newspapers Professor Peacikov did not read, did not go to the theater, and the wife of the professor escaped from him with the tenor Opera Zimin in 1913, leaving him a note of such a content:

"The unbearable shiver of disgusts excite your frogs in me. I will be unhappy with all my life because of them. "

Professor no longer married and did not have children. He was very quick-tempered, but having aroused, loved tea with a cloudberry, lived on the prechistenka, in the apartment of five rooms, one of which was occupied by a dry old woman, the housekeeper of Mary Stepanovna, who walked behind the professor as a nannaya.

In 1919, Professor took three rooms from five rooms. Then he said Marya Stepanovna:

If they do not stop these disgraces, Mary Stepanovna, I will leave abroad.

There is no doubt that if the professor did this plan, he would be very easy for him to settle at the Department of Zoology at any university of the world, for the scientist he was completely first-class, and in the area that somehow concerns amphibians, or naked reptiles, and There was no equal to themselves with the exception of professors of Vecama Vekkail in Cambridge and Jiacomo Bartolomeo Baccary in Rome. I read a professor in four languages, except Russian, and in French and German spoke, as in Russian. The intentions of his relatively abroad did not fulfill the peaches, and the 20th year came out even worse than the 19th. Events occurred, and moreover one after another. Great Nikitskaya renamed Herzen's street. Then the clock embedded into the wall of the house at the corner of Herzen and Mokhovoy, stopped at eleven with a quarter. Finally, in the Terrarians of the Zoological Institute, without making all the perturbations of the famous year, the initially eight excellent copies of Kwakshi, then fifteen ordinary toads and, finally, an exceptional copy of the toad Surinames.

Directly following the toads, devastating that first detachment of bare reptiles, which in justice is called the Class of the reptiles of hell, moved to the best world of a permanent watchman Institute Old Man Vlas, not included in the class of bare reptiles. The cause of his death, however, was the same as the poor reptiles, and her peaches identified immediately:


The scientist was absolutely right: Vlas needed to feed the flour, and the toad with flour worms, but since the first disappeared, the second and the second were disappeared. Peaches The remaining twenty copies of Kwaksh tried to transfer cockroaches to food, but the cockroaches had fallen somewhere, showing their malicious attitude towards military communism. Thus, the last copies had to throw out in cesspools at the courtyard of the institute.

The action of deaths, and in the particular Surinames of the toad, does not give in to Persikov. In death, for some reason, he definitely accused the then addict of enlightenment.

Standing in a hat and caloes in the corridor of the Outstanding Institute, peaches spoke to his assistant Ivanov, an extensive gentleman with a sharp blonde beard:

After all, for the same it, Peter Stepanovich, kill little! What do they do? After all, they will ship the institute! BUT? Unmatched male, an exceptional copy of the Pipa American, thirteen centimeters long ...

Then went worse. Over the death of Vlas, the window at the institute was projected through, so the flowery ice was sitting on the inner surface of the glass. Framed rabbits, foxes, wolves, fish and all to a single burden. Peacikov began to be silent all day, then fell ill with inflammation of the lungs, but did not die. When I recovered, came twice a week to the institute and in the round room, where it was always, for some reason without changing, five degrees of frost, no matter how much on the street, read in Kalosh, in a headphone with headphones and cough, exhaled White couples, eight students of the cycle of lectures on the theme "Required roast belt". The rest of the peaches lay on her prechistenka on the sofa, in the room, to the ceiling with the books, under the plaid, coughed and looked into the mouth of the firewood, which gilded chairs of the rope of Mary Stepanovna, recalled Surinamese toad.

But everything in the light ends. The 20th and 21st year ended, and in the 22nd it began some kind of reverse movement. Firstly, Pankrat appeared on the site of the deceased Vlana, still young, but the Zoological Watchhead, the institute began to trample a little. And in the summer of peaches, with the help of Pankrat on Klyazemma caught fourteen pieces of vulgar toad. In the terrarians, life began to boil ... In the 23rd year, peaches have already read eight times a week - three at the Institute and five at the University, in the 24th year thirteen times a week and, moreover, on Rabafaki, and in 25- m, in the spring, became famous for the fact that the exams cut off seventy-six people of students and everyone on bare shoes.

How, you do not know, how do naked reptiles differ from reptiles? - asked peaches. - It's just funny, young man. There are no pelvic kidneys from naked reptiles. They are missing. Tack-s. We are ashamed. Are you probably Marxist?

Marxist, - fading, answered slaughtered.

So, please, in the fall, - politely spoke of peaches and cheerfully shouted Pankrat: - Come on next!

Just like amphibians come to life after a long drought at the first abundant rain, a professor of peaches came to life in 1926, when the United States-Russian-Russian company arranged, starting with the angle of the newspaper alley and Tverskaya, in the center of Moscow, fifteen fifteen-storey houses, and on the outskirts of three hundred workers Cottages, each for eight apartments, once and forever finishes that terrible and funny housing crisis, which was so tormented by Muscovites in the years 1919-1925.

In general, it was a wonderful summer in the life of Persikov, and sometimes he rushed his hands with a quiet and satisfied giggnet, remembering how he stated with Marya Stepanovnaya in two rooms. Now Professor, all five got back, expanded, placed two and a half thousand books, stuffed, charts, drugs, lit a green lamp in the office on the table.

The institute was also impossible to find out: it was covered with creamy paint, spent the water in the governorate on a special water supply, changed all the glass on the mirror, sent five new microscopes, glass preparation tables, 2,000 lamps with reflected light, reflectors, wardrobes in the museum.

Peacikov came to life, and the whole world unexpectedly learned about this, only in December 1926 a brochure was published:

"More on the question of the reproduction of blushful, or hiton." 126 p. Izvestia IV University.

And in 1927, in the fall, major labor in 350 pages translated into six languages, including Japanese:

"Embryology of PIP, garlic and frogs." Price 3 rub. Gosizdat.

And in the summer of 1928, it happened that incredible, terrible ...

Color curl

So, Professor lit a ball and looked around. He lit a reflector on a long experimental table, put on a white bathrobe, which gave some tools on the table ...

Many of the thirty thousand mechanical crews running in the 28th year in Moscow were skipped on the street Herzen, a sturgeon on smooth ends, and every minute with a river and a grinding rolled from Herzen to a moss tram 16, 22, 48 or 53th route . Multicolored lights' reflections thrown into mirror glasses of the cabinet and far and is highly visible next to the dark and high-handed hat of the Temple of Christ Misty, pale monthly sickle.

But neither he nor the hum of spring Moscow did not occupy a professor of Persikov. He was sitting on a three-way stool and touched from tobacco to the fingers of Spit Kreamere of the magnificent Central Microscope, in which an ordinary unpainted preparation of fresh ameb was laid. At that moment, when peaches changed an increase from five to ten thousand, the door was opened, a sharp beard, a leather bib, and an assistant called:

Vladimir Iparti, I installed a mejuke, do not want to look?

Peachs were alive with a herd, throwing a krealoer at halfway, and slowly spinning in the hands of a cigarette, passed to the assistant's office. There, on a glass table, half-hearted and measuring from fear and frog pain was crucified on a cork tripod, and its transparent salivary insides stretched out of a bloody belly in a microscope.

Very good, - said peaches and fell asleep to the eyepiece of the microscope.

Obviously, something very interesting could be viewed in a jejuer frog, where, like on the palm of the palm, live blood balls fled on the rivers of vessels. Peachov forgot about his Amebach and for one and a half hours in turn with Ivanov, fell to the glass of the microscope. At the same time, both scholars were transferred lively, but incomprehensible simple death words.

Finally, peaches fell off from the microscope, saying:

Blood collapses, nothing can be done.

The frog buried the head, and in her swelling eyes were obvious words: "Bear you, that's what ..."

The warm-up legs, peaches rose, returned to his office, yawned, rubbed the fingers forever inflamed eyelids and, crouching on the stool, looked into the microscope, he put his fingers on the Krealoran and was already going to move the screw, but did not move. The right eye was seen by peaches a turbulent white disk and in him vaguely pale ameb, and in the middle of the disk sat the color curl, similar to the female curl. This curl and peaches himself, and hundreds of his students saw many times, and no one was interested in them, and there was no need. The color beams of light only interfered with observation and showed that the drug is not in focus. Therefore, it is mercilessly washed with one turn of the screw, lighting the field with a smooth white light. The long thumbs of the zoologist are already close to cutting the screw and suddenly trembled and peeled. The reason for this was the right eye of Persikov, he suddenly was alerted, wondered, poured even anxiety. No urgent mediocrity in the mountain was sat at the microscope. No, I sat a professor of peaches! All life, his thoughts focused on the right eye. Five minutes in stone silence, the highest creature observed the lower, tormenting and straining the eye above the drug standing outside the focus. The circle was all silent. Pankrat fell asleep already in his room in the lobby, and only once in the distance of musically and gently raised glass in the cabinets - it is Ivanov, leaving, locked up their office. The front door behind him. Then the voice of Professor was already heard. Who he asked - unknown.

What? I do not understand anything ...

A delayed truck passed along the street Herzen, breaking the old walls of the institute. Flat glass cup with tweezers tinkled on the table. The professor turned pale and lifted his hands above the microscope, as if the mother over the databs, which threatens the danger. Now it could not be a speech about the peaches to move the screw, oh no, he was afraid already so that some extraneous power would push out from the sight of what he saw.

There was a full white morning with a gold stripe, cutting the cream porch of the institute, when the professor left the microscope and came up on the numb legs to the window. He clicked a button with trembling fingers, and the black deaf curtains were closed the morning, and a wise scholarship came true in the office. Yellow and inspirational peaches spread his legs and spoke, staring at the parquet with the brutal eyes:

But how is it? After all, it is monstrous! .. This is a monstrously, gentlemen, "he repeated, turning to the toads in the terrariage, but the toads slept and did not answer.

He paused, then approached the switch, raised the curtains, put out all the lights and looked into the microscope. His face was tense, he shoved raw yellow eyebrows.

Yeah, Yeah, he muttered, - disappeared. Understand. Oh-Nimai, "he handed out, crazy and inspired looking at the rogue ball over his head, is simply.

And he again lowered the hissing curtains and he lit a bowl. He looked into the microscope, joyfully and as if predatory smashed.

I will catch it, - he solemn and importantly, he said, raising his finger up, - I will catch. Maybe from the sun.

Again the curtains reached. The sun was now evident. So it flooded the walls of the institute and the jamb lay down on the ends of Herzen. The professor looked out the window, thinking where the sun would be in the afternoon. He was moved away, then he was approaching, gently dancing, and finally the belly lay on the windowsill.

Started important and mysterious work. A glass cap covered the microscope. On a bluette blill, the burner melted a piece of Surguche and the edge of the bell asked to the table, and on the mesh stains slept his thumb. Gas extended, the door of the cabinet locked to the English lock.

Poliwood was in the corridors of the institute. Professor reached the room of Pankrat and long and unsuccessfully pounded into it. Finally, the door was heard like a chain ps, charping and mock, and Pankrat in striped undercutters, with ties on ankles, appeared in a bright spot. His eyes were wildly stared at the scientist, he still slightly summed up from sleep.

Pankrat, "said Professor, looking at him over his glasses," I'm sorry that I woke you up. That's what a friend, in my office tomorrow morning does not go. I left the work there, which cannot be shifted. Understood?

U-U, U, I understood, "Pankrat replied, without realizing anything. He stumbled and growled.

No, listen, you wake up, Pankrat, - said Zoologist and sleeved Pankrat in the rib, why the face turned out to be afraid and some shadow of meaningful in the eyes. "I'll lock the Cabinet," the peaches continued, "so it is not necessary to clean it before my arrival." Understood?

I listen, s, - Pankrat stuck.

Well, well, go to bed.

Pankrat turned, disappeared into the door and immediately fell into bed, and the professor began to dress in the lobby. He put on a gray summer coat and a soft hat, then, remembering about the picture in the microscope, stared at his Kalosh and looked at them for a few seconds, as if he saw them for the first time. Then the left put on the left and left to put on the right, but it did not climb.

What a monstrous accident that he recalled me, "said the scientist," otherwise I didn't notice it. But what does it succe? .. After all, this promises himself knows what it is! .. - the professor grinned, squinted on Kalosh and left, and right-handed it. - Oh my God! After all, it is not even impossible to imagine all the consequences ... - Professor with contempt picked up the left Kalos, who annoyed him, not wanting to put on the right, and went to the exit in one Kalosh. He immediately lost his handkerchief and went out, slamming a heavy door. On the porch, he was looking for a long time in the pockets of matches, clapping himself on the sides, did not find and moved down the street with an unemployed cigarette in the mouth.

None of the person scientist met to the temple itself. There is a professor, crouching his head, chained to the Golden Smell. The sun sweetly licked him on the one hand.

How old did I see him, what an accident? .. Thu, Fool, - Professor leaned and thought, looking at the diverse legs, - GM ... how to be? Back to Pankrat? No, you will not wake it up. Throw her, submit, sorry. We will have to carry in the hands. - He removed the ball and squeezed her.

On an old car from the Prechistenka left three. Two drunken and kneels have a brightly painted woman in silk harees in the fashion of the 28th year.

Eh, dad! She shouted with a low narrow voice. - Well, do you cut another tool?

Pankrat! - shouted a professor into the tube. - BIN MIRENTAL MES BESHESTIGHT UNIT KAN ZI SEKHALB UTTST NITHT EMPFANGEN! .. Pankrat !!

And at the parade course of the institute at this time, calls began.

Nightwall murder on the Bronnaya Street !! - howled unnatural sypret voices, spitting in the thick lights between the wheels and flashes of the lanterns on the heated June bridge. - The nightmarish appearance of the sickness of chickens at the widow Popy Drozdova with her portrait! .. Nightwall opening of the beam of the life of Professor Persikov !!

Peaches were dared so that he almost fell under the car on Mokhovoy, and fiercely grabbed the newspaper.

Three kopecks, citizen! - shouted the boy and, pushing into the crowd on the sidewalk, again overwhelmed: - "Red Evening Newspaper", opening X-beam !!

Stunned peaches deployed the newspaper and pressed against the lamppost. On the second page in the left corner in a lubricated frame looked at him bald, with insane and blind eyes, with the hint of the lower jaw, the fruit of the artistic creativity of Alfred Vronsky. "IN. I. Peacikov, who opened the mysterious red beam, "said the signature under the drawing. Below, under the heading "World Riddle", the article began with the words:

"Sit down, - a mastty student of peaches told us ..."

Under the article was a signature: "Alfred Bronsky (Alonzo)".

A greenish light took off over the roof of the university, fiery words jumped out in the sky: "Talking newspaper," and immediately the crowd burned the moss.

"Sit down!!! - Oversized suddenly in the roof on the roof the most unpleasant thin voice, quite similar to the voice of an increased one thousand times Alfred Bronsky, - the mastty-minded scientist of peaches told us! - I have long wanted to introduce the Moscow proletariat with the results of my opening ... "

A quiet mechanical violin was heard behind Persikov's back, and someone pulled him over the sleeve. Wrapped, he saw a yellow round face of a mechanical leg holder. The eyes of that were moistened with tears and the lips shuddered.

Me, Mr. Professor, you did not want to acquaint with the results of your amazing discovery, - he said sadly and took a deep breath. - My worm is missing.

He sadly looked at the roof of the university, where the invisible Alfred was noticeable in black grazing. Peach for some reason it became sorry for the fat man.

I, - he murmured, with the hatred by catching words from the sky, - no "sit down" he did not say! It's just the nakedness of extraordinary properties! You will be sorry for me, but, right, when you work and ripen ... I'm not talking about you, of course, I say ...

Maybe you me, Mr. Professor, although the description of your camera will give? - a mechanical person said in an enjoying and mournfully. - After all, you still don't care ...

From the semi-infant of the caviar for three days such a number of headsticks hatching, which is there no way to count, - roared the invisibility in the Hour.

Tu-Tu, - Ducho shouted cars on Mokhovoy.

Go-go ... You are, go, go-go, - Fucked the crowd, joining the head.

What is the barrel? BUT? - trembling with indignation, sought peaches mechanical person. - How do you like it? Yes, I will complain about him!

Outrageous! - agreed a fat man.

The dazzling purple ray hit the minds of the professor, and everything broke out - a lamppost, a piece of the end pavement, a yellow wall, curious faces.

It's you, Mr. Professor, "the fat man and hung on the sleeve of the professor, as a giri. In the air something shocked.

Well, of them all to hell! - sadly cried peaches, rushing out with the gayray from the crowd. - Hey, taxi. On the Prechistenka!

The increasing old car, the design of the 24th year, covered the sidewalk, and the professor climbed in Lando, trying to push away from the fat man.

You interfere with me, "he hitched and closed his fists from purple light.

Read?! What to do? .. Professor Persikov with kids slaughtered on a small armor! .. - shouted around in the crowd.

No kids have no kids, the kids are bitchy, "the peaches screamed and suddenly fell into the focus of the black apparatus, shot it in a profile with open mouth and violent eyes.

Crh ... TU ... CRH ... TU, - shouted the taxi and crashed into a thick.

The fat man was sitting in Lando and dried side by Professor.

Chicken history

In the county prickly town, the former Troitsk, and now Steklovsk, the Kostroma province, the glass county, on the porch of the house on the former cathedral, now a personal street came out tied with a handkerchief. A woman in a gray dress with sitse bouquets buried. This Woman, the widow of the former Cathedral Archpriest of the former Cathedral Drozdov sobbed so loudly, that the Babya heads down the house across the street in the window in a pooh scarf and exclaimed:

What are you, Stepanovna, Ali still?

Seventeenth! - Spilling in sobs, answered former Drozdov.

Ahtyi X-Ti, - Baba's head bounced and twisted, - after all, this is what? The Lord warmed up, the True Word! Yes, really died?

Yes, you look, look, Matrena, - muttered Popads, sobbing loudly and hard, - You look, what's with her!

Slapped a sulfuric wicket, dab bare feet They broke through the dusty humps of the street, and the wet from the tears of Popady led Matreus on his bird courtyard.

It must be said that the widow of the father of the Archpriest of the Savvatiya Drozdov, who died in the 26th year from antireligious grief, did not lower the hands, and founded the wonderful corruption. Only only widden things went uphill, the widow had fallen such a tax that the corobion of a little bit did not cease, kind people. They were supervised by the widow to submit to the local authorities a statement that she, the widow, bases the workshop. The Arteel was part of Drozdov herself, the faithful servant of her matryoshka and a deaf niece. The tax from the widow was removed, and the Kurovania had flourished so much that by the 28th year, the widow, on a dusty courtyard, bordered by chicken houses, went to two hundred and fifty chickens, including even Kohinhinki. Every Sunday appeared in the glass market every Sunday, we traded in Tambov in vowy eggs, and it happened that they were shown in glass shop windows The store of the former "Cheese and Chichkina oil" in Moscow.

And here is the seventeenth in a row in the morning of Bramaputra, a favorite haggard, walked around the yard, and her ripped. "ER ... RR ... Url ... Url ... go-th," the stalk, he made a stalk and rushed sad eyes in the sun as if he saw him for the last time. In front of the nose chicken chicken danced dancer Artel Matryoshka with a cup of water.

Hochlytchka, nice ... Tzak chic chick ... I'm sick of the water, - the nesting doll begged and chased the beak with a cup with a cup, but did not want to drink a stitching ... She spread the beak wide, looked up her head upwards. Then it began to break it with blood.

Mr.! - crossed guest, slamming her hips. - What is this done? One cut blood. I never seen, not to get off, so that the chicken, as a person, beside the belly.

This was the latest pile words of poor Hokhlytka. She suddenly quit on his side, helplessly dumped with a beak into dust and started his eyes. Then turned on his back, both legs looked up up and remained fixed. The bass was crying, splashing a cup, and Popads herself - Chairman Artel, and Guest leaned toward her ear and whispered:

Stepanovna, I will eat the earth that you spoiled your chickens. Where is it seen! After all, there are no such and courier diseases! This is your chicketer someone enchanted.

The enemies of my life! - exclaimed Popads to the sky. - Well, they want to lie to me with the light?

She answered her loud cock creek, and then out of the chicken coop of somehow sideways, just a restless drunkard from the beer establishment, an obdrgent roasted rooster. He brutally rolled out her eyes on them, gotten on the spot, the wings spread as an eagle, but did not fly anywhere, but began running around the yard, in a circle, like a horse on cord. In the third round, he stopped, and it was stuck, then he began to hack and hoarse, silent around himself bloody stains, turned over, and his paws stared at the Sun as masts. Women's Howl announced the courtyard. And in chicken houses he answered restless clochtanya, clapping and burning.

Well, not damage? - Victoriously asked Guest. - Calls of Father Sergius, the forest belt.

At six o'clock in the evening, when the sun was sitting low Firefare between the friends of young sunflowers, in the courtyard of the Kurovani Father Sergius, the abbot of the Cathedral Temple, having finished prayer, got out of Epitrohli. Curious heads of people sticking over the ancient fence and in the creams of it. The sorrowful Pophotus, which made to the cross, thickly droin the canary torn ruble with tears and handed his father Sergia, to which he sighing, noticed something about the fact that, they say, the Lord warmed up on us. At the same time, Sergii's father had such that he knew perfectly well why the Lord was herald, but he would not say.

We envisage the crowd from the street, and since the chickens go too early, then no one knew that the neighbor was a pop-teach rod in the chicken coop, three chickens and a rooster. They rushed as well as Drozdovsky chickens, but only death occurred in the locked chicken coop and quietly. The rooster fell from the naked down his head and ended in such a position. As for chickens of the widow, they continued immediately after the prayer, and in the evening they were dead and quiet in the in the evening, lying a crunchy bird.

The next morning the city got up as the thunder struck, because the story took the size of strange and monstrous. On a personal street by noon, only three chicken were left alive, in the extreme house where the apartment was removed by the apartment, but they died to the hour of the day. And in the evening the town of Plotovsk Rozdess and boiled, like a hive, and the Terrible Word "Mor" rolled through it. Last Name Drozdova hit the local newspaper "Red Fighter" in the article under the title: "Is the chicken plague?" And from there flashed to Moscow.

The life of Professor Persikov took a strange color, restless and exciting. In a word, it was simply impossible to work in such an atmosphere. Another day after he unleashed with Alfred Bronsky, he had to turn off his phone in the office at the Institute, removing the phone, and in the evening, driving in the tram on the Okhotny row, the professor saw himself on the roof of a huge house with black inscription "Working newspaper". He, professor, frantic, and green, and blinking, climbing in Lando Taxi, and behind him, clinging for the sleeve, climb a mechanical ball in a blanket. Professor on the roof, on the white screen, closed with fists from the purple beam. The fire inscription joined the focus: "Professor of peaches, walking in the car, gives an explanation to our famous reporter Captain Stepanov." And accurately: past the temple of Christ, along the Volkheka, slipped off the spinning car, and a professor who has been flipped in it, and his physiognomy was like a seed wolf.

These are some devils, not people, - through the teeth murmured the zoologist and drove.

The same number in the evening, returning to her Prechistenka, the zoologist received from the housekeeper Marya Stepanna seventeen notes with phone numbers, koi called him during his absence, and the verbal statement of Maria Stepanovna, that she was tortured. The professor wanted to raise the notes, but he stopped, because against one of the rooms he saw a prescription: "People's Commissioner of Health".

What? - I sincerely wondered the scientist Chudak. - What happened to them?

At ten and from the quarter of the same evening, a call was rang, and the professor was forced to talk with a certain dazzling on the decoration of a citizen. He accepted his professor thanks to the business card, which was depicted (without name and surname): "Plenipotentiary chief of commercial departments of foreign representative offices in the Republic of Soviets."

Damn it would take him, "the peaches growled, threw a magnifying glass and some charts on a green cloth and some charts and said Marie Stepanovna: - Call him here, in the office, that is the authorized. What can I serve? - asked peaches such a tone that the chef distorted somewhat. Peacikov reasured glasses from the nose to the forehead, then back and saw the visitor. He was lacquered all lacquered and precious stones, and in his right eye he was sitting monocle. "What a vile face," for some reason he thought of peaches.

Beginning the guest from afar, it was - asked for permission to smoke a cigar, as a result of which Peaches with the Big reluctant invited him to sit down. Next, the guest uttered long apologies about the fact that he came late: "But ... Mr. Professor is impossible in the afternoon in the afternoon ... heeh-hee ... sorry ... to catch" (Guest, laughing, sobbed like Hyena) .

Yes, I'm busy! - So briefly answered the peaches that the convulus was secondary by the guest.

Nevertheless, he allowed himself to disturb the famous scientist ... Time - money, as they say ... Cigar does not prevent a professor?

Mur-Mur-Moore, - answered peaches. He allowed ...

Professor after all opened a ray of life?

Have mercy, what kind of life?! This is the fiction of the newsmers! - the peaches revived.

Ah, no, heeh-he-he ... - He perfectly understands that modesty, which is the true decoration of all true scientists ... what to say about ... Today there are telegrams ... in world cities, somehow Warsaw And Riga, everything is already known about the ray. The name of Professor Persikov repeats the whole world ... The whole world monitors the work of Professor Persikov Having dried up ... But everyone is well aware of how difficult is the situation of scientists in Soviet Russia. Anthor Well Di. There are no strangers here? .. Alas, here they do not know how to appreciate scientists, so he would like to talk to a professor ... One foreign state proposes a professor of Persikov completely selfless assistance in his laboratory work. Why join the beads here, as they say in the Holy Scripture. The state is known how a hard professor had to be in the 19th and 20th year during this chi ... revolution. Well, of course, a strict mystery ... Professor will introduce the state with the results of work, and it finances professors for it. After all, he built the camera, it would be interesting to get acquainted with the drawings of this camera ...

And here the guest took a snow-white pack of paper from the inner pocket of the jacket ...

Some tribe, five thousand rubles, for example, a male, a professor can get this minute ... and the receipts do not need ... Professor will even offend the plenipotentiary trading chief, if he speaks about a receipt.

WON !!! - Suddenly the peaches rank so scary that the piano in the living room issued sound on thin keys.

The guest disappeared so that the peaches trembling from the rage after a minute and himself had already doubted whether he was, or it was hallucination.

His Kalosh?! - After a minute of peaches in the front.

They forgot, - the trembling of Mary Stepanovna answered.

Throw them out!

Where I throw them out. They will come for them.

Pass them to the House Committee. By receipt. So that there was no spirit of these Kalosh! In the Committee! Let spyware will be accepted! ..

Marya Stepanovna, hiding, took the magnificent leather kelos and carried them on a black move. There stood outside the door, and then Kalosh hid in the storage room.

Did you pass? - Baured peaches.

I have a receipt.

Yes, Vladimir Ipartić. Yes, the illiterate chair! ..

This. Give me a sec. So that. Was. Receipt. Let for him some competent Sukin Son will silent!

Marya Stepanovna only twisted his head, left and returned after a quarter of an hour with a note:

"Received a fund from prof. Persikov 1 (one) Pa Calo. Spikes. "

And what's that?


Peaches token frosting with his legs, and the receipt hid under the press. Then some thought overshadowed his steep forehead. He rushed to the phone, pulled back Pankrat at the institute and asked him: "Is everything safe?" Pankrat rushed something into the tube, from which it was possible to understand that, in his opinion, everything was safely. But peaches calmed down only one minute. I am frowning, he cling to the phone and talked to the phone:

Give me this like her, Lubyanka. MERSI ... who should be said here ... I have some suspicious subjects in Kaloshi go, yes ... Professor IV University of Peaches ...

The tube suddenly cut off the conversation. Peachov went away, grumble through the teeth some faded words.

Tea will drink, Vladimir Iparti? - Robotiously asked Maria Stepanovna, looking at the office.

I will not drink any tea ... Mur-Mur-Moore, and the features of them all ... How to whistled anyway.

Exactly ten minutes later, the professor accepted new guests in his office. One of them, pleasant, round and very polite, was in a modest, protective military french and rates. He was sitting on his nose like a crystal butterfly, pensne. In general, he reminded the angel in lacquered boots. The second, low, scary gloomy, was in civilian clothes, but the civilian one was sitting on it as if it was shy. The third guest led himself especially, he did not enter the Cabinet of the professor, but remained in a half-walled front. At the same time, the cabinet was lit and permeated with jets of tobacco smoke was visible. On the face of this third, which was also in civilian clothes, the smoky Pensna was concerned.

Two in the office completely tortured Persikov, examining business card, asking about five thousand and forcing the appearance of the guest.

Yes, the devil knows, - Bubnil peaches, - Well, nasty physiognomy. Degenerate.

And his eye does not have a glass? - asked a little hoarse.

And hell knows him. No, however, not glass, running eyes.

Rubinstein? - Angel asked in question and quietly. But he chmuro shook his head adversely.

Rubinstein will not give without receipt, in no case - he drove, - this is not Rubinstein work. There is someone more larger.

The story of Kalosh caused an explosion of the world's most interesting. Angel brought to the phone. The house office is only a few words: "The state political management of this minute calls the secretary of the Koloshov's shop in the apartment of Professor Persikov with Kaloshi," and the wheels immediately, pale, appeared in the office, holding a Kalosha in his hands.

Vassenka! - quietly called an angel of one who was sitting in the front. He sluggishly rose and as if the developed splashed in the office; The smoky glasses completely absorbed his eyes.

Well? He asked Laconically and sleepily.

Smoky eyes slid on caloes, and at the same time the peach was prettier that from under the glasses of Walk, for one moment, not sleepy, but, on the contrary, amazingly spiky's eyes. But they instantly fade.

Well, Vassenka?

The one who called Vassenka replied to a sluggish voice:

Well, what's here well. Delaykovsky Kalosh.

Immediately the Foundation lost a gift of Professor Persikov. Kalosh disappeared in newspaper paper. An extremely delighted Angel in France got up and began to press his hand to the professor and even said a little speech, the content of which came down to the following: it makes honor to the professor ... Professor may be calm ... no one will disturb him, nor at the institute, nor at home. .. measures will be accepted, the cameras of it in the most advanced security ...

And is it possible that you are shooting reporters? - asked peaches, looking over the glasses.

This question cheated extremely guests. Not only a gloomy little, but even smoking smiled in the front. Angel, sparkling and shining, explained that it is impossible.

And what is this channel I had?

Then everyone stopped smiling, and the angel replied evasively that this is so, some small jam, you should not pay attention ... Nevertheless, he is convincingly asking for a citizen of professors to keep the incident of today's evening in full secret. And guests left.

Peaches returned to the office, to the charts, but he still did not have to do. The phone threw the fiery circle, and the female voice suggested a professor if he wishes to marry widow interesting and straw, the apartment is seven rooms. Peaches overwhelmed into the tube:

I advise you to be treated at Professor Rossolimo ... - and received a second call.

Here the peaches are a little crown, because the face, a well-known face, called the Kremlin, long and sympathetically asked Persikov about his work and expressed a desire to visit the laboratory. Out of the phone, peaches wiped the forehead and took off the tube. Then the terrible pipes were raised in the upper apartment and Walkiry's screams flew, "the radio trust director has adopted a Wagner concert in the Bolshoi Trest. Peaches under howl and roar, which rolls from the ceiling, said Marier Stepanovna, that he will sue the director that he will break him this receiver that he will leave Moscow to hell, because, obviously, they set out to survive it. He broke a magnifying glass and went to sleep in the office on the sofa and fell asleep under the gentle sorts of key of the famous Pianist, who arrived from Big Theater.

Surprises continued the next day. Arriving on the tram to the institute, Peacikov found the porch of an unknown citizen in a fashionable green bowler. He carefully looked at Persikov, but did not treat him with any questions, and therefore his peaches sip. But in the front institute, in addition to the confused Pankrat, the second pot rose towards the Persikov and he was politely welcomed:

Hello, citizen professor.

What do you want? - scary asked peaches, sniffing with the help of Pankrat from himself a coat. But the bowler quickly subsided Persikov, a gentle voice in the word, that the professor is worried in vain. He, the bowler, is then here and is located to deliver professors from all sorts of annoying visitors ... that a professor can be calm not only for the cabinet door, but even behind the windows. Zasymu an unknown rejected the side of the jacket for a moment and showed a professor to some kind of icon.

Um ... However, you have a great deal, - washed the peaches and added naive: - And what will you eat here?

The bowler grinned and explained that he would be replaced.

Three days after that went great. We visited the professor twice from the Kremlin, and once there were students who the peaches examined. Students cut everything to one, and on their faces it was clear that now peaches excites them simply superstitious horror.

Enter in the conductor! You can not engage zoology, - stuck out of the Cabinet.

Strict? - asked a bowler at Pankrat.

U, not bonding God, "answered Pankrat, - if somehow and it will endure, it turns out, the dove, from the office and rushes. Seven sweats will come off. And now in the beer.

For all these divids, the professor did not notice three days, but he was returned to his fourth new life, and the reason for this was a subtle and sighty voice from the street.

Vladimir Ipatić! - shouted the voice into the open window of the office from Herzen Street. Vote was lucky: peaches too worried over the past days. At that moment, he just rested, sluggishly and relaxedly watched his eyes in the red rings and smoked in the chair. He could no longer. And therefore, even with some curiosity, he looked out the window and saw on the sidewalk Alfred Bronsky. Professor immediately recognized the titled owner of the card on a pointed hat and notepad. Bronsky gently and respectfully bowed the window.

Ah, are you? - asked Professor. He did not have enough strength to get angry, and even it seemed to see what would happen next? Covered by the window, he felt safe from Alfred. A permanent bowler on the street immediately turned his ear to the bronus. The little smile flourished in his face.

A couple of minutes, expensive professor, "the bronon spoke, straining his voice from the sidewalk, - I am only one question, and purely zoological. Let it offer?

Suggest, - Laconically and ironically answered peaches and thought: "After all, there is something American in this chamfer."

What do you say for chickens, dear professor? - shouted the bright, folding his arms with a shield.

Peaches was amazed. I sat on the window sill, then tears, pressed the button and shouted, a man's finger at the window:

Pankrat, let's fit it out of the sidewalk.

When the bronon appeared in the office, peaches so apparently his storm, which crushed him:

Sit down!

And the bright, smiling admiringly, sat on a tinting stool.

Explain to me, please, - spoke peaches, - Do you write there, in these of your newspapers?

Exactly, "Alfred answered respectfully.

And so it is not clear to me how you can write if you do not know how to speak Russian. What is this "couple of flights" and "for chickens"? You probably wanted to ask "about chickens"?

Bronsky liquid and rescuely laughed:

Valentin Petrovich corrects.

Who is this Valentin Petrovich?

Head of the literary part.

Okay. I, however, is not a philologist. In the direction of your Petrovich. What exactly do you want to know about chickens?

In general, all you say, Professor.

Here the bronx armed with a pencil. Victory sparks shot down in Persikov's eyes.

You turned to me in vain, I am not a pennant specialist. You would be the best to contact Emelyan Ivanovich Portugueva, at the I university. I personally know very little ...

The bright smiled delightedly, giving it to understand that he understood the joke of an expensive professor. "Joke is not enough!" He shouted in a notebook.

However, if you are interested, please. Chickens, or comb ... The genus of birds from chicken squad. From the family of Pheasanov ... - Peaches spoke with a loud voice and looking at the bright, and somewhere in the distance, where thousands of people were meant ... - from the family of Pheasanov ... Fazyanide. They represent the birds with a meat-skin comb and two blades under the lower jaw ... GM ... Although, however, it happens one in the middle of the chin ... well, that's more. The wings are short and rounded ... the tail of the middle length, a somewhat stepped and even, I would say, the roofy, the middle feathers are cunning ... Pankrat ... Bring out the model office model number 705, cutting cock ... however, you Not necessary? .. Pankrat, do not bring the model ... I repeat to you, I am not a specialist, go to Portugueva. Well, I personally know six kinds of dickening chickens ... GM ... Portuguev knows more ... in India and on the Malay archipelago. For example, the BANKIV's rooster, or the casint, it is found in the foothills of the Himalayas, throughout India, in Assama, in Burma ... Wilotous rooster, or Gallus Varius, on Lombok, Sumbava and Flores. And on the island of Java there is a wonderful rooster Galus Eneus, in the south-east of India I can recommend you a very beautiful zonnerite rooster ... I will then show you the drawing. As for Ceylon, we encounter the rooster walls, it is no longer working anywhere else.

Bronsky sat, having staring out his eyes, and rocked.

Something else to inform you?

I would like to know something about chicken diseases, "Alfred whispered Quietly.

Um, not a specialist I ... you are Portugueva ask ... And however ... well, tape worms, losers, chicken tick, iron jellery, bird tick, chicken, or jug, flea, chicken cholera, and diffine mucous inflammation Shells ... Pneumonomyomicosis, tuberculosis, chicken pasters ... You never know what could be ... (Sparks jumped in Persikov's eyes) ... poisoning, for example, Ferious, tumors, English disease, jaundice, rheumatism, fungus Ahorion Schiengini ... Very interesting illness. For the disease, small spots are formed on the crest, similar to mold ...

Vronsky wiped sweat from the forehead with a colored nose handkerchief.

And what, in your opinion, is Professor, the reason for the current catastrophe?

What catastrophe?

How, didn't you read, Professor? - The bronon was surprised and pulled out the gaze newspaper from the portfolio.

I do not read newspapers, - answered peaches and went out.

But why, professor? - Gently asked Alfred.

Because they write some chpuchu, - without thinking, answered peaches.

But how, Professor? - gently whispered bright and unfolded sheet.

What? - asked peaches and even rose from the spot.

Now the sparks burned in the eyes of the bronon. He emphasized the sharp, lacquered with the incredible magnitude of the title through the entire page of the newspaper: "Chicken Mor in the Republic."

How? - asked peaches, shifting glasses on his forehead ...

Moscow in June 1928

She glowed, the lights danced, Gasley and broke out. On the theatrical area, the white lights of buses, green lights trams; Over the former Mur and Meriliz, over the tenth floor-tent on him, jumped an electric multi-colored woman, throwing multi-colored words by letters: "R a b about h and y to r e d and t". In the square against the Big Theater, where the multicolored fountain beat at night, was pushing and buzzing crowd. And over the big theater, a giant ruger overwhelmed:

Anticurine vaccinations in the Lefortovo veterinary institute gave brilliant results. The number ... Chicken deaths for today's number decreased twice ...

Then, the rugers changed the timbre, knocked something in it, a green jet flashed over the theater, and a green jet fastened, and Rouger complained to bass:

An emergency commission to combat chicken plague as part of the Naroscope, the Narkomsky, head of the animal husbandry, Ptahi-Powder, Professors Persikov and Portuguez ... and Comrade Rabinovich! .. New attempts of intervention! .. - laughed and cried like a jackal, mouthpiece. - In connection with Chumina Chuma!

Theatrical passage, magnificent and lubyanka was burning white and purple stripes, splashed with rays, lied by signals, dust smoked. Crowds of the people were crowded by the walls in large list of ads lit by sharp red reflectors:

"Under the threat of the greatest responsibility is prohibited by the population to eat chicken meat and eggs. Private traders when trying to sell them in the markets are criminalized with the confiscation of all property. All citizens who own eggs should urgently pass them into the district police officers. "

On the roof of the "Working Newspaper" on the screen the chest to the very sky lay chickens, and greenish firefighters, frantic and sparkling, were watered from the hoses to them kerosene. Then the red waves went through the screen, inangering smoke swore and swallowed by shreds, plenty of jet, the fiery inscription popped out: "The burning of chicken corpses on the hiking."

Blind holes were glanced among madly flaming shop windows selling up to three o'clock in the morning, with two breaks for lunch and dinner, boiled windows under signs: "Egg Trade. For quality guarantee. " Very often, anxiously howling, overtaking heavy buses, the hissing machines with the inscription swept past the police: "Moszdranotel. Ambulance".

He fell asleep someone with rotten eggs, - rustled in the crowd.

In the Petrovsky lines, the restaurant "Ampir" was shone in green and orange lanterns, and in it on the tables, in portable phones, the cardboard signs were filled with liqueurs spots: "There is no omelet. Fresh oysters have been obtained. "

In the Hermitage, where Chinese lanterns were buried as beads in an inanimate, strangled greenery, on the killing eyes with their piercing light, the poplets of the scars and prayers were singing couplets composed by Ardo poets and Arguum.

Ah, mom, what i will do

Without eggs ?? -

and rumbled legs in a chchelet.

Theater named after Vsevolod Meyerhold, who deceased, as you know, in 1927, when setting up Pushkinsky "Boris Godunova", when trapezoids with naked boyars, threw a moving different colors with an electrical sign, who announced the play of Writer Erendorg "Kuriya Doh" in the formulation of Meyerhold Student, Honored director of the republic of the kitchen. Nearby, in the "Aquarium", overflowing with promotional lights and brightly semi-naked female body, in the grain of pop, under the thunder of the applause, was to see the writer of the Lenivcev "Kuritsyn Kids". And in Tverskaya, with lanterns on the sides of the face, the circus donkeys went with a loyalty, carried the shining posters on themselves. "The Korsha's Theater resumes" Shantecler "Rostan".

Boys-newspapers levers and removed between the wheels of the motors:

A nightmare find in the dungeon! Poland is preparing for a nightmarish war !! Nightmarity experiences of Professor Persikov !!

In the circus of former nikitin, on a pleasantly smelling manure of the brown fatnament, the deadly pale clown Bom spoke to the swollen in the cellular water to Bima:

I know why you are so sad!

Ottzio? - Picsfully asked Bim.

You buried the eggs to the ground, and the militia of the fifteenth plot found them.

Gray-ga-ga, - laughed Circus so that in the veins he was gladly and sadly blood and a trapezium and a web were treated under an old dome.

A-AP! - shrieking clowns shouting, and the fodder white horse endured wonderful beauty A woman, at slender legs, in Raciously.

Without looking at anyone, no one noticing anyone, not responding to the pushing and quiet and gentle binding of prostitutes, made his way through the moss inspirational and lonely, crowned with unexpected glory of peaches to the fiery clock at the playman. Here, without looking around, absorbed by his thoughts, he ran into a strange, old-fashioned man, prestructing with his fingers right into the wooden holster of the revolver hanging in a man on the belt.

Ah, Damn! - squeaked peaches. - Sorry.

I apologize, "answered a meeting with an unpleasant voice, and somehow they chose in the human caress. And the professor, heading for Prechistenka, immediately forgot about the collision.

It is not known whether Lefortovo veterinary vaccinations were right, whether barrier Samara squads were able, whether the steep measures taken towards eggs were successful in Kaluga and Voronezh, the emergency Moscow Commission was successfully worked, but it is well known that two weeks after the last date Persikov with Alfred in the sense of chickens in the Union of the republics was absolutely pure. Somehow in the courtyards of the county towns were lying chicken lonely feathers, causing tears in their eyes, but in hospitals the last of greedy, arriving with bloody diarrhea with vomiting. Human deaths, fortunately, the entire republic was no more than a thousand. Large unrest also did not follow. It was revealed, however, in Volokolamsk, the prophet, who argue that the case of chickens was invited by anyone else, as the commissars, but did not have special success. On the Volokolamsky Bazaar broke several policemen who took the chickens from the women, but knocked out the glass in the local postal telegraph office. Fortunately, the distillation of the Volokolamian authorities took action, as a result of which, first of all, the Prophet stopped his activities, and secondly, the glasses in the telegraph inserted.

Having reached in the north to Arkhangelsk and Symkin Sequence, Mor stopped by himself for the reason that he had nowhere to go further, - in the White Sea Chicken, as you know, do not run. He stopped in Vladivostok, for further was the ocean. On the distant south - disappeared and sat down somewhere in the scorched spaces of Ordubat, Julphs and Karabulak, and in the West, surprisingly lingered just on the Polish and Romanian borders. The climate, or there, there was different, or played the role of barrier cordonal measures taken by neighboring governments, but the fact that Mi did not go further. The overseas press is noisily, eagerly discussed unheard of the case in history, and the government of the Soviet republics, without raising any noise, it worked not to twist. The Emergency Commission for Combating Chicken Chuma has renamed the Emergency Commission to raise and revive the corobion in the republic, replenished with a new extreme triple as part of sixteen comrades. Dobrickur was founded, the honorable comrades of the chairman in which Peaches and Portuguez were entered. In the newspapers under their portraits, headlines appeared: "Mass purchases of eggs abroad" and "Mr. Yuz wants to disrupt the egg campaign." The poisonous feuilleton journalist of the ring, ending with the words: "Do not go out, Mr. Yuz, on our eggs, - you have your own!"

Professor of Peaches was completely outraged and earned in the last three weeks. Chicken events knocked him out of the gauge and poured double heaviness on him. In whole evenings, he had to work at a meeting of chicken commissions and from time to time to make long conversations with Alfred Bronsky, then with a mechanical fatman. I had to be together with Professor Portuguene and Privat-Association Ivanovo and Bornart to anatomize and microscopy chickens in search of bacyllas of plague, and even for three evenings on skouring hand Write a brochure: "On changes in liver in chickens with a chum."

Worked peaches without a special heat in the chicken area, but it is understandable: his whole head was full of others - the main and important - the fact that his chicken catastrophe disassemble, that is, a red beam. Updating your already bold health, taking off the clock at sleep and food, sometimes I do not return to the prechistenka, and falling asleep on the linen sofa in the office of the institute, the peaches of the night passed the chamber and microscope.

By the end of July, the race several subsided. The cases of the renamed commission entered the normal course, and peaches returned to disturbed work. Microscopes were charged with new drugs, in the chamber under the beam of ripe with the fabulous rapid fish and frog caviar. From Koenigsberg at the airplane, specially ordered glass was brought, and in the last numbers of July, under the supervision of Ivanov, the mechanics built two new large cameras in which the beam reached at the base of the width of the cigarette box, and in the society - a whole meter. Peaches joyfully rubbed his hands and began to prepare for some mysterious and complex experiments. First of all, he consistent with the People's Commissioner of Enlightenment, and the Tube snapped to him the most kind and promotion, and then peaches on the phone caused a companion of Ptahu-Powder, head of the livestock department at the Supreme Commission. Meting peaches from Ptahi the warmest attention. The case went on a big order abroad for Professor Persikov. Pthaha said in the phone that he immediately widespread in Berlin and New York. After that, from the Kremlin asked how Persicov was going on, and an important and affectionate voice asked if the car was needed?

No, thank you. I prefer to ride in the tram, "answered peaches.

With peach, everyone was talking at all or with respect and horror, or gently smiling as a small, though a large child.

He walks faster, "answered peaches, after which the sonorous bass answered the phone:

Well, as you wish.

She took another week, with peaches, more and more surrendering from quiet chicken issues, fully immersed in the study of the beam. He head from sleepless nights and overwork began light, as if transparent and easy. The red rings did not go now with his eyes, and almost every night peaches spent the night at the Institute. Once he left the zoological refuge, in order to make a report on his ray in the huge hall of Cternumba and about the action of him on the egg. It was a gigantic triumph of zoo-cudak. In the column hall of the arm's surge, something looked and collapsed from the ceilings, and hissing arc tubes were poured with light black tuxedo of cakes and white women's dresses. On the stage, next to the department, sat on the glass table, hard breathe and gray on a dish, a wet frog value with a cat. Astrade threw notes. Among them were seven lovers, and their peaches ripped. His power pulled out the chairman of the guard to put it. Peacikov bowed irritably, his hands were sweaty, wet, and the black tie was not sitting under the chin, but behind the left ear. In front of him in breathing and fog, there were hundreds of yellow faces and men's white breasts, and suddenly the yellow holster pistol flashed and disappeared somewhere behind the White Column. Peaches vaguely noticed and forgot. But, leaving after the report, going down on the raspberry carpet of the ladder, he suddenly felt not good. On a moment, he left black bright chandelier in the lobby, and the peach became vaguely, thrusked ... He was imagined, it seemed that the blood flows his sticky and hot around her neck ... And the professor grappled his hand.

Are you not good, Vladimir Iparti? - They pounced from all sides to alarmed voices.

No, no, - answered peaches, recovering, - I just worked out ... Yes ... Let me a glass of water.

There was a very sunny August day. He interpreted the professor, so the curtains were omitted. One flexible on the leg. The reflector threw a bunch of acute light on a glass table, rolled with tools and glasses. Dumping the back of the antifreeze chair, peaches in exhaustion smoked and through the smoke bands looked dead from fatigue, but satisfied with the eyes of the camera, where, a slightly heated, and without that silent and unclean air in the office, quietly lay the red hen beam.

On the door knocked.

Well? - asked peaches.

The door softly creaked, and entered Pankrat. He folded his hands on the seams and, pale from fear before the Divine, said this:

There before you, Mr. Professor, Rocca came.

The semblance of a smile seemed on the cheeks of the scientist. He narrowed his eyes and browned:

It is interesting. Only I'm busy.

They say that with the casual paper from the Kremlin.

I listen, with, - answered Pankrat and, as already, disappeared behind the door.

A minute later she creaked again and appeared on the verge of a man. Peaches creaked on the screw and stared at the glasses came on top of the glasses. Peacikov was too far from life - he was not interested in it, but then even the Persician rushed into the eyes of the main and main feature of the entered person. He was strange old-fashioned. In 1919, this person would be completely appropriate on the streets of the capital, he would be tolerated in 1924, at the beginning of him, but in 1928 he was strange. While the most retaining part of the proletariat - Baker - went to the jackets when Frenc was rare in Moscow - an old-fashioned suit, left finally at the end of 1924, a leather two-breasted jacket, green pants, on the legs of the winding and stakes, were rarely And on the side of a huge, old design gun Mauser in a yellow broken holster. The person who entered the same impression on Persikov as at all, is extremely unpleasant impression. Little eyes looked at the whole world amazeled and at the same time confidently, something unclear was in short foot with flat feet. PERSON OSTINA-BREAT. Peaches frowned immediately. He ruthlessly swept the screw and, looking at the earliest already on top of the glasses, and through them, Milns:

Are you with paper? Where is she?

Went, apparently, was stunned by what he saw. In general, he was little capable of embarrassing, but it was embarrassed. Judging by the eyes, he was struck first of all the cabinaries at twelve shelves, which took place in the ceiling and a bit of books. Then, of course, cameras in which, as in the hell, the raced raspberry, swollen in the glasses beam. And peaches himself in the semit of the sharp needle of the ray, which dropped out of the reflector, was enough strange and majestic in the screw chair. The alien looked into it, in which clearly jumped sparks of respect through self-confidence, no paper filed, but said:

I am Alexander Semenovich Rockk!

Well? So that?

I was appointed head of the indicative state farm "red beam," explained.

And so to you, comrade, with a secret attitude.

It would be interesting to know. Shorter if you can.

The alien unzipped the side of the jacket and took out an order printed on a magnificent tight paper. He handed him to Peach. And then without invitation sat on the tinting stool.

Do not push the table, "peaches said with hatred.

The alien looked frightly on the table, at the far edge of which in the cheese, the dark holes flicer lifeless, like emeralds, whose eyes. The cold has sunk from them.

Only peaches read the paper, he rose from herd and rushed to the phone. After a few seconds, he already spoke to hurry and to extremely irritation:

Sorry ... I can't understand ... how so? I ... without my concern, advice ... Why, after all, he knows what it makes it !!

Here the stranger turned extremely offended on the stool.

I apologize, - he began, - I am the coaster ...

But peaches waved a hook on him and continued:

Sorry, I can't understand ... I finally categorically protest. I do not give myself a sanction on experiments with eggs ... While I myself will not try them ...

Something kicked and tapped in the tube, and even published it was clear that the voice in the tube, indulgent, speaks with a small child. It ended the fact that the crimson peaches with thunder hung the phone and said by in the wall:

I wash hands.

He returned to the table, took the paper from him, read it from top to bottom down on top of the glasses, then from the bottom up through the glasses and suddenly heed:


Pankrat appeared in the doorway, as if he climbed the ladder in the opera. Peaches looked at him and snapped:

Go out, Pankrat!

And Pankrat, without expressing in his face the slightest amazement, disappeared.

Then peaches turned to the aliens and spoke:

Remote-with ... obey. It's not my business. Yes, I am not interested.

The aliens professor did not hurt so much how much was amazing.

I apologize, - he began, - you, comrade? ..

What are you all "comrade" yes "Comrade" ... - Hmuro worked peaches and smalc.

"However," Pokka wrote on the face.

So, with, please, - interrupted peaches. - Here is an arc balloon. From him you get by moving the eyepiece, - peaches clicked the camera lid, similar to the photographic apparatus, - a beam that you can assemble by moving lenses, here № 1 ... and mirror number 2, - Peaches repaid a ray, he lit up again The semi asbesto camera, and on the floor in the beam, you can decompose everything you like, and make experiments. Extremely simple, is it not true?

Peacikov wanted to express irony and contempt, but the newcomer did not notice them, carefully brilliant eyes peeping into the chamber.

Just warning, "the peaches continued," the hands should not be poked in a beam, because, according to my observations, he raises the growing epithelium ... And they could not establish a malign-qualityly, I could not yet establish.

Here the alien hid his hands behind his hands, dropping the leather card, and looked at the arms of the professor. They were blocked by iodine, and the right in the brush is bandaged.

And what about you, professor?

You can buy rubber gloves at Schwab on Kuznetsk, - Professor answered irritably. - I am not obliged to take care of it.

Here the peaches looked at the aliens as if in a magnifying glass:

Where did you come from? In general ... why are you? ..

Rocca finally offended strongly.

After all, you need to know what's the matter! .. Why did you cling to this ray? ..

Because it is the greatest importance ...

Yeah. The greatest? Then ... Pankrat!

And when Pankrat appeared:

Wait, I'll think about it.

And Pankrat submissively disappeared.

I, - spoke peaches, "I can't understand what: why does such a hurry and secret need?

You, professor, have already shot down me with the pantalyk, "Rockk answered," you know that the chickens are completely abhorrent to one.

So what of this? - screamed peaches. - What do you want to resurrect them instantly, or what? And why with the help of a not studied beam?

Comrade Professor, - answered Rockk, - You, honestly, knock me. I tell you that we need to resume the kerking, because all sorts of nasty are written abroad. Yes.

And let yourself write ...

Well, you know, "Rockk answered mysteriously and twisted his head.

Who would love to know, came to mind the thought of raising chickens from eggs? ..

I, - answered Rockk.

Yep ... tack-s ... And why, let me know? How did you know about the properties of the beam?

I, Professor, was on your report.

I didn't do anything with eggs! .. Just going!

She, God, will come out, "Rockc said convincingly and sincerely," your ray is such a famous that even elephants can grow, not only chickens.

You know what, - Brushed peaches, - Are you not a zoologist? not? It is a pity ... a very bold experimenter would be out of you ... yes ... only you risks ... get a fail ... and only I take time ...

We will refund the camera. What means?..

Yes, I will bring the first batch.

How do you confidently say! Good with. Pan-short!

I have people with me, "Rockk said, - and guard ...

By evening, the Cabinet of Persikov Osapotel ... the tables were empty. Rockka people took three large cameras, leaving the professor only the first, his little, with which he began experiments.

The July twilight came, the Serness took possession of the institute, flew along the corridors. Monotonous steps were heard in the office - these are peaches, without burning fire, measured a large room from the window to the door ... A strange thing: In this evening, it is inexplicable a walled mood of mastered people inhabiting the institute, and animals. For some reason, the toads raised a particularly dressed concert and shrinking sinister and warningly. Pankrata had to catch the horns in the corridors, who left his cameras, and when he caught him, the view of the horned, as if he gathered where her eyes look, if only to leave.

In the deep twilight, the call from the Cabinet Persikov sounded. Pankrat appeared on the threshold. And he saw a strange picture. The scientist stood lonely in the middle of the cabinet and looked at the tables. Pankrat coughed and froze.

Here, Pankrat, - said peaches and pointed to the empty table.

Pankrat was horrified. It seemed to him that the eyes of the professor at twilight were crying. It was so unusually, so scary.

So accurately, "Pankrat answered twisted and thought:" Better would you spoke on me! "

Here, - repeated the peaches, and his lips drown in the same way as the child who took away from any beloved toy.

You know, dear Pankrat, "the peaches continued, turning around to the window," my wife left, who went fifteen years ago, she did to the lap, and now she died, it turns out ... Here is the story, Pankrat, cute ... I have a letter sent ...

The toads shouted complaints, and twilight dressed a professor, so she ... Night. Moscow ... Somewhere some white balls behind the windows light up ... Pankrat, confused, wandered, kept his hands on the seams ...

Go, Pankrat, - Heavyly pulled the professor and waved his hand, - Go to bed, nice, darling, Pankrat.

And night comes. Pankrat ran out of the cabinet for some reason on tiptoe, ran into his cupcake, ruptured rags in the corner, pulled him from under him a puddled bottle of Russian bitter and swapped around a tea glass. Dressed bread with salt, and his eyes are somewhat cheerful.

Late in the evening, closer to midnight, Pankrat, sitting by barefoot on a bench in Skupor lit by the lobby, spoke to a sleepless duty bowler, scratching his chest under the sortshie shirt:

Better b killed her, bo ...

Surely cried? - Curiosity asked the bowler.

She ... Bo ... - assured Pankrat.

The great scientist, "the bowler agreed, - it is known, the frog of his wife will not replace.

In no way, "Pankrat agreed.

I'm thinking of writing my babe ... What does she really sit in the village. Only she reptiles do not make it nipoch ...

What to say, the dirtiff is terrible, - agreed the bowler.

From the Cabinet of the scientist, no sound was heard. Yes, and there was no light in it. There was no strip under the door.

History in state farm

Positively there is more good time than a ripe August in Smolensk at least province. The summer of 1928 was, as famous, the most famous, with rains in the spring on time, with a full hot sun, with a great harvest ... Apples in the former estate of Sheremetevi ripe ... The forests of green, the yellow squares lay the fields ... a person is better becoming On the lap of nature. And Alexander Semenovich would have not been so unpleasant, as in the city. And no other jackets on it. The face of his copperly tanned, the stente unbuttoned shirt showed the chest, which peeling the thick black hair, there were cansisic pants on his feet. And his eyes calmed down and supposed.

Alexander Semenovich fled lively from the porch with a colonnade, the sign was nailed under the star:

Sovzhoz "Red Ray"

and straight to the car-semi-Russian, bringing three black cameras under the protection.

All day, Alexander Semenovich worked with his assistants, installing cameras in the former winter garden - Sheremetev's greenhouse ... in the evening everything was ready. A white, matte ball caught fire under the glass ceiling, the cameras were installed on the bricks, and the mechanic who came with cameras, sinquent and rotating shiny screws, lit on the asbestos floor in black boxes a red mysterious beam.

Alexander Semenovich slapped, brought himself on the stairs, checking the wires.

The next day, he returned from the station the same semi-Russian and spacked three boxes with a magnificent smooth plywood, circular labels and white on black background inscriptions:

Vorsicht.: EIER!!

Caution: Eggs !!

What was sent so little? - Alexander Semenovich was surprised, but immediately walked and began to unpack eggs. Unpacking took place in the same greenhouse, and participated in it: Alexander Semenovich himself, his extraordinary thickness wife, man, curve, a former gardener former Sheremethev, and now serving in the state farm at a universal postman's post, guardian, guarded to live in state farm, and Cleaner Dunya. This is not Moscow, and everything here was more simple, family and friendly. Alexander Semenovich ordered, lovingly looking at the boxes that looked like such a solid compact gift under the gentle climbing light of the upper glasses of the orangene. The guardian, whose rifle was peacefully dreamed at the door, the ticks were hacked fastened and metal sheat. Standing Crack ... Dust poured. Alexander Semenovich, Sleeping Sandals, fussed near the boxes.

You are hiding, please, he said to the guard. - Careful. Well, you do not see - eggs? ..

Nothing, the county warrior treasured, rude, - now ...

Trp-rr ... And dust flew out.

Eggs turned out to be packaged perfectly: under a wooden lid was a layer of paraffin paper, then shelled, then he followed the thick layer of chips, then the sawdust and the white heads of eggs were blocked.

Foreign Packaging, - Alexander Semenovich said lovingly, swinging in sawdust - this is not what we have. Manya, careful, you will beat them.

You, Alexander Semenovich, squeezed, - answered his wife, - what gold, think. What am I, never seen eggs? Oh! .. What big!

Zagred, - said Alexander Semenovich, laying eggs on the wooden table, - Is it our men's eggs ... everything is probably Bramas, damn them! German ...

The famous business, - confirmed the guardian, admiring the eggs.

Just do not understand what they are dirty, "said Alexander Semenovich thoughtfully. - Manya, you look after. Let be further discharged, and I go to the phone.

And Alexander Semenovich went to the telephone at the office of the Counsel through the courtyard.

In the evening in the office of the Zoological Institute switched the phone. Professor Peacikov huck out her hair and approached the device.

Well? - he asked.

The province will now speak with you, - quietly, with hissing, with a female voice with a hiss.

Well. I listen, - the peaches asked the peaches into the black mouth of the phone ... Something climbed something, and then a distant male voice said in the ear to alarmed:

Wash eggs, professor?

What? What? What are you asking? - I was annoyed peaches. - How do they say?

From Nikolsky, Smolensk province, - answered the tube.

I do not understand anything. No Nicolsky know. Who is it?

Rockk, - Sureovo said the tube.

What rokc? Oh, yes ... that's you ... so what are you asking?

Whether to wash them? .. sent me a batch of eggs from the border ...

And they are in a mud in some ...

Something you confuse ... how can they be in the "mud", how do you express? Well, of course, maybe a little ... littering a sleeve ... or something else ...

So wash?

Of course, no need ... What do you want to charge the cameras with eggs?

I charge. Yes, - answered the tube.

Um, - whipped peaches.

So far, the tube and stych talked.

"So far," the privat-associate professor Ivanov repeated with hatred. - How do you like this type, Peter Stepanovich?

Ivanov laughed.

It is he? I imagine that he will arouse there from these eggs.

D ... d ... d ... - spoke peaches viciously, - you imagine, Peter Stepanovich ... well, beautiful ... It is very possible that the beam will have the same action on the deuteroplasm of chicken eggs as on the plasma naked. It is very possible that his chickens will hatch. But after all, neither you nor I can say what kind of chickens will be ... maybe they are neither the hell are not suitable chickens. Maybe they will die in two days. Maybe there is no place! But would I charge that they will stand on their feet? Maybe they have breakdown bones. - Peaches entered Azart and waved his palm and bent my fingers.

Completely, - Ivanov agreed.

You can vouch, Peter Stepanovich, what will they give generation? Maybe this type will bring sterile chickens. It will catch them up to the magnitude of the dog, and the offspring from them are waiting to the second coming.

It is impossible to vouch, - Ivanov agreed.

And what a disconneness, "the peaches devoted to himself, - some kind of bogacity! And after all, notice that this coolness is instructed to instruct. - Peaches pointed to the paper delivered by Roccomi (she was lying on the experimental table) ... "And how I will be ignorant, to tell you, when I myself can say anything on this issue.

But it was impossible to refuse? - asked Ivanov.

Peaches scraped, took the paper and showed it to Ivanov. He read it and ironically grinned.

M-yes ... - he said meaningfully.

And after all, notice ... I wait for my order for two months, and there is no hear about him. And this instantly sent eggs, and in general all the assistance ...

No damn it will be released, Vladimir Iparti. And just end the cameras will be returned to you.

Yes, if it were rather, otherwise they are my experiments delay.

Yes, this is bad. Everything is ready for me.

Did you get the Spacks?

Yes today.

Peaches calmed a little and revived.

Yeah ... I think we will do that. The operating doors can be tightly closed, and we will open the window ...

Of course, Ivanov agreed.

Three helmets?

Well, with ... You, I, I, and someone from students can be called. Let him give him a third helmet.

Greenmouth can be.

This is what you have now on salamandra? .. GM ... he is nothing ... Although, let him, in the spring he could not say how the swimming bubble is arranged at the holo-darkness, "the peaches gladly added.

No, he is nothing ... He is a good student, "Ivanov interpreted.

We will have to do not sleep one night, "the peaches continued," only that, Peter Stepanovich, you check the gas, and then the hell knows them, these kinds of them. Spent any nasty.

No, no, - and Ivanov added hands, - Yesterday I already tried. We need to give them justice, Vladimir Iparti, excellent gas.

Have you tried on com?

On ordinary toad. Let the trickle - instantly dying. Yes, Vladimir Iparti, we will do so. You write the attitude in Gepetu to send you an electric revolver.

Yes, I do not know how to contact him ...

I take it on myself, "Ivanov answered," we shot out of him from him, for the sake of a joke ... There was one hepeour next to me ... a wonderful thing. And just extremely ... beats silently, steps per hundred and pushed. We fired in the raven ... In my opinion, even the gas is not needed.

Um ... This is a witty idea ... Very, - Peaches went to the corner, took the phone and quincov ...

Give me this, like her ... Lubyanka ...

Days stood hot to an eye. Over the fields it was clearly clear how the transparent, bold heat was overflowed. And the nights are wonderful, deceptive, green. The moon of shining and such beauty brought to the former Sheremetev's extension that it is impossible to express it. Palace-state farm, like sugar, glowed, trembled in the park, trembled, and the ponds became two-color in half - the moonlock, and half the bottomless darkness. In the stains of the moon, you could freely read "Izvestia", with the exception of the chess department of a small laparland. But in such nights no one "news", a clear thing, did not read ... Dunya-cleaner turned out to be in a grove for the state farm, and there it turned out to be, as a result of the coincidence, the redhead chauffeur of the concurrent state-made semi-year. What they did there - unknown. They were sheltered in the fragile shadow of the Elm, right on the dismoccated shouffer coat. The light was burning in the kitchen, two gardeners had dinner, and Madame Rockk sat in a white hood on a column veranda and dreamed, looking at the beautiful moon.

At ten o'clock in the evening, when the sounds in the village ending, located behind the state farm, the idyllic landscape was announced with the adorable, delicate phleet sounds. It is unthinkable to express, what they were appropriate over groves and the former columns of the Sheremetevsky Palace. Fragile Lisa from the "peak lady" mixed up his voice with a voice of passionate Polina in a duet and carved himself in the lunar, as the vision of the old and still infinitely cute, to the tears of the enchanting regime.

Fade ... fuss ... -

whistler, overflowing and sighing, flute.

Frozen groves, and Dunya, the disastrous, like a forest mermaid, listened to the cheek to the tough, red and courageous cheek of the chauffeur.

And he thwarts well, Sukin Son, "said the driver, hugging the Dunya for the waist by a courageous hand.

He played on the flute himself head of state farm Alexander Semenovich Rokk, and played, you need to give him justice, excellent. The fact is that the once Flute was a specialty Alexander Semenovich. Up until 1917, he served in the famous concert ensemble of Maestro Petukhov, black and eyely announced by the slim sounds of the foyer of cozy cinema "Magic dreams" in the city of Ekaterinoslava. But the Great 1917, who broke the career of many people, and Alexander Semenovich led on new ways. He left the "magic dreams" and dusty star satin in the lobby and rushed into the open sea of \u200b\u200bwar and revolution, changing the flute to the destructive Mauser. His long threw on the waves, repeatedly splashing in the Crimea, then in Moscow, then in Turkestan, even in Vladivostok. I needed the revolution that was completely identifying Alexander Semenovich. It turned out that this person is positively large and, of course, not in the lobby "Dream" to sit. Without going into long details, let's say that the last 1927 and the beginning of the 28th year caught Alexander Semenovich in Turkestan, where he, first of all, edited a huge newspaper, and envisage, as a local member of the Higher Economic Commission, became famous for his amazing work By irrigation of the Turkestan Territory. In 1928, Rockk arrived in Moscow and received a well-deserved rest. The highest commission of the organization whose ticket with honor was in his pocket a provincial-old-fashioned man, appreciated him and appointed him a calm and honorable post. Alas! Alas! On the mountain of the Republic of the pussy brain Alexander Semenovich, in Moscow, Rocca collided with the invention of Persikov, and in the rooms on Tverskaya "Red Paris" was born from Alexander Semenovich the idea, as with the help of a peach beam to revive during the month of chickens in the republic. Rocca listened to the Livestock Commission, agreed with him, and Rocca came with a dense paper to the crank zoologist.

The concert over the glass waters and groves and the park has already walked towards the end, as something suddenly happened that it interrupted it ahead of time. It was, in the end of the dog, whom on time, should have to sleep, suddenly raised the unbearable Lai, who gradually moved into a common agonizing howl. Howl, rushing, flew around the fields, and at some suddenly replied a cracker in a million votes a concert of frogs on the ponds. It was all so terrible, which seemed even for a moment, as if a mysterious, witch night.

Alexander Semenovich left Fleut and went to the veranda.

Manya. Do you hear? Here are damned dogs ... What are they, what do you think, have been missing?

How do I know? - answered the man, looking at the moon.

You know, Manechka, let's go at the testicles, "Alexander Semenovich suggested.

By God, Alexander Semenovich, you completely stirred with your eggs and churars. Rest you a little!

No, Manechka, let's go.

Bright ball burned in the greenhouse. Dunya came with a burning face and shine eyes. Alexander Semenovich gently opened the control glasses, and everyone began to look inside the chambers. On the white asbestos floor lay the right red eggs, bright red eggs, were silent in the chambers ... And the ball at the top of 15,000 candles sniffed softly ...

Eh, I will withdraw the chickens! - Alexander Semenovich spoken with enthusiasm, looking at the side of control slides, then on top, through wide ventilation holes. - You will see ... What? Will not reveal?

And you know, Alexander Semenovich, - said Dunya, smiling, - men in the end said that you were an antichrist. It is said that your eggs are devilish. Sin with a car to output. You wanted to kill you.

Alexander Semenovich flinched and turned to his wife. The face of his yellow.

Well, what do you say? Here are the people! Well, what will you do with such a nation? BUT? Manechka, you will need to make them a meeting ... Tomorrow call from the county of workers. I'll tell you myself. It will be necessary to work altogether here ... And then this is a bearish angle ...

Darkness, "the guardian, located on his sheel at the door of the Orangeneie.

The next day was marked by strange and inexplicable incidents. In the morning, at the very first shine of the sun, groves that welcomed usually shone the ineffable and powerful rims of birds, met with full silence. It was observed resolutely by everyone. As if before the thunderstorm. But there was no thunderstorm and in messenger. The conversations in the state farm accepted a strange and ambiguous for Alexander Semenovich, and in particular, because by the words of the uncle on the nicknamed google, famous confused, and the sage from the ending, it became known that allegedly all the birds gathered in the shoals and at dawn were removed somewhere From Sheremeteva Won, north, which was just stupid. Alexander Semenovich was very upset and spent the whole day to phoned with the city of Grachevka. From there they promised Alexander Semenovich to send the days through two speakers into two topics - the international situation and the question of "good-kura".

The evening was also not without surprises. If the groves were silent in the morning, it was quite clear how suspiciously unpleasant silence among the trees, if the Sparrow sparrows were removed at noon, then by the evening there is a pond in Sheremetevka. It was truly amazing, for everyone in the vicinity of the forty miles was perfectly known for the famous Sheremetyevsky frogs. And now they seemed to be extinct. From the pond, I had a single voice and there was a silent of the SC. It is necessary to admit that Alexander Semenovich finally upset. These incidents began to interpret, and to interpret the most unpleasant way, that is, behind Alexander Semenovich's back.

Indeed, it is strange, Alexander Semenovich his wife said at the dinner, "I can't understand why this birds need to fly away?"

How do I know? - answered Manya. - Maybe from your beam?

Well, you, Manya, the ordinary fool, - Alexander Semenovich replied, throwing a spoon, - you are like men. What does the beam here?

I do not know. Leave me alone.

In the evening, the third surprise occurred - again the dogs at the end, and after all, how! Above the lunar fields stood a continuous moan, evil dusty wedding.

A few Alexander Semenovich rewarded himself a surprise, but already enjoyable, namely in the greenhouse. In the chambers, a continuous knock in red eggs began to be heard. Currents ... currents ... currents ... currents ... pounded in one, then in the other, then in the third egg.

The knock in the eggs was a triumphal knock for Alexander Semenovich. We immediately forgotten strange incidents in the grove and on the pond. Everything was agreed in the greenhouse: both Manya, and Dunya, and the guard, and the guard, who left the rifle at the door.

Well? What do you say? - Alexander Semenovich's victoriously asked. Everything with curiosity tilted the ears to the door of the first chamber. "These are kerats knock, chickens," continued, Silay, Alexander Semenovich. - Will not bring chickens, say? No, my dear. - And from an excess of feelings, he patted the guard on the shoulder. - to bring such that you are ahnet. Now I have to look at both, "he added strictly. - A little just start to get it, now I will give to know.

Well, the watchman, Dunya and Festior answered the choir.

Taki ... Taki ... Taki ... boiled in one, then in the other egg the first chamber. Indeed, the picture on the eyes of an emerging new life in a thin-screen skinned peel was so interesting that all the society spent for a long time on the tilted empty boxes, looking like crumpled eggs in the mysterious shimmering light. They went to bed pretty late when a greenish night broke over the state farm and surroundings. She was mysterious and even, it can be said, terrible, probably because it violated her full silence. That's the matter is the beginningless dying and novice dog in the end. What cursed dogs shared are completely unknown.

Numbered Alexander Semenovich expected trouble. The guardian was extremely confused, his hands put to his heart, swear and she did not sleep, but did not notice anything.

The incomprehensible thing, "the guard assured," I'm not happy here, Comrade Rockk.

Thank you, and I am grateful from the heart, Alexander Semenovich sprawl, - what are you, comrade, think? Why attached you? Look. So you tell me, where did they go? After all, they hatched? So drew. So you left the door open and left themselves. So that there were me chickens!

Nowhere to walk. What I don't know my business, - finally the warrior was offended - that you are trying to give me a gift, Comrade Rockk!

Wise people they cheat?

Yes, I sincer know, "the warrior finally blew himself, - what am I who, how do I specify? Why do I miss? Watch the cameras no one is superpected, I fulfill my position. Here you have cameras. And I do not owe your chickens by law. Who knows it, what chickens you will hatch, maybe they do not catch it on the bike!

Alexander Semenovich somewhat messenger, they will more effect something and fell into a state of amazement. The thing was actually strange. In the first chamber, which was charged before all, two eggs, placing the very foundation of the beam, were hacked. And one of them even rolled to the side. The shell was lying on asbestos floor, in the beam.

Damn them knows, "Alexander Semenovich mumbled," the windows are locked, not through the roof they flew away!

He pulled his head and looked there, where there were several wide holes in the roof glass binding.

What you, Alexander Semenovich, was extremely surprised by the Danny, "the chickens will fly to you. They are there somewhere ... Zakch ... Tick ... Zakch ... - She began to shout and look into the corners of the greenhouse, where dusty floral vases were stood, some boards and trash. But no chickens responded anywhere.

The whole composition of the employees of the hour was running around the court of the state farm, looking for agile chickens, and did not find anything anywhere. The day passed extremely excitedly. The chambers of the cameras were still watched, and there was a strictest order every quarter of an hour to look into the windows of the chambers and, just that, call Alexander Semenovich. The guardian sat in the doorway, holding a rifle between the knees. Alexander Semenovich performed perfectly and only in the second hour of the day he had taken place. After dinner, he slept an hour in a cool shadow on the former Ottoman Sheremetyeva, Sovvozhozovsky cracked kvass got drunk, went to the greenhouse and made sure that now everything is in perfect order there. The old man guard lying the belly on the rogger and, blinking, looked into the top chamber control glass. The guard awake, without leaving the door.

But there were news: eggs in the third chamber charged later, they began to somehow smack and troce, as if someone sobbed inside them.

Wow, rustle, "said Alexander Semenovich," this is growing, now I see. Did you see? - He treated the watchman ...

Yes, it's a wonderful thing, "the one replied, shaking his head and a completely ambiguous tone.

Alexander Semenovich sat down a little at the cameras, but with him no one hatched, he rose from the squat, sinking and stated that he didn't go anywhere from the estate, but only would pass on the pond to redeem, and in the case of which, immediately caused him. He ran to the palace in the bedroom, where there were two narrow spring beds with crumpled linen and on the floor was piles of green apples and Mountains cooked for future broods, armed with a shaggy towel, and thinking, captured with me and flute so that Leisure to play the water stroke. He cheerfully ran out of the palace, crossed the courtyard of the state farm and headed for a pond on Yves alleka. Rockc walked cheerfully, waving a towel and holding a flute under his arm. The sky poured so much through the willow, and the body was spent and asked to the water. On the right hand, Rocca began a thicket of Lopukhov, in which he, passing, spat. And immediately in the depths of the raspberry confusion he was heard by Shurshanye, as if someone was wrapped in a log. Feeling a fleeting unpleasant sucking in the heart, Alexander Semenovich turned his head to the thicket and looked in surprise. The pond has not been responding with any sounds for two days. The rustling of the smalcot, on top of Lopukhov flashed an attractive state of a pond and a gray roof of a shopping center. Several dragonflies were drenched in front of Alexander Semenovich. OI, I already wanted to turn to the Wooden Roads, as suddenly the rustle in the greenery was repeated and a short peculation joined him, as if oil and steam from the locomotive were extended. Alexander Semenovich was alerted and began to pee in a deaf wall of weed overlook.

Alexander Semenovich, - The voice of Rocca's wife sounded at this moment, and his white blouse flashed, disappeared, but again flashed in Malinnik. "Wait, I'll go swimming too."

The wife was in a hurry to the pond, but Alexander Semenovich did not answer her, all challenged to the burdocks. The grayish and olive log began to rise from their age, growing in front of their eyes. Some wet yellowish stains seemed to Alexander Semenovich, lit a log. It began to stretch, flexing and stirring, and stretched so high that it was overtaken by a low cortic Ivi ... Then the top of the log was abandoned, slightly leaned, and there was something that resembles an electric Moscow Stillet to Alexander Semenovich. But only this something has been times three times the pole and much more beautiful than it, thanks to the scaly tattoo. I don't understand anything yet, but already a cold, Alexander Semenovich looked at the top of a terrible pillar, and the heart stopped in it for a few seconds. It seemed to him that Moroz hit suddenly in the August day, and before his eyes it became so twilight, rightly he looked into the sun through the summer pants.

At the top end of the log turned out to be a head. It was flattened, pointed and decorated with a yellow round spot along the olive background. Lained eyelids, open ice and narrow eyes sitting in the roof of the head, and in the eyes of these flickering completely unprecedented malice. The head did such a movement, as if he pecked the air, the entire pillar got into the lops, and only some eyes remained and, not blinking, looked at Alexander Semenovich. Then, covered by sticky, then uttered four words, completely incredible and caused by counterfeit fear. So good were these eyes between the leaves.

What is this joke ...

Then he remembered that Fakira ... Yes ... Yes ... India ... Wicker basket and picture ... Cut.

The head reappeared again, and began to go to the body. Alexander Semenovich brought the flute to her lips, squeaked hoarsely and played, choking him every second, Waltz from Evgenia Onegin. The eyes in the greenery immediately caught fire with the irreconcilable hatred of this opera.

What are you, fobby, what are you playing at the heat? - I heard a cheerful voice of Mani, and somewhere the edge of the eyes rightly caught Alexander Semenovich White Spot.

Then the treasure squeal penetrated the entire state farm, scattered and took off, and the waltz dug out, as with the foot overnight. The head of the greenery rushed forward, her eyes left Alexander Semenovich, letting him go to repentance. The snake is approximately fifteen Arshin and a human thickness, like a spring, jumped out of Lopukhov. The dust cloud sprawled from the road, and the waltz ran out. The snake waved past the head of the state farm right where there was a white blouse on the road. Rockk saw quite clearly: Manya became yellow-white and her long hair, like wire, rose to Paul Arshin over her head. The snake in the eyes of Rocca, the opening for a moment the mouth, from which something similar to the plug was emerged, grabbed his teeth to Manya, settled in the dust, for his shoulder, so he pulled her to Arshin over the ground. Then Manya repeated the cutting suicide cry. The snake was erupted by a five-plated screw, her tail trembled to her a tornado, and began to put pressure. She no longer published a single sound, and only Rocca heard how her bones burst. High above the ground pulled the head mani, gently clinging to the snake cheek. From the mouth of Mani splashed blood, the broken hand jumped out, and blood fountains splashed from under the nails. Then the snake, dislocating the jaw, revealed the mouth and once put on his head on the head of Mani and began to put on her like a glove on her finger. From the snake in all directions, there was such a hot breathing that it touched the face of Rocca, and the tail almost dares it from the road in the dust eater. Here is something Rocca and has tripled. First left and then the right half of it is black, like a boot, heads were covered with silver. In the mortal nausea, he finally broke away from the road and, nothing and no one seeing the surroundings of the wild roar, rushed to run ...

Live porridge

Agent of state political governance at the station Dugino Schukin was a very brave person. He thoughtfully told his comrade, reddish:

Well, let's go. BUT? Let's motorcycle. - Then there was a silent and added, referring to a person who was sitting on the bench: - Put the flute.

But the gray-haired man on the bench, in the room of the Duginsky GPU, did not put flutes, and I was crying and climbed. Then Schukin and Poland realized that the flute should be removed. Fingers sank to her. Schukin, distinguished by a huge, almost circus force, became a finger over his finger to bend and captured everything. Then the flute was put on the table.

It was an early sunny morning following the death of mana's day.

You will go with us, "said Schukin, turning to Alexander Semenovich," we show us where and what. "But Rockk was horrified by him and his hands closed like a terrible vision."

No, leave it. See, a person is not in himself.

Send me to Moscow, "I cry, I asked Alexander Semenovich.

Will you not return to state farm at all?

But Rocca instead of the answer again departed with his hands, and the horror of the drowshes from his eyes.

Well, okay, "Schukin decided," you really can not ... I see. " Now the courier will go, with him and go.

Then Schukina with Polands, while the station station was disappeared by Alexander Semenovich Water and he was lying with his teeth on a blue knocked mug, a meeting occurred. Polands believed that in general there was nothing of it, but simply Rokc mentally, and he had a terrible hallucination. Schukin was leaning toward the thought that from the city of Grachevka, where the Circus was currently toured, ran away by a remote controller. Having heard their doubting whisper, Rocca has brought. He came to himself somewhat and said, stretching his hands, as a biblical prophet:

Listen to me. Listen. What do you do not believe? She was. Where is my wife?

Schukin became silent and serious and immediately gave some telegram in the rhechevka. The third agent, by order of Schukin, began to be relentlessly under Alexander Semenovich and had to accompany him to Moscow. Schukin and Poland began to prepare for the expedition. They had only one electric revolver, but it was already a pretty defense. The fifty-charged model of the 27th year, the pride of French technology for a close battle, beat only one hundred steps, but gave the field two meters in diameter and in this field all the lively killed. It was very difficult to miss. Schukin put on a brilliant electric toy, and the ordinary twenty-four-charged waist machine gunner, took the clip, and on one motorcycle, in the morning dee and chill, they rolled down the highway to the state farm. The motorcycle spacked twenty miles, separating the station from the state farm, in a quarter of an hour (Rockc walked all night, then and then hiding in the seizures of mortal fear of roadside grass), and when the sun began to have a significantly squeeze, on the hill, under which the river hung up, looked sugar With columns Palace in greenery. Dead silence stood around. At the entrance to the state farm, the agents overtook the peasant at the vein. That spill slowly loaded by some bags, and soon stayed behind. The motorcycle was running along the bridge, and the bare shoved into the horn to call someone. But no one has responded anywhere, with the exception of remote dancer dogs in the end. Motorcycle, slowing down the move, went to the gate with green lions. Draised agents in yellow walkrs jumped up, closed the chain with the castle to the binding of the lattice and entered the courtyard. Silence hit them.

Hey, who is there! - Schukin called loudly.

But no one responded to his bass. The agents went around the courtyard around, more and more surprised. Polands frowned. Schukin began to look seriously, more and more frowning bright eyebrows. Looking through closed window In the kitchen and saw that there was no one there, but the entire floor was assured with white fragments of dishes.

You know, something really happened to them. I now see. A catastrophe, - Polands Poland.

Hey, who is there! Hey! - Shchukin shouted, but he answered only echo under the cuisine.

Damn them know! - Ground Schukin. "After all, she could not squeeze them all at once." Or fought. We go to the house.

The door in the palace with a column veranda was open, and it was completely empty in it. The agents were even in the mezzanine, knocked and opened all the doors, but did not achieve anything strongly and through the extinct porch again went to the courtyard.

Walk around. To the greenhouses, "Schukin ordered," everything is worse, and there it will be possible to protefe myself.

On the brick track, the agents went, bypassing the flower, on the backyard, crossed it and saw the orange glasses.

Wait, "Shchukin noticed in a whisper and drove off the revolver belt. Polatis was alerted and removed the machine gunlet. A strange and very dormant sound stretched into a greenhouse and somewhere for her. It seemed that there was a steam locomotive somewhere. Zau-Zau ... Zau-Zau ... S-s-s-s-s ... - Skeid Orangery.

Well, carefully, "Schukin whispered, and, trying not to knock with heels, the agents moved to the glasses and looked into the greenhouse.

He immediately leaned back, and his face became pale. Schukin opened his mouth and froze with the revolver in his hand.

The whole greenhouse lived like a wormal porridge. Twister and developing in the tangles, spike and turning, shaking and shaking their heads, on the floor of the greenhouse crawled huge snakes. The broken shell was lying on the floor and crunched under their bodies. At the top pale burned the huge power of the electric ball, and from this all the inside of the greenhouse was illuminated by strange cinematic light. On the floor, three dark, like photographic, huge drawers, two of them, shifted and swamped, were extinct, and in the third, a small dense-raspberry light spot. Snakes of all sizes crawled along the wires, climbed over the bindings of the frames, got out through the holes in the roof. On the electrical ball itself hung a completely black, spotted snake in several Arshin, and her head swung at the ball as a pendulum. Some rattles risks in hissing, from the greenhouse pulled a strange putrerian, as if the pond smell. And they still vaguely saw the agents of pile of white eggs, lying in dusty angles, and a strange gigantic tireless trot, lying still at the cameras, and the human corpse in gray at the door, next to the rifle.

Back, - Shchukin shouted and began to go sneak, left handed out of his reel and raising the Rent Revolver. He managed to shoot nine times, checked and throwing greenish lightning near the greenhouse. The sound is terribly strengthened, and in response to Shchukin shooting, the entire greenhouse came to the mad movement, and the flat heads were blocked in all holes. Thunder immediately began to ride throughout the state farm and play with reflections on the walls. Chah-chah-chah-tach, - shot a bale, retreating back. A strange four-panel rustier was heard behind his back, and I suddenly shouted scary, falling on the jurisdiction. The creature in the paws twisted, brown-green, with a huge sharp look, with a comb-tail, similar to the terrible sizes of a lizard, rolled out from behind the corner of the shed and, fiercely having a foot to his left, knocked him down on the ground.

Help, "Polatis shouted, and immediately his left hand fell into the mouth and said, he, with his right hand, trying to raise her in vain, took the revolver on the ground. Schukin turned and noticed. Since he managed to shoot, but he took a lot to the side, because he was afraid to kill his comrade. The second time he shot in the direction of the greenhouse, because from there, among small snakes, one huge, olive, and the torso jumped right towards him. By this shot, he killed a giant snake and again, jumping and spinning near the bare, half-dimensional already in the mouth of the crocodile, chose a place where to shoot to kill a terrible reptile, not a tonow agent. Finally he managed. From the electrovertolver slapped twice, refreshing around everything with greenish light, and the crocodile, jumped, stretched out, ocked, and released a bare. The blood has flowed from the sleeve, flowed from his mouth, and he, falling on the right healthy hand, pulled a reversible left foot. His eyes were faded.

Schukin ... Run, - he was rinsed, sobbing.

Schukin shot several times in the direction of the greenhouse, and several glasses flew in it. But a huge spring, olive and flexible, from behind, jumping out of the basement window, rebuilt the courtyard, taking it with the whole five-lit body, and for a moment he wrapped her legs of Schukin. He was threw down to the ground, and the brilliant revolver drenched to the side. Schukin shouted powerfully, then the trough, then the rings hid it perfectly besides the head. The ring passed once on the head, sniffing from her the scalp, and this head cracked. More in the state farm did not hear a single shot. All repaid a hissing, covering sound. And in response, he was very far from the wind from the ending howl, but now it was not possible to disassemble whose howl, dog or human.


In the night of the newspaper Izvestia, the balls burned brightly burned, and a thick editor on the lead table vertal the second strip with telegrams "in the Union of the Republics". One Grant came across to his eyes, he briefed in her in Pensna and walked, convened around him proofreaders from the proofreading and metranpage and everyone showed this Globe. On the narrow strip of raw paper was printed:

"Grachevka, Smolensk province. In the use appeared a chicken with a horse with a horse and flashes like a horse. Instead of tail, she has bourgeois ladies' feathers. "

Skatmen terribly laughed.

At my time, he spoke the released, giggling oily, - when I worked at Vanya Sotin in the "Russian Word", prevented to elephants. It's right. And now, it began to be to ostrich.

Skatmen laugh.

But right, ostrich, "the metranpage spoke. - What, to put, Ivan Vonfatyevich?

What you, squeak, - answered the released. "I wonder how the secretary missed," just drunk telegram.

Predited, it's right, "the typemen agreed, and the metranpage removed the message about ostrich from the table.

Therefore, Izvestia came out the other day, containing, as usual, a lot of interesting material, but without any hints on the Grachev Ostrich. Privat-Associate Professor Ivanov, carefully reading "Izvestia", in his office rushed a sheet, yawn, Milns: nothing interesting, - and began to wear a white robe. After a while in the office he caught fire and fed the frogs. In the cabinet, Professor Persikova was kouterma. Frightened Pankrat stood and kept his hands on the seam.

I understood ... I hear-s, "he said.

Peaches Sealed by Surgome Package handed him, saying:

Go straight into the department of animal husbandry to this head of Ptah and tell him straightly that he is a pig. Tell me that I am a professor of peaches, so said. And give him a package.

"A pretty business ..." - thought the pale pancrat and removed with the package.

Peaches raged.

This feature knows what it is, "he whisked, walking around the office and rubbing his hands in gloves, is a unheard of mockery, and over zoology. These damned chicken eggs are joined, and I can not achieve the necessary one for two months. As if America is far away! Eternal cattle, eternal disgrace! - He began to count on his fingers: - catching ... well, ten days at most, well, well, - fifteen ... well, well, twenty, and fly two days, from London to Berlin's day ... from Berlin to We are six hours ... some kind of indescribable disgrace ...

He fiercely attacked the phone and began to call somewhere.

He had everything ready for some mysterious and most dangerous experiments, lying the cuts of the doors with ribs, laying diving helmets with lean tubes and several cylinders shiny, like mercury, with a label "kind. Do not touch "and the pattern of skull with crossed bones.

It took at least three hours so that the professor calm down and began to go for small work. So he did. At the Institute, he worked until eleven o'clock in the evening and therefore I did not know what was going on behind the creamy walls. Neither ridiculous hearing flying around Moscow, about some snakes, nor the strange crumbbed telegram in the evening newspaper remained unknown, because the Associate Professor of Ivanov was in the Art Theater at Fedor John and, it became, to inform the news of the professor was no one.

Peaches around midnight came to the Prechistenka and went to bed, reading on the night in the bed some English article in the magazine "Zoological Bulletin" received from London. He slept, and he slept and all the rich in Moscow, and did not sleep only a huge gray corps on Tverskaya, in the courtyard, where he was terribly buzzed, shaking the entire building, the "News" rotary machines. In the office of the producer there was an incredible Koutherma n confusion. He, completely mad, with red eyes, rushing, not knowing what to do, and sent everyone to the damn mother. Metranspage walked behind him and, breathing with a wine spirit, said:

Well, Ivan Vonfatyevich, not trouble, let us allow an emergency application tomorrow morning. Not from the car the number is extinct.

The typewriters did not diverge home, but walked with flocks, knocked down and read the telegrams, which walked all night all night, every quarter of an hour, becoming very monstrous and strange. The acute Hat of Alfred Bronsky flashed in a dazzling pink light that poured the printing house, and the mechanical fat man creaked and walked, showing it here, then there. The door clapped the door, and reporters appeared all night. Over all twelve phones, the printing houses were called continuously, and the station almost mechanically served in response to the mysterious tubes "Busy", "Busy", and at the station before the sleepless ladies sang alarm horns ...

The typewriters sealed a mechanical fatman, and the captain of long-range diving spoke to them:

Airplanes with gas will have to send.

Otherwise, they answered the typewriters, because it is.

Then terrible Maternaya Rugan rolled in the air, and someone's sighty voice shouted:

This peach should be shown.

What happened to the peaches, they answered out of the thickness, - this sukina son in the state farm - here's someone to shoot.

The security had to be put, "someone shouted.

Yes, maybe it is not even eggs.

The whole building was shaking and buzzed from rotary wheels, and the impression was created that the gray unsightly body bursts with electric fire.

The day did not stop him. On the contrary, only strengthened, even electricity and went out. Motorcycles one by one were rolled into the asphalt courtyard, ahead of cars. All Moscow rose, and the white sheets of the newspaper dressed her like birds. The sheets were poured and rustled by everyone in their hands, and the newsprints have not enough numbers to eleven o'clock in the afternoon, despite the fact that the Izvestia has come out this month by edition at one and a half million copies. Professor Peacikov left the prechistenka by bus and arrived at the institute. There he was expected news. In the lobby, wooden boxes were neatly embroidered with metal stripes, in the amount of three pieces, made by foreign stickers in German, and one Russian chalk inscription was reigning above them: "Caution - eggs".

The stormy joy took possession of the professor.

Finally, he cried. - Pankrat, wander the boxes immediately and carefully to not beat. To me in the Cabinet.

Pankrat immediately performed orders, and after a quarter of an hour in the office of the professor, dying sawdust and scraps, his voice stuck.

Yes, they, they mocks, I need to be mocked, or something, "the professor crashed, shaking his fists and sprue in the hands of the eggs, is some kind of cattle, and not Ptah. I won't let me laugh at me. What is it, Pankrat?

Eggs, - - answered Pankrat is grated.

Chicken, you see, chicken, damn them! What kind of devil do I need them? Let them send them to the scoundrel in his state farm!

Peaches rushed to the corner to the phone, did not have time to call.

Vladimir Ipatić! Vladimir Ipatić! - Zada \u200b\u200bIvanova's voice in the corridor of the institute.

Peaches broke away from the phone, and Pankrat shrewd to the side, giving the road to Privat-docent. He ran into the office, contrary to his gentleman's custom, I take a gray hats sitting on the back of the head, and with a newspaper sheet in his hands.

You know, Vladimir Iparti, what happened, he shouted and waved in the face of a Persikov Sheet with the inscription "Emergency Appendix", which in the middle of which bright color drawing was blocked.

No, listen to what they did, - in response, shouted, not listening, peaches, - they decided to surprise me with chicken eggs. This Ptah shaped idiot, look!

Ivanov completely cracked. OI stared at open drawers in horror, then on the leaf, then his eyes almost jumped off his face.

So that, - he choking, he was driving, "now I understand ... No, Vladimir Iparti, you just look. - He instantly turned the leaf and shook the peach with trembling fingers on the color image. On him, like a terrible fire hose, olive in the yellow spots of the snake in a strange greased green. It was removed from above, with a light flying machine, gently sliding over the snake. - Who is this, in your opinion, Vladimir Iparti?

Peacikov shifted his glasses on his forehead, then moved them to his eyes, stood in the drawing and said in the extreme surprise:

What the hell. This ... Yes, it is anaconda, water boating ...

Ivanov dropped his hat, sank to the chair and said, tapping every word with a fist on the table:

Vladimir Iparti, this anaconda from Smolensk province. Something monstrous. You understand this scoundrel brought snakes instead of chickens, and you understand, they gave the same phenomenal masonry as frogs!

What? - answered the peaches, and his face became brown ... - You are joking, Peter Stepanovich ... Where?

Ivanov Onamel for a moment, then he received the gift of the words and, twitch his finger into an outdoor box, where white heads sparkled in yellow sawdust, said:

That's where.

What about?! - Oversized peaches, starting to figure out.

Ivanov completely confidently waved with two compressed fists and shouted:

Be deceased. They are your order for serpentine and ostrich eggs moved to state farm, and chicken to you by mistake.

My God ... My God, - repeated peaches and, the green face, began to sit on a tinting stool.

Pankrat completely tried at the door, turned pale and numb. Ivanov jumped up, grabbed the sheet and, emphasizing the stitch's sharp finish, shouted to the ears of the professor:

Well, now they will have a cheerful story! .. What will happen now, I do not impede it. Vladimir Ipatić, you look, - and he screamed out loud, reading the first place from the crumpled sheet: - "Snakes go to flocks in the direction of Mozhaisk ... laying incredible eggs. Eggs were seen in the spiritual county ... crocodiles and ostriches appeared. Parts of special purpose ... and the detachments of public administration ceased to panic in Vyazma after the suburban forest was lit, who stopped the movement of the reptiles ... "

Peach, multicolored, iscin-pale, with crazy eyes, rose from stools and, choking, began to shout:

Anaconda ... Anaconda ... Water boa! Oh my God! - In such a state, it has never been seen or Ivanov, nor Pankrat.

The professor told the tie to the tie, cut the buttons on the shirt, wrapped off a terrible paralyolic color and, staggering, with completely stupid glass eyes, rushed somewhere. The cry scattered under the stone villages of the institute.

Anaconda ... Anaconda ... - Mashed Echo.

Catch professors! - Ivanov Pankrat's Ivanov, drank from horror in place. - Water to him ... he has a blow.

Fight and death

Flaw mad electric night in Moscow. All lights were burning, and there were no places in the apartments, where there would not be lamps with rejected lampshairs. None of the apartment of Moscow, numbering four million people, did not sleep any person, in addition to uncontriently children. They ate in the apartments and drank as it fell, something shouted something in the apartments, and the distorted persons were thrown into the windows in all floors, ascending the eyes into the sky, in all directions are cut by spotlights. White lights flashed in the sky, the white lights flashed, throwing the pile cones to Moscow and disappeared, and Gasley. The sky continuously buzzed a very low airplane hum. In particular, it was terribly on Tverskaya-Yamskaya. On every ten minutes, the Alexandrovsky railway station came trains, shot down as trampled and highlighted cars and even tanks rushed by distraught people, and in Tverskaya-Yamska, a thick porridge was fled, drove in the buses, drove on the roofs of trams, pressed each other and fell under wheels. At the station, it also broke out a cracking alarming shooting over the crowd - these military units were stopped by a panic of crazy, running along the arrows of railways from Smolensk province to Moscow. At the station, the point in the windows in the windows, and all the locomotives were pulled out with a frantic light sobbing. All the streets were littered with posters, abandoned and migrated, and the same posters under the burning raspberry reflectors were glanced from the walls. They were already known to everyone, and no one read them. In them, Moscow was declared in a military situation. They were threatened for a panic and reported that the detachments of the Red Army armed in the Smolensk province, armed with gases. But the posters could not stop the wings. In the apartments dropped and beat the dishes and floral vases, ran, hurt behind the corners, unwinded and cleaned some nodes and suitcases, in vain hope to get into the calanchevskaya square, to Yaroslavsky or Nikolaev station. Alas, all the stations, leading to the north and east, were detained by the thick layer of infantry, and huge trucks, kolyashes and branded chains, up to top loaded with drawers, on top of which the army team was sitting in the pointed helmets, torn in all sides by bayonets, took away the reserves of gold coins from Podvalov of the People's Commissariat of Finance and Hasive Boxes with the inscription: "Caution. Tretyakov Gallery". Machines Raudkali and ran throughout Moscow.

A very far in the sky trembled a fire, and heard, kolysh dense black blackness, continuous blows of guns.

In the morning, according to completely sleepless Moscow, who did not extend a single fire, up in Tverskaya, the estimate of all the oncoming, which stood in the entrances and shop windows, squeezing the glasses, passed a crowd, sticking with hooves along the ends, a snake of the equestrian army. Raspberry bumps dangled by the ends on gray backs, and the tips of the peak of the sky. The crowd, dusing and the harsh, as if he came to life right away, seeing briskly forward, disperse spillage vessel madness, rank. In the crowd on the sidewalks began pronounced, with hope, sweep.

Long live the horse army! - shouted incending female voices.

Long live! - Men responded.

Will ask !! Press! .. - Run somewhere.

Help! - shouted from the sidewalk.

Papillary boxes, silver money, clock flew into the ranks from sidewalks, some women popped up on the bridge and, risking bones, flew from the sides of the equestrian building, clinging to strive and kissing them. In continuous drainage, the hoofs were silenced by the voices:

Shorter reason.

Somewhere sang fun and coolant, and with horses looked at the promotional light of the face in the collapsible raspberry hats. That is the case of interrupting horse's horse-out with open persons, they walked strange figures on the horses, in strange freaks, with a rejected pipes and with cylinders on the belts behind his back. They crawled huge tanks with loner sleeves and hoses, precisely on fire carts, and heavy, crushing ends, tightly closed and glowing tanks on tracked paws. Sherngi horsemen were interrupted, and cars were sewn tightly in gray armor, with the same tubes sticking out, and white drawn skulls on the sides with the inscription: "Gas. Dobrochim. "

Check out, brothers, - howled from the sidewalks, - Bate Gadov ... Save Moscow!

Mother ... Mother ... - rolled around the rows. Paproins were puffed in the illuminated night air, and white teeth rolled down on the sheltered people with horses. In the ranks poured a deaf and tongatory heart singing:

Neither ace, nor a lady nor

We beat the reptiles without a doubt,

Four with a side - your no ...

The buzzing "Hurray" riskers were floating over all this porridge, because the rumor was rumored, which is ahead of the horse on a horse, in the same raspberry bareboard, like all the riders, rides the legendary ten years ago, who was aged and addressed the commander of equestrian romance. The crowd howled, and flew into the sky, calming the rolling hearts, hum: "Hurray ... Hurray ..\u003e

The institute was skapingly lit. Events in it were transferred only by individual, vague and deaf outlines. Once under the fiery clock near the maneja rumbled a fan of the volley, it was shot at the place of Marauders who tried to rob the apartment on the Volkhonka. Machine movement on the street there was little here, it all got knocked out to the stations. In the office of the professor, where one lamp burned dimly, swinging the beam on the table, peaches sitting, putting his head on his hands, and silent. Layered smoke has sunk around him. The beam in the drawer went out. In the terrarias, the frogs were silent because they had already slept. Professor did not work and did not read. Aside, under his left elbow, the evening release of the telegrams on a narrow strip, reported that Smolensk burns the whole and that artillery shells the Mozhaisky forest in squares, thumbs up with crocodile eggs laid out in all raw raw ravines. It was reported that the Aeroplated Squadron Under Vyazmo acted very successfully, the gas bay almost all of the county, but that the victims of human in these spaces are incomputed due to the fact that the population, instead of leaving the counties in the order of proper evacuation, thanks to a panic, rolled by fragmented groups on His risk and fear, throwing where the eyes look. It was reported that the individual Caucasian Cavalry Division in Mozhaisk direction brilliantly won the battle sOostrich flock by overporing them all and destroying huge masonry of ostrich eggs. At the same time, the division suffered minor losses. It was reported from the government that if the reptiles would not be able to keep in a two-channel zone from the capital, it will be evacuated in perfect order. Employees and workers must comply with complete calm. The government will take the most severe measures to prevent Smolensk history, as a result of which, due to the confusion, caused by an unexpected attack of the rattle snakes, which appeared in the number of several thousand, the city caught fire in all places where the burning stoves threw and began a hopeless cooking outcome. It was reported that Moscow was provided for at least six months and that the Commission at the Commander-in-Chief undertakes urgent measures to book apartments in order to conduct battles with reptiles on the very streets of the capital, in case the red armies and airplanes and squadrons will not be able to keep the invasion of reptiles .

Nothing this professor did not read, watched with glazed eyes in front of him and smoked. In addition to him, only two people were at the Institute - Pankrat and the fact and the case fueling the housekeeper of Mary Stepanovna, sleepless for the third night, which she spent in the professor's office, no longer wanting to leave his only surrender box. Now Marya Stepanovna was sheltered on the linous sofa, in the shade, in the corner, and was silent in the sorrowful Duma, looking like a teapot with tea, designed for the professor, boiled on the rapid gas burner. The institute was silent, and everything happened suddenly.

With the sidewalk suddenly hated ringing cries, so Marya Stepanovna jumped up and screamed. The streets were blocked on the street, and Pankrat's voice responded in the lobby. Professor did not perceive this noise. He raised his head for a moment, murmured: "What are you going about ... Well I will do now." And again fell into a stupor. But it was broken. The forged doors of the institute, leaving Herzen, were scary, and all the walls shook. Then burst the solid mirror layer in the neighboring office. Sloped and poured the glass in the professor's office, and the gray cobblestone jumped into the window, raising the glass table. The frogs shred in the terrarias and raised a cry. It was noticed, Marya Stepanovna hung, rushed to the professor, grabbing him for his arms and shouting: "Run, Vladimir Iparti, run away." He rose from the rifle chair, straightened and, folding his finger with a hook, answered, and his eyes on the moment acquired the former sharp glitter, reminding the former inspired Persikov.

I will not go anywhere, "he said," it's just nonsense, "they are moving like crazy ... Well, if all Moscow went crazy, then wherever I leave. And please stop screaming. What did I do. Pankrat! He called and pressed the button.

She probably wanted to stop the whole bustle, which he never loved. But Pankrat could not do anything. The roar ran out that the doors of the institute were dissolved and afar came the clappers of shots, and then the entire Stone Institute stared jogging, shouting, steam glasses. Maria Stepanovna clung to Persikov's sleeve and began to drag him somewhere. He fell off from her, stretched out in full growth and, as he was in a white coat, went out into the corridor.

Well? - he asked. The doors swung open and the first thing that appeared in the doorway is a spin of the military with a raspberry chevron and a star on the left sleeve. He retreated from the door, in which a fierce crowd fell, back and shot from the revolver. Then he rushed to run past Persikov, shouting him:

Professor, Sawn, I can't do anything else.

His words answered Mary Stepanovna squeal. Military slipped by Persikov, standing as white sculpture, and disappeared in the dark of the winding corridors at the opposite end. People flew out of doors, howling:

Beat him! Kill ...

World Village!

You dismissed the reptiles!

Distorted faces, torn dresses burned in the corridors, and someone shot. Woven sticks. The peaches retreated a little back, covered the door leading to the office, where in horror on the floor kneeling stood Marya Stepanovna, spread his hand, like crucified ... He did not want to let the crowd and shouted in irritation:

It is uniform with madness ... You are completely wild animals. What you need? - Oversized: - Vo from here! - And finished the phrase sharp, with all familiar cry: - Pankrat, drive them out!

But Pankrat could no longer be expelled. Pankrat with a broken head, bad and torn in Klochery, laying real estate in the lobby, and the new and new crowds rushed past by, not paying attention to the shooting of the police from the street.

Low man, on monkey curves, in a torn jacket, in a torn manishkee, having confronted to the side, ahead of others, rushed to Persikov and a terrible blow to the head of his head. Peaches swung, began to fall on the side, and his last word was:

Pankrat ... Pankrat ...

Neither who didn't bother Stepanovna and confused in the office, the camera, where the ramp was lost in the shreds, the terrariads were spawned into the shreds, having interrupted and stiffing the distraught frogs, crushed glass tablesThey crushed the reflectors, and after an hour the institute of the gruel, the corpses were lying around, stupidly armed with electric revolvers, and fire cars, squeezing water from the cranes, lily jets into all windows, of which, buzzing, the flames were broken.

Frosty God by car

On the night of 19th to August 20, 1928, the unheard of unheard of, none of the old-timers had never yet noted, frost. He came and lasted two days, reaching eighteen degrees. Allowed Moscow locked all windows, all doors. Only by the end of the third day the population understood that the frost was saved by the capital and the limitless spaces that she owned and on which the terrible misfortune of the 28th year was fell by the Equestrian army under Mozhaisk, who lost three quarters of its composition, began to exhaust, and gas squadrons could not stop The movements of nasty reptiles, a semir of the West, south-west and south towards Moscow.

They strangled frost. Two days of eighteen degrees could not withstand disappearance flocks, and in the 20s of August, when Moroz disappeared, leaving only dampness and sputum, leaving moisture in the air, leaving a beatenly unexpected cold greens in the trees, to beat no longer with whom. The trouble is over. Forests, fields, unbarrous swamps were still rolled with multi-colored eggs, posed by a strange, internal, unprecedented pattern, which the missing Rocca took the dirty, but these eggs were completely harmless. They were dead, embryos are concreted.

The unbarrous spaces of the Earth have been rotted for a long time of crocodiles and snakes caused to the life of the mysterious, born on the street of Herzen in brilliant eyes, but they were no longer dangerous, the fragile creation of rotary, hot tropical marshes died in two days, leaving on space three The provincial terrible stench, decomposition and pus.

There were long epidemic, there were long diseases from the corpses of the reptiles and people, and for a long time the army was still going, but already equipped with gases, but with sperm, kerosene tanks and hoses, cleaning the Earth. Cleaning, and everything ended in the spring of the 29th year.

And in the spring of 29th, again, the Moscow began to light up and spinning in the lights of Moscow, and again, still sharpened the movement of mechanical crews, and over the head of the temple of Christ, hung like on a thread, lunar sickle, and on the site of a two-story burned down in August 28 The institute built a new zoological palace, and they were headed by Privat-Associate Professor Ivanov, but Persikova was no longer. I never arose before the eyes of the people a frustrating finger hook, and no one had heard the creaky voices anymore. The ray and catastrophe of the 28th year said for a long time and wrote the whole world for a long time, but then the name of Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov got a fog and went out like a red beam and most openly in the April night. The beam did not succeed again, at least sometimes an elegant gentleman and now the ordinary professor Peter Stepanovich Ivanov and tried. The first chamber destroyed an angry crowd on the night of the murder of Persikov. Three cameras burned in the Nikolsky state farm of the "red beam" when the first squadron is with reptiles, and they failed to restore them. No matter how simply there was a combination of glasses with mirror beams of light, it did not combine the second time, despite the efforts of Ivanov. Obviously, for this it was necessary to have something special, except for knowledge than only one person had in the world - the late Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Peacikov.

The action of the story occurs in the summer of 1928 in the USSR. Professor Zoology of IV State University and Director of the Moscow Zoological Institute of Peacikov Vladimir Ipatievich unexpectedly doing very important scientific discovery. With an arbitrary movement of the mirror and the lens in the eyepiece of the microscope, an unusual beam occurs (Assistant Professor Ivanov Peter Stepanovich will call him later "Life Life"). Under the influence of the beam, the simplest amebod organisms behave very strangely: they are unnaturally multiply multiplied, tear and swallow their fellows, and the survivors grow huge sizes and differ in particular activity and maliciousness.

Peachs with their assistant Ivanov continued the experiments already outside the microscope, building several cameras in which a more powerful beam was obtained.

Extensive frogs behaved also aggressively, devouring each other and actively multiplying. The news about the sensational discovery of the professor leaked to print.

At the same time, the Chicken Plague epidemic began in the USSR. From an unknown case in two weeks in the country, all chickens were extinct.

Rockk Alexander Semenovich comes to the Cabinet to Persikov, headlot of a demonstration "Red Ray". It has with him "Paper from the Kremlin", in which the professor is recommended to provide its developments for raising agriculture (in particular, corobion) in the country. Peacikov warns that the properties of the beam are not studied enough, but Rocca is sure that everything will turn out. His people dismiss the big chambers of the professor, leaving him only the initial embodiment of the invention.

For further experiments, peach discharges some of the borders of tropical animals - crocodiles, pythons, anaconda.

And Rocca at that time also discharges from the border of the egg, only they are chicken. Their orders confused. In the state farm came the parcel with rain animals eggs. In the surrounding area all the birds disappeared and the dogs were abused. And after some time, snakes and crocodiles began to get out of the eggs. One huge snake attacked Rocca's wife Manya. It was only the first of the numerous human victims ... At first, the Rockki did not believe in the management of GPU, but soon terrible events began to occur throughout the country. A huge number of reptiles is approaching Moscow. Professor Peacikov died at the hands of the crowd, who accused him of what had happened. In the capital declared martial law, and the evacuation of the population began.

Suddenly, frost hit in August, reaching the mark - 18, he kept two days. The army of reptiles died, and people were saved.

The catastrophe is already talking about long for a long time all over the world, but it is not possible to create a magic beam anywhere else, even Privat-Assistant Ivanov.

Retelling prepared for you nadezhda84.


The story "Fat Eggs" - the work is fantastic and, at the same time, terribly realistic. You enjoy the atmosphere and spirit of the story, embodied in the capacious, multifaceted `Bulgakovsky` Language, a bright game of allegories and meaning, bitter and merciless humor.
... Scientist Peaches is developing a beam of life capable of multiplying the development of living beings. This discovery is going to take advantage of the head of the state farm Alexander Semenovich Rockk. He discharges from abroad boxes chicken Yaitz. Due to the fateful mistake in the state farm, snake eggs, crocodiles and ostriches, which were broken, rose to incredible sizes and moved to Moscow ...

Chapter 1. Curriculum Wite Professor Persikov

On April 16, 1928, in the evening, Professor Zoology of IV State University and director of the Zooenstitis in Moscow Peacikov entered his office, placed in the zooensitis, which is on Herzen Street. Professor lit the top matte ball and looked around.
The beginning of a terrifying catastrophe should be considered fallated in this ill-fated evening, as well as the root cause of this catastrophe should be considered precisely Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov.
He was exactly 58 years old. The head is wonderful, pusher, bald, with bundles of yellowish hair sticking on the sides. The face smoothly shaved, the lower lip is filled forward. From this, the peach person always overlooked a somewhat capricious imprint. On red nose old-fashioned small glasses in silver frame, shiny eyes, small, high, narrow, narrow. He spoke with a creamy, subtle, dumb voice and among other oddities, had such: when he said something weighty and confidently, the index finger of the right hand turned into a hook and pushed his eyes into the hook. And since he spoke always confidently, for his erudition in his field he had a completely phenomenal, then the hook very often appeared before the eyes of the interlocutors of Professor Persikov. And outside its field, i.e. Zoology, embryology, anatomy, botany and geography, Professor Peacikov almost never said.
Newspapers Professor Peacikov did not read, did not go to the theater, and the wife of the professor escaped from him with the tenor Opera Zimin in 1913, leaving him a note of such a content:
"The unbearable tremor tremors excite your frogs in me. I will be unhappy with all my life because of them."
Professor no longer married and did not have children. I was very quick-tempered, but having left, I loved tea with a cloudberry, lived on the prechistenka, in the apartment of 5 rooms, one of which was the dry old woman, the housekeeper of Marya Stepanovna, who walked behind the professor as a nannaya.
In 1919, Professor took away from 5 rooms 3. Then he said Marie Stepanovna:
- If they do not stop these disgraces, Marya Stepanovna, I will go abroad.
There is no doubt that if the professor did this plan, he would be very easy for him to settle at the Department of Zoology at any university of the world, for the scientist he was completely first-class, and in the area that somehow concerns amphibians or naked reptiles, and equal to themselves There was no exception to Professors William Vekkail in Cambridge and Jiacomo Bartolomeo Beckhari in Rome. I read a professor in 4 languages, except Russian, and in French and German spoke as Russian. The intentions of his relatively abroad did not fulfill the peaches, and the 20th year came out even worse than the 19th. Events occurred, and moreover one after another. Great Nikitskaya renamed Herzen's street. Then, the clock embedded into the wall of the house at the corner of Herzen and Mokhovoy, stopped at 11 from 1/4, and finally, in the Terrarians of the Zoological Institute, without making all the perturbations of the famous year, the initial 8 excellent copies of Kvaksh, then 15 ordinary toads and, Finally, an exceptional copy of the toad Surinames.