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Strange phenomena in my house. Inexplicable phenomena that scientists simply shine resonance and underground workshops

Published: May 22, 2012

How to explain inexplicable phenomena?

Translated from the German Poltergeist means "noisy spirit."

Cases when suddenly in the houses began to move the items, there were strange fires, there were no lack of inscriptions on the walls, and the inhabitants of the bad housing suddenly heard otherworldly votes, were described in the days of Middle Ages.

Then all the manifestations of Poltergeist tied with the activity of unclean power. The people who turned out to be in the epicenter of events were considered obsessed, and the most effective way to combat the incomprehensible phenomenon was considered to read the prayer and the consecration of housing. Over time, poltergeist has increased the most diverse theories, scientific and accumulating explanations.

Case in Baltimore

One of the most detailed cases of Poltergeist occurred in 1960 in Baltimore. The victims of the surrounded spirit became the family of the retired police officer Edgar Jones. In addition to the head of the family, his wife lived in the house, his parents, a 17-year-old son Ted and daughter with her husband. None of this in the house began to occur inexplicable phenomena. The dishes and soda bottles were exploded, flower pots fell, the furniture moved herself. In order to understand what is happening, a psychologist and researcher of unusual phenomena Nanor Fodor arrived in the jones family house.

According to the scientist, the cause of what was happening was the young TED. At the age of 16, the boy was expelled from the school for unsuccessing, although, according to teachers, the TED intelligence exceeded his peers. However, the child did not want to learn at all - his only interest was reading fantastic books and writing as fantastic stories. There were no friends from Ted, in the family, too, did not approve the teenager who mnuled himself an outstanding writer and at the same time abandoned his studies. According to Phodeor, Ted has accumulated so much negative energy that it "spilled out" outward, forcing items to explode. After the psychologist managed to convince the boy that he was really a wonderful writer and that he was waiting for a big future, mysterious phenomena in the house stopped.

However, the skeptics assured that the evil spirit was assured at all not a psychologist, but a plumber, who visited the house of Jones shortly before the disasters were stopped. The plumber assured that the cause of everything is a chimney. He convinced the jones to climb all the outdoor holes and keep the window in the dining room open to align the pressure. But find out which of the versions was correct and failed.

People still try to find explanations to the phenomenon of Poltergeist. Some theories seem fiction, others - are based only on scientific facts.

Who is behind the door?

According to one of the versions on which the fans of Esoteric are insist, Poltergeist appears in the apartment by the will of the evil sorcerer. Let's say, a family quarreled with neighbors or just someone wants to attack the inhabitants of the apartment. To force people to leave the dwelling, there are detractors for help to Magu. Allegedly, people with paranormal abilities may increase the inhabitants of the bad apartment so much that they cease to notice the sorcerer, settled in their home. As a rule, everything starts with a knock or call to the door. But on the staircase is empty.

This sorcerer checks who among the inhabitants of the apartment most sensitively reacts to hypnosis. By choosing an object through which you can act, with the help of an intermediary, the sorcerer penetrates the apartment where mysterious phenomena begin to occur after that. The hypnotist makes his sacrifice to unconsciously move objects or to upload things in the apartment. It is not by chance, in apartments where Poltergeist rages, as a rule, there are children or adolescents - they are more responsive to hypnosis than adults.

It is that the penetration of a sorcerer usually explain what domestic animals arise before half ageteist occurs, they begin to behave strangely - they show aggression or begin to hide. Allegedly animals that are not amenable to hypnosis, see an outsider in the apartment.

Are you guilty?

A more believable explanation of Poltergeista - the presence of people among the inhabitants of people with an unbalanced psyche. According to statistics, most cases of Poltergeist occurs there, where one of the family members suffers from epilepsy, some other nervous or mental disorder, is experiencing severe stress. Poltergeist very rarely visits prosperous families. Usually mysterious phenomena precede conflicts or sad events.

In these cases, the phentergeist's phenomena occur or at night, when the inhabitants of the house are sleeping, or in their absence, when only one of the family members is in the apartment. Usually - a child or teenager. Unconsciously, he begins to spoil the property or draw threatening inscriptions on the walls and does not remember anything about his actions. For a child or unbalanced person is a way to get rid of the accumulated stress. A few cases of Poltergeist after installing camcorders in apartments received just such an explanation.

Resonance and underground workshops

There is an even more landed explanation by Poltergeist. The largest number of messages about the mysterious phenomenon occurred in the 1990s, when the whole country was suddenly fascinated by the factory of drums and hunting for ghosts. Perhaps some of these cases can be attributed to the mass hysterium, when not too balanced people reading terrible stories about evil spirits, it began to appear that such phenomena occur in their own home. But still, part of the manifestations of paranormal activity was completely material soil.

In those years, the underground workshops and production bloomed with a lush color. Legally remove the premises, ensure all sanitary requirements and norms for small firms and private entrepreneurs were quite expensive and overly troublesome. So "secret workshops" opened right in the basements and in the attics of the residential home. So that the residents did not complain and did not know about such a neighborhood, the work was carried out mainly at night, and various fragrances added to the ventilation to stroke the smell of underground production. So there were "bad apartments" in which there was no other smell and sounds from anywhere, and people fell into depression without reasons. One of these cases was described in detail in its time.

One of the apartments where the inhabitants complained to Poltergeist, experts examined. The house has very harmful substances for the health - carbon monoxide compounds, phenol and still a whole bouquet of toxins, which not only oppressively act on the psyche, but can also cause hallucinations. It turned out that in the basement, right under this apartment, the underground workshop on the repair of automotive batteries was operated.

Another case of Poltergeista, when the movement and drops of heavy items were recorded, experts explained by the phenomenon of resonance. In the basement of the house worked with machines.

From: Alexander Tyrlova,, & nbsp2090 views
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I decided to tell you some strange stories from life. My sister was at that time a year of 1.5-2 years old, I am about six years old. At that time we lived in our private house, in which my childhood passed, after we moved to another city.

I slept with my sister in the same room, the beds were against each other, when we fell asleep, after some time my sister began to cry, it was not always and not every night. I, of course, woke up, joked to her and asked what happened and why she cries, she only pointed to some definite place in the room and said: "He's there!", I did not see anything. At this point, parents had already resorted, included the light everywhere, calmed her sister, and we calmly continued our dream. The next morning she said that he saw the "black uncle with wings" - from her words, he just stands near, but it is only a dark silhouette (not visible to the face, there are no evil eyes, etc.). But also happened and appeared "White Uncle in colors", which flew over her, His, apparently, was not afraid, because when described, there was no obvious fear. We did not attach much importance, because Everything went short.

My parents told me that some not very long time, I was exactly at 00:00 pushed from the bed and the site with a cry began running around the house, they even started the alarm clock at this time, to then catch me, were afraid that I could run out outside. At the same time, I couldn't remember anything at all. I have only one moment in my memory, as I wake up among the night and I'm terribly scared, I grab the blanket and run into the kitchen, under the table, from there I see how the table saves something, whose figure, until the morning I I slept under the table. What it was, I do not know. Now I remember, it seems quite funny, but I don't think it was a dream or something else, I saw this is and me it scarecrow.

Mom told that somehow she quarreled with dad, and he lay down in another room. At night, she woke up because she lacked the air, opening his eyes, she saw the site a translucent face in front of her, it was an old man with a beard, she jumped out of bed and ran to dad, when he lay down to him, he saw this grandfather sailed by Rooms. She said that he was in a coat and his glance was evil.

I know that the house before our settlement was not a residential thing that there was a fire in him, but no one was killed there. Then my parents bought it, made repair and lived in it exactly 10 years old, the following owners lived in it as much and sold it, now there are new tenants.

I often dream that we live in it again, for me he was some kind of special, native, and now it remains so.

Photos from open sources

Someone faces wonders constantly, for someone - these are fairy tales, however, paranormal things happen in our lives, and this is the same reality as, say, rain or snow, which seems to us so ordinary. (website)

Alien artifacts

On the evening of January 29, 1986, a strange event occurred near the Far Eastern town of Dalnegorsk. A large glowing "meteorite" crashed into a huge speed. The peak of this step is visible here from all corners of the city, so almost all locals have witnessed something mysterious. Later on the hill began to burn lights resembling welding. January did not allow immediately approaching the glow, which lasted, as local residents say, about an hour. Only three days later, researchers managed to climb and see strange fragments, clearly melted under the influence of high temperature. Amazing, but at the same time, at a distance of several centimeters from the fallen heavenly body, bushes and trees remained intate and unharmed.

Photos from open sources

The collision with the rock left many interesting artifacts, whose chemical composition was extremely rare, and even atypical for the Earth. For example, balls and structures resembling the grid in their structure were found. Many of them have a high melting point, although they seemed plastic. The scientists had suggested that such chemical compounds were almost impossible to obtain in the natural conditions of our planet. Then - what is it? ..

Doll Annabel

These events were based on the American horror film "Curse Annabel". In 1970, an American student celebrated his birthday. Mom gave her a large ancient doll, which he acquired in a bench of antique goods. A few days later began. Every morning, the girl gently laid a doll on the bed in the apartment, which she removed with her friend. The hands of the toys were on the seams, and the legs stretched out. But by the evening, the doll took a completely different pose. For example, legs were crossed, and the hands were on the knees. The doll could also be seen in unexpected housing.

The girls came to the logical conclusion that during their absence in the apartment there is a stranger with a strange sense of humor. It was decided to conduct an experiment and seal the windows and the door so that the attacker left after the visit. No trap worked, and strangeness with the doll continued to happen. Moreover, bloody spots began to appear on the doll. Naturally, the police who were attracted by a little later to this strange case could not help the girls. I had to turn to the medium. He told that once a seven-year-old girl died on the spot of this housing, the spirit of which is played with this doll, thereby feeding some signs, for example, requests for help. But then something terrible with a doll began to occur.

Photos from open sources

Once the girls had a friend of their familiar. Suddenly noise from the next empty room was heard. When the guys looked at the door, there was no one in it, but on the floor lay a doll. Suddenly, the guy shouted and grabbed the chest. Bloody spots were fascinated on his shirt. The chest was all sacrapa. The girls on the same day left the apartment and turned to the famous Esoterikov Warren engaged in research. It turned out that Annabel is not just a doll, but a kind of evil entity that took advantage of the trust of girls. Warren conducted a rite of purification, after which terrible things in the apartment no longer arose. The girl's doll itself was glad to gave for eternal storage to their saviors.

Rubber blocks

Over the past thirty years, on the banks of Europe regularly detected. These are rubber blocks of a rectangular shape with rounded edges and the inscription "Tjipetir". It turned out that the Indonesian rubber plantation was called this word, which existed at the beginning of the last century. But how to explain the appearance of these products on the other end of the planet? Experts suggest that the plates are washed away from the sunken merchant ship.

Photos from open sources

But in this case, very mysterious oddities are traced. First, the plates appear in England, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, France, which speaks of a huge number of blocks during shipwreck. Such an impressive batch of cargo should affect any archival documents, but there were no such. Secondly, the rubber was made 100 years ago, but he, surprisingly researchers of this phenomenon, was very well preserved. Are these plates from? ..

This story happened to me. We recently moved to the house where one old woman died, my parents were divorced. We have three children in our family, our mother was very difficult.

We go to bed late. Mom drove us to sleep, there was more than eleven in the evening. Brother and sister fell asleep, and I am not. Here, in the window of my room, someone looked at me and began to scribe on the stalks. I was so frightened that I could not move. It turns out that the site was the beginning.

Here I typed courage and got out of bed. My goal was simple - to flee without looking into the hall. Mom, in turn, spied at me.

- Hour of the night, and you wear!

She looked at my face - it was all in tears. Naturally, she asked what happened. I did not say anything to her, I just asked to go to bed with her in the same room. She allowed.

At night I got up to drink water. For some reason I looked sharply in the mirror and could not tear the look. I went back to bed, but this time I was spinning under the mirror.

As I mentioned, my parents divorced. Father and mother slept on different beds, but in the same room. Today, my father was at work, in the night shift. I slept in his place.

I heard someone passed the site in the yard. Someone slammed the door. It became scary, because it all began to happen when she put out the light.

Here I slowly looked into the aisle of the kitchen. At first I saw a black silhouette, but then I thought it was my father, his silhouette immediately appeared. When I scream and woke up my mother, he evaporated.

Guys, I do not know what it was. It happened to me two years ago, but I still scary. I rummaged millions of sites and nothing. Who knows what it was, please write in the comments, do not hesitate. Many say that this is my imagination spiked, but no. I have another mystical history associated with this, somehow publish it.

Comments (5. ) To the terrible history of "inexplicable phenomena in our house":

A branch of the tree could cross the window, the mirror did not understand what was frightened, looked simply and could not turn away? Well, at night, if in the mirror it will see in the mirror, and the truth will be terrible ... Silhouette, if there was just a human, maybe, Alkash or drug addict, which was climbing, although in the house where people are full of people, why to climb? After this incident, was something else? Does this silhouette prevents you? The house would be consecrated and from all things of old tenants to get rid of, especially if these are the deceased tenants and you are not relatives.

Who will tell you exactly what it is. Whatever mystical here is due, it is certainly with the death of that old woman, and you do not happen.

Do not be afraid! Another 10_ class, when preparing for exams it was. Somewhere at 12 o'clock in the morning, in the summer, Sita taught biology in a room with a grandmother. Suddenly I hear on the wall outside literally something crawling along the house. "Sherabano", as if the stick - first on bricks, then on the windows of the hall, then again on bricks and then on the windows of the room directly opposite me and then on bricks at home. Granny alarmed. Jumped out to the street - no one! I ran until the next entrance - silence, no one rises in steps and no one can see anyone in the windows. In the next entrance again silence. Previously, the entrance doors did not close the night, if it was very hot. Therefore, quickly and jumped out into the street. I returned to the room, I got up a little, then a tea drank from Granuals and discussed what happened.
Grandma suggested that there will be very bad news.
And I thought then that it was just a waswolf climbed around the wall.
So do not be afraid of anything, especially "mystical".
The only thing, do not go for a calling voice or sound, for example, "meowkanim" - will lead either on the swamp or in a pit with liquid bitumen. Checked himself.

All this may be signs that there are otherworldly residents in your house. Real drives are a rare phenomenon and maybe it will be quite difficult to determine whether those strange phenomena that you notice in your home are connected with ghosts. On the one hand, no one can know exactly what makes them settle in certain places. But if you think your home did not go around, is it possible to do something with it?

General signs of the appearance of ghosts

First, you need to determine, and it is better for you that no one can do whether you have experiences worthy of attention. Not all behave equally, they can create many inexplicable phenomena. Some ghosts produce some one phenomenon - for example, a specific slamming with a closed door, which occurs repeatedly - while other dissolved ghosts create many many different phenomena, starting barely audible noise and ending with constant appearances.

Here is the list of the most common phenomena that may indicate that you are interested in ghosts:

- inexplicable noise - Steps; strikes, knock, tapping; scratching; Sounds of fall. Sometimes these noises can be barely audible and infrequent, sometimes, they can be very loud.

- opening and closing doors, cabinets and buffets - Most often, these phenomena are usually not noticed. Someone can hear the characteristic sounds of opening or closing doors (the owners of the house recognize the sounds of the opening of doors in their own home), but the proof of the appearance of ghosts will be indisputable only if you remember that you left the open door in a closed state. Sometimes furniture, such as kitchen chairs, can be moved from one place to another. Very rarely such phenomena occur with witnesses.

- turn on and off light - As in the previous paragraph, it is very rare to pay attention to such phenomena, but if the light is turned on, and you know exactly that it turned off, it can also be a clear sign of uninvited guests. The same can happen to televisions, radio and other household appliances.

- disappearance of objects and their subsequent appearance - This is the phenomenon that we called the "PPO effect" (the appearance of the missing object. Also, this phenomenon is called a "loan", and this is a familiar situation when you cannot find something that you often use - for example, the keys from the car - you think that they put them there, where and usually. But they were missing, and you unsuccessfully spend time on their search. And then, the keys are found - it is in the place where you usually put them on. "As if someone brought them for a while, but Then put in place. Sometimes things disappear for several days or even weeks, but they appear later in the place that can not be missed by studying them.

- inexplicable shadows - Random shadows, usually noted lateral vision. The frequent appearance of shadows with obvious human forms is sometimes good, sometimes not very distinguishable.

- strange animal behavior - Dogs, cats or other pets behave strange. Dogs can bind on something invisible to human eye, cringed without visible reasons or refuse to enter the room for inexplicably reasons. Cats can "observe", how something crosses the room. Animals have more developed feelings than in people, and many researchers believe that their mental abilities can be better configured.

- the feeling that you are watching you - This unusual feeling can be caused by anything, but he has a non-explained source if this feeling occurs in a certain part of the house at a certain time.

Here are some of the most common events that can occur in any house where ghosts live. But sometimes there are even more inexplicable things ...

More strong evidence

The following phenomena are rare, but it is they who become serious evidence of the appearance of a ghost:

- psychokinetic phenomena - The sound of the opening door or something like this is an example of such phenomena. In fact, this time it happens with you. The power on and off, which can be repeated or is a single phenomenon, becomes proof that something inexplicable occurs. Do you see how can television or radio turn on? Or perhaps you are a nursery and see that the clockwork toy of your child begins to work independently. Doors and windows are closed or open. Some people say that when they are in bed, they can feel and / or hear how someone sat on the bed.

- feeling that they touched you - If you feel observing yourself, this is one, and completely different if you felt that something touched you. Some people feel that something flashed past them, something touched their hair, feel "hand" on her shoulder. Sometimes something can carefully push you or push.

- screams and whisper - muted voices, whisper and cry, which can be heard. It happens, music is unknown from where. People hear their names pronounced by someone. This phenomenon, like all of the above, receives more feels, if several people hear or see the same thing at the same time.

- cold or Hot Items - inexplicable cold - a classic sign of bringing, but, in principle, any case of a significant increase or decrease in temperature without reason may be evidence of the appearance of the ghost.

- inexplicable odors - Aroma of spirits or cologne, whom you have never had. This phenomenon occurs without obvious reasons and may be accompanied by other phenomena, such as shadows, voices or psychocinetic phenomena. In addition, various repulsive smells may occur.

Irrefutable evidence

There are even more rare and unusual phenomena, some of them are called poltergeist, and they can be very convincing evidence of the truth of the appearance of ghosts:

- Moving or raising objects (serious psychokinetic phenomena) - Plates, sliding on the table; paintings flying away from the wall; slamming of doors; Furniture moving on the floor.

- physical attack - scratches, blows and strong shocks. This feature of a personal attack appears extremely rarely.

- another physical evidence - an inexplicable letter on paper or walls; Prints of hands and legs.

- phenomena - Physical manifestation of the spirit or object. These phenomena are also very rare and can take a different form: fog in the form of a person or an indefinite shape; Transparent human figures that disappear almost immediately; And the most rare phenomenon, human figures that look like the same real as living people, but pass into the room through the walls and disappear, being noticed.

Exclude rational explanations

The person who discovered several similar phenomena, there are reasons to believe that his or her house is populated by ghosts. But here you can make a mistake. According to most experts, human mind and human feelings (any magician will tell you this) it is easy to fool. And people can easily confuse the explanatory things taking place in their homes, with paranormal.

Before you decide that the ghost was swinging in your house, and to panic, make every effort to find a rational explanation for what you experienced. Almost all the phenomena listed above could be completely natural reasons:

Opening and closing doors can be associated with defective loops or improper installation;

The effect of PPO is the most common negligence and forgetfulness;

The shadows may be caused by the headlights passing by the car;

Perhaps some phenomena discovered by you, just a product of your imagination.

Of course, the more inexplicable phenomenon, the hardest to refute their existence. And, as noted above, if there are many witnesses experiencing these phenomena, they are likely to be treated more seriously.

Try to get help in finding rational explanations of phenomena. The plumber might help you find the cause of that knock. Carpenter can save the door from self-closing. A friend or neighbor could look at your specific experience from the side and offer a reasonable explanation of what you noticed. In short, make every effort to understand that there are no ghosts in your house.

Drive diary

If you have provided all rational explanations of the phenomena that occur in your home, and they still continue more or less often, write them down. Get the diary in which you will describe phenomena. For example:

June 2, 2002; 22:30 - Sat, watched TV when the bathroom light turned on in itself. I went and turned it off again.

June 10, 2002; 21:14 - Was in the kitchen and again heard steps in the hallway. There was no one there. I went to see, could not find the cause.

A diary, similar to this, can help experts in any study of these phenomena.

If you hear inexplicable noises, try to record a portable tape recorder. If physical appearance of ghosts arise, do photos or with their participation. Keep your diary, the camera and video cameras are not too far so that you can fix the time of unusual things.

Call experts

When should you call an explorer unusual phenomena? Only when you excluded any rational explanations of the phenomena, you feel and completely confident that your home is really populated by ghosts, you can contact experts. Of course, if the phenomena are emergency, and you feel that you and your family are in danger of physical or psychological impact, you must call for help immediately.

Who are these experts? There are hundreds of organizations that are engaged in similar cases. Of course, they differ in the presence of practical experience, so you must be careful in your choice. Thro Taylor, in his article, "What to do that who had ghosts in the house", gives some good tips for those who choose unidentified researchers, including about the qualities they should possess, and leads questions that you must Set them before inviting them to check your home.

Despite the oddities that you discovered your home is hardly populated by other residents. Also, it may be a good spirit or a phenomenon with which you can adjourn. Usually, these phenomena do not foresee anything dangerous.

Stephen Wagner

The translation of the article is made specifically for